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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1902)
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt THURSDAY, A1MUL. 10f 1002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES will be Itkra until 19 n. for III firming edition and til 9:!M 9. am. tor moralBB aad Saaday edition. Irs, 1 1-..0 a ward first Insert! le a word thereafter. Ratfcln fakea for leas than sr,e for the II rat laser tlan. Theae advertisements aaaat ho raa consecutively, Advertisers, ty reqnastlaa, ' tiered check, eaa have answers . dressed ta a aambtred letter la ear at The lie. Answer aa addreaaed will b delivered a a) prnseatatlaa Us akealc aly. 8ITIATIOS WANTED. GOOD dressmaker will sew out in families. N. 24th. 'Phone 272KB. A MS93 12 WASTED MALE HELP. WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagon ; ateady work ana good, pay. v. F. Awnis Co., 16.9 i.uwaxa ou .rfM4S GOOD messengers wanted; increased pay. A. U. 1. UO., u douiu lain. a t IS FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live In the country or in a email town and have a good acquaintance among the larmers and stock raisers In the neighbornooil you tan make 5 eaaily by four or five hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proportion. 'J ho bee Publishing Co Bollcllors' Dept., uniana, no, d WANTED, a good man in every county to take subscriptions for the Twentieth Century r armer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. Heterencea required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Umana, .Neb. ju en PREPARE for civ. aerv. exam., bk-kp., tc. xv 10, com.rjsau u. namoun. B M160 IHKEfcl or four good men wanted; 1100 per month, can twi i'axton block, ui I'REK shave and haircut at Moler's Barber College, U2i Farnam Bl., 3d floor. B M772 A17 WANTED, salesmen, to solicit orders on a tiev proposition by which you can earn 14 to 6 a day; young men from 23 to 26 aesirea, wno. are nustiers ana wen recom mended. Room 106, Omaha Bee bldg. B MM WANTED, first-class painters and paper Dangers. A. sea brook, tua n. mm St. a tut TRADE getters and advertisers; straight alary paid, Triumpn Co., uauas, Tex. , B-M663 12 WANTED, first-class icecream maker. 1. Muccl, 218 West Broadway, Council Bluffs. a 11 WANTED, house Plnter5 at ,B-t tu'"' Mo., steady work, $3 per day, eight hours. B AIM1 a 'AN to devote entire time to Our busi es! ; no canvassing; only men expecting earn big money need apply. Monolith . . graving Co., Jtovo, Utah, box box. ' ' . . . ;, . B Mi)15 13 WANTED, carriage fVlmmer; state expeti- Sioux City, a. . B M813 10 CABINET makers, with experience, to work on bank and store fixtures; Rood pay, steady work. . jrsher-atevens Co., ci ,'harles City, la. B-929 WANTED, teams for scraper work on- C. A a. W, R R. at Council Bluffs; wasea $3.60 per day. Hall iiradlng and Con struction Co. , B M386-14' WANTED, two first-class barbers, in the Mondamln hotel barber shop, Sioux City, la. B MW4 11 WANT a rood blacksmith: no horse shoe ing or plow work; good wages to the right man. Uua Pech foundry and Mfg. Co., IMars, la. B-MW2 15 MAN in packing and shipping; department: one familiar with paper preferred. West ern Paper Co., 16th and Howard. B-M977 10 WANTED, competent bookkeeper with $300 to casn to invest, uooa opportunity. Address, with references. Bee omce. B M980 WANTED, a gentleman desires to take nnvniA ipsanns in r rsncn two even nn 1 each Week. Must 'call at my residence. Address, stating method of teaching, A 41, Bee. B MiU WANTED, experienced Invoice clerk; must n linn Him ai: 11 1 n 1 r n i iiijir,. kivb i age, previous occupation and salary wanted. Address X 44, Bee. B M966 WANTED, men to learn barber trade: only two months required. Hpeclal offer for thirty days; improve this chance. Board, tools, diplomas and positions given. Can earn expenses If desired. All struetlons. eto. We have seven great colleges In leading cities and car can offer advantacea that cannot be had elsewhere. particulars mailed, Moler Barber College, vsm r amain bl - ii ftiat4 lo- WANTED, an all-round printer at once: 27 miles from . Omaha, Oasette, Logan, la. H Mltafi 1Z WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresslna. manicuring and chi ropody and sclentlflo massage. Call or writs ttoom -at, lie mug.' - o-tn WANTED, experienced salesladies- In mil linery department; pnly those with years Oft ' experience'. In the salesroom ' need apply; large-salary paid. J. L. Brandel at eons, Boston Btore. c 316 WAJMTEn.- gurl -for -genera) hensewoslc. on ranch in Wyoming;, wages $26. Addreus Mrs. is. 1-. uana, paxton hotel, Omaha. . . . . . . C-4U3 8 WANTED Girl , for general housework; family of three; no washing. References I required. Apply 4io isortn 80th street ' C 899 9 FIVE ladles, at once, big money, great in- ducernent. Call Center hotel, room 49. . -01942 0 WANTED competent I-andon Court. second girl. 2244 C-J 11 NEAT, competent girl for general house work: small family. Apply A. B. Hunt, iijza, rsorin inn ot, c Ifoj ' WANTED, competent girl for general riiiuarwura., small ramny, good wages. nrs. 4, u. r yatcr, luw ueorgia ave. C-M978 10 WAKTisii, experienced bundle wrappers. m. u. xiranoeia et sons, Boston Btore. C Mtsi8 IS ' WANTED, experienced salesladies. J. L. Brandsis st Bona, Huston Btore. . . . C-M969 IS wain rial., laoit-a to learn halrdresalng, manicuring or facial massage. Our facll- It lea save years apprenticeship; free a-llrifr. wna,rt Ina .riifl Inn, l.ia.i a , 1 aa $13 to $16 weekly paid graduates. Call nd see class, Moler College, 1623 Karnani ireet. v ftlJ ! HELP WANTED. WANTED, 100 girls, $3 to $7. Canadian Km p. Bureau; moved to 16th and Dodce, -.ei. set, . . ant All r i .. .; , FOR RENT HOC 8 ES. HOUSES, etc r. V. Wead. 1624 Douglas D 4a3 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storsgs co.; omce louft arnam. or Tela, l.-s-ii, la 4 ' .1 ...I .. I VANS and fcaggag wagons. Tel. ll& . D 14 SIX-KOOM house, lawn, shade. Tel. A-1561 .'...'. u 1 FOR RENT April 1. l-room brick, mod ern, lis N. 23d. Inquire at S20 N. 23d. D 647 - .i . lini KF F- Vmvlu Co 661 Bes Bldg. I1UUO..O ln ,n pan. 0f Kiiy. The O. ' . D 497 10-ROOM basement house. Urge lot, Sllh and Jackabn, all modem, Ubuc. Nice 6-roora house, iuus fekermao Ave., all niooeru, K.J.UU. G. kl TUBKINQTON. 60S Bee. ... D-eoO 2t CALIFORNIA, l-room fur niched house. Call afternoons, D -421 A2 tiOl'SEs and fiats. Ringwalt. Barker bloTk FOR RENT. -rsora. modern, detached house, newly ppre4 and painted, lar. kOl Canllol Ave, Tsi. 671. B. U. Roblx.n, FUR RET4T-HOISES. FOR RENT, Handsome Brick Residence On the southwest corner or Bvententn and Douglas ats. it was duiii ny ine isie HenrV Pundt as his home and Is one of the best constructed as well as one of the finest houses In Omaha. It is hullt entirely of brick and stone, stone steps, and slats roof. It Is finished In ths choicest of hard woods, has hard wood noora. imported English rile floor in ths reception hall. elrtrlo lights, porcelain bath, laundry nh at at onarr wann tuns, urn pantry. china and linen closets, cedar lined woolen closet, etc. Twelve Rooms haairie the basement, containing laundry. storage rooms, store room, cellar and wins cellar: also la rare, hlarh attic store room separated from the servants" rooms. It also has large veranda, enclosed as a sua parlor, equipped witn steam neat. RENTAL PRICE Includes: Steam Heat, Electric Light and Hot Water as the house Is connected with ths heat- 1 - ,Si Tk I bulldlna. or further information call on CHARLES C, ROSEWATER, SECY. THF Rl-F. RtllLDIn CO.. Room 100 Bee Buildiu. Telepnone 28 THREE 4-room apartments. 816 8. 22d St. EIGHT-ROOM, modern, exoept furnace, $22. O. M. Nattlnger, Bee Bldg. M'none tu. SIX-ROOM modern flat. IU1 Paclflc St. Charles lianley. 1 AI81I 11 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. X aw FOR RENT Elegant modern residence, MU a. 2bth Ave.. $40. Modern y-room residence and - barn, 1901 Blnney St., $30. Modem brick residence, 2430 Ersklns St., $16. Mouern brU.k residence, Ittub N. auth St., $16. uH.rn (rinM residence. 1814 Webster Ht.. Modern frame residence, 1814 Webster bt,. lirtr.IN IN AiN-LJ V Cj V.TJ., m s. uth st. j P-771 13 FOR RENT Two good 4-room cottages. 26th and Blondo streets, , a. Appiy at 607- rsorta itn street. jj jhsio FOR RENT 7-room house, Z2d and Call- . fornla sts., at: modern, in good repair, large yard, inquire at out i. 1. iue 1 building. D 141 SEE PAYNE BO8TWICK & CO. for choice houses. 601-z pt. x. lAf Biug, Tel. lVlb. u UJI VERY desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern conveniences. 1(4 Ueorala Ave., seo- ond door from Paclno street; immediate possession; references required. Inquire of W. c. uoss, io park Ave. 10 ELEGANT 8-room house, modern improve ments. 40Z N. aid Bt. u IV Maggard V. 4 8. Co. 1713 Webster. Tel.l49 v wt $330 M ANDERSON, 6 rooms, city water, $10. UXl Ersklne. s rooms, new modern, r.t .00. 8221 Harney. 8 rooms, modern. $36. Others, HlntTwalt Bros., Barker liiock. uKiMi FOR RENT FIRNI8HED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Frnan. vv FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1617 Cass. Id TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. JJ28 St Mry's. FURNISHED ROOMS, fas, bath, tele phone, cheap, aroam, a noor, west ri'RNISHED rooms, new flat, elegant fur niture, at 423 do. inn di., i-pppieton biock. c ims la- FRONT and back panor, ensuite or single. 1BO sihbib ruuin-, rue lawn, private family. joa Burt at. 1 861 10 BEAUTIFUL, pleasant rooms. 1 St. Mary s ave. mio FlHNISHEb ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE home for young men. 108 8. loth St. ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 1609 Douglas. OW FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, wun or wnnoui ooara. jaiaiana hotel, lotn ana cmcago oi. r-i ROOM8-'Ths Farnam," Wth and Farnam. ' I THE BOHE, tOM Harney, rooms with board. F666 Ala FRONT rooms, single or sn suite, .with board. 316 b. 26th BU t ua U' DESIRABLE suite of rooms, first floor, unfurnished. May . 1M frail, 211 a. 26lh Bt. r "02 M-f I ROOM and board at 416 So. 11th St. Stew- ard's restaurant. F-D50 11 FOR RENT VNFIHNI8IIED ROOMS. DEK room space, $6 per month, ground floor room in ine nee punning, racing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters at Co., Rental Agents, Be ouuuing. u lit UNFURNISHED rooms, tut 8. 24th. U 43 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR BENT, the building formerly occu pied by Ths Bee at l rarnara Bt. it has four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rosa- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1201 STORE. 84x50. $403 Leavenworth St. lit AZI" FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent rvasonsDte. Appiy n. c cetera at Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. I J64 LARGE room In the Paxton block to let. sj table ror lodge purposes. Apply room 6.(0. Paxton bfock; ir W. VaRNAM ball 1 li at WJ. i cm AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE T 11 L v'Ti L'Tll C, VTI ' U V IT1D1II.'0. steady employment with assured good income; ngents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired: can. vassers make easily $40 to lluu per month. Addiess, century farmer oOllcllore Bureau, Ee building, Omaha. - lit AGENTS make lots of money by selling what every renter and Interest payer wants In your city and county. Address Nebraska Horn Co.. Otnaha. Neb. J-M97 U BRICK stops. 22x40. 1316 Dodge. $20. J-M960 14 AGENTS wanted for the Automatic Mall (tamper, faianipe letters, mailing cards, etc.. automatically. Fastest selling arti cle ever produced; sells for $4. Every! ortice needs It. Write for territory at once to Automatic Mall Stamper Co., St. laOUlS. MO. j MaoS w TORAUC PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 $14 Jones, general storage and forwarding. OK. Van Btor. Co., UdJS Farn, Tela. li6-8tiX FOR SALE FIRSITIRE. 'AGO Furniture Co., 1110 Dodge. Tel. 1 New and secondhand, bought, sold. rxi hanaed. i&m FOR SALE MORS F.S, WAVOM, ETC, GOOD Studebeker top buggy, cheap. Bee a. w. jonnson, witn jonn ieere now to. P 6'.i 1.1 -S FOR RALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runabouts, new ana seeononano, at cut prices: must sell to make room: It Is no cheap work, but good work cheap; we do painting, trimming, repairs ana put on rubber tires. William Ffelfer Carriage Works, 27th and Leavenworth. Tel. i:,(. - MST Al 10-PA98ENOER carry-all, newly painted a n .1 nknl.l.MJ .. I1M n,i. Walt. Ch.r. man Ave. f ui FOR repair work on light and heavy wagona see Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. -au FOR SALE, handsome bay Shetland pony. Simpson cart and adjustable runners, harness and saddle. Inquire at 5"22 Wirt. P M944 lo STANDARD bred driving mare can be seen April 11 all day at otto stubens uvery barn, 16th and Leavenworth sts. p M9r. nr FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR tlrnbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 leet; cribbing and hog fence. 901 uougias. 01V 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man at iwcconnen urug co., iein ana Dodge, Omaha. W 615 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instrument; o up.. 1 ne Wittman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 613 BICYCLES, phonographs and supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. 4 tm 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. 14 Oil INDIAN goods and rellrs. 1119 Farnam. w on ,DHAIfD "afe cheP- Bchwartg. im awth. - --'- FOR SALE, scholarship in an Omaha snorinana scnooi, cheap, inquire m nee xsiag. nivw FINE 6-pnssenger, rubber-tired, open car riage. U25: extension, leather top. z- seated carriage, rubber-tired, used 6 times, $176; 20 other phaetons, surreys and carriages. DRLMMOND CARRIAGE CO., 18th and Harney. Q 238 A 26 FOR SALE, latest model Smith-Premier typewriter, brand new; rare bargain, w 66, Bee. y M267 FOR SALE, cheap, one Hall's standard sare. reel nign: gooa as new; cost at factory $126. Address Thomas Mercler, imperial, iso. y Mbii itr FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 zeet; poultry anu nog lence. vol uougias. y jio hog, lawn and yara, nitcn posts, tree guaras. w ire 1 works, 617 bo. ltitn Bt. Tel. low. y m73 juiyn CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass St, 8516 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 316 S.1S ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, r. 7. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor. R. 1 1 14 M- PERSONAL. PRIVATE hnsoital. before and during con finement; babies adopted. M urant et. Mrs. Oardels. Tel. F-1182. U-bUi DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous nair removed oy electricity. t. Frenser Block. - UMiH MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor, r. 1 U at AAO- HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chlro- pody, for ladles only, 111 connection witn on U- rne uatnery, uh-im nee via. -285 RUPTURE permanently cured in 30 to 60 days: send lor circular, v. o. vvooa. m. V.. 621 New York Ufa Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U OaV ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. c. Mark, 11 at uougias. . N U-D21 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., it uoug- las. . V CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooma zi-zai uee mag. Tel. 1716. u o- SHAMPOOING and hairdresslng. 26c. In connection witn ine uatnery, uo-m nee building. Tel. Ullf. u-2a PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur- . lnr connnement; babies aaoptea. tow Burdette. Mrs. BurgeC U 444 All Mlddleroles, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 173. u alius al. RUPTURE cured, $25; no pain, detention from business; send ior circulars, .empire Rupture curs co.. yai a. 1. iire oiag. Omaha. U-M52S 1 I rt. - , - Dla.,laa 1a ... . 1 1 A";." "a Then-" new m.chlne'rV I LI laAm An h.l , a V.. ,1 quicker work thai, ever before, 2to Doug las uioca. u-jtuit irr.icfM'HER will fix vour bicycle right.' ta AM BECK CO., wall paper cleaners. Tel. 74T. u mi AM VIAVI, woman's way to health. Home treatment, uoumei tree. . un uiag. Omaha. U 527 VAPOR BATHS. 418U N. 16th St. U XUBU 1ST ELITE PARLORS. (16 8o. 16th St.. 2d floor. GEORGE: I-earn a few toasts. See Page 12s, April. v nat 10 Mui.Lit. U-M957 10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4W PER CENT on business property. I per cent on residence property. Options to pay wnoie or part any time. V. B. MlalKLK. 401 tt. loth St. W 629 WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. Farnam Hmltb. a. CO.. MM s arnam Bt. W 630 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. 11. u nomas, ist nui. uana ciua. lei. iwi. W-631 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, M24 Douglas W 631 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters a. Co.. Uui I Farnam Bt., uee uiug. w uu I z. : Vi TO I P. C money. Beinls. lxtonBlk. I - PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-636 I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 16 H Farnam. W ftJ7 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate, xsrennan-iaove io., sua bo. uth. W-6J4 $300, $600 AND $l,0u0 private money, 1. 1, t or ( years, on eastern Nebraska farms or well iocs tea cotiages in umana. w. La Selby, Board of Trade Bldg. W 530 FOR 8AI.E, choice mortgage loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 r arnam oi , umana. w MjJ9 CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR SALE. R. C. PETERS A CO.. 1(02 Farnam St. W MHJO-M T MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc. without curlty; easiest terms; 40 offices lu prin cipal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 644 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., sue. to Duff Green. I Barker Blk. X 644 MONEY loaned on plain Bote- to salaried peuuia, uusioeaui conautBiiii; loarrat rates, alt Paxtoc block. Ths J. Hutton Co. II TTEI.. 7 Mill monIi I lUNhll WHEN IN NEED OF MONET DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. LOANS FROM $10 TO i:W MADE On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, without pub licity or removing the property, and at much CHEAPER AND EASIER RATES than elsewhere. You can have .the money on the same day you ask for It. and the loan can be paid off In easy weekly or monthly payments, or s your circum stances will permit, thus enabling you to pay without Inconvenience or worry. Come In and talk it over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 3a Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-Mo93 WE make loans on Furniture, Plsnov Horses, Wagons, Carriages and other chattels. We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. Yoj can get the money on very short notice and pay It back In one month, or keep it longer, and pay for It only what time you keep It. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. We give you the full amount of ths LOAN in cash. We always "try to pleane." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 225. (Established 1SS1' 3v6 8. 16th St. X 640 M O N E Y LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TAYLOE, 63a Paxton block. X-642 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norses, cows. etc. C F. Keed, 3l 8.13. V X 547 Bl SI.ES9 C HANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Boom 411 McCague building. I Ml WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your ousiness or property quick communi cate wnn one who has the customers. J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y 64 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the Dest agricultural section of Iowa; large annual trade: stock will Invoice about $10.0(i0: profits lara-e: must close tin an estate Interest the only reason for selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y-M428 FOR SALE, easy terms, small cash pay ment, oaiance montniy, my enure livery stock, hacks and hearse; excellent chance to step into good paying business. W. C. Utterback, Ogden barn. Council Bluffs, la Y M237 A26' 16 ROOMS, well furnished, fine location. run or boarders and roomers, paying busi ness, tirlck flat, furniture for sale reason able. J. H. Johnson. N.. Y. Life. Y-M465 complete butcher's outfit. j' ice cut Hnu an. Auurees, jV 14, Deo. Y-660 I THUNDER MOUNTAIN gold fieldsAn accurate, conservative statement con. cerning Thunder Mountain, Idaho; its his tory, us treat gold reer. its wondertui Possibilities: booklet Sent free. Address Thunder Mountain Gold Fields Co., jamieson mock, epoitane, wann. Xlol 12" FOR SALE Furniture, fixtures and two- year lease of the only hotel In Osmond, eb. for particulars wnuj box 200, Osmond, Neb. : ,, Y 763 19 NEWSPAPER advertising contracts to ex change for Income property. X 26. Bee. X 72V U IF YOU want to BUY or SELL real es tate call or write NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., 4th Floor N. Y. L'fe Bldg., Omaha.. Y-872 .1 , 1 ... FOR SALE A Job printing' office. Will be sold cneap it taken this mouth. Address, 1 box us., oac city, la. , x soi 10 ,. ,1 iiili ..'1;.; .'1 1 GOOD hotel In live tOwn 'Stotng rushing business, ior saie cneap, er win trade for Kootl tarm, or win sell furniture and lease; sickness reason for selling. Ad dress Box 642. Carroll, la. Y M894 il Restaurant! MUST be sold this week, one of the best equipped in city, fine location, profitable ousiness, no reasonable oner rejected. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M930 FOR SALE or trade, a good printing plant. good-win, omce. residence and two lots: well located in prosperous town In east ern .Nebraska. Address -V 41, Bee. Y-M971 10 WANTED, partner with $1,000 cajiltal to take interest in a good paying manufac turing and wholesale business. Also to manage the business, Address S., Lock Box 814, Plattsmouth, Neb. Y M962 U uk BAL.E.. aspnait pianr, inn and Graca St., umana. Apply to The . standard Pavement CO., Chicago, 111. Y M961 16 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak ' wardrobe for folding bed, w 4, nee. z M510 :. FOR SALE REAL KSTATE. FOR SALE, a 4-story modern office build ing, centrally located: stores and three upper floors well rented, xround lease for a long term: gross rental 26 per cent of purchase price. Ths Omaha Realty Com pany, AtSa, Aavugias ot. uiNiiairs. .. RE-700 ACREAGE 1 to 6-acre tracts In Council Bluns, blocks irom car line; l mile from Douglas street. Omaha; flue hlgn bottom land; will build you a house and sell on payments; beat thing for the money; so close In and certain to rise in value. Write or call on Robert Young, at Waterworks, 37th and Broadway, Council Bluffs. BIS oao 13 BUY beat house paints, varnishes, etc. duality highest; prices lowest. National et rami co., ivui joues ot. RE M535 A14 FOR BALE, hay land in Holt county. Neb 4m) acres a nines soutn or Atkinson, close to cheap range, yields 450 tons choice hay per annum; a splendid location for stock; price,; w.uw casn, oaiance to suit urcharerT. per cent : nte7eSr Addfesi ock box 314. Atkinson. Neb. Kha M226 All HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also Ore insurance, lie mis, rmion biock. RE-&0 WILLIAMSON, &Trle:. 1203 BE 665 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE-651 FINE RESIDENCE. I rooms, all modern house, near Hanscom park, slghtllest location In city, pavs- orient all paid, east front lot, fins barn Owner leaving Omaha, will sell at abso lutely right price; immediate possession. X $. Bee. RE 613 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK at CO. for cholca bargains, tioi-z m. x. ui oidg, Tel. loin. Ri- M597 FOR SALE, 9-room modern house In Berali park, xj.suo. Bee owner, iu.4 N. S3d St. BE M648 Ml SMALL HOMES BIG BARGAINS. J"2S Km met St., 6 rooma, water, $x.j. 2u3 Charles St., 6 rooms, water, $t50. 3518 Hamilton, i rooms, big lot, $1,750. r. zom et.. s rooms, Four houses, 19th and Martha Sts., rent for 136.00; price. $3.tK. Two houses, S. W. corner 17th and Bur dette, botn ror i.(uo. 1706 N. lth. 6 rooms. $760. Good lot. Bemls Park, bet. Sd and $4th. $r"X W . 1. unAHAM, aua CM mag. RE 948 11 HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city; also acre properly and larm lanas. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 662. Bee Bulldln ;-6si RANCH and farm lands for sale by ths i ruon Pacinc Kaiiroaa eompany. B. A. McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa- cine Headquarters, umana, net). RE-664 1 11 ACRES for $460, near R usees park, fine i level tana ror gsraening, near. schooL i Ths Byron Reed Co.. 213 8. 14th st. RE-M931 MOSKY TO LOA FOR MLR-REAi, K.STATK. IF YOC want one of the. nicest -room homes In llnnscom Place I will give you a bargain, owner left city. Must Belt J. II. Sherwood, U7 N. Y. L. Jlldg. RE MISS TllK OMAHA nir.Ar,Tr CO.. Douglas S! uiiatalra: small houses for sale: chesp I b'llldliiK lots, call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on eiisy 1 terms. KB-HaH 7-ROOM modern house, lot Txl24, on Ohio at hotm-oari Slat anil 22li ats. : AXtra bsr-l gnln at $1,6'0. This offer Is only good for one week. Chris Boyer, i ana 1 uming. Tel. 2(M8. . BE M629 TO TRADE, for Nebraska land or first mortgage on land, 40 acres lanu, water power grist mill, two sets buildings, in York county, Pennsylvania, For sale, restaurant, eastern Nebraska, do ing business of $4tV per month. Price, $l,ti00. A snap. Fine Improved farms In Thayer county, 4' tr ItS nr as,r Farms in Buffalo county. $16 to $30 per acre. Bend for mv list. I W. H. GRA8SMEYER. Kearney. Neb. RE M230 10 I'lIAWK Fnn Cl ARDP.NKRS4 fiunch pf thirteen lots In Omaha addition to the city of Council Bluffs, 3xl2S; lots wen located on high ground and tilled for ' several years; for the raising of veget ables and garden truck no better ground can be found anvwhere; it Is easily ac cessible to the Omaha markets; lots will be sold cheap If taken In a bunch. Ad dress W., Bee office, Council Bluffs. RE tuflAI'9 in HOMira Nothlne Better. 3017 Pacific St.. elegant modern house, rooma 14 4f)0 1116 80. aoth St.. fine modem house, 8 rooms hard wood 1TK00 06 80. 2flth St., house, 10 rooms, 76-ft. frnntaa-e 1& KOO. S31 80. 28th St., cottage, 7 rooms, bath, closet, gns, $2,260. 1R16 Wirt 8t., modern house, S rooms, barn. fine lot, $4.ono. 2125 Spencer St., 8 rooms, $2,250. 3x!i5 Charles St.. modern, 9 rooms. $3,260. W. T. GItAHAM. 8( Bee Bldg. RE 947 11 I FOR SALE, east Reed's First ad u of lot 8, in block t. addition, on Chicago Bt., between 24th and 2Mh Streets. Lot 1, block 1, Mayne Place. 1,t block 7ft fllmahs. 1 Lo's 16 and 17, In block 12, In Hanscom P.aoe on Parle Ave. riiilre of Howard B. umun, executor. No. 419 N. Y. Life Bldg. Kh,-lH m TUfAt'TtVl'T. RKMIS PARK. Two more tine houses started this week. Go and look at this property; you win ne surprised how desirable a spot for a home I Klntnta itnrlr la I Corner lot, facing south and east, one of the finest In the addition, only uv. mis must a-o soon. Two north front tots on Hawthorne ave., $"0: three a little further west, suu. Work on new paving along tnis street win commence wumn ten oars. We want you to see these lots. Owners want to close nut tneir holdings in cemis park this spring, sure. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main floor N. Y. Life Bldg., umana. RE M966 11 trot? Ril.R .IKS acres richest kind of bot tom and. on v 12 ml es irom council Bluffs, fine corn land. $66 an acre. Hicks Real Estate Co., 328 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Owing to removal from city. w III offer my elegant 10-room residence. one of tho finest In Hanscom PUce, at a very low figure: possession at once. Ad dress X 45, Omaha Bee. RE M978 13 PDSITl VKI.Y THE FINEST OPPORTU NITY KVEK FFBKKU In OMAHA 11) OBTAIN A NICE SMALL HOME AT MODERATE COST. Three nice, sightly, modern homes, on Birt street, between Z7tn and zstn aves., near car and stood school, Every modern convenience except furnace gas, porcelain bath and sink, nickel plumbing, marble wasnstano, not ana cold water, etc.; dining room, parlor, .ivviir-ii, .Mir. UrU.uU...a., i BIOI pantry, bath room; cemented cellar un der entire house. NEW Never occupied NOT for rent. Price, $2,400 each; $j00 cash, balance 8 per cent. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M967 12 MEDICAL. LADIES, If hopeless, worried or discour aged, write us ior our regulator; one treatment sruaranteed to relieve abnormal case of suppression, any cause, ur, aieaa Bern, co., zi yuincy st., cmcago. -M64D M3 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Bale, reuaois. Tags no other. Bend 4o stamps for particulars. 'Relief for laadiaa." in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chlohsstst Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornamental trees, vines. enrubs, roses, small iruits, etc. Address, Omaha nursery, rapiuion. nD. -659 AI4 TREES, shrubs, roses and vines of every variety. Bales grounds, istn and uougias. Frknk It. Martin, prop. Tel. una. 662 M4 PIANOS, ARTISTIC PIANOS SENBIBLY BOLD. Piano selling, as I sell them, Is brought down to a business oasis, saving; to you costs of Btore rents, music teachers' com missions and traveling men's salaries and expenses. That is why I will sell you fur eL'50 (no more, no less) a piano that deal ers ask $450 and S4W for. we guarantee them. The factory does that for me. Cash or 110 monthly. r FRED R. WALTER, Manufacturing Agent, 3112 California st. vyainui mil car. ' . D10 10 . SHORTHAND AND TYPWRITINC. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 17th4Dotig oo A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Life, BOYLES' college, court reporter principal, W. x. laiie. ow NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. Sbl OSTEOPATHY. GID E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615, N. x. Life Bldg. J. el. iw. 671 DR. A. T. HUNT. 61S McCagua Bldg. Tel. 23&X. " DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. TeK t3 M ANI FACTI RING. P. MELCHOIR, ISth and Howard, raa- chlnlst. el ao4 omaha Safe and Iron Wks.. make a spe cialty or nre escapes, snuiters, uuurs ana safes. U. An are en, jrrop., iia do. ivib su 0411 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools ano vaults, removes garuage ana dead animal- at reaucea pricva. wi ia. Tel. 17 i. BICYCLES. SPECIAL low price on secondhand bicy cles this ween to reduce siock. Repair ing, sundries. Tires $1.60. Louis Flescher, 1623 Capitol Ave pnone sit. .il 12 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old sge as well as lire, cnarter msmoers ires, particu lars from Frank Rosewatsr, supreme jnsnsger, Z22 He Bldg. r-4 LA IN DRY. OMAHA Steam I-aundry; shirts, 8c; collars, 2c; cutis, 4c iiM laeavenwortn. lei. sir. . -eit FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases-trunks repaired, urn. iruna f actory. r arnam. a. a FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1424 So. 13th. awt C'IRTAINS CLEANED. LACE curtains cleaaed, 36c a pair. Farnam Btrest Hand Laundry, 2Z10 Farnam Bt. 62 AM KOTKB, PAPER HAIOKBS. OMAHA Ftesm Paste Co.. mfrs. of r" for all purposes, in bbls. and H bbls. Write for prices. t.'lO Cuming. ixl $0 CARrF.1TF.R9 AM JOI1FRS. AI T. kinds of carpenter work and renelrlna promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, .'inn and ijixe streets. 370 STAMMERING ASfl 8TITTERISG. CURED, Jull Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. V!2 PAWXBROKF.RS. eaiii.k ixian traifc. Teuanie, accommodat- Ing 7 all business cohTldentlaL 1301 Douglas. f70 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss Hturoy, MH1 farimni. 9o& M- BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North Wh. -M STAMPS, COINS, F.TC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 So. 18th. sir EDI CATION AL. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 336 Bee Bldg. Mlt7 A-3 KICKKL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. SttS. COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 71. "45 M PERMANENT SIDEWALKS, NATURAL stone, cement, brick, Welshnn's Mantel and Tile Co., 309 8. I7tn. Tel. irks. M2io A.H FLORISTS. L HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. 125S. 5tl TYPEWRITERS. SMITH Premier typewriter, only $25. Ad. dress .. 43, nee. M74 16 D D The quality of our dental work demands favorable recog nition. Long practice, close study and conscientious atten tion to most minute details has placed our dental work above the average. Bailey tk Dentist, it IX Pa it oil Block, lth and Farnam ats. Lady attsndaac rhone in$t. Q d I do POSTOFFICB NOTICfc. CRhrtliM Um read T.AII.V h all lnt.,..t.fl as cnanges may occur at any lime.) Foreian malls for the week endlnar Anrll 12, 1902, will close (.PROMPTLY in all at tne uenerai pnstomce, as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS Close one hour earlier than closing time shown bolow. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that Supplementary . malls ior Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign branch. Transatlantic Malls. THURSDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Augusta victoria, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (.mall for France most be directed per s. s. Augusta vic toria"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZ ERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and I.ORENZO MARQUEZ. per a. s. L'Aquitalne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "ner a. a. L'Aaultalne"). SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. Lucania, via yueenstown; at 7 a. m. for ITALY' direct, per s. s. Trave (mall must be directed "per s. s. Trave' ); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. B. Amsterdam (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Amsterdam";; at 9:30 a. tn. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must ba directed "per a. s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. Thl steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers, and samples for Germany only. Ths same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the supplementary Trans-Atlantic mans named above, addi tional supplementary mulls are opened on the piers of ths American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within 10 minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer.. . Mails for Sowth and Ceatral America, West ladles. Bate. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA- , TAN, CAMPlaCJrtla, TABABCU and Clll- APAK, per s. s. Havana tmau ior oiner parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Havana"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:80 p. m.) for BAHAMAS and SANTI AGO, per s. s. Seguranca; at 12:30 p, m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Grecian Prince, via Pernambuco and Santos (mall for North ern Brasil must be directed "per s. s. t , t .. I'al r...a ' ' I FRIDAY At 13 m! for MEXICO, ner S. s. Niagara, via 'lampico (man must be di rected "per s. s. Niagara"). SATURDAY At a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. ponce, via can juan; at s a. m. (supplementary I -.DO a. m.) for CURACAO and Vt.Ni'.AT.i.fA, per s. s. Maracaiuo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); at 1:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:3o a. m.) for FORTUNE ISIaAND, JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); at :30 a. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITJ, per a. s. Paloma; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Morro Castie, via Havana; at 13.30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. fn ) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN RE PUBLIC, per s. s. Seminole. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hydney, and tnence uy steamer, close this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connectln ting and close bere every Monday, Wednesday Saturday). Mails for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at :30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, final con necting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Sundays at a. m., Wednes. days and Fridays at 12:30 n. m. ; for dla. Satch via Miami, on Mondays ana f rl ays at 11:30 p. m. Malls for Mexli City, overland, unl"ss specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 and 11:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Bellas, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office rial I v excent Sunday at 1:30 n. m.. Sun days st 1:U0 p. m. ..connecting closes here Mondays for Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tuesday for Costa RIoa.) Registered mail closes at i:uu p. m. pre vious day. 1 Transmarine Malls. Malls for China and Jaban. via Seattle and Victoria, li. c, close here aauy at t u p. m. up to April 6th, Inclusive, for dm patch uer s. s. Empress of Japan (reals. tared mall must be soeclallv addressed. Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malla for Hawaii. China and Japan, via Ban Francisco, cioss ners aauy at t w p. m. up to April "lotn, inclusive, ror desoatch per s. a. Hong Kong Maru. Mails for the Philippine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. ro up to April "11th. Inclusive, for despatch per L. u, transport. Alalia for China and Japan, via Tacnma. close here daily at f p. m. up to April utn. inclusive, ror oespaicn per w a. Victoria. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at t.ju p. m. up to April "Uin, Inclusive, for despatch Per s. s. Alameda. Malla for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands. via San leranctaco, close hers dally at I BS p. in. up to April "Win, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Australia. Malla for Hawaii. Japan and China, via can Francisco, cioss hers dally at (.30 POSTOKFI K NOTICK. p m up to April ivth. Inclusive, for (ilsiialch per s. a china. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at .' p. m up to April IMh. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Rlojun Maru. i Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle " Malls for Australia, (except West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded Via Europe!, New Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at :W p. m. after April MTh and tip to April ?t;th, Inclusive, or on arrival of s s. Vmbrla, due at New York April "Kth, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Mfllls for Australia (except West Australia, which toes via Europe, and New Zea land, which goes via Hart Francisco), and FIJI Islands, vl Scat" nbrt Victoria. B. C, close here dally at 6;' p. Si. up to April 26th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Mnana (specially aifclreseed only). Transpac lilc niallM are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit.. Registered mall closes at 6:05 p. ra. previous dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Tostmaster. Postoffli-e, New York N. Y.. April 4, 1902. MOYERNME.Vr NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, Ofllce of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. (.'., March 1, IK'.'. Healed propoeals, Indorsed "Proposals Ior beef, flour, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 236 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m., of Tuesday, April 15, 1W2. for i'jrnlslilng for the Indian service, neef. Hour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of subsistence; also for boots and' shoes, groceries, soap, baking powder, . clockery, agricultural implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leuther, shoe flndinge, saddlery, etc., hard ware, school and medical supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton goodx, clothing, etc," as the case may be, and directed to the Com nilssloner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 and 79, Wooster, New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m., of Tuesday, May 13,' 1902, for furnishing tor the Indian service blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giv ing all necessary Information for bidders will be furnish d on application to the In-' dlan ortice, Washing tun, O. C. ; Nos, 77 and 79 Wooster street. New York City; 2JS John son street, Chicago, III.; No. 61b Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Leaven worth, Ht. Louis, St. Paul and Ban Fran cisco; the postmasters at Sioux City, Yank ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita and Tucson. Bids will bs opened at the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. The department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES. Commissioner. Mch-24 to Apr-24-d PHOPOSAt.9 FOR FOUR BUILDINGS ano ater system. Department of the In terior. Office of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C, March 25, I:jJ. Seal"d ' proposals endorsed "Proposals for Im provements, Flandreau, South Dakota" and addressed to the Commissioner or Indian Affairs, will be received at the Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, April 30, 1902, for furnishing the necessary ma terials and labor required to construct and complete at Flandreau School, South Da-' kota, one brick workshop, one brick ware house, one frame employes' quarters, one brick laundry and one water system, In strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may be. examined at this office, the offices of the Moody County Enterprise, Flandreau, South Dakota; the Improvement Bulletin, Minne apolis. Minnesota; The Bee, Omaha, Ne braska; the Inter Ocean. Chicago, Illinois'; the Builders' and Traders' exchanges at Omaha, Nebraska, and Milwaukee, Wiscon sin; the Northwestern Manufacturers' as sociation. St. Paul, Mlnnosota; the U. 8. In-' dlan warehouses at M7 Howard street, Omaha. Neb.; 2.15 Johnson street, Chicago, Illinois, and 77-79 Wooster street. New York City, and at the school. For fur ther information apply to Charles F. Pelrce, superintendent, Indian School, Flandreau, South Dakota. W. A. JONES, Conyuissloner. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES Office of Purchasing Commissary, IT. S. Army, Army Building, Omaha, Neb., April 10, 1902. Sealed proposals, in triplicate,, for furnishing bacon. Issue, dry salt cure. In crates and in 9-lb., net, cans; bacon, break fast, sliced, dry salt cure, In 1-lb., net, cans, ond hams, dry ault cure. In tierces, will be received at this office and at the office of tho Purchasing Commissary, U. 8. Army, at Kansas City, M and Chicago, HI until 11 o'clock a. m., Monday, April 21, 1902, nt which time and places they will be publicly opened. Articles of domestic production or manufacture will be preferred to those ol foreign origin, cost and quality being equal. Specifications an tn quantities, dates and places of delivery, blank proposals and fur ther information furnished on application to cither office. Envelopes containing pro. posals should be indorsed "Propoeals for Subsistence Stores, io be opened Monday, April 21, iyl2," and addressed to Wm. R. Grove, Captain, Commissary, Purchasing CommlEsury, Omaha, Neb. A10 d6t PROPOSALS FOR FUEL Office of Chlel Quartermaster. St. Paul, Minn.. March 13, 19U2. Seuled proposals, lu triplicate, will bs received at tnis omce, or at following named posts, until 11 a. m. April 11, 1902, for furnishing such wood and coal, during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1902, as may be required at St. Paul, and Fori Snelllng, Minn.; Fort Yates, N. JJ.i Camp Merrltt and Forts Asslnnlbotne, Harrison, Keogh and Missoula, Mont.: Fort Yellow stone, Wyo., and Fort Meade, S. D. Blank' lorms or proposals with full Instructions will be furnished on application here, or to quartermasters at the several posts named, United States reserves the right to aocepj. or reject any or all proposals, or sny part tnareot. unu. E. imjno cj. y. m. Mch-D13-14-lfi-17 A9-10 SHERIDAN, Wyo., April , 1902. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until II a. m., May 9. 1H02. for furnish" in material and constructing a l.OuO.noi). fallon reservoir. r or connecting reservoir y proper mains with mains of Sheridan and Fort Mackenzie. For a post distribut ing system and a sewer system; all at Fort Mackenzie, Wyo. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Information furnished uoon application here or to Chief Q. M., U. 8 A., at Denver, umana, cmcago or iew xorK Envelopes containing proposals should bs endorsed "Proposals for Water and Sewer System" and addressed Cant. R. L. Brown, y. J". . . Apr. S-Oft-M. m-a WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men between area of 21 and So. cltlsens of United States, of good character. and temperate habits, wno can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. J6th and Dodge sis., Omaha, and building, Lincoln, Men. INITIATION MAY BE FATAL Treatment ta Candidate for Madera Woodmen May Bad In Death and Law Salt. GRAND RAPIDS, Micii., April .Charles Lewis of Berlin, Ottawa county, who has. brought suit against the Modern Woodmen society for $50,000 damages because of In juries alleged to have been received In fen Initiation Into the society, which necessi tated the amputalon of a leg, has been re moved to bis horns In a dying condition. He has been In a local hospital for soma time. A few days ago be grew so muoh worse that the doctors gave up hop of his recovery and today bs was removed to bis borne. In tha event of his death hi heirs will take up the suit against ths Woodmen. FEUDIST KILLED IN TEXAS One of the Most Desperate Fighter Is Shot or His Soar. la-Law. EL PASO, Tex., April I. Ths history of one ot the worst feuds in westsra Texas was recalled last night when news was received ot the killing at Fort Stockton of Barney Rlgge, a prominent cattleman, frontiersman, feudist and tighter. Rim was shot five times and instantly killed1 by "Buck" Chadborn, who Is a cattleman, son of former 6herlff Chadborn of Jed Davis county, and son-in-law of Rlggs. The killing is said to have been the out come of a family quarrel. Rev. Frost Goes to Baltimore. NEW YORK, April . Rev. Dr. W. A. Crawford-Frost of Baltimore, who mads a disturbance at the dinner to Andrew Car negie by tha American Society of Authors on Monday night, waa diaciaAxgad from Bellvue hojipltal today In ths care of Rev. Edward B. Nlver of Baltimore. Mr. Nlvet will taks Dr. Frost to Baltlmor today. I