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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1902)
8 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, MAY 0, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL I Trices BevWe After Wedoetday'i Blnmp I, and All Piti Clone Up. f BIG GAINS IN PROVISION MARKET i I Caah ltaatloa Strong, Omli Freely l, Soaght and Bearish Jew Ignored Corn hew Strength with I, MM Stair Oatatanrflna. CHICAGO, May 8 It was buyers' tiny In the Brain market today. There "aa ' much hesitation early on eeather condi tions, but the situation did not warrant fresh pressure; cash business was good and prlroa mads Rood advances. July wheat closed VgSc up; July com, Htrtc higher, and July oate c advanced. Pro visions closed 12 'ic to K; hifther. flfars who had been hammering wheat pilres on favorable weather conditions found too many bull factors arraved gainst them today. The weather was guol over nearly all the wheat belt and statistical Journals Issued bearlshly fa vorable crop news, but receipts were very mall and the caah situation was very strong. Cabins also were comparatively llrm when tha depression was taken Into consideration. After an early see-saw In prices bulla took hold firmly and worked advances. The cash situation has gradu ally developed a strength that the traders ay probably will Influence (peculation for some time. Elevators have all the wheat In slant, the country Is offering little and i the elevntor people have sold much of their holdings at July prices rather than at tha lower May prices. The result has been a scarcity of cash wheat at the re cently current May figure. Today's prices In outside markets advanced above July and at one time here almost equaled them. Added to this was a good corn trenih. Good rash sale were made late, fourteen loads being taken for export here. Khort covered freely and July, : which opened tec to VnHc up at 74c to 74c, sold up to 74'e and closed Hpo ' up at 75c. Receipt, U cars, none con tract; Minneapolis and Ltuluth reported I'll cars, a total for the three points of 114 cars, against 2M cars last week and t'tO cars a year ago. primary receipts were l,m0 bunhels, compared to 2 cars Inst year. Seaboard clearances equaled 8S4.W bushels. Corn ruled strongest of the grains today and made good advances. The slump waa not responded to by the foreign markets and although all outside news on the crop sit uation was exceedingly bearish, everything on the situation favored the bears. There Is little corn outstanding, receipts continue small and the leading bull house Is cred ited with holding twice as much long corn ils there is old stuff visible. After hesi tating for a time at the opening "tallers" ngaln took the bullish view of the mar ket and bought liberally shorts covered and then the bull leaders sent prices up further by taking In stuff In good quanti ties. Traders generally regarded the posl- . tlon of the bull party as such that at any open buying by it the crowd quickly fol lows. July early sold as low as Wi'ic, ad vanced to tlc and after some liquidation for profits closed firm, Gic up at 'UlHc Receipts, 135 care. i Oats did not have much strength of their own. The early market was weak on fa vorable crop rports, but open buying of July by the prominent null operator In Mav options started a buying movement. 'July sold early at 35c, advanced to 36dc and closed Arm, c up at Sti'ic. Receipts, ; 135 cam. Provisions were Influenced for good ad vances by a continuation of the demand that has marked the pit for several days. The hog market was strong and packers gave the pit good support. liquidation vs In the shape of outalde pro lit taking. Corn strength also helped in the upturn. July pork closed lie higher at $17.25; July lard. 12 He up at I10.22W. and July ribs 12hc higher at $8. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, rrt rare; corn, 96 cars; oats, 160 cars; hogs, head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcea. Or, j. Illgh.l Low. Cloae. Yes'y. Wheat May 73 74i 7H 744?f-H 73H July 74H'&0 7474g44 74 744fl Sept. 7IT 72 73!78'J(3 Corn I May W 9S 5!H BOH July (7M- 0H6H4t. 60 Sept. 60 bi ttrVl59H Oats I May 41 43 41 42 41 July 33Ji 34 83 MAft 8.1 Sept. 38 . 2it 28 28 18 Ma7 1 96 17 10 IS 96 17 10 1 80 July 17 00 17 25 17 00 17 25 16 96 Bejt, 17 12 IT 80 17 12 17 80 17 02 Ma7 10 IT 10 10 '-10 17 10 20 10 10 ; July 10 15 10 26 10 15 10 22 10 10 SepU 10 22 10 87 10 22 10 27 10 20 160 9 65 9 60 9 65 9 50 July , 9 57 9 67 9 57 9 65 9 62 Sept. 9 62 9 72 9 62 9 70 9 SO No. 1. Old. Cash quotation were as follows: K1AJUK Steady: winter patents, tt.fHva 4.00: straights, I2.20tfa.80; dears, $3.0Oii3 .60: spring specials, 4.o4.a0; patents, 3.404j. . a.ou: iirmifnu. W H BAT N O. 3, 72-B 81c. 72'814o; No. 2 red, OATS-No. t. 42c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 8 white, 43c. RYE No. 2, 44o. HARLKY Good feeding, 58-869c; fair to choice malting, St&JOc. BEED No. 1 flax, $1.84; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.77; prime timothy, $6.96; clover, con tract grade, $8.85. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.10 (TM7.16. Lard, per 100 lbs., $10.17gl0.20. fchort ribs sides (loose), $9ao.70. Dry ealtad shoulders (boxed), $8.U0tf6.26; short clear tides (boxed), S10.loftlo.20. WirtBKY-On bant of high wlnea. $130 . Tha following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: , i Artlclea Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 23,000 29,000 Wheat, bu 33,000 168.000 Com, bu 102,000 ' 368,000 Data, bu 234.000 SlS.nuO Barley, bu 18.000 2,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, VQOc; Wan-tea, loflOOo. Cheese, easy at 12&13o. lEgga. ateady; fresh. 1444c MtW . YORK GEAERAL MARKET. '4o4tleas of the Day oa Vnrlew Conanaodltlea. ..l5TW'.7ORK:' My FLOUR Receipts, 12,989 bbls.; exports. U.8J4; quiet, but aaaadlar oa wheat advance! Minnesota patmta. $3.964.18; winter straights, $8 70 nUU 1n tawa mntmmm lllfUM U. . , . bakvra, $S.0Ofi3.2O; winter low grades, $2 90- wo.m. ne uuur, auit, mu DDIS. ; rair to good, t3.ltxa3.40; choice to fancy, $3.60 3.66. COSUfMB Al Firm; yellow western. $1 90; city. $1.28; Brandywlna, $3.6093.(6. RYB Pinner; No. 2 weetern, fco, f. o. b.. afloati slate, aldjajc, 0. 1. f.. New York carlo ts BARLEY Steady ; feeding, M4268C. c t f.. New York; malting. tWVu&'fc. c. L t. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 160,225 bu.; exports. 160,86 bu.; spot market, firm; No. I red, , elevator; No. 9 red. 1914c. L o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, &3e, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, K7c f." o. b eiioaL Starting out with a sharp ad vance oa aiaaay ceDiee ana email north west receipts, wheat developed weakness, because ot hew abort selling and a lack of confldeooa doe to bearlsn crop news. Later k earned strong again on export rumore, mall veoalpta, the corn advance and fair clearenoee and closed Arm at W(P So net advanoe. May. 7'4) l-lc; July, tt!i('Q, cloeed 8iro; September, 78 t-Tii Ko, cloeed T6c; Iecember, 79 U-lfcasSOHc. closed 8OV0. CORN lieoeipta, 24,750 bu.: exports, 2.146; 1-pot, firm; No. 2. 68o, elevator, and ehc, f. o. b., afloat. Option market waa generally Arm all day as a result of small western receipts, steady cables, covering and good Chicago buying. The close was firm at !o net advanoe. May, ititr7c, cloeed 664c; July. 65tt4o. cloeed 66o; September, UHiJrWSc. closed 6c. OATS Receipts. lu.OuO bu.: exports, 1,166 bu.; spot, llrm; No. 2. 46c; No. 2, 46c; No. $ white. 61c; No. 3 white, 6uc; track, mixed western, 46.46c: track, white, 4.4o. Options rallied with the other markets. KEKI-Uull; spring bran. $17 75; mid dlings, $19.00621.60; winter bran, IJ0.ooe2i.00; tlty, $U. HAYSteady; shipping, 6666c; good to ebolce. :jo. HOJPS Firm: state, common to choice, 19ul orop. 1620c; lkM). UiiMe; olda. iftic. aclfio coast, liul crop, l&tfl8c; 1900, 13 J ic; olds, 4no. hivst irm uaiveston, mi to 26 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 18c; Texas dry. 24 to 90 iba., 18c. . LEATHER-flteady: acid, 2435c. ' WOOL Julet; domestic fleece, 25029c. PROVISIONS Reef, strong: famlfy. Ill; mess. .$18; beef hams, $21.w!f?l 00: packet, $16: elty extra India mess, $i4 Owo-iS.W. Cut meats, steaay; piciiea oetnes. lovtjllc; lt kit'd snouiaers, jc; picaiea imi, !Si2o. Lard, firm; weatern steamed. llOtto. May cloeed $10.60, nominal; refined brnv continent, $10 so: South America, v 11136: compound. $ 50i8,.7!. Pork, firm; ftmliy. $i9.a0; short clear. tl.66ejru.ft; mesa, IV 5..Ti l&. BUTTER JUoelpts, 2.171 pkgs.. firm; plate dairy, -,-&ci. creamery , UnHatluo. to23c; June creamery. 22c; factory, t ALtW-Flrm; city ($2 per package). c; country fpnesages Tree), 'QiC. ( 'HEKHi Rerelpts. 2n0 i.kss nrtn: fanrr I r . full nram f 1 1 n. U i J ..... - , v vk.iu nu white, W3Uc; fancy, small, state, full cream, early make, colored and white, 18 KGO8 Receipts, 16.416 pkgs ; nulet at 17c; POL'LTRT All're. steady: turseys, 9c; "J"". aressea, icea steaay; low is, ize turkeys. l.VfcHo. MtrTAIJ4-The Nw York and London markets for tin were hicher. The forelen market closed with a gain of 1 2s 6d, or at 132 15s for spot and a! 130 for futures. The local advance amounted to about 76 points, with spot at $J (1029.50. Copper was a nine rjciter nere. wun standard and spot quoted at 111 5o"rjll 60; electrolytic and casting at $11 66 to $11.76. At Iondon cop per closed with spot and futures unchanged at 63s 2d. 1-ead was steady at 41c here and quiet, and at London at 11 12s 6.1. Spelter ruled steady and at last quoted at $4 40. Inndon was Is 2d higher st 18 7s 6d. The New York Iron market ruled steady to firm. P'g Iron warrants were nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, $19 nofj3u.n0; No tounory, nonnern.; No. 1 foundry, southern, $17 6u18.a). The Kng llsh markets were ateady. CI las go w closed at oos ana Miaaiestorougn at ta ld. OMAHA WIIOLBSALR MARKETS. Staple and Fancy Prod ace. EGGS Including New No. 2 cases, 13c; cases returned, 13c. LIVE I'OULTRY-Chlckens, 10c; old roosters, according to age, Hc; turkeys, 8llc; duckt and geese, 7c 1 broilers, per lb., 25c. BUTTER Parking stock, 16c; choice dairy In tubs, 191 20c; separator. 23c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH-Trout, 9c; crapplee, 10c; berrlng, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, tc; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, lie; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, lie: salmon. 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish 12c; red snaoper, loc; roe shad, each, 60c; shad roe, pel pair, c; split shad, per lb., loc; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb 25c. PIGEONS Live, per dog.. 75c. VEAL-Cholce, &u$a CORN 60c, OATS 4(o. BRAN Per ton. 1T. .HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hv. No 1 upland, $10 00; No. 1 medium, $9.00; No. 1 coarse, 88 Rve straw, These prices are for hay of gooti coin' na quality. De mand rair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. EOG PLANT-Florida, per dox . $125. SQUASH Florida, per do., $1.00H1.2b. CAULIFLOWER Southern r-r $1.60. ' ' POTATOES Northern, $1.15(21.20; Colo rado, $1.36. GREEN ONIONS Per doa.. according t lxe of bunches. 15(g'J6c. Aat akauld Home grown, per do., 35 (340c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., $1.25 SPINACH Home grown, per bu., 6oa5c LETTUCE Hothouse, pe- do.. 404i45c. PARSLEY Per do.. 3oaj3oc. RADISHES Per -."Ac- k. $1.66. ' ' ' WAX BEANS Florida, per bushel box. tiKKhiv PEAS Per bu. box. $1.75ig2.fl0. RHUBARB Home growr.. txr ;b.. a4o. CABBAGE California, new, 3c. ONIONS Chios, per bbl.. 84. M; n.r southern onions In sacks, per lb., SStfHc. TOl iTfipu 1.. 1 1 .1 . . . . " r . ..vv " ecr e-oaaaei craie, NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2. FRUITS. FIGS California, new cartons. $1; Im ported, per lb., 1214c. bTRAWBERRlKS Texas, per 24-qt. case, $3.50M.OO; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case, $2.25. PINE APPLES-Florlda, 30 to 38 count $4.60Q6.00. TROPICAL FRUJTS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2. 25 2. 76. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $4, budded, $3.00; Mediterranean sweets, $3,259 3.60. LEMONS Fancy, $3.60; choice, $3.26. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc: No. 2 soft shell, loc; No. 2 hard shell, 5c; Braxlla, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa huts, per sack, $3.60. HONEY Per 24-sectton caae, $2.75(32.00. HIDES No. 1 green, 6o; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., tc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides, 8Q12c; sheen pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1 CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25: New York. $3.60. POPCORN Per lb.. 6c; shelled. 6c. It. Louis Grain and Provisions. 6T. LOUIS, May . WHEAT Hlghr; No. I red cash, elevator, 81c: track, 81 B2c; May, 77c; July, 72U72c; Septem ber, 78c; No. 2 hard, 76ig77c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 62c; track, 63c; May, c;. July, 6161c; September, 5c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 43e; track, 44ti44c; May, 414c; July, 83c; September, 28He; No. 2 white, 45c. RYE-Dull at 69c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3.65 3.80; extra fancy and straight, $3.403.60; clear, $3.03.20. SEEDS Timothy, steady at $5.006.28. CORN MEAL Steady at $3.15. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, $9. HAY Strong; timothy, $12. 60116 60; prairie, scarce and wanted at $8.OOil4.60. WHISKY-Steady. $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, $1.06. BAGGING Steady, 6TfiHc. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, old. $17.85; new. $176. Lard, higher at $10.07. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed lots, extra shorts, $9.87; clear ribs, $9.75: short clear, , $10. Bacon, higher; boxed Iota, extra shorts, $10.75; clear ribs, $10.62; short clear, $10.87. METALS Lead, quiet, $3.70(34.00. 8pelter. higher, $4.00&4.15. POULTRY Chickens, Arm; springs, 9 10c; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 8c; geese. Sc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1723c; dairy. 16!B20c. EGGS-Steady at 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2.000 75,000 Wheat, bu 6,0)0 .76,000 Com, bu 59.000 66,000 Oats, bu 73.000 36,000 Kansas City Grain and ProTiatoaa. KANSAS CITY, May I. WHEAT May, flc; July, 71cig71c: cash. No. hard, Tiii73c: No. 4. 7272o; No. 3 red, 79c; No. 8, 77(S18a. CORN May, (lc; September, s767c: caah. No. 2 mixed. 28c; No. 2 whlu, &6o; No. 8. 636o. OATS No. 2 white, 45S45a. r.YE No. X 689c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.50(914.00; choice prairie, H2.5cKflnS.0O. BUTTER Creamery, 21c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EXJQS Steady; ney No. 2, whltewood casea Included, loss off, 14o a dosen; cases returned, Uc. Receipts. Ship. Wheat 10.400 13.6 0 Corn 64.400 6O.SO0 OaU 17,000 14,000 Telede Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, May . WHEAT Dull, firm; rash. 84c; May, 83c; July. 77c; September, 76c. CORN Dull, strong; rash. 9Hc: May. 80c: July. 61o; September, 60c. OATS Active, firm; caah. 44c: May, 43c; July, 86c; September. 294,c. - SEED Clover, dull, easier; cash, $5; Oc tober. 16.06. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 8 BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery, 20c; extra nearby prints, 26c. EGGS Steady; fresh nearby, 16c; fresh weatern, 16?16c; fresh southwestern, 16c: fresh aouthern, 1615c. CHEESE Firm; New York full creama, fancy small, 13t13; fair to choice, 11V 13c. Minneapolis Wheat, Floa and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, May 8. WHEAT Caah, T5c; July, 76c; September, 72U72c; on track. No. i hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 7c; No. 2 northern, 74e. FLOUR First patents. 83fff3 95; second patents, $3 6668.76; first clears, $2.85; second clears. $2.10. BRAN In bulk. $14.0014.60. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May 8. WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern, 76vsu77c; No. 2 northern, 76'5'76c; July. 74c. R V E Easy ; No. 1, 58(Sie. BARLEY Firm; No. J, 71c; sample, 66 ''cORN-July. lJllc. Ualath Grain Market. DULUTH. Msy 8.-WHEAT-Cash. T84e: No. 8 northern, T3e; No. 1 northern, May and July, 7c: September, 78c. OATH Cash. 43c; September, 30c. Peart Market. PEORIA, May l CORN-Unsettled; No. 2, yellow, 60n. OATS Inactive; No, 8, white. 42c, billed through. WHISK Y-41 80 for finished goods. Layerpee8 Grain and Prevlalena. LTVERPOOU May I WHEAT Spot No. 1 reft- western, winter, he stock; No. I spring, oulet at tLA: No. 1 California dull at as 4d. Futures, steady; May, to ld; rfuiy, ss Id: September, es Jo. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. Bw. 6s8d: American mixed, old. 6s 9d. Futnree, quiet; July, 6s2d; October, 6s ld FLOUR St Louis fancy winter, firm, 8s HOPS At London, rclflc Coast, firm. tj l!ea. im. PRO 1810N8 Beef, strong; extra Indli mees, Vm. Pork, strong; prime mess west am 'fta llama Hrm a h..rl 1 a ,n 1 M Ik. 64s.' Baron, firm; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 iKal t . H V M rlka IS A tt Ika steady. 61a 6d; long clear middles, light. 28 to isi ios. ; sieany, uian; long clear middles, ha.v. ttf. . n Al I IK. ,..iUt c- -V. r .1 . backs,' 16 to 20 lbs! steady, 61s 3d; clear oe i nes. i 10 10 ids., steady, bis ii; snouider square, 11 to 12 lbs., steady. 3Ks 6d. Lard. firm; prime western. In tierces. 51s 3d; iimencsn renneo. in pans, steaay, bis. BUTTER Firm: finest United States, HT.s. CHEESE American finest rolored, old, flfm, 61s; American finest white, new, steady, 64s; American finest colored, new, steady, 6.Ss. TALLOW Prime city, firm, 30s; Aus tralian In London, Arm, 33s 3d. SEW YORK STOCKS AXD BOM11. Reenperntlon In Storks and Roads Re rover Sympathetically. NEW YORK, May 8 Stocks recoered from yesterday's weakness today, although there waa considerable uncertainty mani fest In the prevailing sentiment. A more cheerful feeling over the anthracite out look Is responsible for considerable rebuy Ing by short sellers of yesterday, profess.! confidence last night that a strike could not be averted. The active coalers re flected no misgiving for the announcement of the miners' officers to arbitrate, but they fell Into comparative dullness. The high-priced coalers offered the anomaly of the early trading, while the Readings were advancing and a strong recovery, owing to the demand for Readings had largely died out. The Whole market fell Inln dullness In the latter part of the day, while waiting for me announcement or the reply or the an thracite operators to the offer of the miners. The result Is that the day's trans actions are not more man halt those or yesterday. Outside the Readings the principal ac tivity was In 8t. Paul, Union Pacific, the local tractions and Southern Rallwav. Union Pacific and St. Paul were bought heavily for western account, the a rtrac. tlon being attributed to crop conditions. The referee's decision upholding the con stitutionality of the New York franchise tax law Induced some active liquidation of the stocks of New York public utilities, but they were well supported and rallied. The advance In Iouisvllle A Southern Railway met realizing. Reports of an ap parent contest between the two Interests for control of coal lands Increased the dis position to sell. Illinois Central became strong In contrast to Its weakness yester- wniin ma oiner two stocks were ad vancing. There were evidences of various minor stocks, which are supposed to be the subject of manipulation by spec ulative pools, although various rumors continued to circulate of their prospective absorption and merging. Tennessee Coal and Colorado Fuel were under pressure. Tne last named, however, recovered to well above last night. International Power fell 9 polnta below the last sale price, but fully recovered. There was a sale of St. Lawrence sV Adirondack at 62, compared with the preceding sale at 13844. ThlS Sale Was before the enTlan.ak . Webb-Meyer stocks. The Incidental state ment oy nr. weDD mat tie had sold the road to A. L. Meyer was new to the pub lic this morning. MoneV Went tO 0 rwr mnt aaoln ,i .. but sterling exchange turned weak and" i " V" "cnange at cnicago recovered from 20 cents discount to in ni, mlum. Money brokers report offerings of large sums for lending In New York from various quarters of the conntrv Th. i already this week to the subtrensury of over $2.0(10.000 Is to be reckoned with In considering the money market situation. The bond market recovered today In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value. $3,160,000. United States 3s and the neJL4B d"n'd Pr cent on the last call. . luiiuwiug in me closing prices oa the New York Stock exchange: Atchison . 7M4 .. ,.lttl .. 4i4 ,.12S .. NVk .. 4T'4 .. MS .. tt .. 1 .. MV ..16 ,. s .. tw-k, .. ,.M7 ,.1I .. 11 .. 40 ,.10 .. 11 H 44 ,. 17114 ..IM .. 42 V ,. 17V ,. i ,. .114 ,. fl ,. ..1M" .. .. .. s ,.120 ..144 So. Pacific So. Railway do pfd , Ttias P , T.. at. U A W do pfd , Vnlon Pacific .., do pfd , Wabaah , do pfd , W. A L. B do Id pfd Wla. Central do pfd Adama Eipresa , Am. Eiprosa V. 8. EiprM.. Wslla-Fargo Ex., Amal. Copper .., A mar. o. A P.,., do pfd Amor. Lin. Oil... do pfd Araer. 8. A R..., do pfd Ana. Mln. Co.... Brk. Rap. Tr..., Colo. F. A I Cnn n a .... v .... i7; .... 15 .... 11 .... 12 .... !4 ....104 .... 17 .... M .... 46 .... 1!H ...128 .... 27 .... 4 ....120 ....lit ....loo a. a. 47 .... 10 .... 10 .... 24 .... C4 .... 44 .... ! ....114 .... 44 1 DJ ....124 ....120 ....120 .... II .... 10 .... 72 .... M .... M .... 4 .... M ....124 .... 70 .... ....10.1 2a ....1S7 .... 1H .... 79 ....128 .... 46 .... 16 .... 11 .... 13 .... 14 .... 14 .... u .... 41 1 .... 1 .... 12 .... 4 .... i .... 40 tlo DM Baltimore A Ohio. do Did CanadUn Paotflo .. Canada gouthorn . Cht. A Ohio Chicago Alloa.... oo prd Chicago. I. A L... ! pra rtilraso E. I .. Chicago Ot. W.. do lat ptd do Id Bfd Chicago N. W.. C . R. I. P Chicago T. AT... o Dra ...7 , 0. C. C. A St. L. . Colo. Boutnora ..... do lat pfd do id Dfd Pel. A Hudaon...., Dl.. U A W Danver A R. O.... do Bid Brio do lat pfd do id Dfd Con Tob. pfd!!!!! Ot. Nor. ptd uaneral Electric Hocking Coal Int'n'l Paper .... do pfd Int'a'l Power .... Iclede oaa National Blacult National Lead ., No. American ... Hocking Valley ... oo Dfd llllnola Central .... lows Central do Dfd l. B. W dO Dfd Loula. A Naah.... Manhattan L Met. 8t. Rr M. Central Met. National ... Mlna. A St. L Mo. Paclflc M., K. A T .13JW r act no Coaat .... .144 1 Pacific Mall M"4 People's Gaa '!.! . l .111 .looS . . M .1M ,U . "4 i . us .10 . 44i ! T0V$ a f . t ' a V . l .111 ,uo Preaaed 8. 0.... do pfd Pullman P. c... Republic Steel . do pfd 8ugar Tenn. C. A I... U. B. p. 00.. do pfd V. 8. Leather... do pld P S. Rubber... dO Pfd a . a V. g. steal do pfd Weatern Union . Am. Locomotive do pfd K. C. aouthern. do pfd do Dfd N. J. Central N. T. Central Nor. A WM do Did Ontario A W , rannaylvanla .. Reading do lat pra , do Id Did t. HAS. P do lat pfd........ do Id Dfd t. U . W , do Dfd St. Paul , do pfd , Trust receipts. New York Money Market. NEJW YORK. Mav L-HflNHTiii ..11 Arm at &7jS per cent; closing offered at 6 per cent; prime mercantile .caper. 4U4.6U per cent. STERLING- F1XCHA NOR Weak .1.1, actual business In bankers' bills at $4 87U for demand and at $4.85 for sixty days; lls. $4 and $4.85. "" Coram BILVER B4W, 6lc: Mexican rinii.. t 41VC. ' HrVVTlAlAVrtimiit w . W . . , . I railroad. Irregular. ' Tba closing quotations on bond are as follows: tJ. 8. rf. . rag .10 .10 .104 .104 .117 417 .111 .111 .106 .104 .104 . 94 .10 . LAN. Hnl aA .. 101 a. 11 .. M a. 104 ..101 .. M ..104 ..10 ..11 . .11 .. 71 5 ..101 .. L.117 .. " M .. 6 ..122 ..111 , . U ..104 ..107 ..111 ..111 .. 74 ..114 .. 11 .. do coupon do 1. reg do coupon do sew 4a. rag da coupon da aid 4s. re.. da coupon d t. reg Max. Central 4a ... do 1st Ina Mlna. 81. L 4a.. M.. K. T. 4a... do ta N. T. Central la., to gen. Is N. J. . 1. No. PaclBo 4a Atrhleoa gon. 4. 00 u N. A W. con. 4a... Reading gen 4a... t. lII u . s. do adi. 4 B. A o. 4 da da aoae. .4 ltd 8t. L A g. F, 4a.. . L. g. W. la.., Canada 8a. M C. ot O. 4a lot ' .1 . (6 .104-4 . 4 . o la A. A. P. 4e., So. PaclBo 4 80. Rallwav la 4 I- In . Chaa. A Ohio 4e. C. A A. !e C. B. A O. . 4a T. a w 1. C. M. A S. P. B 4 C. A N. W. . 7a.. C . R. I. A P. 4a.. 1.114 (T.. 84. L. W. 4a'. .ia .111 .104 a M . .104 Colon Facile 4a... An -nnw Am CCC. A 8. L. 8. 4a Chicago Tee. 4..., Colorado 80. 4a.... D. A R. O. 4s Brl prior lie 4s.. Wabaah la ..!.".!!!! 1 do deb. B Weet Nhnr. Am .100 W. a U B 4. 40 general ae ,. aa .114 .111 I Wla. Central 4a... Cue. Tub. 4 P. W. D. C. U. Hock. Valley 4e.. Leadew Steele Market. LONDON. May 8 Csnoola lor moaajr . . M do account tt 1-14 Anaconda 4 Atrhleoa 11 do ptd 100 Baltimore A Ohio. ...111 laaadlaa PrnclBe 1M I p. m. Closing: Norfolk Weotera. do pfd Ontario A W est era. . Pennejrlvanl Reading do lat pfd 4 t pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Sewthor Paclfte Vale PaciAc do pfd VMtod Stat Sioal.. d pfd 'UMVl it pld Spanish 4ea Hand Mine , 2 14 s M , 41 M 1 1 M 107 , w 41 4 14 Cbeeapeake a Ul. Chlcaae O. W 11 u C. M. A 84. P... IMBW A R. O.. do pfd Erto do lrt pfd do vi pad Illlaela Central LoulaTllla A Naah M . K. A T do pfd N. T. Central ,il74 . 41tJ . M . .144 .14 ,. M . ao IMBears ..14JI BAR SILVER Steady; lud per ounce. MONEY IW.'S per cent. The rate of dtacount In the open trrkct for both short and threw-month' bills la 1 per cent. Bank Clearlagrs. OMAHA. May 10 Bank clearings todsy, $1.177, Tie) 33; corresponding day last year, tl.laS.343 10; Increase, $111.467 .33. CHICAGO, May i Clearings, $3,647,41: balancee, V,Ut,ll poetad exchange, KM for slity days, $4 9RH for demand; New ior exrnange, l(c premium ST. LOUIS. May A Clearings, C10.Wt; balances. $f",; money, steady, 4 per I'ni; ,-ew 1 org exenange, 8"c premium. NEW TORK, Mav 8 Clearings, $311,070, KO h.lani-. 111 iu: ri HOHTON. 'May i.-Clearings. $30,42,43(l; BALTIMORE Msy Clearings, $3., OOP: balances. tSrvl am : mnnev. S tier rent PHILADELPHIA, May 8.-Clearlngs, $20,. o24.!43; balances, $2,3ri6,8'; money, 4s per CINCINNATI. May $. Clearings. $3,095. 4W; money, 4a per cent; New York e- inMiiKe, par to its? premium. Boston Steak Oaetatleas. POSTON. May g.-Call loans, od?! per t-iii, iime loans, e'0t per cent, umciai closing of stocks and bonds: Atrhlenn Oaa la Met. Central ta N E. O. A C Atchison do pld , Boston A Albany. .. Boaton A Maine.... N. y N. H. A H. Fitchburg pfd t'nlon Pacific Mei. Central Amerlran Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Pom. I. 8 , General Electric ... tun. Electric do pfd , N. E. O. A C , t'nlted Fruit , Dalr Went , V. 8. Steel do pfd 100 iWeetlngh. Common. .101 SS IA(lrenturo 2 Allouea 16 'Amalgamated 'f Calumet A Hecla. .. 11 ,. . Cf .f4f 94 , Centennial ,. . ,. .117 . 11 . 1S M2 1 l:i4 14(1 104 1211 114 141 an 11'2 4J 7 1 107 44 41 11 Copper Ranee ..... llnmlnlon Coal .... Franklin lale Royals Mohawk Old Dominion Oareola Parrot Qutnry Santa Fe Copper... . 97 . 0 ,. .. .114 . 2 Tamarack . . Trtmountala a...... Trinity t'nlted State Vtah Victoria Winona Wotrerin .170 . . 11H a il . 12 1 a 14 New York Mtatng tgaotatleaa. NEW YORK. May 8. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks) Adama Con Allc Breeoe Brunawlck Con .. Comatork Tunnel Con. Cel. Va.. I ead wood Terra.. Horn RllTer Iton Rllivr , Leadvlile Co a ! . 44 . ie . 11 . 4 ,l0 . 71 .140 a 71 a Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix ....... Potoil SaTage Sierra Narad Small Hope . Standard It 77 155 10 Id 40 IM Foreign Financial. LONDON, May 8. -The amount of bul lion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today, 85,000. Gold la quoted to day at Buenor Ayres, 139.80; at Madrid, 3b.77. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, decreased. 274,000: circula tion, Increased, 119.000; bullion, decreased, 157.42; other securities, decreased, 4.444; other deposits, derreiued. 2.4fJ.. O11O; notes reserved, decreased, 27S,O0O; government securities, Increased. 20.000. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability is 48.til per cent. Last weea 11 wan 44. s per cent. Kate or dis count unchanged at $ per cent. LONDON, May 8. Money waa somewhat easier today and the demand was fair. Prices or. tne stork exchange were mod erately firm and there were few transac tions, pending the settlement tomorrow end the mining carry over. Ullt-edge se curities were In some demand. Americans were dull at the outset, due to the Irreg ularity of prices In New York; grew firmer to somewhat above parity, strengthened later and closed firm. Kaffirs were firmer on the war news. PARIS, May 8. This was a holiday on the bourse. Condition of the Trensary. WASHINGTON. May S.-Todav's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemntion. shows: Available cash balances, $187,813,607: Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Mav 8 COTTON Rnot closed quiet, ic lower; middling uplands, 9c; middling gulf, 87c; sales, none. Fu tures closed steady at the decline; May, .25c; June, 9.16c; July, .llc; August, 8.01c; September, 8.42c; October, 8.20c; November, 8.1oc; January, 8.13c. opened easy and 4(810 points lower, fol lowing a weak lead by Liverpool, where heavy liquidation was In progress; follow ing the call the me.rket worked higher again, July advancing to 9.23c and August 9.04c; but later In the day the whole list broke badly under generous selling for both accounts, led by brokers, believed to be acting for southern orders; the market closed steady 4118 points lower; southern spot markets were given as generally un changed and advices from cotton goods markets failed to note any change In prii-ee; toiai saies tor tne day were esti mated at 300,000 bales. ST. LOP1H. Iliv l-mPTnKn..i.ii middling, Ittfcc: sales, none: recelnta 1 7iA bales: stock, 34,748 bales. GALVESTON. . May 8. COTTON Quiet, 9 U-lftc. LIVERPOOL. May 8.-COTTON The Cot ton exchange here will be closed on Maw 17. 19, 23 and 24. NEW ORLEANS, May 8 COTTON Qulet and steady; sales, 950 bales; ordi nary, 8c; good ordinary, 84c; low mid dling, 9c: middling, 9Wc; middling fair, 10c; receipts, 8.069 bales; stock, 181.017 bales. Futures steady; May, 8.32(M.S3c: June, 9.3ti9.3Xc; July, 9.43ra.44c; August. 8.97ro8.9Hc; September, 8.50fa8.51c; October. 8.07ft.08c: November. 7.954t7.96c: Decemhee 7.960'7.96c. L1VKKPOOL,, May 8.-COTTON Spot, moderate business; pricea l-16d lower American middling fair, 6 9-ld; good mid dling, 6 9-32d; middling, 5 5-32d; low mid dling, 61-ltkl; good ordinary, 4 15-1M: ordl- nawtr A 1 1 1 lrl rrh a.U. ' .1.- . a , a.-.v... nnir- Ul ll QBf WCTB 8,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for specula- nun iiu cajiui i auu inciuaea f.ztjo Amer ican; receipts, 3,000 bales, Including 1.000 American. Futures opened quiet and closed barely steady; American middling. r. may ana June, 1-ldd. sellers: June and Julv. Sd saiiee.- July and August, 4 63-66d, sellers; Au gust and September, 4 &8-4d, buyers; Sep tember and October, 4 464d, buyers; Octo ber and November, 4 35-84d, sellers;, De cember and January. 4 32-HiSiA .U.fUd .n. era; January and February, 4 31-S4-t 32-64d, ouyer. Wool Market. BT. I5UI8. May 8. WOOL-fitesdv me dium grades. 16(ij17Vic; llfht line, 1216c: heavy fine, 912c; tub washed, 1524-Ac. vtnaTow l,. .. o , . : , . . . . . ... n j o. .ivuLr-inniury wools sre dull. Choicest staple scoured Is quoted: Fine, (Vug 62c; fine medium, 47t8c; me dium, 46c. The ordinary territory grade are selling on the scoured basis of fine, 474ftc; fine medium, 43ft4ftc, and medium, $8iu40c. Fleece wools have had a fair In quiry, but sales have been trery light. Ohio XX and above ts quoted at Zi&21ic: X, 23; No. 1, 260-27c; Michigan X and above, 2122c; No. 1, 25S26c. Australian wools continue quiet; Queensland combing, 67(g68c. and Port Philip combing (70s) 744 75c and (0-4s). 684i70c. I5NDON, May 8.-,WOOL-The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 16,716 bales. The home trade and continent were active buyers. American representa tives were reserved, occasionally purchas ing a few good merinos and crossbred at extreme rates. A good selection of scoured waa offered and sold freely to France and Germany. Lambs wool sold well at an ad vance of 6 per cent. The withdrawals to date amount to SjO hales. Following are the sales In detail: New South Walea, 3,700 bales; scoured, 9d; greasy, 41'qls(J Queensland, 1,600 bales; scoured, Sdam 7d- freaay, &i&10d. Victoria, no bales; scoured, BiffleSHi; greasy. 4gHd. South Aus tralia. 1,300 bales; scoured, HUdiglsSd' greasy, 44!ilHd. West Australia, 400 bales greasy, 6daN8 3d. New Zealand. 3.400 baits; scoured, 6ddjlB6d; greasy, 4QUd Cape of Good Hope, 62 bales; greasy, 6t lod. Punta Arenas. 4,000 bales; greasy 3) 8d. Italian, 100 bales; scoured, WphVfri. Oil and Resin. OIL CITY. Pa.. May 8OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1 20; certificates, no bid. Shipment 130,397 bbls., average 103.07ft bbls.; runs 93 -(46 bbls., average 78,619 bbls. TOLEDO. O., May 8 OIL North Lima. 88c; South Uma and Indiana, Mc. NEW YORK. May 8 OIL-Ootton seed, firm: petroleum, steady; rosin, steady; strained, common to good, 1 ijl 62; tur pentine, firm. LIVERPOOL May 8.-OILTurpentlne. spirits, firm. 84s; Unseed, 32 3d. LONDON May 8 OI L Calcutta linseed spot. 63s M; linseed, 82e .d; turpentine. 33s 33Vd. SAVANNAH. Oa.. May 8-OIL-Turpen-tine, firm at 44c. Rosin, firm; quote: K. O, A. B, C, D. $1 15; E. $1.20; F, $1.26; O $130; H. $1.66; I. $196: K. $2 46; M, $2.85; N. $3 26; WO, -$3.60; WW. $3.60. Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlte. NEW YORK. May 8. EVAPORATED APPLES A fair demand continues and the market holds firm at quotations. State, common to good. 7&9c; prime, 9fj9sc; choice, '&10Ce; fancy, lotjllc. CALIKuRXIA DRIED FRUITS In prone a fxtr export trade Is noted, with value a trifle easier all through the list. Some jobbing demand for fruit. Apricots were steadv at quotation and are In Job bing demand. Peaches steady, with a fair outlet at prevloua pricea. Prune, 3ftic. Afrirota, boxe. 9c; bags. l'Vfll2c. Peache, peeled. 13140; unpeeled, tKa'lc. Dry tieed Market. lNEW YORK. May $ -DRY OOODS-The market was quiet again today for all de scriptions of cotton goods. There wn more Inquiry from exporters following a rise In the market for silver, but little actual buy ing, prices are maintained In both staple aud fancy lines. Print cloths were inac tive) for belli narrow and wide govda. OtfAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Choice Baf Blear, gnd Oowg Oommtnded Stronger Pricfs. HOGS SOLD FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER Light Receipts of Ikeep and Lambs n Jast A beet Steady Prices Were Paid for AayMiK at All Desirable. SOUTH OMAHA. May 8. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Cattle. Hogs, sheep 1.102 3.31 44 3,il 9.9V7 10.6 7.79 4 .4. 1.96J 1.360 :.2o 2.2-4 Four days this week... 7.7N2 S3.S64 12.."'64 name days laat week.... 12. 2o9 8t.44 lo.Si4 Same week before 11,727 26.268 12.6X8 Same three weeks ago.. 12.338 2i'.6M 24.2WI same four weeks ago...l3.H 27.S13 15.6:4 Same days last year 14.6M) 30,161 20,ti RfcaCBlPl'S iXH THE YEAR TO DATE Ihe following table shows the receipts of cattle, hog and sheep al South Omaha for the year to date ana comparisons with , 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec V""1" Z.6.660 Itl.ttM 5,6og n8 923.426 D24.SU7 9.488 330,43 41H,55 74.4',2 ioiiowing table shows the average t, oi nogs sold on the South Omaha iimraet me past several days, with com parlsona with former years: Date. 1903. l) April 16.. tottj Oil 1 711 $ 47 $ 80 a aa April it 11 46, i 91 k U 8 1 3 87 a 39 April 17.. I 73 a a it e 3 36 a no April 1$. April 19 April 20 April i April 12. m ' I 8 i 4 asi 86 6 4i i 7ii a ui I 91 6 4o $ 76 I 3 84 884, 43 3 77 I 73 t 831 I $1 8 S4 a 8v a 28 a 3 April 23.. April 24.. , 8b 7 035 ' 11 184, 74 6 80 6 7 t 36 1 82 6 32i 1 67 1 83 April 26.. I 77 I 3 t 85 I 71 I 811 a 3i a a 28 a 2 a 2i a 16 a u a 13 April Hi. April 27. April 28. April 2. April 30. May 1... May J... May 3... 6 77 39. 8 i 1 84 i 34 1 79 a 7i T07H 1 03' 9t, 6 87 a I 69 8 79 a 75i 8 74 t 6 S4 I 89 !2I S 22 04 a so a 79i 6 64 6 71 t 73 66 6 2 81 2 017l t 18 8 651 a 9o( 6 1 1 Vol a 8 a 71 e a 2 a 3o a 82 May 4... 6 261 6 32 3 58 1 931 3 VI May 6..., 7 03 98 3 62 8 95i 3 66 May i..., 6 63 -e 8 64 13 93 8 64 May 7... 934 6 ttfi s n a 90 a 7( a 30 May 8..., 1 6 84- 6 10 i a 7ij a 19 Indicates Sundsy. The Official nnmkaa , - a - brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. H'see. C, M. St. P. Ry.. 6 6.. O. tt St. L. Rv....' ? Mo. Pacific Rv 1 7 21 12 26 9 11 Union Pae. System. ..17 C. A N. W. Ry 4 E. M. V. R R..l tJ.. St. P., M. A O., .22 B. A M. R. R. R C, B. A 4J. Ry St. J C., R. I. dt P.. east. C.. R. 1. A P.. west, llllnola Central 23 1 1 17 1 Total receipts.. .98 114 9. A TJ,. dlfPoal Uoii of ihe day s receipts waa tl-. i0KA.e;.!..bu.y'.r Purchasing the num- Buyer a Cattle. Hogs. Bh'n. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Hammond Co W. I. Stephen Hill A Huntxlnger...... Hamilton Rothschild. H. L. Dennis A Co Fowler Packing Co.... Other buyers 34 K3 800 79 851 868 863 20 "36 125 67 45 "ii a. 063 1.P95 2.241 4J9 649 668 Totals CATTLE! There wo a 1,104 8,270 2,298 a light supply of rattle nere again today, but still ft was from the table of receipts above the supply for the four days this week are only afcoit half as large as for the same days of last year, and aa compared with the same days ofJa8t wk there ' Also a big decrease . ih",wa "J demand this morning for beef steers showing quality, and the market on such kinds could safely be ?.V?ted..,troner ,han " w yeateVday. whn " came to those that were not quite finished, however. It was a different propo s tlon, and trade on such kinds was father slow and the prices paid did not look much more than steady with yesterday. There waa a Prime bunch of cattle on sale tfils morning that brought $7.10, which Is the highest price paid here this year. Thev were fancy, though, and weighed 1 130 pounds. The cow market was active ond strong thla morning all around. The better the quality the better the demand, but still even the medium and common kinds sold without much trouble at steady to strong prices. Aa noted yesterday, the trade Is very uneven owing to the raold fluctuation that have taken place wlthfn the last few days, so that some aale look a good deal higher than others. It Is a good deal of a catch-as-catch-can market. Bulla, veal calvea and stags of good quality all commanded steady to strong prices today. There were only a few stockera and feed ers on sale thla morning, and anything desirable sold at lust about steady pricea as compared with yesterday. The demand from the country Is not rushing, as is shown by the fact that there were onlv 14 .... nmirim -U I m . - . 1 v. -... I,-!, iu i no country yesterday. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. la... I 4 I Av. Pr. No. 1 4 H 11 Av. Pr. ....11M 10 ....HIT IN ....1941 I U ....11U II ....HI I 40 ....1241 I 40 i 4i ....126 I M ....1171 IK) ....1171 110 14 I M ....11M 6 M ....111! I 0 ....14M III ....127 16 ....1241 TO ....1111 I 70 ....12IH1 TO .1011 6 00 II 14 It 40 , M 6 St (4 , 31 , II 4 41 , II U II , 10 471 I 00 13 6 II ,111 1 U 1. .1004 f0 4 104 I M 1 170 I 10 I Ml 6 71 II 1111 I M II 114 II 1 101 00 I .21 I M 80 114 I M 44 11M I 0 41 141 I II 1 1111 I II 11J0 I 1 ...HIT I II ...1040 I W ....10M I 16 ..1281 I TO 4 .'.....1411 I TS 1411 I IS 1 1I20 a ia ...111! I lf STEERS AND HEIFSR8. ...ltM IM II 8 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 I , 1 1 , T I I t 4 1 I , 1 1 4 4 I I 1 I COWS. MX t 00 I., .... IM 4 00 .... 7M I 0 ... IM 4 00 ... 110 4 2 ....1071 4 SO ....1010 4 SO ...1020 4 SO .... IM 4 M IS 4 SO .... MO SO .... IM 4 10 .... Ml 40 .... II 4 SO ....111 4 SO .... 170 4 Tl ....1100 4 7 ...100 4 40 ....101? 4 M .... M0 I 00 ....1221 I 1 ....1040 I 16 ....IK t I ....1060 2 .... 17 4 ...1140 40 ....1200 40 ....1071 M ...111 ts ....10U ( Tl ...HIT II ....1140 00 HO IN 1 , 740 I 00 4 IM I tS 1 170 1 I , lot I IS 1 , IM 8 M 1 460 I 40 M , 1000 10 40 8 M 1 , W0 I M , 160 I 10 It 110 I I 21 I Tl 1 464 i 71 1 , 100 I 71 441 t 71 Ml t Tl 4 IN 2 U I 970 8 00 kit I 00 I , 1110 I tt I , 414 8 25 , 140 I 10 11 , 14 I 40 1 It I 44 l , 1000 I M 444 IS 441 I 71 4 lit I Tl 4 Ill I TS X M0 4 M HEIFERS. IM I 40 416 IT 940 6 28 BULLS. 12M 1 SO 114 oo 1071 I 71 1 in oo 107 I SS I lino is 1410 I 4 I.... 11H so M IM I.....' lino s SO 10 I M 1 16M I 10 Hal I 44 16M 40 KM 4 M 1 1460 M 1IM 4 M CALVES. 20 4 tl I in IS IM 10 1 140 I 00 IM M STAGS. line I M 14 14M 4 Tl STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 410 I 40 1 401 I 1T4 116 t SO M 414 I 17V II I M 1 MO IS Ill I 00 M 41 I II 110 I 00 1 41 8 40 SM I OS I 4M I 40 STOCK CALVkaS. 240 t 40 22 Ml t I 27 I SO 4 142 I 74 120 2 00 Tl HI IN 164 1 M STOCKER9 AND FEEDERS. 400 I 0 1 WO 4 SO TM I M IT T12 4 SO 40 1 71 I Ill 4 66 MO I M 1 440 4 44 4)1 IN 10 Ill 4 M IM I IT ,.. 12 4 44 TM 4 H II T0I 4 M 14 IK IT Tit 4 M 444 4 4 It 747 4 44 49 4 40 1 US I 00 ll.!.. ii.... 1... 4.... 1... I.... 14.... T.... 1.... 1 .. I.... 1... HOGS There were not nearly as many bog en sale today as there were yeate ti day snd as other markets were reported a little stronger trading at thla point started out on a blls of about a 6c advance and closed loc higher than yesterday' general market. The market waa active, so that the bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season. The advance waa general on all classes, though, of course, the light weight stuff and common grades were neg lected and hard to sell, the same as usual. The bulk of the good weight hoge sold from $7.06 to $7 20 and the medium weights went mostly from $ 96 to $7 06, while the light stuff sold from pi .95 down. Todav's advance carries the market abn back to where It was at the close of laat week. Representat've sales No. e0. . . 7..., 30.... 77. . . , W... 73... 73... 70... M... 85... 6t..., 80... 74... Av. ..1H0 ..211 ..2U ..2i ..2"8 a.M ..2"3 ..197 ..19S ..2"0 ..4 ..IW Sh. Pr Nd. AT Sh. Pr. 7 m 7 oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 n) 7 no T oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 on 20 6 80 m 6 86 40 6 85 80 6 85 ... KS ... 6 85 73... 71... 64... 100.. 70... ...241 ...262 ...214 ...243 ...243 100 120 80 80 240 100 124 1A 79 235 70 238 73 218 78 227 66 !.'4 120 80 6 ! 6 0 6 " 90 8 9i 80 68 2.11 80 f 01 80 7 00 240 7 X) 80 6 W 120 6 90 lest 6 90 80 6 90 61 220 210 .m 70.. 75 223 ... M.. 68.. HI.. 66.. 67.. 61.. 64.. 49.. 63.. It.. T7.. 70.. 28.. ....228 ....2.15 ....230 ....247 ....248 ....272 ....2 ....245 ....242 ....246 ....275 257 272 7 024 7 02 7 (6 7 06 7 05 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 05 75 213 72 210 7 im 83 1H8 1130 80 100 240 2-0 80 240 411 2 0 Hit 2XJ 6 90 tt oi l HO 8 9'.'U 92H' 6 9'.'4 H6 2"2 '2. ..225 ..2.12 ..20S ..235 ..2"9 75.. 79.. 66.. 79.. 85.. 80. , 2O0 240 6 9S 120 80 80 7 06 80 7 05 .208 .218 .214 120 80 80 120 J0 J NO 160 95 95 6 95 2. 7 OS 7 06 7 t6 7 f 42. ...3i7 62... ...214 C 95 6 95 i.... 247 258 180 200 64. .227 till... A... 66... 61... 73... 66... 66... 54... 66. . . 70... 68... 67... ..., 70..., 42.... 62... 60... 60... 66... 66... 67... 68..., 70..., 6... 66... 77... 70... 72... 73... 80... 66... 74... 79... 76... 89..., 63..., ...226 ,..218 ...213 ..185 ,..7 ...226 ...218 ,..225 ...219 ..210 ..228 ..196 ..206 ,.2oo 95 95 95 ( 95 ( 95 6 95 95 6 5 95 6 96 6 95 95 96 1 95 96 ..250 ..240 ..232 ..219 ..249 ..266 ..240 ..254 ..270 ..275 ..275 ..2n3 ..252 ..811 ..27 ..247 ..2S7 ..274 ..263 ..267 ..263 ... 7 05 ... 7 I 120 7 (6 80 7 06 160 7 06 ... 7 074 ... 7 10 80 7 10 90 7 10 100 7 10 ... 7 10 160 7 10 80 7 10 80 7 10 ISO 7 10 40 7 10 ... 7 12H 80 40 80 Ira) 80 83. 89 2I8 85 2oi 160 6 95 40 6 9 6 95 40 95 ... 6 95 85. 72. J6 ..213 ..27 ..218 ..214 ..226 ..?2 ..216 ..229 ,.21ti ,.228 ..221 120 120 7 124 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 174 7 80 7 20 80... 76... 83... 70... 72..., 72..., 66.... 80 80 120 120 6 95 6 97U 6 97 6 97 874 2X8 160 61 393 66 2il 64 264 31 840 30 276 84.... 200 (4) 97 974 6 974 79.... 67.... SHEEP There was a llcht ran nt sheen and lambs here today and as packers all . seemed to want a few the market held Just ' about steady. With the exception of a few ! loads the quality waa nothing extra, but ' Still buyers bought tin shout avarvlhlna . offered at Just about yesterday's range of prices. It was evident, though, that they were a great deal more anxious for the better grades than they were for thoee lacking In quality. Quotations for dinned arncV- tlnmi in choice wethers, 35 Kfi.00; fair to good. $5.60 tl6.78; good to choice ewes, la.004jo.o0; fair to good, $4.6Vai.tX), good to choice lambs, $6.10; rair to good, jo.7W1i.10. Wooled stock sells about 2fy)c above cltpped stock Choice Colorado wooled lambs. $6.764j4l.85: fair tO good. 16.50rn41.75. finnnl.lli. sales: No. Av. a 76 . 57 . 71 93 . 60 . 39 . 66 . 71 . 86 . 76 . 58 . 103 . 90 Pr. 2 50 4 25 4 25 6 00 6 00 6 60 6 50 6 50 4 00 6 00 6 50 6 60 10 18 cull ewes 63 feeder lambs 138 clipped 8 clipped 505 feeder lambs ewes lambs.... ...... lambs lambs lambs ewea 13 spring 49 clliiDed 6ti0 clipped "t ..11., a 29 clipped sheep, mixed. cnppeci lamba 200 clipped wethers lambs......... 2 cupped CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and "beep Strong and Hog Hicher. CHICAOO. Mb v 8 TTTT.irii.i.t. 6,500 head; strong and active; good to prime ; -V ' """" ". poor to menium, b.wm S;'?L",tirlt?r" and feeders, $2.75fjf3.35; cows, $1.50i3.00: heifers. 82 75ij as- osnn.r. n tna 2.50; bulls, $2.56n6.86; calves, $2.00416.00: Texas fed steers, $S.26ra6.25. HOOB Receipts. 24.000 head: estimate to morrow, 21,000 head: left over. 4 fmo heart- lSTDJ?l0c h'Bher; mixed and butchers. $b.90svi,20; good to choice heavy, $7 16ii'7 rougn heavy, $.86&7.10; light. M.66&7.00, bulk of salea, $6.9oMi.l0. .. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; strong: lambs, higher; good to choice S'riSST.5'261 Zalr to cno'ee $5.oo5.60: western sheep, $5.25&3.25; native lambs, $4.764j.60; western lamb, $5. 25-8.3. 66; Colorado lambs, $7.10. J ' umciaj yesterday: Recelnta fihlnM.H. lb.590 2 657 " 30.441 Sheep j.2,462 1 815 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mav tTATTl.ri.. retpts, 8,900 natives, 300 Texans, 60 calves. Market steady to 10c higher. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $6.757 26 fair to good $6.00ff.76; stockers and feed ers, $3.00416.66; western fed steers, 5.0Mrjtj6: Texas and Indian steer. 13 Ihntx .- cows, $2.i5?6.10: native cows, $2.254j6.80; na tive heifers $3.6006.86; canners, $1.60fr2 75 bulls, $3.00iW5.45: calvea, $2.60tf.40. HOQS Receipts, 8,200 head. Market steady to 6c higher; top. $7.30; bulk of !??'., rjiB!.5f av'-hl!?7.3; pack- i fi-sui., hriii, r no(,viA yorKera. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,300 head; best steady; others, slow, and na tive lambs, $5.40$7.15; western lambs. $6.76 7.20; native wethers, $6.40a6.00; western wethers, $4,504)6.15; fed ewes $4.80r6 56; Texas clipped yearlings, $6.75476.06; Texas clipped sheep, $4.6046.66; stockers and feed ers, 12.904) 4-75. New York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORK. May 8. BEEVES Re ceipts, 840 head: bulls sold at 33.754H40 per 100 lbs.; dressed beef ateady: city dressed native sides, 9 Virile per lb. Cables last re ceived quoted American steers at 14H15c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at 12c per lb.; exports today, head cattle, 25 sheep. 150 quarters of beef, latter eatlmated. CALVES Receipts, 539 head; steady: veals sold at H.ik"C.26 per 100 lbs.; city dressed veals, SflOc per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. U3J head; sheep, quiet: good lambs slightly stronger, others dull, steady; clipped sheep sold at $4.75i6.30 per 100 lbs., a few for ex port at $6.40; unshorn sheep, $5.00ftoo clipped lambs, $7.0O47.15; unshorn lambs, $7; state spring lambs, $3.544.2S each; dressed mutton, 94'llc per lb.; dressed lambs. U413c. . HOGS Receipts. 680 head. St. Lout Lire stock Market. ST. LOUIS, May 8 CATTLE Receipts, 1,300, Including 500 Texans; market steady: native shipping and exporting steers, 36 50 4j4 90; dreoaed beef and butcher steers, $4.64!.60; steers, under l.OftO lbs., 2.rtg.40: stockers and feedora, $?.7Sa4.80; cows and heifers, $2.2tVg.25; ranners, $l.SO2 90; bulls, J3.00(S4 45; calves, $3.60f.4).i; Texa and In dian steers, fed, $4.3Mi6.60. grassers, $3.46 64.40; cowa and heifers. $2.604?4.25. HOOS Receipts, 6,400 head; market steady; pig and light, $A.30a4 7D; pack era, K754j6.95; butcher, 6 9041. 30. SHEEP -ANU , LAMBS Receipts. -.1600 head; market steady; native muttons, $4.60 fi0fl: lamb, $6.5&7.26: cull and buck, $3.0O46OO; toeker. $2.50473.26; Texaa sheep. 33.4C&6.60. t. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo May 8. CATTLE Re ceipt, 900 head; steady; natlvea. 86 26477 26; cows and heifers, 1.604t.&0; veal, $3,000 (.00; docker and feeder, $2.Kx6 50. HOGS Receipt. ,400 head; steady; light and light mixed, $6,804)7.10: medium and heavy. $7.00a7 25; pig. $.2fV&6.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 4 700 head: steady to 10c lower; western lamb, $6 264e.86; western sheep, $5.004j6.3S. Sloes City Live stock Market. SIOUX C!TT."la., May $. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 300; market steady; beeves, $6.864jA65; cows, bulls snd mixed, $2.005.00; stockers and feeders, $2 76 64 60; ytsrllngs and calves $2.754.40. HOGS Receipts. 3.5u0; HJlOc higher, $6 TO 110; bulk, $6 8f)4t6.95. SHEEP In demand. leek la aigbt. Th following table howa the receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at th flv prin cipal market for May 8: ifti. Hoge. Sheep. South umana Chicago Kansas City .. St. Iml St. Joseph .... Z.ay (.5(4) 4.200 1.3'C 0 24.000 8.200 $.400 1400 Totals .15,269 51.739 20,804 Cefle Market. NEW YORK, May 8.-COFFEE8pot Rio dull; No. 7 Involre. M.e. Mild, dull; Cor dova, 8irl2c. The market opened steady, with rrl'-es unchanged, and for the bal ance of the session followed a narrow rut, with trading quite of a professional nature and small at that. The European marketa were cloeed, owing to a holiday, while the .i?n .TilT'" Ul," features of 2itVZ ll"rn,e for th Cnlted State Importers sold the market off in in iaie session. Th. THK RRALTY tltHKKT. closed quiet, with prices net unchanged to 6 points lower. Total sales were 6,M bags. Including: Julv kitSc: September. 5 20c; INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs- in., ,itiy e: Warranty Deed. J O Perklna grid wife to C. W. De Iimatre. tot 1. block . r. Omaha ,7 Joseph Duffy and wife to Thomas Roach et al, lot , Schmidt s sub dlv Omaha Realty company to Fred Wlt xlg. lots 6 ami . block M, South Omaha F. t. Under and wife to F. F. I.Vn der. lot 7. block 18. Park Forest add. L. M. Howers and wife to Marv and Maud Easley. lot 6. block 1, Bowers' add Margnret C. Wade to Mary C. Shaw, lot 2. block 5, Kllby Place Byron Reed company to L. C. Hen ford, lot 4. Dewev Place Harry Marowits and wife to Tressa Wolf, lot 15, block 9. Kountae A R.'s add Deede. Special master Wo Sioux City Pafe Deposit and Trust company, lot 26. Archer Place Sheriff to South Omaha Savings bank, lot 10. except n 3 feet, block 4. 1st add to South Omitha. United States marshal to Northwest ern Mutual Life Insurance com pany, n 12.3 feet of a 144.3 feet lot L Capitol add Total amount of transfers . $16.?oi WEEK (15 cents by mail) secures in 24 weeks each section of "Living Animals of the World" the most remark able work, on, ... Natural History ever published. More than a thousand Animals Photo graphed, Including Fishes. Birds and Beasts. Inferestlnr and instructive tt old and young as welL The Omaha Daily Bee JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS or OMAHA. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Dills & Cowgilt Iron Watts KAMUFAGTVMSM 1KSM1UM Or MACHINaMT. aBNKRAX. KJEFAIlUMa A TWOlAlr IKOIf AMD SHAM rOtTKDWUL tsen. IMC awe. IBO Jeelaeeta m ttuka. ek. Tee. MA. . Ee tort Me. Ages. J. 1 "BANE CO. Maanfaetateee sad feabeeee Ststin) and Water Supplies Of Ail Kloda. 114 M If CtwVCJLaM JtT. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Hcsforn Eloclrlod vv Oompany EUetrioal SupplU KestrU Wlrlag Bella aa a. W. JOHMSTOM. 1UT. Hit HwT4 9- A WRINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Oaaalaa, llek. Manufaoturara of Tents snd Canvas Gees';. Bnd for Catalogue Nunator tS BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Raaui , Xtw Terk Life BI4. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS Sought and sold (or cash or en margin. A!l talegraph. telvphnn or mall ordarl, rill receive careful gad prompt attention Telephone VM. OUAJiA. KtB. i n B A l.Ool 8" 125 1W 8 2,3V 1.SS1 2.641 J..