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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1902)
3 The Omaha Sunday Bee. l PAGES 1 T6 10. PART I. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY HORNING, JULY; 27, 1902-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 3 i CURZON IS 10 SHINE reclamation of Edward u Emperor of India U to Be a Gorgeous Spectacle. ALL RESOURCES OF GOVERNMENT TAXED Satire Princes to Vie with Each Other in Lavish Diiplay of Jewell. Vn)IAN TAXPAYERS PAY THE FREIGHT Jritiih Feen Blew to Apply for Tiofceti for Coronation in London. FASHIONABLE LONDON GIVEN A HINT fmart Set I trued to Arrange F.nter tulnmente for the Week ef . the Coronation ml One Rebels. tCopyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 28. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The durbar (levee) In Delhi at which Viceroy Curton will proclaim King Edward emperor of In dia In the presence of Indian princes In full state is to be the most magnificent spec tacle of its kind ever seen. All resources of the Indian government Wl I be takei to make the gathering gorgeous and picturesque, while the native princes will vis with the government and with each ether In ,the splendor of their uniforms, Jewels and trappings. Vicereine Curion, she who was Miss Letter ef Chicago, is to nil the most prominent position in this pageant, and she has de Tlsed for It costume of the richest white Ilk overlaid with princess real lace and shimmering with Jewels. It Is expected that Mrs. and the Misses Letter will attend the ceremony. Among other Americans present will be Douglas Grant, who will leave London shortly for a tour around the world. I - ' The compliment which was paid to India oy inviting Its princes and military repre sentatives to attend the coronation in Lon don as the guests of King Edward leses somewhat of Its air of regal hospitality when the Indian secretary Is compelled te admit that the Imperial government Intends to charge the cost to the Indian taxpayers, The Indian princes are now spoken of as King Edward's psylng gueats. The DtinclDal preparation consists In eur- 'talllng the ceremony, making everything fit into the requirements of an invalid. It is now settled that the king will be borne through the abbey and will remain seated at the points where the ritual prescribes that be should kneel or stand up. Up to yesterday only 180 peers out of nearly TOO and 193 commoners out of 670 bad applied for tickets. So a circular has been sent around to the peers exhorting them to attend out of respect, to the king. ' Fashionable London looks almost empty, but It is said that society will return dur ing coronation week.' when' very gay times vu-e promised. . Here scats ins royal Influ ence has been exerted te make things bum. vSpiert society',' Is being Invoked, to arrange nteruinments. Among those woo aave re sponded is Beoretary White of the United , States embassy. Who It Issuing Invitations to a grand ball la his new house on White fcajl gardens for the evening of the corona! tic. ; The duchess of Devonshire, disgusted be cause the king did not advise Mr. Balfour to consult the duke, aa well as Mr. Chamber lain, before accepting the prime minister ship, has declined to do anything for the coronation festivities. . FIGHT NOT DOWN ON THE BILLS Four Lions Break Their tags aad Attack a runther ta a Men agerie la Parts. 'Copyright 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, July J6. (New York 'World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Paris wlt- aessed one of the most terrlflo combats of wild beasts that has ever occurred outside of the Jungle during the recent celebration of the fall of the Baatlle. ' A lion tamer, Adrlen Feson, for July 14, installed his menagerie at Place de Temple, In Paris. 1 A tamer, Valto I, was showing off several tamed lions In the central cages. A little further way In another cage were three Uoaeeeee and the Hon Menllek. a superb beast that he has never succeeded In tarn ' log. . Theae animals were very much agi tated. In the adjoining cage was a panther alone. The lionesses succeeded la open ing with their claws the wall separating the cages and suddenly amidst the most (earful roars Menllek and the three lion ess threw themselves on the panther feson tried in vala to separate the furious animals. At length by pricking thent through, the bars the tamer with the assistance of the whole peraonnel of the tnenagerle succeeded In driving the Infurl ated beasts back Into their cage, but not fcefore the panther was almost torn to pieces. GREAT FINANCIER DIES POOR fttaa Wka Directed Meaey Market la Great Crisis Leaves Little 1 to Heirs. 'Copyright 1901. by Press Publishing Co) LONDON, July 26. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The Right Hon. Liddardale, who, as govsrnor of ths Bank of England at the time of the Bar log financial crisis, was made I privy councillor because of the success with which he eteered the money market through that dangerous period, has died worth only $5,005. First cashier and aft rward a partner In the firm of Rathbone et Son, produce merchanta, Mr. Lidderdala Was a man of great financial ability and knowledge and of the highest probity. Though hs was always comparatively poor, the smallnesa of his sststs suprlsed ths city. CHANGE IN RAILROAD TRAINS hieceealty- for Reducing Atmospheric Freaaare Will Wcrk a Revolution. (Copyright 118. by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. July 16. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A dtstin f'llshed German engineer maintains that ths time is rapidly approaching whea the ap fsaranee of aa ordinary railway train will , be altered beyond recognition in order to diminish the atmospheric resistance. Fas trains, he predicts, will fssemole a long steel serpent with a sharp point Ilka a Alp's prow. Steel armor will cover the care aad reach te within six inches ef the tails. He calculates that this will decrease the atasnsyhsria pissours eaarty half. MRS. MACKAY BREAKS DOWN Probability thut Removol of Her usbund's Body to America Will Be Delayed. (Copyright 1902. by rress Publishing Co.) LONDON. July 26. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) There waa an extremely touching scene today whan Mra. John W. Mackay met her ion, Clar ence H. Mackay, at hii arrival from New Tork at her London residence, Carleton House Terrace. Mn. Mackay, who had been lome calmer for the last two day. broke down again. She Is so weak and I 111 that at the time of this writing It is probable that the convevlns of her hus- band'a body to the United states win be postponed until she Is stronger. But toe decision lies with Clarence Mackay. The ballroom, In which the body now rests, is watched night and day by two nuns, ii is coverea witn oeauuiui now era, the perfume of which is almost over powering. Mrs. Mackay's friends in msny instances send fresh flowers every day. Coder a apeclsl dispensation, telegraphed by the prpe, mass hss been celebrated In the room every morning since the death. His holiness also sent a sypathetlc mes sage to the family. 'There will be a mass for Mrs. Mackay In the house simulta neously with the requiem in St. Mary's church, Cadogan street, on Tuesday. The body will not be removed to the church for the requiem msss, nor will Mrs. Mackay be present at the ceremonial. Among the constant inquirers sines Mrs. Mackay's bereavement has been Princess Louise, King Edward's sister, who wss present at the Mackaya' last party and who wrote a most affectionate letter to the widow. Prince and Princess Chris tian, another alster of the king, had also called, as well as most of the leading people in society end commerce alike. It is understood that Mrs. Msckay has Inherited half of her husband's entire for tune. Much Interest te displayed here on the question as to whether the estate will be liable to pay an eatate duty of 8 per cent to the British government. Thomas Gibson Bowles, M. P., the foremost par liamentary authority on death duties, re plying to- the World correspondent's query, said: "Mr. Mackay's estate cannot be held liable for the duty here unless it can be established that he had an English domicile." GIVES CREDIT TO MARCONI Aliened Inventor Makes a Statement Regarding? Wireless Teleg raphy. (Copyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) KIEL. Germany, July 26. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Marquis Lulgi of Italy, to whom Marconi refers In a document Just filed In the Brit ish patent office as the one who "communi cated to htm from abroad" the invention of wireless telegraphy, is a lieutenant In the Italian navy attached to a warship now In this harbor. The World correspondent saw him today aboard ship and called his attention to a statement printed In .the London Saturday I Review based an an assertion by Prof. Thompeon that the real Inventor of the wireless telegrsph is "an Italian naval offi cer named Solarl." ; Lieutenant; the . MsjtjuU Lutgt Solarl, thereupon authorised the following state ment to be made In his name: "The Satur day Review Is not correct. The New Found- land ' reception of signals from Cornwall was obtained Independently of the use of 8olarl's coherer." GIVE LIVES FOR THEIR FATHER Three Young Rnsalaas Deliberately Jump la Among Pack of Wolves. (Copyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) ST. PETERSBURG, July 26. (New York World Cablegram Special . Telegram.)-r-A Russian snd three sons started, lately to make a sledge Journey from Archangel to a village about 160 miles along the coaat of the White sea. They took a considerable supply of ammunition, but a rainstorm so dampened It that it became useless. About halfway on their Journey hundreds of wolves appeared. The travelers, teeing that If they remained together they would all fall vlc- time to the ravenouseasts, decided to cast lots as to which should first leave the sledge and face them. The herolo sons refused to permit their father to draw a lot. Ths flrat lot fell on the youngest and he Jumped out, kif. in hand hut the delay waa onlv ahort. Again n lot waa east and the second son 4., t. Ahout fortv wolvea continued Jumped out. About forty wolves continued! the cbsse and, imploring his father to drive quickly, the remaining devoted son jumped. The three delays saved the father. GENERAL MEYER IN ENGLAND Rose Commander Lands at South ampton While Enroute ta Dresden. LONDON. July 26. General Lucas Meyer, the former commander of the Orange Free I State forces, landed at Southampton today, this being his first visit to England. Hs made the trip from South Africa on board the British steamer Briton with a big batch Of returning British officers and men, with whom the Boer general appeared to be on excellent terms. . General Meyer Is going te Dresden, sax- ony, to visit his wife and daughter ana win return to South Africa In October. He said he thought the outlook in poutn Africa was decidedly favorable, and that provided the British ruinil tne promises n.ia out to in Boers there was every reason to expect lasting pesos ana a steaay return oi pros- perlty. v . ' Ths genersl expects soon to be lollowea by Oenerals Botha. Dewet and Delarey. He would not say if he Intended visiting Mr. Kruger. . OLD WARRIORS WERE GIANTS Interesting Discoveries Made la Pre historic Russian Graves. . (Copyright 1S04. by Press Publishing Co.) 8T. PETERSBURG, July 26. (Nsw York World Cablegram Special Telegram.)- GorodzeS, well known Russian historian. has opened 107 tumall (mounds) scat tered ovsr the KharkoB province and dis covered 29 prehistoric gravea. Ot theae 264 belong to the bronae period and tea te a period about B. C. 600. An Immense vsrietv of interesting objecte in bronze hsve been found knives, various shaped vessels ef hronte and clay, and arrowheads. The skulls found In some of the Scythisn gravea shew traces that after death thsy were painted scarlet. Around several heads were rosaries of amber beads. Goro- dseft asserts that the average height of those warriors must have been at least gave feeU CUTS THE AMERICANS Mr. Arthur Paget Oaneei Eeartbnrningt Among Her Former Countrywomen. INVITES ONLY TWO TO A RECENT PARTY Mrs. Adair Oires One ef the Notable Society Inactions of the Fast Week. MOVEMENTS AMONG THE SWELL SET Delay in Coronation Compels Frolongation of the London leason. FOUR-CORNERED FIGHT IN COURT CIRCLE Members of King's Household Qaarrel aad Womea Take a Haad by Carrying; the Tale - to the Queen. (Copyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 26. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Mrs. Ar thur H. Tsget Is loyally striving to keep the coronstlon sesson alive. She gave a so-called boy-and-glrl danca Friday night for her daughter, Lellan, to meet the crown princess of Roumanla, but with two exceptions there wss nothing particularly youthful about the company, which in cluded the duchess of Devonshire, Lady Craven and Princess Hatxfeldt. The 'smart" Americans are smarting because the only one of them Invited wo Miss Deacon. They complsln thst recep ' 'm. Paget absndoned a dinner sartr ' A ' ch several of them had been invltr .ise. after invitations had been ley t se cured the duchess of Conns , ,d Die crown princess of Roumanlr .. supper party the same evening, Mrs. Adair gave a prettr jtn Monday night at her house on her handsome niece, M' street for worth. All - were there, decorated with 4 of roses. The the prettiest girls In The house was exqv festoons, baskets anu air was heavy with the perfume of mimosa and lilies. The tables were decorated with roses and trails of smllsx looped in and out of the beautiful silver dishes. Mrs. Adair wore the loveliest dress of brocaded silk trimmed with fine old lace and a nagnlfl cent dog-collar of diamonds, as well aa chains of diamonds around her neck and a tiara blazing In her pretty gray hair. Miss Wadsworth looked exceedingly well iu white, with her hair simply dressed and a few flowers across the bodice of her dress. She stood with her aunt, being introduced to the guests as they arrived. Mrs. Arthur Paget, Mr. Henry White and Mrs. Caven dish Bentlnck brought their daughters, while foreign princesses, English duchesses aad counteases and untitled persons of dis tinction were aa thick as blackberries. Intended for the Mnckays. Mrs. Parklnaon Sharpe, who Is remaining here for the coronation, had a luncheon psrty on Wednesday, at which it was originally Intended that Mr. and Mrs. Mackay should be the guests of honor. Ths ptrt7 Included Mrsr Bfwch Grant, Bareness Oppenhelm and Mr. Psdelford. The marriage of - Mrs. David Dwlght Wells of Norwich, Conn., with John. D. Allcroft will take place quietly In the United States In September. Mr. Allcroft is the Junior partner in the big dry goods and glove firm of Dent, Allcroft A Co. of London. Ethel Barrymore sailed for New York today on her way to Marlon, Mass., as the guest Of Mr. and Mrs. Harding Davis. Cornelius Culver of New York Is at Clarldges. Ex-Oovernor Brown and Miss Brown are at the Carlton, being much feted by resi dent Americans. Princess Hatxfeldt Is about to leave town for her country house In Wiltshire, accompanied by the prince, who has not yet recovered from the effects of the lllneea which suddenly seized him recently as he waa going down stairs in Clarldges to Join ths princess at a luncheon party. I Society is gosslpping ireeiy over a serious I quadrangular fight now raging at ourt. Lord Farquhar. the master of King Ed- ward s household, ana tne intimate iriena and eonndant of the King, quarreled wun the earl of Pembroke, the lord steward, Then an attempt wss made to get at Pembroke by forcing him to accept the iord lieutenancy of Ireland. The earl of Pembroke refuaed to be shunted and his enter, me oeauuiui . great i- vorlte with Queen Alexandra, put her finger in the pie by warning the queen against Lord Farqubar's influence over the king and his alleged desire to exalt Mr. Keppel at the cost of everybody else. This brought Mrs. Keppel Into the squab ble, which la still vigorously proceeding. but promises to be a drawn battle, as ths earl of Pembroke s social Influence far ex ceeds that of Baron Farquhar. LIKE FUSION IN NEBRASKA Conservatives and Liberal I'nlenlsts Squabble Over Spoils of Office. (Copyright 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 26. (New York World cablegram Special Telegram.) Prime Mln I tster Balfour has been requisitioned by hla conservative followers to distribute the of flcem Dls government between the liberal uni0nlsta and conservatives strictly In pro I portton to their respective numerical gtrength. The toU, Bnual value of cabinet and iuborite posts at the prime minister's alBp03Bl ts $4,086,776. There are 834 coo l-.rv.Hv. and alxtr-elcht HberaUunlonlata. , .h nrooer liberal-unionist share wou,a tgXi800, whereas at the present th $950,000. This Is the first time I ... wholly sordid viewpoint has been openly aumed In British politics. KIPLING DESIROUS OF QUIET Move, from His Former Homo to Es, cape the Attentlea ef Admirers. (Copyrlfcht 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 16. (New York World Cablegram 8peclal Telegram.) Rudyard Kipling ia about to leave Rottlngdean, near Brighton, where he has resided five years, to live in a more secluded' house in ths I Unbrldge Wells. His desire tor privacy is sincere and unaffected. He has suffered greatly from the attentions of unknown admirers, who made the pilgrimage to Rottlngdean In Interesting numbers. His new country houss is surrounded by exten sive grounds Inside a high brick wall, af fording complete protection from the world's gase. Mr. Kipling decline more invitations probably than any mas la Eng land, spurned the proffered patronage of society with undisguised ooatesapk WALSH OUTDOING HIMSELF Rich American Mining? Has seeks Novelty la Entertainment of Frleads. (Copyright 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, July 26 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Thomas F. Walsh, the gold and silver mining klnc and financial advisor of Leopold, king of the Belgians, seems disposed to surpass the record of fastidious entertainment set by himself at the time of the Parle exposition. When Mrs. Walsh was thanking Bouguereau for coming to her dinner last Wednesday the artist replied: "The trouble. Is, madame, that you never give a dinner, they always srb banquets." Baron Coubertln once said: "When the Walehs haven't sixty people dining with them they feel lonely." After each banquet Mr. Walsh always provides a short variety show in which the most expensive opera stars, ballet dancers snd music hall specialists take part. Mr. Walsh varied hla program this week. Once he took his guests to Barbison, a famous resort for artist's in the forest of Fon tainebleau. In six four-ln-hands. Luncheon waa served on the grass in the wildest, rockiest retreat the forest provided. At another time he organized a party of forty to visit the sewers and catacombs of Psrls. In the sewers a large population is employed, Including scavengers, electri cians, gasmen, wstermen, all the wires and plpea being hung. The Walsh party was conveyed part of the way in one of the Inspector's pretty launches And part of the way on the electrical railway run ning through the aewers. HISTORY OF JACOB'S . PILLOW Famous Stone Has Had Many Crimen- Before It Reached Westminster. Pll. (Copyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) MADRID, July 26. (New York World Csblegram Special Telegram.) The latest report of the Spanish Royal academy re lates this legend attached to the famous stone known as "Jacob's Pillow," now be neath the coronation chair In Westminster abbey: "When Jacob died the stone came into the possession of bis descendants, but when the Israelites crossed the Red tea it wss found to be very cumbersome and was left in Egypt. The ruling Pbsraoh bad a daughter named Eecta, who married Hay shekes, a Greek, who had become possessed of the relic. Secta and her husband loft Egypt, and after traveling on the African coast settled in Spain, where they founded the town of Brtgantla, oa the site of San tiago de Compostella. Years later their descendants emigrated to Ireland and took the stone with them. Eventually It was placed In the cathedral of Cashel, formerly the metropolis of the klns of Munster, where It was known as the 'Lla Fall.' or 'fatal stone.' ) 'Traditions say that In 513, Fergus, a prince of the royal line, having obtained the Scottish throne, procured the use of this stone for his coronation at Dunstaff- nage, where It continued until the time of Kenneth II, who removed it to Scone. Later It was removed by E J ward J from Bcone to Westminster." ' DROPS THE TEUKC'NE GIRLS French Government Adopts Ante- matte Device for Its Tele phone System. (Copyright 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, July 26. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) After ex haustive testa the French government has sdopted the automatic telephone invention of a Russian engineer. The apparatus does away with "central" girls. The sub scriber turns five disks, each numbered from 0 to 9, to form the number wanted, whereupon the correspondent Is called au tomatically. If he te absent a sign appears ssylng "rang one minute, no answer," while the caller's number is registered at the other end, so that he may be called If the person sought returns. When the number desired is "busy" a special buzz Is Imme diately heard. In order not to dismiss all the telephone girls together, which might disturb the labor market, the new system will be .introduced gradually. Three towns of moderate alse are being equipped now Limoges, Ntmes and Dijon. A strange light Is thrown on French methods by the fact that the apparatus would have been adopted two yeara ago it the police aide of the government, which has always found the telephone exceedingly useful, had not Insisted that secret con versations should be audible by a third party when desired. CUTS OFF THE MEAT RATION High Prices Make It Prohibitive the British Working. to (Copyright 1902, by Prtss Publishing Co.) LONDON; July 26. (New' York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Amer lean Mutual trust operators srs making ths British wage earners keenly feel their power. Food is dearer in London now than at any time in a quarter of a century. Baeon has reaohed a prohibitive price and work men have abandoned it. ' The American group, embracing the Swift, Morris and Cudahy companies, have London's central market, Smltbfleld, abao lutely in their grasp. The prices of British products ars advancing in sympathy with those of the American. The only working people who are Inde pendent of the meat trust are those who are member ot the great co-operative so ctetles in ths provinces, where ths retail stroekeepers, crushed between the rising wholesale prices on one side and the com petition of the co-operators on ths other, ake organizing a great combine and refuse to sell anything te members of ths co operative eocletles. Prime English beef, which cost 17 cents a pound In 1900, now costs 22 cents and la still rising. The Increase In the pries of American beet Is proportionately greater. PROF. SCHWENINGER DROPPED Bismarck's Old Physician Practically Deposed from the Berlin t'a'lvcrsty. (Copyright 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. July 26. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) A heavy blow has been dealt Prof. Schweninger Bismarck's famous physiclsn. Aa the pro fessor of skin diseases In Berlin university, he hsd a large aalary aad a high position, but aor he has been removed from that position. In order to make hla fall as light as pos stble, a post has been found for him ss professor generally of the art practice of Hla duties will be light and It may be said that Schwalnger retires tor sver from any promlaeoi peslUoa la aca- deads circles. IRISH GIVE DINNER Weloome in London to William Bedmond and Joseph Devlin. TELL OF TOUR THROUGH UNITED STATES Assure Hearers They Have Support ef Heir Countrymen in America, ON FUTURE HOPE OF THE IRISHMAN Bedmond Bslieves They Hust Work Out Own Salvation in Hative Land. IMPRESSIONS GAINED . WHILE TRAVELING Notes with Sadaess the Stroggllag Thousands from Land of Shamrock Who Are Beneath Free Flag of America. LONDON, July 26. A dinner party was given at the Holborn restaurant this even ing to welcome William Redmond and Jo seph Devlin, the Irish members of Parlia ment who recently made a tour of the United States In the Interest of the United Irish league. The dinner was attended "by all the Irish members of Parliament, and among the party were ex-Mayor Phelan of San Francisco and Father Phelan of Bos ton. Mr. Redmond, responding to "Our Guests," recounted the courtesy with which he and Mr. Devlin had been received everywhere in the United Statea and assured his hearers of the hearty support of "fifteen million Irishmen living beneath the free 'flag of America." Mr. Redmond ssld that as long as this mighty force was behind them the nation need not despair of the ultimate success of their crusade for an Independent parlia ment in Dublin and treaties with England. Other nations, be declared, were recog nizing Ireland's national and territorial ex istence. Mr. Redmond said, however, that in spits of the success ef many Irishmen who held high places In America and as sisted the councils of the nation, he was filled with sadness at the sight of tens of thousands of poor, struggling Irishmen In the United States, and he had returned im pressed with the belief thst It wss better for every Irishman who could possibly do so to remain at borne and work out his own salvation in the green meadows of his na tive land. Father Cronln, T. P. O'Connor and Mr. Devltn also spoke. IRISH QUESTION UP AGAIN Closing Days of Parliament Devoted to Hot Debutes oa the Old Tople. LONDON. July 26. Ths closing days of the session ef Parliament are witnessing heated discussions ot tae sver-recurrtng Irish Questions. This week wss especially I nxteklefr-Ui fierceness of ttie accuaa-, tlons and recrimination bandied across the narrow forum ef the House of Commons. The resentment of the Irish members was stirred tn an unusual degree by the discov ery of alleged secret documents of the land trust, organized by the landlords for. the avowed paypose of resisting threatening comblnatlona of tenants and suppressing the boycotting and Intimidation Instigated by the United Irish league or otherwise. The Irish leaders point out that Lord Clonbrook and Lord Barrymore of Barry- more (better known as Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry), chairman of the National Union of Conaervatlvs associations, who are among the prime movers of the trust. signed the same week, as privy councillors, a proclamation from Dublin castle enforc ing the coercion act over half of Ireland. All the trustees of the trust, tne qukb of Abercorn. Lord Wallerford. Lord Ash- town, Lord Clonbrook. Lord Barrymore and two others, are privy councillors. The trust has a , long list of subscribers and ample funds for fighting the tenants and ths league which is behind them. We shall not be surprised," said John Redmond, chairman ot the United Irish league, to a representative of tne Asso ciated Press, "if O'Brien, Dillon, uavitt myself and other leaders are arrested at Mr. Wyndham's Instance within a fortnight. In fsct, we are rather expecting to be ar rested on charges ot unlawful assemblage and Intimidation. They have already brought injunctions and damage aults against us individually." Asked whether any new remedy naa been evolved for the conditions complained of, Mr. Redmond replied: ltttnn constant agitation, until we secure sufficient strength to defest the pur- - . l- .a...... ....,.. r. ri . u TT III. I Ft. and. On one Important measure, however, the Irish nationalists Intend to vote with the government, namely, tha education bill. Throughout the long and acrimonious dis cussions of ths details of the bill the Irish members often sided with the opposition, but on the final action they will not aban don Catholle principles, and, conaequently, will not vote tor the separation ot re ligions to secure Instruction. The vote against the education bill will be small In proportion to ths tremendous agitation of the nonconformists against the measure. Many prominent nonconformists declare they will carry out their avowed purpose ot refusing to pay school taxes under a law which does not allow proportionate representation of the taxpayers on ths school boards. CROKER TO KEEP ON RACING Denies the Report that He Intends to Sell Out and Abaadea the Turf. (Copyright 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) WANTAGE, England, July 26. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) As it has been persistently rumored that Rich ard Croker. waa planning to disperse his racing stable the World correspondent asked him It It wss true and received the follow ing candid, conclusive, written explanation: "I am not selUng anything at Doncaster. I have reduced my atable as I do every year." CHOLERA BECOMES VIRULENT Katlves Attacked la Streets ef Caira aad Die Within row Mlaates. CAIRO, Egypt, July 26. one hundred and twenty-four caaea of cholera have been reported In tils city. Ths drinking foun tains havs been closed. The epidemic is almost virulent la char acter. Many of the natives ars attacked In ths streets aad die la a tew minutes. THE BEE BULLETIN. 1 Carson te Make Big Spread. Mrs. Paaet linorri Americans. Irish Members OIto a Dinner. Clash Over Irrigation Control. 9 Hnnt Talks oa Porto Rico. Talk Is that Fight Waa a Fake. I nlon Pacl e Strike Rltnntlon. How President Spent "atarday. 8 News from Nebraska Capital. Mercer Get Into Police Mnddle. Cornish Refntes a Slander. 4 Week In the Social World. Maslenl Notes. ' 5 Telephone Glrle Hsrt Grievance. Sontb Omaha News. 9 Coaacll Blnffa and Iowa News. Great Danes Kill a Woman. S Sporting Events of a Day. 9 Weekly Sporting Review. 10 Growth ef Omaha Jobbing Trade. Work of the Homebollders. 13 la the Domala of Womea. 13. Amasemeats. 14. Editorial. IB. People ef Modera Greece. Leafing Aronad Hotels. Secret of tha Coffee Trade. Borne Pleads for the rioaeer. 10 Story "Thoroaghbreda." IT Markets and Commercial. 20 Governor to Nome police Board. Brands oa Process Batter. Reconstruction of t'nloa Pnclde. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Sunday; Monday Fair. - 5 a. m...,. AR tp. m, 8 a. an ...... 65 S p. m . T a. m' ea It p. m, 8 a. m ...... es ' 4 p. m a a. m ...... 60 Bp. m 10 a. m Tl 8 p. m 11 s. a T3 Tp. m, 12 ns T4 T3 1 Ta I I m. WRECK IN CHEYENNE YARDS Train Collides with String of Boa Cars and Six People Are Injured. CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 26. (Special Telegram.) The regular evening passenger train from Denver was wrecked In the yards here at 11 o'clock tonight and six persons Injured, as follows: Ex-Oovernor W. J. McConnell of Moacow. Idaho, cheat braised, hand crushed and gash under right eye. J. McDougall, express messenger, Denver, I badly bruised. I William Gllchrest of Cheyenne, back serl- I ously sprained.' W. Roezell of Denver (colored cook), rib I broken. H. Brady of Denver (colored waiter), gash on right arm. The injured were removed to St. John's hospital and are being cared for by com pany physicians. None are fatally hurt. The accident was due to the carelessness nf anm. nn. In l.-l- .t.ln nf .lh cars on the passenger track. The incoming .., . T . f " train collided with the cars with great force and as the passengers were in the aisles, ready to leave the train, many were thrown against the seats. - The head of the locomo tive was badly damagod and one freight ear derailed. A large amount of crockery and glassware la the . dining car was broken, Men? .windows In the rosches were shat tered and passengers wre slightly cut by nying glass, a large crowd or people gath ered around the wrecked train and the shop guards were brought into use to keep the people back. There were several fights as a result of the offletousness ot the guards, rKtrAKItyl tUK UUKUNAIIUN Arrangements Going Steadily There is a Lack of Es tbaslasm. but LONDON, July jM. The preparations for the coronation of King Edward have been reaumed with full swing, but it is Impos sible, of course, to rearouse vivid public enthusiasm In the postponed event. It has now been decided that the whole route over which the royal carriage is to pass will be flushed, dried and then sprinkled with sand, thus forming a carpet which will re duce the vibrations of the vehicle. The barriers will not be re-erected at all the cross streets Intersecting the coronation route. Otherwise the ordinary police regu latlons will be carried out. One of the saddest features of the post ponement of the king's crowning from the viewpoint of the speculator is the great slump tn the price of seats. A conspicuous example of this is the fine stand at -St Margaret's, Westminster, where the best seats were sold for ten guineas. Tbeee prices have dropped 20 per cent, while at many ot the beat places along the route at from one to three guineas secure seata previously held at five and eight guineas. Some smart clubs on St. James street aud Picadllly bars their own troubles. When the members balloted for seats in ths club stands the winners cheerfully paid ten guineas each, and now many of the club- men want their money back, but the club committees Insist on the thrifty-minded members enjoying the pageant at ths orlg- inal price. COUNCIL ON ROYAL YACHT First Time British Cabinet Haa Ever Been Called to Meet Inder Sack Circumstances. LONDON, July SS. The duke of Devon shire, president of the council, and other members ot the privy council left here on a special train for Southampton thla morn ing to attend a meeting of the council on the royal yacht Victoria and Albert, oft Cowes. Isle of Wight, today. This will be the first meeting of the council ever held In a similar place or under such circumstances. The weather at Cowes today la favorable. King Edward experienced no til effects from yesterday's crulss around the island. King Edward signed proclamations fixing the coronation for August 9 and making a bank holiday of the aame data. The privy councillors, who bad luncheon with the king, spent two hours on board ths royal yacht. Movements of Ocean Vessels July 28. At London Arrived: Manltou, from New York. At Yokohama Arrived: indrapure, rrom Portland. Ore. At tit. Vincent Arrived: Isls, from Ban Francisco, from Hamburg. At New York Arrived: Bohemian, from I.lverDool: Slatendam, from Rotterdam. Bullorf- Knnritam (or Rotterdam: Mln- netnnka. for London: Umbrla. for Liver pool; Kroonland, for Antwerp; Columbia (British) for Glasgow; Island (Danish) for Chrlstlanla. At Antwerp Sailed: Frlealand, for Nei Turk At Havre BiiJ. La Drttcgno, fjr New YAt Bremen Sailed: Grosser Kurfursk. At fherboarg Sailed: Philadelphia, for K m Vnrk At Liverpool Arrived : Ultonla, from ramDsnla. from New York. Balled: JEirurla, lor Mew I or. CLASH OF AUTHORITY Agricultural Department Want a Hand in Settling Irrigation Matters. INSISTS ON LOCATING THE RESERVOIRS Secretary Eitohoock Stands for Control by His Own Department MEAD POINTS OUT LEGAL DIFFICULTIES Solution ef Water Eights Problems the First Thing to Consider. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CRIES JEALOUSY Missouri River Commission Makes Its Final Report and Lays the Blame for Failures lios Congress. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. July 26. (Speclsl Tele gram.) Notwithstanding that the irrigation bill has been placed In the hands of the secretary of the Interior for the disposition of the money to be used for the purpose of establishing Irrigation work, reservoirs and s canals as provided for by the bill, the De TA I psrtment of Agriculture is determined te insist upon its right to direct where cer- tain reservoirs and storage basins are to be located. Under the .bill. Secretary department snouia control the sunject ot irrigation In Its broadest field and that the department which he represents should locst reservoirs, run laterals snd other wise provide means of watering the country contemplated in the bill. But there are other forces at work. The Agricultural department has projected itself Into the field as having something to ssy about the location of the irrigation work and' its ' chief Irrigation ' expert, Ellwood Mead of Wyoming, is reported to have said, as appearing In a Washington paper this morning, that "the Interior department people have evidently the idea of proceed log along broad lines regardless of legal complications which may ensue. My Idea Is that until some satisfactory solution of the various water rights problems hss been reached the proceedings of the Interior de partment are rather premature. Matters lare as yet entirely in an experimental stage, In my opinion Ssys Criticism Is Jealousy. It Is stated now by the geological survey, into whose hands the question of the loca tion of reservoirs is to be placed, that Mr. Mead's criticism is based upon Jealousy, for the reason that the Irrigation bureau over which he presides haa not been, called upon to participate in the preliminary work which the secretary of the Interior has outlined for the geological survey during the next few months and for which he haa set aside 1260,000 out ot the $5,000,000 avail able tor the purpose of Irrigating the six teen states and territories included ia the general irrigation bill. Report of Missouri xrirmmtaalaa. . The final annual report of the Missouri river commission, which waa legislated out of existence by congress, waa filed with the chief engineer of tha War department today. The report la suggestive of a dirge, going Into detail aa to the plans tor perma- nnf ImnrAwmniit nf the rtvur whlph failed of realization by reason of the refusal ot congress to conmue the appropriations or allow the money appropriated to be de voted to permanent projects. The report shows there was available on July 1, 1901, funds for the improvement ot rivers in the commission's Jurisdiction as follows: Missouri river, ' $14,359.46; Osage river, $9,985.87; Gasconade river, $1,488. With such a limited fund the commission did not undertake extensive improvements. I Dut confined Ita efforts to the protection of the Improvements already made. The commiaslon reports that aince 1884 there has been appropriated $7,150,000 for the Improvement ot the rivers. Of this amount $240,000 was expended above ' Sioux City, $216,364 was expended in opposition to the wishes of the commission in detached lo calities which could not aid either naviga tion or commerce, $380,082 waa apent tor nag boats, work which on other streams is taken from the general fund; $855,765 went tor plant, office expenaes and salaries of the commission and $469,685 for gauges and surveys. This left but $380,201 for permanent Improvement of the river, and this was extended over a jperlod ot eighteen yeara. The commission reports that a ' I strip of the river forty-five miles long, near I the mouth of the Osage, was Improved and a channel alx feet deep established and I maintained. The commissioners express regret thst this work could not be eon- I tlnued. It Is recommended that congress I make an appropriation of $1,000,000 a year for at leaat three years for ths permanent Improvement of the river from Its mouth to Jefferson City, Mo. The members of the I commission up to the time when legislation I cut them off the pay roll were Colonel I Amos M. Stlckner of the War denartment. P- C- Broadhead of St. Louis and Clarence IN. Chaffee of Omaha. i Postal Redemption Order Revoked. The recent order providing for the re demption of uncanceled poatal cards Is held up, pending the decision .of the attorney general as to the legality ot aucb a course. This order was to go Into effect August 1 and directed postmasters everywhere to redeem all uncanceled postal cards at 75 per cent of their face value, paying there for In stamps. But ths attention ot th postmaster general wss directed to an old law, which says: "No poatmaster shall sell or dispose of stamps in sny manner except for cash, under penalty of a fine or Imprisonment." According to - thla law, redemption of postal cards In ths manner prescribed by the recent order appears to be Illegal. It was aaid at the Poatofflce department to day that the entire -question of ths le gality of the order ia being looked into by the attorney general far tha Poatofflce department and the ruling Is expected from that office Tueeday or Wednesday next It la estimated that if the redemp tion order is uphsld, the government will be compelled to pay out not leas than $1,000,000. for uncanceled postal cards. Western Matters nt the Capital. T. E. Flaskerud has been appointed postmaster at Silver Lake, Worth county, Ia. The poatofflce at Slpes, Bonhomms county, 8. D., has been discontinued. An abstract of the condition of national banks of Lincoln, Neb., - at the close of business en July 16, as reported to the comptroller of the currency, uues the average reserve to have been 20.44 per cent oa April 30. Loans and discounts, in crease from $2,807,923 to $2,861,999; gold coin, from $102,870 to $161,040; total specie, front $130,247 to $183,762; lawful money