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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1902)
TfTK OMATTA DAILY TlEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER IS. 1002. a MFfFFIn IIF&1K I KT kt wi tbt . rr k. w.i u.xim IIIMiLi.UUU HLAUJ 1.1.3 1 , .dcmy. Ilr mti tkit oHtbrr Knot nor Nebraska are governed by tbe con ference regulations anyhow, and that Ne- To Be Tint Kan Executed in Hebrasia braska simply voluntarily adopted them. Penitentiary Under Hew Law. riGGS SAY JUDGMENT IS ALL WRONG Nebraska t atvemlty flora Laaklasr far Hard liinif Today with fae Kaas Crowd .Robrork I Morleii. sea's Uepaty. OPre-m a Btaff Corrrsnondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 14. (Special.) Oottlleb Nelgcnflnd, the Fierce county murderer, re cently convicted of the killing of his wife, bids (air to be tbe first man to be executed vnder the law enacted by the last session of the legislature, requiring that all ex ecutions In the state shall take place at the penitentiary. He was lodged to the atate'a prison several daya ago under com mitment to remain until his execution, which Is set for Mart h 13. next. The honor of being the first murderer to meet death tinder the new law la accorded to Nlegcn- f.nd by reason of the fart that Governor Favage postponed the execution of William Rhna from the 2Mb. of last April unto the first Friday In July, next. Thus, It Is that Nlegenflnd will get about four months the tart of his fellow criminal, and that Gov ernor-Elect Mickey will have tbe friends of two condemned men bombarding his susceptibilities soon after he Is Inducted Into office. The commitment papers of Oottlleb Nlegenflnd disclose that he was bora In Nebraska, Is 28 years old, fanner by occupation, and a Lutheran In religious affllllation. They also show that he Is temperate In his habits and has not been addicted to tbe use of tobacco. Babcork Selected. H. A. Babcock, at present deputy for the Insurance department of the auditor's of fice, has been selected by State Treasurer- Elect Mortensen as bis deputy. The po sition pays the same 11,800 a year as the one he now holds, but Is less confining and leas exacting. Mr. Babcock was a former business partner of Mortensen and was clerk of the Valley county, when the lat ter was county treasurer. Mr. Babcock ays the position came unsolicited. Mr. Hancock was state auditor four years, and waa Insurance deputy under Auditor Ben ton, Moore and Weston. Think It la Wrnasr. A brief lo behalf of Sarah and Louis Flgg was Bled in supreme court today. In Neither Chicago nor Northwesters, against whom Knox haa played, objected, and he thinks Nebraaka ought not to. Both are star playera and without them, Knox would be out of It. Bay They Give It tat. N. W. Bush, assistant superintendent at Kansas City of the Plnkerton agency, who haa had charge of the pursuit of tbe rob bers who held up a Burlington train hero on October V, waa in the city today to notify tbe local officers that every clue had been run down and that there was nothing left but to abandon the chase. The Impression Is growing that local talent did the trick, and it will simply be a wait ing game on tbe part of the officers. Gaardsraea Maat Be Prompt. Adjutant General Colby Is determined. evidently, that officers In command of com panies in the National guard shall be punctual In making the reports required by the department and in pursuit of that de termination haa lasued an order for their guidance. The resignation of Captain William U Holland of the South Omaha cavalry troop has been accepted, conditionally upon his making satisfactory Invoice of the effects of the department within his charge, and the commander of the troop Is directed to assemble his command at the first regular meeting after the receipt of thla order and proceed according to law to elect a new captain. Ortllrslei of Kleetlea Espeases. Certificates of election expensee have been Bled by Secretary of State George W. Marsh, showing that he expended 185.50. while J. Phlpps Roe of Omaha, socialist candidate for the same office, paid for what he got nothing. The certificate of A. C. Shallenberger. candidate for con gress In the Fifth district, shows that ho spent $430, of which the democratic com mittee received $300 and the populist com mittee but $130. M. P. Klnkald, repub lican candidate for congress In the big Blxth district, spent $28; W. L. Stark put, up In hla race for congress $265.23 to the democratic committee and $225.75 to the populist committee in his district; Charles q. DeFrance, fusion candidate fbr auditor, claims to have spent $86.25. The state Board of Educational Lands and Funds will go to Stanton tomorrow to look after some school landa In that section. State Engineer Dobson has completed fof the guidance of the aecretary of state a support of their appeal from the Judgment of a Sarpy county jury, which gave Albert I new plat of the houae -of representatives Donahoe $7,500 damages because the Flggs I and aenate chamber whereby seats will be alienated his wife's affections. The ault I awarded to members of the legislsture. It arose out of the snread of the Flactte cult I u understood that It will be Drat come few years ago. Mrs. Donahoe was one 1 first served." Several of tha members of the women who wss attracted by the I elect have already been at tbe state house, doctrines Breached bv the Fleas snd left I Kut it ! stated In the secretary's office her home and followed them. He took 'her out of the Flgg home and locked her up several times, but she maintained that It was a sin for her to live In the married state with a man who did not belong to her religious faith. Ia thla Dona hoe declares ahe was supported by the Flggs. The latter assert that the verdict was the result of a passion, and prejudice fanned by religious prejudice and the un principled and untruthful accounts of their actions In the public press. Hard Game Tomorrow, Nebraska will have the hardest game of the season . tomorrow, when It lines up against tbe husky crowd from Knox col lege, Galeaburg. The Knox eleven, with a dosen substitutes and a small baftd .of rooters arrived today. Coach McLean aaya bis men are all In good trim, but ex pressed doubts .whether they would win. Only a little money has been wagered on tta result, the Knox crowd wanting odda of $ to 1. They want the better of It too on a wager that Knox will score. Ne braska's goal line has not been crossed this scaaon and a touchdown would cause al most as much heartburn aa a defeat. McLean Insists that Knox Is a lighter ti-am than Nebrakka, and Insists that the stories that have gone out that the four- )jar rule is not enforced In his college are untrue. All of his men are bona fide students, he says. Knox has won all of Us games save one thla year. It beat Kansas to 0, whereas Nebraska whipped the Jayhawkers when the latter had Improved and while Nebraska was In poor condition. 16 to 0. There will be two colored boys In the game tomorrow, Johnson, left end for Ne braska, and Hopkins, left halfback for Knox, are the men. Both are expert dodgers and good ground-galnera, Hopklna having a big reputation aa an end runner and trick player. Sbedd, Nebraaka's star end, is out of It for tbe rest of tbe season and Johnaon takes his place. Mason was tried last game, but waa not equal to It. The team practice the last week has been very satisfactory. The scrubs could do nothing with the 'varsity and the mom- be ra of, the latter are back la the fine con dltlon they were when they beat the In diana. Manager Wyer of the university athletic board filed a protest tonight against the playing by Knox In tomorrow's foot ball game of Martin, right guard, and Hopklna, right half, on the grouDd that the former Is playing for a salary and that the latter has been playing for Ave years, contrary to the conference regulations as to tbe length of service of a man upon a college team. Manager Elliott of Knox said he would pay no attention to the proteat and would play hla men anyway. Ha denies that Martin receives a salary, although the Nebraska, management have a totter from blm. In which hs refused to corns here without a regular stipend. He admits that Hopkins has played firs years on the team. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. that no allotmente of seats will be made until next Monday. The Illustrated Bee J P' iRAISE IS ONLY A SPUR to people who are honestly striving;, aod thereby urges them to greater exertions. So the many good words that have been said of The Illustrated Bee only lead to added efforts to make that paper what It haa been from the beginning, the best In the west. It Is without rivals except itself, but its record is s constant Incentive to sdded endeavor. Ita readers have become accustomed to thla, and are never disappointed in their antici pation of a treat each Sunday when the paper comes out. JAMES f. WALLACE, the uew gen oral manager of the Illinois Central railroad system. Is another line example of the self-made man of affairs. Ho began railroad life thirty-three years ago In a position that paid but $40 a month. Since then he haa rlaen steadily until to day he occupies one of the most responsible positions In the railway world. A fine picture of Mr. Wal lace will be found on the front page of the next number of The Illustrated Bee, and with It a short sketch of his busy career. REVIVING RAILROAD PROJECT Hekrstka Jk Gall Seeares Koiotri the Ysaktoa A Norfolk Llae. . RtTTTON. Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special.) The general manager of the Nebraska Quit railroad, H. L. Miller, nae recently pur chaaed for his company seventy-five miles of completed roadbed, extending irom a t lust south of Yankton, 8. v., to Norfolk, Neb., built by the Yankton. Nor folk st Southwestern railroad. Thia pur chase will be a part of the through line to the gulf. Contracts have been entered Into by responsible psrtles to complete the line from Yankton to Concordia, Kan., by January 1. 104. The contrast supu--lates that it shall be In complete running order, to Include rails and rolling stock read- for business. A reorganixatlon nas been effected, which consolldatea the two roads Into one, to be known as me i ana ton, Norfolk ft Southern railway. The officers of the new organisation are n. Leone Miller, president and general man ager: W. W. Oraham, vice president; W. E. Hachedorn, general solicitor. YOUNG GIRL ACCUSES FATHER - a a m Wanaat Haa Beta Insei. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Nov. 14. (Spe cial Telegram.) The 16-year-old daughter of William Lempkey went berore juatice u. p. West of Syracuse laat evening and swore to a complaint against her father, charging him with criminal assault. The father as soon as he learned that a complaint mo. been filed, mounted one. of the farm horses and fled. He waa traced to Berlin, from which village he started eaat. The author ities at all the river towna have been no tified and a close watch la being kept lor him, and be cannot escape. The girl saya that for four months the father haa forced her to submit to him and she was forced to apply to the law to save herself. The people of Syracuse are greatly worked up over the matter and If Lempkey Is brought back they threaten to lynch him. Modera Wttdats Sard. GRAND OLD WOMEN OF THE WORLD Is the title of a special article which desls briefly but entertainingly with some of tha most Interesting characters of modern history. Women who have not only been notable, but who have actually left the Imprint of their lives on the time In which they lived, are the ones told about. For illustrations, photographs of -several of the best known of these are used. HISTORIC M0NTICELL0, the home of Thomas Jefferson, and Its sur roundings. Is the subject of a special article by Hon. R. W. Richardson, who spent several weeks In tbe vicinity of Montlcello and the Uni versity of Virginia during the sum mer. Mr. Richardson tells very entertainingly of the home of tho great author of the Declaratioa of Independence and Ita present envir onments. Illustrations are from photographs taken during the sum mer for this article, and the com bination Is certain to prove of inter est to all. CERAMIC ART IN NEBRASKA te Is of the extent to which chi..a paint ing Is practiced by the women of the state, with especial reference to the Nebraska Ceramic club, ita aims and achievements. Some account of tbe origin and growth of tbe art la also given. Illustrations are made from splendid photographs of the beauti ful vases the Nebraska club baa decorated as Its season's regular schedule work, and show aa well as black and white can be mads to show the beauties of the finished work. '' FARM METHODS IN FRANCE afford Mr. Frank G. Carpenter a theme for his weekly letter. It Is treated In Mr. Carpenter's customary entertaining way, giving a great deal of useful and atatlsttcal information in a moat acceptable manner. Mr. Carpenter aays the French farmers are the most thrifty In tbe world, and tells why and how they merit this distinction. Illustrations are made from photographs taken in France by Mr. Carpenter. YORK Neb., Nov. 14. (Special.) Theo- j philea Kerwood haa brought suit against tbe Modern Woodmen and A. U. pruitt of this city, for services rendered In nurs ing a member of the Modera Woodman of America. At the same lime Sterling L. Parker also brought suit against the Wood men Snd Amos Johnson, claiming $10 dua for services ss nurse for caring tor a member of the Modern Woodmen. It Is said that tha members nursed belonged to other camps, who will remit but bare not yet done so. The parties who are sued Jointly wtth the -Modern Woodmen are of the commutes appointed to look after ths sick, who are members of ths Woodmen. Cenulno Carter's Little Liver PUls. CSwrt aar SlgnMuro trf Cbarstes Wtaaa wit a Bls-amy. SEWARD, Nb.. Nov. It. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs, Eva Neely Moody waa arrested last night for bigamy. Ths complaint waa sworn out by Daniel North of Fillmore county, who clalma that oa September t, 1900, he married Mrs. Moody, she then claiming ber nans to be Merlah Wilson. Ia May laat ahe came to Seward and run screws Thomas Moody snd three or four days later they were married and have lived here alnse. Daniel Nortb ia a man about 70 years of age and bla wife Is abcut $0. The complaint waa filed Is Justice court and Mrs. Moody waa bound over to appear. In district court, which la now In session. HANcFS OF A NON-COLLEGE MAN for I v success in life as compared with those of a man with college train ing are debated by Hon. Thomas L. James, former postmaster general. It la one of a series of articles on educational topics which Mr. James has written, some of which have already been printed In The Bee, and others are yet to come. It will be found of much value and Interest to educators and people alike. BESIDES THESE FEATURES there will be found a number of beautiful and Interesting pictures of people and events of more than passing moment. The usual chatty comment, gossip about noted people, short stories and miscellaneous articles are Included, and the paper will be found complete In every particular. If you are not now a subscriber, you should leave your order with your newsdealer today. The Illustrated Bee ACCIDENTS ARE PLENTIFUL Several People Injured, but Fortunately No Lives An Lost. ENGINE TURNS OVER AT SPLIT SWITCH Five Separate Casualties la the Hrrord for Tweaty-Foar Hoare la the Ylrlaltr at Craad Islftad. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. It (Spe cial.) Yesterdsy waa a day of accidents for the Union Pacific in this vicinity and through all of them, there ran the good luck that no lives were lost. Archie Campbell, while shutting oft the air and tnakltig a coupling on freight No. 27 at Wood River yesterday morning, had his foot caught under the wheel, and In falling struck his head on a tie. He was unconscious until last night. . The car stooped with the wheel on his foot. It is believed the foot can be aaved. J. J. Brosko, a fireman for another east bound freight, almost at tbe Identical place at Wood River, fell from the engine while lighting tbe beadlight and Buffered con cussion of the brain. He was brought to thla city and during tbe night recovered consciousness. No serious results are ex pected. The engine was taking water at the time and was not moving. Engineer Fonda and Fireman Bailey of the cast bound passonger. arriving here at S a. m.. Jumped in time to save them selves from injury aa the engine left the track on a split switch. The engine lies on Its side, the flywheels of one side being completely burled In the ground. Tbe tender was wrenched from Its trucks. The baggage car and mall car left the track, but were not damaged. An old man named Boyer. picking up coal in tbe Union Pacific yards this morn ing at 5 o'clock, waa atruck by an engine and run over. An employe In the ;ards saw the accident and gave the alarm to the engineer. The locomotive waa moving slowly and waa at once brought to a stop. The enginemen stepped oft to look for the presumably dead man, under the monster machine, but he had crawled out from un der, on the opposite side. Aside from a few severe and profusely bleeding scratches, be bad remained uninjured, though the engine for Its entire length, had run over him. J W. Morris of the yard gang, had his band crushed while making a coupling on No. 8 last evening. Three big holes were crushed into the member. Falrbary Defeats Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special Tele gram.) A very interesting game of foot ball was played here today between the Beatrice and Falrbury teams, the latter winning by a score of 30 to 0. About 100 rooters from Falrbury. accompanied the visiting team, returning home this evening on a special train. Methodists to Balld Parsoaaace. YORK, Neb., Nov. 14. (Special. ) The Methodists of York have one of the largest and finest stone churches In the state and this week they have let the contract for fine new parsonage, to be built on tbe lot adjoining the church. The building la to be a modern ten-room residence. York Has Issw, YORK, Neb.. Nov. 14 (Special.) The first snow of the season .came last night covering the ground to a depth of about one Inch. Before the snow quite' a heavy rain fell. Thia morning waa bright and pleasant, and before noon- the snow bad disappeared. ' INDIANS PRESENT rBI6 " CLAIM Wilt Goverameat to Par for Wealth Taken from the Black Hills. All SUFFERED WITH CATARRH ttvL LIFE Miss Crow Says: "I Have Had Catarrh Ever Since I Can Re- FM memberPe-ru-na Cured Me." (Js 1 1! j I NELLIE CiWM MISS Nellie Crow. 1114 Edith Place. Mem phis, Tenn., writes: "As I was cured of a chronic case of catarrh of the head, I am only too glad to recommend Peruna. have had more or less catarrh ever since I can remember, and have tried numerous remedies and doctors' prescriptions, and while some things would help me for the time being It Is to Peruna that I owe a perfect cure. It was recommended to me by a friend who had been cured through its use, so I j Nearly everybody has had It more or gave It a trial and it not only cured tho less. A majority of people who have uiarru, uui loaeo. up me entire sys tem." Nellie Crow. ' have tried one doctor, they generally try mother, Sometimes three or iour. As a rule, however, they are generally obliged to resort to Peruna at last. In Peruna they find what they have been seeking a perfect cure. A cure that lasts. A host of peo ple have spent tboucands of dollars to get rid of catarrh and afterward were cured by a half-dozen bottles of Peruna. Many Have Catarrh and Don't Know It. Catarrh Is almost a national curse. Catarrh la a Disease- that Does ot Care I tacit. There are a vast multitude of people who can subscribe to the above state ment. In the first place catarrh is a life long disease unless cured. Catarrh Is a disease that does not cure Itself and is not easily cured by the beet of reme dies. The doctors all try to treat ca tarrh. Their remedies generally fail to cure. The people first go to a doctor and give blm a faithful trial. After they catarrh In Its incipient stage don't know it. Catarrh will produce so many dif ferent conditions that It Is no wonder that it Is so often not recognized. Catarrh will produce deafness. Will affect the eyesight. Catarrh will enlarge tbe tonsils and will make the throat sore. Catarrh will cause consumption, dys pepsia, kidney disease and eo many other maladies that it Is no wonder that doctors fail to recognize It. Female tatarrh Very louimoi AmoagtVo. men Peruna Care Catarrh Wherever Located. Mrs. M. E. Jenkins, nresldont Victoria ! lodce. Queen's Daughters. In a letter from 133 Goyean street. Windsor, Ont., Can., writes: "I heartily endorso Peruna as an ex cellent tonic for a weak and broken down woman, for such I was before I began taking Peruna and It really workcil wonders with my system, fly health is excellent now, and whenever 1 feel Ian- . guld or nervous I take a few doses of Peruna and it goes right to the spot. A number of my friends have taken it and are universal in its praise." Mrs. M. E. Jenkins. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna cures catarrh In whatever form. Accept no substitute for Teruna. Peruna is the only systemic remedy for catarrh yet devised. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable advitb gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, president of Thu Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O, Guaranteed Cure Contagious BloodPoison No Matter How Long Standing, in 10 to 20 Days fishing yesterday snd while be wss gone his wife sold ths family cow to a promi nent grocer In town. The cow proves to be mortgaged to the butcher In Papilllon. Mrs. Perrln also sold one of his horses, which proves to be mortgaged to the same party. HOT SPRINGS, S. D. Nov. 14. (Special.) Congressman Martin held a conference here today with twenty-three Sioux chiefs of the Ogallala tribe. They have been led to believe that the government haa not lived up to Its treaty agreement wherein they ceded the Black Hills region In 18T. They contend that not three-fourthe of the In dians signed the treaty In the first place, as was represented would be done, and that they never intended to cede the land lying between the "pine trees." as they refer to the edge of the Hills proper, snd the Cheyenne river, but that the government has appropriated the land, as well as the Black Hills, and now they want pay for It all. They desire that Congressman Martin present their claims at Washington and see It they cannot aecure payment for all the wealth that hag been taken from the Hills. At the conference here Edgar Fire Thunder, a well educated and bright In dian, acted as interpreter. The various chiefs sat In a circle, with Congressman Martin at the head of the circle at the side of the interpreter. Each chief spoke and the interpreter repeated what he said, sen tence by sentence, as they proceeded, while Stenographer Shepherd took it down In shorthand. They all seemed to have the utmost confidence In Congressman Martin and several times inquired of Mr. Martin to know if those present (a few spectators) were friendly to them, and upon being In formed that they were would proceed with their remarks. The conference lasted about three hours and not until each had expressed bis opin ion did tbey adjourn. The argument of "Plenty Bear," cne of tbe leaders of the tribes, waa probably as complete and as much to the point as any of the arguments made. It is thought by some that one cause of complaint on the part of the Indians is that a new order requires all able-bodied male Indians to work and earn their own livelihood as far as possible. These chiefs seemed to be in the best of humor snd one would Judge thst tbey think they may be able to obtain money by putting In such a claim and, that they really realize that they have no Juat claim. We Uiii.sass.i..ii.jn.tmAmi-LHg.lKIII THE HILL MEDICAL CO. has the services of the most bklllful specialist in Arnei i-a. They unhesitatingly state that worst form of Blood Poisoning can be cured. They invite all per Kone who have this dreadful scourge to come and see them. They charge absolutely nothing for advice and xamitintlnn and will cure you to stay cured. If you have been treated elnewhere and are disappointed at the failure of a cure or the slowness with which your cure Im accomplished come to us. We will cure you speedily, surely and easily and you need not pay a dol'ar until you are cured. We treat successfully all forms of diseases and the price la within the reach of all Lo not delay. Delays are dangerous. It costs you nothing to consult us. Our specialists In dis eases of the blood are recognized throughout the mtdlcal world. Our specialties are Syphilis, Rheumatism or any impurities of the Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles We have treated with marked success hundreds of cases. If you cannot come to us write Our system employed for home treatment is successful. You cure yourself at home, and the beauty of It is you will Ktay cured. ' ' Note Our Guarantee. Call today for tomorrow may be too late. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. m., Every Day. KILL MEDICAL CO., Kooma --H Patterson Block. 1633 Fa mam St.. Omaha, Neb. Write us today full particulars of your case and matter will be sent la plain envelopes at once. at some point that will be more satisfactory to tbe people, and thus settle the matter for all time. I to tafcs ss sa4 In a nrrrrfr yAiAl LUO roi iusaxsl ret uzziKtts. re i tiueumtta fci TCtna uvul rca ccisTirATioi. res iiuiw tvtL rca Tt com run ci Baalaaas CUs at Wrasrt,' WTJfORE, Neb., Jioi. 14. (Special.) Ths Rust-Owen Lumber company, which has dons business In this city tor many years, has been purchased by local men, who have Incorporated under tbe name of ths Wymore Lumber company. Ths In corporators are: J. G. HUder, F. H. Bart- lett and B. N. Kautfman. JflULl lOK JitAfiACstsV Saaw at Paptllloa. PAPILUON. Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special.) Tha first snow of ths season Is falling here today. It started with rata and tha weather twrnlng colder tamed Into snow. It Is still snowing and looks ss if t wou'd keep It up all day. Wiru Bella Marl cased rroperly. PAPILLION. Neb.. Nov. 14 (Special. )- W. 6V Perrta west to tha Plaits river Lover Is laalateat. YORK. Neb., Nov. 14. (Special.) Mies Nora Hilton, a young woman living near Thayer, does not want to marry William K. Smith, a young man of the asms place, and she complains that becauae she refuses to marry him be haa made threata of killing her and that her life la In danger. A war rant was sworn out tor tbe arrest of W R. Smith, who will be tried in county court Both tariles are well known around Thsyer. What Makes rtatay l.lps. The pure, rich blood, made by Dr. King's New Life Mils. They promote beauty. . Give clear skin, rosy cheeks. I5c. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. STUDENTS ABANDON BOOKS Five Hasdrel at the Valveraltr of Colorado Go Oat oa a Strike. BOULDER, Colo., Nov. 14. Five hundred students of the University of Colorado ar? on strike. They have revolted over lessons during the quarto-centennial celebration, now in progress. The students beld class meetings and voted unanimously not to attend classes during the celebration. Girls who attend are .threatened with ostracism and boys have been told that they will be ducked In tbe lake. Today not a boy or girl reported st classes. There is some talk of President Baker taking drastic measures with tlie leaders as an example of discipline. However, ss ill the students are Involved, It Is gener ally believed that no action will be taken. The new kind of General Arthur clgara ars now on sals. One Way Colonist Excursions at Half Rate Plus S2 November 18th December 2d and 16th to many points in Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Arkansas and Louisiana. Ticket Office 1323 Famam Omaha, Neb. asm ilr. WYMORE. Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special.) The firemen's fslr opened Isst evening for a season of five dances at the opera house. The hall waa appropriately dec orated with flags and boss and many valu able articles have been contributed by tbe business men to be given ss prises. Plaaalaa- for Saaltarlaaa. HOT SPRINGS, S. D., Nov. 14. (Special.) Captain H. E. Palmer, one of the board of managers of the National Soldiers' homes, who has the immediate aupervlsion of the planning for the National Sani tarium at thla place, arrived here Tuesday evening, in company with Thomas R. Kim' ball of Omaha. Mr. Kimball came to look over the grounds here to prepare his de signs for the National aanitarlum. The were also accompanied by Major A. B, Hull, chief surgeon of the Leavenworth National home, who came to advise aa lo the sanitary arrangements of the sani tarium here. He la a aon of Congressman Hull of Iowa. They selected the exact lo cations for the buildings and Mr. Kimball will Immediately prepare his dslgns for the buildings. RECEIVER FOR SUGAR FIRM Colorado Company May Start Baalaesa Ascala Waea Klaaaees Are Sir. fattened. DENVER, Nov. 14. Receivership pro ceedings against the first company to man ufacture beet sugar In Colorado were filed In the district court today. The corporate name of the defendant la the Colorado Sugar Manufacturing com pany snd Its plant la located at Grand Junction. The ultimate purpose of the suit Is to straighten out the finances or the company and to resume operations. The plaintiff is tbe International Trust company, which is trustee under the 1 100, 000 mortgage standing against the defend ant. The plant has been shut down for two seasoua. " Follow the Flag. 99 Isrh at Saaw at Hearaa. HEBRON, Neb., Nov. 14. (Special.) About one Inch of snow fell here last nlcht. This Is the first for the season. Ths weather Is warm, and It Is melting quits faat under tbe beat ol this morning's sua. Talk at Capital Resnaval. HURON. S. D.. Nov. 14. (Special.) One of tbe moat enthusiastic meetings In tbe history of this city was held laat evening for tha discussion of the capital removal question. Speeches were made by repre sentative bualneas snd professional men of the city and county, and the sentiment waa unanlmoua for the removal of tba aeat of government from Pierre to some more accessible point. The question Is not so much as to where the cspital of the stste shall bs located as It is to bavs It plactd AN-n VS. OT THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE In comparing Grain-O and coffee remember thai while the taste U . the same Grain-O give health and strength while coffee shatters the nervous system and breed disease of the digestive organs. Thinking people prefer Grain-O and it ben efits. TRY IT TO-DAY. At gretars every antra; lie aad Hie per jtks. HALF FARE SOUTH plus $a.o. ONE WAY OR ROUND TRIP. The Wabash R. R. WILL SELL TICKETS TO POINTS IN THE SOUTH MANT AND EOUHBAST at above rats oa ths 1st sad 4 Tuesdays ot each month. Tickets sold dslly to all ths winter resorts of ths south at greatly reduced rates. For rates and descrlptlvs matter call st WABASH CORNER, 1401 Famam street, or address HARRY F. MQORES. Ca1. Act. Faaa. Deri, Osaabsw sWa. IDE BEE FOR ALL THE NEWS a