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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1900)
ir / iTirTivit.v IttMM i i SPECIAL NOTICES AiltrrtlMpiiU'lita for/'ffirse column * nlll IntiiUeu. . likijll' ' | in. for < ! ctcnliiuiUnion hint HlilJI Xl.'lll 11. lit. fininiirnliiu mill Siin'ilny edition. Iliilrn , I l2rii vtitril llr t IdKCrtliuil li1 11 or | < ilUfrt-nflijt ; ; Vn lilivir tiiKoti finiuf * ( IfrVu - " < f < irlntlrxi ( ln t < r- ( Illll. 'I'llPNP ' erllNCMICIllM IIIIIMt 111 ! rim vftnnrctitlvoly < AiU 'rlln < 't-K , ! > request Inn n nittu- licrril < 'ln-li ; , onn lnifiiumcr * nil- ( Ireiiaeil 4ti , n luHnlK-rcil letter In euro lf 'I'll ! ' Jtre. AllNWrrH MO Hllllrl'Kinl Will l > i % ill-Itv 'r < ' < t < in presentation > ( I ho rhcek only. \VA\TI-i > JjlTITIOXS. . A STENOGRAPHER.hfn you want olio plrat-o call tip , lhe Remln tt"ii typewriter oJllie. lOia Fnrnnm ft , telephone Ioi3. > A"-IKK ) 'WAVril-M.\Li ! : HELP. \V A NTED. X\'o Iia vt < Htenrty work for H few goo < l lnmtlertTbf good habits .and ntipOnr- uiirc.C. . Ailiimw-Co. . . . 1019 Howard 81. . ' . U IiOl WE i'EACH ape , barber trade thoroiiKhl > In Hhorttlhie. ftf 1 turntali each graduate with a .guantnUMMl-portioni nl good WIIBI-S. There are mole than ten barber positions advertised to one at bookkeeping or short hand. Wrll i for frco catalogue and par ticulars. Western Barbirs' Instlluic , Omalijt. ' ' ' " -10 CASH fof nrceptnhhv Ideas : state If pal- ehlH. Address ) , . The Pntctit Reconl , Bal timore , Mdj . . . . " * IiV ) . riiunaKer nnd afients ; ' salary or commission ; elieapest and liirgest line , llimtof TnllorliiU' ' itild Bhht Co. . Olholn- natl , O. H-.M14G A7 * BAIiKSMKN. to sell. oHlco specialties ; line side linentlswlby ; all merchants : catalog free. M lcl Mfg. Co. , Box U. South Ilend , Ind B-.M2J1 PI2 * A YoVfcG'innn attending school desires a place to work for bonrd ; any honest worK.v Addreap Boyles College , Bee bldg. ; tel' 19S1.- ' B I9u S picture agents ; expenses paid. 1S1D Lonv \\-ANTKD. brlRht , ounj ; man to lonrn nice. cU-an-btisliifsB ; must , be Rood i ? n- ma.ii uii'd ncctmito at llBiircs. Heterences. ' - - \VANTI-iD. * W)4)6r ) ; nlliroUml Ulan to work In second-hand store ; no othsr need ap ply. J. Uevlrm.X. . Wth. ' B-lltrM * AVANTl-lD , an cxperle.ncod dry Roods sales man ; shouldhaVQ.qotne experience as a window trlniou' ( * ( Uidl.advcrtUer ; only married men ni-crt nppli' . For further In formation 'addrcSar Hox-C3 , Woodbine , la. . . . . , . " ; . . B-M130 2 THEATRICAL. , wanted , man for business find props. Juvenile woman womanRcin'l business and double piano Rend proRram : lowest salary.V. . O. Cas- tleton , Lol Sneur , Minn. . B M12 3 3N wanted ; salesmen elenr easll > JlO.a day In their- leisure bourn by celling nhareH as a side line of White Dnve Oil ft Mining ffo. . yjsaHa Cal. R-M124 3 * ASIC quirk for 'traveling ' Job : salary paid. Triumph Information Co. , Dallas. Tex. , * , B M123 7 * MAN to travel and appoint agents In Ne braska ; , tSfl monthly uiwantced , besides expftiiseS nnd commission. References. C. Adams , % " Dearborn , Chicago. , . ' B-M121 2- WANTED , -few'good ; men to operate Motion PletWro machines and glvo ex hibitions In churches , school houses nnd halls In your own locality. Blr money .can bo made. No experience required. ' Send tnl.i ad and address Drawer 14G , Chicago. B-MKO * WANTED , cxperlettced. hands on hand and maohlno made stock saddles ; also bridle makers. Scheftcr & Rossiim , St. Paul , Minn. U Ml 14 4 4 irisldo wire man nnd peneral re pair 'inaiH ( food salary paid to rlcht man ; best of .refcredces. renulred. Apply at once to American Electric Co. . 217 S. Oth fit. , St. Joseph , .Mo. T1-.M141 7 * ( VViYNTIJIl ltHaiArB' IIIM.V. WANTED. 200 fflrls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S7ii. . . ' C MG girl's wanted , Canadian olllce 1622 Douglas. C-93S F : OIRI > wanted for Kcncral housework. 2701 Spencer. C M137 4 * ST FIOU.SKS. IP YOU want your houses well rented place them wltK-Slfcnewa & 'Oo' ' D 9O > CHOK'K IIOIIHQS , coilace's , store . Henry U. . I'nyne ( , Wl , NV V. Wfe. ' 1'hone , 3010. , T > - 07 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Pnxton block. . n M D-90S S Van { i Stora"se.i616 Can. Avc. Tel. fo > rifnf'jh'all parts' of Vh"t > city. "Orrmi i'- -'I.bTS'ICo.V'.1 ' ( < Xl So. " 13th' ' f.trcet. . "t-9IO HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood , 9C9 N , Y. Life. 'PlWielJ ? ? , : D-911 'to Vent. ' 'Patterson , 303 N. Y. Life. D-912 i TO'H roomsto $ < > . ' 30 U. S. B'k bldg. D-9ia FOR RENT , desirable , houses and Hats , tj Backer block. . D-914 3221 CUMI.NG t' , ieVeiurooms , modern ex cept furmiX'o , has JUST been painted and renovated ; will rent to , desirable tenant , only fSO.Ci ) . ' Omiilia Loan & Trust Co. , IGtli and Douglas. D 915 ' 215 8. 29thjive. . , ' mmlern Hoven-room house In Rood condition , $25.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co.j 10th and Douglas stn. D 917 FOR RENT , modern sl am-hcaU d npart- ment on second door of Davldge building. JOHN ' W. ROBBINS , ISO. ! FARNAM. . ' ' ' - < - D-CO1 ! ' IF YQI * need n tenant list your houses with \ \ \ V. Uei1ei ! , to Puxlon block. . . v * r- -v D-4SO ON WEST Farnam Hill. SStU street , very choice , S rooms , ul modern , largo lawn , eornnr , eutt fror30. \ . 86 U. S. r\'nfr pij'nk .Bldg/ , _ U-6 i KB BOUTII 2Sth , 7 rooms , modern. MO ; .T007 Webster. R rooms , bath-2222 : North ISth , fi rooms , burnt'largo yard ; ulao ilutn. Ring wall Brpf , , BurKcr Blo k. D G4'J VNSt'RPASSI-JD. conlral. steam' lieat ; all modern-coven-room house. Tlzard. 223 N 24th. * - , > ' 13 MF30 6 IlOUS S.ctc.--'F. D , . \\'oi\d. 1321 Douglas. S OR l-ROOSl'tlat ; modern. 2S2I Farnam. j s * D-134 5- 132 * SPIMJCE ST. , 4 rooms , city water. JO.OO 2utO Pcwnrd et. , 5-room cottase.'clty v.-ater IIOoO. : ; ? - ' f . RVJ S 23nl St. , f niotnit ; city water. JlO.Oi 2VH N. 23th st. . S-room house1. J15.00 ' * 1107 Miirev pu.a.roniitit. ' | ty water. $ > . 0. OMAIJAOAN < - AN'D'THU'ST CO. . 1 * l th 'and 'Douglas. n MI 15 KOIl IIH.1-UIIICMSIini ) ROOMS. NICI'2 i'ortifis'at XH So' . IGth street. K-MSC3 F2 FURNISHED rooms. TmusekeepiirgT ' 2G23 St. MuryV. E-M79I l-'ii * t LARGE , wurnixwcll JlphU'd rooniH : modort house. , Vfi , Cupllol.'Aye. E S7S 4 * FURNISHED rooms tmlliiiile for nml fiimlb , or rooms for sentleinon. t-'s Purl . IM.EAKANT titwun-heutcd room for olio or -J 'wo ' rvntloinini In private family. 241 : , w Hamilton St. E 116-2 * PAU'.VIIItOICUUS , SAOLE Uoalti Ottoict 'Wjllahl Intr ; nM business coaliilfntlal. 1301 ' " ' " ' ' f jflJ slTrrlam family hotel. 25th und ' 1 I ItMSIM.I ) HdOMS AM ) IK ) V It I ) . ROOM ni.d board. Jl and M. 1S12 Dnvenpurt F-M.18S fM TO 2 eptvtlomen , In private family. 'IMG St. Mnry's Ave. . K-9W FOR IlfcNT Two parlors.with hoard ; suit able fop fouri stenm heat ; very r s > nn- able. * > S. illli St. F-S83 * ! IIOOM nnd alcove , with bonrd. 2102 Cas * st. F MM7 5 N ; 33d , nicely fin-niched , modern. FURNISHED rooms nnd board ; references. . .16 S. Mill st. ! * Mil ! S A FURNISHED room. 5019 California st. .P-MMS S Kim IUXT r\FiiixisiiKi ; > ROOM * . FIVE unfurnished Minmbers for housekeep ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. O-G > S l-MIll RM.Vr VroilH.S AVIJ OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In flrst-elasi location ; renl reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. . ground floor , Bee bldg. 1 2fi ( ! FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two lloors. inch ; GWO feet ; power elevators ; U. P. truckage. Apply llmirmnnn Bros. , Iflll Ho. 20th. 1-920 roll HUNT , two store rooms , size oC each 22xPO In new. brick block .lust completed In WipplngVnter , Neb. Town growing ; Rood btiKlnc s opening- Address J. 11. Davis. Weeping Water. Neb. I-lll-I * AUI3XT.S AVAXTIJIK "LIFE OP MOODY , " COO pages , 200 Illus. . authorized edition ; best com. credit Riven. Hlxonbnush & Co.Vnrt block , Otmilm. J -i4i AGENTS and street men. song books , n per lWilntest ; hltfl ; hot fellers ; cash with every order. Carter IJook and New * Co. . at. Loula , Mo. J-M12T , 2 AVAXTI3IJ-TO IllJXT. FURNISHED houro or Hot by man nnd wife ; no c.illdrcn ; references. Address X 5. Bee. K-M127 4' _ _ _ _ _ WANTED , by young couple , n or 4 rooms suitably furnished for light housekeep ing ; must he good location and In- Rood condition : no children. Address X 6. Bee. K MIX ! 4 3 OR 4 furnished of unfurnished rooms , Mater or cottage , centrally located ; permanent. Address X 9 , Bee Olllce ; . KM1173 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 911 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 021 WANTED TO I1UV. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. . In larRe or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , HOG-10 Dodge. Tel , 2020.X X 922 AV1LL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brehnail- Love Co. , 309 So. 13th. N-923 TAMP collections bought. Mortensen , 301 Paxton Block. N 159 FIB -,000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daven port. . N M718 F25 TRACKAGE .PROPERTY . WANTED. . client ivlphes to build factory and ware house. Parties having well located central trackage property' for Kale please advlso us , giving price , locatldii , etc. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY , Tel. 17S1. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldp. X M139 C FOR SAM3 FfllXITUKE. EFFERSON Square 2udhand store. Fur niture it stoves bousht & sold. 416 N. ICth. O-1W F7" . 'OR SAMC HOUSES AND WAftOXti. 'OP ' BUGGY for sale. In coed condition. U 40 , Bee. P M190 IHBAP. top phaeton. 220.1 North 19th st. P 21G F10 * . I-'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MIEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fences. 901 Douglas st. Q 924 UTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q 925 'OR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 926 B. HAAS. Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 77G. Plants , out'lowers ( , boquots , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly Hljed. NDIAN relics , mounted heads. 1116 Farn'm Q 92S 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlght , 111G Farnam O929 SAFES , , liny"'sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. . . . Q 930 NEW bicycles complete. J13.50. Neb. Cvcla Co. . Cor. 15th nnd Hnrney. Q MG71 F23 J1R5 WILL buy flue Steinway upright : casher or time. Address W 4G , Bee. Q MS3S IIOH grade Sterling bicycle. J3.1 ; good 2nd- liand wheels. $1. J10. $13 ; repairs and sup plies. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q 931 ONE MILLION building brick. Nebraska Brick company , South Omaha. Tel. 340. Q 85 5 NOTICE , country dealers , 2dhand furniture it stoves nt lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodce. R 932 SEWING machines to rent. Too uer week. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harnoy. U M217 Fll CLAIRVOVAXTS. MRS. FRITH , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th. S 933 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. ICOTi Dodge S-931 MME. PALMER , medium , removed to 1707 Casn. .8-435 FS MASSAGE AMI IIATIIS. Franxes Do Seutorlous of 1C. C. 107 N. 12th , T 935 MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 R. 13 ; massage baths , T-9H F. . MAY WILSON , bath , miissago. C19 S. Ifith. T Ml O KO * MlfiS MACK , baths , mnssago. 21SV4 N. Irttli t , T-S87 PIS' ' MME. SMITH , room 2 , US'.j N. T MS22 3 ELITE PARLORS. fi15 S. 16th. upstairs ; llrst-clats Imtlis , magnetic treatment. T-MS62 11 BEATRICE HARIX5W , elegant massuce tub tmth ; Arabian treatment. Flat D , 70J S. IGth. T-M132 7' IT.IlhOXAL. VIAVI. woman's way to health. S4G Bee bid. U-S3G SHAMPOOING 25c. hair dreaslni ; 23c. hair und toilet goodx. best uqulpped. Monhlt , 151S Farnnm. Tel. 2333. U-937 MONHEITi leadliiK chiropodist. IDIS Far nam , 2d lloor. Tel. 2X13. . U ( flu I'RIVATH hospltnl for ladles before * dur. Ing conllncmcnt ; babies adopted. J1".G N. 17. ' U-910 * RUITURE cured , no knife , no pain , no ' ditngeiv Hcnd for circular. Empire Rup tllro Cure , 932 N. Y. I.lfn Bid ? . , Omaha. U 911 SCALP & hair treatmunt. Mme. Post. 39 ! > , i So. 15th. , , r- PROF. LUND positively < 3 ' lrP > ' fu'tfi. bunions. % yart molea. H I ' ' | ' 11- ' ; ! ' 'jlk- ' GOOD Urc btrn for rent In nortrt > arl ot i city. Inquire 5124 Locust. U-108 Pl.BATINJi "and pleated skirts of'all kinds , M : Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block. U 231 r 11 I'KH-'SOXAI - , . LIEBI3N , costumcr. 1313 Howard. Get catalogues , U-675 . J. K. DIHTIIICK. architect and sttucturiit engineer. 510 llamce block. U-2tt MRS. BERRY , baths , massage. PARLORS bert equipped In city ; porcelain tub. 119 No. 16th. S < 1 floor. U-M&SJ Feb. 2 ALL dlteuscs oC the feet skillfully tre ted FREE for the benefit ol students. Miss Mayer. 400 Pnxton Blk. Pupils wanted. U-13G 2S LADIES' secret to enlarge your bust six Inches free. Xanzemctto Co. . Milwaukee , WIs. U- NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. Our clients who built the Sherman. Nor- mandle , Wlnona ami Albion contemplate crectnK ! nnolher hou e whenever the people ple of Omaha want It. \\e desire to obtain the Ideas of prospective ocriipantf relative to location , design , etc. , and will thank them to communicate with in by mall , 'phono or personal call. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY , Tel. 17S1. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Hid jr. U M149 11 MO.M1V TO LOA.V HEAL ESTATE. I U.OOO and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Furimiii. W-CSO MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowcsi. rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 209 S. 13th , Omaha. W-CS1 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad. 1521 Douglas W-945 \\ANTED. city and farm loans ; also and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , BCD Bldg. W-C.-3 $100.000,000 TO Invest through Bankers , Brokrrs , Promoters ; nend for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 5 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block. W-C.-0 MONEY to loan on 'first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knrix Co. . N. Y. Life. W-GS7 6 , 5\i'fi \ per cent loans on Omaha , S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , COS 1st Nat. bonk. Tel. 1GI3 W-6SS MONEY to loan at 5 and 514 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle. 401 So. 15th \V-CS9 FIVE per cent , farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W (131 ( MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rent estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 309 So. 13th. W-G90 PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay. Onrvln Bros. , 1G13 Farnam St. YV H ! ) PRIVATE money , J100 to $1,000. J. II. Sher wood , 939 N. \ . Life. V\-6G3 J100 TO 15,000. 1512 Davenport.W W M715 F25 MOXKV TO I.O.VX CHATTELS. - - - - - - - - - - - - S-E-E-U-S Wo have a largo amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse receipts , horses , carriages , etc. You can get the money within a few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. Wo glvo you as much time as you need and you may repay the loan as soon as yon choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2295. 30G South 16th Street. S-A-L-A-K-Y L-O-A-N-S Fro'm J10.00 up made to people permanently employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA antl COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can borrow of ns on your own name , without endorser or mortgage. We ar range the payments as easy as Is possible , allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , Room 119 , 306 South IGth Street. Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295 X 122 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorsee or mortcnce. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST KATES. No enquiries made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount and repay In asy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing see us. OMAHA CREDIT CO. . suite B23-52G N. Y. Life Bldg. X 701 MONEY TO LOAN ON" HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un known to others ; you keep the goods , each i payment lessens the cost of the loan ; no charge for papers and we make no In quiries of your neighbors. BERGERS1 LOAN CO. , 1504 FarnAm , over B. & M. ticket office. X 491 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk X 695 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-6H3 MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X G94 LOANS made salaried people on personal note without security ; rates reasonable. j. W. Taylor. 21S 1st Nat'l bk. ] to fi:15. : XG93 MONEY" loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew- cry , noreea , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319S.13. _ XG99 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em ployed In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST TERMS , everything private : money can bci paid back In small weekly or monthly paymontB. American Loan Co. . Room (01. ( Bee Bldg. X-700 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horres. cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 21S First Nat'l bk. bids12 to 6:15 : D. m. X-702 JlfSlXESS CHANCES. RESTAURANT for sale , doing good busl ness ; will sell cheap. Address Mrs. G. Haysell. Fremont , Neb. Y 31820 2 FOR SALE , stock of shoes In good county seat town. Address W 56 , Bee. Y M873 F3 WANTED , chemist or pharmacist with WOO cash to Invest and take active Interest In good paying business. Address X 3 , Bee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY , will sell com plete Motion Picture public entertainment outfit with largo advertising bills and everything needed , cheap for cash. Have made $00 to t'JOO per week. No oxperlcneo required to operate It. Best of reasons for selling. Send this ad1 and address Drawer U6. Chlcaso. Y MHO " . " GENERAL merchandise stock ; business es tabllshed twenty years ; be t growing town south western Iowa : stock clean : um re. tiring. Lock Box 25 , Carson , Iowa. NWW , clean stock of merchandise , $3,600.00 ; good town ; prosperous community , w. C. Vaughun , abstractor , Htunton , Nebraska. Y JI148 7 * FOR EXCHAXOE. CLEAR vacant lot near 27th and Chicago. 60x140 , $1.250. Will trade for g-ood rental property nnd pay ca h difference. Georeo G. Wallace. S13 J. J. BrownBlock. , KOM SALIRUAL KSTATI3. PAYNE-KNOX Co. . HEADQUARTERS RK 101 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broudwoll , 01 N. Y. Llfo RE-701 A BARGAIN Four ncro . 40th and Pacific ; l'o blocks from cur line , on belt rail rvui. . S1600 ; e.uiy terms. McCague In Vcftrront Co. . : HW Hodge. RE 703 Hr'-"u. lot * , farms , lands , loans ; als < o nre. Ucmls , Paxton blk , RE 701 HENRY B. PAYNE f l N. V. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-712 HOUSES , lots , farm , lind * nnd Instiruiirr. It. C. Patterasn , W5 N , Y. Life. RE-713 I foil \iriitu , V.STVTE. SNAPS In real estntc , money tu loan. L. L. ; _ Johnson Co. 311 S. lUh St RE V ) ! | \ OWNERS of real estate willing to wit t ' Iwrcnl price * should cull upon ur trtlte i JOHN W. ROBBINS ' , 1S02 FAKN'AM 3T. - HOUSES , lot * . farm . liuxls , loans ; also lire- Insurance. Bemls. Paxton blk. RE 706 FOR cjrtc'K returns on bnrtalns only see 8. A. Broadwell , SOI N. Y. LIto Bldff. RE 701 1502 NORTH 17TH street , two house * , rent- ln for Jll per month ; -vlng i puld ; pays H per cent grow price. J1.3EO. John S" . Frenzer , op , , , old P. O. RE M800 NEAR ISth nnd Jackson sts. , 6-room house , lot 25x73 feet , JI.600. Southwest corner SSth avo. and Jackson st. , 126x130 feet ; snap : J300. CO ncros within 10 iillcs of Omaha post- olllce , 10-tooin house , barn SOxfiO feet , some fruit trees , flne place , nenr Dodno st. paved rond. Improvements worth } 2 , 000 ; price. $1.000. John N. Prenrer , opp. old P. O. HE 370 BETTER than Js required to buy them1 3322 llnrney st. , s rooms nnd barn , lot 0x132. on reasonable terms , nt S3,2TiO. 12-r. house that cost J5.000. with largo lot nnd shade trees , i.rlcc U.OOO. J500 cash. balance easy at filter cent. 2 4G-foot lots on Cumtng , fronting Bomls park , with permanent sidewalk , each } 1.0"0 F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. RE-US 2 C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. FARM LOANS. RE-397 F15 BARGAINS wanted , bnrpalnst for sale , all the time. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE 743 FOUR choice farms In Douglas county : genuine bargains. R. C. Patterson. 30.1 N. Y. Life. RE-MS41 SIX BEAUTIFUL LOTS nt southeast corner of Ixiwe nve. and California streets 7\t prices from $700 to $1.M. Full 00-foot lots 3 lots on California street , ALL TAXES PAID. AT $700 EACH. 3 lots on Lowe avenue , pavement and stone sidewalk nil paid for , $1,100 to $1,200 EACH. The owner wants the cash and authorizes us to make this PHENOMENAL OFFER. TERMS One-third cash , balance quarterly nt 0 per cent within 3 years. Call nnd get a plat and further particulars. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY , Sole Agents. Tel. 1751. Firm Floor N. Y. Lite. HE Mill C 3-11. house nnd half lot. near car , $350. fi-r. house nnd lot , 00x127 , $1.10. 4-r. house , COxfifi. 10th St. , JG.10. " ' 3-r. house , lot ; ! 0xl27 , paved st. . $700. 5-r. house nnd lot , 31st , near Ames uv. . ? SOO. 5 acres , mulberry hedge , fruit , house , barn , well , $1,030. 3 good houses , rent $150.00 per year , near car. sightly , 2 lots , $1.100. ( ! -r. cottage , bath nnd barn , $1,200. F. D. Wead. 1324 Douglas. RE-117 2 EASTERN client orders sale of following at fur less than cost ot foreclosure. They are vc-r cheap : 2552 Spauldlng , city water , rents , $10 ; $1,250. 2570 Spauldlng , city water , rents , $10 ; $1,000. J572 Spauldlng- . city water , rents , $10 : $1.000. Jllii N. 27th Ave. , city water , rents , J9 ; $ i50. J725 Bristol , make offer. TOI Ohio. S rooms , well : a snap , $350. George G. Wallace , 3la J. J. Brown Blk. RE-135 3 SIIOKTIIAMl AM ) TYPKWUITISiG. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. V. Life , -711) ) AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas , 720 BOYLES1 COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee Bldg. 721 NEBRASKA Business' and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. 722 TYPKWIUTBIIS. TYPEWRITERS for .rent , $4 per month. The Smith-Premier .Typewriter Co. . ii23 ! Farnam St. Telephone 1231. 714 WE RENT and sell ( \jiic best typewriters made ; largest supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter ft S : pply Co. , 1C12 Far nam. ' < " 715 REMINGTON Standard 'Typewriter ' and supplies. 1619 Farnam. " 710 THE Oliver Typewriter , vlslblo writing ; heaviest mnnlfolder nnd cuts the flnes-t stencil. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , SlSVi S. 15th St. , Omaha. 717 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G Farnam. .SPKCIAM8T. DR. DAVIS , leading specialist , cures all private , nervous and chronic diseases of both sexes , Including syphilis , gonorrhoea , gleet , blood nnd skin dl. = e.ases , lost man hood , nervous debility , piles , rheumatism , kidney or bladder troubles und kindred disease ? . One month's treatment free In all chronic cases. Call or writeflymp - tanw of your troubles. All correspondence strictly confidential. Consultnllon freq. Private entrance. 1W3 Dodge St. . cor. ICth I and Dodge. Omaha , Neb.M129 25 i.v\ciM SCHOOL. SPRING TERM Morand'a dancing School begins thlB week ; children Wednesdaytt and Saturday ; ndulta Tuesday and Friday S p. m. ; atlend the ussemblleq , Crelghton Hall Wednesday and Saturday , 8:30 : p. in. and learn the nu v dances , salutu- walls : , cake wnlz ) , two-step and Cuban waltz. Admission , couple , 50 cents. SSO F 23 FUH.MTUNE PACKING , upholstering , mattress and feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. IValh- lin , 2111 Cumlng St. 220 mans AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. IG03 Leuvenwprth.733 -733 OSTUOI'Al-IIY. JOHNSON Osteopalhle Inslltuto , 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson. D. O. , ladles , dept. ; GUI E. Johnson , Osteopathist , mgr. 723 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O , , of Still school , Klrksvllle. Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 1367. 724 STA.1IMI2III.Vli AXD STI-'TTBIlIXfi. CURED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramge Bldg. 727 \VI\TIUII : > . GOOD stables nnd good care. 'Phono 1031 , J. W. Phelps , 207 N. Y. Life. 225 Fll 'I'lllfXK FACTORY. TRUNKS , traveling hags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1203 Farnam MCICEL PDATI.VG. OMAHA PLATING CO. . Bee bulldlntr , Mt-203 Miit'IIA.\T TAII.OItS. BEN COHEN , artistic tailor. 401 N. 16th St. 873-F 2S LAUXIIIIV. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw'h. Tel. 517 -M25S SCHOOL AXI ) LAXCl'AOE , FRENCH , German , Spanish. $2 per month. Prof. Chatclaln. 301 Boyd theater. 729 runs. H. E. & E. HUBERMANN. furriers : furs made to order und repaired. 118 Bo. 15th. 730 FOH LEASE. COX 132. with trackage , near heart of city. W 35 , Bee. 672 F23 * DUHSSMAKIM ; . STYLISH dressmaker will sew in families. Address W 42 , Bee. M-TJO Feb4 . ' EXAMINE ireaient. Tribune. OHve. Kowi Ur , to to $30 : Ji down , aqy nfncwint t week. Flcscher. 1 2J Capita ; ave. 479 HOTELS' . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . , _ _ METROPOLITAN' . Wm. Bnir , m r. : $1 to $ ! . & . . lth and Douglas : 'Phone 211. fill FM . B XOTICK. . ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mnlls for the week ending Febru ary 3 , l"iiO. will close ( PROMPTLY In nil nt the General Postolllce ns follows : PARCEL POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closat 5 p. m. Monday. TriniMitliiiitlc Mnllx. SATURDAY-At S n. m. lor A/.ORK8 IS LANDS direct , per s. s. Tartar Pilnce : nt S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Maasdam , via Rotterdam ( let ters must be directed "per s. s. Mans- dam ) " : nt 9 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for El" ROPE , per s. s. Teutonic" , via Queenstown ; nt 0 n. m. for ITALY , per p. ! > . AVerra , via Nnpk-a ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Werra" ) ; nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. An- chorln , via Glasgow ( letters must be di rected "per s. s. Anchorla" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NORWAY dlreci , per s. s. Heklu , via Chrlsllunlu ( lellers must be Directed "per s. s. Ilekla" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. - German steamers snlllnc on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for Germany , nnd Specially Addressed Printed Mailer. PC lor other parts of Europe. American nnd White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German stoatnnr ? nn Salur- days take Printed Matter , etc. , for All countries for which thej arc advertised to carry mall After the closlntr of the Supplementary Transatlantic Mails nnmeU unove addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the plera of the American , English , French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot n of steamer. Mnlln for Mmlli mid Contra ! Amorlcn , IlllllPN. FRIDAY-At 1 p. m. for BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEX and GUATEMALA , nor s. s. Hansn ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Hnnsa" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for JAMAICA. per s. s. Ernn ( letters must be directed "per s. H. Ernn" ) . SATUIlDAY-At * 2:30 : n. m. for NASSAU , per steamer from Mlurnl , Fla. ; al 9:30 : a. in. ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROLV. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , and DEMER- ARA , per . s. Madtnnn : at 10 a. m. ( sup plementary 10:30 : n. m. ) tor FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANILLA. CAR- . THAGENA nnd GREYTOWX pelH. . s. Alenu ( letters for CostaRlcn must bo directed "per s. -Alone" ) ; nf I00 : a. m. for HAITI , per s. s. Dean , via Port nu Prince ( letters for Curacao. Trinidad. Venezuela , British ami Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. d. Dean1' ) ; nl 11 a. m. for CUBA , per K. * . Havana , < la Havana : at t p. m. for NUEVITAS , GIBARA. VITA. BARACOA nnd PUERTO - ERTO PADRE , per i > . K. Ollndn. SUNDAY-At S:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , per steamer from Halifax , N , S. Mills for Newfoundland , by rail ! o North Sydney , and thence by steamer , close nt this otllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. ( connectj j Ing close here every Monday Wednes day nnd Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon , bv rail to Boston and thence by steamer , close nt this olllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this office dally ( except Monday ) nt * * * 7 n. m. ( the connecting closes on"Sunday , Wennesday and Friday ) . Mails for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this o"tcevery Mon day , Tuesday and Saturday at * ' 2JO : u. m. ( the connecting closes are on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Mulls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer , close at this olllco dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize. Puerto Cortez and Gualemnla , by.ill to Now Orleans , and thence by steamer , close at this ofllce dally at * * * 3CO : p. m. ( connecting closes here Sunday ? and Tuesdays for Costu Rica and Mondays fo. Belize , Puerto Cor tez and Guatemala ) . Rcslstered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. ' Regis tered irall closes at G p. m. aecond day before. Traiiti-l'nclllc Mall * . Malls for Hawaii , via San Fran cisco , close hero dully at 6:30 : p. in. up'to February * * * 2 , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Mulls for Australia ( ex cept West Australia , which goes via Eu rope , and New Zealand , which goes via San Francisco ) Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , close here dally at G:30 : p. m. up to February . ! . Inclusive , for dis patch per s. s. Mlowera. Malls for Hawaii , China , Japan and the Phll- Ipblne. Islands , via Sun Francisco , close hero dally at G:30 : p. m. up to Feb ruary " * 4. Inclusive , for dlsimteh per s. H. Nippon Maru. Malls for China und Japan and Philippine Islands , via Se attle , close here dally at G:30 : p. in. up to February 5. for dispatch per s. K. Tosa Maru ( registered letters .must be directed "via Seattle" ) . Malls i for Hawaii. Japan , China nnd the Phil- I Ipplne Islands , via ; San Francisco , close here dally at C.30 p. m. up to February I VIS , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. I RIO de Janeiro. Mulls for Aus- ! , tralla ( except West Australia ) , Now / .enI I land. Hawaii , FIJI and Saiuoan Islands , via Snn Francisco'close here daily nt 0:30 : ! p. m. after February * * . { and'up ' to Febru ary * * * 17. Inclusive , or on drty of arrival of s. s. Campania , due at "New York Feb ruary * * * 17 , for dispatch per n. B. Alamedu. Malls for China and Japan , via Vancouver - t couver , close hero daily nt U:30 : p. m. up I to February " ' 20 1 , incluslye , for dispatch PIT H. s. Empress of China ( registered ! ' mall must bo directed "via Vancouver" ) . | Malls for Society Islands , via San Fran cisco , close here dally ut 6:30 : p. m. up to February * * SJ , Inclusive , for dispatcli by ship Galilee. ' Transpacific malls are forwarded to port ot sailing dally nnd the schedule of clos ing ip arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit , " Registered mall closes at G p. m. previ ous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT Postmaster Postolllce , New York , N. Y : , January 25 , ISM. I.KUAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS OF ARTI CLES OF INCORPORATION' . ! Notice Is hereby given ihat The Uee Pub- ; llshlng Company has flier ] Its amended ar- I tides of Incorporation In the oitico of the ' secretary of slate , and ale with the county . clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska ; that | by virtue of said amended articles of In corporation It is provided as follows : AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCOKPORA- . T1ON OF THE BEE PUBLISHING COM- ' PANY. ' I State of Nebraska , Douglas Co'ilnty ss : I Articles three (3) ( ) , four (1) ( ) and fie ( & ) , of , the articles of Incorporation or The Bee | Publishing Company uro hereby amended \ ns follows : ARTICLE ; . The undersigned do hereby associate our selves tocfther and declare that we , to gether with our associates uiiu eiucc ser , I nro and sliull i i n con > or.loit under and , by virtue o. mo stavutet , ol the state of I Nebraska , by the nutno und style of The I Bee Publlshfns Co. ARTICLE II. I The principal place for the transaction , of the busliusn of said lornoruilon Khali be In the city Q. ' Cmalia , In t'.m county of Douglas and lut. of Nebraska. j , , , , ARTICLE HI. 'aho general nutuie of the bnslire = n to bo transacted by in.s corporutiuii faliall be to print und publish d.iily , * cml weekly , trl-weeklr , weekly newspapers ; iiu1 mnc"- zlnes , do general Jon pilniing , book puo- llBhlntr , book blmlln" enuiMvlng. lllh"- graphmg , ntcrcotypintr , te'rs''i ' > : ! .K and purchaMlng und Mulling piin'.lns inui'hlnerj. printing material , printing uiock unu nuns- paper press franchises. ' The authorized capital * stock of said ror- norallon shull be live hundred inourond dollars < { oXi/00. ( ( / l ) , uivldfd Into shares of ' Uvo hundred doling. i$5W.O& ) en en. provided | that no li'.o. it st-all be Untied In scess of one nnv--f-,1 ! thouKir.fl UouarH ai.iM.OW.OOi uiiltas authorized \iy \ a. iwiM'ira& ) vote of the outstanding stovk of Bald corporation , ; upon ten dayi notice to all mockholdurs , ' and provided , fur'.hor , thut no siiaro shall i bo sold or Issuer' for less man pur. j The time of commencement of said cpr- | porulton sliull be the llftuenth do > of January - i uary , A. D. lS7s , und Iho Um of termina tion of the sumo bhull | j the lifteu'ith day | of January. A. t ) . ISiO , uuluss rHnew ( d or . dissolvuu booncr by , i vote of two-thirds of the capital ntotliner f. ARTICLE VI. , , , . ? . , ' "Biiest . amount of InOb'oJness ' ift HaiJllltles j.j which i > ald corporailon cun ifd uny tlmo subject lts l thull n"C exceed In the ugsreguta one-viuru' f ) of the iunoun' uf thu capital stock , Unuud by guld corporation , und no bonded or mortaasu , In'JobltdnesH Hhall ever be cuntractud by i Bald corporation. ii : , m' , ARTICLE VI1. i I The builrutbH Mild unhirs of said corpora tion shall bo conducts ! by n board of .dlrec'tojr , nve In numiier , who shall bu > OTKI : . ihti.-t.ii l\v tin s KikuMl : i * ( ot i < iolr .um , , u tneetlnc. onih share of stock HUM : ' . , o i vote , which election shall bo h , 1,1 on ' .10 1 first Monday In March ot earn yeji , i 11 , they shall hold ottlce for one year or tun i ! their I ] Aut-OHsors Are elected. "A1 mnjorttj o' i f the bonrd of directors snail form it q > i. . > rim i i for \ the transaction of buslnrX. s'ncun.Nos In Hiebourd Minll be flllwl by the lemalrt- \ Ins ' dlieclors. for the balance of the u - expired term. , ARTICLE VIII. , The ofHcet-s of said coritorntlon shall bo ' .1 president , n vice president , a secretary ] and a treasurer , who ihall bo chosen by the board of directors In such manner , nnd perform such dutlep as the by-law * of said corporation may proscribe. ARTICLE IX. Whenever ono hundred nnd slvly shares or moreor stock shall Iwvo been ub- scribed for the association shnll bo dremod organized as a corporation und thereupon nny subscriber or subscilhcrs tor over one hundred shares may call a meeting of the subscribers at some suitable place In the City of Omaha , for the aloe ; Ion of . 'Mirers. by giving notice thereof for not ios than three days In one of the dally newspapers published In the City of Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws tuny be made by the corpora tion not Inconsistent with law or these articles. ARTICLE XI. , These articles ot Incorporation may be amended by a vole of two-thirds of tin- stock , upon hotlro by the bonrd of director * to the stockholders of not less ten days , published In some dally newspaper In Ihe City of Omaha. In witness whrrcof wo have hereunto net our hands and seals this 9th day of January , A. D. , 1900. EDWARD R09EWATER , President. GEORGE B. TXSCHUCK , Secretary. State ot Nebraska , County of Douglas it : On this 9th day ot January , A. D. , IfoO. personally appeared before me Ldwurd Rosewater nnd George B. Tzschuck. who are personally known to inn to bo the identical persons who signed the above amended articles of Incorporation nnd they severally acknowledged the. Insirument to be their voluntary act and deed. ( Seal. ) FRANK J. SUTCLIFFE , Notary Public. J15-J201 PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL BUILDING. Notice is hereby given that scaled pro posals will be received by the. Board of Kdn- catlon of the School District of the City of North Plnlte. until 1 ? o'clock m. . FoUrunry 17 1\)0 ! ) for1 the erootlon of a t'l'lrteen-rooin brick school building. Plans nnd speclllcji- tlons can be seen nt the olllce of the Secre- turv at North Platte. Nebraska , and at the olllco of R. W. Grant , Lincoln , Neb. , a certi fied chcfk of JoW.O ) to accompany ea < > h bid. Thn successful bidder to glvo bond for the faithful performance of the contract in the sum of & > 0,000.- The bonrd reserves the right to reject any "ml aU U1LEM B. ISENHAnT. Secretary B. L. ROBINSON , President. J2fl dlOt MITICMS. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE , Omaha. Neb. , January SO , 1900. Scaled proposals , In triplicate , subject to the usual conditions , will be received hure until 2 o'clock p. in. March 3. 1900 , and then opened. In the presence ot attending bidders , for delivery nt such places as may be designated , of four hundred (400) ( ) bay cavalry horses. U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all proposals , or uny part thereof. Blank forms for bid ding and circular giving full information : nd requirements will be furnished on ap- pllcutlqn to this olllce. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked . "Proposals for Cavalry H'orses. " and ad dressed to F. II. Hathaway , Major nnd Q. M. , Chief Q. M. F1-2-27-2S \ otlccof Indebtedness. Omaha. Neb. , Feb. 1 , 1000. Notice Is hereby given that t.he . O. K. Soo- Hold Cloak nnd Suit-Co. had no existing debts on t.he ilrst day of February. 1900. ( Signed ) O. K. SCOFIELD. President. O. K. P.COFIKLD. H. G. CLARKE. Being a majority of me Board of Dlrcrtors. U\IL\VVY TIMIS TAIILKS. FREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad ' The Northwestern Line" General Olllces. United States National Bk. Bldg. , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fariuim Sts. Ticket Otllce , 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone 561. De- po . . 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone H'S. , Leave. Arrive. Black HlUs , Dead wood , . Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sewnrd b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Vcrdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am Lincoln , " \Vahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:2"i : am Fremont Local c 7:30 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , e Sun- .duy onlyd Dally except. Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Ralhvav "Tno Northwestern Linn" City Ticket Olllce , KOI l-'urnam Street. telephone - phone 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telu- i phone , 029. Leave , Arrive. Daylight ( Chicago Spe- Ci-ij u 0:40 : am all:55 pir. Chicago Passenger a 4.13 pm uJlclO am Eastern Kxpna * . De.-4 MolPt\x , Marshalllown , Cwlir Rttpirls , md Chicago - cage ulO.15 : am a 4:05 : pm Eastern Limited. Chl- cnco and Emit a 4:55 : pm a 4:03 : pm Fast Mail. Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omahri-i'hl i < aijo Spcfinl.a 7:30 : pm u. S:00 : am 'EastMall : a S:30 : am a. Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces , Nebraska Dlvl- : Ion , i.lth and ' Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnnm St Telephone Ml. Depot , 15th and Webstc. Sts. Leave. "Arrive , Twin City Passenger..a o:00 : nin a ! ) :00 : pm Omaha Passenger a'l:20 : am Sioux City & North east Nebraska . . . . . .a 3:40 : pm n Daily , b Daily except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC I Railroad "The N" . rth- ' WuHteril Line" Gen- nil ' Olllces. United States j -'atlr.nal Bank Building , ' W. Corner Twelfth i and Farnnm Ht . Tlckot ] Olllce , 1401 Farnam St. Toll-phono 561. Depot - i pot , Tenth it Mason Sts. Telephone C2J. Leave. Arrive , Twin City E\prwf .a 0:50 : am n10:5i : ) pin Twin City Limited .a 7:20 : pn : n SI5 : urn j Sioux City Local . .a 8:00 : um u 4:20 : pm n Dally CHICAGO , ROCK 1SL- and & 1'aclllc Rallro.ul "The Great Rock Inl and Route. " City Tick- t OH'.ce , 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 42S. Depot , Tenth .t Mason StreelH. Telephone , G23. Leave. Arrive. Leg MolncH and Daven- iiort lyjiul a 7:0.1 : am bll.T : > am Chicago Expto.-s1 bllilB am a Siu ; am Fast Express. . u 5w : pm a 1:25 : pm St. Paul Express . a 6:01) : ) ] mi bll:35 : am i iiKom , Colorado Hinrt > . . Ueinor. Pueblu und , West . al:39iim : a 45 : pm j Df MolnnK. Rock Isl I and and Chicago . . .n7:2 : > pm a CCO : pin < ijruil | < > & TOMIH Klycrtii i JSnm n D:20 : dm Dajly extctii Stinduy. KANSAS cn'Y7 STT. 10- , i copli & Council IJInffs Hu'iroad - "Tho Burllns- ton Route" Ticket Ollire , lo 2 I arniim Strcot. Tele-- | il. ' rn , 250. Depot , Tenth MUKOII Htreots. Tele- phune , 31U. 31U.Leave Leave , Arrlvi ; . Kanrtis f'I' > Dii ICx. . a 8:50 : am n G:17 : pm Kan.i City Nl , it Ex. uIOl5 : pm u G:15 : um Si Ixiiils F ) > .r for St. Joseph and St. LoulH..a 4:55 : pm nll3 : ! um n Dull ) . ' BI'RLINGTON & MIS- Rourl River Rallroud- "Thc Burllnifton Roiito" Ofiieiul Ollicnn , N. W. Corner Tenth and Furnum Bl"- Ticket olllce. . 1502 Fur- . limn utrept. TciephoiH ! . 250. Depot. Tenth And M.ison HtreutK. Tele- phone 3lo. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. II isiinga anda Mt-Cook a 8:10 : am a 7:10 : nm Lln > oln. Denver , Colorado rado , Utah , Cullforntu.u 4:2,5 : nm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln. Black HI1U. Montana t * . I'ligt' Sound . i . a 4:3C : pm n. 3:00 : pm Lincoln 1/ . a 7:00 : pni ulO fc um Lincoln Kit Mull . a SiOO.prn nlOa5 um Ufnvur. Colorado Utah , t CullforiUu. : . , > a 6:20 : am a Dally. It Ml U \ \ TIAIM T Mil. 1C. CHH ViiO 111 ULINilTON XQ i < . \ U.ttll on. ! "Tho Hurliiiuton ItouioTlik - t 1W3 KariMin St Tel , JM ) . Dupot , Tcnrh .t M.uon Streets. Telephone. jin Leave. Arrl\ < - ci-.i , ago Spe- . n Blt : > am . Vs lbucd ! Ex..n 5.-OS pm ft S : nm Chli-nR , > ICxprcs- . n 8:90 : nm n 4ii5 : i > : , , t'Ui. ago & Si. L. Ex. . . .a 7:15 : pm a S:0i : Pa i HI , Junction Ixcnl..nlO:45 : an. , ami ' Marcy phone , IBS. IBS.L L ( > nve. Arrive. St l.o . * Cannon Ball Express a 4:1.1 : pm n 8 : % pm xpt-ess . a 4:13 : pm u S 33 nm Knn a.q City nnd fill I Ititi I a 0:10 : am n S:50 : pm a Dally UNIONI'AvIFIC-"TIIEOVER- ! Inml Route" Gonrrat oitlces. N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1303 Farnnm Street. Telephone ING Depot. Tenth ntitl Masmi Streets. Telephone U23. Leave. Arrive Tlie fverl.Tid Limited..n 80 am n 7:2rt : pm The Fast Mull n nPO : nm n 3:2,1 : pm The Colorado Special..allf : > 3 pm n CU5 : am The Portland Sjioclal..iv S:30 : um n 4:10 : pm Lincoln , Bcntrlco and StromsburK Express. . ! ) 4:10 : pm 1 > 12:23 : pm 1'iulflc Express a 4:2.1 : pm n fi:35 : am Grand Island Lncnl b f > :30 : pm li U3i ; ) um a Dully , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE .fc St. Paul Railway - Cit.v Ticket Olllco , 15rtl Farnnm Streel. Telephone 234. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone G2t. ! _ Leave. Arrive Chicago Limited H . . . .n 7:3S : pm n 8:30 : am Clilcago * Omaha Ex..1)11:00 : um h 3:55 : pm lloux City and Dos Mtilnes Express bll:00 : nm b C:33 : pm n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RA1L- road General Olllvos nnd Ticket Olllcc Southeast Cor ner 14th lunl Douglas Sts. Telephone , 104. Depot , luth and Webster Sis. Telephone , 1IJ3. Leave. Arrive. S. . . Loiils > . Kansas it Neb. Limited a 2:30 : pm nl ! : . < i put K C-St. L. Express a 9:50 : pm a 5:50 : nm Nebraska Ix > cnl Via Weeplne Water b Gfl3pm : a 9lj : am a Dallv. b D.iily except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad , City Ticket otllce. 1402 Farnam streel. Tele phone , 245. Depot , Tenth und Mason streets. Leave , Arrive Chicago Express n 12:10 : pin a 4:05 : \ > m I'hlcago Limited a 7:35nm : a R : 15 run .Minneapolis and Paul Express b 7:00 : am b 9:10 : pin Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Limited r:33 : pin a S:15am : Fort Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs b 4:30 : pm b 10i5am : n Dally , b Dally except Sundays. W A B A S II KAH.UOAD- Tlcket Ofllce , 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone S95. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone G29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 4:15 : pm a S:40 : am a Daily. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. Heater against Pearce. Error from Nuck- ells county. Reversed. Sullivan , J. An officer whorE duty it Is to approve a Htay bond , who does not comply with the statutory requirements. Is guilty of a , breach of olllcial duty. 2. In such case the Judgment , creditor may maintain an action uguinsl such olllcer on , his ofllclal bond for the recovery of Hiu-a damages m < ho may have sustained. I ! . Sureties on a stay bond cannot In an action against them on such bond plead tihelr lack of legal quu'ltllcation to become HiiretltM on such bond. 4. In an aoilon against an olllcer on his olllilal bond for damages for wrongfully approving- stay bond , where no notiial damage is proved , the plaintiff Is entitled , to n. judgment for nominal damages and costs. 5. The failure to award nominal damages ! is not reverslbln error where It does not affect a substantial right or entitle the pluintff to costs. \ Burwell Irrigation company ngaliiHt Lash- meyt. Error from Garlleld county. Af- llrmed. llolcomb , J. A petition for the recovery , quantum morult. for work and labor performed by the plaliKlff for the defendant examined , and held to state a cause of action. 2. Where U.'e evidence Is conlllctliiK nnd the judgment Is supported by competent evidence It will not he disturbed , even though a different conclusion might have been reached. ; ! . An estoppel to be available af n cnus < of action or defense muct bo opoclally pleaded. Baker ajalnst Prlobe. Error from Lan caster county. Reversed , llolcomb. J. This written instruments set out in tin- opinion construed anil luild to bo a contract of bailment of personal property for hiri , and not omof conditional wile or sale of personal properly on condition. Seotl a''alnst Society of RusHan , Israr ' - lies. Apncnl from Douglas county. Al- llrmed. Norvnl. C. .1. Property iif-i-d directly , immediately and exclusively for religious purposes Is exempt from taxation without regard to the question of absolute ownership. 2. Wliero uion on inspection of .1 bill or exception * palpable oinlssloiif appear , an that certain exhibits introduced are not in corporated therein , the reviewing court wl'l ' not pas. ! upon the fcUIllclency of the evi dence to uiistiiln the llpdlnc , ' below. " . A tenant by assuming In a lease the payment of taxes which shall hi ; Hiihsc- qiiently levied upon the demised premises does not 'hereby obligate Iilm-self to pay nny taxes which may bo illegal and void. .In HACUNIUnit Kalleil. Philadelphia Post : CharlftH Miller , a Slundard Oil magnate , whoxn home is In Kninklln , Pa. , bus a precocious son lcs : than 10 years old In whom hard' business senco and worldly cimtlon nro highly de voir Tied. Ono duy Mr. Miller s ! d to his ait' ' . : "My hoy. It's time for you to go 10 bed I want you to get uji bright and earlj to morrow and go to church with me. " " 1 don't think 1 earo about going to church tomorrow , " replied Master Allllrv "Why not ? " "Last Sunday ' ' .he pre.'irtler said he was going to preach about the devil. " ' "Well ? " "I know ho will soy lots of imrd thinas about the duvll nwful hard things ) about him. " "Well ? " "Don't yon think , paim. that If we lli - tened to that sermon 1 ; would bo rather iinnlenHant ' If we over met the devil somn day ? "Hut thn boy went to church In tpite of his clover excuse. Milled or Tlnni'il. , Detroit Journal : Hero tlio cannibal king asks more nartlcularly as to the captive " 1 told ho In hln um WHS own country ono of the jeiinruro dorco. or elided youth1 ' Huyst the grand keeper of the royal sur- clnulf. "Well , I fancy anything will ho hotter than the tinned youth wo'vn been getting " olitierves hit ! majeHty. ' Theco cuvagiin. 11 neems. spouk liahltunlly of canned goods ; IH tinned good ; , 1)111 ) ? be traying the Influence upon them of ho virile Anglican civilization. , Chicago Tribune : Greasy OrlmeH , " wlm was warming Ills back agulmu ( he sunny Hlilo of .a cattle nen , had spelled out wlni much dllllciilty the contemn of a Heron of iiowH'iu'Hjr he Jiad picked up. "This snyx , " ho observed , "that the gov ernor 'telephoned his O. K. to the drainage trustee * . ' Wet dot-n thut mean ? " "It means ho was tolllii' Yin to 'Open 1 < - ' " nawl. replied Tulfold JCniitt. ivearlly "Any hlamo fool ort to know that ; " lllH Wiirni ( li'tdrl , Chicago Post : "Do you know Why T mar- rl 'i ? " hc demanded. "I alwaj-H Kuppoucd , " ho answered , "that II was because yon wanted to got j our name In the society columns of the news papers and nothing1 short of a woddlnj- would do It. " Then , of fourro. tin- wan HH angry tlrr Bho forKOt all the HCJIthing things she had Intended to ay to him. Size rtc cn't Indicateiuaiiy. ! . : n warf o ! ( ountcrfelt nnd worthier solve offered for neV.'llfa Witch Hazel Salve. DeWltfj i * tbe only original. An Infallible cure . ' : : piles and all sliln