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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. Il AllUj;h .MM. 111, tMT I. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MOItXIISK, DECEMBER 3, 11MVJ TEN 1(.ES. simjei: copy tiikei: cents. SICK CATTI.I-: SOLI) l!'i'ift iy t'tij.f.t, t Ilf ". J;j4.1 1'.iLU,i,1 ill I la a. C0 .. WITH iJiflNf UiSI V.t flGMTlRS ht l''i(U Io Not lealiie lUtyt 1 1 1 1 jr, CHAT BRITAIN C10M3 ITS PORTS ttrAt Ofil'Ul NL to WMLIncton ELut tntf Out l.l llots. WtiTCHH SLPCtOSS OMjCRID TO FtPORT IparljaBt nf tarlenlinre draws AM frntrt til Cart ft stamp On! ,a. at axle fan! and Mth lllaraae. .TO. fe J if Salmon reached f'..,ain from V.hii,ii..n t...Ur Ida first -un n hoi 1 a conference th fir Mmi'l K llrnnH', (he ttoainti neni of the tirai, tr Aua'ln fe-rfa, M. f of th Maaaa. loiawia Anltil bureau, af.'l I'f John It tlohlrrn rhUt .f the ' hnlogii divis ion a Vi ahltigimi. I'na I of Cirnell ntrlr and Ir lyunard I'earaon of Ih t mtrral'r of IVnriarUanu It Hainmn !l 1 h initin la very llaiiptlii, prln- " I ' I I na !! fMi , ra ti a lie-n a ' i' a riiarti'! nf.irfoila ii n! seal t-rlt: the ootal"o '"l 0'',i-,a- H,.-re luia hr. n no m ni " n. .i i " p i ( i h- o int-r of i ii rr I t- .liaM. l.y fa..iia who have t -I I i:laar. r! i'f Cain, on alll tak nffiri-a h-re no an lo pa. In lb" Inarat tf,iih wth the intlle lllj- rau It. I'eiera lo.lay laue, a notice railing I ali'iiMori in ihe a'alu'ra whlih direct local beard of lira I'll lit report all nam of con lacion union tattle a axon aa their pres rm la i,nn Hrlilah Mtrramaal aenrfa Warning. W ACIIIM.T'lV, lire. : (ifhrlal notice of It" action of i he llrlttah government pro l.tll'ing the landing of stock from New was f,. today. Vr .Voire lodny ord'-rcd about twenty terliiary aurcona lo varloua western clt Jea to proor to c Cngland to augment th for-e i.f i ipi rta already fighting the ep l lemlc Tbta forre aln will be added to by th Inspector relieved from duty owing 10 th- iraaation cf expnri at Ion to Great frl'ain iDIITIMi. Me, lie- 2 The steamship .("rials have stopped loading cattle nt this rt un'll a.irl la received from Kngland hial ame shipped from Canada via Maine III bo allowed to land. OWA IS AGAIN SUCCESSFUL ! Many l.easlltiai frliea mt Live Hawk Ksblblllon MeM iaa I kleaaaa. rilir-VGO. pee. J-f)eplfe the Inclement rather tmlny prnyal one of the biggest In "olnt of attendance In the history of the international live stoi k n posit Ion, 40,0o0 tenpla paaalng tbe gate. The Iowa Agricultural college came off Ith ffying color, rapturing the principal rle m rattle and hogs. Shamrk. the grand eIlAmplon of the show, entered by the Inaj role- in the fjt Angus grades, won everything and aggregated ivrr I'.oo in cash frttea The low college alao won the prize for the best general exhibit of cattle, sheep and sa ine. Alderman Fowler of Chicago sold his l'rrhron stallion. I'erqur-I'a. to Mc IwiiigMln Urn, of r'nlumhus. . after hav ing win the rhampinnshlp over alt stallions aa the show. T sei nnl aamial meeting of the Ameri can Fadra'tna of 'indent of Agriculture aa he. tonight I the aew Record bulld i(. Aa ad Iresa of wrl. nme aa made by Mr Mortimer levering of Indianapolis, and that rpon-.e by .). J. Ilaight of Champaign, lit. Art Inday were: ukrk'iiiuf; ii. Wiar. l-yr-o. or over H naea l ..nv..y. il rlrst. Etiler at ; P-r I Milt old ami over; M rlu. n. Chulnner. nil. Two first i Ir, month ol.l nnil under 1 f rii. I l J..Bnmn, Mnmlge. IVnn year: tear month i I . t irt Jitwiiaon. I eelii, .. K. L. . -yr-nM and ovr: First, Etiler A M . I ymar anil under 2. Flrt. Ktsler A it aea A rTt KOKAI'Kf AND CKHM!Kfl a.ampton yeariltia. i-ompettiom limited ft tl g't I rl i'I-i iaa lli-rel'or. afeer .:!! e-oraa P Henry. ',,ni,.-no. . il. "t" i huM, I-ye-ir oiii "r oxer: First, H V( I Me. CHntioi. M , .,,.,...1 hnra, i.r 'l y.-,,r An,ni . i kiriey J it. treorgn E, Jav a-aam. M nn. I CALL CATTLE CONVENTION mmwmt mt Uilaaal Live lek . t ! taasal ) !. tN-ta.4 CITY. Daxv 3 -The official call; ma a.vl annual convention of the N.i uim ii Liv-aim k ain.n ion on January 13 at iMif I l.).la H a I lit on t ihM growing of livestock all ' aiill id linai t tea 'f)v be i-i '.ir -aeniMit. R.aiige (mii'iai una -if can ie. aht .-p and horae at' i ii let la rir in .ti ion at tbe ratio of, dlea)Hia for aveyy io.iMmi head of slock. lion-iwra -nay aiiiHiint -hre and county aaooner one, hv, !.). a.mltary Woar-ta ilre. Ih eaim lt nan-i aud ce-lera a'lti ion onu delcgata-at-I at laraie an I mw for every twenty-five awia In ea) tha'of, Ch.tinticra of Commerce I ait! com we re ' h I ir4Hin xauons one for l" mwin.Mur. i rnirti loa compa a ea. imaaMoii an I dairy aaaociatiuna, Wim a vn! companie. Htia Board of m- 'in ir an. I aatrti urwi uollegea, one del 4t -a h. H ta i e.i ht 1 7 il) delegaie will i. CHLC A3T0 TESTIFY Vwaaanaaaaauat til Hea V uaaaia attitaa Uaaa U ! Saaaa ltarta. '1 NTN. Pv. Wo. 3-Tha anthra eli ooal otiiiu'-taloit la hri aud rfudy to laaiiuta 'Hat aearmaia touiorrow. II ia iai nii. iiui.u uf i h miua workers to hi mi in i. .ii.-. in i a.) mi, i. Ha or llazlw io4 Itait', i Vut ai iiufpoaa atKiul twroiy M ma-la n I r'.il.iu it i . 41U0114 w noiu thrra a ao.ti.1 a.iiiK ti 4U 1 tiiloriu. weru tTouahi awrai I !l.'l..i.U 1.1 it Ittrlu. IU.IU.llll.) a.i iiaa ..! laau 10 nu.a iau4 I 'lw ounUii luiia iirovakiliiHI iauu4 i ta lllaal UarrlLvM. IS IN A TURMOIL littternnr tttemnt in llrmotr Auditor, ha I the I alter la nlalned I tie I nnrla, ll'iMii i ,f, v,.r 2.-.. --(Via Pun Fran rlno, her 2 I --The trmiiTlsl senate met In n'ri aiaalon on the imh, having been tailed ,y be governor In consider the re liioval aril appoint r i nt of public officials n st reanlt of r n I exposure of itubrx- (ti'ttielila I'oiir tiinaa''H wire rcielvcd from tbe. orrnor in the day of organization, two of 'bern i"lln ih the gi-nrral cltuatlon ainl the othefa rrlntlnc to the depart ment .1 of th' amlllor ami th" auperlntpnilent of nt. II'. aorka, and railing for the removal of Auditor Aualln and Superintendent Poyil. (lotirnor liole In a Kenornl mranair ti ealefl a aenutorlnl Inveat larnt Ion nf all the di 'partnientH nf the tjoyrrnment, anil the enatr hm polnted rntnnilneea to carry out the aiiKReatlnn, The aenate haa rerelvfd 11 eommunlratlon friirn Auditor Atiatln (IrdnrlnK that he was unlawfully ruapended by the governor, the latter havlna: nn l' al rlnht to auapeni him. On the name day Judne Gear of the First rlrrnlt court handed down a dnlhlon In the ease of Auatln airatnut Attorney Gen eral Imle, hnldlnK that the power of . penalon aa not poaaemed by the governor and granting a peremptory writ of nianda mua directing the attorney general and high ahi-rlff and deputy auditor to allow Auntln lo reautue rluirge of hla ofTlre. Armed with thin writ Auntln and hla at tnrneya made another attempt to enter the aiidltnr'a oftVe and lake charie. bill Auntln aa met at the door by a pol're officer who had been on guard for over three month' alnce Auntln'a ausoenalon. to keep hltn out. He wea rcfuned admittance and an appeal wan taken from Judge Gear'a writ. The nulldera and Tradcra' exchange of Honolulu la agitating the queation of se curing rhlneae Inbor for the plantations nf Hawaii, though opposed to having any more nrlenlala brought Into the counvry who are likely to remain la the cities and become competitors of skilled laborers. Thfi exchange appointed a committee to look Into the matter. It will probably Join other organlzationa in Honolulu, advocating that the plantation be allowed Chinese labor under proper restrictions. The volcano has nubstd'-d again. NAVAL WAR GAME BEGINS AttarklnaT Mqaarlron Confident that It Will lie Able to Scare First I'olnt. I'OUT )F PPAIN. Island of Trinidad (fnlled States Flagship Iowa), Dec. 2. Despite the superiority of Admiral Higgln son's squadron over that of Admiral Sum ner, the Inner Is confident that he will be able to solie, without disaster the port to form a base of operations against Cuba and the American coast. The problem presented requires Admiral Sumner to fortify a port with mines and guns. Inside of six hours. Should Admiral Hlgglnson appear with a superior force be fore the expiration of that time he would be considered defeated-v . ... . To determine the strength of the opposing squadrons the department has given a bat tleship the value of 20 points, a heavily protected cruUer 8 points, a smaller pro tected cruiser 5 polnta, a gunboat 3 points and a torpedo boat or tender 1 point each. It Is estimated that Admiral Hlgglnson has 12"! points and Admiral Sumner 66 points. It Is believed that Admiral Hlgglnson tins arranged with the I'nited States consuls and weather observers In the West Indies' to report the appearance of Admiral Sum ner's vessel. The aquadron Is constantly engaged In target practice. In order to make a record off Culhera Island. Iowa will have finished coaling tomorrow and then the aquadron will be ready to sail. STRIKERS WILL WORK FREE ragrri ta Algeria Wltheat Wh. MARSEILLES, Dec. I. The only change In the strike situation has been for the worse, though no outbreak has occurred. Work has almost ceased, as the crewa of 'u"s nave joineu mat ainarra, auu iu HAWAII movement or roreign vessels is aimcuu. Have been Inspected and reported on favor The prefect has seen a number of shio ably. He stated that In all probability a owners, with view to arranging a confer- ' special deficiency appropriation bill would ence between owners and the strikers, but ; be passed In the next few daya for rural all proved unyielding. Admiral Rouvlew ! fTee delivery service to cover the pay of took similar steps, with the same result. The Maeri s Maritime has decided to i dlacharge temporarily all their officer! ex- cept the raptains, first mates and chief en gineers. The strikers held two meetings today and resolved that they would furnish crews on condition that the vessels be used purely for the transportation of passengers and mail. The strikers also offered to man a vessel and take the delayed passengers to Algeria without wages. PARIS. Dee. 2 Ministers at a meeting today decldi'd that owing to the serious Interruption of traffic due to the strike at Marseilles the government will organize Immediately m provisional service by requl- sitioning the company'! vessels and man- ... , nlng them with sailors from the navy. ConHle t with Itaaalaa r!ker. . ,, . ., . LONWN. Dec. 2.-A special dispatch from St. Petersburg today announced that , ... ,, ' ertoua conflicts occurred between Cossack , ... . ,,, ,, and 3. "no at Viadi-Vauaa. Shot: . . . w. e exchanged and a few men were killed , . . v , . i and thirty were wounded on both aides. . . ..... ,t l pward of ion striker were arrested. 1 LOOT BANK. FIGHT nne e r It out Their Way t PIlJJNliS. Mont.. Deo. 2 The hank at I Bridger, In Carbon county, waa entered by 1 i threri maaked men today and the cashier ra-lieved of'i. Imtucd'.atel v after the robbery the men left on horseback '.or the I Crow reservation. A purauing party has 1 been organized. 1 ,h. rohharv occurr.d at noon. Th. ch- l-r wa. at work InMde the rail when two men entered aud covered hlta. A third rtan stood at the door. At this instant a mall carrier aooeared ami was iium-J:'ily covt rad bv two Dlstola. While oua man covtred them with his piaiol the older ran bhtnd the counter tnj grabbed all the munay lo slgnt. All three ihe.i uiouuixi iholr hi,rf and (I. d. Bvi ry horse in itlghl waa presaed luio aervice aud pursuit was bftun. A mile aud a half out r luwa the unaav brau huuiiu from the saddle. The rub ber ikhetfletl in their seats, reiurmd thtj ; ttre and held ibfir pursuers (f until ib r ! rea. hod thai tiiutMr. Thvy hava But beam I aM. aiaVeta) DIFFERENCES OVER TRUSTS Many Method, for Curing Evils Hay Result in Hone Being Applied. LINCOLN GIVES BURKETT A HARD JOB t ongreaaman-Klert Hlnsliarr llnay About the Department (Ivll Service Commlaalon Inalata auadera Moat Go. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 (Special Tele gram.) Senator Allison, who In many re spects Is the best equipped of the many strong men In public life today to speak of a president's message, said of the one which was read today: "I like the mes sage because of Its conservatism. It leaves to congress the things which belong to con gress. It Is well written and shows a broad and comprehensive knowledge upon many subjects. There arc a number of tersely put phrases which will be used In public prints for some time to come. Of course, while I think the president's utterances aa to trusts are most timely, yet I know what diversities of opinion prevail in the senate over the trust question. Should the house pass an anti-trust bill or any amendment to the bill of 1890 early in the session, I am of the opinion that the senate would take the matter up and probably enact some legislation. Should the house, however, fall to reach any conclusion until after the hol idays, I doubt very much If any legislation could be enacted at this session because there are almost as many views In the sen ate regarding the trust question as there are senators, and It would mean a good deal of speech-making. The message meets with my hearty approval. I believe the country will regard It as a timely utterance and will look to congress to fully meet the responsibilities which It places upon the national legislators." This Is the concensus of opinion among republican leaders in congress. There is, however, a deep seated feeling that con gress will fall to meet the president's wishes as to some of the subjects recom mended for correction at this session owing lo tne widely divergent views held by re publican leaders. "I look for little legislation this session" was Senator Allison's laconic answer to a question. Presents Lincoln Plan. Representative Durkett today presented the proposition of the city of Lincoln to buy the present federal building In that city. Mr. Burkett, realizing the responsi bility that is placed upon him, today pre sented the ordinance to the secretary of the treasury and asked to be advised If new legislation would be necessary to bring about the proposition contained In the city ordinance, or whether the sale of the prop erty could be consummated without legis lation. Realizing the shortness of the ses sion, Mr. Burkett has already seen several members of the public buildings and grounds committee and has Interested them in tbe project. The serious difficulty to the enactment of any legislation of this char acter lies In the fact that should a bill of the character proposed be reported It would simply be used as a vehicle upon which to load other bills having the same general trend, and In the rush of business there Is very grave doubt whether such a measure could bo gotten through unless it was de cided to report an omnibus public building bill like that of the last session. This the leaders want to avoid. Repre sentative Cannon of the appropriations committee, who guards the treasury, is emphatically opposed to such procedure, and it is therefore very doubtful If any general public building bill can be got ten out of the committee, let alone pass congress. At the last session of congress Representative Burkett by splendid and diplomatic management secured $300,000 of an appropriation for the erection of an ad dition to tbe present postoffice and court bouse in Lincoln, the plan being to build the addition entirely around the present structure. Rural Routes la Flrat. Congressman Burkett stated today that he bad secured an order from tbe superin- ; tendent of the rural free delivery order I ng Inspector Llewellyn Into tbe First dls ; trlct for the purpose of establishing a numDer oi rural iree aeuvery routes wnicn carriers on new routes ordered, the gen- eral appropriation for that purpose having j been exhausted. Congressman Burkett today made the following recommendations for postmas ters in the First district: Fred L. Ames, Smartvllle. Neb., vice John Riffle; L. C. Schnell, Preston, Neb., vice William Rleger. Hlaahaw la Busy. Congressman-elect Hlnsbaw of the Fourth district has been putting In a num ber of busy days since he has been In Wash ington. Mr. Hinshaw Is evidently a be liever in doing things or trying to do things and has already commenced active cam- nalarnlnar fop Ilia pnnit It nan I a avAti taiAiiiFK i . . . . , ... '. . . he does not become a full-fledged member until after March 4. Today he called upon the postmaster general In relation to the ' postmaater at Fairbury, his home town. It ,hf ',. n k ...i. , . , recommend a man for the place who Is the , . , , . personal choice of D. E. Thompson, tbe . . , . , , , , senator having pledged th a place to Mr. . . ' ' Thompson more than a year and a half ., ... . . . .. . ' ago. Mr. Hinshaw, on the other hand, be- , .. . . ' , . . . , ' . lieves that he has the right of making the ! postmaater In hla own home town and will, I when the time comes, recommend the man I whom he says Is the personal choice of nine-tenths of the buslnesa men and re publicans of the city of Fairbury. There is no feeling between 8enator Dietrich and Mr. Hinshaw over tbe matter, and It Is be lieved that the whole question will be amicably adjusted before tbe time comes 10 act. Mr. Hinshaw called today upon the four'h assistant postmaster general to as certain why the commission reappointing Thomas A. Healy as postmaster at Mil ford. Neb., had not been received, Senator ! Dietrich having recommended hta appoint- I mnt om" tlme Tomorrow Mr. Hln- i 8haw put ln ,he dy at ,he P"'o i m'- 'o""8 over pension papers for numOTr n " con',lu'-n"- laalala on FlrluK "aaaalera. Senator Millard today called upon the Civil Service commission la relation to tbe charges Sled against W. G. Saunders, bonded superintendent of the Santee In dian agency in Nebraska. Saunders, it is alleged, broke into the classified service In very questionable way and the Civil Service commission reported him to the Indian onVe for dismissal. At Senator Millard's instance the matter has been held aCttatlnuaxt OS Bacon! Page.) HARRIMAN TESTIMONY PUBLIC Ktldenee of Railroad Maxnntr In Merger Cnc Tried In the Federal Oart. NEW YORK. Dec. X. The testimony given by E. H. Harriman In the federal suit against the Northern Paclflr-Orcat Northern plan was made public today. Mr. Harriman testified at a hearing last week, at which there were present only Mr. Harriman and the attorneys Interested. The witness, replying to questions, said that it was true that on or prior to May !, 1!'01. he had acquired stock In the Northern rati tic Railway company , amounting to the par value of 78.0t)O.OtlO. Later negotiations were closed and It was understood that the Harriman Interests were to take stock In a company to which the Northern I'aclflc stock was to be trans ferred. It was near the end of the nego tiations, Mr. Harriman said, thnt J. P. Morgan & Co. offered to fay for the North ern TadAc shares, part In the stock of a holding company and part Jn cash. When the Northern I'aclflc stock wan bought Mr. Harriman and his friends thought that they had acquired a control ling Interest In Northern Pacific, and they held to this belief up to November 13, 1901, when action was taken looking to the re tirement of the Northern Pacific preferred. The possible retirement of these preferred shares, Mr. Harriman said, was one of the Inducements that led him and his asso ciate, to surrender their stock. They finally agreed to turn in their Northern Pacific stock at $115 a nhare. The price for Great Northern was fixed at 180. Mr. Harriman declared that he was not con sulted about the formation' of the holding company. "You made no Inquiries as to where the corporation was to be formed, or the amount of Its capital stock?" Mr. Harriman was asked. ' "I knew, of course, the amount of the capital stock," replied the witness, "but I did not go Into the particulars of the formation of the company at all. That may seem strange, but in the enormous trans actions we have down here we simply have faith that tbe man who la doing the thing is doing It properly, or else we don't ne gotiate or trade with him." "Did you finally consent to surrender your holdings on the basis on which you did. because you have made up your mind they would carry out the determination you have heard expressed, to retire the pre ferred stock and thus take from you the controlling Interest In the Northern Pa cific?" "I think I recollect pretty clearly that from our standpoint we thought It was bet ter for us to accept that price for our stock than to go Into a legal contest." "And you understand that If you did not that you would have a legal contest on your action?" "Well, we took that for granted, natu rally, action having been taken to retire the etock." Mr. Harriman was not cross-examined. PACKING HOUSES TALK BIG In Combatting- Mergrer (Barge Claim that naataaa,A Eapeoklve to Han. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 2. The Investigation of the alleged beef combine was resumed today, with R. H. Frlsbee, superintendent for Swift and Company, on the stand. He told of the inspection by government officers In the yards and packing houses after slaughter and stated that some of the small butchers have inspections. V. V. Foltik of East St. Louis, assistant manager of Nelson Morris & Co., testified concerning the cost of conducting a pack ing business. John Mack, accountant for Swift and Company at East St. Louis, produced a statement showing the number of animals slaughtered at their plant and their cost. John Patterson, superintendent for Swift and Company, and E. B. Gulnon, superin tendent of Nelson Morris & Co., both of East St. Louis, also testified. The Idea of the packers is to show how big their business Is, and also that while they collect a vast amount of money for meats, they also pay out large sums to the farmers for stock and ln wages to their employes. S SAYS SWIFT BUYS "RAILWAY Boston Report Is that Packing; Honae -Will Build Mew Stock J Yard. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 2. George H. Ross of Chicago, for several years traffic mana ger of the Indiana. Illinois & Iowa railway, has succeeded Theodore C. Rates of Boston as president of the Union Depot, Brldqe & Terminal Railway company. Mr. Bates sayB he resigned so that tbe company's Interests might be In the hands of a prac tical railroad man. A dispatch from Bos ton, however, positively asserts that Mr. Bates Bold hla Interests, and the Winner bridge piers In the Missouri river, and the valuable river land and terminals owned J by It, have been purchased by Swift and I Company, who contemplate building an In ; dependent stock yards and a new plant. Another rumor is to the effect that tbe Rock Island system has purchased the property. MUST ANSWER FOR KILLING Major Glenn for Kieeatlnar atlve geouta Ordered for Trial In Manila. MANILA, Dee. 2. Orders have been re ceived from Washington directing that Major Glenn of the Fifth Infantry may be put on trial for a second time on a charge of cruelty committed during the Samar campaign. He is charged with executing native guides for misleading an American column. It Is said the trial will reopen the entire question of the Samar campaign. It Is ex pected Major Glenn will d"lre Major Gen eral Chaffee and Brigudier General Jacob I Smith as witnesses, but it is possible their ' depositions will be taken instead. RELATIONS BADLY STRAINED British Minister at t aracaaj Requests Preseace of War Mhlp la Vraraaelaa Waters. NEW YORK, Dec. 2 It Is known upon good authority, rabies the Herald corre- 1 spondent at Hamilton, Bermuda, that the j British minister ln Caracas, Mr. Haggard, ; has requested the admiral of the liiltish j fleet at Bermuda to send a war ship Imme diately in couaequenre of (he continual an 1 bitter attack In the Venezuelan official press upon the British government. Relattoua between Greut Britain and Venetuela are becoming, the dispatch as. aorta, more and mora strained. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ON -av IT ia)a)a POINTS FROM PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE A, a poodle we have played n lariri- piirt In tlie world ntnl wo are lii'iit upon making our future even larger tliiin (lie jmst. No fouutr.v Ikis hit ocrupioil a lilulier plane til" material well being than ours at the present nieliii-nt. Coiporat ions, nnl es.ieelull.v coiiitilnatiotiR of corporation., shmilil lie managed tinder publle regulation. The power of th.' ooiiitres. to regulHte Interstate eoninieree Is Mil absolute and niiiiiialilied grant and without limitations other than those presenlied by the constitution. The mention of regulation of the trusts stands apart from the Question of tatilT revision. The well-lieing ii' the wage worket, like the well being of the tiller of the soil, should be treated 11s an essential in shaping our whole economic policy. There must never be any change which will jeopardize the standard of comfort, the standard of wages of the American wage worker. We are neither for the rich man as such, nor for the sior man aa such: we are for the upright mas. rich or jxior. It Is unworthy of a mighty and generous nation. Itself the greatest nnd most successful republic iu history, to refuse to stretch out a helping hand to a young and weak sister republic just entering uiam Its career of Independence. No policy ever entered into by the American people has vindi cated itself lu more signal manner than the policy of holding the Philippines. The courage, the unflinching endurance, the high soldierly efficiency and the gi feral kind heurteduess aud Immunity of our troops have ben strikingly manifested. The Monroe doctrine should be treated as the curdiual feature of American foreign imllcy. A good navy is not a provocative of war. It Is the surest guaranty of peace. 1'atuous self comrilacency, or vanity, or short slghtedness in refusing to prepare for danger. Is both foolish and wicked In such a nation as ours. The remaining public lands should be held rigidly for the home builder, the settler who lives on his land, and for no one else. The welfare of the farmer Is fundamentally necessary to the welfare of the republic as a whole. i n GENERAL ALGER SWORN INicondition of the weather Former Secretary of War Suooeeds Late Sonator McMillan. SENATE WILL CONSIDER TRUST BILL Cnllom Introduce Dill to neatrlct In tertate Commerce In floods Made by Combines I'nder Heavy Financial Penalties. WASHINGTON, Dec I. Interest In the session of the senate today was height ened by the fact that the president's mes sage to congress would be read and also that General Russell A. Alger of Michigan would be sworn In. His desk and chair were hidden beneath a mass of flowers, and as he took his seat, he was surrounded by a number of his colleagues, who ex tended hearty congratulations. In the gal lery were a number of General Alger's pemonal friends and his family. One hour of the session was consumed In readlrg the president's message.. Al though (he entire republican representation were ln their seats, not more than half the democratic seats were occupied. The closest attention was paid to the message, and frequently senators conferred concern ing some special portion which had at tracted their notice. A number of bills and resolutions were Introduced, following a brief executive bcs. slon. The resignation of Rev. V. H. Mil burn was received with genuine regret. He had become a familiar figure In the body and was personally acquainted with every senator. No action was taken on the resignation. Senator Cullom Introduced a bill to amend the Sherman anti trust law. It prohibits Interstate commerce in articles produced by trusts, the penalty for violations being a fine of from $500 to $5,000. After the transaction of some routine business Mr. Piatt (Conn.) presented a res olution expressing the sorrow of the senate over the death of Representative Charles H. Russell of Connecticut, which was adopted, and as a further mark of respect the senate, at 1:50 p. m., adjourned until tomorrow. HOUSE TO PAY STRIKE BOARD Will Consider Bill Votlnsr Money to Arbltratora at Today's Sitting-. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. The house was ln eession an hour and forty minutes to day. One hour was consumed In reading the president's message, which was lis tened to with attention by members with out regard to party, but without demon stration except at the conclusion, when the republicans applauded generously. Mr. Cannon, chairman of the committee on appropriations, gave notice that the bill to defray the expenses of the coal strike commission would bo called tomor row. The deaths of the 'ate Repreaentat Ives DeGraflenrrid and Sheppard (Tex.), which occurred during the recess, were announced and after adopting the customary resolu tions of regret, the house adjourned as a further mark of respect. The house met at noon today with a full attendance and crowded galleries. Imme diately after the reading of the journal Gordon Russell, who was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of R. C. DeGraffenreld of Texas, and Edward Swann, elected to su-ced Amos J. Cum mluRs, appeared at th-j bar and took the oath. Tbe speaker announced the following committee appointments: Mr. Hill (Conn.) on ways and means, Mr. Talmer (I'a.) on Judiciary. Mr. Kowier (N. J.) director of the Columbian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Mr. Jenkins (Wis ) as consulting trustee of the Reform school of the District of Columbia. Representative Hull, chairman of the bouBe committee on military aflalrs. Intro duced a bill for a general staff of the annv. The bill follows closely that which was recommended by Secretary Root. Selects Ilcadnood Site. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 The Treasury de partment has selected sites for public build ings as follows: Deadwood, S. II., properly bounded by Sherman, Silver and 1'lne streets: price, 10,000. Moberly, Mo., cor ner of Williams and Coates streets; price, 15,000, a 1 1 i ii ii :: ii ii !! u ii ii t a ii ii! Forrrast fnr Nebraska-Snnw nnd C-iMir Wednesday. K11llnw.1l liv 'l..rliiK. Thurs day, Fair, with Itislng Temieralure. Temperature nt Omnhn Yesterilayi Hour. Dear. lie ft a. t a. 7 a. H a. 1 a. 1(1 a. 11a. 12 m. at :i;i 40 41 4i an :n .18 m . m . III . m , ni . TRY TO BEAT REPUBLICANS Anti-Imperialist I.easrne Holds Only Means to Realize Its Alms. This BOSTON, Dec. 2. Ob the occasion of the second annual meeting of the New England Anti-Imperialist league today a luncheon waa given. In which some 200 wo men and men participated. Former Governor Boutwell presided, and in open ing spoke of the growth of the anti-Imperialist movement and said the only way to overthrow the imperialistic tendency of the administration was by the overthrow of the republican party. The treasurer reported contributions to the funds, Including $l,nno from Mr. Car negie, and said much more was needed to carry on the work and to "educate the mind and awaken the consciences of the voters" on the questions at issue. Officers were re-elected, Mr. Boutwell continuing as president. BREE TELLS A FAIRY TALE South Omaha Man Is nt Robbed, bnt Loses Ilia Money In Gamb ling; House. RAWLINS. Wyo., Dec. 2. (Special.) It develops that A. H. Bree, the South Omaha sheep buyer, who said that he was in tbe employ of the Flato Commission company, and was given knock-out drops and robbed by three men here, who left him on the pralrleto die, told a fairy tale pure and simple. The authorities Investigated the story and found that Bree had been drinking and gambling; that he lost his money playing roulette and that he wandered away on tbe prairie and fell asleep. Word from the State hospital states that Bree's feet will probably have to come off. Both were badly frozen. FIX NEXT YEAR'S FAIR DATES National Association tilve rbraik Second September Week and Iowa Last In Assntt. CHICAGO. Dec. 2 The National Asso ciation of Fairs and Exhibitions met to night and decided date for state fairs ln K'03 as follows: Missouri. Auguwt 17 to 22; Iowa, Au ctist 24 to 2'J; New York, August 24 to 20; Minnesota, August 31 to Sept. 5; Ohio, Augutt ?1 to September 5; Wisconsin, September 7 to Scpte-ubcr 12; Nebraska, September 7 to 12; Indiana, September It to l!i; Kansas, September 14 to lit; Kentucky, September 21 to 2; Illinois September 2S to October 3; Texas, September 2S to October 3; St. Louis, October 5 to 10. BOTH SIDES WIN A SEAT Colorado Stale l auva So Far Gives r'.ach I'arty On Coairen. man. DENVER. Dec. 2 The canvassing board today finished the official vote on eongress-man-at-large and congressman from the First district. Francis E. Brooks (rep.) for congressman-at-large, has ttG plurality over Alva Adam (dem ), and in the First district John B. Shafroih (dem ) has 2,702 plurality over Robert W. Boynge I rep.). 1,1 fe Sentence rur Marder. PKOIUA. III.. Deo. 2.J.iseph Baker was totluy :Ueii h life seiiteiue lor the murder nf .Nl-iriln 'hrletopher last June. Moarnienl uf lli'rm rcl Her. '2. At N.-w Yotk-Arrlv.-.i: 1 iriir 11. from t 'elll'tt.en . I'llfl i'la. fr.MII lil.lMk- . , Victoria, from U.-i;...i Mailt--!: K.u-.-r W il lielm ,l.r i;r.-c. for Itt.m.-n, .te At 8- tlly-I'aaseil: Anit.ieril.uii, Irom New York for lUitier.lHin At Antwerp Anue.l: IVnnlaiid. from I'hiladi-lpiila; Vadt rlund, from Nvw Ten k. PUBLIC NEEDS Executive AdMirce the Conprejf on the State of the Nation. PROSPERITY AT HCME, PEACE ABROAD Conditions Most Satisfactory ln Whole Hit tory of the Republic MATTERS THAT NEED ATTENTION Suggestions for Action by Lawmaker! la Interest of the People. TRUST EVIL SHOULD BE DEALT WITH Regulatien of Interstate Commerce ii an Effectual Remedy. TARIFF SHOULD BE HANDLED GENTLY Radical Action Likely to Disturb the Con ditions of Trade, VRMY AND NAVY NEED AMPLE SUPPORT Peace is the Time When Preparation Should Bo Made. 'HOLD PUBLIC LANDS FOR SETTLERS What llriniiln uf the Public Domain Shunlil lie l'recrartl for the I nf the Actual Hume Hullder. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. President Roose vc It's annual uiessagu was read to the sen ate Hnd house of representatives at the opening of the session today. It la: To the senate and house of representatives: We still continue iu a period of unbounded prosperity. This prosperity is not the crea ture of law, but undoubtedly tbe laws un der which we work have been instrumental In crtating the conditions which made it possible, and by unwise legislation It would be easy enough to destroy It. There will undoubtedly be periods of depression. The wave will recede; but the tide will advance. This nation is seated on a continent flanked by two great oceans. It is composed of men the devcendauta of pioneers, or, ln a sense, pioneers themselves; of men win nowed out from among the nations of tho old world by the energy, boldness, and love of adventure found in their own eager hearts. Such a nation, so placed, will surely wrest success from fortune. As a people we have played a large part in the world, and we are bent upon making our future even larger than the past. In particular, the events of the last four yeans have definitely decided that, for woe or for weal, our place must be great among the nations. We may either fall greatly or succeed greatly; but we cannot avoid the endeavor from which either great fail ure or great success must come. Even if we would, we cannot play a small part. If we should try, all that would follow would be that wo should play a large part ignobly and shamefully. - But our people, the sons of the men of the civil war, the sons of the men who had iron tn their blood, rejoice in the pres ent and face the future high of heart aud resolute of will. Ours Is not the creed of (he weakling and the coward; ours Is the gospel of hope and of triumphant endeavor. We do not shrink from the struggle before us. There are many problems for us to face at the outset of the twentieth century grave problems abroad and still graver at home; but we know that we can solve them and solve them well, provided only that we bring to the solution the qualities of head and heart, which were shown by the men who, in the daya of Washington, founded this government, and, In the daya of Lincoln, preserved It. Whence Prosperity Snrlaaja. No country has ever occupied a higher plane of material well-being than ours at tbe present moment. This well-being la due to no sudden or accidental cauaea, but to the play of the economic forces In this country for over a rentary; to our laws, our sustained and continuous policies; hove all, to the high Individual average of our citizenship. Great fortunes have been won by those who have taken the lead In this phenomenal Industrial develop, ment, and most of these fortunes have been won not by doing evil, but as an In cident to action, which baa benefited the community aa s whole. Never before has material well-being been so widely dif fused among our people. Great fortunes have been accomplished, and yet in the aggregate these fortunes are small Indeed when compared to the wealth of the peo ple as a whole. The plain people ar bet ter off than they have ever been befora. The Insurance companies, whtrh are prac tically mutual benefit societies especially helpful to men of moderate means repre sent sccumulatlons of capital which ara among the largest In this country. Thera sre more deposits in the savings banks, more owners of farms, more well-paid wage-workers In this country now than ever before In our history. Of course, when the conditions have favored the growth of so mueh that waa good, they have also favored somewhat the growth of what was evil. It is eminently necessary that we should endeavor to rut out this evil, but let us keep a due sense of proportion; let us not In fixing our gaze upon the leaser evil forget the grester good. Ths evils are real and some of them are menacing, but they are the outgrowth, not of misery or decadence, but of prosperity f ths progress of our gigantic Industrial develop ment. This Industrial development must not be checked, but side by aide with it t-l.ould go such progressive regulation as will diminish the evils. We should fall In our duty If we did no! try to remedy the evils, but we shsll succeed only If wa proceed pstlently. with prsrtlcal common sense, aa well a resolution, separating the good from tbe tad and holding on ta tba former while endeavoring te get rid of the latter. r'or rantralllaar Carparallaaa. In my message to the present congress at Its first session I discussed at length ths question of the regulation of those big cor porations roinnjon'y doing aa Interstate bualnea often with some lentincv la mA. j nopoly, which ar popularly known I trust. The rperleu it the pas! par j ha etnphasiieil. In my (.pinion, th dralr ability of the ktp I th.-u propoaaxt A j f un t-iiu. ll' al reqiiialte of aoi ial efTUtracy Is a hiuj siau.lard of imlittdisl energy an4 tuil'.iuif ; but this I lu no ( tit ent i'h power la set id combination fur alms whuh lannol so aril b 4Wae4 by