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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY IlEEx SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1002. SDIPLY A REVENUE MEASURE Fhilippina Tariff Bill ii Thai Ohtrectorued by Senator Spooner. tAYt IT II fill FR0M COMrilCATIONI WlwMl, Measfcer feHee to Senator flatcs, Who Derlareo Ansnlnlstm-, tlon la Beat t'nan Cenoneet .. - WASHINGTON. Feb. M. For more than Bit hours today too senate had the Philip pine Urifl bill an4er discussion. Mr. Bat, democrat, of Tennessee, delivered a care fully prepared speech la oppoeltloa to the pending measure. Ha was followed by Mr. Spooner, republican, of Wisconsin. In a brilliant defense of the republican attitude toward tha Philippine Islanda. He became Involved frequently In heated colloquy with members of tha minority. Ha concluded with an appeal to congress to atand by the policies of McKlnley sad Roosevelt. Mr. Tillman, democrat, of South Caro lina began a cbaracterlstla arraignment of tha administration In the Philippines, but had oe concluded when tha aenate ad journed until tomorrow. Hot e Qwosttoa ef Sentiment. Mr, Bate covered pretty fully the general Philippine question. Pew thlnga had oc curred la tha eeaale chamber, ha aald, more fateful or Involving' more delicate Issues aad greate result than tha ratification of the treaty of Paris. Ha asserted the pay meat of $10,000,000 far the Philippine Islands waa a commercial, rather than a aentlmental transaction, and waa the first step toward a colonial policy, antagonistic to tha American form of government. While ha regarded the acquisition of the Philippine Islands as hurtful to the Amer ican aystem, aa deatituta ct benefit to tha AmeeJcaa people and aa wrongful to the Filipinos the present waa pot tha time to continue that discussion or to propose a remedy for tha evils that bad sprung from the ratification of the Paris treaty. Ha de clared that it waa only after the ratifica tion of that treaty that tha apprehension arose that tha republican party had "bltton ff mere than K could chew." Then It was that the Idea had blossomed out that only congress could eitend tha operation of tha constitution beyond tha eta tee; and It waa held, la addition, that congress would not extend tha provisions of tha constitution to tba people of tha Philippines except with tha string to It which denied equality at administration, taxation and clttsenshtp. '' "" Millions Dollar. Spent.' ' How many millions of dollars had been expended In the aentlmental program of ex ploitation was unknown ta the American people, but thaa far there had been no money returned ot this war for trade spoliation. ... Tha present tariff bill, the Tennessee senator aald, would become a law, but It would not bridge tha chasm that separated a people struggling for Independence and tha republican party, "bent upon conquest, exploitation and commercialism." It waa not given to flntte wisdom to distinguish the form which retribution for that trade at Paris would take; but, when tha tariff bill had been paased, tha re publican party again might be heard to exclaim: "Erring alster, depart la peace," for there would be no mora money to be made out cf tba Filipinos and they might thea take their place again among the na tion of the world. Senator tsooier't Defease. Mr. Bpooner of Wisconsin addressed tha aenate In aupport of tha pending bill Tha measure, ha aald, waa entirely free from eomplloatioce. It waa atmply a revenue MIL Whatever difficulties seaatora. or others bad In reconciling tha difficulties ot the suprene court's decisions In tha In sular casta, ha waa satisfied that tha pro posed bill was constitutional, aa the Foraker Perto Rlean bill waa constitutional. Mr. Bpooner referred to soma recent statements by William J. Bryan In his newspaper In aupport of, the minority In tha aenate. Ha pointed out that these very gentlemen who now were criticising tha government were Instrumental In plac ing the problem before congress. He de clared that Mr. Bryan had come to Wash ington and- advocated tha - ratification of tha Parts treaty and ha ventured the opin ion, that if It had not been for Mr. Bryaa'a fforta tha treaty would not have been ratified. Daty ef ne People. A aolutioa ef tha Philippine question, aa presented to congress and to the coun try now, waa demanded not by any po litics. I party, but by tba people of the country. Ha claimed the right of the ma jority to deal with the queatlon as it saw fit, aa by tha people it had been placed la responsibility and was held to accounta bility by tba American people. Mr. Spooner discussed at length the rat ification of the treaty of Paris. In tha course of bla statement he waa Interrupted by Mr. Wellington, who asldi "I would give ten years ot my Ufa ta re call tha vote which 1 east for that treaty." Ha declared that tha promises made to blm at that time "by the administration" with respect to the treaty were broken. Mr. Bpooner sharply arraigned the democratic party for tha encouragement Its utterances That' a a word which may not be in tha dictinraary in thia acne ot ha nee, but which ia in Terr csmmoa vac hi aaortooa of the country. "She's always piecing;" they say of tbc woman who ma to the ctrpboerd at irrejrular hours aad cats a piece of pis, cake, or aome ar csauxy. i am irregular caaaaj at of tba cbief causes of dvexarpaia of the atwaiach and other diatPUoa and nutrition are completely cured by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It iumaia the aopply of rich, pave blood. and gtves the body vitality and vigor. trWH I was fcruag very badly." etnas Mm. Uak Anrnaaa, W il Juaaiia avaaa mh, M. T. Had a very BaanT enetil sad araaa I sat aowa at tha Saba I eaaus not cat. mm ! Saw tor sway .ka even ntabaa tka aaai, Caaariiis to boar from a Btrad waa waa aa- OuuUa Mefeuel BSaaurj ' lur ataauar to toiar. I laoaga i avaiii om at Ta ant aaartilv. I abacs tattac the 'Ooldca I Ito amy' I Oa aat kaufc ba.e thaaaaat aiiaim. Am Saaay watt aa4 atraa h mat W Ii n tog aia touto as tar. rseroCs CaCJaa Dr. Pierce's Commos Senas Medical Advkser, paper covers, is sent Jrm oa SSJCCfpt of at ana cant stamps to pay f psaUlor aWr. Aodraaa Lav t worn 1 iaiai aha Saatrat rat.tiart iai ilw net aaM aaaa. Mr apactaa ra - aaa 1 waa iW ta aat aaartilv. I have JL. V. llcrca, JputUkh M. Y. had given tha Flllplnoe, and declared the motive was a "blind greed for political power, which made them forget for tha nonce the army at tba front." Minority Proposition Deaanaecd. Mr. 8pooner denounced the substitute proposition msde by the minority of the senate committee on the Philippines aa the "most mischievous project that could be devleed by the wit ot man la the present stata ot affaire." "It Is," hs exclaimed, "a bill to raise hell in the Philippine archipelago a bill which has no merit whatever in It." Mr. Tillman addressed the aenate la op position to the pending bill. He declared that the expression . of the motives for so acting the bill were a subterfuge and a humbug and everybody kaevr it. Ho as serted that this government in Its treat ment at the Flllplnoe bad returned to tha policy of Great Brltala, which had been overthrown by our forefathers at York- town. He aald the Filipinos now were being "pacified off the face of the earth." Mr. Tillman had not concluded when tha aenata adjourned. INDIAN BILL PASSES HOUSE Appropriation Measarn Goes Tareagh Wltboat Amendment to Oaalt Moaat Pleasant School. W A RHTMfiTYW Pah 91 Tha hnn.a . day passed tba Indian appropriation hill. The latter part of tha session was devoted to tne consideration of priifite claim bills. number ox wblcn were passed. Mr. Tawner ef Minnesota aaVmt nnanl. mous consent for the consideration ot the lol lowing resolution; Resolved, That tha secretary of war be ucmvu w lumnn ini in, u no mien in x ur ination concerning the number of acres of of the Island since the date of the Ameri can occupation as Is shown by the reports and by the records of the military govern ment of Cuba, giving the consideration, the """ aim piac; ot reeiaence rt pur chasers, the number of acres contained on sen trust conveyed, tne total acreage Of cultivated sugar land owned by cltlssne of ma i hi iwi Dit&ivs ana oy citizens ok outer countries foreign to Cubs. Mr. Payne, tha maiorltr leader, said ha did not think the precedent should ba as- laDiisned of considering such resolutions before they had been cousldersd by the committee. Mr. Tawnev danleit that it m unusual ta adopt resolutions ot Inquiry in tnia fashion, but Mr. Payne, nevertheless, objected. Tha house then resumed consldarattoa nf tha Indian appropriation bill The Fltxger- aia amendment to tha bill to provide that no portion or the appropriation for the Mount Pleasant. Mich.. Srhnnl atinnM m tn B. C. Nardln, tha auperlntendent, who bad been charged with permitting tha debauch ing or inman girls,' waa pending. Mr. Sher man made a statement that ha had ma da some Investigation alaca yesterday and had ascertained tnat the Inspector who made the charcea aralrut Mr. Narrlln waa not now In tha service and that Mr. Nardln bad been exonerated. Nevertheless, he said, ha would move for an Inveette-atlon bv a ih. committee of the Indlsn committee. If that Investlgstlon did not fully vindicate Mr. naratn, ne said, n Dad no doubt hs would pramptly be dtsmlsesd. The bouse later ordered the investita tion. The committee on territories nninlnAnilt decided to report bills for tba admission of tbs territories of New Mexico, Ariiona and Oklahoma. Tha vote waa takea upon a mo tion made by Mr. Meoa ot Tennessee, de claring It to be the sense of the committee that the three territories were entitled ta stavenooa ana that subcommittees be ap. poimea 10 prepare tne bills. The subcom mittees were appointed. During, the consideration ef n f tha bills Mr. Kleberg, democrat of Texas, who Is a Oerman, made a brief speech, depre cating any attempt to make c-olltlcal rani. tal out of the coming visit of Prince Henry. tie aald the United States should sxtsnd to him and tha great nation ha represents a hearty welcome and a true American hos pitality. Tbs bouse then adjournad ta meet Mon. day. LONG SAYS HE WILL LEAVE Aaaoaacea Report ot His Retlrlnar frosa the Cabinet Is Tree Xo Date Delaltely Fixed. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21 After tha r.M. net meeting today Secretary Long stated that the report that he Intended leaving the cabinet waa quite true. He aald ha bad fixed upon no apeclfla date for bla leaving and he bad not yet formally sent his resig nation to the preatdent and might not do ao ror soms tims. Tha president, however, waa fully aware of hla purpose, which was formed many months ago. PENSIONS FOR WESTERN VETERANS. War Sarvlvora Remembered by tba General Gsreraatst . WASHINGTON, Feb. ll.ffipeclal.) The following western pens loss have been granted: Issue of February 4: Nebraska: Original John C. Brown, Cheater, ta. Increase, Restoration. Reissue, Ktc.-John Hutchlngs, Falls City, 110: Orsnd Inland, 113; William i. Barger, Omaha. t: James Hetherington, Indlanola, $10; Jamea F. Zedlker, Franklin, Hi Jamee Sexton (deceased! (Mexican wart. IJnraln. 112. Original Widows. Etc. Hestsi A. Sex- ion oiexiran war;, uncoln. VI. Iowa: Increase. Restoration. Reissue, Etc. Alonsa Wells, Beimond. 110; Oeorgs W. Roberts. Soldiers' llnma. Uinhilitnan W; John Jsyna, West Chester. ; Ueorge W. Buchanan, Muscstine. tlT. Original Widows, Etc. Uvallne Fletcher, Coon Rapids, 8. Restoration, Widows. Etc. Minor of John Arnot, Bloux City. tit. Colorado: Original Simon D. Kohl, Lons mont, 16; Bteven bteel, Ieadvllle, $6. In crease, Restoration, Reissue. Ktc Henry M. Coffin. Boulder, 11!: Jackson 8. McQulre. Agullar, $8. Orlainsl Widows, Etc Re- oecca d. nray. opringneia. t. South Dakota: OHsinal Ole Larson (da. 1. oberman, t. .unn laota: increase. Restoration. Reissue. Etc. Henry C. Feldman. Pern- Dina, ss. GOES TO PRISON FOR LIFE Ea-Coavlot Ralaras to PealteBtlary I'poa His. Coafessloa of Marder. ST. LOUIS, Fab. 21. On bla plea af guilty Thomas Johnson was sentenced to life Imprisonment for the murder of Jsmea Ryburn by Judge Hartsell of the Madison county circuit court at Edwardsvllle, III., today. Tha murder waa committed June it. 1M1, la a box car at East St. Louis. Ryburn who waa a young fsrmsr from nesr Bloomington, 111., wss on his wsy to St. Louis to go Into business. Ha wss found unconscious In the car. By a watch which was sold to a St. Louis pawnbroker and Identified aa having belonged to the murdered man, local de tectives traced Johnson and arrested him. Johnson eoafeeeed that he bed murdered Ryburn ia cold blood. The prisoner Is aa sscsped convlot from Wlacoaala. 1 HAS TILT WITH MINISTER WU farmer Mayor ot Sao Fraaelsre aad Calaesa Ambassador Meet la roatroversy. NEW YORK, Feb. 11 Wu Tlag Fang, Chinese minister to the failed Slates, gad jams D. Pbelan, former mayor af San THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. POPULARITY ISA REWARD of excellence. It Is not bwatow ed upon unworthy or mediocre thin rs. To be passably (food la not enough to win the approval of the people. The Illustrated Bee baa won the approval of the people. Ita popularity being freely and substantially attested. This baa been accomplished solelv through maintaining' the standard of the paper at the highest possible point of excellence. The next number will be found to. contain much that Is pood In the way of Illustration and text. All the features have been prepared especially for The Bee. HENRY, MINCE OF PRUSSIA, ia ex pected to land at New York today on a peculiarly Interesting mission. He comes as a representa tive of the emperor of Germany, to attend the launching of the yacht built for hla majesty by an Ameri can firm. Incidentally, as a rep resentative of the Uennnn people, he Is to be the guest of the nation during his stay in thia country. Ills latest photograph has served to furnish a frontispiece for The Il lustrated Bee. . Along with It Is a short sketch of the prince and his wife, the Princess Irene. CAPTAIN STREET ER has for the last few years held against all comers a large tract of accreted land on the ahore of Lake Michigan at Chicago.' lie has won sev eral points in the legal fight for the possession of this valuable tract, and only a few daya ago one of his armed guards fired on and killed an intruder. At all times since the strife broke out a state of armed warfare has existed. Once sixteen men behind a breastwork stood off 200 policemen. In The Illustrated Bee a full history of the affair Ja given, with illustra tions made from photographs. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ia at tracting much attention - at present because of its approaching twenty-fifth anniversary and the celebration attendant thereon. The prospect ot a new location on the historic Carroll grounds near Baltimore Is also a subject for much discussion. A well written sketch of the university as it Is, illustrated from photographs, gives an excellent Idea of conditions pre vailing now and what tha future promises. , BAGGAGE SMASHING is a topic in wbloh tha public Is interested. The muscular fiend who used to hurl trunks to destruction has be come a memory. 1 Nowadays the personal belongings of travelers submitted to the care ot the rail road . oompanlea are treated with a tenderness that Is truly -touching. No matter what has brought about the " change, the sew method Is fully ' described and Illustrated from photographs taken at the Omaha depots during the week. ONE OF THE WONDERS of the world , is the bore at Ilnngcbov, China. Here the onrushlng tide of the Pacific ocean meets the flood of the Yellow river, and a most tre mendous illustration of the force of nature !s the result The marvels of this phenomenon have been the subject of deep study by scientists of the world, and much has been written concerning It in a technical way. In his letter this week Frank G. Carpenter gives a popu lar description of the phenomenon, and accompanies it with photo graph a that give an excellent Idea of the force of the wave and the magnitude of the work ac complished by the Chinese in their efforts to confine the sea. ALL DEPARTMENTS of the paper have been given the customary attention and will be found com . plete la every detail. The list of features enumerated does not ex haust the contents of the number. Other matters of more or less gen eral intereat are touched upon, and Illustrations of a timely nature are presented. The whole number wilt be found of great Interest If yon are not a subscriber, yon should order the paper from your news dealer today. ". ' . - ; in run , The Illustrated Bee, Francisco, hsd aa exciting colloquy on tha subject of Chinese exclusion In the cor ridor ot aa uptown hotel today. Mr. Pbe lan was one of a delegation that visited Washington to urge re-enaction of tha ex elusion act and holds profound views on the subject. He and tba minister met by chance and. after reoewlng recollections of a former meeting at the Bohemian club la Baa Fraacleoo, expressed their views . la loses that attracted a crowd. They quieted dowa before they parted and tha minister la conclusion ssld: "You know about tha subject now that I have talked to you." Caase aaa Care of Caaeer. . NEW YORK, Feb. Xl.-The official heads of ths medical profession of Great Britain are determined to unite for a systematic Inveetlgatlon Into the causes, the preven tion and the treatment of cancer, accord ing to tba London correspondent of the Herald. The king has given countenance te the movement, and It le likely interest ing developments will follow shortly. The councils of the Royal College of Burgeons and the Royal College o( Physicians have adnnted a lol lit resolution emDOWerine dele gates to draw up a detailed scheme of work, eir wuu&m unurcn. nir wiuism Brcadbent and others equally well known are on the committee. Platal Dael Likely to Ba ratal. LAWRENCEBURQ. Ky., Feb. M.-Alt Wltherspoon, president or tne First Na tional ha.Dk of this cltv. Ilea acrloualv wounded at his home, and Judge Porter Walker le under orflctal surveillance, awaiting a changs In the wounded man's condition. Wit her spoon comes of a wealthy family and ia a leading bualness man. His brother, Horace, after killing two men, was himself killed by a mas named Port- wood. Cattleatea to Heoraaaleo. GUTHRIE, Okl.. Feb. It The executive committee of the cattlemen's aaooonClons ef Oklahoma ana Taaaa will meat here In March to merge under the name of the Southwestern Cattle Growers' sssorisMon, which will thaa be the largest organisation ef value mteret ia ma wvua. - SPAIN DEALS WITH RIOTERS Adopts Stringent Laws for Protection Against Anarchy Hobs, WEYltlt DETERMINED TO CRUSH REVOLT Martial Law le Eaforeed la Bareeloaa, Seat ot tha lievetatloa Slt aatloa Is Somewhat Better. MADRID, Feb. II. Official dispatches re ceived here assert thst calm baa been re stored at Barcelona, Saragossa aad Valen cia, hut newspaper telegrams report that the situation is still serious. The rioters at Bareeloaa are devoting their energies to preventing food supplies from entering the town. In one such esse the troops escorting a convoy were obliged to fire on tha rioters, aeveral at whom were killed or wounded. A aerloua conflict also occurred today tn tha ceater of the town. The efforts of ths captain general to persuade ths dock labor ers te resume work have ' failed and the entire trade of Barcelona Is at a standstill. Revolutionary proclamations era still being circulated there. The exciting debate In the Chamber of Deputies hers oa the Interpellation yes terday of Senor Robert, deputy from tbs province of Catalan, in regard to the oc currences at Barselona, waa renewed to day. Senor Romero Robledo asked for Information regarding the meeting of the foreign consuls at Barcelona, and when the minister of the Interior, Senor Oonxales, professed his Ignorance of this meeting and declared the Interpellation to be Inoppor tune, the deputies ef the opposition dis played the greatest impatience, Weyler Says Newa Is Esagnerated. General Weyler, ths minister of war, an nounced in the chamber that he hsd de cided upon energetic steps to suppress the disorders, but that some of the news sent by correspondents was exaggerated. Senor Meucbeta, manager of the Dlaro of Bar celona, who arrived from Barcelona this morning, spoke . In defense of the corre spondents, who, he said, always told the truth, while the government deceived the queen and the country. . MADRID, Feb. II. According to this morning's advices from Barcelona the situ ation there is improving, but It Is still threatening. An effort will ba made today to reeume ordinary vocations. The most stringent measures have been prepared to protect traffle and business. The strikers have few rifles, but are well supplied with revolvers and daggers. The search of suspected houses continues, resulting in .the arrest of large numbers ot anarchists and revolutionists ot all kinds, who hre considered to be the prime movers in the troubles. The cosmopolitan character ot Barcelona makes it a resort for representstlves ot all the revolutionary elements In Europe, and the ranks ot the malcontent workmen have been swelled by French and other foreign political agita tors. The republicans are busy among the troops, urging them to not use their arms against their own class in defense of pluto crats. The working people of Madrid favor the strikers. ' Martial Law Proclaimed. Martial law has been proclaimed at Tar ragonau. The strike is spreading in the Llobregat and Cardona valleys. Thsre 1s a general cessation ot work at Castellon de la Plana and Grave, and much excitement prevails at Batea. Forces ot gendarmerie have been dispatched to those places. Delegatea from the labor societies of Saragossa have visited tha governor and declared themselves opposed to the strike. Tha predominance of bayonets here has bad due effect . and the most turbulent spirits have been driven off the streets. Outwardly the city is resuming an aspect of comparative quiet. The leading citlxens are Joining the military aad civil authori ties In restoring order. The captain gen eral haa ordered the newspapers to resume publication and has instructed the ownsrs of public places to again engage in their regular work. It the printers refuse to work their names are to be handed to the eaptala general, who will look after them. LONDON, Feb. 21 Advices received here direct from Bilbao, Villadovalld. Coruna, Oljon and other industrial centers- ef 8paln show that the attitude of the minora and other werkera ia distinctly threatening. The greatest excitement prevails every where and tha general situation is ex tremely grave. Tha garrisons of Burgos and Vlttorla have been ordered to ba Iq readiness te start for Saragossa at a mo meat s notice. All the railroads are guarded by troops. Strikers Attack Jail. BARCELONA, Thuradsy. Feb. M. Forty persons have been killed since the disturb ances broke out here. The strlksrs today attacked the Jail in an attempt to rescue their imprisoned comrades, but they were repulsed by ths troops, after a number ot rioters bad been killed or wounded. The ordinary necessaries of life are fall ing and the distress la becoming accentu ated. The strikers are aald to be receiving large sums of money from London. Ia the neighboring towns the disturbances arc spreading and are Increasing In gravity. LONDON, Fsb. 21. Dispatches received here from Madrid and Barcelona and from various frontier towns la close touch with the acenes of the disturbances 1 In Spain quite discredit the sensational dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company, saying that a Berce battle had been fought between troops and rioters In a suburb ot Barcelona, that ths artillery raked street after street and that 600 persons were reported to have been killed or wounded on both sides. It Is a matter of fact that up to last evsnlng the total number at persons killed throughout the disturbances was only forty. CASTELLON DE LA PLANA, Spain. Feb. 21. The employers and their employes reached an understanding this afternoon and the strike hers Is ended. Atteuck Jesalt Calleao. 8ARA008SA, Spain, Feb. 21. A number st rioters attacked the Jesuit college here last night. The fathers Bred on the mob, believing their assailants to be thieves. VALENCIA, Spain, Feb. 21. Ia a conflict here yesterday between rioters and the po lice three persons were wounded. Four teen arrests were msde. BILBAO. Spain, Feb. 21 A number of anarchists havs arrived here with the ab ject of Inciting a strike. The socialists have refused to co-operate la the move ment SEVILLE, Spain, Feb. 21. A number of Italian anarchists hsve arrived here. The authorities hsve tsken all the necessary precautlcas to prevent an outbresk. HENDAYE. France, Feb. 21. People wba have arrived here from Saragoasa, Spain, bring alarming reports of the situation there. They ssy the working people have thrown la their lot with their Catalonlau comrades and that tbs threatening attitude of the strikers haa caused the flight ot the richer families. The civil administration of ths whole province ef Saragossa has been takea ever by the military authorities. LONDON, Feb. 21. It Is announced la a special dispatch from Madrid that General Weyler, the war minister, is urging the queen regent to give blm a free hand la dealing with the "rebels' tn Catalonia" and that Premier Batista threatens to resign If Gsneral Weyler'a request Is granted. The queen regent is said to favor General Way ler'a plan, rrrnii Te peeve wast tbts great Malr Baaatlfler at tried It saa Is treabled HN Saeenrtf ar with ssay have by asaU a seaspie saitie aojvlui IT WILL KEEP YOU LOQXII.Q YOUIIQ. H. H . H. he bees a Meistng te thoaa. aada who have becaaM gray er bald. Mar's Mall-Hearth b a healthful hair leed, mtoriag youthful color aad Seautytegnyaadladedluilr. Removes Sad prevent! dindruff tnd Mope (ailing aad breaUat el the hair. It Is net a dye, sed peeutvely will sot dhceta the scalp, heads er (lathing, aad its at eaaaet be detected by year beat friend. Prevaats hair tallies' after sea bath lag er nach serspifatioa. On. Bottli Decs It. MAY'S LAROB TEST ITS WONDERFUL siiaar?-aiJr 54aaa Free Soap Off or Cut ant end tl-n tnli coapen In Hv day, take ft re any af th Wtowtnf drutfiat and they will gtv yen a nirg bottle ef Hay's Hair-Health and a sc. cake at Harfina Medicated 5eaa, th beat soap far Hair, Scalp, ComoUxton, Bath and Toilet, balk for Fitly renti ; refnlar price. 73c. Radeeawd by leading drag gists everywhere at their shape only, or by IhePhlle Hay Specialties Co., n Lafayette St., Newark, N.J. either with ee without ap, by capre,, prepaid, tn nJain aeaied peckat, on receipt of 60 cent nd thit couwon. fill fl D it IITCC Any peraon nurrhaMne a bottle of Hay' Hair. w UUAnAlt I EC Hralth nvhre in the U. S. who fca not been beneniid, may have hi money back bv writing th Philo Hav Sraciaw t Ties Co.. rti Lafavette St.. Newark. N. I. Addren. , Rtfiut , . , reuowmg anraggiaaa eupyiy nay a nair MARA SIIKRMA MeCOHXELL, ISth aad Dodare; 8CHAFER'S DRUG STORE, Mth and Chicago. CQiT&ClL BLUFFS MORGAN. 142 Broad war; DeHAVEN, lit Central Broadway; BROWN. 27 Main; WUELET. 41C Broad-wa. MAY MEAN NEW ALIGNMENT Significant Editorial Comment on tbs Letter of Lord Bosebery. EX-PREMIER AND UNIONISTS MIGHT UNITE Times Indicates Possibility of Abon donlaar Present Ooverament If laeh a Coalition Were Formed. LONDON, Feb. 21. Lord Rosebery's an nouncement of his flnsl separation from Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's section of the liberal party forms a fruitful topic for edi torial articles and for discussion In all quarters of Great Britain. One ot the most noticeable phases Is the curious effect the letter produced on the wording of the Times editorial on the subject. Its friend liness to the ez-premler might easily be explained on the ground of unionist delight at a defln'te split in the opposition ranks. Its declaration that "what the country wants is not a brand new set of principles. but a new set of men capable of replacing the present set without upsetting the policy of the empire," precedes the significant de mand. Lord Rosebery's party wants to prove that It can be entrusted to Infuse business energy Into the prosecution of an Imperial policy. "If," the Times continues, "thefruitlon ot efforts In that direction mar seem to be remote, we can only say It may come sooner than anybody expects." This cryptic utterance has started rumors of a new coalition between the mlonlsts and Imperialists-liberals, ' under the lead ership of the duke of Devonshire and Lord Roeebery, besides the- possible detection ot the Times in Its snpport ef the present gov ernment. Something ot this Is visible In the Globe's editorial sitlcls thia morning, which, while congratulating Lord Rose bery : en his ' "emancipation," dilates strongly on the pettiness Of the differences between his policy and that of the union ists. The Pall Mall Qasette follows other tory opinion In declaring that a man that can write such a letter as a reply to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman "Has the grit which the empire expects of those who lead It." Tba Westminster Gssette, hitherto divided In Its allegiance, comes out In favor ot plr Henry Campbell-Bannerman, but sorrow fully admits that Lord Rosebery's letter means another term of government for the unionists, while It tears Lord Rosebery's group may be liable to absorption in that party.' DUCKOY DOES POOR SHOWING Lots Bran Take tba Itace After Havlas It at Hla Mercy, BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21.-The racing at Oakland today was under dlaagreeahle conditions, rain falling all afternoon and the track being very slushy. Duokoy, 1 1 to i shot, was one of the two favorites that failed to land, and he made a dlrgraceful showing. He was In with Brsgg and Hedwald, and waa thought to have the event at hla mercy, especially as the going suited him. Bragg beat the gate, but Duckoy overhauled him at the Bret turn. They ran on even terms for a time, but Duckoy did not have hla usual speed and stopped badly. Redwald beat him ten lengths for the place. The books were hit hard on the race, both Bragg and Redwald being heavily played for the place. O Connor carried off the riding honors by landing three winner. He put VP a brilliant effort on Slddone, bringing him from lsat position In the cloning event. Arthur Featherstone, the wealthy Chicago owner, to whom O'Connor Is under con tract, was a spectator. He Is accompanied by Julius Bauer, his trainer. Results: First race, one-half mile, maiden J-year- olds, purse: Nlgrelts won. lelsegno sec ond, Tom Mitcneu tnira. lime: v:m. Second race, seven ruriongn: nasnenso won, Urchin second, Jiuuee intra. Time; 1:34. Tnira race, one miie. selling: nrsgg won, Redwald second, Duckoy third. Time: 1:4H- Fourth race, seven furlongs, eelllnr: Sombrero wort. Botsny second, Dunblane third. Time; 1:12. Flrtn race, tnree-quac-rs ot a mile, sell ing: Water Scratch won. Kvanaer second. Colonial Olrl third. Time: 1:18. rllxth rare, one mile and a sixteentn, selling: Bidnona won. Sea 1-lon second, Hungarian third. Time: 1:64. One Favorite Laads First. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. tl Prestome was ths only successful favorite today. Jockey T. uean was suspended, pending an in 7 Pyspepsia nai?e Tbs agon you suffer after eating, tnat feeling of fullness, flatulence (wind on the stomach) and belching is caused by decay of undigested food which forms a gas that distends the walls of t ha stomach and ex erts a pressure against all the Internal organs. The eating ot more food forcs out part of this gas and causes belching. Just take a lit tie Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It will relieve you at once. It never fails to permanently cure the worst cases of Indigestion and dyspepsia. "1 suffered untold pains from Indigestion which were always worse af ter eating. Two bottles ot Kodol Dyspepsia Curb made me a well man and life now seems worth living. Peter Sherman, No. Stratford, N. II." It can't help but do you good Prepared by E. a DeWltt Co., Chicago. The SI. bottle contain tlus ths Sou, slxa. The favorite household remedy foreoutrhs, colds, croup, trcncfcttU, grippe! throat and lung troubles Is ONE RtlNUTE Cough Cure U cures (julckl "A HAND 8AW IS A GOOD THINQ, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." APOL IS THE PROPER THING mm rjrc vtt ct m ti vr rtn wrrrc will de for yeo, every reader ef tble paper whs her the s rsnce ar gray er faces aair ar aeia spats ti.r r B. (See free Settle otter.) HAIR - HEALTH j , EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED te rtitnre rray, whit or laded aair e youthful color and Life. It act a th root, flvinf. them th required eear lihment are 'positively reduce Inx ariant thick hair oa bald bead. "Hot m Dra Hmh Lmfl." the tertimony n huadreds oaiag it. Hay's Hair-Health t dainty dres it and a aerenary adfoart to every toilet, ted unlike other preparation, exert a healthful action on th root of th hair, rausine the rune to retain It oristaal color, whether black, brows er golden. At Ludlnj Druggists. Good tor 28a Cairo HARFINA SOAP. SOc BOTTLES tuttitultt. Inn it tn SateVar Hajft IMr-HtaHk. T, .T . ' " ' . T , - naaiin ana narnna soap la ineir snops an.y i vestlgatlon of his ride on Panther. Tho ban of suspension pronounced by the stew ards against Jockey Dande has been lifted and that against Jockey Dale continued Indefinitely. Results: First race, seven furlongs: Chickadee won, Panther second, Frank Jones third. Time: 1:33. Second race, six. furlongs: Zack Ford won, Kcho Dule second, Lrroyd third. Time: l:ltt. Third race, selling, one mile and seventy yards: Dlgby Bell won, Jessie Jarbo sec ond. Meme Wastell third. Time: 1 :5t4. Fourth race, selling, one mile and a six teenth: Prestome won. Dr. t'arrlck second, Little Lois third. Time: 1:6IH- Fifth race, selling, one mile and seventy yards: A valor won, Dramburg second, Correne C. third. Time: 1:63. Sixth race, selling, one mile and a six teenth: Utile Tommy Tucker won. Anna Darling second. Bequeath third. Time: 1:60. PUGILISTS IN PRIME FORM McGovern and Snlllvan Ready for Their Fight In Loalsvllle Today. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Feb. 21 All arrange ments for 'he fight between Terry McGov ern and Dave Sullivan tomorrow night be fore tne Boumern Atmetic club in mis city have been completed and reports from the lighters Indicate that they are In prime condition for the contest. Both men have finished their traJnlne- and will welah In at the Auditorium here tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, when, according to the agree ment, it either tips tiie scales at over 126 pounds, he will forfeit 1500. The fighters will enter the ring at 9 o'clock and will box twenty-five rounds, straight marquis of Queensberry rules, for 60 per cent of the gate receipts, 35 per cent to the winner and 25 per oent to the loser. McGovern, with his manager, Sam Harris, and his trainers. Charlie Mayhood, Joe Humphrey and Hugh McGovern. will ar rive In th city tomorrow morning at 1:16 o'clock from Cincinnati, where McGovern has been In training. Sullivan ia In Louis ville, where he has been prepared for the contest by Tom Sharkey, Hob Armstrong, the negro heavyweight, and Joe Zlger, who was Young Corbett's sparring partner when he trained for his successful fight with McGovern on Thanksgiving day. Bob Fltzalmmons, who will referee the oontest, arrived In the city tonight. The prospects are that the largest crowd that ever witnessed a fight In Kentucky will be on hand when time Is railed and nearly every seat In the house already has been sold. The number of out of town spectators will be large. Parties will ar rive in the city tomorrow from New York. Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus and the In diana gas pen. NEW FIELD FOR ATHLETICS Factilty of Yaakton College An nounces Happy Sarprlse for the Stadcnts. YANKTON, S. T)., Feb. 21. (Special Tele gramsAt a banquet tonight the faculty of Yankton college announced the purchase of a new athletic field. This was a sur prise to the student body. The grounds are north of the new gymnasium, adjoining the college, the back campus of which It be comes a part. The land la a Mock and a half long and a block wide. The purchase was made possible by a Kif t of 13,000 for thst purpose, made last December, which waa unannounced until tonight. The pur chase includes lots held by seven separate owners and several other gifts were neces sarv before the deal was completed. Judge Bartlett Tripp gave $300. The total value of the property Is 14,350. It will be Im proved at once. STATE AMATEUR SHOOTERS J. M. Hngbaa Makes Hlgb Average, It. G. Taylor Second, William Vech Third. HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. H. (Special Tele gram.) The amateur shooters of Nebraska are holding a two days' shooting tourna ment at the club grounds, lust north of Hastings. The tournament Is largely at tended by some of the best ehcotere In the state. There also are some prominent shooters from surrounding states partici pating In the tournament. The best scores made today were by J. M. Hughes of Pal myra, Wis., who made the high average score of 9fV per cent: H. G. Tsylor of Meckllng, S. D., second, with 93; William Veach of Falls City, Neb.. 82V,: M. Dlefen derfer of Wood River. Neb., si1,, and D. Morrill of South Omaha, 0. Rare In the Mod. CHARLESTON. 8. C, Feb. 21.-Raelng here waa handicapped today by rain and a muddy track. Keaults: First race, five furlongs: Pataatc won. Trilby Nelson second. Can Robert third. Time: 1:19. Second race, four and a half furlongs: Bachlen won, Jennie Zeay second. Mill Stream third. Time: 1:00. Third race, one mile: Tom Curt won. Handcuff second, Hurena third. Time: 1:45. Fourth race, six furlongs: I'rosgrave won. Queen L. second. Cathedral third. Time: 1:21. Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Ordeal won, Butee second, Chlnooka third. Time: 1:16. Hoax City Defeats Yaakton. YANKTON. 8. D., Feb. 21. (Special Tele gram.) The Sioux City basket ball Mm beat Yankton college tn the new gym nasium tonight, 24 to U. n x Digests, what yog Eat FOR HOUSE-CLEANING HAIR RESTORATIVE POWERS " Hay's llair-llcallh the great hair stimulsnt, is so remark ably sstisfsctorv that an arrangement has been msde by whlrh all feeders of this paper who have not already tried it may have A Botllo FREE by mail ; alo a book that tells how to have beautiful hair and complexion, and contains testimonial of many ot the thousands who hsve regained beautv and vouthful appearance by using Hay's hair-Health and Harfina Seap. Cut out this special offer and enclose it with your Name and Address.... to Phllo Hay, ait Ijifavette Street. Newark, N.J., with five cents (ttsmpt or cash) to pay postage, and we will send you, prepaid, a free sample bottle of Hay's Hnlr-Hrsltb. DraggiatS ca nt supply Hair-Health free. If you are satisfied that Horr-Health Is what you need for your hair, buy s regular co cent bottle at leading druc- afwfV stores, ana get s , rent cate ot SafH Martina Soap FREE as per Offer, DR. McGREW(Ags53) SPECIALIST. Diseases and Vlaoraera af Sua Only, te Years' Eaperleace. IS Yearn 1st Omaha. 1 1 DIPflPCI C cured by a treatment' VAnluUuLLC which is the QUICKEST, satest and most natural that haa yet been discovered. No pain whatever, bo cutting and does not interfere wlln work or busi ness. Treatment at office or at borne and a permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment tor Syphilis And all Blood Dleeases. No "BRKAKINO OUT" on the akin or face and ail external signs of the disease disappear at once. A treatment that la more suocessful and far more satisfactory than the "old form" of treatment and at less than HALF THH COST. A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent for life. nCQ Oft nnnoasea eured ef nervous Ultn UUUU debility, loss of vitality aim all unnatural weaknesses of men. Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and Bladder Dis eases, Hydrocele, cured permanently. CHARGES LOW, COX SULTATION Kit IK, Treatment by ratll P. O. Box TSs. Office over all a. Mth street, between Far rm and Oouglaa Sta QMS HA. 1MBB. S5.00 A MONTH Specialist la all DISEASES and DISORDERS f MEN. 13 yean la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK. EST. safest and most natural method that has yet been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BREAKINtl OUT" of the disease on the skin or fare. A cure that la guaranteed to be permanent for life. IfiDIOflOCI C cured. Method new, I AilluUUuLC without cutting, pain; no detention from work; permanent cure guaranteed. WEAK. HEN from Exceases or Victims to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast. Ing Weakness with Esrly Dray In Young and Middle Aged, :ack of vim, vigor ana strength, with organs tmpslred and weak. BTRICTl'RHJ cured with a new Home Treatment. No pain, no detention from business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Coasaltatton Free. Treatment by Hall, CHARGES LOW. 118 S. lata St. Dr. Searies & Searlas, Omaha, Neb. The Blues is one signal which foretells physical decay. Another la pslc lifeless skin. The muscle shrink sod become flab by; the body becomes emscisted, sad there Is aa early tendency to round shoulders. The step lacks elasticity, the nerves become weak; mental aad physical activity are a burden. This condition Is cstled Ntrvoui De bility; It is cured by the use of They feed the hungry nerves, revive the weakened organ sod make life brighter sod sweeter to sny sua or woman who has suffered from physics! drain. tl 00 tier bo: 8 hose fwith leral IS ua ranter torur or refund the moaey ), 0UL Jtooa free. For sale by Kuhn & Co., Fuller Paint Drug Co., Omaha: Dillon's Drug atore. South Omaha, atd ljavts Drug Co., Council bluffs, la. pCHUYfiOYAL PILLS kBsAnTnC. l,.a.srsJU.Is I .alL a. a. g'M 1' m s ar ts 'a st iu lit 11 I SalWtJ to mm 4 I as I lav Usssaat. V sraiM, M 4 4m. im mmmmt far rartJaUT. T at ! Ml 'ftH4nf far Lsei7fM,si Ur. kf I. a-a m eui v rar is ! ir ( staiui fa. aa liun raii-ifa TfMtWaa laaM m0t Tho Lakcwood Hotel In the PINES of Southern New Jersey Th Leading Hotel of Lakeicood. LAKE WOOD, In the heart mt a bal sanilo forest of pines, is now a world-renownsd winter resort for health and pleasure, and Tba talis weed. Its principal and largest hplal. Is a superbly squlpoed hostelry, In lus urleue accommodation for the comfort, convenience and entertainment ef lie patrona not surpassed bv any hotel to America. The cuisine and service equal those of the celebrated restaurants ef Nsw Tork and Parts. At The I.akewood are Installed ths famous Hydrotberepautlo (water cure) IJaths of Prof. Charcot of Paris, aod Prof. Erb of Heldelberar. This resort has the moat improved aod perfect apparatus for the treatment and cure of overwork, nervousness. Insomnia, and allied complaints, by means of hydrotherapy and electricity, of any hotel In the world. This departmeot Is under the oa-re ef the Houss Phy sician. 4AS. H. BlftaTY. Minr.