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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1901)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. jjj PART I. PAGES I TO 12. ) ESTABLISHED JU'E 10, 3871. OMAHA, 31 AY 2G, "J 901 TWENTY -FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. & 2? i BREAKS THE EMPEROR Swindler's Broiin Sweepi Royal Cuh Bex Glean of Ooin, NEARLY ALL WILLIAM'S FORTUNE GONE Empreaiaad Other Msmbers of tha Royal Family Worse Bitten. TRUST FUNDS VANISH IN THE NIGHT lor Yean KaiWi Fay Will Be Dented to Refunding TJebti. BROTHER-IN-LAW IRRETRIEVABLY RUINED Cat-Illeli-Utilek I'evrr Proven Futnl to HonIty Klnu .No 1. miner Situ Counting Out III" Money mill IIiih ."So Money for llrenil. (Copyright, 1901, by Trctr Publishing Co.) BERLIN, May 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Almost the cntlro private fortunes of emperor William nnd empress and other members of tho royal family of Ocrmany have been swept oway In tho swindles perpetrated by Com mercial Councillor Sandon. Tho opera tions of Sandon suggest tho C20 per cent n year scheme. Ho Is under arrest, and, while tho emperor's legal advisors aro en doavorlng to iletcrmlno tho extent of his tnaJcsty'B losses, court circles anil cafes ring with expressions of admiration at the audacity of tho man who duped tho em peror by tho flimsiest sort ot chicanery. As nearly oh can bo learned, Sandon got away with something like $4,750,000 belong ing to members ut tho court. His liabil ities, including claims of tho royal family, will easily foot up that amount. Ills via Iblo nesctB In money do not exceed $100,000. Ills houses, yachts and stables will prob , ably realize $100,000. So that tho royal per- eonages who huvu bocn mulcted ot their prtvntu fortunes stand very llttlo show of getting oven as much ob ono per cent of tholr loss. His maJeBty Ib bollcved to havo lost 13.750.000 through tho operations of Eanden. Tho empress, whoso private for timo Ih small, Is said to have bocn swln died out of $625,000. Tho emperor, who Is heavily in dobt, has already abandoned eomo of his projects for upending money, at which ho Is an adopt. Ills solo prlvuto fortune now amounts to about $1,000,000 n f year. A largo part of this, however, will bo dovotcd for somo years to como to repaying tho family trust funds swept nway by tho Sandcn failure His brothor-ln-law, tho duko of Schles- Wlg-Holsteln, has bcon Irretrievably ruined, and unless ho can raise n great deal of money, which now seems Improb able, tho duko will bo compelled to con less bankruptcy. In Germany bankruptcy carries with It disgrace. fluved from Twenty Time Worse. If It had not been for the protest ot tho .ministry . the losses of --the royal family : ' . . .. . tnigni navo nznoumea 10 iwcniy limes no i tnuch. According to tho gossips In court circles, tho omperor, who was u great admirer of tha brilliant Sandcn, wanted to turn over tho entlro Iron Stock fund, amounting to 125,000,000, to Sandcn In tho hopo of In crenslng It twenty-fold. Tho Iron Stock, which In the family fund of tho roynl fam ily, 1b now Invested In Gtltedgocd secur ities and In London nnd New York real estate. If Sandcn had secured control ot this fund ho would undoubtedly havo been nblo to carry on his operations for years without difficulty. Tho rollnpsc of his lly- tiy-nlght schemo of enriching tho nobility by promising to pay proposterous rates of Interest on money entrusted to him for Investment, was duo to his speculation In American securities. CniiK lit III I'm-1 lie Corner. Ho was caught In tho Northern Pacific corner along with n lot ot other Herman capitalists and IiIb collapse followed. An examination Into his affairs by some of the cabinet ministers a day or two ago disclosed tho naturo and extent of his operations. Ho wns arrested in his palaco at Potsdam by Colonel von Moltko. governor of Potsdam, While ho was entortnlnlng guests nt an elab- orato dinner. Tho governor ot Potsdam took tho broker to his library nnd for two hours questioned him regarding his affairs. Ho first declnrod ho was entirely solvent and nblo to return to his clients, Including tho royal family, all tho monoy entrusted to him with exorbitant Interest earned by tho money. At tho ond of two hours Sandcn confessed that ho wns bankrupt nnd that tho royal funds had gono with tho money tntruated to him by tho common people. "So you dnred to sprculato with tho sav ings of ray august mistress?" shouted tho governor. Kitiire AVnnteil Twenty Per Cent. "How could I help It?" protested Sandon, 'when uho wnnted from 10 to 20 per cent ton hor money?" "Uut hl majesty said ho never empow ered you to put tho royal funds to any hut legltlmato uses," thundered tho governor. "Woll," said Snnden, "If tho kaiser was tatlsfled with 3 per cent why did ho not buy Prussian consols? I suppose ho thought tho S per cent consols wcro good enough for Americans while his money was to te loaned to tho highest bidders." Whllo this sensational Interview wns In tti-AfrAim thn t.ilpnhnnn tinll rnnk? nnil thn emperor himself summoned Colonel von Moltko. After hearing of tho confession of Handc,n, who cowered In a corner ot tho room, tho emperor, wno Is represented to hnvo been In a frenzy of anger, demanded that Sandon bo arrested nt onco. "Treat him llko tbo lowest criminal," hrlekcd thn emperor, "nnd do not consider PARIS, May 25. (New York World Ca tho question of ball. Send him to the Mo- I blegram Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. bait (tho Ilerlln Tombs). Let him bo brought to the Mobalt in tho common prison carriage Tho publlo administrator shall tuVo hold of his household, his villa and his Btablea at once, nnd he Bhnll bo publicly disgraced." Front llmmuet llonrii to Prison, In accordance, with tho emperor's com mands, Sandeu Vas taken from his banquet bull nn thrown into orison. Tho nnwii nf lllu nrrfint noon snread umona tho notables of tho court and found Us way Into thu enfos and into the financial district. The amount of tho royal losses was rumored to bo toi tlineB ns great ns they really were, but tho rumors woro sumcient to start u panlo among tho purveyors of tho court, hniirtr nml rontrantnrs em. ployed by the emperor or assoolated with tho charities conducted under the patron- ogo of tho empress. A rigid Investigation Into tho affairs ot Bnudeu has disclosed the fact that tho em press was hit tho hardest. Sho lost every penny she had In tho world out ot tho (Continued oa Bocoad rage). UEEN WH0 ALS SIMPSN Sot Only l Itnnnt iilonn foi-klrnn, liut Mie In Shy n KfW (liiriiientft. Oilier (Copyright, 1901. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 23. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Queen nana- valonu III of Madagascar will arrive next week on her first visit to Pnrls. Prepara tions for her reception occupy a great deal of public attention, the general opinion be ing that tho Kronen govornment la behav ing rather shabbily toward the dispossessed ruler of the big African Island. An apart ment of eight rooms has been engaged In a mlddlo class furnished house. This Queen Ranavalnna will occupy during her six weeks' stay, together with two whlto servants. M. Hachcttc, an attache representing the French government, will also ltvo In thU house. Ills orders nro to watch the queen constantly to prevent her escaping. This precaution Is deemed preposterous Inas- much as slnco she was deposed to Algeria sho has never made nn nttwnipt to escape. Seemingly tho queen Is perfectly resigned to her fate. In Algiers Ranavalona's sunny and childish nature made her the greatest favorite among tho population. Her only real grudgo agalnat tho government Is that It won't allow her to marry a French sol dier. Sho falls madly In lovo with overy otneer sho meets and cannot understand why sho should be condemned to perpetual widowhood. llnri'foot In AVortli lire.'. NEW YOllK, May 25. (Special Tele gram.) An Interesting woman Is tho de posed queen of Madagascar, tho third larg est lBland In the world. Sho used to wear $5,000 Worth dresses nnd went about In them barefooted. Sho chewed tobacco and drank champagne all day long. She Im ported perfumes from Paris, but used pnlm oil on her hair. Iter great passion, now- over, was tho acquisition of Worth dresses, Sho wore them nil duy long. Visitors saw her majesty sitting on tho floor of her palaco busily transferring a meal ot rlee, oil and chicken to hor mouth with her lin gers and Incidentally spoiling a magnificent Worth creation of silk, velvet und lace, Sho did not approve of all tho vexatious do- tails ot civilized fcminlno dress. Corsets, stockings and shoes were not the only nrtl cles she omitted. When her majesty crossed tho Btreot on a wot day tho foreign residents of her capital were treated to a ipectaclo which amused them, but which tho natives gazed at with awe and rover once. ART TREASURES FOR PUBLIC .Mnrumi AVIII Muke l'rlM-lei (ilft If He C'n:i Avoid 1'nyliiK CtiNtomn, (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 25. (Now York World Ca. blegram Special Telegram.) J. Plerpont Morgan Intends to gtvo tho famous Mann helm collection ot antiquities, which ho has Just bought, to tho Metropolitan Museum ot Art In New York, If ho enn obtain from tho United States Treasury dopartment exemp tion of the collection from customs duties, but not otherwise. Mr. Morgan said to tho World cotreti- pondent today: "I consider the prevention of freo entronco or works ot art Into the United Slater.faiost Idiotically barbarous. I . .. . ... expect, to inauce me customs auinoriiics i to let this unlquo treasure gathered by Mannheim enter froo ns educational ma- tcrlal. Anyway, rather than pay ono cent of duty I will resell them or give thorn to some European museum." Thoro nro 241 objects In tho collection, nono very cumbersome. They aro being pacekd by experts and will bo shipped to England within a few days to bo loaned to tho South Kensington mueoum. Mr. Mor gan refused to tell what he paid for tho collection. Judging from tho tact that Mannheim refused soveral extravagant of fers from different states and prlvnto par ties, It 1b Inferred that ho simply plied up banknotCH before tho Paris collector re gardless of the total figure Mr. Morgan has gono to London. UIPTIM nt mnANTIP. CHAlin IIUIIIII VI UlUnil lJ linwww HuxNo-I'ollali llnllwny Ailmliilstrntlon Lone Two Million llollnra. (Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.) HEHLIN. May 25. (Now York World Ca- blegramT-Special Telegram.) Tho Russo- Pollsh railway administration Is the victim ot gigantic fraudB. Clerks In tho goods dopots only returned halt tho weight ot freight forwarded, while their confeder ates at tho destination collected for full weight. Nearly 12,000,000 Is secured tho gang, forty of whom, Including tho ring leader, a prominent lawyer, havo bcon arrested. Tho Russian railway administra tion hns also Just discovered that contract ors In stone and Iron nro In combination with high officials who gave receipts for much larger quantities than havo been delivered. Thcso sharps havo swindled tho government out of over $1,000,000. Tho Mayence garrison has Just been tho scene of another (Ungraceful military duel. A court of honor decided that Lieutenant Rlchlcr, Eighty-eighth regimental, should challenge. Lieutenant Vogl, Thirteenth Hussars, holding thnt Yogi compromised Rlchter's pretty young wlfo by his ntten' Hons to her. The duel took placo on tho moat of an old fortress In tho presence of a number of officers. Vogl shot Rich- ter In tho thigh, causing a mortal wound, Vogl has been arrested nnd a, roport on tho enso will bo sent to tho knlscr. who Is anxious to put down thcso scandals. I BELM0NTS IN A WHIRLPOOL They Ilrnre the llliry Vortrx of rnrUInu Society, Illsli nml Low. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) pcrry Belmont, slnco their arrival ten days aB0, havo beon enjoying Paris with guests. They havo plunged Into a perfect whirlpool 0 dinners, dancing and coaching parties, Ycstorday's program Included a slumming expedition In tho toughest part ot town, Mrs. llelmont, accompanied by three other ladles, distributed charities uuder the guld- anco ox itev, Mr. morgan, pastor ot tho American cnurcn aim ii cousin or j. rierpont Morgan. ino protection oi a ueiecuvo was graciously furnished by the prefect ot po- 'I. Tho now American automobile and steam- boat postage stamps n commemoration or the Pan-American exposition havo attracted much attention nero. ino newspapers pub- lUh brief Interviews with artists and col- lectors praising mo ueoigu. u ciuuuujrmg tho progressive spirit ot ths age W. K, Vanderbllt, Jr., will take home to New York two new automobiles, one Ger man, the other French, which were espe cially built tor him. uotn are enormous machines ot thirty-four and forty-two horse power respectively and are exopcted to out I run anything In America. RIVALRY OPaMEES Enrland Wakei V . , Real Rition for Amer.'ca'i Trace Supremacy. CAPABILITES OF PEOPLE ARE WHAT COUNT Thus ConrtituU the True Foundation for Great Wealth, - NO COUNTRY SO RICH IN RESOURCE Yet They Were Waited on the FrimitiTe Bed Man. HOLLAND IS CITED AS SHINING EXAMPLE Cnnitclty of IU liilinhltmitft Kimble Dutch Country to Piny (Irrnt Pnrt In tho World (irrnt llrllnlu I.neltn Ileiuiiireefulucft. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 25. (New York Cable gram Special Telegram.) Thomas Lloyd, editor ot Tho Statist, on-i of tho lcAdlng financial authorities In England, contribute a very alarmist article about England s trado prospects to his paper. Ho Bays: 'Nover havo tho Interests ot this country been threatened so sorlously from so many sides as nt present. Our principal rlvnl is tho United States. There Is no country in tho world richer In natural resources of every kind than tho United States, yet ttosa natural resources did not help the rod man. On tho other hand, Holland has not very many natural resources except in tho ca pacity of her people. Yot Holland ha-i played a groat part In tho world. bven today she Is ono of tho most prosperous IUUIIUI?H ill UUIUI'U. 11 in inn uuimuiiiiua of a people that conntltute their wealth. Unfortunately thlB Just fact England has been slow to recognize. Everywhere wo aro showing n lack of Initiative resourceful ness, preparedness and staying power. Energetic work and education Mr. Lloyd thinks aro essential to savo England from Industrial defeat. WOMEN ABOARD SHAMROCK Tliey Are of the WiiIoh Set mill Lon don I'nprm AITeet Mot to Sec Them. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 25. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) It Is a curi ous fact that, although Mrs. George Kcppel was aboard Shamrock II on tho occasion of Wednesday's catastrophe with Lady Lon donderry and Mrs. Jameson, no paper hero mentioned her name, although two ot them did state that her sistcr-ln-law, Hon. Mrs. Derko Keppel, was aboard. This latter lady, however, Is at tho antipodes with her husband, a principal equerry of tho duke ot Cornwall Lady Londonderry, who Is not In very good health, has beon suffering ever since from tho afcoclt, but Mrs. TCcppol dls- ..,.i.. ..nin. n, nn .v DUU. v.b uuu others who rushed to her asslstanco that sho could look after herself and let them do the samo. Tbo king's escape evoked extraordinary manifestations ot enthusiasm toward him. On tho following day n well dressed crowd congregated around Marlborough house, to c,hcc'- hln on hI flIle(1 ' tho long hours of waiting with prayers to tho Almighty for tho preservr.tlon of his lit 3. The king had a special orlvato thanks giving scrvlco In the chapel royal attached to Marlborough house tho morning otter tho accident nt which his family nnd household were present. Ho told Sir Thomas Upton ho was sorry that owing to tho furthor trials taking place In tho Clyde he could not be aboard Shamrock II when It Is ro stored, but nevertheless It Is known among his friends that bo Is resolved to take par- L1...1 - . . , .....' ... ..v-u.o. w ..... u .u. u.,..-.ODU. , riskn ot any kind Tho king oxpresscd himself In emphatic terms as to tho prevcntnblllty of tbo accl dent which nearly cost him his llto. Ho asked Llpton to send him reports by two Independent experts as to how tho bobstay plato gavo way. NEW YORK. May 25. (Spoclal Tola gram.) Mrs. Keppel is a daughter of Ad mlral Sir William Edmondstonn, her hus band Is a brother of tho duko ot Albemarle, and sho has a beautiful daughter 6 years of ago. For somo tlmo she has been tho star featuro of what was called tho "Prlnpe of Wales' set." Sho was a guest at tho Chats- worth house party, the last function nt which Edward VII appeared before he sue ceedod to tho throne. At the private the atricals thero tho duchess of Devonshire, his hostess, sat upon tho right of tho prluco .and Mrs. Keppel nt his lctt. DOLLY KEENE, ABSINTHEUR .Notorious American Woman l)le Slinmef ill Dentil In Aliflera lloxnltiil. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, .May 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Dolly Kcono, ns sho was known when n girl in Now York, died recently in the alcoholic ward ot a hospital in Allors, according to newn Just received fr cro, Her trial on chargo of having in red her first husband, Ed mond Lavlssu, caused a great sensation In Orleans twelve years ago. The formal ac cusatlon against her then alleged that the young American woman, who was very fascinating, waa a confirmed abslntho drinker nud addicted, when under tho In fluence ot the llery liquor, to all those things which raado Lucrotla Dorgla histori cal. Although giving no outward sign ot Intoxication, sho acted, It was averred, under a sort of cold rage which frequently drove her to attempt murder. Ono woman, whom sho had previously stabbed, tnough not dangerously, nnd three officers of tho Orleans gnrrlson, who had been "Dolly's" friends, testified that sho had tried to kill them at different times, Tho mysterious poisoning of her husband was ascribed to "Dolly's" lovo for a Japan- eso legation attacno, wno naa spent ono summer ni m. wjvisse h couniry nouse. Alter a nam lougni iriai ino American woman wns acquitted, tho evidence against ner not being sumcient to convict, hno married tho Japanese two weeks late.' and startea to Japan, n is eaia mat ner Asiatic husbaud, being cither tired of her or arram or his lire, leu tno snip at tne Island of Ceylon and escaped In a German iubboi wnicu was just saimiis. tun ""- doned woman returned to Europe, and aft erwards settled In Algiers, where her beauty was the admiration of the whole town. Finally. It Is said, absinthe bloated her features and stupefied her famous wit and the once courted American sunk out of sight aud nothing had been heard ot her (or Ave years until newa came ot ber death, ,DimcE' "'E"0" London oelety llli.eui.fteH l'lmil nation of Mntche mill a Sew r'lve Horned Creiiture, (Copyright. 1901, by Prr-M Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Mrs. LetltU llA.h . I. .. .II....- 1 ..If.. . 1 1 r, 1 1 I ... ... 1 1 i0nn'rCf VM married ou Thurndny prlvntcly In St. Saviour's church on Walton street, llpiimnliii rnn.l ,n f-nntftlt. Vnhllnia Tlln.f ot urlckhlll. county Clare. Mrs. Perot was tne herolue of a sensational case a couple of years nacK wnen, naving separated rrom her husband she kidnaped their only "augnter nM nrougni uer to uonuon m corn- puny wiwi utipiaiu muuu, .viiuiu uo wuh arrested at the suit of her husband. Having been remanded twlco she win discharged from custody, promising not to Intcrfern with tho child again, which wns tnken back to Baltimore by her , husband. Captain Blood's wlfo obtained n decreo nisi for dl- vorce against him six months ago on tho ground of his relations with Mrs. Perot, which decree was made obsoluto on Wednes day. The niarrlago with Mrs. Perot took plnco on tho following day. Captain Illcod Is an extremelv handsome man. but Is now In broken health, having nearly died In tho Interval between tho decree nisi nnd tho decreo absolute. Ho In tho brother of Lady Collin Campbell, tho respondent In tho famous divorce suit In which tho Into duko of Marlborough was tho co-rospondent. William Wnldorf Astor's social rehabili tation Is proceeding apace. Ho Is one ot tho duko and duchess of Devonshire's Whitsun tide party at Compton place, tholr East bourne residence. Tho party Includes Ar thur Ilalfour. tho carl of Ocsford, the earl and countess of Mnrkellle, quite ot tho smartest variety. Sir Henry Johnston, the commissioner to Uganda, has discovered u new variety of glraffo having (lvo horns. It Is named hel- ladctherlum. It Is part ox and part giraffe and wns thought to be extinct for ccnturloa. uipycsT OF SUICIDES C.vriiimiy Anulym the. Ilfnth Hctiirim mill IllNiMiHiten Cnuni'M In Itoth So vc. (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) IIERLIN, May 25. (Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Nearly 8,000 persons committed suicide last year in Ger man v. lioiiaiuv BDcaKine tuo nronoriion oi men to women was three to one. More thau a quarter of tho suicides wcro persons mentnlly Infirm. Nearly one-half had been addicted to drink. The chief cause of suicide among tho men wns general weariness of life, vlco and sorrow. Among women mental de rangement, bodily suffering, shamo and pas sion. Hanging, drowning, shooting and poison ing happen most frequently. Two-thirds ot tho men choso ono or tho other. Women seldom shoot themselves. Moro than ono- thlrd of tho women drowned themsolve3 and almost an equal number took poison. The treatment of disease by the uso of colored light, howover much It bo ridi culed. Is obtaining a footing here. Tho latest novolty la tho euro of measles with red light. Dr. Chatlnlr publishes in a ,." mriHpj.x mniruiDn ti results ot a having favor- r'L:.. " . .ii" "uu""" ui miwhukiw, ablo results. Patients with measles nro kopt In rooms lighted with a subdued red light, much like that In a photogrnphcr'B dark room. Dr. Chatlnlr uses red silk paper pasted on his window panes. The patient receives no mcdtclno and Is better In two or threo days. Dr. Chatlnlr explains that tho prevailing red light enables tho ln flamod skin to rest. All other colors, espe cially tho strong shades ot violet, exclto tho skin. Dr. Chatlnlr was first attracted to hU discovery by noticing that the peasant women In his district always wrapped up their measles-stricken children In red cloth. At the great beer festival nt Donn, !n which tho kaiser and crown prlnca took part, more than 650 beer Jugs wcro pock etcd by the guests as mementoes ot the great occasion. ., I !, fcn l.v ll.n Flnr,,.. sla (orps of students to tho 650 enthusi- nsts to beg thom cither to return tho Jugs or to send In 2 cents apiece In pay ment. Only about thirty persons havo seen fit to pay. CR0KER SOON TO RETURN He Spurn on .lie WorUliiKiiieu Who Are OullilInK III" Mont limine. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) WANTAGE, May 25. (Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Richard Croker Is hurrying up work on Moat House, In vlnw of his early roturn to America. His son Ilertle, who Is having a good deal of rook shooting bore, will not return until somo weeks Inter. Mr. Croker has doubled tho number ot men laboring on tho alter ations being carried out. In connection with tho additions recently niado to his property ho Is pulling down old cottages planting trees, making drives and pressing forward the work In oxcavatlng tho lake Ho got Into trouble, with somo neighbors. owing to tho lako supply draining their water courses, but mado eomo arrange ments with thom so ho enn proceed with tho work. Ho widened the public road leading to Moat House from tho vlllago and altogether transformed tho house sur roundlngs. Ho has also bought several acres and several cottages In tho village which ho Intends to restore, for, although picturesque, they aro very dilapidated. He Intends tho approach to Moat Houso Bbnll not be marred by any unsightly cottages Ho pncseB most of his time horo among his laborers. Ho dismisses tho Idle without mercy, but hard working men consider hlra a fine employer, ns ho gives them bonuses. Ho Intends to glvo up his stud farm on the downs and when tho alter atlons to Moat Houso are completed, to remove all his horses to Lctcombe, GERMAN MARINE AFRAID Fenra Mnrumi Will Get ."North Uer mini I.loyil mid llumbnrK Amerlcnu Linen. (Copyright, 1901, by Pross Publishing Co.) BERLIN, May 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) A terrlbl fear has taken possession of tho German commcrcmi marlno. Slnco Mr. Morgan got the Leyland liners, shipping circles In Ham burg nnd Bremen think It probable that bid will bo rondo for tho North Gorman Lloyd and the Haraburg-Amorlcnn lines. Tho whole press displays much anxiety and hopes that the "American money Titans," at they aro caiica, may not ap pear on the scene, for If they do it Is not at all likely that German owners of trad tng ships will refuse a profitable price, mat opinion nero is sieaouiy rising against tho threatening danger from tho other aide ot the Atlantic goes without saying. In certain Industries o, condition something like panlo prevail!. LAWSON'S YACHT, TOO Indepeodtice Will Ee Allowed to Inter Trials Againtt Oonititntien. LONG CONTROVERSY ENDS AMICABLY - Eoiton Man to Charter an Interett to Some Olub Member. RETAINS NO AUTHORITY DURING MATCH Agross to Give Full Control t Temporary Partner.' WINNING HL COMPETES VITH LIPT0N lull Aui't-e Hint If ('oimtllutloii Shall lime the lllii llenleu the Vlelor I'ull MiIiik nt Clu me from Alirond, UdSTON, May 25. Tho yneht Independ ence will pnrtlclpnto in tho trial races gainst tho Conntltutlon under tho flag of the Now York Yncht club, tho lnnt obstacle ugalnst participation being removed this afternoon. Mr. lnwson pledges his best efforts to mako tho contest for tho solrctlon of the cup defender n good ono. Ho will charter n Interest In his yncht to a club member. r. Law son's statement, Issued tonight, Is s follows: 'IIOSTON, May 2,i. 1901. Commodore Lewis Cass Lcdyard, Chairman of Commu te, New York Yncht Club Dear Sir: Your letter of yesterday with the assurance that my boat can ttiku part in tho trial races, nd If selected may defend the cup, was re ceived this morning. I will nt onco charter nn Interest In It o such person or persons ns may bo agree- bio to your committee nnd will give BUch person or persons full control nnd manage ment during the match. "I thank your committee for having sug gested n way to fairly determine In a sportsmanllko manner which' lioat will bo selected to defend the cup and I will do 11 In my power to mako the contest n suc cess. Dellovo me, your very truly, "THOMAS W. LAWSON." IPT0N AGREES TO THE DATE CulileN Unit yuturilny, 'September '. Will lie SntUrncttiry for .Sluimroek It. NEW YOniC, May 25. Tho America's cup races wJll begin on September 21, Sir Thomas Llpton having by cablegram agreed to that dato and promised to havo a formal request ilxlng that ub tho new tlmo sent by tno ltoyai acnt ciun. his camcgram as to tho oxtenslon ot time received today roads as follows: "LONDON, May 2o, 1901. Oddio, Sccro- tary Now York vact emu: Many tlmniis Kind telegram, contents I note witn pieas- uro. Havo wired secretary to fix dato Sat- rday, September 21, for tho rnce, this bo- lng tho earliest posslblo could bo ready, and to cablo you accordingly. "THOMAS J. LIPTON." Vnlkyrlc III to lie Ilroken Up. GLASGOW, May 25. Tho Volkyrlo III. Lord Dunruven's defeated yacht In the America's contest In 1S95, which Is lying In Gouvrouck bay. Is to bo broken up Monday next. KAISER SEES NEED TO MOVE Von lluclnw CoiivlueeH 11 tut 'Tin to Vacate. Chlitii ut Onee. BERLIN, May 25. During Count von Buc- low's visit to tho Relchslnnd Emperor Wil liam was thoroughly Informed regarding the present status of affairs In China and there upon agreed with tho chancellor that It wns best to effect tho wlthdruwul of tho German forces ns soon as possible and reach aonio understanding regnrdlng tho mode of paying tho Indemnity. This conclusion, it is snld, was hastened because, in contradiction of tho semi-official statements on tho subject, Russia's attltudo In China recently has bo como outspokenly hostile to Germany nnd tho danger seemed Imminent of a serious clashing thoro. Among tho Gormans returning from China will bo Emperor William's specially deputed battlo-scone painter, Tbeodoro Rncholl, who Is laden with numberless sketches mado on tho spot, from which will bo ordered scorcu ot paintings to bo executed. Ilcrr Rocholl haB partly finished two flno paintings show ing tho body of Colonel York von Warton- burg being dellvorod nt Tahal Ton, and nlBO tho funeral of Von Wartonburg in Pokln. Emperor William has creuted n new dec- oration for tho members of tho Red Cross society who served in South Africa. It is n mednl with n gold pin. On tho medal is tho Inscription: "South Africa, 1899-1900." Tho chief president of tho Rhino province has ordorod, at Emperor Wllllnm's sugges- tlon, that tho Crown Princo Frederick Wll- llam whenever ho goes on excursions, etc., Is not to recelvo ovations, but is to bo left undisturbed, "so that ho may enjoy his youth." Mr, Andrew White, tho United States am bassador, and Mrs. Whlto roturn tonight from n visit to tho Imperial chamberlntn, Baron von Rlepenhauscn, at his cnstlo at Crangcn Oscar P. Austin, chief of tho bureau of statistics ot tho United States Treasury de partment, has arrived here. Kmpcrnr'ft lleelftlnii Reported. WASHINGTON, May 25. Tho Stnto do- partmcnt has beon advised that tho German government regards tho present tlmo as op portune tor tho wltndrnwal of Field Mar shal von WnldorBOc, commander of tho In ternational forces In China. Nothing Is stated as to tbo exact dato tor tho return of tho field marshal, nor as to tho number ot German troops thnt will bo left In China, but It Is hoped nt the State department tnat tho German government will follow this nation's examplo and withdraw all but a lo- gatlon guard. Tho United States forco will remain In command ot a major and ho will not bo permitted to assume tho command ot tho International forces cveu If so In vited. ThlB subject wns discussed for nn hour this afternoon by Secretary of War Root and Acting Secrotnry of Stato Hill. BOTHA AND DEWET TO MEET Two Iloer GrnerI, to IllftnnNS the Mttintlnti lit Mouth Africa. LONDON, May 25. General Botha has asked General Dewet to meet him to dis cuss the situation, saya the Pretoria cor respondent of tho Dally Mull. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska-Fair nnd Warmer Sunday; Monday Fair; Vurlnblo Winds, .Mostly Southerly. Fns. 1 KiiNer .Six Imllril of fortune. "llnlry Worries Kimlunil. l.titt niiN luilepemteuee Will llnee, fontli I'lii-nllnn Senatorial I'lulit. Pettlurew Fortune a ltiin. Coroner' Verillet In .Nimon Out-. .Ni'lirusKit Sellout I'unil Divided. (ot ernnr Snvime llnn I.Vouoniy. ItilMTftlty Citdrtn hi Prize Drill. Iliirinril Winn lnl croollciilnt.-. HrooUl) n 1 1 n n ill cup In ('iir)'. Mrlvlnti-jK HitiiitMtim! llouiiil. Woman In Club unit Cluirlt. South Oiualin l.iirnl .Mnltrr. Lust W.'i'U In Oiunliit Sooloty, it i ii 7 1'rexli) tei'lnn Continue IlrvUlou. H Coiinrll IIIuITk l.ornl .'Mattori.. II Den Holiu-i nnil loirit. 10 Itroillx In llnn. Unit t,rnniic.i. II I'ronr.-MN of AX'ontcrn I.cniiue. I'mkIIIsiii MnUca o llfitilnny. Ill Vila-. WIiin lllu Milt In Oinulin. City yeliooln .Nreil More Honin. Ill Annnrlrn of tlic .ortli Pole, II Womniii Her Wnj mill WIiIiiik, I." AiiiiixenirntM nml .Miioli'iil .Nolox. III TrUtriiiii of Illenl." 17 CI a in Mori-lm' HeiMilli-etloim, IH 1'tl 1 1 or lu 1 nml Comment. Ill Oinnlia (o Kulerliilii MvKlnlry. ItoiirK. Cork ran on 'l i tii. t k. Oiniiliii'n Willi Hum- Carili'llM. -it tieiicrnl .tlnuileritiiii on Irrlmitlou, 1 CoinlMloii of Traile In Uimilin. CoinmiTclal nml I'lnaacliil. Te in lie ra lure nt OmiiiIiii Ycnterilny I Hour. l-H-K. Hour, lll'K. r. a. 11 it. 7 it. H ti. II II. . . lit ..It . . II . . -in .. -it . . r.: . . n i . . nn 1 li. i V. !l p. I p. r p. ii p. 7 p. r.H 00 til) nn r.s ."S 10 II. 11 II. IL- III, AMERICA'S LONDON COLONY Correct TIiIiik Now Ik to Sup nt the .Veil Club In Crnfton (itllerleK. (Copyright. 1901, by Presn Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 25. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho smart American colony In London Is already get ting Into tho swing of entertaining. Mrs Mackny has small dinners for the opera on Wagner nights which sho rarely misses Sho oxpectH Mr. Mnckay over shortly to Btay at Carlton Houbo terinco for tho sea son, but tho Clarcnco Mnckas aro not com Ing this year. Mrs. Parkinson Shnrpo's chef continues to ho tho admiration and envy of all hor friends, his dishes fining perfect works of art. Sho has confided to hor friends that tho chef was chosen by a well known prince, a noted Parlslun gourmet, who tested his capabilities for n month for Mrs. Sharpo beforo sho engaged him. This chef was tho chosen ono out of oighteen tried. Captain nnd Mrs. Clover have a lovely hotiso In Park Lane, whero they nro giving smart dinner parties, whllo Mrs. Lcggctt nnd her daughter, who also nro under tho wing of Lady Cunard. will clvo a concert soon nt which aClvo Is to sing, with other stars. Mrs. Adair gave n wonderful ehlldreh's nnrty yesterday, but sho shortlv will un- dergo treatment for threatened cataract of both eyes. Thin will be a tedious business ns It means six weeka' seclusion, a good part of It In n darkenod room. aira. Tony Drcxcl is often at tbo opera with Mrs. Ronalds, who Is herself again Sho Is busy organizing tho musical nrrango mcnts for tho naval and military exhibition nt Crystal Pnlace, ino correct tiling now after tno opera on Saturday nights is to Blip at tho now suppor club In Grafton Galleries. A rcpro- sentntlvo committee, organized tho club, for which tho members of other first-rate clubs nro eligible. Tho first supper last Saturdny was attended not only by fashionable lead ors, but nlso by operatic and theatrical stars. AMAZED BY AMERICANS Kxpc clitlly Do the Wentern New ii piipcm ANtoimil Alfreil lliirmnwnrtli. (Copyright. 1901, by Preys Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 25. (Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Alfrod Harmswortb, enterprising proprietor of tho London Dnliy Mall, was asked by tho World correspondent today what benefit he had derived from hU study of the news papers In the United States nnd what idoas ho brought back which would be nvall nblo in his own business. 'I wn porfectly nstounded," Bald Mr. Hnrmsworth, "nt tho pace your country Ib developing In overy dlrnctlnn. Seeing tho Insldo operation of your nowspapora has boon ot value. I hnvo effected Homo Im- portant changes In cousequenco of it, about matter published In tho way of exploiting news and I gathered many other good Ideas which I ntn trying to Incorporate In my several publications. "Tho troublo Is that tho English people don't wnnt now Ideas. They nro so deuc edly cocksuro of overythlng that they re sent nny effort toward novelty, even when It constitutes n radical improvement. This cocksure, routlno aplrlt pervades every branch of tho activity of our nation. There fore, slnco, after nil, n nowspaper Is made to sell und must reflect tho avcrngo mcntnl level of Us rcadcrB, I am very cautious about Introducing American Improvements, for fenr of giving my people better nowa papers than they want." Mr. Hnrmsworth has been spending these beautiful spring woeka "laying around tho gay capital," as he himself expressed it, Mrs. Harmsworth, determined to bo tho bost-dresBcd woman In London, has given n great deal ot tlmo to dressmakers and hatters, Sho will go back to England to morrow, while her husband will start on another tour ot Franco In his big new automobile. THREE HORSES DIE IN FIRE Ineeuillnry Blnse llentroya Unrit of C. A. CiirlNou, South Twentieth Mtreet. Klro nt 1:30 this morning destroyed tho ham of C. A. Carlson, grocor, 2330 South Twontlcth streot, nnd four horses porUhed In tho llamos, Threo of tho homos woro Carlson's and tho fourth belonged to Fritz AnderBon, a picklor. It Is believed tho flro was Incendiary. Thero was no Insurance. The loss waa $500. A fulso nlarm was rung In nt midnight from box 30, Thlrteonth nnd Chlcngo streets, CiiiiiiuIiin Defeutft CoiiKer. DES MOINES, la., Mny 25. The final ro- publican caucuses In Dallas county, Min ister Congee's former homo, worn hold today, In the convention, A. B. Cummlna will havo ninety votes and Mr. Conger thirty, Insuring a Cummins delegation to the stato convention, TILLMAN VS. M'LAURIN 8euth Carolina Senatori Resign to Run Against Each Other. RESULT OF TOO TART PERSONALITIES Spirited Debate Endi io Challenge and Prompt Acoiptanoe. PEOPLE 10 CHOOSE IN NOVEMBER Dtmooratio Primary to Dsoida After a Joint Oanvait. SOMEBODY' IS GOING TO LOSE HIS JOB If the 1'ltehforU Celebrity In Siis- tnlneil McLnm-ln'ft Will lie u V li en nt Clmlri If (Mlienx lur, He Supplanti Tillman. COLUMBIA, S. C, May 25. As the out come of n spirited debnto between United States Senntors 11. V. TUlmnn nnd John V. McLnurln at Gnffney today, both of them have put their resignations In the hnilds of Governor McSwecucy, to tnko effect Novem ber 15. Thoy havo resigned with tho understand ing that they nro to go beforo tho people of tho Btuto in n Joint canvass aud tho sentiment of the people. Is to bo expressed In tho vote In n democratic primary to bo held In November. Tillman wns lust summer re-elected to tho United States mmnto for kIx years and McLnurln has yet two years to serve. Should Tillman be sustntnrd McLnurln'a scat will bo vncant; If McLnurln la huo crsFful, ho will succeed to Tillman's long term. McLnurln had been Invited to (lUffney nnd friends of Tillman naked him to como too. McLnurln accused Tillman of attack ing him. The latter declared that ho would resign nnd ueet McLnurln on tho stump. McLatirln ngrecd to tho proposition. Sena tor Tillman later submitted a written proposition, which wns nccnptablo to Soun tor McLnurln, except thnt tho latter wanted the election to bo hold In October nnil No vember, Instead of this Hummer. Mc- Laurlu stated that this was suggested on account of hla poor health. Severnl I'roiiONiilft Xeeesnnry. Thero wcro several proposals submitted between tho two. Senator McLnurln wanted the race to be routined to Senator Tillman nnd himself. Tho latter declared that ho could not dictate to tho Btatn democratio oxccutlvo committee when tho primary should bo held or how many cnndldnlcs thero should be. Tho dual resignation as finally for warded to Governor McSwccnoy was accom panied by no conditions, it renda: "Wo hereby tender our resignations ut senators for tho state of South Carolina In tho United States senate, to tnko effect November 15 next. Yours respectfully," etc. Under tho .election methods Jn hls statu tho state) democratio oxccutlvo committee will nrrnugo a cnmpalgn nnd tho candi dates will Bpeak In each of tho forty coun ties In tho stnte. At tho primary election tho candidates will bo voted for directly. Tho general assembly merely confirms tho nctlon ot tho primary. Tho campaign will bo pitched a year carllor than expected, but there nro half n dozen candidates In tho Held. Each must specify for which term ho Is n candidate. 'Wlnhen Otheiit to Keep Out. ATLANTA, Ga., May 25. A special to tho Constitution from Onffnoy, S. C, says: Scnntor McLnurln, when nsked about .tho resignation, said: "TUlmnn mado n blurt and I culled him. All I desire is n free, fair and open fight on tho Issues upon which wo differ. 1 enrncstly hope that nil othem will keep out of our race nnd run for tho other Bonatonihlp, so that Tillman nml 1 may meet nB man to man and light It out." HASTINGS MAN STILL HELD Churleft. W. Curler Denied Writ of ' IlnlieiiM CorpiiM hy KuiiNiin City .linlm-. ' KANSAS CITY, Mo.. May 25. (Special Telegrnm.) A writ of habeas corpus was asked for tho releaBo ot Charles W. Cartor ot Hastings, Neb., today. Tho hearing lasted only flvo minutes, and Judge Henry refused tho writ. Carter was arrested at Hastings. Ho Ii charged with shipping grain to tho Mooro Grain nnd Elevator company ami misrepre senting tho weights. Tho wnrrnnt wna sworn out before Justice Hoss, who llxed tho bond nt $1,000. Whon Carter was taken to police headquarters ho offered security on hU bond, which wna nccoptcd. Ho waa re arrested Immediately, however, nnd hold for Investigation, ns other grntn firms had similar charges ngalnst him. Carter contended that tho nuthorltlcB had no right to hold him without a warrant charging him with a spoclllo offense. Judge. Henry thought differently nnd snld: "Sup poso n mnn Is charged with larceny nnd Is released on bond, tho nuthorltlcs certainly havo a right to havo him rearrested it It Ib thought ho has committed murder. Tho writ will bo denlod." FRANCE GOES IN FOR TRUSTS XeeenNltleft of Lite l'nan Into the Con trol of n Few Men. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 25. (Nuw York World Ca blegram Special Telegram,) Franco has lately learned a few things from America nbbut trust making and tbo first effects of several roctnt combinations aro being vio lently denounced. Within n year sugar, rubber, coal, paper boxes, flour, cbocolato, copper wire and gas havo bocn drifting rap Idly Into tho control of a fow men, Tho latest combination, Just mano publlo, In tonds to control absolutely tho surfuco and underground passenger traffic of Pnrla. Thu omnibus, tramway, underground anil cab companies last week cloctod to head their respoctlvo boards, men representing Amorlcnn capital and connected with tho French branch of tho Thompson-Houston Electric company, who will now control, This proponderanco was etfectcd by the secret nnd gradual buying of ovory sharo of atock offered nt tho exchange until tho Thompson-Houston people had n majority everywhere. Alrtady competition hns been lessened by suppressing lines. It la thought, howover, that tho socialists nro too numerous In tho city council to permit thn Intended mo nopoly to bo established. Although tho' Thompson-Houston French branch has many French names, It la well known that It represents American capital almost exclusively,