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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1902)
THE OMA1IA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1902. 0 On the Reservation By FRANCES ROBERTS. (Copyright, 1902. the 8. 8. McClure Co.) Henry Young near lounged Into the agency store Just la time to bear th ttore keeper say. Impressively: , And tha teacher's goln' to be married tonight and taka the 7:30 train west. Bhe't tola' to tha Philippine Islands. Her man's a soldier. Mollle told me all about It when she came down for a doien lemons and a pound of chocolate. Miss Bates didn't expect him. She was surprised when he came over last night and wanted to be married right away. If they don't catch the train they won't catch the steamer, and If they miss that steamer he's liable to be court-martialed and shot." Henry straightened his shoulders snd walked up to the counter. "What you say?" he ssked, forgetting that he had not spoken English since he returned from Carlisle. The storekeeper gave a startled Jump. "I always said you could speak English If you wanted to," ha grumbled. "It wasn't any use your hanging arrmnd the teacher, Bhe's gorn" to marry a lieutenant of volun- teers of tha United States of America, and leave here forever on the night train." "She Is not!" Henry spoke calmly, but with determination, and before tha store keeper could more than gasp at "tha cheek of the Injun" he left the stores His facs was as black as hla hair and his heart heavy as he stumbled over the doorstep. He knew the man spoke tha truth. Ha had seen Miss Bates when she met her lover, and the expression on her face convinced him that the Interest she had shown In him wae for his raoe, not to mm as an individual. Hotly his thoughts flew back, over the few months of their friendship. Hs was a Carlisle Indian, home from school for tha first time since he had left the reservation a mere boy. How he hated the dlrtr hut. The uncouth manners ef his people fretted him. Life was unbearable. He. had learned the tinsmith's tral at school, but mere was no work; for him on the reserve tion and -his people would not let him leave. ' So he sulked around ths town. adopting the evils of civilization, refusing 10 tain or unaerstand English, and meeting all questions from the white man with a clank stare. - ' ' , He had seen Miss Bates first In the etore where she was going Into raptures over the Indian bead work and trappings, she had entered the service with her mind filled by an meat inaian, a combination of Alessan dro and Chlngachgook, and had yet to learn the real red wan. Her tall, slander figure was ouuinea against the dingy Interior of me store ana Henry watched bar, magne tised. . J5he wn like the . women he had seen In the east, and he followed bar back to school and sat on the steps in ths sun until Qept Brown came out and ordered him home. . 1 . ' V The next day be had met ber on the lake shore and she had been curious to try his bark canoe.. He showed her bow to crouch Indian fashion and under the inftuanae of her eager questions his tongue was loos n4 ai' ha ensvlra ! eehltS tts.s'8 ls. guacs. After that they met often? at the simpls school socials, at church and at tho aganoy. .. . , Now she was going away, going to be married. He ground bis teeth and swore she should not. If she did not catch the train the lieutenant would be court-martialed and shot. He did not know what for and did not care. .The storekeeper had said It would be so. He sa( bent nearly double, hut on the dock and failed te hear the sound of steps behind hint ttnU'..T0ta,tht ..ajwaye, called .back the UttU courtesies be had learned at school ald gayly: "Here Is Henry Toung Bear. He will take you over. Henry, will you take Lieu tenant Stanton over to tcwnT The launch has gone. To please me, Henry," she added, as she saw his unwillingness. His faoe brightened. He pushed ths canoe Into ths lake and motioned Stanton to get In. The latter looked ruefully at the light craft danolng on the water. "How do I get In and what do I do with myself after I am In T I say, Miriam. I ean't go in this." Tes yon ean." shs laughed. "Henry win show you. He gave me my first canoe ride. Do you remember. Henry, the night after I came? We went down the bay to get pine needles." Henry nodded hla head and showed Stan ton how to place himself so aa to preserve the balanoe of the canoe. "Be sure and be back for lunch." called Miss Bates, waving her hand. "I will wait tor you." Stanton talked pleasantly aa they left the aganoy farther and farther behind them, until they rounded a point and lost it al together. He asked the usual questions, but Henry preserved a discreet silence. Indeed, he did not hear him. He had made no definite plan, but his determination to prevent Miss Bates' marriage grew with every stroke of the paddle. He did not like Stanton. Hla eyes were too blue and he laughed too much. He was too short to marry a girl as tall as Mlas Bates, and Henry drew himself up to his last inch and mad the canoe rock dangerously while Stanton drew his Hps in a long whistle. As ' they neared the town and aaw the United States marshal on ths dock. Henry smiled to hlmsslf and his pulse heat alower. Half a dosen Indians were lying in tha TOE PZUSGNR Wb escapee from jail is by no means free. He la under tha ban of the law and punishment ia written over against mi name, boon or late he will be caught again and bear added punish meat for his abort J scape from his cell. Those who by the use of palliative powders and tablets escape for a time -4 from the sufferings f dyspepsia are in the same condition I V aa the escaped pria- oner, soon or late i , the old condition end par an added penalty for tempor ary reieaan. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discov ery cures dyvpepsia and other diseases of the stomach and orrans of digestion and nutrition. lu cures are lasting. Par aboat two ran I auttVred fraam very obstinate case ef drape. ala.o writes a. B. becord. baq . at 13 Kaatera A., Tomato, Ontario. I Inrd a great neia Wr of reiaedtea without euocrae. I bully lust fella in taeai ell. I waa ee far gone that 1 could bo bear Bay eultd food on my Mumacta for a kaig tiate; fell atclaacaol and deeard. Could But sleep or follow mj osraaatiuu (Uanmtlh). aoaee ftmr mouth ago a Inead recommended your ' Gal dee Medical iMaoowry.' After a week's treatment 1 bad derived as murh beae6t that I caauaaea tae meaaciaa. 1 bare uJtea three ua eea an eoavtacea H aaa la my case i vmHw m ikibwikbi cure. 1 i vf rr f J if ill- H ta tha thnoaaxt. tJ Amm. pepuo loroua. Uout the lead. ' Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical pi aco very." There ia nothing jus as food' for diseases of the stomach,, blood and lungs. Dr. Herce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate tbslitwi sun. Some of them wore blankets, others were In store clothes, but they were all comfortably waiting for anything that might happen. Their beadlike eyes aaw more than their lips would aver tell. As Henry beached the canoe the marshal and hla companion turned and went uptown. "I wait here," muttered Henry, when he had landed the lieutenant directly in front of the knot of loafers. "I shall not be long. I Just want to send a telegram." "You go by store. Get me whisky." He pulled half a dollar from his pocket and gave It to Stanton. "All right," promised the lieutenant, and he hurried up the road. Impatient to be back at the agency. Henry Joined the group In the sun. Not a word passed between them, but each knew the thougbte of the others. It was perhaps half an hour later that Stanton came back. Hla bands were filled with papers, snd a brown parcel stuck out of his pocket. He gave It to Henry, who tore off the paper and held the bottle so that all could see, and then slipped It Into his pocket. "I forget" (he turned to Stsnton), "I must see doctor. Be back in ten minutes. Tou can waitT" "If you don't take any longer." Stanley eat down on an overturned boat and opened his papers. Henry went back to town, and two of the Indians rose and followed him. Stanton never read his papers. The broad sheet of blus water that fluttered and I over at once. I am In a hurry." "Tou needn't be." dryly. "You've plenty of time. You're my prisoner!" Stanton's fare was very white and his eyes flsshed fire as he said In a voire that trembled with anger, "If you don't take me I'll go myself." Before he could reach the canoe the In dians cauaht him at a signal from the marshal. He struggled violently, but he was one against a doien. "You might as well come peaceably," sug gested the marshal. "I tell you Miss Bates Is waltlngl" Unfortunately the marshal had been Jilted not three days before by the girl of his choice and his interest In matrimonial affairs was small. "That can t Interfere with Justice." he said, shortly. "Take htm to the hotel, boys." Over et the agency Miss Bates was pack ing her trunk and :nclng softly to herself as she stopped every few minutes to look at the fringe of pines across the bay. She roused herself with a happy smile and folded another gown, only to fall Into an other day dream that curved her Hps and sent a new light Into her eyes. An ex clamation of dismay In the next room was followed by the entrance of Miss Greene, the sewing teacher. "0, Miss Bates," she began, breathlessly, "It's too awful!" Miss Batee dropped ber pretty gown and rose to her feet. "What Is It?" She tried to apeak calmly. "Mr. Stanton has been arrested tor sell ing whisky to the Indiana and ia locked up at tha hotel!" The color came back to Miss - Yates' cheeks and she laughed. "Is thst all? I thought, from your man- looked at Miss Bates. A question burned In roTirYlQ 1KW YORK HARBOR, her eyee. He dropped bis own. ' "I will free him," he said. "Meet us st the dock." His confidence Impreceed her, snd she never doubted him. Shs believed that a man. red or white, could accomplish what he wished. So she beamed on him with a thankfulness thst made him shift bis weight from one foot to the other. He had not the faintest Idea how be was to perform his task. Fste eent helping band. "Young Bear," called the marshal. "Come here and atay with the prisoner. I want to go over to the postoffice." He locked the door on Stanton and hla Jailer and put the key In his pocket. He felt no hesitancy In leaving Stanton In the custody of the man who had caused his srrest, especially as the door was locked and ha carried the key. He forgot that there were two doors to this stuffy little room, and he did not know that Henry had the key to the aecoud. Stanton looked at the India a curious. Impersonal way, and thought that he would believe everything about the Indians that had been written. Henry was not Impressed by his manner. His mind wss filled with other things. He touched Stanton on the arm. "Come quick," he whispered. 8tanton Idly kicked the bed. "White squaw at the dock. Wo must go before marshal comes back.'.' Stanton aat stubbornly still and kept on kicking the bed. "Come," begged Henry. .''White squaw waiting." Stanton flushed. "It's too late," he said. "I want to atand my trial and see bow rou come out of It, you red sneak." Isaaertaat liaproveraeats Vniler Way en Geveraer'a l.laad. It Is a work fraught with great results that the War department Is doing In New York harbor, reports the Brooklyn Easjlo. When completed It will make the metropo lis of America not only one of the greatest of all great cltlre, but the best fortified of all great seaports. Moreover, It Is des tined to change the geography of the granf old roadstead as it has never changed since tbe bellying sails of Hendrlk Hudson's Half Moon startled the wild birds as !t sailed Into the mouth of the broad river which was to perpetuate the old navigator's name and fame In 1(09. The building up of many acres of new ground from tha bottom of tha water for a military depot la the most Interesting part of the War department's work. An addition of some 106 acres Is being madi to the southern end of Governor's Island, already seventy acres In extent. Already the great bulkhead of huge ralcshapen stones which marks tho outer edge of the new land Is showing above the water nearly three-fourths of the way round. The Im provement is on the old anchorage place for aloops and light draught vessels. It Is of the trapeioldal shape, with the south shore of the Island as the base and the two longer lines of the figure curving around the water edge of the old anchor age. The contractors who are doing the work, under the authority of tbe secretary of war and the Immediate supervision of Chief En gineer Major W. L. Marshall, are using the stons and rubbish taken from the subway excavations Jn Manhattan. The method of building the bulkhead la simple. Plica are ff 'Jmil iL$:AM ' A U -r Oj.r.'..vr:V-:; CJ t C : : l r T7w-JL I .i. -waT ft ! waw .jrw.i m "I VV.fnt'Hin-J"lw '.II i 1 Vs.. -HB CHANGED HIS MIND THE) NEXT MINUTE. FOR THE MARSHAL PUT HIS HAND ON HIS SHOULDER." danced before him drew his eyes from the printed lines, and bis thought followed the litUe waves back to the agency and Miss Bates. He remembered how shs had begged htm to let ber come ,to the reservation for a year. "Juat a year," she bad asked. "It is so little. Think how we have wronged them. On. I must do something!" He had smiled at her womanly desire to recom pense the Indiana for the injustice they bad suffered from the white race, but he did not object He had been ordered to Cuba, and they could not be married 'at once. The reservation would give her something to ming oi, ana teaching Indians would oc eupy her time. This was his first Inter course with ths red man, and he idly con fessed to himself that they were neither as bad nor as picturesque aa hs had axoected. No, he decided, as be looked at bis drowsy neignnors. an Indian may ateal, but he Is too lasy to be treacherous or cunning. Hs la too Indolent to plan deviltry. He changed ble mind tbe nest minute, for the marshal put hla hand on his shoulder and roughly brought him bank to ths dock. "You'll have to come with me." he said. "isn't Henry going back T I promised to wait ror him.- Btanton yawned. "You can't go to tbe agency or anywhere else," growisd ths marshal. He was feel ing rather sensitive. He ha eome Up to arrest two Indians for horse stealing and when he stepped from the train they were miles away, hidden In ths rlcs fields. Hs bad not bean fortunate in making his ar rests and bis rival for office was calling at tention to me fact. His term bad almost expired, and it he wanted a reappointment ne could not afford to make another mis take. Consequently hla manner waa a littla more unpleasant than usual. ' ' "I arrest you," be said, with swelllne chest, "for selling whisky to the Indiana." "I never sold a drop of whisky In mv life," Btanton spoks, Indignantly, but ths marshal interrupted him with 4 wave of hla band. "Henry Young Bear," be asked, "la thla the man who aold you a pint of whisky?" ugm wenry had forgotten hla Ena-llsh again. "Did you see htm. Big Thunder and Lorn- Grass?" . - A chorus of groats answered htm. "There's witnesses enough to ssnd you to Jail," he remarked pleasantly. "It's a pretty strong case against you. It's past ms how a man'a always trying to sell whisky to these poor devils when he's so down en them for drinking 1U" , I never sold a drop of whisky in mv life." repeated the bewildered Stanton. "I bought a plat of whisky for Henry at his re- quest and he gave me the money to pay for it" The marshal looked at him In open aoorn. Don't Incriminate yourself," he advised. He gave you money and you gave him whisky. If that ain't selling I'd like to know what is. I'm afraid you're doomed to spsnd some months In Jail. You'll have to come with me." 'Where to," Stanton was trying to think it out He remembered now he bad read that selling whisky to ths Indians was pun Unable with fine and Imprisonment and he bad also read that the Indiana not In frequently played upon the Ignorance of visitors and thereby secured whisky, wit ness fees and mileage te the United States court, wherever tbe caae was tried. "The lockup." said ths marshal, abruptly "Coma alocg." Then Stanton ross aad looked up at the marshal from his height of live feet and eigm tncues. - "Do you know who I am? Lieutenant John Stanton. United States volunteers. I am go log te marry Miss Bates at the agency this afternoon." Henry looked Ftt him out ever the lake snd the corners of his mouth twitched, "and I will thank you to send ma j ner, be must have been tipped out of the canoe and drowned." Miss Greene gasped. "Have you forgot ten that you were to be married thla after noon? And do you remember the penalty for selling whisky to the Indians? The marshal la going to taka Mr. Stanton to Duluth tonight to stand trial." "But we were going to take the western train. The steamer sails on tbe 27th." Her lip quivered. "Where is Captain Brown?" "He hasn't come back from the island." Miss Greens paced up and down excitedly. "How could Mr. Stanton be so careless?" "It wasn't hla fault" (quickly). "Hs did not know." A light flashed through her mind. "Where is Henry?" "He is ths Indian who accused Mr. Stan ton. Tou won't get any help from htm." Mies Batea did not stay to argue. She had long .been convinced that Alessandro and Chlngachgook were not normal Indiana. Pete had Just brought tbe agency launch to the lock and waa preparing to tie up for the night when Mlsa Bates called to him. Hs shook his bead at her request to bs taken to the village. When ahe explained that her lover had been unjustly accused- womanlike, shs never questioned bis lnno cence he nodded the other wav. "Jump In," he said briefly. "I. hain't a-goln' to let a lylq' Injun spoil your wed din. There's the captain; better take him along. He'll give official standing." Captain Brown Joined them at once, and hla good-natured face was drawn into a pussled frown when he heard Mies Bates' story. Hs did not doubt its truth. Hs knew the Indians. He had bad aeveral experiences with the marshal and did not oourt another. He was very silent aa tha launch cut tha wavea and Its shrill whistle announced .to the unhappy prisoner that friends were eomlng. Tbe marshal was as pompous aa a mar shal eould be. His lata experience mado blm turn hla back on Miss Bates when she begged to ses bis prisoner. In vain ths captain stormed and threatened. Tbe marshal aooused him of interfering with Justice and used language eo empbatlo that tne captain drew Mlsa Batea from tho room. He waa furiously angry and his eyes had a glitter that waa full of promlss for ths marshal. As they went down ths hall they saw Henry atandlng stiffly before a door, Mlsa Batea wiped her tear-stained eyea and tried te curve her lips Into a diplomatic amlle. The effort was pitiful and caused Henry's prlds In bis undertaking to shrink. Ha hung bis head, and when shs softly asked If shs might see Mr. Stanton, he would have opened the door If tbe marshal had not appeared like a very disagreeable Jack-in-the-box. He requested her to go on and aent Henry to tbe office with a mesage. Henry waited for bar at the foot of the stairs. Hs had not thought that aha would suffer If bs sent Stanton to prison. Hs wanted Stanton to suffer. But the sight of her sorrowful facs told htm a story that mads htm open hie mouth, and he stood before bar ashamed to lift bis eyea. I didn't think you cared," be stam mered. She looked at him and he felt her glance to his heels. Shs had all of woman's horror of arrest and her fear broke through her natural reserve. Care!" she eaid. and tbe passionate voice cut through his selfishness like a knife. "If I eould only show how touch I care! Henry, you arrested him. Can't you tree blm? He must catch that steamer la San Prauclseo. Oh, 'la there no way of escape. He Bao done no wrong. Ybu know that!" Henry Ignored the epithet. He stood like a statue, although ha. knew the marshal must havs reached the poatofflee. , 'We couldn't take the train, anyway," went on Stanton, drearily. "The marshal would rearrest me. There's no way out of this blasted country." .., "Government launch," auggested Henry. "I can run it Take train at tha Junction. The marshal won't . know. The white aquaw's waiting." Stanton atopped kicking the bed snd sprang to hla feet. "Where's my bat?. Do you think we ean do It, Henry?" "Pay no attention to people," advised Henry as hs opened the door to the second room through which they would reach the hall. "Nobody knows you. It wss this fact that enabled Btanton to reach the dock. In front of the postoffice, at the far end of the street, they could see the marshal, the center ef a knot of men. He waa telling again bow he had taken that "smart aleck" prisoner. Miss Bates gave a low cry that waa half a sob, as she saw them. Regardless of Henry, Stanton took ber In his arms aad kissed her. "Will you do this for me, Miriam? We are sure to find a minister on the train, and If not we can be married In St Paul." "0, hurry!" she begged. , "We have only twenty minutes. I thought you would never come. Can you do It. Henry?" Henry did not answer in words, but the boat ahot out from the dock without tbe shrill ecream with which It alwaya an nounced Ite arrival and departure. Even aa they steamed away they could hear the whistle of the western train at the cross ing, nvs miles below, The Junction waa Just beyond tbe Tillage, around the bay. The wind wae against tusm, nut Henry fought hie way with a recklessness that made Miss Bates hide her face on Stanton's arm as the waves dashed over the boat. The train whistled at the village. Pour minutes and It wonl.1 be at ths Junction. The twinkling lights seemed very far away. You will never make Stanton. "I will make It," gasped Henry. And he did. Just as ths train alowed up at the Junction the launch grated on the aand. "Come. dear, hurry," Stanton lifted Miss Bates to tha shore. "In a minute. Ooodby, Henry. We can't thank you." Her voice broke, and running her fingers caressingly over hla ihnuM.. shs lef Btanton lead her inta thai K-Illf .... lUhted trala. ' ' Anomer whistle, that sounded a j.... to the marshal still telling bis story to ths new arrivals now and the train roiled away, leaving Kenry standing straight and still beside ths launch. Hs did not move until the last gllmntsr of ...i.k.a down the track. When he turned ta .., Into the boat, lor the first tlms la bis life he knew what physical weakaeas meant and he climbed wearily in, to go beck to the agency alone. it." ' exclaimed Oae Keealt, Baltimore American i "I understand saye the well read person, "that the wit neasea of tbe coronation were llmita sixteen square Inches of space. I cannot neip wondering what waa tbe effect of th a restriction." "Effect?" echoee tbe other ro.a .? ,m do more for the nobintv k. . .w. strstgbt-front corsets that havs bee a ad. vertlsed in the last ten years." Tell This (a Year Wllo. Henry had spent six veara at far'taia There would always be tlmee when tbe In- I oiaa would predominate, but there would I Electric Bitters cure female complaints be other times when the Influences of those surely and safely; dlfuell hudwh. k.-i. ' nature, lie., achej. nsrvou&aess or no ear. Ma. ' six years mould overcome anven ana the big recks are dumped In until the mass shows some three or four feet at the surface. The width of ths mass ranges from twelve to sixty feet at the bottom, according to tbe depth of tbe water, which runs from a foot or two to twenty-two feet. Against ths inside of this bulkhead wall Is being dumped loose earth ana stones tor many. feet. When the area to be hunt MP ia completely Inclosed the water will be drained out or pumped out and the basin filled In with earth or city ashes, as the contractors may elect. The whole mass la to be raised to about the seme level as ths lower parts of ths old utiana ana surrounded by a granite i wall nins feet In' height. The three sides of ths bulkhead now In the course of construction will contain soms 600 odd linear feet It Is part ef the general plan of tha War department to In- "" ew euuiuouBi acres to preserve better contour of the extension, but this wora nas not yet been contracted for, ow in to delay In getting a deed for tbe cub uergeu property rrom tbe state. In the meantime tne southern end of the old mil itary post Is ths busiest spot Jn ths harbor, rurang uttie tuga pull great rock-ladeu barges down the East river to tha bi.iv. head, where the dredging machines and pile "" r at wora maklnc a new nrnnai-t. vi uuvvia value jor me government. The estimated cost of ths entire ..- ture is placed at 1800.000. The contract for ths bulkhead and other preliminary work to no cept witnin ,200,000. the appropria tion already made. Ia connection with the present work a long and strong pier la Just being completed on the north ahore of tbe i.iaoa at me nearest point from the bat tery for tbe use of the quartermaster's de partment. B. wr. nrevs. The name must appear 'on every baa of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tab lata, the remedy that cures a cold In one day. St vents. The Real Thlagr. Chicago Tribune: "Yes. sir." said Uncle Allen Sparks, "there's a difference between talent and genius. I was at a Salvation army meeting at a street corner once, where the leader, a bright fellow, made a most excellent speech and then called for con tributions to help the cause along. He got Just IT cents. Then ons of the women stsrted up a hymn. She managed to sing It to ths tune of 'Dixie,' and I give you my word there was one gray-headed old colonol In the crowd that fought hla way forward and dropped a 15 bill In her tambourine. That was genius." TroeiMo All aioda, catlerj Dyspepsia, lodigwjtioo, Gastrtoa, Haert fttrn. Water brash. Catarrh, Ulceration of Stomach etc. HAU'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Catnwi ths isssrUsisf of the Stomach, ? kapw H will nl a compacts curs. Try It I reaa sir aoosiei, rasa, ta tiaak Ilea. at awv. ! For sale by aUuscoxaa. it We. Connefl Drug- Co- B, W. Coc fts'-h. and Podge ts Omaha. aad If a mag ""itr'-i PHONES RING UP 1S7 fA3 W. R. RFNNFTT CO " W a - 4aVaw geVaf ft a, gwf wajay A STUPENDOUS HAT SALE Our Mr. money. Vollracr finds a bat manufacturer with plenty or stock but SPOT CASH DOES THE WORK The entire output purchased snd forwarded to us. An advance full hat sale at EOc on the dcllar. -We are forced to make quick work of this purchase, aa our room Is limited. We, therefore, make this MATCH LESS BALM OP 200 CASES OF HATS, comprising everything In staple and fall styles; Fedoras. Stiff Hals. Panamas, Alpines. Tourists, Crushers, , Railroad, Columbian Pockets. Dakotas, Montanas. Graecos, etc. All tbe new ahades and colors nothing old, all thla season'. Th a la vour . .... en . " ' ' . ,n" """" O0!s. f.n v. v l' or on-Bu the cost of your 12.00 hats for $2.60 hats for 13.00 hats for 1.00 1.25 1.50 BENNETTS CLOTHING DEPARTMENT 14.00 hats for IB.OO hats for .... We sell Stetson baU for - .... 1.95 2.50 3.50 Main Floor f f 1 Ms, W, A COOK, - FHawwew mi , rba tastes ffQeeti Om0 fw fXeeaawe evf Kew. VARICOCELE Cured la 6 day. (to atay cured) NO CUTTING, SVRfiFBY, TYING WITH SILK, OR PAIN. We want every man afflicted with Varicocele, Con tagious Blood Poison, Nervous Debility. Stricture, , or allied troubles, to come to our office where we will ex- filaln to him our method of curing tbese diseases. We nvlte In particular all men who have become dissatis fied with treatment elsewhere. We will explain to you why you have not beep cured and will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction why we can cure you safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost you nothing and our charges for a perfect cure will be rea sonable and not more than you would be willing to pay tor the benefits conferred. . , - . . ... CERTAINTY OF CURE what you want'" We will give you a written legal guarantee to euro you, or refund your money. We can nen nauaiiea inai in- and will site you. by permission. formation Is dsslretl by sincere people. havs cured to star cured, which had been abandoned by fam to eases that We mtly physicians and easuaot oall, write ue a full and truthful atatemant of your symptoms. Our heme treatment Is successful and strictly private. Address, so called experts. What we have done for etheta we ran do for you. If you COOK MEDICAL CO 110 aad llfj ft. letfc St., Omaha, New. DEAFKSS, FAlI.INf SIGHT, CA TARRH AXD HAY FRVERi If tens of thousands who suffer from these diseases could only realise that the use of "Actlna" will positively euro them, they would Inveetlgate. Other tens of thousands have been cured and we will mall you tha printed evidence for the asking, THE ACTIXA COMPAKV, Furay 4b McArdle, Agents. 14-25 Arlington Block, 1511 Dodge Street, Omaha, Neb. BCatOOLa. Western .liliiary Academy YEAR COL. Catalogue nd Omaha references on application. ALBERT M. JACKSON, A. At., Supt.. UPPER ALTON, ILL. a atao w. a a. uwt, maven weara, . .fP Vcntworth .liliiary Academy SHr1"" V$JJ? 0T""nent eupereUloa and equipment. Army officer detailed, rreean fur Unlve'retrlM, C-T" Mk,Pl Acaderuleeot tut Life. COL MaOFQWp IILUHS, M, enet, lslstee. Me. Baptist Fctnnlo Collcrtc LIXIMOTOM, AMD MieaOURI OONSCMVATOaV Of MUBIO. "0. ronnare inoe, mrani , proa cuttOB. Haodaoiusljr Ukustrai lee faculty. Well equipped laboratory tor rtnoe work. Liter- auuawa. a muaern vone.rT.iorr or Miielo, Art, aua Klo cauiusue. 14 w. W. Wall. Free. Aooert N. Cook. a. Moar. ery work In chart e of I'nlveralw gnulualee, A nuxtern ( one.rr.ioi .tea t The Bee e3f. puu wail y . the most complete : Sporting . News SCHOOLS. HARDIN COLLEGE & CONSERVATORY KUH LADIKS. Ma rear. The Colleae e Vnlveraity tralaes Uc. Slly. G.rman-Am.rit'.a Conterv.lerjr, ateuaee hf epeel.11.1. Win. H. barber, 1'ono.rt Pi.nlat itimyl. tta.ld.nt rT-jittteore Gu.rn., Ftchlet. Ke.mie.1, )or reel. ItuUrta, Tnnmu. Hoca.e.r. or f.iaioeue tU. Sreas JOHN W. MILLION, riMileut. Ke. a rtece. WuUe, Ite, Ae (rakeM Hell, eyawa. a4 . IMktUJwaaMb The sporting department of 0 J The Omaha Sunday Bee J CfOnSerVfluOry is unexcelled. atasT U '"""'" a i .saaieai i srsi.aiisng sjsjfn. mmmf rrt. Aele n.v) itiris' iJl4,olti p04.11 r lin(iiewi IDara. i e.ll Lcti-tii na rtat -tan urN ) U .'aA-iW,.. ti ali.1 Jtill M J Hil'l a. 1 A P .a i . ---. ssawi w eaaaa m f, m m