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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1002. Past and t CT-w inn Mm i m mtiimmmiMumm HHIIM I Mil I'll J If ffl 1BJ lilt IgEggg.ESCE Present 1 m ItTUIHTtli 'j?l''"''"''w'WtiiiwwwHWtmwwwwwwtwTOiwtwTnmmtiiMm ' in h ; h- ! " 1H f i 5S ,11 f , is till Ihii i ' ' i ! M Ml hi in! i i 1 1 " ' ' ' ft II .: it'ii ii. "I 15 : I If n P P . ! to: 'if im.- V "AIM , . .'.i K v. .-. list,' ' - . . .'if" -i- i y , 1 , 1 , k 1 THE OLDEST INHABITANT Th oldest luhabltant admire him! Tb last of his rc what pity! KlDf of his kind mighty, majestic I He has braved the mountain torrents. He has laughed at heaven's deep rolling thunder. His eyes have given responsive fires to the lightning's flash. The tornado has only combed out to fineness his shaggy inane. In protection of his kind he has hurled splendid de fiance at his cruel foeman man. He la a type par excellence in the animal kingdom; type of oour Me, power, nobility. For centuries he has dominated plain and mountain, forest and canyon free, fearless. - Before the Indian, the scout, the pioneer, the settler he was. He bas witnessed all their advances, encroachment. Innovations, while he fought for life, land, liberty. The territory was his, his sacred heritage, and he battled for It as the primal, rightful and superb aborigines. But man Is unfeeling. selRsh, destructive, when nature, animate or Inanimate, stands In the wsy of his enterprise and enrichment. And so the animal ruler of the wide, wild western world was hunted, driven back and brought to the verge of extermination. It would challenge tho fine artistic talents of a Rosa Bonheur to portray the qualities and nobilities of such a matchless specimen of the beast creation, and then his melancholy yet defiant grandeur as he witnessed the merciless extinction of bis race. Man, however. Is conqueror, and time is the paramount considera tion. Time is health and wealth, and to time everything succumbs. The Buffalo, the primal "Lord of the Land," has bee driven back to his animal fastnesses In obedience to the law of advancing civilization and the Imperative demand of time, the speediest time. The railroad meets the demand of time, and, specifically, the Union Paclfio meets the demand of the speediest time; Formerly the race across the great western portion of the conti nent was by the horse and the caravan. But something better was to come. Over twin lines of steel, climbing peaks, threading canyons, covering vast plains, came the first engine of advancing civilization with its human freightage in eager search of the one supreme goal life and prosperity. But stih the best had not been attained. How weary the caravan! How tedious the early railway passage over the great western world. The culmination, however, was to come has come. And this widely coveted zenith, this supreme desideratum of man and object of man's search. Is here. How so? By a Union Paclfio train . reaching Salt Lake City In twelve hours, San Francisco sixteen, and ON UNION PACIFIC LINE Portland sixteen hours ahead of all competition. No exception to this, mind you. Tou leave Omaha at 9:40 a. m. today, are thousands of miles away. In Salt Lake City at 3:05 p. m. tomorrow, San Fran, clsco 5:25 p. m., and Portland 4:30 p. m. the next day, Loa Angelas the day after. Extinction resurrection! If it means extinction to one of the noblest types of the animal kingdom, it also means a resurrection to man who was made lord of that kingdom; a resurrection Into a wider, grander sphere of development, usefulness and higher civilization. The law of compensation and of higher compensatlon-obtalns. The merely animal gives way to the diviner human; and the diviner human requires the two prime essentials of speedy tlmeand spacious territory to realize its Ideals for the betterment of all. HE GREA CALIFORNIA 66 The RAIN Overland Limited 9? ELECTRIC LICHTED. Is a first class, modern hotel, with hand some parlors, drawing rooms, bed cham bers, boudoirs, libraries, smoking and reading rooms, barber shops, bath rooms, with hot and cold water, superbiy ap pointed dining rooms, mirrors, cut glass, fragrant flowers and electric candelabra. Promenades, observation rooms, elec tric lights, electric lamps, perfect heat, etc. CITY ' ' v. ' TICKET , : '-'v: ' - i , ' t rv " T - "The Overland Limited" The Famous Union Pacific Train CONNECTING EAST tm WEST Runs Every Day in the Year From Chicago, Council Bluffs, Omaha Lv. Chicago Lv. Co. Bluffs.. Lv. Omaha Lv. Cheyenne. . . Ar. Of den Ar. Salt Lake City Ar. San Francisco Ar. Los Angeles.. 8:00 p 9:05 a 9:40 a 11:00 p 1:40 p 3:05 p 5:25 p 8:20 a MonlTue Monjue m Sun m m m m m m m Mon Tue Tue WedThu Thu Mon Tue Tue WedThu WedThu Fri Wed Thu Wed Thu Wed Thu Frl Sat WedThu Fri Frl Sat Sun Frl Fri Frl Sat Sat Sun Mon Frl Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Mon Tue Sat Sun Sun Sun Man Mon Tue Wed OFFICE, 1324 FAR NAM STREET. '"lt"" 'I, ni-.l..l.lHll,iaIM H! .mpii. win, ill .u ijw iyi TELEPHONE 316. J