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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
THE OMAHA 1TAILY BEEt SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1002. 19 personal; MME. SMITH, batha, 11 N. 18, M floor, R . U-Mi Al8 TJo tndsom by rs for adoption. IK California St. u 4.4 tl HANDSOME lady hns farm nd 82O.0OO; would marry, mut and otter nlessant tirirno to kind man. Ameilcan, "8 LaUe. Chicago. U 662 27 A PHILANTHROPIST. Rev. Melvln L. Feden. pastor of Church of Christ, 144 Stone Ft., Olbsonburg, O., offera to fur Blah Information free a to how consump tion can ba ourad at boma. U til I7 DEAR LADY, did you ever realize trnt when you pay 312.UO or 315.00 for a hst that we could sell you at 85.00 that the deaf lady friend who highly recnmmemla 1 J.. ,P'C often gets a very large reduction In price for herself for the con- frlends? Our price atrlctly ona price, and u 1 BMiiuriica mnriK riT h b wsii?r iree. Mininerv, 1511 and IMS Dour las Sr., over the Singer office and Lind say eweiry store U- . When You Write , to Advertisers remember it only takca an extra stroke or twa f the pen to mention the (act thai you saw the ad In The Bee. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con aultaton free and confidential ;all work guaranteed. Miss AHender, ltflS Douglas. NOTICE Why not ba beautiful. Mile. Drew s Flesh Tint. Will mail upon the receipt of 11.00 a formula which has no equal as a complexion restorer. Makes the akin as soft aa velvet. Any lady can mix and produce the desired tint required at a very small cost Mile. Drew, 85-S Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. U 676 27 ENLARGE TOUR BUSTS, LADIES! No matter how young or old you are, wa en large It 4 to 10 Inches; no appliances no 1 poison, absolutely safe; 11,000 If wa can't; home treatment. Sealed particulars, 4e atampa. CONWAY SPKC1F1C CO, )( Temple Place, Boston, Masa. U -637 27 ATTRACTIVE lady, owning valuable In come property, with 15,000 cash, desires husband (or companion and advisor. Constancy, 12 Holland Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. . U 643 27 OF" ALL doctors I am the best; they do not die with me, like the real. Prof. Johnson, Tenth and Jones. U 4H0 27 HOMEY TO LOA.N HU4L feSTAlE. MONET to loun on Improved Omaha real estate. Brannan-Love co., 30 b. IStn. ttt PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence properly. Options to bay whole or part any time. w. u. Mumu, 401 o. iota St. W 32a .WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam' 8L ' W 324 . FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1G4S. w w WANTED-Ctty and farm loana; also bonds and warrants. K. C. Peters 4V Co., 17ui Farnam lit., Bee Bldg. W-427 LOW RATES. Prlvata money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor Now York Lite Bldg. - W-M32S I PER CENT Farnam. loans. Qarvln Bros., 1604 W-330 PRIVATE Mouey. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. W-u (100 UP; low rat. Prtchard, X7U Farnam. W Mi32 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 K.'Y. L. , 1 W-326 4Vi TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 323 PRIVATE money to loan on farm lands and city property. Address E 66, Bee. W 203 30 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 1203 amain street. W HOKBY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on furniture, Itv stock, Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., auo. to Duff Ureen, e Barker Block. X-801 LOANS, household furniture, pianos and all kinds of chattel security; terms ti suit; no publicity: goods remain 111 your possession. American Loan Co., Ed floor. Paxton block. A. tw MONEY We have it to loan In amounts from 110.00 up on furniture, pianos, warehouse n celpts, live stock, eio. W also make SALARY LOANS without mortgsgs or lndorser to persona who have a permanent position. We glv you the full amount of the loan tn cash and w do not charge for making papers or filing mortage. With ua you have the option of keeping the money for one month or six, or longer, and you used not pay for It longer than you keep it W hop by tils auVerllsement to nave rou glv us r. trial and we expect to re aln your patronage by fair treatment. Uba motto 01 our onice is "iry to r lease." OMAHA MUUiUAUUi LUAM UU lit Board of Trade Bldg. btabUshd liU2.) 808 Tel. 2296. 8. 16th St. XS1S SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAT. Loan to salaried people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, Indoraur or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly. . RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Boom Suit, Thlra Floor, Paxton Block. X-4.7B LARGEST BUTNESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED FEOPLaJ, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms: 40 offices in urln- clpal clUea. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad bldg. X-Vu2 Chattel and Salary Loans, PHOBNIX CREDIT ' O.. Buooessor to J. W. Taytoe. Tai 746.- - - U4 Vaxlon Block. X MA MONEY leaned on piano, furnltui. lew airy, hersea, cows, to. C. F. Reed. 81 9. IS. X- MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried Cople; business confidential; lowest rates. 4 Paxton blook. Th J. A. Hutton Co. . BCklNUBS CUANCUa. TO GET tn or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 41L McCauo Buildiag. Y 842 A BUSINESS MAN CAN acquire controlling interest In a profit able and rapidly Increasing legitimate manufacturing business. Capital required l.ouO to Ij.uu). Tbls Is worm invesugai' kg. i. 1. xi. Jol jhm.op, N. Y. Life. Y-MS24 WHKN you want to buy, sell r exchange rour business or property quick. s- J. I. Johnson, kt N. V Uie. Y MS40 i i . TO BUY. sell or exchange busln-ss, cull on C. J. Canun, R. 8, 1617 Farnam St. Y M341 When You Write to Advertisers remember U Miy lake an extra stroke or two of th pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad tn To Bee BAKERY FOR SALE. fine bakiry, nicely located, doing a good paying busliieaa. large retail trad. U will pay you lu inveaugal this. Address K 81. Be. -M WHOLESALE 'bakerr for sale, good loca tlon and good trade; failing health la rea son for Bulling; new brick oven. Address Box 1,5, Usnova, Meb. Y Mifl FOR SALE Complete millinery stock and nature. Opposite posiomce, bo. umana. $7u0 WILL buy legitimate business, will net fiwi lo mourn, au-nii w Y Mto V PLANING MILL machinery In use three years, gu.ouu feet of mill lumber; owner , duuvased; splendid opportunity tor busi ness; price, tl,6"0. abojt the cost. Wil liam Madgett, Beat Lstate. HaUugs, Neb. I&0 PER MONTH to agenta or buyers; oil stocks: worlds greatest oil laud; no such elvlJeuJ before known. Address Ki Anderson. AuiUu, Tex. Y-4UI BUSINEM fHACKI. AC R 3. OFFICES OF THE E. J. ARNOLD & CO. Co-Opsratlv Stable, ST. LOUIS, MO. Te Our Friend and Patrons! Ovar thre year ago when wa started our co-operstlve stables, there were no turf commissioners or co-operative betting propositions In existence so far as we knew or fvtr heard of. but after we became an established success, our methods were Imi tated by Irresponsible people everywhero, until the country was full of such nroposl tlona. Most of these concerns advertised a greater earning capacity and larger dlvl- oenns ttinn wa mrmrm nv nff as a reason why Investors should patronize their propo- sltions; and, we regret to say, they were Instrumental In Inducing a great many to withdraw from ua and alve their money to them, as Is evidenced by endorsements on our checks which were sent In settlement of accounts with us. Nearly all of these, however, have since been put out of busi ness, having lost the money and the con fidence of their patrons, and their failures have resulted In runs on us every time one occurred, In consequence of loss of faith in ail ttirf investments. That we have met all withdrawals promptly on the day of presentation Is evidenced by the fact thnt we hereby challenge contradiction and pub licly assert that there has never been a !ms since our organisation in which we ere not perfectly good for our every obll- gallon and promise. We do not wish to be understood a im plying that we have the only reliable turf proposition. There are others that have weathered the storm of the many failures and sts doing business today, but speaking for ourselves, personally, we want to im Drees UDon vou that the confidence thnt you have given us has not been misplaced. During the entire existence or the nrm 01 E. J. Arnold & Co. we have never failed to pay a weekly dividend to every Investor with us of at least a much as three t3) per cent on the total amount so Invested, and It has averaged more than this, year In and year out. Lost year, 1901, -we paid for the 62 weeks a total of M12.73 profit on each 100 handled. On July 1. 1902. we changed from paying PRO-RATA to a fixed dividend of three (3) per cent net, guaranteed each and every week. This we agree to pay under any and ail circumstances. As to whether or not we shall b able to do so, we present our psst record and the testimony of our banks to the effect that we are, on the strength of our large reserve capital, fully respon sible for every obligation. we trust thst you will not associate us with any "ret rich oulck" schemes. Ours Is a legitimate business, licensed by the state of Missouri, we own and manage one 01 the laraeat and best racing stables In the west, as may be confirmed by. reference to ny racing association in America, we are bookmakers at the various tracks, and Judging from the encomiums of the prcrs, we believe we are wen and favorably con sidered wherever horse racing is known. As to our personal responstmuty ona solvency, we can give you unquestionable evidence that we are perfectly good. Not only the evidence of our personal friends, but of banks, trust companies, commercial agencies, reputable business men of St. Liouls and prominent men everywhere. Any further information that you may desire about us we shall be pleased to furnish. Respectfully, E. J. ARNOLD tt CO., Benolst Building. St. Louis Mo, Y-62J 27 FOR SALE, the only exclusive grocery, with building; county seat. 1,000 inhabi tants; reason for selling, going to Wash ington. Address F 38, Bee. F 571 27 WANTED, merry-go-round, on August 13, 19J2, for picnic. Address N. J. Andre sen, Auburn, Neb. Y-670 27 ANYONE having tittered losa through the operations of Al Fetxer & Vo.. flimmona, or W. W. O'Hara, Cincinnati, will learn something to his advantage and Insure a recovery of losses by communicating with John Q. Jones, Att'y, m So. Clark St., Chicago. Y-674 27 WE PAT our subscriber weekly larger In terest on their Investment of 110 and up ward with u than they would receive In a year from the savings bank. We have never had a dlssatisNed subscriber, or a loss. Write for circular. Sollltt & Co., Beard Building, New York. (Mention paper). Y-610 27 BY OUR recuperative system of specula tlon we are able to earn for our clients handsome semi-monthly dividends Amount from $10 and upward are rc ' cepted and placed in operation the day the remittance is received. For particu lars address White & Co., 88 Pulitzer Bldg., New York. (Mention paper). Y-639 27 MAN with 13.000. Interest given in a splen did business proposition. Address F 24, car Bee. Ytft 21 BLACKSMITH SHOP For sal cheap. Neb. Address Box 327, Alma, X M4tW W HOTEL FOR RENT The Arlington, in Holdrea-e. Neb.. 14 rooms, partly fur nlshed, one block from depot; price, 43 month; a good trade established. Address E. -W. Maxey, Holdrege, Neb. Y-M470 J7 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY for sale, loca tion the finest in city of ten thousand inhabitant; gallery fitted to 14x17; all modem Improvements; reason for selling, other business which require my atten tion in another state; crop finest ever known in county; this is a snap If taken at onoe. Address Room 80, Dellone hotel. Y-M43v 87 September Corn One Dollar. Having closed our July corn pool at a profit of 20c a bushel, we are now forming another pool to operate in the September option, which promise even greater re sults to irrvestors; $u0 accepted; highest commercial references furnished; send for our special letter on September corn; books closed August 1. Union Investment Co., Rial to Bldg., Chicago.. I CAN BELL YOUR BUSINESS. No matter wher It Is. Send description and cash price ana learn now. i nave or can And the bualness you want to buy. Tell ma your requirements. W. M. Oa trander. Home Office, Suite 1448 North American Bldg., Philadelphia. Offices la fourteen cltlea. Y $1U) INVESTED now will return 81.000 in six montns; prcspectus iree. uwjrin Banker OU Co., Lo Angela, Cal Y-68S 27 $10 AND upward will bring you a good Steady income, payuoie every uhc-ji. m;., i you desire to place your idle money where it will bring good returns, without fear of los, send for circular. National Klscal Agency, 67-8 Brooks B'dg.. New York. (Mention thi paper). Y 6SS 27 SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." 1100.00 Invested In grain or stocks by our "Sifety Valve Plan should result In a profit of 8500 00 to 81,000 within 30 days. U rite for Particulars and send for our free book. Modern Methods for Safo Investments." M. B Flower & Co., Bankers and Brok er Chicago Stock Exchange Bldt? . Chi cago. x"-25 A SAFE Investment In sum of 820 and up; something SDSOiuieiy new. yuur niouejr will commence to earn dividends upon receipt of same; best of references throughout the United 8tates: all divi dend paid weeklv and money to your credit can be wlihdiawn at any t'jne. Pividend paid last week. $7.19 on every 8iuu Invested with us. Address H. Bro laskl. Suite 40!, 35i Dearborn St.. Chicago, 1I Y 633 27 GO-BARREL flouring mill, located 45 miles miiiuiiit or hi. Joseun: nun running ana in good repair; will sell at a bargain or trade for western land. H. E. Bowman. Lawrence, Neb. Y 642 7 a B-rnr-tf of harness for sal tn on of the best towns In eastern Nebraska. For particular address, r 84, Bee. I 560 9 $10 INVESTED with us has returned over 850 profit In a single month. Legitimate proposition. No turf, oil or mining cheine. Ten year In business. Refer ences Reliable Information Co. (room M), 7 Nassau St., New 0r,,y6ro7. A WEEKLY INCOME paid every week as large as that raid yearly by savings banks. No gamble, but a solid business proposition. Deposits always at your call. Send for prospectus. Tne ri. f. UrlRln Co.. 41 West 24th St., New York. Y Si FOR 8 4.LE, roel and feed business In York, Neb., best location. Address P. O. Box v2, York, iSW X-33 P ' Bl gltF.SS C HAJCES. PUBLIC NOTICE: All persons having lost In turf, grain and stork speculation can be shown how they can get their money back In 14 weeks In resular Installments.' Complete Information free. This notice Is Inserted for the benefit of earnest par. ties. Address N. S. Oondslll, 33 Klmhnoh Block, Hammond, Ind. Y MJ 27 SPLENDID opportunity of mnklng 8 to 6 per cent per hundred weekly. Booklet free. Colorado Mutual Trut Co., 2"4 Qulncy BUlg., Denver, Colo. Y 661 27 BUY wheat and corn. Send for book and market letter. "Mow to Invest Success fully In Grain and Provisions," sent free. Kverlngham & Comstock, Commerce Uldg., Cnicago. Y 6i)2 27 H.OiiO FOR $1 That Is whst "Investors' Ad viser will give every subscriber for the coming year: not In cash, but Its equiva lent; valuable Inside Information on all the good and bad Investment properties which are on the market; special atten tion given to mining, oil, plantation and stock of all kinds, bonds, life Insurance and real estate; It Is a publication on new lines and backed by strong financial reople; tl per year; sample copy free. NVE9TORS' ADVISER, 7 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 5 27 THE GUARANTEED Fund gas paid divi dends or 1 to 7 per cent fortnightly; send for free book. Facts and Figures, ex plaining option trading. Osborn Grain Co.. R13 Phoenix Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Member Chamber Commerce. 1 Y-619 27 WANTED, to buy. stock general merchan dise, for cash. Address t m. Bee. Y-638 27 FOR SALE, meat market doing $1.W0 worth of business per month: reason for selling, old age and want to retire. Address Box 203, Council Bluffs, la. Y M622 A2 FOR SALE, hardware, Oklahoma; general merchandise, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas; write Wheeler & Co., Hall bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Y-639 27 PHYSICIAN wants location in Iowa, Ne braska, Colorado or Wyoming; write par ticulars In full. Address F 47, Bee. T M62 $7 WANTED, a partner with from $3,000 to $5,000 to invest; must be a business man; local references exchanged. Address T 49. Be. Y-650 27 $8,900 GENERAL dry goods stock, nice, clean, up-to-date, saleable goods, all re cently bought, no fixtures: owner will exchange for about one-ourth cash, will take real estate for balance, prefers un improved land; would assume a mortgage on good property; stock will have to be removed from present location; owner will give good deal. Address to Brown Co.. 401 New York Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo., describing fully what you have to exchange. Y M645 3u FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE General merchandise, invoice $1,200, for land or ranch; other stocks; list your property with me. T. M. Cline, 1238 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Z M624 Al UUKS8HEI.LER, nearly new; also a g mm, cost i.xjo; no use for it; what have you to exchange? F 45, Bee. Z M630 29 A GOOD lot in South Omaha, clear, for team of work horses. Lot faces Rail road avenue. T 46, Bee. Z 638 29 A NEW four-room house In South Omaha, $750. Want good family horse and surry for part payment. This Is a caah price, good barn, chicken house, etc.: place cost $1,200. F 44, Bee, Z-M632 2) IMPROVED farm, In central Nebraska, to exchange for inside acre property, or several contiguous vacant lots, near car line, In Omaha. Call on or write "Owner," 6"4 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. Telephone, 1442. Z M643 2S WILL exchange my home for small acre tract or a bunch of lots close in and near st car. It Is an 8-room, all modern house, two full lots, with flowers, cher ries, plums, grapes, currants, gooseber ries, raspberries, etc. Call at 604 Bee bldg. . Z-6U27 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE!. FOR MEN OF MODERATE MEANS. Lots 11 & 12 Block .4 Mahony and Min, South Omaha, 75 each cash.' Block 25 Halcyon Heights, 5 full acres, $700, only $200 cash required. Lot 25 Block 2 Grammercy Park, $150. Lot 11 Block 1 Clifion Hill. $200. 7 room house; Grammercy Park, 2 Blocks from street car, 'nice yard, lots of fruits, for $100 cash, $10 per month. This is a good home for some good party. 7 room house and large grounds at Irvington, 1-2 miles from Benson car line. Good stable and all com- Diete. for $1,100. Good suburban home in good locality. 5 room cottage, 1608 Kyner ave, $1,375 easy terms. 5 room cottage, . 3017 Franklin, $900, $100 cash, balance monthly. A. P. TUKEY& SON, 444-445 Board of Trade. RE 600-27 RANCH SNAP I have the biggest np offered this year In a Nebraska ranch. 8.000 acres, all aeeaea land except one section of school land on which ther la a lease to run nin year yet, at 10c per acre. AIL fenced ana cross fenced, two stream running water, never dry, the Little Medicine ana prlng creeks. 200 acre alfalfa land, 130 acre gooa um ber, ash. elm, etc. Good ranch house, barn, sheds, feed lots, scales, cribs, com plete. Two wind mill on upland pasture with big tank ana lots oi water, xms is no dry ranch but a well watered, tim bered tract of land, located one mil from Stockvllle, county eat of Frontier Coun ty. Former owner, who died recently, re fused $20.01)0 for this ranch. It can b bought now for $15,000, part time. If you look, you will buy na make o.uuu ciear on the deal. Must be sold. .'Write lor aetaii. Address, F. 32. Care Omaha Bee. RE 160 ACRES offered at eacrlflce; settlement of estate; must sen. wuntnun, ion, Neb. titi on zi A SNAP Elegant modern i-room tincn dwelling, nounue fiace, worm ttt ml -room modern dwelling, 825 California St., 83.4119; worth i.xiv. FRANKLIN J. GRIFFEN, 712 N. Y. LIFE, ithitit FARM. 20 acres covered with fruit. near -Omiihia rroraes, came ana imple ments, $4,600. 87 acres, some fruit, high state of cultivation, NEAR FI.ORENCE, cheap, $4,ouu. Bemls, raxion diock.' RE-636 CT R. C. PETERS A CO., 820 acres In Merrick county at $30.00 per acre, fine level land; owner will con- aides a good residence In exchange 320 acres adjoining the city of Bloom- field. Neb., living watef. well, new barn, new granary, all well fenced and In .excellent state of cultivation. Price. $o0 per acre. A chance where you can be m. farmer and live in the city and not have to own two properties. Easy terms will be given, t per cent Interest. $fS0, 4-room house, 2 lot. $750. 4-room house, 1 lots. tl.OoO. T-room house, 8 lots. $1 loo, 1 6-room house, with barn. t i.ii i (-mum house, with barn. tl.6"0, t-room houfe. $-'.), 7-roora, modern, t" s-room. modern. Lasv terms can be made for any of the Above properties. RE-631 27 TWO GfOtv HOUSES and lots. 8 room sch, modern, except furnce. CHKAP small payment down, balance nionthl InBtallments. PRICE, 82.0UU EACH. Bemli Paxton block, . R&-844 27 FOR 8ALR REAL F. STATU. D. V. SHOLES & CO. 810 N. Y. Life. Tel., N9. BARGAINS. M.JO for a 10-room house, which cost IH.noo, with all modern conveniences, well built, with fine corner lot, 1ivk1S0 feet, on car line, lying high and sightly, close In, snd desirable for choice home. This property Is a SNAP. There Is no doubt of It. Owners sre non-resident and are compelled and bound to sell. Prloe Is now reduced, but might take a trifle less Vet. It Is a baraaln. $2,600 for an almost new 8-room house, good location, strictly modern, nickel plumbing, good furnace, rents for tJ5 per month. Is within two blocks of motor. Make you a nice home. ACRES. 19 acres, lies midway between Omaha and noutn omaha, on main road, lies simpiy fine, has good s-room hntise, all In nice repair, worth at least $l,0u0, and it faces east, commanding fine view of both cities. Has some fruit trees, small grove and Is an Ideal spot to sit and watch the rlty grow to It, and come day sell for $S"0 to $1,000 per acre. Do not con fuse this with the 13 acres we adver tised last Sunday, as we sold that be fore 10 o'clock Monday morning, and were offered more money for It after ward. Price, $3,100. It 1 worth it. LOTS 60x124, on Nth, near Laird. It lie fine. The street is paved, and paid for, and is in perfect repair; tt has a good per manent brick walk, sewer, water, gas, etc., all of which cost all of $300 to $400, and yet w only sk $5W for the lot, and MIND you, we are authorized to sell the lot and we are going to. What more can w say 7 FARMS 246 acres in Gage Co., 6 miles from Wil bur, and 8 miles from another small rail road town, fine land, lies well, smooth and good, has new $1,100 house, other good Improvements, acres hard timber, about lftO acres in cultivation, balance meadow and pasture. This Is in a fine location, but a few miles from Lin coln, and at $45 per acre It Is certainly . a bargain. Guarantee it all right or it won't cost you a "sou" to see It. RE 6i9 27 Own Your Homel Why Pay Rent The Industrial Horn Company of Amsrica offer ypu the Best Plan on Earth to BUY OR BUILD A HOME. A man of moderate means can secure a HOME un der our- plan anywhere in the United States. The Industrial Home Company ' ha copyrighted plans, and Is th FRIEND of the HOMELESS. SETfl THE MANAGER and GET FIG URES, or writ him. Sand 2-cent stamp for reply. Office 221 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. R. M. WILDE, Mgr. ' RE-492 87 Notice. If you wish to know anything about H. C. McKlbbln, selling Dawson county land, Just ask the other real estate agents of Lexington, Neb. Ask H. O. Smith, the abstractor. We have some choice farms and some of the finest ranches in the state, and we head the list with alfalfa lands. Come and see us. We will treat you right. C. McKIBBON. LEXINGTON. NEB. RE-2 27 H. SPECIAL OFFER FOR A FEW DAYS OF PROPERTY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. $1,600 Practically new housei good east front lot, no. 814 M. ztitn bt., z diocks souin oi LieiKllioii voiiege, uii t.i iiuo, $1,800 e-room house and fine lot on paved treat. $2,000 For small house and fine Jot, south west "corner 25th and Chicago Sts. $C75 each for two fine building lots on 23d St., 3 blocks north of High school. Paving and all special taxes paid in full tin nil t h ahnv. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1801 Farnam Btl. It Hi OJH ti OWNER old; must sell; mortgaged York farm. Box xai, xork, jseD. titnbii u FOR SALE. 7-room cottage, near High school; rart cash, Daiance at 6Vi per oeni; price a.wu. 5 or 6-room cottage, north part city, city water, gas. furnace; price. l,dou. J. 11. SHERWOOD. 37 N. Y. LIFE. RE MtilS 28 WEST FARNAM HOME, 8 rooms, all modern, BARGAIN, large lot, pavca street; ONLY 85,000. If Interested see us quick. Bemls, raxion mock. RE 635 27 LAND STILL GOING UP. But we have about 900 quarters still, at old prices, and If you call at once we win rive you advantage of the old price for i few days only on ALFALFA a well as GRAIN and RANCH lands along the Platte valley. BL1XT & LOVGREN, 436-437 Paxton Block, Omaha. ws-zi A SNAP! Elegant modern 8-room brick dwelling, Kountze Place, 83,799, worth 8,0u0. Franklin J. Grlffen, 712 N. Y. Life. . RR MR37 A2A FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN OR FOR RENT. One of the most commodious and elegant homes In the city, large grounds, roomy barn, evervthlnar us to date: house built by gentleman of wealth regardless of cost; a great opportunity for a man of means to secure a magnificent home at half price; southwest corner of 25th and cans streets. HOWARD KENNEDY A. SON. Real Estate, Loan, Rental and General insurance Agents, . 209 First National Rank Building. RE 608 27 ALL GOOD BARGAINS. 8-room, modern, 26th and Maple $J OX) h.r. new cottaee. 27th and Ames ave.... 2,1'K) 5-r. cottage, east front, Hanscom Place 2. HO 7- r. nearly moaern, on uouievara norm i,a 8- r. modern, 18ih and Locust 3.6 0 4-r. cottage, fine lot, near All Saint'.. 8.00 8-r. modern. St. Mary's and 25th 8.7a0 8-r. modern, 81st, near Hanscom park.. I OtK) 8-r. modern, 82d. near Hanscom park... 6,6X1 V are selling property Decaune what we advertise as bargain are touna to Be haritalns. JOHN W. R0BBIN8, 1802 Farnam Street. IF YOU want one of th nicest 8-room homes In Har.scom Place I will give you a bargain, owner leu city, aiusi eu. J. H. bhel wood. W7 N. I. L Bldg. Rh.-Ml5I SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. for oholc bargain, vul xi. x. AJie uiag. Tel. lms. RE-347 U1I I IAMC.nN CHARLES E.. 1203 IT li.L.11 1111 VI 1 Farhkin street. KK 343 HOUSES and lots In all part of city; also acre property and farm lands. Th O. F. Davl Co.. Room 662. Re building. " RE 346 A MONTHLY payment bargain tn 8-room house. Q. M. NatUnger. 'Phone 468. , RE M53S GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rental, Insurance. Brown block. RE-34 RANCH and farm land for sal by tb Union Paclnc Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa clhc Headquarters, Omaha, Nab. RE -844 WHY PAY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME! See th Industrial Home Cumpnny of America. Rest plsn on earth! Omce ti Hoard of Trad bldg., Oman. R. M. Wilds, manager. RE M287 A18 4U ACRES. I'-m uiiie. iKnhtt cf Irvirg ton, all under cultivation and nrst-clas Isnd. Prl'e, P6 sn acre. If you are look ing tor a farm don't fall to let u show you this. The Hyron Reed Co. (Kola Agents), 213 8. 14th st. HK-MO BARGAIN; fine ranch of 1.440 acres, well Improved, one mil from good R. R. town, price. $7.00. li. C McKlbbsn, Lexington. Neb, witB FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES AND LOTS. 8-room hous, on 19th, 200 feet south of Leavenworth, 81. 800. 7-room houfe, on North Ttoule vsrd. near (.race; barn snd shade trees; water, ga and sewer. Price. $i.ti0. 8-room. hot water hested Kountie Flsce residence, 1H blocks from csr, on Spencer. Full lot. Price. 14 500. Fine building lot, on Sid. Just north of I'acitic; paving taxes paid; east iront on grade; lot, 6olS8. Price. 12,'iM. f ALFALFA LANDS. Fine alfalfa and hay farm of 248 acres. I miles northwest ot ixortn t'latte, on tne North Platte river. Big grove, making excellent shelter for cattle. An Ideal smsll alfalfa stock farm. Extremely low price for a quick sale. Only $10 per acre, or 82.840. Investlaate. Near North Platte, ltjo-acr alfalfa farm; one-tnira in airaira; an sun-irrigatea: Bll under cultlvstlnn and flrst-clsss level alfalfa land; house, windmill; 15 acres hog-fenced. Price, only $1. bvO; terms, one third cash, or owner will take Omaha Improved property tn lieu of cash pay ment. 840 acre deeded land and 227 acres school leased land, about 7 miles nortnwest or North Piatt. All bottom hay land; about 60 acres In alfalfa. Well drained and fenced. Price, $20 per acre for deeded land, which Is Worth as much as land In eastern Nebraska selling for $50 per acre; deeded land. $6,800; school land, $1,200; total. SH7 seres. IS.000. If you ar Interested in lands send for "ALFALFA FACTS." Writ for one of our special list of ALFALFA LANDS. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, MAIN FLOOR NEW YQRK LIFE BLDG., OMAHA. RE 650 7 Fruit Farm SACRIFICED Twenty-Two Miles of Trees, On of th fln.'st fruit farms In eastern Nebraska, located four miles north oi Florence and only nln miles from Omaha, the best market in the west; lov acres and no finer lying farm in that locality; over 40 acres In fine-young orchard, chlelly apples and cherries, also plums, peaches, tc. 8,000 two-year grafted apples In nurserv. The owner has spent ten years in develop ing this property ana nas never Derore offered It for sple, but on account of fail ing health is forced to sell at this time. This property Is just now reaching its most productive state. There is also a pasture of 40 acres, 20 acres of which is hard wood timber; timber alone Is worth $tS per acre; balance of farm In grain; Improvements good a new; 9-room house, large barn, cribs, flue wells, water piped to buildings, hot and cold water in house. Land In this locality Is selling much higher, put to dispose oi tnis property in the next 80 days we are offering It at the sacrifice price of 876 per acre. If you want a fruit farm It will pay you to In vestigate this. It Is an opportunity. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., x320 Farnam Street. RE M462 27 INVESTMENT BARGAIN. We offer a full city lot and v four houses, Nos. 2117 and Izard St., with two houses In rear; granite paving in street and alley, all paid for; each house has been thoroughly repaired this summer snd newly painted: rents $40 per month. We have been asking $3,000, but owner must sell at once, so we ask you to ex amine this property and make us an oRer, THE OMAHA REALTY CO. 1301 Douglas St. R M468 27 HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton block. RK-346 WANT a cattle ranch? I have over twenty ror sale in Holt ana adjoining counties, from t'20 to 2,400 acres each, with good hay, water and improvements, at from 13.75 to vm per acre. W. T. Howard, Schuyler, Neb. RE- GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animal at reduced price. 621 N. 14 Tel. 1778. 878 MATRIMONIAL. NICE looking young widow, no family, has good farm, city property and $16,000, seeks acquaintance of capable, trust worthy gentleman. Object, marriage coon. No trlflers. Lee, 410 E. 43d St., Chicago. 631 27 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING, neat and experienced, either at home or in family, at 111 S. 17th st. tii 27 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 363 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. I -364 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's i neater. BRASS FOCNDRY. BRASS and aluminum castlnr. nlckal elat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 in. Main ist., council uiurrs. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kind of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 80tn ana l,ake street. ICE CREAM SODA. O 1 O . TA1 A I .... MMam .All a h.U. 6o; on quality, th best. 8. W. cor. 24th Ames ave. . lis ai "FIR DUESS1NU. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th. ti LAWK MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L I. Wks., 1408 Howard. Uiil LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE. 23 U. S. N l Bit. Bid. 84 NEB. Collection Co., 806 N. Y. Lif Bldg 348 Alb STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julli Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg. 373 LAl'NDRX. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, a . . 1 - . . . L. T' 1 . 1 .1 act cuns, ic. utfv wftvBu.uou. a-im, 350 BEST laundry. Th Chicago, 'phon 2o6 M3al PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE In Office, reliable,- accommodat- tnm u 1 1 l.nitinfuB ronfliiHiitlaL 1A11 LkiuKia. ioi MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, th acknowledged leading sueclallat in diseases of women In Omaha. would call the attention of suffering ladles to hi unsurpassed accommodations before and durlnc confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter mitiat muse. Call or address, with stamD. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, li13 Dodge, Omaha. c LADiES' Chichester' English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical t o., riuiaaeiunia. trm. LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de layed or suppressed penous: it cannot fail. Trial tree, farts cnemicai -u Milwaukee, Wis. EVERY man, young or old. should know all about Yohlmbln. Writ ror literature Kenwood Mad. Assn., 4 . Dearborn St. Chicago wi - PROPERTIES MAAGF.r. WrFAR & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS 1320 FarnamSt. Tel. 1064. TYPEWRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter. Fast, efficient, durable. Simplest, easiest to learn, use and care for. t BUILT FOR BUSINESS. Let us show you. Sent on approval. MONROE Sc CO., Ill North 16th St., Omaha. 24a WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE that having suc ceeded the United Typewriter and Sup plies company we will remain In the Bame location and carry In connection with the New Century a fuil line of Invincible sup plies for all machines. We shall be glad to have your patronage and we assure the most courteous and prompt attention to all orders. American Writing Machine Co., 416 South luth St. 'Phon 1&. -353 Dl81AiE9 OPPORTUNITIES. WE CAN MEET YOUR WANTS, EITHER BY SELLING OR BUYING. HAVE LARGE CORRE SPONDENCB THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. MONEY ADVANCED TO BUYERS IF NECESSARY EASY TERMS. GROCERIES Seyeral good places 840) to 81.6v0. Good outside locations. HOTELS 12 to 26 rooms, well located. ai rajn id-Both in and out oi city. BOARDING HOUBES-Have'big bargains, 3400. This Is a snap. LIVERIES Two place money maker. CIGAR STORES-Nlce stock and fixtures. SALOON Good stand, low rent. LAUNDRIES Three well equipped money maker. MEAT MARKET Big trade. Burgaln. Fully equipped, making money; Investi gate. SlOCK OF HARDWARE, CLOTHINO, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, AND SEV ERAL GENERAL STORKS, ALL WELL STOCKED, AT SPECIAL INVOICE PRICES. RANGING FROM 31,600 TO $10.01)0. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS XJW required. PARTY has 32,000 for lumber business or grain elevator. PHYSICIAN can secure good outside prac tice. Present occupant retires. OFFICE MAN with 8o00 can get position. Must be active. HARNESS SHOP, well stocked, good loca tion, doing good business. PATENTS Several g.,od ones; need capital, BICYCLE AND MUSICAL STORE Want partner. Chance for bright worker. HAVE MANY OTHER GOOD OFFERS ON OUR BOOKS. W give correspond ence prompt attention. ALSO make loans or sell farms and Im proved properties anywhere. MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, GOOD BLOCK. PES MOINES. -M27 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. bulte 616, t. x. Lite tiiag. u ei. iim. -364 v DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. 22. J MRS. GRACE DEEGAN, 638 Be building. Tel. . li4 A14 FINANCIAL. AN UNEXCELLED opportunity for active party witn 6,ouu to Jiu.uoo capital, to De come largtly interested in profitable busi ness; money secured; will bear strict investigation; full details only to those Interested. Marks Business Co., Good block, Dcs Moines, la. M419 27 MANUFACTURING. F. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, ma chinist. . M3oe OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty, of ore escapes, shutters, doors and safes.! Andreen, Prop., 103 8. luth SU -in.K J I NK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and metals. vi4 uougiaa bt. ii. Z44. i&j ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tel- pnone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. MJ67 TRUNK AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 08 8. 16th, MtAU L. M. E. haul trunk. Tel. 780. MSGS STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co.. 1611ft Farn. Tel. 1669-S63. iSM PATENTS. PATENTS Sues 3c Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no tee unices successful; auviue tree. Hal Sept ID FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 1613 Farnam. Tel. 1263. Send tor price .1st. cut flowers and plants. aij. MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017. -M406 Augil AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght', 1118 Farnam street. M) BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bals Tl Co., Ill North Kth. NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. TL K36. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Eiectrlc Co., 1 A Jackson. Tel. 2Stl U3 PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1868. ir a LOST. -b cut GOLD cuff button with red set. Return to He omce. LAUiit STEAMSHIPS. Summit Tours en Laki Mlchlin. TmiuiQANT rui a MiTni I -1AMMI - a WW far in sr rrle ljlTlr mtkaathra Mlltnts svn week fur v'rkrrt, f'ksrlavvla, nartwr prlM, Bar lew, Flokcy, loklns WlsnS, ous. asutuis tor Dtrlt, beSU tad all tiilm I'elala. LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWtl Twa.s.e. Tkr lJMa. tmL 4 9-m. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICI a DOCKS, "-use and M. wstiw It.. CkiM. RAILWAY TIMR t'AHD, INION STATION-IOTH AND MAHtY. Chicago, Reck Islaad e PaclSn. Leave. Arrive. a 6 46 am a 8:36 pm a l.-oi pm bll bo am a l.&i pru a 4:66 am a 1:43 pm 11:40 pm a 7:80 pm a 3.i pm a 4 K pm a 7:80 am 1:4 aa Arms, a 1:30 am 10:80 pm blJ.W ana b 8.36 pm KA8T. Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 8:00 am Chicago Daylight 'i .00 am Chicago Kxprssa bil ls am Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm Chicago I' ast Lxpress . a V.w pra WLsr. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a SO am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West . ... a 1:30 pm Colo., Texas, C'aL A Oklahoma Flyer a 8:20 pin laloa Parinc. Overland Limited a 8:40 am c ast Mall ...a 8:bfl am California Express a pm Paiillc Express all. 40 put Lastern Express Atianllo Express Colorado Special 7:10 am Chicago BHcla Lincoln, Loalrlc and Wabash. Leave. St. Louis "Caanon Rail" Express a t .U pm Bt. Louis Local, Council Bluffs a 8:15 am Stromsburg Ex.... b 4: pra Grand Island Local b 6.) pm Chicago; Northwester. "Th Northwestern Um." Fast Chicago a 3 40 am a 7:00 am a :30 am 4:60 pm 10:86 pm ail.) pin a 6:80 pm ali:0 am a 4:06 pm a i.M am a 8.60 am a 3:40 pm Llu.uO am Mall a 8:uo pm Local Sioux City a '.loam Daylight St Paul a J. St. an. Daylight Chicago a 8:1m m Local Chicago al0.66 am Local Carroll a 8:6s pin Fast Chicago a 4:6 pm Limited Chicago a 7:4c pm Fast Bt. Paul a 1:66 p:n Fast Mall Local Sioux City b 8:83 pm Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express a 7:20 am A 1:10 pm a 8:08 am Chlcugo, Minnespou St. t'sui limited a t:bo Dm Minntanolla t St. Paul Expreaa D 7130 am t10:36 pm a 10:86 pre Chicago Express Mlsaonrl PaclBc. St. Louis Express a 10 00 am K. C. & SU L. Ex aiu:60 pm a t:K pm a :io Chlcnao, Mllvraake Jt St. Paal. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:06 am Chicago ot Omaha Ex..b 1:) am b 8:4tl pm BURLINGTON STATION IOTH MASON BarllngtoB Mlaaoart River. Leave. Arrive. Wvmore. Bea tries ana juncoin a s:w am bU: am Nebraska Express a e:4u am Denver Limited a 4:26 pm 7:4o pin a :4o 11a Bluck Hills ana rugei bound express auuv pm a 1:10 pm Colorado vtsuouiea Flyer a 1:10 pm a 8:17 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 8:10 pm Fort crook and Platta- mouth D 1:2) P'B bit in Bellevnue Pacific Jet. a 7:i0 urn a s:x7 am Bellevue & pacino Jct..a :tw am Kansas City, St. Josepb Jt Coaaell Bluff. Kansas City Day Ex... .a 8:20 am St. Louis Flyer a 8:10 pm Kansa City Night pm a 6:08 pm all: 15 am a i:l am Dallv. b Daily except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dany except Saturday, e Dally; except Monday. ChlvaaC Burltnatoai a Qnlacy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:uo am Chicago Yoatibuled Ex.a4:oupm Chicago Local a 8:80 am a 4:' pm a 7.30 am all:00 pm a 7:30 am a 3.44 pm Chicago cimited a s:u pm f ast Man WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBSTER Fremont, Llkhorn Mlaaearl Valley. Lear. Arrive, Black Hill. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 8:00 pra Wyoming. Ccuxt and Douglas a :w pm 6:00 pm Hastings, rork, Larvi CltY. superior, ucneva. Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 1:00 pm biOiss am Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b T:80 am Fremont Local o 1:30 am Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 1:80 am a IKW pm Eloux City Passenger... 2:00 pm all:20 am Lmeraoa Local o s:4o pm o :b am Missouri Pacific Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:8S am STEAMBOATS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE PVW 1UI ft-lrUvWIUsUi) Tim. -y U IWg is SB v e New Twin-Screw a s. of lS.UUO tons reglitsr Tarln-RrriiB CI.I..J. VnL. . Unt.ui Unit Iashs 1 hf 6teamer dldlellUiliil Aug. 2. 13 A. M. Potsdam Au&.u Twin-Screw Dunriem steamer nJUBaRl Aug. 18, 10 A. M Apply to Harry Moore. 19DI Farnam street; J. S. McNally, 1823 Farnam street; H. S. Jones, lou3 Farnam street; Louis Neese, First National Bank. Omaha. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern Notice la hsr . by given that the Board of Commissioner of Rock county, Nebraska, will, on th 18th day of August. 1902, and until noon of that day, receive bids at Bassett, Nebraska, , for the construction of a midge crossing the Niobra.a river at a point on or near .. th half-section line dividing section 20, , north and south. In township 32, range 19. which bridge shall be of the following gen eral character; Of sufficient length to span said river , from bank to bank, including Island, and about sou feet; pile and stringer, under truss, wood bridge; white oak piling, 34 -feet, 12 Inches st butt and driven at least 24 feet Into th ground; bent 88 feet apart, 4 piles to the bent; bents protected by piling Ice breaks, with railroad iron protec tion, and bents or plies under same pro tected by two-Inch white oak plank; string ers of Oregon fir, 4x12 Inches, laid 16 Inches from center to center; 14-too; roadway, two and oue-half-lnch white oak plank; trusses not los than on inch In diameter, 4 truss rods tu tavh span; railing 3 feet high, substantial,' hard pine, caps on Pile white oak, 12xU; brluuc 10. be 8 feet above low water mark, and to be. painted. AH , material to be first-class of kind named. Plans and specincatlona In county clerk' olllce. All bids must be accompanied by plan and specifications, and also bond as re quired by law, and no bid will b considered ' unless accompanied by bond. , Right reserved to reject any or all bid. By order of th Board of Commissioners ot Rock cqunty. Dated July 8, 1KU2. G. A. HILLBURG, County Clerk. July lSdSOt M PROPOSALS FOR THE 9MAILA AUDI-. TORIUM BUILDING. Sealed proposals will be received until p. m. August 12, 19u2. for ths brick work and cut stone or terra cotta work for the superstructure of the Omaha Auditorium building, in accordance with drawings, specifications and memoranda to be seen at the office of the Auditorium company, or at the office of John Latenner, architect. Each bid must be accompanied bv a certi fied chck to the amount of 3-60.00 as a guarantee of good faith. The, right Is re served to rt-Jeot any and all lliis. Pro posal must be on blanks furnished. G. W. HOOBLER. Secretary Omaha Auditorium Company. Roum A, New York Lit Bldg. NOTICE, STREET SIGNS. ' Sealed proposal will be received by th city clerk of the city of Omaha, at hi office in the city hall In said city, until Tuesday. July 29. 13-2. at 1 o'clock p. m., for furnishing snd placing street signs. Each bidder must mention the slse and material of signs he proposes to furnish, snd must state separately th cost of such signs and the cost of placing them st proper locations. The mayor and city council reserve the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. ELBOURN. J24 d&t&a City Clerk. ".Man . wants but Utti bi' below" Said a morbid poet long years ago, I'm prone to doubt that ancle nt sage When I look at The Bee's great "Want Ad" page. t 1