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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1902)
8 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. Red S Cross May 4. I!.;. ft I'll WIIKKKY 4 FULL QUARTS Inr $3 Express Charges Prepaid Rtpommpndi'd by the leading physicians and uhfiI In all prominent honnltal. The Rid Crnaa Whlnkey enjoy today the bent of rep utations and stands above all In quality and purity. Refer ence, First National Hank of Omaha or any express company. Western Distilling Company 76 South 16th Street, OMAHA Sole Owner. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be shipped by freight. "BLUE RIBBON" Purr llrer la n llrnlthfnl, InvlgoratliiK "firing; Tonic. Your system needs a jrentle, soothing; and stlintiliitiiiK tonic In the springtime. It liraei'S you up, stimulates your system xllnhtly, thereby stimulating your digestive or.'Hin; helps to thin your blood, to better withstand the hot weather; makes your KYKH Hl'AltKl.N with better health; (fives you VIM AND VKloit. There Is NO HET TIOU Hl'IUNO TONIC than the famous "HI. UK KimtON IIKKIt." oulv artesian water used. IVrfectly sterilised In the bottlo. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 1260. OMAHA. Iff m WW9 ji . . Bit ' L T s is mm 'mm WIIKKK TIIK 1IALKTONK 1'L.ATKS Kl'K NISIIKI) TIIR H.IA'STKATKD DEE AHB KN'tSKA VKl. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Bee. On small portrait cuts wa make a nominal price of $1.00. On larger cut. I conti per square Inch. They are 11 In flrat-class condition. Our photographic department will alio print additional copies of eur original photograph at a reasonable rat. The Bee Publishing Co, Omaha, Neb. 5,500 PEOPLE EMPLOYED. Think of the Value of An Instittw tion, or a Dozen Institutions Which Can mid Do SUPPORT 25.000 PEOPLE Tlila Nn mlier Derive Their Nnpttort from Inmirnnrr t'oliipanlra In lies Moines, Iowa. A glove factory, a cigar factory, an en velope factory, a box factory or any other kind of a factory employing SO to 100 men will be welcomed to Omaha with open arms.. This Is right, but business men should not forget that one well managed life Insurance company will give employ ment to more persons than any ordinary manufacturing establishment. TIIK IIAKl:it IIKWKIIVK I. IKK Is now employing 50 persons regularly. It supports 250 people. It collects and dis burses more money annually than an ordi nary factory. It grows faster than the most succeRKfiil of -factories. It turn? more money Into trndo channels than the ordinary factory. In the city of Deg Moines, tho grent Insurance center of the west. It is claimed n.riOO people are en gaged In the Insurance business. The larg est assessment life insurance company In tho world, with KM,OIMt,(HK AT IIISK, is located there. The backbone of Dee Moines is Its local Insurance companies. They bear the same relation to that enter prising Iowa metropolis as the packing houses bear to the cities of Omaha and South Omaha. The Hankers Reserve Life is organized under the laws of Nebraska, which were copied verbatim from those of Iowa. What has been done in Iowa can be dono In Nebraska. In the face of Iowa's experience It Is folly to force Nebraska to the background. i. ii. iniii(, iiti:iiKvr of tho Hankers Reserve Life, says: "I see no reason in the world why Nebraska should not take rank with Iowa as a life insurance center. The best of risks are offered. The people are prosperous. The companies are In existence. They need simply a loyal support to make them suc ceed. They are entitled to a friendly In surance department with fair, liberal supervision, and TIIKY Wll.l. IliVH IT. "The people are In no humor for petti fogging and pestiferous Intermeddling of alien agents or companies. They propose In these years of prosperity to provide at home for the lean years of possible panics." rite for Information on the question. II. II. HOIIISON, I'resl.leiit. Omahn, Neli. SCHOOLS AM) OI.I.K;K. ii Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and Kngllsh. Day and evening. Btudents furnished work for board when desired. Oregg Hhorthand by mall. Send for cata logue. New York IJfe H'ld'g, Omaha, Neb. J OUR ENGRAVERS Manz Engraving Co. ' IM-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois, Are Justly celebrated a the engrav ing establishment which can at all times be relied upon for satisfactory' result, whether the engraving be a fine half-tone, wood cut or slno etch ing. Their facilities are ao extensive that work which must be executed Quickly for shipment to distant cltlesl can be easily turned out. When ordering engravings from your printer ask for Manz Perfect Engraving. 0 --- 4 a-- A BUSINESS DISPUTE la easily settled when account are properly kept. Don't practice false economy by trying to save on LANK BOOK. We will make you a ruled and printed to order at such a small cost that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414-41 . MU Si., OMAHA, NEB, Read The Illustrated Bee Old Niobrara (Continued from Fifth Page.) Judge Dundy that an Indian had the right to sever his tribal relations and claim the protection of the I'nited States under the constitution. Out of this case came the friendly efforts of Ilright Eyes, an Omaha Indian girl, her acquaintance with an Omaha newspaper man writing under Dr Miller on the old Omaha Herald; a court ship, engagement and marriage ensued, fol lowed by a lecturing tour in the eastern states and Europe, In which Standing Dear and Ilright Eyea told the Btory of the I'oncas to hundreds of Interested audiences. Out of the Incident of that time arose the Indian right agitation, which has since given the Influence of the best citizenship and the best legal talent In America to se cure Just treatment for the Indian tribes. One of the r suits of Its work Is the passing away of the old tribal relation and the adoption of the Indian as a full citizen of the United States, all the Nebraska In dians, 3,000 in number, now being citizens and the men voting at all elections. Bright r.ycs mow Mrs. T. H. Tibbies) lives In Lincoln, where her husband edits the Ne braska Independent. Standing Bear's home is a few mile from Niobrara. The Ponca episode in Nebraska history waits for Its poet and story-teller, perhaps until one of Indian blood shall assert his title. Intercut In the Indlnn. The presence of an Indian population of severul hundred exercising the rights of .merlcati citizenship makes a very Interest ing study for the student of American politics. Just how to get the Indian vote on your side is as full of interest to the Knox county politician as how to corral the Bohemian or German vote is to the one of Douglas county. To the ethnologist the study of the characteristics of the Ponca end Santee Sioux people has been at tractive. Many of the best scientists of America and Europe have made Niobrara their temporary home and hundreds of the finesi specimens of ancient and modern Indian workmanship have gone to enrich distant museums along with geological wonders from this region. It may be hoped that Nebraska will be able to retain in her own borders the large part of what remain, so that future generations of Ne braska students may not be compelled to go to Boston, New Haven, or even London and Paris to study tho sources of Nebraska history. One of the pioneer mercantile louses here, the Bonesteel company. founded by II. E. Bonesteel, deceased, a member of the Nebraska state senate In 1887 and a leader In democratic politics In the early days, has a collection of Indian trt and Industry which Is the result of years of Indian trading and the admiration of all visitors. It Includes the scalping knife and the (white) human scalp of a generation ago as well as the beautifully ornamented and pictured pipes and hunt ing shirt of later artisans. Niobrara L'eau qui Court Running Water liquid syllables that will live to conjure Images of Indian teepees by the side of swift-rushing floods, of buffalo on tall cliffs above crowned with pine and cedar, of fur-capped French voyageurs and bold American frontiersmen, of an era when the west was a new world and hope and fancy built a bower together on the enchanted spot at the junction of the two streams long before the express train from Omaha steamed In, while the electric phonograph call out "Niobrara all aboard tor the upper Missouri, Saskatchewan, Yukon valley and points beyond." A. E. SHELDON. He Knew the Lady Chicago News: "Yes," said the eminent professor at a social gathering, addressing his remarks to a small man to whom he had been introduced, "I flatter myself that I rarely fall to read a face correctly." "So?" queried the email man. "Yes. Now, there is a lady," continued the professor, pointing to a 200-pound spec imen of the fair sex, "the lines of whose countenance are a clear as print to me. The chin shows firmness of dispceitlon, amounting to obstinancy; the pointed nose, a vicious temperament; the capacious mouth, volubility; the square chin denotes trouble for those who oppose her wishee, the eyea show a hardness of heart" "Wonderful, truly wonderful, professor' Interrupted the small man. "You evidently know something of the lady, then?" said the professor. "Sure," replied the small man; "he Is my wife." Wholesale Campaign Atlanta Constitution: "Well, old man, you're with me In this election, ain't you?" "Marsa Jim, did I ever fall you?" "No. but one can't always tell how things are going, you know. Is there anything I can do for you?" "No suh not ex I know on onless you got 'bout IS wuth er house rent In yo' pocket" "Here It Is." "En $3 wuth er groceries?" "Here" the money." "En $2 wuth er street tax." "I'll fix It." "En er couple er loose dollars so's ef I drap dead dey'U On' enough in my pocket ter sen' me home In a cab." "Is that ail?" "Dat'a all, suh; 'cept dat I so glad ter see you feela lak takln' a dram ter drink yo' good belt I" lion offee la 1 otiose of pure eofm to the pound. Who knows ho much coffee and how much etale ee?i and glue eailed ( iMlnc there Is to coated coffee? EJaa Cafe Is all coffee never flaied. The aealed paekace keepe It freah and pare. Call On 11$ If you want your printing done "Just Right." We only do one kind of work the best we know how and that Is why our work proves so satisfactory. Si'nd us your next Job of printing iind nmko us prove everything we I'lalm. I. A. MEDLAR CO., Office 422 So. ISth SI. Telephone 1262. X77nT X fen I IIILISTO Thorp is no irhikey the pure mult whinkey and ILER'S PURE MALT r alimiliiteljr tho finest. lin'll'wpt unit mnt de lmtilfiil wluaker in the world. Willnai Snrinat Distillery. Omaha. The Incomparably y and elastic touch of the NeW CentUry Typewriter . Is most note ' worthy. Full 1 particulars from I united Tpwriier : anrj supplies Co., 415 So. 15th St., D Omaha, Neb. MADE $ 1 05THE FIRST MONTR writ FKED. MiODGKTT, of N. Y. J. L. tiAnttifjiY, 01 ia., write t "Am mnnin UU to VKUJ twrT dar 1 work." Miia. U. m. AixnruMuiN, 01 jowi. writes: -1 made $3HU to fVfiO a da ' Hundreds ciointc iiKwtHe. bo can you. 96(H) to HiMI) dully made pla ting jewelry, tableware, bicy. aJ twr clea, metal tinods with sola, aiu kzLNe ver, nickel, etc. Knnrmnn de- 1 W rite Oder free. rntt. 0. OBIT CO.. rlellx Burks A iI Hid,, CtatlHMI.0. n lanii imr For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh The Oldest Remedy, hn a national ri'imtntlnn end nna nwr lx-..n niniillwl fur the iristmil relief ninl iKTmiilient cure ir t'nturrh, C'nlila In thehend niiil the nltendnnt Jlemlnelie and llenfneoH. lte Mnre. I .nut Hi n of Smell, Inime.linte relief liiiiiriinteed. tlii.-irnnteed ierfectl hiirnili-mi. Am your denier fur It. ltefuseall nltiiuleii. Priio BS cents. All drUKnitn, or by mail pmtuaid. ( ircu'am fni-. F. C. KEITH. (Mfr.l. Cleveland, Ohio LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA CAN BB CURED kt home bv new animal NERVOUS DISEASES SrJ2: LOW EN SANITARIUM, Chicago, Illinois. (X A. l A - e .-jar r 3? r .0 m Built by P. J. KARBACH & SONS. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAktRS. Thirteenth and Howard Streets. Omaha. Nebraska. Ar'XCaV 'I, J v : ,.'?s DS.!.".:; : . -. r.rr. - f mi -'n i!it rttt.Mlst Of ' i t 5 - i.Yfeo dward e Co. if, '.'4. Councu tuit rs. Iowa. " The Omaha Sanitarium. A Uodel Institution for tho treatment nf .11 Khrnnln dl.... Th.., " ' -, UIOl IUIJ Ulltl UU sure rure. hut Ttpnd tn iha .i..b iha Kuo , . r.. i m .m , 1. j . . inuiuitui Kuunu iu ujeuiitii luiruce. in dorsed by physicians everywhere. Address for particulars The Omaha Sanitarium. 958 N. 27th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska. Phone A1197. Lawns. Cemeteries. Parks. A beautiful fence that aulnnialically aiiiuMi Itself through, heat auii colli, and alwax fieri, llitlily lunallieiual and mnnn. 1'esi aierl .ilanied wile. Continuoua pirket mJ. and aliriii!lhena. S.erial sptu.c twist rallies. Vei ti.u!ai , urn.tnii'i't. siien.'ih. and latling aliciiin. nl. N.i pi, k.n tu lend ovir. Cau Iwaip or tan. Wine for diiciiiaixe boi klit. . Illlnol Wlr Cormany, Cept. 16. Chicago. Ills. . f . N