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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY ItEE: TUESDAY, AVltlL, f, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES will be takes natil ia m. for Ik eventa edition and III SO p. aa. for meralna and day edifies. Ratea, 1 a ward Bret Insertlen, la a ward thereafter. Ketbln takes far lees tkaa SfVe for tke drat laser Ion. Tkeae advertisements tenet e raa eonseeatlvelr. A d ve et I eere, hy een.nS'etlnaT a ,ia kered eheek, raa ae intra ad at Tka nee. Answers ao addreaaed will ha delivered mm nresentnltea af tka keek, ITI ATION WAXTGD. GOOD dressmaker will sew out in ramllles. o N. 24th. I'hone 2TOsIi. A Ms93 12 ! WASITKD-MALU HtLP, WANTED, two or three men to work from our wuftone; steauy work arid goou pay. C. F. Adams Co., 11 Howard at. O-MM OOOD mesaenerers wanted; Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., lit 8outh Uth. wo it. n.u un.r a DAT WORK. It you live In the country or In a amall town and have a sood acquaintance among; the larmera and atock raisers In tha nelanoornoou you can maae so easily bv four or nve hours' work. Write ua and we Will aend VOU OUT proposition. '1 he Hee Publishing Co.. Solicitors' Dept., Omaha. Neb. Umiii WANTF.D, a good man In every county to lake subscriptions for the Twentieth Century tanner. Our agema make good wages everywhere. Keterencea required. Aduresa, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. U ttU PREPARE for civ. aerv. exam., bk-kp., etc. K. la, Com. Nat. Jik. llathbun. U M1G0 THKKH or four good men wanted; lluo per Diontn. call eii t'axton diock. a mwi i'HKE ahava and haircut at Molt r a liaruer I College, lt Farnam at., 3d tloor. 11 M 72 Alt' WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on a nr. proposition by which you can earn M to ta a day; young men trom H Id a aesirea, wno are hustlers and wen recom mended. Room Ion, Omaha Iiee bldg. 11 MIX MARNESHMAKER wanted, Wolf, Logan, la. at once. A. B M104 WANTED, flrst-class painters and paper Hangers. A. L Beaprooa, vis idui ni. t) B24 WANTED, men to learn the barber trade, only eight weeks required by our method or free clinic, expert instructions, Demon strations, etc.; steady practice at prac tical experience saves years of appren ticeship; great demand for irraduates; positions guaranteed, tools presented; wages riaturdays: catalogue and partic ulars mailed free. Moler Barber College, 1623 Farnam si. B M6t3 TRADE getters am' advertisers; straight salary paid. Triumph Co., Dallas, lex. B M663 11" TRAVELER wanted; state age. references and salary cxi ected. . Los Angeles Cider UO., Bt. LOUIS, AlO. B .OS 8" WANTED, flrst-class Icecream maker. I. Muccl, 218 West Broadway, Council HliifTc B 41924 11 WANTED, office boy, aged 18 or 19; salary 125; write stating ne, experience nno giv ing references, a J, nee. w M2J s WANTED, house painters at St. Tyotits, Mo., steady work, 3 per day, eight hours. B HK1 -;i" jWCDICAI, book salesman wanted by the leading lirm In the business bn a tempt ing proposition; state full particulars of experience, i: o. uox Sol. t'niiimpipnia. pa. u AU1 a . ..IAN to devote entire time to our busi ness: no rauvasHng; only men expecting to earn big money need apply. Monolith r.ngraving iu., rrovo, nan, dox . B M915 13 WANTED, carriage trimmer; state experi ence. Address O. A. Frey, 614 W. 7th St., riloux ."Hy, s; - u mm iit VANTED. at ence. competent hand on stock farm; top wages; steady work year round to right narty. Heret Hereford Live Stock Co.. Haturd, Neb. B M9ID WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write Room 220, Bee Bldg. C 493 WANTED, two young ladles to apprentice In halrdresslng and manicuring. Call at once, 22l Bee Bldg. C-M871 WANTED, experienced salesladies In mil linery department; only those with years of experience in tne salesroom neeu aeply; large salary paid. J. L. Brandela & Sons, Boston Store. C 218 WANTED, ladles - to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; thoroughly practical training by steady practice; free clinic, expert Inatructions, etc. ; only four weens reouirea. years 01 apprentice ship saved, positions guaranteed when competent, diplomas granted. Call or write for catalogue, Moler College. 1621 Farnam st. C MM2 V WANTED, girl for general housework at once; good wages and no washing. Call at 31st and Gold Sts.. Mrs. 8. Rawltser. C 6s0 7 WANTED, woman with some business ex perience to llll position of trust. Must give security for moneys handled. Ad- . dress X 30, Bee. C 701 8 GOOD girl for general housework who understands cooking; good wages. No. 116 80. 32d Ave. C 836 I WANTED, competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages; references required. 1040 ueorgia Ave. . C-83S 7 WANTED, girl for general housework on ranch In Wyoming; wages $25. Addrets I Mrs. E. L. Dana. Paxton hotel. Omaha. C-13 NEAT, competent girl for general house-1 worn; small family.. Apply 1103 park ave. i ivw W A NTEl Olrl for general housework: family of three; no washing. References required. Apply 415 North 20th street. C 899 f $" MONTHLY copying letters at home. either sex; send two stamns for sir- tlculara Hicks Supply Co., 5iC7 Halstead si , 1 nicsgo. (.' M917 s" HELP WASTED. WANTED. 100 girls. $1 t 17. Canadian t;mp. Bureau; moved to 15th and Dodge, Tel. Ml. tut All f ,. ' ' .L. ' FOR REST HOI SKS. HOUSES, etc F. D. Weed, 1524 Douglas . D 43 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; omce tarn a in, or Tela. l5-Sod. Ll i VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1195. D-MOOt SIX-ROOM house, lawn, shade. Tel. A-Z&bl D tiXi FOR RENT April 1, 8-room brick, mod- cxo. sia n. ua. inquire at sat N- D 647 V BURT. 1 rooms and bath. $16: 3221 Har. rtey. rooms, modern. Hi. others. Ring- Nr, 49 IUVHW) IIIUV 1 1- ISO wall Bros.. Barker Blk. D-M27 !77 11 HI IQFQ F- Davis Co., 652 Bee Rldf. I1UUOC3 in m ,arl, f Lty. The O, U HI W-ROOM basement house, large and Jackson, all modern, $25. u0. Uth modern, $27. w). . G. E. TURKINGTOV. 60S Bee. STORAGE. D kt0 - PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- aout CALIFORNIA, s-roora furnished house. 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. Call afternoons. D t A29 605 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block OM. Van Btor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tela. 1569-M3. ' P 1 M FOR RENT 9-room, modern, detached MAGGARD VAN CO. Telephone 1494. house, newly papered and painted. l0. S(V7 22l Capitol Ave. Tel. 171 B. 11. Roblson. ef ' I as . D M-'SJ WANTED TO Bt Y. ' E1UHT-KOOM. modern, except furnace, $21 U. U. Natluiger. Be Bldg. Phone tai . WANTED at once, tdhsnd furniture, car- D J pets, for 8t. Louts Expo. Tel. 771. or ...- noUfy Levlns's Furn. blure, kM N. 16th. URMHIiri) house for rent for I or I N 161 AT mo nibs. No. til N. Ed sL Inquire of : Ueal B. Smith, 411 ti. Y. Ufe bldg. WANTED, showcases at once. H. E Pred- D M,77 t ertcksoo. 15th ana Capitol ave. N-MS I FOR REIT-HOVE. FOR RENT, Handsome Brick Residence On the southwest eomer of Seventeenth and DotiKlss sts. It was built by the lata Henry I'undt aa ma nome ana one oi the beat constructed aa well aa one of the finest houses In Omaha. It la built entirely of brick and stone, atona steps, and Hat roof It la finished In the choicest of hard wood a. haa hard wood noors. importea Enellsh Mle floor In the reception nan. electric lights, porcelain bath, laundry with atatlonary waan tuna, lars pantry, hln and linen Closets, ceoar nnea wooien closet, etc. Twelve Rooms beside the basement, containing laundry, storage rooms, store room, cellar and wine cellar; alao large, high attic store room separated from the servants rooms. It als- haa large veranda, enclosed aa a aun parlor, equippea wim ateam neau RENTAL PRICE Includes: Steam Heat, Electric Light and Hot Water aa the house la connected with the heat ing and lighting systems of The Ilea building. For further information call on CHARLES C, ROSEWATER, SECY. THE BEE BUILDING CO., Room 100 Bee BuilJiug. Telepnone 238 THREE & 4-roorn. apartments. 816 S. 22d St. kJ wo a.-- SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1016 Pacific St. D-M8J3 11 Charles lianley. FOR RENT Elegant modern residence, W9 H. 26tn Ave., . Molern 9-room residence and barn, Klnniiv Rt l:l 1909 Modern brick residence, 2430 Ersklne St., 15. Modern brick residence, 2205 N. 2itn Bt., xlo. Modern frame residence, 1811 Webster St., 125- DRKNNAn-LUVIS U)., 3'JH S. 13th St. D-771 12 FOR RENT Two good 4-room cottages, 26th and Blondo streets, s, to. Apply at 607 North 19th street. 1-Msit Ft)R RENT 7-room house, 22d and Cali fornia fits., all modern, in good repair. large yard. Inquire at 507 N. T. Life building. U 141 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D SCO SEE PAYNE POSTWICK CO. fop choice houses. 601-Z N. x. Lire Bldg, Tel. ioi. VERY desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern conveniences, iut4 ueorgia Ave., sec ond tloor from Pacific street; Immediate possession; references required. Inquire of W. C. Gobs, 10u3 Park Ave. D 815 10 NICE 5-room cottage, bath, gaa, city and well water, cistern, lawn and snaoe, i. 2518 Blnncy. D MfJ FOR REST Fl R. I8HED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. H-OOi HOUSEKEEPING, other rooms. 8U S. 30. ki JH4UU AS LIGHT housekeeping; rooms. 816 8. 18th. E M399 AS FURNISHED rooms for rent. 1617 Cass. tiMisn TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 Bt Mary's. FURN18HED room for single gentleman. References. liUB JJavenport. iir nutt s- FIHM9HEL ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE home for young men. 101 8. 25th St F Mi ROOMS and board. Olencalrn, 1609 Douglas. FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without Doaru. Mtuiana hotel, 16th and Chicago Sts. F 004 ROOMS "The Farnam," ltth and Farnam. 472 THE ROSE, J020 Harney, rooms with board. I DOD AID BEAUTIFUL pleasant home for the right parties; can accommodate two or more persons nicely. 2019 St. Marys ave. Tel. A2942. F-M612 FRONT rooms, slngl or en suite, with board. 311 8. 26tb St. F 773 12 DESIRABLE suite of rooms, first floor, unfurnished, May L 1 ce trait. 212 a. 26th St. F-802 M- FOR REST ISFIRSISHKD ROOMS. DESK room apace, $5 per month, ground floor room In The lire Dunuing, lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, rt. c. peters c Co., Rental Agents, Bee Dunaing. u ll UNFLRNISHED rooms. 20$ 8. 24th. G 439 FOR REST STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The iiee at sis r arnara Bt. it nas four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 STORK. 14x50. 2403 Leavenworth St. 11(4 A23 FOR RENT, store In flrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C Peters & Co., ground noor. Bee Bldg. 1264 LARGE room In tha Paxton block to let. suitable for lodge purposes. Apply room 6.16, Paxton block, or W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1393 ACESTS WASTED. WANTED. canvassing agents In every county tt to solicit subscriptions ta THE TUl'MTIPTH PEWTITHV V A UUL'U steady employment with assured good Income; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired: can vassers make easily $60 to $luw per month. Addiena, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, bee Duuuing, Omaha. 213 AGENTS make $ dally selling the chean- mmr nn most Derceei waier niter jvr inventea; retails at li no; Dig- profit ; ex- elusive territory. Beneca r liter t o.. 8neca Mo. J-T63 7 THE aelf-heattng, self-adjusting, flat Iron, la an article "mnieu oy every lamuy. we want agents In every county In Nebraska with exclusive territory and good com mission. Call or address General Agent, ll iAugiaa oi-, umana, nan, a vj AGENTS, no competition. Just what's wanted, sells Itself, burner makes Its own fas, costs one cent dally, fits sny lamp, 'artlculars, Atlantic Uas Company, Lib erty Building. New 1 or j muir 8 FOR gtl.E IIOHK, WAfiMJ, F.TC. O' ' I Ptndebaker top blisxy, cheap. See v'. Johnson, with John Deere J'low Co. 10-PASSF.NOER carrv-all, nealy painted ard upholstered. Win. Burg, 1445 Sher man Ave. P 127 FOR PALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runabouts, new and secondhand, at cut prlcea; must sell to make room; It Is no cheap work, but good work cheap; we do painting, trimming, repairs and put on rubber tlrea. William Pfetfer Carriage Works, 27th and Leavenworth. Tel. vis. P-Mbi7 A13 FOR repair work on light and heavy " wagona see Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P--509 FOR SALE, new surrey, phaeton, top bti&gv, poles, lady's saddle, man's saddle, 16u7 Lothrop Bt. P 713 8 FOR aALF MIrELLAKOl . FIR timbers for house movers, etc.. 40 to 71 feet; cribbing and bog fence. Ml DoUKias. Q 610 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. W 61 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to nny other musical Instrument; 15 up. The Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q-613 BICYCLES, phonographs and euppllea. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and ChlcajoJBts. 2DHAND safe cheap.' Derlght, 1119 Farnnm. Q-611 INDIAN goods and xelics. 1119 Farnam. Q-513 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts. 114 S. 13th. Q-614 FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1423 Capitol AV. Q 1S1 FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Hee dug. FINK S-passenger, rubber-tired, open car riage, ii.'a: extension. eatner ton. i- seated carriage, rubber-tired, used 1 times, 1175; 20 other phaetons, surreys and carriage. DRl'MMOND CARRIAGE CO., l&th and Harney. Q 239 A 26 FOR SALE, latest model Smith-Premier typewriter, brand new; rare bargain. W 66, Bee. W.-M367 FOR SALE, cheap, one Hall's standard safe. 4 feet high- good as new; cost at factory $125. Address Thomas Mercler, FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 feet; poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglas. 1 oiv THREE secondhand plate glass store fronts and doors at a bargain. Ed O Hamilton, builder, 211 S. 17th St. Q 767 1 LAIR VOY A JITS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. 8616 MME. QTLMER, genuine palmist 31S 8. IS s Oil KLECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. J.'.th, r. 7. Sil i. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, !d Moor. R. 1 1 1'4 M-6" PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- nnement; Dauies aaopiea. uut urani Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-1182. V 618 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous nair removed oy electricity, n. u, Frenaer Block. U 518 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2. U-iM AW' HA1RDRESSINO. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, In connection w'tn fr-1 T, .. . I .. Mil- II T 1 .) ST qwC RUPTURE permanently cured in 80 to 60 oays; sena ror circular, u. a. vvoon, m. V., 621 New York Ufe Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, beRt and quicaesi. Airs, a, oikik, h at uuuiih, u D1 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., luz uoug las. . U 522 CHIROPODY a specialty. . In connection with The uatnery, rooms zid-A uee mug. Tel. 1719. U-628 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 25c. In connection witn rne uauiery, un-na iiee building. Tel. ill. U-25 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies aaoptea. ikm Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U 444 All . Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. . Tel. 17:3. U UI39 ftia RITPTURE cured, $25; no pain, detention from business; send lor circulars, empire Rupture Cure Co., 932 N. Y. Life Bidg., Omaha. U M526 GO TO The Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds of pleating, ineir new macninery ennhlea them to do better, cheaper. quicker work than ever before. 20o Doug las blOCK. U Mil FLE8C1IER will fix your bicycle right. U 13J BECK CO., wall paper cleaners. Tel. 747. u M .Ll A-0 VIAVI. woman's way to health. Home treatment, oooaiei iree. avt ree oiax Omaha. U 627 VAPOR BATHS, 418H N. 18th St. U MOM IO IF A MAN'S OLD he can t help It. It s the process 01 nature. ui 11 n? nas in' lured his health by a persistent lndul gence In poor cigars It serves him right He snouia nave u-wa ine STOECKER C1CAR if. flavor Is unexcelled. its effect Is soothing to tne nerves. v uen smogeu after meals It aids digestion. Save the bands. They are valuable. W. F. STOECKKK CIGAR CO. U-MS67 t GEORGE I'm too busy. See page 140. April "H UM to aionie. U M911 8 MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 44 PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay wnoie or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. eul 8. l&lh St. W-629 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith u to., uju c arnam bl W-630 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. 11. Thomas, 1st rai. tit nit uiag. lei. ituv. W oil PRIVATE money. F. D. Vead, 1324 Douglas W DM WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. (.'. peters 1:0, lia Farnam bt.. Bee Bldg. W 4Vi TO t P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. w 6J& PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L, V 636 i PER CENT loons. Gaprln Bros., 114 Farnam. V 027 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real eatate. urennan-iove lo,, juv bo. 13m. ' W-634 $300. $600 AND $1,000 private money, 1, t. 1 or a years, on eastern rteorasaa mrrni or well locaiea coiiagea in umini. v. L Belby, Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE, choice mortgage loans. Garvin Hroa . lax rarnam 01.. umini. w-UiB CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR SALE. R. C. PETERS CO., 17t Farnam Bt. W-M.O'-M 7 FOR SALE FIRS ITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodre. Tel 2020. New and seconanana. bougnt, soia, exchanged. 0 bus MOSEY TO LOAS-CHATTELS. LARGEST BUSINESS IN IX3AN8 TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters. boarding houses, etc.. mllhout curtty: eaatut terms; 40 ofhoea In prln clpal cllkra. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 644 MONEY loaned on fumltwre. live atock. Jewelry, lo salaried people. Foley Lean Co.. sue. to It-ia Ureea. I Barker Blk. MOIKT TO LOAXf H ATTr.l.S. !$ I t I MONE I I I I MONET! ET! WHEN IN NEED OF MONET DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. LOANS FROM 110 TO $200 MADE On Furniture. Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steadv position, without pub licity or removing the property, and at much CHEAPER AND KASIEU RATES than elsewhere. Tou can have the money on the same day you ask for It. and the loan can be paid off In easy weekly or monthly payments, or aa your circum stances will permit, thua enabling you to pay without Inconvenience or worry. Come In and talk It over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 3n3 Third Floor, l'sxton Rlock. X-MaM WE make loan's on Furniture, Pianos. Horses, Wagons, Carriages and other chattels. , We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persona who have permanent positions. Voj can get the money on very short notice and pay t back In one month, or keep it longer, and pay for It only what time you keep It. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. We rive you the full amount of the LOAN In cash. We always "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1P3. 3"6 8. lth St. X 640 M 0 N E Y LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TAYLOE, 63i Paxton block. X-542 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 14 Paxtor block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-545 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8.11 ' X-647 m SIX ESS CH WCF.S. CIOAR furniture, fixtures and stork for sale, good business, fine location, a bar gain. Bee me. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M168 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Koom 411 McCague building. Y-548 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your nusiness or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y-649 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the best agricultural section of Iowa; large annual trade; stock will Invoice about $10,000; profits large; must cloee up an estate Interest the only reason for selling. a u areas v 4U. tiee. y M426 FOR SALE, easy terms, small cash paT' ment, balance monthly, my entire livery stocR, hacka and hearse; excellent chance to sten Into aood navlnv business W. C Utterback, Ogden barn. Council Bluff. Ta Y M237 A26' 7-ROOM FLAT, well furnished, good loca tion, lady going away, furniture for sale cneap. j. 11. jonnson, n. x. Lire. Y M467 15 ROOMS, well furnished, fine location. run or ooaroers and roomers, paying bus! neas, brick flat, furniture for sale reason able. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M4S5 $J00 WILL buy a complete butcher's outfit, ice cox ana an. Aaaress, .a. J4, juec. Y-660 THUNDER MOUNTAIN gold fields An accurate, conservative statement con cernlng Thunder Mountain, Idaho; Its his tory, its greai goia reer, 11a wonoerrui 'possibilities; booklet sent free. Address Thunder Mountain Gold Fields Co., jamieson biock, spoaane, asn. 1 707 12 THREE stocks of groceries. R. Hall 628 N. Y; Life, 'phonei rl-1229. Y-734 8 FOR SALE Furniture.! fixtures and two year lease or tne onijunotei in Osmond Neb. For particular-! -write Box 2."0, Osmond, Neb. ... Y 763 19 NEWSPAPER advertising contracts to ex change ror income property, a 2, Hee, Y 72012 FOR SALE, whole or part interest in plan ing mill ana manufacturing nusiness buMlness doubled during past year; good reason for sewing. Aaaress a 40, nee. Y-796 8 IF TOU want to BUY or SELL real es tate call or write NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 4th Floor N. Y. L'fe Bldg.. Omaha. Y-872 WANTED, the right man to .take Interest In manufacturing plant and manage bust -.. A .1 .. X 'V. I ) v -n- . . FOR SALE A Job printing office. Will be sola cneap if taicen tins month. Address Box 43. Sac City. I a. Y 9ol 10 NVENTORS. I have eight valuable In ventlons; no time nor money to nnlsh an patent; will send full descriptions and drawings for from $1 to $lo; will send list for choice, 'inrold Harry, Kroos hotel m Fifth St.. New York City. Y MM14 8' FOR EXCHASGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed, fi 49. Hee. Miiio FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, a 4-story modern office build Ing. centrally located; stores and three upper floors well rented; ground lease for a long term; gross rental 26 per cent of purchase price, l ne timana iteaity com pany, uui uougias dl., upstairs. RE 700 FOR SALE. Nearly new. all modern, ' house, S. 20th ave.. norm oi para; renteu for i per month. Price, $3,500. Special paving all paid. Look at 834 8. 24th St., 9-room modern house, full east front ao-tt. lot, stable; is rented $25 per month; can give posses sion May 1st; property all clear; owner does not need the money; will take $juO down, balance to suit. 2530 Davenport St., 8-room modern house, tine lot, large snaue trees, aoutn rront, H block street car, near High school; In the hands of administrator; must- sell; prop erty needs some repairs; would like $3,5uo. Make offer. J. H. SHERWOOD, 9.17 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone . RE-S62 7 ACREAGE 1 to 5-acre tracts In Council liiutrs. 3 oiocks rrom car line; l mile from Douglas street, Omaha; tine high bottom land; will build you a house and sell on payments; best thing for the money; so close In and certain to rise In value. Write or call on Robert Young, at Waterworks, 37th and Broadway, Council Bluffs. RE 86 13 BUY best house pslnts, varnishes, ete. quality nignest; prices lowest. .National Oil at Paint Co., 1015 Jones Bt. RE M535 AH FOR BALE, hay land In Holt county. Neb.; 40 acres nines soutn i aikiiimoii, clone to cheap range, yields 450 tuns choice hay per annum; a splendid lucallun for stock; price, $6.5u0; $3.0uo cash, balance to suit fiurchaser, 7 per cent interest.. . Address tick box 314, Atkinson. Neb.' RE M228 All HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 530 A CHOICE home, built of pressed brick 1 . I ...,,..11.. Anl.k.. J ...... inienor ueauiiiuiiy iiiiibiic-u, square mo saic tiled nan, porcelain uatn, steam heat, barn, carriage house, shade trees, large lot 85 feet front: very fine residence loca tion, close In; t hid property coat the for mer oner over lln.uw, and can be sold at a decided bargain for cash. ' Wm K Potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust Co., sua urown uia. tiij M113 UII I lAUOM "" street. E . lira RE Um GEORGE G. WALLACE, real eetate. mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 061 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; alao acre property xnu jurm lauoa. 1 he O F Davis Co., Room 562. Bee Building. i RE 552 COIvORADO ranch lands, homesteads school section leases. D. W. Irwin, Ak ron, Colo. RE M179 A4 RANCH end farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa- cine tieaatiaaxiera, uuitnt, jNeb FOR I,K RK 1 1. F.STAT F.. SKE PATNE ROPTWICK CO. fnr ch'dca bargains. Sol-J N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. V1. RE-M.W7 FOR SALE, 9-toom modern house In Remit park. $2..V.. See owner, 124 N. d st. RE-M4S M3 IF Yol" want one ct the nicest ?-room homes In Hansrom Place I will give you a bargain, owner left city. Must sell. J. II. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. I Rldg. RK MISS THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglas St., upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap building lot". Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. RE-MS63 TO TRADE, for Nebraska land or first mortgage on land, 40 acres land, water power nrlst mill, two sets buildings. In York county, Pennsylvania, ""0. For sale, restaurant, eastern Nebraska, do ing business of S400 per month. Price, ll.ton. A snap. Fine Improved farms In Thayer county, $2i to $.15 per acre. Farms In Buffalo county, $15 to $30 per acre. Send for my list. W. II. URASSMEYEH, Kearney, Neb. RE M230 10 FINE RESIDENCE. rooms, all modem house, near Hanscom park, slghtllest location In city, pave ment all paid, east front lot, fine barn Owner leaving Omaha, will sell at abso lutely right price; immediate possession. X 8, Bee. RE-61S ROOM modern house, lot 80x124, on Ohio St., between 21st and 22d sts.; gxtra bar gain at $1,600. This offer Is only good for one week. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 2019. RE MS9 THEES. FRC1T, shade and ornamental trees, vines. shrubs, roses, small fruits, etc. Address, Omaha Nursery, PaplUlun, Neb. -659 A14 TREES. Haxel Dell Nursery, $208 N. 24 8t. 411 AS TREES, shrubs, roses and vines of every variety. Sales grounds, intn ami uougias. Frank R. Martin, prop. Tel. 2983. 662 M4 CRIMSON RAMBLER roses and Panlcu- nta C ematls. 2 vears old. oeuverea ana planted anywhere In Omaha or South omana, iac eacn or i per pair, ururra taken for all nursery stock. A. V. Spauld- Ing, 4117 N. 231 street. -HW 9 LOST. LOST On the evening of April 2, a marten neck scarf. Liberal reward to tinner. Return to office of J. L. Brandels ft Sons, Boston Store. Lost s GOLD watch, on 22d St., from Ohio to Peward. Finder win please return to 2318 N. 22d and receive rewara. Lost-903 7 I.OST. Anrll 6. black cat. white face, belly and end of tall Hnd bell on neca: answers to "Peggy." Reward for return to 2V9 N. 2th st. Ixist M908 10 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 515, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. DR. A. T. HUNT. 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. 2352. on DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. 223 Did FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel, 1251 fW LA IS DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars 2c: cutis, 4c. li do ueavenwortn. lei. mi, 574 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired. ,om iruns; factory, u r amsm 0J3 FIR DRESSISU. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 So. 13th. ws CIRTAISS CLEANED. LACE curtains cleaned, 250 a ' Street Hand Laundry, 2210 : lair. Farnam rarnam Bt. 62 A 30 NOTICE, PAPER IIASGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., mfrs. of paste for all purposes. In bbls. and Vi bbls. Write for prlcea. 2210 Cuming. 581 30 FRATKRSAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as life. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank Rosewater, supreme .nanager, 222 Bee BMg. 724 STAMMERISG ASD STITTERISG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 8i2 M AS I FACTI RISU. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma- chlnlBt. M563 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., moke a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 So. 10th St. Milt MEDICAL. LADIES, If hopele. worried or discour aged, write us for our regulator; one treatment guaranteed to relieve abnormal case of suppression, any cause, pr. Mead Rem. Co., 21 Qulncy St., Chicago. M649 MS LADIES A new, absolutely harmless regu lator, win relieve tne longest and most obstinate case of delayed monthly, and leuchorrea, the whites and all female deknesj of any kind. One dollar. Send stamp to P. B., 279. Crete, Neb. -M912 8 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are tne oesu bais, reiiaoi. Taae no other. Bend 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. PAWS BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business connaenuai. uui uougias. DRESSM AKISG. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss Sturdy, vmz rarnam. o M -b BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., Ill North 16th. Oh m . . . - t STAMPS, COISS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 So. 13th. EDICATIOSAL. FRENCH. Spanish, fencing. 831 Bee Bldg. MLiiya SICKEL PLATISG. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 1536. sti CARPENTERS ASD JOISEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing prorr 2tth rompuy aiieuoea lo. j. x. ucniltree, anu Lrftae eireeis. jliv SHORTHASD ASD TYPWRITISU. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., KthADoug A. C. VAN 8ANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. auD BOYLES' college, court reporter principal K. i. i-ne. NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Tneaier 61 PERMASEST SIDEWALKS. NATURAL stone, cement, brick. Welahan'a Mantel and Tile Co.. 941 B. 17tn. Teu !. M25 A M FOR SALE Bt ll.DISG MATERIAL. WANT bid oa store building and black smith shop to be removed trom northwes corner 241 h end Franklin streets. J. C $$ soe. ARTISTIC PIANOS SENSIRLT SOLD. Plsno selling, as I sell them. Is brouaht tl'wn to a business basis, saving to you cnts of sbtre rrnts. music teachers' com missions and traveling men's salaries and expenses. That Is why I will sell you for $2So mo more, no lcs a plsno t hat deal ers ask $Vtii and W fr. We guarantee them. The factory does that for me. Cash or monthly. FRKI) R. WALTER, Manufacturing Agent, sua California st. walnut mil car. MO lo s roi.F.s. HORSK AND BUGGY STOLEN Dark sorrel mare, with white strln In face; weight. 1,15; small enlargement on right Jaw; left fore ankle enlarged; lop buggy, trimmed In red pluxh cushion; left run not painteo. o rcwam mr capture of the outfit. B. C. KKMPF, .t:16 K Jamaica, Iowa. E-i JL BIC1CI.ES. SPECIAL low price on secondhand bicy cles tnis wecx to reduce stooa. Kepair Ing, sundries. Tires $1.50. Louis Flescher, 1B22 Capitol Ave 'rhor.e 814. 7X 12 D D The Practice of Dentistry n LmI for a great number of years i has nut us hcvond a theoretical stage and all work Is done right because we know how to do It that way. Bailey the Dentiit, 812 I'litvs Uloek, ltth and Farnam Sts. Lady attendant rbone 1 a o n POSTOFFICK AOTICf.. (Should be read DAILY bv all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending April 12, 19"2, will close (PROMPTLY In all ca?es) at the Oeneral I'ostotflce. aa follows: PARCELS POST MAI 1,8 close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post mails for Germany close at 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday, U.,.t wt ..... ..1 .rt... nl. .)a.a at foreign branch half hour later than I Dakota; the Improvement Bulletin, Mlnne closing time shown below, (except that I spoils, Minnesota; The Bee, Omaha, Ne supplementary malls for Europe and I braakai the inter Ocean, Chicago, Illinois; Central America, via Colon, close one hour I later at foreign branch. Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 5:30 s. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Kronurlns Whelm, via Plymoutn, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Llguria (mall must be directed "per s. s. I.lguna ). iri'liv , a.- . . e , . . t - T " IJ , 1 1" I.''A,ni at. 111. n'i , . i- ... per s. s. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. a. St. Louis '); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary - . , n . , . . 1." T I H 1 1 , I - n - .. llulu.ll,. .... a . in., I , ' 1 I j V 1 ' I Li, jri 0. . .', "J, ... . . j via Oueenstown: at 10 a. m. for HElyGIl'M direct, per s. s. Southwark (mall must be directed "per s. s. Southwark'), THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE per a. a. Augusta Victoria, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must be directed "per s. s. Augusta Vic toria ); at 7 a. m. ror t kainli-., b ha- AX. I, IT4tV DllDTITflll. TURKEY', EGYPT, GREECE. URITlSli INDIA and IxiRENZO MARQIEZ, per s. s. iVAqultalne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed per s. s. L AO,unaine- j. SATURDAY At 5:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. Lucanla, . via Queenstown; at 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Trave (mall must be directed "per s. s. Trave") at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct. ner s. s. Amsterdam (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Amsterdam"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTIA.ND direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must be directed "per s. a. Astoria ). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer mire nrlnted matter, commercial nauers. and samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After tha closing of the supplementary Trans-Atlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the niera of the American. r.ngllsh. French and German steamers, and remain open until within 10 minutes ot the hour of sailing oi siesmer. .Malts for South and Central America, West ladles, Kle. TUESDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 9:no a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA lexcent Costa Rica I and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Orizaba, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be dl Colon tmail lor uuan-mwn uiubi uv rected "per s. s. Orizaba"); at 10 a. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per a Silvia; at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, m s. s. per Admiral . llewev. trom lioston: at 11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from atlamL la. WEDNESDAY At 11:30 n. m. for JA MA1CA, per s. s. Admiral Sampson, rrom Phllade Dhla. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. CAMFECIIK. TAUAHCU ana CHI APAR, per s. s. Havana (mull for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Havana ); at 13 m. (supplementary 12:30 n. m l for BAHAMAS and SANTI AGO, ner a. s. Seauranca: at 12:30 o. m. for BRAZIL, Per s. s. Grecian Prince, via Pernambuco and Santos (mall for North ern Brazil must De aireciea per Grscinn Prince"). FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Niagara, via Tampico (man must De di rected "ner a. s. Niagara").' SATURDAY At a. m. for PORTO PICO. ner a. s. 1'once. via Ban juan: at s a. m, (supplementary 9:J a. m.) for CURACAO and VF.NEZl.'ELA. per s. s. Maracnlbo (mall fur Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Maracaibo"): at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for POHTLNU IBLAMJ. JAMAICA. HA- "VANII.LA. CARTAGENA and GREY- TOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa RIcS must be 'dlrected "per s. s. Alene"); . - . a. a.. . . . I V t ' T 1 . . .. .1 II . ,TI SI v:0U a. 111. iu i .-r aim jbsii i I, i,.r Paloma: at 10 a. m. for (THA. per a. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary'! p. m.) for TURKS island ana UUJU.Mt ICAN RE- PUBLIC, per s. s. Seminole. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hvdney. and uience uy steamer, close at this office dall at 1:30 p, m. (connecting cloee here every Monday. Wednesday ana Saturday). Malls for Mluuelon. by rail to Bostun. and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to, Florida, and thence by m ii rm n r a H I n na t -heil dulll ftunl enn- necllng 'closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Sundays at 9 a. m.. Wednes- days and Fridays at 12:30 p. m.; for dis patch via Miami, on Mondays and Frt davs at U:3o D. m. Malls for Mexico City overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 and 11 3u p. m . Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bellse, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office riailv excent Bundav at 1 :30 n. m.. Sun days at 1 :'0 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tuesday for Costa Rica.) Registered mall closes at :00 p. m. pre vious day. TranapaelBo Malls. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle and Victoria, B. C close here dally at 6 w p. m. up to April th. Inclusive, for des. oatch ner s. s. Empress of Japan (reals- tered mail must be sieclally addressed. Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via canaua). Mails fisr Hawaii. China and Japan, via San Francisco, close here daily at 130 p. m. - up to April lotn, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. Mails for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 1:30 p. m. up to April 11th, Inclusive, for despatch per v. a. transport. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma. close here dally at f p. m. up to April nth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Victoria. Malls for Haws II. via San Francisco, close here dally at t:30 p. m. up to April 14th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Alsmeda. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at 1:30 p. m. up to April 17th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Hawaii. Japan and China, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 110 p m. up to April lsth. Inclusive, lor dlsuMtch per s. s. China. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at tM p. m. up to April 18th. Inclusive, for dirpalch per a. s. Riojun Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle",. Malls for Australia, (axcept West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded via Europe;, New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii. via San Francisco, close here dally at t:'t0 p. m. a tier Apni otn ana up to April Thin, inclusive, or on arrival of s s. Urobrla. due at New York April 3Hh. for dlsoitch per s. s. Sonoma. Transpacific mall are forwarded to port of sailing dally and tne schedule of clos POSTOFFICF. , SOTIC K. their uninterrupted overland transit. HcglMer.'d mall i loses at ( "0 p. m. previous day. CORNELll'S VAN COTT. Postmaster. PostofTlce. New ork. N. Y.. April 4. ljT2. KH WK T SO I Itk.. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES lepartment of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington, 1. C, March 1. 19"2. Healed propoaals. Indorsed "Proposals for beef, flour, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 2:16 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., will be received until 1 o clo. p. m.. Of Tuesday, Apt II 15. 1908, for f.irnlshlng for the Indian service, neef, flour, baron, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of subsistence; also fur boots and shoes, groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oIIh. glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc.. Iiard ware, school and medical supplies, and a ling list of miscellaneous articles. Bealed pioposals. Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, woolen and cotton good, clothing, etc" as the case may be, and directed to the Com missioner ot Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 and 79. WooMer. New York City, will be received until 1 o'clock, p. m , ot Tuesday, May 13, IPC. for furnishing tor the Indian eervlee Plan net a, woolen and cotton goods clothing. notions, uats ana caps, mas must be made out on government blanks. Schedules glv- w'fi. ATrTCT ..''aKSlt dlan Office, WashltiRton, IV C,: Nos 77 and T9 Wooster street. New York City: 2J6 John- son street. Chicago. III.; No. Mb Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, V. S. A., at Cheyenne. leaven- worth. St. I-ouls. St. Paul and San Fran cisco; the postmasters at Bloux City, Yank ton, Arkansas t ity, Caldwell, Toueka. Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour and daye above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at tha opening. The department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. Mcn-24 to Apr-M-d rROPOSAIJI FOR FOUR HI ' 1 1 Dl and Water System. Department of the In terior. Office of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C, Mart h 2f, 1W2. Sealed proposals cndorseit "Proposals for Im provements, Plandicatf South Dakota" and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, will lie received at the Indian office until a o clock p. m. of Wednesday. April 30. lf'2, for furnishing the necessary ma terials and labor reuulred to comtruct and complete ut Klaudreau School, South Da- aoia, one orica worasnop, one nrlcg ware- nouae, one irame employes quarters, one brick laundry and one water svstem. In strict accordance with plans, specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the offices of tha tlnmlul'militu I,' ........ r , u 1.' I .... . . . the Builders' and Trailers' exchange at Omaha, Nebraska, and Milwaukee, Wiscon sin: tne is orth western Manufacturers' as sociation, St. Paul, Minnesota; the U. 8. In dian warehouses at M7 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; 233 Johnson street, Chicago, Illinois, and 77-79 Wooster street, NeW i or city, ana at tne school. For fur ther Information apply lo Charles F. Pelrce, superintendent. Indian School! Flandreau, South Dakota. . W. A. JONES. Commissioner. lilLWAY TIME CARD. IAIOS STATION 14)TH ASD MARC Y. Illinois Central. fy,ave. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pra cnicago, Minneapolis St ai. i-aui iimuea a cow pra a s:ue am Minneapolis & St. Ps.ul Express b 7:20 am bl0:35 era Chicago Express alOUIS pm Chlcaro. Hock Islanel Jt PaclSc. EAST. Pes Moines and Dav enport Local a 7:35 am a B:$6 Dm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm bll:60 am cnicago tast express. . a : pm a i:2 pra Des Moines, Lock Is land ana Chicago a 7:40 pm a 1:26 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, pueblo and West ,.a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma Texas f lyer , lalua Pad tic. .a 8:20 pra a 9.-60 am Overland Limited..,. .a 1:40 am .a 8:6o am .a 4:26 pra ..all:30pm a 7:30 pm Fast Mall. California Express..; Pacltlo Express Eastern Express a s:zo pm a 4:36 pm a 7:00 am Atlantic Express " Llncoln-Stromsburg Et.b 1:05 Dm bi2:30 pm urana isiana iocai o o;au pm n ;a am Chlcaao Ae Sorthvestern. "Tha Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:10 am ali:20 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 1:00 am Eastern bxpreaa aio:tn am a 4:06 pra Eastern Special a 4:66 pm a :U6 pm Fast Mali a 1:00 um a 2:40 u.n umana-cnicugo i iu...a i.u pm a, :ru am Fast Man Cedar Rapids Pass Twin City Express. Twin City Limited. a l:3u am 'a 5:30 pm .a 7:05 am alu:26 um .a 7:56 pra a 4:40 am Bloux cu Local... ...a l:ln am a 1:60 pm C'hlcao, Mliwankee A St. Paul. Chlcaao Limited ..a t:00 Dm a 1:06 sun Chicago tc Omaha Ex...b 7:16 am b l:4o pra julesuurl Pncllte. SL Louis Express a!0:00 am 1:26 Dm W. C Sc. St. L. impress.. alo:bo pu a am 4 b U. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a oj pm a 1:20 am Bt. iouis Local, Council Ulutxs aiv:w am aiu:do pm WEBSTER DEPO I 1STU WEBSTER Fremont, Elkaora Mlsnoarl Valley. ieava. Arrive, v Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs ...l:iw pm a IMDm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:09 pm Hastings, York, David City, superior, ucneva, Exeter and beward....b 1:00 pm b 6.00 Dm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:10 am bU):2eam Fremont Local o 7:30 am v Missouri i-acldc. v Nebraska Local. Via Weeping water o t:io pm alO:2S am cul-asto, at. I'm i, JUjuueayoMa s Ousalta. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am 9:00 pra Sioux City PaasHiter....a 2;oj pm all :20am Emerson Local b 6:40 pm b:i6am BLRL1SGTOS STATION 10TH A MASOS C'blcaa. Unrllngton A Qnlney. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:tW am a 10:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .u0 pui a 7:46 aa Chicago Local a 9:30 am a 4:o6 pm Chicago Limited. ,..a i.uv pin a eta am .' a J:4d put raai aa. oarllhitus 4c Mlssonrt Hlver. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:40 am bll:55 am Nebraska Express a 1:40 am a 7:4 pm Denver Limited a 4:2s pm a 1:00 pm Black Hills and Puget Sound b-xproa a .uw pm a : am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 .00 pm a 9:1 am Fort crook ana riaiis nu.ui!. b 1:20 om bll -OS Am Believue & Pacltlo Jet. .a 7:40 pm a tw am Bellevue at Pacltlo Jet.. a 1.09 am Kansas tin, St. Joseph, ec Csssoll Blns. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:90 am a 1:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pin all :1s am Kansas City Night pin a $.16 am a Daliv. b Dally except bunddv. c Sun. day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Daily except juonaay. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New ioi a-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. 8. M New Twin-Screw s. s. of U.uou lous register. Steamer AMBi tituAM Apr. ii, lo a. m. Steamer w Statendam Apr. 19, I Jti a. ui Via piymoutn ana Boulogne, 0. M. Twin-Screw Pnterlam . . fcteamer I wieeuui Apr. K, 10 A. M. . 1. .A U U U U,.H.U 11,, Ueeti J. B. McNally, 1323 Farnam street; 11. o. rfunee, am caruaio Bixeei: louia Neeae. First National Bank. Omaha. mm TOUR SEPARATE AID CISTIXCT SERVICES. Fait Twin-Screw riisenfer Suirncri ailing- ckly from Befttii, PortlaaJ and Mcntresl to Liverpool, alio Boston to Mediternnein ports. Seed for booklet, "MtdlUrrsJieaa llUairstsa." J' of rate, etc., apply to local agent or company'! office. - Dearborn St.. Chios. HI. ' EUROPEI tours. Jweat prices. lune 18th and July iddreas Kd win Jones. 'ntnanf Ave.. Brook lyn. i. x. Tour July 1st, vUting England, France, m 5m r r"sw Uoaard. 3Ji Bee Bulldlu. ing la arranged on toe prsumiiaa ot xieigtum, iu.