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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1900)
TILTS OTSrATTA DATLY TUESDAY. JANFATCY 10. 11)00. ) COMMERCIAL AND HNANCIAL1 Liquidation Thronebont the Session Brings Gloom to Bull Hopes. ( BEARISH STATISTICS WEAKEN WHEAT Trailing Hull nml Temp lleaCorn KIM-HI I | i Well In Npltc nf Wlitiit , Cluilnir Stronurr 'I linn tlic ( Hlii-r ( Iriiln. riltCAOO , Jan ISA formidable array of bearish statistics and navvs and the lack of demand gave wheat another shove on Its downward course today , May closing Ic under Satutday. Corn clewed VtlMe rind oats 4c lower Provisions closed 2"yIaOc higher U < iuldntlnn ruled In the wheat pit throughout a session which brought noth ing but gloom for such bull hopes as may Invp survived recent reverses There was a little demand against puts but Its Bt'iulylni ? inlluenrp very close to the bottom WMS only momentary Throughout there vns selling of IOHK wheat and of lessor lines not laigp In volume , but too heavy for the- Invalid market. Trading was dull and the- tone heavy as lead Early news showed a dicllne at Liverpool , an Im reaso In v < rld's shipments and In the iimount on oe < nn pisiMKo Mny wheat , thus influenced , 01 Piiel ( Mi'ic under Saturdny lit 6 ' 4fr6e r This wns the hlsh point for the du > The close wns at the bottom , Mnv Ic under tSiturdnv at ( WV , later news being UK bear ish In tone is Hint received earlier HP- cd | > t8 were large and clearance's small , whllo a Liverpool cable announced that Aigc iitlnr wheat was for siileIn the English irnrkets at prices under Atnerlian offerings 3'rlmary receipts were 7 % < A ) bu , against 817 HJO bu last year Minneapolis and Du luth reported 757 cars , compared with S0t > enrs last week and 7SR tors a ycir nuo Loc il receipts were "I ( nrs 1 ot contract Kriidp Clenramos were 13S OflO bll New York reported J30 loarls taken for expert 'I iking Into consideration the slump In win at the corn nnrket exhibited consider- nt. i Inelepenelonrehympathv with the major m.iikct , combine d with receipts here , 72 uirs over the estimate , resulted In H frai tlonnl loss The. expectation of a bear ish government report exerted n somewhat downward pressure , but the worst can be said of the mirkcl IH that It was e-nsv Light counlrv offerings , us usual , wire the chief support Loci ! bulls were the. best sellers Some purchases were made bv the provisions people Trade was quiet The stock Increased GI1.000 bu Receipts here were 417 cars Mny ranged from 31 } c to 33Hc , closing HTi'tC down at 33V4e In the oats market the feeling was easier with wheat and corn , the volume of busl- iics small and the demand scattered Some liquidation was actuated by fear of .1 bear ish government report Local receipts were 219 cars May sold from 23' c to 24e , clos ing ' ( ,0 depressed nt 23c ' 1 he provision market after exhibiting Borne tendencj to weaken , turned strong nnd closed llrm nt un advance Initial flu- lircs showed small gains from Saturday , the result of hog roc elpts under the estimate nnd bolter prices at the yards Outside Killing , Inlluenocd bv the weiknessof wheat nnd some profit taking bv local longs , re sulted In n decline of 5fi7'tc The demand was good , some of H from e-xpoitlng people , nnd holders wore chary about "illlng at le- duccel figures. In con-sequence of which the market hold stendv Late In the session an Influential concern purchased lr , ( XK ) tierces of lard On the strength of this the whole list went up Mny pork sold from J109714 to $11 17'4 nnd closed TkJflOc over Saturday nt $11 IZ'ifiU ' 15 May lard. from $ f , OT to $ G n , with the clobc 7V4c up nt $615 , and May ribs , from SO to $5 DO , closing 2' i5f e Improved nt $5 S7VsSfi ( " 0 Estimated receipts tomorrow Wheat , 45 cars , eorn , 510 cars , onts , 3TO cars , hogs , CO 000 bend The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles | Open [ High lI _ ° wJCiose | Snt'y \ \ heot Jan 63H 63 > i G4'i May July , Corn Jan 30- % 30 % 307J May 33 % 3-iVf , 33Vi . . . . July J4 34 - 33T4634,31'40' , * 1 i Onts .Inn 34J4 22'i J4 237/S 21 rork- Jiin 10 73 1090 1075 1090 1077Vi May 11 OG 11 17J4 10 97' 11 12'/ ' * 11 Oi'/i ' Lord- Jan G 05 597 % Miy 6 6 15 C 03 G 15 607'i Ribs- Jan 5 SO 5 72'/ ' . 5 S5 I 590 6 SO GSO G 82' No 2 Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steidy , winter patents , $340 ® 150 , straights , $ TCXH7'320 , clear , $2905/310. spring HpcilnlD , $3SOii390 , patents , $3 30fi > ! ,50 , straight" , $ . ' 05S3 00 , bakers , $2 20 ® ! & 2 50 WHEAT No. 3 spring , WJ63c , No. 2 red , Gc.c Gc.cCORN CORN No 2 , 3Hic. No 2 yellow , 31VSc OATS No 2 21e , No 2 white , 25'.ii725'/.c ( : No t white , 25M-C RYE No 2 5lc HARLEY No 2 3Sfl43c. SEEDS No 1 Iluxheed nnd northwest , $150 Prime timothy , $250ii.55 Clover , contract trade$8001(820 PROVISIONS Miss pork , per bbl , $ D 55fi ) 1090 Laid , pel 100 Ibs , $592'2S05 ( ! short ribs sides ( loose ) , $5 < J7' < , fi592" . Dry salted t-huulileis ( boxe-d ) , $5f,0i5 1,2" . Short clear Bides ( boxed ) . $3 Soft 5 90 IIISKY Distillers finished goods , on basis high wines per gnl , $1 SIM , St OARS Unchanged , cut loaf , $570 ; granulated , $5 IS. lollowlng are the receipts nnd shipments for today On the Produce exchnnjo todny the but ter mnrket wns weak , creameries , 19723c , cliclile-s 18T(2.c ( ! Cheese , Him. I21jl2\e. Egg" , M3W ( H3M3IIMUICI3T. . ( ) ilolliloiiH feir llu > ln ) * VnrliMiN ( .eiitiinoilllU-N. NEW YORK Jnn -FLOUIl-Ree elpls IR Ml bbls , exnoitj < , :00 < X > bbls , weak and CfilOc lower , vvltlmut much demand. Mill- I IIP eitn | atpiits $ ! 735i I i 1 Minnesota bakers , J2 seiif ( | ] 0 , vvlntti luti-ntH $3iOi(37i ( ( ( winter istnilghts $3151(315 ( , w Intei extras , $2 555J > 2 MI winter low grades JJ iJtO Rvp flour , < iu ! . t , filr to Kood J1150JJO eholce to fancy I" J5 Line KvvhiNit Hour we'ak nt } . 'e O2 1" . , ( ORNMEALQuler - yelloweKtern Me ) , I IU 7Scllrundv wine , $ . ' .iOJcJ RYE-Ste-ndv No 2 i wcstein i/O e , , ntl ul , stale' , GMifix , New York , car I II VRLLY-rQulPt fee-ding , 4J'45H4'ic. 1 f , Ve > w York HV.M.LY MALT CJulet. westein SifterAe \ \ HEAT Ri-e e Ipts , 77 KlXt bu , exports , 15- Wu tin Spot , i-te-ich No 2 red , 74s4c f o 1 illoal , prompt No I noitlu-rn Duluth "S f o b nlloit , prompt , No l haul I Duluth , S9c- , , afloat , prompt No 2 le.l 72'i elevntoi Options opened we-nk l i d. i biai'sh cubic- Urge wet Id's ship- ninth and g mil tmnnse < on juxsnge Fur- tbe i ilic-lliieH vse-re pmmptccl bllquldntloii , bin In the last hour piliex inlliivl on export Illinois Just at the p'euo howevei , a sh.irii n , time k occurred iimle'r rt'iill/.ln and final I rl . -s were weak , 'fctc'hi net deellne Marcli , 74'7I'4 ( elosc-d at 74Ni , .May. 73Tl"3V e si-d at 73e , .lulj. 72 15-ltjf7J | fi-lde , closed at 7i ! CHUNUcielpts. . 1)1 ) 5,5 bu , oNporls , 15,757 bu Spot , puny NO 2 , l 4i. fob , afloat , nn I 40ic ebvntor Options opened steady with wheat and provisions nnd on light coiintiy offiiliKA It tinuIU insod off ngnln v\lib wheat and closed onsy ' , o net elccllnn 1 iWj. . / . ! ! * - c losi-d ni oU3 e e\T ? RuelptH S5.M.V ) bu OMiorts , 6.075 tin Spot , quiet No 2. ± J e No II , 29e , J 2 whiteJie , No 3 white , ik- , track inlxnl western , JilV4i.llVje ) , trnck white , 3I > < - ( < ! V Options , ttlow HAY Firm , bliliplig ] ) , 72ijSOc ! , good to choice * lM ( 7'il lloPf--Qub-i , state , common lo chplce , JW i top Cc , l BS eiop 71/90 / , 1X99 ( rnp IJfl H. Pacific iOIHI UUJ ereip , IfiCiIMS ciop , Vvi < Jc ls ! J erop , l < ! Hi HlUEb I Inn. ( inlvmlon , 20 to 25 Ibs , 19'.c . Tex.ia dry Jl to 30 Ibs , H'4o ' , Cull- foi IliaM to J5 Hit , ? mt 1 KATHElS-htindy , hemlock MileRUIIIOH Ayies light to heavyweights , 2jl4c ' , acid , llli'E- Steady eluinestlc , fair to extra , e/t.i ) / Jap in 44Jj5e MOLAShlJs Steady New Orleans , open Ki-Uli' . uoiul lo eholee'JZft lOe PUniOHTS To Liverpool , dull ; potion by ftciiin 2 < d , tialn by hte-iim. 3 < f3 | < 4d PROVISION.IHef tfteady. family , } 12 CO < T12 * > . HIPS * $ liSO , beef hams IS&tfiUW. Indian m s IDOitUu ) Cut meattf linn , jilikled bedio4 $5iTiHfi7X ) pickled shoul ders. Jj'&faUM. eikKletd h.uiib $ b&c > i/92d / l.unl , llrm , we-dle-in i-tcuim elobeul $ S40 , Jun- iittry $ d J71- nominal ivllned , llrm , conti nent $ l > ii South America $0 75 , c ompound. } C b'V.iUI W P ik , llrm , iiu'&i , $1100 , short irlcir tllr > Yil2W , fimliy 12 < 1J7Tal - 'I5W lcadv tty S'n < n trv r't ' < ' t . Mh/lAI > h > Tin lontlnilcs to u'in. t br bulk nf nttentl n he r m < 1 it > roi 1 it the nine time showing le.idtiig strniKih ntnl ac Ivity Sellers tefidlly Hdvaiueil rates on the small supply theorv The other dpptsrt- ments of this mnrket show llttl * chnnep or fenture At the close the Metal exchnnge railed pltr Iron warrnnts quiet nnd nominal , Inke copper , unchanged nt $16 ! , tin rlrm for n > ot ami unsettled for futures with $2770 bid and $2S 50 asked , lend steady nt $470 bid and $475 nskecl , spelter eiulet with $1 45 bid nnd $1 ' { > asked 1 he brokers prlee for lend Is $1 15 nnd for copper $1 ( ) 50. DM 111 V ( iEMit.\I. MARKET. Condition of Trnde- mill ( Innlntlotm on Manic mill Fillip ) I'rodin-r. KGOS Receipts , light , fresh stock , wcnk nt 13c. DRESSED POl'LTRY-Cholco to fnncy turkeys lie ; ducks , 9c , gee e 9c , spring chickens , 7S7'4c ' , hens , 6V4fl7c ; roosters , 4 IJVK POULTRY-ltcns BHfltSc ; spring chlekens , 6'4c , old nnd slnggy roosters , 3c , ducks 6c , goe-se , 6'/4c , turkeys , Sc. ' RUTTER Common to fnlr , 17c , Pholcc , isil9c , sepnrntor , 20c , gathered creamery , 221)2.1r. ) PIGEONS-LKe per doz 75c VEALS Tholce , tc OAME-Ducks , mallards , $100-17325 - blue wing tenl $175 , green wing teal , $1 2501 CO , mixed ducks $1 5vii2t OYSTERS Medium , per cnn. ISe , stnnd- nrd , per can , 2.'c bulk standard , per gal $123 , extra selects , per can , 30c , c xtrn so- lecls per gnl , $1 60fil 75 , New York counts , per can , 37c , New York counts per 100 $1 2" . HAY Upland , choice , $660 , midland , choice , $6 , lowland , choice , $5 , rye slraw , choice , $560 , No 3 corn 27c. No 3 while oils , 22'ic , cracked corn , per ion , $12 , corn nnd oils chopped per ton , $1250 , bran , per ton , $13 , shorts per ton , $14 VI3GETAULES. SPINACH-Pcr box , $1 NEW HEETS Per doz bunches , 76c. RADISHES Per dor bunches , 40c. LLrTFCE Pei doz bunches , 40c , fancy head lelluce per bbl , $3 SWEET 1'OfATOES Per bbl\ Illinois , $3 , Jersey M , jo , inrco bbls , Kntisnn $275 POTATOES Pur bu , choice , 305i40c CAUHAOE-Pcr Ib , 1'ic , Holland seed , \\tilc. \ CAt'LlFLOWER-Per cr.Uc , $250. ONlONS-Reinll. yellow , 70c , red , S5c CELERY-Per doz , 25T.TOc ( , California , per bunch. 45fi75c TURN1 PS-Rutabagas , per Ib. , I'/lc : CaI nadlini 1'ic MUSHROOMS-Per Ib box. 60c. TOMATOns riorldn , pet 6-bisket cralo , $1 50 FRUITS APPLES Choice weslern shipping stock , $3 00 (3 60 , New York stock , $3.7554.00 GRAPES Catavvbns , pc-i small baskol , 18o , Malaga grapes , per bbl , $7 OOB9 00. CRANRERRIES-Cell and Uugle , per bbl $7 , Jerseys , $6 73. TROPICAL FRUITS ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3. Cali fornia navels , per box , $3 oO S 75 , California seedlings tier box , ? 2 75573.00. LEMONS-Cnlifornla fancy , $3.75 , choice California , $1 50 , Mcsslni $4 MISCELLANEOUS. PONL-Y Per 2l-secllon case $3.25. NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu , $1 25 , she-lib uks , M 35 FIGS California layers , per 10-lb box , $1 , California carton , per 10-lb box , $1 10 , Imported Jigs , per Ib . 13c DATLS 60-lb boxes , SHfctic per Ib. MAPLE SUGAR Per Ib , 9f(10c. ( HIDES. TALLOW irTC HIDES-No. 1 ereen hides , Sc. No S green hides , 7c , No 1 salted hides , 9'4c , No 2 salted hides , SMc , , No 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs , 9c , No 2 veil calf , 12 to 15 lbSc TALLOW GREASE , ETC -Tallow , No 1 4c , No 2 S c , rough , 2c , white grease , 24i3'/ic , yellow- and brown grease , J'iSSc. Si. I.onln ( rail ) unel ProNOIIK. | . ST LOUIS , Jan 15 WHEAT Lower , No 2 red cash , elevator , 67 > SiC , track , 70c , Jnnunry , 67s8c , Mnv , 69iG9i.4c ( , No 2 hard , 655 } C6c , recelpls , 17,014 bushels C'ORN Lower , No 2 cash , 30i3c , track , 32c , Jnnunry , )0'4c. ) May , 3Jc , July , 32'1c OATS Lower , No 2 cash , 2lc track , 24Hc , Jinunry , 24c , JIny , 2l5i'g2rtc , No 2 white , 25V4fj2dc RYE-LOW er nt 52'.c FLOUR Dull and b.irelv steady , patente , $ .14017850 , extra fancy , $3 lOft'3 Id , clwi , $275 C3I290 SEEDS Timothy , $2.00JfJ.35. ( Flaxseed , steady at $1 4S , CORNMEAIv-Steady at $1.7001.76. BRAN Scarce and firm , sacked , east trnck 66e HAY Steady , tlmolhy $9 50ff12 00 WHISKY Stundy at J1.23VS. CO1TONTIES-$1 10. BAGGlNa-3 = 4fi6'.C. { HEMP TWING-Cc. METALS Lead , linn at $4 63f4 67' Spelter , steady nt $4 30j4 35 POULTRY-Steadi . chickens nnd tur keys , 7Hc , ducks , ( )5(7c ; gee e , 55160 PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex tra shorts , $ T , 87V4 , clear ribs , $6 , clear sides. I $6 12' . Uacon , extra shorls > , $6 37Vs , clear ribs , $6 50 , elear sides. $ b 6J'4 Pork , slendy ; Jobbing , old , $1025 , 'new $11 S7'A Lirel , sleady , prime , $567 . , choice $370 RECE1ITS Flour , 8,000 bbls , wheat , 17- 000 bu , corn , 96 000 bu , oats , 119 000 bu SHIPMENTS Flom , 5,000 bbls . wheat , 18,000 bu . corn , 83,000 bu , onts , 35 000 bu > Ilnlte-r , KKK line ! CliePH ( > llnrlte-l. PHILADELPHIA , Jan 15 BUTTER Dull and Ic lower , fnncy weslern ereumery , 26c : . fancy weslern prints , 27c EGGS Slendy , fresh nenrby , 19c , fresh we "lorn 19c , fresh southwestern , 18c , fresh scuthern , ISe < 'HEESE-Flrm CHICAGO. Jnn 13 BUTTER Weak , cienmciles llfijffic , dairies , 185j24c ' EGGS SteacU , freah , 17c NEW YORK Jan 15 BUTTER Re ceipts 9,652 pkgs , slendy nt decline , June crenmery , SOfi'JS'jC , western creamery , 21J ( { 23e , factory , 175.c CHEESE-Roce-lpts 1,132 pkgh , firm , fall nude fancy , large , l lijUe , fall mnele fnncy , small 12f(13c ( , Inrgo Hto made , l flU'c , smnll Inle- made , 125il2'ie EGGS Receipts , 7,750 pkgs , sternly , west ern 2iklo's oir , western ungraded , nt m irk 14tf1Se ST LOUIS Jnn 15 BUTTER-Steudy. cieamery , 25fSOc | , dnlrv 20iC5c EGGS-Low er at ll'/.e KANSAS CITY , Jan 15 - BUTTER - Cieamery , 20f(23e ( , daliy , ISe EGGS Ueak nnd He lower on wnrm wnathi-i , fresh Missouri and Kinsus sioek , flr'tK , 16c dozen , cnses returned , storage , 95Jllc _ i-rpnetl ( Jriilii mill I'I'IM Islcitih. LIVERPOOL , Jnn 15 WHEAT No 2 red werttern. vv Intel , dull , at 5s 9'zd. No 1 ncrtliein , spring dull , at 5s ll'd , futures dull. March nnd Mny , 6s S , d CORN Futures eiulel. January , 3 5' d , Februnry Is 568d. March , Js SSd The Imporls of wheat Into Llvetpool last week ueie 77600 eiunrters trom Atlantic ports. J.OOO quaners from Pacific ports , and 3SCM ) fioin other ports The imports of American corn Inlo Liverpool last TV cole amounted to 80,700 quarters PROVISIONS- , American lellned In pills , steady , at 3Jprime western In tlerce-s , steady , nt Mi dd u.uon , short ilbs , llrm ut 13s ( jet , cle-iir bellies , llrm , at SSs 6d CHEESE American finest white , 6Ss KIIIINIIH < ' ! < > < irain anil 1'ren InloiiN. KANSAS CITY , Jnn -WHEAT Mny. U' c. No 2 ciiBh. hind , ( > 25(62' < ic , No .1 , 6S5(61e ( , No 2 red , i > 'Jf(70c ( , No J , r.ljJl.-Cj ' receipts t ri eaM CORN-May 30c. ( ash. No 2 mixed , , WNo . ' whlto , uO'4ft.0".c. ! , No J , 30c. i OATHNo J white , Jl' c 1 RYE-NV sop HAY-Cliolce tlmolhy , $9005/950 / ; cholco pinlrleJ7 UOJJ750 i Rl.i I IP I.heal. . 390)0 ) bu ; corn , 19.501 , bn . oats , 11,000 bu SHIPMENTS Wheat , 11400 bit. ; corn , 6 M bu , oals , 0000 bu VlNllili * NUI'I'I } nf Crnlll. NEW YORK Jan Ifi The stntcment of I Ihe- visible supply of grain In store and i afloat on Siturdnv. January 13 , as com- ] idled by the- New York Produce exchanji- , Is as follow .s \\he-Hl M 51. IK" ) bu . decrease , 1,130000 bu Corn 12.M > IOO < ) lui . Increase , 271,000 bu Lints , 5 013 OOel Uu , decrease. SOS ( * ) bu Rye 1 JT-O.feK ) bu , de re.iHe 61 , WO bu "Barley. " 2l-32OiX > bu , decn-.ue , I'b.ixK ) bu 'role-do Vlm-l.c-t. TOLEDO O , Jan -WHI-3AT Active nncl lower. No 2 cash , 6b'se , May , 71e linked I'OllN Dull nncl lower. No 2 mixed , 32c OATS Dull No 2 mixed , 2lc RYE No s-iiles I'LOVEHSEI U Steady . prime cash , old , $1 S5 , January , new , $375 , March , $575 I'porlti MnrUi-l , PI3ORIA , Jan 10 CORN Stcud ) , slow , No J 31 4 e OATS-l'Irm. No 3 white , 2J , jjL'4c WHISKY-FIrm , on the basis of $1 23'i for llnlsliccl goods lliilulhVlieal Vlnrl.-i-l. DPU'TH. Jan 15 WHEAT No 1 hard. cash , 65' c , No 1 northern , cas > h. i iip , May , 6u'4eJuly , 67c , No 2 northern , td'ic , No 3 spring , 67 jc Wool ' , ST LOUIS , Jnn 15 WOOIFIrm but nulcH , medium grades. isgec. . light tine. Vi'Mlc ; heavy fine , 145jUc , tub "u.ibhed , . ' 3 > lliuiriiM | > llH AV'licnt anil riciur , MINNEAPOLIS , Jan 15 WHEAT In sturo. No 1 nurthcrn , January , u2'4u , May , dl i J\ily G.i2 fin in No 1 bird t > 4 \ , 1 t rth. rn iW'c 2 nirtheni Fl.nt R Fir * ! i itenls $ .1 ! i ) i1 40 second p iti nt $ .1 lo-Jd 2ii first ilenr Knfit t > BRAN-lllgher. In bulk. $ lli ll BO. MIlMiittlcee ( train VlnrUe-1. MILWAFKEE , Jnn 15-WHKAT-Mnr- ket lower No l northern , SBflWc ; No 2 northern BSflfB'te ' RYE-Dull. N'o 1 , WMfBRleiP RARLEY-Flrmer. No 2 , 45tTIS4c ; snm- Iile , 35Sllc _ Hlulii Hutle-r. ELGIN 111 , Jnn 15-HFlTER-Flrm , at lie , 5c lower than lust Monday Offerings , 301 tub" Sales for the week , S 663 tubs. MOVI1MUVIS 01' MTUTKS AMI IIONDS. 1lnrK < > t n < 11 SlniiilNllll Etcppl Iti I'ar- ( le-iilur CIISPN. NEW YORK , Jnn -Except where a stock wns under the Inlluenco of ti.irtlcu- lar causes the mnrket todav wns almost at n Mtand tlll No outside IntoreBt wns mnnlfested nncl operations were entirely In the hniids of professional room traders Individual cnu es which nffeeted stocks were for the most part ones nnd the svmpnthy of the general market wns toward lower prices The most conipleuous mov intent of the ( Inv wns In Metropolitan Streel Rnllwny. vvhlrb wns nITeete-el by Ihe published discussion of the condition of n prominent trust com pany This publication servul to explain last weeks deptesslotl In Metropolitan und u group of Industrials , and served nlno t renew It Metropolitan , Hrooklvn Tratislt nnd the lobaceo stocks were all nffooUil Metropolltiui fell nn extreme C' An- nouiii'einent of the bidders for the New "Sork Rnpld Transit tunnel conluict rnl- lled Hie slock illghllj nbove Itisl nliht s level , on the belief that Metropolltiui In terests were e-onee rued In the bidding An example of the' kind of motives that Inllueiieeel the IfullhK was that asslunfel for the buying of Sugni Ono of the largo selling orders eamo from a brokerage- house which handles money loans for Un- American Sugni Refining poinpanv. ' 1 lu > traders argued that opening selling by In siders Indicated a desire to Induce Fplllm ? by others , upon which sapient conclusions they bought Sugar London seemed to take n ilieerful vle-vv of the mllltaiv elo- velopments In Soulh Africa , bill It had ' veiv little effect In Ihfs market Repoits I of n sttlKc ! depressed American Steel anil Wire nud some other metal stocks by syni- Thu mniipv mnikol ponllnued lo work easier under Ihe Influence of continued gains frc in the Interior nnd from Ihe siib- Ireasuiy Time money wns icndlly ob tained nt G per cent on railroad stocks Cull loans were In small demnnd at S'iW IVi pei cent The Increnslng supply of loiinnble funds seems to offer no Inclie- ment to speculation Last weeks sales of stocks were 2.0SI071 shales In the corresponding spending week of last year there were sold 5 , < .10,075 shales Lnst week's wales of railroad bonds weie of n ] mr vnluo of $ s,56000 ! In the eorrcspotidlng week of Insl venr Ihev were of a par value of $3. - 3)300(1 ) ( Bui , ns It Is nptlv observed , easv money does not necessarily mean C-IIHV boi- rowlng Monev lenders nnd capitalists ns ' , well a" speculntors silffeied from the col lapse In v nines in Ihe December smash nnd there nre many securities upon which no I loans cnn be obtained 'Ihe prevalent dull ' ness of speculation inny be attributed to I that wisdom which even Ihe burnt child Is proverbially Mild to ntlaln by experi ence There were some henvv Individual lians- acltons In bonds nnd Ihe market was llrm. ' , but there were sufllclent declines to give- It an Irregular nppenrnnce Total sales. par value , $1.615000 Unltccl States ! is nnd old 4s , reglsteied , advanced V4. nnd old Is , coupon , nnd 3s , coupon , M per cent In the bid Drlce Commercial Advertiser's London flnnn- clal cablegram says "The news from the Transvaal this morning caused n cheerful opening , jmnll bear closing and some timid profe-sslo-inl buying Prices sagged , how ever , In the absence of Important develop ment" and business remained slack Con sols recovered to par London bought Americans on n smnll scale- but New York sales nccoinpxnlcd by rumors ot a trust company failure , enu ed n wcnk close The bank bought 714,000 gold In engles nnd lost 50,000 to the Indian currenev com mission Money was a drug , cnllu being- down to 1 per cent during part eif the day Foreign exchange rales were ns follows Pnrlb , 212014 Berlin , 20 50'4 It Is an nounced thai thlityseven members of the cxcbnnge nnd eighty-two clerks have en- geiKed for aetlvo seivlce In Ihe v\nr ' The following nre Ihe quotations for the lending stocks on the New York exchange todii . LONDON Jan 15 - The market for Ameri can secuiltlos opened steady nt prices abnvo parity liml but ense < l off later , with Hell- Ing predominating The final tone wns dull Spanish 4 clo .od nt K'o Gold to the jmount of 744ooo was taken Into the Rank of England on ba.ame today and JCfJO.wo was transferred to the Indian currency ac count Gold piemlums are quoled na foi. low * Bucjnos Ayree * 12U10 , Madrid , 3810. Lisbon. 41. Rome. 70\j \ Bar silver closed at 27V1 HIT ounce BEHL1N Jan 15 Prices were firm on the bourse ) today , owing to favoralle western i iv i - ) it I to ' 1 i rum > r th it Gcneril \ \ nr- t n tht > Hi-l l- i , n > mnn ler hil r se 1 i 'I < if. i rlvir Lxe hinge i > n Luti U n ii w irk .J. pfgs for i he ks Private rite of elf1' mint 4S per rrnt PARIS , Jnn 15 Prices were firm on the bourse ? tortnv , inonev for the settlement be- IttR nbundant Foreign ocurllles were In demand , especially Spanish 4s Rio tlntos shares ndvineed on London buying , In con- s-rquenco of the rl e In copper Kntllr FC- ( iirltles were strong on vvnr news , but re- aeled at Hie cto t > Three per pent rentes liWf 20o for the nc counl Exchange on Lon don , 25f 204c for cheeks Spanish 4s , GS 75 New \or\i \ Mono * MiirUcl. NEW YORK , JHII 15 MONEY On call , slpndy , at 3 04 per cent , prime niercnn- Hie pnner , tVutj per ectil. STERLING EXCHANaE-Firmer. wllh 1 actual business in bankers' bills nt $1 xei'x for demand nnd $1 s3V , 4 ' 3V for sixty days , posted rates ? l Mt/4 SIK nncl JIS74 { ilSS. pomnierclnl bills , $4 i , SILVER CertlllontK , GS'4C59Hc. bir , C9'ic , Mexican dollars , 47Vc ItONDS-nov eminent , strong ; stale , In- netlvp , railroad , Irregular. The following nio the closing quotations on bonds. lT S " 2s regv2 . . > b N _ Y . * C. - is - . W do C & NV c 7s 13 $ SL A : I. M e-5s. . . . do S F d r.s HS'i.St L & S F g C * 1JO Chicago Tei ta "ij " st Pnul con 1W1 D AV. R G Is . 102'JSt lf , C. S. Pis US' ' ; do 4s . . . . n-'t elo Gs . . llS'ii E T V AVG.'sSo ' Railway GJ..1MU Erie general 4s OSMj S R. cS. T G-s VO'4 FV AV D C Is 72 Tenti n s Is 9I'5 Gen Elce.-53 .117 Tex , t Pacific Is 111 G II AV S. A. os IDS 'Mo 2s . . . 51 do 2s . . . .inv. Fnion Pacific 4s 1024 II & T C 5s..110Vnbnsh Is . . 114' , do con Gs . . Ho dci 2s In Central Is ltn West Shore 4s _ . , K C P & G Is. GS Wls Central Is Sj'fc La new cones .lOej' Vn Centuries SI ' L it N mil 4s. . 97' do deferred M , K , v T 2s . . l,7tColo , So 4 < ? . . . K4 jlo Is s9So | Pnclllc 4s &U Ex-lntere-sl Offeied l.ondc.ii Soe-t Uimiutlcm * . LONDON. Jnn 15 4 p. in Closing. Cense s , money 9J % N Y Cenlrnl . - do account if7 * i e tmy Ivanla Gfi'i Can Pacific . . 9V , Reidlng . ' Erie m IJ No Paclllc pfd 76 % do ! SL pfd 114 Atchlson 20'i Illinois Central Ill's Louisville &z' ' ? U V pfd . 7t > 6 < 1 Grand Trunk . Ii7 St 1' common 120VS Ainieoiidn S'i RAR SILVER-Stcady 27'4d per ounce. MONEY-1' < .fi2 per cent The rate ot discount In the open maiket foi shoit bills , 3i3'ti per cent , for three months bills , .Cd pci cent. Ilniik ClearlauN. NEW YORK Jnn -Clearings , $112,090- 90i. ( b iliince-s , $ SOI9 915 , ROSTON. Jan 15-Clearings , $17tV > 7,465 , balances , $ lC33lij2 CHICAGO , Jan 15 Clearings , $22,272166 : balances $1 621tS ( , Posted exchange- S4Jj , 4 Ss'2 New Yolk exchange , 40c piemlum PHILADELPHIA. Jan 15-Clearings. $11 jsi ) 'J9 , balances. $1791,517 BALTIMORE , Jnn 15-Clearings , $2,791- 631 , balances $128221 ST LOFIS , Jan 15 Clearings , $6,21S,62'i , balances $5(0,179 Money , l&JS per cenl New- York exchange , pal bid , 23c premium asked Coiiclllliiii of ( Tre-nHur > . WASHINGTON , Jin 15 Today's state ment of the condition of the treasuiy ohows Available cash balance , $253,433,821 ; gold leserve , $220,101,7iS ! Coitoa llarLi-t. NEW YORK Jan 15-COTTON Futures closed steady , Jatiuiry , $734 , February , $711 , March , $711 , April , $7 3 < i , Mny , $739 , June , $739 , Sentember $691 , October , $6 SO , November , $ G 7G , December , $674 Spot closed quiet and 1-lGc lower , middling up lands , 798C , middling gulf , 7c , sales , 4 % 0 'NEW ORLEANS , Jnn 15 COTTON ! Quiet nnd steady , -jnlos , 6,150 bales , ordi nary , G'nc , good ordinary , GsBe- , low mid dling , 7'fic , middling 7V , good middling , 791t > e , middling fair ? ' < , c. receipts 9 2W bales , stock 3" > 3,010 bales FulurcB. steady , i I ST LOriS Jnn -COTnXDN Quiet nnd steady ilns Cr > 0 bales , ordinary , 6'f.c , low middling , 7'kc mldclling , 7\c. good mid- | clllng 71-16c , mldclling fair 7"&e , recelptc , ' i9210 bnles , stock , . ,93,011 balea I GALVLbi'ON , Jnn 15 COTTON Sleady nt 7 5-ll.c LIVERPOOL , Jnn -COTTON-Spot , In fair demand , prices I-32d lower , American - ! can fair , 4d , good mldclling 49-16cl , mid dling , 4V.d. low middling , 411-3.M , good or- dlnnrv , 1 U-J2d The snles of the day were lOOijc ) b IR , of which 500 were for specula- tlon and export , and Included 900 Amerl- can , receipts , J.OOO bnles including 3,101 American Futures opened and closed quiet nt the decline , Amcrlcnn middling , 1 in eJnmmiy I 11-64cl buyers , Jnnuarv nnd Februniy I 15-61171 16-64d sellc-rs , Febru- aiy and Mai eh , 1 U-6ld tellers. March nml April , 110-filel buyers , April nnd May , I 7-64d sellers , Mny and June , 4 4-6'r4 ! ' 5-fi4cl buyeis. June nnd July , 4 J-64f ( 1 3ld ( buy ers , July nncl August , If/4 1-Cld * ollors , Au gust and September , 3 G9-til ? > 1 60-ld ( , Sep tember and October , 3 51-6 ; < eTi r)2-ijcl | buyers , October nnd November , 3 4j-ij4(3 ( 4G-ti4cl buy- 01 s Ciiffpf * Hitrltef. NEW YORK Jan 15 COFFEE The cof fee market opened stench , .VfilS points I higher , und Immi'dlit'-K developed strengthen on gunernl buvlng , latei fore Ing prices GfilO 1 poinls aboveIhe opening tlguies Reporls that the plague had obtained a llrm grisp on Rio , : i heavy demand foi the hpol arti cle nl ndv ince-d pi Ices and an inipiovi-d .statistical situation added tei the > healthy , condition of the imrket The clobe was 1 steady 10T(20 points net higher Total sales were ! 5 750 bat's , Inc lulling January , $7 00 , Febiunrv , $7 Ojfi7 10 , .Murch. $7 25 , .May , $725t(7'i5 ( , June $710 , Julv $7i5ft74"i , All-I glint , $74JT(750 ( , Se-otember , $74j'7i7G3 ' , Octo-I tcr $7 55 Noveinbei $7s > 0. December , $755' ! } 7Ci Spol coffee Rio , strong , No 7 In voice , SV , No 7 Jobbing S'tc , mild , strong and hlghc-i , Cordova , S'/fOU'-je 1)1 > ( Joc.dH NI3\V YORK Jnn 13-DRY GOODS Some lmuovement : In the general demind for cotton doixlH re-Mortecl todiv , but no In dividual buying of largo eju intitles Prices of In own and giny cottons lire- steady , wllh ige-nts , but there Is > refine reselling from tfStclk utii LIIIIIit IU' TICIIIK flOHl xec- encl hands rather unde-r mnrket eiuottitloiis Illenched eotloiiH , steady , vvlde slieetlni/s , firm , eoaisp colored cottons , hcaice .mil Him. prints In better request at pievlous prices , white goods scnice In bolh fancy rind staple llnc-s and full pi fees eaMly niiilii- llnrKi-l. NEW ORLEANS , Jnn 15-SUGAR-Mar- Ket steady , open ketlle , 37hf/l'e , open Ket tle , ( , JMH n > l < ie , ( eiitrlfugai , plantation giaiiulatecl , 4 e , white , \l/K-c ; yejlleiw , l'i4rvie1 ' , seconds , 2'KtT4c ( MOLAb.SES Quiet , open kettle ) , C2filOc ; eentrlfngnl , STdic , hj nip , JSc NEW SOUK , Jan lr.-SI'GAR-Rnw , stioiig , fair n-llnlng 3'Jc bid , centrifugal , SC ( est , 1 G-llx' bid , molasBes sug ir.3sc bid ; I rellnod , Him , einslied , 5 45c , powdered , i D 15o LTnnulatcd , G OGc | I ( 'Mllfoiiilu Drlcil rrullH , I I NEW YORK Jan -CALIFORNIA ' i DllIED FlU'ITS-Thero weru no new fea- turc-s In tlio inarkel foi evaporated apples toeiay , prime continues In good demand and Him but other grades were eiulot , owing to light Inquiries , slate common , Oil Murl.i-l. 1 OIL CITY. Jan 15-OILS-Credll bl l- niuei ? , $1 66 certificates , $1 Geii hid for , eash , shipments 151090 bbln , average , kG , . i 1,19 bblH , nniH , 1S0.35S lililn LONDON. Jnn -OILS-Llnneed , 2.s 3d Tut pentlneMlrltH 3Ss 7id LIVERPOOL Jan -OILS-'CottonEeed , Hull ri-llni'l January-April , strong at Jls Jd ScTiile'lif d. Hnrlcm Life Miss Prcshlelgh Cnn you I 1 | tell eiie , Mr Sporllelgh , If race horses nro | subject to ntiy peculiar cutaneous dis ease9 Mr Sportlelgh Not that I know of. Why do you ask. Miss Freshlelgh' Mlsa Krcshlelgh Because I often read In the papers that so-and-so was scratched by Its owner before the raco. I Coiililii'i Foul Him. Chicago News Mr Hayrlx Heovv much do yew charge fer pullln' n tooth' Deiitlht Ono dollar with gus GO cents without iMr Hnyrlx Say. young foller. don t yew try none o' yir bunko gumes on me Mobby I dev < < look kind o' green but I reckon I nln't t'oln' ter give ui > no M cenls extry for tas when It s broad daylight. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET I Week Starts Oat with a Good Run cf Sheep and Hogs. NOT \NYCATTLE \ OF ANY KIND ON SALE > t Miioli CliniineIn I'rlppn f r Hcrt Meers Cnvvx nnil llolfero ' rlt ' u Ufttf Illulicr slii-e-l ) * < | IMV tii 'IVn C'c-iit * Lower , SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 15 Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs Sheep | Official Monilny . . 2,173 6,187 4,010 i One week ago 2 slO 6.M2 3leO I Two weeks ago . . l,4Jl J070 S10 ' Jlitee weeksngo holiday Pour weeks ago. . . . 2,210 4.0M 19 , Averngo pilco paid for hop" tor Iho last [ vcvctul elays with comparisons. Jan 1. . Jan. 2. . . . Jan. . . . . Jan. 4. . . . Jan 5 . . . Jan. 6. . . . Jan. 7. . , . Jnn s . . . Jan 9 . . . 'nn 10. . . Jnn n Jnn. 12 . . Jan. 13. . 3 IT. 3 49 3 U'J J < e | Jan 14 . 3 60 , 3 491 3 191 1 M 4 11 Jan. 15. . I " ' \ 3 471 3 Si 3 r'J l U 10 Indicates Snndny. . . The oinolnl number of cirs of stock brought In todny by each road was : Catlle Hoes Sh'p. H'rsos I C , M & St P Ry . 10 10 Mo Pnclllc Ry . . . 2 . . ; I Fnlon Pnelllc system 1 ! lo 1- u C * N W. Ry 2 F , E i L M V R R. 11 17 C , SI P. M & O Ry 9 2 . . 11 .t M R R R. . . 2J 23 3 3 C , R I A P. Ry. E. 1 C , R 1 AV P Ry. W. . . 1 Illinois Cenlral 1 - Totnl recelpls . . . . SO " 8 15 S The disposition of the day's recelpls was ns follows , each buyer purchnslng Iho num ber of bead Indicated : Ruvors Cattle Hogs Sh'p Omaha Packing Co 30 2M ) 213 G 11 Hammond Co 115 211 Swift and Company 92 an Cudnliy Packing Co 315 1 I2 > > 771 Armour fi Co J47 l'lh 1,52-J G. II Hammond Co , S C 935 R Rocker < v. Dcgnn 575 Vansant i. Co 1 W I Stephen 9 < j Livingstone A : Scjialler Sti Hamilton A. Rothschild 22 Carey , Renton A. U 1SS H L Dennis Co 97 Other Huyers US Totals 2,010 5,510 3,471 CATTLE There were not ninny entile here today and of the- number reported In there were eiulte a number of speculnlors cnllle which were Inkcn Inlo Ihe feeder division All lold there were less ihan a dozen loads of cornfed callle on sale and nol muny of them desirable Owing lo the few callle. here It seemed ns If the market ought to have been n little stronger nnd In some eases sellers , thought they did n lltlle beller than they could do the list of last week At the same time-buyers did nol appear to be- very anxious and as a rule they were not claiming that their enttle were costing them nny mote money In fact Ihe market was n little slow nnd buyers nppeared to be inthcr Indifferent Cows and heifers were In beller supply trnn fat steers nncl the market was reason ably active at a. little stronger prices Prar- llcilly everything In the. way of desirable cow stuff changed hands In good season and the feeling on Ihe mnrket wns good Bulls sold ibout sleady nnd the snme wns true of calves There were quite a good many stackers and feeders In the yards , counting those In the hands of bjieculators The situation as re-Bards feeding catlle was not particu larly different from what It was. at the. close of last week That Is , cittle brought about the same prices as they did at the close of last week As compared with the * high time the early part of last week , prices , on the genernl lun of stackers nnd feedeis nre now fully 20o lower Repiescnlallve sales : STEERS No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr 1 1000 $3 50 21 112G 4 73 1 1400 4 80 18 1IXU 4 7' 3 S81 4 40 37 115i ; 4 75 2 100) 4 GO 17 HJ7 5 OQ 2 107 ! t lxi 17 1224 5 00 19 . . . 1174 i G5 14 1J50 5 10 COWS 1. . . 690 2 00 1 .1JOO 1 20 1. . 830 2 00 1041) J 20 1. . 970 1 ! "i ion .1 23 1. . 1090 2 25 1 llt.0 J 23 7. . . S74 2 25 1 .1140 1 30 . , . 740 2 25 3. . . . ! 40 | , . 9J4 2 4- 1 1250 3 4) ) .1020 2 50 1 IU70 3 40 . SSO 1 1 > JO .1 TO 1. 90) 2 50 1 1110 1 50 .1070 7 1J2 3 50 4 , .1015 3 50 1 10JO 3 50 1 . . 810 2 50 17 10C1 1 = V ) 1 . . 830 3 50 4 977 1 GO 1 . S40 2 75 15 11 % . ! 60 . 901 2 75 9 . 1110 1 W .1030 10 , ICHIJ . ! ( M . 640 1. . . . 1340 3 63 . 940 2 75 2. , . . .1125 " . 65 , 10SO J 75 1 . ! 63 , 9Sd U 7. 20 3 6- 670 1110 _ 85 1UJ ' . 70 , 12W 2 Sr. 88 . ! 70 , 1100 . ! ft ) 17 10S2 3 7" . 95 > 3 00 15 1150 ! 8) 1018 ! M ) 1U5 1 80 1191 1 SO 10J2 1 SO S95 . : 80 1120 3 SO 1235 J 85 I 121X1 3 8"i ! itr 4 00 117S 1 00 1 00 1120 1 15 1070 4 r. u. im i r ' . 1072 t 53 , S90 3 SO 910 4 IM 1420 4 50 .187(3 ( ! 50 1560 . ! 50 ! 60 ' ! IM 12TI ! H 1450 : : so | uru . ' 83 I 176- ( 1 C. ) ,1000 , 4 60 200 fi 75 2IH I ) 7" . 185 7 00 STOCK COWS'AND HEIFERS 4 877 : 9) i . . . . 7rO 3 6.5 2 (70 ( * 00 r.l . 720 I ! b5 1 1120 : : i l r.i 49) ) I ! Cr 7SO i , . . Gil ? 75 1 r. . . . . C4T 3 75 .7)1 ) n 25 50) 3 7" , G2J J 50 .110 4 J5 STOCIC CALVES 210 I 25 1 . 410 4 73 ' 1 1El El AND FEEDERS S fl 3 70 1l 1 M O V , 4'e ) : : 75 1cl , . CIO 4 33 891 l r ) cl ! , . 79" 1 40 . 777 4 10 , . C6T. 1 10 , 491 l o ) , . 6.- . 1 45 ii , r.w i oo 1 ! . 6.747 4 tV ! i . f50 4 f < 5 20 . , 1191 I 10 25 . 760 I 30 21. . .1129 4 60 i . rvi 4 20 7 . . 1.67 4 lo r. 767 1 35 27 , . 711 l r- , , fil-i - 4 40 41 . fill 4 7ft 727 4 40 4IS 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 20 1176 5 23 COWS AND HEIFERS ( T 891 3 70 H . . 1121 4 25 13 1174 I a' WYOMING 21 feeder * 6fi5 4 50 I feeders 720 4 00 1 feeder . 5M 4 f-0 1 fe-ede-r 10JO 4 50 1 fee'der. 510 I 50 1 bull . WQ 3 60 J E Reddle k-S D 9 feeders 9 < i9 440 7 cows 8S1 285 Ocows 1128 3 tVi HOGS The week slnrls out with n fair run of hog" nnd with the market : In pretly good shape HUM is. seemed < wnnt the hogs at about $4 57' , nnd It j > s nard work to got them above UMI polnl OVPII on Iiretty good hogs Still Hellers were ImlllHh nnd hung oil , so that n good many of the Ixst loaels sold nt Jl oo ulth a Jl 66 top A fe-w IcMds on the rmnmonlsh onlcr , or loads with n good miny plgr > In llicm sold below JI67Vi Whllo the trade wns not very nrtlve owing to the determination of ellers to pet every cent pOh.elhlc v\hlch emitted them to hang on rather lute , the prnn were cleared In rrasonnblo reason It will bo noted that the week Marts out with the market 2Kc higher thin It waft one week ago and about 37V c hlxhcr tliiin It was the tirst of th month Rep- rcPfiltattve ? nales. No Av Sh Pr No 67 180 80 t4 W 6 < 3 . fig 2CH . 4 52K 77 . 16 lt > 5 4 SS'/i ' 61 . 80 177 60 4 55 67 72 2U . . 4 Do t > 6 4 ' - > 570 . 4 57'i 4 M 271 2XI ( 4 fi'j ' 4 , iis V ) 4 K'l 4 K 112 4H 4 oT'j ' 4 WS SOU 4 . , ' , 87' % W3 SO 4 RO 4 57' * JS5 1 4 Oft 4 J7H 384 Ml 4 SO 4 B7k 310o - 4 flt ) t 286 $0 4 AO 4 2M 12fl 4 HO 4 fi- 217 120 4 HO 4 S7 3 < W S > 0 4 00 I 67U 71 23J . 4 80 4 371 * 73 21-5 40 4 00 487V4 00 277 . 4 dO 4 57 $ 71 28D 1 4 0) ) 1 R7U 09 ' " IS ft sn w 4 oo 4 2S7 SO 4 Gi ) 4 87' . 272 iO 4 00 4 f.71 * 25 * ) . . 4 CO 4 57V1 3W , . 4 IX ) 270 120 4 fli ) 291 40 4 ( W 251 . I 00 3I < * 510 1 62 4 55 315 II ) 4 57'4 ftl 311 . 1 CS 46 , 101 so 4 B7U 69 2S3 40 I W i SHEEP-There w'ns n pretty fair run for this mnrket todny. there being unite n showing of both sheep nnd lambs on sale The market , however , was not as sntls- fne-lotv ns the sire of the receipt * Sellers wanted siemlv prices for everything , while buvern did not nppear to be anxious nnd the market was slow right from the starl Some fevv loids thai some one Just happened to wnnt brought about stendv prices , bin on Ihe other hand there were snlei Mint were lOr lower The situation could best be expressed bv calling It slow to 10i lower Some fnlr western lamb4 which were sold for future dehve-rv the first of the monlh were weighed up nl $ G 10 Quotations flood to ebolce fed vonrllncs. $1 rVfM V , , Mpxlean yeirllngs $475fiGOi ) , good o eholce wethers , $4lOfil(0 ( good to choice fed ewes , $4 OOri 120 fair to good fed ewe.s $1io < jfHO. good lo ptmlre nnllvp limbs , $57Vfif ( ) Rood to choice fe 1 western lambs , $5 60fiS SO , fnlr to gond fed western lambs , $52511560 feeder wether i , M7iri3)0 ( ) : fecdci vcnrllngs. $ IOi ) l25. good .to choice feeder Iambs , $425Q'lriO. ' fnlr t" good feeding lonibs , $4 0004 25 feeder ewes , $22oJ300 ? Reprosenlntlv-c sales- No Av Pr 240 ewes 110 $100 20 > wethers 10S 4 70 231 Mexle-nn yearling * 80 500 6W lambs i,3 r. 10 249 lambs SO B 75 491 Mexican yei-llngs SI 500 4SO western lambs . . . . S3 5 65 rmr.uiu MI n vroeic annum1. In Inri-rlor Mi-pm nnd lluloli- CHICAGO. Jan -CATTLE Good to eholre fat teers. stiong , medium to In ferior grades , slow to lOfrlSc lower than Frld ly , Te'Mins , ac'lvo nt lOc decline , butchers' stock , weak , stockeis , steady Good lei choice , $ " > IMiti 40 jioor to ine-dlum , $4 .Wfio i > , mixed stoeker" , Jl ! { i3"C , fe- lecled feeders , Jl 25f(4 ( 75 , good to choice cows , $ J 60S 4 75 , helfeis JIGOullK ) , canneis , J223 i100 , bulls , $2W'ci4liO , caul's , $1 50tf 750 , fed Texas beeves J I 101(5 ( 23 HOGS Active and 5c higher linn Salur- elay's clo"e , talr cleiraiue- < Mixed nnd butchers' , J45eMM75 , good to choice- , heavy , $1 b3/4 75 , rough , heavy , $1 50t)4 ) UO , light , $4 45i4 ( } 77'4 , bulk of h.ilob. fl 60tl4 70 SHEEP-Slendy , lamb" , steady to lOc lower , native wetheis , $4 40i4 S5 , lambs , $450JJ615 , western wethers , J430GI75 , vvc-st- ern lambs , $5 2i fi 10 Recelpls Cattle , 17000 head , hogs , 37,000 head , shee > j > , 17,000 head fi Mi lorU Il\i > Sloclf , NEW YORK , Jnn -IEEVES-Re- - celpts , 4,770 head , demand fair , prices 551 lOe hlghei all sold , steels , $4 S01iri 60 , no eholee entile here , oxen nnd sings ? 3 mis 4 73 , bulls , J3 fWr/i ( X ) , cows , $1 90cl ( 00 , cn- bles niiole Amcrlcnn cattle easy , Liverpool. ll ifilJ'iC , London , 12'i(5l2 ( 4c per Ib , sheep steady at 12fil2i c lambs , 13V4ST14' < iP. re frigerator beef , 9)ic per Ib , expoi Is todny none , tomorrow , 1,000 catlle , 1,274 sheep and 8'KK ) anarters of beef CALVES Receipts , 1,226 bead , steadv to firm , nil sold , veals , $5 00ft 8 25 , tops , JS W , llttlo ciilves , $1 00ti4 50 , bnrnynrd calves , J2 50fl3 23 SHEEP AND LAMIJS Receipts , IIWI bead , good sheep ste-idy , common weak , lambs , 10515c lower , sheej ) , J3 OOJT4 " , one car choice , $5 , culls $200573 , lambs , J1 ; " 0 © 6 CO , Canada lnmbt > , JU JoflO 50 , culls , J | 00 4j4 50 HOGS-Recelpts , 13,156 head , eight cars on sale , slow nnd weak , good to eholre , J4 75J4 85 , western pigs , $4 70f4 73 ICaiiNHM CKjI.Uc SteicU. KANSAS CITY , Jan -CATTLE Re ceipts ,5,400 natives , , 2000 Tenn Falrlv well finished stock stendv , common nnd half fat stuff , slow to lOc lower Heavv native steers , J503Jb10 ( , light weights , fl 90 < fG75 , stockers and feeders , $3000490 , butchorb' cows and heifer" , J320&450. CTII- ners , $235f3ri , fed we items , $37587540 , western feeders , $1231(450 ( , Texons , Jl 33fi 4 50 50HOGS HOGS Receipts , 8,230 Good quality , strong to 5c higher , heavy $42557473 , mixed , $460iH70 , light , $4400463. pigs , SHEEP Receipts. 3,000 Desirable sluff , ncllvc and slendy , few common lotp lower , Inmbs } 5 13575 S3 , muttons , $1 50J74 75 s ork- ers und feeders , $3255(4 10 , culls , $2 00t3 23. St. l.eiulH llStoclc. . ST LOUIS , Jan 15 CATTLE Receipts , ! > 700 , Including 4 20H Texnns Market slow nnd lower for nntive dull and weak for Texans Nallve hlpplng and exporl Pleeis , $4 75fifi 10 , dreFsed beef nnd butcher steers , $4 lO'Tiu ' . ' 5 , steers undci 1nm Ibs , $1 SOfi-i 50 stockers and fee-dors fli' dS" , cows nnd heifers J200f(460 ( , canners J 1 oOfa 1 00 , bull" , $250f(190 ( , Texas and Indian slcers $140i ? 480 , co s and he-lfers , $2Tiif1S5 | HOGS Receipts 6 6W Market ste idy to strog , pigs nncl lights $1 wtj'i 00 , packers , $4 oWni 65 butchers , $4 655(4 ( 73 SHEEP Receipts SDO MurKot slrong nnd active , native muttons. $1 fi.Vr4 | 90 , limbs , JS"VT/63 ( > storkers $2755/123 , culls nncl bucks , $2 * ( . .IliNcpli I.lir Meipk. SOUTH ST JOSEPH. Mo. Jnn 11Spc ( - clnl ) The Journal ouotes CATTLE Re celnls 2,000 head mnrket slow nnd ste lily to lOe lower , natives , $100 f5 40 , Te--xns nnd westerns , $ ! 5057'i 10 , cows nnd Itelfeis $2215(445. bulls and * tngs U 25T/4 fi" > . veirlln s and enlves * 4 orwi ? 5 10 , utoeke-rs nnd feeders , $ .1 50fJI 70 , veals , $4 50037 00 HOGS RecelplH , I r > 00 head , market strong to 5e- higher , all grndes , $4 505 ? ! 7ri- bulk of sales $1 6J"A574 " 70 SHEEP-Recelpts , 100 head ; market strong , demand excellent .Slot-U in Sluhl. Following arc the receipts nt Iho four principal weslcrn mnrkois for Jnnuarv 15 Cnlllo Ilo s Sin ep Soulh Omaha . 2,171 1.1S7 1 On Shlcngo . . . . 17000 17 0 IT.tmo Kansas City . 5400 S JV ) J.fOO St Louis . 5700 C.ijOO Sno Totals . . 30271 57317 21 819 TRAINMEN FHHEATENTOSTRIKE Olije-el to DoliiK M > llrliliipr at Ter minal PolntH on < irpat . Norllicrll. d MINOT , N. J ) . , Jan. 15. A strike of serious proportions Is threalcned by frelghl Iriiln operallves of the ( Jreut Northern. Last night at an Informal meeting of trainmen . held hero It wns decided lo go out Tuesday 1 unless a modification of the rule lately In troduced compelling freight crown to do switching at terminal points was granted , In ease the men go out the- entire Byaylem will bo affected VVIII llcj.-i-l HIP Splii-ilulp. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , Jan 15 The poll of Iho entire Great Northern system on the ejuestlon of whether the trainmen should reject the company's schedule wns taken ye'storday The leaders nro confident lhal It will bo pracilcally unanimous In favor of rejection U wns taken nt the rcijueat of the company ofllclals , who profewsed to bollevn that the sentiment of the trainmen was not behind their grievance committee The men do not want to strike , bill prefer that to relrcat from the position they have taken Ono of the leaders said that then- was no doubt about Iho eo-opcralloti of the firemen and engineers If It Is necessary They believe President Hill has been misled by biibordlnnto citllclals Into n fnlbo petition They piofcss good will Ion ard Ihe manage ment lllilltMDl SlioiiN to HP Moiril. SIOUX CITY. la , Jan 15 ( Special ) The general trnlllc manager's olllco of iho Hlcux City < \ . Northern railway , whlc-h has passed Inlo Iho hands of the Great Northern us A lurt of the Willmar and Sioux City di vision , will remain In Sioux City , but the shops will be removed to Willmar For several years the general ofllces of the' road have been In Sioux City and the changes which follow the > transfer of thu Great Northern will leave a nuuibur of men out of positions. 'CHOOSES ' TERMINAL BRIDGE Illinois Oeninl Will Not Grow River on Union Pnc fie Bridto. ; TERMINAL BRIDGE FACILITIES ARE FREE t'lnu-ce lit PrrlKlit ( einlriuM ( ilio * till- iieiln Ontriil l'rn I sp nf 'I criiilniil llrlilue * for I'lixseMiupr Ttielns lM c llllllc ! > ll \lieiut Detuiisi Developments arose jostcrdny which lu- dlcnto umiucsiloiinbly the intention of the Illinois Central to use the bridge of thu 1 Omaha Urldpo nnd Tortulnil company for the tranifetr of Its passenger trains ncro a the Missouri river Into Omaha. Us deiei- mlnntlon to do so is known to arise from the fact that the terms offered 1 the t'nloii 1'aclllc for the use' of lln bridge nro con sidered too high In case the Union 1'ae-tnc lowers HH terms prior to the time the Illi nois Central Is icadj to begin opor.itlon of Its trains Into Omaha , the present plans to use the terminal bridge may be abntulom I nnd an agreement entered Into xvllh tl\ \ Union I'nclllc to IMP Its bridge , provided ill I terms nro entirely satisfactory to the Illi noln General i The terminal company Is making exten sive preparations for the advent of the first pihsenger service over Us new line An admission Is made by ofllclals that the Im provements , which arc being rapidly pursued now , are to ppreparo the line for the Inau guration of the Illinois Central's passenger oorvlce The tracks of the terminal com pany join the Illinois Central within a block of the Jailer's Council Uluffs depot Thcv will carrj the passenger trains across the river and connect on this side near the" water works pumping station with either iho Union Pacific or lUirllngtnn irncks A test run made reccntlj iimlcr the supervision of Illinois Central" and terminal company ofllctals showed the tlmo bcitwcen the con nections of the terminal company with the Illinois Central In Council muffs and with the Union Pacific In Omaha lo be nine tuln- ulcs. ulcs.While While It now seems certain that the Illi nois Central Is going to use the Terminal company's bridge ard tracks the matter of which depot will be used in yet an open question and still affords much speculation The only hitch believed to exist between the Illlnolis Central and the Union Pacific relates to terms So long as no olllclal announce ment Is made by Illinois Central officials HID Union Pacific and llurllnglon consider lhat Ihcir chances for securing the new service Irto their depots Is about equal. Hurllng- ton ofllclals have named their terms to the Illinois Central nnd the delay In arriving nt n declhloii leads them to bellovo thnl the Urms are betlor than those offered by the Union Pacific. In case the Union station Is selected the Illinois Central passenger trains will bo tiansfcrred from Ihe Tormina ! fo Union Pa cific Irackfl on Ihe bo'toms ' near the old pvmplng station nnd then will bo taken to Seventeenth street , vvhera connection Is made with the depot tracks This would ncccsssitntu that the trains be backed Into the depot from Seventeenth street If the Hurllngton depot Is decided upon the trains will have to use the Burlington tracko to Olbsoii In order to make connection with the depot tracks Sdiellrx Inilnliiratlon IIIHIII > NN. Chirles Young of the Durllngton passenger department has returned from Lincoln , where ho spent a few days in consultitton with George Uonnell , city passenger agent of the Uurllngton in that elty , relative to i trip to Ihe east Mr Uonnell made under the direction of the general passenger depirt- ment. Mr Uonucll Is conceded lo handle morn Immigrant business than any other a cnt of the Hurllngton. He has had long ex perience In this line nnd ncirly all Inquiries concerning Immigration mailers have In Iho past been referred lo him. Uecenlly he was sent lo Now York and spenl ten days euudy- Ing Iho docks and fcteamshlps In that city , and learned how little he really had known before rolitlve to the business Ho familiar ized himself with all of the conditions and expects to be able to handle the business hereafter more Inlelllgeiilly It i believed lhal Iherc will be considerable Immigration to Nebraska during the present year , owing to the revival of good tlmos and Ihe open ing up of much new lerrllory. Ilii-nliit ; tip -ViiolluT Honcl. PHILVUHLPHIA , Jan 15 The Kvenlng Telegraph loday saya 'Tho nppuronlly re-nl meaning of Iho new $ H,000 000 Pound ) 1- vanla slock Issue does nol rest In the plan to abolish grade ciosslngs and the erection of a new stallon In PlUsburg , at the cobt of $1.500,000 , togclher with bellerments elsewhere over Iho grevil system , but In fi ' meeting payment foi extended purchases of t'tock of the Chesapeake it Ohio , said to VJ amount to 100,000 shire-s Iliillriiail Volc'H and IVrNOinilx. K < * Morehouse gene-nil freight Hgenl of tb niklinrn , leaves tonight foi Chic ngo Wilder Ilnidlwj assistant city pisf-oiiKir agent of the Mlssouil Pacific has icturned from lloston , whin he was called a c ouple of vvceKH ago by thu dentil of Ills fnther General Passenger Agent Pram Is and AsMslnnl General Passenger Agent Aitlmr 1) Smith of the' Hnrllngton Imvo ictuimd fie > m C'hlca o , wheic- they attended n meet ing of ims eiiK r officials General SupeilnU'iiilent CP Hughes and Hugh Clilttick Kcncinl live stock agent of tlio Preinont , Ulkliorn & Mlssoinl Valley railroad , left Sunday via the mnllngton for Toil Worth , Tex , to ittencl the an- nial meeting of the Nillonal Live Stock association ' 1 he v occupied the nrlv.ue ear of ( Uneial Mnnniei George P Jlld- vvell Cicncml Llv < > Htoek Agent J A ivlcr ; of tile1 nnrllngton nbici Hit Simel is for Porl Worth to attend the meeting lie wcnl liy way of Homer , and was iiceom- panled by a party of friends , who occupied a iirivato em furnished by Mr Ryler for thu irlii OTI ( | J TO CON'I'lt VUTOIIH. NOTKM : TO SMI I pel bills will be re-celved by the Hoard of Education cif Iho Independent School DIH- trkt of Fremont. Dodge County , Nebraska , until 1pm Febriiiuy G , 1'iW , for the e rec tlon and potnpletlon of a High School Rulld Ing on school house grounds In the City of I-'iemont Nebraska Rids will be iildresSMl to Mrs M E Roy- noldH Secrelaiy Hoard of Education , I re- mont' Ne-b . nncl endorsed on invelope"Ulels for the orec tlon of se heel bulldli g ' Plans nnd spec-Hientlons jii.iy lie si-en on lilii with Mrs M E Reynolds ncc rednry bo ird Frnnionl , Ne-b , nlno at HIM liiillile-rn' and Trad 'is' Exe liangn New Vork Llfu Hulldlng. Omaha Neb and also In Iho ofllc o of the archive l . U R Parsons & Sons to De-s Molncs , Iowa , on nnd after Junu- nry 1 lJ''t ' A ( crtlliecl ( li k In the sum of ISniOO inust nicomiiiny < uch bid us a guarnntco thai the bidder will enter Into ( ontracl with Urn Uu.ui ! of Ldiienilon and glvo Hutlifuclory bond fur i lie exec utlon of tame Tin boii'l rescivcs the rlght lo rejectjiny ° J0d7t ! M fioc rotary rvrib iv * RRPEMNEYa CO. JAMES E- BOYD & GO , , Jc.cphoim 10'U ) , Oiiinlia , \ COMMISSION , CRAIN , PROVISIONS .nu < b IIOAIII ) OK TilDi : , CorrcsjiondeiicB John Aurren < fe Oo -Aires to Chaugo und New York.