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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1902)
21 TOR IALE HEAL ESTATE. FOR I ALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALSC StEAL ESTATE. FOR ItLE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR RETIWIOlSBf. Bl SI ESS t HANC ES. THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SU5DAT, NOVEMBER 30, 1902. -a a, ! in I . J I. ii 1 ' I .III I 111 I " I I! MOO.OQ Why Not Subscribe Becomes For A $1,000.00 , Block of 51,000? , WESTERN CANADA LAND & COLONIZATION COMPANY. DIRECTORS. GEORGE B. TZSCHTCTC Sec and Trees. Bee Publishing Ca. R. H. WICK 8. General Hardware Dealer. BEST OF SECURITY. The WBSTTRN CANADA LAXD COLONHtATIOK COMFANT la Incorporated for the purpoee of acquiring and colonising land In Western Canada; buying at wbole ala and selling at retail. YOU CAN DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. AH food land In tha rain belt haa advanced In value an an average ef more than one dollar an sere annually frem the time of flret settlement Tha Investment offered by the WESTERN CANADA LAND COLONIZATION COMPANY, baaed on, the above, would net at par cant par annum. LAND OF GOLDEN GRAIN. rVw people know tha facta about the climate and conditions of Western Canada, "which are much different frem what la generally supposed, and as tha true conditions of the country and worth of tha land la becoming known. It Is attracting Investors. Hundreds of thousands of acrea of this land were aold the past year for colonization purposes. Homeeeekers are now awakening to tha advantagea ef that great northwest, ana a mighty movement of population la certain to follow. Colonisation of Canada la Just In lta Infancy, and It affords an opportunity to get In on the ground floor and SHARK IN THE HARVE8T. The Chicago Tribune of November t aaya; ''The rush far Canada next apring may exceed tha great march of '49." Bead It. PREFERRED STOCK. Tha Preferred, Stock of tha Company la offered In aharea of $150 each, for rash or In aymentg of t& Tou can carry four shares ($1,000) on as email payment as lluo. WHY IT WILL Tha success of tha Company depends primarily upon tha management, and, sec ondarily, upon tha claaa of Investments made; aUao lta ability to dispose of lands ec : quired. On these three vital points it la able to satisfy the meet critical. The dlreo tors are well known business men. They will carefully Invest every dollar. The Com pany baa tha beat facllltlea for selling this land through a conectlon coveting half a dnsen nates, many of whom art already stockholder In the company and deeply In terested la its future. INVESTOR. An absolutely safe and profitable Investment on an original and attractive plan. .You need have no hesitancy In recommending these aharea to year friends, as they era 'a gilt edgej Investment for large or small sums, HOMESEEKER. These aharea provide an easy way for tha homesceker to acquire a home In a land ef bountiful harvests, mild, healthy climate, aufrldent rain, timber, coal, cheap fuel and lumber, good markets, schools, churches, refined society, good lawa and low THB INDUCEMENT GIVEN THE HOMESEEKER BY OUR PLAN ARE OF FERED BY NO OTHER COMPANY. IT 10 YOUR OPPORTUNITY. IT 18 WORTH INVESTIGATING. A postal card will bring our booklet entitled "THB DOUBLINGS OF A DOLLAR and large folder, which explains the plan. The Word of Words, NOW WESTERN LAND & COLONIZATION Business COMPANY, (INCORPORATED.) GENERAL 604 Bee Building, W, FARNAM SMITH & CO. On 26th Ave. near Dewey, excel lent close in property, 9-room house, at a bargain to settle an estate. Price $3,500. Also a fine vacant lot, 64x128 feel near above, paving all paid; worth $ 3,000. We want an offer. In the West Farnam location, ex cellent 7-rooro house, good as new, very desirable. Price $4,750. Over 50 pieces of improved and unimproved property secured by eastern parties under foreclosure to be closed out Get our list before buying. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1J20 Farnam St RE 83$ SO I OFFER the following Hat of choice resi dence propertee for sale; W. H. Thomas, First National Bank Bldg. No. S670 Farnam St., ground HxlK, 7 rooms, $$,000. No. tfisg Farnam St.. ground SOxUB. U rooms, $11,000. No. $401 Center St.. $ rooms. $3,000. No. 1011 8. $4th St.. T rooms, $2 Son. No. $ Center St., 7 rooms, $2,600. No. 1: B. 28th SU $ rooms, $6,000. No. 132S 8. &tf St., S rooms. $6,000. No. 631 8. 21st Ave., 7 rooms, $2 $00. No. 68$ 8. 27th St.. S rooms, $2,700. No. 632 8. 21 h Ave.. $ rooms, $4,600. The 8. W. corner SMh and Cumins, t lots. $ rooms. $3,700. No. 213 8. 15th St., S rooms. $2,750. No. tl7 8. 16th St., I rooms. $2,760. No. (26 8. 29th St., S rooma, $7,600. No. 26:'$ Chicago, 10 rooma, make an ofTer. No. f27 Chicago, rooma. make an offer. No. 1114 8. SOth Ave., a very good residence, desirable location, 10 rooma, $i.00u. No. l(M B. th Sc. $ rooms. $6,000. No. 11 Georgia Ave.. $ rooms. $4 20$. No. 3v4 Seward St.. I rooma. $2.6u6. No. izi-t Park Ave., double frame modern house, S rooms, each $7,000. Choice vacart ground. 112xlS2 feet, fronting on Farnam; N. W. Cor. 26th and Farnam, $136 per froat foot. I will construct a building to suit tenant at 8. E. Cor. ef 14th and Howard Sta. Will also construct a one-story building to suit tensnt on east one-third lot . block 160. fronting south on Howard, between llth and Uth Sta. Money to .loan on real estate. W. H. Thomaa, First Nat. Bank Bid RE $4$ SO FOR SALE, a fine large aafe. only $176; well worth $360; must be aold at once; party changing business. Call on or rd dress Geo. F. Pierce, 21$ Decatur 6t., Omaha. RE 60 SO TOR BALE, farms snd trackage property, , cloee to Omaha. Ceo. F. Pierce. 2fil De catur Bt. RE-MS 30 'GOVERMENTSAYS Fences Down. BUT ON OUR FRONTIER CO. RANCH YOU HAVE EVERYTHING INSIDE YOUR OWN FENCES ON YOUR OWN LAND. POTTER. FORGAN & HASKELL, 420 N. Y. LIFE. RE- I ALFALFA FARM NO. I 446 arrea fenced and cross-fenced ; good t- room house, large granery, barn, hay barn $ox.lM, ecales, grove $7$ acres of alfalfa. 4e acrea fenced bog tight. $J0 per acre; S milee from Kearney, on Platte bottom. Call on or Address. D. T. PHILLIPS. Real Estate Agent, Kearney , Neb. RE HAN'DSOMB cottage, nice location. and baa-gala, sjaeet HeAdj Its Future Assured 0. riUD TCLSASFIR, County Treasurer. C C. EHIMEtt, ARTHUR CHASE, Rial Batata Investmsnt. SUCCEED. CANADA Sound Sense. OFFICES Omaha. Neb. BENSON: If you would rather have a home at the end of a term of years than a bunch of rent re ceipts, call at our office and we will tell you how to get it in aW BENSON. v Think this over and decide which you think would be , . r .. Detter ior you ana your iamiiy. - Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE R. R. BALL, 53$ N. T. L. 'Phone B-1S9. $18V) -r.. modern except furnace, N. lth ave and Corby. fl.ftuO g-r., modern except furnace, on 18th, near Corby. $l,6Jo S-r., modern except furnace, on SOth, near Corby. $I.fiOo -r , new, modern except furnace, on Miami, west of 30th, a little palace. $1, mo One rcre ground and a-r. house, on Soth St. $l.sXK Two acrea ground and $-r, bouse, on is. svtn bc Car will run by theae in 120 days. Im.V Ui-arra block in flenaon. 2M-Two 10-acre blocks In Benson, small $iooo 0 acres land adjoining Benson north and east. RE $1$ SO MEN MAKE MONEY. PICKING UP BARGAINS. WE THINK WE HAVE ONE IN OUR FRONTIER CO. RANCH OR WE COULD'NT AFFORD TO ADVER TISEIT. COSTS NOTHING TO IN VESTIGATE. POTTER. FORGAN & HASKELL, 420 N. Y. LIFE. RE GO AND SKE THOSE BEAUTIFUL BUILDING KITES S' on Hawthorne Avenue New new side hojsve than any other portion of the city Lots 4 snd $ In block 10, Ui feet frjnt. mufct ro tocethir, line tlte for h me. 11 Lot and a nan just vest or me nooie rest' denee. s-1 feet froct. $1.j0. ' Lot 14 in block $. south and east front on Hawthorne avenue, corner hi, $1.0uv. You should aee theee lots before buying a home PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Bulidlns RE24 ii ASK Sweet sr Headley about the new cot. tags they aaveruae. ke as JU BENSON Nice flve-remcottage and half block ef I ground In Benson. A rare bargain. LnUssI aold In one week will be withdrawn from market. KE.Nbun i akmii'haL, 43 Paxton Block. Kit I ! LAND for aale or rent near city; S to 10- acre lots. tA Douglas $L RE 11 m D, v. SHOLES CO. N. T. LIFE. TEL S2S OR F27. RESIDENCES. SH SSiv Mot Charles, tws houses, rnt HO month. $ $yw-J91$ Dunont. full lot. I rooma. !( $1.250 H'll g list st.. ( room: birnln. lie $1,250 UJZ Caaa at., 6 rooma, neat, food lot: cheap. 17 41k Md and Buggies. T rooma, mod ern, with furnsce. gnu barn. $C $2.500$i:i Seward. xl27, 7 rooma. fewer, water. 468 $S.500 a rooma, all modem, barn, Georgia eve., near achool. SO 4.2"o 7 rooma, all modern, near 2$th ana racinc. CHOICE. 67 $4 so 2640 Harney at., 7 rooms, barn, well built, all modern and a baraaln. til to.Juo 4 rooma, steam heat, good re pair, corner, ri Artec om rLALti l.Joo-10 rooma, Georgli near floors: beautiful home and CHEAP. 91 tt,t0 But make an offer; 8-room brlrk. hot water heat, 4 wash howls in bed rooms, a mantels, good barn, fine Int. l block from car, north part of city. SNAP for soma ona. 704 $v,uoo For fine large 10-room. well ar ranged house In WEST FARNAM dis trict, oak finish, polished floors, high, sightly location, 1 block from car. CHOICE and CHEAP. VACANT NOW. 708 W.eOO Near Brownell hall, very fine 10- room nouse, exceptional nne interior finish, eak panel walnacottlng In hall and dining room, witn oax panel celling, nne sideboard; In fact a OEM of a house, and oan't be duplicated for leaa than Jio.ouo fur house alone: lot tfrWZI. 7T7 $15,000 For 10-room, modern, hand- eome home, near Htgn ecnooi, steam heat, exceptional fine Interior, ground 131 X122 feet, corner, and In the cream of that locality. Consider good offer. VACANT US0 for 12x124 lth and Lothror.. SNAP. $1,000 for uxl54 33d and Hamilton, corner. on car line, bargain. SI, MX) for 60x1 SI on Harney, near rath. BPLENUIU Ull. $$,ooo for Rxlu, near 26th and Dewey. CAN T BEAT IT for S houses. 100x160 on Park ave.. near Woolworth; per fect for grade, want ori tit. WE HAVE GOOD BARGAINS IN VACANT AND IMPROVED BEE UB. FARMS $20 acres of very fine land, excellent soil, about 3-3 bottom, balance gentle east elope. U"N X. I ii miles aue norm wi " ""v"- This is a very nne larm, close 10 a nw tewn; Improvements Just medium. Price. Iff &A ne acre: U cash, balance tr. want to aelfby January 1st. See this land. 10 acres, near La Platte, with very nne bulldlnss. nearly new, smoom ootiom land, seed soil, fine farm. $ per acre. 120 acrea, close to 811ver Creek, MERRICK CO., a very cnoice term, wen irapruv, mnrJk Km Inn. land St t3A ner acre. ....... i pirnrE rn . N. E. of Pierce. a good farm and worm tne money, eoa per acre. . . Mo acrea In aama COUNTY, aouth of Ilaln- v wall Imnroved: some oi ins nnwi nay iana in x e urasKe , a r . STOCK and GRAIN farm, and a BAR- "... I - , . . - T V t.TWTC OA IN at 17. B0 per acre. WRITE FOR LIST Or FARMS AND Tukey & Son Well Located Lots, Not for Speculation, But for Homes- Ws have opened up an addition on 26th and Grande ave., making two new streets, thus giving an outlet from all of the lots to 24ih St. The plat we had In last Sun- day'a papers haa been changed, making the aouth lots front east end west and tha north lota south. We are selling the lots at prices ranging from $125 to $200, and It la the prices that are selling them. We have always believed that if nothing was the matter witn an addition. If It was on grade and in a good locality. It would sell, and thla addition haa not been an exception. There Is practically no choice In these lots, except as to frontage. The whole is so arranged that It makes a little court of Its own, away from the general travel and still Is only half a block from the best car line In town. We are not going to allow cheap houaaa, such as are built for renting purposes, to be built on this property. Every man must own his own nouse and live in it. To get to the property take car to 24th and Ames ave., walk north along new car line to tittnorn iracas ana men west niu a block on Grande ave. It is all renced In one solid body, with large trees along the streets Call at our office and look over the new plat. A. tr. I i jve,x sr. nun . 444-445 Board of Trade. Phonea: Office, 21S1; residence, F 250. AE 168 SO SWEET & HEADLEY, 619 New York Life Bldg. INVESTMENTS. No investment so good as Omaha real estate, and we believe the fol lowing opportunities cannot be ex celled at this time. Residence property, Hanacom Park district, nava 12 Der cent nee New 6-room property, only few blocks northwest of poetoOlce, paya t per cent -r" TStMt 834 tnd Poppleton' I 4 houses, south of Lake St.. near 24th St car-, pric. $i,$oo; rent, $o per month, or I Q'Ji M. wni a-rnaa We are headquarters for good residence lots In the vicinity ot Z4tn ana Ames tnat are aura money makers. too usi sv NEW modern cottage, never occupied price, $l,8uo. sweet c Heaoiey, RE 830 30 A FEW OF OUR BABGAIN8. 452S Charles St,, nice little home of 6 rooms, Sil Lafayette Ave., new s-roora modern house 12.6UO. 3407 Jarkaon St.. modern 7-room house, $2,000. We have an elegant s-room modern bouse in Kountse mace; not water neat, iwoot lot, nice shads trees; a big bargain at $5,600. Or If you want a farm ws have some good ones at very reasons oie prices. 208 acres In Sarpy county at $36 per acre. 2u0 acrea In Burt county at $j0 per acre. 180 acrea In Adams county at $37.60 per acre. 490 acrea In Merrick county at $46 per acre. For further particulars call on or write to FAINS INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Building. RE $2$ 80 BELONGS TO AN ESTATE and Must Be Sold. . 40 acres, 14 miles teuthwest of Blair, rather rolling. ia sn acre. n ACRES Just outside city limits, near Ruser's park. 40-ACRE FRUIT FARM North of Florence. 7 acres fruit, balance pasture ana tanning land, 7-room house trice. 12.SMJ. so acres ncn garden land adjoining irv! pr ion, part in aiiaua, no Duildlnga. $67.60 an acre. The Byron Reed Co., 213 8. 14th St. RE $3$ Wyman, Shriver Co., 1003 New York Life Rids- Genuine bargaine In real estate. k-rooui modern rtaidmce. barn, ll?x lbu feet, paving paid for, ground worth nouse co.i '; can sell lor fj.wj. uemis pus a.sirict. 7-room bouse and bam, ao-foot lot tCLh and Bixncer, $Xl. Two fur. corner lots, east front, near 24th and Oak. $6JU -room bouse, 40-foot lot, $200 cash; balance mommy; win ana si. Mary a ave., Slil Pacific sc. 8-rooin muu. rn house. tO.ixi. S-room house snd barn, jo-foot lot, south rrem. m sr.n aun l. ii.i-ju. Tao fall lots. th ave. anl I)jge. $3,000. arrea near win ana Lon'.rr. hish an a.ghlly; fine Iocs ion for fruit or chl. kens s.i. one-lliiru cub, balance to suit. 10 acres just ouuius ot tne diy limits, ayi sue. ff i J icrqi,. rv C. lJ JO FOR SALE. OR EXCHANGE Good 6-room house, city aster, good barn south and eaat front, corner lot, good location, on motor line, at a seen flee for part cash: must be disposed of Quick For further particulars eee W. A. Sprnrer, SJS Ms 1 or Laie, KJb 1JJ SO R. C. PETERS & CO. Oround Floor Hev Bldg. 17x297 ft , Joins Country rluD grounds, 4 biixks trom Car try cheap. S-room houee, new Parn, new chlrken house, good well, full lot, ona block irora car. f!". 7-room modern, except furnace; 50-ft. lot; t blocks from car. 11.4 V. -room, entirely modern, very choice. S2.000. 7-room. entirely modern, bemla park, built S yeara. ..4ai. S-room, entirely modem, paved at., 110x150 ft. w,7iu. I arrea, 1" miles north of Florence, 4-room house, good barn, cribs, cistern, large amount of various kinds ef fruit. II, ""i l'iLt acres of good land, i miles from council Bluff. 6-room house and barn, several hundred bearing rrult trees, be sides berries, grapes, etc. U.w"'. 16u acre of very choice land, 4 miles north of Lis,h, In Stanton Co., Neb. None bet ter. lt per sere. 12u aorrs miles east of Herman, Neb.; well Improved. S3u rer acre. fr"-scre larm S miiea p. W. of Leigh, Neb. The soil Is a rich black loam, witn ciay tuunull. The house, barn, sheue, etc., are the best. Lt us ahow you tms farm. There la nothing better. M0 per acre. Rk, loS 30 RANCH and farm landa for sale by the Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land cummleaioner, cnlon Fa cUic tteaoyuaritrs, Omaha, Neb. RE 50 WANTED A solicitor capable of present ing an attractive land investment; must be first-class, bhlroer at Chase, 64 Bee Bldg. RE 7o W. C. CHI88ELL for BARGAINS In real estate, lulo Jones bL Phone lTL BE iUA Dls HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room l&l. Bee Bldg. BB 510 BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice bargains. (01 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1011 BE-eus FOR SALE Fifty-acre farm, five miles north Council Bluffs on Crescent road; fruit and good Improvements; a bargain. Address C. F. Miller, 7S Mynster street. Council Bluffs BE-eM744 SO A FINE 480-acre farm In eastern Nebraska, near Central City, In Merrick county, one of the finest improved farms in the state, at a snap; $&,0u0 worth of Improve ments. Send for illustrated description of It Payne Investment Co., New York Life bldg., Omaha, or Heaton dt Stone, Cen tral City. RB M7S 1 FOR SALE People's church) to be removed from lMh and Calliornia Sts. Address Lour offer to H. S. Gates, Sec. Board, us Howard bu 'Phone &zi. BE 748 D-l KELEEY 8 wall paper. 17th and Douglas. Phone 1608. HK $18 Full Lot, ttxlS2 feet, H Block from P. O., with building renting for $40 a month. Price. $7,250.00. THE BYRON REED CO., 211 So. 14th St. KL U SO WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 120$ Farnam street. RE-SOS DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell tho farmers and atockiwlsers about lu The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH ' CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 36.000 homes ot farmera and stockraisers. so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an ad Is small cenia per word. THfc TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, Ntil. RE 604 HASCALL HALL Large two-story building, 160x00 feet, 1923- 2 bo. I3th street. 1 nis building is su it- able for manufacturine or warehouse purposes. Substantially built Cost f 40,000. Will sell with ground 120 reet square at a very low figure. $3,000 Two-story frame store building, with nat aDove; iuju jjougias at.; lot Xix 132. $1,200 Two frame cottages, 12 and 2S16 N. 15th ave.; lot 44x&. The Omaha Realty Company. 1301 Douglas Street (Upstairs). RE MS1S TAKE A GOVERNMENT TIMBER CLAIM now. aa they ar- getting scarce; good yel low pine timber claims running from 2,O00,0u0 to 3,000,000 feet per quarter section. Have inspected same and will take a number of people from here, arriving at the timber on December S, ltt2. ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS WILL BE SOLD. Government price, $2.60 per acre. For further information as to des tination and ratea call upon or write to E. L. Lomax, Cieneral passenger Agt. U, P. R. R.. or Geo. M. Reed. Grangevllle. Idaho, formerly of the . firm of R. C. Peters '4k Co. RE 128 REAL ESTATE agent, young, experienced, to take cnarga ot local orancn omce brains, energy and $400 security reaulred Write Vanderbilt Realy company, 612 Illi nois Bank Bldg., Chicago. RE B74 SO Business Property BARGAIN 4$ feet on Lesvenworth, near 2Sth St.;' only H,twp, or wui sen it reet ior ina. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th St. RE $34 30 COTTAGE FOR SALE. $1,600 for lf17 Lake at., half-block Lake st school, 6 rooms, city wster. place Is In a-.. l - ........ l.l,... in. ,., J . GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE MISS $ CITY PROPERTY. $760 for 86x132. Harney, near 2Sth. $1,000 for 6ixl32, S. Uth; paved. $1 4 for 26tlc Poppleton avenue. $1,500. good 7-roora house. Orchard Hill, $2.2iO for ( rooms, near High achool. $2,700 for 67$ S. 27th St. $2,760 for U43-4S N. 17th St.,, (0x140 feet paving paid. $3.i0 for west Farnam house. $C 600 for $ rooms, modern. Kountse Place. $4 i0 for two i-room. modern houses near 26th and Harney: rental 640 vearlv. $4 6uo for 126 ft. east front by 150 ft. deep, vtest f an am aistnci; cnoire ana siahtiv $7.0ou for live housee; rectal $1,U2 per year cround $uxl26 feet. $11,090, row of brick buildings; ground lOOx ih; rental, ji.iu per year. ACRES AND FARMS. Acre lots near Krug park aud Deaf and Dumb Institute, each J-i. 10 acres improved, near Ruser's, $1,600. 10 acrea improved, west. ii.&jO. $0 acres fruit and garden land, with 6-room house, etc., neat place, t..f. $0 acrea quite nmooth land, $1,800. 60 acrea nr Klk City, $4.5u0. 60 acrea cuar Benson, $6,400. Ii acrea i ejr Bennington, $1,000. 1& acres In Clay county. Neb.. $8,000. t:a acres K:khorn bottom land, $11,653. ltM acres a miles t, Ili.Mu. 250 acrea Improved, Bjrt Co., $12,500. 24 acres adjoining town, tin j. IJ0 arrea, barpy Co., $-4,wuu. John N t reiixcr, opp. oia p. u. RE 14$ 30 PARTIES wishing to purchase a farm In lKiugUs, Wasnington or Sarpy countlea should write fur lift of farms and prices OI iiousiey st uieuons, Liuorn, ru. VRE IS SO WHO wsnts a bargain? 6-room house and corner lot for $."); $M cunh, balance time. j. n. rarrotie, raxton blk. RE 174 SO TOO busy to prepare copy for adv. Come in and let us snow you. everything In real estate. Also tasursnce (nre and acci dent). CHA&. E. WILLIAMSON' RE 172 30 ITS A BEAUTY. Ask Sweet A- Headley, FOR SALE. Residence on Wortbington St., near Brown ell Hall, S rooma. brick, modern In every way. witn gooa Darn, large lot, sa.ouu. GEORGE A CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. RE M17S Tukey & Son. An Opening for a Store on New Florence Car Line. WE have a atrip of land. 50 feet front, on 24th st. and running back 34a feet on Grande ave., with a S-room house and bsrn. The house seta back from the street an the 24th St. frontage would make an excellent place for a grocery store, or. In fact, any kind of a store, for a man who wanted to be out a little waya and live near his store. This la in a part of the city that la faat being built up. Tha new car Hue to Flor ence runa on iHh su and has already made a marked Improvement In that lo cality. The price on this whole property la only ll.Ouu. A. P. TUKEY PON. 444-445 Board of Trade. Phones: Office linl; Residence FiaSO. RE 14 JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 5 feet on lth, near Center at., trackage, 1600. Two lots In second addition to West Side, Half lot near S6th and A ets., South Omaha, Sl&o. 60 feet, east front, S7th St., south of Caaa, SfiOO. Good lot near SOth and Ames ave., S200. Good lot In Central park, 1100. 66 feet on Blnney St., 160 feet east of 90th, S4o0. 40 acres 1 miles from capltol Cheyenne, Four lota in Wakely addition, $300. orner on Uenson car line in xsaaer i imce, 1200. Good loi In Baker Place. S150. Choice lot In Klrawood, on Boulevard, SM. Good lot In Mystic park, $100. pood quarter-section in ninn couniy, Orchard Hl'l, raved street, trees, $.100. BAML1.L a. LLni 13. neceiver, ltMl Harney 6t. BE 146 SO HOUSES & LOTS room house, near 2th and Farnam, $3 004. room house, near 17th and Clark. $2,000. 10-room house, near 18th and Grace, $l,9oO. room house, new, nesr in ana r orv, n. RESIDENCE LOTS GREAT BARGAINS next few days, new car line. Z4tn ana f ori sis, iiw to tri each, half cash and balance on mommy payments. , and GREAT BARGAINS. SOth. south of and overlooking Miller peril, on new car nne. only $76 to $160 each only aown aua only o per mantn. Also CHOICE LOTS In every part of city, all sites and all prices. SUBURBAN 10 acres, near South Omaha. Make offer. 10-cres, near soutn umana, si.wv. acres, near Florence, ii.uiw. EXCHANGE S-room house and barn, full lot, to trade for 6-room cottage ana ainerence in eaah K .mi near rmincll Bluffs, with Improve ments, fruit, herriea. etc.. to iraae ior Omaha property. FARMS AND RANCHES Have large list of farms snd ranches smsll and great ana ai an prices ma terms, in eaetern ana wreierii ncur.,. western Iowa, Mlasouri, etc. Money to loan on choice real estate se curity. GEORGE P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO., Tel. Mb. I'aa iu.i v. iv. RE-- HARRISON MORTON. FARMS. HAVE you got $2,600? It will buy a $$,250 farm near umana, u uwn wiu ."- ary L Addres. . umana e AN ALFALFA FARM 10 ACRES, half mile from station on Union Pacific 60 acres In alfalfa. Pries only $25 per acre or $4,000. All fenced. Owner will take $2,000 Omaha property as part payment. See ua. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, Main Floor New York LU FOR REST HOCSES. Henry B. Payne, Stanley P. Bostwick. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Ill S. 18th. 10-r., modern, newly papered, on block from Dostofflce. only $36. 1724 N. 27th, 10-r., ALL MODERN, will rent to two famines, only is. evil I I...1. MvA k.r atrletlv ALL MOD. ERN, new house, in Bemia rarx. npeciai lnducementb to right party. . . . J316 Hamilton, $-r.L all modern. NEW, half block from new Harney car line. $22.60. 2218 Miami, good 8-r. modern house, $22.60. Special Inducements. rinnii k-r house and bam for only $16. 4012 Nicholas, choice -r. modern nouse, j. Rnaelal inducements to rlsht nsrty. 61 S. 20th, 7-r.. city water, etc., 4 blocks from City Hall. Call for price. ua Ponnleton av 6-r.. city water, barn. $1$. liO N. iith, city water insiae, gooa ceiwr and barn, reduced from $15 to $12 60. 2615 Decatur, 6-r., bath, closet, etc., $17.60. S0l Oak. 6-r., city water, i4. 7a a th at 6-r.. cltv mater. 660. ifa 8. Uth, 6-r., city water, nice ahape, $1L 1818 Pierce, 4-r.. city waier, S3M Leavenworth, $-r., in nice ahape, 36. We have othera. Call and get a list. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Ladlna- Rental Agents. Phone 1016. 601-S-e- N. Y. Life Bldg. 1-1N 0V t.nonM modern house. 2016 Elm St.. $20. 6-room cottage, newiy paperea, w i- n.iii si tx tine momn a rem xree. T. H. FELL, Merchants Mat. wans uiag HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished; recently renovatfcd; all mooern conveniences; iuii of boarders ana roouera. n. a. voryeu, $ Douglaa. l-edS SO FOR RENT. S-room house, $S. 1026 8. ISth street. jj anus i- TO MOVE light get Omaha Van Storage Ca ; omce, lailii Farnam, or Tela. 166-MJ. It 4M tirvlictc In all parts of city. The I1UUJLJ p. jjavls Co.. Bee Bldg, U 4jS S-ROOM modem, near High school, $27.60. $ room house, SWih ana Charles, $.uu. luu. i& cap. Ave. hi. sia. rvooison. D 481 EEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. for choice houaaa. eul-a Pi. X. Uit ldg. lei. inn D 4ul MACcGARD Van A Storage Co. Tel, 1498. D 4iS $520 BURT, S rooms, modern, nice lawn. barn. 2218 N. 19th, S-room, modern, $20.00. ?,' N. lSh. S-rom, modern, $ju.0O. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., liM Farnam Su D-7S6 HOUSES. O. G. Wallace. Brown Block. UUU FOR RENT 24 ROOMS. 1811 and 181S Howard ate.; haa lust been put In nrst-cl&sa repair. Including four new bath rooms; desirable location for small cotei; uv per montn. GEORGE It CO., Wul FARNAM BT. D M6s $0 FOR BENT, one s-room nouse, with gas, water and eewer: Juat been placed In first-class repair; In good location. C. M. ttaenmann, uiu-u raxton diock. u its FOR RENT, forty acrea In the city Imllt of South Omaba; small house, excellent place for teed yard, i he Omaha Realty company, uui uvuiu ou. upstaira. D 23$ D. V. SHOLES CO., 210 N. Y. LIFE. I cu us. For Rent : $719 Marcy, 10 rooms and barn, fine, special for winter. 4 California St., 10 rooms and barn, ele gant. SDV. tj Harney st, 10 rooms, brick, fins. $50. i;tio at. sist St., s rooms, oarn. hu. 27th and Jackson, $ rooms, modem. $30. m Pacliic St., 6 rooms. $16. D Id $0 6-R. COTTAGE, 440$ N. 21st St., good re pair, lie. 6-r cot tags, 27th, near Amea, new, $10. SWEET A HEADLEY, X$ K. Y. L. Bldg, n kj ao MODERN, groom house, furnished, close in, on car line In Council Bluffs; ewne would board with family. Address Bee office. Council Bluffs. J 2tl GOOD noi'SER FOR RENT. S44 Dodge, S rooms, modem, se. si( Phlnev, S rooms, modsrn, til. tCl Caldwell. S r , modern, barn, g. SMT Bristol, rooms, modern, M r1 B. Mh, 7 moms, modern, bam, lit. K t nrny, rooms, city water, liu. 4 Mason, a rrnnii, $!'. tsit 8. 17th, i rooms, city water, 110. JL117 leey ave., rooma, city waier, 110. fc.ll 4 Mandereon, i rooma. city water, 110. Tt Center, rooma, su. u N. icTth. 4 rooms, cltv watsr. 17. S8"7 Dupont. I rtwtni, city water. 13.M. UAHVin U tt U D . , Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg., 1M Farnam St. iiiw su HOUSE for rent at ic: Ohio, rooms, S halls and bath, all on one floor: shade trees, large lawn, 1"0 feet from Sherman avenue car line; strictly modern, inquire of Jos. Houska, ZJ enerman ave. ujkx aw ISO J WOOLWORTH AVE.. S rooms, modern, $25; H1J Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, modem, $40; 711 N. 22d St., 7 rooms, brick, modern, $io: 146 B. rbtn, t rooms, modern, iio; I? Davenport, 7 rooms, 115; U-St Emmet, 7 rooms and bam, $U, othera. Rlngwalt iiros., marker tiiota. u s; i HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk U OM S FOR RENT, 80S Park ave., S rooms, mod ern, furnished or not. J. w- ouoquer, city HalU U-MlOT l FOR RENT, 6-room cottage, 22d and Cali fornia; rent low It taken soon, inquire $07 N. lth st. D Mltd $ ROOM modern house, 2317 Charles. Tele phone A-2&6H. D 163 WILLIAMSON FARNAM ST. S-ROOM modem furnished cottsge to small family. Apply 1711 tiona lth Bt. D M142 Dec2 FOR RENT, S-room house, lust newly papered ana repaired, all modern except furnace, r-'d St. and Poppleton Ave.. (18. Two S-room houses, SOth and California Bta., an mooern, city water ana sewer, sis. One 4-room house, 27lh and Cuming Sta., city water, aiv. at. BAtiiJuriN, 4M-37 Paxton Blk. D eii 24TH AND K STS., South Omaha, $ nice 6- room cottages; rental, it per month. William K. Pvtter. receiver. Si4 Brown block. l M76a $615 N.-lSth st, 7 rooms, all modem, $1100 S40T Jackson St.. ? r.. all modem. 118.00. UM N, 2xth sv.. 10 r., all modern; ele gant. $a.6o. 2215 Burt at., r.. modern, except furnace, X2b.U0. 2tb and Taylor ats., 4 r., well water, $10.00. 4236 Harnev St.. 8 r.. all modern. $12.00. 2617 N. Both St., t r., all modern flat, second noor, sib.uu. Wa have othera. Come and aee ua. List your houses with us for rent Ws nave tna tenanta, ray ne investment Company, 1st floor N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 178L l-76 MODERN 7-room house, near park. 160$ B. zstrt. u-iw 1204 MAPLE STREET Eight rooma. $30. u 1S4S N. 18TH ST.. nice -room cottage. In good repair, wuuam iv. rotter, receiver, sus Brown block. w mss MODERN S-room house, comer Uth and Vinton. Inquire 1411 Vinton. D-808 Dl NEAR 16th and Howard Sts 12-room flat In flrst-claaa condition, two modern bath rooms, new plumbing: $65.00 per month. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St U S2 D14 FOR RENT-ACRES. SEVERAL small tracts nesr town; ons with small house ana staoie, also city water; part cleared for gardening; excel lent soil, One place for poultry ranch. $, 7 and 12 acres. CHA.B. E. WILLIAMSON. 17 St BISIJCKSS CHANCES. WHEN vou want to buy. sell or exchana-e your Duaineaa or property quicx see j. H. Johnson. 643 N. Y. Life. Y-M506 WANT to buy, sell or trade a business? uo see wuson. waxnes Co.. 417 to 41$ paxton block. x S23 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Koom 411. aiccagua building. Y 504 CALIFORNIA round trip ticket on easy drees California Mutual Land Co., 240 siuiiiiuiu.i ii,, oaii r rsnuico. t. ai. Y-M765 ! WANTED A solicitor capable of present ing an attractive iana investment; must be flrst-claaa. Shlmer & Chase, &4 Bee uiag. x 757 FOR SALE, hardware and Implement stock in nwanton, eaune county, rseo.; the only Implement stock In town; a bargain to any one wismng to sngage in tne im plement business. For Particulars ad. dress Lock Box 17, Swantou, Saline Co., reo. x at. 31 - I CAN BELL YOUR BUSINESS. No metier where it Is: send description and casn price and learn now. 1 have or can find the buslneas you want to buy. Tell me your requirements. . W. M. Oft- trander. Home Office. Suite 1443 North American Bldg.. Philadelphia. Offices in fourteen cities. x IF YOU have $3,000 to $6,000 spot cash and want to step into well established cloth ing or general merchandise business. southesst Nebraska, address P. O. box 74, craig, Men. Y M614 1 PERFUMES 2,000 kinds. Catalogue. Shr. man A Mcuonneu Drug Co.. Omaha. Y-MH22 D28 MAKE TOUR MONEY EARN MONEY. A aafe Investment, weekly dividends, sums oi W) ana up received ; your money always at your commana ana an money to your credit can De witnnrawn on demand; we have earned and paid between $ and ( per cent each and every week. This la no gambling, but a legitimate business propo sition; best of references throughout the United Ststes. Write for our booklet, free. Address H. Brolaskl & Co., suite eUit, s&o uearDorn ot., cmcago. ill. x GREAT openings for business of all kinds. Kern towns sre being opened on the Chl. cago Great Western Ry., Omaha exten sion. Forpartlculara address E. B. Ma gill, Mgr. Tuwnslte Dcp t., Fort Dodge, la v LANESBORO, Carroll Co., la., on tha Omaha extension, Chicago areat Western Ry.; fins place to locate. Started October 7, growing rapidly. For particulars ad dress E. B Maglll, Mgr. Townslte Dep t., f ort voage, la. X FREE. 100 lots, suburbs New York; send stamp for deed, a feet, title perfect. Sea side CO., Ml orotawij, n. x. x FRUIT, confectionery, stationery and toy store, with eoda fountain, for aale In live aold mining town of 8.0UO population: clears $3uo per month. Win sell at actual coat, about g,ouu. c w. answer, Lead, B. V. E. J. ARNOLD 4k CO. of St. Louis. Uo. race horae owners and bookmakers. In vite the speculative public to an Investi gation of their methods. This Is sn old and long established concern, amply re sponsible and reliable In all lta dealinaa. A rlald Inoulry Into their buslneaa will develop a condition unattalned by any otner investment propoaiuon ever orrereo, for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made in amounts of $30 and upward, subject to withdrawal In full on demand. Dividends paid In caah fifty-two tlmea every year. The best pay ing sale invmmcni in ma country, rteier ences: Banka. trust com Denies, commee. clal asenclea. Bt- Louis buslneaa men anil prominent men everywhere. For full par- lliuiara luurm, Bt. jtnioia SK .O., Stn ana nne bis., at. xouia. mo. y FOR SALE OR TRADE A fall line of farm Implements and buggies doing a good business in a lively town ef t.Ouo; a good bargain. Address Lock Box 1183, riaiismuui.ii, nen. x BARGAIN Half interest In a well estab- 1 sued abstract business In northwestern luwa; gooa opportunity for a youos man: will sell cheap or trade for North Dakota land. C. A, Dodge, Devils Lake, ortb vakota. i GENERAL MD8E Two stocks aca-rea-at- ing Sjo.OuO, profitable business in Ne braska towns; will consider good land; give ms full particulars first letter. J H. JODOSOn, Pi. I. WIS. J M 3 CA8H for yout res! estate or business, no mairer wnere iocstd; ir you desire a ml lt sale send us description srd prire. Northwesters lluslness Agrncy. $1.' Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 1 $10 Ft)R $10 OR $V) FOR $) ANNUAM.T. if you rsve Idle money or at low Interest this must Interest you. lliKh-rlaita. con servative manufacturing cornoratloii nmt Invested now should be worth $1 mo within one year. If you knew the facta you would be glad of the opportunity no of fered and which may not occur again. Let us Inform you. Prompt sitlon neces sary, ss but few shares remsin unsold; when sold five times their tiresent nrlca Would not bnv them Write today to Comhlned Mfg. Co., 717 N. uie uius , atinneapoiia, sunn. Y-e4 SO AN ENERGETIC MAN with good business tjuaunraiions tsn secure managerial posl- iii wnn n i.rtinnn corporation capital ised for $1011,0110; must come well recom mended and be able to take stock In com pany during term of engagement, from $1.6(0 to $., same to be taken u'i at ex piration of agreement. This rompsny la composed cf the representative business men of Milwaukee; salary l.h0 and lib eral commission. Address John Bmlge, secretary. Wells Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. Y 5S WANTED to rent, furnished hotel In good vMiiuiuuii, in luwa or ienrasKa, or wouia vi-Tjii innnngenieni t, goiKl notei; nave had experience. Address O 67, Bee. X M5i6 VI $25 BRINGS A STEADT INCOME. f aaya end'ng Nov. 25, $J5 made $S2. days ending Nov. 22. $.'5 msde $71. S days endlna Nov. 29. t'1 made t!L A guarantee to each one of our clients to clear from $10 to $100 each week. We have been In the ratine business C veara and our systematic bettlna Is so irrfect that we never have made a loss. Write for partlculsrs, references, etc. O 8. Williamson Co., 1K4 Market St.. Butte P, San Francisco. YSMl JO- BUY MAY WHEAT AND CORN AT ONCE. Margin It 2c per bushel, wh eh will imply protect you, and your money should uouoie witmn lb days, uo not ueiay. uuy Immediately; $r0 will margin 2,00i bushels; $1(10 will maigin 4,U0 bushels. Remit by casn, arait or postal order. Mend tor our free book. "Modern Safe Methods for In vestments, flower & Co.. Brokers. Traders Bldg.. opposite Board of Trade. Chicago. Y-98-i SYNDICATE INVESTEMENTS IN GRAIN and storks are safest, for In union there Is strength. Your money secured by a certificate of deposit assured by Chicago bank. This Is the best opportunity ever offered for the Investment of $.' to $iio. Dividends paid monthly. Write for par- .1 , T T . , ' ,,.. inula I a. . m . ii.jii'r a, vc. x. i,.oi a, Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago. X WANTED rartner In stock business; must have from $,ouo to gio.inv to buy half in terest In about l.uuo acres land and snout 300 cattle; good location to buy and ship; party must come well recommended and be willing to work. Address, O Bee, 1 M!W - WANTED To sell for cash or exchange for eood clear real estate our I8.O11O stock of dry roods, shoes and groceries; all In flrst-clsss condition snd located In a good town of 4.000 population, with line farm ing section surrounding. Now doing a big cash trade. For sood reasons, must make quick deal. Give full description of your roperty. Address, lock uox zi. miner, o. Y-M87S $ OIL STOCKS Before buying oil or mining stocks get my proposition, t an guar- intee It to he tne resi ever onerea me public. Address, Broker, 580 Bourse, Philadelphia, Fa. Y-901-30 CORPORATIONS chartered under new lib eral United States laws: saier ana cneaper than states; no annual tuxes; ronauci busineee anywhere. Geo. W. Henderson, authorised representative, 41 Wall St., New York. Y-929 8o A DIVIDEND of 8 to 10 per cent earned each week by our inrainoie eyeiem on in vestments of $10 and upward; highly en dorsed by satisfied clients all over the country: particulars free. J. D. Irving dc Co., 302 Broadway. New York. T 927 3v $275 NET PROFIT earned from November 14 to 24 on 6100 invested in cotton; an other opportunity now equally aa gooo. Write us. Tarrant at King, 68 Broad St., New York. Y-926 30 646 PROFIT made In one week by my plan, "The only way metnoa oi specuiauns, on eacn iuo inveaiea; sou clients win verify this assertion; Investigate snd sat isfy yourseir; 2o ana upwara aocepiea; my clients my references. George F. Stone, Box 124, Brooklyn, N. Y. X 3J8 JO- BEND for free book. "Fects and Figures." explaining option trading; $J0 margins l.wo DU., S cents, i is do m iirain o., na i-nor-nlx Rlda- MlnneatTOlls. Minn. Members Chamber Commerce. Y $11 j DON'T pass this by If you are looking for a good r nance to invest, vt e neve irai acres of best coal land In Missouri. We are going to sell a few shares of our treasury stock at 25 cents per share. Buy now. It will pay you thirty-five for one. "Investigate." Address Dakota and Southeastern Mining Co., 220C Wirt street, Omaha. Neb. Y-S40 30 NEW brick restaurant and hotel building for rent, $26; 14 rooms; town l.zuu. txtra pood location. Address, A. W. Forbes, Stanton. Neb. Y-857 30 SMALL Investors make big profits. The John J. Ryan Co. Co-operative Breeding Farm and Bookmaklng Enterprise, whose reliability la unquestioned, have demon strated their ability to pay 6 per cent weekly on Investments of ten ($lo dollars and upward. The skeptical don't aee how this la possible, but the wise reserve their decision until they receive particulars and are able to investigate for themselves. This firm cwns ore of the largest stock farms east snd all stallions and brood mares on said farm ars the exclusive property of this company In connection with the bookmaklng enterprise. Theae are all assets of this company. Writs for particulars, which will be sent free. Ad dress John J. Ryan Co., St. Louis. Mo. Y-ffJl 30 MAY CORN a splendid buy. Money placed on May com should doubls in fifteen dr.ys If bought immediately. Every Indication points to May com going sky high. A margin of 2 cents per bushel will un doubtedly protect you. $J5 will margin 1.250 bushels st 2 cents margin. $50 will margin 2.5uO bushels, etc. Remit by cash, draft or poatal order. On request we will send free our new book, which will give you valuable Information on safe methods to make large profits. In fact, these methods have made many a fortune. Mer chants Brokerage and Commission Com pany. St. Louis. Mo. Y-A9 3o DO NOT Invest until you have read our free booklet, entitled "When All Else Has Failed;" a aure, aafe investment always faying about 6 per cent weekly on tho nvestmenl; Al references. The Mason Teller Co., Suits 615, Blckcy Bldg . Chi cago, 111. Y-666 So IF YOU want to get In or out of business or buy or sell property communicate with Northweatern Clearing Company, First National Bank Bldg., Omaba, Neb. Y-M178 GREAT PROFITS $'J5 and upward earned montniy on every iki invested; write for booklet; dividends weekly; money can be withdrawn any time. Highest reference. Theo. Stein A Co., 30 Broadway, N. Y. City. Y 194 30 SELECT SHOE STOCK. $3,500; only ex clusive In live eastern Nebraska town; fair cash business; might consider gooc Improved land; be quick If you want a deal. J. H. johnsun, N. Y. Life. Y-M210 1 FOR SALE or trade, a good clean stock of general merchandise, located In one of the best towns In Nebraska; an estab lished bUhinesa, good patronage. In best corn eection of atate. Address 4.U4 Far nam SU, Omaha, Neb. 'phone A2. Y-176 80 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located: ir you desire a quick aale aend ua description and Price. Northweatern Business Agency, D 3)2, Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Y-M1JS L31 8 A WEEK "" on your Investment of ten dollars and up witn u r.iiea l urr ana investment to., renowned Tom Walsh. Urr., suite 2o$ Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Send for booklet. T-130 30 SMALL BANK, thriving (smsll) eastern Nebraska town, paying proposition, for sale right; In confidence. J. 11 Johnson, N. T. Life. Y MA 1 A GOOD grocery business In ths best town in Wyoming: stock snd nxtures will In voice about $.5"0; average monthly sales, $.6o0. If you mean buslneas address Bex 66. Sheridan. Wyo. Y-127 So BAKERY and confectionery stork and fix tures and porta Lis oveu. it Sherman ave. XM J