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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOIIN1NG, MAY 31, 1902-TWELVE PAG ES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 11ERBERTT0 GET POST IBritisli Minister at Paris Famed u Paunce t ibte'i Probable 8uooeasoT. CHOICE DEPENDS ON KING'S DECISION Jlia Majesty is Deeply Interested and His Attitude Not Known. APPOINTMENT DELAYED BY FUNERAL Announcement Hot Expected Until After LateAmbassador's Obsequies. HERBERT IS NO STRANGER TO AMERICA Has Record Chime d. Affairs at Washington lad Alao M Seer, tarr to the British Lrga. . ttoa There. LONDON, May 30. Hon. Michael Henry Herbert, who ia nominally secretary to tbe British embassy at Tarts, probably will be the next British ambassador to the United States, la succession to the late Lord Pauncefote. Mr. Herbert' appointment probably will Hot be announced until the remains of Lord pauncefote arrive In England. The only question as to Mr. Herbert's selection is tbe approval of Kins Edward. The Asso ciated Press understands that his majesty Is taking a keen personal Interest In the matter of Lord Pauncefote's successor, but ts will not be asked officially to confirm or disapprove the candidate of the Foreign office until the period of time during which the government pays respect to the lat Lord Pauncefote has elapsed. While there Is bo reason to believe that King Edward will object to Mr. Herbert, who has the official backing of both Eng lish and American diplomats, there must remain an element of doubt In the matter until the suggested appointment receives the royal sanction, and especially In view of the acute attention which his majesty ftaa given to this Important promotion. Farther Complication. The matter of Mr. Herbert's going to Washington has been still further com . illcated by the unexpected delay In send bi over Lord Pauncefota's remains. Ths British government fully expected . Lord Pauncefote'a body would arrive in England prior to the coronation of King Edward, and it is not a little disconcerted .by the receipt of dispatches announcing that tbe obsequies In England will not take place until July. Ths determination to select Mr. Herbert is ambassador to the United States was reached after many consultations with ' hois who are best fitted to voles an opin ion in the matter. While nominally secre tary to the embassy at Paris, Mr. Herbert was really minister plenipotentiary to franca and aa such he frequently acted in Host important crises In the absence of llr Edmund J. Monsos), Oreet Britain's Unbasssdor there " ' : --'..'- Mr. Herbert's marriage with Ltla, daugh ter of Richard T. Wilson of New York, aa I result of which he became closely related to the Vanderbtlta, the Ogden Ooeleta and las Astors, will not In any way Interfere, according to opinion here, with his use fulness aa Great Britain's ambassador at tVaablngton. Record at Washington. Mr, Herbert's record at Washington as sharge d' aflalrea from 1888 until 1889 and is (secretary to the British legation there rim 1892 to 1893 and hta work aa British igent on the Venesuelan commission eml aeotly nt him, so official belief inclines, (or his proposed new and Important duties. At Paris Mr. Herbert's present position aomewhst curious, for while holding the rank of a full fledged minister he has to take aecond place when Sir Edmund J. Uonson, tbe ambassador. Is resident In Prance. A curlona feature connected with all the British diplomats who were considered by the British foreign office as possible candl lates to fill the vacancy at Waahlngton is that they all have American wives. Sir Henry Howard, who la now Great Britain's f I n ! t r at Ttia Mnmitm mnA rhi mtmm fn. nany years attached to the British leaation kt Washington, married Miss Rlggs of Washington; Sir Francis R. Plunkett. the British ambassador at Vienna, married Miss Morgsn of Philadelphia; Lord Curson f Kedelson, viceroy of India, married Miss Letter of Washington, and Alan Johnatone, lie British charge d'affaires at Darmstadt, parried Miss Plncbot of New York. Be for the new ambassador at Washing Ion takea up his duties the salary attached to the position probably will be put upon a par with the highest paid In Great Brit ain's diplomatic, service, namely that which a paid tbe ambassador at Paris, 9,000 ft year. . SPANISH ARE STILL SORE Ceaeer Sappresses Htiisg. to Presi dent Beesevelt aad Kxplaaa tloa ia la Order. PARIS.' Msy SO. It Is announced in a Ilspatrh to the Patrle from Madrid that lenor Sablno Arana, lealer of the Blacayan Datlonallst party, sent a long cable mas sage to President Roosevelt, congratulating kirn on the establishment of the republican government In Cuba and that the Spanish tensor suppressed the message. . It la further asserted that the Spanish rovernmeot ordered ths prosecution of lenor Arana and that President Rooae f bit has 'instructed ths United Ststes lega tion ai maana 10 ass iur explanations. VALUABLE PICTURE MISSING ' Belief that it Was Stolen from the New York Caatoia Hons. '.Copyright. 190J. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 0. (New York World Ca Wc,rsm Special Telegram.) M. Chaudon. the picture ageat and expert at No. 20 Rue , naigrlB. who bought aad shipped for Coa , .res the picture by Zelm, and the Amer ican Ct press authorities here are convinced . :hat tha nl. .,,,- i u I- 1. v 7 t"".v VVUIU VUI UtT, Vivien J) ibe New York custom house. faster Potentates Wltaess Parade. BERLiV. May 10. The annual SDrina Lt or the garrisons of ths Berlin mili ary district in bald todiv. The uti.. ran superb. The shah of Persia waa pres to It aa open carriage drawn by four kortes aad the crown nrlnee of si.m Jnowfs Maha Vajiravudh. attended oa urseoacs. Emperor Wllllsm led ths see- rd regiment of the guards past ths shah, ho acknowledged the compliment by stand bg up la his carriage. STRUCK FROM CREDIT LIST Batcher Tells of Systematic Work ins of the rackers Rales Resiardlnst ratrona, KAN8A8 CITY. May 30. W. T. Reed, an attorney, Is taking depositions to be used by George M. Tucker, a butcher and retail grocer of Argentine, Kan., In dam age suits against several pacglng houses of this city and Kansas City, Kan. Tucker alleges that until about a year ago his meat bills had been marked "O. K.," as he paid them promptly; but, according to his story, iu May of last year Cudahy's rep resentative failed to prc-sen' ,y.hc usual statement on Wednesday. The ' ,'' but no statement. Tucker called iw. ,t ment. It came the next morning. , was Thursday and the packing house tk Is that all bills must be paid each Wednes day for the week previous. Tucker sent his check, but It was returned without presentation at the bank and he had to pay cash. The next day each meat bill came with a star stamped on It. Tbe star means that the dealer whose bill It appears oa must psy rash on receipt of tbe meat or the driver must take it back. Tucker says every bill that came from every packing bouse in tbe city had tbe aame atar on It and he had to pay cash at once. The second day every wholesale house In the city received information that his credit was bad and demanded payment of bills that called for cash In sixty days, but had been running, aome of them not more than a week. Alfred M. Wicker, a former cashier for Swift & Company, testified that while he was in the company's employ there was a credit book which was taken every morn ing to the desk of W. F. Colladay, the com pany's credit man, for revision. It a retail butcher was a day behind In paying a bill to any packer in the association his name went on a list which was furnished after ward to drivers, and they were never al lowed to give him credit afterward. Colladay went on the witness stand and aald he never heard of such a book. Testi mony was secured showing that it a butcher disputed with the driver about the quality of meat or refused to take meat, alleging that it waa tainted or not up to the grade ordered, that butcher soon found himself oa the blacklist. WESTERN PIONEER HONORED Remains of General Leavenworth Re. laterred with Imposing Cere mony at Fort Leavraworth. FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan., May SO. The remains of the late General Henry Leavenworth, brought, here from the east. were relnterred today at the National ceme tery at Fort Leavenworth, with Imposing ceremonlea. Several descendants of the dead general were present, besides a num ber of distinguished men, and tbe parade that preceded the exercises at the cemetery was one of the largest military and civil functions ever witnessed in the west Several thousand person came to Leaven worth from different polnta in the south west, many from as far north aa Dee Moines, Ia. - The grand marshal of the day waa Colonel C. C. ' Carr, commander at Fort Riley, Kan., and his aide waa Captain George Cameron, adjutant Fourth cavalry. The parade atarted at Leavenworth, dis banding at the cemetery. It contained numerous bands and 2,000 old aoldiera from ths Soldiers' home at Leavenworth and about 800 officers and men from Fort Leav enworth were In line. There were three di visions led respectively by Colonel Jacob Augur, commander at Fort Leavenworth; Major W. W. Murray, treasurer of the Sol diers' home, and William U. Bond. United States commissioner. Ths funeral section, conveying the body of General Leavenworth, followed the second division. Tbe Kansas commandery of tbe Loyal legion and other societies took up the rear. . General John C. Bates, commandlns the Department of the Missouri, presided over the exercises at the cemetery aud the ora tion was delivered by State Senator F. Dumont Smith. General Wilder S. Metcalf, who aucceeded General Funston in command of the famoua Twentieth Kansas regiment. read Lincoln's Gettysburg addresa. Gov ernor Dockery of Missouri also delivered an address. A prayer was offered by Bishop Mlllspaugh of Topeka and a chorus of 200 sang patriotic aire. Relstivea of General Leavenworth who attended the exercises were Mrs. Wllllsm Dunn of Chicago, Miss Ingersol! of Tscoma, Wash.; Miss Mary L. Smith of Eureka, Kan., and Mra. Farnsworth and Mrs. Martin of Chicago. FRENCH H0N0R DE TERNAY Visit Newport to Plaeo Wreath oa Tomh of the Naval Com maadcr, NEWPORT. R. I., May SO. Having hon ored In Washington the memory of the Count de Rochambeau tbe members of tbe French mission came to Newport today to offer a tribute to the memory of the Chev alier de Ternay, the commander of tbe fleet of war vessels which conveyed the Rocham beau aoldiera to Newport, - their landing place. Tbe tribute of France to Ita naval here was made by placing on the tomb of Ternay, lo Trinity churchyard, a wreath sent by President Lou bet. Newport streets bore the garb of Me morial day, but the colore of the Freacb republic were mingled with the American emblem. Through tbeae streets ths mem bers of the French mission were escorted by a large body of Bailors, marines and soldiers to take psrt In tbe varloua features of the program. When ths distinguished foreigners arrived at ths railroad station here from New York, shortly before o'clock, they were received by Governor Kimball with bis staff, the ma or, the members of the city council and other special committees. Outsids tbe station waa the Newport ar tillery company, tbe original members of which served under tbe Count de Rocham beau. After an exchange of greetings the line of march waa taken up tor the burial place of De Ternay. About 2.500 men were In line. The route passed the old state house and the house occupied by ths Count de Rochambeau In 1780. General Brugere placed the wreath of France upon De Ternay'a grave. Other wreaths also were placed and the procession then moved to the Casino, where tbe parade was reviewed. Tbe visitors later were driven about Newport and then given a luncheon at the Casino. Farm Owaers ia Coal Deal. INDIANA. Pa.. May 30-Hon. Oenrgs McGaughey of this place, representing over feu farm owners of this and Armstrong counties, sad E. D. Carter of Erie. Pa., representing a syndicate ramDOKd of Erie. New York and Boston capltallnta, have Just concluded a coal deal Involving t2.2uo Ask. The total acreage Involvea exceeds W.OuO 'c7, ,". ,WnJcn e ia this country sad lO.OuO In Armstrong. PACKERS TAKE FIRM STAND Absolutely Eafuse to Grant Teamstera Con oestioni or Reoonize the Union. UNALTERABLY OPPOSED TO IT IN YARDS Batchers Close heps All Over City and Thonaaada of People Are Deprived of Their Meat Supply. CHICAGO, May 30. The four big packing concerns of the stockyards at a conference ''?,1 today with union leaders representing AJklng teamsters, refused absolutely - ' , - -. cuumfligQB im iur, or auy pai-w. ; openly on record as being unaltera pposed to the recognition of union labor m the yards. Thousands of persons had their usual sup ply of meat cut off today entirely, and many others were able to buy a little meat here and there and paid fancy prices for it. All through the city butchers closed down and many of them will not open again until the strike has been settled. 'Chicago began to realize today that a meat famlue is imminent. Butch ers who have bought of the packers fighting the striking stockyards' teamsters lost their Ice supply. Restaurants were in straits to procure choice meats. The com modity rose in price and many shops shut down In different parts of the city. Holiday crowds blocked wagons and cheered the strikers. President Albert Young of the teamsters' national organiza tion declared that the strike would be backed by union labor and won it it took five years. Quit Hanllna- from Yards. Butchers have practically abandoned the hauling of meat from the yards. All passes Issued by the strikers have been called In and all meat that goes out In care Is followed and traced. Except for the few wagons that leave the yards under heavy police protection early In the day no meat is being hauled out. Monday night a Joint council of the local teamsters' union will be held to' determine whether all the union retail shop butchers are to be called upon to stand by the teamsters and refuse to handle the meats of "unfair" concerns. At the leading hotels and restaurants It was stated today that the supplies would last three days longer. If the strike Is not settled by that time the managers do not know what they will do. It might be possible to get meat If only they had to deal with the packers' team sters, but the staunch sympathetle stand of thj icemen and coal teamsters leaves the restaurateurs completely in tbe hands of the strikers. Drivers Go Armed. Some meat ia now delivered to hotels and restaurants by armed drivers. This is one of the results of the attacks made yester day on teamsters In the employ of Irwin Bros. The Arm has equipped Its drivers with revolvers, and It Is owing to this fact that a load of beef waa delivered early today. ' , Robert Atltag was taken lnto'the Toting Meti'S Christian association building, when six men waylaid his team. Three of them seized the lines and the other three pulled Ailing from his seat. The driver drew a revolver and threatened to shoot the man at the horses' heads, and he re leased tbe animals. Ths driver then turned his attention to the men on the wagon, who also fled when be pointed tbe revolver at them, threatening to kill them If they did not get down. After reaching the Young Woman'a Christian association building Irwin Bros, and the Harrison street police station were Informed by telephone of the attack. Sev eral policemen were hurried to the scene, but they could not find any trace of the as sailants. MITCHELL IS NOT HOPEFUL Labor Leader Bays Anthracite Strike ia Far from Settled as Ever. CHICAGO, May 80. John Mitchell of ths United Mine Workers of America reached Chicago today from Indianapolis. Hs saw no members of the Civic federa tion and stated thst the anthracite atrike la as far from settled aa ever. He had a few minutes' conversation with President Russell of tbe Illinois mine workers' or ganization. He aald that matters pertaining to ths Illinois coal situation would be settled at the Illinois convention. At 11 a. m. Mr. Mitchell left tor Wilkesbarre. HAZLETON. Pa., May 30. All the coal companies here are commissioning special officers to guard their property. Fifty-five special policemen were sworn In by G. B. Markle Co. today and In addition fifty will be sworn In before Monday. Coxe Bros. 4c Co. have deputised their office clerks and trusted men to do guard duty. A meeting of tbe engineers, firemen and pump runners, employed at the collieries north of the city, which Includes the Coxe and Kemmerer men, will be held Sunday. KANSAS MINERS MAY STRIKE Will gabmit New Scale of Wsgei aad ttalt Work if Not Adopted. PITTSBURG. Kan., May SO. The Kansas miners' convention here is preparing a achedule of wages which will be submitted to the operators next Monday. In case the demands are not granted by the operators It Is understood that the miners will order a gbneral western strike. Tonight the miners wired to National president Mitchell offering to give full moral and financial aid for the strikers in the anthracite fields li ia hardly believed here that the miners will favor a sym pathetic atrlks with the eastern miners If the differences can be adjusted la Kansas and Missouri. C. J. Devlin, at the bead of the Santa Fe mines in Kansas, says there Is no troubls In the mines over which he bat control, and that the miners are satisfied with ths scale of wages paid them. PURDICK SUCCUMBS TO HURTS Chief Engineer Dies from Injuries astaiaed la the Alma Wreck. LA CROSSE, Wis., May SO. Chief Engi neer Purdirk. who waa injured In tbe Alma wreck yesterday, died today. 'Superintend ent Bealer of Chicago waa removed to hie home in Chicago today. Hie injurlea are not serious. Engineer Breckenridge went with him. Hla foot waa badly crushed. Tbe condition of Superintendent Cunning ham Is critical, aa late last night U was found necessary to cut on A La leg- FIRE AT JETTER'S BREWERY Cooper "hop, Stables and lee Hoaae Coasamed, bat Mala Balldla Saved. About midnight fire was discovered In the Icehouse st Jetter's brewery. South Omaha, and spread with great rapidity to the cooper shop and the stables, all frame buildings, to the west of the main structure. All were totally destroyed. The Icehouse was 42x162 feet, the cooper chop 24x80 and the sables 24x74. A rough estimate places the loss st between 115.000 and 120,000. In surance on these buildings to the amount of $10,700 was carried. Thla amount, how ever, does not cover the Insurance on the Ice, 3,600 tons, as this has been purchased by the Star Ice company. A portion of the cooper shop and the stables hsd recently been rebuilt. The cooper shop contained two cars of material besides tools and machinery, while the stables contained quantities of feed and harness. All of the twenty horses were tsken out before the fire did any great damage to the stables. Martin Jetter stated that B. Jetter, the president of the brewing company, was at prestnt In Louisville. Ky., but would be home today. He further stated that the construction of new stable would be com menced at once and that brick would be used. - The cooper shop will most likely be rebuilt at the same time, but work on the icehouses' will not be begun for some time. No one about tbe place seems to know how the fire started. All of the watchmen reported everything all right at about 11:30 o'clock, but half an hour later the names had broken out and the bright light In the sky could be seen for a considerable dis tance. Tbe fire department worked bard and ev ery available man was pressed Into service. It was due to the number of streams nsed that the fire was prevented from spreading to the main buildings of the brewery. Hun dreds of people were drawn to the scene by the blaze and they only left when the last spark had been extinguished. GRAND STANDJS DESTROYED Strnetare at Hawthorae Raee Track Barns Shortly After Con rues Close. CHICAGO, May 30. The grandstand at Hawthorne racetrack was destroyed by fire this evening, half an hour after the last race of the day bad been run. Nearly every one but the employes had left the track and no one was hurt. The fire started In the cupola of the main building and grad ually worked downward, giving ample time for saving the horses In the paddock as well as affording an opportunity for tbe es cape of a few stragglers who occupied tbe stand. Tbe estimated loss Is $75,000. Malt Hoase tls Baraed, BUFFALO, May 30. The Manning malt house, together with a quantity of grain, which was damaged in the Are at the Wells elevator a few weeks ago, was burned at an early hour today. A high wind blew fire brands and sparks to a great dletaixe, Bet ting fire to .the roots of sixteen dwellings, only one of which, however, waa destroyed. The total loss Is eatlmated at $150,fl00( partly covered by Insurance. " Elevator Barns. BUFFALO, N. Y., May SO. The Manning elevator on the Erie canal at tbe foot of Auburn avenue, -caught fire this morning. It will probably be a total lost. The ele vator and contenta are valued at $100,000. PETITION THE PRESIDENT Engineers Want American War Ships Bnllt la the Government Navy Yards. NORFOLK, Va., May 30. The Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers at today'a session adopted unanimously a resolution offered by Third Assistant Grand Engineer A. M. Cousins of Norfolk, which is ad dressed to President Roosevelt, tbe senate and bouse of representatives, declaring that body to be in favor of tbe construction of war vessels In government navy yards, and petitioning that a clause be inserted in the naval appropriation bill now pending pro viding that three of the contemplated war ships be built In government yards. Los Angeles, Cat., was chosen as the next place for the brotherhood's convention by a vote of 284 against 264 for Cleveland and 90 for New Haven. 274 being necessary for a choice. A. E. Stevens of Los Angeles waa elected third assistant chief engineer to succeed A. M. Cousins of Norfolk. George R. Fo herty of Boston was re-elected grand chap lain. SUSPECTS LAND IN JAIL Mea Pass Ins; Stolen Goods Arrested at Wood River aad Articles Are Ideatlled. WOOD RIVER. Neb., May 30. (Special Telegram.) Marshal Wbalen arrested two men last night giving their namea aa Charles McLaughlin acd James Ward, about one mile east of thla place, while attempt ing to dispose of a number of pairs of shoes and several palra of trousers. He locked them up and notified the authorities at Ken esaw, who had sect him word that a store there had been robbed on Monday night. F. 8. Varry, owner of the store, with the constable of that place, drove here and identified tbe goods by his cost mark, which hsd uot been removed. Tbe marshal here turned the prisoners over to them and they started for Hastings this morning. The value of the goods found In their possession was about $100. With the aid of bloodhounds two other fellows hsd been tracked to Kearney, where they were arrested, and will be held, ss it Is supposed they were Implicated In the af fair. RAILROAD'S MEN PUT UP BOND Five Representatives of Reads In dicted Give Ball for Appear, a nee ia Coart. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. May JO. Five repre sentatives of railroads Indicted by the grand Jury here for alleged violation of the Inter state commerce law In pooling cotton shipped from this point, bavs acknowledged servics of the Indictment and have riven bond la $2,500 each for their appearance at ths fall term of the federal court. They ar: J. T. Harahan, vice president and general manager of the Illinois Central, and J. T. Hudson, traffic manager of the Illinois Cen tral, both of Chicago; F. B. Bowes, gen eral freight agent of tbe Illinois Central, Louisville; W. W. Fluley, vice president of ths Southern railway, Washington, and O. L. Wlothel. vice president sad general saanacer of the St. Louis Baa Francisco. OLD SOLDIERS ON PARADE School Children Salute Them with Fla Along Line of March, EXERCISES AT UNKNOWN GRAVE IN PARK Lincoln's Address at Oettysbnra, Band Selections, Yorstl Mnalc, Recita tions and Rllnal Service oa the Pro ram. It was only the gray and enfeebled rem nants of a once grand host that led the way Into Hanscom park yesterday afternoon for the memorial exercises. The men who, marching by fours, were once so many that their line was measured In miles, marched yesterday by twos snd even then occupied scarcely a block, for they numbered only 187. Of the unbannered veterans of the lster strifes only twenty-flve were in line, excepting such ss may have been among ths fifty Omaha Guards, thirty-eight Tburetoa Rifles and thirty-five Millard Rifles. It was with a reverence and an awe that the school children waved their flags In salute along the sidewalk, and with a heart-pang that their elders noted the ebbing of tbe veterans' strength. Start of the Parade. At 2:20 the parade started south from the corner of Sixteenth street and Capitol av enue, led by L. N. Gonden, marshal, and J. B. Drlesbach and John O. Willis, assistant marshals. Behind them came' twenty po licemen under Sergeants Welsenburg snd Hudson; Abbott's band of sixteen pieces; members of Custer, Grant and Crook posts of Omaha, with recruits from Dahlgren post of Papllllon and Phil Kearney post of South Omaha, to the total number of 187: Battery O of the Omaha Guards; a drum corps with seven musicians; flrty of the Omaba v. .rds, under Captain Ell Hodglns; twenty-flve of the ex-soldiers of the Soanlsh and Phllln- plne wars, under Captain William Nave; thirty-eight of the Thurston Rifles under Captain Charles W. Richards; thlrty-flve of me Millard Rifles, under Captain T. A. naugnman; carriages containing the mayor, councunien, city clerk, members of the school board and othera, making the total a'wheel twenty. Behind these and consti tuting the civic division were the Woodmen of the World band of twenty musicians; a squad of seventeen of the Woodmen of the World drill tesm, under Captain C. L. Ma ther; an equal number of tbe members of the Seymour Guards, under Captain R. L. Forgan, and thirty of the Modern of America, Uniform rank. Trailing these were carriages for the representatives of the Fraternal Union of America and the Royal Achates, nineteen nersona In all. Th dozen carriages of aa many different citl- tens brought up the rear. . Line of March. From tbe postofflce corner the line of march led to Douglas, east tn Thiriunii. eouth to Farnam. weat to SIti about fifty took the cars; then on west to i weaiy-eigntn. south on Twenty-eighth to Psclflc and then into the park, those who had taken tbe cara having rejoined the procession at Twenty-eigbta and Leaven worth. At the nsrk entrance h.r th- count waa made, tbe line was lengthened sjso ty j0 members of the Woman's Re lief corps and Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic falling In behind the vet erans. The park was entered by the main dirveway near the northeast corner. ; It waa after 3 o'clock when the parade reached Hanscom park. The crowd of nearly 3,000 people, mainly women and chil dren, who had been watting for nearly an hour had become Impatient, and swarmed over the improvised grsve In the plaza so that the marchers found it difficult to ob tain sufficient unoccupied ground on which to form. To the strains of a march by Ab bott's union band the veterans of the civil war, from the three poets of Omaha, from Dahlgren post of Papllllon and from Phil Kearney post of South Omaha, with mem bers from Fsrragut post of Lincoln, marched into the center of the space and formed an Irregular circle aroung the grave. The veterans of the civil war were followed by the veterans of tbe Spanish war and the companies of mllltla, with two degree teams of local lodges of Woodmen. The mllltla acted as guard to restrain the crowd until the program at the grave was completed. Exercises at. the Park. This program opened with the rniWnr of "In Peace Eternal," a dirge by Scoutln, oy me woodmen of the World band. S. E. Wlall of George Crook post, president of the burial corps, then read the roll of the year's dead as follows: Members of Custer Post Ernest H. Hoff man, late aasltant surgeon Eleventh Mis souri Infantry, died October 7, 1901, age 63 years; James R. Crandall. late private Company D. Second Nebraska cavalry, died April 15. 1902. aa-ed 73 vin- j.nt, t Stafford, late private Sixteenth Indiana bat tery, died April, 1902. aged 62 years. Members of Grant Post J. S. Caulfleld, late Seventh Illinois Infantry, commis sioned lieutenant In One Hundred and Forty-fourth Illinois Infantry, died January, 1902; John R. Cox, late sergeant CompanyD, Sixth Indiana infantry, commissioned lieu tenant Thirty-fourth Indiana infantry and lieutenant One Hundred and Firtv.thir In diana Infantry; C. E. Satterfleld, late priv ate company F. First West Virginia light artillery, died March 11,1902. aged 59 years. Members of Crook Post Thomn rnmn. wu.- ton, late private Company K, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Illinois Infantry, also of Company H. Fourth Pennsvlvanla rivalrv died November 13,1901. Other Comrsdes Who Hsve Died Robert W. Anderson, late private Company F, Eighty-eighth Ohio, died Mrrh iani age 68 years; John W. Roe, lata corporsl First DattauoB Minnesota Infantry, died April 23. 1902. axe 68 rears Henrv w vn. dermark, late One Hundred and Ninth New York Infantry, died April 24, 1902, age 70 years; Emsly Cllnkenbeard, lata private Company E. Eighteenth Iowa Infantrv rilari September 28, 1901, age 60 years; Elijah T. Tuornton, late sergeant Company C, Fourth Ohio cavalry, died June S, 1901, age 60 years; John Hensman, late of Company K. First Nebraska cavalry, died AprlJ 39, 1902. aged 70 years. Women's Hltuallatle Services. After tha readier of the roll rf th- a x M. J. Feenan read tha address n at Gettysburg, following which, te the music of Chopin's "Funeral March," by the Wood men a Dana, tne women's Keller corps held ritualistic services for the dead. In this servles Mrs. Maria C. Plka filled tha nffl. of president; Mrs. Annie N. Sayre. aenlor vice; airs. a. a. nun, junior vice; Mrs. Ssrah E. Potter, secretary, and Mrs. J. 8. Drlesbach, chaplain. One fsaturs of this service was tbe presence of thirty school children of tender sgs who at ths appointed moment marched around the grave strswlna it with flowers. Ths Young Men's Christian association quartet then ssng "Consolation and ths ritualistic memorial services of the Orand Army of tbe Republic were carried out with Georgs R. Raibbun aa commander. (Continued oa Second Page.) CONDITION 0FJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska-Fair Bnturdnv; Wanner In EnM Portion. Sunday Fair and Colder In Northwest Portion. Temperature at Omaha Yeatcrdayt floor. Dear. Hoar. lira. K a. m B 1 p. m ...... 'i A a. m . . . . . flT 2 . m ...... :i T a. an ..... . It) X p. tn ..... . 11.1 Ma. m tin 4 p. m IT l n. ra R. (I p. m il 10 a. tn...... tO p. m 11 a. m Ill T p. m IU m 61 p. m Kl O p. m U.1 SHORTENING TIME SCHEDULE Sorthwesleru Pnts on New Dearer Train Jnns 8, Which Is to Be a Hammer. CHICAGO, May SO. (Special Telegram.) All fast-time schedules between Cblcsgo and Omaha snd Denver will go by the board June 8, when the Northwestern will put a new fast train in service. Tbe new train will be known as the "Colorado Spe cial" westbound. and the "Chicago Special" eaatbound, and will lower tbe time of the present fastest Nortbwescrn train from Chi cago to Denver ny two and one-halt hours, and the present fastest time from Chicago to Omaha fifty-five minutes. The average speed of the new train westbound and ex clusive of stops between here and Omaha will be forty-two miles per hour, and east bound forty-three miles, while the average speed each way between here and Denver, including slops, wlllbe a trifle over forty miles an hour. Between Chicago and both western cities the two specials will con stitute the fastest service In existence. Eastbound from Omaba the time will be one hour and twenty minutes faster than the Northwestern'B fast mail train. In December last year the Northwestern attempted to lower tbe time between Chi cago and Omaha In connection with the "Overland Limited," but the move met with opposition from the ether lines and a speed agreement waa then entered into, placing the maximum speed between the two cities at thirteen hours and twenty minutes. Recently one of the Omaha Hues abrogated this agreement, leaving the Northwestern free to carry out speed plana that had long been contemplated. SAVED BY COOL M0T0RMAN He Restrains Psateagen from Leap ing; from Elevated Train to the Uronnd. CHICAGO. May SO. Nesrly 100 passengers on a Northwestern elevated train were thrown Into a panto last night when de fective electric wiring set Are te the smok ing car at Franklin and Superior streets. Everybody In the train waa thrown from his seat and tbe occupants) of the smoker rushed for tbe rear door. It was with the greatest difficulty that some were restrained from lea; l ig from the structure to the ground. That, no one waa seriously Injured is due, tn great meas ure, to the coolness of I. J. Landphere, the motorman. Aa aoon aa the accident occurred Land phere shut down his power &nd, leaping out on tbe atrtjo.ur, v rai tj tas rear of the smoker and actually had to beat two men down off tbe rail of the platform before he could persuade them not to Jump. By this ttms the whole frout end of the train waa in flames and an alarm was turned In. The blaze was quickly extin guished by a chemical engine. LAVA SHOWER FALLS IN KANSAS Farmer la Osnora Conaty Picks t'p Stoaea Which Are Too Hot to Handle. TOPEKA, Kan.. May 30. (Special Tele gram.) The residents of Osborne and other northern counties are mystified over a lava shower which fell there yesterday after coon. Ulrlch Andrews, a farmer living near Osborne, brought the first news of the phenomenon to town. His story was discredited until he took several, neighbors and Visited the nlaro where th liv. k.H "fallen while he was driving bis cows home. Several large pieces were dug from the ground and are now on exhibition In Os borne. When taken from the ground the lava was too hot to handle. Tbe residents of the neighborhood are seeking for an ex planation of the mystery. MULE MEN GET BIG FORFEIT Abandonment of Camp at Lathrop Said ta Involve a Mil lion Dollars. LATHROP. Mo.. May 80. (Special Tele gram.) It is claimed that because of the British abandoning their camp at Lathrop, tbe Guyton & Harrington Mule company will receive a $1,000,000 forfeit. The con tract between this company aad the Brit ish government la said to stipulate that If within the next five years tbe compsoy falls to properly care for the animals gath ered here by the British buyers or It tbe British vscate their contract, the sum of $1,000,000 shall be forfeited by the respon sible party. John Bull's $1,000,000 auto graph 1b therefore expected to become tbe treasured possession of the American mule traders. KILLS WIFE AND SHOOTS SELF Former Deavcr Mining- Man Commlta Traced y, Caase of Which is a Mystery. SALT LAKE CITY, May 30. N. E. Graves. a mining man, shot and klllsd his wlfs to day at their home here and then fatally shot himself. Graves shot his wlfs In ths hesd twlcs, death 'resulting Instantly, and shot himself in the temple. No cause Is known. Graves formerly lived In Denve. Railway Aeeaaatanta Elect Officers. BT. LOUIS. May SO. The next annual convention of the railway accounting offi cers will be held lu Hot 8prings, Va. At the final session of the association the fol lowing officers were elected: President, W. D. Bend, vice president and auditor of the Chicago Great Western railway. St. Paul, Minn.; first vice president, J. W. Reoner, comptroller Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg; aecond vies president, A. D. Parker, general auditor Colorado South ern railway, Denver; secretary and treas urer. C. G. Phllltpps. Cblcsgo. Ths report of the spsclal committee on additional sta tistics for tbe Interstate Commerce commis sion waa adopted and tbe following were named as a committee to go to Washington and present a memorial on tbe subject to tbs commission: M. Rlebenack, Philadel phia; C. I. 8turgla, Chicago; H. M. Kocher sperger. New Haven, Conn.; A. P. Plant, Washington, and H. C. Whitehead, Chicago. President Bead will be a member of this committee ex-cfiklo. HEAR THE PRESIDENT Thonsanda Listen to Roosevelt's Decoration Day Address in Arlington Cemetery. UNUSUAL CELEBRATION OF THE EVENT Veterans of Grand Army Lead In Faying Tribute to Fallen Comrades. GRAYES OF BLUE AND GRAY KEPT GREEN Nation'! Chief Executive Evokes Storm of Applause with Eloquent Words. CHEERS AGED HEROES IN BROKEN RANKS Only Really Vital Task of Coantry's Life, President nys, Was Per- ,.' formed by federal Aoldiera of Civil War. WASHINGTON, May 30. Decoration day was observed today perhaps more generally than ever before. Tbe snnottneement that President Roosevelt would deliver the ora tion at Arlington brought to that hlstorlo city of the dead a vast concourse of people, among whom were numbered thousands nf veterans who Journeyed to the cemetery to honor the memory of their comradea who had died In their country' cause, or who, having survived the struggles of 1861 and 189S, bad passed since into tbe great un known. The local arrangements were In charge of the Department of the Totomac and In cluded a parade of all the Grand Army of the Republic and other patriotic organiza tions, the decoration of monuments and graves and addresses by men prominent la the affairs of the government. At Arlington, where the principal exer cises were held, a national s Jute wss fired at 12 o'clock by the Fourth battery. United States field artillery. Music was rendered by the Marine band and by the Memorial choir. Upon arriving st Arlington the pro cession marched to the tomb of the un known. During the decoration of tombs by the special committee, chosen .. om the different Grand Army of the Republic or ganliatlona and auxiliary societies, tha Marine band played a'a appropriate selec tion. The procession then broke up and tbe decoration of graves began. Decoration of Confederate Craves. A touching feature rf the work of deco-' ratios waa the strewing of flowers over the graves of the confederate dead who He bur ied tn a aectlon of the cemetery. In the meantjjne a vast crowd had as sembled at the '-'amphitheater, where the services were conducted. The familiar strains of "Nearer. My God, to Thee," by the Marine band, marked tbe beginning of the aervloes, which had been most elabo rately planned. President Roosevelt's ar rival was the signal for an outburst ot ap plause which continued for some time after he had taken his seat on the platform. After the invocation and the rendition ot aeveral ni-mbers by the band and ehoir, Mr. E. B. Hay read. Lincoln's Oltraburg nit , dreas. President Roosevelt followed, and aa he arose he was again greeted .witU cheers and the plaudits of the Immense audience, which stretched far outside the limits of tbe amphitheater. His remarks were given tbe closest attention and he wag frequently Interrupted by bursts ot sp plause. The preaideut spoke as follows: ' Ajddreaa ot the President. It Is a gooa custom for our country to have certain solemn holidays In commem oration of our greatest men and of the greatest orlala In our history. There should Bo but few such holidays. To Increase their number in to cheapen them. Washington snd Lincoln the man who did most to found the union, and the man who did moat to preserve It stand head and should ers above all our other public men, and have by common consent won tha right to this pre-eminence. Among the holidays which commemorate the turning points In American history. Thanksgiving has a slg nlllcance peculiarly its own. On July i wo celebrate the birth of the nation; on this day, the 30th ot May, we call to mind the deaths of those who dl.-d that the na tion might live, who wagered all that life holds dear for the great prize of death in battle, who poured out their blood like water In order that the mightynatlonal structure rained by the far-seeing patriot Ism of Washington. Franklin, Marshall, Hamilton and the other great lenders of the revolution, great tramera of the con stitution, should not crumble Into meaning less ruins. You whom I address today and your comradts who wore tha blue beside you in the perilous years during which strong, sad. patient Lincoln bore the crushing load of national leadership, performed ths one feat the failure to perform which would have meant destruction to every thing which makes the name America a symbol of hope among the nations of man kind. You did the greatest and most necessary task which has ever fallen to the lot of any men on this western hemi sphere. . During our four generatlonn of national life we have had to do many tasks, and some of them of far-reaching Importance, but th only really vital task was the ones rou did, the tank of saving the union, nnn vour success depended all the futura of the pnoplo on this continent and much of the future of mankind as whols.. You lett us a reunited country. In war and In peace alike your example will atand SS tne Wisest OI lt-nnJiis iu up ana our children and our children's children. : Trying aad Difficult War. Just at this moment the army of the United States, led by men who served ' among you in the great war. Is carrying ' to completion a small but peculiarly try ing and1 difficult war In which la Involved not only the honor ot the flog, but the trlumnh of civilization over forces which stand for the black chaos of savagery and barbarism. The task haa not been as diffi cult or as Important as yours, but. oh, my comrades, the men In the uniform of ths United States, who have for the last three years patiently and uncomplainingly chara- ptonea ine American tku iu iuq iiiuj- your sons. They have shown themselves not unworthy of you and they are entitled to the support or an men who axe proud of what you did. Thrim vounuer comrades of yours have fought under terrible difficulties and have received terrible provocation from a very cruel and very treacherous enemy. TJndey the xtralii of these provocations I deeply deplore to say that some among them have so far inrauiicii iiieiiineivea a iu couneui and commit, in retaliation, sets of cruelly. The fact that for every guilty act com mitted by one oi our troops a hundred acts of far greater atrocity have been committed by the hostile natives upon our tr, ..!,. or UDon the ueaceablt and law. abiding natives who are frlendlv to us, can not be neia to exiruse sny wrongdoer on our side. Determined and unswerving effort must be made, and is being made, to find out every instance of barbarity on the part of our troops ,to punish those yuilty of It, and to take. If possible, even stronger measures than have already bean taken to minimise or prevent the occur rence of all such instances In the future. Tradaoers of tha Arauy.' From time to time there occur In our country, to the deep and lasting shame of our people, lynchlngs carried on undsr circumstances of Inhuman cruelty and barbarity a cruelty infinitely worse than any that has ever been committed by our troops In the Philippines; ore to the victims and far more brutallslng to those ulltv of It. The men who fall to oon. arm n thess lynching, and yet oiamor about what has been done in the Philippines, sr Indeed guilty ot neglecting the beam In their own eye while taunting their brother about the mote In hla. Under stand me. These lyuchlngs afford us no excuse for failure to stop cruelty in the Philippines. very effort la being Bnade, (Continued on Fourth Page.)