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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
TITE OMAHA DAILY UEE : FRIDAY , DEC ISM HER 25) ) , KS5M > . 9 SPECIAL NOTICES AUverMnciniMit * for HIPIC column * Mill be mljfii until 11 ! in for hc rvoliliiu cMltllini mill until 8it : ( > u. in. tor mornliiKT mill Similar rillllfiii. IlntcN , 1 l-Uc a mini llrnt Itmcrlloni Ic n troril tlicre-iiUcr. .Nntliliiit In'xen for lot * tlinii Jjr.u for the llrxt liioer- tlnn. Tliuxe nilvortUcincati intuit lie run cuiixcctitUly. . Ailvcrllnvrii , liy rciiucMIHK iv tinm lirrtMl check , ran linvc minuetnil - Ircdkctl to n iiuiulicrcel Irtti-r In cure or Tliu lice. Anmvem no aililrcmicil will In. ilcllve-rtMl oil iircnuntntlon of < l'"i check only. \ \ AVl'liU SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ono please cull up tha Uctnlngton typewriter olllce , 161 ! ) Fjinani street , telephone Iai3. A oPJ \ \ ANTED , Job by young man to tend furnace , work In kitchen ami can do cooking. Address T 51 , Beo. A-516-23 * \VAN'IED. on a ranch , Hltuutlon ns house keeper or cook by woman , experiences nnd ce-mpetont. T 41 , Boo. A Mt. > lj > - _ the east desires lo YOU NO widow from c"rtie to Omaha as housekeeper for sunn wldower'.M family , -Hy or cuuntn , "r would lake e-hnrge of hotel or corresponu with view tei matrimony ; elderl > gcntli-anin , Mrs. < ' " < - preferre'd. Address- otue M. AddlHon. P. O. Hex 111 , DiiluthMJn - nesoia. A . 'Hi"i - WANTE1I MAI.B , wo have steady work for a few sooil hustlers of grod hahliH and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. . 1013 WANTED. medlclno unlcsmnn ngcnta to travel. country ; pleasant , profitable work. Marshall Medicine Co. . Kansas WE TEACH the harbor trade. thoroughly In short time and furnish each graduate with a RtiarnntCMl position at Kind wages. There are more than ten barber positions advertised to one at bookkeeping or short hand Writ. , for free catalogue and par ' Institute , ticulars. Western Earbers' Omaha. B-MG23 CASH for ncceptablo Idean. State It wu- cnlcil. A.ldrcss . The Patent Record. Bal timore , Mel. B-MS27 WANTED , boy with horse to deliver Thr Bee. Call nt circulation department , B M237 p , m. AN Intelligent young man to tnkei a short hand scholarship and pay for It when lie lias llniHhed the course and secured a po sition. Address T 32 , Bee. B-M < 1S WANTED , for permanent olllco 1 > ? a.IHon' ' Ihree thoroughly competent men with mil less than one year's experience , to hln ; and school by correspondence or personal - sonal Interview and keep at work book 01 life Insurance salesmen. We also wish u employ one each thoroughly competent bookkeeper and correspondent. Good sal ary to thoroughly competent men of gee > 0 haults. Address quick. giving ase. experi ence , tefcrences , salary expected , date when could begin , also forward Photo graph , which will bo returned. V > . ! Muln Co. , Iowa City , la. H-M461 29' WANTED Men to learn barber trade ; 50 < positions at $ CO monthly waiting our grad uates ; now Held ; can earn tuition ; twe months completes ; all Information will hadnsomo 1000 souvenir mulled free. Molei - 111. B-4.6-23 * Barber- College , Chicago. SALESMAN wanted to sell complete Urn of lubricating oils , weather-proof paint ! and greases ; liberal salary to rellabli man. The Champion Refining fo. . Clevc land. Ohio , B-M0 1 BOYLE'S College. Ueo Bids. , furnlshe places for students who desire It to worl for board whlo | In attendance. B 577 W.ANTED. traveling salesmen to carry aid fine for Jown , Missouri , Kansas alii Colorado. Good percentage- for orders. In quire only at 1G1I Izard at. A. Ilospe. B M5S5 31 3 picture agents , expenses paid. 1S19 Lcav WANTKD Paint salesmen to work 01 commission basis ; only those with experl once anil references need apply. 1212 I < ar nam ,3.1. . , . . , V-W2 WANTKD , ono hustling news agent o through trains. Apply J. M. Johnmn. V P. Transfer. . Council Bluffs. B-M623 29 WANTED , 200 girl's. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 870. C-oOl AN Intelligent lady to take a Rhorthan scholarship and pay for it when sh llnishes the course and secures a posl tlon. Address T 3S. care Bee. C-M117 WANTED , experienced girl for cooking an general housework. 1810 Capitol ave. Mua have good references. C M61S 29 * WANTED , neeond girl ; must assist wit children. 518 S. 20th ave. C-.MC09 1 WANTKD. a good cook. Address the Bur Huston Hotel , Aurora , Nebrusko. l7' ( > U IlUN'l1 * 1IOUSISS. IF YOU want your houses well rente place them with Benowa & Co. D-605 CHOICE nouses , cottages , stores. Ilenr B Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D 50 j FINE residence , choice location. 11 room : all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls. Pas ton block. D 507 HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block. D-503 MACiCSAUD Van and Storage , icic Capltc Ave. Teli UMi JD-C03 FOn KENT , houses In all parts' of citj The O. F. Davis Co. , 150a Farnitm street. D-510 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GOOD largo barn for rent In north part c city. Imiulro 2124 Locust. U 103 JIOUSKS for rent In all parts of the cltj Hrennan-Lovo Co. . 219 So. 10th street. street.DCU D-CU HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood , 423 > Y. Life. Phonn 3S3. D-515 FOU HE NT. 'desirable1 houses and Hat Hlngwalt. Barker block. D-MS03 g-HOOM elegont'Wttmontti In .Vormnnilli 155.00 ; ( i-room , all-modern eotiati , newl papered and in tine shnnc , $25.00Vo ha\ many others. Payne-Harder Co. , 1st lloc N. V. Llfo Bldg- . D-MSOl _ LARGEST Ust.'F. ' D. Wead , 16 & DoiiRla D I5-J-D2S _ IIOUSICS to nrt. Patterson , 305 X. Y. l.ff' D-510 _ _ HOUSE for rent ut 1132 Park nve. , all mo < crn. Apply 2130 So , 33d at. Tel 1227. D-r-157 _ _ _ _ _ FOR KENT , K-room house , all modern cm vcnlences. opposite Hansconi park. 15 Park nv . Inc-ulie 2130 S. 33rd or teli phont 1227. D-.M1C7 _ VERY itlensant iippnrimcnt or tint of rooms and bath ; good location and goc homo. M. .1. Kennurd & Son. , Suit SI Hrown Block. D S31 FOU KENT , 552 So. 2Sth , V rooms , moderi $30 : 3flu7 Webster. 7 rooms , bath ; 2222 : ISth , 6 rooniH , barn , largo yard ; Sit S lath. 4 rooms ; also flats. RliigwaU Bro lldrker Blk , " D7 FOU H1NTOG OnpUol nvp. ; 9-rooni moi ern house ; nearly pupered ; liifgo yun Thu Bj'lim Heed Co. , J12 rf , nth St. U 167-2J _ _ _ 6-HOO.M , entlri-ly modern , near . -ir. $33 ; 8-1 olty water , walking dlhianco b\islne s $1 or will nun llr t floor $10 ; 7-r. , city wate good repair , Ml ; a few desirable house rent boulim Jan. 1 ; f\t > rul housten at ( I to 5. W. H. IliuMcll , rentals , tire mice , 6Ifi N. Y. Life. D M612 1 VMVE-UOOM futtiiKP , convenlei.t , well ni clstrrn water : 2JOI ( Blonde tttroct ; Apply at IW N. 10th Ht. D-517 FOR RENT , T-room honso and barn , mo ern , except furnacii. 235 Farnam St. , $ : JOHN \V. ROI1HINS. 180J Farmtm. U-421 3 ! TOR RENT. Bteani-heatert Mm. on Id llo of DavldBB bldg : reifuroncos reuu'.rod. JOHN W. ROB1UNS , mi FARNAM ST t 1 * t L 1513 t'APITOL AVE. S-room dt-ta h house. $ : ow John N. Frenzer. Op c P u l Mull 12-UOO.M. entirely mudcrii. llnlshed ! n < l feri'iil wnodh cxoi llent loeatlmi K Ho urd it . rriHonulilerental to party wi can furnlHh need rolviuitcctf , W H Uu aell , 616 N. Y. Life. D-tMtill l-'Oll IIU.NT I'DHMSIIl'.I ) UOOAIS. Poll light housekeeping. VM > St. Mary's nve. K-M ? l-'T'HNISIIED rooms , housekeeping. 2fi l St. Mars's. B Mfii < i 7 Kl.EOANT fiirnlfhed rooms , furnace heat and tiath ; close to buslnegs. Address T Bfl. Dee. E-.M821 20' i-'iiiMsiiin ; IIOO.MS AND IIOAIID. THE Morrlam family hotel , S3th and Dodge. F 51S 1-TKN1SHED rooms and board. 2015 Iiout ; . las st. F-MS05 CIS S. 13TII , deMrnV'o rooms nnd board. F-.M23S Jit * IJESIHABI.E south room for gentleman. Board , stuam. 202 No. ISth. F M379 23' TO 2 gentlemen , In private family. 2020 St. Mnry1 ! ' ave. F-M59S DESIRABLE rooms , llrst-class board. 2'.SI Harney. F M593 30 FOH HUNT STOU12S AMI OFKICC3. 'OR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C , Peters Si Co. , ground lloor , Bee Bldg. 1-266 ON RENT , a ground floor office , specially ptiltiblo for real estate , etc. . Eplendld vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bee Building. 1-257 > R RENT Brick warehouse , two floors. each 00x90 ft ; power elevators ; U. P. trackage. Apply Huarmalm Bros. , i ll S. 20th. I-fo' OR RENT , two-story brick building. 1313 nnd 1315 Hartley St. , good livery barn or warehouse ; low rent. OHN W. RODOINS , 1S02 Farnam. AOE\TS WANTED. 'APABLE ' men and women can make good wages welling our "Quick Meal CooKer and Heater.-r or "Quick Ivlndler. " ( Sub stitute for kindling and coal. ) Agents al lowed liberal commission and exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Ben nett Manufacturing Co. , 134 Van Huron St. , Chicago. J itW wAvrun TO IIKNT. VANTKD , room and board for elderly lady In private family ; modern conveniences. K-M620 31 STORAGE : . ACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwardlns. 517 WANT13U TO I1UY. ALL kl.ids of household goods , hotels , etc. , in large or small quantities. Chicago Fur- nlturti Co. . 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N . N 513 WILL purchase a limited number ol Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brcnnan- Love Co. , 219 S. 10th St. N-319 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Peo- pio's Store. 16th and Farnam. N-M249 AMERICAN dealer : buy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 Cumlnc. Tel. 1G73. WANTED , to buy , a large , second-hand fireproof safe. Midland Glass nnd Palni Co. , 1405 Hnrney St. N-M5S3 29 roil SALE irtmNITUUE. STOVES AND FURNITURE : no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 141 ; Dodce. 0-520 WE still have a good line of second hanc stoves and furniture at reduced prices Call. J. Lewis , 101 So. 14th. O-M786 J3 K011 S VI.I3 HOUSES AMI 'WAOOXS GOOD irony , Just the 'horse ' for a route most any price. E51S Chicago et. P MC05 31 FOIL SALE 3I1SCELLAM3OU9. ' SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Ileyden. Q 521 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Council Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St. Q-5 > PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om. Bl Co Q-M83S CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing anj h " fences. SOI Douglas St. Q-s"a NEW and 2nd-hand sewing.machlnosTre duced price. H. E. t rederickson , 15th 3 Dodge. Q 52-J R-I-P-A-N-S iFoR SALE-Ten for S druggists. One gives relief. _ _ _ rTllAAS Florist. 1S13 Vlnton , St. Tel 771 Plants , cut llowera. boauets , 1 all re'7 , wedding and grave decoration Orders by mail or express promptly tlHeH Q-S25 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads-luis Farnati Q-527 2 D-HAND safe chtdp. Derlght , ins Farnam Q--529 N"E\V f ampleBewlnS machines , $15. Omahi Bicycle Co. Q-MICO SAFES-nuy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St Q-528 ADVERTISING calendars. Rurhlev Ptg. Co Q-M7S r\rt oi FOR SALE , new nnd 2d.hnnd soda foun tains ; monthly payments. S B. Richmond mend , P. O. Box 577. Q M212 . ! J3 FOR SALE , the celebrated Wilbur Fooi for fattening stock : enough feeds to las one animal l.COO days for $13.00 ; Fatlsfae tlnn guaranteed. II. A. HI ) ) , state ngont Grand Island , Neb. Q-235 J13 POSTAGE stamps , Scott's Agency : one evenings. Frank Brown , 2201J S. 13th. Q-371-1' TWO MILLION FEET OF TIMBERS 6x6 , CxS , SxS , 10x10 , 12x12 , 12x14. FROM 1C-FT. TO 40-FT. LENGTHS. CAN FURNISH ANY LENGTH DESIRED. ADDRESS CHICAGO HOUSE WRECK ING CO. , EXPOSITION GROUNDS OMAHA , NEB. Q-SS3-31 $152 BUY'S Stelnway upright piano : goo condition : cash or easy payments. AC dress P 10 , Hce. Q-MS5S FOR SALE , bargains good for Chrlstma presents ; diamonds , watcher , Jowclr musical Instruments , etc. Diamond Lei : 'Otn ' > c , 1315 Douglas. Q M257 31 START now to buy your new wheel ; $1. down , $ l.flQ u week- call and get full oa tlruhup. Omaha lilcyc-le Co. Q M599 JHO Bl'Y ? Kniibe nlanoHBI ! or easy p.ij mcntB. 515 S. l avc. Q-.Miila 1 _ OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ao.-oui'l Nnni your heat price. T ! > . lf ) < - . Q-M017 31 3ii.sciiiA.Mot's. NOTICE , countrv dealers , 2d-hand furnltui ifc Ptovcs nt lowest prices , carload lots < less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 14CW-10 node R-i30 < JIAIHVOYAVrs. MRS. FRITclairvoyant. . SOS N. ICth. S-331 MME. GYL.MER genuine p-llmlat. 1C05 Dodi 9-533 MUS. DlZ iTART , palmist nnd clairvoyai : 213 N. ISlh direct. Hourp. 9 to tl.S5SS S-5SS 25' AM ) IJ.VTIfy. MMB. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; masase. bath t- MRS BERHYbaihs. massage. PARLOI u best e < | ulppi- l In city , porcelain tub. I at attendants , 119 No. 10th , 2d lloor. T M5S1 J2 * ; MASSKiB AMI \TIIS. . MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S N. loth. T-M54I 8rt ELITE PARLORS. 615 S. IGth , upstair ? ; ll'.dt-rliiRfi baths , mngnetle treiitment. l.tdy attendants' . T M5so 5 * VIAVI Is woman's wny to health. 3IS Bco Bldg. V-53J SHAMPOOING 23c. hair dressing 2Je ; "half nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 1518 Fnrnam. U-S3I MONHE1T. leading chiropodist. 15IS Far- nnm , 2d floor. U 533 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & < Uir- Ing confinement ; babies udontcd. HSR N. 17. U-537 SCALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post ? 319'i ' S. 15th. U-533 LIEBEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get catalogues. U MSIl COSTUMES-Mrs. Sack. 331S S 20th. Cata- loguc. U-MOOO-J-S * SECONDHAND sewing machines from $3.00 up. Nc'o. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney. U-.M9S5-J-9 DR. DAVIS , ppcclallst.'lCth nnd Dodge. U-191 DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed. 23c nnd upward. Room 12 , Fronzer bloek. U-535 DRS. SIMPSON. Opticians , 1901 Fnrnam. 17 143 2S 1'ELEPHONE 2543 will call Mr. l onhnrdt to tune your pnno. ! U MC01 3 * JIO.VUY TO 1.OAN UI3AIJ EST.VTU. 11,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. AV 539 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W-540 $100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead. IGth and Hnus W-51 WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bond's and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co iTi1 ) ' Fnrnnm St. , Bee Bldg. W r,13 WRITE us if you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will tnv you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N YL ' W-513 $100,000.000 to Invest through Bfinkern Brokers , Promoters : Rend for olrcnlir Investors' Directory. N. Y. W-5W 5 PER CENT money. Bcmls , Paxton block ' AV-541 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city * r purpose3- 6 , 5H , 0 Per cent loans In Omaha. S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel11043 ' W-543 MONEY to loan nt B and BV per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle. 401 So.16th W-330 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 310 South Ifith W-551 FIVE per cent : farm loans. Chns. Evi \ - llamson. W 5IU PRIVATE money , low rate , no do-lav Gnrvln Bros. , 1013 Fnrnnm St. W il1) ) MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLF holding permanent positions , on their nor sonnl note without endorsement or secnr Ll-ur- Ity ; strictly confidential anil at - ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES Before borrowing see us. as you will finr It greatly to your advantage ; we are I , oldest , largest and only incorporate * ! inn , ' company in Omaha. Omaha uVv' , , Loan Co. , 110 Board of Trade Bld'Aieti and Farnam Sts. Telephone 3293" ' X-3K MONEY loaned salaried people hoidTnnn7 mancnt position with responsible con , , upon their own names , without securkv easy payments. Tolman , 70G N. Y. IT Bids X 557 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , blcvelel diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment nn known to friends. Omnha Loon Bank i-iii Farnam. upstairs. X-55S MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , hoTses cows. Jewelry. Duft Green , R. s. Barker bu ! X-5C1 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos lew elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; month ] ' payments ; half rates. Bergers' Loan Co' 140S Farnam , over drug store. X M720 " " " MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS HORSES. WAGONS. ETC ' LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO SCO SOUTH 10TH STREET. X-555 LOANS madt ) to salaried people on thel perfonal note without security ; rates rea sonnble. J. W. Taylor , 21S First Nnt'I bh bldg. 12 to 0:15 : p. m. , MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture- . Jew eliy , horsef , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 319 S 13th. X-55S LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em ployed In Omaha , South Omaha am Council Bluffs , holding good positions. 01 their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BES' TERMS , everything private ; money cm be paid back In small weekly or monthl' payments. American Loan Co. , Roori 601 , Bee Bldg , X 3CO MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLI holding permanent positions on their owi name without endorser or mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No Inniilrles made of em player or friends. You can borrow an' amount nnd repay In easy weekly o monthly payments. Before borrowing- us. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jennings Mgr. , Suite 623-520 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.X539 X-539 MONEY to loan on furniture , piano ; horses , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 21R Firs Nnfl bk. bldg. 12 to 0:15 : p. m. X 551 } BUSINESS CHANCES. MERCHANDISE STOCKS Wo have dr : goods , clothing , stocks boots nnd shoef hardware , drugs nnd groceries stock located In nil parts of Nebraska , lowe Dakota and Missouri. If you want to bu ; or trade for a stock of goods wo cm locate , If you want to sell your goods o property we can llnd a buyer for you Write or call on us for what you want Hotels for sale or trade. Merelmndls Broker , 202 Karbach blk. Y M130 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT-i'n'rTnVrshi' or whole thing ; big patronage ; new r.utlll Inquire & 19 S. 10th st. YG Jl WAG"3S , accounts nnd bad debts of n kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. State ments and remittances mailed weeklj 7Huhest commercial nnd hank reference ! OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , sulto 51 F'rst ' National bank building. 'Phon 2551. CointnunlcMo with us nnd we wl tend a reliable collector for your account Y-502 FOR SALE , 2-chalr barber shop nnrt P < K hall : receipts over J300 a month In th 0 ! best 750 town In northwestern lown. / . ! W. Holt. Battle Creek , Iowa. Y-M321 ! AN c.\et llent Imt/her shiyp. with nil ll > turen. In good location ; given 2 month without rent ; grocery next iloor. T R lleo. Y M600 31 A DESIRABLE old-established cash liu Iness. Owing to fnillntf health 1 htn concluded to retire from business ar odor my stock of groceries , tinware , tnei market , flou" and fce-J for Hal'if yc want a desirable buhlnci's Invesllga Uartleit Groi-ery Co. , GOO uiid COJ Broui way , Council Uluffs. Y-M622 J2S I'OII E.VCHAMii : . I WANT to trade one lot In Armour plue South Omaha , and two lots In Ml. Plea ant addition , Omahu , fur wild land ; western Nebraska ; my lots are rleur i Inuumbram-f and want clear land ; wrl mo what you have. J. 11. Camplie'.l. 15 So. 29th t Omaha. X--M391 3' FOR SALE UE.V1 , ESTATE. PAYNE-HARDER Co. . HEADQI'ARTKn for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LUtt EST RATES on LOANS ; SOUND I > SURANCE , HOUSES. FLATS. STORE for RENT. First floor N. Y. Llfo RE-M40I a _ _ . y i IF YOU have a burt'nln to offer in rci ostiite tee S. A. Broudwell , 601 N. Y. LIi Bide. R.E-M4W ! FOR sVI.E HEM , ESTATE. FOR QUICK returns on bargain * only PCS P. A. Broodwcll , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M I IKS DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside bulnc-s9 propel ty on market. Wallace , solo agent. RB-M153 FOR BAmJAlNSevorybady goes to S.A. . Broad well , C01 N. Y. Llfo Bldtr.UEM40S UE-M40S NOTH1NCI but bargains handled by S. A. Broiidwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg.REM105 RE-M105 HOUSES , lot ? , farms , lands , loans ; also flvo insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE-CCJ A BARGAIN Four acres , 40tn ana Pacific ; two blocks from cnr line , on belt rail road. $2,500 ; easy terms. McCauuo In vestment Co. . 15M Dodge. RE 567 S5V4 acres , three miles north of Florence , all In timber ; will cul between 400 nnd 500 cords of wood ; for $1,230. Ten acres on West Dodge St , , macadam , half hour's drive , $1,000. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th St. RE-5SS NAPS In real estate : money to loan. I , . L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE-5C4 60x140 to alley on 2Sth Just . south at Woolworth , 5-room IIOUPO , cast front , rents for 5111 yearly ; a snap fdr any one nt $1.3PO. $500 cash , bnl. G years nt 0 per cent. The vacant lot once sold for $2,600. This is In Hnnscom park district , near church , school , park and st. car. gents furnishing purchaser allowed regu lar commission. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314 or 2506 , P. S.-ABOVE IS A SAMPLE. RES9 2 < OOK at 270S Capitol Ave. , T-room frame cottago. nearly new , on lot 50x133 feet , south front. Price , $1,400.00. This Is a bargain. Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14th. RE-931 OR SALE Bargains In small residences. S. A. Brondwcll , 01 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M407 STILL have several homes for sale on the easy payment ulaii so popular with buy ers.V. . II. Russell , real estate , rentals. Insurance , Oltt N Y. Life. RE M CIS 30 GO ACRES within 10 miles of Omaha P. O. , 10-rocin house , barn 30x00. KOIIIO fruit trees , line place ; Improvements easily worth $2ono. Price , $4.000. 350 for south front on Mnndoram street. between 27th ami SStli streets , size 50x125. 500 for ' .KxXi\ feet , facing east on 30th street , opposite Miller park. 2,250 for live acres on North 21th street , east old Fort Omaha. JOHN N. FRENXER , OPP. OLD P. O. RE 582 IARGA1N In I-room house and lot. I blocks fioin P. O. , South Omaha , now paying J2 per cent on investment. S'JOO If taken before Jan. 1. W. II. Russell , sole agent , real esta'e and Investments. 010 N. Y. Life. RE MGli 30 HENRY B. PAYNE , 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans. Insurance. RE-503 I. F. HARRISON , FARMS , FARM LOANS. RE-22S-J15 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and insurance. R. C. Patterson , 303 N. Y. Life. RE-S71 1562 NORTH 17TH street , two houses. rentIng - Ing for $10.00 per month , paving paid , pays 14 per c nt gross , price $130. John N Frenzer , Opp. old P. O. RE MCOO BUY THIS FOH A HOME 2-story frame , newly painted , 7 room. " , full lot , small barn onVlrt St. , : t blocks from 24th st. car. Mark the terms : $100 down nnd $12 u 'month ' for ten years without interest. AV. II. Russell , investments file , N. Y. Life , RE M 015 30 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 102 : Farnam St Telephone'12S4. 571 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha , United Typewriter & Supply Co. . 1612 Far nam. 575 iivOTON Standard Typewriter nn-J supplies. 1019 Farnam. 570 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing heaviest manlfoldor nnd cuts the fines ) stencil. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Snecla : Agent , 318 % S. 13th St. . Omaha. 577 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnam 57S SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo 370 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. -571 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princl pal. Bco Bldg. 572 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. M 1G4 OSTE01 ATrY. IOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , 515 N. Y Llfo Bldg. , Alien Johnson , D. O. , ladles dept. : Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr 5S2 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school Klrksvllle , Mo. , C01 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367 -5S3 PAWNMIIOICERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 41S N. 10 -5SI EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodnt Ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Doug las. S3 LADIES , od ! Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pill the best , safe , reliable. Take no other Send 4c stamp for particulars. Dr. Boll Box "IS , St. Louis , MO. M393 J1S LA'DIES' Free Harmless Monthly Regula tor , cannot fall. Mrs , U. Rowan , R. 21 Milwaukee , Wls. M 429 J20 FOL'Ml. ' GOLD RING , owner can have by provin property and paying for advertising , f E. Hawos , 802 S. llth. Found 001 28 * FOUND Ladles' fur collar. NIIKOII , 403 N Y. Life. Found-COa 28' NICKI3I * IM.ATIXtt. SKATES hollowground. al ! kinds of plal Ing. Omaha Plating Co. . Bee Hldg. 5iS ; CANDY. OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , homemad candy , lOc , 15e arid 25c Ib. 300 N. 16th. -ffio D31 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN.Vm. . Barr , mgr. $1 t $1.2-3. l ° th and Douglas. 'Phone 214. M4U2 J22 ilII ilt STAMMEHINC AND STUTTERING. II . . CURED. Julia Vaughn. 130 Ramgo Bldg. -in IAI'M RY , OMAHA STEAM LAL'NDHY AND CIT TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 LeavenWlh. TI.5I . -M2-.S TICKET IIIIOKHIIS. CI'T RATE railway tlckcu ever.vwhen P. H. Phllbtn. 1503 Farnam. 'phono 7s4. DDu i ' j | SCHOOL OP LANGUAGE. . I FRENCH. German. Spanish. $2 per mantl i , ' Prof. Chatelnln. 301 liiiyd theatn.S < 7 IIIIIDS AM ) TA.\lliiUlV. : STOCK'S Bird store. 1003 Lcuvenwurth -57 r II. R. H E. IHTnKRMANN. furriers ; furs made to order and repaired. US S. 15th. M-S37 Tllt'Mv TRUNKS traveling bugs , suit eases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1209 Fnrnnm - UICYCI.ES. NEW and secondhand bicycles nt half price. Louis Flosher , 1022 Capitol ave. -591 PAPER HATVREIIS. MAIL postal card giving your address nnd receive valuable Information. P. O. Box 113 , Omnln. M227-JS5 in'RMTIIllE PACKING. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 5S9 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2216 Daven port. M-202 .112 TAII.OUINC. LADIES' Jackets , men's clothing , altered , latest styles ; cleaned. Max Fogcl , S'17 ' S. 17th -79 : J-3 RAIL WAY TIME TA1II.E. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph ft Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling , ton Route" Ticket Olllcc1. 1502 Farnntn Street. Tele phone. 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . . .n S:50 : am a 5:13 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..nlO:15 : pm a 6:30 : am St. IxiUiS Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4o3 : pm nll:15 : am a Dally. SB CHICAGO , HURLINGTON S & Quincy Railroad "Tho III Burlington Route" Ticket Olllcc1502 Farnam St. Tel. , 250. Depot , Tenth & nMll Mason Streets , Tele- phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chit ago Spe- pm BURLINOTON & MIS- sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" - nencral Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnr nam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 150. IH-pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- j'hone. ' Leave. Arrive. Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am u 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah , California.a 4:23 : pm a 3:53 : pm Lincoln , BlacK Hills. Montana & Pugct Sound a 4:23 : pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:33 : ama Denver , Colorado. Utah & California a 0:35 : arc a Dally. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" Genera : Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webstei Sts. City Ticket Ollice. , j.401 Farnam St. Telephone , CC1. Depot. 15th uud Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapolis a 6:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : prr Blair , Emerson. Sioux City , Poncn , H.irtlng- ton and Bloarnlleld b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : prr No. 2 Twin CH ; L't'd..a 5:55 : pm No.I Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : an a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. [ FREMONT. ELKHOR > & Missouri Vally Rail road "Tho Northwester ! Line" General Ofllces United States Natlona Bank flldg. , Southwes _ Corner Twelfth and Far i nam Streets. Ticket office. 140 : Farnan Street. Telephone. 661. Depot , 15th am Webster streets. Telephone , 145S. _ , Leave. Arrive. Black Hill ? , Dcadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pn Wyoming. Casper ar.S Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pn Hastings. York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pn Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : an Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : an Fremont Local c 7:30 : am a Dally D Dally except Sunday , e Sun day only. u Dally except Saturday. i dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Thi Northwestern Llne"- C'ty Ticket Offlco , 140 Farnam Street. Tele phono. 561. Depot , Tentl end Mason Streets. Tele phone , 029. Leave. Ar/Ivc. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . . . a 0:40 : am all:55 : pn Chicago Passi-nger a 4:15 : pra alU:10 : an Eastern Express. Des. Molnes , Mnrthalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . . . . . . . . alO:53 : am a 4:05 : pn Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pn Fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha ' n 0 > 45 nn Omaha-Chicago Special.a-7:30'pm : a 8:00 : an Fast Mull S-30 an a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFK Railroad "The North wesnern Lino" Renera United State National Bank BulMlnp b. W. Corner Twelftl _ - and I'nrnnm Street Ticket office , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele i phone , 501. Dnpot , Tenth and Masai ' Streets , Telephone , 029 , LCaV ° ' Arr'VP' ' Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Mlnnc-apolls..a 5:55 : am a 8:15 : an St. Paul , Minneapolis , Manknto & Sioux Clty.a 5:30 : pm all :00 : pn Sioux City Local a 8:00 : am a 1:30 : pri a Dally UNION r > ACIFia-"THEOVER land Route" General Olllces N. E. Cor Ninth and Farnan Streets. City Ticket Office. 130 Farnam Street. Telephone. 3K Depot. Tenth nnd Masoi Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited..n 8:50 : am a 7:20 : pn The Fast Mall a 9:00 : am n 3:23 : ur The Colorado Special..all:53 : pm ft G:35 : ar The Portland Special..a 8:30 : urn a 1:40 : pr Lincoln , Beatrice and Sir-imidiWB Express..b 4:10 pm hl2:2r : pr Paciilc Express a 4:25 : pm , a 6:35 : ur Grand Island Local b 5 : . ,0 pm b 9:23 : ai South Omaha Pass.-Leaves. a 10:15 : a. m , 3:03 : p. m ; b 4:3i : p. m. Arrives , 10:45 : i m. ' , b 3)0 : p. m. ; b 5:23 : p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , B:50 : n. m. 7:15 : u. ni. ; 7o'j : ' a t.i. , 10:15 : a. m. ; 2:15 : r m. ; 3:40 : p. m. ; 5:23 : p m. ; 3:53 : p. m. ; 8:15 : r m. ; 10:30 : p. m Arrives , C:20 : a. in. ; 7:50 : n in. , 10:15 : a. m ; 11:3 : < > a. m. ; 3:03 : p. rnr ; p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; C:20 : p. rn. ; 8:30 : p. in. ; l ' p. m. a Dally , h Daily excep * Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . & ST. LOUlS RAH road Omaha , Kansas cit A- Eastern Railroad "Th julnty Rome" Ticket Ol lice , 1415 FaniHin Streoi Ti Ir-phonc. S22. Depot , Tfint and Marcy Streets. Tele Leave. Arrive , St. Louifi Cnnr.on Ball Express a 4:50 : pm n S:35 : ni Kansas City and Qulne-y Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pr ' &fo M ' * l'U1 ' 'ACIFIC RAIL tfMfc ; ' " . ejciieral Olllros an if/'iltSW i- ' -'I-1 'JHIcea ' 3outhpast Col KMft35 ? \ \lh ! a'Jd ' , " Klas St : SJUalJiSffiS ? Tl'u : 'hon ° . 101Depot , I5t jfffiffifSf " " \\i-ljsierst2. Telophpne vw1 Leave. Arrive. St. Lou.9. Kansas & Neb Limited a 2:30 : pm a2S5 : pr K. C-S. L Kxprcsb . . a 9:30 : pm & 6:50 : ar Nb..irhi Ixical via U'euplng Water b 0:03 : | 'in a 5:13 : nr a Dally , b Dally except Su'idaj' . CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE , ' ' 9 if. lsbWTrmi | wiwa-ffF' stret-t 'IVl , phoiu 2SI De 1 * " " * ' " * , / not , Temh and .Masun yti < . . / ' ' ' < ! " ! 'htinc ' .jy - . - Leave Arri\f Chicago Llm.tcd Ex . .a 7:35 : pm a S.30 ai III. UL ' A Oniciha I'x 1 ! ii ) vnn i , 3 C3 pi i Hii. j.\ c'ry & Iji Mo ! > < i Express . . . bllOQ : am b 355 ; pi I a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , TIMI : Tvm.r.s. . ROCK n L. ? . " ! ' * * J'aeiflp Rnllrl'.d "The Olcnt Rock 1 ( . and Route. " City Til. . . I' P'V ' IM-I I'Wnm Street. Telephone. 425. l > epot. Tentb jt Mn. , , , , , is \-y v- , Streets. Telephone. ti.U " 1 < cavoArrlvc' Be."Mo S. ' . . and Haven- port Local . a 7:03 : am bll:33am : Chcngo KxpriTs . b : . ; 5nm a S lo am Chtriigo Fast EKpics.iS:00 ! : pm n lM : tim St. Paul Fast ix.ress | . .a 3uO : pm " " ; . -o am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. . lienver. Pueblo and b Dnllv CXLCIU. Sunday. UA _ H A S It RA1LROAD- Tlcket Otllce , 1413 Farnam Street. Telephone. K-5 pot , Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone , C.29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a < :00 : pm a S:35 : am a Dally. 1'OSTOFFIt'F. AOTIC1-2. ( Should bo rend dally by nil Interested , as changes , may occur nt any time. ) I'orelgn malls for the week ending De cember W , 1SM will close ( PROMPTLY In nil case-si at the general poatotllce as fol lows : PAUOELS. POST MAILS clOt'e olio hour < \urller than closing time shown be low. Parcel post malls for tlermanv close- ut 5 p. \\Vdni\Hlay , for dispatch per s. s. Rheln. Thursday , and S p. in. Friday , for dispatch per s. s. C.raf Wnldersec. TriuiNitUniitlu SATl'ROAY-At S a. m. for NETIIKR. LAMlS ellreet. per s. s. Maasdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo dlrecte > d "per s. s. Maasdam" ) ; at 9 a. in. feir ITALY , per s. H. Worm , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Werru" ! ; nl 10:30 : n. m. ( supplemeiilary 12 m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Campania * , via Queenstown. P'-lnted Matter , e-tc. ( lerinan steamers t-alllng on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially nd- elressed printed matter , ct < , tor other parts of Europe. American and Whltu Utar steamers' on WiMm iiuvs , German Hteamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , 1'rench and Ueriimn Ht-atners on Satur days take printed matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mall. After the -closing of the' supplementary transatlantic mails named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. HiiLMIsh , French and German Me-mners. and re main open until within ton minutes of the hour of calling of ieaner. .Mnilii feir Seiuih nnd Central America , Wrsf Iniil.K.H. . . FKlDAY-At 1 p. m. for PUERTO RICO , 'per s. s. Mae , via San Juan ; at 1 p. tn. for JAMAICA , per s. s. Orlgen ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Orlgen" ) . SATt UDAY-At 10 a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per f. s. Mlramar ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVA- N1LLA and CARTHAGENA , per s. s. Adliondack ( letters for Costa Rica must bu directed "per s. s. Adirondack" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary ! ( ) : > a. m. ) for HAI'lI , per s. s. Andes ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s. s. Mexle-o , via Havana ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for TURKS ISLAND and SAN DOMINGO , l > er s. s. New York. Mails for Newfoundland , t > y rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this ofllce dally at S:30 : p. m. ( conncctlns close hero every "Monday. Wednesday nnd Saturday ) . .Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston , and thunce by steamer , close nt this olllcu dally at S:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tamna. Fla. , and thc-nce by steamer , close at this ollico dally except Monday at 7 a. m. , ( the connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednesday and Friday ) . Mails for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. , and thence bv steamer , close at this olllce every Mon day , Tuesday nnd Saturday , at ' 2KO : a , m. , ( the connecting closes are on Tuesday and Saturday. Mulls for Mexico City , overland , unless spe-elally addressed feu d'isimtch ' by steamer , i lose at this olllce ! dalljat 2:30 : a. tn. nnd : p. m. Malls for Costo Rica. Belize , Puerto Curtez and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , and thence by steamer , close nt this olllcc dally at " 3 p. m. , ( connecting closes here Mondajs for linllze , Puerto Cortex and Guatemala ) . 'Registered mail closes nl C p. m , previous day. " 'Registered mall closes at ( i p. in. second day befotc- . TiniiNiiiielllc .11 il I U. Malls for China , Japan and Philippine Islands , via San Francisco , close here dally nt C.TO : p. in. up to December * 2lth , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Algoa ( let ters must be ellrei-te-d "per Algon ) . Mails for Society Islands , via San Francisco , close here dally at 0:30 : p. ni. up to Decem ber * 2Gth , Inclusive , for dispatch by shl ) : Tropic Bird. Mulls for China and Japan , via Vancouver , close here' daily nt G:3i : p. in. up to December 2itn. ( Inclusive , foi dispatch per s s. Empress of India ( reg istered mull must be directed "via Van couver" ) . Malls for China , Japan and thr Philippine Islands , via Seattle1 , close here daily up 0:30 : p. m. up to December ' 27th , Inclusive , for dispatch per s s. Idiitim Maril ( registered mall must be directed "via Seattle" ) . Malls for China , Japan am Philippine Islands , via Tae-oma , close here dally at ti:30 : p. in. up to December 'MUi inclusive , for dispaU-h per s. s. City ol London. Malls for Australia ( except Wcsl Australia , which gos via. Europe , and Ne-\\ Zealand , which goes via San Francisco ) Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver close here dally at G10 : p. m. up to De cember * 30 , Ine-luplvc , for dispatch per s. .s Aorungl. 'Malls ' for Hawaii , China , Jo pur and the Philippine Islands , via San Krnn- clsco , close heire dally at fi:30 : ti. m. up tf January 1 , Inclusive , t"or dlspnten pur s. s Gaelic. Malls for Hawaii , via San Fran- olsco , close hero dally at i:30 ! : p. m up tc January * 5. inclusive , for dispatch per s. s Australia. Malls for Australia ( oxccpi West Australia ) , New Xoaland. Hawaii FIJI nnd Sanioan Islands , via San Fran elsco , I-IOKO here dally at 0:30 : p. m. nftei December ' 3-J and up to January ' 'u , in- elusive , or on day of arrival of H. s Cam pania , due at New York January 20th , foi dispatch per s. s. Mouna. Trans-Pacific malls arc forwarded to nor of sailing elnlly and the schedule of clos Ing Is arranged em the presumption o their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes at ( i p. m. provlou- day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmnstor , Postolllce , Now York , M. Y. . December UJ IEAI , NOTIOE , STOCKHOLDnHH : MEETING" OFFICE OF LEE-fLAS8-ANDREESE > HARDWARE CO. . OMAHA , Neb ! , De ? U 1SW. Notlcu Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Lco-Ulnns-Androesi'ii Hard ware Co. that the annual meotlni ; of tin i-tockholdors of the company will bo huh at the Olllces of the said company J"19-'l 1223 Harney street , In the city of Omaha , litho the Htato of Nebraska , on Tuesday Junuarj ' . ' . A. D. 1'JOu , nt 3 o'clock p m. , fcr tin purposi of electing a board ut directors fo the company to serve during the. ensulni year and to transaet such other buslnes' as may be presented at uc-h rnt-utlng. ti W. M. GlJAsk Se o.a . o.aD103U M STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Union Lai-.d Company : Notice IH hereby elvon that the nnnua meOtlng of the stockholders of Iho Unloi Land ( omiiuny for the election of live direc tors and the iransiictlon of such ottr.r iniki nes a may lawfully c-omo before thu rneo'l Ing will be held at the olllcu of the KCIICTII solicitor , Union Pacllle building , Ouialui Nob. , upon Monday , the Sth day of Jun nary , 1300. at 10 o'clock u. rn , The stock transfur books will be tlo-.ei ten days previous to the niceilng. New York C'lly , N. Y , , Ducombcr istli 15 9 ALEXANDER MILLER , Secretary. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS , A special meet Ing of the HtockholelerB n The Ueo Publishing Co. , Is he-rehy called ti uieeot at the. ' ofllceof the eomjmny. torno 17th and Farnum Htrr-cin , on Saturday , Jntt uury U , 1/K ! ) , t 4 o'clock p. m. , lo e-onalele ' the c-jktensiun and urncndmonita to ihi ! artle'.cH of Incorporation and micli otha bunlnc-MB aw may mibmltti-d fur idiisid eratlon. By order of the Uouid of Ijjrc , .or * K. ROSKU'ATKU , Pre dcnt. U. B TJiSCHtrCK. ' lt < > lllllll ! > M llf | | Illlftlll'IOr , New York Presn : If n man only loves woman well enou h rhu tun afford to Ic 1 him lo unreasonable. , ( " 1'lnuveragi - woman will rnurry any mn , i whu lm > the urlt to hang around her Ion i inough. , i You can generully guc > i nmrest how fl . a woman M bv tinwiv 'ie inniM lip . mnuth w1 f-ii siniin down . \ jlr' ; lowi-is I , , r \ , i , iiUi il u.i .1 rft-iiil \ \ hinin - tills , i nun il , . ; i n i 1 Uib > .imtxhen lit. if tin ir h , -e i llhlfi woman - . - .fi . , li.i.- ui , mill , o u uhiI tinI ' ir | i i ' nn l i < , fe , i . , i I iltrclt -1 } \M.-II otlitt omci ( uu 'ai.liic ' o ncr. WtlMPA IN AKIlVlt'S I ( HUT. ( illinpoc of dueof ( lie- Ale < lleiiiittflil n ml Kvi'lmUc of Unrein * . The \ery lust pi ice where one won'.I ex- 1 t-ct lo riiHl eliintcAlk peace and enull } . siv tlie New Ye > rk Sun , w.niM br In n harv.n. that dim and dre.ulful prison li.nise of e.idi- e-rn womaiiiumd.ennnn life has been har- rowltiRly described from < \i-ry pulpit In Christendom , > t the Inystery shrouding I's ' existence stimulates. In the nverane Hstem r. n de\Mre to know still more eMlicernlng it. A ellnipAr of Akbar's linn m mn > be Intcr- e'stlnir. It was the most extensive ns veil as the best appointed In Asia nnd , Indeev , , porno authorities place It foremost at nil times. In contained 5,000 Inmates nnd the premises we're so extensive' s to afford a separate room for < n."h Individual , ehi l\o of the general apartments , such as lititli-i. baloonie * . assembly halls and terraces. Ii was remarkably beiutUvil In construction and workmanship , one of llin handsomest Piles In Fnte-ptir-Slkrl. that dream of orien tal niagnlllceiice whle-h Akbnr solldllle-d in marble. Abul-fn ? ! . MIC Persian scholar and cinin- seller of Akliar. stntc-.i that iiroper emi'li"- mevit was nsslgnoel to ene-h woman nnoi-l- Ing to her rank ami as Akbar cause-d part of his price-less library to lx > placed al tnelr command and these books were obvlour'y ' deslKiieel for the exclusive use of the iiaicin It follows that the Inmates were fnmlll.'r with seve'rnl languages , for the books wt-r written In Persian , Sanscrit , Tamil and Hindustani. , , The harem , writes Abul-fazl. was divided Into sc-cttons called pomixinlw , each pre sided over by a dnniRn , or trustworthy chief , who. In turn , wns subservient to iy superior always n woman of great mor-il excellence and ability , who was not unlv ruling head of the- harem , -but a e-onlldent of the emperor nnd his "dewans" or min isters. The hnremi regulations were ui'Tlcd out with great precision nnd enully ; il.ere was no disorder , no open eiunrrels or dis cord. Each Inmate had the privilege of bringing her grievances before hi * ninjeslj , who'never failed hi redress the wrong eleier. Each of the B.OVrt , women received a salary in nronortlon to rank. and diiuehlers of indigent nobles received from 1.02S lo 1.610 rupees ; tire-women and serving girls freim 2 to in rupees and Mnis still les1) , with e-hniices of idvanecini'iit con ditional on ( rood be-hiu"or ! and UM-fulness. The women drew theii salaries at pleasme. " 'hey llrsl imule known their wants to the > Inferior treasurer , usually a eiinucn. who made a mcntornmliini of the monthly sti pend and sent II to the palace treasurer , who valldllled the bill and sent -back 111"1 " desired amount , always struck for the sole purpose of defraying" harem expenses anil thoicfore nol valid for other uses. Its value tallied exactly with , the currency of tint state. Although th\ greater part of their salaries was usually expended In jew tin niid e inbrolde-rexl slutts a woman eouhl. If * \i \ < * chose , nt aside .her . nllnwancp for future l ii e or Investment , for. In addition to Urn ! regular stlnend , It was Akbaf's ctiMom 't > , limkp uiwrtrrly presents of entire , roilumes to nil The members uf hx ! noble family md these garments were invariably of the llne-st material and worknianshln pi-ocuriiie. ! for Akbnr was extravagantly fond of personal udoriMiicnt In women. The harem nroner was very strictly guarded , be > tli from without and within , by "Cillmlewomi'ii of rcDutatlon , " who gumied the gates of the royal apartments ; then by eunuchs. linme'dlately outside wen- Rajput soldiery and lastly , mounted troops In numbers corresponding with the needs eif peace or war. When Hie begum , or wife of a prince , or any other woman eif rank wished tomy her convpllnientH to tlie women of the h.u in she had to notify the eunuchs , who sent a written ro-eiuest lei the palace ofllcer. lle > Issueel a permit In the name of tlnm - pe-ror which allowed her tlie freedom eif the haroni for a stipulated length of time. H was not unusual for a permit to cover the period of one month , especially In the cnso of a. iirlneess eir wife of a favorite ) olllcer. Some of the- favorite ? , notably the Rajput l.rliiicesKes the nrlsleM-raey of Asia from the time of Maim up the the present day had apartments outside the harem proper , but within the. walled Inclosure , where they lived In true Oriental inagnlilcenco and com parative seclusion. T.hey . were prlvilege-d l < > enter the harem sit w1 ! ! ! nd also to receive * the harem iiinmles or not. as they < -hos . anel thev were also allowed to ride out , al ways under armed escort. All women were admitted to the prayer house at certain hours and to the palace dally. Khenrtlv after sunrise ) . They were also permitted to attend musical entertain ments In the palace * . iSpex-liil eluys were net np.-irt for their attendance- fairs , upon which occasions men were excluded. The emperor was a llnlshed musician : he com posed no less than 200 "modes , " all of which the women i-.irldcd themselves upon pcr- fornilnir nccurately. They kept themselves correcllv Informed of state affairs and many a princess left the seclusion of the harem virtually to rule in her new capacity as a wife of a Rana. ho that , though Jealousy guarded from sight and woelal Intercourse , the Indian wonv-ii wielded a tremendous power for good or evil. Akbnr owed his early training to a sng.tcloiiH and most ael- inlrablv woman , who preslde-d over his harem , to whom he e'emllded his hope's nnd fears and recelveil In turn the counsel of wisdom , t'omnored ' with ripe experience. It was Afclmr's policy to arrange mar riages between women of Mogul families nnd Rnipiit prince * of outlying provinces , by which he sncce > edril In strengthening the ruling power of the state. The Rajput men were model soldiers , fearless , upright , liem- eirable ; the princesses court ueautlcs. proud , Independent , high-spirited women , who ir.iidu exenvnlary wives feir his n obi em. His majesty's Ideas erf marriage were centmrlos In advance of The times ; he disapproved of I marriage before puberty : considered the cotusent cf holh bride and groom of oeiual Importance with the parents ; feirhade extor tionate marriagetieirl'.oiiH and strennouwly opposed | nlyganiy and marrying eif near of kin. Neither would he permit .the . palling of yon ( li wllh eild age , especially In thei case of a younjr m.ili ami old woman. WlelowH wore allowed to remarry and Satl- wlflow ImrnliiT was abolished. Although I he outward forms of alllatnes we're arranged 'by court eitllclals the actual transaction was- committed for the approval of the haicni , for It is eh'lared that Akbar n-evPr forced an unwilling marriage , lint re'Vpncted 'he reasonable wishes of ail his subjects alike , both men and women. "Wll.ll HOSI4 < ) ! ' \VI1TO.\ . " lloiiiiirkiilili * I'nri'C'r of n YOIIIIK Con- ni'clli'iil ( ; irl Oiidinv. AVIthin the gloomy walls of a < 'oiinoell''Ut prison , drooping and pliimr : ! fur thewllder - ness of tilie > forcist , liiiigulsh'nj ; for the lack of the sunllglit. Is "the' Wild Rosenf \VII- te > n. " Not yet out of her teens , Mlnnlo Sturm , brown-eye'd an l beautiful , 'has ' hud a. career th.H well might iiuzzlo a phllosoiher | to ae-coi'llt for. Itcnred In a riulet , old-fashluni'd hoiiso ne'ar Norwalk , roporls the New York Her ald , this g".rl , wllh n rich profusion eif dark brown hair. wIMi lianeln soft and white- , with a hpjuity such that many n miilden of lordly birth might envy her. untutored and In tatters , Is veil a iiu | > en of men , lawlefs men thoiii'h they nre. Not iiKJie- than a mile from her home , be1- nealh the she-ltor of two great rocks , wa" the rendezvous of a marauding band of Idlers. There thin farmer's daughter loiind tln-m aliont tw.o vear.s ago. She her life wllh theirs. When a raid on ne'hhor- Ing eellars and hen rooHts made | irovlt-loiis nlentiful there In | he rendezvous It wan Mlnnld Sturm ( Mlnnlo Brolhorlon ) who cooke'l the viands over it lireof logs. ' 'But ' the' , band became lee ( hiring. Tin ? hand of the law ncl/.e-d them , fieime wnro Imprisoned and ( he others Huallored. Min nie Urotherton promised to mend her ways and the lenient uultiorlUeH let her go her way. For a short tlmo she lived qulutly , but not conlcnte-dly , In the olel house ! . A fc-w months later she murrleil Valentine Stiirin of Norwalk and went to llvo with the f.i.m- . lly of her husband. Her stay there was n-- mnrkably nhort. Seven months after fho left him and In the winter < if 1Mii annlled to the Hcleelnian of Norw.ilk for Huiiitort. She was Bent to Ihei town farm. Even Micro she hhowpd her w'ld tendpn- clos. She fell In love wllh a pauper , "Jim" CeillliiH , a Kray-liearded man with a wooele-n leg. One. day Ihe'y eV'ed | from I healniB - hoiiHf. and for several d.iys there was no truce of thrim. Then CollliiH limped 'jack In the ) Institution and was rc'Stured tn hl.s former pj.ico , but the "Wild Roue" hud rio love for llfo In an nlmshoiise and she soon found u tom-.ianlon In Howard Daiichv. A few days uge > Pauctiy and Itm "Wild RHHI- " emU'rcif theNorivulk Hok'ctrnan'H olllce nnd uiiidlpd for nflrnlgon | to I lie poorhouHe- . ' 'instead of ui'e.urnnioilutlng them the se- lectunan nolillcci I'tiinn , who proferre-d n cluiree of Inlldi'llty -alnvt hi * wife' II w < n < 1 leanieel , too. that they hud liorrowi-d a horsef i and wu ron to drive to MID town e'io'k'c of- ! ( le-e , Hayln-if they wUht-d to ge-t a marrlasn Hi i-nKe The liorHei and wagon were not ie- i turned ami o charge of homo theft wuu ! maelo. | The " \Vlld RO " 'K" Indliinulloii urouked. She. first pleaded wllh Mio owner to withdraw ht ! > chuntc. tiromialiiK to Inlng buck his hui'Hi' und Wiipon. He WUH ilcici- inlucd to eml her to Jail and refuned. "You'll never WK- Mia horsn again ! " the "Wild llo f" e-iwliiliiK'il. "I'll t'u to Jull nnd s'.ay ' thi-ro. " And Bh did. i Chicago Tlmon-Herald : ' 'No , miiiiiina , " i mlibod the iinlmpny young v/lfc. " (3i ! < irgi' ' doemi't IOVA me. I found It out lux I iil ht " "Oh. my poor 'hlld. " the ninMii'r e-v- | claimed "v. hut ban liappi-neil' ' Ah , I t"'o It nil Yen fenii-1 a letter : hi-i pocket ' I "It imil , " tin- mini i.ilili- \ iun r t v.-'ii ) ! n-\\ i - - ' 'hi- i mi- liunii nil li.lil ' in- : tl HI i- ii nl ! ! Ii- In n ' ' i U . - ' ' U i II M I , , i. a I1. ' AI it 'nl I I 1 , l\ I < vl ' - I' ,1 i J III' .I'j ' I.I -i ill 111/ l U.n. . . ii. I i i l ti al : till- J. . " i -ii put i oil MI him .tif V '