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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE.' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER J3, 1902. BACK ACHE RHEUMATISM Are Caoaed. .-. m U'Mk, likrkllhr d Irion of th Kidneys, vrhlrh v"il rn Fatal If Rot, At-. . tended fa. CURE FREE A Trial Hot lie of K'lrarr'i afo fare, I law tv arm ...... . t at Afcsalntely Fr Etrr ', Reader - Th Omaha Bee nkl ' Sailers from Kidney ar Bladder Tronale. Bright' disease, diabetes, rheumatism, ; rheumatic gout, uric a-td poison, Jaundice, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, painful pas saga of the urine, frequent desire to urinate especially at night; a dull, drubbing; ache. In the amall of your bark, pain lu your groin and the lower bowels, aore Joint and muaclea, dlaslneM, palna in the back ef your neck, torpid liver, ecsema and scrofula, yel low, aallow complexion, coated tongue, tired ; ncMrous, worn-out feeling, lack of energy , and ambition, are ail canned 1y a weak, ' unhealthy condition of the kldneya. If you have any of thee lytnplomi, or If .you feel badly, take Bafe Cure, which haa f a record of over yeare of successful cures of all thee diseases; a free trial will, con vince you that It will cure you. If in Doubt Make This Test. i Vet your mrmlng urine stand for twenty four hours In a sTnas or bottle: If there I a redd Inn pediment In the bottom of the glass, or If the urine la cloudy, or If you aee ' parttoW-s or germs floating; about in It, your I kldneya are diseased. If. after you have made thla teat, you have any doubt In your mind aa to the development of the dlaeaae ! In your system. Bend a sample of your urine in Medical Dept.. Warner's Bafe Cute Co.. (Rochester. N. i .." and our doctors will 'analyse It and send you a, report, wlth-ad-Vloe free of any coat to you. , " All letters from women read and an swered by a woman doctor. All corres pondence Irl ctrlctwH commence. WARNER'S SAFE CURE la what you need. You can buy it at any drug store, two aires,. $0 cents and $100 a bottle. Beware of so-called addaer earea, fall of sediment and of bad odor, far from relic-Tin- ta slelc, tfcey are posi tively harmlal. REFtSE St BSTITl'TTCS 4t IMITATIONS. Be sure you ' ret 'Warner's Sfe Cure; subatltutea contain dangerous druKS. There la none "Just aa good'- aa Warner's Bafe Cure, . WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move Hie bowela gently, and aid a apeedy cure. SAJTPLE BOTTLE TREE To convlnon every sufferer from dlsesses of the kldneya, liver, bladder and blood that Bafe Cure will cure them, a sample bottle of thla treat kidney cure will be sent absolutely free, post paid ; also a sam ple box of "Bafe f'llla" and a valuable medical booklet which tella all about the dineaaaa of the kidneys, liver and bladder, with a preemption for each dlseaae, and many of the thousanda of testimonials received dally from grateful patients who nave born cured by Bafe Cure. All you have to do- la to write Warner's Safe Cure Company, Rochester, N. Y.. and mention having; read thla liberal offer in the Omaha Fee. The genuineness of thla offer is fully guaranteed by the publishers. WIT u Tha only double-track railway from the Missouri River to VJ Splendid service1 and direct connection (or all points on the Chicago & North-Western . railway: H ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, KICHISAN, HIXKESOTA AND -SOUTH DAKOTA Th9 Csst of Everything Far ticket and Information apply to office of General Agent, U01 an. 1403 Farnam Stmt. Its Secret Th choicest of teiecr rain and thorough maturlnf Is the secret of tha purity, the perfection and the excellence of Hunter Baltimore It Is the only one ef its kind and nothing Gke it, ' It Is particularly rscommended to ' women because of its age and ex cellence. id l all inwilut '. mi) by fcthi. k. uiiiik.1 a Sun, lUiuwon, ad. Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their serves arc weak. Tti.t f.ttiag cf languor, dailne ui cxhauxtoa la Ibo tearful condition which olui pre cede inMiiiiv The pnwer te work or etuily diminish ml dopomicacy d pnrMr Ilia intnd night and da. If yu are uSeriU! tlte torture of hcrvoua letriliiy, Ihi it i no kuuwing iiow soon you ywv decline to Mmeihing tore hrilb',. tint yon ran artvelf Tee yonthlul otrcugta. buuycury acd aapiIuGaa) l tauured ty Iht aac of ii They hare cured thousand. Sad we have o much ronliacnv In tiinu that we rive in iroa clad guataatce wtia a to. 00 oidtr. entaaywhrrcla plain package. It 00 yti tKa. boaci for saOu, Bocik free. - w t - . -: Tor aale by Kunn o. OmaSx onion Inue burre. South Muanav ivia Lrutf Co.. Cejoui ttiuttsv ia F ESTIMATE OF SUGAR CROP Indicstioni of Practically a Vornal Output fths Bwtet Prodnot EUROPEAN FIELDS SHOW A SHORTAGE Cm Predaeere fVIII rreaaklr Hare at gllht Rxceae Blaaea O'Oer aaaa Retaraa te tha Wt at Karly Date. (From S Btaft CoTTeerondent.) WA8HINOTON, Not. 11 (Special.) Hrnry, W. Dlederich, consul at Bre men, . has sent to the State depart ment a number of estimates of sugar crops for the present year. lie gWee figures on the beet sugar crop of Europe and the cane yield In Cuba and the remainder of the world.' The statistics sre especially Interesting-' at this time In their possible bearing on the attitude to be taken by con gresa toward Cuban reciprocity. He says the European cr6p will be short, but ap parently the world's supply will be ample. "It la, of course,, too soon to get definite data and figures,',' Mr. Dlederich says, "but these early crop conjectures form the basis for gradually obtaining flnr.l results. Mr. Gleseker, a Belgian statltlclan, was among the first to Issue hts crop figures for this year, whim are not very sanguine and rather below those now current In com mercial circles. They follow: Germany, 1.730,000 tons; Austria, 976,000; Prance. 880. 000; Russia, 1,130,000; Belgium, 215,000; Holland, 110,000, and other countries 330, 000. Total, B.WiO.OOO tone.' . "Otto LJcht, the retera publisher. Is probably more nearly correct. Hla eetl matea for 1002-1963, compared with the actaal results of previous years, are given below: Totals, 8,864,000-tons In 1902-1903; 8.848.038 tons in 1901-1902. 8,048,618 tons in 1900-1901 and 6,618,048 tons ' In 1899-1900. This would show shortage of 992,000 tons from last year, but all estimates are merely approximate." 1 Diedrlch'g estimate of the world's cane sugar crop Is for a total of 3,470.000 tons. compared with 8,862,806 tons last year. Of this total he estimates the Cubsn crop to be SSO.OOO tons, as compared with 8S8.812 tons last year. The United States crop be estimates at 425,000 tons, as compared with 400,000 tons last year. The Hawaii crop he estimates to be 840,000 tons, as against the same crop last year. W. E. Andrea-, auditor of the treasury for the State department, and wife have returned from Nebraska. O'Gormaa Klraply Vlaltlagc. , Bishop O'Oorman of Sioux Falls, 8. .D., said tonight that he expected to remain In Washington until the 17th, when -he leaves for Lead, 8. D. "I am. here simply to meet old friends and hare no connection whatever with the meeting of the trustees of the Catholic university, many of whom, however, are warm friends of mine," ssld the bishop. "I used to be stationed here and am visiting among my friends. I will leave Washington not later than the 17th for Lead. S. D., to Install John N. Star riha as bishop of Lead on Sunday. Novem ber 23. South Dakota was recently divided Into two dioceses, I remaining at Sioux rails and Rev. Mr. Starrlha taking the Black Hills diocese, with headquarters at Lead. Rev. Mr. Starrlha was consecrated bishop at St. Paul on October 28 and It will be my duty to install him at .Lead. PRESERVE HISTORIC CITIES Iateraatloaal Cnnmltiloa Farmed to ' Aid America a Arekaeloar' 1 ' leal Wrk. - i, . '' ', ' ''I1-'1 . y- WASHINGTON, Nov. , 12. W. McGee, president of the bureau of American eth nology, was today appointed to represent the United States on the American Inter national archaeological commission. Each of the American republics will appoint One or more members of the commission. 1 The idea or the commission la to pre serve the ruins of the principal, pre-hlts-torlcal cities, establishing at each a museum to contain objects of Interest found In the locality. An attempt will also be made to estab lish an American International museum In some city, to he selected by the majority of the republics. , ... GIRLS . INJURED r IN RIOTS Waolea Mill Strike at Bt. Joseph May, . However, SoM-Be Settled by Arbltraftoa. 8T JOSEPH, Mo.,, Nov. 13. (Special Telegram.) The 8 tat e1 'Board of 'Arbitra tion has been called In ta settle the strike of weavers at the Buell Woolen mills. All efforts to effect' a compromise between the atrikers. and mill management have failed. During the last week a number of small riots have occurred and five or alx girls were Injured as a rosult. The situation has grown so serious that aa armed guard Is kept about the mills day and night. FOOTPADS DRIVE OFF TROOPS Ros Tea - Soldiers ad -Afterwards v, .Woaad . Theaa la, Vtmht. '. . SPOKANE. ' Wash.. Nov. 12. Privates Lewis and Stevens of Company M, Seven teenth Infantry, were shot in a battle with footpads in the suburbs early thla morning. Lewis was wounded in the arm and Stevens In the hand. The soldiers were held up toy four men while on the way-4e- Fert Wright. They gave up .their money, but afterwards at tacked the robbers. A. rough and tumble fight followed, the soldiers being vrounded and put to flight. SOUTH DAKOTA CATCHES SNOW Teaapcratare te Mild aad 3iAaatac la Reported to Stork: oa the Raas;e. ABERDEEN. 8. D.. Nov. . 12. (Special Telegram.) A hard rain and. aleet storm today .was followed by saow, which covers the ground over an Inch deep. Tbe weather Is still thieatentng. - - PIERRE. 8. D-, Nov. 12. (Special Tele gram.) Over an Inch ef anew tell here to day, the flrat heavy fall of the season, fol lowing a light rain last nlgnt. The tem perature Is mild and no damage has been dons to range Interests. , TOM HORN WILL bThANGED Jadge Dealos Kow Trial tor Doteotlro t Marderor aad Fiaea Ee- Ilea Pate. CHEYENNE. Wye.. Nov. 12. Judge Scott today denied the motion tor a new trial for Tom Horn, the cattlemen's detective, con victed. o( the murder of Willi Nickel at Iron mountain. The date of the execution was Sxed for January .$ ' . , t Prrtle Sprtaera B,allah Kow. WARREN8BURG. Mo.. Nov. 11 -An Eng. Hah pr baa Utusht Hula riprlnga. a iuu Birr morl or berc, (ur BUTLER CASE IS CLOSED ArgBsaeata Beajlat Today stad Altered nrlber Will Soow Kaow HI Fate. COLUMBIA, Mo., Nov. 18. When the trial of Colonel Ed Butler, Indicted on a charge of attempting bribery, was resumed today Dr. Albert Merrell. a member of the Bt. Louis Board of Health, was put on the stand by the state. Witness testified that' Butler had come to hla house In September, 1901, previous to the approval of the garbage act by the Board of Health, and offered his 12,400 to secure its pssssge. Joseph L. Horasby, president of the St. Louis city council. Max C. Starkloff, health commissioner, and a number of others called by the defense to show that the sanitary company, with which ths da fendant is Interested, had no competition for the garbage contract. Claude C. Wetmore, reporter, identified an article in a St. Lou la paper, containing an Interview with Dr. Chapman. In it Dr. Chapman said he saw no reason why Butler should wish to bribe him. In cross-examination witness said he also Interviewed Butler, who said: "Well. .1 guess I offered hla a present, hut I did not have to bribe him." The prisoner himself wan then called, and dented visiting Drs. Merrill and Chap man. V. . "Didn't you make your general business the passage of ordinances through the assembly T" asked Mr. Folk for the state. Butler half rose from his chair. "I want to answer that queetton. Judge," he said, as his attorney objected, and turn ing te Mr. Folk, he added, "if you mean to ask whether my business had been gen eral bribery, I say emphatically no." "Not your general business, .but haven't you ever endeavored to secure certain leg islation?" "Not unless I was directly Interested In the legislation." . "How interested T" "As a stockholder." After some testimony In rebuttal the de fense closed Its case and the court ad journed. TALK OF CURRENCY (Continued from First Page.) cesslty of a proper legal provision for aa emergency currency. The present cur rency was barely sufficient for trade, and Indications were that with a continuation of the present prosperity there would be a still greater demand for currency. The government obligations, due to the recent prodigality of congress, would shortly fall due, and that would require a great deal of currency. He Suggested a highly-taxed emergency - currency, which would be re tired as soon as the emergency ceased. MAY ACQUIRE THE ELKHORN Stockholder of tko Korthweatera) to Hold Meetlaa; to ' Talk tbe Matter 'Orer. . NEW YORK, Nov. 12.---A circular letter has been Issued to stockholders of the Chi cago tt Northwestern .Railway company, calling tor a special meeting February 10, at which it is proposed to Increase the capital stock of the company by Su.arlslng aa additional number of common shares so that the capital stock shall be $300,000,000. This same meetlnr wfll chnMee l question of acquiring the franchises ' and property of the Fremont Eikhorn V Mis souri Valley Railroad 'company.' The di rectors hare decided that stockholders shall be . Invited . 4o subscribe to the .Increased stock to tbe .extent of 15 per cent of their present holdings. Foreign makes of champagne all take oft their hat to the leader Cook's Imperial Extra Dry- American made, pure, and de licious. FIRE RECORD. Meat Market la Daaaaared. - ORAND ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. 12. (Spe cial.) Fire caused a lpas of several hun dred dollars' worth of meats for Meyer Wlese. meat market men, last night. It evidently originated from sparks from the stovs, alighting between the building oc cupied by the meat market and that next adjoining. The building la a frame, In the heart of the city. ' Palace Is Baraed. ROCEN, France, Nov. 12. The lire which broke out at tbe Chateau d'Eu, the seat of the duke of Orleans, yestsrday evening practically destroyed that building. Only one wing, the chapel, and the art treas ures were saved. St. Joseph Hoaalay Mills. ST. JOSEPH,' Mo., Not. 12. The Hndnut Hominy mills were destroyed by fire early today. Loss, $100,000. The origin of th llfs Is not known. DEATH RECORD! Follows Her Haakaad. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Samuel Richardson, aged 65 years, died In this city this forenoon. The funeral services will be held at tUo r:-si-dence of D. - C. Dwyer Friday forenoon. Her husband died .est spring. Tbey were among the earliest settlers in Cass coun'y and were highly respected by all whi kne them. Dr. A. G. Masoa. TOLEDO, O.. Nov. 12. Dr. A. G. Mason, secretary of the National Boa Keepers' as sociation, and a well known write? on the subject of bee culture, Is deal thla city. Ha was 74 years of age and has been la falling health for some time. SCHOOL TEACHERS LEARN . Jast Like Other People.. Bad food and overwork wreck many a life, but the right food makes sure and com plete happlneaa, for ons must be happy If perfectly well. ... "Grape-Nuts saved my life aad changed me from a nervous, sick, despondent woman to a healthy, strong and cheerful one," writes Mrs. Alice Rlegel of Pont lac. III. "I had not been well for several years and I thought, as did my friend, that 'my days were numbered.' My 111 health was caused from drinking coffee, eating Improper food and overwork In the school room; I had be come very weak, tired and nervous and nothing I ate agreed with me. Medicine made me more nervous and Impaired my digestive organs. v ' "It was with difficulty that a neighbor Induced me to try Grape-Nuts, and I liked It from the first with thick cream and sugar. , I lived on It exclusively, with Postum Food CoSee, until my digestion waa so much improved I could eat other foods. .My friends Boon noticed the Im provement in my looks and I an now healthy, strong and happy, I attribute the change in my health eelely to the -change of diet. "Husband and I both like Grape-Nufs and Postum. I think they are the most health, ful and strengthening ef all foods and drinks snd suitable tor the weak as well as for the strong." WOULD' ! HAS 1IUCH " COLD Valuable Statistics of Valuable Metal by Mint Director. UNITED STATES LEADS IN PRODUCTION Brltlah Kaaplro, However, Take as Wkole, Dlara Moot Gold, aad , Mexico More Silver Tha a Aay Other Coaatry. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. George E. Rob erts,, the director of the mint, hss com pleted his report on the production of pre cious metals for the year 1901. The final figure a of the world'a output by countries are aa follows: NORTH AMERICA. Sliver. 1 Commercial Gold. Value. Tnlted States $ 7S.fW.700 3 83.lM.4nO Mexico 10.284.810 34.fWi.9H) Canada 4,li,&'0 8.14o,u0 AFRICA. Afrtoa 0.099,600 AUSTRALASIA. Australasia ;4,8,200 7.829,500 ' EUROPE. Russia . 22,850no 94 !0 Austria-Hungary 2,134,7m 1.198,ono Oermany 69,800 8,818.000 Norway 99.500 Sweden 41.700 82,400 Italy go,) 460.8) Ppaln 8,0 1,911.200 Portugal 1.J00 2) Greece 892 .WW Turkey 2.80Q 7.&i0 Finland .7...... 't,)0' 4,7i0 France j.: " 271.8iO Ureal Britain ....(...... .. 27.30 133,000 SOUTII AMERICA. . - Argentine ; 80,000 27.000 Bolivia IIS.) 8.1S2.MO t'hiir 1.087.200 i,Bo3.100 Colombia 2,l.3 1.U9.000 Ecuador 110,000 4.0JO Uraill 2,77B,4iO Venesuela 28,200 British Guiana 1,771. 6"0 rwitrh Guiana 46.6i0 French Guiana 2,0i0.ono Peru 1,329.200. .3,860,600 (.'ruguay m.7 600 Central America " 610,500 -537,800 A8IA. Japan 1,037,800 (.'nina, d.ori.MO Korea 4.600,000 India (British) ,35.900 , East Indies (British)... 8B1.700 Kant Indies (Dutch).... 446,000 48,600 Totals ..63,374,7O0 $104,999,100 The total number of fine ounces of gold produced was 12,740,748 and of silver 174, 998,773, ths coinage "value of the latter be ing $228,280,700. Hnglaad Imports Moat. The Imports and exports of precious metals by the principal countries during 1901 are exhibited In the following table: GOLD. f Imports. Exports. United States 864.Ml.fW0 367,7!.99 1.695,969 . . 9.713.5S8 3.7:rt.8r.5 ' .587,5X3 4,674. m 24,744.890 Africa Atifltrla-Hungary Canada Costa. R1t 36.7 560,510 Ttenmark &4.000 Faypt ......i...... ....... l4.T7.4tJI 11.971.274 France ........... J- 82,7MWi 27,.009 Federated Malay States l.70.lii8 87.ii Germany fa,12C,iW 12.278.5"9 Great Britain J04.0TO.fW 67,91.962 India 26.9oa,(09 2O.fl,069 Italy 914.904 2,607,740 Jnpan S,308.68 5,720.6fi2 Korea - 1.290 2.450,737 Mexico , .5WU4 Netherlands ,xui,uw Nicaragua 456,000 Norway r 519.R8S i- Plam tr.,..ivrf,. 2,351,t!S0 , r 79,700 Sweier ...vJU 721,603 Switserland 18.4t7,332 4.009.S9I Himrta 4.469.6X6 84,870.237 Portuaral J.322,31.7,9f AiietraaaaIs...A..'iM'..... ,, 78.8NJJW Chlnv..aji4V"--'r : ' .. V - SILVER. United States 81.140.782 65,838.368 Africa w. .veft5. -1,?44,M7 -66.94 Argentine ...... ' 28.99$- M.K Austrta-HungarjTTS.,.. 993,975 1.2fi3.8S2 Bolivia f.'.lft...; li.esi.a Canada' ; a. ;.j.;.. 242,215 . 2,U6,26 Costa Jlca fi.te.. .. v r 47.943 Denmark Dutch Gularia 62,560 28,097 Ecuador ....... Egypt 676,007 60,973 France 18.8K5.438 '27.119.8W Federated Malay States 11.063.647 9,4:t2.2 Germany .... wn Great Britain . . u Bt.i4i.uni m,mi,!: India 3!.f5.1T ' 16,M9.st4 Italy .., .....V...v... 1,4.707 1,B,994 Japan 164,Ki6 .. -1,261.509 Korea 450.5.'7 100.473 Mexico 2.279,875 50.M9.emi Netherlands ............. 3.27S.OH8 89.557 Nicaragua 6f.0O0 . 60,720 Norway ..; 1S7.1!64 Peru .7: M.712 Slam 77 186,91 Rweden Swltserland .. .;.i..V...: " 8.429,628 2,278,443 Ruaala 4.818,854 1.906.930 China .' 4,334,047 148.310 Hong Kong 7.K3,ei 3.747 BtralU Settlements 18,787,004 167.833 Africa. ' 806,610 ' 82,227 Arabia (17.226 266.8U5 Ceyon 1.011.2X0 1,154.470 Persia SS3.217 286,105 Turkey 8S6.462 Auatralasla (net) ' 6,089,868 Mr. Roberts says the Industrial consump tion of the precious metals In tbe world Is estimated In round numbers at $80,000,000 gold and $67,000,000 silver. i tllver flees - Lower. ' The silver market Vas depressed through out tbe year:" The highest quotation on the London market being 29 pence on January t and the lowest 24 15-18 )a December. The purchases on account of the government of India fell off heavily from tha proceeding year. The coinage of the Indian mltrts for the eleven months ended ' February, 1902, was only -48,(07.600 rupees, against 150,780,. 751 In the same' month of tbe previous year. The demand for China also declined on account or the Boxer troubles of 1900. While the troops were there the shipments of silver were exceptionally large and after their retirement silver bars and Mexican dollars accumulated at the seaports In .un usual smounts, , rendering further Imports for the time unnecessary. The European demand for silver tor coinage purposes was light, as tho governments are, pursuing ths policy of supplying needs for subsidiary coins recolnage of full legal tender coins. . , i About 10 per cent of' the silver 'output of the United Statics was from silver ores, the remainder being produced In conjunction with lead and copper. After allowing for Industrial mnanoip tlon the Increase In the gold stocks of ths principal countries for 1901 are estimated approximately as follows: United States. $63,800,000; Austria Hun gary, $27,600.0001 Belgium, $2,900,000; Great Britain. $17,000,900; India, . $5,8o0,000; Francs, $40,400,000; Germany. $41,700,000; Italy, $3X00,000; Japan, $1,700,000; Nether land. $5,600,000; Portugal. $2,300,000; Rou manla, $1,800,000; Sweden, $1,800,000; "vlu erland, $3,500,000. , .. The only countries showing a losa are Norway, $1.(00,000, and Russia, $1,900,000. VOTE MONEY FOR MISSIONS Metkodlst Episcopal la a Decide Ap portloaaacat of Fa ad a at Uosao ptad Atreai., ALBANY, N. Y.. Nov. 11. The general missionary conference of the Methodist Episcopal church began In this city today and wilt continue for ons week. During that time ' the various appropriations for missionary purposes will be decided on and reports will be presented from tbe mis sion districts. Nearly all the bishops of ths church aad delegates from every con ference district are In attendance. It was decided that tbe money 'at ths disposal of the conference for missionary purpose should be apportioned in ths rstio t H per cent for foreign snd 42 Vi per cent for boms missions. NET TIGHTENS AROUND PERRY Police Flad RTldeaeo roaaootlas; es;ro wltk Jaek Ike Slaaaer Mysteries. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 12 The police spent today Investigating the past life and movements of George L. O. Perry, ths young negro who yeeterdsy on the release of Alan O. Mason was charged with the murder of Miss Clara A. Morton at Waver ley. Tonight they found his swettaeart - and got her to exhibit Jewelry sbs received from Perry. Among the trinkets wss a gold chain which was Immediately recognised as having belonged to Miss McPhee. Pri vate marks on the chain proved the Identi fication and the Jeweler who sold It later described his own marks upon It. The officers next secured letters written by Perry, .In which, there Is. a reference to a chain and the Injunction not to say a word about It. When Miss McPhee wss In the hospital she asked, "Where la my .chain?" At the time there was an abrasion on her neck caused by the forcible tightening of a chain. All Perry's clothes were taken from him today, because an officer thought he de tected a blood spot on a shirt sleeve. Perry admitted the spot was blood, ssylng he hsd hsd a bleeding tooth. ' ' , Tonight all his clothing at Ms 'home was setxed. Some of it bears stslns which look like blood and will be exsmlned by Prof. Wood of Harvard. OBJECT TO UNIONS (Continued from First Psge.) earnings without any regard to the Inter ests or wishes of their employers and In total disregard of the earnings and welfare ef every other class of employes." He declared that the men In mines do not work to exceed four or five hours a day. All other charges msde by Mr. Mitchell are combated and on the. question of miners' unions Mr. Fowler-says: - "We deny that agreements between em ployers and employes through worklngmen's organisations are beneficial and successful In the bituminous coal fields or elsewhere, and asaert that any such agreement as a method of regulating production would be and is Injurious to the best Interests of tho public. The statements msde for the Lehigh Valley and tbe Pennsylvania companies use the same ground as the other statements. ' SCRANTON, Pa., Nov. 12. The answer of the Independent operators of tho Lack awanna and Wyoming region follows sub stantially the ssme lines as that taken by the other, companies and concludes with reference to the declaration of the miners that labor unions Improve the morels and discipline of their members, saying: This may Te true when applied to'some organisations, but when applied to the miners' union we enter a most emphatic denial and propose to Introduce evidence showing that prior to the advent of the United Mine Workers of America U waa considered bad form to kill or . maim a cltlsen who, attempted to exercise his con stitutional right to sell his labor, and thnt the vast number of brutal mtirdera and beatlnas during the last live months phow. that the teachings 'of the United Mine Workers haa brought about such mnrnl obliquity that Its members believed them- seivea .Justified In these acts, also that officers ot the union Justified this course by furnishing ball snd counsel for those who have been guilty ot these atrocious acts., We believe we will "be abto to' prove such tremendous losses of life nnd money as the direct results of the methods of this particular union as to convince your honor able commteslnnf that It Is Inexpedient to do any act whtch -may contribute to Itn continued existence. .' . -t PREPARING THE- EVIDENCE Presfdeat MltrWell sal "a! Half butts '. ' Lawyer Busy ' Making- Up " . . Mlaers' ' Case., . WILKESBARRE, Pa., Nov. 12. President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers and several -members of the executive board of the third anthracite district were' In ses sion at headquarters today. Later they were Joined- by half a dozen attorneys whom Mr. Mitchell has employed to look after the legal status ot the miners' case before the arbitration committee. There was a general discussion, of the sit uation. This afternoon a big delegation of miners from Shamokln were examined at the office of a local attorney as to their knowledge of the conditions of mining In their region, tbe wages paid and the cost of living. Mayor E. E. Schmltz of San Francisco and W. ' J. Hughes, congressmsn-elect of the Sixth New Jersey district, called ' on Mr. Mitchell today. The visitors said they called to pay their respects. Mayor Bchmlts Inquired as to labor conditions In general In tho anthracite region and left, town this afternoon loaded with statistics which Pres ident Mltcbel gave him. Palter Calls It Mistake. DULUTH. Minn., Nov. 12. Bishop Potter la commenting on the decision of ths mine operators to refuse to recognize the United Mine Workers of America, said tonight:. "It Is a great mistake, a great mistake, and one which will become apparent sooner or later. The labor unions of this country have come to stay." ORANGE TRUST NOW FORMED gradient . Acsjalrco Lara; Part of Callforala Cttras elt and , .' (lope ' for More.' - LOS .ANGELES, Nov. 12. C. C. Eppers of Chicago ssys a corporation known as tbe Southern California Trust company, with a ready capital of $4,500,000, haa secured an option on 7,000 acres of orange groves and proposes to absorb under trust mortgage a heavy portion of the southern California citrus belt. "The object of this syndicate Investment," aald Mr. Epperf, "Is to systematically Im prove tho- orange Industry of southern CaiiiuriiU and bring tfcs citrus - belt Into the highest possible state ot cultivation by sclentlOo planting, growing and shipping. 'The syndicate will largely obliterate tb middle man, who eats up the profits, by being Itself both grower and dealer. W obtain the land by direct purchase from the rancher. With the money he thus receives It Is expected he will buy more land, plant fresh orange groves, bring them to bearing and then dispose ot them to the trust for spot cash." ' TRIAL COSTS HALF "MILLION Vast Sasas of Moaey Aro Expeaded ky Botk gldes la tko Mi t. stsx Case NEW YORK, Nov. 12. It hss been esti mated that the trial of Roland B. Mollneux has cost mors thsn any other for a capital Sense In any country where the English aystem of Jurisprudence Is In vogue. The cost to tbe county ot New Tork In the first trial amounted to 1 250,000. This was expended In various directions, largely In fees tor handwriting experts who were brought distant states aad for de tectives who endeavored te trace Molineux's movements from bis fifteenth birthday, to the time cf his arrest. The defense expended about $75,000 fa the first trial and It Is sst'mated that the total on both sides for the two hearings will lookup nearly $500,00. ".4 '--' - ST . )'"Vh rifrf '. ta H Jim Dumps asked In a friend to tea. A vegetarian friend was he. Thus argued Jim i "Now 1 prefer To be a Forcetarlan, sir. I'm sure It Is a better whim. Because by Force ' I'm Sunny Jim.' " " " Ji1 ' The a good fad better food. SwMt, crigf Haiti f wttt and milt. THE Food of tho Day. "1 hare ased Fore' Food all asasMr. 1 regard it aa th M paw allrs food of tb day contain sll ths aoarisblng cle bmbis known. "Cas.T. Loean." M- -.' --.. ACT TOO LATE Merged Bailwajs Saj Offenses Predate Anti-Trust Law. COUNSEL CLAIMS THAT IS NO DEFENSE lolleltor General Declares that Early . Combines t'aaaot Affect Locality of Mortkera Seearltle Com pa ay aad Its Opcratloaa, NEW YORK. Nov. 12. The Northern Se curities merger suit was continued today In this city. Tho defense presented papers designed to show that for' years prior to 1800 many of the principal railway companies had full control of competing lines, and that this fact' was reported to the government and kndwn to congress at the. time the Sher man anti-trust act was passed. The solicitor general objected the official reports of railroads being accepted In sup port, of this- statement, but they went to the record.. Csptaln John P. Meany, editor of a rail road manual, was called and Mr. Richards objected to .his testimony on the ground that It wss Irrelevant. He argued that the anti-trust law undoubtedly reforrcd to rail roads and railroad combinations, and that If other railroad companies had restrained trade, even before the passage of the Sher man act. It was no defense for any present violation of the law. Captain Meany's evidence was, however, accepted. . He told bow the railroad man unl, of ,Whicb. ho t sdltor, .was .compiled, snd Mr. 6riggs p'ui In evidence' the manual for the years from 1871 to 1901 Inclusive, add the statistic of railways published by .th4, Interstate. .Commerce .commission... , . ' The commission then adlourned until Fri day, November 2C When the case ot Mln- ' nesota against the Northern Securities com pany will also be' discussed. ' - Aaiwer Wasklagina Mate. ' .. The answer' of . the Northern Securities compsn'y and the Great Northern to the suit Instituted by' the state ot Washington were filed In thj supreme court today.' They, are practically duplicates ot the answor of the Northern Pacific filed yesterday. Jn Its Btslement the Securities company admits It. has ' no agent In the state of Washington upon whom a legal process may be served, and that It owns no property whatever In that state. It denies "that any of the. matters al leged la subdivision 12 of the bill of com plaint tend to or do create a monopoly In railway traffic in the state of Washington or elsewhere. , . It also denies that It. Is a carrier or a railroad, company, or that any of the acts complained of violate or evade the settled public laws 'of. the state of Washington. . , It is further stated that the Securities company Is .tho owner and holder of a large amount ot and ' stocks In other corporations than the defendant railway corporations.. . HYMENEAL. Caloa-Plokerlaa. ' Ths ' marriage of "Mr. Charles H. Gulou and Miss Harriet B. Plnkerton was sol emnized at 4 o'clock on Wednesday after- i noon at the 'home or 'the bride's mother,! Mrs. Mary J. Plnkerton. Rev. John M. Ross of Central United Presbyterian church offi ciating. The bride wore her traveling gown, a dark green tailor suit with trim mings of gold cloth and a bat ot old rose velvet and ' green wings. Mr. and Mrs. Gulou left Immediately after the cere mony for a month's trip through ths south and upon their return will be at home In their new residence at Twenty-first and Douglas streets. ' Mr. Gulou Is of ths Guiou Ledwlch Lumber company and baa been a business msn of Omaha for many years. '.' ".The heart Givcth grace to every art" .r . Lonjtcllotr, It b the heart of . , Gorham Silver namely, the beauty which permeates it, thatdistinguishes it -above ordinary silver ware and gives it a grace which is univers-' ally attractive. Apart from its, beauty, its . Sterling quality, guar 'anteetT bv - the . trade . mark, and its moderate price are distinguishing features. . ii All rssseadbls Jwlr it V 3flHBgBnnlaBnV$aSBffiBl!alE st-musmi t , , orc.e Ready-io-Serv Certel .' J? tO? ILLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSIONS. 1 Jacksonville, Pla. l-Thomnsville. Fla 1 New Orleann, La 1 Vlrksburtr, Miss..... - .. 1 Hammond,! A 1 Day tone, Fla....... 1 Tampa, Fla 1 Palm Beach, Fla 1 Havana, Cuba 1 Jackson, Miss.'. 1 fit. Augustine, Fla 2 Mt Clements, Mich 2 French Lick Springs, Ind... 3 Chicago, 111 ...8.-.2.M .... 48.80 ,...'43.00 ... JW.00 ... 43.00 .... 69.10 .... HS.20 .... 71.M ,...10.70 .... 88.00 ,.,."65.40 .... 8.14.1ft .... W.0 ,...$14.75 ABOVK HATES A KB FUR nolMD TRIP TICKETS KKOM OMAHA, SEB. Column - (1) Tickets on sale daily; return limit June 1. 1903. Column !) Tickets on sale dally; return limit 00 day. Column (3) Tickets on sale. Nov. SO, Dec. 1 and 2; return llrqlt Dec. 8. Round trip tickets on sale te nearly all points in the south and southeast, fitopovers allowed both going and re turning. .. - Attention la called to the "l5lxl Flyer," a through train via Nashville, Chattanooga, Looktiut Mountiiln, At lanta and Macon, to Jacksonville, Fla. Homeeeeknrs' tlcketlr-, at rate of one fare, plus 82.00, on sale tirst and third Tuesdays of each month, fn point In Tennessee, Kentucky, Mlsii-:lppi, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, etc. Correspondence Hi vlted and' tnforrha Hon cheerfully given. Get copy of our beautiful. Illuatrsned lookle, ddvf rhig points of lntefrtBt ill Vie r4i.-jJv Mbuth, at 1402 -Farnam St., Omiilit., Neb., or write W. if. mkim Diet. Pass. AgL, 111 Cent. IV. R, Omahn, Keh. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER iR. T. FELIX GOVRAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUT1FIER -mr Tn. Plmplai. rrscktt. Moth r.uhra. Bus, SklB file mm. an4 vrr ST' blunlih on buty. nd delle 4tetlw. It has stood tb t ot attr-sv yMn. aai i ao twratlM uat 11 to l iun it to roprljr ,u.H. so A. H.rr st4 t tad ol . iua U tUsOi "As you ladles will uso them. I recom mend 'UOUKAUD'8 CREAM' as the least harmful of all the skin preparationa. or sale by all druagiat end fancy goods deal ers in tho U. 8. aad Europe. : '..."' KERU. T. HOPKINS, Prtfp'rv 87 Great' Jones 8t.. N., Tr '.; ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD" TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE 1 CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE .BATJI SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAN& SAPOBIO All Qrocen mad Drvzxltta AMt'SEMEKTS. r ft r O J Woodward A Burgess. tSUYU O r ; Managers. TONIGHT ONLY The Bensalional MclQ-Drama The Tide of Life" Prices 25c 50e snd T5o.-. , . Friday and 8at. Mat. and Night E. H. SOTHERN -. -in - "IK I WKRB Kla." Prices, Mat., tie to $1.60; Night, Sic to It Curtain rises at sharp. All ars requested to be seated at that hour. . ' Telephone U31. i ' VUtinee. -T HIGH CLASS VAUDEyiLLE Ked Wsyburn's Jockey Club, headed by Couutesa Ilatateldt; Harry LeClalr, , O . K. lato X'tlphlno and I'elmor Rose Ia TyWr. Dan and DolHe Mann,- Ka-chetia Broe. and the Klnidrvmss , . , JTlcesWtv , . -i : ; . tfOTKI Til3 MILURO OMAHA, klt. Omaba's Leading llotsi. SPECIAL fr tLATlHtMU LUNCUKON. FIFTT CKNTS. 12 M to I p. m. BUXDAT. ' :M f- m. blKNlCR.'3tc ' Steadily lacreasin tulnsa ha necessi tated an nUfntiit o( Lata, duutiling It tuinier ca()aclty. r hi IHiw I? (wjc irns i- I ne ilB as,. ,.., Cv