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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1902. BRITISH GENERAL'S LIFE SAVED. WARNER'S SAFE CURE New Torli. Mar . lioi. Oentlemen Mnr y o I rwfflnmmJrt jour Safe rum to mr old friend (in. Wlllltm Front Nut tall, of the nrltlKh Armr. alio wm a sreat suRrrer from kidney troubles after Inns eerrlie In India. He too my adlce. and. after mln your remedy, ke waa tompleti-ly cured, and a hale and hearty man when I eaw him la, and muat hae been nearly elahty yeara of ae. He haa aaeured me tain and aaaln that he earncatly believed Warner's ale Cure eared hla life, and he awore by It. I, myeelf, have uaed your remedy llh the itreat- beneflta. aa I waa nfucd by the Fqul'able Ine'ir anre Co yeara alnce Indications of Bright'! Dla eeee. but after taklna your cure for aome time I waa able to ohlaln lnuranre. Tbla apeaki for Iteelf. In my rovlns rareer I have been (really benefited by uiln Warner'i Safe Cure, not only In the torrid rllmatea of Kavpt and India, but also In the Arrtlc relona of Alanlia. Your cure baa eerved me well. Koura verv faithfully. 0. P. ARMSTRONG. WARNER'S SAFE (TRF! la purely veietable and contain no narcotic or harmful druga; It la free from eedlment and pleaaant to take; It doea not constipate; It la now put up In two reaular elzne nd la anld by aM drumiita, or direct, at 60 CENTS and $1.00 A POTTLE. Rfuee aunetltutea. There 1a none "Jnat aa good" aa Warner'a. Inelat on the genuine. gubstttutea con tain harmful druga. WARNKHH FAMC PILLS mora the bowela gently nd aid a apeedy cure. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE Th mamifftrturera o Army bitY WARNER'S AFE CVRE will ahcnlutfljr and permintntly cum ny lim4 mntlitlnn of th ktrtnry. Itvrr, bladder or blood, that the? will Kand pnit paid, without any emit to you, a larga trial boll l If you will write 'rnri Kr Cur Company, Rorhsffttir. N. T., and mention haTlnt wn thla liberal nnr In Tha Omaha Morning firm. Tha gnutnneM of thla offer la fully guaranteed by tha publlahera. Write tha M'dlral Impart mnt for advice, medical booklet, dlagnnala and analysla, whlrh will be aent you free of charge. It ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS and RETURN to Other Points Tlckitoiffice I'll 1402 Farnam St. Poor Indeed re those weighed down by mental de pression. Men rise iu this world threugh buoyant nenre force. The lose of this force dally drags down to failure gome of the world's brightest minds. Such a condition la commonly known as Nervous Debility. When you lose self-confidence and feel your strength, energy and nerve force are slipping swsy, it is high time you seek sensible aid. You prefer health and success to misery and failure. have no equal aa a nerve restorer, couple of boxes will dispel that heavy feeling; the unnatural weariueas dia sppeara and replaces languor with new force aud vigor of body and brain, bis boxes will cure any ordinary case of nervous debility. Jj not. you get your money back. 1.00 per box ; 6 for $5 00, mailed la plain package. Book free. for sale by Kuhn Co., Omaha. Imlcn'a Drug olore. South Umaba iavia Dru Co.. Council Bluff., la. DR. McGREW (Agt53) I SPECIALIST. EH son a aa ana UUureteas Mo a Only. M Yeara' Binaries. IS Yeara la Oaaaha. liDIPflPCI E cured by a treatment VAitlUUutLL which u th, anl at and most natural that ha yat beea discovered. Mo pain fealavar, no culling ana owe hoi jnieriere witrt wora or busi ness. Treatment at otnee or at home and a irmanut vur guaranlaed. ! I Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis nd all xilood Disease. No "BRh.AK.INO tUT' on th akin or fac and all aiarnal algna of th duteaa disappear at one. A treatment that u mors euueaaaful and far Snore ealiataclory than tha "oid form" of treatment and at less than HALF THaJ COST. A cur that I guraui4 to be permanent for life. ilUCtl 0(1 nflfl cases cured of nervous UlLel AUUUUdunty. loaa of viUUly anu ali uiuiatoial weahnasse of -neav. PurtolUJr. Uleel, ixidnay aud liladd saait. ilydrooeJ. eured tvaraaa-tsaUy. LUAJeua. L.UVV. tOJHLUllU. Kftxa. TMatmaat br a-.lL V. O. Box 7Sa CCvm over tit lih atreat. Mwms Tmm kaa mm4 Xei-Ciaa hta., H a. CUHl T0URXEir 1 ee hi 4p lor uuBstaral ' la I a.a. jacaarsea.leaae,atloua Irritations wr aloecatWii, i a ittn of aieoii mebraaee Paiuleea, a autaaUMp tt.IUHta tlx ( fa gent or pouftunwua. VawawMit,. ay l)rwria r sent It plain etuM t espra. preyalL M tit I buttivc. Cheap Rates AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Major Order All Saloons Closed tt Mid night and on cunda. MUST REMOVE CURTAINS AND SCREENS Directions to Folic Chief Also Pro vide for Prohibiting; Sale of Beer aaa I.lqaor to Minora Maitle City Goaalp. In deference to the wishes of the mem ber of the Anti-Saloon league Mayor Koutsky yesterday afternoon issued or der to Chief of Police Brings to clot all saloons at midnight hereafter and to aee to it that all places where liquor la sold are kept closed on Sunday. When the council Monday night con sidered the matter of closing the saloons on Sunday, in making ita report on the petition of the Anti-Saloon league, the en tire matter was referred to the mayor. was not until yesterday morning that the mayor made up his mind. Then dur Ing the afternoon be Issued an order to the chief of police. Thla order la explicit and directs the chief-to notify every liquor dealer in the lty to close promptly at midnight, re main closed all day Sunday and remove all curtains and screens Sunday in order that the police may have a clear view through the place. Further than this, the order prohibits the selling of beer or liquor of any kind to minors. In fact, the mayor has issued the orders which are desired by the mem bers of the Anti-Saloon league. It la figured that the next thing to come will be an order to close the gambling houses and then have all slot machines removed. Complaining About Lack of Funds. Certain members of the library board have made complaints to city officials in regard to the levy made for library pur poses. It was supposed by members of the board that at least $5,000 would be levied in addition to the voting of bonda for a similar amount. Since the bonds have been turned down the levy will have to pay for the site and little, if anything, will be left to pay office rent and the salary of a secretary. Some of the coun- cllmen have been requested to increase the levy $1,000 in order to pay expenses. It la hardly probable that thla will be dono, as the levy and appropriation or dinances have been introduced and the chancea are that they will not be changed. City officials say they do not consider that it will be necessary to make a levy for maintenance until next year, even though there is a demand for the same from the members of the library board. Alarms Do Not Work. In spite of the efforts of Chief Etter and his assistants, the city fire alarm service is still out of order. An electri cian from Omaha waa sent tor yesterday and he seemed to know aa little about the storage batteries as the balance of the men on the payroll of the fire depart ment. Several testa of the system were made yesterday afternoon, but the bat teries will not work, and so alarms must be sent in by telephone. Police Are Annoyed. Recently crowds have been congregating around the northwest corner of Twenty- fourth and N atreeta, much to the annoy ance of th police. The street cars make a short turn at thla corner, and in order to avoid accldenta the speakers for the Salvation army and other orator have been requested to move to the opposite corner. A night or two ago the request of Captain Troutan waa disregarded and a number of arrests followed. What th city authorities want Is that public meetings be held cn the southeast corner of Twenty fourth and N atreeta. Thla will prevent a crowding of the sidewalks at the diagonal corner and will to a great extent cause an avoidance of accident. Sooth Omaha Musician. A union of South Omaha musicians haa been formed with these officers: r. L Duke, president ; C. H. Kubat, vice presi dent: J. L. Kubat, recoraing secretary s. D. Wlrlck. financial aecretary ana treasurer. The trustees are: J. F. Franek, i Rnacek and Oeorae Ford. Members of tha executive committee were cnoeen aa followa: C. M. wllltama, C. Strangler, J. Mulae, J. Vonasek and B. Hill. Jonea After Dirty Alleya. Sanitary Inspector Jones is going after persons throwing garbage into the alleya Yesterday afternoon he discovered a dozen or more dead chickens, in an alley back of the express office on Twenty-fourth street, and immediately issued order that tha refnaa be removed. The oraer waa comolled with. Notice for a general cleaning up of backyard and alleys ar till being served. Magic City Goaalp. Miss Hasel Gray, Fifteenth and M atreeta, la atlil quite bick. Mtsa Mamie Bulla haa gone to the wear ern nart oi tne state. Rev. M. A. Head will preach morning and evenlnar at the Methodist church. f-nlnnel Miller and a number of officer fronv-Fort Crook vlaited Bouth Omaha yea terday. Mr. Denna Allbery haa purchased tne Clark residence at Twenty-fourth and u atreeta. A daughter haa been born to Mr. and Mra. L L Beachman. 454 South Thirtieth street. Excavating for th new Jetter building at the southeast corner of Twenty-fifth and N atreeta commenced yesterday. Ten nf th children of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Shields. 217 North Twenty-third street, are reported to be seriously in. The South Omaha and the Jetter teams will play a game of base ball Sunday after noon at the ground, Twenty-eighth and U streets. Colonel Alexander Hogeland Is atlll work ing In the Interest of his curfew ordinance. He has delivered a number of addresaea to the men at the packing houses within the last few days. - - Sixth Ward Republican Meet. Last night tn Peterson hall at Twenty- fourth and Burdette atreets occurred tha regular weekly meeting of the Sixth Ward itt'tiuhllran club. J urine j. ri. mair. t ily Comptroller John N. estberg and Coroner Knwara . tiraiiey mane speecnes in which they strongly advocated the policy of votlnc the ticket as nominated. Messrs. v. A. DeBord and Edward Morlarlty also made speeches setting rortn tne correct ness of the policy of the party. It wsa de cided to continue the reaular meetings tnrougn tne summer. Hairlessness Hairlessness is born of carelessness. Don't be care less with your hair. Use it well, or it will leave you.. Ayer's Hair Vigor cares for the hair, makes it stay with you. It always restores color to gray hair, and keeps it soft and smooth. " I was bothered greatly with dan druff and falling of the bair, but after using only one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair stopped falling and the dandruff disappeared." Miss Lucile Hardy, El Dorado Springs, Mo. 11 M. AlltrauUt. J. C AVL1 CO- UwtIL . OMAHA VIEW HAS WAKED UP Improvement C'lab Formed to Seear Bettermeat la Fublte Service. The Omaha View Improvement and Po ll leal club has been formed with fifty- seven charter members. Its avowed object is to secure Improvements needed for Omaha View, and to enter into politics as far aa ia neceseary to secure the Improvements needed. In the list of betterments now wanted for that section of the city are sewers, sidewalks, gna and electric lights and street railway facilities. The officers of the club are Robert Houghton, president; Charles Johnson, vice president: D. C. Cal lahan, aecretary, and C. H. Jensen, trea urer. Committees have been appointed a follows: , Sidewalk Jensen, Johnson, Thander, Weeks and Ericsson. L'ghts Johnson, Jensen, Story, Robinson, Haas. i Street Railway Callahan, Johnson, Rob Inson, O'Donnell, Forbes. O.her committees will be named, but theee are to look after the matter most needing attention. One of them, the committee on lights, begsn It active work last night by calling at Councilman Karr'a home and holding a seralon with him and other mem' bers of the council. The committee ex plained the wanta of the Omaha View rest dents and were promised that electric lights to the number of five would be planted in that neighborhood. The street railway committee will visit the officers of the Omaha Street Railway company to insist on the Trospect Hill ex enslon of the Harney street line being car rlel on to Omaha View. Residents in that section have been taxed for the opening of Thirty-third street in order that the line may be built to Prospect Mill, and now they demand aome benefit from the taxation. It ie the Intention of the club to meet Thursday evening at Thirty-second and Corby, and to wage a determined fight for some substantial recognition of a long neg lected section of the north part of town. Sympathy for France. In the recent disaster at Martinique the United States waa among the first to extend sympathy to France and to aid the few for tunate survivors. It waa this same generous .aerlcan idea of assisting sufferers from atomach and liver complaints that led to the Introduction of Hostetter'a Stomach Bittera about fifty year ago. Today bun dreds of persons owe their good health to ita use. It positively cures cramps, nausea heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia and ma larla. Try it. MARKET PROJECT IN COURT Commission Men Obtain Temporary Beatralnlna; Order Against Council. David A. Cole, Peter Rocco and Henry A, Koitere, commission men with establish ments near Eleventh and Howard, in the old market quarter, have tied the hands of th council and the Board of Public Works with a restraining order signed by Judge Read and returnable before him July 21. The plaintiffs asked that the defendants be enjoined from "paying out the $15,000 at tempted to be appropriated by resolution 1162, or any money in pursuance of resolu tion or ordinances for the purpose of con structing a market house on Capitol av enue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets." and from entering into any con tract for labor or material. Attorney Herring, for the petitioners, cites that while the council ie, under the law, authorized to provide for the opening, vacating or narrowing of streets and av enues, no atreet or avenue Is to be nar rowed except on petition of two-thirds of the owners of lots and real estate along that portion of the atreet affected; also, that no money to defray expenses of such work can be appropriated without the approval of two-third of those voting when the prop osition is submitted .to the people. The petitioners allege a fear that the Board of Publlo Work would open bids and contract for the new market bouse unless restrained. Tell Thla to Tonr Wife. Electric Bitters cure female complaints, surely and safely; dispell headaches, back aches, nervousness or no pay. 50c. POPULISTS WARM UP A BIT Pot t'p Dlnft for Half the Places on. the Fnalon County Ticket. There waa a meeting of the Peter Cooper club Thursday night in the Nebraska Farm er's office, H. F. Mcintosh presiding. Crit icism of the nomination of the atate fusion ticket at Grand Island and the nomination of a couaty ticket by the democrats without in any way consulting the populists was what chiefly took up the time of the meet lng. While on the whole the result of the state convention gave fairly good aatlsfao tlon, th naming of a candidate for gov ernor by tne democrat without nrat con sulting their allies, met with out and out condemnation. Then tne ciuo membera went wild over the democrata nominating a county ticket without in any way consulting them. A committee waa appointed to inquire into the character and political standing of the democratic nomlneea ao, if satisfied, a ae lection of half of them, with the other half populists, might form a fualon ticket. If your brain won't work right and you mis th snap, vim and energy that was once yours, you should take Prickly Ash Bittera. It cleanse the system and In vigorates both body and brain. ANOTHER EASYMAN FROM IOWA Contribute HI Last Half Dollar to Swell the Doagla Street Ei perlence Fund. Mr. Furgeion of Council Bluffs was film-flammed out of hla money a night or two' ago on Douglas street. The site waa 60 centa. The cars had all returned to Iowa before Furgeson thought of going, so be went down the street to see If perchance a Council Bluffs hack remained. A man hearing hla Inquiry aald: "I am going and quarter will pay my bridge toll." Furge on's money was in one piece, ao ha got into the carriage indicated, while the man went away to get change. Furgeson is a patient man, but after thirteen minutes h told a policeman. The driver of that hack waa found, but he waa not the man getting change. So Furgeson, who bad not th bridge toll, started for the depot to find a freight car going that way. Marriage Licensee. A marriage license waa Issued yesterday to: Name and Residence. Age. rter Ed wall, South Omaha " laill T. Nelson, South Omaha IS PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ira D. Marston of Kearney la at the Mil lard. ' C. K. Bumham of Tllden la a guest at the Millard. M. Morrison of Wllber registered at the Millard yesterday. Paul C. Ferryman haa gone to Excelsior Springs, Mo., for a few weeks. Hugh Duffy, manager, and fourteen member of the Milwaukee Base Ball club ar at th Millard. Mr. and Mr. Thoma Swift ar heme from California, where they apent , six weeks visiting relatives. Charles D. Thompson and wife arrived from a brief visit to their parents, who re side In Marahalltown and TuLvdu, la., respectively. The Illustrated See. PAINTED BY SUNLIGHT are the pictures used to illustrate the Illustrated Bee. Sharply outlined pho tographs, carefully engraved and as carefully printed, give the readers of The Bee pictures of thing ex actly a they are; not ideallxed by some one with the artistic tempera ment or distorted by Incompetent hands In vain effort to faithfully sketch. Nor is the artistic element lost; on the contrary, it la one of the essential features of successful pho tography, and one that haa made The Illustrated Bee really great. OUEEINS OF THE SIMMER are the athletic girl who drive, ride, row, play golf, teuula, ping pong who do things. These ar not the girls who loll tn hammocks and wish the hot wieather were over. They are the healthy, full blooded girls who have a good time In all sorta of weather, and are things of beauty and Joys forever. The Illustrated Bee will have on Sunday a series of photographs of these glorious crea ture of modern America and a little text telling about them. 10WA AT ST. LOUIS FAIR is a subject 1 now dear to the Hawkeye heart. The commission which will prepare and direct the exhibit to be made at the Lioulslana Purchase Exposition is already organized and haa its plans under way, although two full years will elapse before the gates at St. Louis open. In Th Illustrated Bee on Sunday will be found a special ar ticle on what Iowa has done at Ex positions, beginning with the Centen nial at Philadelphia, and the plans for St. Louis, the article being Illus trated from photographa of the com- J missioners. UNION PACIFIC LANDSLIDES are few and far between, but they happen once In a while. Last Monday a large aectton of the great western approach to the bridge over the Mleeourl gave way. This happened almost on the 25th anniversary of the destruction of two epans of the great bridge by a cyclone, which danced down the river early one morning in July, 1877. Il lustrations made from photographa taken Just after the disaster add force to the specially written story which tells of the wreck and consequent In terruption of traffic. BANK OF ENGLAND HISTORY n fiords Frank G. Carpenter the material for a most Interesting letter. It Is not generally known that the fortune which founded this great bank was won in America but such ia the fact. And thft 4 ' only one of the many quaint and interesting facts Mr. Car penter telle In his delightful way con cerning this mighty financial Institu tion. The letter Is illustrated from photographa made In London espe cially for The Bee. y0MEN WHO DRIVE COACHES Is . another of the series of articles The Illustrated Bee has been publish ing concerning the horse and its place in th economy of the swell set of the east. In tbla article the writer telle of the fashion of driving coaches, which has gained auch a foothold among tho really fashionable people of the east. The Illustrations show some of the most notable of exclusive society young women, sitting on the drivers box, successfully directing a four-in-hand through Central Park or along a country road. MORE THAN THE USUAL AMOUNT of reading matter will be found in the paper next Sunday, while the number of pictures haa not been di minished. Among the more Interest ing feature Is an article on the great new bridge which Is being built across East River,' between New York and Brooklyn, to accommodate the vast Inter-urban traffic. Another tells of the Immense ndmber of private c alms against the general govern ment, which congress is called to pass upon. Among the Illustrations Is a eerie of pictures of the ceremonies at the laying of the corner atone of the Omaha Auditorium last Saturday. Then there are other of great gen eral Interest. On tha whole, the num ber will be found one of the best put out tn a long time. If you are not already a subscriber, you should order the paper from your newsdealer to day. The Illustrated LOCAI. BREVITIES. A anerlal meetlne- of the city council haa been called for Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to paaa a June appropriation nance. Th picnic of the Woodmen of the World in-iir X'n Hi announced tor next Sunday burnv Mill- haa been indefinitely post poned on account oi me gruuuua under water. Fred Peyton, who now appears bopeleaaly Initini) and vhn la so violent that the County hosDltal attendants have been fnrred to keen him strapped In bed. was taken to the asylum at Lincoln yesterday afternoon. Mra. Walter MrQuIre haa requested the police to asalst In locating her husband. Tl. la t l.r firmrlv nnk of Maloney mirth-producer, and It Is aald he deserted hla wife and three children and hied him self to Kansas City with a member of the troup at the same playhouse where he did atunta. The family waa left deatitute. Prank Munn of Dundee, generally known among democratic polltlclana of Douglas county. Is sli'k and stranded In Denver. The county commissioners received Friday a telegram from Denver which read: "Frank Munn very sick and out of money, U'lr rranaiinrtatlnn. Thomaa Phllllpe, county commissioner." Most of tha mem bers of the board have seen the meaaage, but none of them has expressed any Inten tion of corr plying with the request. Ther will be no meeting of th board until Eatur- Bee. , day morning. FOR AERONAUTICAL CONTESTS Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company Issues Bales and Bsgnlations. GRAND PRIZE OPEN TO WHOLE WORLD There i Ko Limitation a the the Tower taed or the Meehaaleal Principle lavolved la th Conetrnetlon. ST. LOUIS, July 11. The Louisiana Pur chase Exposition company tonight Issued its rules and regulations governing th aeronautical contest to be held at the World's fair In 1604. The fact that the com pany waa to appropriate an immense sum of money for aa aeronautical competition and exhibition waa announred several months ago and attracted the attention of the entire world, but the details' had not been finally arranged until today. Two hundred thousand dollar has been appropriated by the company for the aeronautic contest. Of this sum $100,000 is offered as a grand prlta to be competed for and awarded under the rules and con ditions given out tonight. Fifty thousand dollars has been appropriated for minor and subsidiary prltes.for competitions be tween air ship motors and kites. The re maining 150,000 is reserved for the expense Incident to the competition. The competition for the grand prise of 1100,000 is open to all the world without limitation aa to the power used or the me chanical principles Involved. No applicant shall be admitted to the competition who doea not present aatla factory evidence of having at aome time made a flight over at least a mile course and return with a machine similar in principle to that which he proposes to use In the competition. The aeronautical Jury may rule out, after due investigation, any machine deemed too hazardous to life. As an evidence of good faith, an en trance fee of $250 will be required, which will be refunded when the exhibitor -occupies the space assigned him with an ap paratus conforming to the rules. Each vehicle ahall carry at least one person during Ha flight. The competitor making the best average speed shall be awarded the grand prise of $100,000, together with suitable diploma, medal or certificate. The length of the entire course will not be less than ten miles, nor more than fifteen miles. WHEATON HONORED IN PEORIA Distinguished Oronp of Cltlaen and Military Men Meet General at Station. PEORIA, 111.. July 11. General Lloyd Wheaton, accompanied by Captains Bash and Howlands, alda on hla staff, arrived here .at 12:25 today.. The party waa met at the depot by a distinguished group of citizens and military men. Mra. Wheaton and Miss Lucile Dent, a niece of Mrs. U. S. Orant, also accompanied him. Tha party waa escorted to the National hotel, where luncheon was eerved. At 2:30 there waa a parade of military and civic societies, which waa reviewed by Gen eral Wheaton from a platform erected In the court bouse yard. The city la In gala attire and haa accorded him a grand recep tion. As the train came up to the Rock Island station a salute of thirty-one guna waa fired. The gun used In firing the salute was a twelve-pound smooth-bore which did service In the civil war, and was In charge of Captain Short, the sole sur vivor of th Elgin battery, which - gainad fame in the 60. Aa the train pasted through Henry, 111., the Orand Army of the Republic were pa raded on the platform with a fife and drum corps and a brass band. A battery of artillery fired a general'a salute aa the train passed. It only stopped tor a mo ment and the general bowed hia greetings to tfae throng from the rear platform of his special train. CONCLUDE CASE OF RYAN All Necessary Evidence Haa Beea Sub mitted and Officer Will Likely De Acquitted. MANILA, July 11. The court-martial of Captain James A. Ryan of tbs Fifteenth cavalry on tha charge of unnecessary se verity to natives, waa concluded today. It is believed that he will be acquitted. Tha accused during the day'a proceedings made a lengthy statement defending his actions and Major Edwin F. Glenn, Fifth Infantry, counsel for the captain, strongly pleaded-" for his exoneration. He contended that th , water cure waa not torture, and asserted that its use had saved mors American and Filipino lives than other expedients of the campaign. The major scored Judge Rhode ' for making a report that he waa unable to aubatantlate, and quoted a score of orders ! for the execution of guerrilla during the civil war to Justify Captain Ryan. Maxllon 1 Seateaeed. MANILA, July 11. General Maxllon, who haa been convicted of treason at Cebu, Island of Cebu, has been sentenced to ten yeara' Imprisonment and to pay a fin of $2,000. General Novlao, who wis Jointly charged with General Maxllon, was sen tenced to seven yeara' imprisonment and a similar fin. Heavy Mortarac 1 Filed. NEW YORK. July 11. A 1150.000,000 mort gage authorized by the stockholders of tha Brooklyn Rapid Transit company haa been filed in the Brooklyn realster'a office. The object of the mortcaae la to enable tha company to Issue bonds to th amount named so as to obtain money for the con tinuation and betterment of Its roads and to take u d all outtandlna- mortgages as thev mature. Bonda to the amount of 15,000.000 have already been sold. Craae Faintly Heanlen. TAUNTON. Mass., July 11. (Special Telegram.) At trie annual convention of the Crane family here today officer were elected for the year and It was voted to taka th permanent name of Crane Genea logical association, tilery B. Crane of Worcester was elected president and Thomaa D. Crane of Omaha vice president. Governor Crane of Massachusetts waa on of th guest. Chief of Police Reinstated. NEW YORK. July ll.-After a trial last ing until early today Police Chief Graul of Pateraon. N. J., was acquitted of the charges made against him by Mayor Hinrh llffo, who suspended him for alleged neg lect of duty during the recent riots of strlklria silk mill workers. Chief Graul was reinstated In his office by the board of aldermen, with full pay for the time of hla ausDenslon. Iloyt President of Kanaaa Wealeyan. SAUNA. Kan., July 11. Prof. W. E. Hoyt, A. M., has been elected acting presi dent of the Kansas Wesleyan university, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of President Grldly. He I a graduate of th Ohio Wealeyan university. Fsscrsl Notice. Members of IT. 8. Grant post No. 110, De partment of Nebraska, Grand Army of the Republic, will assemble at the city hall Sunday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock aham to attend the funeral of Comrade C. H. Fred erick. By ordr of U N. OONDEN. E. A. PARMKLKK. Adjutant. Commander. DIED. M'GAVOCK Alexander, aged SO years. Funeral Saturday morning, July 13. at from family realdence, 82 North Twenty first street, to St. John's church. Inter ment Holy Sepulchr cemetery. WHY PHVSICIACJS'FfllL" To Cure Many Cases of Female Ills. Some Sensible Reasons Why Mrs. Pinkham is More Successful Than Many Family Doctors. A woman la nick some disease to her sex In fast develop ing in her system. She rocs to her family physician and tells him Btory, but not the whole story. She holds back something, loses her head, becomes agitated, forffpts what she wants to Bay, and finally conceals what she ought to have told, and this completely mystifies tho doctor. Is it a wonder, therefore, that tho doctor fails to cure the. disease f Still we cannot blamo tho woman, for it is very embarrassing to detail some of the symptoms of her sutlering, even to her family physician. This Is th reason why hundreds of thousands of Women art now In correspondence with Mrs. Pinkham, nt Lynn, Mnss. To her tb?y can give every symptom, so that when she is ready to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her correspondence with the patieut than tho physician can possibly obtain through a personal interview. Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the result of a correspondence with Mrs. I'inkbam. All such letters are considered absolutely confidential by Mrs. lMnkhani, and arc never published in any way or manner without the consent in writing of the patient; but hundreds of women are so grateful for tho health which Mrs. Iink ham and her medicine have been able to restore to them that they not only consent to publishing their letters, but write asking that this be done in order that other women who suffer may be benefited by their experience. Here Is Proof of the Value of Mm. Pinkham's Advice. "Dear Mrs. Pinkuam : I have been taking your medicine, for twa months and write to you for some advice concerning' it. I am in yery poor health and hare beea for nearly three years. I am troubled with a pain and . soreness in the back of ray head and neck which develops into an almost un bearable headache at time of menstruation. Since last Aupusi I have been confined to my bed a preat part of the time. Jn January I was taken very sick with one of my awful headaches, and lay for fire weeks In a critical condition. Our doctors wero unable to tell me the cause of my illness. . I had a slovr fever seemingly in my nerves with a marked bilious affection. I was completely prostrated. My physician did nothing for me but to put me to sleep, said it was tho condition of my nerves at the time of menstruation. I was advised to take Lydla 12. Pinkham's Vogetable Compound, and would like your advioe and to know the cause of my bad feelings."- Mbs. rna.!TCES L McCrsa, Sheridan, Mont. (April 27, 1900.) " Dear Mrs. Pttkuam : I wish to testify that I have been greatly bene fited by the use of your medicine. After taking four bottlos I felt better, my head a,n& neck were preatly relieved. After reading the testimonies in the book you Bent me, I believed that I had a tumor, and a while after when something the size of an egg passed from me, I was convinced of the fact. I now feel like a new creature, can fro to my work, and can eat and sleep well, a privilege that I appreciate very much." Mrs. Frances I. McCbea, Sheridan, Mont. $5000i WARD. Ws Bar denoilted with tha National Cit Rankof l.rnn. i.mno hlch will be pal J toanr person Dot genuine, or were published before obtalutn tha writer's peelal per- Mion Lrdla VARICOCELE am, w. A, COOaC, tXsaawee ( lb laatesi PCnelt On- ptaa f Stan. have cured to stay cured, which had so called experts. What we have done for otheis w can do for you. II you cannot call, writ tis a full and truthful statement of your symptoms. Our bouie treatment la successful and strictly private. Addraa. COOK MEDICAL CO., HO and 112 a. 14th St., Omaha, Nab. FIN Plunge Bath in the world.. AH! Here 's sport for old and Not found elsewhere. Rates Less Than Halt-Fara. Omaha $14.50 Missouri Valley 14.50 Lincoln Sioux City Round-trip, c. Limit, October 1 Aak Assnt H Narthwastarn Une." KSViafaWVJBMmiwa --' ja J J -y BUSINESS STIM U L AT O R S IJJ3B WANT ADS who can find that tha shore testimonial letters K. Pinkham MvdloliM Co.'. I.rnn. Maes. - Cured in B daya (to stay cured) , NO CITTING, SURGERY, TYING WITH SILK, OR PAIN. We want every man afflicted with Varicocele. Con tagious Blood Poison. Nervous Debility. Stricture, or allied trojbles, to come to our office where w will ex plain to him our method of curing these dlseaaea. We invite in particular all men who have become dissatis fied with treatment elsewhere. We will explain to you why you have not bean cured, and wilt demonstrate to your entire satisfaction why w can cure you safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel will ' cost you nothing and our charges for a perfect cure will b rea sonable and not more than you would be willing to pay for th benefit conferred. r CERTAINTY OF CURE 1 what you want Wa will giv you a written legal guarantee to cur you, or refund your money. We can and will clt you, by permlaalon, whan satisfied that In formation I daelreil by sincere people, to caae that w been abandoned by family physicians and young, 13.50 12.90 July 1-13, 190s. 31. 190a. 1,