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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1902)
8 THE ILLUSTHATKI) HEK. ,0k When yon drink whinkey drink flood whinkf'T, n ffOfid hfV'y i f..r you and bad w Inn key in ad, fur you. ILER'S PURE MALT U prearri.MM. by riv-.frinA who know t'.itt a firm in. nr. whikry m t hn only rifftit mid proper Mhiki-y to drink i tn I thnt Hit m lad th-in nil in purity, tnntu and general i c'l U'lifi1. It Iihm lieen on thn market for tVrty year and im rtiig in popu larity every dny. Willow Spring-s Distillery, Omaha. Neb., U. S.A. WE MAKE J'Blue Ribbon" r ...... BEER rlicht here In Omaha and w arc iirouil of It. "BLUE ninnON" Is fast becoming fu mniiH. Why'.' It has a delicious taste! A line, rich, hop fluvor! It In a full hotly hop hih) malt beer! It'a tonic nnd building-up quality will surprise, you! It In a line appetizer! Taken with your illnner It helps to as similate your rood It la an aid to dlges ilon hy toning up your system. II la Heat Family lleveraitr. Made with pure artesian well water. We jake pride In It because we know what It Storz Brewing Company Telephone 1260. OMAHA Red 2 Cross WIIIKKRY yi FULL IL QUARTS $3 tor. Express Charges Prepaid Recommended hv the leading physicians and used In all prominent hospitals. The Red C'rosa Whiskey enjoya today the best of rep utations ard stands above all In quart y and purity. Refer ences, Klrst National Dank of Omaha or any repress company. Western Distilling Company 7lt South Ulb Street OMAHA Sola Owner. Ordera from atatea west of Nebraska will be ablpped by freight. r ! OUR ENGRAVERS Manz Engraving Co. lfS-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois, J Are Justly celebrated aa the engrav ing establishment which can at all times be relied upon for satisfactory result, whether the engraving be a fine half-tone, wood cut or sine etch ing. Their facilities are ao extensive that work which must be executed: quickly for shipment to distant cities' can be easily turned out. When ordering engravings from our printers aak for Manz Perfect Enj raving. ;'((,: v-: is; "'''I! "WOULDN'T THAT JAR YOU?'' Present-Day Slang Has the Merit of Direct and Concise Expression of Ueus. THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE iSicnaea Thla Street I'nr Inner In nr Advertisement lleenime of the Itenann for the llemnrk. "Wouldn't that Jar you?" This 1b the laconic comment heard from the lips of a member of (ho Nebraska Underwriters as sociation, the Nebraska representative of the Life Insurance trust, when he saw the annual report of the Bankers Reserve Life Association. It was an exclamation of dis tress and surprise, for that report showed conclusively that the "SKW ntMI'AW IS A I'KAllf." lo quote from the second explosive evidence of astonishment. Then he went on to say that the alien agents wcro a unit upon only one proposition at their secret meetings, and that was hostility to the Bankers Re serve Life. We have spent oodles of stuff In the attempt to down that institution. We have spared nothing that venom and malice could conceive or selfishness con trive, but to all appearances vi: iiavi: shot out wad against a stone wall and wasted all our powder In vain, for this young company makes a better showing for l'.Hil than any competitor In the Nebraska field. The more we kick and squirm and the louder we shout our denunciations, the more the peoplo rally to support the home company. It is folly to deny that no organization In Nebraska Is doing so much to educate the people to insurance Independence. 'II. II. ItOIIISOV IIKSIDKVr nf the Hunkers Reserve Life, is not only full nf energy, but he Is resourceful as an Insurance expert and enterprising as an ;dvcrtlser. Every lime we have entered .he field with a document Intended to dam ago his young organization he has turned the tables on us most cleverly. What we xpected would destroy the reputation of the Hankers Reserve Life and Injure him as an insurance man has recoiled upon us invariably." "ttOII.IIVT THAT KIM, YOl t" and again he pointed to the report show ing Jl 19,000 Income, J2.000.000 of new busi ness, lowest death rate of any American company, all bills paid promptly, every lost adjusted on Ihe date of the receipt of proofs, an advisory board of the beat cltl xens ef the state, a field force which Is unexcelled, unsurparsed accounting and voucher system and mcdern, liberal policies. No wonder the alien was aatonlBhed at Till-. HlKKr'.ttft lKK.H VK I.IKK. Tor 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff hat kept on Curing Catarrh Th Oldeat Remedy, hn a niitionnl rvpiitiitloti anil hrin never ! n fH(u"'l d for the I tint mi I rrllrf mill i-vriminent curt of it firrh, f 'old in t he ht-'id and the attendtint HtAlji-iit) anil I t'iifm-aa. li -ntorva l.uat Hfim nf Hnii'll, I mmd iM relii f iruurttntt't-il. (tiuranf red . rfyth hxrni)1. Aht ur ilenlar fr it. li fu all hImi ltutta. Pri t?ft cnta. All drutftfiK(a), or by mail poatpatd. t'ircu'ur frw. F. C. KEITH. ( MtO, Cleveland. Ohio YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Hee. On small portrait ruts we make a nominal price of $1.00. On larger cuts, cents per square Inch. They are all In flrat-clasa condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co, Omaha, Neb. When Writing to Advertisers Always Mention The Bee. Last Word from Baldwin (Continued from Fourth rage.) the men, seemed to comprehend the situ ation and comforted themselves with quiet demeanor. In a short time the Frlthjof had lowed up alongside America and It was with a good deal of relief that we climbed aboard to wait for a more favorable wind and tide for our work of landing. When the Frlthjof had landed most of its cargo on Alger Island we took the rest on board the America. Our plan la to leave as little as possible at Alger Island, and until the night comes on we hall continue mov ing our supplies thence .orthward As long as it Is pneslble we shall force the America through the lee. Then the dogs and ponies will carry a part of our ramp equipment, portable houses, etc., still farther along. Delayed hy Had Wenther. It had been my hope to equal the record established by Nansen end the duke of Abruzzl In their Arctic camps, but. I have found this Impossible. We experienced a great deal of bad weath-r on our voyage to Cape Flora; three weeks were consumed when one should have been sufficient. As a consequence we found the Ice In a more solid condition, later on, when wo were ready to proceed from Alger Island. Un fortunately, the Ice at this time was not strong enough to permit our taking the equipment in sledges over It, but it was sufficiently firm to hold the America back from any steady progress. However, though we are located farther south than some of our predecessors In pole searching, we feel confident that when the time comes for our final dash we shall more than make up the difference. Nansen had lees than forty dogs In his winter camp; we have more than 400. This Is not the only Item in which our equipment sur passes that of any polar explorer, but If It were, assuming that we have sufflclnnt food, we stand a better chance to reach the north pole than Nansen did In making his high est point. Franz Josef Land is not an undiscovered land to me and I know something of the long winter night through which we shall have to pass. What shall I say of that dreary movement of days, which are days In name only, of the awful stillness and the hitter cold which former explorers have written about? I shall not attempt to de scribe these experiences, because I believe that no one who has not lived beyond the Arctic circle and has not watched the shortening days can appreciate them. When one sees the dull glare of the sun for a few minutes only cut of twenty-four hours, always from the southward, and has lived through many days of the calm, awful stillness of these regions after the sun has disappeared, then he may know something of the majesty of King Cold Now and then there comes the Ice pressure and the hum mocks heave nnd crack with thunderous reverberations out of the eternal quiet. Tleauty enough there la also If one may b" poetic, but It Is a stern beauty, an austere coldness of aspect, that gradually grows more and more repellant. Occasionally we may venture out for walks over the Ice and when the moonlight or the glow of the aurora borealls is over the vast fields of Ice and snow th're are few scenes more delightful. Rut how we shall 'long to have the night end! Of Ihe life we shall live tip here I fear Us chief characteristic will be mono'ony. Of course, through the night, we shall try to busy ourselves with the allotted labors of taking observations, making full and elaborate notes. Now and then we shall make llttl excursions In various directions from camp to camp. We have so much food that It has not become necessary to estab lish a ration, though we have limited the use of aome of our Jellies and preserves We have excellent shelter from the cold and our portable houses are so arranged that they will fit snugly together when wr establish our final camp. The America Is fitted with electric lights, so that on board the ship the ventilation Is of the best. Three meals a day, warm clothes, a good bunk and something to do each day what more can any man want? There Is no reason why we should not be contented and happy. Forty men all told we are, and each one lakea his share of the work. We have several musical Instruments on our ship and many of the men csn play the different ones. There Is a fairly well stocked library of books and games of all kinds with which to vary the monotony. Boxing gloves, fencing foils and other gymnastic paraphernalia furnish us with needed exer cise when we cannot get out of doors. When I selected the men who make up our party I was very rareful to get men who were cheerful In disposition and versatile In amusements Thla rare has already proved to be of much Importance In our life here. Our acientlfic work thus far has been valuable. We have made ront'nunus meteorological observations and we have recorded regularly the force and direction of the winds, the phenomena of the clouds, etc. Our magnetic work has not ben lim ited to the mere locating of our ramps. We have done considerable surveying and charting, and before we get through we hope to have a fairly accurate map of euch parti rf Frani Joseph Ijind as we shall touch. So far as we ahall be able we shell eend meaaagea back to clv'lttatlon by means of our balloon and buoys. Several of theee buoys have already been atarted on their way and long before we return many of our meaaagea and reports should be In the pos aeaslon of our frlenda. BVBLTN BRIOGS BALDWIN. "" aneleaa f year tablet ixifv Uuuir tha aan eaa balk off constantly eipoaed to dirt and dust be olaant Lion Coffee comes in sealed pound packages only, thus in-sur-r.o'' . strength, navoi M.rmity. NO MISTAKES IN PROOF-READING A. I. Root: lJenr Sir Your proof was re ceived, and I must say that I am surprised to jret a proof tliat is absolutely free from error. In US years' experience with seedsmen's copy I have never before found a perfect copy from the printer, owing- to tech nical terms, etc. Thanking you for your promptness and trusting- you will continue on the same line, I am. Yours, II. R. liAHSI.KK. Waterloo, Neb. MADE $ 1 05 THE FIRST MONTH ,writwt KKED. HLODOFTT, of N. Y. J. L. I H.MtHU'K, of La., write: "Am maltiim to thill evnryduy 1 work," M US. L. A.-snr.Hhu.Y or J own, wriim: -1 made to a duy h Hundred.. , dMtitf littHwiHO. Ho can you. I$Mn to Iimu dntly m mle iih I tin jewelry, tableware, bicy. 1 v'ttH, mtnl Kxda with tiold, ail Ver, nickl, etc. Knnrmnnn de. I nm mi. teat you rnrr 1 W rite -ottVr frtttt. I M LCl fl- RRAT A Oka I'lilUn tt,.. k, A Nanl KMM ( tarlaaMi. O. 4 o m f(taor,i mm M Equipped with Aloffett Roller Bearing 4xles. Built by P. J. KARBACH & SONS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS. Thirteenth and Howard Streets. Omaha. Nebraska. mm vi W-i JiiLi-l 5 vi pi Tnn r i it i ii i i ii ' ""1'i'i'in tir t rt- n hiu if. csh w;;,hi;"tav.,.yl: y- y, y.oU , answer and win ouie Cash Wa d i .... .. yre smart you can, with studv, give a correct You haveat-olutely nohingtopav" r a guew JSftl.,', monr' you answer this 5ludy. answer i. .Mowed you. T?y .Sd Wli.' Thtala?! Z JSITH T"U f cU;ar Uu" ouI wi iiii. Kuaramee to fmy all patrona Ca.k too will her from m prnmmfy AddrJ m!.. a,aaaBjaa-araaajaMBaMa- THD HALFTONE PLATES FURNISHED THB ILLVSTRATBD BED AreEnraVedby the BAKER BROS.ENGRiWJJG CO. April il, I'.mij. LIFE SIZE DOLL Fi7FF"Bab's clothes wi rillak now lit Dollie." riirle can ir..t tl... .... ..... w v hht 1'iHllTir'll Llft'fMJW iHlifltiw.lut,. (. , ,.f,,r iM-lhn only f..ur Im.x. ,,f ,)r lin-Hl oiii A Ht-Hiliti I,, 1h i, At eVxt-niri a Im.V Write ami ill nenil ) nil tin tnr.; t y mail K-lni :V In n s..i h, U the limner , i ihi hi,,) , ,, apndymi thi Lift Siz. mi Wf.j, i. 1 as feet tiitrh ami enn Iwihy el. .then. 1-Iln )h- h i-, riovtr-m.til.l.. II. .cl :..!. i. .. li Ror Cheek. ftrm n Fve. Kil . Hi-d Rtwktnira ltl.-W SI, , . ami will etami alone. Thi il' ll is vxnrl rptr.1iiettonnf ttieMn. 1 1. hi. 1 painted French Poll, ami will live in a rhild'n memory tnnirafn r. li.i.l. bood dar have fanmed. Address, NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., DollDepLi02 New Haven, Conn SCHOOLS AND (DI.M'.t; Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and Knglish. Day and evening. Students furnished work for board when desired Spring Term, Tuesday, April 1. Gregg Shorthand by mall. Send for cata logue. New York Life B'ld'g, Omaha, Neb The Incomparably easy and elastic touch of the New Century Typewrit a m Is most note- worthy. Full 0 particulars from S united Typewriter S and supplies Co., 41S So. 15th St., 0 Omaha, Neb. ARNICA i TOOTH SOAP Ilnrdeni the fi.mi-rUiniat nrsisn'si feUtl(lfl the) terth iweHluns II. I.r.atl. hi. t.wrlror liqui'l l. II nm. c..i, irnivnl urn, kxt to carry or me A t all ItruMlaU V&e. L . H. HTUU.NU Jt CO., lhlc-o, C. R. A . . -"iniui uoeirmcui 01 ensure ana IIcorrcct ""'"tlon. If vour answer is correct ""'"! r.nt,. is VI Mm r I aMteaaw- N and H i 1 If