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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1902)
, TOE OMAITA PA1LT BEE; SUNDAY, DECEMTIETI 21, 1002. iThe Rig A JA. NX. AT BENNETT'S IS THE SENSATION OF THE HOUR. 1 s t V S ' ' V i Under the Bennett Roof there are Mountains of Merchandise An Eruption of Shattered Prices. For the Christmas Shopper who has Selection and Money Saving in Mind, this is the MOST STIRRING EVENT that ever happened in the Trading History of the West. OUR JEWELRY DEPT. The pride of the whole store WILL BE SOLD. Every Stick of FURNITURE MUST GO AT ONCE. Dry Goods THE RECEIVER SAYS "YOUR DRY GOODS MUST BE CUT IX TWO WITHIN TEN DAYS." STARTING MONDAY MORNING WE PUT THE KNIFE IN UP TO THE DILT, AND WE WILL SHOW THE PEOPLE OF OMAHA THE LIVELIEST TEN D YS' SELLING OF DRY GOODS THEY EVER DREAMED OF. At The Silk Counter . VIA a-w a a-- a. 35c R SILKS, 22 '11 for waists, ag black and 59c affetas, small 69c 1.19 1.45 25 pieces pretty Corded Taffeta Silks, all shades including black and cream, 75c quality, Receiver's Sale for. IMPORTED MOIRE VELOUR SILKS, 22 to 25 inches wide, very swell for waists, all the new shades including black and creams, values up to $2.50 yd., all go at, per yard 50 pieces black figured Swiss Taffetas, small and large designs, $1.25 values, at per yard 15 pieces 27-inch Oil Boiled Taffeta in black, the $2.00 qua4ity 10 pieces 24-inch black Peau de Soie, swell for a new silk dress, $2.75 quality, at per yard , Extra xpeclal In Black Silk OrenadlOet W. bar. few v.ry handsome dress pattern, left, all go . la thla aal. at on. -half price. At the Dress Goods Counter. 25 pieces fine black Dress Goods, all styles, all makes, values to 90c yard, at per yard 50-inch black English Cheviot $1.25 values, at' 40-inch French Satin Prunel las, the $1.10 quality, at per yard 100 pieces extra fine black Dress Goods in cloths, serges, cheviots, skirtings, etc., values to $2.00 a yard, all Oftr go in this sale at Colored Dress Goods Counter Beautiful English Velvet Corduroys, swell for smts and waists, the $1.00 quality, at per yard. 150 pieces fine imported cloths, 54 in. wxide, fine French etamines, pretty granites and crepe weaves, values in the big assort ment run to $1.50 per yard, all shades in stock, all go at, DQ per yard O Coronation an4 float e Carlo Suitings. About 25 short pieces of pretty Snow Flake Coronation and Monte Carlo suitings, full 52 inches wide, and very nobby lot of styles, regular $1.75 to $3.50 values, all go at, per yard. At The Lining Counter W. bav. kept three extra people cutting off lining the past week. We are selling them at price that defy com petition. AT BARQAIN CIRCLES Dresa floods Aisles. Piles of Cotton Dress Goods, worth to 15c yd., at per yd. Stacks of Wool Dress Goods, 10 r worth 25c yd., at 12-' 25 fine Black Dress Goods, 46 in. wide, worth 50c, 49c 75c 69c 55c 1.59 and 85c 3c Thousands of Goods left from good 3c 6c remnants of fine Dress the bis sale the past week that will be sold for 50 per cent less than first cost. Harney Street Bargain Circle Short lengths of outing flannels, heavy quality, all fast washable colors, worth to 10c yard. at... 82-inch Percales, fine close weave quality, all good colors and patterns, warranted to wash, worth 10c, at per yard 27-inch cretonnes for comforter coverings ana draperies, all bright, pretty pat terns, worth 10c yard, at per yard All our fine stock of large size comforters with French sateen coverings and finest white cotton filling, knotted and quilted, worth up to $4.50 2 47 TOWELS Bleached Turkish bath towels, made of the best absorbent long thread cotton, size 28x56 in., regular 40c grade, at each. . Bleached buck towels, colored borders, hemnied size 23x42, worth 15e each, at 72x90 bleached cotton sheets, good qual ity, free from starch or fill ing, worth 60c, at each.... Luster silks for drop skirts and linings, looks like taffeta and wears better, 25 inches wide, worth 50c yard, at Fancy stripe wool eiderdowns for bnth robes and children's coats, worth 50c yard, at Women's Ready to Wear Clothing RAIN PROOF CLOAKS Auto stylos, with capes, the rub ber cloth or the cravennctte cloth, a full line at little more than halt price. FURS. MVFFS, BOAS, COLLARETTES, SCARFS, all be Ing sold under manufacturer' cost. FUR CAPES. MINK CAPES, ASTRAKHAN CAFES, BEAVER CAPES. NEAR SEAL CAPES every garment new and this season's make we will sell them at your own price. SILK PETTICOATS dreams of loveliness. In glace and taffeta silk, prices cut almost In two. Women's Jackets. WOMEN'S MONTE CARLOS LONG CLOAKS LONG ULSTERS. Children's Jackets and Cloaks The most complete in Omaha, at prices broken into fragments. 50 cushion tops, worth $1.00, for, each Chiffon, silk and feather neck ruffs, at one-half price. Ladies' Golf Gloves, fancv and nlai n rnlnra worth 3oc, at per pair Ladies' and children's and boys' black wove mittens, worth 25e pair, at Ladies' silk umbrellas, worth $1.50, at 9Sc 50 doz. silk initial handkehfs, worth,..39c. Frilled silk side elastics, worth 50c, at..9Sc 200 Bound Garters, worth 33c, at 25c 23c 10c 3d qual- 45c 22c mth robes 27c 69c ruffs, at tin colors. 23c ck wove 15c OUR ENTIRE MILLINERY WILL BE SOLD. STOCK A Bombardment of Prices Pianos and Or ans To Be Sold at a Fraction of Their Value. wmmmr: J If it it mm if L i AM I. U 1 . ... ITS 1 &wMsii -ill ' Since the Receiver's sale was sprung upon us we have sold as many pianos and organs as all our competitors have done bunched together. We have made prices and terms never heard of before in the City's history of piano selling. The fact stands patent to everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear that no more impressive opportunity was ever brought about for securing strictly high grade, up-to-date pianos all fresh and new di rect from the factories, in all colors of wood and designs of cases, at prices so tragically low and on terms that are as easy "as rolling off a log." You -will find on our second floor in our Mammoth Music Department pianos that cannot be ex celled for quality of tone, action, workmanship or durability. We will hae between 85 and 90 that must be closed out by Jan. 1, regardless of factory cost. .' SOLD FOR CASH ON OUK EASY PAYMENT PLAN All these goods are new and se lected for our Christmas trade. No shopworn, repaired or taken back pianos included in this sale. COME AND SEE US. MONEY WE MUST NAVE WE WILL SAVE MONEY and organs taken in exchange at full value during this sale. EXAMINE OUK CHASE & BAKEK PIANO PLAYER BEFORE PURCHASING A PLAYER. FOR YOU Second-hand pianos OUR BARGAIN COUNTER BELOW $250 sample piano 124.00 $275 sample piano ; . . . .162.00 $300 sample piano 187.00 $325 sample piano 205.00 $350 sample piano 218.00 $375 sample piano 220.00 $400 sample piano 248.00 $150 sample piano 202.00 $500 sample piano 298.00 $550 sample piano 310.00 $600 sample piano 375.00 1 square piano 22.00 1 square piano 28.00 1 square piano 32.00 1 square piano ..48.00 1 square piano 45.00 " These squares have all been taken in dur ing this sale will be tuned, repaired and sold on our easy payment plan. Pianos shipped on approval anywhere within 300 miles of Omaha. ORGANS ORGANS 1 organ, good value 13.00 1 organ, high top 22.00 1 organ, fancy top, very fine 35.00 SPECIAL BARGAINS in musical merchandise ORGANS 1 $135.00 organ, new 50.00 1 $125.00 organ, new 60.00 All sold on our easy payment plan, and sheet music. Everything must cro. COME AND SEE US OR WRITE FOR PRICES AND TERMS ALL SOLI) ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. All inquiries by mail promptly answered. Catalogues, prices and terms furnished. You can buy a piano by letter with a little money and on as easy terms as you could were you here to select it yourself. B ennett's Good Clothing Receiver's Sale Bankrupt PricesEvery thing To Be Sold. $20.00 SUITS FOR $9.75 Cheviots, All Wool, Serges, Cassimere, Fancy Worsteds. ALL THIS SEASON'S. OVERCOATS Latest styles, newest effects, worth double $12 $3 AND AND $10 $4 13 A SNAP that will be remembered. Overcoats for Worth Three Titties The Amount. See our line of Holiday goods, Smoking Jackets, House Coats, Shirts. Mufflers, single box full Silk Suspend-rs, Reefers, Collars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps. We are sacrificing Brokaw Bros,' Hand Tailored Cloth. 7 MM 16 & HARNEY STS. E. E. HASTINGS, Receiver. ETT f n ing, the most perfect tailored clothing in the world. Everything To Go Curtains ALL TO OO AT ONCE. For thla (ale we mill divide our entire Lace Curtain .took into Ave lot. every Pir of curtain. In our .lock roe. Into this alo at lea. than cost. LOT NO. 1 White lace, muslin and net cur tains, all worth up to $1.35 f r pair, go at, per pair OC LOT NO. 2 Curtains usually sold at I J. 00 a pair. Includes white and Arabian, alao ruffled and plain not, while -4 they last, at l.O" LOT NO. 8 Thla lot will prove very Inter esting to any Judge of curtains all fine vleaves some Imported goods, always old at $4.00 and $5.00 AO to close out, at (40 LOT NO. 4 The kind of curtains you hav. always paid $6.00 to $8.00 per pair for One cable net Brussels, etc. yy E? to close, at 00 LOT NO. 5 All our best curtains which have sold as high as $10.00 A Q JJ a pair, go In this lot at Tl.OtJ Come Early and Get The Best Vaiuea, Oood brass Extension Rods, each Fancy Bllkollnes, per yard, at Fancy Rug Fringe, per yard Pillow Cord, per yard Table Oil Cloth, per yard Fancy figured Curtain Swiss, per yard The most complete assortment of Oriental Pillows ever shown, at, $2.15, $1.48 and Get our price, on Couch Cover., Table Cover, and Portiere. third floor. 9c , 8c ...7c 7c 15c 10c 98c 3c RECEIVER'S SALE OF Hardware OUR STOCK OF CHOICE CUTLERY Every blade tried and true and perfect a. a SbcSleldHall-Mark could demand must go. We are not taking profit. Into consid eration. We have to turn the goods into money. Every style and concentration, all kinds of handles, carving sets, plain and kingly, all t o go at chopped prices. Sterling Food Chopper, No. 1, regular price $1.00 receiver's sale, Ci A t o4c Kitchen Knife, regular price 6e receiver's price Soldering Bets, regular price jjj ioc rocelvar's price 5 o'clock tea., bras, and nickel plated, regular price, $2.40 1 " Q receiver', price I.OO Chafing dishes, nickel platod, regular price $3.25 receiver', price, Q Razor., over 100 dosen, all .lies, all guaranteed, regular price $3, receiver', price Razors, regular price $2.00 receiver', price Special line of razor., regular prloe $1.50 receiver', price . Razor .trop., regular price 24c receiver', price , Egg beater., regular price 9c "or Ivor's price lar $2.60 receiver's prlc. I.yO Wringer., up 4 An 1.08 Floor Polisher., 10-lb.., 12 lb., and 14 lb. regular $2.48 value re- 4 O A celver'a price Io4 Can opener., regular Cc value receiver', price jSiG 1.75 1.24 58c 10c 4c RECEIVER'S 5ALE OP Crockery Fine Cut Olaa. and Art Good., "Royal Boun," Doulton Tapllti, Cauldon and Moorish Va.e., at Ics. price, than they can be Imported, and must go at once. 10.00 7.50 .1.50 3.50 11.50 A $20.00 Moorish Vase, re ceiver", price A $15.00 Moorish Vase, receiver', price A $3.00 Royal Boun Vase receiver", price A $6.00 Cut Glass Berry Bowl, $-lnch size, full cut A $16.00 Cut Glasa Berry Bow) 10-inch (Ize, full cut.... A $60.00 Cut Olaa. Punch O CJ A A Bowl. 15-in. size, full cut.OOevfvl 100 piece. Havlland French China Dinner Bet with gold and .mall flower decora- r::. 25.00 Everything In thi. department i. marked what you can buy for 10c and 6c. Everything will go. Second Floor. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9. CHRISTMAS EVE TILL 10 O'CLOCK