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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1902)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. 9 EDITORIAL SHEET, g I PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED .JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, HEPTEMHEH 21, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. day and afi fteek, Rrnnrl Call f.lillinnrir JM Opening Sale Hon- The choicest creations in most exquisite fall and winter millin ery, will be displayed for the first time Monday. Charming and stylish productions from the leading Paris, Berlin and London milliners with hundreds of exclusive and swell hats from eastern fashion centers, make a grand showing of the iiew fashions that will please every woman of taste. You are invited to call during this opening and inspect this superb line, try on the different styles and bee which is most becoming to you. If you are thinking of buying, an early selection is advisable as many of the hats shown will not be duplicated. We will be glad to have you call whether buying or not. You will be delighted with the beauty and attractiveness of tljis most fashionable opening display. (Ree ICth street window). Wash Dress Goads Dept. FLA N N E LETT F.3 AND WAISTiNOS. IMiULAK IT.Ii'El) KADKIfS FOR FALL WEAR. The uri-atest variotv ff nwj back and nannrlettc. TN KViCRV i roIX(R. 8TYLE AND QUALITY MANU- ' KACTURKD. , l,6ii0 styles to srleot from in double width I printed French Hnrnclle- 101m everything new. t ls'G 1,(XI styles ill albatross, heavy napped walHtinRX and sullir.Ks. ptyle "ilal J. to hlRh priced sl!K or wool IvG 1,2" styles In dre fliuinelelle, all colors, in either tiRures or stripes, at UC styles in P-HAI'TIKII, WAISTl.NUc : 2S inches wide, copies of wool hhu siik fabrics worth up to 1.5o a yard, every Phade, and all the hlh chiss novelty effects, at, vard SWV ' NEW WHITE WAISTINUS, THE FINKS I' I MADE, exc lusive styles, I P PI i now on sale at. yard, "." and Iiukl MKRI'KH ZK" BKIKTINU FAliKli: SALE MOND.iT Extra heavy black mercerized Italian cloth, worth 50c. Ifl on Monday ISJG English Moreen black, the 65c grade, Oft I on sale Monday at, yard G I YAMAMAI ! Thn new all silk lining:. 19-ln. wide, at 3o j a yard. On sale excljsively In Hay-den s I lining department. All the new fall shades are now in. -Sar-Ben Sales Begin RMay s Out-of-town customers will be given advantage of the great special sales adertised, at any time they come to Omaha during the great Ak-Sar Hen festivities, beginning Wednesday, September 24th. President Koosevelt will be here September 27th. You can visit Omaha pleasantly and profitably. The railroads are making special rates for the round trip. YOU AM IN VITED to make Hayden I'ros'. your headquarters when in Omaha. Use our fire writing and waiting rooms. Check your bag gage, etc., free here. Hnydeu Ilros. will be glad to give any information desired and extend every possible accommodation. Mako yourself at home at Hayden Hros. . i Fall and Winter Purchases Are Now All In and Hayden Rros. have arranged for the most astonishing series of grand special sales ever held in America. The best assort ments in all lines secured for spot cash, direct from the world's leading markets, will enable you to secure the newest and the best merchandise, and at a saving in prices that will surprise you. Note the Special Sample Offers on This Page CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT We wish It were possible for every P erson who reads this article to hear the kind remark and high compliments pal d this department by the very best wo men In Omaha. We will Issue la shor t time a pamphlet giving the opinions and the experience of 700 of the best and le adlng women in Omaha In regard to our cloak department. TheTe Is no other d epartment that we give so much time and attention to. There ta no style made b y the manufacturers that cannot be found In this department. There is no price q uotod by any concern In America that we cannot beat. We want you to come In we want you to get our prices then trade where you will. Or better still, If mor satisfactory to you, have us send to your home whatever number of garments you wish on approval; get the same from all other houses; give them careful comparf son and consideration, then buy from the bouse that sells you the most stylish g arment at the lowest price. the manufacturers at half price; on sale Monday for the first time; worth $10.00. at 5.00. Women's Furs First real showing In Omaha. Our fur department Is enlarged and more complete than ever. Women's beaver coats, worth $100.00, sale price $69.00. Women's astrachan capes, skinner lined, warranted for four years' wear, on sale at $20.00. Women's astrachan cape, guaranteed lln lng. for $13.50. Women's mink and possum scarfs In sable, Isabella and natural colora; beautl ful garments for $5.00. Women's collarettes, 10-lnch cape, for 90o. Women' mink scarfs for 90c. Sale on Qhildrens Jackets 100 children's jackets at $2.90. 200 Children's Jackets at $1.50. 400 children's jackets for $3.90. B0 doien fleece lined flannelette wrap pers, $1.25 quality, at 59c. 26 doien extra heavy percale wrappers for 50c. Women's boucle capes for $1.90. Women's 30-inch plush capes, $2.95. Specials for Monday . Women's silk lined suits made of Im ported all wool cloths In the blouse jack ets, new bell skirt taffeta lined jacket and taffeta silk drop skirts; we will place it opposite any $30.00 suit In Omaha; sale price, $19.90. 100 new pedestrlenne or outing suits; jackets lined with guaranteed satin made of wool cheviots and mixed materials; sizes 32 to 44; we place It against any $13.00 suit In Omaha; sale price $10.00. 200 new Imported styles In suits; no two alike; at $18.00, $30.00, $40.00 and $50.00. 400 women's suits, nearly all samples, from a lata purchase, at $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50. Skirts 400 women's rainy day skirts In all wool slot seams, flare flounce. $5.00 quality, at $2.98. 200 women's rainy day skirts; slot seams, showing a combination of qelor; new flare flounce; sold in Omaha aa high as $10.00; sale price $5.00. Four good numbers In silk dress skirts, made to sell for $15.00, at $10.00. 200 women's skirts; the new styles at $1.98. 600 women's dress skirts bought from I TWIWHrH.UIIWHIlL.ya ammirrsJ The Leading Dress Goods House of tho West " Monday we will have several specials In the high-grade dress goods department. Be sure and read these specials, as everything will be exactly as advertised. Five -lines of tailor suitings will be on special sale at prices that are seldom seen for this class of goods in this town. PECIAl, NO. 1. At $2.50, satin finished, high-class Vene tians, all colors but black, for the fall of 1902, for Monday only, and onrl Af pattern to a customer, at, a yard ltf J 8IKCIAL KO. S. A large line of Kerseys, our $1.50 grade, all the finest colors for the fall of 1902, no blacks and only one pattern to a customer, at, a yard J 1 2w SPECIAL KO. 8. $2.98 West of England Kerseys, 68 Inches wide, finest goods on the market for ths price, 25 shades, no blacks, only one pat tern to a customer, at, a yard SPECIAL NO. 4. $5.00 men's suitings, fine, weight, fins styles, same goods as men's high-priced suits are made from, it comes In 6-yard patterns, no two patterns alike, one pat tern to a customer, at a yard SPECIAL KO. 6. A heavy black Zeblline, mirror finished, as line as silk sold everywhere at $2.60, only one pattern to a customer, AC at. a yard t l.awV VOILES. ETAMINES AI MISTRALS. Lupin's $1.00 Voiles, in colors, no blacks, only one pattern to a customer, C O M at. a yard OUC Lupln'sMlstrals, regular $1.25 grade, all 1.69 2.49 colors, no blacks, only one pattern HP. to a customer, at, a yard UuC Our London twines. In Lupin's Bosset Fere ot Flls, and other Mistrals, Voiles and Etamlnes, In colors only; they sold at $1.50 a yard; Monday only one Pt-QQ tern to a customer, at, a yard ....vOC WAISTINGS. We are headquarters for all kinds of Walstlngs. We carry In this department everything that is new and up-to-date. The grandest line of French Flannels, compris ing of over 1,000 styles. A grand line of new Walstlngs, In all the new weaves. Flannels, Broadcloths, Al batrosses, etc. Over 3,000 styles to pick from at 60c snd 75c a yard. Fine embroidered and tucked French Flannels by the yard. 600 new patterns, the finest creation of France, In embroideries, appllqulng and other kinds ot fancies, stitching for waists. Prices run from $3.60 to $5.00 a pattern. In order to Introduce these walstlngs from 4 to ( p. m. Monday evening we will sell any waist at one-half of the marked price; only one waist to a customer. A large line of the new Snowflake colth. Coronation cloth. Snowdrop cloth. Spatter work cloth and everything that came out last this fall Is now on exhibition In the High Grade Dress Goods Department at the most temptingly low prices. 8AMPLE8 OF ALL GOODS EXCEPT PATTERN CLOTH BENT OUT FREE ON APPLICATION. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONET CHEERFXJLLT REFUNDED. Ilayden's Gigantic, Timely and Fortunate Purchase of Pianos and Musical Instruments Our spot cash offer for the entire stock of one of the largest retail music houses In the east was accepted by the creditoie. They carried some of the highest grade pianos and organs to be found in America. Becoming Involved financially, through speculations they were compelled to close and our rep resentative secured the entire stock for ready cash for 50c on the dollar. This stock has been received and the Instruments are all In first class condi tion, nearly all of them new and perfect, with the exception of a few that were slightly scratched or marred on account of quick handling. The Prices We Put on These Pianos Will Astonish the Shrewdest Buyers This will be without doubt the grandest sale of musical instruments ever held In America. In addition to pianos and organs this stock Includes sheet music, guitars, mandolins, banjos, violins, accordeons, clarionets and cornets, In fact everything In the way of a musical Instrument manufactured. They were bought at 60c on the dollar, and will be closed out In the same proportion. This stock added to our own Immense regular lines gives us the greatest variety and largest quantity of musical Instruments ever owned by sny one concern. We realize that we must make tremendous reductions In prices to dispose of these at once, as we have no room to store them. Below we mention merely a few of the thousands of grand bargains to be had In this unequalled sale. Remember we will guarantee every Instrument bought In this sale just as freely as If you paid the regular prices. 1 upright. French Butt walnut. $ 95.00 96.00 1X5.00 1 upright, Italian walnut $125.00 1 uprlgnt, quarieiod sawed oak. 135.00 1 upright, Flemish oak $145.00 1 upright, Corcassian walnut.. 155 .00 1 upright, American walnut.... 165.00 1 upright, dark mahogany 175.00 1 upright, golden oak 185.00 1 upright, mottled mahogany. ...195.00 1 upright, oarved and walnut.. 225.00 la addition to thjs large stock we have a complete line of Chlckerlng, Fischer Decker, Krell, Wegman, Conovar, Cable. Franklin, Haines, Jacob Doll. Kel ler, Kingsbury and Wellington, In all the different styles and veneers. Square pianoa, jflO.00, $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. New pianos for rent. Pianos tued, moved and repaired. Hayden Bros. OMAHA LEADING PIANO HOUSE. Telephone 1683. We carry the largest and most complete line of string Instruments In the city. Any one wanting anything In that line should by all means call on us our stock la the largest and prices the lowest. K09S 1 VniLrWU cuAMAirms vrnoutmt rvMiTcu Ak-Sar-Ben Furniture Sale Over $68,000.00 worth of furniture in this great sale at from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent off regular prices. We have bought the samples and surplus stock of some of the largest and best fur niture manufacturers of Michigan and Wis consin, at from one-third to one-half fac tory prices, and we give our customers the benefit of these great bargains and an op portunity to secure the best grade of furni ture at prices which are less than are usu ally asked for Inferior goods. For the ben efit of our out-of-town customers we will PARLOR FURNITURE Reg. Bale Price. Price 5- plece suit $27.00 8-plece suits 32.0s 3-plece suits .. 88.00 6- plece suits 86.00 6-plece suits 42 00 Divans 12.00 Divans 15.00 Couches, best velour cover, 6.00 Couches, best velour cover, 9.00 Couches, best velour cover, 14.00 Couches, best velour cover, 18.00 Leather Couches 26.00 Leather couches $5.00 Leather couches ... .. .. 68.00 Morris chairs 15.00 Morris chairs ........ .. 18.00 ship any goods desired st prices named in this sale, and If not entirely satisfactory goods may be returned and we will refund money paid, for same, or, for those who ex peot to visit Omaha during Ak-Sar-Ben week we will hold any furniture they may choose, and give them the privilege of ex changing It for other goods when they some to Omaha, T.60 9.75 Sale on Ladies' Furnishings Children's fins jersey ribbed vests and pants, extra full quality. In all sixes, at J5c each. Ladles' fine Jersey ribbed vests and pants, sxtra quality, at 15c. One lot of aample hose for ladles, in fine lisls thread, fancy colors and black and fancy lac hose, worth 60o to $1.00, on sale at 25c. Ladles' new long hip straight front cor se U In W. B., Erect Form, O. D.. Just Rite snd W. C. C. at $1.00 and up. Dr. Warner's rust-proof corsets, sixes 23 to 36. at $1.00. Nemo hip spring corset at $1 00. Nemo self-redaclng. for stout figures, at $2.50. Ladles' straight front corsets In black, drab, pink and blue, at 49c. Ladles' and mUses" girdles, all colors, at 49c. One lot of outing flannel goods constat Ins ot ladles' short skirts, nightgowns nil children's cowns and dresses, worth 11.00. at 49o. Children's fin lawn aprons In all sixes. trimmed with embroidery and plala ham stltrhed. worth 60c, at 35c Children's fin lawn a proas, lac hem stitched and embroidery trimmed, with 76c, at 49c. Ladles' wool halt sktrU la assorted colors, worth $1.60, at 93c. v Ladles' all wool sweaters In assorted colors and slses, latest styles, at $L$ and $2.60. Ladles' all wool jacket sweaters la aa. sorted colors at $3.60. TARNS. Shetland floss, black, white and all col ors, to per skein. German town sephyrs. all colors, to par skein. Angora wool for hoods, all colors, U iHL . ...... . Special Sale in Lace Curtains This will be the third week of this re markable sale, and while the selling of these curtains has been phenomenal, yet the assortment is still complete, the tol lowing table of comparative value will give you an idea of the money-losing possibilities of this sale. Over 200 styles of Irish Point or Brussels Net curtain. $2.50. $3.00. $3.50, $4.60 a pair. Nottingham laoe curtains, 75e, 98c, $1.25, $1.60. $2.00 a pair. Ruffled net curtains, $160, $2.00, $2.25, $2.60 a pair. Ruffled Swiss curtains, 89c, 6c, 75c, 98c pair. Ruffled Muslin for curtains worth 25c, at 15c per yard. Over 50 styles Rope portieres from $2.00, $2.25 to $4.59 a pair. Chenlle curtains, $3.50, $3.00 a pair. Tapestry curtains, $3.00, $3.60. $3.00. $3.98, $4.60 pair. Carpets Elegant rockera In rich golden oak. every kind, every shape, at from one-third to one-half off regular price. Corner chairs and all odd pieces for parlor and sitting troom, at greatly reduced prices. In kitchen and dining room furniture we show a most somplete assortment and at (astonishingly low price. Oabtnets, Ta bles, chairs, sideboards, to., ate. In newest designs. ; In metal beds and bedroom furniture of very description we are displaying the choicest and most varied stocks ever put on sale. The design and finish of these goods is most artistic. Tou can supply your wsnts in this sale at a saving of from one-third to one-half besides getting ths very finest furniture made. Get Hayden Bros', prices on OFFICE FURNITURE. Tabls Linen Extraordinary Rug ssls Monday. Rugs of all kinds and sixes at a fraction ot their regular value. Don't miss ths opportunity to secure aa elegant Rug for a little mopey 9x11 Axminster rugs, worth $35.00 at $19.95. 9x13 Smyrna rus. worth $25.00 at $14.95. 9x11 Brussels rugs, worth $20.00. at $13.95. 9x11 Brussels rugs, worth $17.00 at $9.98. Hundreds of rugs mad from short length of carpet In all slses snd qualities, tapestry body Brussels, Axblnslers, Vel ds and Wllten, our prices for Monday makes everyone a rar bargain. Ingrain carpet special, all patterns of ths best wool Ingrains, In leagths from 10 to 25, including goods that sell as high u M t yard, aa sal Monday. 49. 58-ln. bleached damask, regular 85c qual ity, for 19c. 60-ln. bleached all linen damask, regular 60c quality, Monday 42 He. 66-ln. bleached all linen damask, regular 75o quality, Monday 49o yard. 72-in. bleached all linen damask, regular $1 quality, Monday 62Ve yard. Extra heavy mercerlxed damask, regular $1 value, Monday 65c yard. 72-in. heavy unbleached Scotch damask, 90c value, Monday 62te yard. 2-ln. Germany silver bleached damask, 69c value, Monday 49c yard. 60-ln. cream colored damask, 40e value, for 37 Ho yard. Linen Dept. Monday will be a big day In our Linen department and our prices will astonish you. Napkins 6-8 dice check napkins, regular 75c value, for 49c dosen. Bleached all . pur linen napkins, slzs 21x21, regular $2, go on sal Monday only for $1.29 doten. Bleached union napkins, six 20x20, $1 value, for 69c doxen. 35x36 and 35x44 lunch cloths and stand covers, regular $1, will go on sal Monday for 69c Monday in tJic Bargain Room Monday we will give several special tales In the bargain room. There is scarely an hour In the day but what you will find a special at from M to 1-6 of their real value. Be sure and read these sal. REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED. NO DEALERS, PEDDLERS OR MANU FACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM. WOOL nit ESS GOODS. In the wool dress goods department you will find a large line of goods brought In from the high grade dress goods depart ment to be closed out quick. You will find In these goods $1.50 figured mohairs made In England, black only; $1.98 golfing cloth 68 inches wide, suitable for walking and rainy day skirts, $1.60 extra heavy Chev iot s,$1.25 60-inch Sicilian In black and colors, $1.60 French plaids and'other suit ings, consisting of Zebllines, Snowflakes, Snowdrops, Scotch mottled mixtures. These goods run In value from $1.00 to $3.00 a yard. You can buy them Monday In 3 lots at 49, 59 and 75 cents a yard. There are goods In this lot as fine as any shown in any department except there are jiot a full line of colors and there are no off colors. We have other dress goods ranging In price from 6 cents to 39 cents per yard; they are worth from 3 to $ times of what we ask. SILKS. A handsome taffeta In black and In 32 colors; new strong and durable. These goods are sold at 75 cents In any silk department of the United States. Mon day they will be on sale at a yard, 49 cents. A large line of walstlngs silks In stripes, checks, fancies and plains. They are odd pieces picked up from the various manufactures at a trifle of their original value on acoount of the colors, and the lines being broken we are clos ing the entire line at a yard, 49 cents. Many pieces of goods in this lot are re tailed at $L50 yard. Other specials in silks at from 15 cents up. COTTON DRESS GOODS. Large line of cotton dress goods. 15 cent plaids for 8 1-3 cents. Imitation French flannel, 36 inches wide, 36 inch moire skirtings worth 25 cents, Imported Swansdowne and Panne, regular 25 cent goods, all will go at a yard, 9 cents. Genuine Eclipse flannel, worth 15 and 19 cents, for 10 cents. Albatross watetings, worth 25 and 35 cents, on sale at 10 cents. 15 and 19 cent percales, light colors, for 5 cents. LINENS AKD DOMESTICS. Mercerized bleached table damask, reg ular 75 cent grade, for 49 cents. Napkins to match. 2 yards wide bleached all linen table damask at 59o cents. 49 cent turked red table damask for 25 cents. 25 cent Turkey red table damask for 15 cents. 25 cent extra heavy towels for 15 cents. Regular 10 cent Lonsdale cambric. In lengths from 2H to 10 yards, for Monday only, at a yard, 47 cents. Heaviest unbleached LL muslin made for 4H cents. CLOTHING. Men's $2.00 and $3.00 pants for $1.60 and $1.25 a pair. , Men's $1.50 pants for 95 cents. Boys' $5.00 suits at $1.25 a suit. Boys' 75 cent and $1.00 pants tor 35 and 40 cents. Boys' $2.00 long pants for 95 cent. FURXISniXGS. Ladies' outing flannel gowns tor 49 cents. Children's outing flannel dresses for 25 cents. Closing out the remainder of the ladles' summer underwear for 10 cents. Ladles' outing flannel underskirts for 49 cents. Ladles' and children's union suits for 49 cents. ' Children's fleece lined ' underwear at 10. 15 and 25 cents. Men's string and bow ties for t cents. Husking mitts and gloves tor 5 cents. Men's 15 cent hose tor 5 cents. Children's stockings for 10 cents. Boys' heavy fleece lined underwear, reg ular 60 cent value, for 25 cents. Men' extra heavy wool and fleece lined underwear, regular $1.00 value, for 49 cents Boys' jersey overshirts for 39 cents. Men's fleec Jersey overshirts for 49 cents. ATTEND OCR HOrHLY SALES MONDAY. FROM 9 TO lO A. M. W will sell 5 cent prints, 6 cent prints snd 4 Simpson's percales, only 10 yards to a customer, at a yard, cents. FROM lttiOO TO II A. M. We will sell the best unbleached muslin made, and only 10 yards to a customer, at a yard, 27 cents. PROM a TO a P. M. W will give on of our old time dress goods sales. Extra heavy suitings, worth $3.00 a yard, 85 cent german Henriettas, $1.50 broad cloths, $1.00 all wool suitings, $1.25 mo hairs and Sicilians snd $1.98 golfing cloth, nothing worth less thsn 85 cents snd worth up to $3.00 a yard, only ons pattern to a customer, at a yard, 26 cents. Ve Aro tha Largest Handlers of Silks in the West. The manufacturers know this, snd when they have large quantities of silk that they wish to make quick disposition of they naturally turn to us. We can show you a finer and greater stock of silks for this season than ever before. We have got tbs greatest lot of Bilk bargains for you that w as ever offered by any house. FOR MONDAY WE PLACE ON Sl'E CIAL SALE 10,000 YDS. FINEST SILK. This Includes the finest black and colo red ellks bought by us at a great conces sion in price and enables us to offer you t many startling silk bargains. W as sure you that it you buy your Bilks here M onday you will save much money in the purchase price. 1.50 69c WAIST black Bin hi iia 49c id black 25c PURE SILK CREPE DE CHENE In a full range of colors, 24-incb-wlde and regular $1.25 crepe, we sell at EXTRA SPECIAL IN 8WIVEL WAIST SILKS This beautiful silk in black grounds, brocaded In pink, red, pale blue and lavender, all silk and sells at 98c, special at FINE WASH SILK in all colors and black and white, pure silk and worth 50c, at OUR BLACK PEAU DE SOIE BARGAINS are the most WONDERFUL EVER HEARD OK. Absolutely made of finest pure silk and warranted to wear. Black Peau de Sole, 20-inch wide, all silk and worth $1, on special sale at 57 He. Black Peau de Sole, 21-inch wide, all silk and worth $1.75, on special sale at 9Sc. Black Peau de Sole, 24-Inch wide, all silk and worth $2.00, on special sale at $1.15. Black Peau de "!. ?7-inrh wide, all silk and worth $2.60, on special sale at $1.35. Black Peau de Sole, 38-inch wide, all eilk and worth $3.60, on special sale at $1.75. EXTRA 64-IN. BLACK TAFFETA Fine pure silk Rustle taffeta 64-in. wide, the widest taffeta made, retails tot $3, extra special for NEW SILK WAISTINGS Beautiful plaids, checks, pontelle, natte, velour, elegant satin Dalnsmar, chamellon, novelties, real 39c 1.50 swoll exclusive styles, at 98c, $1.25 and BLACK RAGLAN TAFFETA It Is tha heaviest 27-in. black taffeta, made very lustrouB and strong as steel An. worth $2.00, on eale at UUC TAFFETA E KAFIRS MADE IN JAPAN The Americans of the Orient la the title that the Japanese has won for themselves because of their wonderful progress, the newest offering from the great Japanese silk Industry Is the wonderful taffeta Ekaf; it is au aim ana is roaae in black and a full line of colors. We are Omaha agents, price BIG SALE OF FINE BLACK TAFFETA SILK There are no better taffetas than the kind we handle; these are money savers: Black Taffeta, 20-ln. wide, all silk and worth $1.00, for only 57Hc. Black Taffeta 27-in. wide, all silk and worth $1.25, for only 69c. Black Tsem Rfi-ln. wide, all silk snd worth $2.00, for only 98c. Black Taffeta 36-ln. wide, all silk and worth $2.50, for only $1.25. PEAU DE SLANTE Is the newest silk weave; It Is warranted to wear and waeh. Is all silk 24-ln. wide and comes In all colors; It Is the strongest and best silk ever made, very heavy, but soft finish. Wa are the exclusive agents for Peau De Slaote; price, $1.00. Specials for Monday SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. THE NEW OMAHA VIEW STATIONARY. On sale only at Hayden Bros. We control the sale of this article for Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. If you want to boost Omaha come In and see this novelty. A genuine photograph of all of the prin ciple public buildings, parks, bridges, etc. on each. Envelope and sheet ot paper. The finest grade of material and the greatest genteel advertisement ot the city ever got ten up. 25c NOVELS AT 7Hc Closing Out Ladles' Chatlalne bags. Ladles' fancy belts. Ladies' handkerchiefs. The fall novelties are coming In carloads. We want to cear up all odds and ends. Prices no object. . China Dept. Tomorrow ws are going to give the big gest bargain In crockery you ever hoard of. We have accumulated a lot of odds and ends In decorated ware, tney consist of covered dlehes, cups and saucers, plates. platters, bakes,, salads, bowls, sauce dishes. pickle dishes, sugar dishes, bowl butter dishes, soap cups and etc., regular price of these goods Is from 10c to $1.00 each. Tomorrow while they last, your choice 2c each. ' Bed Spreads t cases extra heavy fringed bed spreads. nice Marseilles pattern, with corners cut for Iron beds, worth $2.00 each, $1.25. 2 cases full sizes, extra heavy fine Mar- sellles pattern, crochet bed spreads, worth $2.50, each $1.50. S cases extra heavy crochet bed spreads. each 98c, worth $1.60. Monday we will have on sal 500 pair sample blankets, will be sold less than mill price. Home made comforters over ZOO dozen to select from, extra large and heavy and our prices, extra low. Sheeting and Muslin 8- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 18c, Mon day only 16c yard. 9- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 20c, Mon day only 18c yard. 10- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 22Ha. Monday only 20c yard. 9-4 unbleached sheeting, regular 18o, Monday only 15c. 42-in. bleached pillow casing, regular 12Hc, Monday only 10c yard. 45-ln. bleached pillow casing, regular 13Hc, Monday only Ho yard. Bleached muslin, regular 7o, Monday only 6o yard. 16 yards Old Glory muslin for $1.00. Diamond Hill cambric, regular 9c, Mon day 7c. We are headquarters on rubber sheeting, Monday we will put on sale 600 remnants of table linen and 1,000 remnants of fowl ing at prices tbat will Interest yon Don't fall to visit this department on Monday. Flannel Dept. 15 cases of 27-lnch wide extra heavy light and dark outing flannel, per yard 6c. 10 cases of 36-inch wide extra "heavy fancy patterns outing flannel per yard lOo. 3 cases extra heavy 8haker flannel, per yard 6c. 12 cases plain colors baby flannel, per yard 10c Optical Dept. PERFECT FITTING GLASSES, up-to-date frames; moderate prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Aluminold frames with fins crystal lenses, the $2.00 quality at 98c: gold-filled frames, 10-year guarantee, the $3.00 quality at $1.69. GROCERY AI1D DRIED FRUIT SALE There is the b'ggest crop of dried fruit this year that this country aver had. bought over 125,000 pouads In all kinds. We 01 ' new QIC Evaporated apples. Ola for new O'C Michigan Peachea. In fr new Call- UG fomla Peaches 55c flour. per sack for pur rye 5c 15c per can for good corn. rrn uii nn i I2ic fErv Cilllorna new vapo rated reclits. A, per lb. for wS new prunes. J" per lb. for 36 new California Prunes. I 1 C new Oregon Prunes. 81 per lb. for !C new Raisins. C per lb. for 3C new dried K rapes. for new rice. le. per sack for )IC best corn mud 3c sack of fresh graham flour. Oft- per sack for S.UC pure fresh rye graJiam flour. Ala 'h. for new Q3C evaporated banta cured prune. la,G new French sugar cured prune. Ql for new QIC evaporated apricots. fill per ,0, toT U"G uew nectarines. for new pitted cher for new clean currants. 3c 5c 5c 4c be 41. granulated O'G kiln dried com meaL f n navy hand WW plcJied baaiia. Pearl hominy, for ssvaro. for tajaoca. Pwurl barter, for farina. I2ic X In coffee. ctal for onday only Meat Specials 23c & for 3-Ib ran eaaon s rooking oil. er id. ror aney prem- brand hams. r r lb. for I3G chipped dried beer. . 1 "'KijiB 5c : ium brai Tea and Coffee ,D tor No l gIG sugar cured 38c ii 42c 43c 15c Ties. 6c Qlk very best corn OG meal. first crop new Japan t a. extra rhnlc clear drink. New EniclUb Breakfast ten. iQ ft first crop IQG Japan tea sittings. Cwnoie nio Coffee. Ca nne old Klo coffee. bams. Fish Specials ri - n. for No. 1 QIC family whit flab. C per block for DC rod fish. Qa. per lb. for UC fancy rd Cm each for Hol OG land mackeraL We bundle only No. X brands and guarantee everything we sell. WHEN TIRED SHOPPING Get cup of our delicious oocoa and tasty, fresh cracker at our demonstration counter trsa. W ar introducing oar elegant cocoa sad chocolate and purs, frsaa crackers. 1