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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1902)
The . Omaha Daily Bee. Xj..(?V'f-': ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FIUDAY MORNING, AUGUST t . 1, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COrV FIVE CENTS. :0b VILLAGE IS IN 11UINS Little Oitj ef to Alames, California, Wrecked bj Beiimio Disturb.afioe. HUNDREDS FLEEING FOR THEIR LIVES Terrer-8triokB ropulaoe Lem Hornet md Bush from the Boeae. . I , 1 '' '."': ' I GAPING FISSURES IN FRUITFUL VALLEY . . I Hill and Znolll Ipring Up During tholbery'e right. The speaker characterized Wiirht ai. if hv Mario. I j I I SPRINGS OF WATER NOW BUBBLE IN SAND OeaeraJ Topagrraaby Bleh TaJley le Chaaced aad Damage ta the Bxteat . of ' Thoaeaade Dollar I Wreaajht. BAN VCin OBISPO. Cal., July 11 A trlp of country fifteen mllea long by four miles wide, rent with gaping fissures and dotted wiiu pii. with hills and knoll that prung up during the nlcht aa If hv matrle a vlllate in mine I VLa I.Zaa. Lni fop their li... .7 the of laat nlahf aelsmie I i. h. n.r..r.... til fruitful .. A. ... iiimAii it! th. aorthern nart I I? .-.. !!k...!!. ! "ne pm" v ' ' .1 country has been shaken by a h. I. .ithm.t nrereriant In lHr'e inieruai union, DUl lormed a Pwer 10 acquire me lines oi raui-oac ana that the Porto Rlcan. Having already lm ?hl S?..nU nf tfli.lBr of the .Pacific cea.t r"y'n Plnt for those abarlng th prln- P'tal etock of the Chicago, Rock la- pr0Ved their condition ay the possession VL h !J "'U?..'" 1 .1 7 .?! Vi. 7,rhl-V.. cP,e ot Promoter land Paclflo Raway company. Ita au- of the Island with the United States, were nd the continuance of th disturbances and the Increasing severity ot shock have o terrorised the Inhabitant that thy are leaving for other parte aa rapidly a pos sible, and even now the Tillage la almost ntlrely dessrted The disturbances began on Sunday even ing with a ehoek which caused several thouaand dollar" worth of damage to prop arty In the village and the aurroundlng country, being more eevere and more dla astrous In the vicinity of the Western iini rui .nmn.nVa nil w.ll. on the Car- Union Oil company a Oil Wlla on tne Car- IIIU UB lU luv IDlliVf Ul iu ............. . xiga ranch. Thla ahock was followed by a number cf dlaturbance lea sever and less dla- astroua. continuing through the remainder cf Sunday night and Monday afternoon. On Tueaday night beginning at 11:10 o'clock there was another aerie of seven .shocks. 11 of which war light. The general di rection of these disturbancaa was eaat and weet, aad In action they resembled the waves on a pond of water. The most ae vara' ahock' of . the entire erlea occurred at 11:10 o'clock tma morn ing. Hill were ahaken and twlated to their foundatlona, and the valleya trembled nd rolled 1 Ilk the unstable aurface of th ocean.' Great flaaure .were run deep In the earth, hill aad knoll appeared la level -valleya, apriag of water opened m plaoea that bad been dry, and the general topography cf ' th valley waa greatly changed In many respects. The disturbance bad bo general direction. but waa what la known aa a "twister. It Was preceded'tir K rumMIng Ilka that cf distant thunder,' which Increased until the earth began te rock and twist and tho Mil began to tremble. . , People naah ta ' Street. With the first warning of the .eound of th. .vir.rn.ehln n' th. t.rrnr-atrlrkan people rushed Into the, street and sought placee ot aafety In vacant lota and fields, while many fled ' toward the neighboring till The first vlbratlone were similar to the preceding disturbances la direction and ef fect, but they were Immediately followed by the most terrifle ahock ever experienced la thle eectlon of the atate. The eVrtta I trembled and rolled and twlated until it waa impossible for people to etand erect and the terror-stricken inhabitant crouched together In th darkness, fearful that the earth beneath them might open and awal- I low them. The terror Inspired by theeone. rumbling and trembling of tha earth waa I Increased by the aound of falling building, which gave some Idea of the terrible de- atruetlon that waa being wrought. wnea lam most serious anocaa uao paaaea i and th rumbling sound had died away ln I the dlitanf bill, tb people gathered In groupa about the rulna ot their bomee and I place of business and when they saw the xtent of th damage den many ot them, I fearful ef repetition ef thla experience, Immediately started on foot or by any con veyance that eould be had for placea where the prevtoua abooka had been moat eevere. - In the darkness of th night it waa lm- poMible tp determine the full extent of the destruction wrought, but with the dawn ot day tb etrteken village preaanted tho appearance of the ruins of city long deserted. ; A church had been levelled , to the ground and not one brick building was left atandlng. Chlmnara had tocnled over, frame build ing, had been wrenched apart and thrown from their foundations. Teiegrapn aad telephone wlree had been broken and there was not building ln town that had not been damaged more or lea seriously. In tor buildings that wer not totally - de atroyed tb mercbandla waa thrown from helve and everything breakable waa de atroyed: - not a pane of glaaa waa left In aay window of any house In town and In the frame cottagea and dwelling houaea that war left standing stoves were over turaed and crockery and glaaswsr de stroyed. - . . Da ma are Reaches Thaasands. A conservative estimated of the loss to roDertr la the vlllaae is I JO. 000 and thlsl...ri m.r.h.i tnt in innuir. .k. nn.nn amount will probably be greatly Increaaed by the damage don property In the ur- rounding country. Each merchant la town ha loat at leaat 1600 on atock - and th daman to bulldlnaa haa bean areat. - Th extent of the most vr portion of th disturbance 1 elvn mil long by four mil wid. but tb ahock waa felt throughout Santa Barbara and San Luf Obltpo counties. " At tne western union oil wells ea the larng ranca two . tanas were wrecked and thrown ever, aad much other damage .waa dona.. . The disturbancaa continued throughout the day at Intervala cf two hour, but none ot the shocks were sever. Tbe people hav drtd th village, vry conveyance haa bean taken and the paaaesger and freight traina that have left her alaee the eevere hock last night have been loaded with people whe are teeing te SaaU Maria aad the northern part of tbe county for aafety. Since the first dlsturbaaeea en. Sunday night there have been ever aeveaty dla- tmct snooks and those who have bee a keep- ing record have now givea up, aa tbe dla- turbances have become almn.t en.tlnun... Prafeeaev on Eartkfaakss. BERKELEY. Cal.. July 11. Regarding the arUuak la Santa Barbara county. (Continued en Second FageJ ELECTION . IS SIGNIFICANT Lord Roifbrrr Seee Hope for lltlmate Trlamph of Liberalism. LONDON, July 11. Lord Roaebery pre- aM.t at . Urvftttt miimikAmA Annmr nf ih Liberal league tonight, which Herbert H. Aaqulth. Sir Edward. ' "Vr Henry H. fA. i 1 .a r . ''t . u prominent - liberals were,., " -Lord, Roeebery, In the course of-, '' hy apeech dilated on the result of tns. ' bve - elertlon for member of the Hon,. Commons to represent North Leedi. wblb. .... .. ... - . . resun ea in me election oi noiana uar-t . iik..i u tj tj I the North Leeds verdict aa having greater I it. . . i .u.iu -i--.. I w.suiuvnuw tU,U .UJ IIUiq VIWIIVU , I U.H I the late Mr. Gladatone waa flrat ntiiraml ( from Midlothian and aa an almoat vital blow to the prestige of the government. I Yet, Lord Roaebery warned hla visitors I that fifty such election as that of North Leeda might not turn the party In power, It ahowed, however, that the nation waa beginning to look dispassionately at tho government record In Jocal admtnlstra- I tlon. The liberal party had uttered a long period of aterlllty, said the speaker. It had been going through the valley of the ehadow of death from want of concent!-- I ... ,, ... . .. 4 v "' -- " - comB aieaasociatea irom me imperial ts- Plrt'oo o the nation. The party had auf- wred, - continued the apeaker. by it un- fortunate attitude In regard to the Irish Ideation and until Imperialist liberal prln- I ctplea prevailed within there would be the T.lh.r.1 t...n. whUK h 1 aia ... I CONFIDENCE IN WEST INDIES Chaaaherlala Takes Hopefal View for Fatare of British Ialaads, Deelar- las; Sltaatloa Maoh Improved. LONDON, July 11. In an explanatory I statement in the House of Common of the grant of 250,000 for the relief of I ,ugar P'nlra tne British Weet Ind ea, n..r. n. k... ...a " . . Colonial Secretary Chamberlain aald h took a hopeful view of the future of the Islands. I When he took office grave apprehension existed that the Island would be thrown on the bands of the government and it I waa that atate of affaire that led to the 1 appointment ln 1896 of a royal commla- lon to Investigate the West Indian augar annually on the first daya of May and No- I A. Amea, now at West Baden. Ind., haa de Industry. Ivember, both principal and lntereat to belcided to resign hla office, the resignation Aa a result of the Brussels convention's I abolition ot augar bountlea. which wer I rulnln; th. Tnii., th. eituaties ! had much Improved and waa now much I brighter, especially aa a direct line of I fruit . steamer was developing an lm-1 portant trade. It wa promlaed alao that I enormoua coal depoalta which had bean I found in Trinidad would materially help I the islands, and British Guinea, which had been largely dependent on sugar, was now. developing diamond and gold fields, 1 which promised to have considerable com- merclal value. However, the period anfU - the promised abolition of ' bountlea in 1901 must be bridged ever and 250,000 waa the small- ment would aee that the relief fund waa then distributed, that the neediest should get the largest share. . KITCHENER GETS A SWORD General Preaeated with FJne Weapon by Capetown a a Token -of Esteem. LONDON, July 11. Amid tremendou en- thuaiasm Lord Kitchener was tonight pre- aented with a aword of honor, the gift ot Capetown. Sir Joseph C. Dlmsdale, Lord Mayor of London, made the presentation In the course of a South African dinner which waa attended by many notable per- When the enthusiasm had sufficiently sub aided for Lord Kitchener, to make himself heard h returned thanka for the gift, aad expressed the confident hope that In South v -u; iwmu wuum "uk I again, be drawn from ita acabbard. Lord Kitchener eulogized Lord Mllner. British high commissioner to 8outh Africa, and made a atriklng appeal baaed upon bta ln timate and peraonal friendship with and knowledge of the South African administra tor, that he be given the confidence and sympathy of the British nation. Referring to the mineral and agricultural wealth ot the new territory, Lord Kitchener J aald: "You may assure youraelvee that you Ibave nothing leaa than the making ot a new America In the aouthern hemisphere.' I He aald the question aa to who would fur- I nlah the money, braina and effort to carry- I Ing out thla plan would be one to con- alder. MANY AMERICANS DECLINE I i Refuse Decorations from Emperor William an Aeeoaat af Visit of Frlace Henry. ' BERLIN. July 11. An official cf tho Foreign office informs the Associated Pres. that the reason for the rather short list of decoratlona In connection with Prince Henrys visit to the United Statea Is that many persons on wham Emperor William desired to confer honors declined, request ing that only a photograph or aome small souvenir from Prince Htnry be given. A Boston newspaper telegraphed th ... l.rt nnt f th. n.onr.tion .. th. Forelgd office call attention to th fact that Prof. Hugo Muenaterberg cf Harvard university waa given the Red Eagle of th t.i Thi. nnr.tinn ... I not announced in the American list.' be- I uit Prof. Muensterbera- Is a German I citizen. A number of Prince Henry crotoarsDhs were aent to Bostonlans. ia- I riudlnc Mrs. Montgomery Sears. Mis La- mong. Major Perrln and John C. Warren PHOT ARRIVED AT HAVRE nUUI nnnw rtl nnc Secretary at Wu Is Greeted by Oca -ral Flstor on Behalf af French Geverameat. HAVRE. July 11. Oeaeral Plstor of th French army boarded th steamer La Savole on Ita arrival hare thla afternoon nd ' officially greeted Ellhu Root, the American secretary of war. on behalf of the French government. General Plator I aald to Mr. Root: I The minister of war haa done me the I honor to delegate me to come in tn name of the government of thla republic toaalute your eacetlenry on your landing on Frvnch snll and to bid you welcome. Our ardent desire Is that your stay In Franc may be In all rtrpects agreeable. I am happv at th clrcumalance that gives me tha privil ege to salute the army of the republic In the person of It chief, tb mimaier ci war. REORGANIZE ROCR ISLAND Offen to Purchase All Outstanding Stock of the Old Oompanj. COMMON AND PREFERRED STOCK ISSUES Bond tnder the Reornanleetlea Are to Matare la a Hoadred Yearo, x Bearlna; latereat at the Rate . of Foar Per Ceat. .tr TAnv T..1 m 1 rr . 1 viv, oui? h. r ui ujbi iuuuuulo muit of the reorganisation of the Chlcae-o. I Rock Island Pacific Railroad company M mBa toaBr i a circular letter wnicn waa Bent to .11 atnrkholdera nf rernrd. With I exceptlona the main detalla have ready neen published. The circular aay in Part: , I Chicago, Rock Island Pacific Railroad company, (of Iowa) hereby offer to pur- chase all the outatandlng stock of the Chi- cs"0, Rock Island Pacific Railway com- PnT. certificate for which shall on or erore tne nrst day or September, 1902, be aepositea unaer tne terms ot tma oner with' the Central Trust company of thla cltT - VoT ec "hare of stock of said railway company, of the par value of iinn AannmitmA ln j..,--, i- ... .- " :. .:;: ., ir. oonas oi una. v id ih-j preferred etock of the Rock Island com- Pr New Jeraey), and 1100 ln the common stock of the Rock Island company ' isew jersey). Chicago. Rock Island t Pacific Railroad under the l.w. nf ih. .I.t. nf Tnw. with tborlted aecurltles are: 1125,000,000 tock, 175.000,000 four per cent gold bonds, known a Chicago, Rock I island at Pacific Railroad company 4 per cent cold bond a of 2002. The 4 per cent gold bond of 2002 are limited to the aggregate face value of 176 000,000 and are to be secured under a trust agreement with the Central Trust company or New York DT deposit and pledge of all ahareo of the capital atock of the present -uicago, noon isiana racinc naiiway which m.v h. .rn..lret under thla - . . . i . . , ... I company, which may be acquired under thla oner oi purcnase or otnerwtae, ana can oe Issued only to a face amount equal to the par value of the atock pledged under the trust agreement Tn bonds .are to mature November 1, 2002, to bear Interest at the rate ot 4 per cent from November 1, 1902, payable aeml- payable ln the city of New York, free of 'ax. The bond are coupon bond for 11,000 ch with the prtvtlese of reclatratlon as I to principal and registered bond ln the denomination of 15,000, or multiples there- of. The coupon bonda and regiatered bond are Interchangeable. I The Rock Island company is a corpora- I tlon organized under the laws of the state of New Jersey. It haa no mortgage ln- I debtedness. Its authorised capital stock I 1 1150,000,000 In two classea; 154.000,000 of I non - cumulative preferred atock and 106,- 000,000 of common stock. laaae of Frefanred Stock. ' The preferred etock la entitled to non- cumulative yearly dividends at the rate of 4 P" cent for the year 1901 and for each au rorr j rax inerir uuui ma m- eluding the year 1909; ' at the rate of S per cent per annum tor the year 1910 and for each and every year thereafter until and Including the year 1916; and at the rate of 6 per cent per annum thereafter, The preferred stock la also preferred aa to capital. Holders of the atock are en titled to elect a majority of the directors, but such privilege may be surrendered with the consent of the holders of two-thirds in amount of the preferred atock. The amount of preferred stock cannot be In creased save with the consent of two thirds of each clasa of atock. The Rock Island company ha entered Into agreements with the Chicago, Rock Island ic. Pacific Railroad company (of Iowa), under which. In consideration ot Deliveries oz ua preier.ra ana common stock for the purpoee of the foregoing offer, the Rock Island company will be- l pnw m ih. nwn.r. .. I.mul nf ih. oanlial nock of the Iowa company. Accordingly, upon the acceptance of such offer by all stockholders of the present company, the Iowa company will ,have ac quired the entire capital stock of the pres ent company, while the entire capital atock of the Iowa company will, in turn, be held by the Rock Island company, ao that through the stocks of the Rock Island company to be delivered In pursuance of this offer of purchase, the proportionate Interest of stockholder of the present Chi cago, Rock Island ft Pacific Railway com pany In the railroad properties and ln their future earnings is preserved. The capital stock of the Rock Ialand company not required for the purpose ot thla offer la reserved for future Issue for the acquisition of additional propertiea and other corporate purposes. Accompanying the circular, and under daie of Chicago, July 11, la a resolution adopted by the board ot directors recom mending the acceptance of the reorganiza tion plan. The new company haa organised with this "' "f .dl"otr R' ?' Cble' "'"ball Field. H. C. Frlck. William H. Moore. D. R'"'' H "re' W' AB" i'' 8deD Mill. George 8. Brewster, Anson R. Flower, Francla L. Hlne, George C. McMurtry and George T. Boggs. This I the old board, re elected, with Mr. Frlck aa an additional member. William H. Moore Is made chairman of the finance or executive committee, in which position it is said he will practically aupplant Mr. Cable aa chairman of th oora- Other membera of thla committee r: Messrs. Field. Leeds, Reld. J. H. Moore and Hlne. I Tn directors elected Ma. Leeds presl I nt of the new company, with Mr. Reld cretary and treasurer and Mr. Boggs assistant to Mr. Reld No atatement of any kind waa Issued re- gardlng the financing ot the reorganized corporation, but it waa again declared I thaa under the terms of exchange no con- tlde"rable cash outlay would b required. Trading in kock island snares was very light today, total operatlona aggregating only 6,100 abarea, at a net loss of 2 Va points HOPE FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE Premier af Aaetralla. Saye that Will la Time Prevail in' that Federation. It LONDON, July II. Edmond Barton, premier of Australia, replying today to a deputation ot woman suffragist, headed by Lady Henry Someraet. aald the -lutlook for woman euflrag wa excellent through- cut th Auetraltan commonwealth. Th succe th movement already bad met with ln four out of ths six ststea, he eald. presaged the ultimate adoption of the plan throughout tbe wool federation. works on pubuic business President Foil la a Boar Dor. with Little Time for Social Featares. OYSTER BAY, N. Y., July 31. Preldent P.oosevelt disposed of a large amount of public business early today with the as sistance of 8cretarr Loeb. The president had aa guests at luncheon today Adolph S. Ocba and Stanford Newell, United "State minister to -The Hague, who la -In thla country on leave of absence. He called merely to pay hie respects to Mr. Roose velt. Just after luncheon waa announced four .... .nn.rua imnnn . Hill tw0 cf tnem gomewhat unexpected. Poet- master General Henry O. Payne and George d di..m - i .. x: v,rv k..v.. I"" DUCIUUU) . WWJII ...... A VI a. al-l.nrt friend nf the nresldent. arrived In a trap of Mr. Sheldon, having- driven from a point on the Island not far distant. Soon afterward Governor William H. Hunt and Attorney General Harlan of Porto Rico, the latter a on of Mr. Justice Harlan of the United State supreme ccurt, also reached Sagamore Hill and Joined the party at luncheon. i During the afternoon the president and Postmaster General Pay, after eonalder- Dg some matter relating to the Postofflce department, reviewed briefly the Wlaconsln pu"u' 'lu-- . J oovernor Hunt and attorney uenerai Harlan discussed with the president and postmaster general the situation In Porto Rco, the governor reviewing hla admln- latratlon and outlining the prcaent con dm0ne in the islands. He became en - - ... i . ti- tr.iA k. anxious to eatabllsh vet closer relation. particularly in commercial mattera. The trade of the Island, he thought, would bear careful cultivation by American manufact urers and business men. President Roosevelt Indicated forcefully hla Interest ln Porto Rico and expressed great confidence In Ita future a a most desirable acquisition to thla country, j0 formal dinner guest were entertained at Sagamore Hill tonight. - AMES DECIDES TO RlSIuN Minneapolis Mayor Give Up Official Poaltlea and Saerldeea Hie Brother, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., July 11. Mayor A. to Uke effect September 6, The letter will be read to the common council at Ita next meeting, in mayor postpone hi retirement-to save the city the expense of a special election, which would have to be held tC the resignation took effect earlier. The mayor haa also agreed to secure the resignation of his brother! Colonel Fred W. Amea, auperlntendent or poli. e. ho waa brought to these term by the visit to west Baden laat evening ef Police Captain Charlea R. Hill, who will be acting super I lntendent, and John F"n'-..'i tie. -He doe not th power whiVtt of the city to perform the' functiona ot mayor, but he wired Acting Mayor Fred M. Powera to secure the removal of the chief and wired the chief himself advising resignation. Al derman Powera baa agreed to carry out the wishes ot the mayor. Thla la the climax of the police corrup tion scandals which have agitated the commun,ty ,nd occupied the grand jury and the courts for two months. Mayor Amea 1 ln falling health and may not return to Minneapolis at all, unless forced to do so by the courts. When the caae of Chief of Police Fred W. Amea waa called today his attorneya moved to quash the Indictment on the ground that the grand jury was prejudiced and biased. The court denied the motion. whereupon Chief Ames pleaded not guilty and the case waa set for trial next Tues day. JRACY SHOWS UP ONCE MORE Escaped Orrion Convict Appears at Cabins and Makes Demand for Food. ELLENSBURO, Wash, July SI. Saul Evans, who Uvea fifteen mllea north ot here, reports that last Monday a man came to hla cabin and said that be waa Tracy. He bad a 10-callber Winchester and two revolvera. He compelled Evan to furnish him with food. The stranger I ahowed Evans a wound ln the back of his head and said that he waa shot by a mem ber of a pome bn the West Side. A Wenachee special bays: From 10 o'clock yesterday morning to 1 o'clock at night Harry Tracy, waa an unwelcome gueat at the ranch of W. A. Sanders and 8. J- McEldowney, six miles down the Co- lumbla river. Tracy came out of the Cascadea, riding one horse, packing an other and leading a third ln reserve. He carried a Winchester and two revolvers. He took dinner and aupper at the ranch, having the men covered with bla rifle. Toward evening he forced McEldowney to bring him two fresh horses and turn loose hla jaded animals. He went south. NEED COMPACT ORGANIZATION Lord Mllacr Say that It Maat Com r the Empire Would Cramble. JOHANNESBURG. July 11 Lord Mllner. British high commissioner In South Africa, and governor of the Transvaal, preaided at an Important Church of England meeting held here today. Dealing with the question of organization. Lord Mllner said that the British nation waa liable to attach too lit- tie attention to thla matter at the preaei.t moment of rejoicing and triumph whan the country's power aa a nation through out the world, stood, or appeared to atand higher than ever before. Lord Mllner aald that he thought that unless th emplr I showed a more compact organization than I''- had aeen in the past it would emu, la. The apeaker deprecated the spirit . in- I tolerance snown oy tne unurcn oi cngiana I toward other churchea. TEAMSTER PLANS MURDER Kill Wife aad Shoot Himself After Written; Telegram ta His Father ia Iowa. KANSAS CITY. July 31. Fred Falkea- burg, the teamster who today killed bla ifc and then ahot himself, deliberately planned tbe deed. In one of Falkenburg'a pocketa waa found a telegram written yea- tcrday and addressed to bis father, Jobe Falkenburg. at Montezuma, Ia., requeatlng the latter to come to Argentine and take th two bodlea to the old home at Monte zuma. The couple's two grown daughter alept In a room adjoining that cf tbelr parents. PROMOTION FOR SCANNELL Revival of Knmor that Omaha Prelate is te Be Made an Archbishop. OTHER CHANGES ARE ALSO SUGGESTED Amoas; Them Are Redaclaa; 81s at Western Dleeeee and, the Appoint ment of Several New Blahapa. (From Staff Correapondent.) WASHINGTON. July 11. (Special Tele, gram.) Members of the priesthood re turning from Rome guardedly Intimate that th bishopric of Omaha la to be raised to an archeplscopal see and that Bishop 8canoeIl is to be elevated to (in archbishop in conformity with the desires of a great many western Catholics. It Is rumored that aome of the present bishopric, especially In the western state, are to be reduced In extent and that new aee will be created to meet the growing demand of churchmen tor smaller dlocesea than at present exist. It la well known that Bishop O'Oorman, In his re cent visit to Rome In conjunction with Governor Taft of the Philippine comml slon, urged upon th occupant of the papal throne the importance of reducing the I:m- lts ot tha episcopal aee of Sioux Falla, 8. D., aa at present constituted and that bta argumenta were ot ao conclusive a char acter that returning pilgrims from Horns do not hesitate to predict changea in the South Dakota diocese. Just what these chances will be are problematical, al though should Omaha be raised to an arch bishopric It is thought that the new arch- blshonrlc would take in portion or South Dakota and that a new bishop would be appointed to look after the aplr Itual Interests of the territory atached to the archeplscopal aee of Omaha. It I anticipated in Catholic clrclea here that a number of changea will abortly be made in the peraonnel of the faculty at the Catholic university, over which Arch bishop Keane preaided with no signal ability until he waa called to Rome to be come the head ot the American college ln that city. Bishop Conaty. it la understood. will ahortly leave the university, aa will a number ot the faculty, for the reason, as la asserted, that the college is In bad straits financially and that It will be Im possible to continue the number of the present faculty, in view of the reduction In the number of studenta and financial condition ot the university. Rome believes In the rotation In office theory, and aa Bishop Conaty haa been the head of the institution for several years, It I thought that he may be given a huhnnrlr In one of the western statea ana that a new man, pre-eminent in business abilltlea, will be called to the head of the faculty of the university here for the pur pose of putting It once more upon ita feet Roatlae of the Department. The Dostofflce at Ivee, Dundy county, Ne braska, haa been re-established, with John B. Burt aa postmaster. The proposition ot the Flrat National bank of Wavarly. la... for leasing tha pres ent Dostofnc Quarters at 'that piace , with an addition cf twenty feet In the rear of the buslldlng has been accepted by the Postofflce department. Mrs. J. Thurley of Washington, D. C, haa been re-Instated as assistant, matron of C-enoa Indian school, Nebraska. - David N. McClure of Weat Mineral, Kan ha been appointed carpenter at Pierre Indian school. South Dakota. The comptroller of currency haa approved the Seaboard National bank of New Ycrk and the. St. Paul National bank of 8t. Paul a reserve agenta for the Flrat National bank of Clear Lake, S. D. The ooatoffice at Theresa, Converse county, Wyoming, has been discontinued the mall going to Douglaa. Contract Surgeon Preston 8. Kellogg United Statea army, haa be,en relieved from duty at Fort Egbert. Alaska, and ordered to Fort Robinson for duty. - IMPLICATES SOME OFFICIALS One af the Men Charted with Illinois Foot Race Swindle Makes Confession. SPRINGFIELD. 111., July 11. A sensation waa created tonight when it became known that Dennia Dannacher of Greensburg, Ind one of the defendsnts in the foot-race caees had made a confession at Greensburg before he came here last night. Th confession Implicates Alderman Evan T. Brewer, Johnnie Connors and L. R. Btll son of this city; tJua Montgomery, alias Jen n'.ngs; A. Kent and Billy Matthews, the lat ter three being footracera. Stllson waa ar reated today and held ln 110.000 bonda. Stil eon secured warranta for Sbaffner, chargln perjury, and for Dennia Dannacher. Both furnished bonds. A special from Richmond, Ind., to the State Register tonight saya that County Clerk W. A. Carry ot Hamilton county, In dlana. who waa arrested there tonight on charge of "being Implicated In tbe alleged swindling, ha furnished bond. FLOODS IN TEXAS SUBSIDING No Fain la Vicinity of Dallas for Tw Daya aad Outlook More Hopefal. DALLAS, Tex., July 11. Reports received this afternoon from the flooded districts make the outlook more hopeful. The only unfavorable news comes from the Texaa Pacific near Forney, where Brushy creek suddenly rose, washing out railroad tracka and brldgea and cutting off many people ln the bottom landa. Boats .are being used to rescue the in habitants. Tbe Texaa Pacific la open west of here for through traffic and all roada announce a resumption of traffic, although In some cases by a roundabout way. There have been no ralna In the vicinity of Dallas tor two daya and similar reports come from many polnta In .the atate. BRYAN BACK AT NEW HAVEN Kehraekaa Vlaltor In Ceaaeetteat Town far Third Time Within Week, NEW HAVEN, Conn.. July 11. For the third time within a week William J. Bryan waa today a vlaltor In New Haven. H la a gueat of Mr. and Mra. Phllo 8. Bennett at tbe Ansantawa club. Bavin Rock. H will leave tomorrow for New York, golhg later to Maryland to addreaa a Chautauqua aaaembly at Mountain Park on Saturday. In an interview Mr. Bryan aald: I am glad to e that the republlcana of Iowa admitted yesterday the necessity tor tariff reform, for, while It will atrengthen the republican party In that atate 'or th coming campaign, It will ultimately weaken it. for the republican cannot permit any reform in the tariff without endaonerlng tnelr whole ylm. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecaet for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Friday and Saturday. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdayi Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Peg. B a. na ..... , T 1 p. m 2 a. m T S p. m H4 T a. m . . . . . . TO 8p.m...... Mil A a. m. . , . . . T3 4 p. m MA ft a. ra TH B p. m 10 a. m TT p. m "fl 11 i. A T p. m "S 13 m ...81 p. m Tit p. m TT HITCH AS TO POLICE BOARD Mercer Waat the Whole Thlas; Holds Oaf Federal Appolat. meat for Savage. (From a Staff Correapondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., July 11. (Special.) The membera of the new Omaha police board to ,be appointed by Governor Savage, have not yet been taken out of the hopper. The governor'a mall, however. Is still loaded with suggestion and endorsement of dif ferent candidates, and a large part of hla time la taken up by visitors anxious to tell him what to do. Congressman Mercer waa down again thla afternoon laying down the law to the governor, but whether the elate baa been fixed up yet, or not, Is still open to question. The hitch. It le understood, arises from the fact that Congressman Mercer wanta to hog It all. He le aald to have given It out that the commission must be com pletely at hla disposal for the purpose ot assisting him to secure a renomlnatlon. Mercer aay he will not be eatlafled unless both Blackburn and Broatch are appointed. He haa called to hla help to get pressure on the governor all tbe railroad Interests of Omaha, whom Mercer haa aerved In congress. It la whispered that between them they have been holding out a an in ducement to Governor Savage a promise ot a federal appointment to be secured through Senator Millard when the governor makea bis exit from the executive mansion next January. This is the same promise that haa been held up to him aeveral times since the promise to renominate him failed to materialize. Some of the governor'a friends, It is said further, have cautioned him against banking on a federal appointment. which they say can hardly be delivered any easier than the promise of renomination on which the same influences fell down ao sadly. They have asked the governor whether he proposes to be gold-bricked twice by the same people. In the meantime tbe police board appoint ments are hanging fire. The governor is satisfied that no harm can come from a delay, so It would not be surprising If the announcement ot the favored appllcanta were put off again until next week. Tbe rovemor Is listening respectfully to the various committees and friends of different applicants, but he Is mum as an oyater aa to what he proposes to do. The governor baa abandoned hie plan of going to Omaha to conault the taxpayers and other interested persons. LUCRETIA MAYBE A WIFE Pretty Thirteen-Year-Old Girl Meets Handsome Aetor and Now. Her High Chair Is Empty. CHICAGO, 111., July 11. (Special Tele gram) Has pretty Lucretla Freeman, the 13-year-old daughter of Wealey Freeman 1735 Oakley avenue, eloped? She haa been missing for several daya. Immediately after the strange disappear ance of the girl cornea a atory in which a young man. an actor, dark, handsome and stylishly attired, figures. He first made his appearance some weeks ago. Thla waa be fore Lucretla left for Omaha to spend month's vscation at the home of her grand mother, who lived there. Since tbe departure of the girl for Omaha in June, nothing has been seen of this young man. Ten daya ago the mother of the girl re eelved word that her daughter had left for Chicago and specified a certain time when she would arrive here. The mother waa In waiting at the depot when the train came in, but her daughter waa not aboard. TWENTY-SEC0ND SHOWS WELL Gets First and Third Place la Preliminary Mhoollns; at Leavenworth. . LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. July 11. The preliminary ' shooting tn ths annual rifi competition ot the Department of tbe Mia aourl ended at Fort Leavenworth today. 8ergeant Ernest McEschtn, Company H. Twenty-second Infantry, made tbe best score In the preliminary two days' firing His score wss 217 out of a possible 400. Corporal Garvey of Company A, First battalion ot engineers, standa second, with a score of 232. Private Coventry, Company- M, Twenty aecond Infantry, la third, with a score, of 223. Tomorrow the medal shooting will begin. Major Genoral John C. Batea, commanding this department, will be here Tuesday to make the award of medals. COMPLETE SALE OF HAMMONDS Deal . by Which Armoar Seeare Property Flalahed Vp Tharaday. CHICAGO, July 11. Th Trtbun tomor row will aay: Tb sal of tb controlling Interest ot the G. H. Hammond company and the Hammond Packing company to Armour d Co., or individual membera of the Armour firm, la now practically com pleted. It la reported the deal waa for mally closed July 11. The price paid Is not known, but tbe amount Involved la close to 15,000,000. Tb Hammond com panies have planta In St. Joaeph, Mo., Ham mond, Ind., and South Omaha, Neb. Movements af Oecaa Vessel, Jarty 81, At New York Arrived : Celtic, from Liverpool. Balled: Frledrich der Gross, for Bremen: Columbia, for Hamburg: La Qascogne. for Havre. At Scllly Passed: St. I.ouls. from New York, for Southampton; Fuerat Bismarck, from New York, for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. At jueenstown Sailed: Germanic, for New York: Haverford, for Philadelphia. At GlaaRow Balled: Livonlan, for Phila delphia. At Cherbourg Arrived: Bremen, from New York. At Genoa Arrived: Lahn, from New York. At Havre Arrived: La Savola, from New York. At Southampton Arrived: St. Louie, from New Yora. At Plymouth Arrived: Fuerat Bismarck from New York, for Cherbourg and Ham burg, and proceeded. At Rotterdam Sailed: Ryndam, for New York via Houlorne Bur Mer. At I Jverpool Sailed: Commonwealth, for Boaton via Queenalown. Arrived: Ivernla from Boalon. At Kobe Arrived: City of Pekln, fiom Hong Kong via Shanghai and Nagasaki, for Yokohama, Honolulu and San Fran ciaco. ln tow. At Moil Arrived: Ventnor, from Port land, for Pwt Arthur and Hong Kong. HOLD UP OMAHA MEN Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Treated to a Touch of High Life in Deadweod. BAD MEN TAKE POSSESSION OF TRAIN Ambushed in Outskirts of City and Engineer Compelled te Btop. SEVERAL PASSENGERS PUT IN IRONS Made to Le Penanos for Mistreating JJeadweod Men at the Dei. NDIANS HELP OUT THE WHITE MEN Visiter After Brian: Sadlclently In. tlmldated Arc Escorted Areaad the City aad Givea Royal Tlma. DBADWOOD. S. D.. July 11. fSneclal Telegram.) The train bearing the Omaha excursionists was a trifle late and it waa almost noon before It arrived in Deadwood. It was met at the edge of the city by a gang of cowboys, under "Doo" Mlddleton and "Jim" Hartzell; a band of Sioux In dian, commanded by "White Hand Bear;" Captain Seth Bullock and a awarm of dep uty sheriffs. Chief of Police Edholm aad about all of the copulation of tha eltv. both aexea. Obstructions hsd been placed on the track and the Indiana and cowboys placed ln ambush. When the train came to a atop It was Immediately surrounded and seme of the visitor., thinking it time to disembark, tried to leave tbe car.. They aooa re traced their atep., however, for aa aoon a head appeared at a door or window It waa the target of a cowboy or Indian gun. Tbe (hooting wa fast and furloua and some of the people from the Gate City took it aerlously, for they aought the floor and did not do a thing to the seat but tear them up ln an endeavor to get under tbem. Omaha Leaders Arc HaadcnflTed. After about a ton of ammunition had been exbauated and the fellowa from Omaha frightened into a atate of aubmla slon, the cars were boarded and the leadera of the holdup, accompanied by George V. Ayree. John Treber and other citizen who had been mlatreated by th Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben while In Omaha, went through th coaches and pointed out the chief offend er. These were taken from the cars, hand- mtff.d tncih.r thrown inn ih. Mini wagon and driven to the city jail. Tbe rest ot th excursionist were pushed off the cars, formed In line and surrounded by mounted Indiana and cowboys, who at every few steps accelerated the pace of the pilgrlma from Nebraska by taking a few shots at their feet. Tbe city had turned out to greet them end they got an ovation aa they marched through the streets on their way to the city hall, whsre the chief offender were tried. " ' , - . r . . .'. ' t Those who had been hauled before the high court of the Elk loaded with chains were Mel Uhl. Fred Mets, H. J. Penfold. - Thomas Fry, John Kelly, Walter Jardlne, M. , A. Hail, Dave O'Brien, Frank and O. Diets. The judge waa eevere on them and sen tenced not only them, but every member of the party, to abstain from water and sleep while ln Deadwood. It was a red hot reception and a hair raising one te some of the visitors. Give Deadwood a Sarprlae. The Knight ot Ak-Sar-Ben got bravely over the cre of their wild-west reception by nightfall and after the electric lights had been turned on they turned them selves loose. There were only 161 In their party and In th evening 100 of them, in full regalia of tbe knight, pa raded the atreeta, with brass banda, red llghta, flreworke and the board of gov ernora on horseback. They are awlft, but tbe treatment they have received at the hands of tbe Deadwood people waa faat enough to satisfy them. Their parade waa a dazzling, atzzllng combination of nolsa, pyrotechnics, gaudy costumes and good fel lows. xIt took with tho people and th marchera received one contlnuoua ovation from the time they left their care until tbe parade disbanded. After the parade they all took ln tbe town and were given a touch of high life. They are at home ln thla city and the people and all the town la thelra and they are having th time cf their lives. They hav been presented the freedom of the city, hav been arretted and fined for coming from Omaha, taken In the wlldwest show and other places, attended ln a body tbe . crowning cf th queen of the carnival and tomorrow morn ing. If they are able, will march again In the big parade. Visitors Take la Lead. This afternoon a large number visited Lead and went through the big mills, while other visited tbe busy ward of Deadwood and made an inspection of th various smelters and reduction worka there, took in the United Statea assay office and handled more gold ln on piece than they ever expect to again, thars being several Urge clean-ups in tbe office now. The party la enjoying it vtait and every one In the city ia trying to make It eo pleasant for them that when they get home they will pall at the mention of fun. The party will leave Deadwood on the Burlington at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon for Hot Springs, where ita members will take a bath and proceed to Omaha. WEST IS OUTDOING ITSELF Railroad Report Bhewe Cora la' lewa, , Nebraska aad Kaasaa a Bampar Crop. CHICAGO, July 11. Ths monthly erop report of tbe Chicago, Burlington 4k Qulncy Railroad company ahowa that In Iowa, Nebraska and northern Kansas the corn Is rsnk and green, but a little late for the season. It will almoat certainly he th largest crow ever grown In the west. Wbest In ths same territory 1 very heavy and will yield not less than thirty bushels -per acre average. Oata arc a good crop. Tbe heavy ralna have done little dam '' . BURNED BY GAS EXPLOSION Sevea Iajared, Three af Wham Will Die, by Aecldeat la Faetery. DAYTON. O.. July 11. Sevea men were fearfully burned today by an explosion ln one of the buildings of the Btoddard Manufacturing work. Three will probably die. The eiplosloa waa caused by a leak age ef natural gas.