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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1902)
TltTi OMAHA DAILY HKEi TIIUTSPAY, PECEMHEIt 4, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES i . . Arrllrnritc fo tkut ealama will t Itkri til 13 ta. for th rtmliif ealtlaa a a III V30 s. -fa aitrilii aa4 r eHIa. Rate, 1 l-2 a word Bret lBer4l, la a ward thereafter. KothlBa; take tar lea tha a Sfte for the aral tlaa. These adTartlseaaeate aaaat a raa eoaaeeatlvely. AdtrrlUrri, by reqnetlar a -here rkfrk, caa have aaawere ad tressed la a nantbrred letter la ear f Tba Wee. A ..war. .o addreeaad will a beck aaly. SITt'ATIOS WIMKII, WANT altuatlon for general housework In family of not more than live; wages re quired, $4 per wi-tk; tan give best of ref erences. Address P 9, Dee. A M-'z7 8 WANTF.D Position by experienced young lady stenographer; references. Address 1' 18. Bee. . A MJTt 4 A NO. 1 blackHmlth wants position in good country town. Addrees F 22, Bee. A-M-98 4 WASl'KD-M.UK HELP. HUSTLING deputies wanted: men or women: splendid contract. The Gurden- ere, 41i bee Bldg. B 2i& wiNTvn fnr IT. ft. rmv. able-bodied un- marrleu men between ages of 141 and ij, citizens of United Slates, of good char acter and temuerate haolts, who can ' aiieak. rend and write EiikIIhIi. For In formation apply to Recruiting -Otlicei, lth. and DuugH 8i., OmaUa, and pot otllce buUdiug, Lincoln, Neb. UU-U GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 'Hi S. Uth Bt. B M4ai WANTKD. machine shop apprentice and two shop boys. Apply 41 ei. Alain st. Council liluffs. u MiW WANTED, middle-aged man; good address; large acquaintance. City (Savings bun, ltilh, ajid Douglas. i--"IJI BEE what we have to offer men vj Kuril hurh, traAf vvHis saveo bv our method nf fre aorK. xoerl liiHtructlons; tools presented; wages ttalurduys; board pro vided: call or write. - Molet Barber Col lege, 1302 Douglua St. ii -Vi19 4 WANT ED Reliable man or woman experi enced In selling subscription books tor po sition as general held manager. D. R. Zlmmer St Co., suite- b3 New York Lite Bldg., Omaha. Neb. B MU1 Utt WANTED, a small Job of plastering dona Immediately. Inquire at uo7 N. i'. Life 1 Bldg. . .v ; B214 3 WANTED, chorister for First Presbyterian church, also base and tenor soloists. jp- - , . . .1 1 I . - ... k. . I J ....... II I . piy r. II. "iitii'i Ava.-.n WANTED, party to furnish and put on storm windows on houBe. Address P la. Bee office. B 3oo K WANTED, good boy with a bicycle for de livery And to muke himself generally use ful, fichiieferg Cut -Price Drug Store, 18th gnd Chicago, . . . B 00 a ARM vfu dissatisfied With your work? Our fr- imniciet "ra Your Hands Tied?' tells how we have qualified thousand in pare time for salaried positions In more ronuenlal and orotitable lines of work; write : International Correspondence rit hools,- Box ltiUa, Scranton, Pa., or call day or evening, Omaha otlice, WJPaxton 1.1 i. M-iiu; :t - UIULK. . WANTED,1 tailor and presser at the Panto rlum. B23 4 WANTED Laborers for steam shovel work and drivers for scraper worn., nan uran-ina- and Construction Co., Council Bluffs. . . , . B M302, 10' WANTKD. 2 edod hustlers. Open until 8 p. m. Western Art Co., 1714 Nicholas st. NEW SYLLABIC SYSTEM SHORTHAND; learned In one-fourth time required for the old system, and oiie-tniru me pi ice. hlro Corresuondence School. V A. Watta, 1008 Jackson St., Omaha. B M-88 4 DISTRICT rnanas-er In each district at sal ary of lb.00 per weea anu expunaes, po uhi. wwUlv to renresent lame manutuc- natniiilnhmejit known to every bank In the United SlaUa; a man of good habits and energy required; experience not neces sary. Apply, slating age and qualifica tions, to Manager. Dept. E-2, 1". O. IUix 824. Philadelphia, Pa. . B M2!M 4 SALESMEN .WAMTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type- writers. Monroe Co., 811 N. Omaha. -4M ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & podge. w ai WANTED. BwedlBh or German girl for general nousewoia; email lamuj , luirn wage Call at L.6 1-0 D. tliui au. -auv WANTED,- a good glri. for general house work. Apply 314 foppieiou Ave. C 458 WANTED Girl to do general housework In family of .three; good wage. Mrs. Slmeral. 976 N. 28th ave. C M4il WANTED, a, refined young girl to do sec ond work n small family; good wage paid. Call at 2u.t Dodge street between 1 and 6 D. ni. 1 c bos GIRL for general housework. L 2211 Ulnney C M244 4 WANTED, girl 15 or 18 year old,, to take m .T - - iiof 3 rbpW care 01, uaoy. p. 4, WANTED, an experienced second girl. Mr. Marsh. 804 pine at. ji.n LADY to do compiling. 16, Patterson bldg. Call Monday, room C M270 6 GIRL for general housework; good wage. Apply at once, saw roppieioo. C M27S o 1 . HELP WANTED. CANVASSER Man or woman, to conduct a roagaaiue route; a chance to work up a monthly Income renuiarly; anyone now canvassing will Anu till c protuaole side Una. Adores at once v. ircuiauuii ijepuri innt, W oniau a Home Coiiipunloii, hpi ing- tleld. Ohio. sa-M - WANTED Copyer at home; 310 weekly, either sex. bend stamped envelope ior paillculai. Dipt. B, Box 68, Muileu, Noo. .,1 1 , FOR RENT HOISK9. TO MOVE light get Omaha Van Storag Co.; office, uaf, rarnam. or leis. ijus-kj. i- too UfM IQPQ 1 U part ot city, Th O. nUUOLJ F. Da v ia Co.. N Bee iildg. U JA MAC1UARD Van &. Storag Co. ,i. ,itg. D tu I-ROOM modern, near High school, 827.60. 8 room housa, torn and Charles, tJu.uO. iuq. Cap. Ave. Tel.- ii3. RaPlson. . U 481 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. for cholc bouae. ui-l n. x. x-Jt uiug. Tel. Ivl6 1 D461 houses, o. a. Wallace. Brown Block. D (63 FOR HErvr, one r-room nouBe. with gas. water ,nd aewer; Ju.t been placed la nrst-ciaas repair: in gooa location. C. M. Bachuiajia, tM-n raatou bioua. D l.y . -, -. v FOR RENT, forty acre In th city Imllts of South Omaha; small ho line, excellsnt place for feed lard. Th Omaha Really company, imi uougia bl., upstairs. . . D K8 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk 7-ROOM modern housa, 8317 Charlea. Tele phone A-A10S. D 163 FOR RENT. 9-room house, lust newlv pupored and repaired,, all modern except iurrace, o m. anu fotpieion Ave., lib. Two 9-riim houses, Jih od California St., an mouem, cuy waier auu sewer. Oo 4-1 00m iwum, t'.xh and Cuming St., cuy waier, iu. C M. BACHMANN. 43-37 Paxton Blk. D 5J A FINE 4-room house. 3214 Charlea Rr IV The Omaha, tteait Co., Uul Douglas, up s lairs. D-JlJ FOR HKST HOISES. 'EAR lfith and Howard Sts., 12-room flat In tlrM-class condition two modorn hath rnonn, new pliimhtn ; I. mi p r month. GEORGE ANU COMPANY, Itiul Farnam St D 826 D14 MODKRN, 8-room house, furtilhed, r1oe In, on tar line In Council Bluffs; owner would boarl with family. Address M, Bee office, Council Bluffs. D 'l 8-ROOM brick, furnace, gas, laundry. MOl Capitol ave. " D MM 8 FOR RENT, n brand new modern 8-rnom hiuHH. nil finish, new furnace (can burn either soft or hard coal), cement laundry roiini. line norce In n bath. is. r. corner 27th and Woolwnrth sts. Look at this and ou'll rent it. D M24i 24TH AND K STB., South Omaha. 3 nice S- rofim cottages: rental. !. per monm. William K. Putter, receiver, ;j"wn blOCK. IS Alt MODKRN 7-room house, near park. ti. Zth. 2741 8. 13TH 8T., 6-room cottage, city water. renta 810. William iv.. hotter, rcmirr, 3o3 Brown block. D-M9 gjfj 9-room modern hous. 422 N. 39th St. j(kS-room modern house and barn, 24i B. tit H Uf tat likroom modern house and barn, 2210 Foppleton Ave. $15 9-room modern house, 4ol9 Dodge Bt. 113g-room modern bouse, 4624 Farpam St. U0 5-room hoUHe, city water. 920 N. ISth Bt. T ,-v vi i i ivv rn 'Mia u HTM ST. FOR RKMT URMSHKD ROOMS. DEWJiY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. fl PER WEEK 422 9. ISth St., Olle block south of court nuuae. l- iw AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge. ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th & Chicago. ROOMS for light housekeeping. l3Vi Hnw- ara. muji L. M. E. hauls trunk. Ttlepbone 780. Jt Mu0 THE FARNAM 19th and Farnam streeu. to MSI STEAM HEATED room, 810 per mon.h. Barker Hotel, 13th and Jones Bts. t ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 80. litn street. FRONT room, modern. 82 per week. 1717 W ebster. Br ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new modern home; hot water heat; reference. Webster. i,-mim FOR RENT. In quiet private family, two nicely furnished room; would not object to giving board to right parties. Address P 13, Bee. K M 1 4' AN ELEGANTLY furnished front room, steam heat and liath. 203 H. 24tn bt Or M NEW modern house, furnac heat, tele- phone service. 210 N. 23d St. E 2S2 4 FIRMIUKD ROOMS AND BOARD. MEHR1AM, comfortable winter home. Tel K L.TTDItJtatlirn 1 1 Vl ni Wltrinilt hAaril.' . UW1..0, " -v . v. . rates reasonable. .JUdianu HQiei, lbia ana Chicago. - 4( PRIVATE family. 808 B. Z6th ave. F Ml$ FOR RENT, nicely furnished rooms, with. board; room single or enuue; moaern. Including telephone; convenient to cur line: also within walking distance; terms reasonable. Apply 2406 Cas St. Tel. AZuJ. FOR HENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT. tora In first-claaa 'ocation; rent reasonable. Apply H. c. jreier et Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RUNT, tba bulldlna formerly occu pied by Tha Bee at 9iu Farnam fct. it nas tour stories anu a uasemeni wnicn was formerly used a The Bee press room. This will la rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office to C. C. Hose- water, secretary, room 100, Be building. Jil CENTRAL, rrocery. drua. meat market. with llxlures: also Une laundry, wun steam beat and power, lizard, 220 N. 2JO. STORE ROOM. 1615 Hdward St., In good repair, with light basement, o0.oo ptr monin. GEORGE &. COMPANY., Idol Farnam Bt 1 5i4 un OFFICES In the Bee building, 310.00 per month up. Rental price inciuuep neat. light and Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agenda, Ground floor. Bee mug. x -iff A CiENTS W ANTED. WANTED, canvaaalng ' agent ' lit -i every county to solicit subscriptions to viiLi TWENTIETH CBMTURY FARMER, Steady eniDloyment. with assured good In. come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make easily ioO to 3100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana. ili 1.000 AGENTS wanted to sell desirable old- Una Insurance for the largest company In the world of Irs age; no special con tract faklra or leg puller need apply. We sell the best contract ever written; good territory and commissions given to aood. reliable- men. Call on or write to George J. Crane, Superintendent Western Department, 319 f irst . NatT Bank Bldg., AJmana. neo. j M123 djo AGENTS to sell Texas OH and Mining Co.' iock; nrst-ciass investment; good com missions; liberal contract. Texas Oil and Mining Co.. Box 92.- Lawton. Okl. -M789 4 AGENTS WANTED Man of good addres wanted to call on lawyer of Omaha; very profitable position for competent man. zaegier, jnonon tuag., cnicago, 111. J 4 WANTED TO RENT. WANTKD. to rent, furnished room for two gentlemen, within walking distance: stale price. -Anaress r iw, nee. K M230 8 WANTED, to rent, furnished house for w inter, I to I room. Addres P 14, Be omce. iv M233 tr WANTED, to buy id-hand piano; must be in goou condition ana reasonable. Ad dress P 10. Bee. K M234 8 MAN- and wife, no children, desire room and board in family where there are not too many boarders. Address P 12, Bee. K M223 i WANTED, to buy horse for delivery wagon; must be serviceably sound and geiitie. AO areas r 1. nee. k. nzui 4- YOUNO lady would Ilk room and board In family where can nave use or piano about three evening a weea.. Addres ys, nca, K M.'JO e WANTED TO BIT. WANTED, io buy, a second-hand buggy lo good condition. Aaurea r , uee omce. , . M Milt 4 WANTED,' to buy, a good piano; price must be reasonable. Aauress r 77, He ofhee. N M23u 5 WANTED, to buy, good Id-hand buggy for casn; price must d, rignt, Aaarw t-11, Hee. Pi-iliC - FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. CH'CAOO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. ViX New and secondhand, bought, sold. eyritPne.i l ) t,i r OK 8AI.K- MOIOFS. WAGONS, ETC. NEW and secondhand vehicle for ! cheap. H. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P 472 GOOD family horse. 1318 Farnam. P M773 D35 FOR A1 K-XIJOUi.AM.OU, NEW and 3d-haud typewriter. 1119 Fainain v- FOR HALE, phonograph, superior to othes musical instrument , to up. 1 tie I Wlttmann 1 ann Co., lwlf Farnam. Q 474 - I INDIAN good and relic. 1118 Farnam. I t-47l Bee Want Ads Pay Best Because They Reach Twice As Many Readers FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 9ul Douglas. W Mil 2DHAND aafe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. Q PIANO for sal or trade; want horse and buggy, u zi, net. y Mit uu 78 LADIES and gents' watches, 130 dia monds, left In pawn, good as new, selling at half price. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 uougias. v-niu v.a BUT or sell pool tables. Kern, 321 8. 12th. Q 499 D-18 BARN for tale. Inquire 1914 No. 24th St. ti Ml 57 CHRISTMAS perfumes. Write for catalog. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., umana. 14 MSZl Di SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a large stoca 01 cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, elc. The Hrunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-9 So. 10th. Q-218 30 UPRIGHT Hamilton Piano, good at new. 203 8. 24tn. VI a Ml'BT sell my Smith Premier typewriter No. 2 at once; leaving city; nrsi reasona ble offer accepted. Addresa P 19. Bee. V iv WALL map of Nebraska; all about crops. prices 01 iana, ecu., vy i-vmiiirn. .i,no tlan s Land Agency, York, Neb., only 4 cents. W MJ9 4 CLAIRVOYAJIT9. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass St. a -kxi MME. GYLMER, genuine palmlBt, 815 8. 15. ELECTRIC THE ATM EXT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, id floor, R. J. T 839 D5 MISS DUVAL, manicuring. 1615 Howard, T Mil li flat A. MME. AMES, tapor bath, 124 N. 15th, R. I. 1 MJiii GRACE O' BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 33th. X va vu PERSONAL.. DR. ROY, chlropodlat; com and superflu ous hair removed ny electricity. 14, Frenzer block. u ol VIAVI. Woman Way to Health. Home treatment. Booklet tree, it ciug., Omaha. Uf-483 GRAMOPHONES and jpplles, wholesale and retail. Collin Piano Co., ikz jjougias. U 150 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain; no detention from business, oena ior Dooaiei, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO., D33 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. U 485 DR. B. M. JACKSON, specialist In chronlo dis;ase. 1506 i- arnam bi wraunairon free. U-843 ELITE PARLORS. 615 S. 16th St., 2d floor. U ( LtU 1 - i- ,. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded ana - aaopieq. 1 Mr. Qardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Rd-lte4 TELEPHONE for L. It. E. messengers. U M851 WE RENT aewlng machine at 75c per weea. we repair ana sen pan ior any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO,, Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone B-618. 613 North 24tn Bt., no. umana. rnone 4.kk. m mo HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graphs and victor taming macnines ana records." Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. U M44 6 THE girl who had an appointment with tall, dark compiexloned man at east door of P. O. Saturday at 3 p. m. can learn particulars by addressing Richard Man ning, general delivery Omaha. U-M319 5 SOCIALIST headquarter, 619 N. 16th et. Literature 01 an Kinas, treating on an subject. U 262 Janl - FREE, a bottle of choice wine. Corkscrew and UOld-KOgea wnisgy glass wun every order of Frlmo Rye, at 83.10 a gallon. Charges prepaid. Meyer Klein, wholesale liquor dealer, Omaha. U 261 PRIVATE hospital for ladles befor and during confinement; Da Pies aaoptea.. 2iV2 S. 18th t. Mr. Finher. Tel. F-3213. U M238 32 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during rontinemeni. ur. ana jars, ueriscn, 3625 California St. U 278 8 LIVE 100. years. Read "What to Eeat." newsdealer. 10c, or fierce fuo. to., cni cago. U-M299 4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4 PER CENT on business property. I per cent on residence property. Option to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLK, ul S. 15TH St. W 489 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real state. Brennan-Lova Co., aw a. uin. W 190 4 TO S P. C. money. Bemis, Paxton Blk. W-491 FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas, First jsat. nana ciug. Tel. W (92 FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, W 493 WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 495 WANTED, city and farm loan; also bonds ana warrant, it. c. Peters Co., 1702 Farnam bt., tie Bldg. W 456 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Dougla. W 494 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow give u a trial, after which we will, by fair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. loan irom 1111 up on fur niture, piano, live stock, etc W also mak loan 10 SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. W do not deduct Interest In advance; we charge nothing tor making or nung paper and our service Is qulca and couhdenilal. V always try to please our patrons. OMV11A MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2298, tlkslabllshed lssi.) v South 16th Bt. X 4tf It If 1 8 3 3 1 8 8 3 f 11811331 3181 It III ' DO YOU NEED MONEY? i ' MONEY TO LOAN 1 ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. tlO to IcuO loaned 011 FLRN1TCRE, PIANOS. ETC.. and to salaried dvodI at very lowest rate and for any length t of time, wltnoul publicity or removing 3 th property. Payment can b tuuue t to suit your convenience. Call and get our term befor going ! lewber. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. Room 8o, jlhird Floor, Paxlun Block. ttlttttlttttttf tltttttlt tttttt A UU MONEY loaned oa plain net to salaried people: business conndentlai; lowest rat, 81 raston Bivcx. tu j. a. iiutton Co. X 11 HOEV TO I.OA CTIATTEL9. " BORROW MONEY WHERE you can get It 011 Fl RNITURE, PIANOS, HOilBES, WAGONS, COW B, ETC.; also 011 SALARIES. WHERE you tet It on short notice and without publicity. WHERE you pay lor only the time money Is lu UM. WHERE you can return It on easy weekly or monthly paymtnis. WHERE you get tnc lowest rate. WHERE can you do betturf PHOENIX CHED1T CO.. 833 Faxloo Bin. loth and Farnam Sts. X-wi LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding nouses, etc., wunout se curity; easiest terms; 40 otlice in prin cipal cities. Tolnian, 440 Board of Trad Biug. X-4an MONEY loaned on furniture, live tock, jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., Sue. to Duff Green, k Barker block. X Ji MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C F. Reed, 319 S.13, X-608 BI SI1M2SS CHAME9, WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Lite. Y M505 WANT to buy, sell or trade a business? Go eve Wilson, Warnes tk. Co., 417 to 419 Paxton block. Y-93J TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Kuom 411, McCague building. Y-604 PERFUMES 2,000 kinds. Catalogue. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Y MW2 D2S IF YOU want to get In or out of business or buy or sell properly communicate with Northwestern Clearing Company, First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y-M178 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; It you desire a quick' sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Y-M129 D31 HAVE 32.000 cash would like to invest in business where my business ability will And employment and good prortt. Ad dress, giving particulars, P 16, Bee otlice. Y 2oo 7 MUST be sold on account of sickness, good oaylng feed and coal business; No. 1 lo cation. Inquire at 2450 S.20th St. Y 258 4 WANTED to buy, hardware stock; must be cheap; good location In Nebraska. Ad dress P 20, Omaha, Bee, Y 2M FOR SALE, $150 circulating library, clear ing 336 a week. Address P 23, Bee. Y M290 6 WANTED 85,000 to help obtain controlling Interest In oil company; large holdings of land, own drilling rig and now drilling in proven territory; this will bear Investiga tion. R, car Carrier 2, Boulder, Colo. ' Y M207 6 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1 RANCH and farm-land, for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company, a. A. McAJlester,- land cooimtasiuiier. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. w t.. a . . RE 603 W. C. CHISSELL Cor BARGAINS In state. 101a Jones Bt. - pnone iru. -r - KE M3j4 Dl HOUSES and lot In all parts ot city; a. so acre property and arm lands, ine u. t. Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Bldg. KB 510 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. for cholc bargain. 601 N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. loitk. RE 5os WILLIAMSON FarAnE.?reeEL" BE 509 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell tho farmers and stockialsers about It. Th best way to reach them 1 through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goe to 40.000 Home ol larmers and siockralsers, so 1: you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The cost of an ad l small 3 cents per word. ' THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE 604 TAKE A GOVERNMENT TIMBER CLAIM now, a they ar getting scarce; good yel low pine timber claim running from 2,0u0,0o0 to 3,000,000 feet per quarter section. Have inspecteu same ana win take a number of people from here, arriving at the timber on December 9. 1902. ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS WILL BE SOLD. Government price, 32.50 per acre. For further information as to des tination and rates call upon or write to E. L. Lomax, uenerai rassenger-Agt U. P. R. R , or Geo. M. Reed, Grangev'llle, Idaho, formerly of th firm of R. C. Peter & Co. RE-128 HARRISON A MORTON. FARMS. RE-28 D17. KELSEY'S wall paper, 17th and Dougla. rnune inua. ntaHii HASCALL HALL Large two-story building, 160x00 feet, 1923- ii o. i nn street, i ins Duiuinz is su it- able for manufacturing or warehouse purposes. Substantially built Cost 140,000. Will sell with ground 120 feet square at a very low ngure. 83.000 Two-story frame store bulldlnr. with flat above; 1020 Dougla St.; lot 22x 81,200 Two frame cottage. 2813 and 281S N 16th ave.; lot 44xS8. The Omaha Realty Company 1301 Douglas Street (Upstairs). RE-M815 MOORE'S SUBDIVISION. Beautiful east front lots, 27th Ave., be tween Lake and Grant, high, sightly, car line, city water, aas. sewer, eood neigh borhood. To sell quickly I offer these One . 40 FOOT LOTS FOR 300. On easy payments. Nothing so cheap or so goon in mat part or me city. START A HOME, MAKE AN INVESTMENT. BUY A CHRISTMAS GIFT. Save your money by buying one of these choice lots. Bure to be worth GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE 2i2 Tukev & Son OF THE house on Michigan ave. and 24th St., advertised a few days ago, we have only two left, and as an Investment for some man who ha about 32.0 these two f properties are somewhat Inviting. Build nga are In fair shape, each ha 3 rooms; large tree in front, lot fronting south and close to the business center of town. We will divide them If desired, selling the N. E. corner of 24th and Michigan fur i.y, ana tne nouse east or it for 31,350. Come in and talk to u about them. A. B. TUKKY & BON. 444-446 Board ot Trade. 'Phone: Office 2181; residence, F-2G40. RE M2S9 6 COAL An!) WOOD, HALD ft RICE, 608 S. 16th St. Tel. 1288. -281 J 3 LAW AM) t OLLECTIOMS. 6T1LLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. S. N 1 Bk. Bid. Hoi NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 401-403 N. T. Life bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 433 NEB COLLECTION CO., 06 N. Y.. Life. 2 J2 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. nREim R. H.. Touch T. V.. Bus. Branches. Teleg. Cat. tree. Om. com. col., 11 t uoug. 01- A. C. VAN BANT S chool. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. N. Y. Life. -61 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd a Theater. oi PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unles success ful, ns S. loth at., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 24 PATENTS Sue & Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., and Equitable Bldg. Washington,' D. C. No fee If we fall. Illustrated hand book tree. Only western tlrm having Washington olllce. Patent sold. MM2 Janl MANIFACTTRIXG. P. MKLCHOIR. 13th chluiet and Howard, ma 51l OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of lire escape, shutters, 0001 and sates, u. Anareen, 1 rop., iu do. iuui ai. VII CABINET making, 112 S. 17th. Tel. L23B8. M301 J 3 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detective, U7 Karbach block. Telephone a-w. 43K-D-16 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., Clean craspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animal at reduced prices. oJl N 16th Tel. 1779. 818 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ol Dougla. 4l TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 S. 16th. Da THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. M 849 RALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. MB TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. tx. Philbin, xaoo carnam. i-none in. . - 922 CUT RATE member Am. Ticket Broker Ass n. W. C. Norris, 140 f arnam bt, 2ai J2 OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath, Suite 61a. N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. 1004. --S1S Mrs. Grace Deegan, 633 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2968. mi MEDICAL. LADIES' Chichester' English Pennyroyal .riua are tne best; sate; rename, lane no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies" In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. EXPERT ACCOIXTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. R. Rathbun, Room 15. Com I Nat. bank. IXDIAN BASKETRY. INDIAN BASKETRY easily learned by anyone; a popular and lucrative pastime; full line nf supplies and books teaching work. STEWART'S. 119 N. 16th; send for samples. M240 Jl LIGHTNIXG RODS.' OMAHA Lightning Rod Co.. 1512 Webster St., manufacturers of and wholesale and re- tall deulers In copper cable lightning rods. 2o9 J-l LOST. LOST Gold-bcund spectacle between Bee biug. and 1 lie f arnam, Monday eve.; re turn to Diamond C premium store and get reward. ' Lost M278 4' STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 1&11H Farn. Tel. 1653-883. VANS and baggage wagon. Tel. 1198. -314 CARPENTERS AMD JOI.IKRS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J.- T. Ochiltree, 20th and l.aKo streets. . TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more? Lambert, 326; superior to tiou macnines. cent on approval. Monroe A Co.. 811 N. lfith Ht.. Omaha HORSE BLAHKETS. HARNESS, saddle, suit case and vallae. cornisn, f arnam t. Tel. 2314 -173 D2 ACCORDIOX PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co., Room 200, Doug las nmrj. 74 BAKERY. THREE LOAVES home made bread for 10o at Boston ftaaery, 120 xsortn lfith street. 277 J-2 GROCEHIES AMD PROVISIONS. EGGS. IOC PER DOZ. T. ft E. Batterton, grocers, 824 N. 18th St MASOIERADH COSTUMES. THEO. L1EBEN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. M4H4 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rarage Bldg. . -- TAILORING. LADIES' JACK ET8 made, altered and re modeled. Joe Youaeu, 1411 Farnam St. M930 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. THOS DURKIN, electric light wiling. Tel. 2448. -834) D WB SOLD 2."i0fioo shnrex of stocks last month; we Incorporate vntir business. The Myne V P. Parker Company, 31 Hnorse Blilg., Philadelphia. M-"'. 4 AlTOtlOIIII.P.S. ELEC. automobile. Delight. UK FarnsM. S.IJ I.AI MH1Y. OMAHA Bteanl t sundry; ehlrts, sc: collars. 2c; cuffs. 4c. I'M Leavenworth. Tel. A-173. 9.14 FIR IlltKSSlMi. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 124 8. 13th. m; J. E. WALLACE. 60S 8. 13th St. M775 GOLD AMI SILVER IM.ATlXi. OM. PLATING CO.. Be bldg. Tel. 25X3. 257 IPHOL8TF.HIMJ. OMAHA Furniture Repair. W'ka., 2201 Far- nam. Tel. 2IS1. 9 jam FI.OItlSTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender- on,. Tel. 1258, 1519 Farnam St., umana. If-H roSTOKHtK KOt lt'IS. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as chanve may occur at any timc.i Foreign mail for the weeK emiing De cember 8, lift., will clone (.PROMPTLY In all casej) at the aeiit rai poKtoiucu us fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close on hour earlier than closing tlmu shown be low. Parcels post niallo tor Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday, per s. a. Kaiser w illlam der urosse; trioay, per s. . t-cnnsyivauia. Regular aril supplementary malls close at foreign station halt hour later than clos ing tlmv shown Dolow texccpi tnat supple mentary mans ior curope anu t-rntrai America, via Colcn, close one hour later at foreign manor). .- Transatlantic Malls. THURSDAY At 1 . rn. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR- VOL'EZ, per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre tniaii ior otner pane 01 Europe mast be directed "per s. s. La Cham nairne"!. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Wueenstown; at a. 111. ror ha ,1 (lireci. per s. m. x.nnn tmall must be directed "per a. s. Lahn"); at 7:30 a., m. for NETHERLANDS direct tier s. s. Ryndam tmall must be directed "per s. Ryndam '); at 8 a. m. for BEL nil'M dlrectl ner s. s. Zeeland (mall must be directed "ptr . 8. ZeCland"); at 8:30 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per . H Furnessia (mall muut be directed 'per . . Furnessia ); at 11 a. m. for DEN MARK direct, per . s. Norge (mail must be directed "per . . .orge ). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer take t,r nted matter, commercial papers a nd. sample for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other part of Europe will not be sent b tn:s ship un less , eclullt 1 directed Dr it. After tho closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails, named above, auuw 'tional supplementary malls ers opened on tna piers 01 inn nineiicnii. ciik.ibh, French and German steamers, am' remain open until within ten minute ot the hour '.1 sailing of steamer. Mall for Sonth and Centrnl America, -U'rst Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPA8, per s. a. Vlgilancla (mall for other part of Mexico must be uirecteu per o. . Vlgilancla j; at u m. tauppie- menta 12:30 v. m.) for BAHAMAS, GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per 8. . Orlxaba. . FRIDAY At 8 a. m: for BRAZIL, per . Tennyson, via miiumDuco, uania, io Janeiro and Sanson (mall tor Northern l.raxll, Algentititi Uruguay and Paraguay directed Vner s. s. Tennyson"): at 10 a. m. for ,ST. MARC, PETIT GOAVE, PORT AU. PRINCE, AUX- CA YES and J ACM EL. Per B. s. Prlns Wil lem II (mail for other parts of Halt! Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per . s. Prin Wlllem II "): at 12 m. for MEXICO ner s. s. Seneca, via Tamplco (mull must be directed . "per e. a. Seneca"); at 12:30 d. m. foi INAt.UA and llAiii, per s. . iauenburg; at 12:a p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m,) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH and KHENClf ill; IAN A. ner 8. s. Fonta belle (mall for Grenuda and Trinidad must be directed "ner s. . Fontabelle 8ATURDA Y At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per s. s. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for fOKlo RICO. Der s. s. Ponce: at 9 a. m. (supple mentarv 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO end VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zullu (mail for Savanllia aitcl Cttrtaguna must be directed "per s. 8, Zulla' ); at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:3 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVAN1LLA, CAR TAGENA and GUEYTOWN, per a. s. Valencia (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. . .Valencia")! at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per . . Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINI DAD, per s. a. Maracas; at 2 p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY per a.. Soldier Prince. Mall for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, ana nence Dy steamer, close at this office dally at 8:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malla fqr Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this olllca dally at 6:3o p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail lo Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by teamer. close at this office dally, except Thursday, at "6:30 a. m. (the connecting dotes are made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dOpatch by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1.80 p. m and 11:J0 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Bell?. Puerto Corte and letter mall for Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thence by s.eamtr, cIopc at thla office daily, except Sunday, at 1;30 D. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sunday at 1 0. m. and 11;30 p. m. (connecting closes here Monday at 11:30 p. m. for Hellse, Puerto Cortex and letter mall for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa Ricat. Registered mall close at t p. m. previous day. . TraaspaelBo Malta. Mall for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 8:30 p. m. up to December 1, Inclusive, tor dispatch per a. s. Zea lundia. Malls tor Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, -via ban riancisco, close here daily at 8:30 p. m. up to December "1, Inclusive, for dlsnatch -oer a. a. Marinoaa. Mail for China -and Japan, via Tacoma, close nere aauy at :jo p. m. ip to le cember 2, Inclusive, for dispatch per ,s. s. Olympla. Mall for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goe via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fill islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at :3o p. m. after November 22 and up to December 8, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aoranal. Malls fur Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine jsiatias, vut umn- Francisco, close her dally at 8:80 p. m. up to December Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Dorlo. Mall for Australia (except West Australia. . k. I V, tm . . . .. T. ...... , S . w.iurw via 1. ui u 1 1 r ; pm, Zea land. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, clos here dally at (:30 p. m. after December "4 and up to December 13, Inclusive, for dispatch per . a. si erra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall fur New Zealand doe not arrive In lime to connett with this dispatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 8:30 a. m. and (:3n p. ra. ; Sunday at . 4 30 a. m 9 a. m. and 8:3o p. m. will b made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) Mall for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pin Islands, via Han Francisco riot her dally at 8:30 p. m. up to December 11, inclusive, ior qispaicQ per a. s. Nip- Mall for China and Japan, via Vancouver anu victoria, if. c, close her daily at 8:3o p. m. uu to December 23. Inclusive for dispatch per s.T.. Empress of India iregwierea man must tie specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U. 8 Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San rrancisco. Close bete aauy at 8:30 p. m. up to December 27, Incuslve, for dis patch per U. to. Transport. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port ot sailing dally and th schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland tranrlt. Regis tered mall closes at 8 p. ni. previous day. CORNELll's VAN COTT, Postmaster Postome. New York, N. Y., November 28. 1902. 1 tu. w i time t Ann. I'MM STATION UTI AMI Mtlll I, (.hlraao, nock Inland A rarlfla. EAST Leave. Arrive Chicago Dnyllcht f1'd..a 5 ' am a H d sir ChlenKo Dsvlight Local. a 7:" am a 9 35 ptr. Chl'.-aKo h.xpiess Iill linin a 5:'ni ptn les Moines Kxpresa. .. .a ::' m Milium Chicago Fast Express... 6. '5 put a i:25 pin w t.s r. Rocky Mountain l.'t d..a 6.54 pm a 4.55 am' Lincoln, Colo. Spriiigs, Denver. I'ueblo arid West a 1:30 pm a 5:00 pm Colo., Texas. Cat. and Oklahoma Flyer a D:30 pm al2:40 pm t nlon I'arlde. Overland Limited ..a 10 am a 7:.V pm The Fast Mail a 8:.' am a 3:i pm California Express a 4 2.'. pm Paclllo Impress all :30 pm Eastern Express a 4:.V pm '1 he Atlantic Kxpros.... a 7:;' am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago Special a 8:40 am Lincoln Beatrice and Stromshurg Express.. b 4:05 pm bl!:W pm Grand Island Local b 8:30 pm b 9:3o pm 4 hlr-MMO A .Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 8 40 am a 7:0" am Mall a 7:80 pm a 8 ' am laical SIojx City 6:10 am a 8:60 pin Davllght ft. Paul... a 7:35 am 10i::5 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:() am all:) pm Local Chlchto .aJ0:55 am a 8:10 pm ' Local Carioil , Fust Chlvago Limited Chicago., last St. Paul Fast Mall Local Sioux City. ....a 4:0 pm a 9:M am ....a 4.55 pm a )W pm . ..a l:l pm a 9:41 am ....a 8.10 pm a 8:16 am a 2:10 pm ....b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am NVnliaah. Bt. Loiil "Cannon Rail" Express ...aS:66pm a 1.30 am St. Louis Local, Coun- ell Bluffs. 9:15 am al0:30 pm IlllnoU Central. Chicago Express 1 t htruuo. Minneapolis ft 1 7:20 am a 8 JO pm St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis & St. Puul Express ...b 7:20 am M0:35 pm Chicago Express al0:3S pm f-hlrnuo, .YIIlTrankp tt St. Paal. Chicago ft Omahi Ex..b7:40nm b 8:40 pm hlcago Limited f.x a t:vu pm a 7:60 am MlHBoUrl ParlUr. .. St. Louis Express a 10:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. and St. L. Ex al0:60 pm a 6:1s am HI Ill.INGTOX STATION 10TII 4k MASON Burlington A Miaaanrl lllvrr. Leave. .Arrlvo. Wvmore. Beatilce nd Lincoln a 8:40 am Nebraska Express a X.40 am Denver Limited a 4:26 pm bll:5f. am a 1 . ,r pin a 6:15 am a 8:10 pm Black HIIIm and Fuget Sound Express aJlilO pm Colorado Vestlbuled Fiver ,,..i. a 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall.-. ... ..b 3:10 pm a 9:17 am fort Crook and I'latts- 1 mouth .b 3:20 pm uiuos am Bvllevue & Pacllic Jet. .a 7 60 pm a 8:27 am Bcllevue & Pacltic Jet. .a 3:00 urn l'liiciiu, Hurllimton & Qnlnoy. Chicago Special a 7;o0 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Chicago lxicai ,...a v:j am uii:tiopm Chicago limited a :w pm a i:.iuam Fast Mail a 2:15 pm ivaniina (lt, St. Joseph A- (Ininill lllnrl. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:45 am a 6:flfi pm Ft. Ixiuls Flyer a t:io pm au:oo am Kansas City Night Ex..alo:30 pm a :u uin WEBSTER DEPOT 15TII A M E1ISTEK Fremait, Fllkliorn Jt Mlssoart Valley. Irfave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Lead, Hot Springs. ....a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hasting'. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pm Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nlo- bra ra, and Fremont... b 7:30 am M0:26 am Fremont Local 0 7:30 am (iilraao, St. Paul, Minneapolis Jb Omaha. Twin City Fassenger...a i?:30 nm b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passengei ...a 2:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 8:46 am Mlaaoarl Paalflc. . . , Ntbraska Ixical, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm 10:26 am a Dally. b Dally except Sunday. d ' Dally except Saturday. e Dally except Monday, c Sunday only. STEAMSHIPS. DOMINION LINE SI'F.CIAL OTICE. Resumption of trips by the Mammoth Popular Twin Screw Sttamers "Commonwealth" A "New KnglsnA," TO THE MEDITERRANEAN From aoaton Direct to GIBRALTAR, GENOA, NAPLES. Th New England and Commonwealth will sell through ti Alexandria on the January ard February voyages. "New England," Dec. S; Jan. 17; Feb. 28. "Commonwealth.-' Jnn. 3; Feb. 14; Mch. 28. 'Vancouver,'' Nor. 29, Jan. 10, Feb. 21. "Cambroman.' Dec. 20, Jan. 31, March 14. Also sailings Boston to Liverpool, Port land, Me., to Liverpool. For rates, book let etc., apply to local agent or COMPANY'S OFFICE, 69 Dearborn St. CHICAGO. SELECT tour to MEXICO. CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA. - CUBA,. PORTO KICO, EGYPT, the HOLY LAND, etc. Crulsa to WEST INDIES by the. elegant 8. 8. PRINCE ARTHUR, Jan'y 15th. Inde pendent STEAMSHIP and RAILWAY ticket everywhere. Information and booklets, 233 Clark St., Chicago. M291 4 SOLOMON A LITTLE TOO WISE Take Stranger for Defective aad Hands lllm Money anil Other Valuable. " Solomon Rebonowlti, having but recently come to this metropolis from a place in Iowa to engage in the business of retailing coal and kindling In .sacks, and bclug ig norant of the ordiaan; m ot the city, loft the horse attached to hi delivery wagon standing unhitched at the corner ot Elev enth and Dodge street Tuesday while he went within with coal. Returning, he en-' countered a stranger, who said: "See, you are gvl.ty of un infraction of municipal ordlnan.o No S49, In that you have left the hors-i unhitched upon the street, and you may have been seen and will be fined $7 and costs." Then Solomon, who had been listening to the wise ot hi kindred since hi arrlvaf, said: "Thla I th plain clothe detective!" and straight way compounded th felony for S3 and a sack of coal. Yesterday morning, after con sulting with friends, he went to City Prose cutor Thomas to institute proceeding to get hi money back. HAIR WON'T FALL OUT 1 If You Kill the Daadrnff Germ with tha Hew Treatment.'' 1 John N, Fuller, a well known cltlxen ot Colfax, Wash., say: , "I had dandruff so badly that It caked on my scalp. Herplclde . completely cured ma." George II. MuWhirk of Walla Walla. Waah., ay: "Herpli tde . completely cured me of a bad caa ot dandruff of thirty ' year" landing." ' They took the only really aeoHlbl treatment, a remedy that destroy tha dandruff germ. Newbro' Herplclde. Stop dandruff, hair' won't fall out, but will grow naturally, kix- urlantly. Allay Itching Instantly and make hair glossy and soft a silk, druggist. One bottle will convince At any doubter of It merit. Child llorard to Death. CHICAOO. Dec. .-Brldget Maher. child of an employe of the Gaul house, was burned to death at the' hotel this morn lnif. The fire occurred In the annex and caused considerable excitement among the guests, but was extinguished with nominal property loss. Th new kind of General Arthur cigars rill plea you 1." you car for go? ra,