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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1902)
The Omaha Daily ' Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 1!, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL ., 11)02 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. 4, i CULLOM RAISES CRY Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee Protest Against Chinese Bill. CONDEMNS PRESENT FORM OF MEASURE :aji It Contravenes Existing Treaties Be tween Americans and Orientals. URGES OBSERVANCE OF SOLEMN COMPACT Senator Personally Favors Ezolnsion, bnt Objects to the Preient Bill. , BUSINESS MEN OF COAST SEND IN PROTEST fClaae prrckrla Head. Mat I rglng "en ate t to Pans the Bill Without Modlflratlons MrMirs Re ferred to Committee, WASHINGTON, April 8. A vigorous pro test was made in the senate today by Mr. Cullom of Illinois, against the passage of the Chinese exclusion bill In Its present form. Coming from the chairman of the committee on foreign relations, the protest made a deep Impression on tbe senate. Mr. Cullom while expressing himself ae In favor of the exclusion of Chinese la borers, said many provisions of tbe pend ing measure were In contravention with our treaty conventions with China. He urged that the United States could not afford to Ignore Its solemn treaties, although he conceded the authority of congress to enact the proposed law If It saw fit to do so. Mr. Patterson of Colorado and Mr. Per kins of California, supported the pending bill, maintaining that In no way did It contravene existing treaties, as by the convention of 1884, China had agreed that Chinese laborers should be escluded from this country. The bill was drastlo In Its provisions, they admitted, but no more so than was necessary to eliminate the pos sibility of fraud. Protest of Spread aad Other. , At the opening of the session today, the president pro tsm, (Mr. Fry), laid before the senate a telegram signed by Claus Bpreckels, and about twenty other bnslness men of San Francisco, protesting against the passage of the Chinese exclusion bill In its present form. Tbe signers of the telegram declarsd that the exclusion of legitimate Chinese merchants, according to the provision of the measure, would be an act of gross injustice. Mr. Cullom reviewed the trestles sad legislation on ths subject of Chinese ex clusion and continuing said: Personally, T am in favor of an absolute exclusion of Chinese laborer. In the ordi nary meaning of that word, and the proper enforcement or our present laws, ana u seems to me that those laws are amply mifMclent. I do not think it would be wle for us to pans the bill under consideration, because I consider many provisions of that bill to be violations of our treaty relations with China. J here is nothing in the pres ent situation that, makes It either expedl rnt or necessary to pass a law In dis regard of our treaty with China. We should do nothing that Is not upon a high plane or nonur ana dignity. Most Regard Chlaesc Treaty. Our treaty with China Is worthy of con alderatlon In dealing with this subject Under present conditions it la as sure to f(im home to the United States as the sun tihlnes upon us if we do not close the doors ourselves. The Hawaiian territory, over l.uuo miles out from our California shores In the direction of Japan and China In the l'ucltlo ocean, is In the fullest sense a part of the t'nIK'd fltatea. The great archi pelago the Philippine Islands over which the sovereignty of the United Btates Is pro claimed. Is still beyond, and comparatively near to China. 80 wo have opened the wuy tiy establishing our outposts on the sea to make It easy for the t'nited States to control the commerce or that country. My belief Is, we ought not to pass any laws in disregard or the spirit or letter n our treaties; that we can continue the present laws until the treaty of 18M shill expire, it notice snau oe given mat tnn government does not desire It to be con tinned another ten years, and In the mean time a new treaty can be agreed to which will abrogate any possible treaty stipula tions against the absolute exclusion of Chinese laborers, and which will permit 11 to enact such legislation as we may deem necessary for the protection of our country from the influx of these Chinese laborers into the United States. It China should decline to enter Into a new treaty of thl character we might then be Justified in sro Ing ahead and passing any law on the sub ject of Chinese immigration we choose. Admit Teachers aad Btadeats. Ia answer to an Inquiry of Mr. Patter , son of Colorado Mr. Cullom said be wanted the bill so framed as to enable an honest student and an honest teacher to enter the United States without being branded as criminals liable to a Jail sentence or to Importation. That was ths meaning of the treaty with China and that ought to be the meanln of the law. The treaty now In force clearly prohibits the coming to this coun try of Chinese labor and even If no la should be enacted by congress the treaty would prevent the admission to this coun try of undesirable Chinese. Mr. Patterson maintained that afflrma tlve legislation should be on the statute books to exclude Chinese, that dependence should not be placed entirely on the ex littng treaty. Mr. Perkins of California said that 75 per cent of the Chinese Is this country bad come through the port of Ben Fran Cisco. Not only in California, but through out the country, the sentiment was prac tlcally unaulmous In favor of the exclusion of Chinese. He said the reasons for ex elusion were fundamental and racial. Chi nese coolie labor, he said, already had dla placed American workingiuen in factories tn the Paclflo coast. This condition af fected not only the Paclflo states, but th labor market throughout the United States. Ths Chinese exclusion bill ss passed by tbe house was referred to the Immigration committee. The senate then passed thirty Bine private pension bills and at 5:10 p. m. adjourned. WON'T BE BRITAIN'S GUES tValtelaw Held Declines lavltatlaa t Be Entertained hy British Cover WASHINGTON. April 8. Whitelsw Raid head ef the special embassy to repress the United States at the corouatloo of King Edward VII. haa declined ths tender of the British government to become Its guest during tbe ceremoulos. The British govern tnent extends s similar Invitation to every one or the special ambassadors, undertaking 10 provide them quarters sod entertain Went. The difficulty lies In the fact that the la vltatlon la limited to a six-day star In Lon don. while Mr. Reld Bods It desirable to be there st least s week preceding and a week 'following tbe ceremonies, so h has taken steps to lease a suitable house at Ale awa , IKES THE AMERICAN SYSTEM Rrltlah Labnr U4fr Point Oat Wit- 4oa of laakera to-Operatlve Method a. LONDON, April S. William Abram. M. ., a prominent member of the labo. party. a speech delivered hi tbe Rhonnda val- y. hi" parliamentary division in Wales, aid (hat his tour of the United Plate bad thoroughly converted him to the ne cessity of the men co-operating with their mployers. They should utlliie the bee. of labor-saving machinery in all branches of manufacture, he Raid, and iould run it o secure the greatest possible output. Mr.- Abram . 'ared thst the American masters and. '. '-e, much more sensible .. A A'. -nd their attitude toward each oth.'V. . their British conferees, and that v 'it,, -i hereafter o use all his Influence A''. preju- dice of British workmen -rted machinery. RHODES' BODY LIES IN S i ATE Ocraplea Place In Drill Mall, Where Thousands of Moarners Pay Their Trlbatea. BULUWAYO. Matabeleland, April 8. The funeral train conveying the body of Cecil Rhodes, which left Capetown, April 6, ar rived bore today. The town was draped in mourning, and practically the entire population assembled the railroad station, and accompanied the coffin to the drill hall, where it is now lying in state. Masses of wreaths nd other floral emblems are banked about he bier. Tomorrow the coffin will be taken to the Rhodes farm. In the Matopbo district, whence it will be conveyed. April 10 to tbe hill called "The View of the World." The religious services there will synch- onlze with memorial service at 8t. Paul's cathedral in London. MORGAN INTERVIEWED AT SEA Tells Irish Officials He Will Consider Their Proposals Cssesrslag Colsmbla. QUEEN8TOWN. April 8. Tbe delegation from Cork headed by tbe lord mayor of that city, "which purposed meeting J. P. Morgan when the White Star Liner Oceanic arrived here today, to urge him to send tbe Columbia to Cork harbor, to com pete In the forthcoming contest for the king's cup, missed the tender and was therefore unsble to board Oceanic. The delegation, horn-ever, Interviewed Mr. Mor gan from the deck of a special tug. Mr. Morgan leaning over the rail of Oceanic, asked a number of questions concerning the details of the regatta and promised to take up tbe mstter In London. He said he would do his best to Insure the presence of the Columbia at Cork during the races. object to indemnity tax Chlaesc Village In Revolt and . GoTrnatsI Troops Ordered to Southern Mongolia. TIEN TSIN. April 8. Three thousand Chinese troops and a number of Kruno guns have been dispatched to southern Mongolia, where the people are In revolt against the severs lndemnKy tsxatlon. Several villages have been strongly fortified and their Inhabitants are de termined to fight. They say they are ss sured of the assistance of 80,000 disaffected persons. CUT CAPTIVES INTO PIECES Ladronr Capture Three of the Con- atabalarr of Sarsegen and Treat Them Barharloaaly. MANILA, April 8. Fifty La drones, armed with rifles, recently attacked Ave members of the constabulary of Barsegen, south west Luxon, raptured three of them and treated the captives with hideous bar bsrtty, eventually cutting them Into email pieces. A large force of constabulary went In pursuit of the Ladronea. LORD KIMBERLEY IS DEAD Liberal Statesman of Great Britain Passes Away Aftar Loag Illness. LONDON, April 8. Lord Kimberley, the liberal statesman who bad been 111 for some time past, died this afternoon. King Hala at H4. COPENHAGEN. April 8. King Christian ho was born April 8, 1818, today cele brated his 84th birth snniversary, sur rounded by his children snd grandchildren The monarch, who Is well preserved In mind and body, entered keenly Into all the festivities. Sixty members of royal fam tiles are already present at the palace and took part In the gaieties, which Included a reception at noon, a family dinner and In the evening aa entertainment of ths court by ths singers of the royal theater. Three Peasants Are Killed. CONSTANTINOPLE. April 8. The vail of Adrlanople, European Turkey, telegraphs that a band of Bulgarians, with ths object of provoking retaliation, recently killed and mutilated three Mussulman peasants and a boy, near Klrk-Klltsseh, a town thirty two miles northeast of Adrlanople, and then sought refuge In Bulgaria, hoping to be pursued and anticipating that a con Diet would ensue with the frontier guard. Feralaa liovernment Loaa. ST. PETERSBURG, April g It la off! dally announced that the Persian govern ment, with the consent of Russia, Is about to issue a new gold loan of 10,000.000 roubles, with Interest at 6 per cent, guaranteed by all the Persian customs, with the excep. tlon of the customs of the Persian gulf and the ports of the province of Farslstan. This security Is ths same as ssslgned for the loan of ltuO. Peat Kegatlatloas Stagnant. LONDON. April 8. After ths cabinet meeting todsy A- J. Balfour, the govern ment leader. Informed the liberal leader, Sir Henry Campbell -Banner ma a. In the House of Commons, thst the government had no Important Information regarding the peace negotiations In South Africa. Baa af Vaag Ya Dies. ST. PETERSBURG. April 8. Th son ef Tang Tu. the former Chinese minister to Russia, died here on Saturday and It now admitted that he committed suicide. The deceased minister's son came to St. Petersburg to repatriate tbe body of bis father, wbo died here February 17. Eight Killed In India. SIMLA. India. April a. Fifteen Seoors were ambushed April 1 en the Mabmud frontier; sight of the soldiers were killed I mil Ihn. Bai.n A "w ,. . ML'ST KEEP THE PHILIPPINES United States Possession, Says MacArthur, is an Absolute Necessity. FACTOR IN DEVELOPMENT OF FAR EAST Islands. He ears, Stand an Protection to Amrrleaa Interests la Orient Withoat Esertlon af Mach Additional Power. WASHINGTON, April 8 General Mac Arthur today continued his testimony con cerning conditions In the Philippine archi pelago before the senate committee on the Philippines. His discussion at tbe begin ning of tbe session was devoted to a review of the conditions which led up to the pres ent state of mind of the Philippine people. Ho said that long before tbe advent of the Americans the germs of democracy had been planted and that these had originated In the agitations In Spain of a century ago which had been reflected In tho Spanish colonies. He also described the conditions in the archipelago at the time of the American occupation, saying that at that time the Filipinos were In a vindictive and resentful mood toward Spain, with an early yearning for UDerty. lamng mese psycnoiogicai conditions into account and also giving due character of the character he bad felt when e assumed command of the Islands, that I mere was to db iouuu tne most lemie nun for planting tbe best kind of Institutions. General MacArthur then took up and dla- uescd economic conditions In the archi pelago, saying that they are the finest group of islands in the world, occupying a strat- gic position absolutely unexcelled. Poaseanloa of Inlands a Xeceaalty. Continuing, he said thst the archipelago must necessarily exert an active and po- eotlal influence upon the affairs of the entire east In both a political and a mili tary way. The China sea, only 750 miles wide, be considered a safety moat. The Islands would therefore stand to protect our Interests In the Orient without the exertion of much power on our part. Hence, he concluded that our presence In the Philippines will always Insure all ths protection we need in tbe east, and no one can now say how great those needs may be. Tbeir position Is such, he said, that from the Islands we may observe whatever passes along the coast of Asia, as It must pass under tbe shadow of our flag. He therefore concluded that "tbe pos session, the permanent possession of the Philippines, is not only of supreme im portance, but absolutely essential to Amer ican Interests." , He believed, he sdded, that when the Philippine people come to real lie the mis sion of the American people among there, and that they were a chosen people for the dissemination of American ideas, they would rally to this Inspiring thought-and cheerfully follow' and support tbe American flag. War of Humane Methods. Concerning the conduct of the war In tbe Philippines he said that while It was war, he doubted whether If any war of modern times had been 'conducted with as imih humanity and self-restraint aa this war had been. Moreover, all violations of the rules of war had been Instantly punished. Reply. Ing to questions by Senator Carmack, he said that the Filipinos had Ideas like our American Ideas of personal liberty, as em bodied In our Institutions. "This," he said, "realizes an ideal of their own." 'Then they have an Ideal?" Interjected Senator Carmack. "They have most decidedly," he replied. "You do not, then, regard them as a miserable, corrupt, cruel and degenerated race' T" 'By no means. Such a view Is, to my mind, a mistaken view." "Do you not think," Senator Carmack th.t the Fllinlnos oua-ht to have ked a voice in their governments! affairs, where they have to do with franchises snd con cessions?" 'That question is somewhat hypothet ical." replied General MacArthur. "We are approximating that condition now. 1 would, however, like to see the Filipinos pretty well represented In their central government, and I should like to see the question of frsnchlses, except for rsilrosds, held In abeyance until tbe evolution pro ceeds further." REDUCTION OF THE CEREALS Raisin of Wheat, Cora, Oats, Rye aad 'Barley, Together with Their Valacs. WASHINGTON, April 8. A report Issued by tbe census bureau today on statistics In the most Important cereals shows that 1.063,912 farms In the United States dflrlnc the census year 1900 produced (58,534.252 bushels of wheat of a farm value of 8369. 945,820. This wheat waa raised on 62.583. 574 acres. Of the 5,739.867 farms In ths nation, 272.918 raised barely, cultivating 4,471.288 acres, upon which was produced 119,632.827 bushels, of a farm value of $41,- 630.846. There were 209,460 farms thst cultivated 807.186 acres of buckwheat, producing 11,- 237,005 bushels, of a farm valua of $5,748, 871. On 4,(97.799 farms 94.916.866 seres of corn were cultivated, producing 8,666,438, 279 bushels, of a farm value of $830,267. 726. while 1.114.569 farms cultivated 29. 639,579 acres of oats, producing therefrom 943.387,375 bushels, of a farm value of $217. 098.584. Besides this 295.108 fsrms cul tivated 8,054,269 acres of rye, producing therefrom 25,670,360 bushes, of a farm value of $12,291,268. The bureau estimates that the total wheat exported kept for seed snd ground in flour snd grist mills sggregated 666.436,141 bushels. OFFERS TO HELP PRESIDENT General Pearson Tendere Services ta Ferret Oat British Camp aitaatlaa. WASHINGTON. April 8 Central Samuel L. Pearson, 1st of th Boar army and now In this city under date of April S had addressed a letter to the president tend ering his services and all the Information and evidence now In his possession. In which he may be able to obtain In further substantiation of ths charges of violation ef neutrality laws at ths ports of Chal mette and New Orleans and elsewhere In American territory, "as set forth In my letter of February 1, last to your ex cellency, and further sustained in com munication. Information and affidavits sub- """" "i unuwui and by him transmitted to the secretarv vi mvmyw. WASHINGTON. April 8. The condition of I Rev. Dr. T. De WtU Talmas showed no I . ' j ifrun"""""t Tl ... . , hatter suesfor damages Henry H. Roelofs of t'alludelphla Wast dnartrr Million far Alleged Iajarles. PHILADELPHIA. April 8. Henry H. Roelofs of this city, who is one of the largest hat manufacturers In the United States, today began suit In tbe United States circuit court for $250000 damages against fifteen Individuals residing In differ ent states wbo are members of. the United Hatters' association. Mr. Roelofs alleges conspiracy on the psrt of the defendants in Issuing false and defamatory circulars, causing a libel to be printed In their Journal and having agents In a number of states seeking to boycott his goods. He states that about a year ago. he discharged two men for want of work. A number of his employes who be long to tbe local unions thereupon left his employ and he alleges that sorne of the defendants In todsy's suit thoh tried to induce htm to submit to their organization. Mr. Roelofs Agreed to Join the union, but wanted the right reserved ' to himself to employ whom he pleased without regard to membership In the union. To this the de fendants would not agrees and then, Mr. Roelofs alleges, the conspiracy began which is charged In the statement filed. On one occasion, as set forth in the ststement, the defendants prevented the plaintiff from ming tne sale of $100,000 worth of goods to CUg.oraer. hence the large amount named for damages. PllfilTIVF BECOMES DEFIANT John P. Oaynor. Aliened llefraader, Daren Federal Officials t Extra. f dlte Him and Green. SYRACUSE, Jf. Y.. April 8. A represen tative of the Herald has returned from Quebec, where he saw John F. Gaynor and B. F. Greene, who are wanted at Savannah. Ga., for trial In the United States courts on charges of defrauding the government In contract work In that harbor. In an Interview Gaynor said they knew before they went to Canada that they could not be extradited tinder the present Indictments, otherwise they would not have gone there. Should they be extra dited on new Indictments, be added, they must be tried on thoee Indictments, and In his opinion, conviction could not be secured on them. Informed that Chief Wllklo disclaimed any effort to bring the fugitives back, and that the matter rested with tbe department of Justice, Osynor said: "I want Captain Greene to hear that." and he called Cap tain Greene over and the reporter re peated the statement. "That does not look as though they want us. It they are so sure they have us why don't they do something. We are ready to be taken back. Why don't they come and take us If they can? Let them come and take us If they can; They can't do It. that's the reason, and they know . they can't do It." DEEPEST SNOW OF SEASON Sixteen Inches Cover Coke Itenlon nnd Baelueas In at a Ifsas. " " still. '' ' '?". CONNELLSVILLE, Pa., April 8. The deepest snow of the year has covered tbe coke region to a depth of sixteen Inches today and business of all kinds is nearly stagnated by the weather. Trains on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad are still running cautiously, but If the snow continues 1 general hold-up Is expected before morn ing, Street railways are paralysed. FAIRMONT, W. V.. April 8. There was stagnation in the coal business today on account of the storm and fifteen to twenty account of the storm and 15,000 to 20,000 men were compelled to stop work In north em Virginia today. All rural malr routes were abandoned by tbe carriers throughout mountains. The loss to collspslng buildings snd delayed traffic in this region will reach many thousands of dollars. PITTSBURG. April 8. Snow has been falling steadily since 8 o'clock last night and at 10 o'clock this morning there were over seven Inches on the level. It Is th hesviest April snowfall in eleven years and trolley, telegraph and telephone service has been much impeded. The Indications are for snowfall with rain all night. SHAW IS A GUEST OF HONOR William F. King: of Msssl Vernoa Iowa, Is Alsa Present nt NEW YORK, April 8. Secretary of the Trtasury Leslie M. Shaw and President William F. King of Cornell college, Mount Veruon, la., were the guests of honor a banquet tendered tbem here by tbe real dent members of the college alumni. David B. Henderson, speaker ot the house, and Senator Allison, wbo were unable to leave Washington, sent letters of regret. Secretary Shaw confined his remarks to college snd pedagogical reminiscences. On the subject of alleged customs abuses on ths New York piers, Secretary Sbaw ex pects In a few days to send out a circular which can be handed to European tourists so that when they return to this country they may have an accurate knowledge of what Is dutiable and non-dutiable, thus being assisted In formulating schedules for the examiners. This, be hopes, will re llevs some of tbe sltustions which arise under present conditions. PAYS PENALTY OF CRIME Jealoas Haabaad Marders Wife and Ends His Life on the Scaffold. CAMDEN, N. J., April 8. Ssmuel Van Stavern was hanged here today for the murder of his wife. The crime was com mttted on the night of November 29 last and was the result of jealousy. Van 8tav ern and bis wife had been married eighteen years, but separated frequently and were not living together at tbe time of the tragedy. Van Stavern met bis wife on the street and fired tour shots at her from a revolver all ot the bullets taking effect. She died instantly. Van Stavern surrendered th police Immediately after the aboot log. During his trial be professed Ignor anc of the occurrence. SOLDIERS LEAVE FOR MANILA Fart of Eleveath Infantry, Arrived from Fort Rico, ta Embark v far Philippines. NEWPORT. VS.. Aorll X Th. battalion of the Eleventh Infantry arrived I kin truim v n-nm Pnrl Rim I listed men leave tonight for Manila by wa I ef San Francisco. Th remainder of ths I battalion war n.ld and t 1.1, .-. 1. . . . ' -- i ing m flyt llM OOSEYELT AT CHARLESTON resident Receives Hearty Welcome to City in the South. LAND AND NAVAL GUNS ROAR IN SALUTE arty Headed by Xatloaal KseratK Makes Cralse of Rivera and Har bor on t atter Algaala Crowds la City. CHARLESTON. S. C. April 8 The preel- dent's train reached Charleston at 9:30 m., on time. The party did not come into the city, but left the train Ave miles out, where trolley cars were waiting to convey them to the naval station, to take tbe revenue cutter for a tour of tbe harbor. The president's Immediate party went di rectly to the naval station, where they were Joined In a few minutes by members of the reception committee and invited guests from the city. A gusrd of 800 militia men was stationed about the approaches to the train and stood present arms as the president Isnded. At the nsval ststlon fifty men of ths mili tia were posted, maintaining picket lines about the reservation, and none were al lowed within the lines except such as had special passes. The president and his party were shown about the station aud then were conducted to the pier, where the revenue cutter Al gonquin wi s In waiting. As the president set foot on the deck tbe flag of tbe com mander-in-chief of the srmy and navy was raised and the Jackles were paraded while a salute of twenty-one guns was fired. In the stream the cutters Forwsrd and Hamilton were lying and further down toward the city the cruiser Cincinnati and the training ships Topeka and Lancaster. After the committee and guests had gone aboard Algonquin started on a tour of the harbor. Passing down Copper river a flno view of the city and tbe opening of the bay was presented. The weather wa per fect. There was not a cloud In the sky and a gentle breeze blew with Just a brac ing touch In It, not chill enough to require overcoats. Salatea from Boats aad Fart. Passing Into the bay Algonquin came abreast ot the cruiser Cincinnati, whose decks were manned with all Its crew as well ss -Topeka and Lancaster. As the president's vessel passed each ship a salute of twenty-one guns was fired. Off the fortifications of Sullivsa's Island tbe shio wss greeted with, tbe same welcome and It passed out to the ocean amid a chorus of guns. Just a little run to the sea and Algonquin turned about and re-entered tbe harbor, passing around historic Fort Sumpter. While standing up the bay luncheon waa served In the cabin of .the cutter. A short run was made up the Ashley river, giving a view of the city's western water front, and then the ship was headed bank for the landing, where a troop of the Charleston light dragoons was In waiting to escort the president to his headquarters at tbe St. John hotel. All the arrangements were excellent sad there was not a break In tbe program. The president seemed In high spirits and en tered with keen sest Into all the featured of tbe occasion. This evening the banquet given by the city In honor of tbe president will be held at the Charleston hotel. While this is In progress Mrs. Roosevelt will receive st the St. John. Five hundred Invitations have been Issued to this function. No men will be present. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock the parade will move to the exposition grounds, where the formal ceremonies will be held and the president will present a sword to Major Jenkins. Tomorrow the president's party will go to Summervllle and will spend Thursday there Inspecting the tea gardens. A great crowd of people la In the city and much enthusiasm wss shown at the presence of the president. Governor Mc Sweeney Is here and Governor Ay cook of North Carolina is expected this evening. Bnnehlne Greets President. The hope of President Roosevelt last night that he might see sunshine In the morning was fully realized. The downpour ot rain which had marked the trip almost from the moment of departure had ceased, the heavy black clouds disappeared and the day broke with a cloudless sky. The Journey to Charleston was made en tirely without accident. To guard against any possibility of this nature the Southern railway officials sent a pilot engine ahead of the president's special. The president snd Mrs. Roosevelt were early risers and welcomed the sunshine, as It made It pos sible to carry out tbe program which bad been arranged for tbe entertainment of tbe visitors. At Summervllle, twenty-one miles from Charleston, the party was met by a special committee, headed by Mayor Smyth, Cap tain F. W. Wegener, president ot the ex position, and J. J. Hemphill, who accom panied tbe president on the remainder ot the Journey. All Charleston wa up and out this morning to do honor to the presi dent snd from ths time of arrival within the corporate limits of ths city to bosrdlng tbe steamer It was a continuous ovation. THROWS GIRLS OUT OF WORK Xew Electrical Appliance Displaces Forty Thousand Telephone In- trnmenta nnd Operators. CHICAGO, April 8 The Daily News to dsy says: A financial transaction of big proportions was announced today in tele, phone circles. Tbe government of Germany appears as tbe purchaser of patent rlgbta covering all Europe, except Great Britain, Ireland and France, for an automatic switchbosrd made In Chlcsgo. Ths deal Is tbe result of seven months' Investiga tion In this city by a representative of the German government. The electric appliance will displace tel ephone system of 40,000 Instruments. Many operators will be forced to seek other employment, aa one person can keep sn entire system in order. TOOMBS JURY DISAGREES Caa't Reach Verdict la Chicago Mar. drr Case aad I Dl. charged. CHICAGO, April 8. Th Jury in the Toombs murder trial has disagreed and been discharged. CHICAGO, April 8. Ths Jury In the Toombs murder trlsl wers called Into court at 10 o'clock, but had failed to agree upon a verdict.. All but two brothers, named Kane, expreased tbe belief that an agree ment waa Impossible. Ths Ksnes urged the court to ssnd them out for further de liberation and ths Jury again retired. At aooa th Jury was still out aad. court llavk (ace (IU i sfaleclu -i CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecsst for lor tuday. Nebrsska Fslr snd Cooler Trmperatnre at Hoar. Dev. B a. na lie a. m ..... . !tn T a. m ..... . !e H a. m. . . . . . n W a. m ax 111 a. m 4o II a. m 40 18 m 41 Omaha Vesterdayt Hoar. Dear. 1 p. m 44 a . m 44 It n. m 44 4 a., m . . . 4(1 R p. m ..... . 4.1 A p. m 4H T p. m R p. m O p. m...... 8! FORMER PRIESTJS CLEARED Aeqnltted oa a t liarae of Man slaughter After Trial of Two Weeks. GENESEO, N. Y., April 8.Tas case ot Charles Flaherty, the former priest, charged with manslaughter, which has been on trial In the Livingston county court for nearly two weeks, came to a speedy termination tbls evening by tbe Judge directing the Jury to render a ver dict of acquittal. This was at the conclu sion of tbe testimony of the prosecution. In many respects the case was the moat remarkable ever tried in the country. The defendant acted as his own attorney. He has twice been convicted of assault and each time succeeded in getting a reversal of Judgment from the court of appeals. There were two Indictments against Flaherty, one for a misdemeanor and one charging manslaughter In the first degree. The miBderaeahor was alleged to have been committed by the defendant practic ing medicine without a state license. The murder was alleged to have been committed on January 2, l'.Kil, when It was said Flaherty caused the death of one Michael Landers by administering to him aa a medicine an overdose of tincture of strophantus. TAFT RECOVERING SLOWLY Physician Advises Him Sot to Begin A?tla Work far Several Days. CINCINNATI, April 8. Although Gov ernor William H. Taft has been released from tbe hospital and baa been walking out and attending to correspondence at the house of his brother, Mr. Charlea P. Taft, ho Is not yet entirely recovered, and his surgeon hss advised htm to wait at least until April 15 before beginning the duties that precede his return to the Philippines. He expects to be able to go to St. Louis on the 15th or 18th of April to consult with the officers of the St. Louis exposition concerning an exhibit from tbe Philippine Islands. From there he will return to tbls city, spending a day or two here, when h will go to Washington, and be there until after the return of Secretary Root froj Cuba. He will spend several days there In consultation with the secretary of war and the president. When that work Is con cluded he will spend a day or two In Cin cinnati and then return to his responsi ble work In the Philippines. SHIPMENT IS PROHIBITED inanition of War ArNot Sent to Chlaesc In surgents. to . It SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. The custom house authorities have been notified to be on the alert to discover a shipment of arms from this country to the Insurgents In China. Collector Stratton has received a let ter from O. A. Spalding, acllug secrotary of the treasury, stating that In the protocol signed on September 7, 1901, tbe Importa tion of arms and munitions ot war Is pro hibited The letter states: It Is reported that the Insurrectlonnry movements are now flagrant in the south ern provinces of China ana that the ins gentx are receiving supplies of arms ai l warlike material irnm abroad. The de partment directs that you do whatever may be practicable and proper, under ex isting laws. In the way of restricting the exportation of arms and warlike material to t Ulna tor use against a nutum wmi which the United States Is at peace, and to the Injury of foreigners (Including citi- sens or tne uniteu Diatesi iounn in v lima, should the fact that consignments of arm and hostile materials have been shipped from United mates pons to cnina ue as certained. GETS ON PHILIPPINE BENCH Prominent Ilrmocrat of Santa Fa Ap pointed to Judgeship by Governor Tnft. SANTA FE, N. M., April 8. William H. Pope of Atlanta, Ga., for the last eight years' a resident of Ssnta Fe, United States sttorney of the Pueblo Indiana and assistant United States attorney of tbe court of private land claims, today ac cepted a Judgeship of the court of tbe first instance In the Philippine Islands, tendered him by Governor Taft. He will sail in June. Judge Pope Is a gold demo crat, 31 years of age. TO FIGHT STRIKE TO END Kot a Spindle Is Kspeeted ta Turn at Angnata To morrow. AUOU8TA. Gs., April 8. The situation In the strike of the cotton mill operatives was unchsnged today, but at 6:30 this even ing the lockout in tbe Augusta district goes Into effect. The Manufacturers' sssociatlon held a meeting last night and decided to fight to the end. This means that there will not be a apindle turning 10 Augusta or the House Creek valley tomorrow. Everything Is quiet. FINE BUILDINGS IN ASHES Residence aad Stock aad Training Barn In Ohio Are Dr. stroyed. YOUNGSTOWN. O., April 8. Fire today destroyed the stock snd trslntng bsrn of the Charles F. Bates Horse company and tLe residence of Manager Norman N. Rog ers, near Hubbard. There was little fire protection and wltbln an hour the fine building and equip ment, which were acknowledged to be the finest of the kind in eastern Ohio, were consumed. Estimated loss, Ii5.000. FATALLY SH0JIN QUARREL Mn Take aides la Boys' Fight, aad James Vonag' Death Will Result. JOPL1N. Mo.. April 8. Eugene Frltx wsters, sged 26 years, today shot and fa taily wounded James Young, aged 35, In tb'a city, dlstbarg'ng a load of shot Into Young's right breast at a distance of ten feet. Ths men bad taken up a quarrel started by two boys over a game of tops. Young waa a baker and haa a wife and child iFriUwatara aurxawkrad, ia ifca Bsliu . RHODES' INMOST AIMS His Life's Dream to Promote Racial Unity on Basia of American Principle. THEORY SET FORTH BY WILLIAM T. STEAD Extracts from Letters by South African Reflect His Cherished Flans. VIEWS ON AMERICA AND GREAT BRITAIN Latter, He Said, Slept While Former W Rapidlj Forging Ahead. NCITES AGGRESSION ON PART OF ENGLISH a Stead Declares that HI Scparatloa from Rhodes aa War' Isaac Did Kot A Sect Their Actual Political latlmacy. , LONDON, April 8 An article en CjcII Rhodes by William T. Stead will appear, In the forthcoming number of the American Review of Reviews. The article, excerpts from which follow, consists of a frank, pow erful explanation cf Cecil Rhodes' views on America aud Great Britain aud for tbe fits: time sets forth his own Inmost alms. It was written by himself to V. T. Stead la IS'.iO. For originality and breadth of thought It eclipses even h's now famous will, yet It Is irerely a collection of disjointed Idiai, hur- redly put together by the colossus as a summary of a long conversation held be tween himself and Mr. Stead. In thess . days Mr. Stead was not only one of Mr. Rhodes' most Intimate friends, as Indeed he was until tbe last, but also his executor. Mr. Stead's name was removed from the list of the trustets of Mr. Rhcdei' will onlv because of the war which forced tha two mn Into such vehement political opposi tion. Of this episode Mr. Stead says: Intimate Tie Unbroken. "Mr. Rhodes' election was only natural, and from an administrative point of view desirable, and it In no way effected my status as political confidant in all that re- ' lated to Mr. Rhodes' world-wide policy." In Its three columns of complex sentences the whole philosophy of Mr. Rhodes' Inter national and Individual life is embraced. Perhaps it can be best summarised aa an argument in favor of the organization ef a secret society, on the lines ot the Jesuits, to promote the peace snd welfsre ot the world, snd for the establishment of an American-English federation, with abaolut home rule. "I sm a bad writer," said Mr. Rhodes' in one part of what might be called his con fessions, "but through my Ill-connected sentences you can trace tbe lay of my Ideas, snd you can give my idea the literary cloth ing that Is necessary." But Mr. Stead wisely refused to edit er to dress It up, saying: "I think the publto will prrfer to have thess rough, hurried aad . sometimes ungraraatcal aotes exactly . aa Mr. Rhodes scrawled them off, rather than have them supplied with literary clothing by anyone else." Key to Hhodcs' Idea. Mr. Rhodes commenced by declaring that "the key" to his Idea for the develoDment of - the English-speaking race was the foundation of a society copied ss to organ ization from the Jesuits. "Combined with 'a differential rate and a copy of the United States constitution,' " wrote Mr. Rhode, "is borne rule or federa- . tlon." An organization formed on these lines Iq the House of Commons, constantly work ing for decentralization and not wasting time on trivial questions rsised by "Or. Tanner or the important manner C4 O'Brien's breeches," would, Mr. Rhodes be lieved, soon settle the all-Important ques tion of the markets for the products of tbe empire. "The labor question," be wrote, "Is Im portant, but that ia deeper than labor." America, both In Its possibilities i sill ance and its attitude of commercial rival,;.','" was apparently ever present In Mr. Rhodes' mind. - " America In the Forefront. "The world with America In the fore- ; front," he wrote, "Is devising tariffs to boycott your manufactures. This is tho succinct question. I believe that England, . with fair play, should manufacture tor the world and, being a free trader, I believe that until the world comes to Its senses you should declare war I mess a commer cial war with those trying to boycott your manufactures. That la my program. You might finish the wsr by a union with America and universal peace after 100 years." Hut toward this milenntum Mr. Rhodes believed tbe most powerful factor would be "a secret soclsty, organised like Loyola, supported by the accumulated wealth of those whose aspiration Is a desire te do something" and who are spared the "hide ous annoyance," dally created by the thought as to which of their Incompetent relations they should leave their fortune. These wealthy people, Rhodes thought, would thus be grestly relieved snd be abl to turn "their Ill-gotten or Inherited gains to aome advantage." Pleased with his Owa Idea. Reverting to himself, Mr. Rhodes said: "It Is a fearful thought to feel you pos sess a patent and then doubt whether your life will last you through ths cir cumlocution of tbe patent office. I have that Inner conviction that It I can live I have thought out something that Is worthy of being registered In the pstent office. The tesr is, shall I have time and opportunity, and I believe with all the enthusiasm bred In tbe soul of an In ventor that It Is not selt-glorlflcatlca that I desire, but to live and register my patent for tbose whom I tblnk are tbe greatest people tbe world hss over ssen, but whose fault Is that they do not know their strength, their greatness or thslr destiny, but who are wasting their time In minor or local matters; but, being asleep, do not know that through tbe in vention of steam and electricity, and la view of their own enormous Increase, they must now be trained to view the world as a whole, and not only to consider tbe social questions or ths British Isles." flhaddcrs at RSs Rcspauslblllty. Once again the personal feelings of tb. man crop out: "Tbey are calling the new country Rhodesia," be wrote. "I find I am human and should Ilk to be living after tuy death. Still, perhaps. If tbst name is couplsd with the object of England everywhere it might convey the discovery of aa Idea, that might result In tbe cessa tion of all ware and one language through out the world, tbe patent being the gradual absorption of wealth and kumsa Binds ef the higher order to tbs object." X Ure Mr, Uwiea uaei tne anttavet - t