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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILY BET ? . PnTDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 1S9SK UIJIJIERGIAL AND FINANCIAL \j \ verpool Decline and Rather Favorable Crop New ? Push Dr.wu Wheat. PIT DULL AND LISTLESS THROUGHOUT Sin n 11 Itrrclpli mill I.lKhl Country Of- ferliiKN llno.v I | i Corn mill Ont UliKt * n Simile I7p Pro- vliloiiN Hull , CHICAGO , Dec. 23.-Tho whcnt mnrket today foil the effect of Hie Liverpool ilu- line nnd rather favorable crop new ? , May elating ' /if/tie / under yostprdny. Small re- iflpt * nnd light country offerlnRs wore a mtpport to t/ho / corn market. May closing at it shade gain. Oats cloned n chado up ami provisions urn-hanged to 2',4c belter. Wheat weakened over nlsht , opening tifj \ under yesterday' close at ra'iTifio ' c. In the face of the advance here the previous session at Liverpool showpjl a los 3 , the Hour business wns reported anything l > ut satisfactory and such < rep news as was not fnvnralilp wns not enough the other way to liuoy up the hull position. The pit was dull uml listless UirnitKhniit , the price elltiK- IIIK iiroimd nut figures , a condition which i utiirally ncourngcd HOIUP buying. This , with a llltli' covering by shorts , saved the market from further loss , oven aildlng a rliiulc to Initial figures toward thu rliil of the session. i.May closlnR Milio lower at tiftVc. Now York roporloil only 5 loads taken fur export , thin "business " belnff Ihxt. Sra- board elearancoH In whiMt and Hour were riiial | to 4D7Oi)0 ) bu. 1'rlmnry receipts were 4 > 's. 10 bu. , URalnsL HIP.OX ) bu. a year a o. .Minneapolis nnd Dultith rpportpd 279 cars , < omi'.ired with 3W cars last week and 4C cars the corresponding day last year. He- vt-liits here were 31 cars , 10 of contract trade. 'urn was rather stonily , especially for M.iy. this option closing with some appoar- n ! ! < of tlnnnesH. The wi-.ikne > < s of wheat .irtnated semi ; selling early , oO'i.oiio ' bu. by one llrni , It wns rumored , rfotni'wlmt freer offering's In Illinois Inlliietu-pd ratlior free liquidation by IOIIKS for a time , hut this Influence was * offprt by llcht offerings else- u-liore and the small receipts ITfi cars here , lluylng against putH was also a mtppnrt. Trade was very quid all day and tluctun- tti-ns were narrow. May solcl from 32rHiP to : i2HT/27c. : : ! ( closing a shade up at ,124Tf.12Ti.c. fiats was a llfples. ? market. Prices slipped off a trllle , but rcMsnverert. The ex port demand WHS dead and country offer ings reported enlarging. Local receipts were 121 cars and clearances 9.UM bu. May I.Milled from 2t'/sc : ' to 2.11if723'Ue ' , closing a xhaile up at 2K'ii2'Vie. ! ) The closing stoadl- ncj's was due. to sympathy with corn. I'rovlslnns were steady , though even duller than yesterday. Small receipts and better prices at the yards were Ktrengthen- IIIR factors in the mnrket. On the rally at the opening longs took profits to a sufllclent extent tu temper the- bullish tendency of I ol her Interest * . May pork ranse * ! from J1H. I7lj to Jlf .o7'A ' , closing unchanged at } in 7 > 4 : ( May lard , from | . < i.SQfri > > 2" . to J5.S3 with the close 2'4c up at J5.S2V * , and May ribs from I3.521fe lo $ j.5f > T5.57'i | and closed 2'4 > iii | ut } 5.'y2'.4 < Ji5.r > 5. Ivstlmated rpcelptH tomorrow : Wheat , 125 cars ; corn , 2W curs ; oats , 155 cars ; hogs , IXMlio head. The loading futures ranged as follows : Articles. | Opbli.l High. | Low. | Close.r'Yes'y' No. 2. Cash quotations were as fellows : FLOUR Step v : winter patents. J3.40JT3.50 : straights. $3.0n-j:0 , ; clear. $2.90113.10 : spring si.-eu < Ials. W.fKVJi I.W ; Bjirlng patents , J3.00fl3.55 ; Htralghts. $2.SO/3.0i } } ; bakers , $1.9052.55 ; low grades. Jl.351il.SO. _ WIII'JAT No. 3 spring , QOSCSiic ; No. 2 red , CORN No. 2 , SO fMlc ; No , 2 yellow , 31 ® SIV.c. OATS No. 2. 2214c : No. 2 white. 25ft2flc ; No. 3 white , 24 ic. RYI3 No. 2. 02'X.C. RARLUy No. 2 , 3S43c. ( ? SI3UI3S No. 1 llaxseed nnd northwest , Jl. 1914 : prime timothy seed , $2.35. PROVISIONS Mens pork , per bbl. , JS.S5 ® 10.25. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.OQ5.G24. : ; ! Short ribs sides ( loose ) , J3.20Ti3.45. Dry salted Hhoulders ( boxed ) . $ ri.37',4iQ.riO. Short clear Hides ( boxed ) . ja.SOfrG.GO. WHISK Y-nifitlllers' finished goods , on basis high wines , per snl. , J1.28V . SUOARS-Cut loaf. $5.70 : granulated , J3.1S. Following arc the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'U. Flour , bbls G9.000 25,000 Wheat , bu SO.OOO 7.CW C'orn , bu 576,000 49.003 Oats , bit 599,000 152,000 Rye , bu 17,000 3,000 Harlpy. bu HG.OOO 2G.OJO On the Produce exchange today the but ter market steady ; creameries , lGfi2Cc ; dalrlcH , lGf(22c. ( Cheese , firm ut 124c. Eggs , firm ; fresh , 17',4c. NHW YORK fJHXHIl.VI , SIAUKUT. IliiololloiiM for the luy nu Vnrlnim ConiiiioilltlcM. NEW YORK , Dec. 2S.-FLOUR Receipts , 17,174 bbls. ; exports , 12.S79 bbls. ; very slow and. If anything , rather easier ; sharp con- 1 csslons would have hud to be made I to secure business , as buyers were Indifferent ; winter patents , 13.5,7 3.75 ; winter stnlghts , JU.35fi' ! . 15 ; winter extras , J2.f.S2.'jO | ; wlntnr low grades. J2.23fi2.40 ; jjin- iiesoci patents , J'I.SOfr'1.05 : 'Minnesota bak 1 ers. J2..S05)3.10. ) Rye flour , steady ; fair to good , J3.10Ii3.23 ; choice to fancy , J3.30f3.50. | | Unckwheat flour , dull at J2.10J/2.23. t'ORNMICAL-CJulet ; yellow western , S2c ; illy. 77c ; llrandywlne. J2.25T/2.3S. RYE ( jnlct ; No. 2 western , Gllic , f. o. U. , afloat ; state , EBc , e. I. f. . New York , car lots. BARLBY-Dull ; feeding , I3ic , c. I. f. , New York. BARLEY MALT Dull ; western , B5fi3c. | Will1 : AT Receipts , filOI7 bu. : exports , 42S.U1K ) bu. Spot mnrket steady ; No. 2 red , 741.,1' , f. o. b. . allo.u ; No. 1 iinrthern , Dti- Iputh , 7s:1ir : , f. o b. , afloat ( prompt ) ; No. 1 hard. Duliith , M > 9ic , f. o. b. , afloat , spot ; No. 2 red.72iic , elevator. Options opened easy nl > ) . > decline , with local selling Inspired , by bearish Argentine harvest and cnvp I nru'H. dUaiipointlng cables and an absence I of outsl.le . support. The market held weak nnd iiarrnw all day except for an afternoon tally on the talk of political complications over Koiilh African affairs. Closed steady at MfV- net decline. March , TI'if/TTi'.di- closed at T&lie : May , 71 9-lifi7l- ; , clos-til at 71V ; July , 741M > 7ls4e , closed at 74'vc ; De- mher , closed nt 72-c. I'DRN Receipts , n3,550 bu. ; exports , 4SO Im Spot , easy ; No. 2 , 10-iic. f. o. b. afloat , and 33' ' c , elevator. Options opened dull ami e.isy. with a downward tendency , owing to large receipts , lower tables , heavy selling WI-HI anil light export trade. Closed steady witlihcat at unchanged prices. May , ; ! ; > } , ( iipts'i.vclown ut 3 'iic ; December closed ut .2 > r. UA'I'.S Rec-elpts , 2400 : bll. ; exports , 4,270 Im Spot , dull ; No. 2 , : " . . < ; No. 3. 2M4c ; No. 2 while , 31c ; No. 3 white. SOe ; track white , : : ii.ll'ac ( ' : track mixed western , 293014c. } Op- tlmiM slow. HAY- Steady shipping , G5f75c | ; good to hulce. M'iiS5c. HOPS-Steady ; state , cnmmon to choice. IMH ! crop , tic ; 1S9S croji , 7ijto * ; 1699 crop , 12 MJ' ' ; P.iclllc coast , ISM crop , 4IJGc ; 1S9S imp , 7-4l iU5 ; : ' crop , 12fHc. | H1DBS Firm : Galvcston. SO to 23 Ibs. i-c. ! ) Texas diy , 21 to : H Ibs. , Hl4c ; Call- tiHiilu. 21 to 25 Ibs. , L'l'w- . LBATIIER Ster.dy ; hemlo--k solp. Huenos /.MI _ . light to heavyweights , 25i/25'.4c ' ; add , " ' 'pUtJVIHIONS-IJoet. KlPady ; family , J12.CO diH30ii ; mess , 110.50 ; hoof hams , J22.50fi23.dO- puv'ki-t. Jll.50iil2.iK ) ; city extra India int'HS , J210 i2i.lKt. | Cut meats. qulM ; plrlclod liel- llen. J350'/(7.23 ( ; pickled Bhoulilers , J5.75- ( ik-Klt-d hams JS/JSIiiUM. Lard , firmer ; west ern sleanu'd. J5.9j ; rollned , steady : con tinent. Jti.20 ; South America , JiJ.W ; Decem- Kli'K Quint ; domoatlc , fair to extra , 4c. i > . < . Jau'lll ' , OjilCn ; . - "MiiJy ; Now Orleans open He. Kood lo choice , 324IOc. 1'KANl'TS ' Steady : fatu-y hand-picked , i t i other ilomeHtlc , S iHc. A1iRAi- ! ; J < 1) : Long InUnd. Jl.Odj/ FHKHiIlTri-To Liverpool , dull ; mtton by m.i in J&M ; rain by Hti-itn , 'M , nominal. MKTALS There was an e-ncouraKliiK chiingt * 1n iho x'oiKlltloit In tin In thu local inurkt'l ami abroad , at the cloro uhowlng jnorc Intercut than for some time. The other departments wftre virtually un- ! hangeil. with buyers and sellers quite In- different. At the close the Metal pxchanjte called pig Iron warrants dull ; lake copper , unchanged , nt JIG.fiO ; tin. higher , with Jtf ! > . " 0 old and J25.60 naked ; lead , unchanged , at Jl.70fl-l.78 ; spelter , unchanged , nt JI6MM. < Vi. The brokers' price for lend Is Jl 15 nnd for copper JIG.&O. OMAHA OHMSIIAt , MAIIKUT. Coiiilltlon of Trnde mill UiiotntloOK on Stnplo nnil l-'nnpy I'rodtiep. EGOS Receipts light ; fresh stock , 13c. DRBSSBD POULTRY - Choice to fancy turkeys , SfiOVic ; ducks , CfjTc ; geese , 7'4 ' < 5se ; spring chickens. W7G ! c ; hens , Gc ; roofters , LIVE POULTRY-Hons , 6c ; spring chickens - ens , 5c ; old nnd staggy roosters , 3c ; ducks , Blie ; geese. G',4p ' ; turkeys. 7c. , Bt'TTER-Common to fair. IBRlflc ; choice , i lifiISc ; separator , 2Gc ; gathered creamery , per d'oz. , 75c. 9c. - . - - chickens , per doz. , J3.EO ; grouse , $5 ; quail , per doz. , $1.25 ; mallards , $3.00fl.1.2.i ; bltto wing -M. $1.75 : green wing teal. Jl.25fM.80 ; mixed ducks. J1.50JJ2.00. OYSTERS Medium , per : an , ISu ; stand-1 nrd , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. , J1.2. > ; cxtrix select. " , per can , 30c ; extra selects , per gal , , Jl.GO ; New York counts , per can , 37c ; Now York counts , per 10J , ilAY-Uplaiid choice. JG.50 ; midland , choice , $ G ; lowland , choice , J5 ; rye straw , ' cholre , J5.50 ; No. 3 corn. 27c ; No. 3 whlio oats , 2214c ; cracked eorn. per ton , $12 ; corn and oats , chopped , per ton , $12.50 ; bran , per ton , $13 ; shorts , per ton , $11. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . Illinois , $3 ; Jerseys. $5 ; large bbls > . , Nebraska , $2.75. POTATOES-Per bu. , choice. 30M lOc. CABBAGE Per lb. . 114c ; Holland seed. ! 'cAl/LlFLOWER-Por / orate. $2.50. CRANRERRIES-Bell & Rugle. per bbl. , I $6.50 : Jerseys , $ G.25. I ONIONS-Retall way , yellow , G5c ; red , 76 , 6S5c. I CELKRY-Pcr doz. , 2Sft30c ( ; California , j per bunch , 45c. ! TURNIPS-Rutnbagos , per lb. . lllc ; Cann- dlan , Hiffl r. MrsiIROOMS-P r lb. box. . 50e. TOMATOES-Florldn , per G-baskot crate , FRUITS. APPLES Choice western shipping stock , $3.0off3.50 ; New York stock , $3.75ftl.OO. GRAPES California Emperor , $2 ; Cntaw- bnp , per small basket , ISc ; Malaga grapes , per bbl. . $7.00ti9.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3 ; Cal ifornia navels , per box , $3.50 3.75. LEMONS-Callfornla , fancy , Jl.00ffl.25 ; chplco California , $3.75T4.00 ; Messina , Jl.fiOi ? MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-wctIon case. $3.25'ff3.60. NUTS Hickory nuty , large , per bu. . $1 ; shell barks , $1.2i' > jn.35. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box , $1 : California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10. MAPLE SUOAR-Per lb. , 9c. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hldps. SUc : No 2 , ; grpen hides , 714c ; No. 1 salted hides , lOc ; No. 2 Halted hides , 9c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to ' 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc. TALLOW. GREASE. ETC.-Tallow , No. 1 , 4c ; No. 2 , 3)ic ; rough , 2c ; white grease , iS31ic ! : yellow and brown greaFe , 2' < .f/3c. | CHRISTMAS GREENS. | ' TREES 5-ft. , per doz. , $2 ; 5 to S-ft , , per doz. , $2.50 ; 7 to 9-ft. , per doz. , $3.50 ; 8 to 11-ft. , per doz. , J4.CO ; extra largo sizes , 12 to 21-ft. , J2.WT/4.50. HOLLY HRANCHES-Per case of about GO Ibs. . JI.50Ji5.00 ; per bbl. , $1.5ViT1.75. ( MISTLETOE BRANClVES-Per lb. , 20c ; , per 25-lb. box , $3.75 ; wreathing , 20 yds. , 75c. ! ' St. Ion IN ft ml n mill I'rovfnloiiH. ST. I/OUIS , Dee. 2S. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red cash elevator G9c ' ' , , , ; track , < $ 72c ; December , GSlic ; May. 71c ; July Gs-jfc ; No. 2 hard , G&JfCGc. RecelptH , 6,750 bu. CORN Easy ; No. 2 , cash , 31c ; track , 310 1 31l4c ; December , 30c ; May , 31 * { j311 < ! C. OAT'S ' Lower ; No. 2. cash. 23 ! c ; track , 21'f/2ll4c ' ; December , 23'4c ; May , 2lc ; No. ' white , KWi'Mc. RYE Steady at 53c. FLOUR Quiet ; patents , J3.45J3.15 ; extra. fancy. $3.105(3.15 ; clear. $2.75iJ(2.90. ( 1 SEEDS Timothy , J2.0ujjj.3i ; flax , nom inally nt $1.44. CORNMEAL $1.70@1.75. BRAN Stronger ; sacked , past track , G3c. HAY Firmer ; timothy , $9.75gi2.50 ; prairie , $6.GOT(7.00. ( WHISKY-Steady at $1.23 < A COTTONTI KS-J1.05. U A GO 1NG 6 i fi GV4c. HEMP Ttt'INE-ac PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , extra - [ i tra shorts , $5.3714 ; clear ribs and clear Hides , I $3.50. Bacon , extra short. " , Jo. ij ; clear ribs ' and clear sides , $6. Pork , standard mess. Jobbing , new , $11.00 ; old , $3.50. Lard , nom inal ; prime steam , J3.32'choice ; , $0.35. .METALS Lend , quiet at $4.C2'A ' Spelter , dull and lower at $1.40 asked POULTRY Firmer ; chickens , Gc ; tur keys. 74c ! ; ducks , GJjCVje ; geese , 514c. RECElPTS-Flour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 7- 00' ' ) bu. ; corn. 34,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 11,000 bu. ; corn , 62,000 bu. ; oats , 22,000 bu. . I I Iliitter , KKK and Cliccnc Market , j PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 2S. BUTTER Firm ; fancy western creamery , 2Sc ; fancy western prints , 30c. EGGS Firm ; fresh nearby , 22c ; fresh western , 22c ; fresh southwestern , 20c ; fresh toutlicrn , 20c. CHEESE-Unchanged. NEW YORK , Dec. SS. BUTTER-Re- celpts , 1,593 packages ; stronger ; western creamery , 22ii23c. CHEESE Receipts. 2,429 packages ; firm ; fall made , fancy , small and fall made fancy , large , 12n3c ; late made , small , 12fjl214c ; largo late made , ll-li&lic. I EGGS RecelptH , G.574 packages ; steady ; western , ungraded , at murk , IGS Oc ; west ern. 23c , loss off. CHICAGO , Dec. 2S. BUTTER Steady ; creameries. 16 ( < 72Gc ; dairies , 16(22c. EGGS-FIrm ; fresh. 1714c. ST. LOUIS. Doc. 23. BUTTER Steady ; creamery. 23fi2G14c : dairy , 19Q23C. EGGS-Stcady at 17c. KANSAS CITY , Deo. 2S.-BUTTER- Creamcry. 21iff24c ; dairy. 17c. EGGS Lower ; fresh Missouri nnd Kan sas stock , firsts , 154c ! dozen , caws returned ; storage , lOfillc. Liverpool firnlii nnil I'rovlNloiin. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 2S.-WIIEAT-Spot. No. 2 red western , llrm at to 914(1. Futures closed quiet ; March , 5s 10V1 : May , Bs lO rt. CORN Spot , American m'.xed. quiet at 3s > 5Vid ; December , easy at 3s BVsd ; January , easy at 3s Sifcd : February , 3s 5 fcd. PROVISIONS Bacon , Cumberland cut , steady nt Sfti Gd ; short ribs , steady at 33s ; long clear middles , light , steady at 33 ? Gd ; long clear middles , heavy , steady at 33s ; clear backs , steady at 32s Gd. Lard , Amor- ] i lean refined. In palls , firm at 3ta Gd ; prime western , In tierces' , firm at 29s. Tim Produce exchange will be closed on Monday only. KniiHiiN City llrntii nnil Provision * . KANSAS CITY , De-c. 28.-WIIEAT-May. GGl'.c ; cash. No. 2 hard. C30G314c : No. 3 , B9 l'4c ' ; No. 2 red , t S70c ; No. 3 , 63f/iSc. Receipts. 21 cars. CORN May. 29HC ; cash. No. 2 mixed. 2S'4f ' < 2Sie. : No. 2 white. SS oj No. 3 , 2SlJc. OATS-NO. 2 white , 215721140. RYE No. 2. 4Sc. HAY Choice timothy , J9.00j9.50 ; choice prairie , $7.00Ti7.BO. RKCKIJTS Wheat , 12,600 bu. ; corn , 21,400 bu. ; oatp. F.,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 25,200 bu. ; corn , 37- OUO bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. Toledo .Market. TOLEDO. O. . Deo. 2S.-WIIEAT Lowpr and dull ; No. 2 cash nnd December , G9ije ; May , 73io. ! CORN Dull but higher ; No. 2 mixed , 32c. OATS Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2lo. RYE-Dull but llrm ; No. 2 cash , 5Gl4c bid. SEEDS Clover , dull and lower ; prlmo cash , old , $1.80 asked ; December , $5.G7I4 : March. $5.03. Minneapolis \Vbeiil nnil Flour. MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 28.-WHEAT-In store : No. l northern , December , H414c : j May iWic ; July. G7 ic On track : No. 1 hard. fii4c : No. 1 northern. Co'ic ; No. 2 | . FIX5UR Hrst patpnts. J3.40 < fr3.GO ; second patents. J'I.20J 330 ; first clear , J2.20fj2.30. BRAN-ln bulk , JU.OOgU.2S. Dlllutll Wbcilt . 'TH. DPC. 28. WHEAT-NO , i iiar.1. cash. tKc ; No. 1 hard. cash , to arrive , O5'ic ' ; No. 1 northern , cash. Glc ; December. Crl'ic ; May , CSc ; July. 9V c ; No. 2 northern , CIV&c ; No. 3 spring. BSc. MIMrniiUee fJrnlii MorUct. MILWAl'KEE. Dec. 2S. - WHEAT Lower ; NO. 1 northern , KG'4fiC7c ; No. 2 northern. G4c. RYE Ixiwer ; No. 1. Mic. BARLEY Steady : No. 2 , 44e ; sample , 37 ColTee Stiirliet , NEW YORK. Dec. 2S. COFFEE-Futures opened steady , with prices unchanged to 5 ! points higher , and after un uneventful fore noon became firm on quite active covering | and fair outside buying. The cables iner- ! ugcd up fairly well , tftat-stlcs bcl.ii ; rather Ic-i-a depressing , and buying orderc , from ' abroad were more numerous. Sellers were , more conservative. The market closed firm , at a net gain of from 5 lo IB points ; tnlal Bale ? , 18.7&0 baga , Including December , J5.SO ; Jnnunrv , jSIWiSM : NovPinber , Jfi.OW.1B : Marih.'jfi.IO ; May. Jfi.l.VHfi.26 ; August , Ifi.SO ; September , JWWiG.45 ; October , $6.45. Spot. Rio , firmer ; No. 7 , Invoice , IV ; No. i. job- bliiK. 7V ; mild , llrm ; Cordova. Sfll2'4c. ' ' SIOVU.MI5VIN OF STOCKS AM ) IIO.VDS. riiictimtlotiH Relleel the I'lieerlalnt y of flu * Hoard llooin Trailer * . NEW YORK , UPC. 2Tho chniiges In' i , prices loday were largely due In operations I ' by board room traders. The erratic fltielu- ifitiotis ' In the market rMlr-ctcd tbo tincer- , , tnlnly of this elnss of speculator * They Hold the market at rhe oppnliig on Iho lower prices from Itomlon. The substantial ehar- nctpr of the buying demand which they mot nnd the conspqupnt refusal of the market to go down caused them lo turn lo the long j Hide. The highly tncrrnrhi ! specialties wpro , the favorite * In thp Moating * and some of I t'hpm were bid up In a rather sensational manner. Metropnlltnn Street Railway , | Sugar and Brooklyn Rapid Transit were | thn tnosi conspicuous features of the marI - I ket all day. 1 ho. rise In thefo was HO con- Bldprable ns to Invite thp realizing of profits toward the closing of the day. 1 his caused .Iho market to run off tit the cost of a large I part of the earlier gains established. The November rtatement of SI. Paul's parnlngs , showing HIP Increase In Ihe gross earnings more wiped out , with n re-1 suiting decrease In Ihe net return of over $73.oi ) . hud a marked effect on the railroad list , which declined sharply throughout. The fall from the tup level In St. Paul was l'"n and reached a. point In a number of other railroad Miock * . The consequctico was a mixture of net gains and losses. alth3Ugh the market hardened In the Until dealings on a demand from the shorts to cover their contracts. Whllo the movement of prices was largely due to professional manipula tion , there was a good value of business representing a continuance of substantial demand from outside source ? through com mission houses. The demand for small lots of stocks continued In evidence , especially on nny recessions in prices. Thorn was no evidence of uneasiness over the money situation and no pressure to sell stocks. Although prices were lower , there i was > no ovldence of any fear of distrust nt | that point with the progress of the settle , ment. The money ultimtlon In New York continued easy and confidence Is felt thn : the short remaining pet Iod befotc the close of iho year will he comfortably tided o\'er. Some corporations are anticipating the January 1 payments. Money Is coming to New York from out-of-town pourecs , partly In the form of returns on Christmas trade to be deposited In the batiks , partly In'tho form of remittances to make good losses on stocks In the Into decline and partly for InveFiinent In new accounts In the stock market. , The special pressure for funds from Bos- ion ha. " ! relaxed and New York exchange at that center rene to par. This shipments of gold announced for Saturday had little effect on sentiment owing to the feeling that forces are at work to oft'ivt this dra.n. Bu.siness In the bond market was on a fairly largo scale ami prices for the most part advanced , but there were enough ex ceptions to make the market Irregular. To tal sales , par value. J2.27fi.0uo. United new Is and 5s declined . ' , and 3s and old 4s 'Ii ' .u the bid nrlce. i The Commercial Advertiser's London i financial cablegram says : Bunlnrps In the maikets here today was of very small pro portions. Failures are still dreaded : one .was annonncvd. Rut a further rise in con sols ( which touched 99 = i , though closing at 99) ) and arrival of gold caused n strong lone. Americans opened rather weak on profit- taking sales , but the receipts of higher prices from New York caused a rise and the was at the bent , Baltimore & Ohio being particularly strong In the street. Dealings , however , wete Insignificant In volume. Spanish Is were Clli ; Union , 42V Anacondas. 7T : t'inhH , n-V The bank bought 107.000 gcihi in harp nnd there nr- rlvtd from America .r.275,000 and from SoiH.i Africa , .C10.000. Money was easy ; silver was strong on Russo-Chlncsu demand. I The following tire the quotations for the ; i leading slocks on the Now York exchange today : AtehlsonT. 1914 Tex. & Pnc ! ilc. . . ll i I do pfd 591 , Union Pacific . . . 4U % l Baltimore & O. . . Blls do pfd 73U , 1 Can. Paclllc 9l/2 ' Wabash 7lJ I ' Can. Southern . . 4Si do pfd 20V , dies. A : Ohio. . . . 29N W. & L. E 11 Chicago Ot. W. . 12 do 2d pfd. . . . 25U. i C. . B. .t tj 12l4 WIs. Central . . . . IS " I Chicago , I. & L. . 15 Adams Express..111 1 , do pfd 12 American Ex 140 Chicago & E. L. 90 U. S. Express. . . . 45 Chicago & N. W.1.WH Wei a-Fargo Ex.120 | C. , R. I. & P..IW A. Cot. Oil 33 % , C. . C. , C. & St. L. GO do pfd 92 | Colo. Southern . . 3 Amer. Malting . . " / do 1st pfd. . . . 40K. do pfd 30 do 2d pfd 15 Amer. S. & R. . . . S31i Dol. & Hudson..111 ! , do pfd M Del. L. W 171 Amer. Spirits . . 214 i Den. & R'.o H. . . . 17 % do pfd 17 I do pfd C9 Amer. S. H 40 I Erlo ID" ; do pfd 73141 ' do 1st pfd. . . . SPA Amer. S. .t W. . . 4GV4 Ot. Nor. pfd 172 do pfd S9 . Hocking Coal . . . 1414 Amer. Tin Plate. 27 I Hocking Valley. . 32H do pfd 79 Illinois Central . .111 Amer. Tobacco. . . 9S'4 I Iowa Central . . . 11V. dn pfd 135 j i do pfd 49 A. Mill. Co 3S I K. C. , P. & G. . . . S Brk. Rap. Tr. . . . 71 % L. 13. & W 20 Colo. F. & 1 42 do pfd SO Con , Tobacco . . .31 % Luke Shorn 2IK ) I do pfd M I i Louis. & Nash. . . 77'i Federal Step.l . . . 50 % ' Manhattan L . . .9 < 1 i do pfd 721/ . i Mot. St. Ry 17n' : , Hen. Electric . . . .120 ' , Mex. Central . . . . 10 Glucose Sugar . . 4114 Minn. , t St. L. . . . 5914 do pfd 9t do pfd -.infu'I : Paper . . . . 22U > Mo. Pacific 391V do pfd C7 j Molllln & Ohio. . . 3S Laclede Gas . . . . SO I i Mis. , K. XT lOVi National Biscuit. 35 do pfd : c i do pfd 89 N. .1. Central..115K , National Lead . . . 25 ' N. Y. Central..13114 do pfd 10114 Nor. & West 2) ) National Steel . . 42 " i do pfd C7K do pfd 91 I No. Pacllli ! B2-ii N. Y. Air Brake.131. do pfd 72 No. American . . .l i ! ' Ontario * W. . . . 21 i Pacific Con-t . . . . ! 9Vi 1 Ore. Ry. , t Nav. 12 I do 1st pfd. . . . f > 0 I do pfd 7fi I do 2d nfd. . . . CO ! i Pennsylvania . . . .12914 Pac'tlc Mall 40H ' Rending 17 i People's Gas . . . .102 % i do 1st pfd. . . . .ni' Pressed R. Car. . . Bl do 2d pfd. . . . do pfd SG Rio O. W Pullman P. Car.lSt dn pfd R. K. .t T St. L. & S. P. . . . 91' , Sugar 1273 ; i do iFit Dfil. . . . C , | , ] o pfd do 2d nfd. . . . 31'Tonn. . C. R I i St. L. S. AV 10 r S. Lent her. . . . 13'i ! | do pfd 237 do nfd . 7I , ' St. Paul 117 U. S. Rubber. . . . Ji"i I ( lo iifd 172 do pfd . 102 St P. S0 120 Western Union. . . 8" So. Pacific Republic T. & S. in % So. Railway 11V. do pfd ' ' do pfd 5i'P. : . , C. , f'.JfeJtVjU71 i Ex-dlvldond. Xetv York Money MarUct. NEW YORK. Dec. -MONEY-On call , steady nt 4Kf/0 ( per cent : last loan nt 5 per pent : prime mercantile paper. G per cent. STERLING EXCIVANGE-Rteady. with actual business In bankers' bills ut J4.S7i''re ' l.S7'4 for demand nnd at Jl sii/.ifil.sH4 for slxtv dayn : posted rates. Jt.s2f < I.S2H nnd $1 < iSU , : commercial bills , ft Mli'.iffl Ml } ' , . SILVER-Certlll'-ates , BS 4iSJ0914e ; bar , RS'ic : Mexican dollars , 47lic. BONDS-Govprnment , weak ; stale , firm ; railroad. Irregular. The following nro the closing quotations on bonds : TT. S. 2s , reg ioj * do 3s , reg 110" , N'o. Carolina Cs.127 do coupon lioij do 4 ? 107 do now 4s , reg..13W NT Pac. 15 Ill do eoiipnn do 3i GITs do old Is. reg..114 tlp 4s 1ft ! do 115' poupon ' " do fe , reg 113 N. ft W. con/Is' . . W do coupon 113 do iren. Gs 129 n "t r. 3. is > . . . .121 Ore. Nav. Is 110 Atch. iren. 4s 95 do 4s loom do mil. 4s 7R Ore. S. L. G * l'i'i Pan So. 2fl 107 do con. Ss 11214 C. ft O. 4'4s 9tu. Rendlni' gen. Is. . do Bs HI | R. G. AV Is PI- : ; C K N. AV. c. 78.140 Kt.L. & T.M. c.5s.1in do deb. fis 11H 181.L & S.F. g Gj.110 Phl'-np-n Ter. 4s. . mw. fit. Paul cnn ( = ols..KG P . < ; R. G. lB..l WlSl. , P. C. , t P. 1s1I n do 4s 9SIJ do is I1SI4 IT. . . V. A Ols1 < " IPo. Railway 5s..107 ! < . Brio gpn. 4n 70 . R. & T. ( Is. . . . 70 F. AV. * D. C. 1s. 70 Tenn. n s. 3s. . . . 1)1 ) GPU Elpetrlc rs 119 , Tcx. A Paelilc Ir-.lin'i G. H. & F. A. ? I do 2s r-4 do 2 1W ITnlnn Pacific 4H..1DI II. & T. C AA'nbo li IH m i do con. Gs 110'4 do 2s 1)1 ) Ta. Central l . . . .llf > | A\Vst S'-ore la..1121' . K. C. . P. O. is. rs Win. Ce 1i < )1 ) " TI. . new c. IS..10S iAra. Centtirles . . . MU. L. KN. . mil. 4s. . ! K do ( leferr.d . . . . f. M. K. & T. 2s. . ( | Colo. So. U SIde do 1s OO'i Bo. Pacillc Is 79 N. Y. C. gen , ls.112 l-'orelirn I'liianclol. LONDON. Dec. 2S. UiiBlnegs In Amerlpan nccurltles won restricted today. After open ing good , with prices for the moat Part above parity , there wan a slight reaction , with a disposition lo wa't and see what AVall street would do. The final tone was steady. Spanish 4 > \ CIV , . The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was .CH&i.Ond , Including JJ93.000 American eaglps. Bar sliver closed llrm at 27i.d jlpr ounce UuH tirenilum at Madrid 27.60. The weekly stateim-nt of thp hunk of England shuu'M the foliowlnir < hnntics' Total - tal re > > rvi iii'-ie.ii-e CSll.nooc'rcuia'lon , ill-crease. * ; 4t * ( J' ' , bulll > n. Im reavp. ilG.7'0 : other Kectirltlf-s linrensn IJ9CKii ( ; other 'dcpojltn. tni-icai" * . SSO.ono : public di > | ioalts , ln'jeine. | 1.102.0)0. iiotew reserve. Im-rpoce. ' .1.1.000 : Kovernmenl pecurltl s. I" reams JCI.IWO * ) The uronortlnn of the Bank of England's reserve to liability Is 36.57 per , . ' , . , of ltflllf 1 : vt n"k It was > , 9' per cent. iiliMa" ' ! " " 'haiiRcd ' at 6 per cent , ill. , , ' , . . , 2s. Prices were firm on the , ' ' , , T , ' " 'I11 ' * ' especially In the case of In- \ nnli " " " ' ' " 'IMPS' . Yesterday's Influx of rti.i .1 " .K"1'1 ' ' "to the Rank of England l , , " lnfr ! vempm In the New York Mm.iii i . ' ' "used many rppurchnses. I I r , , , ' , ! , ! ' " r1' ' "vered sharply , Portuguev { iVii oeeaslnnptl great attention owing. i ' { " . ! "e rep.rts of the occupation of Delngo.x 'lint' ' . ! or.l.UK1" > * " East Africa , by Great , ; Katllrs were weak , In consequence ; JV ontlnued forced niles In London. On jiie street , after the close of regular bus- I ? ' . tllprp wn u slight recovery In l { " , which was followed by a fresh de- cunc. i hree p.r ( . | ) rentes , 99f 7'4v for the aecmint ; exchange on London. 25f 33r for checks : Spanish 4s , G5.S5. The weekly statement of the Bank nf ! , I-rum-p shows thp following changes : Notes li circulation , Increase , 59.320,000 francs ; j treasury neiountn current , Increase , sj,00,00i ) I francs ; gold i , , hand , dpcreuw. 5,125.0)0 ! francs ; bills dNentintoil , inerpasp , loO.OOO.OM : .francs ; silver in hand , decrease , 5,900,0i francs. j BERLIN , Dec 2S. Prices on the bourse 'lodny ' werp firm , bplng encouraged by for eign ndvlcpn nnd plipaper money. Kxchnnuc j on txwdnn. 2 < i marks BS 4 pfgs. for checks. BfENOS AYRES. DPP. 2S.-ThC gold' quotation today was 12S.70. Itostnii stoek I BOSTON , Dor 2S.-Cn1l loans , f-Ii7 per i cptil ; lime loani , 5Ti6 per cent. Olllelal closing ( uintntloTis of stocks , bonds and ; : mining shares : ' , ! ! I | ! I I . . BOSTON. Dec. liS.-Cltarlngs. J21,515,745 ; liahinces. Jl.47ti.2Sti. ST. LOVI3. Deo. 2S. Clearings , JS,0r5G99 ( ; balances , Jlli72.15l. Monty. lf(7 ( per cent. New York exchange , SOj discount bid , 40c dlfcuunt asked. CHICAGO , Dec. 2 $ . Clearings. J22.I4,49 ! ) ? ; balanc-es. Jl.7fS.233. PoBUd exchange , * l S2'i ' New. York exchange , 20c premium. BALT1M6RK , Dec. 2S-Clearlngs , * 1.190- 03S : balance.1 ! , $572to5. PIIILADKLPHIA , D-c. 2S.-Clcarngs ! , J17,170a23 ; balances. Jl.Tf.SGC. CoiiilitUm of tlir Trenniiry. WASHINGTON , Dec. 2S. Today's state ment of iho condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , J29G,093,720 ; gold reserve , J3S,99.,10S. L' < iltoii Mnrket. NBW YORK. Dec. 2S , COTTON Futures closed llrm ; December'J7.3S ' ; January , $7.39 ; February. J7.43 ; March , J7.4i > ; April , $7.52 ; May. J7.50 ; Juno. J7.57 ; July , J7.59 ; August , lj7.t- ' ; Sc.ptember-rj.l2 . ; Octot-er , J7.02 ; No- vemlier , JG.rtSt .Spot closed quiet and Ktendy ut 'nu higher ; middling uplands , 711-lCc ; mlddlln-g gulf , 75-lc ] ( ; yales3G tMles. NBW URLBANd. Dec. 2S. COTTON Steady ; sales. 10.SOO bales ; ordinary , 63-Kic ; good ordinary , fi il-Kc ; low middling , 73-lGc ; irlddllng , 77-lCc ; good middling , 7 c ; mid dling fair. 715-lCc ; receipts , 14,152 bales ; stock , 401,113 bales. Futures , fteady ; De- cember , nominal ; January , J7.22fi7.23 ; Feb- ST. LOUIS , Dec. IM.-COTTON Steady to 1-lfic higher : sales , 3W ( bales ; middling. 7-Sc ; rejceipts , G.4CS tales ; shipments , 7,00i ) bales ; t-tock. 101,789 'bales. ' GALVB3TON , Di > c. 2S. COTTON Firm at 7'4c. LIVERPOOL , Dec. 23. COTTON Spot , fair demand and prices l-32d higher ; Amerl- can middling. I 11-ICd ; good middling , 4'td ; m'ddllng ' , 47-lCd : low middling , 49-f.'d : ; gunj ordinary. 43-32d ; ordinary , 3 29-32tl. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales , of which 5dO bales were- for speculation and export and Included ! l,4 < M ) bales American. Ro- celpts , 03,00) bales , Including 20,000 bales American. Futures opencil llrm nnd closed Hteady at Sd advance ; American middling , I. in. < ; . , Dei-ember , 4 1S-C4TJ4 19-ftld. valliea ; December and January , 4 15-CI5rl 1G-C4J , buy- ers ; January and February , 4 13-fild , buyers : February anil March , 4 11-&ld , buyers ; March and April , 4G4fH 10-64d , buyers ; April find 'May ' , 4 S-R4d , buyers ; ' .May and June. 4 G-G15J4 7-G4d. Imyers ; June and July , I 5-C4d , sellers ; July and August , 41'-CKfr 4 t-Old , sellers ; August and September , 3 f,3-t4 fff4d , sellers ; September and October. iir : > 5-G4d , values. Oil .MarUel. OIL CITY , Pa. . Dee. 2S.-OILS-Credlt balances. Jl.iXij certificates , no .bids . ; ship ments , 115,703 l > bls. ; average , 75,21G bbls. ; runs , 102,10.2 bbls. ; average , S3.-5C9 hhls. NKW YORK. Dec2S. . OILS Cotton seed , llrm ; prime crude , 29ifflOo ! ; prime yellow. 3-ft3i' ! < > e. JVlrolPtim , steady. Rosin , sto.idv. Turpentine , easy at CKjf > 1c. LONDON. Dec. 2S.-OILS-LlnFeed , 22s ; Calcutta linseed , pjiot , 43s Gd. Turpentine spirits , 37s Gd. lr > - ( iooilN .Market. NBW YORK , Doc. 23. The market 1ms been dull throughout the day , BO far as new business goes , In both cotton and woolen goods nnd sales have been light from first hands. The general conditions ara without change , no new features com ing to the surface. In brown , bleached and colored staple cottons and In prints and glnglmmn prices are generally maintained ; cotton linings all llrm ; hosiery and under wear In excellent condition. California Dried KrulfM. NBW YORK. Dee. 2S.-CAL1FORN1A DRIBD FRUITS-Kvoporated apples were quiet ami unchanged ; the demand wan moderate and country advices about as ex pected : evaporated apples , common , Gfjiie ; prime , C'ifj'c ; choice , 7jiS > ic ; fancy , SVjft1 9.- . Prunes , S'/tft / * ' ' per pound , as to size and quality. Apricots. Royal , 13ft 15c ; Moor Park , Ififtlfie. Peaches , peeled , 20fj22c ; unpeeled - peeled , 7'ifjlOp. ' Market. NBW ORLEANS. Dec. 2S.-SIJGAR- Qulet ; open kettle , 3f73c ; open kettle , cen trifugal , 3Tjiifi41ic : centrifugal , 3T ft4'Jc ; cen- trlfugiil , iihintntlon granulated , 4fl-ltV ; whites' 438filc ; yellow , 3Tif ( Hfec ; secomls , 3-1GP. MOLA SICS-Qulet : o-pen kettle , 37ff-IOc ( ; centrifugal. SftV.c. ; fiyrup , 3lf39e. | NBW YORK , Dw. 2S.lJGARUn - AVeNl at HiitTalo i\pONllliin , BUFFALO , Dec. a. The nxccutlvo com mittee of the Pan-American exposition has received letters from the governors of In diana , Colorado. Montana. Oregon. Wash ington. Maine. Wyoming , Michigan. Florida and We t Virginia , slating Hint I hey will call the attention of the general assembly of their respective viteH to the i Pan-American cxpn'dtlnn and IIHO their In- Iluenco to have their states represented. In nil of these HtatoH the legislatures cannot take action In time to hnvo state buildings erected. The exposition managers hope lo liuvo these states represented by commis sions. .SoiMlii-rii JVaeherMn oeliilloo. MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Dec. 2S.-Todny the convention of tbo Southern Educational association began its business session , three meetings being held simultaneously. Fully imi dclegatex are In attendance. Miss Mary MeCulloeh of St. Louis , presldnnt of the klnderg.irten department of the South ern Mulatto nil I n.-au. lutlun. del'verod an uddrec- . tills urtriioon Among the sneak- era at the morning M--S.IOIIN were' I c JOIH-.S uf riiivpmltv ' of MissouriDr A' H Dowiilnu if tiio Teachers' Tralnlnu sdiool. New York. Mrs. W. U , Uobcrtbon i Ol ot. i OUlt ) . ] t § IOIIAIIALIVE STOCK MARKEF , i ! Not Very Much ( hango in tbo Figures for Oflttle. . I GOOD FEE DERS COMMAND STRONG PRICES tK * Open Illulicr , lint Clone I'url nf Advance mill 'I'railu ' MOM Sheep Aetlve nnil All Sell Hurly. SOUTH OMAHA. DPC. Si. Rwclpls were ; Cflttlp. MORS. Sheep , Ulllclal Tuesday . 2.011 4.MS 1,1:0 : Olllclnl Wednesday . 2.250 C.4G3 2,3i ) Olllrlitl Thursday . l.fiW 8.581 ' Three days this week. . . . S.777 1C.SI7 fi,7S,1 i Four days last week. . . . 9..1IO 37.1S.1 6.6SO ' Same. ilrtj-s week before. ll. < i. I M.X& 1l- > - ' I Sixmo three. weeks ago. . 14.121 2s. 731 11.S Average. price palu fur luHlor iliu ma several tlnya with comparisons : Dec. a n. 3 > 1U , ' Dec. t ri ! 3 nun 3 25 , 3 UO , 3 35i V'i 5 19 Dec. 3 23 C 19 ! 3 23 | 3 12 , 4 47 ] Ucc. n si * 3 21 3 1G | 3 Mi 31 r > n noc , 3 80 3 37 3 09 , 3 39 I 27 & u , Dec. 3 SO .130 3 25 3 3i ! 4 3S , Dec. 3 M 32 ! > 3 22 3 00 3 3G 4 35 605 i Dec. 3 S3 3 301 3 171 3 19 I I 31 5 II Doc. 9 3 90 3 29 | 3 13 | 3 21 3 ! - | * , 5 15 Dec. 10. 3 31 3 13. 3 21 3 351 4 20 Dec. 11. 1 92 3 151 3 17 3 2S | 4 17 5 U , Doe. 12. 3 95 3 3 i 3 20 3 311 4 20 5 19 'Deo. ' 13. 'I 90 ; 3 3S 3 20 | * 3 33 | 4 22 B 07 Dec. 14. 39lJ 3 33 3 231 3 2S 3 35 4 25 5 14 Dec. 15. 3 95 3 27 3 21 : j 3 17 4 10 B Oil Dec. 1(1. ( , I 01 3 30 3 29 3 17 3 3 * 4.92 Dec. 17. . 3 20 3 31 3 1. 3 40 4 13 Dec. IS. 3 9S 3 31 3 16 3 3G ] 4 13 I 9)1 ) Doc. 19. . 3 K 3 2S 3 IS 3 31 4 07 4 S7 Dec. 20. 3 ! l | 32S 3 33 3 24 I 11 473 ' Dec. 21. . 4 01 ! 3 32 3 2S 3 17 3 4 15 4 71 Dec- . 22. . 1 02 | 3 34 321 3 II I 14 4 9J Dee. 23. . I 0 ! , ' 3 37 3 21 ! 3 171 3271 * 4 9S Dec. 21 , i 3 47 3 2li | 3 10 | 3 3I | I 13 Dec. Dec. 11 | 3 50 I 3 20 , 3 30' I 17 5 11 DPC. 4 09' ' 3 14 3 30' ' * 3 3\ I 131 B 10 ' Deo. 2S. . . . I 4 11 | 3 ISJ 3 32 , 3 21 , 3 : i'j | l loj B 11 jo s.t LM jo joitiinu * Indicates Sunday. * Holiday. The olllclal number of carp of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r'w. ( ' . , M. , t 'St. ' P. Ry. . . : t 13 O. * St. L. Ry 2 : i Missouri Paclllc Ry. . . . . Union Paclllc System. 11 7 7 C .t N. W. Ry 2 4 . . . . F. . E. , t M. V. 1U R. . It 17 S. C. S P. Ry 1 C. , St. P. , M. & 0 15 II 2 B. , t M. R. R. R ' , 19 C. . B. .t Q. Ry 12 10 . . 1 < \ , R. I. it P. Ry. , E. . . U C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W. 2 Total receipts GS SO 11 2 The disposition of thu day's receipts was as follows , utich buyer purchasing the minx- her of head Indicated : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 12S 14 1C . II. Hammond Co 30I ! SSS ; ' - ! Swift and Company f'J ' " ' " ' ' Cudaliy Packing Co C21 1,320 i.Ti ; Armour & Co 50 481 Omaha P. C. , from K. C. 22 Cudaliy P. C. . from K. C. . 25 Swift , from 1C. C 4G2 Armour , trom Sioux City 132 R. Becker & Degan 10 J. L. Carey 33 Lobmtin & Co U2 Huston & Co 2 Livingstone & Schaller. . . . 13 Hamilton , t Rothschild. , . : ! 5 II. L. Dennis & Co tit Other buyers 7:1 : 202 Totals 1.4SU 3.S35 2,901 CATTLE Today's supply of cattle was small , consisting largely of odds and ends , a little of everything , but not much of anything. Thorp were about fifteen loads of cornfed cattln , mostly on the warmed up order , nnd none ol Uiern good. The mar ket wan a good deal Ifo * what It was yes terday that is , the more rt-'Slrable of the offerings selling al.out Htu < jJy but aside from thnt the general tendency was lower. Chicago came lower and that ( UJ uot help this market any. COWH and hellers sold In about. rti same notches as yesterday , but it will tie re membered that the market yesterday was lOc lower on tbo common and medium kinds. Stockers and fecdcrx were very K.'hf.a and high. In fact , as high as nt any Urn * . Anything ul all desirable In that line x snapped up In short order by speculators , who apparently have a place for them. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 590 $2 75 IS 11G9 I 70 5SO 3 00 18 1412 4 75 , . G50 3 HO 19 1131 4 SO . 821 S5 1C 1075 4 S5 .1010 2 1100 I ! > 5 . 701 4 CO 5 119S 4 90 .103G 4 40 10 1222 5 10 .12HO 4 40 12 1KVS 5 15 G 122G 4 40 21 1102 5 13 ! i 17 1215 I Ii 32 1255 520 i C,2 990 4 15 ST. 120S B 20 52 909 4 45 19 HIS 5 20 1 1210 4 CO 5 910 4 40 1 1210 4 50 1 1GOO 5 25 4 10li2 I BO 15 5 30 . . .1200 4 G5 22 131V , 5 10 20. . . .1121 170 STEERS-TEXAS. ' 40. , . . . 9S3 I 40 STEERS AND HEIFERS. . . . C35 3 75 21 1115 . - , 10 COWS. 1 S20 2 40 1. 3 20 1 StO 2 BO 1. .1120 3 20 2 SSO 2 50 10. .1OW II 20 1 SSO 250 1. . SfiO 3 25 1 & 90 2 50 1. .1270 ; t 25 5 Wtt 2 50 fi. .11W U 25 B SIG 2 GO 1. .1270 1 llOii 2 75 1. .1010 a 25 1 10SO 2 75 1 1120 n 2r > 1 950 2 75 2 113T. 3 2.5 1 ! > 20 2 75 2 11GO 1 RGO 2 75 S 110S 3 3" 1 1090 2 75 1 7.W 3 45 12 091 2 75 9 1022 3 I" , 1 1030 275 3 1130 350 2 905 275 1(1 ( 1OT3 3 50 2 S50 2 Si 12 IfcV ) 50 3 951 2 S5 2 1350 3 50 1 1020 2 S ; 14 10117 3 50 I pc,2 2 S"i S fiO f > ItMl 285 : : so 1 S30 M 3 11IG 3 50 2 1010 2 W 1 1140 3 50 S 9C.3 2 90 9 J1S5 3 no 1 1220 2 ! )0 ) H 9Ti 3 50 3 933 2 90 3 1220 3 50 13 105S 29" 4 1303 1 no 1 GSO I ! Oi ) f , .10IG 3 CO 7 1074 00 2 1053 3 io ; 1 S10 3 0) ) 1 IHO .T ( T , 10 1090 S 00 1 910 n r.- 4 907 3 (10 ( 1 IIP/I 3 n 2 10T. : i oo 1 1100 3 75 IN ) fi 95 .1 7" 2 MO : i eon 17 IPS' ) 3 75 13 fll ! ) n oo S 9S5 3 K- 14 lO-il 3 0- , 1 STO M "I 010 1 1130 ! ! 10 0 1111 3 S5 3 1001 ; i 10 19 1211 S 10 2 nm 3 10 1 ! ) 9lr. 4 01 1 S90 : i 15 15 111R I 1C 3 1313 .1210 1IRIFKRS. 1 41V ) 2 no n S22 3 S5 4 rrr , , 11 S21 3 91 1 910 1010 4 0' ' ) " " 1 701 14" ; ; ; ; ; ! R4 4 ftl 3 i CO 3 4 IS 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2ft I no 4. SSO 4 ir i' . . . . . . . . . ftn 3 70 4.i. i. t ? - , i 410 n 70 i.i. . 1050 I 63 HULLS. 1 1 < W ) p 50 . . .14 0 3 (0 ( 1 1110 3 f.O . ] . . .1450 HfiO 1 140 ! t no j , . i 1 1210 ji on 3 n .1 ! ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ! " ) n m .1j 1 1910 ! ! 1 O'ft 2 . i" " > a on l . iwi so ; i . " "o o- , mn 3 . IIOH 9 0 ; j . ' 'TO a n " n ANlVFiQUnFRs" ! ) C3 > TO' i no imn 4 ! " > n rot 4 r t in ' c " > T CQ 4 00 tin a TU * ° " * 4 11 is. ' ; ; . ' ; ; ; . ; ; 7-5 4 b 'STOC'f ' COU'S AND f 10 f > i w n 123 TOOK \LVES. . 4 B * o . ICO ) 75 CALVKSV ion (1 EA 1 , P'o K 'n ' ' ' ' ' " " i 110 C DO 1. . . . . . 150 C M , STAOS. ir 1"3 1 1" F W neckv-ilh-Wvo. 9 bull" . 1 * " - SO SO frpdnrn. . 77S 475 JIOfiS-T'1 lay's market opened 2Wo hlcrher than ve tri' t v morning and 5c hlcher thin - ' * locp. ThP trade wu not very .ictlve nt tin cp In fad it wns rather i cllr.pi' ' ' " l'rf 11 buvera seemed to p'iv I he rl-i'F irnc-r nrot * .t S'tie of iiie 1-1 bu TI. werp nlk'nlv i - ' ! - -ting on ihi- fid' ' 1 werp hnl'li"ir bj > rk ni' < J not ' " ' ' m.inv 'it 'h i rim ) ft re- . ' - ' ' ll'tl ' > . ( SI 12' ' . . l 15 in irfco' Uf ' 1 ] riiii- ; _ ' .IP TTIIHI nt ihe f.irly we're" uM 'Jt } < lr ° n ufter the iin'irf urgcni orders wwe niled. the market cased UD and the elosp wns slow and weak. Imypro wantIng - Ing the > 1 > PM loads at fl.12'4. It will be noted from the table of nvpraRP prices nbovp thnt thp hoR" today sold nt the hlKhrst iiveraRe price loiu-hed so far this season. It will also be noted thnt not since 1SU ! have hog. * sold as hltrh at till * ! < pn ! on of thp ypnr ns at thp present limp. Representative j nle , i : No. Av. Sh. Pr. .NO. Av. Sh. Pr. 81 19S IfiO } l 10 47 37S 120 415 ffi 17fl . . . 410 19 3Ufi . . . 115 10 1S3 . . . 1 10 00 271 . . . 4 IR 270 M ) 41214 .VI 33S 120 lift 111 232 ? 0 lilt * lii Ift ) 2 < l I IS 01 .3 S 40 4121 * 03 ! W 100 I 15 M SS3 120 4 12 < 4 Cl MS . . . 115 ( .7 SHI . . . I 12U 31 2SO . . . I 15 S 22t ) . . . 4121.4 17 2JI . . . 4 IS 23 293 1GO 4 12U tfl 270 40 115 71 212 10 I lirti f. < i 2C1 SO 4 If. fit ! 207 SO ( HI * IT ? 221 10 415 60 237 SO 11214 S2 227 12fl 4 IS IBS 30) SOO I U > IS 271 SO 415 7S 2M 201 ; 4121 * . 71 251 . . . 4 IB I CO 1'ifl SO I 12H M 311 . . . 4 IS ' 2S 813 210 4 12M , fi.1 271 10 4 IS 70 250 21" 112' 43 12,1 . . . 4 IS 73 261 . . . I 1SS US 2S9 IM HS Td 322 . . . I IZ'tG2 279 IPO IIS SO 203 . . . 4 12H 59 29G IM ) I IS 71 27S SO I 1S'i ' GS 2S1 120 4 IS 26 19 * . . . 4 12U , G1 2M ! Id ) 115 7i 227 130 4 12H G4 2fi ( ! ICO 411 GO 311 120 4 12's ' SI 235 10 4 IS I 78 120 SO 4 12 % Wi 3Ti IftO 415 CO 255 10 I 12' * 57 2T 11 * * 4 15 iff- 303 120 I 12H H 311 320 115 1 B7 2.T ) SO t 12' ' * B7 2" > W 415 79 231 SO list. ' , 21 2 0 II ) 4 IS ,4 ? SOI SO 412U 7) 2G9 SO 4 IS 37 32T 2SO 4 12U 72 243 . . . IIS ( , ! 212 IPO I 121 IS 330 10 115 fin 331 t20 4 1216 W 2l 120 1 IS 1 ! C7 217 SO 415 RS 3JS . . . 117' * 12 . - . . . . I 15 P.n 201 . . . 4 17H M 352 20. ) I IS r , . " 2I < ! . . . yi ; TH so l is sft ; w . . . nih 1 7S 217 . . . 413 71 ? \ \ SO 1 17U , M 1 < ! 3 . . . 4 IS 77 248 . . . 4 171 * 22 2IS . . . I IB ' SHEEP Thprp WPIP h few loads here I i , today of both sheen and lambs which sold 1 at good , steady prices. There seemed Jo j be a f.ilr demand and buyers were out early nn dcverythlng changed hands In good sea son. The Hershey wethers , averaging 1-M i pounds , but having n good top , brought | JI.Sii. lion I western fed lambs Mild nt $ I.Bi ! i and the llotchklf-M lambs went at $5.15. the ! same as they have been felling for I i Quii'ntlons : ( Jood to choice fed 'arllngs , I $ ! .SSIM.GO ; gooil to cholcp heavy wethers , I JI.IOfcl.30 : pond to choice light wethers. $1 2.i if/4.50 : good to chohe fed owe * . $3.755i4.(0 ( ; fair to good fpd ewes , $3. IOJT3.G5 ; good to choice native lambs , $5.205 Ci. 0 : good to I choice fed western lambs. S5.2Miri.PO : fair to good fed western lambs. Jl.S > ( iiri.l5 : feeder I wethers. $3.73'iM.SO ' ; fepdPr yearlings. Jl.OOii 4.25 ; good to choice feeder lambs , $ i.25Ti4.ifl ; ; fair to good feeding lambs , $4.031T4.25 : feeder ewes , J2.25ff3.00. Reprpsentntlve sales : No Av. Pr. 220 western ( ethers 120 $1 30 jvs western Inmbs 73 n l t 313 western lamb.i 77 f > B-i 2r , cull lambs M $420 IG1 wethers 103 4 40 22S wethers 107 440 ClIICAtiO iTfvK STOCK MAUKHT. Steern Aetlve. Inferior Slcnv , HOKN lllulier , Co in in on Sheep Lower. CHICAGO , Div. 2S CATT1.10 Steers I'ptl- erally active and steady ; Inferior kinds slow ; Texans linn anil active ; cow market and runners strong ; stockers and feeders Fttndy : good to choice , J5.G05iS.fiO ; poor to medium. $ t.fKifiri.20 ; mixed Ktockers. 43.007 ? 3..M ) ; Eclr.-ted feeders. JI.2Tiff4.75 ; good to choice cows. M.Ljirl.oO ; helfeis J3.00ftl.25 ; cr.tiners. J2.K ( > fi3.C l ; bulls , J2.5O5i'l.riO : calves , jl.Kft7.25 ( ) ; fed Texas liecves , Jl.lofjo.'JO. HOGS Active and 51ilCv higher ; top , J4.10 ; closed steady : good clearances : mixed and butchers , Jl.05ft4.40 ; good to choice , heavy , JI.2Afrl.4U ; rotlch heavy , Jl.05ft4.171i. ; light , Jl. ni4..2'i : : bulk of sales , JI.25SI.30. SHBBP Good to choice sheep and lambs steady ; common and nuslliini grades weak to 10 ? lower ; native wethers , JI.30fN.75 ; lambs JI.WTjS.frt ; western wethers , J4.25ft > 4.7Ti ; western lambs , J5.40Ti5.SO. RBC.BIPTS-CnttlP. 14.00D head ; hogs , 2S- 000 head ; yhccp. IC.HX ( ) head. KIIIIMIIN City l.lve Stock. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 2S. CATTLE Re ceipts , 1,009 head natives and 200 bead Tex ans ; market fairly active and ruled steady for deidrable lots ; plain stuff shade lower ; heavy native steers , J5.20fr3.S5 ; lightweights , J.35f(3.50 ! ( ; stockers and feeders , J3.40fifi. < K ) ; butchers' cows ami heifers , J1.209-I.SO ; canners - ners , J2.501(3.20 ( ; fed westerns' , Jl.007i5.25 ; western feeders. J3.0OS4.30 ; Texans , $ U.7f.7 ; 4 "ff llOGS Receipts. 7.100 head ; good all around demand and strong to 3c higher ; heavy mixed , JI.30 ; light , J3.Wffl.20 ; pigs , ° ' aiIJJ'KP Receipts , 3,700 bend ; all dPslrtiblo stuff active and steady ; few very plain lots lower ; Iambs , J4.25f7-5.50 ; muttons , J4.lGfiM.OT ; stockers and feeders , J2.75fT-4.25 ; culls , J2.00TJ ) .00. New Yurie Live Stoek. NB\V YOItlC. Dec. 23.-HI3I3VKS TlP- celpts , 529 head ; no trading ; feeling steady. Cables quote live cattle at UUftl2c per pound ; refrigerator beef , firm at 9iSJ10c ; exports , none ; none tomorrow , CA1YVI5S Receipts , 339 head ; market steady to llf-n ; all sold ; veals , J5.00fiU.OO ; little calve * , tl.OOCf4.50 ; barnyard calves , 'SIIBKP AND LAM US Receipts. 4,401 head ; twenty-one cars on sale ; sheep , slow and easier ; lambs , weak except top grades ; four cars , mainly sheep , unsold ; common to choice nheej ) , $2.021 , 11.60 ; lambs. J5.MIJ1 CM ; Canada lambs , $0.37' ; culls , $5. 'lIOOS ncceliitB. 1,572 head ; one car on pale ; market weak ; western pigs , J4.C5 ; state pigs , JI.70fj-l.SO. St. I In 1'lve Stock. ST LOIIlri. Dec. 2S. CATTLE Receipts , 3,100 head , Including 1,200 head Texans ; mar ket slow and easy for natives and steady for Texans : nntlvo shipping and export s-tcers $4.73't ti > 0 , with fancy "beeves worth $7.25 ; dressed beef and butcher steers MM ) Ji3.5 : ! ; steers under l.DOO Ibs. . J.1.20Ij4..0 ; as Receipts , 5.000 head : tnarket gen erally Cc higher ; plus and lights. JI.ISS 1.25 ; packers. $ l.'JOf4.30 ; butcliers , Jl.30f 4.40. SHBBP'-Reeclpts. lOOhead : market 10fl.c ? : higher ; nutlvn muttons , Jl.OOTH.fiO ; lambs , J4.GOr/r / > .73 ; culls and bucks , J2.CKV& ,1.70. St. .loN.-pli l.lve Sloek- . SOUTH ST. JOSBPIf , Dec. 2S.-Speclal. ( ) Thr. Joiinnil quotes : C'ATTLB lU'celpls , COO liead ; market active - tivo and steady ; natives , Jl.00firi.fii ) ; Texas and westerns' , ? 3.&fMi3.CO ; cows and heifers , J2 50ft 3.00 ; bulls and stnus. J2.dOfrl.CO ; year lings and calves. J3.Sjf/r / > .00 ; stockurs and fders. J3.WM.CO ; veals. JJ.2n07.00. I1OOS Receipts , 4,4W head ; market 2Vjrit 5c higher : all grndcts Jl.lofi 1.25 ; .bulk of si.les , JJ.17 ifi 1.2214. . , , , ' market SIIBI-1' Receipts , "M head ; strong to 10 ; higher. _ Slock In Sllihl. Following arc tliu receipts at the four principal western markets for December 2S ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha . 1.1G ' .53J 2i'.ri ( hlc-atro . .WW "W * > I" . " * " K.insiiK City . 4,2 ( > ( 7.4DO 3,700 si Totals . gJ.llf.1593 2.r,25 ' I'KXSIO.VS I-'OII MfHhTHIIVKTIlIt A\S. Survivor * of tlie Civil " \ Viulleincm - Itereil l tile ( ioveriiiiien t. WASHINGTON. Pec. 2S.-(8peelnl.- ( ) Thesii penxlonrt have been granted : IHSIIO of December 12. Nebraska : Restoration and Increui-c Klmnon O. Wlialey. Osceola. Jl to J2I In- , .rL , , o Nathan II. Hull. Iven , JI2 to J17. Reissue James M. Davis. Rule , * 17 ; Wil liam M. ( Sllmore , Kalrbury. Jll. ( Jrlglnal Willow Hobecea K. Lleblmrl , Hlella , $ " > . Original Widow , wfipclal accTiied , Decem ber It. Mnllnda .1. llurns. Lincoln , J12. Iowa : Original Oeorgo W. Knlkcr , Tanin , J.s ; .lames Y. Kf-nnedy , Hear drove. Jfi ; Albert Stewart , Persia , $ tl. Inerease - Thomas L. ( ireen. New York. ? s to SI' ' ; Michael Purkhlxer , Nevaila. JI2 to JIT ; Henry Murray , Jr. . Calm , J10 to JH , Charles W. Uuunther , Lake City , JS to S12 ; I'M win II. Uuvt-e , Washington. $10 to $17 Original Widows Bllzubeth Illlitlchs , Cdimcll llluffs , J17 ; apcclul accrued , Ufcember II. Mary A Vnnhook , Slbh-y. js. South Dakota. Increase Jo"lah Allen , Ivldtler. Jto J12 . , Wyoming : Original-Andrew .Smith , Chi y- \Coiorado : Orlglnal--Alberl 8. Uurkx , Leadville , Ji ; Jest-o Rll y. Monte Vista. Jt Roliinil lleeirn Conillllon I iicliaiiKcil. NUW YORK. Dw. 2v The rundltlon of Rotund Reed , I he .ictor. was um-lmnxcd to day. He bus pacsod through twenty-four hours of the muM crltlcnl period of the < ill- tnent iind the loriiUloii of the iMtlent after the next 1 went j--f our hours will determine the result , It Is nalil. Slii.leol Illen III Ili'liol. NUWTON. Kun. . Dec. 2 < - - > : M. MlU-hell. a student 'n ' the Topck.i Medical collcKe. WHS found dead In the H.inta Fe depot here early this morning. Id- had been to Al- buiU. | riUi | for lulu ri'iilosls . .ml HUI return- In ! in hi- helm in .ir < i.iiln- ! ( .ItikH U'orl.rrx I'oiiiliiK We t. I'HII.AI'KLI'IH \ l - & KIM * . gill ! * * * work.-r . luivi1 ! * * * i iieir h tm > - in N J in ni n pi ( i..Hln ii t In fd > In The * > ainc to UiK f i * a. body and boarded a opct.ul car ut the IVmnylvanln rnl1wu > sl.itlin fr > > Plttsburfr , Atvordlng to their statements hundreds of others will follow 111 a few d.iy * A member of the part * snld | .i .1 reporter1 ' Some of u * MIC HIIR | to Hdle Vernon , Pa. , while other * will go In sluss 1,1 , miles In llinllnnn and < iin | | . \H In t Hixiity me Irotn Rrldgelon uml ul > out .VM men , nli t' ' < M | "The ( rtU c nf tills Is the ( KM 'lion of tllC syndicate not tn open iho MiMmtnn lories thin winter \\'c make from } r. to $5 ( each tier wei'k ilurlmj the VMSHI , UM | .los . ing the fiiitorlex meaiii' tie ! inklr . ' ot Bflditeton of .ibiul $ li'.iio inch uiiU APPEAL 10 WORLD FbH FUNDS TrtiNlce * of flic Moody luil Untlou * lnkiit > n I'li-ii fur ' 1'lirpo .Million Diillnri. HAST NOUTIinni.D. Mass. . Ppr. : s.--\n appeal to the world to provide funds for the continuation of ( ho work begun and for twenty years carried on by Uwlght L. Moody was Issued today by the trustees of the Northlleld wmlnnry. This plea will ho the orly apllon taken by tup truslcea In the mntter until n month hence. The pica la rntltlpd "Moody Memorial Kn- dowmcnt , " and Urglna : " * I have been nmbltknis , not ( o lay up wraith , but to leave work for you to do. ' were almost thp last words of I ) . L. . lo his children , " Tlip pica says Hint Mr. Moody's Institutions are unique In character. They consHI of the Xnrthflpld Seminary and Training School for Young Women , the .Mount Hrrmnn School for Young Men and the Illtdo InMltmo tit Chicago , A fund of $3.000,000 Is askpd for , whli'h at I per cent will pcrpotuntn thlti work ot j Mr. Moody. 'TO ' RELIGION AND CHARITY Tno unit n llnlf Millions Left l > r Dr.nle ! I'oril , Vonlli'N Coiu- : innlon I'lililloiier , , -Maas. . lice. 2S.The lll of I IIP lain Daniel Sharp Kurd , publisher of Youth's Companion. Illcd In the Mid- . j I dlcKC.v county probate court today , dispose. ' j of an ttitatf of about $2,500OUO. The will I , give ? J77.000 direct to public charitable | and religious Institutions , mostly In .Massa chusetts , nnd provides annuities for others , The will also bequeaths $ lfiO)00 ( ) to the llap- tlst Social union , subject to conditions , among them that It idiall become a corpora tion within two years after the testator's death. This sum Is to be used for tha erection of a building for the use of thu union. The entire Youth's Companion plant , with certain real estate , is left ( o thp exccutor , to bo administered for the benelH of th Dnptist Social union. Of Hie residue ono- filxth goes to the American Ilaptlst Homo Mission union and one-ninth each to sev eral other Now England charities Sillierlor Iron Ore Output , CLEVELAND. O. , Dec. 2S.-Thp Marltn Review says : An output of lS.5m,000 grom tons of Iron ore IP to be credited to thn , Lake Superior legion for the year ] y..i. ! i Ofllclal returns from dock managers at al ! ! the shipping jiorts shows a total movement I by water of 17,901.35S tons to which will be. j I | by water of 17. il.S5S tons , to which will bo menis. There has been almost a doubling of shipments In four years. KIIIINIIN TenelnTH ICIe ( Olllcern. TOI'ICKA. Kan. , Dec. 28. At the state teachers' meeting today Uie nominating committee pelected the following ollicers : K.T. Knlrchlld. Hiiperlntendcnt of Instruction of Ellsworth county , president ; JIlss C. A. Mitchell , lola. first vice president. Hesolutons ! wore adopted favoring a school exhibit at the 1'arls exposition. Operative. Miller * In Sc.iNlou. XASHV1LLK , Tenn. . Dec. 2.S. The mid winter convention of the fraternity of Oper ative Millers of America met here today , with a good attendance. Addresses of welcome were res/ponded to by President A.J. . . Welnell of Illinois ) and others. Sev eral addresses will .be delivered tomorrow liy prominent delegates. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. taftiltta and .Jofcban of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AMD NOTIONS. BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK SiiiTPHiinrn Wllnon t Drake. Manufacture boilers , smoke stacks nnd brcechlngs , pressure , rc-nderlnc , Bhecp dip , lard and water tanks , boiler tubes con stantly on hand , second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and pionipl attention to repairs In city or country iilh : and Plorco. ' ELECTRiCATsUPPLfESi 7 , 1 ' Electrical Supplies * - Bleotrlo Wirini ; Hells and ( Jus a. W. JO1INHTOM. Mcr 151" " BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , merican M'frs I Jobbers of Foot Wear WEHl RUN AOBKTI tflR Tb Joiiipb Banigan Bubber Oo. en ionv Ghicor # Gc. Orowtr. Mid m nuf cturrr of all Iorm ot Chicory OmahlT niont.O'N ll. SAFE AND IRON WORKS. [ so Omaha Safe and ! Iron Works , O. ANDKF.KiN , I'rop. of - ? ESCAPI'.S . &ni | Iliirx'iir ' I'ronf Hnfi < > no i Vnu tnoors.eto. rill ) S. Mill S' . . Ol-luliM , Null. \ . , rn ( HRPEMMEYaCO. r pwincti 'jntcin mi * JAMES E- BOYD & CO , , 'I cicplioiic I ( ) , { ! ) . Oiuali.t , Ni't COMMISSION , ( iKAI.N , I'KOVI.SIO.NS .in.l S'J OCKS IIOAItf ) OK TllMtlS , Corrcr , tt-nce Joluv Aarren A C'a. uireu wires to Chicago and New York.