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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1002. HOWARE YOUR (l KIDNEYS You Owe It to Yourself to Find This Out at Once. A SIMPLE TEST WILL TELL. Send at Once fori Free Trial Bottle af WARMER'S SAFE CURE, tlie WcrM'l Greatest Kldoey Medicine; It Will Cure Yoa. TEST YOUR KIDNEYS: Put worn -morning urine In n glsss or bottle; let It land for twenty-four houm. If then It is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish brlck'dust (illraent, or If parttclea or 'rma flout about In It, your kidneys are dls 'eased. Thia la the supreme moment wnn you should begin to take Warner a Sara Cure to arrest all theae unnatural condi tion, for they are the unmlatakable symp loms of kidney dlaeaae. If. after you have tnsde this tent, you have any doubt In your mind aa to the development of the dlaeaae In your system, send u a sample of your urine and our doctors will analyse It and send you a report with advice free. WARNER'S SAFE CURE la the only positive, cure for all forms of kidney, liver, bladder and blood diseases, uric acid poi son, rheumatic gout, diabetes, pain In the beak, scalding and painful passage of urine, frequent desire to urinate, painful periods, bearing down and so-called fe male weakness. Kidneys Cured at 78 Years of Age. Mrs. George Height of H61 Columbjs, Ave., New York, who la 78 years old. Says Warner's Safe Cure cured her of serious kidney and bladder diseases and has kept her In robust heaith. WARNER 'S SAFE CURB la purely veg etable and contains no harmful drug; It does not constipate. It Is now put up In two regular sizes and Is sold by all druggists, or direct, at 60 CENTS AND 11.00 A BOT TLE. Less than one cent a dose. Refuse substitutes. There Is none "Just aa good aa" Warner's. Insist on the gen ulna Warner's Safe Cure, which always cures. Substitutes contain harmful drugs and do the patient more harm than good. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. To convince every sufferer from disease of the kidney, liver, bladder and blood, that Warner" Safe Cur will cure them, a, trial bottle will be sent absolutely free to any one who will write Warner Safe Cure Co.. Rochester, N. Y.. and mention having seen thla liberal offer 1n The Bee. The genuineness of this offer Is fullv guaranteed by the publisher. Our doctor, will send medical booklet, containing symp toms and treatment of each disease and many convincing testimonials free, to any on who will write. burg, burned yesterday morning at Turner's Landing, Ky.: CAPTAIN WES DOSS. Cincinnati; body recovered; MISS MARY TISSIUM. Connslton, Ind.; body recovered. , THREE CHILDREN of Mrs. Fannie Me Cullom. Leavenworth, Ind.; one body re covered. PATRICK BURT. WIFE AND TEN CHIL DREN of Owensboro, Ky.; one child only survives of entire family of thirteen. A CHILD of Pilot A. L. Prltchart. CLAY BREEZE, WIFE AND SON of Unlontown, Ky . CHILD of Archer M. Allen, Pittsburg. H. OREENAN. Cloverport. Ky. MR. COOPERSMITH. Cincinnati. MR. AND MRS. T. H. ADAMS, James town. O. MR. LEACH. La Salle, 111. MR. DOWNS, Memphis. . THOMAS SMITH. Memphis. MISS MARIE LISTER. Carrollton, O. MRS. DAVIS. Memphis. . MISS SWEENEY. Owensboro, Ky. L. L. HUNTER. Tldeout, Pa. HARLAND, DAVE, Ashland. Ky. UNKNOWN CHILD. COLORED MAN AND WIFE, Taducab Ky. .. . ... UNKNOWN YOUNO MAN of Paducah. Ky. TWO MESSRS. W0RTHINGT0N of Pitta, burg and young woman. WOMAN from Bayou Mills. Crew Lost. TOM SMITH. CUB PILOT. Memphis. JAME8 BROWN, colored, fireman, Louis Till, Ky. JOSEPH 8TRANOE, roustabout, Louis Till. ' - THEODORE NELSON, roustabout, Louis- Till. JOHN DAVIS, roustabout, Louisville. JOB REDDING, Cincinnati, atrlker engl neer. "'' FRED JONES, Newport, Ky., striker en (lneer. WILLIAM RBNTZ BOLLINGER, Cincin nati, first steward. HENRY THOMAS, colored, Cincinnati, aecond steward. HENRY THOMAS, colored, Cincinnati aecond ateward. JOHN BETT8, Cincinnati, cook. TONY GCILFOYLE, Cincinnati, baker. ALBERT M'OOWAN, Cincinnati, cook. E. D. HOLLY, sallorman, Cincinnati. . BAM 8PINKSTON. F. COZZENS. . DANIEL' SPORE. ' ED THOMAS. ! ED HIBBETT. . TOM CALLAWAY, cabin boy, Cincinnati. TWO FIREMEN. ' TWO CHAMBERMAIDS. . SIX CABIN BOY8. :raaaarr Baveat. Emma Smith. Paducah; A. M. Allen and wlfes Pittsburg; U M. McGraw, Louisville; Hood's Sarsaparilla Hat won iureeaa far beyond the) effect ( advertising- only. . The Arm hold It haa won and retain upon the b carta of the people could neyer hare been trained by even the . moat Uriah expenditure of money. - The true aecret of the popularity of Hood's Sarsaparilla la explained entirely end only, by ita tnapproachable Mkkit. Baaed upon a prescription which cured people considered incurable. which aooompllahed wondera astonish ing- to the medical profession, Hood's Sarsaparilla Include the concentrated raluea of the beat-known vegetable reuiedlea auch anas sa va ana s4 1 1 wal irvssav Vi-wiV titnatau aewa, uva ursl, mandrake and dande lion, united by an original and peculiar combination, proportion and process, rmng to Hood's Sarsaparilla curative power peculiar to iUelf. . Ita cure of mild and extreme caaea of scrofula, ecaema, psoriasis, and every kind of hnrnora, aa well aa of ca tarrh and rhenmatlsin prove It to be the beat blood purifier ever produced. Ita curea of dytpepaia, biliousness.. nervouaneaa, loaa of appetite and thai tired feeling, make Hood's Sarsaparilla beyond queation the greatest stomach tonlo, nerve-builder and atrength- restorer the world haa ever known. It will cure yoa or any one in your family ef any of these trouble. You can rely upon Hood's Sarsaparilla aa a thoroughly good medicine. Buy . a mum ana begin to take it today. Mrs. Judge Mulkey, Metropolis, III.; Mrs. Tunnmeyer and daughter; Point Tleasaat, W. Vs.; Margaret Bridge, LouUvlll; Jen nie Bessett, Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. E. K. staton, carrsviue, Ky.; w. H. Thompson, St. Louis; 8. R. Leach and wife, Bridge port, O.; Mrs. Ellon Flnmore ana daughter. Louisville; Dr. Daugherty, wife and child. Marlon, Ky.; Miss Arch Shriver, Moscow, 0.; Mrs. A. L. Pltcbard and daughter, Mem phis; P. T. Gardner, Cloverport. Ky.; Harry Ctawson, MoConnellsvltle, O.; William Whltnry, Jeffersonvllle, Ind; Mrs. Fannie McCutlum, Leavenworth, Ind.; David Bu chanan, Slkeaton, Mo.; Lillian Burke, Owensboro; Willy Brsen, Louisville; W. H. Louis; Mr. Smith, Memphis; J. U Million, Newberry, Ky. Crew ve. Captsln John M. Phillips, master, Pitts burg; Captain Dawa Scott, purser, Zaaes- vllle, O.; O. D. Phillips, second clerk, Pitts burg; Ben Bridges, third clerk, Louisville; A. L, . Prltcbard. pilot, Memphis; Clayton Crawford, chief engineer, Huntington, W. Va.; Harry Clswson, second engineer, Me- Connell vllle, Ifid.;' Arch Scbrivan, Brat mate, Moscow, .O.; Jams Chrlae, second mate, Orandvtew, Ind.; Arthur 8hlrley, deck hand, Buckser, Ky.; James Holland, cabin watchman, Louisville; Morris Judd. watchman. Mocow, O.; Will Whitney, deck hand, Louisville; Herman Williams, cabin boy, Paducah, Ky.; Boston Salmon, Claud Bibbs. Marley Hopklna, A. 8. Miller, Cash Thomas, T. Linton, Anderson Talbert, Oeorge Washington, Clay Turner, all of Louisville; Louis Vlnce, Clarence Hudson, William Hale, Monro Wright. Joseph Lewis and Stephen Vlnce, Louisville, all colored firemen; Fred Bents, Harry Doss, Cincinnati; James Neville.. Dayton, Ky.; eon of Ira Neville; Harry Devon, Hunting ton, W. Vs.; Ed B. Polly, Cereal Springs; James Crape, striker; John, Alexander, Cin cinnati; L. A. Oakley,. Paducah; Fred Couselns, Louisville; L M MfcGowaa, Louis ville; Dr. W. T. Daugbartyl-. Thlrty-Sevea nrvlr. CINCINNATI, April 2t Tbo Big Four brought thirty-seven survivors of City of Pittsburg her today. They had been previously accounted for la th lost of pas. engers and crew saved, as published la these dispatches. Crowds have been mak ing Inquiries all day for missing friends. Among those for whom great anxiety is felt, ar Harry Brownfleld of Covington, ! Ky., who waa the pianist on the steamer; Dr. Dow of Memphla and Olen Bowman, who waa enroute to St. Lou la. WANT TO KEEP THE NEW MEN Brewery Proprietors at Cincinnati In sist oa Retaining; Their Noa-' Union Employe. CINCINNATI, April 21. Secretary Mor- rlson of the American Federation of Labor arrived here today to carry out the de cision rendered by the national executive council at Washington last week In . the controversy between the stationary . en gineers and the United Brewery workmen that ha for weeks locked out 1,200 of th latter. Th brewery proprietor Insist on retain. Ing all their new men and want them ad' mltted Into the union, which will prevent the reinstatement of all the old men.'? Sec retary Morrison, while recognising' the en gineers as independent of the United Brew ery Workers, Insist that the engineers shall not furnish steam ' where non-nnlon men ar employed. It la reported that application will be made for an Injunction against, the en gineer and today It l said that a restrain ing order may be asked for against Secre- tary Morrison from taking further proceed ing that will Interfere' with the five-year contraot recently entered Into by the en gineers and brewery. - , .. a. Judge Hollliter at noon, Issued a tempor ary Injunction against th local union of engineers and firemen In the International union of engineer' and firemen and the officers and executive council of th Amer ican Federation of Labor from any inter ference of contracts, which employ have with the brewery proprietor, and from In terrupting the business of the breweries. Th Brewers' exebsnge, representing th proprietors of Cincinnati, Covington and Newport, through Louia Hack and Percy Andrewa, a committee, today petitioned the court for an order restraining the Station ary Engineers' union, an incorporation. from ordering men under contract with th breweries to shut off steam or other wise violate their contracts. . - . ENTIRE SYSTEM IS TIED UP Not a Street Car Moving; la San Frsi- elseo aad Officials Rrfase to Coaler. SAN FRANCISCO, April 2L Th tie-up of th street oar system operated by the United Railroads company of San Fran- claco is complet. not a passenger car on tbl syiUra moving today. . Mall cars on this tin ar running without Interruption, and the line of two Independent companies ar being operated. Th strikers are or derly and assert their ability to hold out Indefinitely. Mayor Bchmlta .mad aa, effort today to bring th officials of th railway and a committee f th atrlker together, but was unabl to do so, th railroad people refus- Ing to consult with th strikers' commit tee. Th mayor will continue hla efforts to bring th oppoatag forces togetbar. Th eastern representatives of. th Balti more syndicate ar in communication with th local railroad offiser and each mors cf th striker Is reported by telegraph to the eastern owner of th car system. It Is undsrstood that bo action toward a settle ment of th difficulty will be taken by the official her until word to that effect cms from th esst. ENTIRE FAMILY FOUND DEAD govoa Colore Corns LI la Hoase EleTBt Day Beforo They Ar Discover. CHICAOO, April 21. Dead In a stuffy bedroom In a crowded tenement quarter of Stat street th bodies of aa cntlr col ored family, numbering seven parsons, were found tonight, gnawed by rat and In aa advanced atage ef decomposition. The pollc Inclln to a theory of murder and sulclds by poison. Th family. I that vt Jones Butler, aa upholsterer, and consisted at Butler, hi wlf and flv children. They had been dead for eight day. Whll th member of bis family were either partly or wholly undressed, th body of Butlsr remained entirely clothed. He bad emlngly thrown himself In desper tlon aero rh corpses of hi wlf aad children com time after th poison had acted upon tbsm.. Butlsr had frequent dif ficulties with his wlf nd had mad threat ta do away with hla family. It la thought that dspondney du to brooding otr th .-.. -i hi. .iw K uaiwa wer IB Uttr poverty, raaaati ouuer iv go lasan and . take th Uvea f all aeven. HYMENEAL . fayder-Wara. TECVMSEH. Nb.. April !L8pelaL) W. r. Bnydsr. and Mtsa Lst Ward : war married yes lard ay aft ra eon at. th horn of th brld' M rents, lie and lira. Xk T. Ward, southwest of towsj. Rev. T. D. Davis of Tecum sea performed th cersmuoy la tb presence of a Urg oompaay of rela tive and friends. Both th young people r wu know a ta JefcAeea cuajy. CHICAGO BUNCHES ITS HITS Yerkea' -Gifts and St. Louis' Errors Alao Contributes to Results. MATTHEWSON WINS ONE FOR NEW YORK Heavy Hlttlasr of Hla Clahsnate Pllea t kin W hile He Holds Boston Dows to Five Safe Oars. Cfcleasro 4, St. Loals B. Siw York 6, Boston 3. Philadelphia, , Brooklyn 2, CHICAGO, April 21. The National league season opened here today with close but un interesting game. The locals won by bunch ing hit In the second and Yerke's gift and two fumbles In the eighth. Attendance, 6,000. Score: CHICAOO. I ST. LOVI9. R.H.O.A.E. K.H.0 A.B Sllfl. ' 1 Ftrrell. Jb.. 1 111 Miller. II e Schafrer. lb. vlSmnot. ef. ... 0 llHartmao. Ib t rtiPtrpUf, rt.. 0 :Krorr. as. . . 1 ti Donovan, rf. 0 0 Hatellon, lb 0 Cnnsalton. rt 1 Chanes, .... 1 Lows, lb 1 O'tUscn, lb. 1 Ttnkar. as... 0 Ryan. Taylor, p.... 0 Ysrkes. p. O'Neill ... Totals 4 IT 17 l Totals ... 3 I M ll l Batted for Yerkes In the ninth. Chicago 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 Bl. IjOUIS 110000010 I Ijft on bases: Chlcaro. . St. Louis. 8. Two-base hlta: Farrell Donovan. Stolen bases: Miller. Chanop OMaicn. Krusrer. Donovan (2). Double plays- Tinker to Lowe to O'Hagen, Kruger to llaxelton, Krusrer to Farrel to Haielton. Struck out: Liv Taylor, S; by Yerkes, 4. First base on balls: Off Taylor, 8; off Yerkes. . Hit with ball: Donovan. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Emslle. New York (1, Boston 3. NEW YORK. April 21. New de feated Boston at the Polo grounds today by a score of 6 to 8. Mathewson was n the box ror the home team and acquitted him self creditably, except In the sixth inning. when he was wild. The New Yorks batted Hale freely. Attendance, 6,5o0. Score: NEW YORK. I BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A K. VanH'B, cf.. 1 Coolsy, rf... 1 o t I 0 Dunn. ss. ., . 0 0 1 i 0 Tanner, lb.. 1 10 t 41 0 Demont. 2b , Dill 110 Co.innar, If. 0 1 10 1 t 0 C.rn.r. rt... O I 1 0 Lauder, lb... 0 uoyia. id Deleh'tr. rf. 1 Smith. b ... 1 Jackson, If.. 0 Yeagar, c... 0 1110 flrenTger, Ib 0 0 0 t 0 110 1 Long, as 0 I T 0 t 0 0 Klttradsa, c. 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 4 Hale, p 0 0 11 I'Moran 0 1 0 Matth'aon, p I Totals II 17 11 1 - I Totals 1 I 24 11 Batted for Hale In the ninth. Boston O0O00I00O I New York 10021020 First base on errors: Boston. 2. Two-base hits: Delehanty. Jackson. Doyle. Sacrifice hit: Dunn. Left on bases: New York, 6; Boston. 7. Stolen base: Ixna. Double plays: Long to Demont to Tenney, Coolcy to Tenney, Dunn to Smith to Doyle. Grey mlnger to Long to Tenney. First base on balls: Off Matthewaon, 3; off Hale, 4. Hit by. pitched ball: Mathewson. Struck out: By Mathewson, 7; by Hale, l. Passed ball: Yeager. Time: 1:45. Umpire: O'Day. Philadelphia 8, Brooklyn 2. PHILADELPHIA. Anril 21.-Pltcher Don- ovan was responsible for Brooklyn's detest today. In the nrst Inning he gave Tour bases on balls, was hit safely lour times and made a wild throw, which, with an other poor throw by McCreary, netted Philadelphia four runs, enough to win the game. Attendance, 4, via. score: HROOKLYN. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. KMllr, rt... 1 1 1 1 o Iolan. el.... 0 1 1 Thomas, cf Barrr, rf.., Drowns, If. Douglas, lb I 1 I 1 0 I 1 MoCr'ry. lb. 1 2 s o l Pahlen, aa... 0 1 I I 1 riood. lb.... 0 0 I 1 1 0 II Dooln. e 0 Hulawltt, aa. 0 Hlldab'nd. 11 0 0 t 0 0 Irwin, lb.... 1 1 0 0 Hallmaa. lb C'hllda. ib... White, p Ahern. c 0 0 1 0 Donovan, p.. 0 0 1 t 1 Wlnnam, p.. 0 0 I Totals 1 J7 11 t Totals ... S 0 24 It ft1 Brooklyn 10000001 02 Philadelphia ....... 42000036 8 Earned runs: Brooklyn. 1: Philadelphia. 1. Three-base hit: Dahlen, Sacrifice . hit: Dahlen.- Stolen base: Whlre. Double play: Hulswltt to Douglas. Left on bases:. Brooklyn. 1: Philadelphia. 14. First base on- balls -. ' Off Donovan, 6; of? White. 2: off Wlnham, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Keeler, Hlldebrand. Struck out: By Donovan. 4; by White. 4: by Wlnham. L Wild pitchea: winnam. w nue. iinie: l.oo. umpire: Brown. VICTORY FOR THE NATIONAL Declaloa of Pennsylvania Court I P- kolaa Reserve Claase Preventing Player from Jumping. PHILADELPHIA. April 21. The upreme court today reversed the court of common pleas No. S In the case of Napoleon la jole against the Philadelphia National League Base Ball club. This decision up holds the validity or tne reserve clause in the National league contract. Lajole, who foimerly played aecond base for the Na tional league club In this city, signed with the Philadelphia American club for the season of 10)1 and l!i2. The Philadelphia Base Hall club, through Treasurer John 1. Rogers, entered suit to restrain Lajole from playing with the American league. The lower court held that the reserve clause was Illegal and Colonel Rogers car ried the rase to the supreme court, where th decision was reveraea. lr mis as- clslon stands it will affect all -players who were subject to the reserve clause and wno are now playing wun me lunrnou wg. The case attracted widespread attentlsn because of the question of the validity of the "reserve clause in national league contracta. The lower court decided that the National league contracta were lacKing in mutuality. The lower court's declaim bore especially on tne ten aavr rsieuae nntina clause and today's decision is. In effect, that this clause ia equitable. In rcn Aerinir the decision the auureme court says: Upon a careiui consiueraiion oi iaa whole we are of opinion that the Dio- vlalons of the contract are reasonable and that the consideration la fully adequate. The evidence shows no Indications of any attempt at over-reacnina or uniairness. Substantial justice Between tne parties re- I quire mat tne court euuuiu job defendant from playing for any other club during the term ot nia contract wun tne rOulntiff. I ne Din a nieu ctmisnipiaiu uniy tne aervicea of defendant for the aeason rf 19ol. but it la stated In the argument of counsel that since the hearing in the court below and prior to tne argument in ima court the plaintiff by due notice renewed the current contract for the aeason of lisrj. "The specifications of error are sustained and the decree ot tne court dpiow ammiM ins- the mil is reversed ana tne diii is re Instated. And It la ordered that the record he -remitted to the court below for furtner proceedings in accordance wun this u elsliin." Pitchers Fraser and Bernhardt were in cluded in the Lajole case, but their names were withdrawn by agreement or counsjl They are, however, anectea by today a tie- clslon. Manager eneiisune ot tne I r,n adelDhta National League club said today "It is likely mat an rxutiunai league player now playing with the American league will be ordered to report at once at the National league grounds, and In the event ot tneir railing to do so suits will be brought In the cities in which they are now playing, asking for an injunction restraining tnem troin taxing part in any American mue amiicw. CHICAGO. April Hi. President Ban Jonn son of the American league refusod to talk sbout the Pennsylvania aupreme court a clslon that the National league reserve clause waa binding and could be enforced. "In the absence of any official Information on thla point and for other reasons," said Mr. Johnson, "I must decline to discuss the decision. We have attorneys and they will take action, no doubt. President Hart of the Chicago National league cluD, wno ia a memoer or tne in a tlnnal leasrue aovernlna- board, aava: "Thla decision brlnas back to the N tional league over two dozen players who lumped to tn Amenoan league, i cannot m it In anv other llaht than a fatal bio to the rival league. I ndoubteulv. tn Philadelphia club will ask for an order o I Injunction in the Lajole case immediately land 'Larry will not play with the Athlellci unless he wsnts tn go to tall "Every other player, under circumstances similar to Lajole, who deeerted the old leaaue. will be Included In the injunction. From a long-distance view of the case. It would seem the court held the rontrsc entered into between- the player and the eluh valid, and that It oon tallied mutuality because ll wa for the benefit of th player. Th decision wrlll effect Hansen, Oreen, and possibly Bradley of our former team. I cannot tell what further legal steps will be taken by the National league, but w have won a great victory." Th New print the following list of player that will be affected by tbe dec! alnn : Chicago Oarvln, Bulllvan. E. McFarland ralv el trans;. Davis. Oreea and Jonrs. taltuuui Hughe. aluUiniiiiy, Rublaaun, McQraw, Kelly, McOann, Sclbach and Bey mmir. Philadelphia IJole, Fraser, Parnhart, Duggleby, Lave Cross, Mont t. ross, Hartaell and Fllrk Cleveland Screckengost, Bradley and Mc Carthy. Iftrolt Mercer, Milter, Gleason, Parrot, Holmes and Mcniilre. . flt. Ixuils Powell. Harper. Pudhoff, Tad den, Wallare, Burkett and Heldrlck. Washington Orth, Carrlck. Townsend, Wolverton, Delehanty and Kelster. Boston Dlne-n, Warner, Collins, Hick man, Stahl and Freeman. (.ante May Last a Year. CHICAOO. April 21. Play In the master chess correspondence tournament betwen Brooklyn and Chlcaro began today. Flfty elght of the 116 Chicago players having white men sent as many postal cards to their Brooklyn opponents, giving th open ing moves of their game. That number of postal cards sent from players of white men In Urooklyn will be received tomor row and Wednesday by the Chicago play ers of the black. It is not Impossible that a few games mav be finished within a month, but the average length of the gnmee Is expetetf to be about three months and It may be a year before the result of the tournament Is known. Three Swimming Keesrdi Broken. SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. News of the breaking of three world'a swimming records by Pick Cavlll. a member of the famous famllv of Australian life savers, has Just reached here. Cavlll established the new marks at a tournment held In Wanganul, New Zealand. In the mile he finished In 21:112-6. The half mile was made In the wonderful time of 11:08. The last race on the program was for a quarter mile, which he covered In B:374. QUARTER OF MILLION LOSS Flame Redace Mach Valuable Pren erty 10 Ashes and Caase One Death. QUINCY, 111., April 21. Fire, which originated this afternoon in the Oem City Sawmills plant, destroyed property valued at 1220,000 and caused the death of one woman from shock. After consuming the sawmill and planing mill the fire burned over nearly ten acres piled with lumber. Two of the city Or steamers were aban doned In the flame by the Bremen and eon verted Into molten metal. The Are also burned parts of two bridges ea th Carthage branch of the Burltngton road, together with several freight car, and destroyed Western Union and Illinois district pole and wires for half a mile along the Burlington road. The stables of the sawmill, with several horses, were burned, also a large Icehouse and contenta belonging to A. Cavanaugh of 8t. Louis and a number of residences. Several firemen were overcome by the heat and flames, but all were saved. Tbe sawmill gave employment to about 200 hands. It Is probable the mill will not be rebuilt. It Is owned by a stock company, the stock being held here, at Hannibal, Mo., and La Crdese, Wis. The loss on the sawmill 1 ISO.OOO; on the planing mill, 310,000; on lumber, $140, 000. Other losses amount to 20,000. Tbe property wss Insured for more than 80 per cent of Its full value. Vlnrennes Apartment Hotel. CHICAGO, April 21. The Vlncenne apartment hotel. Thirty-sixth street and Vlncenns avenue, was destroyed by fire this afternoon. Fanned by a high wind tbe flame threatened to spread to adjoining structures, and It was with difficulty that the fire was restricted to the hotel. There were ISO apartments In the building, but the occupants escaped In safety. The loss ia $150,000. '.: DEATH RECORD. Tallon E. Clark, C'larlnda, la. CLARINDA, Ia.. April 21. (Bpec'lal Tele gram, -rTel ton. -SX Clark. of this city died at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon-at Loa Angeles, Cel., where he went with bis wlf and eldest aon a few weeks ago for the benefit of his i healtb. He died of lung trouble, preceded by a sever attack ot pneumonia last winter. He was about 68 years of age. Politically he was a repub lican. He formerly represented Page and Fremont counties In the. Iowa state senate, where he very actively championed the pro hibition law known aa tbe Clark law, so called tn his honor, which preceded th mulct law. He was also formerly a trustee and treasurer of tbe board of trustees of the Iowa State . Hospital for the Insan at Clarinda. He waa long a member ot the Page county bar and eminent aa an attorney and public spesker, and was frequently mentioned as a suitable man for governor, He was a devoted member of th Presby terian church. At one time for about a year he lived in Omaha. The remalna will be brought to Clarinda tor burial. .Mr. Sarah Bacoa, Hasnboldt. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. April II. (Special.) Mrs. Sarah Bacon, a well' known .widow living a few miles southeast of town, died Saturday at tbe age of U years. The de ceased was ths mother of five children, all grown, and. had lived In Richardson county for twenty-aix years. Th funeral services were conducted Sunday from th home and Interrmeat waa mad In the cem etery near Mlddleburg. , One or First Whit etler. . COLUMBUS. Neb., April II. (Special.) Jacob Outer, on of the original whit set tlers In this Immediate vicinity, died early yesterday morning, at th sge of 74 years, from tbe effects of two strokes of paralysis received some years ago. Ha was a natlv ot Germany, who cam her from Ohio In 186. He leave four children. Joaeph Kawltsky, Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITT, Neh.. April II. (Spe cialsJoseph Kuwltxky, a pioneer settler of this county, tiled at hia horn her last night. Mr. Kuwltsky wss born In Austria seventy-five years go and moved to thla country while a young man. A wlf. two on and thre daughter aurvlv htm. Gear; W. lleston, Dealson. DENISON. la., April II. (Special.) The funeral aervicea of Oeorge W. Helton wer held at th Methodist Episcopal church 8unday afternoon at I o'clock. H waa 9 year old. He leaves a wife, a arm and four drughters. . PHeai Cared WltWaai tne Kalfe. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding plla. Nc cur, no pay. All druggists ar authorised by th manufacture ra of Pas Ointment to refund money whsr It fall t cure any oa ot pllea. no matter ef hew long standing, pure ordinary cases la all ys; th worst eases la fourtcsa day. On application give cas aad rest. Rellsves itching Instantly. Thla la a new dlsoovery aad U ths only plls remedy sold on a posi tive guarantee, so cur no pay. Prlc tOe. If your druggist don't keep It la stock aead us 50c la stamps and w will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Pari Msdlela Co.. BU Louia. Mo., who also manufacture th celebrated cold cure. Laxative Brciae Qulalae Tableta- To Be New Jeraey Corporation. NEW YORK, April II It I stated that the new company to control the Atlantic steamship lines, just combined, will be In Nirtuiri ted In New Jersey, with a capital of about I160.0u0.u00, say th Journal of Commerce. The underwriting syndicate waa organised on the baala of llOO.Oou.OnO tiM-k and 144.000.000 In 4V per cent bonds. The syndicate Is understood to be virtually the aame aa the one which floated th United State Steel corporation. Marr la First Dear. LAKE CHARLES. La.. April 21 -Th Jury In the cas of Edward Btuos, charged with th murder of the Earl family, has returned a verdict of murder in lb first dt- r, lit pualty la ato, PASS RIVER AND HARBOR BILL Senator! Vote Farorablv on Keaanre Carry ing Seventy Million Appropriation. PHILIPPINE BILL IS NEXT ON THE LIST Measnre Cornea I n Today, When Roth Hide gay They Will Be Pre pared to Defend Their Position. WA8HINOTON, April 21. Without a worj of discussion of the merits of the measure the senate today passed the river and harbor bill, carrying appropriations of about 170,000,000. So thoroughly bad the bill been considered by the commerce committee that every aenator wa content that it should pass as reported from the commit tee. Aa no senator was prepared today to begin debat on the Philippine government bill, th measure, after a few minute of Infor mal discussion, went over until tomorrow. Ia reaoons to an Inquiry by Mr. Mc- Comss, Mr. Frye, la charge of th river and harbor bill, aald that n provision bsd been made for dredging th harbor at Ann apolis training school for th aggregate appropriation carried by the measure was already large and the committee waa ot opinion that Annapolis could wait. Mr. Warren of Wyoming felt that a fair appro priation ought to have been carried by the bill for th construction of dam In th west for th conservation of water for Irrigation purposes, but he yet had bop that the public would pass the Irrigation measure passed by the senate. In view of the pend ency of that bill he would offer no amend- men to the pending measure. Colombia River Improvement. Mr. Mitchell of Oregon made a statement of the proposed Improvement of tbe Colum bia river, reviewing the work already done looking to that Improvement. He said that no more Important proposition was Involved In the bill than that relating to this im provement and he urged that tbe conference committee should Insist upon the amend ment Inserted In the measure by tbe senate committee. The bill was passed without further comment. Consideration was then begun ot the Phil ippine government bill. Mr. Lodge, chair man ot tbe Philippine committee, in re sponse to an Intimation by Mr. Bacon, said he had no desire to discus tb meas ure at this time, his objection having been made fully In bis report upon it. Mr. Dubois of Idaho, a member of the Philippine committee, said that tbe minor ity was ready to discuss the measure "at considerable length." but he thought per haps no senator was In a position to pro ceed with the debate today. In view of that statement Mr. Lodge said he would be will ing to lay aside the bill until tomorrow, when after the routine business be would call up the meaaure for consideration. START IN ON WEST POINT BILL House Members Complete Considera tion on Most of Appropria tion Measures. WASHINGTON. April 21. The house to day entered on consideration of the military academy appropriation bill. In addition to the regular Items, It contains a provision for the extensive improvement of tbe grounds and building at West Point. These Improvement are to cost $8,500,000, of which $3,000,000 Is appropriated In the bill. Twen ty-four of the thirty pages of the bill wer completed. During the general debate on the military gcaderpy bill, Mr. Gilbert ef Kentucky, pre cipitated a discussion on th race question, which .was participated In by Mr. Oillett of Massachusetts, Blackburn of North Caro lina, W. W. Kitchen of South Carolina, and Mr. Oalnes of Tennessee. Mr. Cochran ot Missouri and Mr. Glllett discussed th question of alleged violation ot the neutral lty lawa in connection with the shipment of mules and horses to South Africa. Hall Explain Hla Bill. Mr. Hull. In charge of the bill, in a brief preliminary statement, explained its fea tures, the Increase In the pay of cadets, and the adoption of a plan for extensive im provements at West Point. The Improve ment Mr. Hull said, would cost when com pleted, $,S0O,0OO. of which $3,090,326 was appropriated by the bill. Mr. Cannon, chairman of the committee on appropriatlona, characterised tbe pro posed expenditures at West Point as th "rankest kind of extravagance." Mr. Gilbert of Kentucky took occasion to reply to some remarks recently made by Mr. Glllett of Massachusetts, Mr. Bromwell ot Ohio, and General Funston, which he thought reflected on his state. In the course of his remarks. Mr. Gilbert said that In Kentucky, and ta fact In all the south they looked with 'suprem contempt upon th aocial equality of th race. The most Ignorant whit girl In his stat. he aid, would Infinitely prefer to marry th lowest, meanest, most Igaorant whit man In the world to the moat cultivated negro In America. Color Lin Inaellhle. Gentlemen on tbov other aide could not cry down the "taint In tb blood." He re called the fact that when a colored man sat on ths other side of the bouse not one of bis colleagues Invited him to bis house, Th prejudice against aocial equality was as strong in th north as in the south, ha dsclared, and all talk to the contrary was hypocritical rot and rant." Mr. Gilbert then turned to Mr. Bromwell's fling at Ken tucky politics and gave hla version of Tay lor' flight from th state after the murder of GoebeL H described Mr. Taylor s ap pearance at the Philadelphia convention characterising blm aa an "assassin" who was made aa Idol In the north. Mr. GUbert'a remarks drew a reply from Mr. Glllett of Massachusetts. Mr. Gll lett said h was willing to admit th prejudice against ths negro in New Eng land. He that that perhaps there was i greater physical repugnance toward the negro bar than In th aouth, But because on man personally felt a prejudice against the negro he did not think he had a right to attempt to aforc them upon others. Cachraa Raise Cry for Boer. Mr. Cochran of Missouri made a speech In which he argued that It waa th bouoden duty ot th govarament to stop the ship ment of war material to 8outh Africa. Hi declared that within forty milea of bis horn ther wa a British garrisoa engsged In buying war supplies, and said the exist nc ct a camp near New Orleans was no torious, Hs insisted that It waa the duty of th administration to prevent the vio lations of th law of neutrality. Mr. Glllett of Massachusetts replied to Mr. Oockran, reading a letter of the sheriff at. Cbalmette. La., to the governor c Louisiana, stating specifically that whll mutes and horse wer being loaded at Chal mtt ther wa no British military camp ther. After completing twenty-four of th thirty page of th bill th committee area. Ths agricultural appropriation bill was re ported. A Joint resolution was adopted to authorise th admission free of th repllsa of th atatu of Rochambeau. At 6 o'clock th hous adjourned. Indigestion 1 tb direct caus of dUeas that kills thousands of persons annually. Stop the trouble at the start with a llttja PRICKLY ASH BITTERS; it strengthens th stomach aad alda digestion'. CLEARED OF MURDER CHARGE Alleged Slayer of Santa Fe Detective Gets Rearflt of a Hnaa Jary. WINFIELD. Ksn., April 21. The Jury In he rss of O. W. Coffelt. charged with the murder of O. C. Montgomery, a Santa Fe detective, reached a disagreement this morning, after having been out fortyalx hours, and was discharged. The last bsl lot stood seven for conviction and flv for acquittal. Montgomery was sssssslnated at his home here lsst winter, as he sat In hi parlor, being killed by a shot fired through the window, by some one On the outside. Cof felt wss arrested on a grand larceny charge and taken' to Oklahoma for trial, when he was charged with complicity In the mur der. DIETRICH HAS CUBAN BILL (Continued from First Page.) Jasper county, area forty-four square miles, population 653; no carriers named. Orlllla, Warren county, area twenty squsre miles, population, BOO; Jesse A. Garratt. carrier. The postofflce at Cedar, Big Horn county, Wyo.. will be discontinued after April 30. Give Hlrhards a Hearing. a Senator Millard received a telegram to-J day from Bartlett Richards of Ellsworth" fating that be would head a delegation of live stock grower to arrive In Waahlnaton Wednesday, and that quarters had been engaged at the Ebbltt. Senator Millard arranged with the chairmen bf the senate and house committees on public Isnds for hearing to pe given this delegation, which , comes to Washington on behalf of the lahd leasing bill. B. F. Tllllnghast, editor of the Daven port (Ia.) Democrat, who has been desig nated as one of the representatives of this government to the International Red Cross convention, which meets In St. Petersburg, 1 in Washington enroute to Russia. Mr. Tllllnghast is interested In a bill for an annuity for Miss Clara Barton, president of the society )n this country. He will leave with Miss Barton and . Dr. Nicholas Senn of Chicago for St. Peteroburg about May 1. Representative Mocdell of Wyoming does not look with favor upon the scheme ot some partisans of the school of mines bill to attach It to the Irrigation hill. He says that both measures might be killed It that were done, Instead he suggests that the irrigation bill have the help of all friends of the agricultural colleges wbo desire tbe school of mines and that Irriga tion champions will then help pass the school of mines bill, funds to carry on this new department in agricultural colleges tn be derived from the sale of a portion of all public lands. Garrlaan to Be Bishop of 'lost CUy. Dr. P. J. Garrlgan, assistant treasurer and vice rector of the Catholic University of America confirmed tonight the reception of a papal hull appointing him to the bishopric of the see of Sioux City. Dr. Garrlgan stated that he was not yet In formed definitely when his consecration would take place, but he would be elevated t Springfield, Mass., bis boyhool borne, bout the middle of May and would reach bis diocese about June 5. J. B. Haynes, Senator Millard's secre tary, received word today of the death ot his father In Omaha. Mr. Haynes has not decided whether be will go home for the funeral. Senator Warren today gave notice, prior (o the passage of tbe river and harbor bill. that the friends of Irrigation will again at tempt to secure appropriations through the rtvef and harbor bill, should the house not pass the general Irrigation measure now before It. He said: ."Those who have here tofore asked for aid In arid land recla mation through the medium of the river and harbor bill have not changed their minds and have not lost interest In the sub ject, though they have not made an effort to amend the ourrent river and harbor bill. The senate having passed a general Irrigation measure - those who have for merly opposed the river and harbor hill be cause tbe subject of Irrigation was ignored are now supporting the measure because ot a favorable action of the senate toward Irrl gatlon. But," said be, "if the house does not pass favorably upon the pending irrl gatlon bill arid we get no relief there we ahall be again compelled to appeal to tbe senate for appropriations In the river and barbor bill, for building dams and reser voirs for Irrigation and the regulation of the flow of waters In streams." Protest Asalait Beef Trast. HOSTON .' Anril II. The delegates to the Central Labor union, representing organ ised labor in thla city, adopted resolutions yesterday calling attention to the advance In the price of meat "by six firms in the meat- and provision Business, otherwise known aa the Boef trust, and requesting the attorney general ot the United States to tske measures that "will compel the aald Arms to discontinue their nefarious practice." Congress Is also requested to pass tne mil to remove tne tariix on iresn meats. Boston nnd Montnnn Dividend. BOSTON. Anril II. The Boston Mon tana director have declared a dividend of tl per share. 1 he notice does not state whether the distribution may be considered a Quarterly, semi-annually or vejrlv uay- ments. The previous dividend waa 15. de-t-lared December 1. 1901 i 16 was declared July- 1 and $10 April 8, 1901. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bwar. Signature) f 4Wav e Fao-Asall Wrap Bsissa, Tary assail anal as a any re lUtAXKS. rei iizztRits. rti uueutmi. Ml TOIMl LIVII. rot CIVSTIfATIIM. rsi SAuiw mi. reiTxieiatPUiin tftai I rsnsaty wiWtalCrffi fc CURE SICK HCAQACHI 4 A RED NOSE ff CUREG AT YOUR HOME I en tWtiTi bri r4 po, rd IsasM VX DtHCS'. pi an pi. UsW amavUsisr wtubi ll mum. Oon- ultsxAtoft la raoa r bf lttr U lr ! atrieur mddmiuu MOW M.iibAlJI(V, (rW-MteUfta. IM Stilt iral, .RkJit. rr' -rr-s I M tana a sm CARTEftS m "T-rr1 Your Decision This Day- is All Important. Paine's Celery Compound Guarantees a Freedom from Dis ease and Sickness. INDIFFERENCE AND CARELESS- NESS LEAD TO PHYSICAL SHIP WRECK AND THE GRAVE. The weak, ailing, sick snd diseased hav now more then ever before under their control their physical conditio. They are free agents, and almost wholly responsible for their future. When the biain Is not af fected, and tbe mind can discern between right and wrong, a duty to themselves. their friends and country loudly demsnds a marked declslon--prompt and determine! action when health Is Impaired and life Is in danger. It Is the part of wisdom that true deci sion be made today1;' temorrov may be too late. In thousands of case th checking and banishment of disease depends upon In stant action; an hour lost frequently means the snuffing out of some precious life. Few people In our country are without some knowledge of the wondrous, life giv ing virtues of Tslne' Celery Compound, a medicine that guarantees release from th diseases common to life. What will your decision be today, poor sufferer? Will you give Palnes Celery Compound the fair and honest testing that others are giving it, with Its certain re ward of health, strength, vigor or happi ness; or will you remain indifferent and careless, content to pass your few dsya or weeks in misery, agony and wretchedness until the dark grave claims you as its victim? It Is almost useless to enumerate tbe blessed results that flow from Talne's Cel ery Compound when used promptly In springtime, as you and your friends have a knowledge of them. Of this you may be assured; the seeds of disease are banished, the system Is fortified, the blood Is mads red and pure, the nerves braced, digestion regulated, headaches, sldeachea and back achea forever dispelled,' and sweet, restful sleep takes the place of Insomnia. Diamond DyesSnraor. , eoonomlcnl S5.00 A MONTH Specialist la all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 13 years la Omaha. v SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest and most natural method thsl has yet been discovered. Boon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forerar. No BRBAXINGl OUT' of th disease on th akin or fao. A cur that la guaranteed to be permansnt ior (la. VARICOCELE no detention from for lit. cured. Method new, without cutting, pain: no detention from wora; permanent our guaranteed. WEAK HKII from Excesses or Vlctimi to Nervou Debility or Exhaustion, Wast ing Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Aged, laok of vim, vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak. TKICTl'RB cured with a new Hom Treatment. No pain, no detention front business. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Cansnltatlaa Free. Treatment by Mali, CHAROBI LOW. 11 . lta it. Dr. Searlss & Ssarles, Omaha, Neb, Don't waite time trying to clean fine chinaware and cut-glass witb rutin tospi. Use It removes every particle of dirt and give a twinkling glimmer to every object to which it is applied. Thrt sites -lauadry, isci bath aad Ssilst, 5c; oval toilet, 5c Cudoaat ariacf, shnariaf Cadoms'a auuiy isms, sxstlsd ea rsausal. ThiXudaht PacgiNo Co. Omaha... Kansas City. fo'DRUNKARDS WHITE DOVC OUKEhevsr raila uxlratroy crav ing fur atron drink, ths spestlte lor wlilr.h caiinuj e"at after ualna thla rameily. tilvaa in any llguli with or without kBowuntsa of patltnu taitaieaa: SI kueruian MuCounell. drugstan. llUi sua Uudg 1 AMUfKMtCNT. BOYD'S) Woodward dV Burgess, Managers. FRIDAY, lAllHIIAt M XT. AMI XHiHT SILE Crlaa. Vrfihroar) Presents MAUDE ADAMS Or SEATS In "QUALlTr 8TKEET," the author ot "The Uttl TODAY Iniater." Prices: Mnt.-Nleht. tuc t U. Positively Free I4st, Sup-nded. NEXT WEEK- FERRIS STOCK COMPANY 6rL on sale lliursday. Telephone lfilll. Matinee Wednesday. Saturday, akindey 2 15 p. m. Every itltcht at 1. II It, II l.t VAIDKVILI.K. jf Troubadours Touloiisalus. Lew Bloom, Dooley St Kowey, Harmony r'our. Dancing Daweons, ixjuey Haskell, Brothers Uluk and th Kluudrome. Prices 10c, 26c. 60c. 1 HE THREW B1DEKB MADE A WO HIT Uiaco's TrociderolTk;LE&NB NAinKiS TOIItl-lOe. iMM;. Kntlre week. Including Saturday evening, specially re-engagt-d. MADiHUN ByUAKU C1CL.E WHIKl 1 riders in their seuxa tional riding, pawing eah other on th lender truck In conjunction with THtC CITY CM H HUHI.K8yfK.K8. Prtty choristers Friday evening. Amateur Night. u -u-eq HOTELS. THE MILLARD IB; lath and Doaglae "A OMAHA, HaH, KIR8T i ljititi CUI8INE. LUNCHEON, riFTY CENTS It i TO I P. M. SUNDAY 6'V) V. M. DINNER Is a special Millard feature. J. E. MARK EI. iQNwProt,s. C. H. Pevples. Ji,g . . A. ii. Davcuyort, i'ni.Upal Clerk.