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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
TOE OMAHA PA1LT ITEEt FRIDAY, "MATT 10, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES Mil be taken natll IS am. far in 'Tenia; edltlen ana til 1(0 an. fee aeernln an Snaa eg I tie. Hate. I I-S a wr ret Insertion, I n werd thereafter. Rotting take lav lee than !V far Ik rat I neer tlen. Tkm ndvertleeanente nana be) raa eeaaeeatlvely. fcered cheek, eaa have answer 4raeg ta a btitt letter la ear f The Bee. Answer a ndreee4 will he deliver areaeatattaa af la a keek nlr. MTCATIOXS WASTED. WORK by the day. 2G31 Bherman ave. A-M1M ! HANTllft-MALE HELf . A LIVE man of good address capable of earning irom yju to ti a whk to ftil permanent position; experienced salesman preferred. Call with reference to hi. 4. Stanley, Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Saturday after a. m. B 17 it GOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay, A. D. T. CO., kU South lath. 16 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live In tne country or In a email town and ' have a good acquaintance among lha farmers and clock raisers In tne nelgnuornoou you can make o easily by four or live hours worn. Write ua and wa will aend your our proposition, The Bee publishing Co., bollcUors' Dept., Omaha. Neb. tjcnu WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions lor The Twentieth Cen tury tanner. Our agents make good wages everywhere. required. Address Twentieth. Century Farmer, , Omaha, Neo. B-u THREE or four good men wanted; tiuo per montM. iail tzi paxton oioca. u ai. s V ANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on new uroDoeilion by which you can earn 1 to fc a liny; yojng men from ii to ueelreu, wno are nustiera and wen recom mended. Itooin iu unmna uee mag. WANTED, a gentleman desires to taka private lessoiiu In French two evenings each week. Must call at my residence. Address, stating method of teaching. X 42, iee. - n m,u Q. R, RATHBUN gives private lessons In bookkeeping. Room 16, Commercial Na tional bank. 14 HW WANTED Two good gunsmiths at once; i . . . r j . l- Schumann, Memphis, Tenn. b M774 22 STRICTLY first-class soda dlsDncer. also omblnailon Ice cream and candy maker and a good barn man. ii. a. uranam. Mia and Farnam. ... t ssi A MERCANTILE agency wants repre sentatives; salary and commission. Box t D 2oo, Boulder. Colorado. a w li- '8TR0NG boy of 18 to do packing, deliver ing and general store work. Slate refer- ence tug eaiaiy vAvcum. Auurrsn, a im. Uee. . 11 lia la WANTED A arood all-around bread and cake baker; good wages for the right man; single man preferred. Aanreas A 36, Dee. B 137 lo tenders, to work on Unity Temple; steady work for several months. Apply to Henry L. Brennlng. Douglas, wyo. u-miu 19 WANTED, a good, steady butcher with small capital will find a splendid opening in northeastern town ot riebrasxa; first-class butcher shoD. centrally located lust Vacated, where a successful business una Ifffd uohb lui jrai,, im, im nfjivjii- did chance for the right man. For ln formation address Z 66, Bee office. B-M1K 1 WANTED, a flrst-clasa bushelman, with ability as salesman; steady work. Ad' dress A 3, nee, stating salary required. B 160 15 WANTED, at once, two good sign paint era: aiso two good bulletin painters. Ad dresa Geo. Snerer Sign Co., Minneapolis, Minn. U-U1.8 16 WANTED, flrst-clasa bookbinder ar finisher, at ones. Address A Rank, F Dodger la. B M17 IT ,v . , 'i , , i i . ' WANTED, carpenters. Address Otto Koer tmr. Contractor, Yulen, jeb. B M169 13 P SUING salesmen can learn of something to their advantage by writing The Hawks Nursery Co., Milwaukee, Win. B 18 J14 WANTED, 2 coatmakers, price, $6.60 up. Elliott ft Gortnly, Eagle Grove, la. B-182 17 WANTED, a competent clothing salesman; references rsqulred; good salary paid, 'iahn ft Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. B 181 15 WANTED, men on' commission, good ref erences, to help organise locally every- here the People's Universal trust. Ad dress Walter Vrooman, 316 Century build t ig, Kansas City. Mo. B MJ96 16 WANTED, four woll-dressed business men that are Well acquainted In Omaha and vU.'lnlty who are willing to work. Wages, to .'Ight pasty, not lens than $100 per month. Inquire from 9:30 to IS a. m. Georg T. Hull, 2U6-210 Bee building. B M191 a .WANTED, young man as collector, as sistant bookkeeper, one who can use type. writer prefrrreu; must be well acquainted In city. A 46, Bee. B MJ02 18 SALESMEN WASTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit free. Lewron.ce Nursery company, Law rence, Kan. 668 J 19 WE- IlaVE a number of agencies In Ne braska and western Iowa where we use food men selling our Standard Stock ood to farmers and feeders; they must have teams and give full time to the buslnees; they must be men of high stanulng, have some knowlodite ot live tock and good business ability; we fur nish wagons for sjrh man and offer ex eeDllonal Inducements to permanent sales men; bond required; send for application blank. The F. E. Sanborn Company, cimaoa. Men. . . Mii M.a ALE8MEN. up-to-date, active, to sell first-class groceries direct to consumers at wholesale: trade Is permanent and profitable: llrst-claaa territory and liberal Inducements. George Meldrum ft Co., fal ana u n. ureen bu, Chicago, in. ... , 186 15 A GOOD and experienced traveling sales man for wlnea and liquors for South Dakota and Iowa. Applicants must apply with reference. Good position and salary for right party. Address A. Hreslaoer ft Co., 243 Broadway, Milwaukee, wis. M 2i is HELP WANTED. good wages; also boy for barn work. 4 8, 2Hth, corner Mason. M121 1 W ANTKO FEMALE! HELP. AN ENERGETIC woman not under 26 to fill permanent position. . having had experience in hauaaug r tavi preferred. Position will pay at least $-5 a wetk Apply Saturday at 2 p. m. to E. J. Siauley, Paxton Hotel. Omaha. C 18S 16 WANTED, two young lady students to learn balrdresaliig, manicuring and chi ropody aid scientific massage. Call or write Room Im. bee UUg. C 29t aW Girls. Call Canadian office, lith ft Dodge. v. WANTED, deaervtng young lady or gentle man to lake life scholarship In Omlia s best busluasa and shorthand college and pay for It when course is Unlabel and position secured. Aaaress A 1. ties. WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the French lanmiaae lo a cluka of three, twice a week; Mate tarsus. Ad.lresa Z 64. Bee. C-MU riKST-CLASS wilt! and skirt makers must be experienced, no other need am'iy m Address Si eblrk s Dressmaking lv ai t aaenc Dead Wood. 8. D. c vn E WANTED, a teacher for remunerative position during vacation: permanent If sausiaciory. Aairau A iz. Alee. C M1S9 14 WANTED, a good competent girl at l'U a. Ave.; gooa wages. w itu WANTED, exnerienced salesladies In rlove. yetitug and dresa Irtnimlng department. ..- wiiHwti as awsb MMmiwt n"". ... - O-HXU WASTED-rEHILB HELP. KEUABLE girl for general housework. I Mrs. c. uuncn, iimi a. S2d st C M172 17 COMPETENT cook. good wages. Apply C M17S ll Fark are. WANTED. i rl good wagf. Apply ti family of thi ree N. IMh st it FOR REJIT HOliKS. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196 D 295 Til MOVK rleht set Omaha Van Btorses Co.; onice kutt r arnam, or xaia. i:-'m. D 29tt HOI IQPQ ,n " rkrta of city. The O. F. Davla Co., 662 Bee Blrig. U LSi HOLBE9. atores. Bemls, Paxton block. 10-ROOM houe, with bastment, 2Sth and Jsckson. up": good location. t. ti. Turkington. 606 Bee. D M361 FOR RENT, 7-room house. 22d and Cali fornia bis., ail moaern. in arooa repair. large yard. Inquire at 6U7 N. T. Ilfe building. . D 1I97 BEE PAYNE, POSTWICK ft CO. tor choice bouses. eul-Z N. X. Ule Uldg. Mel. lom. . - D io2 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block I u ui i FOR RENT, -room, modern, detached house, newly painted and papered, - 2621 Capitol Ave. Tel. 671. B. . H. Konisoti. D M383, UNEOUAI.ED. central, modem 4 and 5- room Hats. Tlxara. n. zsa si. i-wi HOUSES, etc. F. V. Wead. 1624 Douglas. LM CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. Maggard V. ft S. Co., 1713 Webster. Tel 1496. u vrt i FOR RENT, 3311 Burt St., a large fine resl- I dence, 9 rooms, and thoroughly modern, hot water heat, steel range In kitchen, u,i . with mhnA trea: rn-lll rent to a flrst-cfass tenant from June 8 for $jt per month. Inquire on premises. ' D M147 30 FOR RENT, residence, all modem, m N. 42d St.. to desirable tenant. $22.50. C. K. Herring. 707 N. Y. Life. D M154 1 FOR RENT, six-room cottage, city water; 12.00 per month: Uin Caldwell street. t.n oulre James Goldsmith, room 18. U. 8. Hank building. D M1SB 18 FOR RENT Fl R.N ISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED roonia, All modem. 320 N. lath ot, m w mia ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the. city. lu capoi Ave. a miwo LARGE, also smaller room. 806 N. 19th St. Hi loo ai&t TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 SL Mary's. E M214 M26 TWO well furnished south rooms. 2015 Douglas. F M272 FRONT room, modern. $8. 1717 Webster. E 474 Junel FOR RENT, a nice large furnished troM room, with alcove, ivi a. sto at. E M476 THI T.AVrjF! HOTRU ft4 B. Hth St. E M743 J DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. c TWO heautlful rnnnectlnar parlors, fur nished or unfurnished: modern home; large lawn; privilege of light housekeep ing. 9K3 Burt. niaot NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board. 307 N. 25th St. Jfi MB NICELY furnished room, everything mod ern; no other roomers. 2129 Farnam fit.. sa noor, west stae. lei. is-nm. E M177 21 FIRNIS1IED ROOMS AJSD BOARD. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board. IT 404 JV110 WT room and board. 1923 California. F-170 M26 NICE rooms with good board; reasonable; bath, gas, eiectrio iignt ana tetenoue. 411 N. 26th. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. r ouo ROOMS, fl rat-class board. 2224 Famam. r mi i iy FOR RENT IKFIRNISUED ROOMS. nrif room snare. 35 per month, ground floor room in ine nee ouiiuing. lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, ic tj. riuti k o.. Rental Agents, Bes building. U US SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. 616 Georcla Ave. w sum itmipi'RNISHKD rooms for liKht house keeping, I0B BO. ln du inquire at o o. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Shook, 2617 r arnam. v. n z- FOH RENT STORES AND OFFICE. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- niaii bv The uee at io r arnam oi. it naa i0" Atrl?!Ln,i TH"e-ei''nr!L.iChrno,n' l,iiut, m - . r ,11 This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 1(0, Bee building. i oi mn uf.nt. atora In ftrst-class location: rent reasonable. Appiy n i tiers a Co.. arounu noor, uee oiag. i zoo FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable for mercnanaise oroitrr or party doing business In wholesale district. In- iniir. Uma k Co.. 916 Farnam St. I-M2S4 1311-XV .W, MlW v' ' B ' , 1 JU-IW IS FOR RENT, desk room, with roll top desk snd phone. J. 11. jonnson, e in x. Life. I-M201 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvasalna- asents in every county to solicit subscriptions to lilt. TWENTIETH CENTURY, FARMER: steady employment with assured good Income; agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired; can VBKsers maku exsily $i0 to $109 per month. Address Century Farmer bollcUors Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. 2X3 CANVASSING agents, this ad is worth DOC. t UI out anu erim wnn our name iu Joe 8auldlng, Council Bluffs. J 166 20 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, for light housekeeping. 4 to 6 rooms, must be modern. A . tw-e. K-M1ST 17 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, new or second-band mill work ing machinery, 1 le-lncn band saw, 1 )or 2.-inch rip saw, 1 3o-incb plainer, 1 6 or 6 Inch mouluinj machine, I jointer. J. J. Keete. bioux City, la. N M144) 16 TOR lAlt KIB.MTIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. uJ0 New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O ill FOR SALai HOUSES, WAGONS, KTC. FOR S.'.LE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runaJouts, new and secondhand, at cut prices. Repairing and trimming; also put on rubber tires. PlcUIer, 3U and Lesv eu worth bts. 1' Sia MJA PAINTING snd repairs on wagons, etc., our specially. Ii. trust, 14ia and Leav uuworth. Tel. 1447. P li gEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter Phelps, room D, N. Y. Life bldg. P-M404 FOR SALE A thoroughbred Imported Shetland pony. Inquire of A. D. H run dels. Bosloo Store. P Mr. Fl'R SALE, cheap, good second-hand phae ton. Call ta the evening. $U4 S. Hth st. P M136 19 FOR SALE, fine saddle horst. knows all the galls, either lady or gentleman eta ride l.lin, can be aan aay aveniiig after u cioca ax win ana center sts. Jh-MIM U FOR SALE M1C ELLAS EOI S. IDHAND safe cheap. Schwartx, 114 8. 13th. FLE8CHER sells bicycles. 1(L3 Capitol Ave. ZDHAND safe cheap. Delight, 1111 Farnam. W 100 STTLEH trussea: catalogue free. Bher man at McConnell l-rug Co., ltn and Dodge, Omaha. U3U WIRE fence for poultry, hog. lawn and yarn, tiucn posts, tree gtiaras. virs Works, 612 & ltth St. Tel. !. Q M971 July iinuiAn gooas ana re lies, iui r arnam 4317 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instrument; as up. i ne Wlltman :o., 162- Farnam. Q 415 FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha snortnana school, cneap. inquire m nn 11 lug. n earns BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay ments to down, ii. w per weea; zanano wheels, ta. W and $10: new wheels, $15. Omaha Bicycle Co , 16th and Chicago Bts. STAMP photos, lc each. Velox, 13 & Far m. 6EABROOKE Wall paper, m N 16th St. FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 teet; criDoing ana nog rence. sui uuugias. W i TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Bmlth- I'remler. Densmore. replaced by 1HK UNDERWOOD; low crlce. Rentals, $2.50 to $4 per month A. II. Workman et Co., 1W Farnam. Phone 2439. U M533 8AM L BURNS for gaa fixtures. BTEREOPTICANS and moving picture machines, a. t. wurn, 140 Farnam st. W 414 MM CLOSING out household goods and stoves cneap. uii uoute e L. aaioo rf SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables billiard tables repaired: a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., 407-9 so. loth. VI oi NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Far- nam. Q-M76: FOR SALE, second-hand desks, chairs and walnut office counter and railings, w a' baBh office, 1415 Farnam st. Q M148 FOR SALE, comnlete outfit butchers' tools. consisting or double cooler axis, gasoline engine, butlalo chopper, etc., nearly new. Addreas A. D. Heynolds, uenisnn. la. g-M198 IS- FOR 8ALK. fine trottlnar roadster, young. sound, safe. Price reasonable. Also, it desired, buggy and harness. Address A 4B, Bee. Q M190 18 CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. LEAHIE PARLORS, 1619 DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist tells you all you want to know, every hope, fear nd wish of your life, faults, quality, capability, trade or profession )VU MID Uetl IUIICU IUI IUIIUUAIO unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil Influences; how to win the one you love. conquer enemies, restore lost anecuona; advice on business, health, marriage, divorce, etc Hours, 9 to 9. a Mtwa JJ MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St a bi MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 316 S. 15. KLKCTRIC 1HKATMEST. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.15, 2d floor. R. 1 MME, AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. r. 7, 1 Mill IV11S PERSONAL. Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739, U-JUlU J I DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed y electricity, it. u. Frenxer block. u PRIVATE. hoSDltaL before and durlna: con nnement; babies adoptea. iaos urant st. Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-1183. U 324 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. C 326 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, In connection with on wit U LC6 The Balhery, 216-2JU aen ttidg, RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send lor circular, u. o. wood, M. D., 6Z1 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb, ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest.. Mrs. A. c. Mark, ii At ixiugias, GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesal and retail. Collins Piano Co., 16JZ Doug' laa. u sat CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The ttatnery. rooms zio-ZJU Bee Bldg. 'lei. ilia. u-iuu 8HAMpooiNG and halrdresslng. 25c, In connection with The Bathery, H16-230 Bee building. Tel. 1716. U 331 M. H. NASH Your deal with Ed has been fixed. Come home. c. A. M. u 620 is' VIAVA, woman's way to health. . Home treatment Booklet free. 346 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 334 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 3d floor, r. 1 U M473 M16 RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; send for circulars. Empire Rupture Curo Co., 933 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U 33i SEE Proctor, One pictures. 616 8v J6th. U Sfi JS ROOMS, IWrk So. 10th SL 'Phone 1S1L U-6S2 J3 DRESSMAKING and cutting taught with Livingston Machine Academy, 17 Doug las. U-MTT7 21 ELITE PARLORS. 615 & 16th St., 2d floor. u At J I DR. JAMES H. PEABODT has moved from Caj'llol avenue to flat over Grahams drug store, northeast corner Twenty fourth and Farnam streets. U M753 23 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side pleating. The uoiaman Pleating Co, 2u0 Douglas block. U M76l FOUND, beet Ice cresm soda In city, 6c. Bnrauer s cstore, mn ana eewara. U 843 J10 THERE ARE TWENTY REASONS WHY lou Should Bmoke the. Stoecker Cigar First, they are the best on the market. The other nineteen we won't mention. $36 CRESCENT given away with each $22.56 cash you pay at lescher a, loci t. ap. Ave, U-158 20 DO you eat In ragtime? Page 14 May W hut to l.Bt. Mullle. U-U185 1 WILL Mlas Grace Woods, who was for merly at J. R. a please aend her present address A 60, Umana Bee. U all! ir MU.XUl TO LOAM HEAL ESTATE. 4Vi PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 401 H. 16lh Bt W 336 MONEY to loan on impr.ived Omaha real estate. ttrrunan-Lova Co., sue b. 13th. W 336 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith Co., UHO Fariiam St. . W-431 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. l aurnae. ii nai. u.u. uiu(. aei. ivw. W iM PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N Y U W-444 I PER CENT luana Farnam. Qjrvin Bros W 1404 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1634 Douglas w u LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life Rldg. W-M40S 4Vi TO I P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. WANTED, dtr and farm loans: also bonds and warranis. R. C. Pelera A Co., I"u3 Facnaia bL, Bee Bldg. W U MOEY TO LOA5I CHATTELS. $ $ $ I $ MONEY1 $$$$ MO NETI I WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. LOANS FROM $10 TO 3200 MADS On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, witnout pud licit y or removing the property, and at much CHEATER AND EASIER RATES than elsewhere. You caa havg the money on the same day you ask lor it, ana tne l ien can be paid off In easy weekly or monthly paymenta, or aa your circum stances will permit, thu enabling you to pay without Inconvenience or worry. Come In and talk It over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 3v3. Third Floor. Paxton Block 10 YEARS In nur tiresent location. Ileal with an old reliable nrm ana estaoiun a creun uii will be of use to you in ths future. We make loana on Furniture, Pianos, Live btock and to Salaried People. Our rates n am low as anv and much lower than many, our motto la. "Try to please." If you have dealt with us and are pleased tell others. If you are displeased tell us. OMAHA WDHTilAHE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Blag., 3u6 S. 16th SL Established In IStt. iei. zm X M167 LARGEST BUSINESS IN IX5AN8 TO SALARIED 1'EOriJ!, mercnanis, team' sters, boarding houses, etc., without s ourltv. eaaleat terms: 40 offices In Pin clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Tnde Bldg. a MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, eta . neeu, i . is. LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. successors to J. W. TATLOE, k?u Ptitnn Block. TEL. 745. To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS patrons we nave estaonsneu eiegant ol flces at ROOM 24, W1CKHAM BLDO., intersection Broadway ft Pearl Bts. TEL. 8. X lot MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connoenuai; lowest raiea. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 353 unvvv no A nn furniture, live stock. jewelry, to saianea people. oicy iajsu CO., SUO. to UUU ureen. s umvu. X 330 Bl'SIXKBB CMANC1CS. TO GET In or out of business call on Wll llama, Room 411, McCagu building. Y 353 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the beat agricultural section of lowa; large annual trade; stock will invoice about $iu,uu0; profits large; must close up an estate Interest the only reason for selling. Address V 40, Bee. x we IF YOU want to BUY or SELL real es tate call or write. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 4th floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Y 856 FOR SALE, A good, clean stock of grocer ies, queensware and notions, one of the beet staud'J in a live Nebraska town, do ing a good business; reason for selling, poor health. Address Grocer, Bee Ofhce, Council Bluffs. XU.UI FORTUNES easily made by small but wlsa investments: the small capitalists' and money savers' opportunity; write for our Guide to Wealth. r Tralse & Co , 333 Unity Bldg., Chicago. x ausos axai- $5,0U0 for controlling Interest in a rapidly increnalns: leKltlniate manufacturing busi ness, destined to be a very profitable enterprise. Court oiosest investigation. J. H. Johnson, ,ew orn ure. - Y w9 FIRST-CLASS location for hotel; also gen eral store; can convince you ot aeeira bllity. The Lexlngtva, Bank, Lexington, Neb. Y 794 16 EXPERIENCED partner wanted in tent and awning business in good thriving western town.. For n particulars address ,A6, uee. i - doing $1(1,006 bualdess yearly, for $1,600 cash, worth $2,ouo. Adareau, Louis Wahl, Le Mars, lowa. x rnn rai.r. slock of shoes, dry Broods, fur nishlng goods, clothing, chinawarj, and notions; low rent; population i,ni rati' wav oenter: rood farmlna country: bar gain If takeu at once. Lock Box 337, Ames, la. x-Miuz lb- for RALE, stock of hardware and har ness In town of 800 people in southwest el II 1". A, m LULA WW Address A 31. Bee. stock will invoice about o,uuu Y-M1U 26 HAVE AN OPENING FOR k responsible man with $10.UU0 to $20,00 canh; spienaia salary ana a cnance to double money In one year. Lyman Waterman, promoter of enterprises, 1349 B. ii6th Bt., city. x in is- WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your DUHineae or property iiuich., pro ' II. Johnson, 643 in. I. iie. x Miia A MONEY MAKING PROPOSITION for live man who can rurmsn siuu.uu to fjuo.uo. Can make from $10 to $1'0 every day. Will atajid anv kind of investigation. Call after 10 a. m. on General Agent, room 7L Karbach Hotel. x la m FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bea. t 4s, Bee. d rasm WILL exchange 41 lots In Dundee Place, Omaha, clear ot incumbrance, tor suit able Kansas City property. Address, The United States Trust Company of Kansas City, Mo. &i is PIANO to trade for horse and buggy. J. Levlne, w4 N. ltttn. 4U11 zi FOR SALJU HA1. KSTATU. HOMESTEADS free to all who have not taken benefit. 01 nomesteaa law; itoseouu reeervatiun opened soon; Chamberlain lu.nd oBice. where you register tor clianc and choice. Write A. R. Cottln, send $1.04 lor valuable information; 110 swindle; perfectly sUglgUL, neferencea. Bank of lowa sua uaavut, k,uNumiui, m, is. M&-613 16 rity best house oalnts. varnishes, eta. quality blfiheat, prices lowest. XMauonai Oil aud taill -., ll eunea ov. RlM64 M23 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and arm lanas. ine u. , Davis Co., ttoom aw, iee uuiiuiiig. Rii 361 IF YOU want one ot the nicest 3-room homes in Hanscom riace 1 win give you a bargain, owner leu oiijr. aiuat sen. J. U. bherwood, M it. s. a oma lih.Mlii BEE PAYNE. BOSTW1CK CO. for ebolc bargains, oul-i N. X. uie 1U. iei. nut. ALL A HOARD for California! KJ0.O00 acres government land In southern California open for settlement; the largest Irriga tion canal In America Is now completed through these lands; soil Is very rich and feruie, llnest alfalfa and cattle country on earth; Ku acres allowea earn person permanent water rights sold on eaai terms; railroad through these lands will be completed in snort time; send 10 oents for books and muua aud full informa tlon. Held A Hebrr. agents, 147 South Broadway, Los Angeles, cai. RE M470 Ml THREE MILLION acre corn, wheat, graz ing and Irrigated land lor sale. t. it. Ar.Jrua, Agent Santa re system, room Union deuot. Kansas City. Mo. Rii MS10 33 FOR SALE. Immediately, -room house and lot, with large barn. 0. Anderson, 4em and u sts., two miiea west 01 f. o. RE M119 ! RANCH and farm lands for sals by tne Union Pacific Railroad company. 11. A, McAlleater, land commissioner. Union Pa ciho lleauviuartara. Omaha, Neb. RE 31 GEO RGB O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, Insj-auce. Brown block. RE 3o9 ALFALFA farm for ssle; 160 acres, 44, la alfalfa; well Improved; going to Canada. w rite to Lrlk Johnson, At. Z. Lexington, Neb. RE sot M HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; else fire Insjrsace. Bemla, Paxton block RB 30 FOR 8 ALE. three lots, with six-room cot tage; price, $".M; owner leaving elty. Address Z ti, e offie. . RS Mist FOR IALB-REAL RSTATE. FARMS If you wish to bur a grain, fruit or stock farm, get my list ot western Alien. gan tiower penmauiai oism'", write today; they are going rapidly. S. V. R- Hayes, Grand Rapids. Mich. Hlv M4 JI FOR SALE. 1.U0 acre of good farming land. 12U acres In crops this yesr, at a sacrifice. In central part of Nebraska. O. 11. Peterson, 63 N. lit. utrnxna. kg tsa mir Uil 1 1AMQOM CHARLES E. 1 ii ii.uini'ijwii, Farnam street. RE 363 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. ln Douglaa Bt.. upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap building lets. Call for catalogue and price list. 1'rivata money to loan on easy terms. RE Sal FOR LEASE OR RALE. A beautiful country home of 20 acres with 9-room house, large barn and outbuild ings, splendid water system, large lawn, shade trees and fruit orchard. Three miles from Omaha P. O.. on paved street. Will make t to 5-year lease to right party. A 23, Bee. RE Kt 18 Boyd County LANDS. Our next party leaves May 20, 1902. The F. E. & M. V. Ry.,now building in Boyd Co., will be completed this fall, and at that time lands will make a big jump. Better go now. Write us. POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. elephone 470. RE 133 15. BENSON More Tiomes are belne built in Benson than In all other suburbs combined, inis la Himnlv because it offers the advan tages. If you want to know how to get a lot or e nome on easy terme can on BENSON at CAR MICH A EL, 642 PAXTON BLOCK. RE M171 17 BEAUTIFUL home. 8 rooms, modern, south front, larae lot. rrice si.suu, siuau amount down, balance monthly paymenta. same as rent. Bemia, raxton dik. RE M203 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading aDeclullat In dlseaaes 01 women in umana. would call the attention of Buffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and hla treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause, can or address, wnn stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block. i&U Dodge, Omaha. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES' college, oourt reporter principal. IN. X. Life. 3o6 NED. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 367 MA.MFACTIRINQ. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma. cnlnlat. mil OMAHA Safe and Iron Wits., make a SDS' ciaity 01 tire escapes, snu iters, aoora ana axes. u. Anareen, trop.. itci a. win bu aii.i NOTICE, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactuer oi paste for ail purposes; in barrels and nail A , ... . tfi.m. .. I .. Ulll'l I 1 1.. - LOST. STRAYED or stolen, brown mare, 1,350 pounds, 8 years old, white In face, one nip sugptiy low, liberal reward, Co., Union stock yards. South omana. Lost Mlb3 16 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia, Vaughn, 430 Ramga Bldg. FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1263. Send for price liat, cut flowers and plant. Milt CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly atteuded to. J. A. Ooulltree, zotn ana unit streets. jio GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ceaspooia and vaults, removes garbage and dead annuals at reauceo prices, rt. ta Tel. 177 9. U6 OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. bulte 61a, N. X. Uia ttidg. lei. 1664. DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCagu Bldg. TeU iUbX. OS DR. MRS. MU81CK. Douglaa Blk. TeL 2621, STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 913 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. oil OM. Van Stor. Co., I6UV1 Farn. Tela. 1659-863. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 3041 Farnam. BY THE day. 2311 Bo. ltlh Street. 184 IX TR&ES. FOR shrubs, vlnea, trees, etc., see the Crescent City rales ground, south side o Farnam and ast eta. 'Phone ittio. 643 M23 PAWNBROKERS. . . . fw T 11" , n C4nt. V.H.hl. m n r. n. n. r. A ing; all buslnkaa conndentlaL 1301 Douglas. ACCORDION PLEATING. REDUCED prices In pleattngs ruchlngs. turklncs and abbllaueliia. For full In formation Inqilre Ideal Pleating Co.. 1510 Howard HI- 771 J 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS, WATERS PRINTINO COMPANY. Tele phone Z190. 6U boulh Thirteenth street. M463 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as life. Charter members free. I'artlcu lars from Frank Rosewater, aupreme msnsBer. XTi Hee mag. TI4 BICYCLES. COASTER brake put on, $6.00 at Flescher 159 30 J IKK. ALPIRN buy all kinds of scrsp Iron and metal 913 Douglaa at. Tel. 3471 129 ' Kef. EL PLATISO. OMAHA Plating Co.. Be Bldg. TeL ttVH . i . -i3 EDlt ATION AU FRENCH. Spanish, fencing. 401 N. Wth st A140B COWS. ' WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cows. subject to tet for tuberculosis. Sanitary Dairy, 3016 Farnam street; phone No. 41L M MS MM LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam lAundry; shirts, 3c; collars. He; cutis, 4c. 17s0 Leavenworth. Tel. bn. 376 PHOTOGRAPHS. MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty. u in. lttn. -Hill s FUR DRESSING. . R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 Bo. IMh. I.I TAILORING. JOB YOUSEN removed to 1411V Farnam Bt ji BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 18th. Ji4 ATTORNEYS. MACFARLAND at MAY, 306 N. Y. Life. ItV 1.1 ,Tf GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES Office Purchasing Commissary II. rl Armv. Armv Hullillnu Omaha. Neb.. Mav loth. ik' Sealed orooosals III trlnli- cate for furnishing bacon, Issue, dry salt cure, in craiea anu in s-iu. nei enna. uit"ii breakfast, sliced, dry salt cure. In 1-lb. net ,111... nnu .11.1,1... V. 1 T Ml, VUIC, ' . . , will be received at thin office, at the ottlce ot the Purchasing Commissary U. 8. Army, Chlcaao. 111., and at the oltice of the l'ur- hasThg Commissary L. 8. Army, Kansas City, Mo., until 11 o'clock a. m., Wednes day, May 21st, 1, at wnicn time ana blaces they will be nub iclr opened. Articles of domestic production or manu facture win be preferred 10 tnose 01 tor- ign origin, cost and quality being equal. Specifications as to quantities, dates and places 01 delivery, blank proposals ana further Information lurnlshed on applica tion to either offlce. Envelopes containing proposals snouid be indorsed iroposais for Subsistence Stores, to be opened Wed nesday, May tlst, lixil," and addressed to w M. it. ukuvb, captain, uommiasary, purcnasing commissary, omana, men. MaylOL)10-l2-13-14-15-l LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholder of the Frrmont. Elkhorn & Missouri Val- lev Railroad comnanv will be held at the otnee or tne company in omana, web., on Friday. May 23. l2. at 10 o'clock a. m. for tne election or directors and the transac tion of such other business as mav com before tne meeting. J. Ii. KEDFIKLD, Secretary. M6dl8f POSTOFFICM AOTICaw (Should be read DAILY by all interested. as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending- Mav 17, 1902, will cloae (PROMPTLY In all cases) at th General Postufllce, aa follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time snown below. Parcels post malls for Germany cloae at b p. m. weanesoay. t"7orena.?at P'n?lrnha7e "?Vir M cloalng time shown below, (except ".hat supplementary malls lor Europe and Central America, via Colon, cloae one hour later at foreign station. Transatlantic Mails. a a TrnniY a t 7 a m mr pd 1 wni? SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORT- U UAU IL'Klilsi, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR- QUEZ, per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parte of Europe must be directed "per B. s. La Cham- pagne"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHER- LANDS direct, per .. a. Noordam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Noordam"); at 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m ) for EUROPE, per s. s. Saxonla, via; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND aireci. wr u. Astoria (man must b f u rected -per a. s. Astoria"); at 10 a7 m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Trave (mall must be directed "per a. s. Trave"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer piimeu , iisfis, and aammes tor uermanr oniy. xna n. pi... n f mall mltp fnr .-.fhjij. n. rt. of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless sbeolally directed by it. After the closing of the supplementary t ransatlantic mans namea aoove, audi- tionai supplemental y inuni- are opened on the piers of the American, English. French and German steamers, and remain open uiiiii wiiuiu luiuuic, vi iu, uhvi of sailing Of steamer. Mali fog Soath naa Central America, West Indies. Ete. FRIDAY At 10 a. to. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per s. a. Silvia; at 13 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Matanzas, via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per s. a. Matanzas ). SATURDAY. At a. m. for PONCE per a. s. Ponce (mall for other parts of Porto licu 111 11 bv lv unri-icu I'ei a. a. ruiicti t t Q a m l.iinnUmAitlttrv Q-Uft - m r -". ".'. yomo kilo lexcept ponce), uikacao and v ii.rMh.z:i r-ijA, per s. s. fnuanei phla (mall for Ponce. Savanllla and Car tagena must be directed "per a.' s. Phila delphia"); at 9:30 a. m '.supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH. DI TCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per b. a. Font- belle (mail for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per a. a. Fontabelle '); At 9:ao a. m. (supplementary iu:ao a. m l for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A- VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Altai (mall for Costa Klca must be dl- rected "per a. s. Altai"); at 9:30 (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. . Adiron dack: at lo a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Parrac, Via Matanzas (ordinary mall only, which must be di rected "per s. a. rarran f. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and tnence oy steamer, close at lfils omce oany at : p. rn. tconnecuna "tlnu close here every Monday-, Wednesday and Saturday). Mali for Mlquelon. by rail to Hoston, ana tnence oy steamer, ciose st this office daily at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by Steamera, are oispatcneo oany, ex cept Thursday, final connecting closes, JSondaT-rWeda1 .n'da.u days it 6:30 a. m.. for dispatch via Miami, on Monaays snd Satur- &AaWnW. dispatch by steamer, close at this office daily except Sunday at 1: and 11 30 p. m., Sundaya at 1 p. nv and 11 p. m. Malls for Coste Rica. Bellas, Puerto Cortem and Guatemala, by rail lo New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this offlce Wlyl" pbUmdconn.cUn,Pclome. Mondays for Bellxe, Puerto Cortes and Guaten-ala. and Tuesday for Costa Rica.) dS: B ? Transparine Malls. Malls for the Philippine Islands via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May Uth. Inclusive, for dispatch per U. S transport. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip- pine islands, via San Francisco, close nere dally at 6:30 p. ro. up to May mh, inclusive, for dlscalch ier a. a. Peru. Malls for China and JPn, via Seattle, c ose here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 4th, Inclusive' for dispatch per . a. Kin- shiu Maru. (Registered mall must I s .dloT!tt-"Yi?.t;iVie"V . txr... WW , W. n ..... 1...., . . AMW tralia. which Is forwarded via Eurooe). New Zealand. Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:14 p. m. after April 3oth and up to May 17th. Inclusive, or on arrival of a. a. Campania, due at New York May 17th. Malls for Chin and Jaoan. via Seattle and i ir uisufliru wr m. m. triitui av. victoria, ti. c, nose nere daily at iwioi in circuit court today on tne charg of p. m. up to May3oth, Inclusive, for dia- rlurv. Ihmann was lndl (a4 an a .1.1.- fatcb per a. a. Empress of India (regis- ered msll must be specially addressed, (Merchanriis for the U. S. Postal agency r-nSJia!,,h1 'nn0t orw,"r,le,I vl Malls for Hswail. Japan and China (also letter mail and separately addressed peri, odlcals for the Philippine Islands, via Manila), via San Francisco, cioie here dally at 6:30 P. m. up to May ti, in elusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6.3" p. m. up to May Od. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Glenogle. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnu-n goe via fcnrope. ana new xesisnd which goes via rUn Francisco 1, and Fiji Islands, via Seattle and VicUirla. B. C., rOSTOFFICR NOTIC35. here dally at r p. m. after May 17th and up to My Jtth, Inclusive, tor (1 U list, h l' r s s. Mlowera Mulls for Hawaii, via San Franelaoo, close nrre nany at p. m. up 10 May TJfttn. Inclusive, for dlsnairh rter s. s. AlumMiL Mntls for Tahiti and Marquesas islands. via San Francisco. clo here daily at 6 : p. m. up to June 4th. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Australia. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port rr siiiiina uanjr ana tne vcnvouiv 111 eioe Ing Is srfai.s-ed on the presumvtlnn ot their uninterrupted overrand transit. Keslstered mall closes at 6.00 p. m. previous day. CORNELIl'8 VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postomce, New York. N. Y., May 9, 1903. IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARC Y. I alow I'arlflo. Leave. Arrive. ....a 9:40 am a 7:o pm ....a 8:M am a t 36 pm " ...m 4:35 pm ....all:30 pm .... a4:SRpra .... a 7:00 am Overland Limited... Fast Mall , California Express Pacific Express Eastern Express... Atlantic Express. Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4 '" pm bl3:S0 pm , Grand Island Local ...b 1:30 pm b 9:36 am t'hlragro, Milwaukee A St. Pawl.' Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 1:08 am Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:16 am b 1:40 pm - Mlsaoarl PaeiMc. Bt Louis Express alo:00 am t IS pm K. C at SL L. Exprcsi.aA0:5o pm a 6:16 am Wabaab. St. Loula "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:15 Dm 1:30 am St. Louis Local, Council Biurrs io:w am a io:K pm - Chicago, Hock laic aid mm Paelale, t EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am a 9 35 pm Chicago Express bll:16 am a 6:06 pm Des Molnts Local a 4:00 cm bll.W am . Chicago Fast Express.. 4:35 pm av 1.35 pm Des Moines, mock is land and Chicago a 7:40 pm 8:26 am WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West 1:30 Dm a 4:16 cm Colo., Texas, Cal. A Oklahoma Flyer 5:20 pm a 9:60 am Ullaola Central. Chicago -Express 7:20 mm a 6:10 pm vnicago, Minneapolis ex St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm 8:06 am Minneapolis at bt. Paul Exuress b 7:30 am blO:Si hm Chicago Express 10:36 pm Chicago & Northwester. "The Northwestern Line " Chicago Special a 7:10, am all:30 pm Chicago Paasenger a 4.1a pm a 8:00 am Eastern Express al0:66 am 4 06 pm Eastern Special V.. 4:o4 pm 4 06 pm Fast Mall A C.oO pin a 8:40 pm umaha-Chlcagu L t d. ..a 7:46 pm a am Fast Mali a 6:30 am Cedar Rapids I 'ass s:3o pm Twin City express ,:( am al0:36 pm Twin City Limited a 7.66 cm a i:to am Sioux City Local 6:16 am a 8:60 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH A WEBSTER Fremoat, Elkhorn A Mlssowrl Valley. . kbv. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm 6:00 Dm Wyoming, Casper and Douglaa d 8:09 pm 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, superior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b (.00 Dm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont o 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am Mlsaoarl Faclflo. Nebraska I-ocal, VI Weeping water D 4:10 pm 10:2S am Cklesugo, at. A'aul, Minneapolis as Omak. Twin City Pasaenger ;;30 m . ,:00 pm , NK1IIK 1.11V riBKUKVI Hioux City Passenger... a 2 :u0 bin all:Suam Emerson Local. ...b 6:40 pm b 8:4a am BURLINGTON STAA ION 10TH A MASON Chicago, Burlington A Qnlncy. I Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special 7 " 4:06 pm ynicsxo wi .. 1. i ai:oam Chicago Local 9:30 am all :00 pm Chicago Limited 7.50 pm 7:45 am asi " :w pro iiarllnsloa A Mlsaoarl Hirer. Wvmnr. Beatrice and WcoTii ..... 8-40 m bli ss am vi "aka ExIiVei ' ' a S:4o IS' J S2 ' nvtrirnft i 4 35 nS a s'H S tlaXeTJti .A''v:, 6.45 m. "Vtound Exbreii '.'mllM Dm a 1:00 m v 7 ,t...iv...i.i ' v"QO T ,'yn Fast' Mail b 8-00 nm . 017 f Crook '.no Plaiti- M Pm ' " m geiievue A. Pacific Jet. ..a 7:40 pm 8li0 m 1 mmii n n m -Tit nm rvi 1 -f k. sa h nellevue at racmo jct...a j:uu am w I tm " HI It. Kansas Cltr Sav Ex 9:20 am a tns nm st, Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all: 15 am 1 Kansas City Night EX...al0:30 pm 6:16 am I 1 Daily, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun- day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE w york-Kotterdam. via Bouloxna. New york-Kotterdam, via Boulogne, M. New Twin-Screw . a. of 13,000 to us regwtar, Twin-Screw Unnrdim UtaamAP IIUUIUUIII May 17, 10 a. m. May 34, 10 a. rn. May 31, 10 a. m. xwln-fecrew Statendam Potsdam I Steamer I a.rdm I IWlU-DCfCW 1 kiimir : iw nui Huui . .m , .1 u. iij sUeet; J. & McNailr. IXil Farnam street; H. S. Jones, XMi it arnam street ; Loula Neeue, Flrat NaUonal Bank. Omaha. ANCHOR UNB U. t. atAlL-STKAMBRg . . .... I w . -. U . . .. ...... lilH 1.. galilus rasuiarlr 6aii NSW VORK. Lu.SltuMltKRl A QLASOOWj NBW VOHk. UlUKALXAk A MAPLgg. Superior aceoramodalleaa, Kieallant Culetaa. Bran rsard lor the comfort ef psnnsars stadiaualy esa- I sta-rl and practiced. slnsle or Round Trip tickets lasnad batwaas Nae York and Scotch. Ensllsb. Irlih snd all PliBalpal Contloantal poiiits at sttrsctlva rales. For ttckats or intnl loturiuatisa sppir to HgNUKRgON baos.. isicaao, er aar tucil, aubkt, CIRCUS TRAIN IN A WRECK I bis tuvunta Are lajnre la A eel- dent, Three of Sertonaly, Thar HARRISBURQ, Pa., May 16. Btg ean- vasmen were Injured, three of them serl- 'f""" d " traln of Torepaugh ft Sells Broaf. clrcu at 6 o'clock this morning at Maryavllle. all r""'',1 .htwc,l.r-K Tbe K,DJr. r'r brought to the Harrlsburg hospital la gravel train and their wounds dressed, after which threa rf them lfi rn vnrb t V1 ,nre 01 tnem ,e" ror York t0 J0,B the clrcu. Those who are seriously Injured ret Columbu DavU. Colored, of Martin county. North Carolina; Charles Buritely. Louis- TlIie Ky.. HarrT Sheaver. Bprlogfleld. Mo. They w.r; hurt internally. ThJIth. cut a'bd bruised about lb head. They grs Robert Clark of Altoona, Edward Bargln of 3400 First avenue. New York. Jame C. fi.artshaw of Richmond Va BrM"1,w 01 R'Cbmona. Va. The aocldent was caused by th breaking 0f truck under ear carrying large ,,.. t . cnT" M!n. l Injured me were Bleeping. Two car war wrecked. eauslng delay of aeveral hour la th . , ... ., " movement of th train. Two section carry- ing tbe performer and animals war behind th section which w wrecked. Tb clrcu ' showed yeaterday at Lewis town. On Trial lo Pnr)ary. ST. LOUIS. May IS Julius Lehniann. former member ot tb hou of delegates, a . 1 . . w" P'cea "a8" Ky S division ' ... .... ment h mad before tb grand Jury whlls t was iDquifing into th deal whereby tb Suburb. Railroad company U alleged to I have offered member of tbe bous and 1 eouncu iss,0O0 to pass franchise giving I .. . . .v. 1.. , I u" rwa lum " ""' su-wets inn - thoroughfare. Killed by Fence Wire. LEAVENWORTH. Kan., May U.-Henry Bodea. agtd 60 years, and Harvey Clay, colored, aged 24, were killed instantly today by coming In contavct with a barbed wire I fence, acroae which a htoken eleelrlo Ugbt wUe had fallen.