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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1902 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ( ORDERSMARTIALLAW Premier BagMta "Will Establish Military Bole Throughout Kingdom. , EXTREME NATIONAL CRISIS IS FEARED General Weyler Confers with Queen Eegent and Military Authorities. TROOPS EQUIPPED READY FOR ACTION Prolonged ani Deauly Biota Produce 8tate of General Disorder. ANARCHY PRIME FACTOR IN REVOLUTION gjaaflleta Bttw.ta Striker mm Sol dier Arm Wte m -' OrT. R- Its to '., 'd p- Property. - 1 1 ' . v 1 . MADRID, Fsb. JO. Premier Ju, 1 if preparing a decree establishing martial law throughout Spain. The denature of the ecree. It 1i believed, will be followed by an extreme national crtole. It wae per sistently said when the Chamber of Depu ties cloved this evening that the minister of war. General Weyler, hsd a long con ference with the queen regent yesterday, which was followed by a conference with the military authorities today.' Afterward, It is asherted, arma and ball cartridges were served out to the troops In Madrid, who are In readiness to start at a mo ment's notice. , Advtces received here from Barcelona say the mob doe not offer any serious re sistance when -confronted by the troops, but rioters sre continually sniping at the police and soldiers from behind doors and windows and from the roofs of bouses, dispersing when the troops charge. , According to telegrams received nere iite tonight from Barcelona atreet fighting chum Rnntlnuaa. A croclamatlon has been Issued ordering all private Individuals to surrender any weapons they may possess, tinder pain of severe penalty. The aale of arms hss been prohibited. Forty work men's sssoclatlona have been dissolved and the members of their committees srrested. The battleship Pelayo has been Ordered to Barcelona. ' Pitched Buttle Oecnr. A pitched battle occurred in the outskirts bf the city between ..the strikers and the military eocort attached to several wagons thst were bringing in provisions. The con tents of the wagons were dragged and bar ricades were built across the road. The rails nav been torn up to prevent trains from entering -the city. The strike movement baa begun . to spread seriously. At Saragoesa most of the factories hsve closed on the demands of the workmen and the strikers are bringing pressure to bear to cause the factories stUl remaining open to close. The captain general Of Saragossa has wired for reinforcement. Official telegrams, received hero describe a sllrht hneroasns n. .thattiatloi .at Barcelona, and offlcere tonight aeem more hopeful. Owing to the strict censorship over news from Barcelona H Is difficult to as-jertaln the real state ot affairs there. In addition to the labor movement the r.i.l.n home rule agitation la likely to prove a serious factor In the situation. One hopeful sign is the fact that almost alone among the ministers and the governing authorities. General weyier t. in .rrr.nthY with the Calalantan de mands and la Inclined to atudy their griev ances. ratal Hlota Coatlaae. BARCELONA, Feb. 20. The strikers to day killed three workmen who wished to resums work. The proprietor of a bakery l..i h nrlr of bread waa also wuu i r- killed. i. i. ' knurl feecomlnc more apparent that anarchists are the prime movera In the incipient revolution. The market are without provision and the strikers are preventing the alaughter of animals. Additional reinforcements of troops are arriving her. A mob stormed the arsenal at Sabadell, not far from Barcelona, and secured forty roes, but they were subsequently recovered by the troops. Fresh fighting between the troops and rioters has occurred at Tarrasa and Saba dell. Most ot the ships in this harbor have been forced to leave without discharglag their cargoes. R,.r of rtva Haadre Death. ' PARIS, Feb. 10. The Patrte today pub lishes dlspetchea dated at Hendaye. France, early this morning, giving a number of re ports of the occurrences yesterday at Bar celona. The majority ot these reports lack confirmation. In another dispatch from Hendaye, timed later In the day, the Patrle publishes as a local rumor the atatement that 600 persons save been killed and wounded la the suburbs of Barcelona. Other Flerc Conflicts. LONDON. Feb. 10. A meesag to the exchange Telegraph company from Bar celona via Perpignaa. France, aays a fierce battle baa been fought between the troops and the rioters la the suburb of Barcelona known a Sana. Before the engagement the cavalry aad Infantry had been posted In the most dangerous point and a field battery had been located on the plaxa, from which vantage point the guns could sweep the surrounding streets. When the final clash with the troops occurred, continues the dispatch, the artillery was brought Into action and raked street after atreet. The rioters engaged the batteries at does range, but were driven off. It Is reported that 100 persons were killed and wounded on both aides. The entire neighborhood was wrecked by the shell. The ruins caught Bra and this completed the destruction. Further fight ing is reported at Mataro (fifteen miles from Barcelona), where a quantity of arms have been discovered. Fighting is also re ported at Tortoaa and Tarranaga respec tively, 150 miles southwest of Barcelona. vc.nut.HK, opsin, reo, zo. s p. m.- Serious fighting Is proceeding la all parts ot Barcelona. A number of persons have been killed or wounded. Troops are ar riving rapidly at Baroelona from all other districts. The outbreak torts y between the strikers and troops began In Paraldo, As- alto and Rambla streets, where maay ahots were exchanged. A general panlo pre vail at Barcelona. Te Stop Export f Horse to TraaavaaJ VIENNA. Feb. 20. In the Relchsrath to day Harr Wolf, the pan-Germaa leader, gave aotlce of an Interpellation iavitlng the Aus trlaa government, la conjunction with the government of Hungsry, to prohibit the ex port ot horses from Austria and Hungary to South Africa aad thus maintain neutrality. EFFECT OF PRINCE'S VISIT Revival ef Cordiality le Predicted hy Qerasa Paper Formerly Hostile to America. BERLIN, Feb. 20. The Kreus Zeltung, concluding a column survey of the relations between Germany and the United States, says: The royal attitude of Oermanv at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war has Just been proved. If the sympathies of me uerman people were then with Spain the explanation la that Ideal trait of the Oerman character which causes Germans to sympathise with the weaker party in a fight. Hut we have long since gotten over that. 8 harp conflicts of Interest exist be tween Oermany and the United States. These, however, are not political, but are confined to economic matters. Perhaps a way ha at last been found which renders possible a settlement of these conflicts. Perhaps the visit of Prince Henry will give occasion to this end. At any rste much will be gained tf this visit reawakens a lively consciousness of the traditional friendly relations among the rulers and the people ot both nations. It will also remove the misunderstandings which the sensational preis has created and nour ished. Prince Henry's visit will certainly clear the atmosphere. Improve the rela tions and revivify the cordiality which has always existed between the two gov ernments. It will be remembered that the kreus Zeltung was one of the most hostile critics of the United States In 1898, which attitude it ha since maintained. SILVER JUBILEE OF THE POPE Twenty-Fifth Anniversary ot Elevation to the Poatldcato Celebrated. His ROME), Feb. SO. The pope today entered on the twenty-Sfth year of his pontificate. Although the man celebration of the Jubilee Is postponed until March t, when the com bined feitlvltiea of '.he Ji bilee and corona tion will be observed. During the course of the day the pope received in the throne room a committee, which presented him with a commemora tive medal, replicaa ot which will be dis tributed to pilgrims. The singing of the "Te Deum" In St. Peters' wss the most impressive service In years. It was conducted by Cardinal Rampola in the presence of twenty-four cardinals and twenty-four bishops. The pontifical noble guard was present in full dress uniforms, worn for the first time today atnee 1870. Three hundred representatives of Catholic associations, the Italian and foreign representatives of the religious or dera and 20,000 spectators also listened to the service. At the conclusion ot the "Te Deum" the pope appeared at a window of his apartment and watched the crowd disperse. He was saluted by the waving of hat and handkerchiefs. ROSEBERY LEAVES HIS PARTY Declares He Cannot Sapport Liberal ' Caase Loafer-Tim fa Posi tive Action. LONDON. Feb. 21. As an outcome of the polemic concerning the relations between Sir , Henry Campbell-Bannermaa. Lord Rosebory and the liberal party. Lord Rose bery has written to the Times, declaring frankly that ha remains outside Sir Henry's tabernacle, but not, he thinks. In solitude. ""At thia moment ot definite separation," aays Lord Rosebery, "nobody appreciates more heartily than I do the well-lnten-tloned devotion of Sir Henry Campbell Bannermaa to the liberal party and what he conceive to be its Interests. I only wish I could have shared his labors and supported his policy." Lord Rosebery's reply, tbdrefore, marks a definite separation from the liberal party. Referring to this matter editorially the Time remarks that the rupture la now complete and Jhat Lord Rosebery stands committed to action. He must know, aays the Times, "that it is not enough to de clare Independence; he must adopt and pursue with untiring energy a policy of re construction." SCOTS GREYS MEET REVERSE Delsekmest Ronshly Handled la a Flaht with th Boer Force. LONDON, Feb. 20. A detachment of Scots Greys (Second dragoons), one of Great Britain's crack dragoon . regiments, has been cut up by the Boers at Kllpdam. Major C. W. M. Fellden and Captain B. Ussher were severely wouaded, two mea were killed, six were wounded and forty six captured. The news was received this morning from Lord Kitchener, In a dis patch dated Pretoria, Wednesday, Febru ary 19. The Scots Greys formed part of Gen. eral Gilbert Hamilton's column. Th latter, while moving on Nigel, February 18, en caged a fore of Boers at Kllpdam. The Scots Greya became detsehed,. were sur rounded and cut off. General Hamilton waa unable to dislodge the Boers from their position, so he continued his march to ward Nigel. The Boers released the Scots Greya who had been made prisoners. TREATY IN HANDS OF CONGRESS Aarreemeat for Resumption of Diplo mats Relation with France la Venesaela's Possession. WILLEMSTAD. Curacoa, Feb. 20 The Veneiuelan congress convened this evening at 2:30 In the federal palace at Caracas The presidential message was not delivered to congress. The agreement signed yester day in Paris by th French minister of foreign affairs, M. Delcasse, and the Veneiuelan plenipotentiary, which forms a basis for the resumption of diplomatic re latlons between France and Venezuela, is subject to ratification by the Veneiuelan congress. TOLSTOI CONQUERS DISEASE Coant la Reported to Be Oat at Denser After Grave -Illness. LONDON. Feb. 21. According to the St Petersburg correspondent ot ths Dally Mall, Count Tolstoi, who ha recently been gravely 111, is now out of danger. DIG VICTIMS FROM THE RUINS Thirty-Two Peopl Barled Darlas; th Karthaaake Irs Reseaed Alive. BAKU. Transcaucasia, Feb. 20. During the course of the search today for hodl of victims ot the recent earthquake at Snamaka thirty-two persona were dis entombed alive. Ceiira. Gaeather's Homtaatloa. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Th senate, in executive session, today confirmed tb aomlnstloa of Colonel F. L. Gueotber to be brigadier general. PLANS OF WASHINGTON VISIT Arrangements Annonnoed for Prinoe Henry's. Call at Capital. WILL MEET THE MEMiERS OF C0NIRESS After Listening- to Debate la the Hoaae, Royal Onset Will Shake Hands and Receive In troductions. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. After confer ences between Stat department officials and members of tbo senate and house of repre sentatives arrangements have been com pleted for the reception of Prince Henry when he comes to the capital next Monday. The prince will bo accompanied by Ambas sador von Holeben or Count von Quadt and the members of his staff. The party will ar rive at the eastern main entrance about 4 o'clock and will enter the building by the rotunda. Here a company of th members of the house will be In waiting to receive the prince, as th visit to the senate will have to be mads later owing to the taking of the vote on the Philippine bill at 4 o'clock. Representatives Orosvenor and Hltt and one democratic member, probably Representative Dinsmore, will constitute the committee. The prince will be escorted first to Speaker Henderson's private office, where greetings will be exchanged 'and th speaker will then invite the prinoe and his party to occupy the speaker's reserved seats In the gallery. Thi will give the prince an opportunity to observe the conduct of af fairs In the house, the probability being that one of the appropriation bills will be under consideration at that time. Will Meet the Member. After looking down upon the business ot ths house Prince Henry will return to th main floor of the house and later will oc cupy the ways and meana committee room for a time, in order that members of the house may be presented to him In person. It is understood that this part of the pro gram carries out a wish expressed by Em peror William that his brother should see, not only the legislative branch in session, but also should meet In a personal way the members of this branch of the government. At the conclusion of th presentation of member to Prince Henry the committee will escort the prince and his party through the corridor to the rotunda, where a com mittee of senators will meet them and give the visitor the courtesies of the senate. On the following Thursday when Prince Henry attends the McKinley memorial ex erclses in the house of representatives he will occupy a aeat immediately alongside of President. Roosevelt, who, with his cabl net, will be In th area to, the left of th speaker. On, this occasion th prlnoe's suite will not be with htm, but will occupy chairs farther back. On entering the cbam ber the prince will be announced aa "Prinoe Henry of Prussia, admiral of the German navy." The formality of announcing the other members of the party and of -th members of , th diplomatic corps will bo dispensed with." Moetlasr of Presldeat's Delegates. -A-meeting-of th president's YelegalesH Assistant Secretary HU1 of th State de partment, Adjutant General Corbln and Rear Admiral Evans will be held at the Waldorf Astoria In New York City tomor row afternoon. These three gentlemen wilt represent the president of the United States In formally welcoming Prince Henry to thia country. Prince Henry will make his Brat appearance to the American people In the capacity of an admiral In the Imperial German navy and will wear the uniform of that rank.- Assistant Secretary Hill, who win Bead the receiving delegation, will es pecially represent the civil majesty of ths government and therefor will appear at all ceremonies In civilian attire. General Corbln and Admiral Evans will appear In full dresa uniform on all formal occasions, including the reception at New Tork and the various functions in this cttv. The president's delegate have decided to abandon the proposed reception to Prince Henry in the Navy department. The sec rotary f the navy will, however, go to AnnapoiM to welcome the prince. Ia th Royal Box. r-jjcw iobk, Feb. 20. The names of those who will occupy the royal box at the optra with Prince Henry were given out. These will be the German ambas uui, vouut von xxoieDen, General von Plessen, adjutant to th emperor; Admiral von Elsondecber, Court Marshal von Sec kendorff, Vic Admiral von Tirptts, Admiral von Baudtssln. ths commander ot Hohsn sollerai the presidential delegates, consist Ing of Rear Admiral Evans, Assistant Sec rotary of State Hill, Colonel' Bingham. Commander Cowlea, U. S. N., and Captain Wandt of the navy. In one of the oppo site boxes will be the members of the German embassy at Washington and Con sill General Karl Buenx. -At Frees Dinner Table. Those guests who will ait at table with th prince at the Press dinner the night or February 38, will be: Lieutenant Gov eronr Woodruff, Rev. Dr. Gottbeil, Consul General Buenso, Admiral Evans, Captain von Muller, the mayor. Admiral von Seckendorff, Assistant Secretary Kill, St. Clair McKelway, General von Plessen, the Austrian minister. Bishop Potter, White, law Raid, Herman Ridder, German am bassador Holebea, Edward Obi, Archbishop Corrlgan, Admiral von Tirplta, Senator Lodge, Admiral von Elsendecher, Charles Emory Smith, Senator Hawley, Senator Depew, Admiral Count von Baudlesln Charles W. Knapp, Captain von Orumme, Oeneral Corbln and Melville E. Stone. COLUMBUS, O.. Feb. 20. Governor Nash aad ataff will not escort Prince Henry and party through Ohio. The governor re ceived a letter from Consul Carl Pohl at Cincinnati, stating that at the request of the Oerman ambassador "It could not be arranged that your excellency escort his royal highness through Ohio" The letter states, however, that the train will atop In Columbus for ten minutes oa March 1, and that a short ovation would be agreeable to the prince. PARALYSIS ATTACKS GRAY Condition of the Jostle of tha Is prain Conrt la Not, However, Considered Berloa. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Justics Horacs Gray of the supreme court has suffered aa attack of paralysis, but It is stated that there is every reason to expect his recov ery. The attack occurred Tuesday night. HI mlad la clear,' but be haa loot the mus cular control of a part of his body. Justice Gray has been unwell for some time and at his advanced age, 74 years, gave rise to some apprehension as to the outcome, al though hi family says the attack is not serious. s SERIOUS FLOOD IS FEARED Impeadlaa; Danger Threatened la Im mense Gorget of Ico la RlveVs. I riTTSBURO, Fob. 20. A sleet storm to night with rapidly moderating weather and two daya of rain predicted by the govern ment weather office, promise to bring the condition feared for weeks psst by river men and cltisen generally. The danger apprehended 1 from th Im mense gorges of Ice In the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, . The obstructions art ot the most serious character and liable to do almost IncalcuaM damage to river craft between thia point and Wheeling, and should the moderate weather' and rain bring down- the Ice and the heavy snows from upriver points the ; flood which will result will be a record breaker. The gorge in the Allegheny extend with out a break from Pittsburg fully fifty miles up the river and varlea in thickness from Ave feet to sixteen feet. Th Ice is frozen to the bottom of the river tn many places and is damming the water, with the result that the river is rising above the gorge and thi fact point out that when the first rise comes the water will be damxAed back until the valley along the river will be flooded and do a damage not computed in money. The gorge in the Monongahela is not feared so much, because the numerous dams along its length will serve to break the Ice. The situation waa made worse by a gorge tn the Toughlogheny at Versailles and at other points above MoKeesport, which threatens the boat and barger moored along the river. The coal companies are taking every pre caution for the protection of their property along the river and all residents tn the lowlands and valleys ar making ready for th expected flood. BURIED BY TWO FEET OF SNOW Western Oklahoma aad Other Parte of Soathwest Visited by , Storms. ; i - . l GUTHRIE, Okl., Feb. 20. Western Okla homa Is buried under the heaviest snow since the opening to settlement. In Blaine and Grant countlea it Is over two feet deep and in many place th trains cut through drifts of three and four feet. PARSONS. Kan., Feb. 20. Heavy snow has been falling for several hours here, north and south of Parsons All trains are late. ' INDEPENDENCE, Kan., Feb. 20. Snow haa fallen at interval for two days and today developed into a' typical Kansas billiard. Trains are behind time on all roads. - JOPLIN, Mo., Feb. 20. This vicinity has tn the last twenty-four hours experienced the heaviest snowstorm in years. Over six Inches of snow fell in twelve hours, retard ing mining operations all through the sine and lead district and bringing traffic on the Interurban trolley lineto a standstill. . LITTLE ROCK, Feb. 20.-r-Teegrama from Rogers, F ntouvllle and Eef ka Springs to night report eight inches qf snov In north western Arkansas, R - being tb;. heaviest tail In several years. ."' '. . ..." " WELDING PARTOaV&THR Coaventlon of Mtsaoarlaa Wa Be long; to All th go-Called Ro , form Movements. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 20. The allied party of Missouri which waa organised in Kansas City last September and which, according to J. H. Cooiffet Carthage, its state chair man, is com poled ot "publlo ownership men, both wings of the old populist party, the liberal wing of the socialist organiza tion, Bryan democrata and silvsr repub licans," met here today for the purpose of adopting a platform and selecting a state ticket. Delegate began arriving last night and were quite numerous this morning around the St. Jamea hoJ, where the headquarters are located. Mr. Cook said: "The call for thia convention waa signed by Dr. J. E. Chambers, for the publio ownership party; Frank B. Rltchey, chair man of the middle-of-the-road populists, and myself, as chairman ot the fusion populists. All of these element and other third party Interest In the state will be consolidated Into one great reform move ment. Th convention will be in session two daya" A platform was adopted and th follow ing nominations mads : Judges of th Suprem Court Frank B. Rlchey of St. Louis, Henry N. Ess of Kan sas City, Zack Taylor of Springfield. Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners Lyman Forgravee of St. Joseph, Oswalk Hlcka ot Macon. Superintendent of Publlo Schools John D. Brown of Kansas City. Before adjourning the convention elected forty-eight delegates to the national con vention to be held at Louisville In April next. . . Ths platform reaffirms allegiance to' the pinciple of the party as enunciated In the national platform adopted at Kansas City and declares that In the coming state cam paign the paramount issue of the national platform aa relating to Missouri will be direct legislation and public ownership of all public utilities. BEGINS THE SUMMING UP Government Attorney Places Amoaat t of Postal Fraads at Over Hun dred Thoasaad Dollar. HAVANA. Fsb. 20. Th fiscal began summing up for ths prosecution today In the cases of the Cuban postal fraud. He withdrew all the charges against the two Cuban stamp clerks, Moya and Mascara. He withdrew the charges against Est O. Rathbone of Issuing duplicate warrants and charged the issuing of these warrants to W. H. Reeves and C. F. W. Neeley. He maintained the charges of conspiracy and extravagance against Rathbone and said these case were th most Important that had ever come before the Cuban courts. He declared that there was no doubt, from the testimony of the experts, that 1122.000 had been stolen. He said Rathbone had full power for the organisa tion in the island and wa only responsible to the postmaster general, and that If the service had been properly established the majority of the fraud In question could not hav occurred. Rathbone, said the fiscal, did not deposit the funds as required by the postorae au thorities, and should have been deposited when they were received, but Instesd Rath bone left the money In the safe. This alone, the flacal declared, rendered Rathbone liable to imprisonment for six months. He said that Rathbone must have known of these Irregularities or stealings. Hs also introduced letters to show ths Inti macy which had existed between Neeley Reeve and Rathbone. The fiscal is sxpected to finish his sum ming up tomorrow. CLAMOR FOR FREE DELIVERY Tork Oiticeni Expect Their Demand to Be Granted in Short Order. DIETRICH PRESENTS NEBRASKA PETITIONS mammmm Plea, at Omaha Credit Mea for Amend, meat t Bankrnptey Bill Is Cos reyed tha Itssls with Other tat Dooameata. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. (Special Tele gram.) Tork, Nebl. Is to have fre delivery service July 1, according to Representative Stark, who for a year or more has been In terested In securing this service. It would In all probability have been ordered a year ago, but an Inspector, having gone over ths field, reported that the quarters then occu pied were wholly Inadequate tor the service, and the matter was dropped.' Now that the postofflce has been moved Into more commodious quarters, the clamor for tree delivery haa been revived with a good chance of being successful. An Inspector has been ordered to York to report on the condition ot the office and to see If the city haa had it houses numbered and atreeta named. If he finds tbese conditions all right it ia expected bis report will be favorable and free delivery Installed. Representative Burkett today Introduced to the president two of his constituents, Hon. O. M. Lsmbertson of Lincoln and B. P. McGrew of Auburn. Petition from Kebraskaa. Senstor Dietrich presented a number of petitions today In reference to many im portant matters before congress. The clti sen of Omaha, Dorsey, Blackbird, Meek, Knoxvllle, Bellevu and Falrbury are memorializing congress for the adoption ot an amendment to the constitution prohlbt ing polygamy. Th Omaha Association ot Credit Men wants certain amendments msds to the present bankruptcy bill. - The cigar makers' local union of Plattamouth wants the Chines exclusion law re-enacted, while a number of trades, unions throughout the state, including th Brotherhood of Sta tionary Firemen of Omaha, Carpenters and Joiners' union of Omaha, the Plattsmouth local union of the International Associa tion of Machinists, and Omaha Typograph ical union, want legislation enacted author izing the construction of war vessels in government navy yards.. , Senator Gamble, who Is a member of the committee on Indian affairs, today pre sented reasons before the committee why his bill to ratify an agreement with the Rosebud Indians, ceding 300,000 acres ot land in Gregory coubty. South Dakota, should be reported favorably. He defended the amount Inspector McLaughlin agreed to pay per acre for the land, $2.25, and ar gued that it was wisdom on the part of the government to close the deal. ' . .Considerable opposition to the measure has unexpectedly sprung up and it waa de cided to hold another meeting of the com mittee Saturday to' discuss the general proposition whether lands within the In dian reservations should be taken by treaty for homestead purposes, when much ot tb public domain ia still unoccupied. .Enalp-" KlUreflgerBofiks .'.to . amend,.. th Indian appropriation bill by appropriating 225,000 for the insane hospital for the' In. dians at Canton, S. D. A reception was given today by Mrs. Dolllvor and Miss Dolllver In honor of the visiting delegate to the Daughters ot the American Revolution from Iowa. The at tendance was large. Senator Dolllver was present 1st In the afternoon. 'Warren of Wyoming; Kntertalne. Senator Warren of Wyoming gave a din ner at the New Wlllard tonight In honor of speaker Henderson and prominent mem bers of congress. Among those present were: Blnger Hermann, commissioner of the general land office; ex-Governor Rich ard ot Wyoming; Judge William Van De vanter, . assistant attorney general; Con gressman Mondell; C. C. Hamlin of Colo- rada Springs. Agent Nlckerson of the Shoshone (Wyo.) agency Is here, with three Arapahoe and three Shoshone Indians, for a conference with the Indian office relative to affaire on the reservation. The 6hoehones will ask that their tribe be reimbursed for the land used for th last twenty-fiv years by the Arapahoe. The reservation waa originally created for the sols use of the Shoshones, but the Arapahoes were quartered thereon. While the tribes have ostensibly been living In harmony, they were traditional enemies. sod at all tlmea there have been strained relations and Jealousies. The Shoshone will now insist upon payment for their lands. Dead wood Chinamen Admitted. Ths Immigration officials at Port Town send were today Instructed to sdmit to this country the Chinese boy, Wong Wulng Bong. Young Bong is a son of Wong Bong of the firm of Wing Tsue & Co. ot Dead wood, S. D., where be was bora. Bong, Jr., has returned to assume hi father's place in the Deadwood firm. The officials at Port Townsond, not being satisfied with the affidavits presented by the young China- man, had decided to return him to China. but Representative Martin took the matter before Secretary Shaw. . The senate committee on Indian affairs reported favorably today on Senator Gam ble's bill appropriating 60,000 for th pur chase ot stock and Implement for th Crow Indiana. Congressman Burke today had an amend ment added to the Indian bill appropriating 136,000 tor surveying lands in the Pine Ridge and Standing Rock reservation; also an amendment appropriating $272 to reim burse Joseph Stalner of Pierre, 8. D., who wa contractor for a school building at the Cheyenne river agency in 1892. Before the completion of the building it waa dam aged by a store and repairs cost Stalner the amount named. Department Note. Miss Nora Ferguson of Tyrone, Pa., waa today appointed a seamstress at th In. dlaa school at ths Omaha agency. Iowa postmasters appointed: I. B. Wise, California, Harrison county; G. II. Red. man, Shambaugh, Pags county. Mlsa Fannie A. Qllllan of Walsenburg, Colo., has been appointed assistant matron In the Indian school at Rapid City, S. D. The First National bank of Orange City, Ia., haa been authorized to begin business, with S26.0O0. capital. Movements of Ocean Vessel Feb. SO. At Algiers Arrived Celtic, from New York. vU Ma-rls and Gibraltar, for Va letta, Malta, etc. At t-tt.ya-1 .-ii rived Lahn, from Genoa, Naples and Gibraltar, for New York. At Rutterdajn Hailed Amsterdam, for New York, via Boulogne Bur Mer. At Hong Kong Arrived Empress of Japan, from Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, via Yokohama, Nagaaaki and Shanghai. At Naples Arrived Aller, from New York, for Genoa. At New York Arrived Manltou, from London. Sailed 1- Touralne, for Havre. At alovllle Arrived Numldlan, from St. Johns. N. B . and Halifax, for Liverpool. At iueenetown Boiled W estf rnUod, for Philadelphia; Oceanic, fur Nw York. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Increasing Cloudi ness Friday: Saturday Probably nam or Snow, Colder in West Portions; Variable Winds. 5 a. m IT 1 p. m SO a. m...... 16 a p. m S T a. m 14 S p. m S4 8 a. m la 4 p. m...... sn 9 a. m 14 5 p. m S4 10 a. m 1 p. an 3S 11 a. m 24 T p. ns St 18 as XS 8 p. m S" 9 p. m SS FUNERAL PLANS ARE CHANGED Lleatenaat Psray's Body 1 Taken from Colnmba Direct to Washing-ten. COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. 20. (Special Tele gram.) The body of Lieutenant Clarence M. Furay was taksn to Washington today for burial in the National Military ceme tery at Arlington, his brother, Frank A. Furay, and uncle, Jamea McShane, accom panying tha remains. It had been expected to take the body to Omaha for burial, but a telegram from tha father ot the deceased changed' the plans. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. (Special Tele gram.) The body ot Lieutenant Clarence M. Furay arrived In this city from Colum bus, O., this afternoon, accompanied by Frank A. Furay and Dr. Charlea E. Furay, brothers ot the deceased, and F. J. Mc Shan of Omaha. Services will be held from St. Domlntck's church tomorrow morning and burial will be Saturday morn ing in Arlington. The family ot th de ceased had thought to take the body to Omaha for burial, but finally decided that Arlington was ths . most fitting spot n which to Inter th soldier son and brother. It was intended to hold funeral services today, but aa arrangements for a lot In the National cemetery could not be made in time It was decided to defer burial until Saturday, when the deceased will be given a military funeral befitting hla rank. Frank A. Furay, who went to Columbia immediately upon hearing of his brother's desth, said that Clarence seemed In good spirits Just before his death and was look ing forward with eagerness to his serv ice In the Philippines, whither he expected to be. ordered in tb immediate future. Tha letter alluded to in the dispatches from Col umbus on Monday waa addressed to Frank A. Furay and waa explanatory of a tele gram aent his brother regarding his going to the Philippines. There was nothing in the remotest way mysterious "about it, being almply a letter from one brother to another interested In the young man's fu ture. ELEVATOR MEN IN SESSION Delegates from Korthweotera States Seek Friendly Relations with Railroads. FARGO. N. D.. Feb. 20. A large number of deleratea renresentlng private grain and . indensndent elevators In Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota, met her today and formed the Northwestern Elevator association. Th Officers elected were: .' n.sidt. w. H. McPberson. Valley uity, N J-i.P't. v,c president, A. -LT Ballott, irnkM. Ia.: second vice president, b- Perry. Bath. S. D.; secretary. J. G. Hantry. St. Paul; treasurer, J. M. Finney. Clinton. Minn. " ' Th nhlect of the association la to se cure more friendly relations between the railroads and the elevators, by adjusting .. n fmlffht at local atattons and ob tain more equal margins for the handling of grain. M'DOWELL RENEWS HIS SUIT Aetor Agjala Seek to Aaaal Bill of Sat of the Sardoa Flays. ct -PAiTt Feb. 20. Melbourne McDow ell and May D. Seymour, aa executora of Fannie Davenport McDowell, deceased, against Clarence M. Brune, as an individual. and Brune aa a corporation, u. . ocon and C. E. Beech, has been taken up by Judge Bunn. r.nnu navennort in her life owned tno so-called Sardou playa and bequeathed them to her husband, aicuoweii. ne gavo a bill of sale to defendants and the present suit ta to annul the blU of aale as fraudu- i.nti nhtained and to enjoin the defend ants from presenting the Sardou plays. Judge Bunn hss already denied the motion for a permsnent restraining order. The case now comes up on it merits. YOUTH KILLS HIS SWEETHEART Shoots Afflicted Girl and Thea At tempts Snlelde Despair Over Inability to Marry. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 20. Kept to her bed with a badly Injured ankle, the result of a fall last week. Miss Gertrude Gothle, aged 22, was shot dead today by ber lover, George Sutton, aged 19 years, who with bis mother bad come to the young woman's homo in West Philadelphia to pay a visit. Still standing beside the bed, Button sent a bullet into his own breast, but his at tempt to end hla own life was defeated by hospital physicians, who say he will re cover. The young couple had been friend for years, but differences In religion, youth fulness and parental objections prevented them from marrying. FINDS CONDITION EXCELLENT Dr. Rlxey Reaches Grotoa to See - Yeaaar Roosevelt Rapidly Gat Bin. GROTON, Mass., Feb. 20. The condition ot Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., was pronounced excellent today and the arrival of Dr. P. M. Rlxey, the president's medical adviser, from Washington waa th only feature of Interest here. While the progress ot th sick boy has been satisfactory, Mrs. Roose velt is unwilling to take any step that might prove detrimental to him and ex presses a doubt that she will start to Washington before Saturday. AGAINST JAPANESE LABOR Colorado Learlslatare Asks Coaa-res to Kxelad This Class at Workmen. DENVER, Feb. 20. The senate today adopted th Joint resolution previously adopted by the house, declaring that the Interests ot Colorsdo worklngmen ar seriously Jeopardised by the employment of Japanese at the coal mine In Huerfano county, and that "it, la the sense of the Thirteenth general assembly that the con gress of the United State shall take steps to exclude from this country all of this class of Asiatic labor." DOUBTS TAFT'S WORD Senator Patterson Annuel the Governor of Misrepresenting Facta. CHARGES FALSE BEP9RT ON THILirf INES Bays He it Actuated hj Motive Unknown to Outsiders. NELSON MAKES A STRONG DEFENSE Quotes Pacts to Disprove Allegation! of Colorado Member. SAYS HE SLANDERS AMERICAN NATION - . .. Mlaaesota Statesman Deelareo Gev rameat Will Hover Abandon th Islaads rally Competeat to Control Them. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. With tha ex. ceptioa of a few minutes given to routine business th senat today devoted Its en tire session to the Philippines question. Mr. ratterson of Colorado, ona of the minority members ot the Philippines com mission, delivered his first extended speech in the senat and was given a most at tentive and careful hearrna-. He discussed principally the sedlUon laws enacted by the Philippines commission, vigorously at tacking th authority of the commission to enact and enforce such laws. Ha main tained that congress alone had the power to put ia force enactments ot that charac ter. He compared Information furnished by the executive departments of the gov- -ernment with some of th statements of Governor Taft in his testimony before tb Philippines commission 'with respect to the capabilities of the Flllplnoa and declared with some heat his belief that Ooveraor Taft misrepresented th true situation la v the islands for motives unknown. He as serted that if the (,000,000 of Christians ia th Philippine were Protestant Christians the cruelties practiced on them by the American authorities would have to atop, aa no member ot congress would be sbls to withstand the wrath of tb Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians of thjs country. toestlon of Sectarianism. Mr. Nelson of Minnesota presented a legal and constitutional argument in support of this government's action in the Philippine archipelago and sharply criticised Mr. Pat terson for injecting into th controversy the question of sectarianism. ' Mr. McCumber of North Dakota urged that congress should not bind th future pow y a declaration of a definite policy , regarding th Philippines, as it was 4s- , slrable that all possible Information should be tn hand before a permanent policy wa . determined upon. Mr. Patterson maintained that tinder th ' enactmenta ot the Philippines commission any person .found distributing th Coagr- r i , rt . t i . . siouat nwora containing speeens . OI any : member of th minority upon th Philip- . pin question, .would be liable to fin 'and imprisonment.- ' . ;- ;,-. ' ' .. Discussing the testimony of Governor Taft before the Philippines ' commission, Mr, Patterson said that asldom had a peo ple been held up to greater contumely and scorn than had been applied to th Filipinos by Judge Taft, "who literally, at least. Is their ruler." Sentiment for Independence might be stamped out by a great army, said Mr. Pat terson, but such a course would be on ot lnfsmy. Six Million Christians. In conclusion Mr. Patterson referred ta the fact that 6,000,000 of th peopl of the Islands were Christians. "But," he said, "they are not Protestant Christiana." On motion of Mr. Lodge, th senate agreed to moen at 11 a. m. tomorrow. Mr. Nelson of Minnesota followed, with a legal argument dealing with various phases of the Philippine question. In be ginning he took Mr. Patterson sharply to task for injecting sectarianism In ths discussion, holding that it waa unwar- ' ranted and inexcusable. It had remained for Mr. Patterson, too, he said, to declare that the sending of American teachers t the Philippines to teach th Filipino youth the English language waa an act of tyranny and despotism. Mr. Nelson declared .that It was a alandsr upon the American people to assert, ' aa 1 ths minority did, that, thia government waa not fully competent t give tha Phil lppines a good government. . Slander on Amerleaa Katioa. "Wo ar there," said he, "and I want to tell the aenators on tha other aid that the people of thi country will never con. sent to abandon those Island. Whsa did It come to pass," he demanded impul sively, "that the American people became a set of tyrants? When did it com to pass that the American soldiers became Baahi Besoks over those island T It i a alaadar upon the American nation.". A bill authorising th construction of a bridge over the Missouri river at Kansas City was passed and th senate then, at 6:13 p. mJ, went into executive session and soon afterward adjourned. INDIANS HAVE DAY IN HOUSE Edaeattoa of Red Meat fa East Op posed la Vala Carlisle School Retalaod. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. Th hous apent the day working on the Indian appropria tion bill. Forty-two of tb elxty-two page were disposed of. Several amendments were adopted, but none ot much Import ance. The appropriation for preliminary work on the reservoir for th Gila river went out on a point of order. Mr. Smith ot Arisona offered an amendment to atrlke out the appropriation for the Carlisle school and It became the text for a general on slaught on the practice of educating In dian In eastern schools. His amendment was defeated. Just before the close of the session Mr. Fitzgerald of New York made aa attack upon the superintendent ot tha school at Mount Pleasant, Mich., who, he said, wa charged with permitting the debauching of Indian girl. Mr. Sherman, chairman of the Indian committee, promised to make an investigation at the Indian office tomorrow. Mr. Sherman explained that th bill carries $8,441,606, being H.I.T2S4 mora than the estimates, but tl, 297,515 lesa than the amount carried by th ourrent law. Mr. Little of Arkansas offered aa amend ment to direct the commissioner of Indian affairs "to sxsmina and report tb feaalbll ity and xpdtency of educating th Indiana in schools upon ths reservation and la communltlea where such Indiana reside, and to submit th beat plan to accomplish this end to congress next session." It was adopted. Amendments were adopted to Increase th