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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1902)
i ,. . . , .' . L i i w,,.,,, ------ - J v j V .N - - i , . I f - " ' I 1 f I SPECIAL NOTICES will fc take til IS ml. far th . alttem ana Ul SO bv aa. ( rata aael 6aay dittos. tales. 1 I-v wnl Sir Insertion, la a wnl thereafter. Katala takes fs laaa than Stta fa tka Srst laeer tlam. The) advertisements snost aa r (tllr UftrllHn, kr re!! a aaas tiered eheek, mi fcava answer- aa tfreeaed ta a naktr letter ta aara af Tka Baa. inwtrl aa i4rmt4 will k deliver aa avaaaatattaa af tka akaak aal y, WAXTKD-MALG HELP. OOOD messengers wanted: Increased pay. A. D. T. Co.. 312 South 13th. B hi $6 FOR HALF A DAY'S WOHk! If you live n the country or In a gma.Il town and have a flood acquaintance inoni me larinera ana siock raisers in the neighborhood you can make $5 easily By lour or live hours work, write us and w will send vour our nrnuosltlon. The Bee Publishing Co, Solicitors' Dept., ' vmana, ixeo. WANTED, a good man to 'every county to take subscriptions for Trie Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Our agents make good wage everywhere. References, required. Address Twentieth, Century Farmer. i Omaha. Neb. B-tu THREE or four good men wanted: flOO pel month. Call 827 Paxton block. B Ml&i WANTED, salesmen to soUolt orders on a new proposition by ' which you can earn (1 to 6 I day; young men from 21 to it oeeirea, wno are nusuers ana wen recom-soendea,- Roam hit, Cmah Bee Bid. B M , i Hiiwrrn ...,1a .... ,.(.... . . w. private rssone In French two evenings each week. Must call at my residence. Address, stating method of teaching, X 43, Bee. -: J MD70 O. R. RATHBUN gives private lessons In book keeping. Room 16, Commercial Na tional bank. - . ... B 293 WANTED, canvassers to sell the, New Cen ' tury lawn sprinkler; . best seller on the market :' srents nihk 11 nr more dAllvr end 12 for sample outfit and circular matter: references. Dun or Bradstreet. Ihe Xost-Mlller Co., Toledo, O. B M720 W 4 AGENTS to solicit, one' tn collect, for city and outside towns. Address Z 41, Bee. . - B M746 J4 WANTED, a reliable registered druggist. quick and affable. Kuhn & Co., Omaha, Neo. . , u 14 - : ; . WANTED, man who can repair and slice leather belts an4 act as warehouseman; state experience ana salary. 2. vt, itee. S . . B-761 WANTED-A good, steady butcher with mall capital will find a splendid opening In northeastern town.Oi Nebraska; a first-class butcher shop, centrally located, tust vacated, where a successful business ns been done for years. , This Is a splendid chance for the right man; for information address wi. Bee otne. B-M753 WANTED, In a wholesale house, young man from 17 to 20 years old. None but good penman need apply. Address In own handwriting. A 3, Bee. B M790 11 WANTED Two good gunsmiths at once; steady work; ' good wanes. Address F. Schumann, Memphis, Tenn. B M774 22 WANTED, etrtut .boy . to fake care of horse and 00W and deliver goods. Apply, with city reference, lifts Farnnm, or 1723 uoore. ti dim s SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, salesmen everywhere, salary or commission, imii wremy, .10 nftucii uruera In towns. villages and rural districts; permanent; outllt free. Brown Bros. Co., riocnesier, in. i. -M71S 12 SALESMEN wasted far full line ofsfrult and ornamental trees;- pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law rence, Kan. ms J iir WE HAVE a number of aa-encles In Ne braska an western Iowa where we use good men selling our Standard Stock siFood to farmese anSLfeeder;' they fnual. Tiave teams and glva full time ta the business: thev- must , be men - of hlsh standing, have some knowledge of live tock and good business ability; we fur nish wagons for such men and offer ex ceptional Inducements to permanent sales men; bond required; send for application blank. Th F. E, , Sanborn Company, vmana, k(d. yiai Ma WANTED FEMALH .HELP. WANTED, two young lady studenU to learn hairuresslng.- manicuring and chi ropody aid scientific massage. Call or writ noom Vf, Bee Biag. - c 24 100 Glrla Call Canadian office, 16th A Dodge. . c t WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to take life scholarship In Omaha's best business and shorthand college and pay for It when course la finished and position secured. Address A 1. Bee. C 890 WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the r rench language to a class of three. twice a week; slate terms. - Address Z 4. Bee. C M42e WANTED, good cook. 1120 Park Ave. . C 790 I OIRL, to assist, In housework. 4904 Chicago. C M74S V WlMTSn vlrl tn- km... . food wages. - Mrs. fe - J. McShane, iii J'ark Ave. C 749 I WANTED, girt for general housework. 2706 r arnam street. 1,-47 8- WANTED.' a cook. Farnnm. Mrs. A. L. Reed, MM C M78S 11 FOR RENT HOUSES. 'VANS and baggage wagons. TeL 1196. D-2S6 FOR RENT, T-room house. 22d and Cali fornia Sta. all modern, in good renalr. torge yard- Inquire at,-k)7 N. Y. Life building. . ; d 2v7 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van. Storage Hni !QFJ ,n " rr' f Uly- The o. UUUOCa jr, Davis Co., 163 Bee Bldg. i i J . r u on "OOM house, with basement, 28th and ' ekson. 626.00) good - locallou. G. K. irkington. SU6 Bee. . -j D-rMKl R RENT. S-room, modern, detached louse, newly painted and papered, 140. toil Capitol Ave, Tel. 673. B. 1L RoMson. HOUSES, atores. llemle. Paxton block. - -. ' ' " . D 296 HOUSES gnd iJaJs- RlugwsJt. Barker block A V SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. for choice nouses. ui-s ss. I. uut oiug. iei. iwia. D 3u2 tINKOt'AI.En. .central, modern 6 and 6- room flats. TUard. 2M. NA2d St. D-SftO FOR R E NT Mod era house. S rooms; 11 Dewey avev lnuulre F. P. Klrkfndall , A Co.. 1101 Harney. D M77S S IpO 00 Corner 37th and Decatur large mod- em bouse, good yard, .suitable for two ' fsmillM if Aslr-A - 17 to Modern --eVroona. houaar alth good barn. M0 North 37th ave. POTTER. FORGAN A HASKELL. Tel. 476. . -. 430-N.-Y.,Ufe Bldg. D-M7S3 11 VERY fine 10-room stone front residence, 416 N. IMh St.: hot water heat, two - blocks north and two west ef High school. on Harney street ear line) keys one door ouia. it. T. Clark,, u Bamge niocg. D M45S liut etB, etg. w'slAtvd. loxel XuUsalaVS. - . . l-3 CM AS. K. . W 1LLIAMBON. 1303 Farnam St, - 1 1 i . 1&30 8. 3TH.. modern l-rodm house. $26, 1 B1VW 9 Maggard V, A 8. Co.. 1713 Webster. Tell. iFOR MICXT r.imlBhMl tieuaa during sum- J mer months. The O.- F. Davis Co., 6u$ I Bee Bldg. D-763 10 FOR RENTalca 4-room eottage. water ana gas. no fM. xita bl"' -ROOM house, elty water and gas, for pEWEI European hotel. Ilia and Fsmsm. , U MW BEAUTIFUL room, furnished of Unfur nished, for llajht hmiseaeeping, mirn, Urea lawn, private family. 1 Hurt 8U wi FURNISHED room. II mdern. 820 N. . B63S Mil 16th St. ELEGANT room. Aneert location In th city. lDi CapUol Ave. ta IW6 LARGE, kino miller room. 808 N. ISth 81, IV IBS Hit TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. IS23 EC E M214 M2 Mary s. TWO well furnished south roomi. 2011 F M27I FRONT room, modern, is. 1717 Webster. E id junei' . FOR RENT, a nice large furnished froLt room, with alcove. 701 B. zstn at. Jlr Hill , NICELT furnished room. moderrt. 2M0 E MTut 10 Harney st. THE LANQE HOTEL, 804 S. th st. FOR RENT,- furnished room, private family; reasonable. 2207 Howard. FIRKISHKD ROOMS AND BOARD, THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board. I tM MIS FRONT room and board. 1922 California. F 170 M2 NICE rooms with good board; reasonable; bath, gns, electric light and telephone. 411 N. 26th. FRONT foom, with alcove and board. In private family, at 1124 S. SOth Ave., all modern conveniencea. r 11- Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel 85. FOR RKF4T VNFIRKI8IED ROOMS. DESK room space, IS per month, ground floor room in 1 ne Bee ouuaing, racing Farnain street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service, k. c cetera .'o., Bentai Agents, see ouuaing. u lis a . - . . SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. sis ueorgia Ave. u jmwi FOR REST STORKS AMD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by lbs Bee at ls arnara, bl , it has lour stories ana a Dasement wnicn waa former v used as Ihe lies press room This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose' water, secretary, room iw, Bea ounuing ' 1 Kl FOR RENT, store In first-class location rent reasonable. Apply tw C. fetors at Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. : 1208 STOREROOM, 701 S. 16th. R C. Peters i 1218 Co., Main Floor, Bee Bldg. FOR RENT, desk room- or large spaoe suitable ror mercnanaise oroaer or party doing business In wholesale district. In quire Hene A Co., 919 Farnam St. - 1 M"M AGENTS WAKTKD. WANTED, canvassing agents In even county to solicit suoscriptlons to Jfii A mi 1 1 r. 1 11 vii.1.1. 11, - jTAnMIAin, steady employment with assured good Income; agents In the country with horse ana buggy especially desired: can vassers make easily ) to 4H)v per month. Aauresa century rarmer solicitors Bureau Bee building, Omaha. . 211 AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making all branches of C, B. A Q. In southern ' Nebrsska to take a good side line on cpmmiseion. Address x 19, Bee. J M43U Mitr AGENTS wanted, with horse and wagon. to make S3.S weekly eel mr to farmers a , household necessity that they are glad to. 1 Aiy; ciean, pleasant, pronteoie employ ment: particulars free. Address Mercan tile Syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas City, Mo, J M7W 13 THE only authorized Life of Talmage, In troduction oy nis son, ev. rang lie Witt T Image, D. D., eomtalns aver 6i0 oares. magnificently" 111 utratea:v retail price t2.0O. Highest commission; freight paid; credit given; no capital required; experience unnecessary. Anyone caa make SIO to 2b per day ' easily. Beware of all other Talmage books. The people want "The Only Authorised Life" and will have no other. Outfit free for 15 cents to cover postage. Order outfit to- tiny, aviii 1 pb. tn.) wiiii v-. it in.iuii -v. 718 Arch street, Philadelphia, or 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. J M777 12 WANTED TO RENT, WANTED, 'by a young woman 'room and board in private jamiiy; .aietnoaist pre- f errta, . a i, uee. - a. a 11 WANTED, nice large room and board In private family by single gentleman, with in 8 blocks of lfith and Farnam; will pay good price. Address (. Bee umce. K-770 WANTED TO BIT. WANTED, good' secondhand furniture; highest prioee paid, enterprise urniture V.O., 1U3 o. ivtu. lei. u. ... 904 M 111 I XTrTlCn a ki.u ' ' AnMiha Mt ' TT 4l.nn , 11 X 1.1 ,V UU, WVVUMUlinilM U11IBU1II Horns or Standard phonograph; must be snap lor casn. Aaaresa c si, nee. ' . iV-760 BECOND-HAND No. S Smith-Premier typewriter; state price, condition and time , used. Address. Box 601, Norfolk, Neb. ' , - .N-M782 11 FOR BALK Fl'RNITX'RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL 2020. New and secondhand, Daugnt, sold. exchanged. - t ell WITH every 110 sale we will rive FREE beautiful oil oamting. we nave a com plete line of house furnishings, new and secononang: prices ngnt. rnterorise fur niture vo.. JW-i o. uin. let, z-'w. - . , c-m Mt FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runaoouts, new ana seconansna, at out prices. Repairing and trimming; also put on rubber tires. Pfelffer, 27th and Leav enworth Sts. . . P 88$ M24 PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.. our specialty. li. Frost, 14th and Leav enworth. Tel. 1447. P All . SEVERAL, fine driving horses. WHer Phelps, room D, N. I. Life bldg. P-M404 FOR 8ALE, .two gentelmen's fine driving norses, one very epeeay; aiso one nearly new. two-seated carriage. Atlee Hart, Dakota City. Neb. , , P 769 9 FOR SALE A fine Brewster Governess .cart: cost 1 50 a year ago; thoroughbred imported enetiana pony ana narnesa Inquire of George Schrocder, Boston Store office. . P M780 16 FOR SALE A thoroughbred Imported Shetland pony. Inquire of A. D. Bran- dels, Hoston Store. P M779 FOR . SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 3D HAND safe cheap. Bchwarta, 114 8. 13th, Q 318 I FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Art Q-r3l9 WIRE fence for poultry, bog, lawn and yard, hitcn. posts, tres guar as. wire Works, 617 fit. 16th St. Tel. U9i. Q-M973 JulyS IDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1113 Farnam. . O 316 100 8TYLE8 trusses: catalogue free. Sher- man A MrConnell Drug Co., 16th and ' Dodge, Omaha. Q 314 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any . ether musical instrument;' $6 up The v ittroan i o iici Farnam. 4 616 INDIAN goods Riid lellca. 111S Farnam.' . BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay ments oown. si. oo per weea; zanana wheels. SS, 18 and $10; new wheels, Li. Omaha Bicycle Co, ISth and Chicago Sts. Q-M320 FOR 8 A I.E. scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, icueap. Inquire 232 Hee uiag. . , i MJNt I STAMP photoa. lo each, Valox, la ATar m. " . v I BEABROOB.B-Wall paper. 60S N. 14th St. THE OMAHA IAM.Lot, MMErToioAmE,,, I ora I -lrr . . . I FIR timbers for bouse movers, etc., 40 to 71 ffet; cribbing and hog fence, sul Douglas. W ill TTPEWRITeHS, latest Remington. Smith- .LMJERV(K)D; low prlc. Rentals, I2.W In 11 rvaB snnKik A f m ie i . i Vr ""I ai. xt. noraman ft t o.. 11 1 Farnam. 'Phons 243S. y MM2 SAM L BCRNB for gas flxturea W MK46 M23 tir.Kf.unii.ANS and moving picture ... r, n urn, m r arnam Ht Q 414 MM CLOSING out household goods snd stoves ion uoage Bl. (J M483 J2 SECONDHAND billiard and Bool tablea mi nard tables repaired; a large stock of V "r ""lures, cigar counters, etc 15. Jrunwlek. Balke, Collender Co., 4X7- Bo. 10th. Q 616 NEW and 2dhand typewriters. Ill Far Q M762 iif III. CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. LEAHIE-i-PARLORS, 161 DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist t? oxl.n Iou. wnt to know. very hope, fear and wish of your life, faults, So?.1",- cP:bllty, trade or profession JnVor.nn.Vr'-JiV1 r.ori 'ortunata and influences, how to win the one you love, conquer enemies. r,t0re lost affections advice on business health, marriage divorce, etc. Hours, f 9 . 8 M698 Jj MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, mt css St. 8-S21 MME. OTLMER, genuine paln.iat. 315 8. 15, electric treatment; MME. SMITH, baths, US N.16, 2d flooi MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. 15th. T Mill 7 Mil PERSONAL. Mlddlemlsa, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. U M742 J7 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous nair removea Dy . electricity. H. 11, Frenzer block. U 323 . PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; caoics aaoptea. in urant St. Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-1182. U 324 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. U K HAIRDRES8ING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladies only, in connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE permanently cured ih ,30 to 60 days; send ror circular, o. . wood, M. D., Ul New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-327 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. a. c. Mark, 17 & Douglas, U 328 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retail, coiiins iano Co., 1623 Doug las. U-S29 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 316-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U-330 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 26c, In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. U 331 BABY girl and boy for adoption. 1 month old. 2620 Burdette St. U 473 8 M. H. NASH Your deal with Ed has been fixed. Come home. C. A. M. U 620 18 VIAVA. woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. 846 Bee Bldg., Omaha. - U 344 MME. SMITH, baths, 11$ N. IS, Id floor, r. 1 . U M473 M16 RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; send for circulars. Empire nupiure euro co., wi n.- x. lire Bids., Omaha. U-332 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur Ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. . - u M126 Mil 'AFTER YOU, MY DEAR ALFONSE." . .,. .- TAKE ONE OF THESE . ; Stacker Cigars ; Thev are the best on the -market.' Save the bands, for they are valuable. - U M700 10 SEE Proctor, fine pictures., 616 So. 16th, U-6S3 Ji ROOMS, 610H So. 10th Btr-iPhone 1S11. -.,, ... U-682 J3 DRESSMAKING and cutting taught with . Livingston Machine Academy, 16u7 Doug las. . . U M777 21 ELITE PARLORS, 616 8. 16th St.. 3d floor. U-M7W J7 IF MRS. WALLACE, who was In the Karbach block in 187, will send address to box 1S"3 Salt. Lake City she can col- - lect a small amount, or rent, u Mioe v DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from Capitol avenue . to flat over Graham's drug store, northeast corner Twenty, fourth and Farnam streets. U M7o2 23 REDUCED prices In pleatlngs, ruchlngs. tucking and appllquetng. For full In formation Inquire Ideal Pleating Co., 1510 Howard St. . U 772 J7 LOWEST PRICES in accordion and side pleating. The uoidman Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas block. U M7 MOLLIS Do you appreciate hert Page 180 May wnat to osokuis. . , U M778 9 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. ttt PER CENT on business -property. I per oent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. - w. a. MKihwini, oi tt. utn st. ; W 335 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Juove Co., sui s. ma. . ' W-336 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W 838 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Mat. Bank Bldg. Tel. im. W 339 PRIVATE money. . Sherwood, S37 N. Y. L. W 44 I PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros., 1604 Farnam, W 840 PRIVATE money. F. P. Wead, 1624 Douglas LOW RATES. Private money. PAINE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. V-M40S 4H TO 6 P. p. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk W-343 WANTED-, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., 17u3 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. w-tl MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., succfrsecrs to J. W. TATLOE, am Paxton Block. TEL. 74s. To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS patrons we have established degant of flees at ROOM 24. W1CKHAM BLDG. Intersection, Broadway A pearl Sts. TEL. i. X 464 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; ousinesa connaenum, lowest raies. 14 paxton block, ine j. a. uutton it. X-35J WE make loans on Furniture M O N E Y Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages and other chattels. We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. You caa get the money oa very short notice and pay it' back In one month, or keep it longer, and pay for it only what time you keep It. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and eourteoua treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, eto. We give you the full amount of the LOAN In cash. Ws always "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22. (Established 1K2. Su4 So. 16th SL X-447 r. 7 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, iswslry, to salaried people. - Foley Loan Co., sua. to Duff Green, I Barker Block. X-SM DAILT nnv., tt? t I s s s t MONEY! MONET: WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY 1 DEAL WITH THE .AMERICAN IX) AN CO. LOANS FROM 10 TO $M0 MADE On Furniture, Pianos, etc., snd to people aiuming a i rmu J ptisitlun, Wlinout puD- llclty or removing the property, and at mucn CHEAPER AND EASIER RATES than elsewhere. Tou can hsva the money on the same dsy you ask for It. and the loan ran be paid off In easy weekly or monthly payments, or as your circum stances will permit, thus enabling you to i'R 7 witnouv inconvenience or worry, Coma In and talk it over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room SOS, Third Floor. I'ax'.on Block. X LARGEST Br8INF8S IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- . siers, Daaraing nouses, etc., without se CUrttr: easiest terms: 40 ofncea In nrln clrtsl citiea. Tolman, 440 Board of Tride MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- elry, horses, cows, etc, C F. Reed, I SIS S. IS, X-S4S BISINES9 CHANCES. TO GET tn or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-55S FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of Iowa; large annual trade; stock will Invoice about - $10,000; profits large; must close up an estate Interest the only reason for selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y 366 IF YOU want to BUY or SELL, real es tate call or write, NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 4th floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Y-366 rOCK of about $3,000 In good location, yould take Omaha residence property 1 ahnul tl Utt AAArmmm Urt-w lfa IT,A 3 Y-27i'M12 ' y ' "XB, a good, clean stock of grocer- IT., .,SnBWr, "na notions, one ot the Rf" In a Hv Nebraska town, do- VaL, business; reason for selling, poor heslC Addre,. oroeer. Hee tininS Council Bll Y-M727 iMntnTiiJnhrMt wis; money savers' opr','-' . " . Guide to Wealtrl.tu"". '"t our Unity Bldg.. Chlcago.sTrl'&RC $5,000 for controlling Inte ..-iiJ increasing legitimate mar.- -. -k "y ness. destined to be a "cJur'n?u"f enterprise. Court closestfV profitable J. H. Johnson, New York flvestlgaUon. Y-629 FOR SALE Hardware and T store, eastern jMeorasga; gooa ,.... tuhlty. Address Z 65, Bee. Y-MTglffr- DESK ROOM, with desk and 'phone sei- Ice. J. H. Jonnson, gu n. i. uif. Y M758 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. in y, Bee. inaiv EXCHANGE or sale, finest ranch In north Nebraska, i.uuu acres; win lane part in farm, merchandise or hotel. T. M. Cllne, 1238 O St., Uncoln. Neb. Z-633 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MUST BE SOLD. Therefore offered below their real value. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. I was ordered by an eastern estate to close out tneir umana noiu.iigs mo might bo settled. Since March 1 I have sold but the most of this property and now offer very cheap the rest of It, to be sold bv June 1. Here It Is: $1,400 61 Chicago, 33x122, 6-room house, rental value n. just soiu smauer pmce, mll further out. for that price. $800 3116 Miami, full lot, 4-room house, X blocks from car. - , $40040 ft, (vacant), wet4ront S6th, blocit south Leavenworth. ;..,f . 1 J3&0 aa-tc lot, adjoining. Above, i NOTE THESE BARGAINS AL8O. $660 Fine lot, south front, California, near $1,600--109x285, Grant -and : 27th Ave., fine place for 6 or 7 cottagegj-i. $600 2606 N. S3d, 40x100, 6-room cottage, city water, rents 16.50, easy terms. $66026i)6 N. 33d, same as above, corners on aney. Both ot above near car,' fine school. In good neighborhood. $l,oiio60 ft., east front, 18th near Burdette, with fine fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. $3,260 Modern cottage, lot 66x150, same lo cality. GEORGE O. WALLACE. 811 Brown Block. " ' Kit 764 V BUY best house paints, ' varnishes, eto. : quality highest, prices lowest. National OH and Paint Co., 1015 Jones St. RE M848 M23 HOUSES and lot In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Bee building. KE 361 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-roora homes In Hanacom Place I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. i. li. Sherwood, S37 N. Y. JU Bldg. ( - F.K-M153 BPECIAL BARGAIN $3,300 cash, or part rash For sale, occupied by owner, leav ing city, two-story, H-room house, In good repair, within one block of two car lines, recently painted, new roof, city water, gas, furnace, bath room, porcelain tub, open plumbing, hardwood floors (new), store rooms, closets; will rent for $30 per month. Address residence, 2701 Dodge street, or Nebraska Underwriters, 1218 Farnam street. RE M786 12 THE PRICE of beef will keep up. Now Is the time to buy cheap western grazing lands : 400.000 acres for sale at low figures and on easy terms. Call on or Inquire of 1. A, Fort, Norm Platte, iseo. RE M 785 16 ALL ABOARD for California! 600,000 acres government land In southern California 1 open for aettlement; the largest Irriga tion canal in America Is now completed through these lands; soil Is very rich and fertile; finest-alfalfa and cattle country , on earth; 320 acres allowed each person; , permanent water rights sold on easy - terms; railroad through these lands will be completed In short time; send 10 cents for books and maps and full informs- . tlon. Reld A Hcber, agents, 107 South Broad wsy, Los Angeles, Cal. .... . RE-M470 M16 FOR SALE, three lots, with six-room cot tage; price, . $1,600: owner, leaving city, Address Z 38, Bee office. RE M4i GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. . . RE 3o FOR SALE, 1,120 acres of good . farming land. 120 acres In crops this year, at a sacrifice, tn central part of Nebraska. G H. Peterson, 623 N. 16th, Omaha. . RE 658 M1 ALFALFA farm for sale; 160 acres, la alfalfa; well improved; going to Canada. Write to Erik Johnson, R. 2. Lexington, Neb. RE 604 M21 WILLIAMSON, .RlreJ:' 1208 RE 33 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1801 Douglas St., upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap building lets. Call for catalogue and pries Hat. Private money to loan on easy terms. n u7 A SPECIAL BARGAIN. $1,300 buys a 6-room cottaga, back plastered ana aouDie noors tnrouguuut, in gooa con dition; a good barn, a never-falling well, cistern, fruit snd olentv of enade: two Iota, each 60x160 feet, 00 63d, near Center - street. Must sell at once, enquire of , owner, o. w. Hart, ua ana center sis., or Harrison A Morton, N. Y. IJfe. RE 193 FAKMC -if you wisn iu buy or stock farm, get my list of western Michigan (lower peninsula) bargains write today; they are going rapidly. S. V. H. Hayes, urana nupius, juua. RE M464 J2 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, rsxton block. RE 460 RANCH end farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. L. A. McAlleater, land commisaloner. Union Pa etna Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE-358 BED PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. foe eh bargains, 6V1-3 N. Y. Ut Bldg. TeL toil. - - - . I 111 ., . . I TUKEY AND SON. Buy Houses. We have nought hnnsM and Inta st iau l and 16IIN kyner Ave., Just west of ISth ci. i nese are good cottages, with 6 largi rooms, sll In good condition R,r water and electric lights. Rojth fronts. 5 C i r ,h'm Bt $1,875 each, $3X down uu unmnce montniy. A. P. Tl'KKY AND SON. 444-446 Board of Trade. RE 766 11 Biggest Bargain IN HANSCOM PLACE. Residence of ten rooms; large barn; grounds 80x145 feet. Price 56,000. Ground alone easily worth H000. Let us tell you about it. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Sole Agents. RE M77S 10 LOST. BlULt.N, note and mortgage for abour e4,w, neia ana enaornea Dy (J. Uard, stopped. Inquire of Journal-Stoca man, tjouta Omaha, Lest 471 STOLLN, Crescent chalnleas. 1900 model. tiuiinic van uiue tippeu, leil lip DroKen, iront tire wrapped tape, rear tire worn. Aw reward. C. M. Katun, 12o? Douglas St. Lost 771 $ LOST, $102, on Poppleton Ave.,4hetween 21st kiiu xacuic anu tint Ave.; 40 gold, 2 $1 bins, 4 iu bills, tne Balance bills. Re- waru it returned to uw rark Ave. 767 TREES. FOR shrubs', vines, trees, etc., see the v-. .nvc,n -ii.j ricn g'uunu, eoutn Bias of iia.ti anu ib t ets. none ltue. M22 OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteonsth. bulla 6I0, M. i. Liio Bldg. 'lei. I664. 364 DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCague Bldg. TeL St9 DR. MRS. MUS1CK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. 370 ' 3 MBD1CAL. Dh- sptPRIES, the acknowledged leading wouAlst in diseases Of women in Omaha, ladles call the attention of suffering before his unsurpassed accommodations treatmenV during confinement and his what causeir Irregularities, no matter Dr. Pries, Sail or address, with stamp Oiunha. ogton Block, 1613 Dodge' SUA SHORTHAND AT 'TYPEWRITING. OKEUU Shorthand. Oiu CoL, 17th Doug. A, C. VAN BANT S schooU X N. Y. Life. BOYLES' college, court report. N. Y, Life. rlnclpal. NEB. Bus'r Shorthand College 1 neater. s IS MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR, ' 13th chlnlat. and Harney. maii MSTl OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty at lire escapes, sn utters, ooors ana safes. G.- Ahdreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. ' M372 STORAGES PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 13- vi j ones, general storage ana forwarding. 381 OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511 Farn. Tela. 1659-863. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. ocmitree. 20th and Lake streets. 370 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. ' 926 NOTICE, PAPER . HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufaotuer of paste for an purposes; in parrels ana hail parrels. Write for prices. 2210 Cuming. -635 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Famajn. Tel. 1263. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. M723 I 1 ' - 1 '81 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 71. -46 MS STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. 87 PHOTOGRAPHS. MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty. 612 N. 16th. Ml7 26 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 80; collars, 2c; cuffs, 40. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. -376 nickel Plating. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. TeL 2536. 37 EDUCATIONAL. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 408 N. 16th st. M468 . ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tel. phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. M4o ATTORNEYS. MACFARLAND A MAY, 306 N. Y. Life. 370 M27 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 176 COWS. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cows, subject to test for tuberculosis. Sanitary . Dairy, 2ol4 Farnam aueet; 'phone No. 41L MK48 M34 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 Bo. 13th. -373 ELECTRICAL COTRACTOAS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 A Jackson. Tel. 34g Mill M IU TAILORING, JOE YOU6EN removed to IU1 Farnam BL il Jl FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well as life. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank Rosewatar, supreme manager. 2Z2 Be Bldg. -TOA OMAHA Hay Rale TIs Co.. $11 North lnh. BANK STATEMENT. No. H66. Report of the Condition of THE N ERR ASK A KTinit. RIk' At Omaha, In the State of Nebraska' at the - 01 nusineas, April 3t 1902. H 1 1 -nr..... Loans and discounts. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured L. 8. bonds to secure circulation ........... Premiums on U. 8, bonds Stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furni ture and fixture.... Other real . estate owned Due from national banks (not reserve $7SL660 46 1.44$ 8$ 160.000 00 M.S0 09 11 J. 770 70 W.OOO 00 31,008 $7 Due from state banks . and bankers 21.611 23 Due from approved reserve agents 2DS.4M 10 Internal revenue ft a rnns n 1 Checks and other Cash . Items ,7 41 Exchanges for clear. Ing house ,. 37,4 ot Notes of other na. tlonal hariks v lornm Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and . .. in n Lawful Money Reserve in nana, vis.: specie 100.1S7 00 legal tender nnim MbniM 606,566 SI Redemption fund with . u. o. treasurer (5 per cent . of circu lation) 7.500 to Total ' t.llmt.l'Mrli 314WS.1M 81 $ 400.000 00 Capital stock paid In Surplus fond 26,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National banknote's niltfltanrfln. t.695 61 143,n0 00 Due to other national . banks ....... 7.J01.1S Due to state banks and bankers . 103,996 53 $6,223 OS Due to-- trust ram. panics and savings brinks Individual deposits Sublect tn rbk 674.980 36 Demand certificates ' of dennalt 24.659 23 160,891 25 21 00 13.620 17 120,242 81 70,764 77 1,420,898 20 Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing ; ., V. 8. deposits Deposits of U. 8. dis bursing officers Total State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.: 1. lienrv w. v . t ,...i . above-named bank, do 'solemnly swear that JI1.Vtme.n' 18 true o the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed H.IATElviMW'"l-. 8th day of May; 1902: " w " m" ,nl" CorTecX.te.tE1BEL' NUry Pjbl,c LEWIS S. REED, WALLACE E. SHEPARD. , Directors. OOVERNMENT NOTICBs. PROPOSALS FOR Titrp-c iun uiw. ton. Office Chief Commissary of Subslst "; .Umah,a. Neb.. April 12, 1W2. Sealed r. ..T'.i'i . locate, will be received here until 11 o clock m ... , nniamf '-May i12U. im- nd tnn Publicly opened for furnishing suci. freah beef and mutton as may be required by the subsist ence department, U. 8. army, at Omaha. Neb.. Fort Crook, Neb.. Jefferson Bar racks, Mo., Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Logan H, Roots, Ark., Niobrara, Neb! Reno. O. T.. Rllev. Ka,i ukiU. and B11L. O. r., during six months com mencing Jury 1 . 1802.. Proposals will also be received until 10 o'clock a. m., moun ta,H,Bt,ahdar1 Vm. t Fort Robinson, and until H o clock a. m., central standard time, at Jefferson Rnrnnk, v-m 1 ......... worth, IfKin IL Roots, Niobrara, Reno, ley and BUI and opened at posts by re jwiiunienes, eacn receiving pro- 'ls for his nwn nn. I,-.. , ofJs be received stating price at wh'ch FahrJ,U1. del,ver frMn beef or mutton DUcatHStu? .n0t ralr thn degrees authori- Io-on furnished 01? ap ".niff or to commissary at post serves. tnft nn,n tiMnA..). it a - - PSfSft -M to reject any 6r.ll... Beef and Mul Pft thereof: Envelopes signed or confd T1"00""1" toT Fr- to reefveron"na ''dressed to under- sary. -. Vcting chief commls- 12-14-16-16-M 9-10 LEGAL N( NOTICE. The annual meeting of the" of the Frrmont, Elkhorn & Ml... ,. ley Railroad company will be h0,drs office Of the company In Omaha, i.""1 Friday, May 23, 1908. at 10 o'clock a. ,ne the election Of directors and the trap" tlon of such other business as msy eft before the meeting. . J. B. REDFIELD. Hecretary. M6dl8t POSTOFFICU NOTIClu (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Mar 10, lt2. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at to uenerai . x-ostomce, as ioilows: PARCELS POST MAILS close on hour earlier than closing time mown below. raroela post malls for Germany close at p. m. avinday and Wednesday, . Regular and supplementary mall close at foreign station half hour later than Closing Urn shown below, (except that supplementary malls - lor Europe and Central America, via Colon, close on hour later at foreign station). Tramsatlantlo Malls. SATURDAY At a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Tartar Prince (mall for Italy must be directed "per s. s. Tar tar Prince'; at I a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Latin (mall must be directed 'per s. s. Lahn-"); at 7J0 for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed 'per s. s. Rotterdam"); at :30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per B. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s. b. Ethiopia ): at 12:80 p. m. (supple tnentary 2 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla, via Queenatown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers, and samples for Germany only. Tha 1 same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will pot be sent by this ship unless specially directed by IL After the closing of th - supplementary Transatlantic mulls named above, addi tional siAiplementary malls' are opened on the pier ef th American, English, French and Oerman steamers, and remain . open until within 10 minutes or th hour of sailing of steamer. . Malls tog loath aaa Central Aaserlea, snaies, aic, SATURDAY At S a. m. for PORTO RICO, ner s. s. fonce. via Han Juan: at s a m (supplementary S:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracalbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena muat be directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary lu:80 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VA NILLA, CARTAGENA and OHEYTOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. ra.) for HAITI, per s. s. Hungaiia; at 4:80 a. m. for BRA ZIL, - per s. s. Kaffir Prince, via Rio Ja neiro and Santos (mall for Northern Bra. sll, Argentine, . Uruguay and Paraguay . must be . directed "per s. s. Karri r : Prince"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per S. s. MaravaL Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and theno by a learner, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close her evsry Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquslon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6 30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers... ar dispatched dally, ex cept Thursday, final connecting closes, for dispatch ' via Port Tampa on Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur days at v6:8t' a. m., for dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Satur days at 4.30 p m. Malls tor Mexico City, overland, unites s pes tally addressed for dispatch, by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1 and 11:30 p. m . Sundays at 1 p. ra. atid 11 . p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Be Use, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail lo New Orleans, and thence by steamer, ciosa at this office daily excont Sunday at 1:30 p. m.. Sun days at 1:0C p. tn. (eonnactlr.g closes here Mondays for Bells, Puerto Cortes and Gu4.len.ala, and Tuesday for -Costa Rica.) rOSTOFFIt K NOTICE. Registered msll closes at .t p. m pr." vlous day. ' Trssissrl Malls. Malls for Hawaii. Japan ani Clilna til.. Ii'tter msll and sennrstely addressed peri odica s for the Philippine lsUnds. vl Manila), via San Fianclaco, cloe here dally at l:W p. m up t May 4th, In Msru'' "'"Patch per s. s. Nippon Malta for Hawaii, via Ran Franclico, cloe here dally at 4 30 p. m. up to May Inclusive. f,.r dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Malls for hlna and Japan, via Taeom. close here dally at S:S0 p. m. up to May 9th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Olympla. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at :t p. m. up to May llih. inclusive. or dispatch Per 1'. H tnnannrl r Mulls for Hawaii. China, Japan and Philip pine islands, via Sail Francisco, close here dally at :.v p. m. up to May 12th. Inclusive, for dispatch per a a Peru. Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle, 1? : P- m. pp tq Msv 14th. inclusive for dispatch per . Kln shlu Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "vis flattlA"i Malls for Australia, (excent W An. ;", wnicn is lorwsmea vis Kurope), .w, z?nl. KIH. Ssmoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at S'W m. after April "th and up to M 17th, 1 1 . . -1 , , r ' Campania, due at New York May 17fhl for ulsuatch iter s. a Vnntnr, , ,,r ,tt arrival OI S. A'1 tt,T tT'ln nd Japan, via Seattle knd Tiiiuii., i. ciose nere dally tt IW p. m. up to May Juth. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Empress of India (rests tered msll must be specially addressed (Merchnmllse for the II. 8. Postal ageney at Shanghai onnnot be forwarded via ( anada.i Malls for Australia (except West Australia w.S!rt vla rope, and New ealatui, "in,, n Rurn nn (ihh rranciscoi, and sill Islands, via Seattle and Victoria, IV C , close here dally st 6;30 p. m. after Msv Lth and up to May 24th. Inclusive, for dlsnatch ier a a kiiAvpn Maila for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands. Via fin. l t , . I 6:30 p. m. up to June Utb. Inclusive, fur dispatch per a. s. Australia. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port or sailing dally and the schedule of doe Ing ta arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overmnd transit. Registered mail closes at 6:00 p. ra. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., May 2, 1902. RAILWAY TIME) CARD. UNION STATION-IOTH AND MARC Y. I'nton Paelfle. IiMve inlw. Overland Limited a :40 am a 7:30 om Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3 25 nm allfnmla Exnresa a 4 U nm Paciflo Express all:30 pm Eastern Express a 1 Atlantic Express ' a am Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:06 pm bl2:S0 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b S:35 am Chlcaaro, Milwaukee A St. Paal. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Missouri Pacific. . SJ- ii1" Express. ...;..al0.oo am, a 6:25 pm K. C. A St. L. Express. alO. 50 pm a 6:16 am Wabash. Sf. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:111 nm a 1-M . St Louis Local, Council uiurrs ...aio:ooam a 10:30 pm Chicago, Rock Islcnd aad Paelfle. EAST. feave. A rrlv. Chicago Daylight a 7;uu am a :ta pm Chicago Express..,. bll:15 am a 6:06 pm Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:36 pm a 1:25 Bin Des Moines, Rock Is- . , land and Chicago..... a 7:40 pm a 8:25 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, pueblo and west , Colo., Texas, Cal. Oklahoma Flyer..., Illinois Central. Chloaro Express '.. .a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm IX .a$:20pm a 9:60 am :a 7:20 Am 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A millirKuil B Qt, 1 IUI express Chicago Express.. b 7:20 am M0:3S pm ' - ai0:36 pm Chleagru A Narth western. The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special.. -a 7:10 am all:20 pm a.i:? m M sm ..al0:65 am a 4 05 pm ..a 4:65 pm a 4 OS pm ..a S:no om a 3:40 pm ..a 7:46 pm a 9:20 am a 8:80 am a 6:30 pru ..a 7:05 am alO:25 pm .a 7:66 pm a 8:40 am ..a 6:15 am a 3:50 pm Chicago passenger... Eastern Express. Eastern Special Fast Mail Omaha-Chicago L't d Fast Mall Cedar Rapids Pass... Twin City Express..., Twin City Limited..., Sioux City Local WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH A WEBSTER Fremont, Elk horn A MIssaarl Valley. . .,, " .' ' . J". Arrive. ' Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs ,,.;-.ta 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas .......... ...... .d 1:00 pm 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David " City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b $;09 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont a 7:30 am blO.-U am kmont Local ,..c 7:30 am raarl Paeltte. Wa Local. Via ctt Water b 4:10 pm alOS am 0nl'v St. PsaL HI......H. Twin City " Bloux city . - Emerson Lt"msr-"- S:30 am a S:00 pm -oger. . .a 2 :uo pro all : Im BURLINGTON b 6:40 pm b 8:16 am Chlcaso, B.rHA.O"-I0TH Chicago Special A Qnlaey. Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..tave. Arrive. Chicago Local ,. a m a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited, ... ?: a 7:45 am Fast Mall V all.-oo pm Barllngton A Missouri H m Wymore, Beatrlc and Lincoln a 8:40 ant k Nebraska Express. a 8:40 am a Denver Liimitea a .a pot Black Hills and Pugst v Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:00 , , . , . 1 1. . .t IV.,,1 ul . . " LUlurnuv v. u m. Vlver 1 a 3:00 pm a :17 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:00 pm vnrt Crook and Platts- mouth b 3 20 pm bll:0Sam Bellevue A Pacific Jet. ..a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Bellevu A Pacific Jet. ..a 8:00 am Kansas City, St. Joseph A Coaaell Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex... .a 1:30 am a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:15 am Kansas City Night pm a 6:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally STEAMSHIPS. KOLUfiD-IUERlCA LU2E New York-Rotterdam, via AMulogns, . M. New Twln-Screw s. a. of 13.1M) tons reguter. Kan-Srr,w Rottsrdan M.y . , . Steamer NOOrdSHI May 17. 10 Am. 1?: StatBndaia'.M.,24.ioa.n,, Apply to Harry Moor, 1416 Farnam street; J. B. UcNatly, Ul Farnam strwel; H. S. Jnea, 16u3 Farnam street) Louis Hae, First National Bank. Omaha, ANCHOR . UM8-U. A MAIL-STSAMBR Sailing regularly betweaa NSW YORK, LONCKINUKMRV OLA SOOW; KBW 0K. gibkAA,TAK A MAMJCA Ssperlsr aeeomsudsUosa Sioellsnt Cuisine, Brery regard tor the eemlert I sirs studiuaaly see. Sldere an sraetloe4. ' smile er Kouua Trip tickets IssueA ketweea New 'Tors sn4 Scoub. Bni'leb. lrlia sb4 sll frlselpsl Costlnestsl petal st sttrsetiee rates, rer tickets er seserml Ulurmatlos spplr te HXMIiSBSON Saus.. Lkluaaa. ST soy UtCAU AUKNT. Lsnktr Interests Merc. ' SALISBURY, May I.-B a transaction Just closed a two-thirds Interest of tha ackson Lumber company of Lockhart, Ala., has been sold to Edward S. Croseett and J. W. Watxek of Davenport, Is,, end. Charles W. Gates of Purdyce, Ark. Th price paid was on the basis of $1,600,600 for the entire stock of the company. A new company will be formed to operate, th tract, which comprises 144.000 acres of tim ber lands In Covington county, Alabama. Former Senator Hosek Tmry 111. NEW YORK, May 8. Former Senator William Roach of North Dakota, who ha been ill several daya at hla home In this elty, will. It Is feared, pass away Very soon. As th result of an operation com plications have followed, tne worst being that he ran tskj no nourishment. Hi stomach haa collapsed and he 1 now prac tically starving to deatlk. I CUIt 64S UVO. UIVB