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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
TjTIE 1LLTJSTBATED BEE. July 27, 1902. 8 NEW BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE The Supreme Court of Nebraska Has Given the Omaha Police Boar J Question ANOTHER TURTOF THE WHEEL And Row Holds (hat the Governor May Appoint Ita Member Accord ing to the Letter of the Law. The Omaha game of battledore and shut tlecock over the Board of Fire and Police CommlMton haa again been brought to a cloie, the "home rule" advocates losing to those favoring the appointment by the governor. The publics Is very weary of this long drawn out contention and cannot avoid feeling that the Are and police de partments of Omaha have been a source of. a good deal of political maneuvering. They now trust and pray that the En HAS FIH ALLY COME ... and that hereafter ihls branch' of the city government-may be permitted to pursue the even tenor of its way undisturbed by legislative or Judicial Intermeddling. Mean while the city has maintained a good name, citizens have paid their taxea and perform ed their public and private duties regard less of the machinations of designing poli ticians. Business has been good. TUB BANKERS RESERVE LIFE has forged ahead every . month until now Its business approximates $5,000,000 and Its premium Income haa almost reached (100,000 for the present year. Enemies gnash their teeth and roar with anger at the growth of the home company. Scandalous lies and the contemptible tactics of unscrupulous competitors are united In the effort to hinder the vigorous young company from achieving Its avowed purpose of making this city and state a great life Insurance center. B. II. ROIUftO, PRESIDENT of the Bankers Reserve Life Association, has now In the field the most successful corps of life underwriters ever gathered together In the west. The new states re cently opened to business are sending In a splendid line of risks. The agents are all doing magnificent work and the year 1902 promises to be far and away ahead of the average of any two years in the existence of the company. Good underwriters are still needed. Write the president at the home office, McCague Building. Omaha, and go to work for THE B AKKEnS RESERVE LIFE. iWhafs in a Name? Nothing, ordinarily, but If you see "MANZ" on a drawing or engraving i it means something means that It's right. Mans engravings have for 0 years been a standard of perfection. That's why you ought to use them. "MANZ" has steadily grown, and with the installation of a large plant tn New York, their facilities for prompt service are materially -Increased. Write us about your order. We'll take, care of It. J. Manz Engraving Go, fHirinn- NEWYOtK: 195-207 Canal St. 2J.2S.27 City Hall Place e C HtMtlelIMMM A Home Beer for Home People "Blue Ribbon" is beer perfection. Blue Ribbon Beer is never young, but is perfectly and naturally aged In our stor age made from pure artenlan well water, and the highest grade of barley, mall and "Blue Ribbon" Beer Is an Ideal summer - .4 I. KattA tt9 v r 1 1 and vnur fam ily's health than any kind of iced drinks. "Blue Klbbon" gently stimulates nd aids nature. You feel better and are better after using "Blue Ribbon." Visitors always welcome at our brewery, Storz 13 row hi g Company Telephone 1260. OMAHA i A : - ' . i . t . . C - - - t ' ; V . - 9 ; , m .... ' v - ' " . . ' " " -- ' - ' - - ' 'j Dy courtesy of Rohrbough Bros. The Bee is permitted to present the above unique and suggestive picture. It represents a scene which occurs dally in the Auditorium of the Omaha Commercial college. It is a Board of Trade meeting of the students in the Actual Business department. This meeting is for the purpose of allowing the students to make their deals for the day. The Chicago dally market reports are posted upon the Bulletin Board and when the student haa carefully looked them over be goes upon the market and makes thirty different deals. He buys and sells upon Harden the sums rtoanaaa. irMTfM and beautiflM tlie teeth ld to I r usa. I a. a. J Sweetens the brwUli. So powder 01 llqnld spill moat eonvenlent pariaa-e to carry of At all lira(M a. a H. ST RS MM CO.. Chiasm. C. ,1iiiis Ton ought by all means to anna a man wm-7 ILEK'S 1I!DE MALT la conceded to be the purest whi.kcy la aildilion to being by la utm bikw Ui oavor. 0auaa rtcbU3.A. KHKiC TO, DVIPKITICS. It yo stir from MSTRES8. BLOAT1NQ, Hrart bura suur Blonuch. or Wal.r Braab, rod caa Sud rail. and vital Is bn.r la moat aaar a cura by value ' t.lyeoion.." Tbl acl.ulio g.rmlcld. stop fariu.nUtlua ot food la at ouaca. alUys liiSamnia Buttlva ot mueoua BMinbraaa, and la abauluialr b.nalaaa. Ta dmonMrmla Ita ondrfal .SiclaacT. If ta atautlos thla publlualloo 1 ill ml ea racalpt of M eaats (wbtch eovara soatas) s llbaral samp I. at Ql7oaoaa tbat will aro Ua aiarlt. frU. Charlas Manas sd. a frtaa St. N. Y. If V.i!t5' 'ilMH- (( IMGIWIAG CO. )) V7;v.-. oAulyvv.;;v:vl)y pe his own Judgment. When the Board of Trade adjourns the balance of the day Is spent In closing the deals he has made and delivering the goods. This la a most in- . terestlng and profitable feature. Every , student keeps a set of books, records his transactions, makes out a balance sheet ; every week and turns it over to the In- ' structor. Many colleges advertise to run Actual Business departments, but this comes the nearest being a reality. During the winter term from seventy-five to one hundred students make up this Board of Trade. This picture was taken in June, Carpenter's Letter (Continued From Sixth Page.) and the words "Britannia rules the waves" have long been in every British mouth. Many of the people look upon the shipping as the foundation of the prosperity of the nation, and to lose some of their greatest lines at one fell swoop fills them with the drear'est of forebodings. Matter of Shipbuilding:. Another thing which Is mixed up with the loss of the ships Is the thought that the loss of England's supremacy In shipbuild ing may eventually follow. It Is a part of Uncle Sam's policy to build the ships which tall under his flag, and, although In the present instance an exception may be made to the ships already built, they fear that, if we are to monopolize the carrying business of the world, we will want to monopolize the profits of making the ships as well. This fear may be and probably is without foundation. It takes time and money to build great ships and ship yards, and to day the British have the" largest ship yards of ths world. They build more vessels than any other nation.' In 1900 they con structed 1,171 vessels for themselves and 262 for other powers.) Their facilities In thla respect are such: that they might In time replace the ships they have sold with the money that has been paid for theta, but to do this would take a big trust combina tion, and at the end they would have to fight the American monopoly te which they have sold the good will and the business they have been generations In establishing It Is therefore safe to predict that there will not soon be a British combination which can compete with Plerpont Morgan's American shipping monopoly. FRANK a CARPENTER. Pointed Paragraphs Chicago News: Some men become sadder without becoming any wiser. If a miser leaves a will It's merely a dead give-away. Experience makes a man wiser and poorer simultaneously. The way of the transgressor Is frequently raved with gold bricks. A successful business man Is one who In duces other people to buy what be doesn't want. The wlae small boy throws his mother's slippers after his big sister when she starts on her wedding tour. The wise man formerly built his house on a rock. -but now he builds It on the sand and calls It a seaside hotel. It Is probably called the "almighty dol lar" because It prevents some girls from breaking Into the spinster class. The average woman doesn't care any more for the privilege of voting than the average man does tor the privilege of putting a baby to sleep. when the attendance was at its lowest ebb. Since moving into new quarters at Seven teenth and Douglas streets Rohrbough Bros, have added many new features to the college. All departments have been en larged and extensive preparations made for the opening of the fall term, September 1. The Omaha School of Law has associated itself with this Institution. The depart ments of physical culture, also elocution and oratory, have been added and compe tent Instructors placed In charge. A new catalogue is being issued. It will be illus trated from cover to cover. It Is free to anyone. MANY OP THE BEAUTIFUL HALF TONE GUTS USED IN THE ILLUSTRATED BEE from time to time are for sale at the publication office all in good condi tion low prices. rilOOLS 1D COLLEGES. Hualnese, Shorthand, Typewriting and English. Day and evening. Students furnished work tor board when desired. Gregg Shorthand by malL Send for cata logue. New Tnrk Ufa Build's;, Omaha. N b. its Avv 7 dilii: For 70 Years Dr. Marshall Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curinr Catarrh The Oldest Bamadr. ha. a nalloaa) rapat.tioa sad b saver bwi equalled for the instant ralWt and permanent aura ot Ctrrh, Cold, in tba bead and lbs attendant Haadai-hs sad LxMfnraa. h tuns U rae of Him, 1 1 Immadiata relirt raranard. Ouraat--d perfeotlr harnileaa. Aak your deal fori. KWuaaali .BbatllulaaTprioe Circa"frl " aiail Doatpala. P. C. KEITH. (Mfr.l. CkveUnd. Ohla Dogs for sale of aU klnee. Fancy Pig eons. Belgian Hares and Ferrets. Send cents for catalogue. LAND18. Box O. Bower's Station. Berks Ce-. Pa. Willi MiH?te Ave .... Amount Name .. Address , H. D. NEELY, Manager for Nebraska. Merchants Nat Bank Building, OMAHA. ' A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled when accounts are properly kept. Don't practice false economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS. We wiU make you set ruled and printed to order at such a small coat that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414-410 8. ssth St., . - OMAHA, NEB. " NEW SORT OF TYPEWRITER," LAMBBRT $20 BUT rot. 9m-ru-'BSMir-iioT riMPiL Wrltos more IfantlmilT and elwrly than any otber. Head f .r Fullr -aeriHve ILaklet. UllUt TiriWBITIB CO., lilt BI'UIBW tl, . . rairiun ori ii se la an is t. immm r