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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JAN U All Y 1. 190.1. J SPECIAL NOTICES Advertises! aea anlnasa till tastea til 1 .' faf Ik eveala ealtloa aad til HO a- Mb fee unilii aad Baadar aditlaa. States, 1 l-3o ward Aral Ineertlaa, la ward thereafter. Nothlear takes far ! Sfia far tka a rat laser tla. The ad vertlseaaeat l ka raa eaneeeatlvely. ad earl ter reaaaetlasr i aa. fcered (hnk, eaa have aawar ad dreased ta aaasaered latter la eara f Tk Baa. Aaawera a addreaaed will a deliver atreeeatatlea. ( tka aaeaa. ealr. WASTED MALE HE I.I. , GOOD messenger wanted; high salaries. a- u. i. to., ill . 13th Bt. B 3S0 WANTED Two good hustler. Open until p.m. Weatern Art Co., 1714 Nicholas St. U 281 PANTS pressed, 10c aulta, 30c; we rail and deliver. IIS 8. 16th, upstair, 'Phone . . . . . . B MH7o 17 WORTHY young man or woman to taka scholarship In Omaha'a leading biilne and shorthand college and pay for It when co i rue Is finished and position secured. Aaareaa, a it, Bee.. a aiiai t WANTED Mer to learn ' barber trade. Practical course given by free work; ex pert Instruction; tool preaented; wages Saturday) board provided; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B 301 2 WANTED-Teama to haul coal. C. B. Havana A. Co. Yard lath and Webster. B M378 1 WANTED, a bright young man, with aome experience, aa assistant booaxeeper, to take charge of ledger. Address S 61. Bee, B M487 2 WANTED, a place for young man to work for board while attending school. Ad dresa Boyle'a College. New York I,lfe Building. Telephone 18S4. B M42 WANTED, an experienced bookkeeper, young man; atale age, experience and salary expected. Address B 63, Bee. ... B OO WANTED, three young men. experienced shoe salesmen, must know how to handle ruoe trade; must have first-elan refer ences. Apply Manager Shoe Department, Boston Bior. u ts WANTED Krtckmaker to take charge as foreman ot a-yard In South Dakota, who I la acquainted with Missouri clay and the manufacture of Drlck. f. o. iiox au. Brookings, . U. b-W 1' S3S.60 PER 1,000 copying letters at home; either sex) send self-addressed stamped envelope for particulars. American Nov elty Co., Dept. D, Foreat City, la. B-MI97 8 ALESMKM WASTED. TO ' PELL side line, easy seller, large profits; aells everywhere; carry sample' in pocket. Address, B, Bee, council iiiuna. , , EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers. . Monroe ac Co., ill N. 16th St., omaha. 1 axz WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Girl for reneral housework: family of tour; good wagea to right party. None but thoroughly competent noip need appiy. . i4 o. sita ot. . lei. A-Zu. . C M67 2U0 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th Dodge. .,. C & WANTED, girl for general housework; good wages, email family. Mrs. Slmeral, 9.6 N. 2Mh Ave. C MMS WORTHY young man or woman to take scholarship In Omaha'a leading business and shorthand college and pay for It when course la finished ami position ee- cured Address b zo. Bee. c JrlliS 4 WANTED, girl for general! housework. 18 Mason Ht ' c lt WANTED, competent girl for general hnuseerk." Mrs Thomas 'F. Hall. 2J15 Sherman Ave. C-M WANTED, girl to do plain light house- work. 499 Davenport. Take Faxnarn car. - C M3J2 "WANTED, a, girl for general housework. Mrs. ttnook, 114 r. 2tn et. c bams b WANTED A young girl for upstairs work in small family, 1311 South 30th Ave., corner roppieion. c atw si WANTED, washwoman t H0 Georgia Ave.: one who Utea near preferred . C 471 J8 WANTED, girl for general housework;! gooa wagea 10 gooa giru ixa Harney ut. c 473 J3 A NURSE who can speak English and gooa uerman. Mrs. K. c. Barton, zio S. hm ave. t Mj07 FOR RKST IIOI SES. TO MOVE. right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office, 1611 Farnam, or Tela. 1w-ih3, D 384 FOR RENT, on t-room house, with cas. Water and sewer; Just been placed In flrst-clasa repair: (n good location. C. M. tiaenmann, t.iw i'aiton block, u 17 FOR RENT, forty acrea In the city limits of South Omaha: small house, excellent place for feed yard. The Omaha Realty, " uuiae dl. upBiaira. D-386 t-ROOM modem, near High school, 827.60. g-roora nous, win and t hanea, JUO.OO. Inq. 2648 Cap. Ave. Tel. 678. Roblaon. ' ' ' . D4ffl 1741 B. 13TH St., 6-room cottage, city water, reniai siu.- vtiiuam n.. rotter, receiver. am urown diock. jj I1UUJLJ p. Davla Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 3t houses, o. a. Wallac. Brown Block. D 37 HOUSES and flat. Rlngwalt, Barker block. L 358 t-ROOM modern house, 1317 Charles. Tele phone A-ibSS, D li3 HAGGARD Van 6 BWrag. Co. Tel. 1496. uata HOUSES, K upward. Bemls. Paxton Blk. v XJ VANS and baggage wagon. Tela. 1196-1146. l 391 FOR RENT A fin located 5-room cottage. B. 11th St.. Ill Also a good 7-room house, litis N. M St.. $15. The Omaha Realty Co.. 1301 Douglaa St.. upatalra. D-691 IIOIICPQ Prts of the rlty. IlVJUdlW R. C. Fetn at Co., Be Bldg. 1 f. FOR RENT Nine-room house; Just newly rape red and repaired: all modern except urnace; 22d St. and Poppleton Ave., 118. TWO l-roi'm nouaea, tn and Caiirornla Bis., all modern, city water and sewer. 818. On 4-room house, 27th and Cuming Bta., . city water, C. M. BACHMANN. 436-17 l'axtott Block. D-62S DOUBLE FLAT. Id- Howard St., 13 rooma. In flrat-claas repair; new plumbing; two bath rooms. GKOKGB AND COMPANY, 16J1 Farnam St. V Mi 4 FOR RENT. 1309-room modern house, 1201 Poppleton avenua. 16 S-rooid modern house. 41 North S9th st t.O modern bouse 3438 S. 80th at. 8j 10-room modern house and barn, .'19 f oppieitr avrmue. - til l-rixxn mcKlern house. 4621 Farnam St. 11 7 7-room modern house and barn. 704 a. Uth at. BRENNAN !)VE CO.. . 8a S. 13th St. " ' ' D-874 Janl STOP BUYING COAL. fUrtctlv modern - steam heated flat. i Davtdge Building epposit City Hall yjiw w. ttoBui8, li FAKNAM ST. 1 J 1 HIS WOOLWORTH AVE.. room, mod- lern r: 1S18 C'aoltol Ave.. 7 room, mod- Fern tvo: lu Webster. T rooma and bath. 1 . . tn. I 1 b: iavviipj. , 1 wv.,.., . ... .... S4-i9 F.mmet. f rooms and barn. 111. Ring- watt Bros . Baiaer oia. , u -mvm t I.SUOM heuaa. N. 24th. U4.M. Tel. 8M ! P-M331 FOR REST-HOIS F.S. FIRST ami second floor 6-roorn flats, all modern. also neat a-roorn cottage. V.U Miami Bt. D 472 MODERN t-room house, strlrtly first-class f condition and neighborhood, hath, gs. ) . corner. 118. 2735 toward. .Inquire 2iM i Pewsrd II 7 .T1" FOH HKT-KlRlHF,n ROOMS. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. E-947 $1 TF.R WEF.K-Q Po. 18th St., aoutb of court house. one block E-94S STEAM-HEATED rooma, 819 per month, barker Hotel, Uth and Jonea eta. E-M AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth and Dodge E 4 r.OTAL. HOTEL European. 16th ft Chungs E Sio L. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone TS0. E Ml 8 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1118 So. utn t. t-"i CENTRAL, steamheated, furnished room. 120 N. 23d St. E-670 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new modern home; hot water heat; references. 1616 Webster. E M848 Jl ELEOANT ateam-heated rooms. 1909 Capi tol Ava. E 191 820 N. 17TH, NEAT steam heated rooms. jtj is DESIRABLE rooms, ralklng distance. 22J4 rarnam. ty M6l j J BTBAM heat. nlc size; would unfurnlsh. 218 N. 23d St. E M7 J 3 TWO room. alngl or together, furnished or unfurnished. IKS so. lotn rt. E MT79 S LARGE front room, modern. in N. 19th at. E M4s8 4 VERY pleasant aomh room; sfrlctly mod- E M304 t TWO modern. fH N. 24th St. E M.VIS 2 FLRMISilED ROOMS AMD BOARD. PRIVATE family. 609 South 20th avenue. r M16 FURNISHED front or back parlor. 12 So. 26th Bt. 4i BOARD by day or week; meal ticket, 83.SO, 21 meals; home cooking, iam uuri. NICELY furnlahed rooms; steam heated with or without board; terms reasonable. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago. FOR RN. VI STORES AD OFFICES. FOR RENT Store in 'first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. C. Peters at Co., grauixi noor, Be uiag. - 4 zt CENTRAL. B-rocerv. drug, meat market. wun nxturea;- also tine launury, witn ctau) heat an) power. Tlxard, XA N. 23d. x w FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by ihe Bee at it arnum Hi. i'. naa lour aiories ibu a twseiiioiii wnicu was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If ntereated apply at ornce to C c. Koae water, secretary, room loO, Bee building. 1 U1 OFFICES In the Bee building, 810 00 per month up. Keniai price intiuoes neat, light and janitor aervice. K. C. Peters & Ca., Rental Agents, Ureujid floor. Bee Bldg. . lr-279 FOR RENT, building suitable for wbolo sale ourpoBes -at 816 Farnam. 22x90. four I aiuriea ana nrsi-ciaaa cemeniea oaaemeni, elevator, nr ana Durgiar prooi vault, otllce counter and fixtures, tor price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, aecre. tary lit ze ouiiaias; o., rootu u, on ouiiauig. irii FOR SALE, complete outfit ot furniture and stove, can at hub in. wa si. rnone L 2071 ,. l-ilM ' - ' - " - - ELEGANTLY .modem, - hot watr heat. , n nr twn rnnms-in- new nncs: miunnii? ground noor; good locution ior uuniuesa unices, cau at iu tvaosier cu . 1 ilM STORE ROOM. 1615 Howard St... detlrable room with full basement; 5"0.00 per month. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Farnara St I-M9 J4 MUST sublet part of office; small room for rent; norm windows, inquire izi in. x Life. I-Mi3 6 FOR RENT, large bw business room, good location; also office rooms. Box 678, Vil- uses, la. 1-MiSO 6 AGESTS WANTED. WANTED-Canvasslng agents In .Jfj? county to solicit nuosci unions to THE Ttt KM IHTH UK.MUHI FXKUIVH. Steady emuloyment. with assured good In come. Agents in tne country wun norse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make euuiiy 400 to liuu per mnntn. Aa t'buViaU.gOmVha." "lcUrV " COMBINATION DIPPER-Doxen' articles 1 In one dipper, strainer, runnel, etc.; sample and catalogue describing other goods post paid tc; agents wanted, cnica winsnip CO., o. via mi., rh" my, Mo. !W WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, five carloads of second-hand turnlturer highest prices paid... Drop a card or telephone 771. Joe Leviae, S'ri N. 16tn St. " AlWl J XM WANTED to buy or rent a house or. flat containing is or 20 rooma. j.aare it. Condon, 311 N. Y. Life. . N-M&J8 FOR SALE FURNITURE. - rttK-AGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. X020. isew ana seconanana. uuugni, sou, exchanged u aw FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS. ETC. TRY m on wagon repairing. First class work. 11. Frost, Uia and isavenwnrtn. , P S6S FOR SALE MlSCFLLASEOlS. FENCE LATH tor gulck shipment, crib bing, combination lauuer. suj. eugias. .. vi SlMil E.utl.unA3U Ullllr ftDU JWU, IMUW.j billiard t utiles repaired ; a large atouk 01 cheap bar hxturvs, cigar counter, etc. The Brunswick-Balkc-CuUender Co., 407-9 B. 10th. ( M.lWJI FOR SALE, rhonosraphs. superior to any other musical instrument. j up. in Wlttmaun Co.. lt-1 Farnain, , Q 9u INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. V . 1DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. U19 Farnam. TWO good double alelgha, $45 and 805; newly aimed; Rotkawaya, . depot wagons rouahams. Drummondi Carnnge Co. lain aim iiariier di. vrf irni, ,ui FOR BALE First mortgage not bearing six per rent interest, paatie every aix months, has about 2H years to run; good security and endorsed by., responsible party amount. H.iJU. liujuu-e C. M. Bachmann. Room 4.4. Paxtun Block. ANYONE ronrem plating taking a business I or anortnana course con nx'iire a uie acholarshlp In one of Omaha's leading commercial cuHtge at a discount. For particuiara aouresa p si. Z3e, .14 ji.o BELL Bitter a lde line on commission; Dn article, wen advertised, s-m ( uaiing. (4 AlilJ J1S NEW and Xtlhand typewriter. 1US Farnam W . 71 LADIES' and gents walcnea. k0 dia monds lert In pawn, good as near. s.lln at half price Diamond Loan Office. 1401 Douglas. W Mill J-J A 8176 NATIONAL cash register In per fect condition. xo. j. it. bcnmuit. ;4c Cuming, Omaha. . U-MH70 1 - CLAIRI V01NT9. . . MRS. FRITZ. Clairvoyant. 1614 Caaa street. MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist, 116 8 16. I t SMI MADAME LUCRETLA, medium. I Chi cago nr. a-AU34 Jl Do You Read This Page? So Does Everyone Else. That's Why Your Ad On This Page Would Increase Your Business. ELECTRIC TREATJIi:ST. . MME. 6MITH, baths. 118 N. IS, 2d Moot, R. 1 Miss Iverlng. massage baths, SCI N. 13th St 3..1 Jani GRACE O BKYAN of Kentucky. 9. i:th. T M J 17 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., baths T 475 J18 MME. SAl'NDERS gives magnetic treat mein. litis Leavenworth Ht. Flat 1. T-474 J IHJtl L PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed by electricity. ' n 12, Frenxer block. U 967 VIAVI. Woman's Way to Health. Home treatment. Booklet free, Bee BMg.. Omaha. U 968 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no aeiennon rrom ousinrss. Bona inr Doo.let. etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CUKE CO., X3i N. T. Life Bldg. Omaha, U-970 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale aim retail. ioiuns fiano Co., ltZ3 Douglaa. dr. b. M. JACKSON, specialist In chronic diseases. l&uS Farqam St, Consultation free. U-971 SOCIALIST headquarters, 819 N. lth at. Lueraiuri oi ail saium, ireaiine; on ail aubjecu. 3 U-2 Janl TELEPHONE 780 or L. M. E. (nessengera i . v. VI PRIVATE hospital before and during con-, tlnement; babies toaraed ana adopted., Mrs. Qardels, 2J4 Lake. Tel. Red-18o4. . . U 871 PRIVATE hospital tor ladles before and during connnemeTit; cables adopted. 27U2 8. lith st. Mrx. Fluher. TeL- F-313. U M23S Jl ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Scannell, agent, 609 Were block. U M336 JS ANY CASE of dnhdruff or falling of hair cured ror 11; no yearr- experience; tnis Is no fake, but absolute cure; if not cured will refund money; can alao give many testimonials; ladle can call or address, except Saturday. . T. J. ' Clark; 2419 N. 24th is t., Omaha, Neb, . U M644 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; llrst-class in every respect; babies adopted. Dr. U ' L. Miller, 2H Blondo at Phone . U-M816 OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1515 Howard, fash ionable cieanera, dresses, suits, cioaas. draperies, rugs, lace curtalna; we dys carpets. U MS24 Jl 119 CHIROPODY rnnlcurlng, facial and spe cial massage taugbt and pracucea. A. Mayer. 5U Bee bias, consuuaiion iree. Tel. 1716. . U-M8JJ. ELITE PARLORS, 616 S. 16th St., 2d floor. U MS3a J 16 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uerlsch, 8t Camoriua su xerms rtusunnuic U MWi j is Mrs. Jocabson, 2206 N. 20th st. . U--17 J21 umr rtTMMINOS. millinery gchool. class now forming. .ome ana gei rtiuy m c ceDt nosltlon In spring. Hours. 10 a.m. to 4 p. m.; alao night class. Room 9. At cade Hotel. U 493 81 aiOMKY TO I4O AS HEAL UStAVHr ihi PER CENT on business property. : 6 per cent on residence property. .. Options to Pay wnoie or pari u in"". W. U.: MJUKiJa. 401 S. 14IH St. . ....... . w , MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real 'Mlt. Brennan-Lova Co., X bo. 13th. ... w via WANTED, city and farm loana; also bonds and warrants. 11. C. Peters It Co., IjiM Farnam t.. uea wiag. , w w TO 6 P. C. money. r Bemls, Paxton Hit W-976. irinvf snd elt loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, r irc khv chu 401. v FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-87K WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam bmitn & Co.. 1210 Farnam street. w V&J PRIVATE money. F. D. We.d. 152. Doug.ns. ' MONEY TO LOAS CHATTELS. TA CVTO GET ; CAj i TO PAY Beat expiuina our methods. . V loan on turnitore, pianos, warehouse necelpta, etc Or,U you Iwtv a permaucin position we can maau you a SALARY LOAN Without security, except your wn agree ment to repay, our service is quit confidential and we alway try to pleas. All w ask '.a that you glv u a call b tore yoti borrow elsewhere. OMAHA HUtilUAUE. liUArt V.U., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. iM, (Established UK- 3b6 8. 16th St. X-Ma64 "HEADQUARTERS" POH SALARY LOANS. Every 'man or woman In Omaha, South Oman, ana council uiuus genius elary cll and get our money 011 your plain note, witnuut puDiicity, ' mortgage or Indorstr. TRY US ON lTt-Ti V1TITD C. llMUS Good remain in your possession; you get the full amount ot loan wimoui aeuue tlon. Our system of payments the easiest. Our rate are easily the lowest. Wa aim to please. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Get Off Eievitor at Third Floor. Room 3u3. PAXTON BLOCK. Room 801. x soi THE STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room 44. Paxton block. ' Phone F28. Thla company la the private bank of the wage-earner ana eaianea employe. 11 you have a permanent position a clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti san of any kiuu, you can obtain on your note, without security or lndorser: Se mi Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. $100 return to ua l.'6 64 113 3 M6 I do return to ua.... 13.33 6.6V 3 Hi -io return to us.... 6 60 3.3 l.i 1 li-r-lurn In ua 4 00 1 UU 1 OJ I our oilice are private and our bustnej confidential. From 9 a. m. to 7 B. m. X-M06O 21 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, borse. cow, etc. c. f . need, -is n . X-:7 TRY US. for SALARY and CHATTEL LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 631 Paxton Block, Uth and Farnam Bt Top Floor. ' x-ms:3 WE IX) AN money on furniture, piano and diaraouo Cow rates.-Any lenatii 01 time. Jlr.,Y,.l.. .OMAHA CHAT-fliL , IA1AN uaimiv, rarnam, upstair. .-. X MH LARGtST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO oALAhiKU k toi-u., merciiants. iam sicrs. boarding house, etc . without se curity; ea.lext terms; 4o office In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg X-iK I MO.NiTY loaned on plain note to salaried reupie; Business connuentiai; lowest raies. it 1 axtou black. The J. A lluttoo Co. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. iewclry tu salaried people. Foley Ixiaa :k. auc U Vutt Ureca, Barker block. BlISESS CHANCES. INVESTORS, ATTF.NTION. Write us regarding Investment that will net you from 10 to 18 per cent, and abso lutely rafe. Western Realty and Invest ' mem Co., Fremont, Neb. - Y-Su6 J 13 TO GET In or out of buslnesa call On Wil liams, Room 411, McCsgje building. Y-99J WHEN you want to ouy, sell or exchange Jour t usinrse or property quicjt sue J. II. ohnson. t3 N. Y. Life. Y Mi0 FOR SALE complete stock of second-hand furniture; doing a good business ; tine lo - cation; store on be leased or stock can be removed; thla can ba bought at a bar gain; reason for selling is baa health. Ad ares. P 43, Bee. Y-MiM GOOD location to.- a bank; brick building, fine fixtures, safes and time lock for 8900.00. Address P 69, car Omaha Bee. Y-M91 J13 IF YOU want to get In or out of business or buy or eell property communicate with . Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life bldg. Y-M178 tck u-tr T. knv tvA.rhAlr bnrber sboD. established business; rent 88 per month, including three living rooms. 2j3 Cuming Bt. ICE BUSINESS, house, tools, ground, at a bargain. Kemp, Real Estate, y'"' FOR SALE, country store. Including stock, building and grounds. In this county. Kemp, Blair, Neb. Y M4M1 2 1.111T n, rentlernan with money to assist ladv Into a paying buslnesa. Address 8 62. Bee. ' Y-192 81 IF YOU WANT to make 8.1. 000 with an In vestment or wms yj, c Omaha. Neb. - Y-MoOl 1 DABNEY oil stock, ia' aa government bonds; pays 1 per cent aiviaenus nioiniuy through this office from sale of oil; In vestigate. M. J. ureevy, reimmo 414 Bee bldg. "Phone L234U. x ou e ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING CO., 1918 LoaVenwortn, cleans runs. 1. 1" .-.'", blankets, etc.; clcana and dyea ladlea and gents' wearing apparel; every article iterillxed. Tel. 8266. Y M493 10 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1201 Farnam street. RE-91 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana isrm tanas, ine j. i. Davli 1 Co.. Room 652. Xe4 Bldg RE-994 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paclfio Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha,. Neb. , RE 506 640 ACRES of school land for sale or trade; lease runs a years; tnis ia gooa airaua land and for range stock; has some good hay claims next to It that can be taken up; will trade for cattle horses, aheep or atock. of hardware, V. C. Williams, Burweil. Neb. - RE-194 Jl FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 400 acres of Minnesota land. Address,, M. DlfTerdang. L Mars. Iowa, . jRE-Mtfi-J-a FARM FOR RENT. 70 acres, unimproved, six mjl N. W. of Omaha, near uenon t-iace. J per acre. GEORGE & COMPANY. .Wl Farnam St. . . . ; .J. , . 4i RE 896 31 DO YOU WANTVTQ , , . SELL' A FARM? If vou want to sell a farrn or ranch, tell the farmers and stockralsers about It The best way to reach them Is through . THE TWENTIETH .. CENTURY FARMER. . This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes of larmers and siockralaers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price vou ought to rind a buyer among tbem. The cost ot aa ad la small 2 cents per word. THt TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER . , OMAHA, NEB. , RE-04 JUST THE PLACE FOR A STREET CAR MAN. A neat t-room cottage on Slat and Man- derson, price l,lv0. A net cottage on the Boulevard north of Manderaon. price 81,100. . ,. .'wo 6-room houses, 2-story, with good barn, price 81.400. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Flrt . Floor New- York Life Bldg., Sole Agent. . KrJ M376 1 THE Great Platte Valley. For lnforma tlon about alfalfa, sugar beets, etc., write to Platte Valley Information Bureau, First Floor New York Life Building, O.mana. : . .- re M3t 1 Wa have a 6-room cottage In very good shape at 1608 Kyner Ave.; city water, gas, electric lights and sewer; half block from car line. This Is one block south of Lo cust St. Price, l.Hf. and term easy. A. P. TU KEY & BON. , 444-445 Board of Trade. RE M 199 1 CHOICE lGO-acre farm near Tekamah, Neb,. 86,800. Hicks, 439 Board Trade bldg., Omaha. RE M5C8 ! WE OFFER. TILL SOLD I acrea on N, 24th at., 1,320 feet north ot Fort St., where the street car extension Is being built 12,500. This 5 acre will "make 80 fair-sized lots, which ought to retail at 8200 each. This 1 the kind ot property tq buy. ACT QUICKLY. . HARRISON A MORTON, V12 and 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. HE M511 1 WE OFFER TILL SOLD S936 N. 20th (boulevard) 60-fo-Jt east front lot, with one of the very best built 6-room cottage In the city. Beautiful quarter-sawed oak flnUsh downstairs, full cemented base ment, good furnace, best of plumbing, porcelain bath, sewer Connection, Iron fence, permanent brick walk. House al null new, built for a home, complete In every respect. Owner compelled to make a change. Only $2,500. ACT QUICKLY IF INTERESTED. HARRISON ic MORTON, 812 and 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-M310 I WE OFFER TILL SOLD 59axia feet on , Douglaa street, near 2oth, at the rtdlc- uloualy low prica of 851 a foot. ACT QUICKLY IK INTERESTED. HARRISON Sl MORTON, . W2 and 911 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE Mo"J 1 MEDICAL. LADIES' Chichester' English pennyroyal l'lll are the beat; safe; reliable. Take no other cud 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Indies'' in letter by return .mull. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. siakried ladlea. suffering from Irregu- iar,ie, mnd 4e , rr. Farcer. Station A New York, for 'Parker Periodical P. lis. an unlalhng (peclric. DR. PRIES treata successfully all disease and irregularities of women, from any cause; txperlenced and reliable. 7U13 Do'le St., Arlington blk., Omaha, Neb. Tel. iiii j is LOST. LOST A pair of light gray glovea 4s In envelope with Mr. J. Benson adver tisement on In ladle' waiting room at Bennett store. Pleas return io Bm Oic and rlv reward. Lwt M171 1 SHORTH AND ASD T YPK W It II l.Nii. GRF.GO 8. H., Touch T. W., Pus. nranches. reicg cat. tree. urn. com. cot., if uoug. A. C. VAN SANT'B school, 717 N. Y. Life. BOTLES college, court reporter principal, n. i. Lire. K1V NEB tVuclness tk Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 100 MASIFACTTRISO. P. MELCU01R, Uth and Howard, ma- cbinisc 10 OMAHA 8a fe and Iron Wka. make a spe cialty of tire escapes, snutters, aoors ana sates. G. Audreen. Prop., 102 Bo. 10th St. 104 CABINET making, 116 80. Hth. Tel. L-2358. TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IRON-All work promptly done, satisfaction guaian teed. A. Monroe, 10U7 Davenport St. Phone 2011 M;44 JS PATENTS. II. I. COWGILL No feea unless success ful. 818 S. lath St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 246 PATENTS Sues Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., and Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. No fee if we fail. Illustrated hand book free. Only western firm having a Washington office. Patents sold. MH4! Jsnl THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EX.P. 'Phone 1717. 606 S. 16th. -Ill THE DEPOT on time. U M. E. TeL 780. 113 UPHOLSTERING. OMAHA Furniture Repair. Wka., ZXil Far. nam. Tel. 24M. Z4 Jan. PETERSEN & LUNDBURQ. 116 B. 17th. Tel. Lr-Z3oS. Ml J I CARLSON A CO.. 2121 Leavenworth. TeL isis. -3S J16 LIGHTNING RODS. OMAHA Lightning Rod Co., 1EU Webster Ht., manufacturers of and wholesale and re tall dealera in copper cable lightning rods 259 J-l LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17il -114 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detect. Ive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-iWl 8W J17 WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWGLRT- Repairing promptly done; satisfaction guaranteed. N. P. Frandsen, 704 N. 16th St. M345 JS PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines; send for catalogue. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago. - M636 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. All kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. 370 HATS RENOVATED. HATS dyed and blocked, latest style, Runiser & Kerr. 207 Is. 17th. Bend hats by mall. Mi J 11 SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. E. 11. ULLERY tc CO., IblX Howard it. MimS J 12 COAL AND FEED. J. B. HEATH, 23V9 Cuming St. Tol. B2869. --M'H J 19 BALE J IKS. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co.. 811 North 16th. -in COAL AND WOOD. HALD Tt RICE. 606 8. Uth Bt. Tel. 1238. 2S1 Jl FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanner. 1424 8. 11th. 100 HAIHDRKMNU AND MANICURING, - ADROIT Hair Bazaar. 1620 Douglaa St. 541 Jan7 BAKERY. THREE LOAVES horn mad bread for 10a at Boston Bakery. 420 North Uth street. 777 j 4 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobile. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. 107 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean ccaspoola and vaults, removea garbage and dead animals at reduced price, b.l N 16th. Tei. 1779 10. PAWNBROKERS. AAVtl-ic uiuta, .:u.u,L. aivuiiiiuuu.,. log, all business contldeiitluL Uul Douglas in c , ,. : STAMMEII1NG AND STUTTERING. CURED Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramg Bldg. 11 CANDY AND CIGARS. ALSO school supplies and laundry offlcs. Mr, c uumi, 3.u is. 24tn st. -Mt6 Jll MILK DEPOT. MRS. H. FILLEY. 1310 N. 21th St. MiilO Jn9 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. it. l'hlibln. loos Farnaui. 'Phone 744. 119 CUT RATES Member Am. Ticket Broker' Ass 11. W C. INorns. I4ut Farnam. 1'hon B 1113. -2S0 Jl GROCERIES AND PRO V ISION S. EGGS. 2uC PER DOZ. T. E Batterlon, grocer. 3-4 N. Uth SL GOLD AID aTLY-SH PLATING. OM PLATING CO. Bea bide. TeL 2S8S Hi MASSAGE. I FACIAL mXFSaxe. II. 0a 1711 Dodge. 4.13 Janl SHIRTS TO t'KDEH. OMAHA 8111RT FACTORY. MIC Farnam. -7 Jll OSTEOPATHY. Dr. Ormce Deegan. 638 Bee Bldg. Tel. Hi) OIP. B ALICE JOHNSON osteopath. Suit 616, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. lt 1 1 HIPI.HT At tOl ST AST. PRIVATE tensors In bookkeeping etc. O. R. Ralhbun Room 15, Cora l Nat. bank 1.1 SIGN PAIN UNO. SCHROEPF.F Sign Work. 2Ct 8 17th. W leo hlp signs. Writ us 874 J unci HAND LAUNDRY. FAMILY washing a specialty. 1818 N. 14th -Mr,5 J9 SIIOEM AKINO. 6HOE9 made for lama folks. J. T. Miller, M547 JS e is. l(th. ROB. W IK LUND, union shoe shop. 17th ana .mug. m.i Ml SIC. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 39 Fl'RNISIIED ROOMS AND BOA HI). MERR1AM, comfortable winter home. Tel Si F 9i3 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Tela. 1659-863. 9j EXPRE8SAIAN S Del. Ca TeL 1196-1145. M5 STOVE REPAIRING. NEBR. Stove Repair Co., 1603 Leav'nw'tb. Tel. 2894. M496 J31 DANCING SCHOOL. ATTEND Morand's school or Wed. assem biles and learn the latest waits fad of the eastern cities, the most graceful waits ever Introduced. Classes for beginners now forming. Adults, Tues. and Frl. ; children, Saturday afternoon. Private les sons. 'Phone 102. 847 JS LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN tt PRICE. 13 U. & X I Bit. Bid. , 101 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorney and collectors every where 108 NEB. COLLECTION CO., 808 N. Y. Life. M6&9 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more? Lambert, 826; superior to 1100 machines. Sent on approval. Monro A Co.. 811 N. :6th St., Omaha. a TAXIDERMIST. E. WALLACE, M 8. 11th at. -M77S CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. J. Plerson. 20th and Burt; Tel. L2831 180 J23 MASQUERADE COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. onus LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-Glass-Andreenen Hardware Company, Omaha, Neb., Deo. 13, 1902. No tice ia hereby given to the stockholders of the Iyee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware com pany that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the company will be held at the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney ttroeU, In the city ot Omaha, In the state ot .Nebraska, on Tuesday, Jan uary 13, A. D. 1903, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of direct ors for the company to serve during the ensuing yeae, and to transact such other buslneus aa may be presented at such meet ing, ti. j. L.t.m, president. w. m. ULAsa, secretary. D18 D30t POSTOFFICR NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as change may occur at any tlmo.) Foreign mall for the week ending Janu ary 3. 1903. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postoltlc a follows: Parcels post mails close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supple mentary malls for rjuroue and Central America via Colon close one hour later at foreign station). Transatlantic Mall. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT- I'll&f. 1i I ' O I.- V V W1VIIT nUTTVOLi BRITISH INDIA 'end LORENZO MAR QlJKZ, per a. a. La, Champagne, via Havre (mall for other part ot Europe must be directed ' per . . La Chain-Daa-ne"). fllTlluniV At 1 VI a ,n- TPITT.l Vn per . a. Baxonla, via Queenatown (mall lor otner parts 01 r.urope must oe at rected "per a. s. Baxonla"); at 6:30 a. m for EUROPE, per s. . Kroonland, via Southampton) .it 9:80 a. m. for BOOT LAND direct, per . a. Anchnria (mall must ba directed "per a. s. Anchorla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. Thl ateamer takea printed matter, commercial papera and samples tor Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other part of Europ will not be sent by thl ship un less specially directed by It. After the closing of the aupplomentary transatlantic maiia named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the pier of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of ailing of steamer. Malls for Sooth and Central America, West ladles, Etc. THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN 'BRAZIL, per a. a. Cearense, via Para and Manaoa. FRIDAY At 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS tnd SANTIAGO, per s. . Orizaba; at 12 m. tor MEXICO, ter a. . Seneca, via Tampico (mall must e directed "per s. s. Beneca"); at 12:30 p. m. for 1NAUUA and HAITI, per a. a. Lauenburg. SATURDAY At 4 a. m. for PERNAM- BUCO. bANTOb and SAO PAULO, per a. s. ueuaggio (man ror otner parts ot Brazil must be directed "per a. a. Bel lugglo"); at 8 a. ni. tor BERMUDA, per s. a. Trinidad; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. a. l'once; at 9 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 a. vn.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Zulla (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena mual be directed per s. . Zulla ); at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE IS- LAND, JAMAICA. BAVANILLA. CART AGENA and GREYTOWN. per ,' s. Va lencia (mall for costa itica must be dl reeled ' per . a. Valencia 1, at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. . Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. in. ior maiii. per a. a. J'rln Wm. Ill (mall for Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad. British and Dutch Outana must be directed "per a. s. Prlns Wm. IH"j; at 10 a. in. for okenaua and TKl.MDAU per a. a. Maraval; at 11:20 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per ateamer from Miami, Fla. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by ateamer, close at this office daljy at 6:30 p. m. (connecting cloae here every Monday. W ednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail tu Boston, and tnence by steamer, close at thia office dally at 6:30 p. in. Mall fur Cuba, by rail 10 Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, cloae at thl office dally, except I hursday, at "6.30 a. m (the connecting close are made on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays,. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unlea specially addressed ior ilispatcn by steamer, close at thla office dally except Bunduy at 1: p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Bundaya at 1 p. 1 and 11:30 p. m. Mall for Costa Ric Belize, Puerto Cortes and letter mall fur Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and th.'nce by steamer, clone at tbla onto dally, except hunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:0 p. m. Kronnecting closes here Mon days at 11:00 p. m. for Belize. Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at U:3o p. m. for Costa Rica) "Registered mall clusea at p. 111. pre vious day TraaspaclSe Mall. Mall for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close her dally at .w p. m. up to ieceniier Inclusive, for dlsiatch per s. . Coptic. Mali tor China and Japan, via Tacoma, POSTOFFICR NOTICE. close her dully at 80 p. in. up ary 2, Inclusive, for dispatch up to Janu- per . B. Glcnrgle. Mulls for Australia (except West Avis tmlla, which Is forwarded via Europe i. New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via Pan Francisco close here dally at 30 p. m. after December "1S and up to Janu ary J. inclusive for dispatch per a. s. Piuiomv Of the Ctinam steamer carrying the Hrltlsh mall for New Zealand dos not arrive In time td connect with this disauh. extra malls closing at I 80 a. m . 9:3" a. 111. hihI 6 .30 p. m.; Sundays at 4 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:80 P. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer;. Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Han Franclsco and FIJI Islands imnll must be specially addressed), via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. doeo here dally at 6 SO p. m. up to January 3, Inc lusive for dispatch per s. a. Mnann. Malls for Hawaii, Japan. China and Philip pine Islands via Pan Francisco, close here dally at 6. 30 p. m. up to January In clusive, for dispatch per a. a. America 'Marti. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, Vta San Francisco, close here dally at 80 p. m. up to January , Inclusive, for dis patch per s. b. Mariposa. Mails for China, and Japan, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to Janu ary 7, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. lyo Marti Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to January 12, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Alameda. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria B C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 20. Inclusive, for dispatch per r. a. Empress of Japan. Merchandise for U. S. postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada. Malls foi the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to January 27, Inclusive, for alspatch per U. S. transport. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of Bailing daily and the echrdule of clos ing la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 r. m. pre vious (lav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. rostotTlce, New York. N. Y ., Dec. 2. W2. DA1LWAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON STATION 10TH 4 MASON Darlington A Mlssoorl River. Leav. Arrive Wymore, Beatrice xnd Lincoln a 8:40 am hlllSBam Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:4R pm Denver Umlted a 4:26 pm a 6:4.1 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 1.10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled ' Flyer 1:1" pm Lincoln Fast Matl b 1:61 pro 1 1:17 tm Fort Crook and Platta- mouth b 1:20 pm btl :06 am Bellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 ara Bellevue At Pacific Jot. .a 1:00 am Kansas City, St. Joseph Jt Coaacll Blair. Kansas Cltv Day Ex.. .a :45 am a :05 pm St. IaiuIs Flyer a 8:10 pm all am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a :lt am Chirac',, llarllnartan A Qalney. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7 80 am Chicago Local a 9:80 am ali o) pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7.30 am Fast Mail 8:46 pro . - UNION STATION JOTH AND MARCY, Ualoa raclflc. Leave. ...a 9:40 am Arrive, a 7:60 pm a 1:26 pin Overland Limited... The Fast Mall California Express. ..a 4:20 pm ...all:0 pm Pacific r.xpres Eastern Exprcs ni. AtUnlln ExDi-es. a 1:8(1 pm a 7:80 am The Colorado Special... 7:10 am a 1:40 am Chicago Special a 1:40 am . r 5...IAA . n ' Rtrnmsbura Kirres. .b 4:00 pm bl2:60 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island coca, d e:su pm a . pm Chicago, Rack Island aj Paelfla. EAST. nMmmn Davllrht L't'd .a 8:00 am a l:4!f am Chicago Daylight Local 7:00 am 9:36 pm Chicago Express du:id am a b:ud pm ra Moines Express). ...a 4:80 pm bll.Wara Chicago Fast Express... 6:35 pm a 1:16 pra WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 1:60 pm a 4.65 am Lincoln, Colo. Spring. Denver, pueoio ana West . a 1:80 pra a t:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and ; Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm a 12:40 pm Chlcaarn iC Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a T:0 am Mall ....... lxical Sioux City.. Daylight St. Paul.. Daylight Chicago.. Local Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chlcngo Fast St. Paul Limited Chicago... Fast Mall Local Sioux City.., a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am ,,....a 6:10 am a 1:50 pm a 7.35 am al0:25 pm a 9:00 am all:20 pm , alO:5S am a 6:10 pm a 4: ml pm a 9:50 am a 6:50 pm a 4:06 pm a 7:66 pm a 9:15 am a 8:10 pm a 9:20 Bm a 1:40 pm b 4:00 pm O 9:60 am Wabash. St. Tiouls "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 pm ft 1:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluff a 1:16 am al0:80 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Mlnneaoolla St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 1:06 am Mli neapoll & Bt. Paul Express b 7:80 am bl0:28 pm Chicago Ex pros alO:86 pra Chicago, MllvtanUe at St, Paul. Chicago A Oman Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex A 6:00 pm a 7:60 am Missouri I'acllle. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a f:2t pm K. C. and Bt. L. Ex alOAO pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT 101 H at WEBSTER Fremont, Elkfcorn . MIoarl Valley. Leav. Arrive. Black Hills. Dead wood. Lead, Hot Spring a 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas ai:wpm :w pm Hsstlngs, York, i-avid City, Bupertor. ijeneva, Exeter and Seward.... k 1:00 Cm b 1:00 Cm Bonesleel, Lincoln. Nio brara and ri.moiit...o t:iw am oio:zs am Fremont Local q 7:30 am . Chleaao. St. Paal, MlnneapalU Omaba. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6 80 am a 1:10 pm Bleux City Passengei ...a 1:00 pm all. 80 am Oakland Local D :4 pm t.t am Mlasearl I'aelS. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO: am a Dally. 0 Dally except Sunday. d Dally except Saturday. a Dally except Monday, c Sunday only. STEAMSHIPS. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE Resumption of trios by the mammoth popular tw Hi-screw steamer Common wealth an New England, to the Medltep. ranean from Boston, direct to Gibraltar. Algler, Oeuoa, Naplea and Alexandria, k.Htl ".sew England " Jan. 17. Feb. 8S "Commonwealth". .Jan. 1, Feb. 14, March it 10 a lores, iapie ana uenoa. "Vancouver" Jan. 10. Feb. 21 "Cambroman" Jan. 81. March 14 1'roceed throuah to Alexandria on lh January and February voyage. aiso sailings uoston to Liverpool; port land. Me., to LIverDOoL For rata, bnnk- let, etc., apply to Local Agent or COM PAN raod ICE. 69 Dearborn Bt.. Chicago. ORIENT CRUISE S400 AND UP by specially chartered North Oerman Lloyd express o. a. naieerin, t00 tona, Feb. 7, sixty-five day; shore trips, hotels, guide, drive included, visiting Madeira, Granada, the Alhambra, Algtar. Malta, Athens, Con stantinople, Smyrna. 19 days In Palestine! and Egypt, Naples, Rome, Nice, eto. Ab olutely no overcrowding; only th mala dining room to tie used. West Indie Cruise Jan. 14, 1125 up; Norway-Ruaslo Cruise, July 2, 1276 up. FIANK C. CLAIK, III Brosdway, New York. RAYMOND WHITCOMB'S 19th annual tour OF OLD MEXICO will leave January 11, and a second tour visiting the MARD1 GRAS, also leave February 21. Entire trip la made In spe cial private vestlbuled train of finest PULLMANS. Private car tours to Cali fornia frequently during winter. Parties td CUBA, PORTO RICO, FLORIDA, WEST INDIA CRUISE January U, lei Annua, tour to Egypt and HOLY LAND January 81. Writ for booklet, aaentlanlug tour, lit Clark at., Chicago. iidl I