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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1902)
8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY TlEEi ' BATUKDAY, AUGUST 2, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MESTIO. Davis Mil drug. Stockert sella carpets and run. Leffert, eyesight specialist. 23S Broadway. Special offerings In framed pictures. C. E. Alexander A Co., 33J Uroadway. Mrs. K. E. Hart and children have re turned from a three weeka' outing at Lake Okobojl. Judge J. R. Reed haa (tone to Santa Fe, N. M., to preside over the court of private land claims. Fev. and Mrs. John Y. Altchtson have returned from a month's visit at Dubuque and points in Illinois. Theodore N. Petersen will leave tomorrow (or Ashland, Cel., where tie goes on busi ness for a short time. Miss Paulson snd Miss Clellan will leave today for a vacation trip to Lake Okobojl and other point In that vicinity. Miss Daisy Rayhllle of Jacksonville, 111., is In the city the guest of the Misses Bryant, Mrs. 1L Coffeen and Mrs. A. Mc Mlllen. Thomas Farnaworth and Theodore Las kowakl will leave today for California and will spend some time at ios Angeles and Ban Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bonham have arrived from Denver and will make this city their home. Mrs. Bonham waa formerly Miss Maude Bhane of this city. Bertha Dlbhecke, known to the police as Tainting Bertha, who escaped from the Insane ward of fit. Bernards hospital a few weeka ago, was taken Into custody In Baylies park last evening and returned to the hospital. Ruth Oakley, the 19-year-old (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Oakley of Boomer township, died of Bright' dlsense Thurs day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The funeral will take place from the residence at 10 o'clock this morning. George Robinson, who has been here for two weeks' visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Robinson, will leave this evening for fet. Louts. Mr. Robinson Is now employed as traveling salesman for a Bt. Louis hardware Arm and Is to have territory In Texas from now on. Paul C. Aylesworth and family leave today for the west. They will spend some time at Txs Angeles and from there Mr. Aylesworth will go to Ashland, Cal., where he has business that will require his at tention for about three months. After that be expects to seek a location some place on the coast, at present preferring some point In Washington. The city authorities are determined that the expressmen must pay the annual license or quit business. The license was due June 1. but up to date but few of those engaged In the business have remitted to the city clerk. Yesterday Officer Murphy was detailed to make a canvass of all the delinquents and notify them personally that If the annual fee Is not forthcoming at once they will be subjected to arrest and fined under the city ordinances. The present city officials complain that the two former administrations have been very lax in this matter and that the expressmen were not compelled to pay the license fee. The present administration proposes changing this policy and enforcing the ordi nance. , Puck's Domestic soap is best for laaxtry. Puck's Domettio soap hi best. ' .. Reflttlaar Dohany Theater. A. B. Beall of Sioux City, who baa leased the Dohany opera house, was In the city yeaterrley m hiialneea In connection with the remodeling and refitting of the theater. Mr. Beall hag decided to give the playhouse anew name and It will be known as "New Theater." Mr. Beall Is the manager of thea ters at Sioux City and Sioux Falls and feels confident that a theater properly conducted In this city will prove a winning enter prise.' Ha Is spending several thousand dol lars In making the house a fit place for the entertainment of the public." The house is being refitted- throughout, both auditorium and stage, .with alj new. furniture and up hoiterlng, and will be finished Jo. Ivory and red. A contract was let yesterday for the new scenery. Mr Beall Is arranging for a good line of attractions for the coming sea son and la confident that if the people of Council Bluffs are provided with a first class playhouse of their own they will patronise it. r- - Use any soap so its Pick's soap. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone SS9. Real Estate Bales Make a Record. So far the year 1902 has witnessed the greatest movement in real estate known In Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie county In many years. In addition to the general prosperity that has given the real estate market a buoyancy the coming of the Great Western railroad into the city has been a factor in increasing the number of trans actions and the total of considerations. The record for the first seven months of the year, as taken from the books of the county recorder's office, is as follows: ... No- of Tot Month. Transfers. Considerations. January M7 $ 3&2.54K.O February 287 6s9.332.51 March 424 l,84,0Si.01 Jri S40 631,20.8i My 271 337.W4.64 un K9 210,103 .17 July 184 . ' 227.162.06 Totals . .1,953 13,801.171.27 Keep clean. .. Use Park's Mechanic's soap. Plumbing and nesting. Blxby A Son. Throws Bricks Through Mirror. ' Carrie Nation will have to look to her laurels. ' She has a close rival In the saloon emashlng business in W.,J. Maher of this city who did destruction with a vengeance at Ed Rogers' saloon on Broadway about 'deck; last night. The implements of de struction . wsre two big vitrified paving bricks and they were accurately heaved, one against each of the big panela of the mir ror that gave the tipplers so splendid a view of themselves. Maher did the Job when In a rage at the bartender, the trouble origi nating over some drinks which did not suit Maher. ' . ' Davis sells paints. Davis sells glass. Rea Batata Transfers. j These transfers were filed yesterday In the real estate, title and loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: J. C. Marquardt to Jurgen J. Blch. e4, sH and e s n4 lot 22, Avoca Land and Loan company's subdlv., w. d f sj Ralph R. Mlckelwalte et a) to Mickell . walte Young, lots 1. 2, , 5 to 10, block 6, Macedonia; also part outlot B, w. d a...;. 1 ; George Mlckelwalte to same, same. I w. d ; 1 E. B. Lane and C. H. McCready to m. lot 4, block 6, Macedonia, w. d. 100 Frank R. Hoagland et al to Mary E : Hoagland.- lot L block 18. Hay Has' 1 Id add.; lot 14. block ex. Rlddle'e aub dlv.; lots i and 6, block 7. Bryant Clark's add., and lots 4. t and 6, block 6, Kerry add., q. c. d 500 I Lon L. Poaton to Marcla R. Flynn, lot JO, Thomas Elder's add., w. d 2 400 , Jurgen J. Blch to Fred Tlessen. w539 ' feet and wW feet n lot 22, Avoca Land and Loan company's subdlv., q. 0. d j 1 Seven transfers, total ....'..'j3,jt3 Gravel roofing, A. H. jtead. 641 Broadway! Marrlaae Lleeeses, License to wed was issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence, Ago. Cyrue Holdrr, Council Bluffs 44 HatUe Cllpplnger, Council Bluffs 26 LEWIS CUTLER FONERAL DIRECTOR (Successor to W. C. Estep M rKA-KL. irBKBT. 'fkaaa T. , BLUFFS: REBUILDING DEAF SCHOOL Good Prograis Being Made at th Oonitrno tisa of Temporary Building. WILL BE READY WHEN FALL TERM OPENS taperlateadeat . Rethert Remaining; on the Grenada to Assist la Keeping- Everything; Movlnar. Out at the Iowa 8chool for the Deaf, a short distance south of the city, the tem porary . buildings . authorised by the stste executive council to take the place for the present of. the buildings recently de stroyed by fire are being constructed with all rapidity consistent with good results and Superintendent 'Rothert and his corps of assistants are happy In the thought that when the time for the opening of the new school year arrives they will be able to take care of the large number of pupils always seeking admission to this institution. The disaster to the school by the Are was of course considerable, but by reason of the prompt action of all par ties bearing responsibility for the school's success the institution .will be able to re sume st the opening of the-new school year the first of October tnuoh as If noth ing had happened. The construction of the two main build ings is being pushed Just now. One of these Is a two-story frame structure de signed for school purposes; it Is 60x105 feet in dimensions and is situated Just north of the gymnasium. The building will contain twenty recitation rooms and ample hallways. This building will have a good deal of permanency In Its character and will be useful for many years. The work on it Is now 'so far advanced ' that It" will be turned over to' the plasterers within 1 couple of weeks. ' 1 ' Good ' progress has also been made on the work of repairing t,t chapel and din ing room wing ' of the old main building, which was not entirely destroyed by fire. This wing of the old building la being con verted Into two-story brick building, 60x 60 feet. The lower floor will be used as a dining hall and the second floor as living quarters for the teachers and officers of the institution. Over the kitchen and laun dry of this building have been fitted up living rooms for Superintendent Rothert and family. . Other work about the Institution Is going on rapidly and Superintendent Rothert Is remaining at hand all the time, having foregone the pleasure of a vacation In order that he might personally oversee the work. It win of course be some time before the institution has the excellent quarters snd equipment that It had before the fire, but until the legislature meets and takes the necessary action to . provide a restoration of the permanent buildings the school IS going to be so housed that It will get along very nicely Indeed. - GENERAL SMITH WILL ATTEND Mnea-Talke of Army Mas ' Promises to. Visit the Rennlon . . This Month.- ' !' -" The members of the general committee having In charge the arrangements, for the coming reunion In this city of the National Society of the Army of the Philippines and all others interested were made happy late yesterday afternoon when Congressman. Walter I. Smith, chairman of. the com mittee on speakers, reoelved a telegram from Major General - Jacob Smith, stating that , he would he here at the reunion and In compliance with the request of the com mittee would speak at the big meeting on the evening of the 13th of August. General Smith has Just landed ' at San Francisco from the Philippines., He Is one .of the most widely known and talked about figures In connection with the whole Philippine matter and ths promoters of the reunion feel that they have In him a great draw ing card. ' - . As Is well known by even the school children of the land General Smith Is the officer who issued the famous "kill and burn" order to Major Littleton T. W.- Wal ler In connection with the letter's cam paign in the province of Bamar. For this he was court-martialed and later, on the president's review of the esse, the general was retired from aotlve service In the army. The order given by General 8m!th to Major Waller was the subject of more serious debate In congress In -connection with the Philippine civil government legis lation than any other incident and some of the antl-admlnlstratlon senators gsve to General Smith the sobriquet of "Hell Roaring Jake." In view of this extraor dinary position occupied by General Smith In the Philippine matter the announcement of his coming to the reunion will arouse more Interest than any other' feature ef the gathering 'so far secured. - It is antici pated that If he says anything at all It will be aomethlng Interesting and the peo ple want to see and hear him. Dr. Donald . Macrae, president of the Iowa Society of the Army of the Philip pines, who is working hard for ths success of the reunion, addressed a letter to Gov ernor Cummins yesterday requesting that the battalion of the National Guard prom ised by the governor for the occasion be sent wlthv forty rounds of ammunition for use in ths sham battle. It this ammunition cannot be secured In thJs way the com mittee may. have some trouble In getting it from other sources.. To begin with it is expensive $27 per 1,000 rounds and early delivery upon order Is. not certain. Dr. Macrae also asked the ' governor to crder that the Fifty-Bret Iowa Regimental band be ordered to attend the encampment with the battalion of militiamen. The committee having in charge the finance for the reunion reports good prog ress In raising funds. It is estimated that It will require about 22.600 to do the hand some thing and the business men of the city are going to see that there la no shortage. CHILD DROWNS IN THE SIOUX Sevaa-Yenr-Ola Boa- Meets Death at lona City, The-agh Brother Trlea Hara to Ists Him. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram. r Charles Dletschy, a 7-year-old son of August Dletschy, was drowned la the 8loux river here today In the presence of several small companions. His brother, Alfred Dletschy, 10 years old, bravely at tempted to save him and nearly lost his life, la the attempt. The body rema'.ned la the water for an hour before it was re covered. .' ..Will Open Bis tannine Plant. WATERLOO, la.. Aug. 1 (Special ) The canning factory is in readiness for bualneas as soon as ,the supply of. corn Is sufficient to Justify startlsg . ths. machinery. The company has doubled the capacity of the plant, which makes It equal to any In the United States. When running full capacity 280 cans cf corn ready for market will be turned out every minute. The company will have 600 persons In their employ snd this yesr will start a restaurant In the fac tory rooms, where the employes can take a hot dinner at a cost not exceeding 12 Vs cents. CLAIM FOR BIG DAMAGES Engineer Wants fSO.OOO for Injuries Hesalttaar from Accident la Fort Dodge Tarda, FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 1. (Special Tel egram.) Engineer Frank Bender, who was terribly Injured In the yards at Fort Dodge one year ago, by the passage of a three Inch timber through his body, has insti tuted a suit in the federal court at Cedar Rapids for 150,000 damages. Mr. Bender presents a claim In his petition that a three-Inch stick penetrated his body and left him a physical wreck. He states that the wound Is still open and will never heal and that his right arm Is paralyzed and his shoulder has sagged three Inches as a result of the injury. It to claimed that the eompsny has made futile efforts to reach a settlement during the last three months. ENDS HIS LIFE ABRUPTLY Wealthy Pioneer Farmer Haaajs Him self ia Cora Crlh Near Benson, Iowa. CEDAR FALLS, Ia., Aug. 1. (Special Telegram.) Thomas Aunger, a wealthy and respectable farmer, hanged himself in a corncrlb on his farm near Benson this afternoon. Ill health had dethroned his reason temporarily. He was a native of England and had resided In the county since 1868. ', Fletcher - Fills Snperlntendency. FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 1. (8pecial Tel egram.) Beginning today, C. B. Fletcher, formerly trainmaster of the Cherokee divi sion of the Illinois Central, Is acting su perintendent of the Omaha division. This appointment was made on account of the long Illness of Superintendent C. K. Dixon, who lies very critically 111 at a hospital In Fort Dodge. H. A. Flynn, who was chlof dispatcher at Fort Dodge from May 1 until September 1, 1901, and who has since been chief dispatcher at Freeport, 111., will suc ceed Mr.'Fletcher as train master at Cher okee. Settle Difference la Ring-. . MARSHALLTOWN, Ia Aug. 1. (Special.) Two men by the names of Peterson, em ployed in. the Lennox Machine company's works, decided to settle certain differences they had held for some time in the prise ring. Accordingly a ring was staked out in one of the company's buildings and the mill WSs Pulled Off bv the rules of the nrlu rin After three rounds of the bloodiest kind of fighting "Sklnnle" Peterson knocked out his opponent, who was an engineer. Accepts Place at University. IOWA CITT. Ia., Aug. 1. (Special.) Dr. William Jepson of Sioux City, has accepted the chair of surgery in the college of med icine at the State university". He , tele graphed his acceptance of the regents' offer to President MacLean today. He succeeds the. late Dr. Mlddleton., His salary is ths same, $1,100 per annum. , lie now holds the cnair of surgery m the Northwestern Col lege of Medicine at Sioux City.. Reward for Missing- Official. WATERLOO. Ia.. Aur. 1. fSnoMal The city authorities learn from the Des Moines officers that a liberal reward is offered for the capture of J. J. Barnett. the missing nnage superintendent of the American Bridge company. His friends here are still loath to believe that ho would skip with istw wnen he knew there wss a draft due the next day payable to his order tor a much larger sum. Lincoln Highlanders at Onawa. ONAWA, Ia., Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram.) A special car with twenty mem bers of the Royal Highlanders from Lin coln, Neb., was In town 'today about four hours. The Highlanders were returning from Ida Grove, where they organised a new lodge last night. They gave a drill In Onawa and were out for a good time gen erally. Iowa State News Notes. v Farmers have been In Wall Lake lately offering S3 a day and board for men to work In the harvest and hay fields. But few .were able to secure men at this price. Shenandoah Is making greater prepara tion for the fair this season than ever. People who have had occasion to attend the fair In former years have always been repaid for their trouble, but this year greater and more attractions than ever are offered. Atlantic Telegraph: The editor of a news paper. B. F. Carroll of Bloomfleld, was nominated for atate auditor yesterday. - It was when editor of that same paper that Captain Hull was first elected to state office. The property will command a big price If there is anything more than coinci dence In these facta. Last week waa a busy one for Jefferson county farmers, being the only one of fair weather since harvest began. It was Im possible ,to get Into many fields because of the wet condition of the ground, and much of the grain Is now over ripe, while rrany fielda have rotted. Hundreds of acres will not be cut at all and the oats crop the county over will not be over one-half of what It promised In June. Meadows sre m excellent condition and most of the hay crop will be saved. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has ar rived at Traer. and Is spending his vaca tion at his farm near that plao. Evry morning he drives Into town with his son and purchases ail of the dally papers he can get hold of and eagerly devours the news of the outside world as soon as he reaches his country place. He enjoya the farm and Is eager for an opportunity to ret back to Iowa as soon aa his orUcial duties are over. He was formerly In the news paper bualneas In Traer, having been as sociated with Oliver J. Smith of Eldora In the editorship of the Traer Star-Clipper. ' Mrs. Laura L, Patterson, Muscatina's old est cltlsen, is dead, after an Illness of a few days. She had been a resident of that county for sixty-eight years, and waa the only surviving member of the first famt'y that settled In Muscatine county. Bhe, with her father Benjamin Nye, came to that county In 1S34 and settled at Mont peller. near the mouth of 'Pine creek. They came from Ohio, the birthplace of Mra Patteraon, who waa born In 1827. Her father, being a native ef Vermont, named Montpeller after his birthplace. When they settled there it was Wisconsin territory and the country waa Inhabited by Indiana. Mr. Nye built a store in what later became a flourishing primitive village, where he traded with the Indians. He later built a mill on Pine creek. In 1&4& the daughter married Robert Patterson and together they located near Moscow, but for the laat few yeara. since the death of her huaband, Mrs. Patterson haa lived In Muscatine. Since 1834 she has been a constant resident of Uuacatlne county. Northern Faclne Case Poetnonea. NEW YORK, Aug. L At the request of George A. Lamb, counsel for Peter Power In his suit against the directors of ths Northern Paclfio railroad to prsvent their turning over the stock of that company to ths Northern Securities company, the hearing before Special Master Mable of the United States court was ' today ad journed, this time until next Mondsy. Mr. Lamb, la his request for furthsr postpone ment, pleaded another professional engage ment, , . LET BUILDING CONTRACTS Uarthalltewi Van to Ertct Hew SUctursi at 8oldin' Homo. SENDING OUT THE ASSESSMENT FIGURES .. Governor Cnmmlns ' Receives a Re quest to Designate a Yoanc Woman to' Christina Cralser : Des Moines. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Aug.. 1. (Special.) The State Board of Control today signed up a contract with J. F. Atkinson of Marshall town for the construction of the new build ings at the Soldiers' home contemplated by the appropriations of the last legisla ture.. The bids on the same were opened by Commandant Horton at Marshalltown yesterday and of the three bids that of Mr. Atkinson was lowest on the entire work, the 'aggregate being $55,974. The buildings to be erected are as follows: Large assembly hall, double addition to hospital, addition to kitchen, ' smokestack and new boiler house, laundry building, cold storage building, nurses' cottage and Ice house. When these buildings are com pleted the capacity of the Soldiers' horns will, be greatly enlarged, chiefly because a large part of the present building Is given over for hospltsl purposes. The new work is all to be done by December 15 next and Mr. Atkinson will begin at ones. , To Name Crnlser Chrlsteaer. Governor Cummins hss received an Invitation-from the Fore River Ship Tard company at Quincy, Mass., Inviting him to name a young woman to christen the cruiser Des Moines, which IS to be launched September 20 next. The' governor was also requested to make the appointment at an early date. This Is made necessary by the fact that Miss West, who had been selected for the christening act, has gone on a visit to China. The governor stated that hs will make the appointment Jn tew days, but will first consult with Mayor Brenton, as he feels that the naming of the young woman might more properly have been done by the mayor of the city for which the cruiser has been named. If ha had time, the governor said, he would writs and ask the company to place the whole matter In the hands ef the mayor, but the time is too short to g into all the explan ations and he will make the appointment after a consultation with the mayor. , ' New Incorporations. ' The Vail Gasolene Gas Machine company of Marshalltown has -filed articles of in corporation with the secretary of state. The capital Is $25,000," with John D. Vail, Merrltt Greene and Stu'rge R. Anson as Incorporators,.. The Dakota and Manitoba Land eompany of Oskaloosa has been Incorporated; capi tal, $1,000,000; J. O,jrlammond, president; Cccrc Kcntcji, secretary. The Incorporstlon, fees already received by the secretary of state this year amount to $189,516.53; which. U. more than- three times as much as the entire fees of Isst year, Sending; Oat Assessment Figures. The state officers . 'Commenced sending ont today their statements on the assess ment of railroads, express, telegraph and teiepnone companies qas ' required by law. These statements tniisv be In ! the' bands of the. county aadfttwrlw next Monday so that , they can figure fhenr out' on assess ment districts and. make the apportionment of taxes. It appears that in- making the tax levy of 8.5 mills on ths dollar the members of the council xonsulted the at torney general and reached the conclusion that they bad a right to Uke into' consid eration the war claim refund of $456,000 and the increased receipts from corpora tion fees, about which the legislature could have had no definite knowledge. . . Woman Badly- Burned. 1 Aa the result of a destructive fire caused, It is thought, by the woman herself Mrs. J. C. Foster lies in her bed in a critical con dition. The woman Is frightfully burned In several parts of her body and her face Is terribly scorched and Mistered. The house in which she lived with her daughter, wife of Policeman Day, is badly damaged by the flames. The firs occurred at 1 o'clock this morning. The cause of the fire is not known. It is thought, however, that the woman, who Is over 60 years of age, had arisen for the purpose of Investigating a noise below. She took a lamp and it is thought was seized with a fainting spell, to which she is sub ject, thus falling and causing the lamp to set fire to the house. So quickly did ths flames spread that the inmates of the house experienced considerable difficulty In get ting out and Mrs. Day mads her escape by crawling out the window and leaping from the perch: t . - Death ef OU Resident. Mrs. Amanda Pence Van Meter, wife of the late Julius J. Van Meter, died yesterday evening at be Soto, la., after an illness of one week. The family -jiovad to Dallas county from Columbus, lad.. In ths fall of 1863, and havs lived since that time on a Urge farm adjoining De Soto. Mrs. Vsn Meter bad .several relatives in this city. MUST FACE HIS CONFESSION Loveawar's Admtaston of Guilt Al lowed as Evidence to Jury " at Stnrgls. STCRGIS.'s. D., Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram. J In the Loveawar murder trial for killing Puck and Ostrsnder, the state has been putting In evidence for two days that enclrlces the defendant with a chain of cir cumstances from which there Is no escape. The final blow to any possible hope ' the defendant' (night have entertained was' ad ministered When Judge Rice on a full hear ing by the court decided that the confession which ths defendant made to Sheriff Smith and Dr. McSloy had -been made by Loveawar freely and voluntarily. This decision al low every detail tot the confession to go to the Jury and the confession In Its en tirety was proved to e Jury this morning. The $20 check bearing Puck's name has been shown by Cashier Schneider of Rapid City and Albert Puck, brother of the mur dered man, to be a forger. The defendant's counaet has abandoned all hope of . clearing their man and It la rumored that bis counsel advised him to plead guilty and throw himself upon the mercy of the court in the hope of getting a life sentence Instead of ths death penalty. The state will close Its evidence today and it is believed that the defendant will not go on the stand to dispute the testi mony of Dr. McSloy snd Sheriff Smith. It was ths prompt and effective work of these men that haa enabled ths state tP practi cally ax the guilt - ef this crime upon Loveswar. ' . Quarrel kf.r Be Fatal, HOT SPRINGS, S. D.. Aug. 1. (Special.) While at work pn the farm of C. L. Con ger, near Buffalo Gap, John Rodecamp and Lars Anderson got Into a dispute which may cost Larson's life. It Is said that An derson struck at Rodecamp with a pitch fork and that while endeavoring to escape he picked tip a "buggy whip and threw It at Anderson, the butt end striking Anderson Just above the left ear, Inflicting a fright ful fracture. The Injured man was brought to Hot Springs and was operated on at the hospital. A compound fracture of the skull wss found about two Inches in .diameter. Anderson hss recovered from the shock of the operation and Dr. Hargans believes the chsnces are good for his recovery. Rode- camp is exonerated from all blame by the Injured man and his family and no prose cution will result. H0MESTAKE MINE CAVES IN Accident Comes Without Moment's Warning, Burying- Two Men Beneath Tons of Enrth. LEAD, 8. D., Aug. 1. (Speclsl Tele gram.) Two miners at work on the sev enth floor of the Homeetaks mine lost their lives this afternoon by a cave-In which extended almost to the surface. The cave came without a minute's wsrnlng, covering the men under a mass of twisted timbers and rock. A rescue force Is at work try ing to recover their bodies. The csve occurred Just before quitting time, otherwise the loss of life would have been greater. As It was, all of the other men working in the vicinity escaped and there were none Injured. The names of the two men killed are John Pourrler and Joseph Varvatse. Both leave families. News Netee from Huron. . HURON, S. D., Aug. 1. (Special.) At a ale of cattle a few days since, by M. W. Sheldon, near Hitchcock, the cash were about $S,000; time was offered, but buyers preferred paying cash and getting the benefit of a small discount. Most of the stock was bought by resident farmers, some paying as high aa $40 for a thorough bred calf. A grain elevator at Bonllla, in the north west part of this, Beadle county, has been purchased by I W. Cooper of that place, who Is putting It in thorough repair and will be ready to handle the Immense small grain crop that it about ready for har vest In that part of the county. Rev. H. S. Wilkinson of the Methodist church has gone to his old home In Dubuque county, lows, for a month's vacation. Nearly $9,000 was paid to patrons of the Hitchcock creamery during' the month of June. .1 Retail Merchants Organise. - SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 1. (Spe cial.) As the result of a meeting held here by the retail merchants of Mlnne haha and Lincoln counties, it was de cided to organise retail merchants'' asso ciations In both counties. Meetings at central points In each county will soon' be called for -the purpose- of perfecting or ganisations. The county associations will be auxiliary to ths South Dakota Retail Merchants' association. It is the. pur pose of those behind the movement to organize-' the retail merchants of 'every county In the state, thus strengthening the state association and materially bene fitting the retail merchants of ths ' va rious counties. Gelden Wedalna; at Yankton. YANKTON, 8. D., Aug. i. (Special.) Mr., and Mrs. Nels Olson celebrated their golden wedding In ' this city Wednesday afternoon, all their children, eight in num ber, with their families, being present The bid couple are still hale and hearty. FIND, MAMMOTH SKELETONS Researchers Unearth Remains of Two . Large Dinosaurs Rear Kayeee, .' ,. . Wyoming?. . . , ,.'. . . ' KAYCEE, Wyo., .Aug.' 1. (Special.) party of fossil collectors from the Carnegie museum In Pittsburg, Pa., under W.: H. Utterback of that Institution has discovered the remains of a huge- dinosaur, a specie of extinct reptiles, twelve miles west of this place, on the Red fork of Powder river. It has evidently, Judging from the length of the vertebral column and size of limb The World Is Wide bnt hardly, wide enough for ROSE'S' s -. ' Lime Juice -V which la everywhere acknowl edged to be the very beat tem perance drink. It is the pro duct of the choicest West In dian Lime Fruit, and ia alwaya delicious,' wholeaome and re freshing. , Ask your grocer or druggist for it, and insist on having ROSE'S. la th open door to alt diseases. ; ViolmtcatbanlcakavroaworMthaaibrBB rw- Tkara la aaly mm nwaiciiM chat aau aaiilj, jrtt Suralr, spaa ih. bowtls wail actlnf a a Ionic, aa contalaa valuabla vf(tibl whlca act ' apoa ths atasiach, Uvar, kUuty and bloae, and that BMian la THE CHAT TCCLAXATIVE Lazakola is aol only th noM .aidant al family - ku. Ik. ma., '-'.. , . I .. Siooa two atodtcin.., vti 1 l.x.ur n4 tonic, and at " rotaaiv so much forth SMiwr. At dnjjl., t)c. and 30c., ar (end lor fret aaauihi la LaXAKOLA CO., 13a Nuiu Strati, N Y. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co Omaha, Neb. BLOOD POISON 11 I ha aaw uril iilajtAhat rn ,- rt , m, easiest to cure WHEN VoJ KNOW WHAT TO DO. Masy have lmplea, pot vu imu aain, ion 111 in niouia. iceta. falling balr, bone pains, catarrh; don't know It la BLOOD FUIBON. Hani to DR. BROWN, tttf Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa., for BROWN'S BLOOD CUKE, 12.00 par cottla; lasts ont. month. Sold only sy fiherraan at McConnell Drug Co.. Jtith ai:d I'odsa 8ta . Omaha. Brown's capsules KuV ss?RZ:n DodgeSireets. 1( yea have lost your aarve aad manorr, and Snd lit pleasures waning. It torn have loaomala, loat aaaahood. eacturaal loaaaa. nervous dabilttr Tab Gray's Nerve teod fills. 'Taae pule td kurgry a.rroa and roator nwntal aa bodM vteor, pftat and cur iwpotootr ta tihr aurrtod or stogie, atop all diem and loeMe permanently. trie t ua per boa. f hoiea for it as. Seat by mall, eeeled. upoa reeetpt o price by Sherman a ateCoa U Drue Ce., Cm. UU aad Dodaa, Omaha. pones, been at leant eighty feet in length snd fully twenty feet In height. Near where this party la now excavating another, skeleton lies partly exposed which may prove to be ef much larger dimensions when worked out. Wyoming hss long been noted ss a rich field for scientists snd this latest and Im portant discovery opens up a nsw country for reseercL. Portland Wants Datnaeres. DENVER. Aug. l.-Bult has been filed In h, J AND July 29, August 2 to fO. Standard Sleepers and Tourist Cars Daily. Spe- cial Train will leave Omaha 7 p. m., Lincoln 8:30 ' p. m., Fairbury, 10:00 p. m., August 4. For Itinerary, Sleeping Car Berths, etc., call it or address City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha. VARICOCELE taglous Blood diet, W, A. COOK, IHJaTe mt ' the fasissi Oa)ii OeweaW fa Ptseaass a ' Men. have cured to stay cured, which had been abandoned by family physicians snd so called experts. What we have done for others we ean do for you. If you -cannot call, write us a full and truthful statement of your symptoms. Our home treatment la suocessful and strictly private, ddrese, . , - . ' COOK MEDICAL CO., 110 and lis S. lata ., OaaaJaa, Heft, . ARE YOU GOING? State Fair Dates MstourtAl Bedalia, Aug-nrt 1821 IdvmKX Dm Moines, Aururt 20-89 2fbrokcM Lincoln, Sept, 1-6 JJftrwKsofa At Hamllne, Sept. M attM At Hutchinson, 6epi. 151 Live Stock Shows American .RoyalAt Kan sag dir. . October 20.25. v International At Chloago, Deo. 10. esse ) S S eeMeeeei you WANT TO KNOW what your state offers In lire stock, agriculture, horticul ture, mechanical one arts, etc. it can ajy bo learned by a visit to tha State Fair roaditta The Twentieth Century Farmer which will fivo yon In minlaturej form by the art of pho tography and the pen of trained writers the very best there is to be soon at theeo great fairs And expositions. Whal Cobitrn flays r. D, Cobnra, secretary of the KMsa grate Poard ef agrloate tare, in a reoeal letter te the editor ef Ts Twentlsth Oeatury Farmer, Said: aTlava aaa Pi e raraawra cawvrtnaj eftrealatlasj aaa, aa I lavs SaU4 te ra sdae, J ana enaSnatly waaeer. . las hew waa see ta wall tea) stair eeyoa week sash, a fan t iaoeestfay, Tajaaala f atoremaXlen Test a earely - SMklag svaaa werta saaah) save tana ae saaaer tee It. " Wo reoeiTO many letters like tha aboye praising tho many special articles and attractiTO feature of The Twentieth Century Farmer, . The best evidence of the popularity of The Twentieth Century Farmer is the large Increase in number of regular subscribers during the last year, Improrements in keep ing with the rapid growth of the business ..of the paper will be made. Send your name on a postal for a sample copy, Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha. Neb. thrt federal court by the Porttsnd fluid 1 Mining company against the Monument : Uold Mining company for tJjO.000 damatee. I irk. aIiawam Kn m v,ln ehlrh aprxes In the Tidal Wave claim of the Portland Mining company Is being worked by the Monument company. If you have no appetite for your meats something ts wrong with your dlgesllon, liver or bowels. ITIrkly Ash Bitters clcsnseS snd strengthens the stomarh, purifies the bowels and creates appetite, vigor and cheerfulness. 0) JO A BACK $45 VIA -Jl Cared la S days (to stay ourod) NO CUTTING, SURGERY, TYING WITH SILK. OR PAIN. We want srery man afflloted with Varicocele.. Cos. Poison, Nervous Debility. Btiicture. or allied troubles, to come to our office where we wm plain to him our method of curing these dlseaees. We Invite in yariiuuiar mil m.ii uiVi iiccips fled with treatment elsewhere. We will explain to you why you have not been cured ana will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction why we can cure you safely, quickly and permanently, Our counsel will cost you nothing and our charges for a perfect cure will ha rea- ' sonable and not more than you would be willing ta) par ' . for the benefits conferred. CERTAINTY OF CURE j - - ts what you want We will give yen a written' legal guarantee to cure you, or refund your money. We nan and will olte you, by permission, when, satisfied that In formation Is desired by sincere neoDle. to eases that we ; ' IF