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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1902)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Drain Short Trounced Bovndlj by Kanipn Ution in Viciooi Karkot. WHOLE LIST DEPRESSED AT CLOSE saaaaaaaaaaaaawaB Early Wild flank ts Cttr leads Price tpwerd, bat Holders t'a lead aad Valaee Boaad Back. CHICAGO, Aug. 22. Vicious and savage trading characterised the business on the board of Trade today. St. luli shorts In corn and wheat were punished severely. There waa nothing particularly bullish In the. early news, but yesterdays exceptional bulge In corn frightened the corn ahorts f nd at the opening there wa a wild rush o cover. After price all around bad been boosted to figures to ault the big holder, manipulation made price jump back and -forth erratically. In the and the shorts suffered, the local longs secured fancy 'profit for their holding and price closed weaker. September corn closed unchanged, December corn c lower. September wheat 'Hilttc down, September oats llHc off and September provisions suffered lossea of 10c to 20c. fit. Ivouls aborts had sent orders for heavy covering at the opening of corn. Prices would have gone easily to or more had It not been that the big longs wen competing with each other to unload on the unfortunate outsiders. This willing ness cn the part of the bulla to sll at fancy figures, however, did not prevent an excited and much higher opening. Septem ber corn started Wo to lc up at 674c. to oc and with wide fluctuations jumped to 694,0. Here big quantities came out and soon l.ouj.oOO bushels or more had been turned over to the shorts. This broke prices bwdly and aa soon as It waa thought the short Interest had been eliminated Septem ber touched 6tVc. Every bid or sale made a quick change of from "4C to lc In the market price. September trading through out the entire session was sensational. 'Influential houses hsd December for sale, but the early advances In September sus stalned the latter month. Conditions that usually rule the pit were hardly considered. There Is still a fine prospect of big har vest, cables were higher and receipts were till smnll, otherwlHSj the situation was practically unchanged. Near the close September rallied and December fell off, September closing steady and unchanged at 67c and December Tic down at 42yc. Kecelpta were only 28 cars, six of contract grade. Except that the weather map was almost perfect, moat of the early pews In wheat favored buyers. Cables were strong on the reports of frost and dry weather in Argentina. Receipt were lighter and con tract grading was very small. Above all, shorts were frightened both at the advance In wheat and the tumult In the corn pit. St. Louis waa heavily short and wanted over 1,000,000 bushels. The result was an excited opening, with September Krnc to Vfllc higher at 71T4C to 72itc. After the rush of buying orders waa over broker let go freely, the crowd followed and prices broke to 7uc. One of the factor waa the falling off In the cash demand, with Minne apolis cash premiums off 2 Ho from yester day's figure. Much of the early heavy sell ing wa by a prominent elevator concern that haa had September options congested for some time. After the whlp-aawlng procesa had shaken out many of the taller there was a fair rally. September, how ever, closed rather wealc, ht'vc down, at 71 Sc. Local receipt were 221 car, only two of contract grade, and Minneapolis and Duluth reported 296 cars, making a total for the three points of 616 cars, against SOS last week and 711 a year ago. Primary 'receipt were 1,010,000 bushels, against .1,022.000 tet year. Seaboard clearancea In wheat and flour were liberal and equaled tVm.UUU W U f, l 7 i 7. Algetitaiab 1 1 V ' ii i t T X-o vm ' 128,000 bushel, compared with 886,000 last I year. Helling ror a leading sun caused weak ness In oats. . Even the great strength tarly In wheat and corn had Utile effect nnd after a little spurt prices fell back. The motive for the sharp selling by longa waa said to be the Improving weather west and northwest, which la expected to result soon In Improving the grading. Short still wanted stuff, but when stop loss order accentuated the decline . trading fell off. September sold from 84o to 83o and closed weak, llKc down, at 83c. . Kecelpta ware 178 cars.- . . . Provision advanced early on a better hog market and outside buying. Later long unloaded generally and the liquidation caused decline in all the list. Even the unuaual advance of as much as 86c in hog and a good consumptive demand did not prevent a weak close. September pork closed 20c lower at $16.65, September lard Soo down at 810.77V, and September ribs 10a off at tl0.C2U. ' Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 96 cars; corn, 86 cars; oats, 276 cars; hogs, 14,000 head. Ths leading futures ranged aa follows i Arttcle. Opn. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. ' 'Wheat - Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. 1 Dec. May Oats Jl Sept. b Sept. fa Dec. May Pork Sept Oct. Jan. Lard Sept Oct. Jan. Ribs Sept Oct. Jan. 71T4-2H 72H 7-8 684 1 6:4,'T0 70 67468 19 42-3i4 434 40tMi 40H 28 28 31 814 80-IVb 814 16 $3 18 974 17 02Vi 17 10 14 80 14 874 11 00 M 00 95 9 974 46 624 10 124 10 1T4 76 t 824 7 724 7 724 64i3l 654 2 67 424 67 48 40 37 83 80 174! 83y$4V9 scvi 30Tfi3! 3044W4! 04l 16 65 16 80 16 65 16 80 18 8S 16 97U 14 72V4 10 974 U 624! 14 664; 10 774 65 t 824 9 924 674 10 77H TO 8 86 8 46 10 024 10 124 !4 lb 1 60 1 V) a Old. b. New. No. 1. . Cash quotation were as follows FLOUR 8teady; winter patents, $8.5039 s su: siraigms, j.iunij.w; clears, VI Zb; spring specials, $4.20; patents, $3.60(04.75; (Straights. $3.1iM&'3.25. WHEAT No. $ spring, 7SiP74e; No. I spring, we; ino. 1 rea, w((rii'o. , OATS-No. 2, 20c; No. white, 84(2370. R Y E No. 1. 61c. , BARLEY Fair to choice tn.lMn VkWICto SEED No. 1 flaxr $1.40; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.45; prime timothy, $4.6004.66; clover, i PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl, $16 85 16 60. Lard, per loO lba.. $10 (fegno 674. Short rlba aldea (loose), $9.S69.95. Dry salted (shoulders (boxed). $8.78.874. Short clear ! WHISKY On ths basis of high wines. The followtng ars the receipt. and shtv , Receipts Shipments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oata, bu Rye. bu 15,000 19.000 286.0U0 82,0ii0 66,000 624.000 $12,000 SROuO Barley, bu 43.0u0 On the Produce exchange today the but. .ter market waa weak; creameries. HrrlKW; Idalrlea, 134b 17c. Cheese, easy, lijiliv:, .ggs, easier; iresn, lic HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET, .taaatleas mt tha Day aa Tarloas Coaasaadttlea. NEW YORK, Aug. 227 FLOUR Receipt, 12,6a) bbl.; exports, 19,021 bbls.; fairly acilv and firm on spring wheat gradea; winter patents. H.6Tyi90; winter stralghta, 3.4tu ; Minnesota patenta, 83.fto.U4 00, winter extras. Uofca3.25; Minnesota bakera, $3.15 :ti3.3u, winter low grades. $2.Rfn3.0&. Rva flour, suady; fair to good, $3.8uiy3.40; choica io mncy, u.ooj. m. CORNMEAL Qult; yellow weatern, II t; city. $1.24 Rrandywlne. $3 45356. I R YE fetroiix: No. 8 western, tioc. f. o. b. afloat; state. 6S4i&67c. c. 1. f.. New Tork CriuiB: .o. s train, o,aDK, BARLEY Quiet; feeding. (4c, C L f.. Buf. XSIO. WHEAT Receipt 48,600 bu.; exports, du. rpoi, quiet; no. 1 rea, ic, ele valor, and n'uiiso, t. o. b., anoat; No. northern. Duluth. K3c. f. a. b.. afloat: No. hard. Manitoba, 87c, f. o. b., afloat.' After an early spurt in September, owing to higher cables and unfavorable gradini Vest, wheat declined under general realls ins. vln the lust hour it rallied asaln. In flue need by predictions of shower" in the awauiii uuu uii ibiv c-uveriiis, dui nnaiij ; aave way and closed 4tVC net lower, ILliv 74 7-li74T4c. closed at i4Hc: SeDtem. berj 71J76 15-16C. closed at 754c: December, I CORN Receipts. 16.750 bu. ; exports, 12.318 bu. spot, nrm; no. x. txc, elevator, and fio, t. o. b., afloat. September corn showed I a strong advance early on covering. Ira- polled by smsll receipts, strong Liverpool . advices and showcra west It yielded to realising sales at midday, but September finally recovered on dtmand from ahorts ?nA tun hlvher. asalnst e decline In other mouth. Msy, uV. closed a 4o; September. 62V44''. closed at 6l4o DeaRiber. closed at 474c. OAT ReoIat, llt,6u0 bu.; exports. 8.626 bu. fpot dull and unsettled; No. 3 new. Im. ' Ttta opiiaa marUat waa qulat bars all day and Irregular, following the changes In corn. May closed at 3'c; December, $6 '.,& 36c, closed at MV. II A V firm; shipping, 5(S70c; good to choice, ll.0rtil.10. KICE Harely steady; domestic, fair to extra 44a7c; Japan. 4Gftc. HOI'S Firm; state, prime to choice, 1901 crop. 13'4JVrc; isho, 10c; olds, ftfOc; stste common to choice, 1901 crop, ziw-'ic; 1e) crop, isti?-: olds, "trioc; Pacific coast, 19U crop, Jo-niWc; l' crop, ldfa 20c; olds, 7tf Hc. LEATHER Steady; Buenos Ayres, acid, UU Sc. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 10 to 25 lbs., He; California. 21 io 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to .10 lbs., 13c. WOOL Uulet; domestic fleece, 2R7j30c. TALLOW Dull; city ($2 per pkg.), V4o; country pkR. free!, frHiCiiSHc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 81500 616.00; mesa, 13.00ii 1.1.50; beef hams, $220" fl.uo; packet, $14 ouul.00; city extra India mess, $22.00-6 24.00. Cut meat, quiet; pickled, bellies, IU.2T.ff U.OO; pickled shoul ders, M.'r.'ijV.Mi; pickled hams, $11 50912.00. Lard, easier; western steamed, $11.10; Au gust closed at $10.55, nominal; refined, steady; South America. $12.16; compound, $7.7.v&8.25: continent. $11.70. Pork. firm; family, $20. otf, 20.06; short clear, $18.76621.00; mess, $17. 75ft ID. 75. BUTTER Receipts, 4.707 pkgs. ; steady; s'ate dairy, 16Vfl lHc; state creamery, 1645$ ISc; Imitation creamery, 14V4$il74c; factory, 13V4S1SHC. CHEESK Receipts, t$7 pkgs.; easy to firm; fancy large, colored and white, OS'S 9c; fancy small, new state full cream, colored and white, Wo. EQG8 Receipt, 8,668 pkgs.; firm; state and Pennsylvania, 2"&4e: western candled, Vwq19c; western, uncandled, lod 17Hc. MOLA8SE8 Firm; New Orleans. SOtfJHOo. POULTRY Alive, chickens, steady at 13Vic: turkeys. 12c; fowls, 13c. Dressed, steady; chickens, western. llS14c; fowls, western, l'JHc: turkeys, 15ff25c. METAI.S Domestic markets wore quirt and In the case of tin and copper easy today. Tin declined 20 points on the Inside price, spot at the close being quoted at $28.1028.50. The English market suffered a break of 15s, spot closing at 126 and futures at 122. In copper there wa very little doing locally and prices showed no Important changes. Standard spot closed at $10. R5fi 11.25. lake at $11.60-311.70. electro lytic at $11.8511.46 and casting at $11.351) 11.40. The foreign price was dropped 2s W to 61 13s 9d for spot and to 52 for fu tures. Dullness ruled the lead market, both domestic and foreign, neither showing any change. The local price was $4,124 for spot and London quoted 11 2s 6d. Spelter was firm, with moderate business reported. Spot closed at $5.60. The English market waa steady and unchanged at 18 17a fid. Iron price remained as last quoted for domestic supplies, the market having a firm undertone. Warrants were still nomi nal. No. 1 northern foundry, $23.0025.00: No. 3 northern foundry, $22.00jf23.00; No. 1 southern foundry. $22. 00323.00; No. 1 south ern soft foundry, $22.0023.00. English mar kets were quirt. Glasgow closed at 67s M and Mlddlesborough at 63s lVjd. OMAHA WHOLESALE! MARKET!. Coadltions of Trade and Qaotatlaaa oa Staple and Fanes' Prodaoa. EGGS Candled stock. 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 94(S10c: roosters. according to age, 4t6c; turkeys, i10o; ducks and geese, bQc; spring chickens, per lb., 12c. Mu 1 1 itit f acRing stock, izc; choica airy, in tubs, Walbc: separator, ZOffZlc. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout. 10c: her- ring, 6c; pickerel. 8c: pike. 9c: perch. 60: bunalo, dressed, lc: sunfish, 6c; blueflns. 2o: whltetlah, loo; cattish. 18o; black bass, 18o; halibut, 11c; salmon, 16c: haddock, lit., cod fish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 17c; lobsters, greeq, par lb., 860; vuiinrus, aw. COKM !. OATS-64C. BRAN Per ton, $15. HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choica, No. 1 upiana, ; no. 1 medium, 16.60: no. I w. trj. Allow ii are for hay of good color and quality, De- mina lair. ieceipis uent. POTATOES New. per bu., KS30e, GREEN ONIONS-Per dos.. acoordlna- to lie of bunches, 16u.20c. TUKNifB-t-er bu., aoo. BEETS Per basket, 40o. OREEN CORN Per dog.. Be. CUCUMBERS Per bu., 26c. LETTUCE Per do, bunches, ZOe. RADISHES Per dos.. 10c. WAX BKU.N8 Home grown, ner market basket, 26o; string beans, per market baa ket, 26c. cabbaqb California or bom grown, new, io. ONIONS New home grown, la sacks, ner bu., 65o. tomatoes per market basket, 4560o. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $116. FRUITS. VIP A CTJTTO Callfnrnla T a ... PM.pAH 7faloc; Arkansas Elbertas, per four-baskel crate, ydc; per six-Dasxet crata, il.zs. rbtiUB canrornia, par lour-basket crate, fanoy, $1; Japanese, In peach boxes, II; Kelsty Japan, per four-basket crate, $1.10; Tragedy, $1; peach plums, 81; P. D. plums, $1. 1-KUMfiS-fer box, 81. Favorite, Colorado, $1.26. appuss summer varieties, oar bbl.. $3.60. CRABAPFLJtS Per bbl., $2.60. CANTALOUPE Texas, ner erata. 8LTB: per basket, 60a. WATERMELONS Crated, UIQraOO. GRAPES Southern Catawbaa. per 80-Ih. crate, 81.60; home-grown, per 8-lb. bas ket, 2Sc TKUriUL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, acoordlna- ta slsa. $2.262.76. lemons California Llmonalra. S4.00ia 4.28; Messlnas. $4.6OS.00. OKANU1CS-valenclas. 84.75KO.0O: Madlter ranean sweets. nvHiA.a. MI8CELLANEOUB. CIDER New York. 13 75 HIDES No. 1 sYeen. Ke: No 1 s-rean. o-ac; no. i saitea, sc; no. x sauea, io no. i vcai can. to iz ids., so: no. veal calf. 1 to 16 lba., 6c; dry hides, 8912c; neep pens, iac; nors nides, $1.60(92.50. run ukn i-er io., oo; aneuea, sc. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 sofr snell. ner lh. 11c; hard shell, per lb.. 114c: No. 1 soft shell, 10c; No. 1 hard shell, c; Braslls, p-r io., no; niDerta, per id., uc; aimonas, soft ger lb., 12o ; small, 10c; oocoanuts, per dos., OLD METALS-.A. B. Alnern ouotea the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, u; iron, stov plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb.. 84c: braaa. heavy, oer lb.. $4c; brass, light, iter lb., 64c; lead, per lb., lc: sine, per lb., 24c; rubber, per lb., 64c 75(8 80c; Arkansas Elbertas, per four-basket crata, atxtfwoo; per six-basket crate. $1.50. St. Loala Orala aad Provlsioas. ST. LOUIS. Aug. H. WHEAT Firm : No. t M A AAi ...!, Atturnr?U, Deptemoer, a4c; uecsmper, t4c; no. 3 hard, f5(tj68c. corn Higher no. 1 cash. c: track. oc; septemDer, tw4c; uecemDer, 3(ic. OATS Steady : No. 3 cash. 2c: track. 284j3uc; September, 264c; December, 26Hc; no. 2 wnite, ate. RYE Firm at 4Sc. A ..v.v... ( ..... . , ,1 D n ,CA T. "11 IC1 Al la, $3.10(113.20: extra fancy and straights, $2.80(d 4.06; clears, $2.65a2.76. I'l All!) , ,,.!..- .. A . . a- bi-:eij Timothy. 9s.00434.86, with prims wunfl ini're. C ORN M EAL Steady, $3.05. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 68a. HAY Steady: timothy. tS.0otlll.00: nralrta. WHISKY 8teady. 81.81. IKON COTTON TIES $1,074. BAGOINO 6 5-16Q7 l'16c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PHOVISIONSPork. lower; fobbing, old. $16,724: new. $17 124. Lard, lower at tin. to Dry salt meats (boxed), easy; extra shorts and clear rlba, $10.25; ahort clears. $10.75. Bacon (boxed), easy; extra shorts and clear rios, .1. 0: snun clears, tii.a. . METAI.S Lead, steady at $100. Spelter, firm at $6 25. POULTRY Firm; chlckena, 10c; springs 4c; turkey. Il4tjl24c; duck. 7c; geese, 44". BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17$?21c aairy, io42ii'po. EGGS Steady: 16c. loss oft Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 6.000 11 oo Wheat, bu I62.O1O 32.0X) Corn, bu 23.0oQ 4500 Oata, bu Sj.OU) 69.000 Kaasas City Orala aad Provlslaaa. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 22. WHEAT-Sep- Temoer. mimc; AJecmper, w 'Ctc cash. No. 1 hard. 644c; No. 3, 6134c; No. 1 rea, sc; no. . iwrjoc. cars. CORN September. 46e: December. S4Wc cash. No. 3 mixed, 66c; No. 3 whits, 69c; No. OATB-No. 1 wblt. 85c. RYE No. 1, 46c. HAY Choica timothy, 89.00439 60; choica praine, . BUTTER Creamery, 18c; dairy, fancy, EOGS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan. saa stock, 144c per do., loss off, catea re turned. , Recelpta. Shipments v. imi, bu iu,iv 1 1 Corn, bu 11.2"0) 1 to Oats, bu 19.0u0 2f,OuO Phtladalphla Pradaea Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. XJ BUTTER eteaay; extra weatern creamery, X94C by prt iMdy, auOa-8 fair demand; fresh nearby, 21c, loss off; fresh western. 21c: fresh south western, isc; fresn southern. lal'C. I iiEEME r irm. rsir oemsnti; Mew lorn ull creams, prime small. lim.ifl'Wic: New York full creams, fair to good, DVi'uloc. Liverpool Ornla and Provisions. T tVrD Tru-W . In. 91 WltlTAT Ittrntie. No. 1 northern spring, 6s 4d: No. 2 red western winter. 6s 14d: No. 1 California. 6s 6d. Futures: Quiet; September, 6 Id; December, Es 114d. CORN Spot: tjulet; American mixed. 6a H4d. Futures: gulet; October, 6a ld; anunry, 4s 14a. 1 RO VISIONS Reef, strong: extra India mess, 107s 6d. Pork, firm; prime mess, western, strong, RHs 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to is ins., quiet, Mis. Macon, Cumber land cut, 26 to 30 lb., quiet, 65s 6d; short ,1k. 14 A IKa ni.l.t HOm .t... middles, light. 2S to 84 lhs., quiet 58s fid; long, clesr middle, heavy, 85 to 40 lbs, quiet, 68s; short clear hacks, 16 to 80 quiet, one; near Denies. i 10 je inn., lulet. 61s 5d. Shoulders, square cut. 11 to 13 bs.. steady. 4Ks 6d. Lard, prima western. In tierces, firm, 64s; American refined, in pails, firm, 54s fid. CHEESE Quiet: American finest white. steady, 47s 6d; American finest colored, quiet, 48s 6d. TALLOW Prima cltv. atesdv. I7s6d: Australian, in London, Irregular, 31s 3d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet 8s 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady. 6 7. BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady, Bs 8d. The receipts of wheat for the last three davs were 908.000 centals. lncLadlne- 252.000 centals American. The receipts of American corn for the last three days, none. Toledo Orala aad Seed. TOLEDO. Aug. 22. WH EAT Active. easier: cash. 724c: September. 724c: De cember, 714c: May, 72c. CORN Active, strong; cash, 60c; Septem ber. 58c; December, 4lc. OATS Dull, easy; cash, 19c; September, 36 Vic; December, 32c. SEED Clover, strong and higher; Octo ber, $6.86 bid; January. $5.66. Minneapolis Wheat, Floar aad Bras. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 12. WHEAT Set- tember. 664(56Ho; December. 64S.f64c; on track. No. 1 hard. 77c; No. 1 northern, 75c; No. 1 northern, 734c. FIX3UR Easier, demand fair: natents. $3.90(94.00; second patents. $3.4&jr8.85; first clears. $3.00a3.10; second clears, $2.20g,2.80. ill-lAN in DU1K, ll.i(iril.W. Milwaakeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Ausr. 22. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 79c; No. 1 northern, 76c; Beptem- Der, (oc. kxk-Higner; no. 1, 624c. BARLEY Steady : No. I. 75c: aamnla. 47 lc. totiw-eeptemDer, wjje, Dalath Orala Market. DULTJTH, Aug. 12. WHEAT Cash, No. hard. 78iAe No. 1 nnrthern 70U.O' sJa 1 northern, 7Jc; September, 684c; December. 664c OATB September, 8240; December, 294c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. H. CORN Firm. Inac tive; No. 8, B7c. OATS Firm, higher: new No. I white. 36336c billed through. whisky $1.81 for finished goods. Cincinnati Whisky. CINCINNATI. Aus. tt WTTTRTC nia. tillers' finished goods, steady on basis of $1.31. KEW TORK STOCKS AND BOMDS. Market Shakes Off Drowsiness with Liquidation la Colorado Fael. NEW YORK. Aug. 22 Tndsv'a atocV market rallied from the lethargy of the last few days. This was caused bv the liquidation in Colorado Fuel, which it was rea rea was creating a necessity to unload stocks elsewhere in the market. The an. pearance of support In that stock and Its rauy 10 more tnan a point over last night was an Important factor in reassuring sentiment and its effect was emphasized oy me reneweq strengtn in Louisville & Nashville, which was supposed to be re lated In a speculative way to the move ment in Colorado Fuel. The points of strength In the early day were somewhat scattered and might be attributed to special causes. In the late dealings the strength became more general and the market broadened out under the immediate influence of a t-potnt rise in Doumem ra-unc. me explanation or the strength In this stock was not obvious beyond the fact that the speculative leader who has made this stock a favorite of late years la now due to arrive from Europe. Ontario A Weatern continued its advance, with a rumor that it was being sought by vanaaian i-acmc tor a connecting link with New York City, thus surDlementlnz recent rumors of Canadian Pacific's pur pose to enter Chicago, which were subse quently denied. The nrmness or Western Union continued to excite remark and conlecture aa to a possible combination of telegraph interests. When Colorado Fuel made its recovery there was fairly general advances among the Independent iron and steel companies from which the United States Steel stock were conspicuous exception, the move ments of the latter being restricted to narrow tractions. Ths granger. Pacifies and Southwestern quite generally participated in the late movement in southern Pacific. The re action in the wheat market may have helped this movement. Yesterday's flurry in September corn, while without any bearing on the coming crop, is significant of the very small move ment of ths tag-end of laat year's crop, which has been reflected in late returns of gross earnings of railroads in the corn territory. The. freedom from flurry in the money market, with the demand for loans to carry over until Monday, had a reassuring effect and aroused hopes that the bank atatement tomorrow would show a strengthened con- oition. ir tnis proves to be tne case It must be by reason of loan contraction by transfer of credits to the trust companies and to foreign lenders. The interior cur rency movement seems still to be slightly In favor of New York. The sub-treasury operations which had yielded to the banks up to Wednesday evening $1,335,000, took from the banks yes terday $1,168,000, thus nearly wiping out the previous balance. The net result promises a gam in casn tor tne week or less tnan $500,000. Another transfer was made to New Orleans today of $130,000 and New York exchange at Chicago dropped to 20c discount, after having recovered to par earlier In the week. The advancing quotations for govern ment bonds are believed to be due to the expectation that the treasury may take eany steps ror tne reiier or the money market, cither by Increasing deposits with the banks or by redemption of bonds. Bonds were firm in sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $1,370,000. United States refunding la. the 4a and the 8s ad- vanced Vi per cent on the last call. The following are the closing Drlces on tne New xora biock exenange: Atohlsos tlH S- Paul ptd in . 79 . 40 do pfa ..lnit So. Pacific ..lut Bo. Railway .... .. ftt ! do pfd ..lis Texaa A Pacific.. B.1. a Okie do sfd . IS . U Csnadlta PaclOo..., Csoada 80 .. Toledo, St. LAW. SOU .. U I do pfd 4 .. 43T Union Pacific lean. .. ta I do pfd .. 7f Wabaah t ..IS I do pfd 4 ft- rhoa. A Ohio Cblcaso A Alloa.. do sfd Chicago. lad. A L do pro..... aa Chlcaao A E. III. .'..IK Wheeling L. E.... 174, I do id pfd 40i) iWla. Central tS Cblcago a O. W S lat ptd H do td pld do pfd I4h Chlraso A N. W 14(1 Si C. R. I. a F 3 , Adama El 110 jAmerlcan Ex 351 Chicago Tor. A Tr... tlst.t'nlted Sutoa Ex. do ptd 41. WoUo-Fargo Ex... . 1M ..1041 Amal. Copper .. Colorado So ISVAmar. Car A T.... do lat old do 1 ntd ... ia 1 00 ptd ... 1 Amar. Lin. Oil.... ...17 do pfd.7 ...Jla Amar. a. a R ... 4t do pfd 14 io Dol. a Hudaoa.... Pel. L. a W Dsn ror it. O.. 441 do eld ... Sat Anae. kilning Co lot Erie , ... 40 lurookljrn R. T tt ... (a Colo, fuel a Iroa... TT do lat ptd do td Did Orsat Nor. pfd... ... 4a wna. una xzi ..Art jCont. Tobacco pfd....UI HocKlBS valley .. ...101 Uev Elactrto ... 3H 'Hocking Coal ...lwvtilotar. Fapor ... do pfd ... I7v Laclede Gaa ... 4 National Blecult ... ...1U 'National Land ...lba INo. Americas ...134. Paclo Coaat .... , ...141 VFaclflc Mall ... t't People's Oa ... IP Preaaod t. Car ...Ill do pfd ...11 Pullmao P. Car .... Ill, Rcpublia Steal ... ta I da pfd ...1M (Sugar ...1HVTII- Coal a Iroa ... I044 I'nloa Bag A P..., ... Pa do pfd .... M U. a. Leather ...liol do pfd .... sa it). S. Hubaor .... a! do pfd ... U iV. I. uel , .... do pfl , M Waslera tnloe ... .... 11 I A mar. Looomotlee. .... SHI do pfd ... 7'K. C. Bouthora... ....Ian, de pfd , .lie . IK ao pld Illlaala Control ., Iowa Conu-al ..... . 8oa da Md ia . S3 Lake Erie A W.. . 47 do Bfd L. A N , Manaattaa L at. Kr . St. 1J4S Max. Central .... alas. National .. Mluo. a St. L... ale. Pacific at.. K. A T do pfd N. 1. Central ... N. T. Central ... Norfolk A W do pld Ontario W Wnnaylvaala .... Reading do lat pfd do Id pld ft- U a g r.... do lat pfd do td pM St. 1 South.... pfd it- Paul . a .lof .740 .. J14 . T7V, .. 10 . 14V . 704, la . is . u .. 41 ,. td . M . PI4 .. ai Bask Cleatriaga. OMAHA, llll rR.nlr $1 Ood.TSt 31: corresponding day last year' $37 162 tt; increase. $:.5 63. or. IaOUIo. Aug. 3a.-Oearings. $4,707,771 balances, asiS.fT: money, steady to firm, ( m per cent; New York exchange, 20c dis count. CHICAGO, Aug. 22. Clearings, 334,044.3!9: balances, $t,9M,2i'1' posted exenange, $4 KM for sixty dsys, $4i on demand; New York exchange, 2c discount. BALTIMORE, Aug. 21 Clearings, $4,004. 866; bnlsnces $.121 596; money, b per cent. I'H 1 1,ALKL1'H I A, Aug. 22. Clearings, $18,998.4; balances, $2,4i3,3U; money, ia& per cent. NEW YORK, Aug. 22.-Clearlngs, $155,700, 734; balnnces, $12,261,844. BOSTON, Aug. 22. Clearings, ri,636,025; balances, $1,875,804. CINCINNATI, Aug. 12. Clearings, $2.9, 350; money, 3H per cent; New York ex change, 15c discount. WEEKLY CL3CARI0 HOVSK TAB LB. Aggregate mt Basin ess Traasaete4 tty the Aaaoelated Baaka. NEW TORK, Aug. 22 The following table, compiled by Hradstreet, shows the benk clearings at the principal citiea for the week ended August 21. with the percent age of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: I Clearings. j Inc. Doc $l.S76.St.25 33.7 146.724.322 6.8 120.543.175 1.2 106,842,039 10. 3 6 87.024,3(J8 1&.0 25,978.0M 40.6 24,930,029 29.0 21.119.56.) 23.4 20.620.8K2 14.2 16.373,673 15 4 1047.S96 34.7 10.083,257 S3. 9.240.237 19.0 9.024.372 15.9 8.S22.072 11.0 6,5St4.6'W 1.6 6.8A6.9A4 8.8 8,649,0110 6.9 6.700,291 4.2 6.218,92 27.8 4.091,6t 17.8 4.503.945 0.8 8.913,610 83.0 3.163,155 14.9 8.426,059 1.4 2,703.477 4.0 4,138,035 61.6 1,675,587 11.4 2,81)7.632 25.1 3,740,217 26.0 2,849,645 6H.7 2,210,691 15.6 2.6R2.0OS 22.0 3,078,810 44.8 2.63UR5 28.6 1.949,166 18.9 1.940,206 16.0 1.943.281 26.8 1.615.5W 9.8 ...... 1.650,772 16.9 1,614,728 17.0 1,422,058 13.7 1.3O0.774 16.8 ; 1,494,589 8.4 1,293.330 14.8 1,696,296 61.6 1,226,623 18. 1.420,179 26.4 1.496,689 42.0 1,461,626 43.6 1.123,634 6.9 1,226.413 42.4 1,204,446 40.8 738,952 14.6 6S8,428 912,768 836,673 9.8 828.066 14.8 496,000 81.1 810,922 60.0 666.053 4.2 962,798 76.8 487.608 7.2 678,500 658.707 1.4 602.834 T.O 858,094 l.t 643,795 86.7 668,463 88.0 618,532 62.9 602,984 81.0 xi san , t 275;800 '"i',4 823,761 4.6 436,000 86.4 817.520 8.1 258,483 832,386 18.8 804.620 236,746 U.6 215,878 21.4 209,865 21.6 161,481 10.2 9,266,676 80.9 6.738,000 (4 7,679,679 90.6 789,876 49.7 667,033 29.1 ' , 244,974 9.166.1861 $2,105,495,356 23.9 728.698,731 6.7 CITIES. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia ... St. Louie Pittsburg Baltimore San Francisco . Cincinnati Kansas City ... Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans .. Indianapolis ... Detroit Iyouisvllle Milwaukee OMAHA Providence ....... Buffnlo St. Paul St. Joseph Penver Richmond Savannah Salt Lake City... Albany Ijos Angeles Memphis Fort Worth Seattle Washington Hartford Peoria Toledo Portland, Ore..... Rcchester Atlanta Pes Moines New Haven Worcester Nashville Springfield, Mass. Norfolk Orand Rapids ... Portland, Me Sioux City Syracuse Dayton, O Tacoma Spokane Topeka Wilmington, Del. Evanavllle Davenport Augusta Scranton Birmingham Fall River . Macon Little Rock Helena .. Knoxvllle Lowell , Akron , Wichita Springfield, m.... Lexington , New Bedford ... Chattanooga ..... rcungstown .... Kalamasoo ....... Fargo , Blr.ghamton Rockford ... Canton Jacksonville. Fla Springfield, O Chester , Qulncy Bloomlngton , Sioux Falls Jacksonville, III.., Fremont, Neh.... Houston Galveston .... t.:oiumbus. O. HWkAAllnJ W'Wf wiiKoeoarre 1 icatur,. in...,,,.,.,, Utlca Totals, TJ. 8. CANADA. Montreal 1.. 23,483,3091 49.01 Toronto 14.575.971 31.8 Winnipeg Halifax 8.624,622 1.670.128 1,085,686 846,669 66.4 10.4 "i'.i Vancouver. B O Hamilton St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C 0Oieh,n 13.81 832.362 663.433 1.270,912 $.109,238 -28: Ottawa .'. 13.6 Totals, Canada '$ 47,905,374 S8.1K W.t UaI,i4.A . . . . . r. :Lr " 'V"1" ""cause containing other Itema than clearings. OeXTnt lnclllt In tntal. W . . a .. ... .u.a.a imauai ot na comparison for last year. Hew Tork Messy Market. NEW TORK. A liar. 2 MONKT-n. .m steady. 8a4 ner cent; clnin ,ia .-J asked, $4 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4i5 per cent. 'TERLJNG EXCHANOR-TCaalAP i.t. actual business in bankers' bills at' $4.8716 aui vicuicAiiu ana at m.hju ior sixty dava vln,. ..IXM.;?''' "nu ". commer- vittl U11IB, ei.OJV'4S.M'. 41c ' Mexican dollars, BUNDS-Government, atrnnarr mtmm ine cosing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. 8. ror. xa, rg....lOT4t;eiJ. a, , gs , A. ,AT. A.. r. . w oi.iva .....v, a. nea. .enirai as 11 do la, rag It do is lno stu do coupon ICS, ,M. A Bt. U 4a 104 do sow 4a, rag lt: M., K. A T. 4a loo do eoupoa 1MHI do la gal, do old 4a, rag 10ba N. Y. Central is 101 do coupon l do gen. 114s lot do aa, rag 104H;en. j. c. gas. ts....lM do coupon 1044 Kar, Paelda da 104 Atchlaoo gaa. 4a....HU4! do la 74 do ad), aa m N. a w. cos. 4a 101 Bal. a Ohio 4s 10S Reading son. 4s do I'ta M igt L A 1 M e. (s...U4 do cody. 4s Ill 8t L A 8 r 4s lite Canada Bo. ta 110W'Rt 1. R W 1. aai Central ot Oa. la.. ..Ill 'do Is Hi oo ia ina te a. a. at a. r. as.... ia, Chea. a Ohio 44a...lMS4 Bo. Pscio 4a . Chicago A A. IHa... II So. Railway ta Ut C , B. A 4). a. 4a.... 9014 Texaa A Paclflo la .llo C, II A Bt P g. 4s. ..ill T . St. L. A W. 4s. U4 c. A N. W. c. 7a. ..114 .Union Pacific. 4a 104 C, R. I. A P. 4s 1(4 do cone. 4s lot I Ut. B DC A. B' OB..AUA WlOUn AS 11, Chicago Tor. 4a at do la ion Colorado Bo. aa Max, do deb. B 77 4 Denver A R. O. 4s..lo Weat eh ore 4s Ill -brie pnur lien eo... evOi T nwi. m aa &. as.. VT do gas. 4a Mta.wia Central 4a P. W. A D. C. Is.. .114 .Cons. Tobacco 4a 4444 tioeung vai. a. . ..iui Bid. Offered. Leadoa stock Market. LONDON, Aug. 22.-4 p. m. Closing stock quotations: Consols for money M 1-14 1 Norfolk A Weatern.. 71 do account t 1-141 do pld M Anaconda 'Ontario A Waatarn... M Atchieon 44 Pennarlvaala U do pfd 104 .Reading 14 Baltimore A Ohio. ...Ill do lat pfd 43 Canadian Pacific 1411 do Id pfd II Cheaaneeka A Ohio., ii (Southern Railway.... 41 Chicago O. W U do pfd lot. t... M. a St. r......ieo Boumera raeine T4 Denver A R. O to Inloa Pacldc IK' oo pfd 17 ao pro h Kris 4u United stales Steal.. 41 do lat pfd 1ft do pin t... i do Id pfd Io iWebaah 14 Illinois Central Ill I do pfd 4 Loulevtlls A Naah...le Spanlah 4s II Mlaaourl, K. A T.... li KAnd Mines 11 do pfd . 44 JeBaars tdaf.) II New Tork Central. .. .1411 BAR SILVER Quiet at 24 S-16d per ounce. HONEY tU, tier cent. The rste of dis count In the open market for short bills is ?'ax it-i per cent ana ior inree tnontns bills S ll-16Vja 2, per cent. New Tork Mlalas daotatleas. NEW TORK. Aug. 22 The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con hi Jo little Chief It Ontario (.... Ophlr- loo Phoaolx S Poloel 14 fiavase 4 Sierra Nevada 11 Soaail Hopes glandard I4S Alice Braece Hruoawkk Cos Comalock Tuanai.. Con. Cat. A Vs.... Horn Oliver lioa Silver . to . . I .111 .m . 0 . Leadvtlla Caa Forelga Flaaaclal. LONDON, Aug. U. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today waa lo,oi). Gold premium at Kuenoa Ay rea, 1240: at Madrid. 3490; at Rome, 0.77; at Lisbon, w. Money waa mich w m m.4 in tha market today in con nection with tenders for A5.000,0u0 in treas ury bills. Dlacounta were firm. On the Block exchange attention was centered in a niA,HA nm iwi Vafflra. The general tend ency waa uneven on realisation of consols. Baud to be largely for Paris account, de pressing business. Trices Improved later on the cessation of sales. Americans were unsettled by realisations. Later price were steadier. Business rlosd quiet. Kaffirs reacted a trifle. This waa attributed to the closing of the weak accounts In antici pation of the settlement commencing Au gust 15. PARIS, Aug. 2: -Business was Irregular on the bourse today. Prices were falrlv supported and closed firm. Attention was centered In foreigners. Rentes were in demand, owing to the rumored Kynch loan. Spanish 4s benefited by repurchases. Ruselsn Industrials were heavy. Bio tintos reacted though the price of copper was unchanged. Kaffirs v.ere weak on pessi mistic reports regarding the labor supply in South Aftlca, and closed irrfgular, but above the lowest of the dav. The nrlvnte rate of dlucount was i per cont. Exchange on London, ttf 19c. Spanish 4s, 82 i;2. Three per cent rentes, iwr ho for the account. Br.KL.iN. Aug. a. The discount rate for short bills la 1 per crnt and for three montna bills 1 per crnt. Price were firm on the bourse today and business was less active. Government securities were maintained and In soma cases there was moderate improvement, lllnes were rather weaker. oatoa Hack dgaotatloaa. BOSTON, Aug. 22. Call loans, 4 per 45 per cent. Official cent; time loans, closing of stocks Atcbiaon 4a la Is and bonds: .1X1 I A ma In mated 4s . IS Bingham II K'alumet A Hecla 12 Centennial .102 Topper Range .... .11 'Dominion Coal ... 10 Ml 17 . Central 4a Atchison do pfd .... 64 ....1.11 .... 10 .... 11 .... 4i .... 17 .... t .... :i ....114 .... l ....171 .... 14 .... 11 .... 10 .... lu .... t' .... a .... 17 .... 14 Boston A Albany... Boaton A Me N. Y., N. H. A Pltchburg pfd zoo Franklin .231 .144 lale Kojrals ..... Mohawk , Old Dominion ... Osceola . Parrot Qulncy Santa Fa Copper Tamarack Trimountala ..... Trinity , Cnlted States ... Vlah Victoria Winona Wolverine United Copper ... tnton Paclflo .10 . .113 .120 .171 . 71 . 40 . IT .111 41 . Hi . It. . It . IUj Max. Central Amer. Bugar do Bfd American T. A T.. Dominion 1. A Jaaaa. Meotrto do pfd United Fruit Daly West . B. Steel do pfd Weatlngh. Common. Adventure Allouea Bid. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. Todav's state- ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 150,000,OUO gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 1204,062, Ket; gold, W,m,6i3. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 22. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say in tomorrow's report of the wool trade of tha T'nlteil States: Wool Is quiet and firm. Holders of washed neeces are particularly strong, with a cent advance generally asked for Ohio selec tions. There have been no sales on the higher basis, but large lines could hove been sold at old prices. Other domestic wools are firm and unchanged and the sup- iiv ui loreign is so small mat mere is Ittle Interest in It. Tha racetnta r1 wnnl In TBoston since January 1, 1902, have been uz4.,zz4 ids., agninst 178,764. 60 lbs., for the same period In 1901. The Boston shipments to date are 176.284,622 lba., against ship ments of 164.810,966 lbs. for the same period of 1901. The stock on hand in Boston Jan uary 1, 1902. was 77,240,463 lbs.; the total stock today is 124.6S2.165 lbs. The stock on hand August 24, 1901, was 91,966.476 lbs. HUBiON, Aug. 22. WOOL Fine staple territories. bo66c: strictly fine clothing. (3(io5o; fine and fine medium, 509020; me dium, 43d746c. Texaa wool is in a very strong position, with the offerings smnll. Fall cleaned basis, nominal, 46(3480; twelve months, 66fj58c, six to eight months, spring, 6265c. Fine fleece wools are higher, but tne otienngi are small, otilo and Pennsyl vania XXX. nominal; XX and above. 28c; X, 26t27o; Michigan X, 2626c. Delnlne wools are exceptionally firm; Ohio Delaine, l5lc; Michigan. 27Vi!g29c; No. 1 combing, J8S30C; No. 2. 27i?28e; coarse. 24926c. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 22. WOOL Steady; medium grades and combing, 13'5'18o; light line, iii'c: neavy nne, itxauc: tub washed, 16ij26Hc. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 22. CJOFFEEJ Snot Rio, firm; No. 7 Invoice, 6 9-16c. Mild, steady; Cordova, (VS'llHc. Futures opened Irregular, with prices 15030 points higher on vigorous covering and general buying, led by houses with foreign connections. Advices regarding the extent of the injury to tne crop Dy iroat nearly an tended to confirm the early cables of severe dam age to the trees and the destruction of first flowering. The local market was strong nearly all day, with the exception of a slight easing off at mlddav under heavy firoflt-taklng. . Demand cams from all quarters. Europe, commission houses and shorts were particularly active as buy ers while the selling was mainly by local and Baltimore importing houses and realis ing longs. The bull leaders both bought and sold. The day was marked by the Heaviest traue in recent times, sales amounting to 187.000 bags, of which over 60,000 bags were exchanges for nearer posi tions for late options. At the close prices were nearly at best figures of the day, net watt points nigner. ine undertone was nrm. Hales included August at 6.3i"fr5.4)c; Sentember. S.WVfr6.40c: October. B.3W5.40n: November. 6.45'&6.oOc: December. 6.45i5.fl0c: January, 6.665.60c; March, b.705.85c: April, 6.80S6.8oc: May, 6. 805. 96c; June, 6.95(3',J.00c; July, D.90t.WC. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 22. COTTON Futures steady; August, 8.38c; September, 7.99c; Oc tober, 7.86c; November, 7.79o; December, 7.78c: January, 7.83c; February, 7.80c; March and Mar, 7.81c. Futures closed very steady: August. I.46c: BeDtember. 8.13c: October. 7.98c: November. 7.90c; December, 7.90c; January, 7.93c; Feb ruary. 7.doc; Marcn, i.uic: April, 7.91c; May. 7.S-C. Spot closed steady; middling upland, 9c; naming gutr, yc; saies, era Dates. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 22. COTTON Quiet middling. 8 9-16c: sales. 4 bales: receipts. 304 balea; shipments, 560 bales; stock, 12,070 bales. GALVESTON. Aug. 22. COTTON Steady. 7-lSc. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 22. COTTON Snot. limited demand, prices easier; American middling fair. 6t-16d; good middling, 4 15-16d; middling, 4 27-82d; low middling, 4Vd; good ordinary. 4d: ordinary, 4a. Tne sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 500 were for SDeculation and ex nor t and Included (.200 American. Receipts, 2,100 bales, sll American. Futurea opened quiet and closed very steady. Amerlcsn middling g. o. c: August, 4 4z-tMO, Duyers; August Anil Q r. . m K i T C I ... A CI HAtlM. lemoer anu uctooer. izi-H'MZHia, sellers; October and November. 4 22-64(fi4 23-64d. sel lers; November and December, 4 19-64d, buy ers; December and January, 4 17-64(34 18-64d, Olivers; January ana f eoruary. 4 l7-64(tjl 4 iMi, sellers; r eoruary ana March, 4 17-64(.j4 18-4d, sellers: March and April, 417-G4d, buyers; April and May, 4 17-64d, buyers. Oil and Rosin. OIL CITT. Aug. 22.-OIL-Credlt balancea 11.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, 80,618 bbls.; average, tm.174 bbls.; runs, 08,606 bbls.; average. 77,4X8 bbls. TOLKDO, Aug. 22 OIL North Lima, 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 84c. LONDON. Aug. 22. OrL Calcutta lin seed, spot. 61s 9d. Turpentine spirits, 33s. SAVANNAH. Aug. 22. OIL-Tumentlne. firm. 44Wc. Rosin, firm; A, B. C. D, 11.10; E, IMS; F, $1.20; O, 1.25: H, $1.70; I. $1.9S: K 2.55: M. $3 50; N, $3.50; WO, $3.60; WW. $3.80. NEW YORK, Auar. 22 OIL Cottonseed, dull, steady. Petroleum, stesdv. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady, 47(JH7c. t Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK, Aug. 22.-DRT OOODS-Th demand for heavy brown cottons shows some Increase on home account. Export business quiet. Prices without quotable change. Bleached and coirse colored rot tons unchanged. Prints steady, with fair demand. Glnghatna nrm. Print cloths full and unchanged. Linens are in quiet re quest, but very firm. Burlaps firm, with an Improved demand. MANCHESTER, Aug. 22. DRT GOODS ?ulet, with very little business doing, arns, dull. EvVaorated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW TORK, Aug. 22. EVAPORATED APPLES New crop supplies are arriving In small quantities, but. little business la reported and valuea are not yet estab lished. Old apples are quiet and nominal at ffglOc for common to good: prime, liVtf 10c; ch"lce. 1Hj11c: fancy. imfil2c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunea strong and in demand, with prices hardening, at S7A,ttt7c for all grades. Apri cots, unchanged. 7S9'fr,c In boxes and 7Hc in bags. Peaches, quiet; peeled, l'.'j 16c; unpeeled, Vt.liHic. agar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 22 8rOAR-Raw. steady; fair refining. 2c; centrlfugnl, M test, ac. Molasses sugar, 2 6-loc. Refined, "NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 22.-SUOAR Strong; open kettle, 2Si2 3-16c; open kettle centrifugal, J 'c; centrifugal yellow, $-fj 4 5-1'x-: ecoiids, lS'UlVc. Molasses, dull; centrlf., "J, 61 leas CUT Live Stock Market. SIOTTX CITT. Ia.. Aug. 22. (Special Tele gram. CATTLE Receipts. 600, mostly through; market steady; beeves, ttwygt M; cows, 2.tut74.00; stockers and feeders, $3.U 64 30. HOGS Receipts, t.200; market 16S20o higher; selling. .0d7 00; bulk, to.aS. OMAHA LIVE STOCi MARKET CattI Eecipt8 Vary Light and No Chang in Price! Warthy of kentioa. HOGS NEARLY FIFTEEN CENTS HIGHER apply of Sheep aad La nabs Rather Moderate aad Destra.- rairi of All Kinds, Both Fat "tail aad Feeders Sol Aboat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 23. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Otllclal Monday 7,9.4) 7,165 14.018 Olliclal Tuesday 7,921 10,wW 18.491 Ort'iclal Wednesday 4.9t0 (.338 8.313 Otliclrtl Thursday 6,650 B.2S8 .7SJ Olliclal Friday 677 4.917 2,4-J Five days this week. .26,914 24.67. 49,986 Same days last week 18.744 S7 60,117 Same week before 18.180 81.960 .M Hams three weeks ago. ..11,065 26.84b 64.128 Same tour weeks ago. ...10.178 23,540 27.870 Same days last year 16.2) 30.112 ,6ol RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last tar: ... 1902. 1901. Inc. Deo, Vv,t,e 43.04 449.7H I5.330 Hogs 1,635.477 1,59.546 46,933 hhtep 668,187 696.92 ,73 lh following table shows tne average price ot hogs sold on the South Omaha market the laat aereral days, vitn com parisons with former years: Pte. I 1903. lfcl.laW.1899.iS.1897.189. August l. T 411 I 661 6 15 6 IB, 6 15 4 19 I 7 I I 77 3 4& 3 47 3 SO 3 671 2 U 3 63 3 AUKUSt August August 7 36ia a iui I 79 ;ti i 14, 4 83 1 47 4 43 I 61 August B IV I 841 4 46, 1 71 August August 7 HuKm 6 801 I a 71 4 SS 4 37 81! 4 32, $ 67, 4 281 I 67 1 43 Vi 1 27V 6 14 46 a t 42 3 63 3 61 2 92 Auguot August August D 0 1 )'' 1 04 6 65 6 74 6 74 o 6 15 6 04 t 76 a 1 75 3 M 3 14 2 74 2 3 a 83 o 3 84 2 92 3 88 3 79 3 St 3 97 6 001 4 99 August August August August 4 291 3 27 78V, 81'l 73m 6 741 4 66 t 48 3 74, I 76 3 78 3 74 3 66 5 78, 3 Ml 6 74 4 97 4 97 4 98 4 43 3 68 August August 6 78 6 77 4 44 4 32 o 3 70 3 71 3 86 3 73, 67T. August Avgust August 6 S3 6 W 4 95 0 6 03 4 36 18 7H a 89 4 47 I 661 I "11 79V, 8614JI 7 00V,, 4 60 3 67 3 75 August August August 6 87 a 4 42 4 42 3 70 3 761 6 6 02 6 87 6 01 Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Tha fountain-, ii.a .w .v.. 1 . cars of feeders shipped to the country yes- ua anu invir .aesiination: catti r f A A AU. . IA 1 . J. 1C Wtltplft n n WnnA T a. U C. F. Mayland, Seward. Neb. B.'aV VI.'.'.'.'. t oiiarwuuu ot oeneoict, iNewcastie, iNeo. Man 1 J. B. Shuey, Verdon Neb. Mo'.'p!!!!."!!!! 2 T . Pnltnn Tl n.l I. , u.h 1.1 a E. W. Tharp, Stanton, Neb'. f!'e!!!.'!!!!!! $ Stanton Breeding farm, Leigh, Neb. F. B. I w. a-.iiicaii, i-rviiiauii, xa. 1. j 1 1. a. nun, una iTee, la. tt, 1 1 W. 8. Moreland. Atlantic, la. R. 1 3 J. 8. Blackwell, Kellogg, la. R. I Mahoney & Co., Dexter, la, R. 1 4 W. I. Mickey, Washington, la. R. 1 3 J T Tnnaa I HI 1 n a w. aa. .u.avw. VVUIIU4I UlUllB, JI, aTTV 1,.,,,, f Blanchard A a., Dexter, la. R. I t lllAinilAIU oa II Ilion JCU, IB, It. I.... 4 ta. mcn.enzie ot Bon, Co. Bluffs. Ia. R I. 3 G T. Rew. Council Bluffs, Ia. R. I....'.... 3 Anton Miller Il.mK,.,. T . v n I W. D. Schlenslg, Ute, la.-N. VV...""""" 1 Rod. iTay, DeWltt, Ia. N. W 3 Ed Benedict. Arthur, la, N. W 3 ... ------- ' V..MJ, A,-11. A H, A. Robinson, Llscomb, Ia, N. W a A, Klopplng, Underwood, fa! Miil"""" 1 L. Powers, Preston, Ia. Mil a Gua Jam. Vtannlnv Ta veil , . iui$ c,coin. fawab.:-::::::::::::::: i 1. n. xan, oin, la. wab 1 f.Woward. Paclflo Jet,. Ia.-Q a T. J. Wyman. Clarlnda, Ia.-Q..7!7...!"!!! 1 james Jree, uragoral, la. Q s Stabler A Co., OrUwoid. Ia. Q 2 1 vt T.-H . v t i . , m. ........... m a. i.uci, fianiinajs, AS, 4. ......... . H. K. Forsyth, Grlswold, Ia. Q 3 1 . jtiimes, iracy, la. 1 G. P. Eates, Pnclflc Jet., Ia.-Q 3 ,ui.iiiuB"in, Lenox, ia. 44 g J. W. Ream, Memphis, Mo. Q 3 A. N. Peterson Lynn, 111. Q 2 SUt'tD r." H. P. Schmidt, Friend, Neb. B. oV M...... i Aieiii.un, iviuiniueiio, ill. waD...... 1 A. M. Hough, Badger, la. I. C 1 P. J. Cllne. Denison, Ia. I. C 1 w. Durnoin. 4,(1 unci 1 mull a, la. R. I . a Thomas Kirk, Maple River Jet. Ia. N. W. 4 ine omciai number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was; Ca . I 1 1 CI V. T t. c m. a st. p. Ry..:::""8r" v:r.: Missouri I'acinc Ry a Union Pacific system.... 3 8 .. 3 C. & N. W. Ry. F., E. A M. V. R. R 3 16 3 i C. St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 8 6 ." B. & M. h. Ry 11 13 i " C. B. & Q. Ry. a C. R. I. 1 P.. east . i '., " C. R. I. 4 P.. west....." 1 ." " Illinois Central 3 .. .! Wabash .. 4 " Totals 23 66 II "4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 25 70 493 Swift and Company 141 1 066 f Cudahy Packing Co 154 1.079 924 Armour 4 Co 180 l,91 Lobman 4 Co 22 Hill 4 Huntslnger 15 .. ' Livingstone 4 fichall.e is ia. r . iiusa a. 6 B. F. Hobblck ... 16 485 utner buyers 2.004 Totals 1,060 4,75 3,817 CATTLE There was a big slump today in cattle receipts, and, in fact, there waa only about a Saturday's run. This has been an eventful week, however, for receipts have been exceedingly heavy for this time of year and far in excess of the same days of laat week or of last year. Considering the large number on sale the market has held up in very satisfactory manner. So far as today's market is concerned there ia not much to be said, for the quality of the offerings was inferior. Packers were not at all anxious for what was on sale, and as a result the market was dull and weak. ' Corn cattle for the week have not shown much change where the quality wss strictly prime. The beat steers may be quoted steady, but the kinds that sell from $7 down sre lower because they come in com petition with the westerns. The cow market held up In good shape and the best grades sre very little lower. The medium grades have suffered the most, but even those have not declined more than lf15c on the average, and In extreme cases 20c. Prices ruling here have been very high as compared with other markets, and In fact the Chicago market haa been In bad shops the last few days. Common bulls have been very slow sale and lower all the week. Good fat bulls have held about steady, and so also have good dehorned feeder bulls. There has been an active demand all the week for Blockers and feeders of good qual. lty and the market may be quoted steady. The common kinds, however, are alow and 26'(i40c lower. Western range steers of good quality have sold well all the week, But still they are a little lower. Ths decline, though, would be covered by 15'g26c. Prime de. horned western feeders have held steady but the horned cattle that were lacking In quality have been a drug on the market and are a good deal lower. What might be called fairly good beef cattle that either packers or feeder buyers would take have not declined very much, but the medium grades of killers that feeder buyers did not want have slumped off in bad shape, and in some cases sre 60976a lower than they were a week ago. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS Ne A. Pr. No. A, ft. n 10U 6 71 COWS. .1M t xf 1 lint I M 1 1040 1 U J... 10M 1 M 1 1IW 1 M 1 llll 1 14 I lot t 70 1 4 I 14 1 M IH 1 14 t oa 1 170 1 00 1 1M0 1 M 1 M III 1 1 I 1 1. I 19 1 Ida 4 44 HEIFERS. 1 440 IH 4 Til I if BULLS. 1 1404 I 10 t 1174 I 14 1 low) I 40 1.. 1144 I M I Ill I aa 1 M III CALVES. 1 134 4 71 STOCK COW8 AND HEIFERS. 1 7M I 10 1 UN 1 M 1 MU I 10 1 M lit STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. i I ao I It 4 M I ill 4 m NEBRASKA. No. Ar. rT. iso. AT. VT. 2 COWS 980 $2 60 1 COW 1210 12 66 40 cows 918 I 10 3 cows sot 3 66 3 cows 870 3 66 3 cows 1'm4 3 10 If cows 951 00 1 cow l'.-O 3 76 3 cows 60 3 76 3 cows T a 76 8 cows 1133 3 75 1 heifer.... T90 190 lbull 1M0 2 60 1 heifer.... 6M 3 90 LATE YESTERDAY. E. McCracken Ntfb. 34 feeders.. i M 41 cows "4 3 00 1 feeder... 930 8 00 1 cow 950 3 60 R. McCracken Neb. 33 feeders.. M IW cows vi ,, 4 feeders.. RN7 3 00 1 cow 1000 3 75 O. M. Robinson Neb. 41 cows 950 4 00 4 cows 790 3 6 3 cows..... lUO 3 6 lcow 1100 3 10 W. Sprague Neb. 1$ feeders., f 13 3 60 4 cows 779 t 75 4 feeders.. 3 60 1 cow 1000 3 75 7 feeders.. R75 3 50 3 rows 9-5 3 5 4 feeders.. 50 3 60 4 rows . t 65 feeders.. 740 3 60 3 cows 916 3 66 4 cows 975 3 66 1 cow 900 1 65 3 cows 71(V 3 40 1 cow 1100 $ 40 lcow 760 3 40 1 cow... ...10 3 00 Ben Chambers Neb. 30 feeders.. Too 3 60 20 cows 964 1 75 4 feeders.. 693 3 60 2 cows 1106 3 65 James McNulty. 1 feeders.. R00 3 60 14 rows 84 i 88 8 cows 8X5 2 26 6 cows 99 3 66 John Oustufson Neb. 17 feeders.. 690 3 60 cows 1020 2 85 F. Kraus Neb. 1 steer 00 3 75 28 c. hfs.. 80S 3 00 1 steer lino 4 00 14 feeders.. 8J 3 85 1 steer 9o 3 66 1 feeder... 8 3 66 1 steer 1270 6 60 1 feeder... WW 1 60 Kraus Bros. Neb. 18 rows 791 30 12 cows 873 3 15 20 cows 93 3 05 6 cows 1193 3 30 1 cow 940 2 60 v A. B. Van Zsndt Neb. 30 cows 917 3 96 3 bulls 80 8 15 HOGS Receipts of hogs rontinued light today and owing to a higher provision market and a active demand on the pari of packers the market opened lofl 15c higher and soon became close to 15c higher. Ths big bulk of the sales went st $7.00, with a sprinkling on up to 3710. The commoner grades sold below $7.00. At those price the hogs changed hands quite rapidly, but all of a sudden packers stopped buying and claimed they did not care for any more at tha prices. Sellers were not at all Inclined to cut loose at any leas thaq the morning bids and as a result tha closa wss very slow. Today's sdvance carries the market bach to the highest point reached since August 11. Representative sales: No. At. Sh. Pr. No. AT. Sh. Fr. 40 lit ... 40 70 121 144 IM 71 171 M IS 41 Ill ... 1 04 II 171 MO 1 IS 44 Ill ... 7 00 tt Ill 40 I M 41 i ... 1 00 41 Ml 10 I M II Ml M 7 00 17 140 40 I to 71 lf ... 7 00 40 110 40 I 04 71 Ill SI 1 00 It 171 SO 4 15 M 177 ... T 00 67 11 10 I M M 141 ... 7 04 70 16 ... I M 11 IIS M T 00 44 111 HO IK a7 IM BO f 00 41 171 40 4 16 II M ... T 00 Tl 171 140 I M 41 214 ... $09 7 Ill ... TOO II 171 MTU 77 lot 40 I 00 II in ... 7 40 TI 11 M IN M 117 10 1 HIS 11 lot so t 00 ii ill toe 1 uist 7 147 40 t 00 4 ISO ... T '.' 0 Ill ... T 04 It 114 ... 7 01 II 171 ... 1 09 74 1 ... 7 H 44 tT 100 7 00 17 Ml 110 t 01 II M IM T 00 14 ... I Of 41 121 110 TOO TO 144 ... t Tl 131 40 T 00 SO Ill MTU tO Ill 110 V 04 II IM 44 J 04 I 11 44 7 00 40 Ill ... 7 14 14 117 ... TOO II IM ... T 41 M M0 M T 00 41 Ml ... T 44 H IM ISO T 00 . Tl 144 Bt t If M If 110 T 04 41 IM 40 T M 40 174 40 f M aa Ill IN IB 17 M6 44 T OS T4 121 44 T Of a 131 IM T 00 II U4 u T 04 II 0 110 T 40 TT HI 904 It Ml 140 T 40 T1........U4 M II M IM T 00 Tt 114 ... t MU 44 Ill 111 T 44 M UI 44 III BHEEP There ware only about 11 ears Of aheeD here todar and the market could be quoted steady all around. The Wyoming wethers that sold yesterday at 6S.2S brought tne same price today, utner sales also looked Just about steady and the desirable grades were practically all sold io food season. A few Iambs were offered, and. while tha market waa not active, no particular change irom ycsierpay was noticeable. Feeders were in active demand again to day and the prices paid were fully steady. As will be seen from the sales below, f eao ers are selling right close to fat stair. Quotations for clipped stock: Good te) choice yearlings, $3.i5(ti4.10; fair to rood. $3,606 76; good to choice wethers, $3.56438.60; fair tn wnnA vathm IS tff ; AaIaa ewes, $3.083.'26: fair" to g'ood'ewVs, "$3 Wf 3.90; good to choice lambs, $6.266.60: fair to good lambs, $o.0Ya.26; feeder wethers, $; feeder yearlings, $3.25(33.60; feeder lambs, $3.60fK26; feeder ewes, $1.2680. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr 686 Wyoming wethers... 107 3 25 251 Wyoming feeders 3 92 3 40 269 Wyoming feeders 95 8 4" 86 Utah yearlings 60 7 300 Utah lambs 68 6 35 100 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 63 3 36 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Sheep aad Lambs Steady aad Hoes Higher. CHICAGO, Aug. 12. CATTLE Receipts, 10,000 head. Including Texana; market slow, steady; good to prime steers, nominal, $8.00 68.76; poor to medium, $4.267.60; stockers and feeders. $2.60436.26; cows. $1.60436.60; heifers, $2,26300; canners, $1.60(93.60; bulls, $2.25S6.00; calves, $2.6i97.00; Texas fed steers. $3.0006.00. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head: estimated tomorrow, 10,000; left over, 2,000; market excited and 10016c higher: mixed and butchers, $6.76g7.60; good to choice heavy. $7.15&7.55; rough heavy, $6.767.46; bulk ot sales, $7.O0tfi7.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head: market steady; good to choice weth ers, $3.5iff4.00: fair to choice mixed, $2.60it9 8.60; western sheep, $2 6088.86: native lambs, $3.763.00; western lambs, $4.5OS.00. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 11,973 5.940 Hogs 19.621 4.079 Sheep 14,229 4.783 Kaasas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2 CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,100 natives, 630 Texan s, 770 Texas calves and 115 native calves; corn fed cat. tie steady; quarantine steers stesdy to higher; quarantine cows steady to lower; stockers snd feeders lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $7.$5f8.10; fair to rood, $6.1O7.30; stockers and feeders, $2.A9 20; western fed steers, $4. 15 fl 4.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.604 26; Texas rows, $1.751.70: native cows. $1 .50(f?4.10; native heifers. $3.0O4.6O: canners, $1.6033 25: bulla. $260ft3.25; stockers and feeders, $2.00tj74.7Tj. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market IOQI60 higher, closing easier; top, $7.85; bulk of sales. $7.007.26; heavy, $7.20(cr7.$6; mixed .ackers, l7.GsVg7.2S: light. $.80&lG6; yorkera, 7.007.05; pigs. $6.26'a 90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.060 head; market steady, active; native lambs. $3.3"(66 8u; western lambs, $3.0o.00; native wethere. $3.4004.40; western wethers. $2. 96.7V $.95; fed ewes. $3 3554.16; Texas clipped yearlings, $3.0ik23.S6; Texas clipped sheep, $2.9031.10; stockers and feeders. $2.3031. W. . t. Lewis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 32. CATTLE Receipts, 8.300 heed, including 3.100 bead Texans-market slow, but steady, except for Texas cows, which are higher: native shipping and export steers. $8.0041. 00, with a few choice head at $8.75. the highest price this season; dressed beef and butcher steers. 14 7(K?3 7 60; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3. 7644 60; stockers and feeders, $3.402N.76; cows and heifers, $2.25S.60; canners, $1.75tr2.76; bulls, $2 40)3.66; calves, KOfxa;. 26: Texas and In. dlan steers, ' $2.75g.0O; cows and heifers, ' $2.2519465. HOGS Receipts. 8.500 head; market lOo higher; nigs and lights, $4.767.10; packers, $66th7.16; lutchers, $7.0047.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, $.000 head; market steady; native muttous, $$.76 t4 50; lambs. $4 2506.76- culls and bucks, 'i ofxgt.OO; stockers, $2.002146; Texana, X "i 4.30. New York Live Itoek Markat. NEW TORK. Aug. tf BEEVES Re ceipts. 3,621 head: market opened steady and closed alow; lata Bales a trifle lower; steers, $4.607.80; bulls, 634O&$0; cows, $2 25ft6 20. Cables lower, with live cattle at 12t)13V40 per lb., dressed weight, and re frlgerator beef at UWollc per lb. Exports were 64 cattle and 2,250 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 103 head; veals, firm, $6.00i6O; grassers and buttermilks, $4,601 4.60; westerns. $4.70. HOGS Receipts, 663 head;, nominally Steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.16 head; sheep quiet, good handy sheep fully steady; lumbs firm, in slight supply, fair to good 25&35c higher; sheep. $l0tyN 60 lambs. $6.26tt.70. with, a few choice at $7.36. I. Joseph Live llsek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 2S.-CATTLB Re. celpts, 1.792 head; stoady to strong; natives, 4.&(iil 36; cows and heifers, $1.7T04 00; veals, $3.0U&8.00: bulls snd stags, $i. 5006.00; stock era and feeders, $3.0Ck6 60. HOGS Receipts. 6.211 head; 10c hlgher light and light mixed, I7.0nt7.20; medium and henvy. $7.0743'7.30; pigs, $l76.76; built, 37 12Vf'7 26. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,818 head; 6alto lower; slow, steady. toek la aight. The following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheen at the Ave principal markets for August 23: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha 677 4 Il7 143 Chicago 10.000 15.000 T0 Kansas City $ t0 4 OuO 3 tf0 St. I.ouis ,8.300 16"0 I.04 Bt. Joseph 1,73 8.211 3.91 Totals. .11.2 39.(3 K.wa