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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1902)
2 1 FOR ft ALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE WEAL ESTATE. POR SALfc Itf At ESTATE. FOR REST KOrSES. B18I5E8 ciiA!trrs. FOR KXt H AKUJK. TIIE OMAHA DAILY J1EE: SUNDAY, MAY 4, 102. Houses, Lots, Farms, Ranches, ;ouses and Lots offer for sale this week two NCK8 that we consider are POSITIVE ROA1N8. One I In KOCNTZE FUACE. o'hcr In the WEST FAHNAM D1S- vICT. Tn KOrNTZR pTaCE, on a LAROE )T, beautlfullly sodded, with nice shade see, a fine 10-room house, all modern, 're barn, near to car Una. FOR ONE . EEK, $5,250. Tn WEST FARNAM dtrtrlrt, on a full st, lot. WnlM. a nearly NEW, all modern room house, ELECTRICITY, OAS, BATH, rtTRNACE. one-half block to car line, nothing better for the price. Only $4,800. ' RESIDENCE LOTS. Soma people are buying lota and going to build. To those we will aay there is no batter Investment than buying two or three of our cheap Iota right on the proposed car line, Just the thing for chicken raising. You can buy them by paying $6 down and per month. We are selling some lota on these terma for $75 efceh. Don't delay. ' We are Inatructed to offer for a few daya nly a fine lot, 60132. east front, on !?d t.. CDOHB IN, for $l,6o, or will aell part. Other fine lotp In all parta of tha city ?rom $S0O to $3,000 each. i INVESTMENTS. We are heart'iurterg for investments. teOOK AT THIS. A NEW BRICK FLAT, rents for $77 per month. Only $fi,0'A HERE IS ANOTHER, double frame' flat rente for $38 per month, $2,0U0. Call and ae us SUBURBAN. We here three Dlece of SUBURBAN PROPERTY, near to city limits, lust the thine for CHICKEN FARMING. Come In i an4 we will shuw them to you. HERE 18 A BEAUTY. For eight days ' we will offer one of the FINEST 817 M'RBAN HOMES In the country, on a BEAl'TIFUL FIVE ACRES, covered with - FRUIT, a fine 10-ronm house, large barn and carriage house. Ice house that will hold 60 tone of Ice, chicken house, work shop, .v.rvthlna- In FINE CONDITION. IM PROVEMENTS COST $12,Ono, only one-half - mile from car line. IF BOLD WITHIN TIME LIMIT, .$7,000. r FARMS AND RANCHES. We have aome nice farms and ranches r For full particulars call on ua or WRITE, 4H PER CENT MONEY TO IOAN on . flrst-claaa real estate security. Also write i. FIRE and TORNADO INSURANCE. V OEO. P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. (Established 18W.) , Telephone 686. Paxton Blck. won aAT.rcT.nt. 80150. l-storv. 7-room t. house, all modern except furnace, close to J Btreet car and school, about twenty mln k,ts' walk from ooetofflce, brings an In- I22KO nor month. $2.5o0. Oood t-rnom house, south front. In the tolohtmrhnnd nf the Hlah School, half ' block from street car; rents for $22 per month, $2,500. iO-room house, barn, lot 60x140, south front, in first-class neighborhood, close to street car and school, $2,200. ur a inin: Fronertv bringing an In come of $189 per year. Will aell for $l,6u0 If taken quick. Two-story, 7-room house, stable, city water and gas, a corner in the neignDornooa nf AOth and Cumin tl.4M. Also 6-room house, city water, gas, fur- nace and all special pavings paid In full, $1,600. Alan In tha same neighborhood. 7-room house, all modern, east front and all aneclal litM nald In full. $2,600. " Very nice 6-room cottage, city water and gaa, nice lot, only two oiocas to scnooi, close to atreet car, $1,300. T-ni 130x140. south front, about twentv min utes' walk from postoffice, close to school and atreet car. will be offered for one week nnlv at tha verv low nrlce of $700. 120 acrea first-class graxlng land, suitable for small ranch, in western Nebraska perfectly level and smooth, will trade for Borne Omaha property, either vacant or improvea. J. A. LOVQREN CO., 424 Paxton Block, tit, bJ I FARM LANDS Five thousand acres of farm and timber lands In southwestern Miss ouri . and northwestern "Arkansas. Running water on nearly every piece. Some improved. Fine climate. Will sell on easy payments or exchange for improved city property. THE OMAHA REALTY CQMP ANY 1301 Douglas St, Upstairs. . , RE-561-4 CHEAP LOTS. LOTS on Ed Crelghton Ave., 1 blocks east or Hanscom para, on graae, soutn fronts shade tre e, swo, $10 casn ana payments o $10 a month. I lota In Crelghton Helghta addition, not far from Walnut Hill car line, $160 each $10 cash and payments of $6 a month. BYRON R. HASTINGS, 212 8. 14TH ST. RE 646 4 FOR BALE or will trade for farm land, a good brick store building and stock of merchandise; located In a good Bohemian town. For rurther Information write . E. Doty 4Y Son, David City, Neb. RE 6(2 4 FOR SALE 7-room house; water and gas lot wxim; iu jacaaon ot.; RE 6214 B HAVE business corner that must sold. Three stores and three flats Overhead; $6,000 will take It and pay 10 per cent on the investment. Hrennsn Love ce.. bos u. litn m. kg-3& 4 SOUTH DAKOTA LAND EXCURSION Payne, Bostwick & Co will run an excursion on Tuesday, May 13th, into the great corn belt section of So, Dak. For further particulars regarding special rates write or call on Payne, Bostwick & Co 601-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. RE 671 4 ou'hirn mv Mnv.nt'ninrvTii An acre on South 16th St., near Vinton, modern 10-room residence, 812 B. 231 hi Make a bid: easy payments. WILLIS TODD, 624 N. X. LIFE FLDO RE 668 4 RANCH FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR OMAHA PROP EKTI $2,600. An Improved upland ranch tn northwestern Kansas, ona and one-half milts from a good town of 1,600; 4M0 acres of deeded land. Sou acres leased land, zoo acrea I crops. Rancn stocked with 100 head youn cattle. Will sell at market value If Wanted. Addreea. DR. C. M. HEADRICK. Owner, OS NEW YORK LIFE BC1LD1NO, ' OMAHA. NEB. RE 62 4 FOR SALE, three lota, with six-room cot. tage; price, $1,600; owner leaving city Addreas Z U, office. Jit. M 1X3 $7.00 TO ill 00 PER ACRE. for lands In Morrison Co., Minnesota. 6.OO0 acrea finest hardwod timber and meado land In northwrat: particularly adapted fo lock and grain raising. Improved farm pear by nein at xj&.uu to xjo.uo per acre, boll la rich clay loam with clay sub-soli. Bond for Illustrated folder with deacrtp. tlona of ZOO.OU) acres finest land In north west. Address owners. Western Land Company, ul faul, Minn. RE IARU lit Eddy county. Nullh Dakota, Jl r River valley, ICO acrea. ti.uuo improve I ansnts. tat acres broke; will sell or trade i fur 80 to luo-acre farm in eastern Ne- J Wraska or lorn a Addrea Hut Hlland ave- nue, Dixon, Illinois. RE 674 4 ; MPUSES and lota In all parta of city; also - , s ti property and firm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room kO, Bra building, j K&-861 f IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room Hemes la Hanscom Place I will give yea bargain. Owner left city. Must sell . H. bUsrwood, BJ7 N. Y. L Bid. Kit M1M FOR SALE. 1.1M acres of good farming land. IM acrea In crops this year, at a aaortnee. la central part of Nebraska, Q. U, PeWreoa. 64 N. leih. Omaha. H&-4KI Mil THOSE NEW COTTAGES. Two on south 28th street Reea place Residences New and very de sirable, on 8th street, near corner ranno, east front, full view of Iowa bljffs; Krlor. dining room, kitchen, pantry, three d rooms wlth closets), bath room, eto.j cemented cellar under entire nouse; o furnace, gas, electrlo ngnt. porcelain bath and sink, nickel plumbing, marble uh bowl hot and cold water, etc. etc. Prices on these, M.KiO each; $1,000 cash, bs4- ance at per cent Three on Burt Street Burt Street CottaesNew. never occupied; designed for a email family, "ftiunum in Parvo" (the most for the money). Think of It! Six rooms, every modern conveni ence except furnace and a compact house within walking distance, at a low price and on eusy terms. This Is your oppor tunity. Parlor, dining room, kitchen, pan try, t bed rooms (with closets), bath room, etc., cemented cellar under entlra house; gaa, marble washstand, hot and cold water, porcelain bath and sink, nickel plumbing; nice porch and splendid deep lot. South side of Burt, between Jlth and tHth avenues Price, only $2,400; $500 rash, balance to suit t per cent, or reaaonaDie aiscouni iur 11 cash. CHOICEST BUILDING LOTS. We are agents for Kountie riace ana Bemls park, the two leaaing rwincnni additions. Consider the Improvements that are being made In these two locali ties and compare the pricee with lota In less desirable nelghborhooda. Kountse Place and Bemls Park are free from banks and shanties. Prices to suit all comers. LINCOLN COUNTY RANCH. . . . ... .. . I.. stw acres aeeaea ana wj w)rr of which 200 Is fine alfalfa land worth $35 fier acre, and the balance excellent grai ng land: Improvements worth $3,0u0 to $3.o00. Including good frame buildings, fif teen miles tnree-wire tence, iour won, windmills, etc; one mile to Brady Island, on main line Union Pacific; $,u00 acres under fence; A COMPLETE STOCK RANCH. Price, only $12,000. Write ua. ALFALFA LAND. Here Is a fine proposition: Only $15 per acre for 252 acrea of level lano unoer a district Irrigation ditch, with a very low charge for water; land will pay per cent NET on $100 per acre when In alfalfa; on main line Union Pacific; side track for loading hay on premises; perpetual water right; fine alfalfa soil; all level; only $ miles to North Platte, county Beat, Lin coln countv. Price, $16 per acre, or $8,780. TAKE A TRIP. Join ona of our excursions to the alfalfa country of the Platte Valley; bait rates and fare refunded to buyers. Bee us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. L. BLDG. RE 649 4 IMPROVED. $1,200 for 6-room house, 4339 Franklin; near car line. $2,7u0 for 672 South 27th St.. lot 60x132 feet; 6 rooms. Daving uald: clieaD. $3,600, West Farnam St., S-room house, barn, corner lot. $3,600 for 8. W. corner of 16th and Center, 8-room house, lot 75x140; snap. $3,760, 8-room modern, Kountxe Place. $4,000 for 1113 Park Ave. (29th Ave.), 7-room house, lot 60x140 feet. $4,600, two 6-room modern houses, near aim and Harney Bts. UNIMPROVED. $1,000 for 60x120 feet, south front, near 31st and Chicago, paving pai, $1,350 for 60xl( feet, near 26th and Chicago Sta. ; suitable for two flats. $1,000 for 132x124 feet, N. W. corner of 85th Ave. and Jones. $4.ouo for 88 feet front; trackage; near Sth and Douglas Sts. ; BARGAIN. $4,000 for 8. W. corner of lith and Cass, 132 x66 feet: navlng paid. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opposite old P. O. RE 6u8 4 LOT S, block WlVi. Omaha. 44 feet, lust north of Cuming, running from 23d St to 24th St.; both streets paved: perms nent THE BYRON REED CO., 2li 8. 14TH ST. KK 644 4 HOTTRTCH FOB AAT.TC $4.7000.00 for 8-room new, modern house, west Dart Cltv. choloe Inflation. $3,800.00 for 3019 Marcy. t-room houss, nearly new, good neighborhood. i,buu.w, ai4 case 8t.,.-room house, porce lain bath and modern throughout. Full lot. $l.00.0o, go! st. Mary's Ave., a very de- Iiraoie e-room collage, .witnin eaay walk ng distance down town. Paved street. tl.6uo.00, 1107 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, good con. dttlon. tl.600.0, corner 16th and Jaynes St., two mil. i-room nouse. $2,600.00, 2443 So. 20th St, 8-room house, new. lot 82x164. ' $1,000.00. 41$ North 25th St., near Chicago, v-rvura noua. IjOTS. $626.00 for good building lot near 84th and uooge Bts. $350.00 for desirable lot on Franklin St., near military Ave. FARM. 80 acres 4 miles south of South Omaha. 9to.w per acre. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE-618 4 THIS W ITER'S SPECIAL. 10 acres In Omaha Heights, biggest bar gain in that end of town. Musn't quote price ne re. an in. will suDaiviae. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Thurman R. Huston, Salesman. (Everything In Real Estate.) RB613 4 A FINE ranch fop all purposes; an ideal nome ana biock, iarm or l.ueo acres, of which 400 acres Is fine alfalfa land In the famous Sappa valley. This can be maae to bring la.ouo per year returns, Price $15,000. Addreas, Smith A. Davis, ceftvrr viiy, iteo. 7 ACRES near Gibson, brick house, bad re pair; rent cneap to someone who will re pair; land mostly timber. Inquire 1203 r amain Bl. K1S 611 4 HANSCOM PLACE We have an 8-room, modem, exceptionally well arranged, all new nickel porcelain plumbing, good furnace, pipes covered with asbestos, Interior decorations the finest money ran buy, handsome, large lot, good location, but owner moving away, and will NOT RENT, and SAYS to us. that he IS GOING TO SELL. This means a good deal some times, for It takea two to make a barcaln. for If his price Is not your price, then to sell he ou gui to consider your price or no traae. eee tne point I suppose T Now this ADD MEANS just what ii says. It is up to YOU. xou cannot snocK ub witn, OFFERS, on ANY PROPERTY, and we will THANK you -for them If they are a little low Call us up by 'phone if It will suit you D. V. SHOLES CO.. 310 N. Y. Life. Tel 829, RE 664 4 SHIMER & CHASE, $1,700. new 6-room cottage.-modern except rurnace; it has batn, pantry and vestibule just completed, and can be occupied at once: near Amea Ave. $1,560 New 6-room cottage, modern except lurnace, norm part 01 city. I niB la bargain. $2,luo Nearly new 8-room house, nicely lo cated; north part of city. $2.500 8-room modern house, fine shade and very large lot. Norm uin street; a snap. $2. ho 7-room house. 26th and Cumlna St. $1,2(G 6-room cottage, built one year, near !4th and Ames Ave. We have others that are bargains, coma In ana look over our list. VACANT. Fine south front lot on Templeton street. near ttn oi , want oner. South front lot on Farnam, near 42d St price ouu. SHIMER & CHASE, 604 Bee Bldg. Tel. EtrT FAHMa If vou wish fo buy a grain, fruit or stock farm, get my list of wsstern Micmgan tiower peninsula) bargains; write today; they are going rapidly. S, V. it. iiayea, urana Kaplds. Mich. RE-U464 Jt A SPECIAL BARGAIN. tl.tOO buys a 6-room rouge, back plastered ana aouoie noun inrougnoui. in gooa eon dltlon; a good barn, a never-falling well, cistern, fruit and plenty of shade: two lota, each 6txl60 feet, on 8M, near Center street. Must svll at once. Enquire of owner, u. . nan, Ma ana center Bts. or narnson at Morton, IM. X. Lifs. RB 4N f FOR SALE. 960-aere ranch; good stock Im provements and outside ranae. good soil thirty miles south of Bassett. Rock county; Clear line, rnct, Addree K. Howe, pra. NeU i D. V. SHOLES CO. $10 N. T. LIFE. TEL. S2S. RESIDENCE BARGAIN SNAP 1J4 So. list Ave., 10 rooms, fins rec. hall, two parlors, dining room, stairs and ves tibule, all solid oak finish (FINE, TOO). I large bedrooms on Sd floor, td floor all plastered, fine brick walled, cemented cellar, laundry tubs and cistern, servants' closet, lavatory 1st floor, two fine mantels, comb, gas and electric fixture; EVERY THING modern, up-to-date, a home you CANNOT help but appreciate if you see It, and aa owner wishes to move east. Is going to sell thla week or rent: being offered $40 per month; good tenant. SEE US MONDAY. WHOLESALE LOT BARGAIN. 44xli feet, at 1117 HARNEY ST., at $160 per FOOT. $6,600 SOLD In 18S7 for $26,400, but for QUICK sale offer at 25 per cent of original price. THINK OF IT. BUY IT. INCOME PAYS THE TAXES. -acres lu miles north of BLAIR, every foot the best bottom lana tne sun ever shone upon. No alkali, no sana, no . . . u n . . w . V. , , , nil rltrht An. puniuu, iiui . ' ' i . wui " n - - - . corn land, small grain, or anything that arrows: medium Improvements, and a splendid buy at $50 per acre; $6,000 cash. ( per cent Interest on balance. IOWA FARM. ,A a. M I Ws-kfe.TSI.' A -SvT YXY'I' V fine bottom, EXTRAORDINARY soli, all In cultivation, no WASTE, our salesman was all over It last week and pronounces It the best buy for the price he has seen; 150 per acre takes It and It Is land that Is worth $, and we think no farm In Iowa can raise more corn to the acre. Wyman, Shriver Co. New York Life Bldg. WHY PAY RENT ? When yon can purchase a home on small payment aown ana Daiance on raununj navments that are less than what tha hmisi. would rent for? TJrn n new 6-room frame cottage, modern except furnace. 34-ioot 101, on opencer near 26th St.. 11.600. Twn-atnrv 7-room dwel'lna. barn. etc.. 40- foot lot city water, ii.ww; w casn Dai ance $8.60 per month; house will rent for $12. s-room modern house, comolete In every respect. 36th near Dodge, J,wo; n.uuu cash balance to suit. 7-room house, large barn outhouses, all newly painted on outsiae ana in; aiso newly papered; vacant; can give Imme diate possession. 11,200: very easy terms. Cottage, 6 rooms, barn, all In fine shape. nice lawn, corner, near zotn ana uecaiur, 11.800. Vln r..M.nMi Int vsciLnt. on 3flth eve near Dodge; raving an paia ror: wi-root lot; price, xiti w BARGAINS. $2,5002628 Charles St., 9-room modern house, south from lot 66x 128: newly painted and papered throughout and newly painted out side. A very attractive home. $3,000620 So., 18ht St, 8-room house, city water and bath, Lot $0x80. House In thourough repair and newly painted, $1,5002525 So. 11th St, 5-room cot tage, newly painted outside and newly papered and painted inside, Lot 50x101. $1,300 2531 So. Uth St, house in thorough repair, , new foundation, new roof. Will be painted for pur chaser. Lot 50x101. THE OMAHA REALLY COMPANY. 1301 Douglas St., Upstairs. RE ten iPRFS TU miles northwest of Omaha 4 In cultivation, oaiance gooa second growth timber; can nearly all be cultl, vateri Price. VfO an acre. THIS BYRON REED CO., 218 B. 14TH 8T, KB 0 t m w.v.T. lath, near Center St.. trackage $ 600 Two lota In 2d Add. to West Side 100 Half Inl near 26th and A Sta.. South Omaha w KA feet, east front. N. 87th. south of CasB 600 64 feet, near 80th and Ames Ave 200 Oood lot In Central park 100 .. ImI on Rlnnev. 160 feet east of 80th.. 400 40 acrea. near Capitol Bldg.. Cheyenne.. 1.6O0 Four lots in waaeiey aonmon sw Corner, on car line. In Baker Place.... 200 Oood south front lot In Baker Place.... 150 w.iolce Klrkwood lot, on Boulevard.... sou Oood lots In Mystic Dark 100 Oood quarter section In Keith county., too 40 acrea. near Astoria, uregon uu Commission to acents. SAMUEL B. CURTIS, Receiver, iwh nar- ney ut. iuk-wi-t R. C. PETERS A CO., 1702 FARNAM ST.. OMAHA. t-room house, modern, near park. 84.000. 8-room house, modern, bo. szu, mm. 7- room house, near W'est Farnam, $3,750. 8- room house, North 26th Ave., $2,250. (.room modern cottage, central. HO' 0. t-room cottage near court house, $1,600. B-rnom nous;. . w,wv. 100-foot fine lot on Burt Bt., witn x good cottages, $a,7&0. Kiv-tHi Tornado Insurance. Will renlace your chimney, windows, porch or anything blown down by these winds. Also covers loss or dam age by cyclone. Call at our office or 'phone ua. Potter, Forgan & Haskell, TEL. 470. 430-21 NEW YORK LITE. rvr. si i WIT I. aell mv e'eaant 10-room residence one of the finest neighborhoods In city, at a big sacrince. uuick possession, ao dress X 4a, Oman a tut. xc ooa - TUKEY & SON Offer I acres of good garden ground, blks. from Benson car line, for a few days at $.'50 net. eaay terma. Thla la the cheapest 6 acres that have been offered in mis locality ior some time. 01a. u, Halycon Helghta. A'.so, garden land west of Fort Omaha, In any slae tracts for $160 ier acre, on easy terms. Cottages In various parts of the city on easy terms, (jne at ii ana coroy iu newiy pain tea, very cneap. A. P. TUKEY st SON. 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 4 ALL ABOARD for California! 100.000 acres government land In southern California open for settlement; the largest lrrlga tion canal In America is now completed through these lands; soil is very rich and leriiie; nnesi aiiaua ana cmiue countr on earth; tub acrea allowed each person permanent water rignia soia on eas terms: railroad through these landa wl be completed In short time; send 10 cents lor books ana maps ana run informa tion. Held Heber. agenta, IV i Soul Broadway. Los Anaelea. Cal. RE-M470 Mil Wll I I AMQOW CHARLES E., U08 Farnam street. RE 888 FOR SALE, new eight-room modern house. Ill 8. Mih St.; immediate possession. Ed O. Hamilton. Ill a. 17th BL Tel. A-1132 RE tJ 4 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also are insurance. Hernia, fax ton block. RE 800 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1J01 Douglas St.. upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap building lets. Call for catalogue and price ui. s-iivais anoney 19 toaa en easy A FEW SWEET AND HF.ADLET BARGAINS. HANDSOME NEW COTTAOE CHEAP. WE HAVE JUST HAD LISTED for IM MEDIATE BALE a R-room cottage on BEAUTIFUL STREET In north part of has PORCELAIN BATH. CLOSET. MAR BLE liAVATORY, HOT AND COLD WATER. OAS and FIXTURES, south front, lot 4xl32. THIS PROPERTY IS A BARGAIN AT $1,600. 12 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. ROOM HOl'Shl OOOD REPAIR. ON FLORENCE BOULEVARD, WALKING DISTANCE. $1,475. YOUR OPPORTU NITY. DON'T OVERLOOK IT. We have a NEW -room house, a beauty inside and out STRICTLY MODERN, not far out, and beautifully located on a large corner lot facing Florence boule vard. $3,800 WILL BUY IT. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS. S5th Ave., bet. Farnam and Dodge, 60x96, Manderson, near 25th St.. 60x128. Templeton Ave., 42x132, $350. Near Ames Ave.. 4 blocks from car. 40xlW. 4 feet above grade; taxes an paid, inis week on easy payments, $75. SWEET & HEAPLEY. Tel. 1472. 613 N. Y. Ia Pldg. RE 646 4 Modern Homes Excellent 9-room, new residence; West Farnam district, oak interior. oak floors, paving all paid, permanent walks: everything first-class. Price $6,500. Modern 8-room residence in Hans com Place, full lot, beautiful location on Georgia Ave., paving paid in full, permanent walks. Price $6,500. Good 8-room modern house, close n, paving all paid, permanent walks. A bargain at $3,000. Vacant Lots Corner, close in, 60x132, fine for flats. Price $5,500. Fine building lot on Harney, near 35th St Price $1,500. Nice corner, 35th and Franklin Price $600. If you wish to buy or sell call on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. RE-666 4 RANCH and farm landa for sale by the Union facinc riaiiroaa company, u. a. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa- ciUc Headquarters, Omaha, JNeD. RE 858 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE Sui niTY best house oalnts. varnishes, etc. quality nignest, prices lowest, national UU ana raini wo., iuio jones bi. RE M848 M2S ALFALFA farm for sale; 160 acres, in alfalfa; well improved; going to Canada. Write to Erik Johnson, R. 2, Lexington, Neo. ttJB sot Mil- THE OAKS. West Okoboji Lake, IOWA. FOR SALE The John V. Rider house, the most dlsirable home at this celebrated aummer resort. A beautiful house of twelve large rooms, lighted and heated by fas; facing directly east on the lake; acuities for boating and bathing are un surDassed. and with thla goes the ria-ht to use of the famous EGRALHARVE MIN ERAL SPRINGS, pronounced by eminent chemists to be superior to Colfax. The place will be sold tor residence purposes oniy; reasonaDie price, une nignt s ride from Omaha brings you to West Okoboii lake, where the altitude Is the highest between the Rockies or Allegheny moun tains. For further particulars address the owner, Oordon R. Badgerow, Sioux city, ia. tun M4 i' W, H. Gates 618 N. Y. Life. 6-Rooms gas porcelain bath, new plumbing, house in good order: lot 36 ft front on Locust street , a very theap property for $1,800.00. t-room, modern except furnace; barn and sheds; lot Is 60x140; grapery, shade trees, a nice home on 18th street, fronting east. near spruce, i,wu; oniy taaea souu casn, as there Is a loan on this for $2,600. 7-room cottage, modern except fucnace, on oouievara, near epruce, sz.iuu. 7-room, sewer, water, gas, 2KU Charles, $1,400. 6 rooms, 8762 Grant, $1,000. 4 rooms, 8820 Grant, $S60. 66x116, S. W. cor. 87th and Marcy, $600. 48x11, Burdette. near 26th, $360. 60x136, 86th, near Dodge, $860. RE 641 4 A GREAT BARGAIN. We can offer for quick Bale the handsome nouse, rto. uuz soutn iiisi street, eie gantly finished, every modern convent ence, tow urice n tanfn at once. . HICKS, 826 Board Trade Bldg. RE to 4 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK aV CO. for choice Bargains, oui-i xs. z. liis Hiag. Tel. loig. itjfi S62 rOR RENT HOUSES. 8204 WEBBTER, 11 rooms, modern, $50; 8221 Harney, $ rooms, modtrn, $36; 811 N. 21st, 4 rooms, 88; others $3 to $76. Rlngwalt tiros., earner uia. l Mtuls VANS and baggage wagona. Tel. 1196. D 296 - - --" - , . aw... uuuwv. It'. IIU V 1 fornla Sta, all modern. In good repair, large yard. Inquire at 607 N. Y. Life Dunning. 287 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage 10. ; omce lau amain, or l is. it6S-s, 1 a HH1 IQF? ,n PrU of c,,y- The O, nuu3" F. Davie Co., 661 Bee Bldg 10-ROOM house with basement, 28th and jacason, aaui; gooa location. i K iuraington, ous Baa. D M361 FOR RENT. 8-room, modern, detached nouse, newly painted and papered. 830. 2621 Capitol Ave. TeL (73. B. If. Roblaon. U M38S HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-2M HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block D 801 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO. for cholca nouses, eoi-8 ti. X. Life Biag. tel. ioi. D Ju2 UN EQUALED, central, modern 4 and 8- foom flats. Tlsard. 220 N. 23d at. D 380 HOVBE8, etc, F. D. Wead, U24 Douglas. D 8(4 Maggard V. 8. Co.. 1713 Webater. Tel 146. D jot SHERMAN APARTMENT HOC8E-6-rm apartment, 2d floor, choicest in bldg PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. D 467 VERY desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern conveniences, lu64 Georgia Ave., im, mediate poeseewlon; references required. uhwi vi. w. uossa iuw s-ara Ave R. C PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Building, $5 48 So. 26th, a large modern home, 15 rooms. $66 4 N. d, a fine two-story modern brick residence. 12 rooms. $S0 3W Harney, new and modern, 8 rooms. 16 us d. 44in, new mouern, s rooms. 8J7.60 1338 B. 31st St., in elegant, two-story brick near Hsnscom park. 8 rooms. $361737 Park Ave., across from Hanscom park, pleasant location, all modern, 8 rooms. $32.601128 California, 7 rooms, modern, fine location. M is 8. 8lt. 11 rooms, modern, barn. $252621 Capitol Ave., newly papered, 8 rooms. $27. 60 2.110 Webster, all modern, I rooms. $:5 2tB Capitol Ave., modern, $ rooms. $10118 S. th, basement, 6 rooms. D t( HOUSES: HOUSES:! HOUSES!!! 1512 N. 19th, 3-r., city water, $o. !I1S Arbor, neat 4-r. cot lane. IH, N N. 24th, So. Omaha, 6-r., modern, $18. ma i autornm. good i-r., ail modern noma, close in, $32.60. 110 N. 87th, ft-r., nice shape, city water, close In, $16. 603 8. 27th, fine 8-r., all modern home, $36. zni unicago, H-r., modern, 13.(8 8. 81st, 8-r., fine, all modern, $40. 30H1 Marcy, 8-r., modern, nice shape, $26. 87u6 Woolworth 10-r., modern; suitable for x lamuies, vm. a snap. Fine lo-r. all modern brick house close to High school at modest rent. Safe fire and tornado Insurance. List fur- nisned nouses with us. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., 601-2 N. Y. Life. D 870 4 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. D 1SS VERY fine 10-room stone front residence. .id ro. uin si.; not water neat, two blocks north and two west of Hlah school. on Harney street car line; keys one door soutn. it. r. Clarke. x3 Ramge block. D M458 1630 8. 26TH., modern 8-room house, $?6. 1 M4S8 FOR RENT, furnished house near Hans com para, an mooern, l mock from car line, call at 1600 So. 28th St. D 622 4" OOOD H01T8ES FOR RENT. 29th Ave. and Harnev, 8-r., modern. ...$46.00 13.18 8. 31st, -r., modern, choice 40.00 2310 Webster, 8-r., modern 27.50 2528 Charles. 7-r..- city water, cistern. barn 17.00 604 N. 26th. 7-r.. modern exceDt fur nace, will repaper 22.50 o-.., j i.prin,i, iivrw plumbing, modern except furnace.... 26.00 .Mcnoins, -r., city water, cistern, barn, corner lot, shade, will repair.. 16.00 2421 Cuming, 4-r. fiat, wilt repaper 10.00 xa.u mason, o-r., city water, win re- tiaoer 10.00 Z213 n. Z5th. cottage, city water, newly papered f.00 412B Saratoga Ave.. 6 rooms 8.00 GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM STREET. D 6384 FOR RENT. 6-room house, on hill, near union depot, ins ho. tn St. D-6S0 7 FOR RENT. DESIRABLE OFFICE. First floor Board of Trade Bldg.; good ngnt; letn Bl irontage; io per month. HOUSES. Furnished house of 11 rooms for summer months. Mouse modern in every way and cnoice location. Flat. 6 rooms, 1433 South 16th St.; de luciieu; .id. 8TORE ROOM. 1433 South 16th St., on main car line be tween umana ana ooutn i mihi. im. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1801 Farnam Bt, D-617 2W13 Ct'MlNO St., 6 rooms $18.00 666 South 28th St., 10 rooms 80.00 juria IN. J:rll.i,h.u. opposite Old P. O, O 10 4 FOR RENT, 6-room house, good condition. iinmeumie possession ; rem reasonable. 13mi ix. zotn Bt. inquire CUi. JL 668 4 FOR RENT-Elegant brick residence; 549 oiMiui mm Ave.; very cneap. Brennan Love Co., 309 South Uth St. D 630 4 FOR RENT, new 8-room house, rnmnlat in eeiy particular; now reaoy ror occu pancy; on S2d Ave., between Farnam and iavenpori streets. j. r. Breckenrldge. Til IkT aT T tat A n sa. . . " aa. ai, . jiid, wr xixj o. ivin Ave. D-657 4 10-ROOM corner house, modem: larra joiui smmso oun di, inquire m ch. eSkl OOOr TT . . Ma. V I Man . a. . 423314 Franela St., 8-room modern house, fia .a;V iunn ni., e roomi, I14-1R42 North 22d St., 7-room hoiwe. iiia imnA HE.AU I UUMl'AM, 1301 Douglas 8L, Upstairs. D 650 4 TO LET, house, 9 rooms, modern; also 4 r carnage nouse. m be ward St. vv. w. xngnam, lit a. 11 tn St. D M696 BPSIXESS CHANCES. OENKBAI. Mnnn $7,000, clean. UD-to-date stock, nnlv nna In ..o'oiii u. wwn, wnn lot ana store building, at $2,600. dolna Drofltabla business. Will consider good property or iarm bi ctiuii&Die vaiue. MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'8 flITHINa 83.600 Clean stock in county seat town. 8. m. eo. ; one-tnira cash, two-thirds good, itcur, viicap iHna. GROCKRIKR STOCKS from $1,000 to $4,600 in and out of city. One specially fine proposition In city; a choice, clean, up-to-date stock of about $4,600; salss, $100 dally. If you have a gooa improvea iarm, a equitable value, tell me particulars, maybe we can deal. HARDWARE. GOOD, staple stocks in Neb. and la., from iu fi.vuv. xrmiio.Die ousiness. DRUGS. STOCKS from $2,000 to $4,600 In and out or city aoing prontabie business. BUSINESS from $360 to $1,600; good live towns, aomg wen. can be had right. BOOTS AND SHOES. $2,000 stock In good Neb. town; might deal ior gooa piece or clear lana. FLOURING MILL. 75 BBL. capacity, fully equipped and doing fvm uun,,,, n,, nu e-iuuiii ITTOluailue ana lots, besides 16 acres choice land ad joining, with plenty fruit, barns, sheds and fenced for cattle feeding. Entire property for $8,000. A good piece of land migni answer ior it. WOOLEN MILL. COMPLETE machinery, owner dead. en be had for one-fifth original cost. Clear new tana win ao. CIGAR BUSINESS. FINE place, best of furniture and fixtures good location in South Omaha, reason, able figures. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSFH FROM 7 to 42 rooms, well furnished, good location, profitable business. Prices $260 to h.dw; win pay you to investigate. BTEREOPTICON AND PHONOGRAPH OUTFIT. $660 for one-half Interest in business which netted $3,180 in 18 months. Danish or Scandinavian partner nrererred. HOTEL furniture and fixtures 26 rooms, fully equipped; only house live Neb, town; good business; furniture res son aoie pnev. 4. Ji. jounson, n. x. uire. Y 627 Unsurpassed. FOR a profitable proposition, monthly In come $!JU, elegantly equipped rooming ana boaraing nouse. patrons the best finest location in city; large capacity. J II. Johnson, N. Y. Lire, j rPhona L-2270. Y 4-18 TO GET In or out of business call on Wll llama, Room tu, Mccagus building. Y-458 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quica communi cata with one who has the customers. J II. Johnson. Hi N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-K70. X tb FOR BALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section 01 lowa; large annual traae; biock win invoice bdou $10,uuo; profits large; must close up an estate'lntereet the only reason for selling Address V 40, Bee. x 80a IF YOU want to BUY or BELL real es tate can or wnie, NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 4th floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Y-864 stotK of about $3,000 In good location, Would take Omaha residence property for about $l.u. Aaareea, itox 1, rte, Iowa. wd 1 1 r. ri... atnra ftnln. a. nivlna business. A snap. Address Y 62, Bee Of- nee. Mi FOR BALE, small Jobbing business: shout $1,(100 requires; must go at once. Aaares, Y sa, Bee umcs. g i-aiH WRITE for valuable book, sent free, show ing bow to secure independent lncoms for life, jumiapa io., mierioa mag., tn. LcuU, Ma. X FOR SALE, a good, clean stock of grocer ies, queensware and notions, one at tne best stands In a live Nebraska town, do ing a good business; reason for selling, poor heslth. Address Grocer, Bee Office, Council Bluffs. Y MT27 FORTUNES easily made by small l-v.i wise investments; the small capitaiiaia and money savers' opportunity; write for our "Guide to Wealth." Tralse A Co. 23J Unity Bldg . Chicago. T MV M23 FOR SALE, drug store on 6th and Pierce Bts., cneap. x vn Ml' ORAND HOTEL, furniture and three-year lease at iiartington, iNenrasxa; tne nest paying stand In the west; thirty-seven room house; will sell by June L H R. Kan kin. Y-M40I MY LIST, hotels, restaurants, cigar stores. confectionery, grocery stores, general merchandise Stores, Insurance business, laundries, saloons, news and stationery stores, oakeries, novelty stores, office business, blacksmith shops, country newspapers, hardware and furniture busi ness, photograph gallery, marble quarry, marble yard, racket store, livery business, hotel and bar, restaurant and saloon, wagon shop, barber shops, dairy business, flour mill, show outfit, saloon fixtures, meat markets, drug stores, mantle busi ness, millinery store, machine shon. room ing houses, boarding houses and all kinds of business places for sale. In Omaha and country towns. Btate what you want, where you want and about what value. Williams, Room 411, MeCague Blda FURNITURE and business of several nice rooming houses) tor sale, wiinams, 411 MeCague Bldg. X-W6 4 17-ROOM hotel doing good business; a bar gain. L. ureen. Anon, ia. x WELL stocked shoe store, good location, lot ana minding, center city, t,ii or farm, c ranae, oaeooit. ia. x OFFER 6-inch "Gusher." pipe line con nectlons, estimated dally capacity ,uw bbls., tl.vw; four Texas oil lots, zexM ru, aood surroundlna- Indications. $16 each: Victor stock, 6c. "Trustee," P. O. Box 47, ualveston, Tex. x 1 - $60 INVESTED with us will pay you more in one montn tnan any savings onna will pay you on 8300 In one year; your Investment begins earning this at once and continues to do so until you with draw same; no stocks, bonds or oll.l but a businesa proposition; best of referericee; it will pay you to write us at once. Denver Co-Operatlve Investment Ass'n, Exchange Bldg., Denver. Colo. Y-607 4 PATENTS GUARANTEED. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED. Bend model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Send for our Illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest nubllcatlon Issued for free distribution. Contains 100 mechanical movements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT, HOW ivn ivuim ivvcvt I) n I? n ITT T J11' JW ,V... i - , HOW TO SELL PATENTS, 1.AW POINTS FOR INVENTORS, etc. Patents secured through us advertised without rhirif In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY FREE. We also end free our LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED and a MANUFACTURERS lUKEt. i out. Anoress, ICVANS. WILKENS CO.. Evans Bldg. Washington, D. C. X WO 9 $544.82 PAID on each $300 invested with us from August 1 to May 1, ", inclusive; our 18th consecutive dividend. These rilvlriAnria exceed the Investments bv large margin; dividends paid promptly everv two weeks: hlehlv endorsed by grateful and satisfied customers who have pronten Dy our enons. nena ior uoumei and official reports, which give facts and figures. Give us a trial and be in receipt of a constant Income. American Stock Co. (Inc.). Nassau-Beekman Bldg., New York. Y-591-4 'DOLLARS AND HORSE SENSE." Our new booklet. Interesting reading and val uable Information showing permanent weekly Income from Investments of $10 to $10,000; statement of profits actually paid to date; extensive reference list from satisfied customers. W. W. O'Hara, Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, 0. x-t7Z 4 'SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." Large nrnflia pan now be made In stocks and grain on small Inveatments by our safe system; send for our book: "Modern Methods for Safe Investments," and our sneclal letters of advice free. M. t, Flower & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Chi cago Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Y 618 4 A SMALL investment placed with ua will earn you a weekly Income larger every two weeks than the same amount placed in hanlr In a vaar : It will commence to earn a dividend at once and will continue to do so as long as it remains in ou .mw.Am. r. n at no V Knri H wheat, nil or ml n inar aneme. but a lealtlmate. licensed en terprlse. Write for prospectus and learn how. The Security Investment Co., 813 Union Trust Bldg., 8L Louis, Mo $100 EARNS up to $50 monthly. We have proved to the Investing public, r.ot by argument and "theory." but by cash pay- menu, that the above statement Is built upon actual facts. We have paid, are paying and will continue to pay Ihe above nmflta. aa the facilities and resources of this enterprise Increase every day. Each day we receive congratulatory letters frnm our clients who hsve already with drawn dividends greatly in excess of their investment, with the privilege of with drawing the Investment at any time. We ay as much in two weeks as the savings anks do In eight years. Write for our booklet which gives facts, figures and proofs. Henshall, Bronner A Co., 1133 Broadway, New York. Y-621 4 $60 HAS returned over $300 profits bv our "Progressive Plan of Speculation." The largest profits with the least risk. Seven years in business. Referenoes. Bend for booklet. irawTora et to.) 11a nnu 01, New York. x ba 4- OOOD business opportunity: A shoemaker in a lively business town, who went Into a different line of business, wishes to elnao nut his nice and clean stock o Bhoes, valued at about $900, to party only who understands shoemaklng: easy terms Correspondence sollcltea. Address t. if Omaha, Bee. Y-616 6 ti48 EARNED and nald on every $100 in vested since January 1. If you want a share in these profits send for our free booklet, which shows how. Davenport A Co., world Biag., Mew xor. Y-624 $6,000 for controlling Interest in a rapidly increasing legitimate manufacturing busi ness, destined to be a very profitable enterprise. Court closest Investigation. J. H. Johnson, New York Life. Y 629 WANTED AN IDEA. Write the Patent Record, 629 F Bt., Washington, D. C, for fir lie offer, awarded monthly, for best nventlon submitted. Sample copy of the Patent Record, an illustrated Journal, devoted to science and industry, and list of Inventions wanted, sent free. Y 530 4 FOR SALE, physician's entire outfit, every thing In good condition. Address P. O. box No. 123, Nelson, Neb. Y-665 4 DARDANELLES and Okolama Mining Co. shares for sale at 10 cents. B. H. Hurst, Victoria, B. C. AN ENERGETIC man with good business qualifications can secure managerial po sition with Ohio corporation, capitalised for $250,000. Must come well recommend ed and be able to take stock In com pany during term of engagement from $l,6n0 to $2,6u0, same to be taken up at expiration of agreement. This company la composed of the representative business men of Columbus. Salary, l.hOO and lib. eral commission. Address, Howard D. Kemp, Secretary, Sphar Bldg., Colum Bus. O. Y BUY CORN. Do you want to get next to the biggest deal ever worked on the Chicago Board of Trade and make money faster than you ran spend It? Small capital re quired; Inside Information to our clients only; act quickly: booklet free. Union Investment Co., Rlalto Bldg., Chicago. Y-637 4 OOOD business chances in Colorado; list 3c. 827 Cooper Bldg., Denver, Colo. Y-632 4 $40 EARNED on $60 turf Investment last month; no mysteries or blind pools; every Investor kept in touch with his account; small trial Inveatment solicited: send for booklet. National Turf Co., 235 Broad way. New York. Y-606 4 OUR method of progressive turf specula tion nets customers $ per cent dally, buyable weekly. Address, Sollltt A Co., 123 Cedar St., . New York. (Mention paper.) Y 60S ! PAID $7.65 last week; have paid as high aa $11. never less than $4 on $100 Invested; highest bond and business references; write for prospectus. Equine Record Co., Incorporated, iSA Broadway, New York. Y-M67 WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 4i. Bee. Z MS10 WILL trade smooth H section wild land, clcse to Central City, rseh., for goovl stock of merchandise In Nebraska or lows, or will sell for $7,000. Address Box 173. Beatrice. Neb. Z FOR EXCHANGE, lot and 15-room unfur nished lodging house, South Omaha. 8. Hawvcr, lt',14 Emmet St. 16 651 7 EXCHANGE or sale, finest ranch In north Nebraska, 3,i acres; will tBke part in fnrm, merchandise or hotel. T. M. Cllne, m O St., Lincoln, Neb. Z 6.U 11 WILL trade piano for team of horses to be used on piano delivery wagon. Call at Bennett's music department at once. It M7IX5 4 STAMMER I. Ml ASI STITTEHIMJ. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. vl.Sl COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. "Phone 971. -4S Ml FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling hags, suit cases- trunks repaired, om. Trunk factory, u Farnam 874 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 12&3. TYPEWRITERS. REMINGTON typewriter No. 2, $0ft; must te taken at once. a, nee, 4x7 14 PHOTOGRAPHS. MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty. u bo. iGtn. in 1 Mitt ATTORNEYS. MACFARLAND & MAY, 805 N. Y. Life. FHATKKSAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well ss me. Lnarter members rree. particu lars from Frank Hosewater, supreme, manager. 222 Bee Bldg. 724 NICKEL PLATIXG. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 25.16. a? PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable Accommodnu lng; all business confidential. 1301 Dougins. 376 CARPENTKHS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. J. 1. ucninree, 20th and Lake streets. 870 EDUCATIONAL. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 408 N. 26th St. M4W ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele, phone 2190. 611 Bouth Thirteenth street. M459 WANTED TO BORROW. FOR SALE First mortgage $500 on Omaha Improved property. 6u4 Bee Bldg. Bhlmer & Chase. Tel. 1442. M4S4 6 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING in fnmllles or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. 806 M6 MATRIMONY. MIDDLE-AGED business man of wealth wishes to meet lady with view to early marriage. F. M.. Box G. 697 Fulton St., Chicago. POLICIES PURCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purchased. Loans on policies. Call on or write The Putnam Co., 604-5 N. Y. Llls Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nlckol plat ing and finishing. Bpeclnlty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. NOTICE, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactuer of paste for all purposes; In barrels and half barrels. Write for prices. 2210 Cuming. 625 STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. 1. H. New Twin-Screw s. s. of 13.000 tons regirw. Twin-Screw Dntforrlom Steamer iiuiibiuuiii May jo, iu a. m. Twin-Screw Steamer Twin-Screw Steamer Apply to street; J. 8, Noordam May 17, 10 a. m. Ststsndam May 24, 10 a.m. Harry Mooras, 1416 Farnam Jttcisaiiy, i 4 nrnim iuwi; H. a. H. a. J ones, uau sriiain an mi. mu Nesse, First National Bank. Omaha. Mow York to Havro 6 Day ('umpngnle Generale Transatlantluue SalUuga liver j Thursday at 10 A. At. La Touralne.. - a . ...- . a I . 1 1 . V.sUr 1. May ii, Juna It, Julr 14 La Savola 1,'Agululna... La Lorraine... .'.VuV 'i. iui u, juir Famt Mow Tl? Mi J. . r-..T aa.ln. fCM...nan Skat TWlnSOfOWnt War dl'rtpllna. Luiurlous fw MMn-a, comforts. Porfnct (ratal na. Tela Z --J-SS phonaalnoaUua. V. graphy anparatua. Sailing from fwoiMlua fwV,w fork every Thursday. Full sVXOfeawftrSfy information rail or writs to .W. aeiSISBH,Maa. Sart. Agi.,H ira St. ,Calaaaa,as , HARRY B. MOOREI. 1414 hnwn Ut. I. 8. M'NAl.LT, 1113 rrnm 81., First Nat l Bank. GBOKc;K C. ABHUTT, 1.11 rarnam Bt. H. g. JONk.8. IMI rarnam Sb n:inn: Vim FOUR SEPARATE AKO DISTIXCT SERVICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Steamers sail ing regularly from Boston, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston to Mediterranean ports. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, etc., apply to local agent or company's office. HO Dearborn St.. Chicago. III. ANCHOR LINE U. B. MAIL STEAMKRd galling refularly betwaaa NEW YORK. LONDONtiKHRY A OUASQOWl NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR A NAfLBS. Buparlor sccominodatlona, Kioallant Culalna, Bvary r(anl lor Ilia oomtort ot paaaaosars Studluuslf eoa Sldara4 and praoOoad. Slngla or Rouad Trip tlekata laauad batwara Na York and scotch, Bngliah, Iriah and all Prtnolpa Coallnantal polnta at altraotlva rataa. For tlrkaui or (anaral Information ayplx to HENUBRSON BKOa., Chloaao. or ear LOCAt, AUBNT. ' a URGED TO VETO THE BILL Fight Asvalast OleomargreriB Mtsaatt ts Crrlel to the Presldeat. DENVER. May t. President J. W. Springer ot the National Live Stock asso ciation has Bent telegram to President Roosevelt asking him to veto tbo oleo margarine bill. The telegram arts forth the reasons why the live Block men are opposed to the. measure, and Mr. Springer also took ad vantage of the opportunity to call the at tention of the president to wrong to tb west which be declares Is being perpe trated by representatives of glaautle saat rs trusts.