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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1902)
10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY JIEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1902. The Biggest, Best and Brightest Sale of Ail Rfmn o) W7Ic? A fo) u bo WlStfAUti mmmm I IHIIIHIMI I I Mil I II lMI IHIUMUMH H I Dress Goods Dept. Main Floor. Our Qualities and Prices afre incompara- ble these are especially so new, clean, bright, up-to-date goods every woman of judgment knows these prices are marvelously low. At the Lace Counter J.0O0 pieces of fine quality Val Lace a good 25c dozen quality Lace Monday per twelve-yard piece ' 200 dozen Torchon Lares Edges and Insertions to match from Vt Inch to 34 Inches wide regularly sold for 10c and 12V4o yard our special price per yard BO pieces Embroidery, Edges and Insertions 1 inch to 3V4 Inches Swiss and Cambric fine open patterns regular 12 lie and 15c values our special price per yard 12c 5c IOC 29C 5c 14C 25c 98c 39C At Silk and Dress Goods Counter 1.48 CS pieces All-Over Swiss and Nainsook Tucking also Tucking with lace Insertion regular 40c values per yard T,000 yards of Fancy Batiste, Dotted Muslins and Lace Striped Lawns In short lengths from 1 to 10 yards all good patterns and this season's styles regular 20o value Monday per yard , '.J.000 yds. Fancy Dotted Muslins, French Mulls and Lawns all we have left of a number of 20c, 25c line of wash goods special value at per yard 15 pieces of fancy Imported satin stripe sheer French Mull In this season's best patterns and coloringr regular 40c values per yard 100 dozen full bleached satin damask Table Napkins full size good $1.25 values at '. , 48-Inch heavy satin damask Table Linen In bleached and half bleached nice patterns regular fifty-cent values at Ever Held in Omaha Opens at Bennett's Tomorrow. All the newest and best things from the best factories, where only intelligent and painstaking workmen are employed. Every garment properly cut and made to fit and wear to the fullest extent of your sat isfaction. Superiority quite evident in the minutest detail and every price so low as to excite wonder and surprise. Do not neglect this heavy bargain catch. The weather is coming post haste that'll make you more than sorry if yon do not make these tremendous offers your own for June is here. We give the month a fitting welcome and a smile for we are prepared to meet every need incident to it in fine muslin underwear. Just consider these prices how low they are and quality is there in full. Come and see our inexhaustible array. These items illustrated and priced are but fragments of the things of undoubted excellence from which you can make choice. This magnificent underwear sale begins tomor row, Monday, 8 a. m. " ' ii i ii f ii In i in i -i - r ii -" i mi - - Women's Tailored Suits Second Floor i (S-lnch fine Panne finish Black Venetian strictly all wool a very fine two dollar quality Monday per V yard This cloth Is one of the most stylish and up-to-date for nobby tailor suits or skirts. 45-lnch black English Mohair Sicilian very bright luster and light texture and most desirable for hot weather wear sold every place at J 1.00 yard Bennett's special for Monday per yard All Silk Liberty Satins soft, nice finish comes In shades of light blue, corn, old rose, light gray, pink, biscuit, turquoise, cream and white a genuine 75c value Monday per yard 4-lneh black Satin Duchess all pure silk $1.25 quality Monday only per yard , 86-lnch black all silk guaranteed Taffeta the $1.75 quality Monday only per yard 73C 53c 97c 1.19 Music Department Second Floor. Special Bargains in Pianos New fancy .cased up- -right piano large size modern construe- l OT tiori stool and scarf complete for aJJI-sw . Sold $10 down, $5 monthly We have a number of second hand pianos taken in exchange for EVEKETT, IVERS & POND, , STARR, HARVARD, SMITH & BARNES instru Iments. An out and out bargain is YOURS. CALL AND MAKE CHOICE!! We are western agents for the famous CnASE & BAKER piano player the most wonderful Instrument to date hear it! The piano speaks under its touch. Sold on easy payment plan Give us your tuning work. We guarantee satisfaction. Com plete new line of sheet and book music and musical merchandise. REST YOURSELF IN OUR MUSIC ROOM. 1041 fjf? Jjfl lH . fOI I Can yon afford to waue time making these garments offered at to Cents Don't trot these cuts. Coma and sea the goodi Lot 2 15c. W So well done lor so little money is a rnirrrl. The fsnaents spetk for tsemstrees. Lines to them. A trtomph of modem industry. Take as many garments In this assortment at yea wUh, rxcevt the pnm O0I7 or.o to a ctutomec. Lot 4 50c. These pictures give but a bint of the great values offered at this sale. Chasces UV this sre seldom found Take year choice. If you have say doobt about great value for little momy, come and see our good Only st this aale caa yon (ret so good value. Latest styles and shapes. M yoa fail to supply yoorsrtf ooar, too won't get srKXher chance. Take a fear while they hut. Jewelry Department Main Floor azors. Razors, Razors Monday special only one to acustemer worth $2.00 Every blade warranted 58c 5.75 Three Stunning Bargains This one is marvel of style and cheapness all wool canvas, tight fitting or open jacket gored Q T skirt, fine lining, KS; V. A O Another one Fine all wool homespun, eton cut, llare skirt, perfect" fitting, satin , band trimming worth $10.0,0 Monday at The Third This is an eton suit with flare skirt, silk reveres and stitching, an excellent quality of cheviot, colors blue " and black. We put this suit up for com parison with suits usually sold at 912.30 The sale E price is ' Foulard Silk Costumes Wo are offering three prize winners in fine satin foulard dresses in style, ma terial and workmanship they are un surpassed. Trices ?1G.50, $14.95 and.. Women's Wash Waists Fine percales fast colors on sale at Fine organdy, lawns, sheer and serviceable worth 75c Monday at ., 12.50 25c 48c Millinery Dept. Second Floor. Monday Millinery Bargains wo offer day 4 lots of ladies' and misses' pattern hats. They are exceedingly attractive and ordinarily are very low priced. We make an exceptional offer that we may make Monday millinery trading an institution in Omaha. No. 1 lvlot pattern hats at half price. No. 2 1 lot pattern hats at a reduction of 40 per cent from usual prices. No. 3 1 lot pattern hats from our own work room at a re duction of 25 per cent from usual prices. No. 4 1 lot children's new hats at a reduction of 25 per cent from usual pricea These reductions are genuine and honest. We enjoy a reputa tion for truthfulness in our advertising and we value it too highly to injure it. BUY YOUR MILLINER YHERE! Art Department Second Floor. Picture Frames Beautiful new line of por- trait frames, sizes 16x20, best gold, oak and gold, mahogany and gold, dark brown oak with gold lining finish what we QQp sell every day at $1.50. $1.40, $1.25, Monday only, at y A very fine elaborate Florentine pattern, 6 Inches wide what we eell f QQ every day at $2.75 Monday at O We enlarge portraits from 65o up. See our samples. Bring your pictures for framing. A Grand Monday Sale of Carpets, Draperies and Furniture 54c Brussels. lect from. This is positively a 75c carpet Monday. ....... All-Wool IngrainsGuaranteed fast colors, about 50 patterns of short ends, all large enough for A one room and some large enough for two, .4 C ; worth up to 75c yard per yard Monday. . Monday we will sew all carpets frea of 98c ( New Goodaat low prices Every article a positive bargain. Third Floor. Carpet Bargains Our 75o quality of Tapestry Carpet Remnant Rugs Made from short ends of An eiegant line or patterns to se- F" A Velvets. Brussels and Axminsters, nicely fringed, 1 1-4 and 1 1-2 yards long at, each, 63c and f . Lace Curtains Beautiful Lace Curtains also number of other good patterns, every one worth $2.25, every pair new and clean for Monday's sale Grand Matting Display Ileavy China Mattings, worth 18c, for Monday, 9c per yard. Roll of forty yards, $3.50. Linen Warp Japanese Matting, the kind that sell for 30c, for Monday. 22c per yard; forty yard roll, $8.00. 40c quality 25c per yard, $9.00 per roll. a 1.49 Go-Carts A positive bar gain. As an ex ample of our matchless celling, we offer a cart llko Illustration, well worth $13.50, for 985 Our line of Go Carts ranges from $3.25 up. Comfortable Rocker. Exactly like cut Large, handsome, easy, has high brace arms, fancy turned spindles In the back, wide panel back, shaped seat, finished In a rich golden oak usually 3.25-Spe-clal Monday Lawn Rocker The season Is now here for lawn . and veranda furniture. Bee our line before you buy. "All Mylex, all prices, and the lowest. As an example, a rocker, exactly like out, with double woven cane seat; others ask $1.6u. Our price 98c Work Basket. No lady should be without one. They are ornamental as well as very useful. Fin ished In oak or gold. Worth 36o. 4 g One to a customer. Our price I I IC as long as they last v w ladles' One French Kid Oxfords patent tip patent Inlaid dress heel r turn sole very stylish.. aWeOvl Ladles' fine Patent 4-strap Sandals French .2.50 heel very well tdle Mario Front Oxfords ff turn sole kid tip mJJ Ladles" Bow Strap Sandals patent leather vamp dress fy ff aWs V J heel. Ladies Patent Tip Ox- light sole There Is not a day but some lady tella us that there wast never such a nice stylish up-to-date line of misses and children's oxfords and slippers shown la this city as ours and at such low pricea too. Ladles' fine Patent Kid Oxfords welt sole- mannish last with military heel Just the thing for street wear Ladles' Mario Front Oxfords light turtk sole patent tip with Sne kid uppers.. Ladles' Kid Tip Oxfords light, sole style and durability com- -4 g blned ; LOU Ladles' Donjola Kid Oxford. ll solid , Ladles' Bow Strap Sandal, for house wear We also have the finest assortment of misses' and children's slippers and oxfords In the city made up In styles that please the eye patent leather or One kid stock prices ranging In misses' slses from Wc to $1.50. Children's sizes from 65c to $1.25. Remember these are the best at the lowest trices. 3.00 300 1.25 1.00 .1.50 WEDNESDAY. n i j. 1 r 1 aaasaaaaaassssssssssssaaasBBSBSBBasBBBBSBBasssBBSsasBSBBBSBBBSM Monday Shnft Raring jfi I frony Hardware Bargains s I Manv thfnira vnu need m v9r' a Many things you need here! Every price mark ed In plain figures, every, thing thoroughly made of best material and guaranteed as auch. Gasoline Ovens QQf up from Ow Lap Punters Ofic up from fcww Fly Nets- 4 ffl up from I.VV Team Harness Ol 10 up from Our bet Inside or out side paint per OKr gallon ....vofc' Urge ltne of paint brashes, all kinds ap from C Gasoline and Kerosene Stoves all styles. Sixes slid prices. tiraulte Volbratb Regal Aviate ami Klrkled Ware. Steel Ranges Improved designs. Prices eaully within your reach. Bee them. Garden Hose. Hose Heels, Noizles ar.d Hose Cobpling.. All sixes. Now la the time to buy a good ;qp Screen ixor UOW V.OOI)KWiRE PEPT Basement. Two-comparment Knife Qc Fancy Imported Salt IOC Pastry Cf. Spoons o Chopping 2C Bowls sw Folding Step-Ladder HUr. Chair VOC So our line of Refrigerators before buy ing no belter line on the market. Prices the lowest. ' Crockery Department Second FUxrr. .2c 90c New Trump Berry Saucers Specials. Rich Kuby Crystal Cream Sets i pieces. Kuby Color Star Crystal Jelly ami Tickle Op Dishes OL Ruby Star Crystal Xmq Glasses , Plain Heavy Salt and Peppers New line Pansy and .Victoria ases Gold band Table Sets Monday Candy Brgns. Main Floor. 5c 4c four-piece Crystal 85c We hardly think any randies are so good aa our., we know poBlUve.y none are better. Butter Creams, per lb 20c Eureka Gum Drops per lb 15c Iced Butter Scotch per lb 20c Chocolate Creams per lb.... 15c Monday Grocery Specials liASEllfENT. Monday Cigar Brgns, Main Floor. These are not merely isolated lnstancea of rlfc'ar price-cutting;. You'll And cl(?ar bargains all around. If not lu price you'll have It In KKESHKES3. GEO. W. CHILDS five cent cigar Monday 8 for 25c 50 for $1.50 PORTO RICO CIGAR a delicious smoke 6 for 25c 25 for 95c THE CARTRIDGE PIPE Bells right alone for a quarter, Monday only lie Books, magazines and newspapers are dunning you on how to cook and lay out this, that' and the other thing! The "what" comes before the "how"! Come here and be sure of absolute purity unfailing freshness and defiance prices. Fancy Colored "Steins" filled with best grade French Mustard, each i 7c Japan Rice fancy A n Capitol Baking Tow- 1 Jp, per pound .. der, fib. can ..8c ...3c ..4c r Corn standard .- fancy per can Capitol Oats 2-lb. package Flour good baking rCp. Bread large loaf 48-lb. sack - each Salmon Alnfeka red10r 6ardines in oil Ier can per caa Coffee fresh roasted per pound 10c. Try it. Drop Orders in Mail Box at Doors. 16th and Harney Streets. C 99 tTRioity, 'rasas vs. hnm r