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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1902)
i t THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: SUNDAY, APItIL 0, 1002. 23 I 4 t'OR RALR-RGAL KITATB, j D. W. SHOLES CO, 1 810 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 829. fSPECIAL BARGAINS lf 8. 31 St., HANfW'OM PLACE, wa offer fine large s-room modern house, excellent repair inside, finely decorated, very bent latent modern plumbing, fine furnace, mantel, brick cellar, laundry, lance lot fi xl.l feet, at a barnatn. uwner going to sell and rlpht qulik. Here la a tip top chance to secure a bargain and on very cany term also. Bee ua Hunt quirk or call and look through the house. 124 8. 31st ave., f Inn Turner park, we offer the beat built, modern, oak finish, handsome Interior, hot water heated nous, n the WEST FARNAM diatrlrt, of anything In that locality unsold. RE M EMIIKK that WEHT FARNAM resi dences are selling, anil when you ran pick up a snap like thin, you do not want to mien It. It Is the time to buy them and buy quick. FARMS. DODGE COUNTY, Nebraska, In the ELK HORN valley, we offer a part of the old PATRICK farm, the finest STOCK BREEDING and feeding farm In the atate, of which there la mill left 1.120 acren, with the feed and shipping yanln, R. R. switch, good fair Improvements, fine, smooth, level bottom land, good rich, deep black soil, fine corn land, with blue grans paature, hay land, etc., for Stock, being the BICST ntock farm offered. ONLV 40 miles to Omaha, which at the . price of $46 per acre la a bargain; 8"0 acres with no belter soil, although finer ' Improvements sold March 1st for $55 per cie. SHEEP RANCH. (MWE8 COUNTY, Nebraska, 15 mllea from Burlington railroad, we offer 4,480 acres deeded land, controls 11.000 acres range, 86 mllea fence, own 6 mllea of creek, 600 acres fine hay and alfalfa land, 3 good houses, fine corrals and ahoep ranch Im- J movements, with 2.0UO sheep, all young. Tire, $21,ouo for all, or will sell the ranch alone. THIS la a MONEY-MAKER. TERMS eaay. D. V. SHOLES CO., SOLE AGENT8. RE KIT THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. Three modern houses and 66x112 feet ground, paved street, all paving taxes paid, rentpd to good tenants for 1900 a year. Will net 7 per cent on Investment. Heat modern cottage and good lot, front 2uu0anPCm no P,v'n"r taxes, only legant six-room modern cottage, all hard wood finish, lnrludlng floors, lot 80x140, 'good location, only 22,000. Vice five-room cottage, lot 28x100, only fieveiroom houne and lot 60x188, South eiucnomy sz.otv. BRENNAN-LOVE CO.. 309 South 13th St. RE 772 6 MODERN HOME I FOR $2,000. Eight rooms, gas, bath, toilet, furnace, hot and cold water, lot 50x130, south front and located on B10ST street In north part of city. Everything In A-l repair. If you are looking for SNAP pee us MONDAY. COME EARLY. sweet' HEADLEY. Tel. 1472. 613 N. Y L. Bldg. RE 768 60x120 feet near 80th and Caaa Sts., south front, lies well, 2400. 60x107 feet, near 25th and Chicago, $1,350. Northwest corner Suth avenue and Jones street. 124x132 feet, cheap at $1,800. 1143 and 1145 North 17th street, lot (0x140 feet, paving paid, cheap at 22.700. Southwest corner 38th' and Chicago Sts., nice and sightly, lot 110x247 feet. Submit offer. Northwest corner 15th and Center, 8-room house, lot 76x140 feet, SNAP, $1500. Kountxe Place, 8 rooms, modern,' 83,750. 12 per cent gross Investment, 8 houses, near 24th and Cass streets, price 84,000. 12 per cent gross Investment, two 8-room modern houses near 28th and Harney streets, price 84,500. 2til2-14-16 Sherman Ave.. 8-story brick build ing, lot 86x186 feet, 213,500. 75x:K) feet, fronting east on Miller Park Boulevard and west on 24th St., 81,000. t acres. North 24th street; this aide Miller ram, GjAf, K.m 80 acres on paved road, 7 miles out, good tor rruit, gardening or am 120 acres. 12 miles out, 87,800. 100. 233 acres, near Klk City. 19,320. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opposite Old P. O. RE 8298 FOR SALE, a 4-story modern office build ing, centrally located; stores and three upper floors well rented; ground lease for a long term; gross rental 25 per cent of purchase price. The Omaha Realty Com pany, 1301 Douglas St., upstairs. RE 700 78x175; Price $1,150. With two houses, one of three rooms and a large house of nine rooms (unfinished). This Is on the North Boulevard and close to the new Florence car line. A fine place, and the price Is right, too. See w. D. David, owner, 6418 Florence , Boulevard, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY RE 789 8 DO NOT FORGET to call on J. A. Lovgren & Co., 424 Paxton block, for information . for Irrigated lands in the North Platte . Valley. Now Is the time to Investigate this land for those desiring good farming land. This land is especially adapted for f Towing alfalfa, wheat, oats, corn, po atoes, and you need not depend on rains, for when your crops need water you open your ditches and Irrigate your fields as ., you see fit, as the water Is always on hand. RE 7658 -ROOM hn-jse. modern except furnace, on car line. $1,500. f-room house, modern except furnace, newly papered and painted, $2,200. Choice 8 acres at a price to move It. I. N. HAMMOND. 612-13 Paxton Block, RE 788 6 SUBURBAN LOTS. At present prices will malta vnu mnmv .. Buy now, don't delay; West Dodge street is me rigni location; beat suburban real, dence district; convenient to elec, - trio car line, new school hnm. nA vim. wood park; a few choice lots for sals at low prices ami easv terms. W. A. WEBSTER, 42 Barker Block. RE SZ4 BARGAINS IN HOUSES. PRICE, $T50-RENT8 $102 per anhum, a 5 room house, city water lu kitchen. 2217 N. 25th st. On very easy terms. Good for a home or Investment. PRICE. $l,35o A desirable dwelling of $ rooms, city water, sink, sewer, east front 101 xitw reet. located at is N. 27th St.; ..mi u, iuuuiusa aim a uorgain. PRICE. $1,050-612 N. 82d St., 7-room house, city water; walking distance. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. RE 848 FOR 8ALE. nearly new, all modern, house. 8. 80th ave., north of park; rented for $36 per mourn, rnce, hw. Bpecial paving ail paid. Look at 834 B. 24th at., 8-room modern house, full east front ao-ft. lot. stable: is renlud 125 per month; can give posses sion May 1st: property all clear; owner does not need the money; will take $6u0 uown. oaiance to suit. TkW DavellDort St.. 8-room modern tinuae. fine lot. large shade trees, south front, 4 block street car. near High school; In the ... Iianda of administrator; must sell; prop- " iiro. some repairs; wouia like t-l.tHM. MMr oner. J. H. SHERWOOD. 937 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone S&8. . RE-862 T ACRE.VGE-1 to 6-acre tracts In Council Bluffs, 1 blocks from car line; 1 mile from Douslas street. Omaha: fine hliih ' bottom land; will build you a house and sell on payments; best thing for the money; so close In and certain to rise In value. Write or call on Robert Young, at W aterworks. 3ith and Bruadwav. Council Bluffs. RE 18 X-AND for sale 6. 10 or 20 acres; smsll cash payment, balance long time, 6 per cent. E. L. Emery. 2201 Douglas St. RE-4K8 I ,,VT .best house paints, varnishes, etc. hhMti Pr,c lowest. National - Oil ft Paiut Ce., 1014 Jones St. FOR SALE REAL F.8TATB. R. C. PETERS A CO 17"2 Farnam Pt., Bee Bldg. VACANT PROPERTY. l.OTB-OREAT BARGAIN. 50-ft. lot 28th and Hprague sts. price, $2?o.D. 1.271 54-ft lot NEAR HAN8COM PARK, fine shade, one block from car. Owner might build to stilt. 908 FINE BUSINESS LOT, corner alley, east front on 24th. smith of Lake St.; small building. VERY CHEAP. West front lot on 1RTH ST. BOULEVARD, acronn ntreet from Lake Street school. Price, $1,250.00. 1,175-Lotn 15 snd 16. block . West End, near 34th snd Dodge sts. $2,600.00. DWELLING HOUSES. 8-room house. 2020 Martha nt . brick cellar, well, clntern. COST OWNER $1,800. If sold soon we can accept $sno.oo. 8-room cottage near High school. $1,500. 832 New 8-room houne, OAK FINISH, re ception hall, good furnace, cement cellar under entire houne, for $1.3nO LESS THAN COST. Price for quick nnle, $4,0n0. l,2f.A 7-room houne, ALL MODERN, lo cated In WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. I "rice only $3,7W. 8-room house, MODERN, near High school, $4,600. FARM LANDS. 128 acres MILK LIMITS OF SOUTH OMAHA, half rolling land black noil, balance bottom land. Lands In vicinity held at $125 to $150 per acre. BEST BAR- ' GAIN In Sarpy county. 820 acres near Wauna, Neb., 240 seres cul tivated, good buildings. A bargain at $32.50. This land will bring $40 before next fall. 120 acres in Cedar county, Nebraska; rich black soil, 8 miles from town. Price, $30.00 per acre. 480 acres in NORTHERN MIBBOURT, fnnaflv hnttnm l.hrf all I-1 - - I - Owners cannot divide the property and will sacrifice It at $25.00 per acre. Just as f ood as other lands that sell for $fiO and U0 ter acre, noon nppnnTuviTv 647 acres In Cedar county, near Waiisa. ,l,.uaist IMPROVEMENTS, 8 miles of good fence, 450 acres In cultivation; la, id rolling, but lays well; all a RICH BLACK SOIL. This Is one of the best farms In northeast Nebraska. Price for short time onlv I.KT7I1 nor nor 431H acres on Platte bottom, fine blue grass rnce oniy per acre. 160 acres in Washington countv. ALL BOTTOM, VERY FINEST RICH SOIL. This ONLY GOOD FOR FEW DAYS. If you want It come to Omaha at once and We Will show tha land DO YOU WANT AN ALFALFA FARM? iitb a one list. Mmrict.i.ivrora No. 12. HERE IS A LIST OF PROPERTY 7VMLB1 HK SOLD AT ONCE TO RAISE HOME MDNPV Lot 10, block 13, Kountze's 3d add. trfns a, i. a. v and 10. b ock 3. 2d add to South Omaha. Lots 8 and , block 9. Kountxe Place, 13 room house, steam East 66 feet of west 88 feet lot 8, block 101, v """ ,lln "-"ougms sts. MAKE LS AN OFFER QUICK. R. C. PETERS & CO , OMAHA. NEB. RE 869 8 . 10 PER CENT INVESTMENTS GROSS, OR BETTER. $35,000 3-story brick block, with stores and flntn R.nt. tA 17K $10,0007 houses and 2 full lots, corner, on p street, close in. items xi.ObO. 1.760 New 8-r. modern house, 84th and Farnam. Rents $480. 1.000 8-r. modern house, 25th and Maple. Hnta toil! $2,000 8-r. modern house, except furnace, M i"r nanacom para. Kents H.KJ-r. cottage, near Webster Street to same tenant tor nine years at UNO. have many other properties at $750 and uw.?rd lnat Kr" 8"001 bargains for a HOME or an INVESTMENT. I believe i can SUIT you. Let me SHOW you. TTXTTlur DDAtrrn V $o,000 90x156, east front, on 38th Ave., Just . 1 -"""jn new nouse, pavea $2,60060x138, on S4th street, north of Turn- . ivuig paia, notning else on the tl-AAt a Br, Iav n.l... $1,850-48x138, facing vTurner' park, double a. . 4iw nnu upward, JOHN W. ROBBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. TEL. 629 RE 735 6 IVM1 ain. w have a number of propertlea In differ- v, me cujr uwnea oy eastern people that are paying from 10 to 12 per cent net on the price that we are offering Xf you have idle money It will pay you to looking for an elegant 8-room cottage, modern, in one of the best residence dis tricts In the city and only 4 blocks from the city hall, we have Just what you want and will soli it low enough to make an Inducement for you to buy. THE PUTNAM CO.. 604-e tf. Y. Life. RE 732 6 A NEW MOnvtJN rnTTinp $1,7005 rooms, besides vestibule, closets, iuro room ana nam room. Has hot and cold water, porcelain bath tub, marble wash bowl, cloeet, sewer, gns, cemented cellar, fine front and side porch, south front. No. 2616 Templeton St., which is one of the best on north side. The work was carefully superintended and you will say it's a gem when you see It. Particulars and kev at thl nm $1,200 An almost new 6-room cottage, city pn,:c louin ironi lot nne maple shade, near street car and school. One of the prettiest and cheapest cottages for the money on the north side. $1,660 7-room house, 27th and Grant. $1,000 8-room cottage, near 27th and Grant. $750 3 acres near Countrv cluh. $!00 10 acres near Seymour park. YAtAHT. 60 Full lot on 21st. near Leavenworth. Two lots at the northwest corner 44th rld uougias sis., aonve grane and one block to street car. Want offer. One lot facing south on Farnam St.. near AA Want ntt.- Shimer & Chase. 604 Bee Bldg. Telephone 1442. RE 876 6 'A thing well bought Is half sold." That's me secret or my Dargain lint. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON. Thurman R. Huston, Salesman. RE-653 I FOR SALE, Crystal Springs Stock farm. 920 acres near one of Nebraska's brat towns; well Improved, fine bottom land: sell all or part at a barguln. Call on or write, j. c Aicciay, alrburv. Neb. RE MS95 6 BARGAINS IN REAL EST ATR We are agents for some eastern hunks which acquired real eatute here under foreclosure of mortgares, and whose state laws require that this property he dis posed of before Mny 1st next. We ure . selling it at less than half Its value. Come and nee us. BRENNAN-LOVE COMPANY. 3u9 South 13th Street. RE-SS2 $ GEOROE & COMPANY. $4.700 West part of city, desirable 8-room house, modern throughout, paved, special taxes paid in lull. $5.5'iO New 8-room. modern house, near Hanscom park, corner lot. $3.800 S01 Marcy St.. 8-room modern house, Immediate posnessl n can be given. $2,6oO 3014 Cass St., 8-room house, modern, full lot, good neighborhood, block and one half from Harney st. car line extension. $2,000 For full lot and two houses, near 23,1 snd California sts. $1,8 0 2fto2 St. Mary's ave., 6-room cottage. $1.0u0 For choice south front building lot on Madison ave.. ust east 16th st. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. RE 880 6 WYMAN-SHR1VF.R CO.. NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. We ran sell the following properties on small payment down and balance monthly at about what the monthly rent would be; New 6-room modern cottage, nice lawn, south front, 27th and Spencer, $1,600. New 6-room cottage, modern, except fur nace, corner 27th and Spencer, $1.6X). Two-story house. 7 rooms, 40-foot lot, 27th, near Spencer, $1,000. Two-story house, 8 rooms, barn, newly painted outside and in, 60-foot lot. One shape, $l,2u). 83-foot lot. east front, $ rooms, modern, ex cept furnaoe. 26th ave. and Indiana ave., $1,630. 6-room cottage, full Int. outhouses and barn. Melrose Hill, $6u0. Vacant lot on 3kth ave. and Dodge, paving paid for. $1.6t. Corner 26th and Parker, 80-foot front, pav ing paid for. $1.0UO. RE 844 6 RANCH FOR SALE Ranch, WO acres, at $5 80 per acre, on Middle Loup, mile and half of river; good ranch house, stable, barn, granary, sheds. lft acres under irri gation ditch, timber, hay, 6.600 acres of range an feaoeo. uw w. (Jranuaii. Un vio, Nsb, XIZ-M'V FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WANT A NEW HOUSE? TAKE YOUR CHOICE Three nice, sightly, modern homes on Burt street, between 27th Ave. and 28th Ave., near car and good school. On first floor: Parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom, etc. On second floor: Two bedrooms, with closets,- bath room, etc. Cemented cellar under entire house. These houses have never been occupied. They are all ready to move Into. They are positively the finest opportunity ever offered In Omaha to obtain a nice small home at a moderate cost. Every modern convenience, except furnace gas, porce lain bath, nickel plumbing, marble wash bowl, hot and cold water, procelain sink, etc For sale, not for rent. Price, $2,400 each; $500 cash, balance 6 per cent. Two new modern Rees Place residences, adjoining Hanscom Place, near corner 2th Ave. and Pacific; east front, over looking fine forest trees. On first floor: Parlor, dining room, pantry, kitchen, etc. On second floor: Three bedrooms, bath room, etc. Cemented cellar under entire house. These also are brand new homes and all ready to move Into. Good furnace, gas, electric light, porcelain bath and sink, nlckle plumbing, marble wash bowl, hot and cold water, etc. Price, $3,600; $l,uot cash, balance per cent BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK Just read this record of what has been done In three years. When we put this addition on the market we offered 163 lots: Of these we have sold 139 Leaving unsold 24 - Of the 139 lots sold a large number have already been built on and many more houses will go up this year. Whatever part of the park you choose you will be right among nice homes and all of them new. Several new houses have been started this year already. No weeds, no shanties, in BEMIS PARK. Streets well graded In BEMIS PARK. Electric light, gas, water, sewer, etc, to every lot In BEMIS PARK. Call and see our plat, showing prices of all lots still unsold. We expect to clean out all these remain ing lots as quickly as possible. See us at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Lands, Loans, City Propery and Rentals. Main Floor New York Life Bldg., Omaha. HE 7HO 41 LOT, 83xl62, good 6-room house, city water, cistern and cellar, housd newly painted, line shade trees, near 20th and Castellar, 81.800. 6814x166, a corner, good neighborhood, close to street car and school, good 6-room brick house and room for two or three more houses, $1,860. 60x140, good 10-room house and barn, south front, shade trees, good neighborhood, southwest part of the city, $2,010. 8-room house, south front, 2 blocks west of the High school, $2,500. 60x132, two good 6-room houses, city water and sewer, on 17th St., a little north of Vinton, $2,000; might shade that a little. 6-room cottage, closet, pantry and cellar, city water, shade trees, south front, one block west from 24th St., north part of the city, $850. One-half acre, good 4 or 6-roora house, good barn, well and cistern, Hi blocks from street car and 4 blocks to school, about 25 or 30 fruit trees of different kinds; will offer this for one week at the low price of o00. I nave also got 20 acres with a small house, good well, about 70 or 80 bearing fruit trees, located 2 miles north of Florence; will make a nice fruit and chicken farm; good road on three sides of it, $1,100. Lot, 60x128, 6-room house and halls, cltv water and furnace, paved street, with all special taxes paid In full; the very best of neighborhood, $1,650. J. A. LOVGREN & CO., 424 Paxton Block. BE 766 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Beautiful, modern residences in West Farnam district which owners do not wish advertised. , Prices from 50,000 down. We will be pleassd to give you further particulars. Fine Building Site. High and sightly, one of the finest vacant properties in the city, corner 36th and Jackson. Price 12.000. Modern Home. Nice 8-room residence, all modern and good as new, within one block of above. Will be sold at a bargain this week. If you wish to buy or sell call on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St RE 732 6. PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO., 601-2 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. DWELLING HOUSES. 6- room modern house, 20th and Pierce, with good barn, $2,100. 7- room, modern house, 24th and Ames ave., for $2,100. 8- room house, 28th and Blnney st, with 2 lots, city water, for $1,500. 8336 Charles st., 6-room, modern except fur nace, tn good repair, one block from new Harney car, $l,6u0. ' 27th and Dodge sts., 6-room house and barn, only $1,800. New 8-room modern house, with every modern convenience, oak finish, maple floors, nicely decorated with plate mould lnaMn dining room, large lot, good barn, VACANT. Cheapest building lot In 'Hanscom Place, west front on 28th st, 264 feet north of Shirley, price $6u0. Adjoining lot held at $1.2a0. Fee us quick. East front on Georgia ave., near Poppleton ave. Owner wants to sell. See us for price. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft Co., 001-2 N. Y. LIFE. RE 849 6 W. H. GATES. 618 New York Life Bldg. 7-room cottage, modern, on the boulevard, near Spruce, 52,100. 6-room cottage, gas, open plumbing, a good home. In o.der, barn, lot Is 50x140. on 1lUi st., near Manderson. This is cheap for $2,100. 7-room cottage and lot 33x115, 2527 Daven- 10-room, modern, northeast corner 23d and cnicago, i4,ouo. 66x116, on southwest corner 37th and Marcy 60 feet on Harney, Just cast of 36th, south 1IUI11, ft, sts. 7 rooms, modtrn, except furnace, on 26th ave., near bi. Mary ave., $2,mj0. , RE 806 6 FOR SALE, hay land in Holt county. Neb.: w o lime, aouin ol AlKlnson, close to cheap range, yioina 45v tons choice hay per annum; a aplenaid location lor stock; price, 86,6uO; $3,ouu cash, balance to suit purchaser, 7 per cent Interest. Address lock bus ait, Ataiiisou. iseb. KE-M228 All HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, xmmuis, raxiun Uloclc RE-&50 A CHOICE home, built of Dressed brick. Interior beautifully finished, square mo saic tiled hall, porcelain l aih, steam heat, barn, carriage houae, shade trees, large lot K6 feet front; very tine residence loca tion, close in; this property coat the for mer owner over irs.UX. and can be sold at a decided bargain for cash. Wm. K. Potter, receiver omaha Loan and Trust Co., WJS Brown tsia. RE MU3 Ull I lAMCnW Fsrnam street. ft I l4lrviiuwi j CHARLES E., 12u$ RK 646 FOR a 1$ oer cent Investment In rental property or choice trackage see William 1 atunroc, ui n. ism bl KB-MS1 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estata. mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 561 COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads, school sectloa leases. D. W. Irwin. Ak ron. Colo. RE M 178 A8 FOR SALE. 8-room modern house In Bemls para, ai.tuui fetes woer, mo t. sm st. 44 Mm8 12 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES 8-room houne. $1,800, small payment down ana i.n monthly payments. 12-room house, near 17th snd Leavenworth, 86.000. 16 rooms, double house, 8 rooms each. Park eve., $7.00. I rooms, Hanscom Dace, 29th St., $4,500. SUBURBAN One of the finest suburban homes m the vicinity of Omaha; everything suitable for a gentleman a country residence; 120 acres; fruit In abundance; barn, carriage house and everything In splendid condi tion. Only $12,000, which Includes $5,0U0 in Improvements. Have many small and large fruit and garden tracts lust outside city from one acre up and all prices. LOTS Choice lots In every part of the city, all sizes and all prices. We have lots on new car lines at way- aown prices ana on any terras aesirea. TRACKAGE Have some of the best trackage sites in me cny, near u. v., a. k. m. ana all depots, all sixes and all prices. Farms and Ranches In every direction within 600 miles of umana; great and small and all prices. 4H PER CENT MONEY to loan on best real estate security. FIRE AND TORNADO INSURANCE. GEORGE P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO., icBiauiienea in ixnsj Telephone 685. Paxton Block. RE 588 LARGE BUILDING IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT FOR SALE OR LEASE. FINE LOT, southeast corner Thirteenth a no fiarney. with a substantial stone and brick building 6tixl32, four stories and baaemcnt, formerly occupied by Lee-Glaaa-Andreenen HnritwnrA I'n Large vaults, steam heating, good plumb ing, eic. ah in gooa repair ana reaay to move Into and nnen lin biislnenH at nnce Price only $40,000; $3,000 cash, balance to suit at o per cent Interest. . This Is a rare opportunity to secure a per manent location at mucn less man you are now paying for rent. This property will be worth double the money inside of ten years and In A. ttrnt.clnnn InvMlmitnt. If not sold owners will entertain offer for lease at H.ouo per annum. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Sole Agents, Main Floor New York Life Building. RE--M646 6 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. for choice Dargains. boi-z jn. x. lAlo Bldg, Tel. loitf. RE M597 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also muio properly aim urm lanus. l tie U. i . Davis Co., Room 662, Bee Building. RE-553 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas bi., upstairs; email nouses lor sale; cheap building lots. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on easy terms. RE M663 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room nomes in uanscom riace l win give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, 827 N. Y. L. Bldg. RE-M153 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. MCAiiester, iana commissioner, union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 564 TO TRADE, for Nebraska land or first mortgage on iana, iu acres land, water power grist mill, two sets buildings, in York county. Pennsylvania. 86.0U0. For sale, restaurant, eastern Nebraska, do ing business or too per month. Price. 11.000. A snaD. Fine Improved farms in Thayer county. $26 to $36 per acre. Farms in Buffalo county, $15 to $30 per acre. He no ior my list. W. H. GRASSMEYER, Kearney, Neb. RE M230 10 FINE RESIDENCE. rooms, all modern house, near Hanscom park, slghtliest location in city, pave ment all paid, east front lot, fine barn Owner leaving Omaha, will sell at abso lutely right price; immediate possession. X 8. Bee. RE 618 EIGHT rooms, full t-story and attic, good warm nouse, sewer, water, lot Xxl30, shade trees. 3217 North 26th. 11 &i0. Nine rooms, fully modern, in Kountzo i-iace, sj.&uii. W. H. GATES, 618 New York Life. RE 6556 7-ROOM modern house, lot 80x124. on Ohio st., Detween zist and zza sts.; extra bar gain at $l,6i)0. This offer is only good for one wena. mru aoyer, aa ana uuming. Tel. 2049. RE M639 FOR RENT HOUSES. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A On. 1901 8. 29th ave., 8-r., all modern, 2 lots, reduced to 833. Close to nark. 603 S. 27th, fine 8-r. all modern house, splen did shape, only $36. 646 S. 26th, nice 7-r cottage, newly painted, iiica Bouiie, uiouem, 613 N. 22d, fine 8-r. ALL MODERN house, nice shape, elose to Hluh school, ut? f,i $305 California, 6-r., all newly papered and paintea, oniy . a. snap. 2608 Blondo. 4-r $9: 3.M6 Corby. 4-r.. 85. 8034 S. 18th, S-r.. cemented cellar, $ft. uet your nouse now Diiore tne rusn be gins, ii tnese ao not suit, we have others. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601 N. Y. Life. Phone 1016. D 845 6 HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. Li ts3 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage co.; omce lAiift f arnam, or Tela; I5a3-S63. U'Ji VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. ll5. D M008 SIX-ROOM house, lawn, shade. Tel. A-2568 D tan FOR RENT April 1, 8-room brick, mod ern. 318 N. 23d. Inquire at 320 N. 23d. D-647 2886 BURT. 6 rooms and bath. 216: 3221 Har ney, 8 rooms, modern. $& Others. Ring wait Bros., Barker Blk. D M277 HOIISFSF- Davl" Co.. 652 Bee Bldg nJUOCO ia aii parts of city. The 0 The O. D-497 10-ROOM basement house, large lot, 24th and Jackson, all modern, $23.00. Nice 6-room house, Xtoo Sherman Ave., all modern, 27.0o. ' G. E. TURKINGTON, 603 Bee. D 850 $009 CALIFORNIA. 6-room furniahed house. Call afternoons. D 422 KSt HOUSES and flats. Ring alt. Barker block D 193 FOR RENT, -room, modern, detached nouse, newiy puperea ana painted, $.10 2621 Capitol Ave. Tel. 673. B. ii. Roblson! D v.-m EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, $22 G. M. Nattiuger. Bee Bldg. 'Phone 463. D 4U HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-600 BEE PAYNE BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice nouses, wji-4 n. i. uie oiag, Tel. 1016. D M5U8 THREE & 4-room apartments, tit S. 22d St. D 606 M-3 SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1016 Pacific st. i-nariea itaniey. jj M673 11 VERY desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern conveniences, 1)64 Georgia ave., sec ond door from Pacltlc St.: Immediate una session; references required. Inquire of ' ,1 "I ...... ,..") 1. 1. .. . . T . . . . d ... v-. vjuaa, ,uh J K I u AlDif S FOR RENT, f-room cottage, vicinity 22d and Lake sts.: strictly modern, excellent repair, tine yard, elegant shade; snap for permanent tenant, inull family. Address a. su, uee. D MtiTy 6 FURNISHED house for rent for 6 or 6 months. No. 412 N. Kd st. Inquire of 0. siuiis, i9 n. 1. lil a blag. FOR RRST HOtHES. FOR RENT, Handsome Brick Residence On the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Douglas sts. It was built by the late Henry l'undt as his home and Is one of the best constructed as well as one of the finest houses In Omaha. It Is built entirely of brick and stone, stone steps, and slate roor. it is iinisneu in the choicest of hard woods, has hard wood floors, Imported English tile floor In the reception hall, electric lights, porcelain bath, laundry with stationary wash tubs, large pantry, china and Ucea closets, cedar lined woolen closet, etc. Twelve Rooms beside the basement, containing laundry, storage rooms, store room, cellar and wine cellar; also large, high attic store room separated from the servants' rooms. It also has large veranda, enclosed as a sun parior, equipped with steam heat. RENTAL PRICE Includes: Steam Heat, Electric Light and Hot Water as the house la connected with the beat ing and lighting systems of The Bee building. For further Information call on CHARLES C, ROSEWATER, SECY. THE BEE BUILDING CO., Room 100 Bee Buildiug. Telepnone 238 8-ROOM house, 1737 Park avenue, all mod ern and detached, J.15.IKI per month. W. D. Mead, Jr., York. Neb. D FOR RENT Elegant modern residence, 649 S. 26th Ave., $40. Modern 9-room residence and barn, 1909 Hlnney St.. $30. Modern brick residence, 2430 Ersklne St., $15. modern Dries: residence, 22U6 is. 2"itn St., 15. Modern frame residence, 1814 Webster St., BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 309 8. 13th St, D 771 12 FOR RENT, fine 10-room, modern, stone rront residence, 415 North 25th St. Har ney street cars. One block south Crelgh ton college. II. T. Clarke, Ramge Build ing. D-769 6 NICELY furnished house near Hanscom fark to ramlly without children. X 29, Bee. D 739 6 VERY desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern conveniences, 10&4 Georgia Ave., Fec ond door from Pacific street; Immediate possession; references required. Inquire of W. C. Goes, 1053 Park Ave. D-8'5 10 FOR RENT: 7-room flat, steam heat, modern, 16th and I'oage. Small store. 24th and Seward. 1 room, suitable for single man or man and wife, conveniently located. 6-room Hat, modern, 24th and Seward. THE PUTNAM CO., 604-6 N. Y. Life. D 791 6 R. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL DEPARTMENT. $115 S. W. corner 17th and Douglas, elegant interior, mis price includes not water, steam heat and electric light. 12 rooms. $60846 8. 29th. new brick house, costly and modern Interior; 11 rooms. $50112 S. 31st ave., an elegant 8-room house, new, in an exclusive neighborhood. $45c-1044 8. 32d. modern; 8 rooms. $t5 1137 Park ave., modern; 8 rooms. $35847. 8. 29th, modern; 8 rooms. $32.602123 California, modern; 7 rooms, $303535 Dewey, barn, modern; rooms. $251254 Park Wild ave., modern; 10 rooms. $20 29t7 Martha st., modern; 6 rooms. $201911 Plnkney st., modern; 9 rooms. $183858 Seward St. modern; 8 rooms. $10 1119 S. 29th St.. city water; 5 rooms. WH HAVE OTHERS. D 850 HOUSES FOR RENT. 2B19 Marcy, 3-room, city water, $6.00. 8435 Patrick ave., 6 rooms, $6.00. 1910 Mason, 6-room, city water, $10.00. 611 N. 16th, 4 rooms (flat), $12.00. 2517 Spencer, 6 rooms, one-half acre, $15 00. NEW brick house. 9 rooms, modern, 29th and Harney streets. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D-847 6 NEW 6-room cottage, 8th and Bancroft. $14. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. D-861 6 FOR RENT Two good 4-room cottages, 2rtth and Blondo streets, $9, $8. Apply at 607 North lth street. D M875 FOR IfENT 7-room house. 22d and Cali fornia K t H nil moHm In trni 1 - large yard. Inquire at' 507 N. Y. Life vuiiuing. x 141 BEAUTIFUL six-room cottage, lawn, full lot. furnished or unfurnished. 914 s 40th Leavenworth car line one blk. D 877 6 BUSINESS CHANCES. CIGAR furniture, fixtures and stock for sale, good business, fine location, a bar gain, oee me. J. n. jonnBon, IN. X. Life. Y M468 TO GET in or out of business call on Wll- aiMiio, WUIU HIUIIUB UUIlUing. Y 548 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J. H. Johnson, 643 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y-649 FOR SALE or trsde. mv entire llverv stock at a bargain. Address W. C. Utter- oat-K. ugden livery. Council Bluffs. Y-M283 FOR SALE, the best hardware stnclr In tha best agricultural section of Iowa; large annum irane; stock will invoice about $10,000; profits large: must close up an estate interest the only reason for selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y M426 FOR SALE, easy terrrs, small cash pay ment, balance monthly, my entire livery stock, hacks and hearse; excellent chance to step Into good paying business. W. C. Utterback, Ogden barn. Council Rluffs, la Y M237 A26 T-ROOM FLAT, well furnished, good loca tion, lady going away, furniture for sale cheap. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M467 16 ROOMS, well furnished, fine location, full of boarders and roomers, paying busi ness, brick flat, furniture for sale reason able. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M4i WE PAY 7 per cent weekly; expect to in crease same; best paying investment twentieth century; write for prospectus and full particulars. Eoulne Record Co Incorporated, 256 Broadway, room 800. New tor uuy. I-MMI 6 $500 WILL buy a complete butcher's outfit. ice to& anu an. Auuress, a. 14, nee. Y-660 THE only Jewelery store In good western lowa town. Aaaress A 11, Hoe Y M6t3 7 WRITE for valuable book, sent free, show ing how to secure independent Income for lite, junuapa -o., r unerton Bldg., St, Louis, Mo. Y I HAVE stock, fully paid and non-aasesaa. ble, In an Al oil company which owns suahlng wells In Beaumont. Tex., is well ing oil and will pay enormous dividends in the near future. I will sell or exchange part 01 my noidings for unincumbered cltv or farm nronertv. The will stand the closent investigation. Best of reasons for wishing to dispose of part of my stock. If you wish an Investment that win realise handsome profits write me at once. K. H VYhelan, WjoO Washing, ton St.. Chicago, 111. Y 724 6 WANTED, a good location for a-enernl store; will rent building; state particu lars. AOdress v 66, iJee. V DO YOU want to get next to the biggest deal ever worked on the Chicago Board ui iiua biiu mujitf iiu Mir iiuivr man you can spend It? Small capital required. lit.tuv ...'.,,, i,j (mi iiiT-m winy. Act quickly. Booklet free. Union In- .......... , Tl I . U . T I , Y-&iS-4l BIKINK'S CHANTE. GENERAL MRHCltANnlSE. $2,500 TO $lf.'io Clean, up-to-date, staple stocks in enraska, lows. Illinois ana Minnesota, doing profitable business. I'art cash and good Improved land will handle these. GROCERIES ONE SPECIAL BARGAIN Stock $4 &X. clean and first-clues, fine location; vol ume of business, $i5.oo0 per annum; owner wishes to retire; for quick cash deal will discount 6 per cent. Take this ere It Is too late. Many smaller stocks In and out of city. Will pav you to Investigate. HARDWARE. $2,500 TO $8.0jv Staple stocks In Nebraska and lowa, doing good business, nausriir. tory deal can be had on these. Can take some trade. DRUGS. $l.fOO TO $4.5flo Staple stocks, In and out of city. 1 ou can deal wltn good clear iana on some. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. $500 TO $1.5m Paying business, good open ings in Nebraska towns. lmK into tnese. 1)11.4 AND PAINTS. $1,000 STOCK In barrels and packages. Can deal for good property. What have you7 NEWSPAPER AND PRINTING PLANT. IN LIVE eastern Nebraska town. Will sell half Interest or entire plant on reason able basis. A good business. RAHHRH RHl)P. $185 Furniture and fixtures; good business; good location; living rooms In rear. RACKET STORE. $2,500 New stock, in Minnesota town, owner unable to look after it. Will exchange for good property. Submit offer. COAL AND FEED. GOOD stand, paying business: owners health compels retiring. 3J0 win inae u. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENT m-HlNKKH IN good country town; good business. Will exchange for store Dunuing ana 101 111 South Omaha. pini'msn mill. 76-BARREL capacity, full equipped, doing good business, togetner wun in acie. cljolce land, an 8-room frame residence, barns, cattle sheds; entirely fenced for cattle feeding; In good Nebraska town; fcsOoo in land will do. DINING ROOM. FURNITURE and flxtuns; no better opening in city. HOTELS. ONE S2-room and one 60, strictly modern, located In city, doing paying business; can be had at right figure and on reason able terms. ONE 60-room. everv convenience, located in county seat town S. E. Neb., doing fine business; for lease and furniture for sale at satisfactory price. RESTAURANT. ONE of the finest In the city; a fine propo sition; furniture and fixtures the best; profitable trade; owner going away; you can buy at right figure; others of less value, but good propositions and right location; cheap If quick. PARTNER WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS business man with $2,000 can buy one-half Interest In an excellent wholesale and manufacturing cigar busi ness; $3,000 profit per annum. See me. MANY other lines not mentioned herein can be learned about at my office. J. H. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y-57 6 I MUST raise some cash at once and am forced to sacrifice a part of the stock which I hold In one of the best oil com- ? antes with gushing wells on Spindle Top leights, Beaumont, Tex. Those wishing a sure and safe Investment should write or call at once. This Is a bargain and a chance of a lifetime. If Interested 1 solicit your most careful Investigation. 8. E. D, 1511 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Y 724 6 A SMALL Investment made through us will pay you a cash weekly Income, greater every week than a whole year's Interest on the same amount in bank. Will commence to earn this at once and continue to do so until you withdraw your money. No gambling scheme or speculation, but by means of a legitimate licensed business. Address E. J. Arnold & Co., 9th and Pine streets, St. Louis, Mo. Y- THUNDER MOUNTAIN gold fields An accurate, conservative statement con cerning Thunder Mountain, Idaho; Its his tory, Its great gold reef, Its wonderful possibilities: booklet sent free. Address Thunder Mountain Gold Fields Co., Jamicson Block. Spokane, Wash. Y 757 12 FREE, our new hand book on mines. FREE, Our new hand book on oil. A rostai will get one or both. The Benzine nveatment Co., Nevada Bldg., Denver, Colo. Y-751 6 "SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." Large profits can now be made in stocks and grain on small investments by our safe system. Send for our book: "Mod ern Methods for Safe Investments," and our special letters or advice, free. M. H Flower & Co., bankers and brokers, Chi ' cago Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Y 750 6 $3,500 WILL buy nice office business clear ing $300 monthly. See Williams, Room 4U, Mccaguo Bldg. 1 sjz t- MY LIST Hotels, restaurants, cigar stores, drug stores, livery business, bakery, con fectlonery, racket store, general mer chandise stores, groceries, grain and ele- vator business, flour mills, blacksmith shops, wagon shop, steam laundries, bar ber shops, dairy business, country news papers, rooming houses, boarding houses and all kinds of business for sale. Call on me. Williams, Room 411, Mc.Cague tsuuoing. x etii " HOTEL Good one; rates $2; fine com mercial trade: large county seat town eastern Nebraska; rent reasonable; lease and furniture. $2,000. See Williams, 411 McCague Building. Y S30 6' THREE stocks of groceries. B. R. Boll, b2tj in. x. une, pnone u-i.-.'s. Y 734 8 $2.00 WILL start you In the mall order business at your own nome; success cer tain; new plan. Send for particulars. Douglas Co., 269 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 744 6 AN INVESTMENT of $50 returned $130 in 14 days; seven years' business experience; highest references. Write for circular. Crawford & Co., 115 Nassau St., New xoric. I 70S V $40 MONTHLY on $100 investment; abso lutely reliable; payments made each week. Send for Tree booklet giving post, tive facts. Henshall Bronner, 320 Broad way. New York. Y 705 6 FOR SALE Small stock groceries and complete grocery fixtures; cheap If bought this week. X 23. Bee. X 727 6 DRUG STORE A clean stock of drugs, new oak fixtures, on street car corner, splendid location for soda water, business $25 per day, invoice $3,000. Good reasons for selling. Address, X 31, Bee. Y 734 6" FOR SALE Furniture, fixtures and two year lease of the only hotel In Osmond, Nob. For particulars write Box 250, Osmond, Neb. Y 763 19 "DOLLARS AND HORSE SENSB'-Our new booklet, interesting reading and valu able Information showing permanent weekly Income from Investments of $10 to $10,000; statement of profits actually paid to date; extensive reference list from satisfied customers. W. W. O'llara, Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Y 761 6 A NEW flour mill, latest Improved ma chinery, capacity 100 barrels per 24 hours; good location, county seat town of 2.400 population. Must be sold soon. Write 1. E. Doty & Son, David City, Neh. Y-764-4) FORTUNES made by grain speculation. Free book. M. B. Williams & Co., Suite 808, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. Y 717-6 A COMPLETE stock of hardware, harness and furniture; In a good county seat town; good business; must close up to settle estate; must be closed up by April 25. Address, P. O. Box 68. Nelson. Neb.- Y 718 6 NEWSPAPER advertising contracts to ex change for income property. X 26. Bee. Y-720-12 IF YOU want to Invest in a good, well located, Improved farm that the rent will pay you 10 per cent on the cost write Hoblnaun & Stuart, Fairmont, Neb. Y-800-8 FOR SALE, a good laundry outfit and laundry for rent. Apply M. J. Kranck, Midland hotel. Y MS04 7 FOR $1.600.00 A good Investment for good salesman, 1-3 Interest In well established wholesale business and position on road. Address John Kllnker, agent, 1626 D st., Lincoln, Neb. Y 881 6 IF YOU want to BUY or SELL real es tate call or write , NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 4th Floor N. Y. L'fe Bldg., Omaha. Y-872 GOOD hotel In live town, doing rushing business, for sale cheap, or will trade for good farm, or will sell furniture and lease: sickness reason for selling. Address Box 642, Carroll, la. Y Ms94 10 WANTED, the right man to taka Interest in manufacturing plant and manage busi ness. Address X 35 Bee. Y 786 t' BVSI,K-" tnllfKt. ., FOR SALE A No. 1 meat msrket, building and fixtures, all up-to-date, in a good town; tho only meat market to supply over 3.0t people. Address, Robinson A Stuart, Fairmont, Neb. Y sol GOOD Income from $50 Invested; positively 110 losses; over five years In operation I best references in your own state. tNo stock, bonds or grain.) It will pay you to investigate this at once. Al Ketser & Co., Hammond, lnd. (We have no Brook lyn office.) Y 779 6 BUY one of our peanut snd candy vending machines for a big money maker and add others from the profits. Bond for our Illustrated catalogue and full particulars. American Vending Machine Co., 221 6th Ave., Chicago. Y 7M) 6 PHOTOGRAPHER., gallery for rent, with furnishings, camera backgrounds; stump outfit, etc.; good for man with small capital. E. L. Wilson, 8t Paul, Neb. Y-817 6 FOR SALE, whole or part Interest in plan ing mill and manufacturing business; buatuees doubled during past year; good reason for selling. Address X 40, Bee. Y 796 8 FOR EXCIIAt;E. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49, Bee. Z M510 TO EXCHANGE, 320 acres land for small ' v UI Kl'liei,! Illl-ICIIHIIUIHC. xiox 2M, Imperial, Neb. Z 02 AS EXCHANGE General merchandise for good land; invoice $5,000, one $.oo, one VMi. if you want In or out of business w rite T. M. Cline, 1238 O St., Lincoln. Neb. i4 M670 7 WILL trade smooth 14 section wild land, close to Central City, Neb., for good stock of merchandise in Nebraska or Iowa, or will sell for $7,000. Address Bog 173, Beatrice, Neb. Z EXCHANGE, for drug store or general merchandise, good farm land near Nesa City, Kan. H. F, Allen, Rockport, Mo. Z 708 6 BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North lth. 664 STAMPS, COIXS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 So. 13th. -667 KIM CATIO.N AL, FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 336 Bee Bldg. M157 A22 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 668 CARPENTERS AXD JOI.NERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2uth and Lake streets. 370 SHORTHAND AND TYPWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 17th&Doug 668 A. C. VAN S ANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -669 BOYLES' college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 660 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 56; PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. NATURAL stone, cement, brick, Welshan's Mantel and Tile Co.. 309 8. 17th. Tel. 1K9. M225 A26 BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat. Ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. 654 PATENTS. PATENTED and unpatented invention bought and sold. Lucas & Co., St. Ixjuls, Mo. 664 6 MEDICAL, LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de layed or suppressed period; it cannot fall; trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Mil waukee, Wis. LADIES, a new, absolutely harmless regu lator, will relieve the longest and most obstinate case of delayed monthlies and leucorrhoea, or the whites, and all female sickness of any kind, $1.00. Send stamp to P. B. 279. Crete, Neb. LADIES, if hopeless, worried or dlscour aged, write us for our regulator; one treatment guaranteed to relieve abnormal case of suppression, any cause. Dr. Mead Item. Co., 21 Qulncy St., Chicago. M649 M3 FOR 8AI.F BIM.DIXG MATERIAL. WANT bid on store building and black, smith shop to be removed from northwest corner 24th and Franklin streets. J. C Howard, 326 Bee Building. BICYCLES. SPECIAL low prices on secondhand bicy cles this week to reduce stock. Repair ing, sundries. Tires, $1.60. Louis Flescner, 1622 Capitol Ave. 'Phone 614. 733 12 MATRIMONIAL. WEALTHY and respectable business man, widower, mlddla age, without family, wants true, home-loving wife. Address Heller, 199 Washington St., Chicago. 746 POLICIES PIRCIIASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purchased. Loans on policies. Call on 01 write The Putnam Co., 504-6 N. Y. LIU Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS. REMINGTON. No. 2, $32.50. Kemlngtpn, No. 6, $45 00. Remington, No. 7. $75.00, absolutely new. Smith-Premier, No. 1, $30.00. Munson typewriter, $i2.50. Densmore, almost new, $50.00. Good typewriter cabinet for sale cheap. Machines of all descriptions for sale. We rent machines for $3.00 per month. See us before buying. FLOYD ST. JOHN, 1712 Farnam St. 807 ARTISTIC PIANOS SENSIBLY SOLD. Piano selling, as I sell them. Is brough! down to a business basis, saving to yoij costs of store rents, music teachers' com, missions and traveling men's salaries an! expenses. That Is why 1 will sell you fo $25o (no more, no less) a piano that deal era ask $350 and $400 for. We guarantee them. The factory does that for mot Cash or $10 monthly. FRED R. WALTER, Manufacturing Agent, 3112 California St. Walnut Hill car. ; 697-7 LEGAL NOTICE. BIDS will be received at the office o( Thomas It. Kimball up to noon, April 8th. for the two-story and basement brlcs house now standing on the south side ol Douglas street, between 18th and 19th sts. The whole structure to be Immediately re moved by the purchaser. The owner re serves the right to reject any or all bids. 3tME5-6-T GOVERNMENT NOTICES. WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied un, married men between ages of 21 and 3S citizens of United Slates, of good characte , and temperate habits, who can speak, real and write Eng!lh. For Information apply to Recruiting Oni'ier, 16th and Dodge tin., Omaha, and postofnc building, Llncolu-Neb.