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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1903)
The Omaha Daily Bee. rsTAllLISlIEI) JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FIJI DAY MOltXISG, JANUARY 2, 1903-TEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIII.EE CENTS. EDWARD IS EMPEROR Valtit-a ie Awr.ti on Iaiitn Kftin to H&r AnroanwireTit OPENING OF THE DUR3AR AT DELHI EjxcUcle One of the llort Etrikii sad Gorgeous in History. ARRIVAL OF CURZON AT AMPHITHEATER Dnks of Ctrcriangbt Bejrrenti the King at the Ceremonj. EKPEROR SENDS MESSAGE TO PEOPLE Viceroy la Address Aaaoaaees Cov ers aerat Will w.t EiaH laterest (or TkrM Tears Mad a lmi ef Fiali. PELHI. India. Jan. 1. Thousand of thousand of people from the city of Delhi and from Tillage far and near began gathering at daybreak this morning on the great plain outside the clt jr. .There they waited tstlently for the su preme announcement of the durbar that King Edward vat emperor of India. Soon the great plain wm filled with crowding rnae of people and the brightly colore! clothing of the van" throng covered the apace with gorgeous hues. The crowd on the plain was composed largely of the common people, but among It could be seen the retainers of the va rtous rajahs who had assembled for the function. The attention of all was fixed upon the white amphitheater, In the center of the plain, where the announcement was to be made. The amphitheater was adorned with gilded cupolas and surrounded by batteries, squadrons and battalions of the Indian army. Beyond the amphitheater. In the distance, could be seen great numbers of elephants, camels and horses. o rast was the multi tude that the troops appeared as mere splashes of color. The arrival at the am phitheater of the viceroy of India, Lord Curxon of Keddleston, and other dignita ries and the princes, was on of the bril liant episodes of the day. The princes were clad In alias and adorned with Jewels and their horses and carriages were brilliant with trappings of gold. Striata aad Gorieeii Spectacle. The spectacle within the arena was moat striking and gorgeous- The Fathaa chiefs and the 61rdars were resplendent In bril liant raiment. Soldier, civilians and vla I tors from far distant countries were In cluded among those within the amphi theater. Upon the entrance of the veteran of the Indian mutiny there was tremendous en thusiasm, and as the arrivals marched to their places the bands played national air. The carriage of the duke of Connaught. ' who represents King Edward, was e scored by a sfctachment of cavalry. As the duke and the duck "were driven around the arena the assemblage gar them an a thuslastlc welcome. Amid the acclamations of the people the duke took his seat at the left of the throne, while the duchesa proceeded to a place behind the throne. Whan the great amphitheater was filled and the hour for the announcement drew near the multitude, within and without awaited expectantly the first act of the proclamation ceremony. Then the ap proach of the viceroy wa heralded. Pre ceded by members of his bodyguard, clad In white, blua and gold and under the command of Major Grlmston, Lord Curxon appeared at the entrance of the arena In his carriage. Viceroy Xsssli Throne. The postilions wore uniforms of scarlet and gold and the carriage was drawn by ' four bay horses. The viceroy was escorted fey Elr Pertab Flngh. Alighting from his carriage. Lord Curxon mounted the dais to the throne, which was decorated with golden lions, and around which were placed massive ailvcr footstools. The throne Itself was surmounted by a canopy of white and gold. When the viceroy reached the throne the national anthem we played and a salute of twenty-one guns was fired. When the spectator! had resumed their seau after the anthem there waa a flourish of trum pets from the heralds, and Major Maxwell, at. the command of the viceroy, read the proclamation opening the Durbar. The royal standard was then raised on high and the Imperial salute was fired. The Braised bands marched by playing, bonfire were started by the trocps out side and It wse announced that King Ed ward waa the emperor of India. There waa another flourish of trumpet and Lord Curxon arose and stood for a moment Impassive. Then In Impressive tone he delivered a speech and read the message from King Edward. During his address the viceroy announced tba coronation of the king, he extolled the loyal Indian people and prophesied -pros- parity for the Indian emperor. He sa'd also that It would be decided not to exact interest for three yeara on all loan mad or guaranteed ly the government of India to the native states In connection with the recent famine. The viceroy announced also the abolition of the Indian staff corps which baa long been an army sinecure. Edward Reareta !.... In the king's message, which was than read by Lord Curxon, his majesty said the prince and princea of Wales would shortly visit India. He regretted hla ab sence from the durbar. In concluding King Edward said: I rerew the assurance of mv regard for the liberties ct the ln.llan ople cf my reeiwrt ir dignities and rights or Itiy interest In advancement and of my dt-vilon to their wtlfar. These are the supnme aim and ob-rt of my ru'e which, uo.lrr the bl.selng of Almighty Ood' will !cJ to the tncreasii g pruoperlt v of niy Indian empire and lo the greater han-plnt-M of Its .tpie. As the viceroy finished reading the king'a words, the assembled people broke Into raat-rs ior ne sing sna emperor. The cheering was taken up by the multitude outside the amphitheater and was long sus tained. There then followed the presentation of Jndiaa prince to the viceroy and the duke tr Connaught and political officers pal J image to the sovereign. This ended th ceremcny and the royal cortege then left the arena followed by th delegate from foreign power and th In dian princea. Lord Kitchener after th ceremony en tered hi carriage and was driven to l!hl. The whole ceremony was favored with idi h!ne. 1tdr Curxon was dressed la Dale blus (Continued oj Second Pag.) historian becomes prophet I Mas Ssrsis, Frrarh Writer. eee Cataclysm (spr.srMas, Dae to tailed states Progress. A VIENNA, Jan. 1 In the cot '- - avhaiiatlvai r, - . w nf th rilatnr world, contributed to the Nue Frele 1 by Max Nordau. the writer deeply d. plores the growth of military Imperialism In the Vnlted State and ray that by the admission of militarism, which was for merly excluded. America I raising obsta cles to the entrance of emigrants whooe only capital Is their Strang working arms. Speaking of the future of the new world, N'ordau aays the opening of the Panama canal under American ownership will mark th beginning of a new epoch. The tragic stage of the world's history, which In an cient times centered In the Mediterranean and which moved In the naval age to the Atlantic, will then be transferred to the raciflc ocean. At first the Anglo-Saxon element will seek to drive out the Oermsn and French flag Coating over single points In the Pacific ocean, then the struggle will be carrleJ further to the Asiatic coast, where Anglo-Saxona and Russians will have to decide the momentous world question ct whether eastern and southern Asia shall remain British or Russian. To this forecast Nordau adds: "One can only imagine with horror what such a gigantic struggle of nations and races 111 signify." BELGIAN GROWS MYSTERIOUS KJaj Leopold Asks for Bllad Coan- deaee of Parllaaseat a ad Hints at Cosnlaa; Eveats. BRUSSELS. Jan. 1. Vpon the occasion today of receiving the congratulations of Parliament, the diplomatic corps and Bel gian officials. King Leopold made a curious response to the president of the Chamber. Hla majesty alluded to the Initiative he himself bad taken upon many occasions. notably in China, and asked the Chamber to continue to show the same blind confi dence In him that It had always done. 'I shall not abuse it." King Leopold concluded, "and thanks to the union be tween the king and the legislative cham ber, we will be able to accomplish things that cannot be explained at this moment, but of which the people will understand the bearing only by the results." His majesty's remarks created some com ment and are supposed to point to some new development of Belgian Interests In China, and possibly In the Congo Free State, CHOLERA RAMPANT IN THE CITY Masatlaa, Mexico, la Farorc of Terror at Discovery tkat Prevalent Dlsoasa la tko Plasrae. MAZATLAN, Mex.. Jan. L There Is not the slighteat doubt that the disease afflict ing this city Is the genuine Asiatle cholera, tor microscopic examination prove that bubonic pest baccllll are In the blood of those afflicted with th disease. Th disease haa grown, virulent In the laat forty-eight hours and the alarm which had begun In some measure to abate haa returned with increased strength. The people are fleeing from the city at the rate of 300 per day and some S.OOO have already gone. It la a remarkable fact that more than SO per cent of the persons attacked are women. The new of the recrudesence of the plague at this port ha reached the In terior towna of the atate and la causing a panic. Cordons of armed men have been placed about the town to prevent the en trance of anyone from thla place. DEALERS ANGRY AT CURZON Viceroy Provokes Wralk of the First taro wad Carpet Mea of Great Brttala. LONDON, Jan. 1, Lord Curxon has brought upon himself the wrath of the fur niture dealers of Great Britain by a dis paraging allusion la his speech at the open ing of ths art exhibition at Delhi, Decem ber SO, te "Tottenham Court road furni ture, Ita cheap Italian mosaics and flaming Brussels carpet,' and appealing to the maharajaha to furnish their places with In dian work, rather than these foreign mad product. Sir John Blundell Maple, M. P., who Is first of a large firm of furniture dealers of the Tottenham road, leads the attack and clinches hla Indictment with showing a let ter dated Calcutta, from Lord Curxon, or dering carpets and requesting (hat the or der be duplicated yearly. CUBANS IN FATAL FIGHT Editors aad Rival Politicises Kb gage la Bloody Qsaml la a Cafe. SANTIAGO, Cube, Jan. 1. Congressman Corona, editor of the Cubano Libre, ahot and Instantly killed Senor Insula, editor of the Republics at 11 o'clock thla morn ing. Both mea were prominent politic lana and leaders of rival parties, Senor Corona was drinking in a cafe when Senor Insula and a party of friend en tered the place and began a political dis cusston. Personalities and Insults followed aad quickly started a ght with canes, during which Senor Corona suddenly drew a revolver and shot Senor Insula three times. Senor Corona then walked away and haa not yet been arrested. The shooting has caused great excitement here. COLLISION WITH STREET CAR As Rrsalt of Arrtdeat Bee-rotary Iddlags of Kaabasay at Roase 1 Badly lajared. ROUTE, Jan. 1. Aa th result of a col lision between the carriage of Secretary Iddings of th Vnlted State embassy her and a street csr Isst night. Mr. Iddings' shoulder was dislocated, hla coachman was Injured slightly and th carriage smashed. Mr. Iddings. besides having his shoulder dislocated end hla legs bruised, was much shaken, tat succeeded In extricating him self from the wreck. He la somewhat feverish today, but hla condition Is not serious, though his doc tors say six weeks must elapse before he will fully recover from th effects of the accident. Klfty-Kiarkt I.Ives Lost. ST. PETERSBVRG, Jan. 1 Fifty-eight lives were lost In the recent tre la a coal mine st Bacbmut. Eleven mea were rescued, after having been alxty hours In (he burning mine and twenty of the miners were saved after being five days la the ulna. DANGER TO CATTLE IS OYER Inamrag-is? Report Bent to Washington from Officials in Massachusetts. MOOF AND MOUTH DISEASE STAMPED OUT the Cattle ladaatry of oeatry Is Reaioved, So Proas at Actios t Aatherltlee. (From a Staff Co nree ponder t) WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. tSpeclal Tele gram.) One of the best New Tear' pres ents to the cattle Interests of the Vnlted State was the report sent to Secretary of Agriculture Wilson on December 11 by Dr. D. 8. Salmon, atatlng that he had the foot and mouth disease under control In New England; that up to the close of December 10 1.600 head of rattle had been killed un der direction of the chief of the bureau of animal Industry In Massachusetts alone and that a clean bill of health would be pre sented on New Tear'a day. Dr. Salmon atated to hla chief that he believed the dis ease wss under complete control. While there might be Isolated cases of the dis ease breaking out amongst other herds he felt that the worst was over and that the cattle interests of the country could rest assured that the quarantine established would be maintained until every trace of the disease had been eradicated. The amount paid out to the end of the year to reimburse owners of cattle la slightly In excess of $50,000 In Massachu setts. The Inspectors of the bureau of an imal Industry who are at work In other New England atatea have not yet submitted their report, but as the disease waa un doubtedly Introduced Into the country from Europe through the port of Boston, It is natural to assume thst Massachusetts cat tle were more generally affected than those In any other atate. While a few sporadic cases may make their appearance In' the west through cars used in the cattle trade, the bureau of ani mal Industry took auch prompt steps towards disinfecting all rolling stock which might contain germs of the disease that It is believed little danger Is to be antici pated from this source. According to the secretary of agriculture there la, therefore, every reason to suppose that the disease has been checked and that It will no longer prove a menace to the cattle export In dustry. The quarantine will cot be lifted until the department I satisfied that all danger Is passed. May Hold ladepeadeat Seealoas. At today's session of the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science it waa decided that hereafter any section of the association may hold a summer session Independently of the association, the lat ter to defray the expenses up to ISO. Resolutions of regret on the death of Major Walter Reed, surgeon Vnlted Statea army, were adopted and a committee of nine autbortxed to secure a permanent memorial to Major Reed In recognition of hla benefaction to the race In aolvlng the problem of the spread of yellow fever. boat thirty prominent scientists ot th country were elected fellows of the asso ciation. - - . e" A constitutional amendment was adopted allowing the annual meetings of the asso ciation to be extended beyond a week. A large number of papers on technical sub jects were read at the various meetings of the sections during the day. One of the lnterestirg papers of the day waa by Prof. Burt G. Wilder of Cornell university, before the section ot soology, on "Some Questions as to the Arrangement of the Primates." According to the views advanced by Prof. Wilder, there should be a rearrangement In the present classification ot apes and man. The relation he considers as affording the best criterion on which to determine their affinities and divergencies. Incidentally he abowed that ths brain of the orangoutang approaches more nearly that ot man, and that Judged by this character the orang outang ahould rank first after man In stead ot the gorilla. Thla provoked much discussion. Another Interesting paper read todsy was by Prof. W. J. McGee on "Indian Arrow Poison." Prof. McGee explained that the poison often was applied to the bow Instesd of the arrows, or that certain spells were uttered, or put on the weapons, which It waa believed would cause the death of a victim, in other Instances, he said, the Indians daubed their arrow polnta with putrlfying matter, which produced septi cemia in the persona struck and thereby resulted In death. SrleatUta Select! OaHeers. The American Association for the Ad vancement of Science tonight elected the following officers for the ensuing year, after selecting EL Louis as the place for the next meeting, beginning December S8. 1903: President. Carroll D. Wright, Washing ton; general secretary. C. W. Stiles. Vnlted Statea marine hospital service, Washing ton: secretary of council, C. 8. Howe, Cleveland, O. Officers of the various sec tions were elected aa follows: Mathematics and astronomy: Vice pres ident, O. H. Tlttman. Washington. D. C; secretary, L. O. Weld. . Iowa City. la. Physics: Vice president. E. H. Hall. Cam bridge, Masa.; -secretary, D. C. Miller, Cleveland. O. Chemistry: Vice president, W. D. Bancroft, Ithaca. N. T.; secretary. A. H. Gill, Boston. Science and engineer ing: Vice president, I. H. Woodward, St. Louts; no secretary elected. Geography and geology: Vice prealdent, I. C. Russell, Ann Arbor. Mich.; secretary, G. B. Shat tuck. Baltimore. Zoology: Vice president. L Mark. Cambridge. Mass.; secretary, C. J. Herrick. Granville. O. Botany: Vice president. T. H. McBrlde. Iowa City, la.; secretary. F. Ellerld, New Vork. An thropology: Vice president. M. H. 8aville. New Tork; secretary, V. R. Faxon. Cam bridge. Mass. Social science: Vice presi dent. S. F. Baldwin, New Haven. Conn.; secretary, J. F. Crowell, Washington, D. C Physiology: Vic president, H. P. Boadltch Csntbridge. Mass.; secretary, F. S. Lee, New York. tiraat Relics Preserved. A valuable collection of relics of the tour ot President and Mrs. Grant around the world today were placed for the first time on public exhibition In the National museum her. Their transfer to the government wss provided for in the will of Mrs. Grant. J to whom thy were originally presented. They cocftst of an ancient Japanese cabi net of exquisite workmanship, emblazoned, presented by the emperor of Japan; lsly's gold dressing case. In the shape of aa urn. with several smaller cups, th gift of th king and c.uen of Slam; a lady' (liver per fume telle t tt of mnaumeLtal and classical design, with fine flilifree, and a chest con taining i!l manuscripts. Including poems aad other writings of great antiquity. The collection waa placed beside thst of General Grant's relics, which havs been In ths government custody fwr aevsral itara, ATTACKS GIRL WITH . KNIFE Desaoa Attentats to Cat OsT Head la Order to Ottala Jewelei .. NEW TORK, Jsn. 1. ITnry Goodman. IS year old, was arrested Just before mid night, charged with having tried te cut oJ a young woman' hand to obtain th dia mond lings displayed oa her fingers. The attack wss mad la full view of scores ot merry-makers. Including the woman's escort. M as May Matthews and Miss May Lewis tsrted out with their escorts tor aa auto mobile ride and later went to supper. Shortly after 11 o'clock the start waa made for home. Something weat wrong with the machine and the two mea got down, to ex amine. Miss Lewis held a handbag, which con tained a email amount of .money. On th fingers of Mtss Matthews left asod glit tered diamonds, it Is said vorth fully $LHM. Suddenly from the crowd sprang a young man. who held In one hand a knife. From Ml Lewis he grabbed the bag ahe waa carrying, and then seising Miss Matthewa by the fingers he drew hla knife across her knuckles, cutting a deep gash. The young woman shrieked, and her as sailant without watting to make another ef fort to sever her hsnd. brandished his knife In the faces of those who sprang to the rescue and dashed west fclong Houstoa street. 1 After a long chase he wis captured, but did not surrender until beaten Into sub jection by a policeman, the general Im pression was that aa attempt had been made to murder th glrL and had It not been far the policeman he would have tared badly. - , The officer had to fight off the pursuers and at the same time prevent his prisoner from atabblng him with the knife which be had used on Miss Matthews.' With much difficulty Goodman waa taken to the station, where he said he Intended to cut off the girl's hand for the rings ahe wore. MARCONI SYSTEM jN CANADA Iaveator of Wireless Telearrapky Is to Establish st Trssses tlaeatal Lisa. WINNIPEG. Manitoba, Jan. 1. Marconi Is preparing to Install a wireless transcon tinental service through Canada. Two of his experts passed through here yesterday on their way west to arrange tor a series of tests In the Rockies. It Is expected by the Inventor that the diverse electrical currents In the ratified atmosphere of the high altitudes may In terfere with the successful sending of hla messages, and It Is to satisfy himself that the tests are made In the winter when the conditions would be more unfavorable. Winnipeg la to be the half-way house of the system. It ks understood the station will be located at Stony mountain, aa emi nence twelve tulles from Winnipeg. , It will receive messages from Mount Royal at Montreal, and It la the work of these experts to locate the next western station In the Rockies. FOUR ARE INJURED ITA WRECK rsasesgtr Trala Collides with Empty Cars Staadla 'oa Sidetrack aad a Disaster Resells. CONNELLSVILLE. Pa.. Jan. 1. A pas senger train on the southwest branch of the Pennsylvania railroad waa wrecked at New Haven near here tonight. Following la a list of the Injured: Mrs. E. M. Miller of Connellsville, head bruised, with a probable akull fracture. Mra. Henry Helxel of East Liverpool. 0., limbs crushed snd back strained. Miss Oda Storey of Connellsville, hesd and face bruised. An unknown Hungarian, nock bruised and lacerated. Some of the other passengers were shaken up snd bruised, but none seriously. The trsln. northbound, wss running more than an hour late and an engine pushing a load of empty cars waa trying to get In on the j Lelsenrlng siding, but failed to clear In time. NORFOLK A PORT OF EXPORT Osaeer of Vogesaaa Bteaaashlo Ceaa paay Aaaoaaees Direct hla saeata Will Be Made. NORFOLK, Va.. Jan. 1. It waa announced today by an officer ot the Vogeman Steam ship company that an arrangement had been perfected between his company and the Seaboard Air Line company for the di rect shipment of foreign freight from the port of Norfolk on bills of lading issued i from point or sntpment ana tnat a regular schedule ot weekly sailings would oe main tained hereafter. Vp to thla time the railways have not been Issuing to any stesmshlp lines through bills of lading and most of the export trsde ot Norfolk has been bsrged to Newport News and cleared from that port. There are three ahlpa of the line In port sow taking cargoes and 15.000 bales of cotton are scheduled for shipment during January. MAN SHOT BYA REVELER Body Drops froas a Hotel Baleoay lata Midst of Crowd oa -Sidewalk. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Jsn. 1. John T. Jones of Louisville was shot and almost In stantly killed by a New Tear'a reveler and fell from second-story balcony to the sidewalk. Ho had gone from hla room In a hotel to the balcony to look out on the street and was leasing over the railing when he sud denly sank forward and fell over the guard rail. His body dropped Into the midst of the rrosd of people who were merry-making, snd the sickening thump on the sidewalk stopped sll retelrr on that corner. TOY PISTOLS CAUSE LOCKJAW Fear Boys at Norfolk, Va., Have Died aad a Fifth Is Affected Throagh Brian- Shot hy These. NORFOLK. Va.. Jan. 1. Four boya. three white and one colored, have died In Nor folk since Christmas of lockjaw caused by burns received In the firing of toy pistols charged with blank cartridges. Tonight George Wright, a messenger boy. who wounded himself accidentally oa Christmas morning, waa attacked by th dlaeas and la reported la a dying con dition. Munlpical legislation is proposed to pro j hiUl th sale of the weapons la the future. GRAIN MARKET FOR OMAHA Proposed Institution Meant Much for the Citj and 6ut. RAILROAD OPPOSITION MAY BE OVERCOME Parties laterested la the Move Will Co to Co art of Laat Resort la Order to gee a re Fair Local Treataseat. "The railroad are a good deal, but they are not the whole thing yet. Ther 1 In existence aa Interstate Commerce com mission, ond If all else falls that power will be exerted to compel the railway to offer rate facilities favorable to the estab lishment ot a grain market in Omaha. If the roads continue to disregard the In terests of this city and the wtabes of both shipper and buyers, this supreme author ity may be Invoked, aad if this Is done there are reasons why the fiat through rate In and out of Omaha will be easily obtslned. That It will be possible to enlist the most esrnest efforts of the commission In the cause Is quite certsin. The Omaha Board of Trade has recently tsken out a membership in the National Board ot Trade and that vast Influence would be behind this city In such a movement." With these words a prominent grain man of Omaha commented upon the position ot hostility to Omaha's Interests assumed by the railroads. "The argument of the railroad men against fsvorlng the establishment of a grain market here Is a sieve from begin ning to end. It will not hold wster any where," he ssld. "Tou can take It point by point and show its fallacy. In answer to the statement that Omaha is no place for a grain market. I say that there Is not a better place on the globe. The city Is situated practically In the center of the best agricultural territory In the world, stretching out for nearly 400 miles on every side. Whst more do you want? Matter of Coaaaaaptloa. "But the railroad men aay there'a no con sumption, that thla la the great thing nec essary, that ths grain brought in here for sale must be consumed lsrgely In con tiguous territory In order that thn market may expand and be a success. That I may' answer In two ways. In ' the first place Omaha has a large or larger contiguous natural consumption thsn any ot the other grain markets proportionately to ita sixe, and the other avenues of consumption, milling, manufactures and such will fol low the market here. Tou cannot expect them to precede It. Oatmeal factories, cereal food factories and all manner of mills would come In here on the heels of a securely established grain market. In the second place. It le not true that grain which reaches the markets ot this country Is consumed largely near them.. Chicago eendt fully SO per cent ot Its grain out, and the rest keep bnt small proportions. 'And these railroaders talk as If Chicago were the whole thing, aad the only objec tive point for grain from thla territory. It Is neither. If grain were brought In here for market and Inspected and weighed here. It would be ready for the markets of the world, not necessarily Chicago. "All these argsmsate adsaod aaaiast the grain market were naed by the rail roads when the movement to establish stock yards and packing houses here was started. That fight waa won, and thla one can be also aa few strong men had started In on the stock proposition, the Chicago I houses saw that It was going to cut In on their trade and they all came out here. They had to do It. Mast Come to Omaha. "In Just the same way the grain men ot Chicago and ot St. Louis and of all the other big grain markets would have to come out here as soon as they saw that this waa to be a live grain center. They would have to have the representation on the ground. With the market in operation and the railroads helping it the population would be (welled 30.000 In five year. It I needless to explain how such an Influx would boost every kind of business. "In short, thi grain market would make Omaha, if the railroads would give it a chance, and we can compel them to do that. They cannot discriminate against us. It mesne population. It means business and it means money. Once get It launched well, and tho country will have to come to us. We need the grain market badly, and we need a relaxation of the unjust discrimina tion of the railroads a great deal more. In fact, I think that the future of the Job bing business here depends upon our get ting that latter. If the railroads are to continue In that attitude Chicago Jobbers can do Just as much business In cur terri tory and In Nebraska as can Omaha Job bers. and even more. They get every ad ! capital and labor should be In thorough ac vantage. . Were I to start a Jibbing busl- I cor and that there should be no legislation nesa to cover Nebraska now I would operate from Chicago, but with the ban of local tariffs removed the commercial strength of the city could be teated by none." TO ENFORCE LAW IN MAINE tie Sheriffs Who C.e la Office with Sew Year Are Prohlbl tloBlsts. PORTLAND. Me.. Jsn. 1. The eherlffs of the sixteen counties of thle stste elected three months ago took efflce today and much Interest wss takes In their attitude concerning the prohibition laws. In Kennebec county, SheriS Frank J. Ham instructed his twenty deputies that the prohibitory liquor law must be en forced. "I want every deputy." he said, "to notify all the dealera between now and next Monday they must dispose of their goods and paraphernalia or suffer th? con sequences i ,n Anoroscoggia couuiy i .urnu is a minister nstnea lummings. in anticipation ot the beginning of hla term the saloons ot Lewlston, the largest city In the 'county, had beer, closed. The liquor business wss at a s'sndstlll today. Martin, Lawlts. sheriff of Aroostook county, on assuming hla duties todsy no tified sll liquor dealers thst they would be given until the 10th ot this month to, close up. j SKILL FAILS TO SAVE HER Mrs. wllllaaa A. Clark Almost a Moath's for Her Life. Dice After Battle BVTTE. Mont.. Jan. 1. Mrs. William A. Clark. Jr.. died at 4 30 this morning. Mabel Foater Clark was bora 23 years ago near Pittsburg, Pa., the daughter ' of j jqro n. rimer, woo came 10 Dune nearly aeventeen years sgo. On June 1, rWl. shs was wedded to Wil liam A. Clark, youngest son of Senator W. A. Clark. Her baby boy, for whom are gave her life, was born December 2- Vn riark waa a vnunv woman of nr. ..... ..rf ....lit. .. . , i At I J v eri-ot'l Arrived : Preiortan. from grace and quality of mind and character. gt John N B , and Halifax. eUii: Cor whlch endeared her to a Kgios ofafiinds. luihlau. for lis Ilia and 1st. Juhn, N. fi. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast f"r Nebraska Fair In West, In East Portion. Colder Saturdsy. Rain Tesaperatare at Oassa Teaterdayt Hoar. Dear. Hear. Deal. I i. a 1 a. sa S3 su a XT I s. a 3 T a. n H a s. sa 441 e a. sa ax 4 a. a 43 a. as sa 5 a. a 4 10 a. sa Sit 6 . sa .T 11 a. sa S3 T . sa 441 IS as S3 a. la !W 9 a. sa SH ACTS OF A LUCRETIA BORGIA Mrs, Mead Klekl Arrested sa Charge of PoUoalar After Acealttal la ilaallar Case. 8TRACVSE. N. Y.. Jsn. 1. Mr. Maud Klebl and her mother, Mrv. Addle Fenner. were arrested In their home In South Onon daga today by the sheriff ot Courtlsnd county on coroner's warrant charging them with th murder of William Kiehl, husband c Mrs. Kiehl. They were taken to Cortland. This is the outcome of the Inquest at which evidence wa produced tending to chow that William Kiehl died of arsenical poisoning. Thi 1 the second tira Mrs. Kiehl. the lS-yesr-old country girl, has been arrested. Several months ago she was accused of poisoning Adam Kiehl, her brother-in-law, the theory of the prosecu tion being thst she killed him to prevent his marriage to another woman. She was freed. The officials began an Investigation Into tho death ot the girl'a husband, who ex pired some time before his brother Adam, under almost similar circumstance. Th result came when warrants were issued for the arrest ot both the girl and her mother. COLORADO CONTEST IN DOUBT Preseat State O nicer May Hold Over as m Reealt of the Polit ical Strife. DENVER. Colo.. Jsn. 1. The fourteenth general assembly of Colorado will convene at noon on Wednesdsy, January 7. The first business after organisation Is a Joint ses sion to canvass ths votes on state officers to be Inaugurated January 13. After that Is concluded the contests ot the republicans for the fifteen democratic seats will be tsken up by the house. Some of the democratic senators are now threatening to refuse to go Into Joint session with the house tor state officers If It Is assured the Arapahoe are to be unseated. This revo lutionary movement msy delsy the inaugu ration and allow the present democratic administration to hold over. The first vote on Vnlted States senator will be taken Janiary 20. No caucus on senstorshtp will be held by any party or faction until after the organisation ot the house Is completed and the contests decided. The Wolcott and anU-Wo!cott republicans will each caucus on speaker next Tuesday. INDIAN SHOOTS POLICEMAN FwUsleed Cheyeaae Betas- Held Prie st Meaaahle to Await Heawlt' of" -Wreawd. '--. MEMPHIS, Tenu., Jan. 1. Creeping Bear, a full blood Cheyenne Indian. Is a prisoner st headquarters awaiting the of In Jurle Inflicted upon George Millard, a t?rmer policeman. . Last night Creeping Bear atruck Millard with a tomahawk. The wounded man wa taken to a hospital, where It waa snnounced his Injuries were not serious. Today, how ever, Millard took a turn for the worse and this afternoon his ll'e lu despaired of. The Indian claims that Millard spplled sn nsult I to him. whereupon he struck him with the ; tomahawk. . Creeping Bear came here from a reserve- j tlon near El Reno, O. T.. two months sgo. He claims to be a graduate of the Carlisle Indian school. ( I ODELL TAKES OATH OF OFFICEj I For the Seeoad Tiaio Is laaagwrated j Coveraor of the State of Xew Tork. - ALBANT. N. T., Jan. 1. Governor Odell today was Inaugurated for his second term, The occasion wss an unusually brilliant one, marked by the presence of many die- tlnguished visitor and the participation I of a large representation of the National Guard, aa well aa crowds from all parta ot the state. T t.1. ..4 .!.-. nnv.rflfir fVtell aM that which seeks to advance the Interests of one at the expense of the other, because such discrimination would lnevltsbly lead to re- suits and conditions which would be a menace to the welfare of the state. DEATH INSTEAD OF "WEDDING lleary Hasaer Rebhed at Iadepead. eaee, Kas, Body Placed oa Track aad Crashed by Trala. INDEPENDENCE. Kan.. Jan. 1. Henry Hagner was fatally wounded by footpads here this morning. He lives north of hers and had come In on the night paasenger train to be married today. A deep gash wss cut across tba back of his hesd. His body wss placed on the Santa Fe track and waa mutilated by a train. Hagner haa been a traveling man for the McCormlck Harvester company. KILLED BY FREIGHT TRAIN Toaaaj Maw Meets laataat Death aad Voasf XVeasaa la Serloasly lajared. CTNTHIANA. Ky., Jan. 1. While re turning from a New Tear'a party early to day, Ray Hickman, aged IS, and Misa May Level! were atruck by a freight train. Hick man was Instantly killed and Miss Lovell Injured. Moveaieats of Occaa Vessels Jaa. 1. At Havre-Arrived: L Savole. from New y,,rt. At f!Ugow Arrived: Ethiopia, fmm New York. Sailed: HuenoS Airlan, for At New ork Arrived : Teutonic, from IJverp- ol; Graf Walderaee. from Hamburg, tuilleu: La Champagne, for Havre. At London eaiicJ: kianiluu, for New Tork At Queenstnwn Palled : Nordland. for Philadelphia; Germanic, from Liverpool, for New York At Hamburg Arrived : Patiitla. from New Tork via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At Harwich Arrived : Coumberball, from Ban FranclxSj la St. Vincent. .'. V.. and Lndon. At Plymouth Arrived: fatneta, from I Haml jr Ma Cherbourg. EVENT IS BRILLIANT Reception at the White Houta Elaborate Affair. it an FOREIGN DIPLOMATS IN FULL CRESS Wa Ting Ting, Lata Chinese Minister, One fMoet Misted. ARMY OFFICERS IN NEW UNIFORM Visitors Astonished st ths Grandeur of Improvements in Mansion. ALL ARE MOST CORDIALLY GREETED After the Official Reeeatloa General Pahlle Pays Its Creetlags to Ha tlea's Chief aad Meet with Waras Weleoaso. WASHINGTON. Jan. l.-Presldeat Roose velt't reception was one of the most bril liant events In Washington' recent social history. All callers were afforded the opportunity ot greeting the president and Mrs. Rooee velt and exchanging with them the com pliments of the New Tear. No distinctions were made, except such as were rendered necesary In preservation of order, and the greetings extended to all high and low. rich and poor were alike cordial and sin cere. Tea! ay the general public, for the first time, had an opportunity to see the widely heralded Improvements In the White House Improvements which, wben completed, will have coet about 1(00.000. In addition to a desire, personally, to wish the presi dent and Mrs. Roosevelt a happy New Tear, hundreds were attracted by a wlh to see the White House In it new and handsome Interior furnishings. To msny who were familiar with the In terior ot the mansion aa it was a year ago the changes made were a revelation. While In a general way the form of the Interior has been retslned In beauty and effective ness. It Is wholly different. Just 102 years ago President John Adsms and his wife opened the White House with a New Tear's reception to their friends and to the public generally. The dawn of the first fete day within the walls, since become historic, was accompanied by the noise of taw and hammer, as was this day. a.Ou account of the unfinished condition of the lower floor President and Mrs. Adams received their guests In the room on the second floor now occupied by President Roosevelt as a library. While the Im provements now are more nearly completed than was the mansion Itself at that time It will be several months before the workmen, will have finished their task. Aglow with Eleetrle Lights. An hour before the time for the reception the mansion waa aglow with uiyriads of electric lights. Towering palate of rare , varietlee were placed in aichea about th . vestibule, mala corridor and staircase. Tva great square, lueasea. ot . Ararclctm and. -English holly were arranged between the" vestibule and main corridor, affording a brilliant and effective background iftr the handsome scarlet uniforms of the Marine band, sixty strong, which occupied the tiers of sests In the vestibule. In the red, blue and green rooms, and la the splendid east room were disposed a few vases contslnlng cut Cowers, principally white lilies snd 'Lilies ot the Valley. It was noticed, however, that the floral deco rations hsd lieen suborned to the new fur nishings snd finishings of the roome. It was a merry day for the Roosevelt children. Prior to the teceptlon they had a Jolly time In the lower part of the houae. They msnlfested the liveliest Intereet In all the arrangementa. Shortly before 11 o'clock, the hour at which the reception began, the diplomatic corps began to ssscmble In the Red room. The members of the corps entered the mansion from the south side, as usual. In order to avoid the crush of the throng already gathered about the main entrance on tne norm aiae. inaer tne glare ot tne ! electric candelabra the spectacle presented j by this cosmopolitan gathering,' attired in 1 court uniforms, sparkling epaUlettes and glittering swords, showing resplendent agalnct the red velvet upholstering and j woodwork, waa gorgeous. Approach of tho Presldeat. At 11 o'clock the trumpeters ot the Marine bend sounded a fanfare, announcing ths approach of the president and Mrs. Roosevelt and the Immediate receiving party j President Koosevelt. with Mrs. Roosevelt on his arm, descended the main staircase j and, passing along the mala corridor and ( through the Green room, entered the Blue room, where the gueete were received. Following them came the members ot the cabinet and women. The receiving party waa arranged In the are ot a circle la the bay window ot the Blue room. Facing them were the women invited to assist. Between the two sections of the receiv ing party a lane waa formed by eordona ot I old gold velvet. Through this line the I callera passed from the Red room, proceed- lS through tbs Green room Into the East room and thenee down the etalrease Is to the esst terrace, and passing nto the street opposite the west entrance, ot the treasury. ) Tbe president was la excellent af4rlts and Mra. Roosevelt never seemed happier or more gracious. The president was at tired In a frock suit and the only desk of color about hie attire wal a tie ot grayish tint. Shortly after the receiving party as sembled In the Blue room the rtteptloa proper began. The Introductions Wer made by Colonel Theodore ibln.ham, the presi dent military aide, assisted by Major Charles UcCawley, Captain John ft. Proc tor, Jr., and Lieutenant Frank McCoy. They were In full dress uniform. Order of the Heeeptloa. Ths members of the diplomatic corps ' were received first. As dean of the corps, Herr von llolleben. th German ambas sador, occupied the post of honor at the Tt"" . ' t ministers were accompanied by their aultes. their uniforms weighted with a wealth of I -M 1.-. and rlrh ornamentation .,4 A rations. Among the diplomats particularly missed was Wu Tlngfsng, now enroute home, where new honors sweet him. Tbe Chinese legation waa represented by Shea Tung, tbs charge d'affaires, and hla suite, all attired In gorgeous Oriental silks aad satin. Another familiar face missing ass that of Jules Cam boo. the French amfat. sador, whose successor ha not yl ar rived. , Following the German ambasssdor aad suite ram Count Casalnl, tbe Russian am bassador; Kenor Aspires, the Meilcae) Si- (