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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 1G, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Drowij Daj with Straight Bun of Deollnei la All Pit. WEATHER REPORT GOVERNING FACTOR laltial Bale In Cereals Viilrttl lamp Follow Weak Ho Market lad aces Llqaldatloa 1 Provt Iobs) and Price Recede. CIIICAOO, May lB.-Oraln trade waa a dull and drowsy affair today. In the ab Irnca of any business-like animation, and Willi report of gooci weather for all crons, lower prices resulted. July wheat cloned lower, July corn c down and July oats VO'Hc lower, Provisions closed Vhat ruled easier after a flight Initial ulge that wit occasioned Dy nrm ca fu Rutim early buvlna Wan done by a few commission houses and for the first knur e Arm tone waa mantfeat. July opened Vfc-Vi to Wao higher at 75bc, but Undo waa light and unimportant and a few big longs offered etiift on the hard spots. Weather reporta showed rains where moat needed and clear weather northwest, where farmers have been waiting for the spring seeding. Harvesting waa reported tn Texas. Statistical Journals Issued bear ish reporta, which discounted the value of the recent government estimates. The outsider was out of the market and re- forts from St. Louis showed declines here that Indicated free movement. There waa some pressure from the southwest and the northwest. July sagged off to f&Ho. Corn strength that had been help ing wheat seemed to be ebbing away and It waa only a fair export buslnesa that Iaved the close from marked weakness, .ate the seaboards reported 14 loads taken and July closed easy, c lower, at 7&4iU7Me. Receipts, 11 cars, 11 contract; Minneapolis and Xiuluth reported 115 curs, a total for the three points of 126 cars, against 124 last week and 247 a year ago. iVrlmary receipts were 173,0no bushels, com pared to 316,J0 bushels last year. The Seaboard clearances equaled 446,000 bushels. Corn was poorly supported and suffered accordingly. At the start firmer cables ttarted a tittle buying and July opened ifo'Sc up at 63V4j63c. Trade In general 'was as dull as In wheat, and though there was a strong situation to hold prices up, the trading was so much of a local character and ao Interesting that declines soon followed. Crop advices from many sections were favorable, although there were reports from some quarters of damage by cutworms. After several of the big houses had sold somewhat freely and July had receded to 62c, the market dragged dull and heavy. July closed weak. Ho lower, at 62c. Receipts, 38 cars. The seaboard reported 4 loads taken for export. Oats suffered another decline. The early firmness that came from sympathy with the strength In other grains was soon dissipated through an absence of support and on fair offerings. The cash situation was reported still good with sales of 1(10,000 bushels. July sold from 37Vc down to a weak close, tj6Q lower, at S6Vjc. Re ceipts, ir5 cars. Provisions were weak and heavy the greater part of the session. Early liqui dation was Induced by weakness of the hog market and prices opened lower. Packers gave some support that brought a reaction, but free offerings turned The sentiment and the close was weak. July closed 17Hc down, at $17.42H; July lard, 7c lower, at $10.35W10.37V4, and July ribs. 6c lower, at $9.72Hf9.75. Estimated receipts tomorow: Wheat, IB SarA; J501""1 60 car"i 195 crs; hogs, 25,0i0 head. The leading futurea ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Year. Wheat May July Sept Deo. Corn Sept. May July Oats k Hept. May a July b July July May July 8ept Ribs May s July Sept. 75N WW 75H 744 75' 7BMi 74V4 73'itAti 75 75 75'4l 753, 73 75, 7417474 744fi'4i 75(&W 75H8'Vl74Vj- 61TI 63 61 1' 62, I 62 63 61 43 62 i 62H! 29 43 43 35ti 87 Vb 43 43 84 86 84 ao 87 17 40 17 50 17 60 86,36(S37 17 40 17 SO. 17 40 17 80 17 45 17 60 " 671 17 42 17 52, ii no 17 62 17 62 10 42 10 424 10 42 10 $5 10 85 10 85 10 4214 ID 4E 10 45 10 37 10 87 1U 40 10 45 9 80 9 80 9 80 10 42ft 77ft 10 37, 9 75 9 75 9 75 9 75 75 75 V BU oO 8 72 No. t a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLorK Quiet; winter patents, $3.90 1.00: straights, 13. 2tY0 3. 80 : clears, IS.OOCtfSaO: pring specials 84.SKii4.30; patents, 83.40 8.80: stralKhts. 12.40fti3lo. WHEAT No. 8. 7676c; No. 2t4c. Kx4c. 1 red, 82 i 2 yellow, OATS-No. 2. 43(g44c; No. 2 l6V,c: No, J white, 45'.4&46c. white, 469 Rt K No. 2, 6t&60Hc. ?A.I-.M'J:T.TFa,r vhocti malting, 6!f?72c. SKEDtj No. 1 flax, $1.60; No. I north western. $1. 77. Prime timothy, 86. Clover, contrnct grade, 8S.35. PROVISIONS-Mcsa Prkt P'" bl-. $17.80 t?17.3o. Lard, per 100 lbs., HO.S710.40. Short ribs sides (loose). $9.70fi9.RO. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 8x.0nCuS.26. Short clear Sides (boxed), 10.401 10. 5o. WHISKY-On basis of high wines. $1.30 The following were the receipts and ship- Shipments. 21.0U0 113.000 78,000 421.0U0 8.000 Flour, bbls 21.000 Wheat, bu 29.000 Corn, bu 29.0)0 Oata, bu 112,000 Hye, bu 2.0C0 Barlev. bu iun.n 8.000 ' UVw ,WW On the fymi 1 1 ar,V,i..iv. tAm . i. w..- - - . ""iin v no uui ter market was steady; creamery, 18-3220; dairies, iiig-JOc. Cheese, heavy, 12&1SC, tggs, fl;m, 13-al4c. i HEW YOUK OEIEHAL MARKET. Qaotatlona of the Day oa Varloaa Comraodltlea. ,A'TORK' Ma' l&--rLOt'RRecelpts, 14.7iJ bbls.: exprtM, l.twi bbls.j quiet, but tlrmly held In spite of the wheat decline; m'S'T r"'". 83.ldV6i.26j winter straights. KSxat.OO; Minnesota patents, $4.1o4.25; winter extras, 3.15a.40; Minnesota bak ers, 8S.104j3.Si; winter low grades. $2 7M J. 28. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $3.1l) .2.40; choice to fancy, $3.5003 8 iSrRMEA,'B,'adjri ye"ow western. . "ranaywine, s.4&ia3.M). RVtEasy; No. 2 western, 6B'4c. f b.. afloat; state, 6213c, c. 1. L, New 1 0. York LbaRLEY-DuII: feeding. 4(gSc. c. I. f., 'York milUnB. 7a71o, c. 1. f.. New !-lVtUETReoelP,' t9-'s b l exports. (278,5 bu.; spot, steady; No. 2 red, ele- vator. fc!c; No. 1 red. tioc f. o. b.. afloat; I No. I northern. Duluth. R4c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, manltoba, 87c, f. o ,b., afloat. After a brief period of opening 'firmness, due to surprisingly firm cables. wheat turned weak and was heavy all day, being affected by splendid crop news, .a poor outside demand, easier late cables, disappointing export trade, liquidation an.l short selling. The close was Vic net .lower. May, 81(!fSlc, cloeed. 81c; July. i?u0Mc c,lo8e2 81cL September, 7h (:''- iecemoer, so'w'aolo. closed, So'-c. CUK.N-Hecelpts. 6.000 bu.; exports. 2,240 f; "l'uv ro. i, (tKc, elevator, and 7(V. f. O. b.. afloat. Onllnna nrn and higher, following cablea and the wheat advance. Later It broke under ll.mi.i.. tlon. fine ciop news and Increased farm offerings, the clone being Siie net lower closed, 6.c; September, 6o60Hc, closed, 6c. OATS-Recelpts. 61.900 bu.; exports, 4171 No. 3 white, 61c; No. 8 white. 51c; track mixea western. 4,44(.c; track, white. 51 t6c. Options, quiet and easier all day on favorable crop news. HAY Steady; snipping, 5&3oc; good to Choice. SI!1.-. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1901 crop. i;'21c; lt), I3'al5c: olds. 4iu-. 'Paclflc coast, 19U1 crop, lsWilc; io. 13 ' 1IIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs., igc i-aliromta. Zl to So lbs., lo; Texas dry, 24 IO II'S., I.M3. i LEATHER Quiet: acid. 24ii25e. I WOOL Quiet; domvatte flwi-e, Sri02:c. TALLOW Firm; city i$2 per pkg ), 6e Country (pkus. free), H7c. PIJVISloNS-Heef. lirm: family. $16.00 t)ioc mess. oeet nama, i.'i.txunia.Oii; packet, $;&.Kii (6.(0; city extra India mees, Jb UKt'27.wi. Cut m. uts. dull: pickled bellies, 10zr.ftTll.UO; pickled shoulders, 150 pickled hams. . $11.5 n.uo. Lard. trasy; western steamed, $1.75; refilled, teaay; continent. 111 O"; South America $11.70; compound. $8 5(hS.7&. Pork, firm: family. $19 &.-UJO 00; short clear, $ls.fc621U0; mens, $18 to. TALLOW Firm; city, 6c; coupon, t BUTTER Reeelnts, 5 9 pkgs.; steady; Stat dairy. Zuii'22c; creamery. SO'.jjrJWo; june creamery, imitation, Jaxa-ic; laciory, CUKEBE-Rectflpia, $,$a pltgs.; firm; fancy, large, coloned. llc; fancy, large, white, 11V; fancy, small, new, state, full cream, colored and white, 12o. tAMH Receipts, lf,u.44 pkgs ; steady, 17c; western, candled, at mark, lAt17c. , MolA8HK8 Firm: New Orleans, 33e. POULTRI Alls, firm: turkeys. lc; fowls, 13c. Uressed, loed, firm; fowls, U jl3c; turkeys, 134 14c. META1J1 The local market for tin was steady and unchanged, with a sale of five tons for spot at $30.00. The market closed With spot quoted at $30.0)130 05. At London the same metal closed 2s 6d higher, with spot at 136 7s 6d and futures at 132 Fts. Copper waa steady, but quiet locally, with out much feature. Standard spot to Au gust was quoted at $11 (frit 12.00; lake spot, 12.12(12.$;; electrolytic at 811.x5ii 12.00 and casting at $U.75j 12.00. The production of copper In the United States for April was the largest on record for any one month. It came tn 24.324 tons, against 21, 438 tons In April of last year. Lead here waa steady to Arm, but quiet and un changed, at 84.12. London remained at 11 12a 6d. There was no change In the price of spelter, either. 84.46 still being ? toted. London was unchanged at 18 10s. ron In the local market was steady, with warrants nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, $19.4K(i'20.50; No. 2 foundry, $19.ftO'&20.&n; No. 1 foundry, southern, $18.5u4i 19.60; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, $lK.5(ij'19.50. Eng lish markets were also steady and about unchanged. Glasgow closed at 53s 9d and Mlddlcsborough at 48a 9d. OMAHA "WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition or Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EOGS Including new No. 2 cases, 14c; cases returned, 14c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens, 9810c old roosters, according to age, turkeys, 8ft 11c; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb., 2&c. BUTTER Packing itock. 17c; choice dairy. In tubs, 19'tr20c; separator, 23o. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, e; crapples, 10c; herring, 5c; pickerel, 81j9c; pike, 9i(j;10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 5c; blueftns. 8c: whlteflsh, 11c; cat fish, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, 11c; sal mon, 16c; haddock. 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 60c; shad roe, per pair, 30c; spilt shad, per lb., 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 26c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c. PIGEONS Live, per dog., 76c VEAL Choice, 64jo. CORN-lc OATS 48c. BRAN Per ton, $19.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upland, $9; No. 1 medium, $8.50; No. 1 coarse, is. Rye straw, $6.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. EGO PLANT Florida, per do., $1.25. SQUASH Florida, per doi., $l.uO1.26. CAULIFLOWER Southern, per box, $2.00. POTATOES Northern, $1.1001.16; Colo rado, $1.30; new potatoes, per lb., 354c.- GREEN ONIONS Per do., according to slse ot bunches, 16Sv-5c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per doi., 85 040c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doz., S1.2&3 1.40. SPINACH Home grown, per bu., 35c LETTUCE Hothouse, per dox., 8aO. PARSLEY Per dox.. S0&35C. RADISHES Per dox., aonfffic; per box, $1.60. WAX BEANS Illinois, per box. $2; wax, 75c. GREEN PEAS-Per bu. box, $1.7502.00. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., lc CABBAGE California, new, 3c ONIONS New southern onions. In sacks, per lb., 3'(j(3c. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baskct crate, $3.50; choice, $2.753.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2. FRUITS. CHERRIES California, per box, $1.75. FIGS California, ne wcartons, $1; Im ported, per lb., 12ii14c. STRAWBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $3.25a $.60. TINE APPLES Florida, 30 to 30 count, $4604(6.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to site, $2.2602.75. ORANGES Budded, $3.26; Mediterranean sweets, $3.60(3.75. LEMONS Fancy, $3.60; choice, $3.25; Mes slnas, 4.0CKfl4.&0. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $2.753.0O. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New York. $3.60. POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled. c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc; No. 2 soft shell. 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 6c; Brazils, per lb., 14c: Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoanuta, per sack, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. C veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; aheep OLD METALS A. B. A I pern quotes the following prices: Iron, rtfuntry mixed, per ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $7 50; A... ....... n . h W 1 hmaa V. a .1 , . . . nav In 84c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 3c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c. St. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Mav 15 WHEAT Lower- No. 2 red cash, elevator, Hp; track, 82 82c; May. 78gc; July, 727&73c; No. 3 hard, lihttowc. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 64'4c: track. 5c; May, 63c; July, 63c; September, 60c. OATS Lower: No. Z cash. 43VCc: track 44ft44c; May. 43c: July. 33c; Septem ber, 2c; no. z wnite, 4ttSic. RYE Firm at 60c. FIX)UR Quiet: red winter natents. 13 fts 63.80; extra fancy and straight, $3.35(33.60; clear, $3.ooit3.20. . SEED Timothy, steady, $5.0006.25. CORNMEAL Steady, $3.15. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 94c. HAY Strong: timothy. $12.60(616.00: nral. rle, $10.500 U.oi). WHISKY Steady, $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady. $1.05. BAGGING Steady, 60tc. HEMP TWINE Do. PROVISIONS Pork: Iiwpr: (obhlnv $17.95 for new, $17.55 for old. Lard: Lower at $10.25. Dry salt meats: Steady; boxed lota, extra shorts and clear rlba, $10.00; ahort clear, $10.12. Bacon: Steady; boxed lots, e-xtra shorts and clear rlba. $10.87: short clear, $11.00. METALS Lead: Firm at $3.9704.00. Spelter: Dull at $4.15. POULTRY Quiet : chickens. Be; ti.rW.v. 10c; ducks, 8c; geese. 6 We. bl i i t,H Hieaav: creamery, 16C3c; dairy. lfi'&S'lc tUUB-Steady at 14c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbltf. Wheat, bu. 6.1 &,0"0 4.0 ,000 27,001) 24,000 45,000 4.1,000 54,000 23,000 Corn, bu, . Oats, bu. .. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 16. WHEAT Spot; Steady; No. 1 northfrn spring 6s Sd; No. 1 California, fts 4d. Futurea: Steady: Mav. (s ld; July, 6s ld; September, 6s 3d. CORN Spot: Steady; American mixed, new, 5s 8d; old, 5s 8d. Futures: Quiet: July. 6s 3d; October. 6s 2d. PEAS Canadian, ateady at 6s lid. FIjOL'R 8L Louis fancy winter, firm. 8s 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm. 8 1dh54 16s. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; extra India mess, 101s 3d. Pork, strong; prime mess, western, 76s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs ,1 1 1 1 ft it Si &i Uann 1.11m Karl,. n A ,, M to 30 lbs., quiet at 60s; short ribs, It tn 24 lbs., steady, 62s; long clear middies, light 28 to 34 lbs., steady, &2a 6d ; long clear niuiaies. neavy, jj to 40 ins., steady, 52s 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady at 62s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady at 52s. Shoulders, square. 11 10 13 lbs., steady. Si's 6d. lard. American refined, in palls, firm at 62s 6d; prime western. In tierces, firm at 63n. BUTTER Finest United Statee, firm. 96s. CHEESE Firm; American finest white, old, 6bs; American finest white, new. 54a; American finest colored, old. 61s; American finest colored, new, firm, 55s. TALIOW Prime city, firm at 31s; Aus tralian, in London, Arm at 3 is. Kansas City Uraln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May lS.-WHEAT-May. 72c: July, 714c: cash, No. 2 hard. 74c; No. I, 78V;tT7c; No. 2 red. 78c; No. 8, 77(d) 77c- No. 2 spring, 74c. CORN May, 63vc; September, RTV;irJf.7e; cash. No. 8 mixed. c; No. 2 white, 7c; U. O, til.' OATS-No. 2 white. 45c. RYE No. 2. oc. HAY Choice timothy, $13.50; choice prairie, $12.50. BUTTER Creamery. 21c; dairy, fancy, EGGS Weak: supply moderate: new No 2 mhltewood cases Included, 14c, loss off; case's reiurucu, utu. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 6.400 43.200 Corn, bu 27.400 46.000 Oata, bu. 7,uu0 lg.OuO ' Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. May 16 -WHEAT-Dull. easier; cash, 84c; May, 84c; July, 77c; Septem ber. 77c. tX)RN Dull, easier; canh. 64c; May, 64c; July, 627c; September, 61c ' OATH Dull, easier; cash, 44c; May, 43c; Jul v. JSVc: Seplember. 2S"4c. SEKI Clover, dull, firm; cash. $6.07 a.iv; j o, . H-tu, iimomy, sj.ju. xtlnneanolla Whetl, Plonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. May 15-WHEAT-Mav. 76c; July, 7&Vu.tV; beylemUir, nWVMii on track, No. 1 hard, 7T4c; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 northern, 75c. FIOUR First patents, 83 if.f?3.9S: second patents, $3 ftS 7?; lirst clears, $2.9ica 00; second clears, $2 30. BRAN In bulk. $14.0014.50. Philadelphia Prod ore Market. PHILADELPHIA, May 15. BUTTER Steady ; extra western creamery, 23c; extra marlv prints, 26c. EGGS Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, 16ii ltc; western, 17c; south western, lti jlt'c; sojthern, 154f'15c. CHEESE Firm; fair demand; New York full creams, prime small, new, 12VtJ12c; New York full creams, fair to good, new, Ili3l2c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May 15 WHEAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern, 77ft7Sc; No,- 2 northern, 75mi77c; July, 7n,uc. RYE Higher; No. 1, 60c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 73c; sample, 65ft 72c. CORN July, 62c. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., May 15. CORN Firm ; No. 8, 63c. OATS Quiet; No. 8 white, 44(ff44c, billed through. WHISKY-On the basis f $1.30 for fin ished goods. Dnloth Grain Market. DULVTH, May 15.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard, 7Pc: No. 2 northern, 74c; No. 1 northfrn, 76c; May, 76c; July, ibc; Sep tember, 73Sc OATS Cash, 45c; September, 29c CORN-63C SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Volume of Business Continues Dons Hill In Stock Market. NEW YORK. Mav IS. The nasslve con dition of the speculation was not changed today. The volume of the dealings fell away to what Is proverbially known as midsummer dullness. This condition of the stock market Is by no means abnormal at thla season, due to the usual shifting course of money resources and the uncer tainty of the crop season. Overwhelming importance Is attached to the fate of the corn crop this year, espe cially In view of the high prices of that cereal owing to laBt year's shortage and the present prospect for only a part of a winter wheat crop. So far as the situation Is strained and unnatural In any degree la due to the recent efforts of pools and speculative plun- gera to etir up an unwarranted activity in the speculation and to bid up prices to unfltablo heights. The money flurry last week and on Monday was the corrective Influence and has resulted In the present conditions. The dullness In accentuated, of course, by the additional element of uncer tainty In the threatened strike of anthracite miners. The assc:r.uuiis cf the Boer peace conference also was a possibly repressive Influence, at leant in checking the buying for I ondon account, which has been In evidence here for several days past. It is well recognised now that this buying represented mostly the transfer of holdings from New York to London, to take ad vantage of the cheaper money rate there, and the demand on the London money market made Itself felt yesterday In the stiffening rates. There waa a hardening tendency also In Paris and Berlin, which might be due as well to the American de mand for credits. Our own sterling market steadied and rallied slightly today, mark ing the resumption of the balance of sup- Ely ana demand in the local money mar et. Most of the nrlce movements of any consequence in today's stock market might be traced to the influence of tne acquisi tion of the Chlcaa-o. Indlananolts A Louis ville Jointly by the Southern Railway and Louisville & Nashville. The strength of the Chicago & Alton and Kansas City Southern stocks was obviously based on a speculative assumption that those roads might be available for a sim ilar north and south Junction. In spite of the strengthening or competing lines Dy the deal Illinois Central was strong. Lou isville & Nashville was distinctly heavy, possibly on realizing and the early de mand Tor soutnern nanway soon men out. The Chleaa-o. Indianapolis & Loulsvllla stocks themselves were decidedly feverish, relapsing violently after advancing. A drop In Chicago & Eastern Illinois, which has been discussed as a possible out let for Loulsvll e & Nashville, reflected disappointment. The upward movement In tne junior vanoerDiits naa lis inception in Ixke Erie & Western, which seemed to be Influenced by a speculative theory of re lation to Chicago, inaianapons r iouis vllte. Virginia-Carolina Chemical had the benefit of Its increased dividend. Amalgamated Copper was firm, on the better conditions in the trade. General Electric jumped 6 points without explanation. Movements otherwise were trivial ana anuiing. The bond market waa dull, but Tteald steady. Total gales, par value, $2,276,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing prices oa the New York Stock exchange: Atchlua 7K74iHo. Pacific 6S'i do pra un so. Kaiiwajr i' Baltimore 0 do pfd An ntA 96WiTei A Pacific 41fe Canadian Pacific 1ZM Toledo. St. 1.. a w. Zl4 Canada 80 do pfd 47 St Union Pacific Che.. A Ohio Chluaio A Aitcn... do pfd Chicago, lad. & L. do Dfd ...106 14 ... frt ... 17-4 ... ... 11 ... Ii ... tT4 ... 4MV4, a! do pfd 76 Wabaah 77Vi do pfd ft Wheeling ALB. 164 do Id pfd !9T4 Wla. Central , tH do pfd 4U4 Adama Bl Chicago A B. Chlcaso A O. III... w... do lat pin... do 2d pfd... Chicago A N. mil 120 w.. .t52T4,Amerlcan Ex. C- H . I . A P 173VfnltKl 8tates Ex 115 Chlcaso Ter. A Tr 22 IWella-Fargo Ex. do pfd Is'-i Amalgamated Cop. . 4SH . 4 ! . 12 . 4 C. C. C. A St. L....106 Araer. Car A F. Colorado So... 10 do pfd do lit pfd do 2d pfd Pel. A Hudaoa .. Del. L. A W Denrer A R. 0., do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Nor. pfd... Hocking Valley.. do pfd Illinois Central ., Iowa Central .... do pfd Lake Erie A W.. do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. St. Rjr Mex. Central .... Mex. National .. Minn. A St. t,... Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central ... N. T. Central ... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennejdvajlla .... Heading do let pfd do 2d pfd at. l. a a. p.... do let pfd do Id pfd St. L. Soulaw.... do pfd 81. Paul do pfd .. 71 Amer. Lin. Oil .. 43 14 do pfd ..176 Amer. 8. A R. ..270 do pfd M .. mlAnae. Mining Co Ill .. KW llrooklyn R. T 66 T4 .. 1 colo. Iron... IOH4 .. 6a Con. Oaa 121 .. 62(4 ("on. Tobacco 120V4. ,.1U Oen. Electric 27Vi .. I1H Hocking Coal It .. to Inter. Paper 11 ,.169'tl do pfd 74 .. 4:V Inter. Power (0 .. IJi; Laclede Oaa M .. 68 I National Biscuit .... 4 "4 , .ISO National Lead KlVk ..HH4l.N0. American 114 ,.132 Pacific Coatt 67 ..14S Pacific Mall 6x14 .. it People's Oa 102 .. liSiFrriMNl 8. Car 44 ..1104 do pfd JS4 .. W' Pullman P. Car 225 .. 2fVK'Publlc Steel 17 .. f6' do pfd 13"4 ,.185 !ngar irf4 . .167,;Tenn. Coal A 1 6"4 .. f7.t'nlon Bag A P...... 16 .. K do pfd u .. 83 U. 8. Leather 13'4 ..U do pfd 84 .. 64iU. 8. Rubber 164 .. a.lV do pfd 8 .. tn'V. 8. Rteel 41 14 .. 41V do P(0 1 .. 3 ' Western Vnlon 114 .. 72 Amer. Locomotive. .. 21 .. 16'y do pfd 83 .. 64 K. C. Southern 834 ..148 do pfd 41 ..1884 New York Momey Market. NEW YORK, May 15 MONEY On call firm at 5tj6 per cent; closing bid and asked, 5fi&Vg per cert. Prime mercantile paper, iWijp per cent. BTERUNU EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at M.lV,( 4.8674 fur demand and at $.MS4 for sixty days; posted rates $4.S64j'4. S54 and $(.87Vo i.)A; commercial bills, $4 83'&4 84V4. 8ILVEH Bar, 61 "c; Mexican dollars, 41 He. HONPS Government, steady; state, In active; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bonds are aa follows: V. g. ret. la, rag do Cbapon do 8a. reg do coupon do new 4a, reg. do eoupou do old 4a, reg.. do coupon do 8a. reg do coupon Atch. gen. 4a do adj. 4a Baltimore A O. 4 do Site do eonv. 4a .lOtViiL. A K. nnl. 4s 101 .lut.Mex. Central 4a 814 .lot do la Inc tii .1(16 Minn. A 81. U 4s. .106 .137 VM . K. A T. 4a 101 .U7-i do la 82 .111 IN. V. Central la 1044 .111 do general .1(H N. J. c. sen. ta 11S .lot. No. Pacific 4s .l'V, do la .lts4 N. A W. con. 4a. ..103 Reading gen. 4a.. ,. NS St L A I M e. (a 104 . 71 .101 '4 . .114 .104', 8t. l. A a r ,a.... la... i Canada Bo. 8a 1( l. L. South do la Central of Oa. 6S....10 do 1st Inc 86 Chee. A Ohio Chicago A A. la... 84 8 A A A. P. 4s Bo. Pacific 4a So. Railway ia... ... ... 80 ... 8cS ...122 ...111 4a. 2 ...104 ...174 ...124 ...111 ... 7614 (.'., u. a u Texaa A Pae. C. M A 8t P g. 4a. ..lit T , 8t. L. A W. C. A N. W. e. 7a... 134 Cnloa Paclfi C. R. I. A P. 4e .. 112 ' do con. 4a C C C A Bt L g. 4s.lo4V Wabaah u , Chicago Ter. 4e a . do 2a Colorado 8o. 4a tW do deb. B D A R. O. 4a 04 West Shore 4a Brie prior lien 4a.. ..loo Wheel, it L. H 4a do geaeral 4a aa'jWIe. Central 4e... P. W. A D. C la... 114 Con. Tobaocs 4a... Hock. Vallej 4Wa ...110441 14 f84 Ferelaa Flaaarlal. LONDON. May 15 The weekly state ment of the Hank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, decrease, a'x&.GuO; circulation, decrease, 2J.(i; bul llcn, decrease, 407,844; other securities, Inureasa, l.HS.OoO; other deposits, de crease. l.S.mj; publlo depoelts, increase, 2.23.0uO; other reserve, decrease, 3;3.(). Government securities unchanged. The proportion of the Hank of England's re serve to liability la 4s. r4 per cent: lust week It waa per cent; rate of discount, tin- vaaugea at per cuc llts amount, e( tW lion taken Into the Rank of Enerlsnd on balance today was ,. Gold premiums are quoiei aa follows: Buenos Ayres. l.W; Madrid, 37.T-. FARI3, May 15. Three per cent -rentes, llf 15c for the account; exchange on lin don, 2,if 2014c for checks; Ppnnlsh 4s, 79 10. 'I he statement of the Hank of Fiance rhows the following change: Notes In circulation, decrease. 125.0OO francs: treas ury accounts current. Increase, 25,775.) irancs; gold m hand, dccreais, l,825,ono francs; hills discounted, decrease. 7-o.oo francs; sliver in hand, decrease, fcJ6,000 ii aurs. HE KLIN, May 15. Exchange on London. vm 48pfg for checks; discount rates for short bills, 134 per cent; for three months' bills, 2ft per cent. Boston Stoek Qaotatloaa. POSTON, May cent; time loans closing of stocks Atrhlann 4a flea la Mex. central 4a Atchison An wilA 15. Call loans, Per . ly&S per cent. Official and bonds: letVWeatlnsh. Common... lot M lAdTentur 22 IVANouea 114 7 Amalamated 64 n l)lnhra 3(1 V, Rnatnn A Albanr!'.! .XSl Calumet A Kecla....t30 uoatnn me... Hovton EleTated .1M .14 .231 t'entennlal lH 6V Copper Range Franklin lale Royals ... N. T.. N. H. A H.. .. 11 .. 124 .. 18 .. 42 .. 26 ..125 ..170 2(i4 .. 23 .. 4 .. .. 64 .. K6 in Ion Pad fie ... Mex. Central .... American 8ugar . do pfd American T. A T Dominion I. A B Oen. Electric ... Maaa. Electric .. do pfd I'nlted Fruit Daljr Wert U. 8. Steel do pfd 27 mid nominloa . 127l()aceola .116 .1U Parrot Qulncy Tamarack Trinity t'nlted Statea . I'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine United Copper . KT4 .227 . 4fH . .101 44 :i! 1 London Stock (taotatlon. LONDON. May 15. 4 p. m.-ClosIng: .i.iiauis n,r money... ro1 Norfolk A Weatern.. it do account 86 116 lift trrf i,u Anaconda .. 6H .. 21 . .100(4 Ontario A Weatern.'. 83' Atchison .... dn Dfd. Pennaylvanla 77 Reading 3.1. Baltimore A Ohio. ...1004 Canadian Pacific 1321 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 4i Chlcaao o. w 11 do let pfd 41 An in ntA IIU Southern Railway.... i4 An ntA e7a. C, M. A 8t. Paul. ...174 ISouthern Pacific 47, Denver A R. 0 48'4 do pfd 83 h Erie isaj ds let pfd TlH do 2d pfd 57 Illinois Central in LoulaTllle A Naah....l4r.u M., K. A T 14S, do Dfd en I nlon Pacific o dn pfd 10 t'nlted Statea Steel.. 43 do pfd uu Wabaah 28 do Ofd iAL. Bpenlth 4a 7S Rand Mines 11 DeBeera 444 N. T. Central HI MONEY 24ff24 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills la 2 ll-16Vjj2i per cent. New York Bllntns? ttootatlona. NEW YORK, May 16.-The followln g are tne closing prices on mining atocka: Adama Con 80 Little Chief ... 11 ...7&0 ...136 ... 4 ... to ... 12 ... 22 ... 46 ...225 Alice 46 Breece 60 Ortarlo Ophir Phoenix Potoel Savage Sierra Nevada Bmall Hopes Standard lirunawick Con 11 Comstock Tunnel 6V4 Con. Cal. A Va.... Ieadwod Terra Horn Bllver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con ,..I4tl ... 76 ,..140 .. 72 ... ( Bank Clearing. OMAHA, May 15. Bank clearings today, $1,201,013.66; corresponding day last year, $1.115,5S8.1.1; increase. $193,325.43. CHICAGO, May 16. Clearings, $26,532,481; balances, $1,965,973; posted exchange, $4.86V4; sixty days, $4.88 on demand; New York ex change, 60c premium. BT. LOUIS, May 15. Clearings, $7,932,106; balances, $1,278,869, money, steady, 4V4iS6 per cent; New York exchange, 60c pre mium. BOSTON. May 15. Clearings, $31,357,745: balances, $5,618,440. BALTIMXjke, May 15. Clearings, $3,872, 219; balances, $430,698; money, 6 per cent. PHILADELPHIA, May 15. Clearings, $20,996,fc; balances, $3,227,743; money, 4Vij0 per cent. NEW YORK, May 15 Clearings. $276, 403.667; balances, $13,756,140. CINCINNATI, May 15. -Clearings, $3,292, 350; money, 4 per cent; New York ex change, 25Q30o premium. Condition of the Treasnry. WASHINGTON, May 15.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $187,102. 162; gold, $97,443,547. Boston Stock Eirhange Closes. BOSTON, May 15. The Boston Stock Ex- cnunge win De closed May 30 and 31. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 15. COTTON Spot closed firm; middling uplands, 9c; mid dling gulf, 9c; sales, 400 bales. Futures closed quiet and steady; May. 9.21c; June, 916c; July, 8.99c; August, 8.69c; September, 8.20c; October, 8.02c; November, 7.97c; De cember, 7.95c; January, J.94c; February, 7.93c. HT. LOUIS, May 15. COTTON Quiet; middling, 9 3-16c; sales, 15 bales; receipts, 666 bales; stock, 31.303 bales. GALVESTON, May 25. COTTON Quiet at 9 5-16c. LIVERPOOL, May 15. COTTON Spot, moderate buslne:a, prices l-16d higher; American middling fair, 5'.&d; good mid dling, 5 7-32d; middling, 6 3-32d; low mid dling, 5d; good ordinary, 4d; ordinary, 4Hd. The sales of the day were 7,0u0 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and ex port and Included 6,400 American; no re ceipts. Futurea opened steady and closed quiet and steady. American middling, a o. c. May. 4 38-64d; May and June, 4 4-64d, buyers; June and July, 4 49-64l, sellers; July and August, 4 58-6Kn!4 69-64d, sellers; August and September, 4 &3-64d, buyers; September and October, 4 38-644 39-64d, sellers; October and November, 4 30-64d, buyers; November and December, 4 27-64gi 4 28-64d. buyers; December and January, 4 26-64f'4 27-64d. buyers; January and Feb ruary. 4 26-64d, sellers. NEW ORLEANS, May 15.-COTTON Futures quiet and steady; May, 9.24iS.2c: June .27J9.28c; July, 9.35rrf9.36c; August, 87MH.79c; September, 828fi8.2c; October. 7.9(ij7.91c; November, 7.79fi7.81c; December, 7.79ft7.81c; January, l.totrt.UGc. Spot quiet; sales, 900 bales; ordinary, 8 1-lAc; good or dinary, 8 9-16c; low middling, 815-16c; mid dling, 6-16c; good middling, 9Hc; mid dling fair, lOS-l&c; receipts, 2,850 bales; stock, 165,845 bales. Wool Market. BOSTON, May 15. WOOL Strictly fine on the scoured basis is quoted at 47iH48c; fine and fine medium at 438'45c, staple at 48(j50c and medium at 875H0c. Fine washed fleeces are very quiet, with the offerings small. Ohio and Pennsylvania XXX, nominal, ffljj'iile: XX and above, 26fj27c; X. 244j25c. with Michigan X, 22i?j24e. Ohio delaine is quoted at 2844'Jc. No. 1 washed combing, 26Q-26i4o. The market on Australian wool Is very firm. Choice combing scoured Is quoted at 7o72c: good. 87ifi8c, and overage. 6S(ft66c. ST. LOUIS, May 15. WOOL-FIrm Me dium grades, l&'v4( He; light tine, lSfffloc; heavy fine, 105l2c; tub-washed, 15r24c. LONDON, May 15. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 14,860 bales, mainly medium class. The de mand was good and superior merinos were 15 per cent above the last aalea. Cape of Good Hope and Natal was taken by the home trade and Germany. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales, 1.554 bales; scoured, 44dig'la Id; greasy, nid'rjls Id. Queensland, 3o0 bales; scoured, la 2t($ Is 7d; greasy. 3d Victoria, 220 bales; scoured. 7Vadfffls 2d: greasy, 44diffls 2d. South Australia. 1.200 bales; scoured, 7 J 'a' Is 6d; greasy, 6M10Hd. West Australia. 1.500 bales; scoured, Is 9d; greasy, 4alod. New Zealand, 3.800 bales; scoured, Silils 2d; greasy, 4Ajlld. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, l,0w) bales; scoured. Is 2d'ul 3Wd; greasy, 6(nS4d. Punta Arenas, 400 bales; greasy, S'vJd. Italy, 100 bales; scoured, lojjlOHd. OH and Rosin. OIL CITY, May 18. OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.20; certificates, no bid; shipments, 62.717 bbls.; average. 99.714 bbls.; runs, 90,711 bbls.; average, 77.865 bbls. SAVANNAH. May 15. OIL Turpentine, firm, 464c Rosin, firm: A, B. C, D, $1.20; E. $1 25; F, $1 .30; O, $1 36; H. $155; I, $1 95; K. $2.36; M, $2.85; N, $3.15; WO, $340; WW, $3 50. ' NEW YORK. May 15. OIL Cottonseed, steady: petroleum, ateady; rosin, ateady; turpentine, steady. TOLEDO. O.. May 16-OIL-North Lima, RSc: South I J ma and Indiana. 83c. LIVEKHOOU May 16.-OIL Linseed, firm at S3s; cottonseed hull, refined, spot firm at 27s. IONDON, Mav 16. OIL Calcutta lin seed, spot, 65s; turpentine spirits, S4a 6Vd. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 15-COFFEB-Spot Rio. steady; No. 7, Invoice. 6V40. Mild, steady. The market opened fVfilO points higher on moderate demand from local shorts and Wall street commission houses. Commission houses prompted thla demand, which tapered off later and continued quiet during the balance of the session. At the hie her prices Importers sold late months and smaller holders took profits. Heavy Hntstllan receipts prevented active new buying. The market closed steady, with prices net unchanged to 6 points higher. Total sale., .7W bags. Including June at 5.15c; August, 5.35c; September. 6.46c; No. vemtnrr. i.tuc; December, 6 70c; March, s.fruc; April, Cc. Ctottoa Ei'aai6 te Close. NEW YORK, May 15-OOTTONTh fnitnw akwK.a .ill V.. V4.u OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No QuoUbli Cbanga iri Frioet Paid for Fat Cattle. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A LITTLE Very Light Receipts of Sheen and Lambs and Qaalltr Common, bnt elnst About Steady Prices Were raid for What Was oa Sale. SOUTH OMAHA. May 15. Receipts were. Cattle. Hobs. dhe. d Official Monday o.813 3.870 2.7o Ofhctal Tuesday .5s 8.299 3,96$ (.initial Wednesday 2,08 8.079 1,878 oiucial ihursuay l,9o 8,4.m 966 Four days this week..ll,6o5 Same days last week.... i,782 Same week before 11,269 Bame three weeks ago..ll,i7 bame tour weeks ago. ..n.aai Hatue days last yeur....l4,o9t) itECElKl'o FOR THE VEAR To DATE. ine following table shows the recemts ol cattle, hugs and eneep at bouth Omana for the year 10 uale ana comparisons with last 9 cakr. 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec -"'e Z90.7U0 259,809 30,891 ""KS t,MS 8,0,219 9i.tW0 B',tP Mi.illi 42i,ib7 8o,74d no lunuwing lauie snows tne average price of hogs sold on the South Omaja market the past several days, with com parisons witn former years: Date. 1902. 11901. il90o.(18&9. 11898. 1S97.1S3. April 28. April 29. April May 1... Aia May 2 .. May 4... May 6... May ... May 7... May 8... May ... May lo.. May 11.. May U.. May U.. May 14.. May la.. I 7 07H I J "3v I l .1 6 Hu 5 5 5w. 6 Mi 6 71 6 72 b eui ( 68 1 6 b9 6 b4 i 871 3 69 9 3 79 8 (9 2 M, I 3 90 8 871 8 93 3 96 3 9o 8 90 I 3 89 3 95 8 97 4 19j 4 35) 4 221 3 75 3 28 2 2 21 3 8U $ la 3 i 8 12 8 18 3 71 8 i2 3 24 2 64) 3 8 4 8 li 8 V0 8 Ml 8 71l 8 19 3 1 3 681 3 67 3 10 3 b, 3 17 8 6oi 3 2u 8 61 3 15 3 61 1 8 21 I i 6 26 6 1, 6 17J 3 61 3 tl 3 6o 2 68 7 0l 7 0S ! 98 6 KlHl 7 uo I 7 08 j 7 07 6 99V l 08 I 7 U 7 12, II 8 21, 6 10 t 12 6 16 6 16 i 16 I &9 3 6o 8 62 3 62 3 6t 8 6o B DO & 61 i 66 e 6 6S 6 71 5 17 6 21, 6 66 3 61 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: CatUe.Hogg.Sh'p.H'ses. C. M. & St P. Ry.. .. lo .. O. & St. L. Ry 6 6 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 3 1 .. .. Union Pacltic system. 11 9 3 .. C. & N. W. Ry 1 13 F., E. A M. V. Ry....31 13 C. Bt. P., M. ft O. Ry 15 13 li. & M. R. Ry 13 14 1 C., B. Ac J. Ry 1 10 K. C. & bt. J. Ry 1 C R. I. ft P., east... 2 12 Illinois Central 2 2 Total receipts .... 86 121 4 TV,. rfl.nn.l,ln .1 A...- i. s follows, each buyer purchasing the num- ber of head Indicated; Tlnvpra Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packlno- Co 113 1.216 2,260 1,450 2,314 767 13 owiii ana company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co G. H. Hammond to 388 740 22j "ii 150 66 5 34 2 217 239 643 Carey & H lobman ft Lo W. 1. Stephen IJvlniTBtone ft Schaller.. Hamilton ft Hothschlid.. Wolf ft Murman Morton & Grtgson Other buyers ' 842 812 Total 1,944 8,349 1,207 CATTLE There was a very light run of cattle here today for a Thursday, but the supply for the four days of thlB week is considerably in excess of the same days of last week, but smaller than for the same days of last year. Packers seemed to be quite anxious for supplies and aa a result the market held up in good shape. Beef steers again made up the bulk of the offerings and there were a number of bunches that were good enough to bring right around $7.00. Anything carrying weight and flesh was In good demand at fully steady prices and practically every thing answering to that description was out of first hands In good season. The commoner kinds, though, were not in very good demana, ana, in fact, sellers found It a difficult matter in some cases to dls- tose ot what they had at steady prices, nless the quality was very common. though. Just about yesterday's prices were paid. i ne cow mantel was aiso in good Shape and anything desirable met with ready sale at good firm prices. The same us was the case with steers, the common kinds did not move quite aa freely, but still they brought Just about the same prices they did yesterday, and everything was out of first hands In good season. Hulls, veal calves and slates all sold at good steady prices where the quality was good. Stockers and feeders were scarce todov and the better grades were picked up freely hi isuuu tn in pin-re. i ne cummon cattle were of course neglected, the same aa they have been all along, but there was no par ticular cnangt touay in the prices paid The uemanu irom tne country is better and twenty-six cars were yesterday. Representative sales: little shipped No. 16.'.'"".' IS ii.'.'.'.'.'.'. At. No. At. Pr. 4 tt 4 U 4 46 4 86 4 46 I It 4 70 4 76 6 76 4 76 4 80 4 80 I 80 4 80 4 fct 4 86 4 86 4 86 4 86 I 86 7 00 7 00 t 00 T 00 t oo I 00 t 06 6 15 4 86 4 76 4 76 4 14 4 86 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 5 10 I 25 I 26 4 16 6 26 I 84 6 60 6 60 I 60 ( 0 I tt I 76 I 16 I 76 I M 4 00 .... 860 .... eo ....1170 ....1030 .... 880 .... 810 .... 881 ....1027 ,...14K .... 868 .... 8S7 ....1007 ....1110 .... 878 ....1230 lin ....1088 ....1104 ....1128 ....1238 ....1188 1080 ....lino ....1017 ....1148 ....12f0 I 60 I $0 8 t 60 6 50 t 40 6 80 00 00 4 00 00 10 4 10 10 U i 80 4 (0 60 4 60 4 40 4 66 4 86 4 66 4 68 4 66 4 40 71... 18... 10... 12..., 11... 8... SO... 4... 4... 21... 1... 18... 14... 10... 13... 21... 14... 13... 84... 7... 42... 10... ... 18... 1... 14... ....1120 ....1022 ....1277 ....1123 ....10T ....1226 ....1151 ....1247 ....1277 ....1207 1420 ....1242 ....11X6 ....1265 ....12s ....12K8 ....1228 ....1247 ...,U1 ....1324 ....1421 ....13t ....1144 ... .14.(4 ....1640 .1267 .1308 .1118 4 8u 88... STEERS AND HEIFERS. ..1021 6 80 . .. 786 lit 1 ... .1026 COWS. ... 70 1 76 1 1180 ...MO t 60 1 1060 ... 410 I Tt M 804 ...1030 t 74 14 1184 ... 806 I 00 1 1060 ... 820 I 00 1 1160 ... 841 10 1 810 ... 860 I 26 2 816 ... 880 8 26 16 800 ... 640 t 26 t 1220 ...1010 I 60 1 1180 ... 70 I 16 4 20 ...1060 I 16 ( 11140 ...1110 I 16 1 1100 ... 600 I 76 1 840 ...1030 i 16 1 801 ... 860 I 80 1 670 ...1116 4 00 1 100 ...1020 4 00 1 1340 ... 860 4 16 1 840 ...1310 4 16 1 1148 ...1240 4 25 1 1440 ...1110 4 It 835 ... 860 4 60 1 lloo ... M 4 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. It.... It'.'.'.'. 68 4 16 4. 24 I H HEIFERS. I w l I 84 I I 80 1 4 14 2 I 16 20 . 4t . 818 . 180 .. (80 .. tit ..1260 ..1100 I to 5 76 t 00 00 BULLS. irto l oo i. 1200 1604 630 1470 1640 1261 1 1410 1300 1800 4 64 . 4 64 4 14 5 00 ( 00 I 80 6 40 5 40 6 60 I to lf I 26 1 Ht IN I 1088 t 40 1 1160 I 60 1 1160 I 60 I 1024 t 10 t 1140 70 1 1170 I 76 1 1164 I 10 1 UM 4 40 CALVES. 14 6 00 I 266 4 00 1 180 I 16 t STAGS. 1084 4 to 1 141 t 00 8 110 t 00 .. 180 .. 2o0 .. 1M ..1844 .. 14t to t 64 50 I 00 4 64 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS tut I 84 1 MI 3 85 "0 t 71 1 1040 60 108 I 00 14 687 76 t"0 8 10 1 1173 4 Ot STOCKERS AND FLEIlERa. 810 I 00 118.. 676 4 II 4 86 4 84 4 80 4 80 ( 00 I 60 170 677 114 . 4v4 . 112 , 80 4 00 4 00 4 64 4 64 4 tt 4 40 11.. 81.. 8 . 78. 611 lit 10. '.'. 11. '.'. I. 440 4 It HOOft Tnere was the heaviest run of hogs of the week here today, but still the supply for the four days la less than for the same days of last week or of last year. The market at all other points waa quoted lower this morning and as a result prices eased off a little here. As a general thing the good weight hogs sold right around a nickel lower, though the decline was rather uneven. The light hogs were harder to dispose of than usual and until the laat end It waa almost impossible for sellers to get even a bid on such kinds. When packers did try to buy them their bids were $eitrally frgloc lower than ) as tax day, 2S.684 10,509 34.213 li.Hui 36,149 Iv,8i4 26, 08 U.i.sS 27, b99 24,66 211.499 so that the close cf the market was very slow and weak. The good weight hogs old largelv from $7.10 to $7.25 arm as high at IT.ito waa rald. The medium weights went from $7.ou to $7.10 and the llgnter loans sold from $7.00 down. Representa live sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. bb 1T8 let 4 0 18.. 81 11 ... 8 85 81.. At. Bb. fr. 140 to 1 12V4j 2;t 40 0 40 to 120 44 180 40 7 liw ....178 ....800 ....11 ....17 186 1K0 0t ...182 ...189 ....111 IN 178 214 2( '8 ....831 ....311 ,...4 7 211 216 ....2"1 ....211 ....til ....1) IK! ....2" ....2ot ....211 ....111 ....201 ....111 ....216 ....217 ....821 ....117 ....221 ....221 ....237 ....241 ....211 ....224 ....236 ....221 ....218 ....211 ....21 ....loO ....230 ....211 ....231 ....237 ....224 ... I 81 84 I X) 10 I N loO I 86 84 I 86 ... I 171, 140 I 17, ... 1 00 120 t 00 140 1 00 140. 7 01 40 t 00 ....22 ....228 ....212 ....124 ....2.8 ....31 ....862 ....2l ....148 ..,.248 ....218 ...1.17 .... ....1st ....224 ....2.11 ....248 ....247 ,...2.l ....267 243 ....131 ,...144 ....142 ....264 ....231 ....236 ....242 ....231 ....261 ....181 ....lit ....168 ....272 . .. 1J ...21 ....266 ....264 ....264 ....246 ...260 ....262 ....234 ,...218 ....241 ....2,8 ...363 ,...846 t 16 7 It t II 7 It 7 II 7 16 t 16 7 16 1 16 7 16 7 16 7 II 7 16 7 16 7 15 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 II 7 II 7 II 7 16 7 16 1 15 f 11 7 II 7 16 7 16 7 lTVi, 7 17V, 7 17S, 7 17V, 1 17, 7 17V, 7 20 7 20 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 20 7 20 I t 20 7 20 7 231, 7 221, J 23V, 7 22V, 7 86 7 16 t 15 f 16 7 16 7 16 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 10 4l... 84... 1... tn... to... "4... 7... M. . . M... 8... 63... 66... 83... lo... 18... 77... 75... 48. . . 72... 80... U... 24... 76... 72... 71... 76... 7t... 71... 47... 68... 74... 71... tt.... 72.... 71.... 27.... IK.... 82.... 62.... 61... 67.... 16.... 74.... 18.... 71.... tt.... II.... 83.... 28.... it.... 47.... tt.... 44... 71.... 44...., II.... 68.... 14...., II.... 71.... II.... 68.... 36.... 71.... 16.... 66.... 68.... 34 ... 84.... II.... .... tt...., 11 66...., 77.... 60 70.... II.... 86 14 18.... 40.... 71...., T7.... 110 180 180 110 80 10 iti 80 140 7 01S4j 7 02V t 06 1 06 7 05 7 06 7 06 1 01 1 06 7 06 t 06 t 06 80 T 06 140 7 06 ... 7 OHi 120 7 07 4 40 1 07 120 7 071, 120 7 7, 120 7 071. 120 SO 14 10 280 120 7 10 I 10 T 10 T 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 14 1 10 7 It t 10 1 10 14 11 11 61 24 68 71 14 8 80 77 76 68 64 86 61 C8 44 8 46 61 76 77 67 120 60 100 110 'io to 40 80 7 10 10 40 80 10 80 110 184 180 140 110 180 140 80 i ia 7 10 I 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 t 12 7 liv? 7 12V, 7 12', 1 i:, lit ll Ml 16 40 120 .221 .234 .221 .223 .221 .226 61 lot 12 171 II 175 40 2H7 70 121 10 241 140 1 12V, cm LLP There were only about three iBia ui sneep nere today, so that a fair test oi the market was not made. The ,u.iuy oi wnat lew were here was rather common. Clipped wethers sold at IA fjk mnA another bunch brought $5.10. About all that can be said of the market today is that it was about steady. Prices have fluctu ated back and forth to some extent so far this week, but as compared with the close of last wesk there is not much of anv change. Oood stuft has been very scarce uu m mci mere nas Been practically noining nniBDed on the market all this week. It Is evident from tlie wv act that, while they are Indifferent buyers of common stuff, they are anxious for viiiMvre hubs oi oom sneep and iambs. wuuieuoin lor cnppea stock: Uood to choice wethers, $5.8o6.00; fair to good, $5.50 vj. u, auifu m couice ewes, eo.uufyti.ou; fair to good, $4.66(a6.00, good to choice lambs, $6.10 p6.2o; fair to good, $5.7506.10. Wooled stock sells about 25fiOc above clipped stock Choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.7om6 8o fair to good. $6.60416.75. Knm..nt.i. sales: No. Av. Pr. S3 2 60 ,76 2 50 .74 2 50 ,47 8 00 35 4 00 , hi 4 00 .86 4 60 85 4 50 ,74 4 60 93 6 50 44 5 75 tW 6 15 75 2 50 30 4 00 SS 4 50 80 00 6 culls 9 cull ewes 16 cull ewes 4 cull lambs 43 spring lambs 12 cull ewes and wethers. 35 ewes 7 clipped ewes 6 ewes 474 ewrs 6 spring lambs 291 feeder lambs 4 cull ewes 4 cull 9 cull ewes 8 weatern lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Strong;, Hogs Active and lower and Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Mav 15 CATTf .FReoelnta. 8,600 head. Market active, steady to strong; good to prime steers, $7.00ij7.50; poor to medium. $5.0uf6.80: stockers and feeders. $2.75g5.60; cows. $1.506.25: heifers, $2.750 6.60; canners, $1.6lHj2.60; bulla, $2.75ft5.76; calves, $2.007.00; Texas-fed steers, $5.25 6.50. HOGS Receipts. 30.000 head: estimated tomorrow, 24,000 head; left over, 4,500 head. Market active, 6fal0c lower; mixed and butchers. $6.9507.30: good to choice, heavy. $7.3057.45; rough, heavy, $7.o)i7.20; light. $6.9'o7.15; bulk of sales, $7.0oa7.25. OM,n,i- a in ij iwiMiia Keceipts, 8,ouo head. Market steady; lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $5.85jj6.30; fair to choice, mixed, $5.'25fi5.75; western Bheep, $5.5O?j630; native lambs, $5.254i'6.75; western lambs, $5.6vX!6.75; wooled Colorado lambs, $6.75 7.1". Official Yesterday: Tlclal Yesterdav: Receipts. Shipments. ... 14,241 2.639 ... 26,796 4.435 ...114,084 2,008 Cattle Hogs Sheep New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, May 15-REEVES-Re-celpts, 838 head; steady; dressed beef and city dressed, 9V4(fi1lc per lb.; cables last re ceived quoted American steers at lllSc, dressed weights; refrigerator beef at 12c per lb.; exports, 156 sheep and 150 quarters of beef, latter estimated. CALVES Receipts, 4S0 head; market weak: veals sold at $5.00ffi7.Oft; one bunch at $7.25; mixed calves, $5.0016.124; city dressed veals, extreme sales, 8H((jl0c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 2,006 head; no sales up to a late hour. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,554 head; sheep and good lambs Arm, under f trades of lambs slow and steady; spring limbs quiet and steady: pens fully cleared: clipped sheep, 34.75(6.25; culls, $4; clipped lambs, $6.4xti7.10; state spring lambs, $5.25; Jersey spring lambs, $5; Virginia spring lambs, $4.6t; culls, $.1; dressed mutton, 9ftl2c per lb.; diessed lambs, fair to choice, lit 14c. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, May 15 CATTLE-Re-celpte, 6ii0 natives, 3n0 Texans, 75 calves; best steady to l(Kg'15c higher; all other grades steady to lower. Choice export and dressed beef stem, 36.75fi7.30; fair to good, $4. 756.70- stockers and feeders. $3.10ij6.20; western-fed steers, $4.60(M.90; Texas and Indian steers, $4.76(56 tiO; Texas cows, $3.00 (rVTi.OO; native cows, $2.uo6.60; native heif ers, $5.50636.80; canners, $1.70(g.75; bulls, $a.0OCHD.25; calves, $3.0f(iu.85. HOOS Receipts, 7,8oO head; market iWt 10c lower; top, $7.40; bulk of sales, S7.4shvii 7.30; heavy, $7.257.40; mixed packers, $7.10 &'7.35; light, $6 .Vi7 17V,; Yorkers, $7.06 7T17H; Pigs, $4.50436.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000 head: strong and active; native lambs, $5.4(Kfj7.10; western lambs, $5.65(&7.10; native wethers, $5.3nc6.(6- western wethers, $3.50 6.05; fed ewes, $4.7Mi6.60; Texaa clipped yearlings, $5.oOCao.90; Texaa clipped sheep, $4.256.35; stockers and feeders, $2.75(4.50. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOl'IS, May 15. CATTLE Receipts, 2,2(1) head, Including 1.300 Texans; market steady for natives, strong to 10c higher for Texans; native shipping and export steers, $6.40r7.15: dressed beef and butch ers' steers, $4.76fc6.60; steers under 1.000 pounds, $3.8.1(f6.35; stockers and feeders, $2.8rH.85; cows and heifers, $2.26ff(6.50; can ners. $1.50Tg'2.90; bulls, $3.76j6.60; calves, 45or7.26; Texas and Indian steers, fed, $4.5xff6.00: araseera, $3.46414.60; cows and heifers, $2.7Vu-4 50. HOOS Receipts. 6,200 head; market it 10c higher; pigs and lights, $6.9oi7.ld: packers, $6.90(&7.25; butchers, $7.254f'7.60. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1.800 head; market active and strong; native muttons, $4.60(56 00; lambs, $6.6iK( 7.50; culls and bucks, $3.Ou(g-4.00; stockers, $1.0&3.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, May 15. CATTLE Re celpta, 1,100 head: steady: natives, $5.25 7.25; cows and heifers, $1.6($i6.7o: veals, $3 5C06.OO; stockers and feeders. $2.6Hf6 60. HOGS Receipts. 8,5u0 head; 5noc lower; light and light mixed, $6.9on:7.2n; medium and heavy, $7.15i&7.4ii; pigs. $4.1.V5.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.900 head; steady; western lambs, $6-25S7.00; western Sheep, $5.0(o6.25. Slooa City Live Sloek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., May 15. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2o5; market steady; beeves. $5.6(Va7.flO; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.6166.50; stockers and feedera, $2.50 Jj4 50; yearlings and calves, $3.0ojj4 40. HOOS Receipts, 2.500: market 5o lower; quality, $6.90(37.20; bulk. $6.iW7.06. Stock la Sight. The following table ahows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the five prin cipal markets ior way 1,1: Cattle. Roulh Omaha 1 945 Hogs. s.ius SO.Ua) 7.W1 5 7-0 8.6uO Sheep 8,'0 2. CO 1 ) 2.9U0 Chicago 8.5(0 Kansas CJty St- Louis St Joseph , 2.H0 , 2 .2oO . l.loO Totals .17.545 63.936 16,666 Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 15. DRY GOODS Print cloths declined to sc for regular at Fall Klver today, June and July deliv eries selling thereat. The demand here for cotton goods In brown bleached and coarse colored cottons has again been oa a quiet scale, but prices ar without chtuigo. Prints ar steady and ginghams firm. Silks are firm In both piece goods and rlb bona, with a steady demand. Evaporated Apples aaa Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Mny 16. EVAPORATED APPLES The market holds firm on light offerings and fa'r demand from exporters; Jobbing movement light; state, common to' good, 74ic; prime, 9V(ji9c; choice, 10(3 K".c; fancy, lottllc. l ALIFOHNIA lmiED FRl'ITSSteady Jobbing request continues for prunes In the larger sites of new fruit, with prices well sustained; old fruit dull and no more than barely steady: apricots and peachea show a steady feeling and are In fairly active Jobbing request. Prunes, 3Vi6Vc. Apri. cots boxes lOVlfMc; bags. lniVfnSc, Peachea, peeled, 1416c; unpeeled, 8V4!llC Saaar Market. . FKW, TOR.K- My lR.-srOAR-Mrm: fair refining 2 c; centrifugal 96 test, $7-16ci molasses sugar, 27,c. Refined steady. WNUON, May 15.-8LOAR Deet. May, NEV ORLEANS. May 16,-Sl'OAR-. Sttong; open kettle, 2H'uS8-lflc: open kettla centrifugal. S4t34,e; centrifugal yellow. 3V4 tHSe: seconds, 2U,& 8-I60. MOLASSES Dull; centrifugal. 6JSc. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 11549. Chicago, Rock Island A Paclflo Railroad company against HAttler. Error from Cass. Reversed and remanded. Duf fie. C, division No. 8. 1. A passenger on a railroad train doc) not lose his character as such by leaving hla car at a regular station from motives of either business or curiosity, althougn he has not yet arrived at the terminus ot his Journey. 2. Where, however, the train In which the passenger la being transported is run, upon a switch to allow the passage ot another train, or Is stopped at a place, other than that used by the carrier for receiving and discharging passengers, and the stoppage is not for the purpose of al lowing passengers to board the train or alight therefrom, one who leaves the train must usually assume all the ordinary risks Incident to his action. 8. All passengers actually on the train, whether the same la moving or not, are passengers "being transported over the road" within the meaning of section 3. chapter IOCX1I, Compiled Statutes, and passengers who have left the train at the express or Implied Invitation of the carrier for any necessary purpose incident to their Journey, are passengers being transported within the meaning of said section. 4. Where a passenger leaves his car of his own volition for some purpose of hla own not Incident to the Journev he Is pur suing and at a place not designed for the discharge of passengers, he can not claim the protection of section 3, chapter LXXIV. of the Compiled Statutes, although the carl rler may, under some exceptional circum stances, still owe him the duty Imposed on It by the common law. 5. A through train between Denver and Chicago ran onto a aide track at an inter mediate station to allow the nassaKe of another through train from the east. A. through passenger left his car, crossed the main track of the road to the depot, and went to a pump for a drink of water. He filled his CUD from the numn. but before drinking heard the whistle of the Incoming train ana started on a rapid run to regain his car. From the pump the truck over which the Incoming train was approaching could be seen for about 100 feet, and thna steps from the pump toward the track over which the train was approaching the track was visible for a mile or more. When ths assenger reached the track the approach ng train was about flftv fwi distant from him and runnlnr at high rate of speed. The nassenirer at. tempted to pass in front of the train and was struck bv the engine and killed. Held, uiai unuer me cirrunisiances, ne waa not "a passenger being transported over the roan" within the meanlne: of section s chapter LXII, of the Compiled Statutes, and tne railroad was not liable for damages on account of his death because of his own negligence. iiu,9. nova against Popt.. Appeal from Boone. Affirmed. Oldham. C r!vlirn No. 2. Unreported. 1. When the money for the payment of a note secured by mortgage has reached the hands of an agent authorized to collect It the debt Is paid and the mortgagor Is en titled to have the mortgage given to se cure the debt cancelled. 2. The evidence examined and held suffi cient to sustain the decree of the trial court. TUB REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed in the register uevus unice may 10: Warranty Deeds. E. L. Carpenter to James Contey. se 4-15-10, except thirteen and one half acrea t 1 UFA City Savings bank to Emma M. Ross, Diocg 104, Florence 2,009 Benson Land company to P. T. Naughton, lota 9 and 10, block 36, Benson tm Ida C. Bradford and husband to L. A. uoidsmlth W30 feet of lots 6 and 6, block 8. Kendall's add fv Oeorge Peterson and wife to A. W. Anderson, lot 14, block 6, Drake's add fnvi Ed hard Kahny and wife to John Se re II and others, lots 18 and 19, block 3. McGavock & O'K's add 1 Ann l nomas 1 nimoan company to Mary R. Kimball, lots 24 and 26, A. Kountse add 6,0,'4 W. J. Chadwlck and wife to Sadie Berlin, s40 feet of lot 6, block 12, South Omaha 1,50 Deeds. Sheriff to J. R. Conkling, lota 27 and 30, May field 70$ Keene Five Cents Savings bank to Ida C. Bradford, w30 feet of lots 6 nnd A, block 3, Kendall's add 45J City of Florence to F. M. King, lot 7, block 4. Florence F. M. King to city of Florence, lot 7. block 4, lot 7, block 13. s22 feet of lot 4. block t. undivided one-half of lot 4. block 42. and lot 5. block. 43, all of lot 12, block 147, lot 12, block 150. lots 8 and IS, block 148, lot 14, block 149. lot 12. block 162, lots 2 and 12, block 98. lot 11. block 102, lots 16 and 17, block 111, Florence . Amelia H. Hale, administrator, to E. S. Flor, wV, se4 and eft twVi, 82- 1 15-10 1.444 Sheriff to Winona Savings bank, lot S, 8. F. Porter's add 70S Total amount of transfers $20,643 JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & C3ii( iron works. taAWtTFACTX RIIlS AKB JOmMMMM or UACbtNMitr. aurartAL REFAIRIMO A BnKXAXTl IRON AMD BRAaM rOOmMHM. t4le 2 8tS aa 26M JaattSMVS. lS)ss saaha. Rah. Tot. nam. B. Eahrtokla, Asnt J. B. OrerajfJt, itja fltflllE GO. M aaafectarera and Jobbers f Steam and Water Supplies Of All Klnda. aaa iia ootwtwldl. IT. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. W oslorn ElocfrfccI ConiBsny EUctrioal Supplix Wlrtac Bells I at Oaa UgAtJaa, a W. JOHNSTON. lUtV iU Howard. Jb AWNINGS AND TENTS. Cmaba Tent and Awning Co.. Oaa aha, Bab. MatMifsjettirara ol Tents and Canvas Deeds. Btrad for Catalogue) Nuiafcar 83 BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Kaasa 4, Baw Yavlc Life B. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS Bought and sold for cash or on mar sin. All telegraph, telephone or mail order will receive careful and prompt attentluta, Xi4hui . UkiVUX Ka :