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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1900)
TUB OMAHA DAILY HE 13 : TUESDAY , , IANITAHV 1(5 ( , 11)00 ) , PECIAL NOTICES AdviTll niurnl for thc u column * Inalien ( until IU in , for the < llllnn mill until Still ) li. nil fur iiiornliiK mill Suniliijfiltlliin. . KntcN , 1 l-4 < < tvoril II rM Inxe-rllem | lu n Moril llicrcnltcr , ? u > tliliiu tiiUun fur IfuN tlinii il.'o for ttic IIrut Innur- fliitit Tliexe crllNciiicnlN iniint lie run eeiiiMe'eutl vely , AelvcrtUe-i-x , by rreiucMlnu n mini- tii-reil cheek , cnti lime miniver * nil- tlreNNi-il ( o it iiiiiiibcrcil Idler In cure of The llee. Ann\\ITN no iidilri-Nftt-il Mill ilcllici-t-il nn. iiri-NL-ntiilloii of On : rlieek enl > . WA.VI'IJU sn'L A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ona pluiuu call up tliu Remington typewriter ulllcc , 1C19 Kan mm Btreet , telephone 1573. A-CIS WANTED , place to work for hoard nnd KO to school. Address U n , lice. A-23U _ EJPEIUENCED c.mrhmnn . desires Mtua- tlon ; refcroiicoM furnished. Address * ' 08. lieu. A-XI850 21 * WAYI'I'M MAI.H WANTED. We linvc steady work for a. few Ked hustlers ot good Imblu ntid appear- I unce. 0. F. Adums Co. , lt > 19 Howard St. IIWG ! 1 WE TEACIt the bnrbcr trailo thoroufilily In short time and furnish each graduate with a guaranteed position nt good wages. There are more than ten barber positions advertised to one at bookkeeping or short- hand. Wrlto for free catalogue and par- tlculara. Westtrn Barber , . ' institute , Omalia. B-C37 CASH for acceptable Ideas ; state If Pat ented. Address The Patent Record , Bal timore. Aid. ' B-tUS AN Intelligent young mnn to take a short hand scholarship and pay for It when ho has finished the course and scoured u po- Billon. Address T 32. Hco. B-X1I13 BOYLES CollegeBee Bldg. ; furnishes places for students who desire It to werk for board while It ) attendance. R oe7 8 picture fonts , expensei ) paid. 1S19 Lcav. B-KM J2J WANTED , paint salesmen to work on commission basis ; only the o with experl- enco and referencPH need apply. 1212 Far- mini St. . U-032 WANTED , manager and agents ; salary or commission : cheapest and largest lino. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Cr > . . Cincin nati , O. U-M14H A7' STRAIGHT salaried traveling job awaits you. Triumph Information Co. . Dallas , Tex. BMilS li ! * BALESXIEN to sell olllee speclnltlos ; nno sld't linen ; used by all merchants ; catalog free. Model Xtfg. Co. , Box B , South Hend , Ind. . . B-XI2I1 Fli" GOVERNMENT POSITION'S : Don't prepare - pare forany , elvll service or census ex amination without seeing our catalogue of Information. Sent free. Columbian Correspondence College , Washington , D. C , 15 X12SS-1C * BHANCII wholesales house wants 2 steady men for Iravcllng-salesmen. J30 and ex- penseH ; previous experience not absolutely required ; state URI * and occupation ; Rood refe-rence nnd small capital for bond re quired. Address Jfordaii-Kenyon & Co. , DCS Xlolnei * , la. R M2Sti-lG * WANTED , nn experienced traveling sales man to nell line line of cutlery on com mission ; splendid side line ; give refer ences. Address liroch & Thlrhps Cutlery Co. , St. Louis. Mo. It X12S3-1S * EXPERIENCED bookkeeper , lady pre ferred , one who ciin opernto typewriter ; references required. Address 1151. Hen. B-2G.1 15 * MOLER HARRER COLLEGE , Chicago , 111. , has a Kriinil offer for Snyone to learn barber trade. Special tills month. POO po- Bl'.loiix ill JTO monthly otn > n soon , new field , eight weeks' term qualifies , fomnlete out fit of' tools : irecnled each student. Our rradtiutoa' suet-ess Increases the demand for help. Only school whose barbers arc allowed to work In any state. City map and Illustrated catalogue oxnlnlniiK ! our iiowiid.iicenent | ) miijled tree.-BrrM.3 ! ) . ) . 2ft * . . SOLICITORS wanted for the " .Mrmo'lrs of D wight L. Moody. " written by bis son and.assisted by Ira D. Sankey published with the authority of .Mrs. .Moody and family ; only book authorized or authentic demand enormous ; harvest time foi agents : law prollts ; credit given ; frelghl naliL Address The Dominion Company Dept. L , Chlcagn. B 'XltWti 1 * SALES'.MAN wanted , a thoroughly capable pushing man , to obtain orders from electors - tors , fstabllsh trade ; work permanent good pay. T. O. Hex 1352 , I'hlladelnhln. D-.M-J33 10 Apply quick. Seth I. Xemer , fwO Hams < hiiiidliiK. n xi nn if SAUCS-MISX wanted , -to soil In this and ad JolnliiK states a complete and full line o family and veterinary medicines anil ex tracts to the consumer In your county All thtt goods furnished that you can sol for cash or on time. No cardtal required Commissions are lareo. Write- with yom roferenee to Twentieth Century Chemlca Co. , Sheldon , I own. U X1101 IT * WANTI01) . temperate man to appoln agents In Nebraska ; JSi ) monthly Inside- : commlshlon and expenses ; reforctices re quired. C. Adams , 338 Dearborn , Chlraeo H-.M3S2 17 * BOY at lf.15 Douulaa. H-J1391 18 WANTKI1 IIKI.I PREPARE TO MAKE A DOLLAR BY ENTERING THE NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE. BOYD THEATER. WHAT OTHERS CAN DO YOU CAN DO STUDENTS WHO TOOK POSITION ! XIr. Jellen , with Clerk District Court. XIr. Panuskl , with Clurk District Court. Miss L. Daniel , with Woodmen of tin World. XIlss I. Daniel , with A. L. Undeland. Miss Dalley. wjlh .Milwaukee Harvester Co XIIss Pratt , with Combination Feiuo Co. Hiss Lundberj ; , withV. . XI. Protectlv- - Association. XllBS Donley. with Insurance Co. XIIss .Mass. Mr. XlcCarney , with Hoard of Trade. No better evidence of good , thorough worl than the above record. If you wish a position enter an Instltutloi that hint prestige and will tocuro It fo you. Over $1,00)W ) ( Invested In now typewriters Strict .discipline , personal instruction , Imri wurk , thoroughness. A , C. ONCJ. A. M. I'RESIDENT. C-3S3 _ " WANTED. 200 girls , 1524 Dodge. Tel. 8767 c-iaa _ AN Intelligent lady to take n shortliaii PCholurHhlp nnd pay for It when nh llnlalies tiio coureo and secures a posi tlon. Adllre B T 3S ; earn BeC XII17 SO girls wanted. Canadian olllco 1523 Douiria C-93S-FJ _ WANTED , a cook ut 200S Sherman nv c .MM : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ WANTED , reliable woman to do cookliu Apply at IMl South 6th street. Counc ] tluTp. ( C X12I7 _ FIRST olass girl ; two In family. 151 Goorsln AVC. C-XI-3X-IG _ GIRL for geneinl houaework. 933 N. 231 h s C-XI257 10 _ _ WANTED. ' 3 gooil lady hnllcitors : gen money. Apply 211 N. iSth nt. c XI3 > 5 is * FOR Ri\T-iioiisj ; > . IF YOU want your IIOUEOS well 'rente ' place them with Uenewu & Co. D 010 CHOICE liousoa. voltages , stores. Henr B. 1'aync , COl N. Y. Life. 'Photic. 101G. HOUSES , stores. Hemls , Puxton Mock. D-MJ _ 5IAGGARD Van & Stornse , 1C16 Cap. AVI Tel. HSlC. D'l _ FOR RENT , housee In all parts of clt * The O. F. Davis Co. , UOJ Furnum utrt-o D-6i5 FOH Rli > T lU't'sls ; f .r . rnt In .111 part-t of tne cl y. , Rronnan-Love Co , J9 bo. 13th street. | D- I _ _ ilOUPES for rent J. II. Shur'wood. 473 N. i Y. Life. 'Phone 3M. _ _ ' HOUSES : o rent. P ller on , 3vS N. Y Uro DW _ _ 2 TO H rooms , # to $ SO. S6 U .8. Tk bldg. D-MI 8-ROOX1 elegant apartments In Normnndle , $ * > 5.00 ; G-room , nil modern cottage , newly papered find In line hnpe , J2S.IA , . Wo have many others. 1'nyno-Knox Co. , 1st lloor , N. Y. Life Bldg. D-IH'J HOUSE for rent at 1132 Park ave. , nil mod ern. Apply 2130 So. 33d Si. Tel. IK7. D-157 _ FOR RENT , desirable houses and flats. Hlngwalt , Barker block. D BIS FOR RENT , S-room home , all modern con veniences , opposite Hati'com p.irlt , 1529 Park ave. Inquire 2130 S. 33rd or tele phone 1227. -31167 FOR RENT , to a small family , eight-room house ; n odern Improvements. No. 2i'.3l Hartley st. A. Koch. 0-35315 * FOR RENT , lo-room house ; all modern. Sfifi Harnoy nt _ I25' 15 * 3221 CU.MINO St. Ko/on rooms , modern oc- cept furnace ; has Just hern painted and rwiovnted ; will rent to desirable tenant ; only $20.01 Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , 16th nnd bought- ? D-2oO _ 2521 N 21th st. . 3-room modern Hat. J7.CO. 2i27 Spruco. I rooms , city water. f9.00. 2910 Seward , 5 room cottage , city wn.tor.tlO. S5J 8. 2.1d st. , I rooms , city water. $10.00. 2302 N. ! ! 5lh St. , S-room house , J15.00. 5.23'/ij ' S ISth St. , 4-room cottage , $ i.OO. 1111 Mnrcy si. . 4 rooms , city water , Ji.OO. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. " 2ir , S. 23th ave. , modern seven-room house In good condition , J23.00. Omaha I oan & Triiht Co. , 16th and Douglas sts. J 2l _ On UKNT , four-room convenlnnt cottage , well , cistern , eoal shed , 2MI Hlondo utreet , } S. Inquire at C07 N. 19th st. D IJ9 lo FOR itii.vr rrnxisiiui ) HOOMS. NICK rooms at 311 S. 20th St. St.EXISG2 Feb2 FUUNISIIHD rooms , housekcenlli'f. 2fi23 St. Mary's. B-XIH5 17 * l AROK room , modern. 23SO Harney St. 12 193 lo FOH RKN'T , nicely furnished room , south ern exposure. 22DS J Btreet , South pmajia. liAUOK front jiarlor , pleasant room , well furnished , all modern conveniences ; board If desired. 2203 Farnam. 15-3GS Iti * I't KMSIIii ) HOOMS AND IIOA1U ) . Tlin Mcrrlam family hotel , 25th nnd DodBo. F Oii TO 2 gentlemen. In private family. 2020 St. Xlary's Ave. F M59S FCKNIBIIED rooms and board. 2015 Doug las St. F-653 HOOJ1 and board. $1 and J.i. 1K12 Davenport. F MSfiS Feb2 TU'O large corner rooms and good board for family or two single gentlemen. Ap ply to M. J. Franck , Midland Hotel.F37G F-37G I'TOPtA-South room ; steam heat. .1721 Davenport St. F-213-17 * roil itK.vr i MM it.Msnr.n HOO.MS. FOUR unfurnished rooms. 61S S. 17th. 17th.G330 G-330 KOU UKXT STOHKS AND OFFICES. FOH RENT , store In first class location ; rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters Co. , ground floor , Hco Uldg. 1 25G FOH KENT , a ground floor olHce , speclalb suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use ot city treasurer. Ap > ply H. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor , Hoc Building. - 1-367 FOH RENT , brick warehouse , two floors each GOxOO fee { ; power cievatora ; U. P tfacknsc. Apply Ilaarmann Bros i 191 S. 20th. I-C51 STOREROOXI 22.\CO , 319 North IGth street Midland Hotel block , one olllco room 20 : 32 , also one room 41x100 , suitable fo : steam laundry , billiards , storage or Hub innmifncturlnK. Apply to M. J. Franck Midland Hotel. 1 375 AH13.VTS AVA.VM3U. CAPAni.K men and women can make gooi wages mlllne our "Quick Meal Gooku and Hcaier. " or "Quick K'ndk-r. " ( Sub stltute for kindling and coal. ) Agents nl lowed liberal commission nnd cxcluMvi territory. Write for particulars. Hen nett Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van IJurci St. , Chicago. J-S35 WANTED , agents to sell pearl buttons 01 commission. Address Frank Kasnar Lincoln , Neb. J-M373 1C * AfiENTS. send no money. Outllt free. "Mf of Moody. " Complete history of his re markablp career. Millions will buy. Agent sell 20 a day. Hooks on credit. Hlphes commission. Write today. J. U. NlchoU Napcrvllle. III. J-M39I SO * ACTIVE agents , experienced In photog ranhy. to sell consumers Antihunt Phulo ( rrapiilc Papers of unsiirpapsed quality Liberal commission. Addres" . xtntdiK par tlculai-s , references , etc. , Hirman Hauet Montelalr , N. Y. J-M3HS IB * \VAXTI n TO H EXT. A YOl'NO man desires place to work fo board while attending school. Addrcs lioylcs' college , ISce bldg. 1C ' 33 PACIFIC * Storage and War'Viouno Co. , 913 911 Jones , general storage ' .ml forwarding iVA.v'rnn TO nuv. ALI < kinds of household good" , hotels , etc In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co. , HOC-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.NG2G N-G2G IKL purchase a limited number o Omalm Savings Itank nncountB. Brenmin Love Co. . 21U S. IGth St. N-G37 WANTED , to b'iy , a restaurant outfit. Pea pie's Store , Itith nnd Farnam , N Mill ONE s t double bugcy harnefs. Chai Andersen , 2ii > t nnd XIanderson. X-257 13 * ] < M lt SAI.i : I-'I'llXITfllK. JEFFERSON Square 2nd hand more. Fui nlturo & Htovch bought & sold I1G N. IGtl O 150-F-7 * PIANO , book case nnd other line furnltur for sale by piuty leaving city. 210 H. 20t St. * O-M-312-1G FURNITURE for sale and house for ront. rooms. IT 02 , Bee. O 3S7 li" FOR SAI.I2-liniSKS AXI > WACOM GOOD hack , new wheels. 4250. C pass , ml licr-tiral rockaway , Hrsl-cliiH ? condilloi JI50. Llgh : rockaway , 1185 , painted. Llgl rucknwny , J135. pulnicd. 4 family cni rliigcs , 3 phaetons , r , good top bussie , tl Drummond Carriage Co. , istfc and Harne 5 TOP P.UGGY for sale , in good condltioi U 40 , Bee. P-XI190 t. CHEAP , top phaeton. 2209 North 19th 8 P-JC-F.10 * _ ll ALL our Hnmples of buggies , phaetons an carriages must bo gold nt rwco ivvnrc les-s of cost. J. H. XIcFarlan I'nrrlac Co. nxhlbllod nt corner of ICtli and Dai enport. Andercon Hiisgy Toji Co. P-M305 17 d _ HORSE Al'CTlON , at our rogulnr nuctln Kiilo at the Union stock yards on Wodne , y day. this week , wo will sell 120 horse of heavy draft , chunk , genen purpose anil driving hor.'nu. IncludliiK variety ijultable for all purports. Oi titnbk'B are full nnd they must be HO ! Walworth-Hllliker Co. , Commission Den era. P-XI330 Itf roil sAi.i : MISCIII. : 4Nioi s , . SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Heyden. QGiS x . ( i'ti\xioi s. i on xt.i : MIS , , . CHEAPEST and be t ak frlbblng nid h ig fences. Wl Dc.uglas St. Q U6S CfTTEHS of drug prices. Shrrmnn A Me- Connell Drug Co. , 1B13 Dodge St. Q-66) . ' FOH SALE , ten R-1-P-A-N-S for o cents nt One gives relief. Q-66 > H. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ? ' Plants , c-ut flowers , bonueis. hall , resi dence , wedding nnd urave decorations. Orders by niHll or express promptly lllied. Q-M6 _ _ INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 111C Farnam Q-6M _ 2D-HAND Kite cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam. _ _ Q-6C7 SAFES. Buy. sell , cxchansc. 1U S. 13th St. _ Q 6S9 THT3 only carriage heater or foot warmer worth buying. Price M.DO. Urummond Co. J _ Q-857 J39 STAHT now to buy your new wheel , Jl.O ) ' i down. M.ooii week ; cal arid get full par- , j Ueular" . Onmha Dlcyclo Co Q Xto ( < 9 j i COMPEM.KD to Rncrlflco beautiful Jloo i llardman plnno. Address U 16 , Boo nlllre. Q-MS53 _ ' ! SECONDHAND TYPEWRITERS ! 'Odell ' . J B.OO Hammond . 15.00 Franklin . . M.OO Hllnckens'derfer . 22. cO Smith-Premier . 3S.OO , Remington. No. 2 . so.oo i RemlnRlon , No. 2 . 35. 00 'NEBRASKA CYCLE co. . Cor. istn and Harnoy. Q10016 FIRST-CLASS tiprlght Emerson plnno nnd bedroom set. Call after G p. m. 161S Har- Hey , room 1. Q XI2I2 17 * FOH SALE , 1 polished oak counter with glars partition. 1 writing desk , one 2-llro steel range , all In llrst-elass condition. Apply to XI. J. Franck , .Midland Hotel. Q 377 H'.MHER. doors nnd windows from expo sition nnd Fort Omaha. Chas. Andersen Zlflt and Manderson. Q-23G 15 * A FHESII Jersey cow for sale. Inquire 1310 Pnclllc St. Q 3S8-I5 NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture & stoves at lowest prices , lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , HW-10 Dodge. 11 870 SEWING mnc-hlnes to rent , 73c per week. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th nnd Homey. K XI2I7 Fll CI.AIUVOVAXTS. MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th. S-C71 XIX1E. GYLXIER genuine palmist. 1G03 Dodo S-fi72 XIXIE. PALMER , spiritual medium. 1G23 Dodge. S 173 IS * MASSACI2 AXD IIAT1IS. XIRS. I1ERHY , baths , massage. PARLORS BEST EqriPPED in city ; porcelain tub ; lady iittend.ints. 119 No. IGtb , 2d lloor. T-X1531 J2G * Frnnxcs De Soutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12th. T-MS70 XHSS EVA VANCE nnd Gladlus Warren , formerly employed at lll ! N. IGth , will open bath parlors Jan. IS In Wlthnell block ; porcelain tub , cabinet and electric baths. ; parlors strictly modern. T M233 IS * SIXIE. AXIES. R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths. T 9J1 Fa * ELITE PARLORS , G15 S , IGth , upstairs ; llrst-class baihs , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T 930-13 * BEATRICE HAHLOW. elegant massage tub bath ; Arabian treatment. Flat D , 701 S. 16th T-XI1S5 19 * XIAY WILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. IGth. T-X11SO F9 * ELITE PARLORS , 015 S. IGth , upstairs ; first-class bu'hH , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T-247 22 * XIXIE. SMITH , room 2 , 11S',6 N. 15th. T-XI121 2. ' ) * MISS XIACK , baths , massage , 21814 N. IGth , T-1M7 F13 * VIAVI Is woman's way to health 316 Hec U-U73 SHAMPOOING 25o. hair dressing 2r > c ; hall and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhoit , I51S Farnam. U G74 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 113G N. 17 , U-G7G MONHEIT , leading chiropodist. 151S Far- nam , L'el tleior. U C75 SCALP & hulr treatment. Mine. Post , 319M S. 10th. U G77 LIEJJEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Gel catalogues. U 67S COSTUMES , XIrs. Sack , 331S So. 20th ; cata logue. TJ X'nW 'S * DI { . ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 23c and upward , lloom 12. Frenzer block. U-G79 RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , nc danger. .Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure , 932 New York Life bulMlntr , Omaha. U X1S12 GOOD larse barn for rent In north part ol city. Inquire 212 ! Locust. U-103 PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of nil kinds , XI. Goldman it Co. , 200 Douglas block. U-231 Fll J. E. DIETRICK architect and structura engineer , 510 Ramse block. U 231 F12 * PARTY now organizing to visit Europe and World's fair at Paris. Oood ac eoininod.itlnns ; lowest rates ; join us. Ad dress Midland Tourist Club , DCS Mdlnei ) la. lf-307 17 * MO.M2Y TO I.OAX III2AI , Us'l'ATI fl,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved cltj property and farms , W. Farnam Smltl & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W CSO - ! XIONEY to loan on Nebraska and low ; f j farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. j 309 S. 13lh. Omaha. W-CS1 - ! J1CO TO 12.600. F. D. Wead , IGth nnd DoiiKln' I W-CS > 2 WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bond : and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 170 : Farnam St. , Hee Hldg. W-GS3 WRITE u If you want u loan on your f.irn In Iowa , oaslein Neb. or XIo. ; It will pn ; you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L W-GSl I , $111.000,000 to Invest through Bankers i Brokers , Promoters ; sent for circular - ! Investors' Directory , N. Y. W G35 o . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ li 5 PER CENT money. Bomls , Paxton block _ ] w-uss S SIDNEY to loan on flrst-class Improved dt : I property or for building purposes. Payne - Knox Co. . N. Y. Life. W-6S7 ' 5 , 5 t , per cent loans In Omaha. S. Omaha - | W. II. Thomas. 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 161 | - | W-G it MONEY to loan nt R and 5'4 per cent 01 Omaha properly. W. II. Xlclkle , ' 01 So. 1511 ' \V-GS9 y FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chas. B wil llnmson. W C91 XIONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rea estate. Rrennnn-Lovo Co. , Ztt > South Mill W-GM _ _ _ PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay. Gnrvln Bros. . 1C13 Farnnm St. .y | o .MOMiV TO IMN-CHATTELS. WE-HAVE-10.000.00-DOLLARS to loan on II HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS ! ORGANS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS HORSES , CARRIAGES ! ETC lla We charge noihtng for niuktng papers an a wo arrnneo the tune and payments t ir ( suit you. and every dollar paid ' bac LESSENS THE COST. U OMAHA XIURTGAGE LOAN co ' Tel. :295. 300 S. ICt'h SI X-M8I3 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horaei cows , jewelry. Duff Green. R. 8 , Barker hi X-C03 MOM-V TO 1,0 \ > -i \TTIL ; . M' Ni 1 - - AlitLli I'EOl'M- ; holding permanent poaltl ns on their own immt ; without emmi er or mortgage. SiRICTLY CONIIDKNTIAL nnd LOVS' . EST RATES. No Inquiries made ot PIJI- pioyer or fr.end'oii e ! > n borrow any Amount nnd rermy In easy weekly or monthly payment * . Before- borrowing see me. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , nilto SW-SM N. Y. Lite Hldg. X-70I MONEY loaned snlnrlfd people holding per manent position \vlth responsible concerns upon their own names without security ; easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bids X-G03 MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , Hlfl Fnrnam , upxtnlra X-691 i XIONEY loaned on furniture , pianos. Jew- ' clry , etc. . unknown to frletuli ; monthly payments ; half rates. Renters' Loan Co 140S Farnnm , over drug store. X ( WO LOANS made to salaried people on their personal note without security ; rates rea sonable. J. W. Taylor , 218 First Nat'l bk. bldg. 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X-69S XIONEY lo.Tiied on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows' , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13tlj. X SKI LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE eirT ployed In Omaha , bouth Omnha and Council Bluffs , homing'Rood positions , on the'r own names , NO XIORTGAOE' HEST TERMS , everything private ; money can be paid back In small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. . Room ! COl. Rce Cldg. X-700 WE MAKE LOANS FROM .yfl.OO UpT 1 ward to salaried people , holding perma nent positions Mi OXIAI1A. SOUTH OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , on their personal note without endorsement or mortgage. All applications treated In confidence. Loans can be paid ALL or In OMAHA XIORTGAOE LOAN CO. . 30rt R. IGlh St. Tel. 7233. Room 11 ! > . Ronrd of Trade bldg. X Xt MONEY lo loan on furniture , pianos , hor'vs. cows , etc. J. W. Taylor. 21S First Nat'l bk hide. 12 to B:15 : p. m. X 703 IH'SIXIJSS C1IAXCI5S. A DESIRABLE old-established cash busi ness. Owing to falling health I have concluded to retire frotri Imslnc * * and offer my stock of groceries , tinware , moat nvirkct , flour and feed for sale. If you want a desirable business Investigate Bartlett Grocery Co. , 600 nnd C02 Broad way. Council Bluffs. Y-XIC2S J2S GOOD paying restaurant In Stromaburg. Nebraska. For particulars write to Walter Anderson , Stromsburg , Nebraska. Y M323-18 MANAGEi : WANTED-WI11 sell U to W Interest In paying mining plant and mine to responsible party who will take charge and run It. Good reasons for selling. U. S. Waltlmll. Xlystlc , S. D. Y-312-13 * FOR SALE , blacksmith shop with toolp ; rood location. N. 1' . Lundqulst , Valley , Y-37S 1C * Neb. - PARTNER wanted In Rood business ; must be hustler. Apply 322 N. Y. Life. Y 3SS 15 * i _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1 FOH SALE , good business opportunity. Will pay $300 to $000 monthly. Very little money required down ; no experience needed. Everything new ; the best of leasons for soiling. Can be handled In vour own locality. Send thin ad and ad dress Drawer 14G , Chicago. Y-XHOO 1C * WANTED , to sell , a two-chair barber shop , fitted with modern furniture , In well lo cated town of Nebraska. Addres U 64 , Hee. Y-XI l < r > 17" FOR SAM2 HI2AI. ESTATE. PAYNE-KNOX Co. , HEADQUARTERS for UKAL libTATK iiAHUAuNS ; LOW EST RATES on LOANS , SOUND IN SURANCE ; HOUSES. FLATS , STORES , for RENT. First lloor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-XHOl A BARGAIN Four acres. 10th and Pacific ; two bi..cks from cur line , on belt rail road , | 2,5W ; easy terms. ' XlcCague In- vesiment Co. . loOG Dodge. HE 703 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real est.ito sec S. A. Broad well , 501 N. Y. Life Bids. RE-704 FOR QUICK returns on b'argalna only sec S. A. Uroadwell , 601 Nsy. Life Hldg T -I' RK lOt U- HOUSES. lots , farms , lands-loans ; also lire- Insurance. Hcmlsf Paxtou blk. Rb iOJ FOR BARGAINS everybody so s to S. A , Broaihvell , COl N. Y. Life Bids. NOTHING but bargains handled by B. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldfj. RL 101 SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L.L , Johnson Co. , 3H S. loth struct. RE ilu FOR. SALS-Bargalns In small resldenees. S. A. Broadwell , 01 N. Y. Llfe ll5M < 07 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG , Real Estate , Rentals. Loans , Insurance. HL. Hi _ _ HOUSES , : < 3. fsrms. lands and I R. C. Patterson. ' 3 N. Y. Life. 15G2 NORTH 17TH street , two houses. rentIng - Ing for $16.00 per month , paving paid , pay. 14 per cent uross. price $1,350. J ° ! } " r Frenzer , Opp old P. O. RE-MCOO TWO good farms for sale near Arlington Neb. Payne-Knox Co. , Omn'1"- ' Mlc. . , , NEAR ISlh nnd Jackson Hts. , G-roon hou e. lot .Ti75 feet. $1,000. Southwest corner : .Sth ave. and Jackson st. 12Gxl50 feet : snapK ! * > . GO acres within 10 miles of Omaha post olllco , 10-roont house , barn 30x60 feet some fruit trees. ! lne place , near Podci nt. paved road , improvements worth $2 , ' John N. Frenzer. opp. old P. O. HE-370 IVE acres nicely planted to fruit , 3-roon . . FD. . Wead , 1521 Douslas. hoiV o , $1.059. - iiw\i'i-n on NINE-ROOM house ; wolli cistern , barn 1 i " on Dorcnr St. ; or exchange for cottage ol ! north Hdo of city. U C3. " , , . . , . _ , _ 1P. FOR sn'o ' or trade , ti-roeiin rohlelem-u wltl S leitH In Iowa county seat town. W ) mile ef , Omaha , for Nebraska land Add rot , , Box 777 , Fremont , Neb. RE 101 22" . F. HARRISON , FAIOIS , FARM LOANS Ji liji I' JO i i rpYppWRlTRRS for rent , $1.00 per month ' 1 The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 162 ! I Farnam i. St. Telepliono 12SI. -711 \\T RUNT and sell the best typewriter nvidi" largest stock of supplles-In Omaha X'nlted Typewriter K Supply Co. , 1G12 I > 'ar nem. " "T15 REMINGTON Standard Typewrller am supplies. 101f > Farnam. 710 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing heavUMl m.udfolder und cuts the lines Etencll. Tel. 2270. J. S. Ktewart , Speeln Agent , 31 > iVS 8. 15th St. . Omaha.717 ' i TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Fnrnnm i ll KIIOIITIIAXD AXO TVP12WHITIM3 , A. C. VAN HANTS school. 717 N. Y. Lift 71 ! AT OMAHA Bus. College. IGth & Douglas. BOYLES1 COLLEGE court reporter prlncl pal. BCD Bldg. 721 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. "Hi LADIES , old Dr. Bell's Cotlon Root Pill the litst , safe , reliable ; take no nther f < -nd 4c stamp for pnrticulary. Dr. Bel Box 71S. St. Louis , Mo. XI-3S8 J1V LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Restiln t r , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , R. 2 ! Milwaukee. WIs. Xl-120 J20' LADIES. Chlchester English Pennyroyi pills a.'e the best ; safe , reliable ; take nether other ; send 4c. stamps , for particular : i. "Relief for Ladles1. " In letter by r tur te i mail. At druggists Chlchester Chemlci Co , , Philudelpnlu. Pa. OSTI OPVTUY. I h'HNSe'Nti ' ' .i li.S'itii'e. y , i N Y Life Rid. ? . Alice Johnon. I' . U. , ladles' dept. ; Old K. Johnson , O.'teopnlhlst , niRr. XlT K DONOHUE , D. O. , of SHU school ! Klrkovlllo , XIo. , t l Paxton blk. Tel. 1M7. -721 PAWMIHOKF.US. JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllco. US N. 16. -725 EAGLE Loan Ofllce. reliable , accommodat ing ; nil business confidential. 1301 Doug- las. TK XIETHOPOLITAN. Wm. Rarr. mgr. $1 lo (1.25. ( 12th nnd Douglas. 'Phone 241. XllGS J23 LANGE , steam heated rooms $1 $ up week. Board $3 per week ; meals , 25c. 604 S. 13th. G25 J2S Ft UN ITI UK REPAIRIXG. PACKING , upholstering , matlress and feather renovating. Tef 1331. XI. S. Walk- in , 2111 Cumin , * st. 229 ij.ii'.xnitY. OMAHA STEAM I VUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY , 1750 LeavcnWth. Tl. 517 -XI25S STAMMnillXG AXI > STrTTERIXU. CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg. -727 HOUSES \vi.\Titiin. GOOD stables nnd uood care. 'Phone 1051. J. W. Phelps , 207 N. Y. Life. 225-F11 * .SCHOOL OF iAxcr.v < in. FRENCH , German. Spanish , I'i per month. Prof. Chntelnln , 301 Boyd theater. 729 FURS. II. E. E. HURERMANN , furriers ; furs made to order nnd repaired. 118 S. 15th. 730 Illltns AM ) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. - > 33 IIOOICICEEIMXC. EVENINGS , J3 per mo. at Von Sants school 717 N. Y Lite. G. R. Hnthbun. 03G-J20 * NEW nnd secondhand bicycles at half price. Louis Flescher , 162a Capitol ave. 731 TICKET 1IUOKI2U.S. CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 731. -72S THUXIC FACTOIIY. TRUNKS , traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1203 Farnam. -323 MCKIOI , PI.ATIXO. OMAHA PLATING CO. , Bee building. I'OSTOFFICM XOTICI3. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , ns changes may occur nt any time. ) Foreign malls for the week cndlnir Janu ary 20. 1IOO. ! will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) at the General Postotllce ns follows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Xlalls for Germany close nt r > p. in. Xlonday. TraiiN-AtliiiiUc Mull * . TUESDAY At 7 a. in. for EUROPE , per s. s. Trave * . via Southampton nnd Bre men. WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m. ( supplementary n a. in. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St. Paul * , via Southampton ; at 10 a. m. for SCOT LAND , per H. s. Astoria , via Glasg-oW ( letters must be directed "per s. s. As toria" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. for BELGIUM direct , per s. s. Aragonla , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Ara- Koniu" ) . THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and HH1T- ISS INDIA , per s. s. La Gascognc * , via Havre ( letters for other parUs of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. La Gas- cognc" ) . SATURDAY At r :30 : a. m. fi > r EUROPE , per H. s. Elrurla * , via Qneen town ; ut S a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. H. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Amsterdam" ) ; At 9 n. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Ems. vl.i TS'nples ( letters must be directed "ier : H. s. Ems" ) ; at 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Norse , via Christlanbi ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Norge" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed XIntter , etc. . for Germany , and Specially Addressed Printed .Matter , etc. , for other parts of Europi , American and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunnrd , French and German steamers on Satur days take Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries for which they arc advertised to carry mall After the closing of the Supplementary TrniiFWlantlc Xlalls named above addi tional mipplpinentary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English , Froncli and German steamers nnd remain open until within Ten Xllnutcs of the. hour ol sailing of steamer. Mil I IN for South nnd C'onlrnl Anx-rleii Wi-Nt Ilielle-H , lire- . TUESDAY At 10 a. in. for I ERNAM- BUC'O. per s. s. Astl ( letters feuothei parts of Brazil must be ellrectcel "pe-r s. s Asti11) ) : at 12 in. for RIO DE JANEIRO nnd SANTOS , per s. H. Roman Prlnet ( letters fe > r La Plata Countries ) must be directed "per s. s. Roman Prince" ) ; at ] p. in. for 1NAGUA , HAITI and SAN'IM MAHTA. per s. s. Harold ; at fl p. m. foi JAMAICA , per steamer from Ro ton. WEDNESDAY-At S a. in. for BERXIUDA per H. s. Trinidad ; at 3:30 : a. m. ( supple , mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) feir CENTRA I AMERICA ( except C'osta Rica ) nm SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. H. AI llancu , via Colon ( letters for Guutemalr must bo ellrccteel "ncr s. H. Alllanen" ) ; ai 10:30 : a. in. for PUERTO RH'O. per U. S Transport , via Pan Juan ; at 1 p. in. foi t CUBA , YUCATAN , ( 'AXIPECHE. TA BASCO and CHIAPAS , per H. s. Yuca tan , via Havana and Progreso ( letti n for other parts of Xli-xlco must hi directed "per s. s. Yucatan" ) . THURSDAY-At 1 n. in. for JAMAICA l/er steamer from Philadelphia ; at 1 p. m ( supplementary 1IO : : p. m ) for NASSAU ; I (3UANTANAX1O ( nnd SANTIAGO , per H , s. Santiago. i FRIDAY--AI 1 p. in. ( supplementary in : : P. in. ) TURKS ISLAND nnd DDXIIN * H'AN REPUBLIC , per H. a. Cherokee ; a 1 p. in. for JAMAICA , per H. s. Orlgei " ' ( letters must bo directed "per K. n. Orl J i SATURDAY At fl a. in. for IH1A/.H I direct , per H. s. Coleridge , via Pnrnam linen. Bahla and Rio de Janeiro ( letten " , for North Brazil and Lit Plnttn Conn ; ! tries must be directed "per H. H. Cole i I , ridge" ) ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:3 : I n. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , , IA 1 XIAICA , SAVANILLA and CAHTHA GENA and GHEYTOWN , per H. s Alia ( letters for Costa Hlca must be dlrectei "per s. H. Altai"i ; at 5n0 : ! n. m. fo HAITI , per s. s. Prlna William III ( | pt tors for Curacao. Venrzuoln , Trinidad British and Dutch Guiana must hi directed "per H. H. Prlns William HI" ) nt 11 a. in. ( suimlementnry 11:30 : a. m for PUERTO RICO , CURACAO , VENE /UELA. SAVANILLA nml CARTHA GENA. per H. . Philadelphia ; at 11 a in for CUBA , ncr x. r. Havana : ui ] n. , , f.r NUBVITAS. GII5ARA. VITA 4JARACOA and PUERTO PADRH , pe s. s. Lauenliurtr ; ut 3 p. m. for | , . ; PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per H. s I John Sanderson. SI'NDAY-At fi:30 : p. m. for ST : PIERRE MIQUELON , per steamer from Halifax N H 9 Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Nortl . ' ' Sydney , and thnnco by steamer , close n ' this oltlco dally at 8:30 : p. m. ( connect In * clofo here every Monday , Wodnea day nnd Saturday. XIallB for Micjuolon ; by rull to Boston and thence J > y tttuamci I , close at thin olllce dally nt 8:30 : p. in , Xtalls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tumnn Fla. . and thence by steamer , close at Oil il ' olllce dally ( ox"op Monday ) ut * ; o m. ( the- connecting closes nrc on Sunday i. Wednesday and Frlrtnv ) . Xlalls for Culm n bv r.ili to Miami. Fla . nnd thence h II -K.nt'iT .lose .11 tlilM oflli r i-\irv Xlnn d. . : . Tu' > du > an ! Saturdaj ut : 3u u 11 POSTOFI 111' and Srttuidmi Xlalln for Mcxliei rtty , ] overland , unlec * speelnlly addressed for I dlcpfttch by steamer , clo ! p at this olllce I dally at 2 : i a. m. andt 2 : . p. m. Xlollsi for CoMa Rica , Rellne , Puerto Cortc nnd Ountcmnla , by Mil to New Orleans , and thence by steamer. close at this olllre ' dally at M:00 : p. m. ( connectlnR closes here Sundays * nnd Tuesoays" for Costa Rica and Xlondays for Rellae , Puerto Cortez - tez and Uimletnala ) . Rejtls'terpd mull clones nt 6 p. w. previous dsy. "Regis tered irall closes nt 0 p. m second tiny before. Trnni-Piifltlf .tliill * . Malls for Hnwnll , via. Seattle , close hero dally nt 0:30 : p. in. up to January H , Inclusive , for dispatch per * . * . Rloemfontein. Malls for Hawaii , Chlnil , Japan nnd the Philippine' Islands , via San Francisco , close hero dally nt 6:30 : p. m. up to January " 19 , Inclusive , for dispatch per . s. China. Xlalls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI and Siimoan Is lands , via San Francisco , closse here dally at :30 : p. m. after December ' " 30 and up to January " ' 20 , Inclusive , or on day of arrival of s. . Campania , due at New York January * " 20. for dispatch per s ? s Xloana. Malls for China and Japan nnd Philippine Islands , vln Seattle , ilose here ( lellly at : ' " > . in. t.p to J.iiu.-.r > " 21. for dispatch per . s. RIoJun Xliiru eri-ei-- tereel mull must bo directed "via Si.ei- lle. " ) . XInlls for China and Japan , \li Vancouver , close here dally at 6.At p m up to January * " 23 , Inclusive. fe > r eltxpat , M per s. . Empress of Japan ( legltte n-el mail must be directed "via Vancouver 't. Xlalls for Society Islands , via San Fran cisco , close here dally at BW : p. m. up to January 20 , Inclusive , feir dlsp.itcli by phlp City of Papcltl. Xlalls for H.i- wall , Japan , China and the Philippine Islands , via San Frnnclscei. close here dally ut ( i:3i : ) p. m. up to January M2e , In clusive , feu- dispatch per s. s. Doric MnlU for Hawaii , via San Francisco , rinse hero dally ut 0:30 : p. in. up to February * . ! . In- elusive , feir ellspalch per s. s. Aiftr.iHii. Xlalls for Australia ( except We-t Aus tralia , which goes via Europe , nnd New Zealand , which goes via Fnncl-ce i Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , eleise here dally at 0:30 : p. in. up < " IM ) > - runry 3 , Inclusive , for dispatch pe-r s. s. Xllowera. Transpacific malls are forwaielcd to port of sailing dally and the. schedule e.r clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland tran li Heglitcred mall closes at fl p. m. i > i'-\l- ' "cORNM'il.IUS VAN COTT. Po tu'l 'cr Postolllce , New York , N. Y. , January 12 , HiCO. , xo NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS OF ARTI CLES OF INCORPORATION. Notice Is hereby given that The Bee Pub lishing Company has tiled Its amended ar ticles ol Incorporation In the olllce ot the "ecretary of state , and alsolth the cjunty clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska ; jy virtue of said amended articles ot In corporation It Is provided ns follows : AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORA TION OF THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PANY. tnte of Nebraska , Douglas County-ss : Articles three ( . ! > , four (4) ( ) and live in ) , ol the articles of Incorporation of J he Hee Publishing Company are hereby umcmled is follows : ARTICLE I. The undersigned do hereby associate our selves together and declare that we , to gether with our associates and successors- , ire and sliall I H o corporation under and by virtue * Otne stn.iiies of the state ot Nebraska , by the name and style of Hit Bee Publishing Co. ARTICLE II. The principal place for the transaction of the business of snld corpoiatlon shall lie in the city of Omaha. In the county ol Douglas and state of Nebraska. ARTICLE 111. The general nature of the business tc lie transacted by this corporation shall lit to print and publish daily , semi-weekly , trl-weekly. weekly newspapers and maga zines , do general job printing , book pub lishing , book binding , engraving , lit In'- graphing , stereotyping , elcctrotj ping am put chasing and selling printing machlnerj printing material , printing stock and news paper press franchises. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of said cor poration shall bo live hundred thouFiitK dollars ( JSW.OuO.OO ) , divided into shares in live hundred dollars ( J300.00) ) each ; provldd that no stock slmll be Issued in excess o : one hundred thousand dollars ( tUiO.ow.W authorized by u two-thirds vote o : the outstanding stock of said corporation upon ten days' notice to all stockholders and provided , further , that no share shal be sold or issued for less than pur. ARTICLE V. The time of commenci-ment of said c : > r partition shall be the llfieenth day of Jan uary A. D. 1S7S , and the time of tennlim tlon of the same shull be the llftrenth duj of January , A. D. U'aO ' , unless rent-Weil o : dissolved sooner by a vote of two-third ! of the capital stock thereof. ARTICLE VI. The highest amount of Indebtedness o liabilities to which said corporation can a any time subject Itself shall not i-xceei In the aggregate one-third 0,3) ) of tin amount of the capital stock , Issued by sah corporation , and no bonded or mortgage Indebtedness plnill ever bo contracted b ; said corporation. corporation.ARTICLE VII. The business and affairs of said corpor.i tion shall bo conducted by a board o directors1 , live In number , who shall In chosen by the stockholders , at the-lr annii.i mcetlnir , each share of stock hnvliiK on vote , which election hhall be held on tin llrst Monday In Xlarch of each year , .1111 they shall hold olllce for one year or untl the.r succtssors are elected. A majority o the boat d of directors snail form a quorun for the transaction of business. Vai.iiK-lt' In the board shall be tilled by tlie n-miiln Ing directors for the balance of the. nn expired term. term.ARTICLE VIII. The ofllccrs of said corporation shall b a president , u vice president , a Fecretni ; and n. treasurer , who shall be chosen b ; the board of directors ! n such manner , inn perform such dutlcy as the by-laws of had corporation may prescribe. ARTICLE IX. Whenever OIK hundred and sixty t-h.uv or more of stock shall h.ivcbeen mill scribed for the assoclailon shall be drem < - organized as a corporation and ihcii-upo any subscriber or subscribers lor over on 'hundred ' shares may call a meeting of th subscribers nt some syllable' place In Hi City of Omaha , for the election of olllcei-s by giving notice t hereof for not le s th.i three days In one of the dally newspaper published In the Cliy of Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws may be made by the corpora tlon not Inconsistent with law or wit these articles. ARTICLE XI. These articles of Incorporation may li amended by a vote of two-thirds of th stock , upon notice by the board of dlrectoi to the stockholders of not less IP days , published In some dally in.'Wfpapt In tha City of Omaha. In witness whereof wo havn luTcunt set our hands and seals this fllh day t January , A. D. , 1900. EDWARD ROSEWATEH , 1'renident. C1EORC.E B. 1X.SCIIUCK. Secretary. Stale of Nebraska , County of Donglaa H On this 9Ui day of January , A. D. , 1U ( > personally appeared before me Edwnr Rosewuter and Clcorgo B , Tzsehuek , wh are personally known to mo to bo Hi Identical persons who signed tae abov amended articles of lii'-orpurntlon and the severally acknowledged the Instrument t bo their voluntary act and deed. ( Seal. ) FRAN 1C J. SUTCLIFFK. Notary Public. Jl.r-d20t STOCKHOLDERS' XIEETING. Notice In he-ruby Klvcn that the anniK meiulng of the sitockholderH of The Be Building company will bo held at 1 o'cloc p. m. Tuesday , January 1C , Jauo , ai tii otllce of paid company In The Hee Ijiiildlni Omalm , for the election of n board of d rectors for the eusu'ng year and the tram action of sue-li oihiT biisine sa n mav proj erly come before auch meeting. By order e the pres.dent. C. C. ROHEWATER. Seert-tary. ( iOVI-i : X.AIIJXT XOTH'HN. PROPOSALS FOR COAL-U. S. India Service. Rowbud Agency. Rotiebiiil , Henn D'.kota , Jan. 2 , 1900. Seuleel proposals , el dort-cd "Proposals feir e-oal , " and ueldtoxe to the undP-ralgncd at Rosebud , Ke ii h h. kejta. will bo received at thin uge-ncy mil I 2 o'clock p. m. eif .Monday , January : "J , KKI I for furnishing and de-llvorlng either at V.i entitle. Neb. , or at the boarding s < heel ui der charge of thin agency , ubimt I we , hui drt-d (200) ( tons of Hocking Valley sou luir coal , free from dirt , jdute und other linpui ties , and weighing 'iuffi , Ibg. to tinton. . All coul offered for delivery uneler roi tract will be subject to a rigid in'icU. / . before ue-cfptunco or rc-Jectlon thereof. The right 1 reserved lo reje-ct any ai all t > : dB or any part of uny bid. If dee-mi for the bout. lnterc lH of the Bervie-c. Ccn lied check * Each bid must bu uce-jiriiianle by u certlllud chuck or draft upon won United States dcponltury or olvi-nt n.itluii bunk In the vicinity of ilm residence ejf ll bidder , muijtpuyublci to the order of 11 coinmlMloncr of Indian uffair , fur at le-u live per e > erit ejf the amount of the pnpe-n which e-he-e-k eir draft will be foi li-lti .1 ( n < \ I'ulii 1 in i.i'i am lii'lilt-i . > , ' I. il'i' ' ' ' ; an - .hill fall u i'l : : > , : < 0I RNMKNT > OTIt ! > < . i \ . , - i - \vir.i t < I u1 mitlU lent ur < tiis ii'urw ie t > > i < i feliiriird to tbo blilelcr. UI Is me ompiinted by cash In 1U n Of a ccrtlllcdheck will not bo c.inldcre < I For any further Information apply to Clin * . K. Xle-Cliesney , U. S. Indian Ajtent. j691 l-l3-l8-lS-SO-2f-2Sm CHIEF QUARTERXIASTER'S OFF1CK. Otiinhd. Neb. , , lnnu ry 16. 19W. Sealed pro- po.vilc. In trlpllcwte , subject to the n iml ceindlttona , will be received lien- until . o'clock p. m. February IS. 1W.V > . mid the r openetl. In the presence ot HttondlnR bM dcrs , for delivery t such places 9 mn > be d < s > lKnated. of one hundretl nnd forty-three (143) ( ) cavalry horse. " . U. S. reserves ilu tight to retert nny or nil proposals , or any pierl thevreof. Blank forms for blddln ntvl rlrcular gUIng full Infiirmntlon nnd reeiulte - incuts will be fiintl hed on npi'llcntlon t" this olllce. Envelopes conUilnln * prop.wal . * sheiuld be inu keel "Proposals for Cn\.ihv HeirM'x , " and addrewd to F. 11. 11ATII \ - WAY , Major iind . M. , Chief Q. XI J16-I7-1S-10F1MJM \1I.W.\Y TIJII1 \III.IJ. . BURLINGTON & MIS- River Railroad PurlliiKton Route" il Oinces. N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Far- nnm Streets. Ticket ir,02 Fnrnam _ StrrxM. Telephone , 250. Depot. Tenth and Xlasson Streets. Tclo- phone. 3lu Leave. Arrive. Mri'ook . .l'a 8:40 : nm a 7:40 : pm Lincoln. Pinvi-r , ' . 'olo- 1 rado. Utah. Cahfornl i.a 4:2j : pm a 3o5 : pra | Lincoln. BlacK Hills , | .Montana & Ptuset 1 Sound a 4:25 : pm n .1:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm n)0.15 ) : am Lincoln Fast .Mall a 3:00 : pm n 10:33 : am Denver , Colo-udo , Utuh & California o C:3d : am n Dally. KANHAS CITY. ST. JO- M'pli & council Bluffs Ritllroiul "Tho Burling. ton lloulo" Ticket Olllco , lei < 2 I'arnftin Street Tele- eli , inc. 2'K ) . Depot , Tenth aim Masun Strceta. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas Clly Day Ex . . .a S.iO am a 6:15 : pm Kansas e'l'.y Night Ex nlOila pm a G:30 : am SI Uuns r-'lyc : ' for St. Joteph and St. Louts. .a 1:55 : pm all:15 : am ' n Dally BURLINGTON ( Julncy Railroad "The > ltii ilngton Route" Ticket nil1. , ' , 1002 Farnnm St. 'IV , ISO. Depot , Tenth & mill Xlason Sti-otd. Tele phone , 310. _ Leave. Arrive. Duylignt Chicago Spc- tiul . a G:10 : am Chicago Ycsll'ouled Ex..a 5.03 pm a 3:05 : nm ' Chicago l'xprpt-8 n 8:30 : am a 4:05 : pm i Chlcugo .V St. L , 7.43 pin a S:05 am PilCillC Fast Xlait. u 2:45 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Hallway "Tho Northwestern Line" C"ly Ticket Olllco. 1401 Farnnm Strcejt. Tclo- phonei. 601. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- Leave. Ar/ve. ! Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 5:40 : am allies pm iriiic IRC , PJSS. ngei ei 4:15 : pm alutiu am ' Eastern Kxpiesvt. Des > Molnes , XIaiv.halltewn , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage alO:55 : am a 4:03 : pra Eastern Llmliea , Chicago cage and East a 4:53 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast XI.ill , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Oninhii-t'hie-ago Special.a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am Fast XIull jj.-jo am u Dally , b Dahy except Sunday. lt .Missouri Vuly ! Rail- roael-"Tho Northwestern Llne1'-General Olllces , United States National Hank Bldg. . Southwest Corner Twelfth und Far- nam _ . Ticket otllcc. 140 ; Farnnm Street Telephone , 501. Depot , 15th and Webster s-tieets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Blnck Hills. Deadwood , Hot Springs . a 3:00 : pm u 5:00 : pm Wyoming. Casper nns Dotiplm . d 3:00 : pm e 6:00 : pra Hastings. York , David City. Superior. Geneva Exeter and Sewnrd..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Vcrdlgre and Fremont . b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wnlioi and Fremont. . b 7:30 : nm biO:23 : nm Fremont Lanv . c " ' 30 am n Dally o D.illy except dunelay. e Sun day only. el Dally except Saturday. e dally except Monday. CITY .t PACIFIC Railroad "The North * western Llne"--Oeneral Otllcea , United S.ates National Bank B.- ' . ' ilng , S W. Corner ' 1 v/elfth _ and Farnam Streeis. Ticket ofllce , J401 Farnam Street , Telo- phono. " , FI Depot , Tenth and Slason Streets. Telephone , C2I ) . Leave. Arrive. Twin I'ltv Express a Rr,0 : am alOBO : pm Twin Cliy Limited n 7:20 : pm a Sir : > nm Sioux i'il > Lue-.rl a SW : am a4:20pni : a Dally CHICAGO , rfT. PAJL , Minneapolis & Oinahi Hallway "Tho North western Line" General Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster St . City Ticket Olllco , HOI Fariiam St. Telephone. 601. Depot , 15th und Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive Twin CHv Passenger..a Ci : 0 urn a ! > : i > pm Omaha Pass-i-iujer all:20am : Siniix City XNorth - , -i-l ; Nelirn-'kii a 3:10 : pm a Dully , b Dally exceotSunday. . MAHA &BT. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City & : Eastern Railroad "Tha CJnlncy Route" Tlckt-t Of llce , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot , Tenth anil XIarcy Streets. Tele- phonc , 029.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Canr.on Ball Express a-1:45 : pm a 8:35 : am i , Kansas City ynd Qulncy 1 ! Local a 0:40 : am a 3:50 : pm , .1 CHICAGO , XHLW.AUKEE & St. Paul Hallway-City Ticket OIIH-f , 1504 F.irnam Street. Telephone. 2SI. De- not , Tenth and Mason Sin. Telephone. 02 ! ) . _ Leave. Arrive. Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am Chi CUKO fi Omaha Ex..bll.UO um b 3.55 pm Slo ix City K : Dea Xlolnes SloE xprcs.s bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm a Dally , b Dally CXRCIH Sunday. \V A B A S H RAILHOAD- Ticket omce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. SM. De- pot. Tenth und Mnrey Streets. Telephone , O. Leave. Arrive. 'St. ' Louis "Cannon Ball , ! E xpiesa . n. 4:30 : pm n 8:3o : am i u Dally. UNION : 'ACIFIO-"TIIEOVER- land Route" General unices , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fiirii.iin Slrcetu. City Ticket Odlce1TOJ Fnrniun Street. Tnlcuhono , 311) ) . D.-pot. . Tenth und Xluuon Streets. Telephone. Ci9. Leave. A i rive The Overland Limited..a 8t,0 : nm a V:20 : pm Thei Fast Xluil u DoO : um a , i . am The Colorado : pm a C:3-i : am The Portland Special..a 8:00 : am u 4:40 : pm Lincoln. Beatrice and S re.iiit-liiiii4 Express..i ) 4:10 : pm b2'i ! > pin Pacific ExprcoH . - - ? , ' ; S ! > rn n fi:3C : nm Cituii'i ' Is-laml Local.b 5.,10 pm b D.30 arn a Dally. 11 Daily except Uui'da MHCAGO , RUCK ISL- nnd H Pac'llc ' Hailr' 'Ml "Thn Great Hoi li l land l- and Route. " ( 'Uj T-ck- et Ollle e. U.M Kiirnam Stree t. Tclcplione. Mi In-poi. Tenih A. M'n Strcl . Tee.-.iilic- | | ( . Leave. Arrive. Xloiiies un'l Daven port Loenl a 7OTi : nm bll:35 : am e'n < .JK'J ' : * : - " - < . .b.Tallin ; : n I1' ' am Cble nuu F.i t Express..a 6:00 : prn a 1:25 : pin St. I'Hul l'.e- < i Lxpie- .a li'MJ pm liil'.jj um Llne-olh , ( ; olurailo HI , , ; , . D.-nvcr , Puublo and Weki u 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : nm DCM J.IH h , HOI k Ibl- and and ChiciiKo n 7:25 : pm a 6:50 : pro ' Colorado K Texas Flyer-u D'-'iS pm a 9:20 : um a Dully , b D.'illv rx < ep > . Hunday. : " iU4 * ; , MiKHfurti PACJKI"C RAII. . 1 Yi.iy"ITr7l rouei Ue.-nc-ml CJllle-Cg ai.l fiitSSSwr ; Tl.k-t Olllies Southi-i i. cr- 3rffS ! nr-r 14tli auel Dfi'JlfluM ' ' > ftTJIlilliUffiJlr Tel < phone , 101. Depot , 1 li : S * * * Wrt1.l umt Webster Sta. Telt-pnu- 1U. Leave. Arri\e St. Louis , Kansas & Neb Limited a 2:39 : pm nl25 : pin K. CSt i. Kxpr ag . a 'J'-'M pm a 6:50 : ain NVbluiiK-e Ixi'-nl ' Vl& \ \ e-i plrg W.i er . b 5 05 pm u i :4i : um u Da.I ) L > I' > . ! y cjk..e'i