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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1902)
THE OMAIIA DAIlil JtKK; TtfKSDAY, Wl'TJ-.MltEU lwui.. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL r MISOR MESTIO. Davis sells diugs. Blocker! sells esrpeta and nir. Leffert. eyesight specialist. 40 Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. (lua Lonle left Sunday ror Colorado Springs. Kxcelelor Masonic lodge will meet In reg ular sejielon tonight. Th Lady MarcBbers will meet tonight at tne usual lime ana place. Pyrogrdphlc outfit and supplies. C. E. Alexander & Oo., 833 Broadway. Tel. 86. Creasy, so at (ty .Clerk and Mra. N. C. Phillips, waa taken seriously 111 yesterday. Mra. W. 8. Hewltson and daughter of Tark avenue are home from Orlrana, Neb. Mr. and Mra. J. W. MrMuliln of Emcr- on, la., are guests of Mra. J. D. Whit aker. John Mlchaelsen ha aold the Tribune, a weekly paper, to the Globe Publishing company. Ta aaa. utkll KTC Bitith Kfnln irrAt la sojourning at Coffax Springs, la., for the rjenem or ner neaiin. The remalna of Charles Townsend, wh.i died Sunday at St. Bernard's hoapltal, were ahippd to Kanona, mo., ror interment. Betrayed, heifer calf with white forehead. Owner can have anme by applying to Jo aeph Bogus, 19H6 South Klghth atreet. Mra. Anna Roaa of the High arhool faculty arrived homo yesterday morning from Europe, where ane apent tne sura mer. Mlaa Blanche Arkwrlght of Mynster atreet left yesterday for an extended vlalt with her brother, Lon Potter, at Oroton, 8. D. A grand ball will be given by Teutonla lodge No. 15. at O. A. II. hall Wednesday. Sept. 10. Mualc by Council Bluffs Muaical union. Council Sluffs tent No. 32, Knlghta of the Macelibeee, will entertain State Com mander Emerlns at Its review Wednesday evening. Assistant County Attorney C. F. Kimball left laat night on a buslnesa trip to Daven port and Dubuque, lie expecta to be away about two weeka. H. P. Butler took out a building permit yesterday for the erection of a $:', resi dence on Glen avenue on one of the lota recently aold by the achool district. For good rlga, rubber tire, or anything In the livery line, we can auply your wanta at a reaaonable price. Horses boarded and cared for, 110 per month. Marks & Co., 155 Broadway. Phone lot. Justice Carson performed the marriage ceremony yeaterday for Charles Robs of Modale, la., and Mabel McFariand of Dee Molnea and William If. Murray and Nina M. Rohrbach, both, of South Omaha. lAwrence Nelson, allaa Lee Neatlehoune, charged with short-changing several Broad way Duslnesa men. had his hearing in police court yeaterday In order that the grand Jury, now In session, may Investigate It. The official board of the Council Bluffa Woman's club will give a reception Wednes day afternoon at the residence of Mra. Walter I. Smith on South Seventh atreet for new members and those desiring to Join. Jaaper Robinson and Roxenna Brock, both of Carson, la., were married yesterday afternoon, the ceremony being performed in the parlors of the Kiel hotel by Rev. G. W. Snyder, pastor of St. John's English Lutheran church. Fred Talbot, charged with assaulting Ben jamin Flmple with Intent to commit great bodily Injury, waa permitted In Juatlce Car son's court yeaterday to plead guilty to a charge of assault ami battery and waa ft nod 15 and coata, which he paid. The caae of John Murphy, charged with picking the pocket of Robert Huntington at the Elks' carnival Saturday night, was continued In police court yeaterday until Wednesday. In the meantime the grand jury will Investigate the caae. Mrs. M. C. Coaterlson, aged 41 years, died yeaterday at her home, turn Avenue G, from heart' failure, after a Week's illness. Her husband and six children survive her. Tha funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock and burial will be In Falrview cemetery. Captain George J. Crane returned yeater day from Indianapolis, where he attended B'liiuni iiirmuig null UKiiuuvi VI the State Life Insurance company of In dianapolis: At the banquet Captain Crane waa presented with the cash gold prise for writing and producing more paid busi ness than any other agent of the company. Thlrty-alx states were represented at the banquet. f A burglar broke Into the living apart ments of Gua Hlnrlch over his meat store on Broadway about 3 o'clock yesterday morning, but waa discovered by Mr. Hln rlch before he had time to secure any plun der. Mr. Hinrlch chased the burglar down atalra and out onto the street, but being clad only In his nlghtHhtrt waa unnble to continue the pursuit any further. The fel low entered the house through the front door, which had either been left open or Which he opened with a skeleton key. Davis sella paints. Dismantling; Rika' Fair. The work of dismantling tha Elks' street fair and carnival grounda began early yes terday morning and by noon the canvaa fence had disappeared. The platforms and booths' will be taken down today. The band stand will not be removed until Wednesday, as the distribution of prizes will take place from It this evening. Despite the tramping of thousands of people over It, the portion of Bayllss park used for the carnival was but little dam aged and a good shower of rain will, It Is expected,' put the grass In an good condi tion as before. The executive committee of Elks, who had tha carnival In charge, will meet Fri day to close up accounts, pay bids and ascertain exactly how many thousand dol lars the lodge netted by the fair. It Is expected that the balance on the ledger will be from $6,000 to $8,000 on the right Me. t ' Oraeel roofing, A. H. Read, 641 Broadway. Defeet In Mr burs In.llr Intent. Judge Macey In district court yesterday sustained the demurrer of Emll Scburx to the Indictment charging him with embez- tlement of funda of the Council Bluffs aerie bf Eaglet, but held that the defect I lirreit In th demurrer ntuM Ka rmmAaA ' by a new Indictment, and that the bond furnished by Schurz, would be good under the new. Indictment. Since the Indictment, Investigation of Its books by the lodge, It Is alleged, increases Scnurz's shortage to early $1,000. Plumbing and hosting. Atxby' Son. ' Marriage Ureases. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Rsldeac. Age. Charles Hubs, Modale, In 24 Mabel McFariand. Dea Molnea, la 24 31. D. Hayea. Council Bluffs 37 Nellie M. Hansen, Councli Bluffs 17 Potter W. Taylor, Omaha tx Ttlaud M. Aakwlth, Omaha 38 Tleorge Polnta. Honey Creek, la K Harriett Mcintosh, Honey Creek, la 19 Jasper Robinson, Corson, la.. 25 ltoxenna Brook, Cursor!. la 19 JVllllam H. Murray. South Omaha $0 ! lina M. Mon roach, Buuth Omaha 27 -Khtg of Q Bottled tour NJwn4 trots, Boh4vratdti Hop. H. May Cnsf J LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. t( Pwarl Ft., Council Bluffs. Phon 7. ma BLUFFS. BRING OUT SCHOOL BOORS Pnblio Schools Open with a Large Increase Orer Lut Year'a Attendance. IS GENERAL THROUGHOUT THE CITY Teaching Force la the Main the flame a Laat Year, There Belaar Ho Change Whatever in High ftrhool. The public school of Council Bluffs opened yesterday morning for the new school year with the largest enrollment in the history of the city. The increase la especially heavy at the Washington avenue and Bloomer buildings, both schools hav ing already on the first day more pupils enrolled than these buildings are designed to accommodate. The Increase at tha See end Avenuat arhnol Is also henvv. thia helns due to the fact that four additional rooms were opened in this building last spring. At the Rlffhth Avenue ehnnl there tie a slight decrease in the enrollment due to nuDiia Deme iransrerren to ntner aranes. No returns had been received at the super intendents offlee last evenlns- from Woat Council Bluffs, which had an enrollment of rorty-one laat year and which this year Is expected to be allahtlr Increased. Tha enrollment at the Hill school shows a de crease. This la due to a misunderstanding on the part of a number of parents who were under the iroDreeslon that their rhll- dren this year would be transferred to the Pierce Street school. Owing to the repairs at the Pierce Street building not being com pleted the school will not be opened until next Monday. The enrollment last year was 343 and Superintendent Clifford Is of the Opinion It Will sllerhtlv exceed that f,- ure this year. There Is no indication of the new addition to this building being com pleted much before January 1. Comparison with I,ast Year. The enrollment at the different arhnnl and the figures for last year are as follows: 1902. 1901. High school Washington Avenue Bloomer Twentieth Avenue .. Third Street 4.(4 401 .. 8T6 715 .. 6"4 448 .. 4d 4'25 .. Wl 2S5 .. 350 343 .. 334 303 .. 428 m .. 253 223 .. 132 136 .. 125 115 .. 79 73 ., 127 . 170 .. 52 74 .. 41 41 .. 23 26 fierce Btreet 'Eighth Street Second Avenue A vcmiA H Thirty-second Street jtiauienn Avenue .... Harrison Street Eighth Avenue Hill vhnnl West Councli Bluffs'. uunn school Totala r .4,488 4i066 Certificates. Increase nver njj opening day, 42i. At the high school the greater part of the morning was occupied in the distribu tion of textbooks under the free textbook system, which went Into force yesterday for the first time at the high school. A short recitation was held and the pupils were dismissed at noon, hut the regular hours will begin today when the closing hour will be 2:80 p. m. The high school foot ball team, which this year Is captained by Maria Warner, had Ha first practice game yesterday aft ernoon, under the coaching of Prof. Frank Miller of the high school faculty. 1 Principal Ensign reports a larger num ber this year than ever before of what are known as "tuition" pupils, that Is pupils from tha country, who are nonresidents of the city, and subject to tuition fees. The enrollment in 1900 on the opening day was 346, so yesterday's enrollment shows sn Increase of 88 over that of two years ago. The Increased enrollment. Principal EnBlgn says, is especially gratifying considering the large class graduated last June and the fact that a number of puplla have left the high school this year to enter eastern schools and colleges. Few Change la Teachers. There have been but few changes In the assignment of teachers. The high school faculty will be Identically the same as last year, with Prof. F. C. Ensign as principal. Miss Porterfleld will resume her position as supervisor of music and Miss May Cald well, who acted In her place during Miss Porterneld's absence In Chicago, will be assistant principal at the Bloomer building. The new teachers at the Washington ave nue school are Miss Ella fleptman and Miss Annette Grass with Miss Ethel Rey nolds as kindergarten volunteer. Miss Jane Howe has been transferred from the Third street school to the Bloomer building. Miss Mary Peterson and Miss May Jepson are new teachers assigned to the Bloomer school. Miss Fredericks Dorland will be the kindergarten volunteer at this building. At the Twentieth avenue achool there will he three new teachers. Miss Louise Carson, Miss Shedd and Mlaa Theodosla Haffe, the latter a kindergarten volunteer. Miss Daisy Cooper haa been transferred from Avenue B school to Pierce street school and Miss Nellie Merrlam will be the kindergarten volunteer at Pierce street. Miss Albright haa been tranaferred from the Bloomer achool to the Third street school. Miss Ida Casady will be a new kindergarten teacher at the Eighth street school. Miss Maude Robinson who taught last year In the Hill school has been tranaferred to the Second avenue building. Miss Alyda Lor Ing haa been transferred from Pierce street to the Avenue B school. Mias Cora Gret ter will teach this year at the Madison avenue building instead of the Washington avenue school. Miss Julia Hughes will act as directress of the Eighth avenue kin dergarten. Miss Catherine White will take Miss Robinson's place at the Hill school and Miss Cora Jones will replace Miss Wells at West Council Bluffs. Miss May Walte and Miss Mabel Storra will act as substitute teachers.' Notice Sabncrlhers. All the numbers of "The Living Animals of the World" are now complete and can be obtained for the next few days at the Coun cil Bluffs office of The Bee. It Is requested that those desiring to fill out their numbers call at once and get them, aa unaold copies win be returned In a- ahort time. Polnta ;et Oat of Tronble. George Polnta of Honey Creek, charged by Haul Mcintosh with betrayal under promise of marriage, compromised the caae yeaterday by aecurlng a license and marry ing the young woman, the ceremony beln performed by Justice Carson, before whom tha case was to have been heard yesterday afternoon. Points secured his release Saturday, pending bia hearing, by furnishing a cash bond, the money being on depoalt In the First National bank. Yeaterday County Attorney KUlpack, on behalf of the state of Iowa, garnisheed the bank to secure pay ment of a fine of $75 and costs, to which young Points waa sentenced about a year ago In th district court on a charge of gambling. Hs and several other young men In th vicinity of Honey Creek wer Indicted for gambling, the evidence showing they had ba ac?utomd to mt at a certain place and Indulge La a auitt gam of poker. Points declared his Inability to pay the fine and served out the allotted time In the county jail, but thia did not relieve him from the payment, and it ha stood In judgment since against, him. When the county attorney learned of him having deposited money in the First Na tlonal bank of this city to furnish the bond In the betrayal case, he promptly gar nloheed It. LIMIT SPEED OF AUTOMOBILES City Connell Derides that Twelve Miles Henr Is Fast Rneah. The city council Isst night passed an or dinance regulating the use of automobiles on the streets of Council Bluffs. It waa Introduced by Alderman Casper, the auto- moblllng member of the councli, who stated that while be could. If pressed, run his machine at a speed of nicety miles an hour, he thought there ought to be some regulation In this direction. He wanted a limit' placed on tha speed with which machines could be run through the streets so that all could be governed by the same rules. After some discussion the speed limit for automobiles was placed at twelve miles sn hour. The ordinance further pro vides that the operator of any automobile shall, when passing any horse or horses attached to any vehicle he Is approaching and the horses are frightened, bring his automobile to a stop and remain so unify the horse or horses have passed. A pen alty not exceeding $25 for each Infraction of these provisions is provided In the or dinance. Resolutions were adopted providing for the laying of an eight-Inch sewer on the portion of Pierce street ordered paved, the grading of Ross streeet between Oakland avenue and Scott streeet and the laying of a aewer on William street between Avenue D and Mill streeet. The ordinance changing the grade on Vorhees street between Union street and Lincoln avenue was again laid over. Mayor Morgan announced that Frank Barlow, who threatened to sue the city for $500 dam ages If the grade was changed, had offered to compromise for $300. The question of grading Gleason avenue, a thoroughfare In the foothills, was re ferred to the commltteee of the whole, which will Investigate It Wednesday morn ing and take a trip over the ground. E. A. Wlckham notified the council that If it expected him to comply with the terms of hla contract and complete the paving of Pierce street by December 1 he must have the street to begin work on by October 1. That Is, he said, that all the curbing and sewering must be laid by that time, as he could not lay concrete after October 25. The council declined to make any promises In the matter. James Wick ham's bond In the sum of $2,000 for the faithful performance of the contract for the paving of the street, with E. A. Wlck ham as surety, was approved. The committee on bridges and city property was authorized to award the con tract for rebuilding the bridge over In dian creek on Elliott street to George C. Wise for $200. The request of Leonard Everett thst he be permitted to remove a frame cottage onto a lot within the recently extended lira limits on Broadway waa denied. Mr. Everett announced that be had commenced to move tha dwelling prior to the passage of the ordinance extending the lira limits. Mayor Morgan announced the appoint ment of Henry Leuch, a present member of the police force, as deputy city marshal, to' fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hans Peterson, and the appointment was confirmed. The claim of John M. Hardin for grading the sidewalk on McGee avenue, amounting to $54.92, was allowed and ordered paid out of the contingent fund. The grading had been done preparatory to laying a brick sidewalk which later waa countermanded at the request of the school board. The school board will be asked to pay about $35 of this bill. C. W. Nichols' bond In the sum of $500 as city bill poster was approved after a lengthy discussion as to the bill poster's rights under hla license. This phase of the question is to be investigated by th com mutes of the whole. The claim of O. G. Taylor, former atreet supervisor, for his August salary, amount ing to $65, was laid over owing to the ab sence of Alderman Lougee, former chair man of the streets and alleys committee. N. Y. Plumbing Co., teieohone 25(. To Ask Cnrnearle for Help. At the meeting of the library board yes terday afternoon President Rohrer, Con gressman W. I. 8mlth, Mrs. Everett, Dr. J. H. Cleaver and J. J. Stewart were ap pointed a special committee on ways and means for securing funds for a new library building. The committee hopes to Interest Andrew Carnegie In the matter, now that the money for a library building alte Is assured. Trustee Baird again called attention to the fact that Mr. Merrlam had as yet mado no outward show of complying with the state law relative to fire escapes, and the chairman of the committee on buildings waa Instructed to notify Mr. Merrlsra to have the requisite fire escapea put up aa speedily aa possible. Acting on the recommendation of the book committee, it waa decided to admit the Theoaophtcal magazine into the library. The report of the finance committee showed a balance of $3,088.87 on hand lu the library fund for September 1. Th librarian's report for August gave these statistics: Number of visitors. 4.665; num ber of registered book-takers, 2.944; num ber of books tsken, 3,732; number of book In circulating library on September 1. 18,757; amount paid to September 1 for "rented" books, $319.50; received on "rented" booka to same date. $295.78. A telephone has been Installed In the library for the use of the librarian and asBlstanta, the number of which Is 553. Davis sells glass. Wants Wabash Property. The Mason City Fort Dcdge Railroad company commenced proceedings axatnat the Wabash Railroad company to condemn two full lota and part of two lots In Wil liams' First addition, lying between Third street and the Wabash freight depot. The property sought by the Mason City & Fort Dodge road contains 17,680 aquare feet and runa within twenty-flvs feet of the Wabash freight depot. The hearing la set for November 1. Elak la Not Ambition. LEMARS. la., Sept. 8. (Special.) It la understood here that T. M. Zlnk, who was nominated for congress by the democrats, wl'.l this week make an announcement of his declination of th office. This will leave the committee under the pwieatlnn to And a candidate. Inasmuch as the nomination was tendered to quite a number of the prominent democrat of the district before It was offered to Zlnk. it is going to be a difficult Job to secure a suitable nominee. Celebrate Golden Wedding. ADAMS. Neb.. Sept. (Special.) Mr. end Mrs. L R. Horrum celebrated their golden wedding today. Mr. and Mrs. Hor rum cam to Nebraska In an early day and wer recognised aa ene of the old settlers of Gage county. They, with their families and old neighbors, held a reunloa today about fifty guests being present. STARTS TALK AT WATERLOO Lilt of ProminsDt Spaaien far Forma Opening of thi Iowa Campaign. ASPHALT GETS F00TH0LS IN DES MOINES New Railroad RaildlngT ThrOossh Iowa to St. I.oal Thought to Be a Irhrmf nt the Rock Island. (From a Staff Correspondent. t rr.3 vnrvrQ cnt a. rsncptai i Th. ristA fnr tha rtnnn I n tr at the rentlhllrftn fAm palgn In Iowa has been of necessity changed irom oeptemoer 2o to neptemDer ii, at Waterloo. This will be the formal opening In the Third congressional district and will . j i . . , . . vm luurpRRpn nv KneaKpr npnnprsnn tmv- ernor Cummins and Senator Dolllver. Thi date had to be changed In order to secure the hall for tha KiipAklnff In tha pvpnlns There will be a few meetings held, chiefly by local KDeakers. in other narts nf ih. state prior to that date, but the Waterloo meeting will be the formal opening of the campaign. The fact that the three distin guished Iowa men are to speak on that date together leaves no rpom for doubt about the brand or harmony prevailing. This morning Governor Cummlna pressing Invitation from Chairman Charles Dick of the Ohio republican committee to go to that state and enter the campaign. Telephone Company Knits. Judge McPherson of the fnlted States district court today Issued an order that the testimony In the case of the Iowa Tele phone company against T. P. Menton and others of the strikers for permanent In junction bo taken In thia city by a referee In the next ten days and be transcribed for use in the court at the hearing In Coun cil Bluffs, which has been changed from the 15th to the 24th Inst. The total Value of telephone and tele graph lines In Iowa that were assessed by the executive council at the last time of assessment was $1,542,927.44. These foot ings have Just been completed on the con clusion of the work of sending out the an nual certificates and It Is the first tlma that an accurate computation haa been made and a record kept of the telephone valuations. The telephone, telegraph and express aa sessments will all be published this year for the first time in connection with the report on railroad assessments. Asphalt Paving- Winn. A long controversy has been waged In pes Moines between the makers of paving trick and the makera of asphalt paving. The efforts of the asphalt people to get a foothold In Dea Moines have been thwarted many times by various plans. The makers of brick have insisted that Des Moines should be paved only with brick because the brick Is made In Des Moines. Today the asphalt men won a almsi rinr. i- council by securing an order for the paving a numuer or Btreets with asphalt The fight between the two has been waged so bitterly that aldermen have been pe- v.uucu uy ineir constituents to resign be. cause they favor one r.r h. paving. On one occasion the mayor vetoed .ur lor aspnait paving on the sol ground that hrli-v i . . , s' employment to laborers at home. Mar Be Roek lal.nd Scheme. There Is a belief here that the new Iowa structed from a point In Monroe county, la., through Centervllle and on south to to gain entrance Into St. Louis from Iowa points for the Rock Island road. It is learned that the low. & St. Louis i. to use the Rock Island terminals into St Louis and also go over a part of the Rock Islands new purchase In Missouri. It Is learned also that the road will be ex tended on northward to Knoxvllle. where It will connect with the Oskaloosa branch of the Rock Island, then go to Indlanola and come Into Des Moines over Rock Island tracks. The new line runs nearly all the way through a vnn ...i . largely undeveloped. In Monroe and Marlon JOwa, mere are great coal bed which will be reached hv tKi. , It will nearly parallel the Wabash to St! iouia ana anora the Rock Island and other road a direct line Into St. Louis. Portland Mine Case Appealed. The famous Portland tnlna ... f Pottawattamie county has been appealed to the Iowa supreme court and today the abstract In the case was tio ih v.. clerk, the same making a volume of 427 pg, wnicn include about all the evi dence taken in tha case. Th. .i.t , the Jury in the case gave James Doyle a Judgment of $446,927.73 against James F. ourus ana otnera interested In the several mines forming the Portlsnd group. Entertain Confederate. Crocker post, Grand Army "of the Re public, of this city has already made ar rangementa for the entertainment nt h ex-confederates who are to be here aext week and attend the Odd Fellows' grand lodge. It Is expected there will be several hundred ex-confederstea at the lodge meet ing, representing a number of the smith. state. They will be given a fine reception and entertainment especially for them by tne veterans of the Crocker post and the old soldiers of Iowa. salt for Heavy Damage. Viola Glldden of Ame. Storv rnnnii through her attorney, John J. Coull, has commenced action in the district court of Polk county claiming damages of Fremont Turner, a contractor of this city, to the amount of $20,000. The plaintiff is administratrix of the es tate of Charles Glldden. who was killed while In the employ of the defendant at Sac City during the month of December, 1901. It is. alleged that In walking about some scaffolding, Improperly placed, Glld den fell a distance of forty feet to his death. It Is charged that plaintiff waa aware of the Imperfect scaffolding, but negligently and carelessly failed to men tion that fact to Glldden. Turner resides In East Des Moines snd Is engaged In the buslnras of erecting stand plpes, tanks, etc. Glldden waa In hla em ploy at 6ao City at the time of his death. GILMORE IS BADLY SCORCHED l.arce Part of the Business Portion of the Town Destroyed by Fire. FORT DODGE. Ia., Sept. 8 (Special Tel egram.) The heart of the business district of Gilmore City was destroyed by fire early this mnrning. The flames startad In the plant of the Willis Lumber, company and spread rapidly. The new Councilman elevator was destroyed with 15,000 bushels of oats. The postofflce was burned to thu ground, but the mall, stamps and mony ordera were saved through the exertions of Pcetmastcr Tlscbenbanner, who lost sll tls personal effects In the flames. The fire was finally checked by the large stons building occupied by the Rollln general store, which was gutted. A bucket brigade of volunteer firemen, which had foaarht th names gallantly but hopelessly hitherto, took fresh heart and finally cxtlngulahed t hrai Th iglal lea has V k rnite - .J THE HOT ONE-T. don't see how THE COOL ONE-Blmpit thlno omald.. I Uk.aCA8CARCTC.ndy estimated, but will be between $50,000 and $76,000. Insurance on most of the build ings destroyed wh light. The camss of the re is a mystery, but It Is suspected to be due to Incendiaries. The following bulld- ngs'were destroyed: Willis Lumber com pany, sheds and office; Freeman A Tots- cott, carpenter shop; Councilman's eleva tor; new building owned by Julius of Man- son, unoocupled; W. W. Coffin's barber shop; postofflce; Kulltn's Store company. DIVORCES ON THE INCREASE More Case on the Court Docket at Waterloo, Iowa, Than Marrlaare Licenses Issued. WATERLOO. Ia., Sept. 8. (Special.) One week from today the court term for September opens In the new court house. This Is the first term held In the new building and It will be a busy one. The docket shows 4?8 cases to b disposed of. The number of divorce cases Is the largest In the history of the county, the ap plications for divorces being larger than the Hat of marriage licenses granted for some months past. The damage suits are In the majority and aggregate hundreds of thousands of dollars. One breach of promise suit Is filed by Miss Rena Green of LaPorte, In which she asks $5,000 of W. C. Hook for failure to keep a marriage promise. A peculiar suit Is filed by St. Paul's Epis copal church of Hyde Park, III., asking $95 pew rent from I. F. Dickson. Samuel Kush ner asks $1,975 from the Western Union Telegraph company for the delay In delivery of two messages sent him at Cedar Rapids from his dying wife, who, with four children, was burned to death in their bon'ie last February. SHOOTS HIS FATHER-IN-LAW Youth Resents Interference Between Himself and His Girl Wile. OSKALOOSA, Ia., Sept. 8. (Speclil Tel egram.) George Gabel, a farmer living twelve miles northwest of this city, was shot thia morning by his son-in-lav, Mar lon Jones, aged 23. The weapon used was a shotgun, and three loads were flMd. He haa a bad wound In the face and nuck and may die. Jones married 15-year-old Car rie Gabel eight weeka ago and came to Os kaloosa. The parents persuaded t'le girl to go home again, but allowed the boy to come and see her. Jones decided do take the girl away again and quarrelel with the elder Gabel. Jones had a shotgun and Gabel a revolver. Shots were exchanged in spite of Interference of bystanders. The boy claims to have acted in self-defense. Gabel fell the last shot, arose an? went Into the house, followed by Jones, who took his girl wife away to his father's home a mile distant. He made no attempt to get away or resist arrest. He waa brought to Oskaloosa this evenlnr. The girl returned home to nurse her futber. PAY TRIBUTE TO BEARDSHEAR Member of Faenlty and Students Hold Memorial Service lit Ante College. AMES, Ia., Sept. 8. (Special.) Tester day services were held in the chapel ot the Iowa State college for the faculty alumnt and atudents, in memory ot Dr. W. M. Beardshear, the late president. The ser vices were Impressive throughout and con sisted In addresses on the various stages and connections of his life and character. Dr. Knapp, a former president of the In stitution, gave the opening prayer. Ad dresses were aa follows: Superintendent Barrett, on hla relations with the great educational work ot the state and nation; Secretary 8tanton, on bis work In the col lege; A. E. Piiem, on Dr, Beardshear as seen from a student's standpoint. Prof. A. O. Newnea recited aeveral familiar selec tions of poetry, which Dr. Beardshear often read at chapel aervlces; W. O. Boyd spoke on Dr. Beardshesr aa a poet and as a friend. CANNOT PICK UP CARNE'S TRAIL Bloodhoand Prove Ineffective In Lo cating; Murderer of Sheriff Strain. ONAWA, Ia., Sept. 8. (Special Tele gramsThe Beatrice bloodhounds were taken home today, as they did not seem to be able to follow the trail of Carnea for some reason, and the general opinion la that Carnea has used something to throw them off the scent. The dogs are Just from Kansas, where they ran down a thief without any trouble, and their trainer is confident that the dogs are not at fault. The country, owing to brush and ravines, prevents tbelr being used .successfully. Corporal Prltchard aays that Carnea wears ' a No. 7 shoe and that the toes were turned . up considerably. He says that since! Carnea changed clothe he 1 wearing a Sinco Lincoln's Timo, more than 7,000,000 J have been sold. Many of th first one ar stlil giving satisfactory service, proving that tho J as. Bosa Caae will outwear the guarantee of 26 yeara. Tbcs case aro recog nised aa th standard by all Jewelers, because they know from personal observation that they will perform c guar anteed and ar th most servlueaols of all watch cases. BUS. BOSS cSld Watch Gases ' areraadeof two layers of solid gold with a lavr of all Renins metal between, all wsldeU tocetber m JM. 1 .33 itr tifu T str niooDaoiidati. I ornamentation. trenvth. I'nlted thv 1 il I "'. U 1W ,u 111. ,D. ,U1 U(l 1 . IMR W . Boss Case. You will know It by this trademark in 11 I i. . I v i . teatf 7 THE KEYSTONE you keep ao cool and clean and comforfk. tw. hn.... ,v la the world. I keep cool d clean Inside, Cathartic every nlaht before going to bed broader-soled shoe, fully one sise larger, and thinks he has a good, safe retreat and remains hidden most of the time. Nobody now doubts that he Is in the vicinity where first seen. Posses aro working to day under direction of the constable at tho Omaha agency, but no report can be ob tained of their progress. PLACE PASTORS ON CHARGES Free Methodist Conference at Mien nndoah Close n Successful Session. SHENANDOAH, Ia., Sept. . (Special.) The Free Methodist conference for the western Iowa conference district closed In this place late Saturday evening, after an unusually successful session. Just before adjournment the following list of appoint ments was mude public: Shennndnah district: J. H. Wilson, T). E. ; Shenandoah and Blnghnm, A. K. Maine; ImuKene, Urlswold and Center Chapel. W. I). Groesberk, supnlv; College Springs, Georite Patrick; Clarlnda. Anna Tavlor, Hupply; Shambaugh and Pleasant Hill, J. F. Mudd; Hamburg and BrlRhtslde 8. H., K. Siimma, supply; J. W. Prnke, superan nuated; J. S. i'hlllips, superannuated; (. W. Taylor, evangelist ; T. J. Gates, left without appointment; Benton Ingram, left without appointment to attend school. Creston district: Carbon and Mount Etna, R. H. Smyth; Gravity and Glascoe. I'. II. Arlington; Caledonia and Garden Grove, W. F. Butman; Lnrlmor, T. B. Webb; R. H. Rhamey, superannuated. Dunlup district: Council Bluffs. Thomns Larson; Sandy Point and PiBRnh, W. w. C'rlpnen; Dunlap, Dow City and Mullen, . 1. Olersdorf; A. Dowd. supernumer ary; F. D. Christie, left without appoint ment. Boone district: E. N. Miller. T. E. ; Boone and Ogdcn. F. I. Water, N. Katie Waters, supply; Polk City, D. C. F.ddy; Bear Grove and Coon Rapids, D. C. Iawson, Nora Law son, supply; Churdan. Soranton and Hobhs S. H.. J. J. Woof; O. Peltxmeyer, evangelist Sioux City district: Danbury and Gnaws! R. W. Meeker; Ida Grove. J. R. Sutton; t orrectlonvllle and Klngsley. F. E. Eaton McrrcM and LrMars. M. D. Mr c'aloa- Bar: City district: Sac City and Earlv. o L MoHsman; Plover and Leebe 8. H., Win nie Myjer, supply. ' PRISONER MAKES BOLD BREAK Ian Who Is Accnacd of Mnrder Knock Down Sheriff nnd Kacape. DENISON. Ia., Sept. 8. (Special Tele gram.) William Nuraley, the negro who haa been confined in the Jail at this place the past montn, accused ot the murder of Fred Powell, a brakeman on the Milwaukee road, broke Jail this evening at 8:30 and is now at large. The prisoners were all loose In the corridor of the Jail and Sheriff Bell was Just entering to put them into the cells, when Nuraley, who was lying lh wait, at tacked him, knocked him down and es caped through the open door. Bell fired at the negro three times, but did not succeed in hitting him. The police of Sioux City, Omaha and the nearby towns have been warned of his escape. PREFERS DEATH TO LEARNING Harvey Appleajate Shoot Himself Be cause Ordered to Go to School. MUSCATINE, Ia., Sept. 8. Because the grand parents of 14-year-old Harvey Apple gate, an orphan. Insisted that he start to school today, the boy, who, had expressed a wish to become a farmer, blew out his bratna at his home at Montezuma. Dismisses the Favust Case. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Sept. 8. (Spe cial.) Judge Caswell haa ordered the caae of J. R. Faust against the Chicago North western Rratlway Company, Detectives E. D. Watersan. J. J.' Riley. Thaddeua Blnford, E. F. Blnford, ex-Sheriff W. D. Mills and William P. Elliott dismissed. The ease Is one wherein Fauat who was formerly a farmer residing south of this city, sought damage in the sum of $50,000 tor false ar rest and Imprisonment, being ejected from a railroad train and for the burning of hla barn, which be alleged waa hired done by the railroad company's agents. Fauat 1 a man who gained ao much notoriety a few months ago by appearing at Waterloo and claiming to be on C. F. Rawlins and con fessing to Rev. J. A. Earl and others that be had been hired by the Northwestern to burn the barn belonging to Faust. At the time he alleged to have received $375 for the Job. Faust was afterward sent to tha Insane asylum, where he was confined for some time. Faust is now In Jail at Carroll, being put there on the request of his brother for attempting the Utter s life. Linemen on n Strike. WATERLOO, Ia., Sept. 8. (Special.) The linemen of the Cedar Valley Telephone company are out on a strike for shorter hours and same pay. The company would grant the hour question, but will not bind themselves to a set schedule of pay. The Electricians' union is back ot the matter. It made the same demand of the Electric Light company some time ago and failed to accomplish Its purpose. ew N as. Bom Stiffened Oold Watch Ca 1 he (old peruiitaof leau- ThastiAeulu metal clvu form !holiHtfttrbriiu t . -. n i lor Booklet WATCH CASE CO.. Philadelphia and that nakM m. feel cool ., It ilea's Tn fJuS. '",2 1 Z I A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER D R.T. FELIX C0LRALD S ORIENTAL CREA.v), OR MAGICAL BEAlTlflLR. Himovil 1ii, iimiM, Fracklw. aloih Paiebas. Ranh tau sain , and Trf blemish on ssauty, and diflri dtc Hen. It haa stooil th test of 64 yrart, and Is m harmless ws tut It to b sur 'i is propriy mad. Accept no count! ffll ef similar Insms. Dr. u A. riSJT said to a I. ay of the btut-tos to patltnOl "As you ladles will use them, 1 recom r.tenl 'GOURAL'D'8 CREAM' as thn least harmful of all the Skin preparations." tor sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers In the U. 8. and Europe. KEKIt. T. HOPKINS. Prop'r, 7 Great Jonea St, N. Y. PREMATURE GRAYNESS n m siM rmi ax. Imperial Hair Rerenaratnr l!iH,t.0?,r.,"r74l"M I"PrUon knowa I EEs fha.rt .'"ft fS MOjrHV 8.mpW.f hafriitU'Kf imperial Chemical Co.. 135 W. 23d t.. N. X. KoJd by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Omaha, Neb. The Best of Everything Washington, D. G. Early in October, account G. A- R. Very low rates and no change of care. Write, H. C. CHENEY, Gen'i Agent. 1401.1403 Fa mam St., Omaha, Neb. i Specialist la all DISEASES and DI80ROCIIJ of MEN, 13jarln Oojeb. SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest method that haa yet bean di. covered. Boon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BRCAKINO OUT" ot the disease on the skin or tmxm. A cure that Is guaranteed to he permauaut for lit. , BLOOD DISEASES U30 to 60 VARICOCELE T detention from work: pmannt cur guar anteed or MoNEY REFUNDED. WKAK MKM from Excesses er Ylotlona to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast ing Weaknosa with Early Decay In Young snd Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor anu strength, with organs impaired and weak IIKltTlRH cured with a new Horn, Treatment. Na pain, no detention from business. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Cnn.nltatlen Free. Treatment r Mall. cuiBOEi low. 119 a. let a Dr. Searle: & Searles. rjsiiha. Nsb. Want a Room? Furnished or Unfurnished? With or Without Board? A list of Th best furnished act unfurnished rooncn la th city will be found en the Want Ad Pag. Cvt thlUt out and tak It with ait jUen mom aut to took jet a iw . I rrrr mm mm I V 1 1