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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1900)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY 3JBE : FRIDAY , T"13BIUTAKY U. 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Diipoiition to Take ProfiU OITteU FirmoeB ! of Gables on Wheat. THERE IS LITTLE LIFE IN THE PIT Clonrn U'rnU nnil I'nilrrVoilnrc ln > Corn nnd tn n .simile tj > While ProvlnliMii Arc Sumn Illnlior. - l.-A disposition to take CHICAOO , Feb. - firmnessof cables In the rrofltH offset the firmness - wheat market today , M y closing weak at nnd o\ . Corn U J-Ho under ycs rday. SM-tt ' . : ' ' and provlxlons closed a shade up higher. ' 1'licre was little life In the whrat startling , llerr.'c tut. The news was not that thr the resjlon began predictions weather would become a little loss rigorous consideration. May opem- . received some . shortly af.orwar . , ] c down at W/GSHc an.l tounhrd fi7.14f < 7V. The n * " ! .1 ' ' " V under ye- closed vcnk , May nrket , demand was ' The export 7'iie innlnv at ft w N-w York reporting only ten litiiH wheat and , . Atlantic port exports In take , edtinl in 371.00.1 hu hPl ' 'rl' "f\ were ; Jlour WO. M ! bushels. agaltiH , were MI.OOO re elpls Hi MlnneapolU' nni I Dul t . . last year. b.KhelH . t reported IM4 cars , compared with ! ? ! i Tieek and 4 l a year ago. t * > cnl receipts Pr"nl"i < 'teen ears , none of which gra.lcd . a brief period of caflncM U " bccai se firm , principally early , was country nceeptaiicrH over n g ht reported Fhowed n railing < .ff. Ttade was rat her . although there was some Innuentlal b yltig for both St. Ixitiln and local Inler- Receipts here were 3lo cars ; MnJ p fi ' ' 32TMf33c nnd closed a Fold' from 32'.4cvto "hwilhoiil muel irade. the tone In the oatfl firm. Sympathy with corn market wim win iiho Influence. Local receipts were 107 May sold at fiom 23'c ( to 23-V ami cars : Hhnilo over yerterday nt 23r23 ( c. closed a AVIth hog receipts way under the esti the provision people forgot there mate. cent report of the number of hogs In the country and bought A good cash demand and Inllu- also reported for product ! was the enco In . ' 'he strength wens tori which the market showed throughout the session. Offerings were light and trade quiet. May pork sold nt from $10.70 to $ IO.SO and closed i lie over ve lerday at $10.7.May ; lard at from jr,02H to $5.97"i. " clomng . ? ' ' , " ' > " ' * 0ili' ! ' & nnd May ribs aft from $5.77' ' < . to f5.S2'i. . with thn close Tic higher nt $ , ' . . ( ; 0. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : ANhent , M curs ; corn , ISO cars ; oats , 115 cars ; hogs , 37.JA1 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : " Articles. ! Wheat I May. July. Fob. May. July. Oats May. July. Pork- May. 10 73 10 M ) 10 70 10 75 10 G7'J ' July , 10 82 % 10 S3 10 SO I 10 SO ! , 10 72' ' , * tyard- I MHV. B9 ! ) B 971/ 5 92V * . f > 92'/ . | 5 90 July. G05 f. 00 6 02' , ! ; r. 971,4 Rlhs- RlhsMay. . 5 77V- 5 S2V f. 77M.I 5 SO F , 73 July. G S3 S S3 5 82 1 5 S3 u 77'A No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUU Steady ; winter patents. F.GO ; straight.- , J3.00'a3.35 ; clears. J2.9Wf3.10 ( ; rprlng srcrnls , J3.Sflii3.90 ; patents. J3.20fl3.EO ; BtralghtK. J2.GO'Li3.W ) ; bakers. J2.10-S2.40. WIIIOAT-OJo. 2 red , G9fiG9MC. CORN No. 2 , 31 It * * : No. 2 yellow. SH'iC. OATS No. ' _ ' , 2-lc ; No. 3 white , U3Uff25',4c. ( UYK No. 2. C2',4S ' Wc. MAIILUY No. 2. USifMe. S12HDS No. 1 tlavseecl and northwest , tl.r.9 ; prime timothy , J2.10fl2.45. Clover , con tract grade , fS.IO. PROVISIONS 'Mess ' pork , per bbl. . J9.33fi > lO.t'O. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $3.70jT5.S2'/fc. ' Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $ r..60fi .90. Dry salted Bhoiildcrs ( boxed ) . J5.7GIjO.00. Short clear Pldes ( boxed ) , J3.75fijS5. ( WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on basis high wines per gal. , $1.23'.i. ' SUGARS Cut loaf , JS.05 ; granulated , J5.49. Following arc the receipts and shipments for today : Articles , Recelnts. Shlpm'ts. Vltilir , bbls 40,000 2I1.10' ' ) \\Mieat , bu I1MX ) 23.0M Corn , bu 460,000 23Ui < H Oats , bu 211.0W 203.100 Utye , bu 1.000 . < - Uariey. bu 72,000 fS,0'W ; On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady ; crcnmcrles , 19f/2tc ; dairies , 195(22c. ( Cheese , firm at 12J/13C. ] 'vggs , strong ; fresh , ISfjlSl-ic. ( ; IMH.M , MAHKK.T. Uiiotntlonn for tlu * Dny on Vnrlonn CoiiiinodltleN. NEW YORK , Feb. -FLOUR Receipts , 17.S5G 'hbls. ' ; exports , 15,137 bbls. ; sales , 9,000 jikgs. ; marked showed moderate steadiness on all crndes. without change ; winter strnlRllts , f.40Q3.50 ! ; winter oxtrns , J2.GO'8i ' 2.85 ; winter low grade. J2.23Jf2.10 ; Minnesota patents , J3.'JOJj4 15 ; MlmfJsota bakers , J2.SO ffTS.OO ; winter patents , $ : < .6593.SO. Uyo flour , llrmcr ; sales. GOO bbls. : fair to good. Jii.iKJ 3.20 ; ohnlco to fancy , J.i3fi3.W ! ) . Huckwhoat Hour , steady at $1.7nfi'J.CO. ' COIIN.MEAI Steady ; yellow western , SOc ; city. TSc ; Hnindywlne. J2.iryT2.20. ? RYE 'Steady ; No. 2 western , Giu.c. f. o. b . nlloat ; state rye. i-GO. c. I. f. . New York , car lots. BAniJlOY Dull ; feeding. l.'Ufi ! 7Ue , c. I. f. . New York ; malting , r.OQ53e , e I. f. , Now York IJARLHY M'ALT-JDull ' : western , Wfifluc. WHEAT Receipts , 22.100 Int. : ixr.orts , 242.- r,73 bu. ; calcs. 'J.IOO.CCO bu. futures and 1'iO , . ( X10 bu. export' ' . Spol market steiidy : No. 2 red. 7S > Vf c. elpviitor : No. 2 red , 7Gc , f. o. b. , nlloat ; No. 1 northern , Diilutli , 7o'i' ( . f. o. Hi. , iifloat , prompt ; Xo. ' 1 hard , Duluth. Sic , if. o. 'b. ' . afloat , prompt. Options opened steady oiv cable news and cold weather nnd noon afterward developed considerable plrcngth because of n final rise 'n final J'Hrlit quotations. Trade In futures , how ever , remained chleily for scalping ncrount .ill day. In the last ha'.f hour prices yielded n little to realizing nnd closed easy nt 'jtTfMr net decline. Sales Iniluduil N" . 2 ted. March , io , closed nt Wic ; May , 7HWI74-V' , at 7IV ' ; July. 71 l-lMi74'ic , cloned at 7IHc. CORNReceipts. . M'.773 bu. ; exports , T2 > . ! Til liu. ; ? ale , : ! 0,000 bu. futures and 400.CW lui. export. F-'iol. sttadv ; No. 2 , lOi.ic , f. o. b. , nfloal , ami 39V. elevator. Option market opened steady mid luter worked up a little on expnit demaiul nnd rinallcr i-ouniry of- ferlliRR than herrloforc. Closed dull but dy lit unchanged prices. May , SS 'd nt . ' ste OATS Uetelpt.s. 17,900 ibii. ; exports. 7I.2SO Jiu. Spol , quiet ; No. 2 , 29'vc ; No. 3 , 2Sc ; No. 2 white , 3U4c ; No. : l white. . " , OUc ; track aiilxed weatcrn. 2 < ' , vii3iki. Options , dull nnd htendy. HAY Ste.idy ; shipping. G5J70tgood ; to choice. SOJiSje. HOPS Quiet ; cominnn lo clm'ce ' , 1SOG crop , fr ; 1S9S crop , 7fi9 ( . . 1S'J9roil , 12f13c. Paclllc roafct : IbW crop. 4JiGc ; lf9 $ crop , 7S9c ; 1593 crop. 12jjr.c. 1I1DF.S Firm ; ( lalvftiton , SO to V > Ibf. , 19'ic ; Texas dry. 21 to 30'lbs. ' , ISi.- ; California Cl lo 15 Hi * . . 21'sc. LKATHEU-StPHdy ; hemlock fole Ruenoj Ayres. light to ImivywclRht , 25J23'.c ; aclil , . RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra. 40 Cifc ; Jann. l fiSc. MOLASSES Quiet ; Now Orleans open kettle , good to choice. 4lff Sf. PHKHlirrs-To LlvcrpoJl. firmer ; cotton by stenm , 23c , nominal ; grain by steam , SM. SM.PEANl'TSSleady ; fancy hand picked , 4u 4Uc ; other domestic , 3 ! j4f. \ VOOIOulet. . PROVISIONS Ilepf , dull and f < Hisy , fam ily. U.OiVi-r,1.00 | ; mess. J10.dOfHO.2J ; packet , 10.f.0jjl2f < ) ; city extra India mest- , J''O.OOli 22.00 ; 'beef hams , | .2rtfi2.0) . Cut me.itu , Him ; plcklwl bellies , Jj.S7isiii7.00 : iilcklrO hhoiildcis , t5.7M7 . < > ) ; Jiams , } 9.DOfi 1 ) .0 1. Lanl , llrmcr : western steam clasrd { 3.15 ; February , JG.13 , nominal ; rnllneil , wuik ; rontlnent , J'i.Xu ? outh AmerK-a , W.tV ) ; i-ni. lioiiml. JS.S7'tiiti.Oi ' ) . Pork , dull ; me H. JIU. ' . ' i 31.00 ; > > hort clear. Jll S0i 12.50 ; fiimllv , Sin.f ( n 13.50. Tallcvv , puj > y ; vlly. So ; country , 54 ! tlis < ' . Ml'JTALS Tin dropped about 70 polntB Ir 1h OIM-II mnrkrt , but ruled sleaily at the fltvllne , the. lower prlco being In tt.vmpatlu with a clmr : > dline In l < omUiu. The de mand wiiH Minill In the market. Tin other dt > p.iremenln were dcvolu of nmv feu. ituro or ; irl < \nrlullonti. . At the i-lo.-n tin ( Mrtul pxi'hawje ' rallcii , pig Iron warrant ; dull ; Ukr eol'.ier. upcluinged nt Jlti.'JJ : tin Htendy lit J27. : ) 'bid ' : It'iid , steady with Jl 71 ibid nd U.T. . Hfkd , i : ieller. t-teudy wit ) $1.70 bid and f I.3 n Kei | . The broker * ' prlct Xor'lcnd Is JI.45 nnd for copper J16.2 . iioIlM Whcnl nnil 1'loiir. MINNHAPUL1S. F 'h. J.-AVHKAT-It Store : No. 1 norihern , February , COo ; .May U sR Ii V , . Juh. Soifr On tr.ick. No. 1 hard , MV No 1 n rtherii , fi4V , No. 2 northern , C2'dc. FLOI-R First patent * , 1 ISf . < S ; s com patents , ! 2aft3.l5 ; first clear , J2.15 ; sccotx tlonr , J2.10. HRAN rnchansed. OMAHA n > nnAi. MAIUCKT. Conillllnn of Trnilf nncl Onntntlnnn 01 Slnjilrnnil Kniicy Proilnor. EGGS Receipts , Increasing ; fresh stock 13eDRESSED DRESSED POtJLTRY-Cholce to fnnej lurkey * 9e : durks , 7Hfl8e ; siecse. Sc ; KprlnK chickens , 7j7' , c ; hens. rnoiters. 4ftfc. LIVE I'ori.lHY-HPns. r.'jfiGc ; sprln ; ohleken . & ' 4f/fir ; ulil nnd otiiRKy rooston" * c ; duck" . fit" Rccj e , Gc ; turkeys , GfifiViP- BI'TTERf'nmmnn to fair , 15c ; choice lifllir ; separator , 25c ; pathored creamery Mil 23o. PIOEONS-l.lve. per doz. , 75o. VEALS-CMolcc. 9c. ClAMR-Dupks. mnll.irdx. J3.oflfr3.25 ; blui ivlni ; teal. J1.7S ; prren wins teal , J1.251.50 ? inlxcil ditrks , Jl.MVff2.00. OYSTI3RS Medium. per can , tSo ; stand rinl , per cnn , 22e ; hulk standard , per pal. 51.2. ; extra selects , per car , , S0o ; extra nf- lects , pT Rnl. . JI.GOU1.75 ; New York count1" l > er cnn , 37c ; New York counts , per 100 , J1.25 HAY P > r cm load lots ; Upland , choice ( G ; midland. choice. J5.60 ; lowland , choice ill : rye straw , choice. JI.50 ; No. 3 corn , 2G'.4c ' N'o. .1 white oats.22iv - ; cruder. ! corn , pei ion , til ; corn nr.fl oat ? , chopnd , per ton Ml. 50 ; bran , per ton. J12 ; snorts , per ton. $13 VEGETAHLES. I.M > - vi'uxii-s- dozen bunches , 60c SPINACH- box. J : NK\V HEETS-Pcr < loz. bunches. 40SMc UADISI IKS-PiT ilnz. hunches , 40c. LETTCCK Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fnncj head letlucp. per bbl. , J5. Ktt'EET POTATOEH-Pcr bbl. . Illinois (3 ( : Jerseys. 55 ; Inffio bbls. . Kansas. J2.75. POTATOKS-I'pr bu. , choice , 30 350. CAF.nACSE-HollniH ) xced. 2c. CAtTLIFLOWER-Callfornla. per crate 12.30. 12.30.ONIONSReinll. ONIONS-Reinll. rcllow , TBcj red , EGgoOc ) iilos per hbl. , J2.2r > . CKl.ERY-Per doz. . 23Q30C. California ; icr liutich. ! 0f7 ' TFRNIPS nutnbnuns , per lb. , IVic ; Cn. mdlnn. Hie : per hbl. . $2 MUSHROOMS-Per lb. box. Me. TOMATOES-Florldn , per G-bnsKet crate RHUHAn.l5-.Per doz. . COc. FRUITS. A PPLES Choice western shlpplnc stock , i3.OOfJ3.50 ; New York atock. $3.75@ > 4. ( ; 'nncy , SI.SOi7l.73. ORAPES-Mnlasa grapes , per bbl. . J7.00S l.OO. l.OO.CRANBERRIESHcll CRANBERRIES-Hcll and Bugle , per bbl. > S.OO. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican , per box. 13 : Call- 'ornla naval. " , per box.$3.2.riiJ'3.50 ; California icedlliiRS , per box , J2.rOJ2.75. LEMONS -California fancy , J3.73 ; choice California , $3. GO ; Messina. J4. MISCELLANEOUS. IIONEY-Pcr 21-sccuon case. $3.25. NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , $1.25 ; ihellbarks. $1.35. FIGS-Cnllfornla layers , per 10-lb. box , 1 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1,10 ; mportcd figs , per lb. . 13c. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. KIDES No. 1 srccn hides. Sc ; No. 2 : rcen hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9e ; S'o. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 2 Ibs. . 9c ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , So. St. I.onlN ( irnlii n ml I'rovlHloiin. ST. LOUIS , Feb. l.-WHEAT-Lower ; v"o. 2 red cash , elevator , 70c ; track. 71S ( 2c ; February , 70e ; May , 70c ; July , GS'c ; < < ) . 2 hard. GGfG7c | : receipts. 8,250 bushels. C'OUN Klrm ; No. 2 cash. .lOHc ; track , I il32c ( : li'clininry , SO' c ; May , 3iuig31c ; tuly. .11'4' ' . OATS Firm : No. 2 cash , track and Feb- nary. 24 > , < , c ; May , IM' c ; No. 2 white , 25Hc. HYK Steady lit r.2' ' > c. FLOUR Firm , but dull ; patents , $3.40 ® : .RO ; extra fancy , $3.10 3.15 ; clear , $2.755 ? 1.00. SEEDS - Timothy , $2.00fl'2.30. Flaxsccd , 1.5 < i. COHNMKAT-Stcady , at $1.73Sl.fO. HRAX Nominal ; sacked , cast track , file. HAY Steady to llrm ; timothy , $3.005il2.l10 ; iralrle , $7.W. WHISKY Steady lit J1.231 * . IRON COTTONTIES-J1.20. .HAOC 1 NO-SiCHe. HEMP \VINE-Ui- - . METALS- Lead , llrm at $4.G2'.i ' < Tl.63. Spel- er , strong at $ ) . . " . I'OtTLTRY-Steady ; chickens , Gftc ; tur- seys , 7c ; ducks , Sc ; geese , 5c. PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex- rji shorts , $5.75 ; clear rib ? . $5.S7VS ; clear ildes. $6. Hacon. boxed shoulders , extra tftorts. f..23 ; clear ribs , $ G.37' < - ; clear sides , r.f.fl. Pork , quiet ; jobbing , old , $10.25 ; now , 11.25. Lard , steady ; prime steam , J5.UO ; holce. $3.CS. UKCKliPTS Flour , C.OCO bbls. : wheat , 8,00 : in. ; corn. ia" .OCO tm. ; oats , 5,000 bu. SHIPJl'ISNTS ' Flour , 7,000 bbls. : wheat , l.COOliti. ; corn , 21 , X ) bu. ; oats , 21,000 bu. nuitr. I'.KK mill CliPCNC Market. PHILADELPHIA , Fob. 1. BUTTER - ? Irm and M > e hlslier ; fancy western cream- ry. S.V c ; iirlnts , 2Cc. EGGa Firm and Ic higher ; fresh nearby .ml western , lUe ; fresh southwestern , ISc ; resh southern , 17c. CHKIKSE Quiet hut steady. NEW YORK. Feb. 1. DUTTER-Re- : ulpts , 1,211 pkgs. ; llrm ; June creamery , : OTi23e ; western creamery , 2172ic ( ! ; factory , GfilSVic. ( . 'IIHRSE Receipts. 1,672 pkgs. ; steady ; 'all made fancy , large and small , 12 ? ® 13c ; arge. late made , ll4 < jJ12c ; small , late made , 2S12UC. EGGS Receipts. 8,591 pkgs. ; llrm ; west- rn , ISVic , loss on" ; western , ungraded , al nark. 14&lSc. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 1. BUTTER Steady ; : rt'ami ry. 2W1-24V4C ; dairy , 165720c. KC3OS Lower at lie. rillOAGO. Fob. 1. BUTTER Steady ; ireamciles , lSJ(24c ( ; dairies , 191J22C. EGGS-StroiiK ; fresh. 15015V4C. KANSAS CMTY , Feb. 1. - BUTTER - dreamery. 20fC-3c ; dairy , ISc. EC3GS Firm on light reports ; fresh Mis. our ! si ml Kansas stock , firsts , 12V4c , cases eturncd. ICniiNiiM City Cirnln and I'rovlnlniin. KANSAS CMTY , Feb. l.-WHEAT-May ? 4c : No. 2 hard , KlIjKH'jc ; No. ? , GOJJ62',2c N'o. 2 red , GSf ( ri ! ; No. 3 , G2IAQGSO ; recelplH , IS cur . CORN May. 2iie ! > ; caHh , No. 2 mixed 2)i'jc ) ; No. 2 white. 30c ; No. H. 29 > 4c. OATS-NO. 2 white , 24 0-2 i c. RYIC-No. 3 , 51c. HAY-Cholfo timothy , $9.00Q0.50 ; choice iralrle , S. < ! .50fti.73. | UKORrpTS Wheat , 22,500 bu. ; corn , 17,70 * in. ; oats. 14.000 bu. ? Iir.PMENT3 Wheat , 9,000 bu. ; com , 14 , . (0 bu. ; oats. 5,000 bu. Liverpool lirnln nnil I'rovlnloiin , LIVERPOOL Feb. 1-WHEAT-FutlirR ! ; -lj-cd steady ; Mnrth , as 10'id ; July , 5 ; IOM ; Hiiot. easy. COKN-Snot. firm. PROVLSIONS-Hnms. short cut. 11 to 1' ' UIK. . firm nt 17s. l.nrd , prime western , Ir llcrces. firm in 30s ; American rellncd , It IIP Us firm nt IK * . CH'EKSE American finest white , stcadj it ecu GO. The following are the Flocks of wheni ; ind corn In store and on nunys ( nillwnyi mil canal dppo'u not Included ) : Wheat M73.0M centals : corn , 1.031.000 icntuls. Toledo .AlurUrl. TOLEDO. O. , Feb. I.-WHEAT Active lint weak : No. 2 cash , 71c ; May , " 31ic. I'OHN Du'l ' nnd easy ; No. i mixed , 33e OATS-Dull : No. 2 mixed , 23V.c. nominal RYE-Neclected. SEKDS Clover , dull but steady ; prliiK iM"1 ! . old. SI.S5 iiKl > d ; February , new. J5.K * iisked : March , J3.S3 asked ; XD. 2 , JI.GOffl.SO no snips. SIIIMII-M III Slope lit Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 1. FollowlnR are UK KlockH of brcndstuns and provlnloim In Llv. I'rnool : AVhoit , I.ISO.O'VI ceutnls : corn , 1.23 , . HO ) centals : Hour. 11S.OT ) hacks ; biicoli. HJiOi Inxps ; hanr1.401 boxes ; moulders , ? ' > Inxes ; butter. 13.FOO pkgs. ; ehcepe , 4ii,4i' < hexes ; lard , PI Imp wpstern steam , 20,90 tlcrcos ; other kinds. l.&IO tons. Diilutli ( Jriilii DIM I'TH-Feh. . - l.-WIIUAT-No 1 hard at'li , f se ; No. 1 narthern. fO : e : May , rtic lulv. ffo. . 2 northern , C2&c ; No. ; iprlmr. - RYE-SCc. MIMvnnki'o ( irnln MnrUct. MILWAUKEE. Feb. l.-\VHEAT-Stcadv Xo. 1 northern. fi'WitVSe ; No. 2 northern , 03' ' ' Jltil- RYE-Strad'cr : No. 1. We. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2 , I6c ; sample , S5I MV3Mi\TN ( ! : OK STOCKS AM > IIO.VDS llnlln llnlil Ihe Muster ) . r. > lilenerd It ] liiiliiN 'riiroiiuluuil. NEW YORK. Feb. 1.-While a coed ilca of Irn-Rularliy w.ia manifest In today' ; market , owing to tlin Important o-peralloiu for 'both ' aeccunts In leading properties , tin hulls nt nil t'.mot. htld the masteru cvi ilenee < l by thn geiiiTous sprlnVllng : of in- galim thnniRli the | | y | . ] iiihionc ( > s con trllmtlnx to thin ronult Imluded a ht-av. abK rptlon of the Iron and steel sto.-ks am the excellent net sUUementu of the leadln ; IliiPi. Efforts to dijnpcn bullish pnthushiKn met with iPintKmiry BUCCC ? * at Interval ! through dSKiTSHlve hammerliifr of the lot-u KiMiip. A rasKPil oiH'iiiiiK was due prlmarll' to the unscltllns Incident in Sucar ycster day and yielding prl. es for Amcrl > tins ii Ix > nf'in. It was soon made manifest tha an Importani movement was carded In th metnl Rroiip , as IMIIP.I ntilch nre usually no factors livened tin nnd advanced rnoldly Strength developed In other stocks nnd th market ros - easily. Thn bear faction nxido a cincorlotl attarl on the locnl titllltles nnd broke Third Ave nun 9 points. Kindred properties Magged to SU points nnd Suear nnd Tobacco w r < nl. o Inrgply nfftcto < l. This maneuver pro vokwl tame jielllns of the railroad stock' but a ? the \-nrlous enoournslng ntntrmenl : online to hand Hie orferliiBS diminished am lm lncM centered nlmost wholly In the trnc lions. The demoralization In Third Avenir ItrhiPPd an otllclnl statPinent liy the ( . .ultnr of the ciitniKiny tf a plan to llnatiee Its In ( lt'btenefs ' by nn Is ue of G per eent note ? allowing optional redemptions by the com jinny within n year. T'.ie notes do not eon inln nny clause permitting their cinvert ! blllly Into stock. This statement cffretunll ! dlmiosid of recent rumors that HIP Issm would bo $20,000,000 and would Jeojiardl/.i dividend pH.vments on the Mo k. Support Ing orders rallied It 3 points , hut It wen d'owu ' lower than before In a drive near tin rlos and ended with n net los of s points A variety of rnoinrs were circulated In con nectlon with the buoyancy of the Iron ali < steel stocks , chief iinionK whom was tin early dcvclC'.imPtH of Tennessee foal am Iron common stock on an S per cent dlvl dend bn ls. Other advices were prediction ! < ns to the enormous earnings of the varlou companies nnd trade reports n sertlng n dls > tlnct Improvement In the linhistry. Tennri see Coal did not develop Its biioyane.untl numelinis other IFHIIPS of this elans had beci advanced smurtly. When the move In I started It iulckly | assumed pre-etnlneni i and rose. . 9 points despite enormous te.illzii lions. ( Sains In other members of the groin were le."s pronounced , hut ranged from 2 t.- 3'i ' per cent. The rjirly attempts of the bears to crenli lliiuldcitloii In the standard storks provln : una\ , ( .lie . fho'ts became une.iny nni oonsldcr.vblo llne were taken up , ciutliu a material rebound In the tnnre denre.s. e ( iimpcrtlpp. While the Inquiry for the lend Ing railroads'was no' ' vrry urgent , still then was a slight appreciation all around , whirl was fairly well 'maintained ' to tihe end. Th- case with 'Which ' the active spcclaltl'3 re sponded to the pool buying caused inanv i the active traders to transfer their effort ! to ralpp prices from the rallro.ids into tin metal group , where the prospective proll seemed nllurln ; . In connection wIMi the monetary jlumttoi cnll nn l time mone1 r.Uc.t were easy , lin bldx for large innoiitits or tlie latter wen made 'below ' thp. market , which holds nt per cent. London oerntlons. while not ex tensive , were on the long side , with pur chases Influenced by rumors thai Uenera Buller's forces had recroR = cd the Tttcolii river. There was no change In the Banli of England's rate of dl.-count loil.iy am : mi analysis of Mie weekly stjitement nl thai Institution and the Hank of France arom ! es continued case In the fore.- ! monetary situation. A good dcrreind developed for the nctlvt bond lR. ue today nt higher prlre . SOUK eon- < -.sIons , howevrr , were nolr.l In spots Total sales. pir value. $ l,030.United Stntex ' . ' 3. new 4s and 5s advanced U In tht bid .nrlce. The Commercial Advertiser's Lender Ilnanclal cablegram says : The ir irketi- hero were iiuknly cheerful today , cnlncf helng strong on a circumstantial report thai Dr. Leyds has failed to obtnln , i loan fron : i-nntlnental brokers , although It Is paid lit declared that the Boer.s must collapse sooi unless their cause was llnanccd In Europe. There were , also additional reports thai Cicneial Buller had again crossed the Tugeln In force. Americans steady ; Merlli ' bought slightly , 'but ' without much'effect or prices , on account of profit taking gales Ii London. The close was below rhe ho < t or New York sales. 1'aris bought copnei F-hares on the fortnightly statfctlrs Bhowln ? stocks down eighty tons and supply 701) Theru was no gold movement. India Ie. mniid far silver seems to he satlsa.-d. Monej was In demand today for the 101130 ! settle ment and Mexican financial operations Consols were ' ,4 up , but wen ; sold freely Jus ! before the close on Information , It Is be lieved , about an Impending war loan The following arc the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exclmncc today : Atchlson 20'4 Tex. & Pacific. . . . 1 > " : do pfd h24 Union Pacific . . . lfi\ Hnltlmoro & O. . . 5S3 ; , do pfd 751 Cnn. Pacific 93 4 Wabash . . h3 Can. Southdrn . . . 43 i do pfd " 2tt-'i dies. & Onio 2SU AV. < fc L. E. . . . ! ! 10 Chicago Gt. AV. . J3H' ' do 2d pfd. . . . 27 C. . H. & Q 123HAV1S. Central . . . . \1\i C. , I. & L 15ft Adams Ex Ill do pfd 49 'Amer. ' Express , .11G Chi. & ; a. Ill f > 7',4 U. S. Ex 47 Chicago & N. W.159 lAVclls-Knrgo Ex. 12.1 C. . R. I. & P 107'4 A. Cot. Oil. . . . . . . 3313 C. , C. , C. & St. L. G1H do pfd ji ; Colo. Southern . . 5 % Amer. MnltliiRSTi do 1st pfd. . . . ll'i. do ptd 2'j' do 2d pfd. . . . 14-Ji Amer. S. & R. . . . ! ! } ; { Del. < t Hudron..ll4 , do pfd MPJ Del. L. & W 175 'Amur. ' Spirits . . . . 3U Den. & Rio G. . . . IS I do pfd 17 do pfd G9Amer. S. H 46 = Erin ll'/i' do pfd S1 ! do 1st pfd. . . . 3314 Amer. S. & W. . . . rS' ; Gt. Nor. pfd 158 i do pfd yu : [ Mocking Cera' . . . . 17'.Amer. ( Tin Plate. 32TJ Hocking Valley. . IHVi do pfd sl'i ' Illinois Central . .112 Amer. Tobacco . .10' ! Iowa Central . . . . 12U | do pfd 135 do pfd 62li'A. ' MIn. Co 40 K. C. , P. & G. . . . 7\iHrk. Rap. Tr. . . . 73 K ' L. E. & W 2Hj > Colo. F. & I IG''I do pfd KlViCon. Tobacco . . . . SI" ) Lake Shore l'J4 do pfd. ' ' ' Louis. & Nash. . . 79's Federal Steel . . . . 5IVJ Manhattan L . . . . 93\ do pfd 7a < 5 Met. St. Ry 171 iOen. Electric . . . .123U M"ex. Central . . . . 11 ft Glucose Sugar . . 5G' ' < Minn. & St. L. . . . G2'/i do pfd WlL do pfd SS lnter'n'1 Paper . . 23 > - Mo. Paclllc 445 ; do pfd GS Mobile & Ohio. . . . 40i . Lacled Gus 791 ! M. . K. & T 10 Nat. Biscuit do pfd 32 do pfd 92' ' . ; N. J. Central..US National Lend . . 2GV N. Y. Central..134 do pfd lOl'i Nor , & West 23'/i National. Steel . . 4G7/ { do pfd 7 < 1'V ' do pfd 91V No. Pacific BU < i N. Y. Air Brake.l2S do pfd 76 > 'i No. American . . .m Ontario & W 22 ? ' , Pacific Coast . . . . 50' . ' Ore. Ry. & Nav. . 42 I do K't pfd. . . . t-2 do pfd 7G I do 2il pfd ( i2 Pennsylvania . . . .129 % Paclllc Mall f ! Reading lMi People's Oas . . . .107-1 ; do 1st pfd. . . . C5H Pressed S. C 57' : do 2d pfd. . . . 2SV , do pfd S'l Rio G. W 40 Pullman P. C..1SB do pfd SI Stand. II. & T. . . S St. L. & S. F. . . . 10V4 Sugar usij do 1st pfd. . . . MHi do pfd 113 do 2d Ffd. . . . K5l4Tenn. C. & I pri ! ' St. L. S. W M , U. S. Leather. . . . 1G do pfd 27 | do pfd 75' , ; St. Pair 119 U. S. Rubber . 3S do pfd I'D do pfd St. P. & 0 121 Western Union . . So. Pacific 3S' ) Republic 1. & S. . , So. Hallway 11 % ' do pfd _ do pfd 53 P. , C. . C. & St. L. * Ex dlvIrtend. .V < > ' York Aloiiey .llnrlicl. NEW YORK. Feb. 1. MONEY On cull easy at 214fl721/i per cent : last loan at 2'i ' per cent ; prime mercantile paper , Jfttt pel cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-STong. will actual bii.sliiesr In bankers' bllU : it $ I.S7lft t.S7i : ! for demand mid at $4.SlUj4.8 ( ! ii fbi Hlxly days : posted rates , $ I.S57fl.gS',4 ' ; com- merclnl bills , $ I.S3UWI.S34. : ! SILVBR-C'ertlflcates , r > 9' ' ifCOi4c ; bar CO'ie ; Mexican dollars , 47V-.C. BONDS Government , strong ; state , ImiC' tlvn ; railroad , Irregular. The following are the closing quotation ; on bonds ; t. ' . S.2s. . res 101 N. Y. Central 1S..1M1 ; do ill reg H"1' N. J. C. urn. r.s. . 12. ! ' < do coupon 103' ) No. Carolina Gs.,127 ' do now 4 * . res-.ISH * do 4s lO'i'i do coupon 131VJ No. Paclllc 3 ? . . . . G7" do old 4n , rcR..HIV do 4t < 1033 ; do coupon 114" N.Y.C. < t St.L. 4rt.HI7' > do 3s. reg. " . * W. con. 4s. . 91 * do coupon H2'i do rn. . H 129 It of ( V 3 ro8..11i ! Ore. Nnv. is no ! < ' Atch. RPII. 4s 10U4 do 4 101 adj. 4s S2 } ; O. S. L. Gs 127 Can. So. 2s Id1) do cnnsol .5s..112' ! C. & O. 4Vis 97i RendliiR RPH. 4s. . S3 ' do 6s 117 H. ( i. W. h' 90 C. & N. W. e. 7H.142'i SI.L. & I.M. c. js.lin ; . . . S. F. deb. 5a.l'0 ? S.L. & S.F. g. G.J.12I Chlcapo Tor. 4s. . 91 St. Paul consols.1G7V ' D . .1H. . G. if . . .iwu'at. P. c. k p. i.s.iin do is rovir doH 120 E. T. A' . & G. 1S..T.3 So. Hy. 3 10 a ; Erlo K.-II. . 4s SS'4'S. R. , < fc T. ( U. . . . f'i\ \ : P. W. XD. . C. } * . 72 Tenn. u. . ; . ' . . , . : ii. | Gen. Elec. 3 ? lUVJVx. & JMc. l.112"j IS. H. .t H. A. Gs.101 i do 2w 51 do sn lifi Union Paclflo lH..ini" ; II. & T. C. 5 < . . . .110'2-\Vnlnsli 1.1 1151. ' do con. Cs 119 do 2s 100 lu. Centra' IH..112' ' ' . AVist Shore 4H..J13 K. C' . . P. & G. la. G9 AVIs. Ciuitrnl la. . W > ; l.'i. neeon. . 4-f.liitji-Vn. Centuries . . . . 83 L. it N , mil. 4n. 9S7 ; do deferred . . . . ' M. , 1C. & T. 2' . . 7'i'Coio. So.t SI tin 4s NHjt Po. I'Jflne 4 . . . . bU'.j ' " ' " 'Ex-lutcro'st. "Offered. London SlocU Uuolatlono. LONDON , Feb. 1. I p. 111. Clii lllS ! Conno's , money . .H/O' ' N. y. ( 'eiitral.-.1371 ; do iireoiint .IWu Peniii-ylvnnln . . . . tW Can. Paclllc ) W Re idinst ! " ; Er'e UH ; No. Pacific pfd. . ' < > " , do 1 pfd 1P Atchlson 20V II IPO'H ' Central . .115 Loulfvfl e W r. P. pfd 77'iGr.ind Trunk . . . . 7 1 St. Paul. com..I21U Anaconda . . . . . _ . . . _ Hi UAH SILVER Plrady at 27d per ounce MONKY-2 i2'A per cent. The r.itn of discount In the open niarkcl for short and throe months' bill * Is per ecu i : : nnU NEW YORK. I'oli. l.-Clcarins * . J17G,51 , . 7W ; balanrps. J7.G93,3ifi. ST IXJIMS. Feb. -Clcarlnss , . Jl.935.321 balances , JI77"S5 ; money , 7 per cent ; Nc\\ York ex. . JI.UIKC. SOc premium bid. l < v pre inliun , i kcd IIOSION. Feb. I.-C'learlnw. JI9.073.IO-5 balance . ft.HjO.lJ1" ) . CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Clearings , J19.9 , S9.l balance- " , J1.IS9.SI2 ; posted exchange , Jl.SSti 4.SSi > ; New York exchntiRe , 60c premium. Pitll AllELPIHA. Feb. l--ClenrltiR ? JII,9I.571 ( ; : ImlHliccii. J2.157.GI9. HALT1MORE , Feb. l.-ClenritiK ! ' , J1.M2 , . 006 ; balnnce. , JG15.979. liONton .Stock ( litolntloiiK , HOSTON , Feb. l.-Cnll lonnx , 3H 4s ! pel cent ; time loans , 4Q5 per cent. CloMnq prices for slocks , bonds nnd tnlnlnp shares : A. . T. * H. F. . . . West. Elrcttlc . . 4" do pfd m do pfd . Gl Amer. SiiKiir . . . .IIS Wl * . Central . . . . 17' : do pfd Ill Oom. Coal . IP- Hell Telephone . .337 do pfd Hoston * Alb'y..2)0 ) Atelilfon ! . nl Upslon lOlevatrd. . 97' ' > Adventure Morton A : Me . 197 jAloilra M. Co. . . . 1 ' , feA C. . H. fe Q . 123iVAttillltlr . 2-3 rB pfd . . .12 ! lltostoil * Mnnt..2ir > Oelt. Eccll-lc . . . .mulllutlP ft ISoston. . SO Utti. Klee. pfd. . .133 , Cnt. & llecln . 737 Federal Steel . . . . M iViilennal ! . 1(1 ( do pfd . 75'lFrankHn ( . II MPX. return ) . . . . 12 Humtmldt 1 Mich. TclPphone.H.'i ) O ppo1n ftl Old Colony 3.12 Parrot 42'i Old Dominion . . . 17U Santa FP Cop. . . . 0 Rubber 371,4Tiiin.fick ! 17s ITnloli Pacinc . . . . 4GU Wlnonn . . . - . 3'j ' I'll.on Land 2'fc ' Wolverines H3 West End 92-7llt't > ih MlnliiK 15 do I > fd UO'.fc \ctv Vorlf Mliilnu NEW YORK. Feb. t.-The followlnp nre iho oillclal closing riuotntlons for mln- Itu : shares : CliolhYr 15 oplilr C'iT" I'rown Point 15 | ymoiith S Ccn. ( 'nl. ft Vn..lO : ( Julcksllver 175 Deadwood IBS I do Pfd 750 llnle A Norcro's. .5 Slcrni Nevada . . . 17 Homi'itnko ! ! 0i".0 Standard 231 Iron S'lvpr f > 7 I'lilon Con "r , Mexican 30 .Yellow . Jacket . . . IS Ontario S5 ! ) Knrelun I'liuiDclnl. LON'U.IN ' , Kfb. I. Ti'io wceklv ! < tnlPmont o" the llnnk uf Kncland shows the follow- In ! : ( 'miiRes ' : Total reserve. Increase. .C2- ! 010 ; tlreiilntlon. Increase , C2.K.OW ; Bullion , Incrensc , .11201,111 ; other seciirlllej , decrcnM" , 441fr'0 ' : other dnpoHlts , dfcrcase , .U3",9'iOi ' ) ; iJKC.t.ffli1 notes reserve pirhllc deposltH , decie-asc. : serve , ItUM-onse , .Clt2.M ) ; provt rnnioni f- I'lirltles , decren. < e , 1,0)3,000. Tlir proportion of Ihe Hank of England's reserve In llnblllly in K-.22 per cent. Last week It was 41.'C per cent. Hnte of illbToiint. ylroiiK at I per cnnt , Anicilcnn securities , after n llrm opening , were ( inlet , wllli n declining tendi-ncy. but recovrred toward the close. Operators" were Inactive. The final tone wns steady. ipan- Irti I : ; closed nt ti7.iV ) . ( ! old premium at Ilucnos A > res , rM : ? old , 77s ! M. PARIS. Fub. l.-The iveekly statement of the Hank of France shows the following ehanpes : Notes In circulation , liurease , GS , . 075.tnW : tre.isury nccounts current , decrease , 22.123OCKf ) ; gold In hand , decrease. I.Mo.OWfj l > ! lls disiount Ml. lucre isc. 77Cti0.l Xlf ; silver In hand. doerejiKc. F.i > , rOi > f. PrlecH Hlnrtrd steady In the bnurse today , but Kiibsetiuently Ir.lernatlnnnl ceeurHles bpcnine heavy on realization. Toward the cloue there was n more favorable tone- prevailing In sympathy with the firmness phcwn by mine shiireM. Turks were In strong demand. Rio ulntOH were active In anticipation of fnvornblc < L-opper stntltlff. De Beers and Knlllrsvrv hesitating , .hut sharply recovered on tbc rumor that the relief of Klmherley had ibeen elfected. 'I'.hrce per cent re'Tites ' , lOOf GOc for t e accouivt ; exchuiiKe on lxmdon,25f 1914C for checks. Scanlsh , GS.75. . HERLIN. l-'eb. l.-On the bourse today prices were stronff. especially In the ease of American securities. Canadian IMcllU's were animated. 'Ixicals ' were In good de mand. On the street , after the close of logulnr ' .iiihlness on the bourse , there was a reaction In consequent of profit taking. Exchanse on London. 20 marks 51'A pfgs. f ( > r checks. Rate of discount for short bills t per cent , and for three-months' bills , 3Tt per cent. Condition of theTrenntiry. . WASHINGTON , Feb. ] . Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , J292,190,973 ; Bold reserve , J218GiiGlG. : Cotton Mnrkct. * 7 > G ; August , : ; September , $7.3S ; Octo ber. J7.22 ; Novcm'oer , J7.19 ; December , $7.19. Spot closed steady nt ' .fee advance ; middling uplands , Klfcc ; middlingRiilf , Sic ; sales , 2G bales. NEW ORLEAiNS. Feb. 1. COTTON S 'ady ; sales. 7,930 bales ; ordinary , GH-lSc ; Kond ordinary , 7M6e : low middling : , 7ie ; mlddllnf , ' . 7"fecBboll ; mlddllnir. 81-lGc ; mld- dllnK fair , S3sc ; receipts , 2.COG bales ; stock , 111.237 bales. Futures steady ; February , C.9S ; December. JG.97ffJG.C9. ST. LOC1S , Feb. l.-COTTON-FIrm nnd 1-11K3 hlsher ; mlddllns , 7. > ic : sales , 2,180 bales ; receipts , 4,248 bales ; shipments , 4.17U bales : Mock. 93,140 hales. OALVESTON , Feb. l.-COTTON-FIrm at i 11-lGc. LIVERPOOL , Fob. l.-COTTON-Spot , moderato business ; prices tilRlier ; Amer. , " , " , , " " ( ' , ! ' - 2 -52d : ffood middling. 1r- ' ' : ml(1lllnfT42132d ; low mld.llln ? , 1 - ' , " ? i1' , , S00(1 " " "nary. 4 ll-32d ; ordinary. - I t.-.JJcl. The. sales of the day were 10.000 bales , of which l.COO were for speculation and export and Included 9.700 American- receipts. 11,000 bales. IncludlnK 10,500 Amer ican. I'Utures opened and closed steady American ! middling , I. m. c. . February 43l-64iM35.64d. buyers ; February arid 'U11 ; ! ' ' ,32'01 b : March and 1 T 'SI' bll > tt > rs : April and May. 1 ? ? " htiycrf. ; May and June HJ' ? ' ' "P'lora ' ; -Tune nnd July SS'S ' ' J'alllo ; July "ntl AuRtist 4 19-fil .l2a-Gld. buyers ; Aufmst nnd SepI tiMnbcr.1 14-G4d. buyers : .September niid October. 45f,4 , . < 54d. buyers ; October an November. 3 61-64 3 r,2-C4I. ( buvers : Novem ber and December , 3 53-04 3 J9-64d. buyers. London SliecuNkln Knlc. LONDON. Feb. l.-At the mlo of sheep- shins today 3,788 were offered. There wns n Rood attendance , but only moderate competition - petition nnd practically all were nold brunch loprcsentanivcs were the principal buyers , tnklnff best merinos nt n decline ! 01 ' .i penny to 3 farthing. Cross-breeds were In larspr suppl.x and were , well com peted for at a reduction of from "I to 1 per cent. Punta Arenas wore In fair de mrind at a penny decline. The following { ' ' " .il' ' ' . salesall(1 , ( Prlecp obtained : New South Wales. 79 hale. , at r.'i < 5914d ; Queens- l/Iiii ) . /il > alr * " , ' s % 9'l : Vlclnrin. 737 balen / ) ; Smith Australia , 171 bales at 4 f'10' 1- West Aiwtrnlla , . ' 115 bales al IW ini4d : 'Insinanla. 15fi bales nt WjfclOd ; New /enland. 929 bales nt 4filOd ; Punta Arenas , n't 3 iSsy da i'fj7'I ' | : rillonos AyrcH , 15 bales < 'orr 'e llnrl.el. NEW YORK. Fob. l.-COFFEE-Market npcned ( pilot , wi'-h prices 5 nolnts hlRher and further advanced 15fijr points on better European nnd Urnzlllnn cables than looked for. Ino I - local llrmness was Increased by a. stroincr mnrkol for spot supplies and the "I'1 ? ! In a lipnvv Incrensc In Ihe world's visible supply. The market closed firm nt u net Rain of from 15 to . ,0 points. Totnl sales were 31,730 bass. Including : February. JG.30 ; Man h. * G.95/7.00 : July. $7.15f(7.iCu : ; - , $ i.23fi7.0 ; Seplpmbpr. J7.23ff7.40 ; Oc'io- ' ber. Ji.So ; November , J7.2.3 ; December , J'.lflfi ) i. GO ; I'liot , firm ; No. 7. Jobbing , Svi ( > . Mild " ' ' and tending upward ; Cordova , IJrv ConilN .llni'Kel. NEW YORK' . I'pli. L There has been no change In Hie mnrkel for hnwn Hirelings or drills toJuy. n moderate biiflnefs pass. ! ng on homo nccoiint and very llttlo doing for oxnnrt. Illeadicd cottons arc In better ipqiiPHl nnd prices steady ; colored cottons K-'rnng ' nnd tending upward ; print cloths Iniicilvo and unclwiiKoil : prints , quint for i nicies : maplesIn fair demand ; cotion lln- liifis genepillv firm : sMrht wcnkpess | . i ambries ; horlerv nnd underwear In good dcmaii'l ; stocks Hpht and prlcns firm. "nsni' JliirJiOf. NEW O-RLKANT , Feb. l.-Sl'GAR- Siri.ntr ; open kelil < . " , ' 11 3-lGr ; ojipii kettle , MMUrlfUKal. 4i',1 , ( | ! l-lGc ; centrlflimil. Ii'.iUltn- ilon ( . - "ai'uliitrd.4Tic ; while. 4' 7t ! c ; yel low , t'liit in-lCc1 seconds. CT-T3 | 3-lCc. MOLABSICS ( inlet : open kettle. r2MOc ; ( e"t"lfiig'l. : f'3 > c. Syrup. K endy nt " 3c. NEW YHUC. I-Vb. l.-SUGAR-Rnw. trom ; ; hijfhn1 v'lre" ( iemnnded : fair rn * lining. Ic ; centrlfurnl. 91 ! lest. 17-lGc hll : mola ips sugar , STje hid ; refined , llrm lint Inr.i-llvc , OH .Miirlid. OIL CITY. Pa. . Feb. 1.-OILS-Croillt Im ) . mires. 5I.CS ; certlllpiiteji ni 'bids ; phlpniPlllK. 72.070 bbls. ; nvirapp. S7.SC7 bbls. ; runs , ' ' 5,7W j.i ig : nvernrp. ffi.UO 5)bl . NEW YORK. Fell l.-'HLS-CottOllseed. Blroiiffnr : nrlmc crude. "W/SStii1 / : primp y l low. 37fi':7tse. : Petroleum , fstcudy. Roaln , slcHdy ; fclrMlnc.l. icmnion to S"i'l , fl.V2' ' ; . Turpentine , IIin. Cnll fill-ill a Dilril 1'r-ill" . Vil'.V Y 11' . ' * F-l > . I.- . U UFORN1A DRIED FIU'lTri-uu'.et .ir. I.MII. Evnno- valel muliwcro nioilpr.ileH active nnd nVadu' | inehan"ed nrlces : * ln'e , i-itimon. IW < ; ' , e ; iirinie. W fi i : V'lrr. ' 7' i07i > i- : fancy. t.-i9c. ' Prunes. .I'3fa7 < - . H tu size and ( iiiallty. Anrlc-'i Rif.val. 13'nlt' " .Moor nurl' P'"ic < - . Pcathca , peeled , UJj22i ; ; unreeled - reeled , 7'-9Jc. UMAI1A LIVE STUCK MARKET Packers Seem to Want Fat Steers at Good , Steady Prices. OTHERS SELL IN WEDNESDAY'S N01CIIIS ling * Very Artltr nnd Mrontf Ten Cen I H Hinder Sheep llen < < iiiiiilily nt Slfnilj to .str ( HK Pens Cleared Knrlv. SOUTH OMA11AS Feb. 1. Receipts were : Cnttlo. Hogs. Sheep , Dfllchtl Monday 1.73il 3.U13 6.4u * Olllclal Tuesday a.lls f'.3IJ W. Ulllclnl Wodue lay 2,747t.STiS 4i3l O'.Ilclal Thursdny a.Hl 8.5VJ J > 1 Four day this wepk..10,011 7s , ( li.ft'i Hamo days la. l week..11,151 25iyd 13,25 Sanio days Week Itnforc. . 10.351 S2CK ! | .ll < ! l aine 'hiPC weeks nRo..llWi 3i,027 0.45 AvernK ! price pahl f-r , hogs for the last sevcfnl days v.'illi romparlsons : Jnn. is , ! 4 oSI ' 3 471 .1 2.i | i ! Wl < H . ' ' , - I" I 4 52) ) .1 52 I 3 221 3G6I 3 SSI . 'i " Inn. 17 4 4 l ! > ' .1 72 | 3 MJB 'I 3 43 T I I > t 'l I ' * . ! " . . . . i * ' ' . . , . + 1 m tl 1 1 ? Al T it * 1C- i ! r n. i . 1 ' , 9.1 Jan. is liiS . .PI , 351 3231 DS21 J j Jan. Hi. 4 Cl | 3 till SSI 2 2 l i 3 SS o Jl Tan. M. I 54 | 3 RG | 3 501 3 2-i | 3 001 ' 'Ipn. ' si. * I 50 ! 3 5113 Wl . ' ' . ! 3 fin Jan. 22 , 4 C.1 | | S nil 3 23 | 3 311 3 S3 luti. 2.1. 4 K ) 3 Mi * I 3 231 1 Sfil 3 SI JPII. 21. 4 R5. 3 Gl | 3 I3 | * | 3 92 3 S2 | 5 3.1 , lnn. 25. 4 4S ! 3 C0 | P IS ! 3 , " ' . | 4 00 , 3 79 | < > ji Jnn. 2U. 4 Oil 3 Si S 721 3 SM ' I-V1 ? ? ' Jan. 37. , I G > | 3 : i | 3 W 3 301 I 11 > * I 6 1' ' Jnn. 2 < . I 3 ( IS ! r 02' 3 271 I 19 3 97 * Jnn. 2D. 4 62 | * 3 Gl 3 27 3 93i 3 H > i 5 Jan. 30. I 54 3 70i I " SOI 3 911 3 COJ 5 II Ian. 31. I I 3 fill 3 MI * i n as ! s u i r. o- t ,1 fill 3 Gl | 3 27 | 4 03 | 3 C4 | 5 3 ! Indicates Sunday. The oilirlal nuii'iier of cnr. of slock brought In today by each road was : Cuttle. Hugo. Hh'p. H'scs , C. , M. .t St. P. Ry 1 O. .t St. L. Ry . . Missouri Pin-lilt : Uy. . 11 I' . P. system 11 17 5 ; C. .t N. AV. Ry 1 F. . E. .t M. V. R. R. . 12 U S. C. & P. Ry 1 . . 1 C. , St. P. . M. & O. . . . II 2 It. * M. R. R. R 21 II 5 : C. , 11. .t Q. Ry r. I C. , R. I. & P. Hy. , E. . 1 C. , H. I. K P. Hy. . W. 5 1 Illinois Central Ry. . . . 1 Total receipts . . . . SS 49 13 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follow- , each buyer purchasing tin number of head Indicated : Huycrs. Cattle , 'Iocs. 9hccp. Omaha Packing Co 102 . . . . 1 ! f ! . II. Hammond Co 151 ; ,57 "I Swift nnd Company Ifil G7I 1.2tl ) Cudahy Packing Co IMS 1,134 S3' Armour . .1Co ; ! G2 1.131 2fi Cudahy , Kansas City. , . . 7S Hammond , Kansas City. . 71 R. Hecker fc Degan 373 . . ' Henioti > t Underwood. . . . " . . . . . . . . Huston .t Co S Livingstone & Schtiller. . . 21 Hamilton & Roth.sohlM. . 30 L. F. Husz 1 Dennis 40 Other buyers 12. ! . . . . 2i Totals 2,210 CATTLK I.lRht receipts and a good locn demand rendered the market fairly active at prices tlmt as a general thlnir were jusi nbout on a par with yesterday. Practically everything was sold and welplied up in good and the general market was millc satisfactory to the sellers. Only ii few loads of cornfed cattle. wer on sale and none of them of as good qualltj as the top cattle yesterday. Buyers did not Ret out very early nnd .the . market al the opening looked as If It mltrht be slow , huti It developed that packers all wanted a few cattle nnd when the market did oper the. trade WHS fairly active at Rood , stt-nd.v prices. As n mutter of course common and Inferior stuff was inclined to bo slow and holders of such did not find It especially easy work iinloadlne. Cows and heifers were In good demand nt peed , steady prices , or possibly at a little stronger prices than prevailed on yester day's mean close. The offerings for the most part changed hands roadlly enough nnd the market closed In good season , v.-ltli everything , old. Bulls also sold nt steady prices nnd the same was true of veal ciilves. Only a very few stockers and feeders were on sale and the market did not show any marked change. There were eleven loads itlrect , to a speculator and other speculators had a few , so tlmt there were after nil suf ficient cattle to supply the country demand , which was of only moderate proportions. Ilepresentatlve sales : HKEF STEERS. 1 hW 1 VI 1 5V ) 4 09 1 9jo ! Vi 1 470 4 2ft STOCK CALVES' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1. . . . . . . . . . MO 3 * 4i' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 402 4 0) 2 4 > 17 3 7B 15 457 4 73 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 fll > ) 3 Wi 2 , ( > 75 440 2 S6 3.V B fiM 410 4 05. 5 SO 1 RIO 430 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " . . . . . . . . . 3 r- . . . ! ! . ! > 4 79 37 * . 21 S7I I < * 1 VW 37 , " . 6 9W 4 f.0 2 W , 3 TS 4 , . ! < 70 I f.0 C J 0 1 7S , 13 777 4 iV , 1 J.V ) 4M S IWi 4S 12 4W 1ST IS 7.19 t fO 1 JSO 3 M > 12 52 I S II 07 4 d ) 33 7 4 7i > IH HIS-The market was lOe higher nn ( ixctlve nt the advance under llio lntlu"n r-f the llsht receipts , the very tfnod demnm utd the favorable reports from other n ' ' pointlluyers aectnpd to want the whlu thp offrrlni-s were not larRe et . lo meei -requirements. . Every one wn : out early and the hogs were nil 'old J-v ! t > cloi k or nnn nftor. The K , oil mixed lo.uli oM very largely nt l.iu H'7' ' . , with . emi . . . . iht'n < < f henvy . . loads at Jl ' .H'H.72' ; . nn ( 1 } V7'.l"1'lV ' > ' loatl nt Jl. | .7ij , . i.iRht mlxei sold ( i | } | .r,2tt'rt.iK. | It will he remoniK-rci 1''S. ' , iv ? " > rrtn > > " ' < * IIOKS folil InrRCly n f i * . . ' ' * wltn lhl > l ° i' llt J'-1 ' * . , W'.J" > noted from the table of nveraRi prlcea tlmt todny's ndv.inr" more thni makes ui tlm decllno of the tlr t of tin week iiml enrrle.t the market to th lilsl point of the season so far. Themontl Marls out with values 4.Se hluhor than thcj wete nt the buRlnnlnR of January. Heprc scntntlvc snli' : . . . SIIKKP-Thcre was rnilte a falling off Ii the arrlvils of xhoep and Inmhs today n ' - this week I'c-mpiired with previous days The market was steady to strong nnd ac five , ? o that practically everything wns FOI ! and \-rlched ; tip early In the mornlns AmoiiR- the offerlngrs there wan some prett ; Rood stuff. Pome wood native Inmbs broujh Ki.75 and some westerns $6.50. Good wether fold n : hlKb nt . > .12'i. ' Quotations- nnd to oholce fed vearllnps JS.iifi'B.IO ' : fair to Rood yenrlliiRs. ( ( i.2i K"o < l to choice wethers , St.SO'iiO.lR : fair ti Booil wethers. SI.50Tfl.6n ; good to choice fei ewes. JI.10Ti4.2Ti : seed to choice fed natlvi lambs. Jii.'pOfi6.75 ; fair to Rood fed westen lambs , KlSf/G.BO ; > eder wethers. J4.00W4.2S feeder yenrllnirH , Sl.'o'il-t.SO ; Rood to eholci feeder lamb ? . $4.fiOfiri.X ( ) : feeder e-wes , J2.2ot 3.01. Represcntatlvo sales : N" . ' Av. Pr. in culls . sj yj no 10 western ewes , culls . fl7 300 15 western ewes , culls . Pfi n 50 22S western ewes . PS ! 23 110 weMcrn FWPS . 107 4 10 111 western ewes . 107 4 40 10 western Iambs . 62 4 RO 1 western ewe . 110 4 F > 0 IS. , western wothcrs . 137 I ft ) 7 western lambs . f.l 4 6 % 10 western wethers . 12. . 4 n. 11 yearling wethers . 77 -I sr > 2i > western wethers . 93 4 S3 13 western wethers . 104 " > 00 10 western > amb. . 7fi r. 00 IK ! yearllnps . 141 B 12V 1 wpstern yearling . 120 fi 23 1 western lamb . ] 00 5 SO 115 western lambs . G2 fi CO 203 western lambs . 7fi fi 43 401 ! western lambs . S. . 6 t > 0 17 lambs . 101 6 7f > 13 western ewes . S ! ) 3 SO 54 western ewes . 10 > 410 24S western ewes . ! ) S 4 23 3 culls . 6G 423 GO western wethers . ffi 4 50 14C , western yearlings . W 4 W 31 yearling wethers . lOfi 4 f > 5 CIllCACiO MVM STOC1C MAIIKHT Choice \iill % ' < - nnil Trxnn Steer Strong nnil At-llve. HOKM lllirlier. CHTCAOO. Feb. 1. CATTLE Good t ( choice 'native steers and Texans , ptronf and active ; others steady : butchers' stock strons : Rood to choice , $3.2.V3G.40 ; poor tr medium , J4.OMi5.00 ; mixed stockers , f3.25Ji 3.90 ; selected feeders , J4.25fTI.93 ; Rood tc L-holce cows. J3.40fi4.50 ; heifers , J3.25T/G.OO ; ? annerK. * 2.235i2.S5 ; bulls. 1.2.005(4.40 ; calves , f4.oOri3.2T ; fed Texas' beeves , $4.00fj5.20. HOGS Ac'.ive and lOTiloc lilRhcr ; top , M.971pood cloiirance ; mixed and butch ers , iLATiifi 1.93 ; peed to choice heavy , SM.SOfi l.97fe ! : rouffh heavy , $4.G3f/l.73 ; llRht. JI.GOfi I.S3 ; bulk of sales , Jl.SOfi 1.90. SHEEP AND LAMHS-StroiiK to lOc filsher ; native wethers , $ I.G3Tfo.40 ( ; lambs , [ 5.001(7.15 ; western lambs , J4.75fju.30 ; lambs , RECEIPTS-Cattle. S.500 head , IncllidliiH 1,003 Texans ; hogs , 20,000 head ; sheep , 10.0W. lead. St. I , enl * l.lve Stock. ST. I.OITIS , Feb. l. OATTI.K Receipts , ! ,10Q head , InuludliiR- Texnns ; market cas- er on heavy natives , others steady ; Texans Ueady ; nntivn shlpplns and export steers , > 4.75f/t.iiO ; dressed beef nnd butcher sMoers , Il.40fio.50 ; steers under l.fiOO Ibs. , $ : i.65fS4.6f. ; Uockers and feeders , 52.75'Sfl.SO ' ; canners , (1.50JJ3.00 ( : bulls. J'J.SOffl.OO ; Texas and Indian iteers , $ .t.73 { ! 1.75 ; cows and heifers , J2.G05J ) ' IIOC.S Kei'elpts , 9,300 head ; market MHOc ilR-her ; plga < md llRhtB. f f.GOff ( .70 ; packers , 54.GOfN.SO ; butchers , Sl.TdftJ.OQ. SHIC1CP AND UA.MIJH-ItccclptH , 1.100 lead ; marker steady and actlvo ; nnllvo mittons. S > .Wli\iM ; Iambs. $5.GOI7.M ; culls mil bucks. J3.COftl.39 ; stockers , J3.25G3.50. XCMV Vorlc Uvc Stni'U. NE\V YORK. Feb. l.-BUKVKS-Notlllnff loltiR : feellnnr Kteady ; cables ( | iioto llvo cat- In steady : refrigerator beftt , higher at OVfcu per lb. ; i > xpors : , 15 cattle ; tomorrow , lore. CAMMCS-nocpIpts. 193 head ; market Irm ; all nold ; veals , fO.OOfifl.Oi ) ; barnyard tfllvps. SI , S1IKIOP AND UA.MHS-Tlecelpts , 3.1S7 lead ; IRifc cars on s.ile ; market stronc ; 4i ars. mainly late arrivals , unsold ; sheep , iI.H6.SOj ) lambH , J7.00f/7.S5 / ; yearllnss , J3.W ( ) .C" ) . HOGS Receipts. 2.47S head ; one car on iale ; steady at J3.S3j common piss , to. KniiNiiN City llve StoeU. KANSAS ( MTV , I'Vh. I.-CATTI.K Uc- nlpts , 5.GOO natives , 100 Texans ; common latlve flleers , Jl S.'fi5.43 ; llRht welphtH. } 4.fiOJj > .00 ; stockers and feeders. $ 't. I0fi3.33 ; butcher and heifers , ; : { . | Ofjl.EO ; canpers , J'.MOlji .K ; feil wemerns , Il.03fi4.73 : western feed- r , J't.Mf/ ; Texnns. $ I.Wfj I.C3. MOfiK Heielpts.0,100 head ; market ne- Ivo and I0fil2'.ie hli-her : heavy. I4.G5fi4.77 , . ; nixed. J 1.3351 1.70 ; 11-'hl. JUOIKGI ; pluK l.dOr/4.Ki. / SIIKKP AND J.AMMS-aeeciptH. 2.2SO leail ; flirtber advance ; Iambs. JG.OOfJfi.GO ; nut tons. JI.70f/3.23 ; stoekcrs and feeders , ; . ; OJ/3.r)0 / ; culls , J2.MJ/3.50. St. .loseili Live Sloi-lc. SOPTI1 HT. JOSKPII. Mo. . Feb. l.-Spe. ( lal. ) The Joiirnal quote ! ' us follows : ( . ATTI.l-npcPlitn. : jO head ; market IroiiK ; ( iiiullty eoinmon. HOCiS Hecel ] ) H , 4,3W ( head ; markof 10C ilphpr : all Kradcs , Jl.GOJ/I.SU / ; hulk ( if sales , 1 C7M1.72't. ' . SJI'KUP AND I-AMH.S-Hecelpts. 300 lead : niiirket lOc to I5c higher ; fair Me.\- rtin Stoek In I'VillowliiK iiro the receipts at the four irlnclpal western markets lor February 1 : C'attle. JIo H. poi iou'ii Omah.i . 2.111 : i.5ia 'hli-iiKo . S.Wl'i jo.Wrt Jarsin City . 5.7 i lu HID 2 ij.J i : . I.oulh . 2.100 3 , ' : > " ) J.IOH Totals . is.ltl 4f ! , n 15711 H.R.PEtHE.YaCO. . iW 1MB MAT CtUJtA nlS- JfJ1 ! ! ! MlrV JABJES E- BOYD CO , , I'c'.cplioni : ( ) , ' ! ) . Oiuah.i , Ni COMMISSION , JHAI.N. I'HOVISIOXSanJ STOCv5 ! | OK TitAIU. ' Corresputidenre. John A Warren & Co wires to Chicaso and Ntw York , WHEN TRAVELING Read The Bee. Here is Where You Will Find It in the Principal Cities : ATLANTA , GA. Klmlmll HOIIKCetrn Slnnd. BOSTON. Public. J.lhrnrj. Vrntlnnic llotrl. Ilnxtou 1'rnn Cltib , 14 nonrrorth 9L BUFFALO. aenencc Hotel > CITK StnnM. CAMBRIDGE , MASS. Ilnrrnrd I'nlvemKr Library. CHEYENNE. 13. A. IoRnn. 21 > Vp t 10th St. Clir nnc ( Jluli. Jluli.CHICAGO. CHICAGO. AiulKorlum Aittirxrrrii Stnnil. Aiiilltorlum llotrl > e T < > tnnd. Hrnnil t'neine Hotel Ncrr. Stniiil , Orrnt Norlliern llolol New * Stand. I'nlmcr llniine \ MH Stand. I'o.infn.oMT btnndo. . 21T Ilr r. born Street. ANHoelntcil' . Clnb , Pulmer llou > p , Snrntocn Hotel. CLEVELAND. IVeiltlcll Home. The Hollcnilen. Comtucri-lnl Trnveler. ' Anoclatlnn , COLORADO SPRINGS I'rlntcr * ' Home. Urlncor Ilron. DENVER. llrorrn Hotel News Stand. Hniiilllon A ICcndrlck , OOd-nia 17th nt , .Mel.nln , l-ltt ACo. . , 835 Sixteenth St. Trutt Merenntlle Co. . 1B17 Larimer St. The Stationer Co. , 15th nnd Lnwrenc. fltreeti. Wlndnor Hotel yevrn Stand. DEADWOOD , S. D. Kliihe.1 A Co. , Dcndxrood. Max Fliliel. Dendwood. DES MOINES. MOICI Jncobn , nock Iilnnd Depot. DULTJTH , MINN. Wlt A Ilcniictl. 214V. . Superior St. HANOVER N. H. Dnrtmonth College lilttrnry. * HELENA . TV. A. Moore , Oth arenne and Blata St. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. a Gllmon. 1C mil Hnrccns. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. H.Venver A Co. I. . D. Cooper A Co. , 020 Central ATO. KANSAS CITY. Itobert Reid , 1O22 McGee St. OonteB Houite NCTTII Stand. Mlimonrl Repabllcnn Club , DOS Bnltl. raore Ave. I'nblln Library. RlcUnecker Clffor Co. , Oth and Wnlnnl opDosHo p. O. ItnllTrny Y. M. C. A. , room 27 Union Dcrot , Knnunn City , JIo. Public I.lbrnry. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. C. A ncntllnre Room. LINCOLN. A. M. FrlUen , 1123 O Stccet , Dellv. ery Acent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver & Halnei , 10 S. Spring St. K. n. Ilnnicom , 422 S. Mnln St. LONDON , ENGLAND. CIinrleH A.(5llllK' American Exchnnc * 2 CockNimr St. , Trnfulcar SQ. , S. AV. MINNEAPOLIS. Public Library. Went Hotel \eirn .Ifand. MILWAUKEE , 'WIS. FrnnU Ilulkrrn. NEW YORK. Arthur Hrentaro. Cooper Vnloii Library. 1'lflli Avenue Hotel Tie-mi Stand. Klftli Avcnnc Hotel Keadlnir Iloom. Rmplrt ! Hotel. Itroome Street Library. Holland llonne IleadliiB : Iloom. Hoffman HouKe. Imrterlnl llotrl IVerrii Stand. PreHii Ulab , 12O Nasiinn St. Weitmlnitcr Hotel Hrndlne Hoom. Hotel Urannble. V. M. C. A. , 2nd nnd 4tli Avenue. OGDEN. W. Webb , 2105 AVnuhlnElon Ave. PARIS , FRANCE. \err York llernld Headlns : Itoom , 4\\ \ \ Ave. dc I'Ojiern. Thou. Cook .t SOIIK , 1 Ave. do Popcrn. PORTLAND , ORE. XV. 12. Jonen. 2Ut Alder St. Portlnnd Hotel \eivi * Stand. PHILADELPHIA. Merenntlle Library. SACRAMENTO. Public Library. SAN FRANCISCO. r * ulille Library. Pnlnce Hotel. SANTA ANA , GAL. Santa Ann Free Pnhlla Library. SALT LAKE CITY. f , . F. Ilnminel , Lyrenm Theater. Snlt Lake ] N'iv Co. Pnbllc Library , SEATTLE. Rnntern > < ! Co. , alO 1-2 Pike St. \ , T. LundlMTK. ricorue I" . Ward. SIOUX CITY. rinrrp.ttHon Hotel \CITH Stand. llondnmlii Hotel \o r Stand. Hotel Vonilomo . w H nnd. onivnA KnleUerbooUer. I'nblliLlhrnry. . ie rii III I''lt7cM > lii i > " } ( l 'A > nrtb St. ( toy Alli-ii. : WI < enter St. I" . M. O. A. llriullnu Hoom. SPOKANE. lolin W. Oralinm , 72II-725 nirertlil * A veil lie , SPEARFISH , S. D Henry Court. Court.ST. ST. JOSEPH. Irniidoir'n .Venn Stand , 721 Kdmnnil ulreet. liinellon .N'eTTH Stand , nni rCilmond St. i' , .11. I' , A. Itenillnrr Hoom. ST. PAUL , MINN. re i Club Vlilclnnr Hold. Ijnll llotrl ST. LOUIS. ? . J. .lott , S0 Ollvo St. Inntem' lintel \ < MV Stand. ulille l.lbrnry. 'nloii Nrii t'o in i > n n y. WASHINGTON , D. C. Vlllnril'N Hotel Noun Stand. LrlliiKlon lintel. 'oiiKri-Kvliinnl I < lbrnry. II lit" Ilonxc , .eiitilillcnn KiiMonnl f'oiunilttce. Tell. The V5eo Want Ads Produce Results.