Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
Till; OMAHA DAILY 11KE: TIIUHSDAY, OCTOlTK 0, 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES Jllfftiu far taesa releases will te likra til J an. Ir tue Trains edition antll ft:3fl B. ". far morales anal Sunday ealtlaa. States, 1 I -2c a rrara ilral laaertlaa, I ft a, war tereaf rer. Netalaaj. Ukti far leaa than Sa far the Brat laeer Una. Tkit as veMleraaaate aaast fca r a eouseeutlvely. Advertisers, sr rraaaatlaar a " fcrres check, raa have anawcra aa- srceeea a asmaeres letter la rsr af Tkc Bee. aa aeerraee will rbcelt aaly. SITVATIONS WANTED. FIR8T-CI.ASS stenographer desires posl- . tlon with reliable firm, Address 1414 , Martha Bt. A ,V JVANTED, to take charge of two furnacea; beat referenca. Address L. tit. Bee A M417 Y WATEI-1AI.K HELP. WANTED, canvasser; man familiar with book and I twspaper work, preferred; must b hustler. Apjijy I'.ouui . tjee ifiug. IS FOR 1IALf"A DAY'8 WORK. it you live In th country or In a small town and iiave a good acquaintance among the farmers and stock raisers In ' the nelfchiiOTliood you can mane easily by four or live hours work. Write us ' and we will send you ojr proposition. The B-e Publishlna; Co., Bollcltors' Dept., Oovabu, Neb.,, . . uMtiJ riVfJ strictly first-class salesmen to work I ltv .na country Urritory tor newspaper; wekiy salaiy, lli to according to I .. ability, i etmuntut position. Keterencea i.ecesMHry Apyiy of wrut to oom ml. He mug.. : , ain Ul'ttTUNa ' deyutlea wanted; men or -women; spjewud coptra;t The Uarden- . era, 4U. is iiia. . - , w ib WANTED, first-class atrltaontca and War ner llbtasv salesmen fo! Iowa. Kansss. Nebraaluk,, North and Houih ' DakoiH. . lA'e pay travelujg expenses and . monthly advance. Vou ca.l on, Inquiries i,niv. 1'ermanent and exu.ustve territory ,'ai'atM.i. l.ffiroM: A mprlcll NtuaueL '- Aasot latlout suite Wi. N. X. L.Ue Miag., Oniana, Nclx WASTED, yopng man atenographer; give J references, age and expected salary. Ad- J nr... K a.. Hu. U MJUi WANTED, traveling man. who visits the large and rmail towns, to sen retailers a select aasortmunt of dry goods for spring. on commission. wryrt uawr nun,- r-niia- .aeiphia, I'a. . toi WANTED, tnen to sort Iron. Alplrn, 801 1.- tl T ....... . i. - t V WANTElV. R hosiery and underwear sales- . man -for states pf Nebraska and low. . vox Cfi, Manyn, ind. a oaauu . WANTED, carpenters," $160 a day. Ad- dress Joseph Bhleslger, cpntra;tor, Yutan, 11 wa WANTED f6r t,V ft. Army, able-bodied un married, men between ages of 21 and 36, . fltisens 'of United States, ot good chai acter and. temperate habits, who can speak, 'read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officers, 16th snd Dodke 8's.f . Omaha, and postottlce buiiuing, Lincoln, reo. xs FIFTY men wanted for general farm work. .Bianaaru cattle company, Amna, Neb. V, . N-25I Nia- ,WANTEI, first-class horseshoers at once. Write Oeo. Nyera,.JlZ Bo. Klrst Bt , Cedar I, Cedar B 167 i ttapias, a. WANTED Salesman; . necessary. Hemlngton tun 1" amem. experience .- not Aypewrlter Co. U M170 V.' A V'Tt'TI mAn A 1 . - . 1 nere axo aovantugea iol cannot De naa elsewhere; abundance of practice, quail- fled teachers, expert KlemopstraUons, lools given, diplomas granted, board Included an r.-pres Baturoays; alwaya demand for (juallned bcrb' rs; we Were established In .. InW and 'have braachea In t New York, Vhloagur 8U tuls, New Orleans, fetan . Francisco and Minneapolis., our system , Is , ll known; .do not be deoelvod by similar name or cheap 6-oent shops called colleges.;, see our , illustrated, catalogue, rmll.t- free, ' lole 'Barber Collrge, . iHOg i.4eui"i. : ,f i at auvt w, GOOD measejigers wanted; high salaries. .V. . uo., n.iutn si. - a mim WANTED Laborers, scraper holders and tiasn ireignt aepoi, council uiuns. nan (trading and Construction company. '.".; ' B-M183 9 2 i : i ! : THivn.INd alesrtnn:-"sUrt advertisers. .cash for. services rendered; references requ(re.d. write, quick., -Trtumpn, Dallas, WANTED. Immediately, 1 young man, IS .years old; must be accurate, industrious, wllllua to work, able to take off -trial balance! s steady . employment to right -, party. Address in own nana writing, stating age, experience and salary wanted. - Address U tl. Bee. H-M87S WANTED Men. to cut 200 corda of wood and t.OvO pouts at once. Apply to Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, I la. ! 11 a.6l 9 I WANTErWExoerlenced rlgar salesman i . i.t. ..? . . I Willi esiauiiniinu inua, 110111 isuiurjr ig retailer in iseoraaaa ana towa. Aauress, giving full aotncedvnls, i. J. Tracy, 2028 SoUtU 18th street, PhiladelphUi, Pa. 1 a bium mr 1 , - SALESMEN! . , . The Hawks Nursery Company, .... Wauwatosa.. Wis. 1 , . ... , -B-M878 Nov. t PORTF.R wanted. .Apply the Omaha News . Co., 16th and DavenpoM. B-M418 10 STRICTLY 'flrst-class stenographer (ron) I In railroad olhoa; state . experience audi WANTED-An A No- 1 night clerk; refer .encea required. Iaqulre Commercial Hotel, JdCCOOK. IXeO. ' -!.- . . At M410 THE ANNUAL poatofflce examination will be held In fmiaha November 19th for clerka and -carrlera; only a common achool education required; politics or religion not considered; we prepare by mall for 'the examinations a large per rent of those ppoinm-u rHi-u yrr, iimrnwuiNi iuiiji all government positions free. Columbian t'orrespoi.denve College, Vt aahlnifton, D. C. . . e B M4tS 10 ' s . 1 ' . WANTED, a' man for furnace and yard work at 8. W. corner Utih and Hamilton Bta. .. ' -. ; B 433 H Bt'SlNEBH renreaentative for spet-lal dept. 'Mcll daily; liberal terms. Address Ll 2. Bee. B 436 IS k ,i i .... ... i , . ,m WANTED, stenographer and cashier: give penmanship and references. Address L C3, Bee..." ,; ' ' - B 433 BOY wanted, Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. , . . 'I' B 128 8 ' ' '. 1 " - 1 EXPERIENCED grocery boy. at 614 N. ISth Bt. - B 125 8 ' WANTKIV-2fi good, stout, husky carpenters to work o,n omstructioti ot grain elevators In Boyd county. Neb. ; Wages i'ht tn Z7H cenis per nour, acpominif to ability; transportation furnished from Omaha. AddrvKH TransmlMuslppl Grain Co., Bee niug.. umaim, jeo. . . .-, ., n M44 12 WANTED, a tuan under 20 yeara of age for poiialry aollilliog; rnxiiut. advanced; aaUity ot ,coiuiiiut4(u; bums and Joafers M7ril..n,..ho,,:i.r- 'C"1 M'S?."1.rrl.. comfortable wlntehom..' Tel MALKSMK' WARTSD. BI,F.SMEN. exciilsive' territory; salary vt cniumiMion; sa'ivtui-iipn guaranteea. Ap ply for' terms te "H." Western Nursery liwreme, Kan-., 144 U17 'HICI P WASITICD'.C WANTED, wanon teams, $1.5 per day) 'concrete men. -' per day- 60 laborers. Jl. 75 pes iay r 26 la tamttters. m aiar month and I VN ivkham ft Ci.'l . ott st .'. .; .'.. 'I tHard.' r . a. fnuneil blufla - .t-r lOOOtrts. Call Canadianfflce. J.'.Jh Dodge. .. .' . ,'. O '. ' --S--- WANTED, 'goo wagvs .to a oo cook; liune other nc.ex) appty. 2324 Harney. -., .... . . r- GIRL for general housework. StAtt "llerxe street. - WANTED, working housekeeper In fspilly at iaxaa aait. auuiih sw. C-Ail WAKTKIt-FENALtl HELP. t WASTKl), competent girl for general honwitnrk In family of two; references required; call mornings., Ill N. 2th ft. WANTED, a good girl Tor general hojse- won; no washing; 83.M per w. 114 North 241 h 8t. C t WASTKII. ladles rn lesrn halrdresslng. manicuring and facial massage; irx 1 1 I'm 1 method by free clinic, expert Instructions. lectures, etc.; only four weens reuuireo; eood rlemand for trrndoAtes: snerial In. oueements Just now. fall or write, Moler College. I.i3 Douglas it. C M195 9 WANTKIi. girl for general housework; I In family; 85 per week, inquire 4123 rarnam. tj 1: s FIRST-CLAPS girl for general housework. 14 Park Ave. . . (.-jw s" WANTED A girl on a farm. one'Tnlle south or rwutn omana, inquire ht-mhi- er restaurant, 222 ?i e., South mmria. C M8W r WANTED, ptiahlng aort of ynjing woman j to solicit I nlversl'ty Heading f'odrso mem bership from ladlea at their homes; an esceptlcnal opportunity for energetic, genteel person. Address Ij M. Bee. t. : h WANTED, an experienced second girl. X Tine, street. Mrs. Marsh, u 3H8 ! WANTED, a cook Mrs. need. StKO Karnam. C Ml $75 AND EXPENSES (either aexl travel ing; no canvassing; no at home; can gfternoon I to . , Drexel notel. c M4zi is" OIRI for gen.ral housework wanted for I family ot three, call ?ws Dodge. c wi it WANTED, a young girl for upstairs "work. Wll Bo. sum Ave. t 4rj pj , WANTED, girl with good experience and references lor general noiiMewora; srau.ii family. Mrs.' Charles 'C, Bosewater, 13 N. 31f ave. C-I44t : FOR RKXT-HOUBS. HOUSES, stores. Bemls. I'axton block. , . D-M3 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; pfJIce laU3s Karnam, or. .Tele. ljo-M. I - ROOM modern detached bouse. Inquire 24B Capitol Ave. D Mai HOIISFS'P. ," Partf, of 'j Th5,i j.'. Davla Co.. at Bee Bldg. - D 1J BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & OO. for cholee houses, eul-2 N. Y. Life Bids. Tel. 101. . . D-rWK VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1195. HOUHE3 and flats. Ring wait. Barker block. . - ' J Ul MAUUARD Van Storage Co, Tel. 1496. . , i -4l -POOM modern, good repair, on 8. 32d ave nug. hope o-J. , OCTOBER 1 6-room house. 1630 Cass: mod arn except xurnaca. eev. vv, a. aiaiuu, Hotel rarnam. .. - u Jo FOR RENT, three 9-room houses, with water, gas ana sewer: just neen piucea In tirst-claa. repair; all In good location; Close to street car and schools; tin to. tl each. C. M. Uaohmann, 42e and i3i 1'ajtton block. j- ua 701 N. 24TH ST., South Omaha, a nice ( room cottage. William K. foiier, ite- colver, 3u3 Brown block. ' . . U 699 MODERN 7-room house, near park. t loot Doutn xstn. , u FOR RENT, October 1, t-room modern nourpe, aid n. ma uv; e-room,' cottage, tun (..iiluiiiia toi.. Apiy at -Aivwitt uvi n.- 1 Life Bldg. . . , . D 0 J' f li iV. .u. &,V 3tjkr JZVrJL'rCZ uA , Wm. K. Potter, receiver. S03 Brown block. u auk . HOUSES. O. Q. Wallace. Brown Block. . . . D 164 ElOHT-room house, modern. Inquire 2614 vaiaweu street. . ;. j anus u" S-ROOM modernv furnished ; if agreeable will take-room and -'board" in' exchange tor rent. - inquire zsa Bt. D-209 FOR RENT,' -room modern house. 2248 N. 19lh St., $20. S-room modern' brick house. '2418 Lake Bt.. 115. "--" v". r. St.. 126. 7-room modern house, 704 8o. S6tn St., $17. uriiinnAn-iiUYEi vu., au South th St. . . ... ' D-8C3 13 -ROOM house, all modern. In fine repair, jjui erwrman ave., tjo.uu. . u, tu. luraing ton, u6 Bee bldg. ' , . D Mil8 MODERN house, 714 6th St. Inquire W. H. Avimbau, sot etn ave., council Blurts. . . D- MODERN house. 714 Sixth Bt Inaulre W 11. Kimball, sV4 Bixtn Ave., council murrs. i u Lit 12 PLEASANT- 6rroom flat, all modern and ivwiyivKv, m utsiui i wwi - DUNDEE. . n i r , ...a. , ....... a . . t ,w a wld kiiu o eueiut .". 9 IWIUI, uaiu anu cioset. in.w eacn. - ' 4924 Davenport sc. 8-room modern. $18.00. OMAHA. . 2iui vnioago si., a rooms. bid.uo. ' A L. JUlirSBUiN CU.. B14 B. Inth. FOR RENT. 6-room cottage, perfect repair I 1,.. 1 ... ..... . 1 1 1 1 1 ... . a . . 1 1 . L. ..cine, ... ,. iii,tiu . j . iQiiir, lulu and Karnam. ' '. - AJ MU2 11 Ir'OH KKIir-VliHAISHUB ROOMS. ngwET European hotel ,13th and Farnam. 1 .. s- a-i $1 PER WEEK-422 8. 18th St., one blflck sou in or court nouse. . .. is S24 AETNA HOUSE, European, ltth and podge, TWO nice, cool, furnished or Uufurnlshed i vuii id. .-. ...iijivii. . jrj hi I ROYAL HOTEL, European, IMh A. Chicago I , . , , , . K U A NICELY furnished rooms, ' single or en- suite; rates reasonable. Midland HoteL l.fti . no i.nicairu. . mj'h LAROE south front room, newly furnished, modern, telephone. Builaule lor two men, Zii VOUgias. ... lLr-J, HANDSOME steam-heated room. 1909 Cap. hoi .avk ' n alius FOR RENT, to gentlema large well fur nished Tront room, wirn alcove, steam nrai, s . . wnui, iririuuiiv, central, reasonable. - ltt-'J Douglas. E 3W I PLEASANT front room, lit earn heat; gen tlemen preferred. 2l N.. 17th strwt. I .. i , E-M388 13. I 220 N. 17th Bt., neat stfsm-hentej rooms: I tC-M! Nov. I '. . I W EI,L furnished steam' Heated rooms, single or ensulte, with or 'Witnout board. Midland notei, ;tn ana vnicngo sis. ;-M4W Nl ROOMS for light housekeeper Ikauglas, tir IRJ4SHEU ROOMS AMD HOARD. FURNISHED rooms, with bt rwrlthout board; rates reasonapie. afiaiana Hotel, ISlO inu . ukviu. , r w .il.'li THREE rooms, Ct 8. lrh St.: ' furrlaee. FOR REST SIORKI ASIA OFHt ES. FOR RENT Store, In first-class location rem reasonaoie. juif'T n. (tiers a Co., ground floor. Bee Kldg. 1 S KOR RENT The building formerly occu P'd by The Bee at 1 Karnam St. 1 has four stories and a basement whirl ni formerly used aa The liee prea room This will Ae rented very reasonablv. ll imeresiea once to v. Koser I w ater, secrciary.- room loy. Bee building. I T ... 1W1 I - . ... ...'-..J.Ur--.- -I KAHNKT 8T. BUI1.DINO FMR RENT. I THE NAtH Bl.MLDINO. opposite Bennett I store, on Harney St., 6 stories and baa ment, (mx132 feet, containing over W.UO siuare feet of floor sj.ace, Bee ua for terms. The 4-story and basement brick bqtldirtg, N'os. 1414 and 1414 Va Harney street, $260.00 rw-r monin. iiw:iiKiiK A CO.. laul rarnam fiirevt J .HALLS ( AH BKT. CREIOIITON halt and Schlltz Roof garden balls, banquet, card parties. smoksrs, , meetings, conventions, etc. , Roth hall are the largest In the city, have large dressing rooms ami boxes for rlnsks. hata nnd coats' will rent reasonable. Apply to Wm. K. Morand. Manager Crelghton hall. 'Phone Ptf-J. I cn NT agents witf,h, WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions lo THK TWENTIETH CENTURY KAHMEK. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make easily ton to $1 ier month. Ad rlreaa, entury Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, l ee building. Omaha. 211 WAITED TO REIT. WANTED. boarding places In private families for students of Boyle a college; price must be reasonable. Telephone 194. K M420 M FOR HAI.K Ft RXITVRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 22o. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. . O (US FOR BALE HORS.E9, W AfiOIS, ETC. HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagons. Bee nim. ntn ana i.eavenworin. xei. X-34 F n. A I.I. M l(f E I.I, A SFOl l, FENCE IjATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. fcOl uougias. FOR SALE Phonogrsphs; superior to any other musical instrument; a up. I ne Wlttmann Co., Karnam. , Q W NEW and secondhand typewriters, lilt rarnam. . . , , w m 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., ltn and Dodge, Omaha. Q 838 JDHAND iitfe cheap,. Derlght, 111$ Farnam. INDIAN goods and relics: 1119 Farnam. W 40 ECISON phonographs, $10,- $20 and $S0; mouiaea lecorun. buc eacn or t per aos. : new wheels, $16 up; 2dhand, $3 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., lain and Chicago bis. Q 912 FOR gas fixtures see Sam'l Burns. - ...... f J M FOR 8ALE, a pair of Imported Mexican nairiess aogs. Address H. 6, Bee. Q-M917 CHOICE milch rows. 6 Shetland ponies. 8 J . campoeu, 4213 . center, phone bibck 1123. 4 213 ij- 8ELLINO out bicycles at greatly reduced prices; new wnneia, sib up. tioison pnono grapns. $10, $20 and $30. ' Omaha Bicycle CO., corner ISth and Chicago Bts. - y-M868 EDISON Columbia phonographs; agents wanted: write. Fredrlckson, 16 & Cap. Ave, QM592 22 GOOD toned cottage organ for sale at a bargain, u it, Bee. tj Mitn FOR 8ALK.V basehumer. used only a' short time, inquire 2317 Urace Bt. w loe FOR SALE, cheap, a new rubber-tired run- aooui. inquire at couin s A,ivery rianie, 22d and Cuming. (J-itj Mil NICE closed rockaway, extension top, rea sonable, inquire Indsor Btables, 1414 Davenport Bt. - Q 310 OFFICE partition, glass pane. Phone :i61 VJ M3M P4 FOR SALE, barber shop and pool room, J. .'. Atennlnger, Florence, let. Q 395 9 POSTM A8TER8 For sale, cheap, screen of 210 lock boxes and 400 call boxes, nnlsned in oak, A style; good as new; ran ue liver about Dec. 1. 1802. W. .1. Cook, P. M., Blair, Neb. . v-fcM4t) iv FOR SALE, thoroughbred Scotch' Collie, sire Welehtturn Charlls, out of Gold Dust, Address 164. Bee. .' - y n- PALMS, artificial, all slses, for sale heap. i none zisi. . . . v It a , -, ' ' Mi i i.- GOOD antique oak ' wardrobe 'for sale cheap, inquire 2104 Mapie. ' ' vj t-ie CLAIRVOYANTS.' MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass St. MME GYLMER, genuine palmist, 3U. S. 15. . . 0 oat ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. luth. R. 7, A if ie 10 GRACE .O BRYAN.. ,pf , Ky.t 720. 8. 13th. X 23 ! MME. SMITH, baths, 118 15, 2d floor, R 2. , i IX 0' PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nan removea py electricity. At. Li, Krenser block. . .. vb&l PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnement, uaoies Doaraea ana auoptea. Mrs. Uardels, 3234 Lake. Tel. -red 1X84. U SHU VIAVI. Woman's wsy to health. Home treatment. Booklet iree. no Atee mag., Omaha. U V4 SEND 25c for complete lesson in deep breaming exercise.. Dam J. r ox, iwi r ar nam. . U Ku2 10 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- tine ment; niat-ciass in every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2o04 Biundo St. Phone F-1U2. . U-2U-13 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS, 2d floor. R. & V 3S A." GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale j . II '..ill... U n n .v li?l) Iia..u. tUlU r7l4mll VUlltUB WUU WW AUaVeT U laA. . u u L(fl ELITE PAR R8. $16 8. 16th St.. 3d fleor. C MS83 PRIVATE . sanitarium for ladlea before and during cunnnetnent. ut. ana Mrs. Gerlsch, 4tt N. Lth St., Omaha. U las) $30 RUPTURE CURED FOR $ Nj knlte, no pain, no ueientiun iruni LUbinviB. Bend fur booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CUKU CO.. D32 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. W-ul . DR. JACKSON, 1505 FARNAM ST. ' U WO ' OMAHA DYE WORKS. 1616 Howard, the fashionable cleaners or laaiea and gentle men a dresses and suits, lace curtains, -draperies. ' ' U M196 Nl TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. u-sw LOOK. GENTLEMEN, LOOK! But you will have to ,ook a lung time be- fore you iind anything to compare to STOECKER CIGAR. ' U-235 11 FOR tallormadc suits and fancy dresses. Beutel, 205 Rarage. U-72 12" I CURE ail human diseases, no poison, no knife. Prof. Johnson, loth and Jones Sis., Omaha. V 86 13 BURB rure for excessive perspiration snd ' sll disorders of the feet; stnmp for psr- tlculars. A. Mayer. 618 Bee bids.. Omaha. , . U 31 N PROPER feeding for children. October What to Eat. All newsdealers. 10c. U-M 413 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 44 PER CENT on business property. I per rent on residence- property. Options to psy whole or part sny time. W. 11. ME1KLE. 4"1 6. 15th St W-968 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real tstate. tsrennan-i-ove Co., m B. 13th W-980 4 TO i P. C. Money. Bemls. Paxton Blk. W-861 FARM and rlty loana, low rates. W. II. Thomas. First Nsl. Bank Bldg. Tel. 14s. W-861 FIVE PER CaiNT loans. Garvio Bros. tH Karnam. W 8vl MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED Clt tr Farnam 8ml th Co., l-i-t) Farnam afreet. W-9R4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, Douglas. W Isvi WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. K. C. Peters aV Co., 1703 Karnam Bt., Bee Bldg. W -Ma TO S per cent. Prltohard. 1"5 B-e Ulilg. MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I MONEY loanl on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to smarten people, roley Uoan Co., Sue. to Duff Oreen, 6 Barker blo.-k. X-Soi MONEY WHEN you And It neressary to borrow, give ua a trial, arter wnicn we win, by lair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up, on fur niture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loan' to SALARIED PEOPLE wltliottf mortgage or endorser. We do nt deduct Interest In advance; we charge nothing for making or I, ling papeta and our service Is quick and confidential. We alwnvs try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 118 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. Tel. 226. (Established lh2. '- South 16th St. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ DO YOU NEED MONEY? $ $ MONEY TO LOAN 1 un I I FURNITURE AND SALARIES. $ sill to . loanea on r t rtis l i t HE, I PIANOS, ETC., and to salaried people $ at very lowest rates and for any length $ of time, without publicity or removing $ the projierty. Paymenta can be made to $ suit your convenience. i Call and get our terms before going $ elsewhere. $ RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, $ Room i3. Third Floor. Paxton Block. I $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED r'fciur'l.ti. mercnants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; taslest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolmsn, 440 Board of Irade Bldg. X-H04 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates, al4 Paxton block. The 1. A. Hutton Co. X-858 Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 745. 33 Paxton Block. X 853 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 318 S. 13. X, 957 Bl SlftESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-S68 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your bu:lnese or property quick see J, k see , Y M908 ll. jonnson, S43 . x. L.ire, FOR SALE, the furniture of newly fur nished hotel of twenty rooms, electric lighted, furnace heated, bath, county scat, 3.U00 inhabitants, central Iowa; fine transient trade, $2 per day; two and one lialf year lease; rent moderate. A bar gain If taken quick. Address 'Marks Busi ness Co., Des Moines, la. Y 371 8 FOR SALE or trade for city property, grocery store and buildings, with excel lent cash trade. . Address A, Her- otlli o, - Council Bluffs. Y-M391 13 FOR SALE A good pool outfit; i pool ta mes, cnairs, snowcases ana everytmng complete. Address A. Myers, Mo; Valley, la. Y M37 11 FOR RENT, European hotel at 414 North 22a si., eoutn omana. - - i-sw itr NO REASONABLE offer rejected for the furniture of lo-room brick Hat; fine loca tion; full of roomers. J. H. Johnson, N. X. Life. H'i x M400 A BLACKSMITH shop tor sale; owing to . poor health 1 have derided to sell my blacksmith shop and tools) a splendid lo cation; good trade. W. J. Alason, ster ling, Colo, Y-M415 13 $1 EARNS $0.26 A DAY; PARTICULARS sent free. U. 8. Co-Operatlve Investment Co., 603 bin Ave., New yrk. x 114 FOR SALE The well established clothing business of the Jato fS.'W. Sellers, Blair, Men. At. w. McBriae, Administrator. Y-M411 17 FOR BALE 18 gilt-edged first mortgage bonds, payable In gold; par value, l,ou0 eacn; win do sola to net investor tH per Cent per annum; Interest payable semi annually. Harry Nott & Co., Brokers, 2i Bee building. " .'"'. x M4u0 FOR SALE The furniture of a 16-room house Just two blocks from the Dost office; the house Is full of first-class boarders. L 66, Bee. Y M451 12 FOR exchange:. TO EXCHANGE. A-room modern house, except furnace, in Bemls Park addition, on car- line, rents for $20 per mo., one vaoant lot In same addition, one vacant lot In Kountse Place and one vacant lot In Thornburg Place. Will trade for land Address L 31, Bee. Z 152 8 WILL exchange clear vacant lots In Chi cago, well located, value $2.50). for farm or acres near Omaha-. Address H, Boe office, South Omaha. Z M413 14 FOR 8 ALE REAL ESTATE. WHY pay rent? Own yous home! Bee the Industrial Home Co. of , America. Best plan on earth 1 Office, 221 Board of Trade bldg., Omaha. R. M. Wilde, Mgr. . AUG- M190 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific. Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, union Pa cini; Headquarters, Omaha, .Neb. RE-971 KEI.SEY'8. wall paper, 17th and Douglas. 'Phone 1608. RE 873 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton block. RE 872 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK Y CO. for choice bargains. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1014. RE 874 1203 II W aw i ll' m Aamam street, RE 876 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also sere property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 662, Bee building. KE 977 839 ACRES, Douglas county. In one body (nut easily divided), all level bottom land, -ery fine hay, corn and blue grass land, unexcelled for stock feeding, having fine ysrds, barns, trackage and ojher facili ties. Improvements originally cost $20,000; handy to So. Omaha stock yards, also R. R. station. Price, $46 per acre, for limited time. HARRISON at MORTON, Sole Agents, Omaha. RE 364 15 TWO well built 8-room houses, desirable location. Apply 1411 Vinton Bt. RE 907 10 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to asll farm or ranch, tell the fanners and stockrstsers about It. The beat war to reach them is through The Twentieth Century . Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to Ss.OOO homes of farmer tod stockralser. so It you have a good piece of land to sell at reasonable price you aught to And a buyer among them. The cost ot an ad Is small I cents per word. THE TWLNTIbTH CfcNTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. aVar-tOt FOR HLE REAL ESTATE, ntn INTEREST ON THE INVESTMENT or a CHEAP HOME. WALLACE. 311 J. J. PROWS BLOCK. These plm es rent for belter than 8 per cent net. with a probability for good profit be sides. Favorable terms. Investigate. ni. cottages. 2 stores, rental $;o. $3fiirfk New (t-r. house. Hearing completion, M minutes' walk west P. O. .'..2 2 stores. 4 flats, rent $.V. .Vrfi Small home ncur High school. -' 2" Another, same locality. $2.2" Fine cast front. H-r. house, beaitl ful view, good neighborhood, lovely home, near inth. $.' t-ioth and Bancroft, four 3-room cot tage, rent T-Vi. $-,"4 Nice home, west of Hanscom park. $1. nit Comfortable, well built home, large lot, S"th and Grant. $ ,f" Seward and 27th. 8-r. modern, rents !.. i in r. 'tn. rents lino per vesr. $l.:tfi-26ii-8 N. 33d, $ houses, rent $1M per far, $1 .2"?-xm Ijtrlmor?, S r.. T lots. $1 -;ig Parker. H Mock Harney car. m .111S Miami. 4-r.. full lot. ?' B-r, eottHge. full lot. Monmouth park. t:o 2ric$ N. PAT, loxliw. 6-r.. cltv water. $ti",o-24 N 33d. 4t'xl'H, 6-r., city water. too 3l Seward, 4-r., 3 Idts. Ptxl26. city water, rents $W per year. Easy terms lo home buyer. 85008. E. Cor. 1Mh and Fort Sts., 6-r., large lot $i"i-8. W. Cor. 40th and Camden Ave., 6-r. house, large lot. $4oo-N. W. Cor. 40th and Camden, 4-r.. full lot. Bargains In vacant lots. GEORGE G. WALLACE. BROWN RLOCK. RH-437 8 THE building at Ninth and Harney, known as the Cor.xena hotel, Is for sale. Bids are Invited. Robert Dempster, 1216 Karnam St. RE 37 FOR SALE 31 acres, irult and garden laim, cignt-room nouse, goou nam, ap ples, cherries, plums; eight acres In tim ber, two miles from car line. Address, 103 8. First, Council Bluffs, la KE 968 AN IDEAL HOME For a small family; 6 rooms, modern house. cemeniea cellar, good lumac.e, maniei and grate, gas, bsth, sewer, hot and cold water, large porch; lot 60x127 on paved street: permanent walks: near In. This property must be sold at once, and the price is oniy gnoa tor a tew aays. see us about It. Price, $2,100. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Lire Htdg. RE-M439 U When You Write to Advertisers remember it only lakes hii extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. STOLEN. STOLEN Sorrel team; one horse has white stripe in lace, about b years old, splints on all 4 legs; other horse hus notch on 1 knee and T brand on shoulder, about 8 yeara old; top Wasach buggy, with red running gear; man about 6 iet 8 or 10 Inches, smooth face, blue eyes, brown curly hair. Address J. A. Bailey, Springfield, Neb. Stolen M1151 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS. 17th and Douglas; now open for reception of pupils; tormal opening September 24. 'Phone F-1776 (circulars. n Mssl 8 MORAND'8 Dancing Bchool. 15th and Har ney. Children beginners, Wednesday. 4:16 p. m. and Saturday, 10 a. m. ; 20 lessons, 810; net son, October to May. $20, advance; 12 lessons, $6; season, $12; adults, Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m ; 12 lessons, ladles, $6; nentlemen. $6. High school class meets In Myrtle hall, scaaon October to May, $10. Assemblies every Wednesday. 'Phone lu23. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co., 16 at Jackson. Tel. 2M6. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 16uo Farnam. 'Phone 784. -887 PAWNBROKERS. I EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all oualness confidential. 1301 Douglas. ial TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more? Lambert, $26; superior to 8iuo macninea. Bent on approval, moii roe & Co., oil N. 16th St., Omaha. 131 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Howard, ma chinist. KB -e OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a aie clalty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and safes, u. Anareen, A'rop., 1'f.s a. loin Bt. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. Free. Om. Coll.. 17th & Doug. . b0& A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. T. Life. 978 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 87 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. su OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1864. -984 Mrs. Grace Tlsdale Deegan. 538 Bee Bldg, Tel. 29tS. -Jt7 OM AHA SCHOOL OF Ml SIC. CHORI8TERS for First Presbyterian church: reorganisation of choir. Apply once, F. H. Wright, Director of Music, 31a Ramge Bldg. 434 31 MEDICAL. LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send tc. stain us. tor oarticuUrs. "Relief lor Ladies" in letter by return snail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; night class Mond., Wed., Fri. G. 11. Kathbun. itoom la, com 1 Nat I bank. M986 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenoea to. J. A. Ochiltree, zotn ana uri streets. -jjo LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. to STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co. Fara. Tela. 83: LAW AND COLLECTIONS. HTILLMAN A PRICE. 23 U. S. N l Bk. Bid, !) ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATINO CO., 1510 Howard. 826 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4 Ramge Bldg. Ws) TAIIeORING. LADIES' JACKETS maje. altered and re modeled Joe Yousen, .411 Farnam St. M59 When You Write to Advertisers remember R only takes an extra stroke or two of the pea to mention the fact that leu saw the aa la iae Mas. FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1.M9 Farnam. Tel li" ! Send for price list, cut flowers and plnnt. Mlr.i". STOES RK. PI. AT 6.1). GOLD, fcllver mid nickel plating Piatlng Co., pee 111. la. Tel :.'. Oniiiha - !M l TOIORILF.S. harnam street. Wl THI NKS AMI II 4.i U.K. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. Z"6 S. lUih i'.'T L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 7s. 4i ARBAtiK. ANTI-MONOI-OLY GARBAGE CO . cleans cessools and vaults, removes garbage and dead nnlmals at reduced prices. 6J1 N. laili. Tel. r.ti. Itu ! . s HALF. TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., Sll North l.ith. LOST. LOST, St. Bernard dog, white spot on left hip. Return to 10th and Bancroft or tele phone 639. Reward. Lost M419 10 LOST, past chief of honor pin. Finder re turn to Mrs. W. A. Ruder, IMh snd I, South. Omaha. Lost M4i7 Ft R HRESSlNti O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 8. Mth. rRINTINO. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 511 S. 1'Uli. ' 9Sj EXPERT ACCOINTAXT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. T. K. Katlibun, room 16, Commercial .Na tional bank. M445 POSTOFFICK NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) l-oreirii mails lor the week ending Oc tober 11, 11(02, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) Ht the general poatuflice as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS closa one hour earlier thai! cloalng time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regulai and Supplementary moils close at Foreign Station half nour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour lutcr at f oreign station). Tranaatliatlc Mails. THURSDAY At 6'30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Augusta victoria, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must be directed "per s. s. Augusta Vic toria"); st 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZ ERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAU TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and IjORENZO MARQUESS, per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must oe directed "per s. s. La Champagne"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER- liANDH direct, per a. s. Staatendara (mall must be directed "per s. a. Staaten dam"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Vaderlnnd (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Vaderland"); at 8 a. in. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Trave (mall most n directed "per s. s. Trave"), l 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, pt-r s. s. Campania, via Queens town; at 9:30 a. 111. tor SCOTLAND di rect, per s. e. Asio'.lu (mall must he di rected "per a. s. Astoria"), PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes A-nnteu Matter, commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class ot mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing ot the Supplementary 1 ransaiiaiiwc- iviuitv named auuve. ud dltlonal Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and r...,.i open antll within Ten Minutes of the nour 01 r.aiiiiig vi steamer. Malls for Soath aad Central America, West ladles, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECMK. TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Vlgllaucla (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s- Vlgllancla"): at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) tor Bahamas and hantI' AGO. per s. s. Orixaba. FRIDAY At 1! m. for MEXICO, per s. s Seneca, via lampico (man must be di rected "per s. s. Seneca"); at 12 m. for NOKlMtirini Biuiiu per s. a. uunstan, via Para and Maiutoa; at 12:30 p. m. for INAGUA and .HAITI, per s. a. Lauen- burg: at 12:30 p. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Kafnr Prince, via Pernambuee and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil must be di rected "per s. s. namr Annce . SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per s. s. ATeiona; at a. m. lor TOKTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce; at 9 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per . a. Zulla (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be di rected "per s. s. Zulla"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CAR TAGENA and GREYTOWN. per a. a. Athos (mall for Costa Rica must be di rected "per a. s. Athos"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m for GRENADA and TRINI DAD, per s. s. Grenada. Mails for Newfounaland by rail to North Sydney, and tnence d steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (con necting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday;. .Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p m. Ma'ls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this office daily except Thursday at 5:ft) a. m., (the connecting closes are made on Mondays. Wednesdays and Sat urdays). Malls for Mexico Cl'y. over land unless specially addressed for des patch by steamer, close at this office dally- except Sunday at 1:30 p. m., and 11:30 p. m.; Sundays at 1:00 p. in. and 11 JO p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, close at this orR.-e daily except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11.30 p. ni.; Sundays at HM p. m. and U:3o p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at 11:30 p. m. for Belize, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa Rica) Registered mall closes at 6:0u p. m. pre vious day. TranspaciSe Malls. Malls for Hawaii, China, .lanan and first- class matter for the Philippine islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October 10, Inclusive, for dlsnatch per s. s. Peru. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close nere aauy at : p. m. up to October U Inclusive, for despatch ner U. S. Transport. . Malls for Australia (except West Australia. which la forwarded via E,urope), ew Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at ( 80 p. m. after September 'auth and up to October 11, Inclusive, or oil arrival of a. s. Urn brla, due at New York October llth, for dispatch rer a. a. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which iiwc via San Franclscol, and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver ana victoria, 11. C. (specially addressed only), close here dally at 8.30 p. m. up to October lllh. In clusive for dispatch per s. s. Moana. Mails fur China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to Oc tober 15th, Inclusive, for dispatch per 1. s. lyo Alaru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and first class matter lor tha Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p m. up to October 17th, Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. a. Cootie. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma. close here dally at 64 p. m. up to Oc tober 17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Glenogle. Mails for Hawaii, n San Francisco, close here dally at 4.V p. m. up to October 2mh, Inclusive, I t dispatch per s. . Alameda. Mails fur Tahiti at d Marquesas Islands, via Sat) Francisco, close hers dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October 26. Inclusive, fur despatch per s. s. Mariposa. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. .'., close here daily at 6. 30 p. m. up lo October 2xth, Inclusive, for dispatrli per a a. Empress of Japan. (Keglotered mall must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for I . S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot xt forwarded via Canada). Transpsclftc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and tha schedule f closing U arraugtd on the presumption of their I'OHIOFIKK XOTICE. uninterrupted overland transit. J(egls ere.l inml closes st 6 p m previous day. t'Oll.VKI.M'S VAN I'l.TT. Postmaster" i'ostofto e New York X v., October, 3. 1H'2 ll i;l. oini;. I STREET l.tll'ROVEMENTS. Sealed b .Is will be received liv 8. K Crans I illy mull!"!' eif the Cltv of Le'n.l. South Da ! kota, until 6 p. m.. Octolcr IMh. lsul. lor necessary grading Approximate estimate: ! lii.imi Fitinre arils paving , '. lineal lect curbing. Specifications and ohms rn lie of J p. Crick, tity engineer, la-ad. South I'.ikot.i. tt4dlotM pAII.W AY TIME I4KI). UNION STATION-IOTH AND M ARC Y. Chicago, Rock Island raolnr. EAST. .... , Leave. Arrive t-Jiicago Daylight Llm- 'd a 8:00 am a 8:45 am A hlcago Daylight laical a 7:ii am a : pm thlcago Express bll:15 am a 6:t pm pes Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll.oO am Chicago Fast Express.. a 8:0i pm a l:2j fm WEST Rocky Mountain Urn- ' . te, a 8:50 am a 4:66 am Lincoln. iitft a,u.. Denver. Pueblo and H'rst Colo.. Texns, ' CalV Oklahoma Flyer ..a 1:30 pm a 1:41 p-.n .a $:K pm al::40pn. Illinois ( entral. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a $:1 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A v St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:08. am Minneapolis & Bt. Paul Express o 7:10 am hW:8S pm Chicago Express al0:35 pm Wabash. HI. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 6:i6 pm a 8:20 am lit. Louis Lvca, Council lt;ns a t iS km 10;30 pm t hlraao Northweatera. "The Northwestern Line." ' Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago Mull ". " Local Sioux City..i.. Daylight St. Paul.... Daylight Chicago.... Local Chicago Local t arro'i Fast Chicago Limited Chicago.;... East St. Paul Fast Mall , Local Sioux City Missouri Parlatc, St. Louis Express... K. C. & St. L. Ex... ...a j o am aj:0uam ...a 7.iu pm 8:30 am 1. a II o am a $..V.i pm ...a ( am a 10: Jo pm ...a am all:) pm ...aU:51t am a 6:10 pm ...a 4:t pm a 9:50 rm ...a 4:. pm a 4:ab pm ...a8;lupm a 9:20 am .. .a 7 o6 pm 11 8:1a am a 2:40 pm ...b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am ..a!0:00 am a 8:26 pm ..alO:50 pm . a 8:15 am Chicago, Milwankee A St. Paal. Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex. a v.uu pm 7:60 am laiton I'aclnc. iav. Arrive. Ovenand Limited a 9.40 am The Fust Mall a 8:61) am a 7:30 pm a :n pm California. Express a 4:2a pm j-aciuc express aii:4u nm j-.aBiern express The Atlantic Exoress... a 4:85 pm a am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago Special 3.40 am Lincoln, neat rice and Rtromahura- Ex b 4:0R nm h!2-So nm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9 .31 nm BURLINGTON STATION IOT II A MASON Borllnsjton A Missouri River. . . Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:66 m Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 6:45 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 Dm Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a S:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail .b 3:10 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- uioulli b 3.20 pm bilrm-va-n Bellevue & Pacific Jet.. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue or Pacitlo Jet.. .a 8:00 am Chleaaro. Burlington A Qaincy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pre a 7. JO am Chlcaao Local. ..a :) am an :00 pm Chicago Limited Fast Mali Kaaaaa City, St. a 8:05 pm a 7:l am a 2:15 in Joseph A Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex.... 9.20 am a 6:05 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm nil;);, am Kansas Oty Night Ex..ai0:20 pm a 8:15 am a Dally. b Dally' except Sunday, c Sun- day only, d Dally except Saturday, pally except Monday. . il WEBSTEli DEPOT 15TH A EBi fEH. j . . ' Chicago. St. ' Paul, Mlaaenpalla A " Omaha. Leave.' ' Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am a 9:00 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:oo pm allijO am Emerson Local b 6:40 pm b 6:4a am Fremont, l.lkhorn & Missouri Valley. ' Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs.. a 1:00 pra a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglna d 8:00 pm f fi:00 pm Hustings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward... .b 3:00 pm b 3.03 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:80 am bl0:25 am Fremont Looal.. c 7:30 am Missouri PaciAa. k Nebraska Local, Via -Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a!0:2i am CLARK'S CRUISES FOR 1IH13. By Specially chartered Twin Screw Steamers, "KAISKHl V and "CELTIC" North German Lloyd White Star Line Express Steamer Largest Steamer afloat Cheapest and most attractive trips eves onrreu. lAlaet ladlea Jan. 14; JYfartlnlmie. Rarba- IIS0I IIIUICui does. Jamaica. Cuba. Nassau. etc.; 21 days, iiw up. Mediterranean rhn.d Orient itiAl: Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt, Rome, etc.; 8400 up. tlnruiou tJltceia Ju,r 42 days, $276 and nOlndJi riUaSltl pp; first-class, including shore excutrlons, hotels, guides, . drives, etc. Frogrui.1.1 froo-'-Tcntlon trip. K. C. CLARK. Ill Broadway, N. T. JO INVEST IN CANADA LAND NebraaWans Retara from lairstlga llos Tour of the North, nest Territory. r , Alfred Millard and Byron Hastings of Omaha, with F. I. Reber of Hooper, Neb., returned yesterday, from a visit of in spection In the northwest territory of Can ada, where tbey Intend soon to buy 1S.00Q or 20,000 acres of land as a speculation. Mr. Rebcr states that along the railroad It It selling for $8 to $12 per acre, but that far ther back,- by buying extensively, they ex pect to get $5 and $8 land, or even less ' and In a section where wheat la running thirty to forty bushels to the acre. He states, too, that now that the new Canadian administration, by ill vigorous Immigration campaign, has gotten enough slates people up there for the Canadians to become ic qualnted with their ways and mannerisms, the new arrivals are cordially received and encouraged to locate. The full-blood Brit ishers are not so cordial, or at least not so demonstrative, but the real Canadians are fond of the phrase "our American couslof." They seem to think that when land gets up to $25 anywhere it has reached an eaor mous figure and are Cheerfully iltlag to let It go at considerably leas. WILL DINE THE GOVERNORS Testimonial te Ak-Sar-Ben Maaaarers at Omaha CI ah Nest Tues. e day Evening. A dinner will be given to the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Rsr-Bcn the Omaha club on the evening of Tuesday, October 14. The men arranging the affslr do so for the surposs of giving evidence of the sppreclatlcl of thtt services ren dered by the members of the board 'la pro viding Omaha with (be anntfal festival which has done so much to advertise the qlty and Insure Its prosperity. The arrangements are not complete at this lime, but will include. In addition to the dinner, short responses to toasts by several of the cltiieas of Omaha who have tslt the effect of the work. 1