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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
10 THE CVMAHA DATT/T BEE : TUT DAT , TTECEM1VETI 20 , 185)9. ) TI t i\Tmr < PP\TTI\ ni'Pirpnp ILLINOIS CEN1RAL OrHChRS Is < cmive Officials of the Road Hold Con- fercnco in Omaha , DISCUSS BRIDGE AND DEPOT WITH BURT Intention of Illliinl.i Onfrnt to ; I nton 1'iifllli ! UrlilKi * ninl for 1'niii-nKiT 'I'mIn.i I'rni.1- tluitlly Amm'il. .1. T. llaralian , second vlco president of thf Illinois Central ; T. J. Hudson , freight Irani" manager ; W. 13. Keepers , general frHght agent ; A. It. Hanson , general pas senger nRent ; C. K. Dlxon , superintendent of the Cherokee division , and V. E. Mun- Rpr , t raveling freight agent , were In Omaha ymirrday. Mr. llaraban left In the after noon for St. Louis , and Mr. Hanson took an evening train for Chicago. Mr. Hudson and Mi Keepers will remain In the city today nml. In company with Assistant General I'M .ght Agent WciUell , will carefully In- MIM-I the local terminals and ether matters rolntlvo to their department. I Miring the visit of these ollldals In om.iha the major portion of their time- was Hiicnt In conference with President Hurt nnd the executive olllclals of the Onion Pa- of the Union Pa- t-illr relative to the use < ! ( ! < bridge and iho union depot for the jias-spngor trains of the Illinois Central. It ii practically assured that the Union Pa- clllr bridge and depot will be uso.l and tlrtnlls relative to the contract , which will bp ontorcd Into by the two companies , wore i an fully considered. The Illinois Central f-xprriH to have Its passenger trains run- lung Into Omalri January 1.1. The Omaha- fill ago train will bo entirely new In its ( ( j'llpmcni. and It Is expected that It will Immediately after Its Inauguration receive it.s full share of the passenger tralllc In and oiil of Omaha. Vlrp President Harahan and his official colleagues took occasion while in Omaha to call upon General-Manager Holdrege of tin * Burlington and other prominent rail road olllclals. Owing to the necessary brevity of their visit It was Impossible tn make an extensive acquaintance with the Commercial club men of Omaha , although H is the Intention of the Illinois Central otnc-lals to make n trip to Omaha for this Epfi liil purpose In the near future. Iilsciisslng thlo question. Vice President Hiirahan wald : " \V'e have been pressed for time on this vl'il and consequently have Lccn unable to extend our acnimlntanco with Omaha cltl- zeiiN. It Is necessary for mo to be In St. Louis tomorrow to attend a meeting and for this reason I cannot prolong my stay. Our brief trip this time h n been devoted entirely to Important business matters. After our line Is In operation according to cvir plans 1 expect that an olllclal party of Illinois Central men will Invade Omaha and try to meet all the people. Wo will then b" In position to show what wo have got. 4iooil Outlook III Omaha. "Tho outlook in Omaha is more than Hailering for us. There seems to bo u great < Uv ! of business here. We hope , of course , to . 't our Hhuro of It , and 1 think there Is NO doubt that wo will. The Illinois Central brings a very fine road into Omaha. We have a system as good as the best , operating 1)el\\een ) hero and New Orleans , Memphis , Vickshurg , Baton Rouge and other southern points , as well as to the east. Our entry hero opens up the entire Illinois Central road to Omaha from Chicago on the cast and New Orleans on the south , making a total of some 5,000 miles of now railroad tributary to Omaha. "During our visit here wo have been dis cussing business matters with President Hurt of the Union Pacific. I think there Is no doubt that wo will use the Union Pacific bridge and the union station , although I can't say so positively. "Regarding our passenger service in and out of Omaha 1 don't like to brag , but I think I can safely say that none will he any better. Our equipment will be especially llii ( > In fact , the very best that the Pullman company can build.Vo have now three now trains ready for service. I expect that Jan uary If , will witness the inauguration of our puhtengcr service Into Omaha. The road and equipment are now ready and the cause for the delay exists in the fact that our uptown oillces are not yet ready for occu pancy. "Wo expect they will he by January ] . " , We are now running a local train dally over our new extension from Council Bluffs. Thir , connects with the through Sioux City- Chicago train both ways , and ono can now como from or go to any point on our line on Hie trains now in operation. "Wo have not yet decided upon our opcr- ntlni ; time. Wo have ether connections that must bo considered and conferred with be fore wo can complete our schedule. You can ilcjifiid upon It , however , that the Illinois Central will make good time and our through Omaha-Chicago train will hardly bo outdis tanced. When wo open up the through line to Chicago at the same tlmu wo shall Inau- gt.rato a through service to Minneapolis and St. Paul In connection with the Minneapolis & St. Louis , which connects with our line nt Fort Dodge. This route will be the short est botwren Omaha and Minneapolis. The Jllnneapolls & St. Louis will not operate a train Into Omaha. Wo shall have a Joint train , however , but the operation will he in charge of the Illinois Central. Through cars will bi < run from Minneapolis and St. J'aul to Omaha via the Minneapolis & St. Jouls by transfer to our Omaha train at Kort Doilgo. " in SINKSS < ; eon KIIOM STAIIT. Ioral KrclKliI S.rvl.iof llllnolN On- Iriil IN : \ll v I'ill I.V KtllllllMllf < l. The Illinois Central now has its local freight aTfalrs progressing In a most satis factory manner. J. S. Weitzell , asslHtant general freight ngont , who has been trans ferred from Evnnsvlllo to take charge of freight affairs in this section , ban his head quarters at the Mlllard hotel and Is busily < < ngaged In familiarizing himself with local conditions. It in expected that the uptown ollU'o of the Illinois Central. In which the freight and passenger departments will be loi-aicd. will bo ready for occupancy early jioxt weok. The work of transforming the room on Fourteenth and Farnnm Into satis factory quarters Is moving along rapidly and th olllfo will ho one of the finest in the city when completed. j. W. Dlotrlck , local freight agent , lias turned the big freight hotiso of the Terminal company at Twelfth and Chicago Hii'ccts Into a place of busy activity. Ho has his otllces on the second lloor , neatly dinl conveniently IHtiMl for business. W. II. llixwn , cashier and chief clerk , was trans- fc-ired from the Dubuque freight olllce of tin- Illinois Central. A. N. McDougall of this city , formerly connected with the freight di partments of the Union Puelflc and MIs- fieuil Pacific , Is hill clerk. J. J. May Is operator and stenographer and D. C. Block of Omaha Is warehouse foreman. Beside ihcst- there are truckmen and freight hand lers. \Vo ore well pleased with thu freight Imfinegs which wo are doing , " said Mr. Dlctrlck yesterday. "Business I ? In- 01 casing In a moat encouraging manner. At the present time we are running two freight tralnft dally in and out of Omaha. A laoal lca\cs Council Bluffs at 7 o'clock In the morning and carries freight from Omaha for jtii"H ibis side of Wall Lake. All freight for Wnll Lake and the eagt leaves Council I lllrffa at ii o'clock In the evening , and we receive consignments hero for this train unil & o'clock In the afternoon. Freight destined for the east Icavca Wall Lake tbo day following at noon. Wo expect to put o.i another car for buslines to Fort Dodge nnd the east , which will leave here nt < 5 o'clock , ro ch Fort Dodge at C o'clock the next evening and Chicago the second mornIng - Ing at 5:30. : "Freight from the cast for Omaha loaves Clrcsgo at Gf : > 5 p. m. and reaches here the second morning at G o'clock. The local frrlrht from points un Iho line to Wall Lake gew here nt1:30 : p. in. It Is probable that we will Increase our train service in the near future. Wp certainly shall do so just a < ) noon as the Increase In business justi fies It. " MISSOURI VALLEY JOBBERS UnfuRi City MrclliiK TnUi't Action Opposing ( lu > 1,1-Kiillr.liiK < lf llnllroiiil roiillnc. . FrolRht Commissioner John 1C. Utt of the Commercial club and A. C. Smith , Omaha's representatives at the meeting of Missouri river Jobbers at Kansas City on Wednesday , have returned. Commissioner Utt reports i ! that the meeting was composed of about j ! forty Jnbbere from Missouri river cities. It j lasted throughout the day and was conducted ' ! behind closed doors. Mr. Utt outlined moro fully than appeared In the press reports from Kansas City the work of the meeting as fol lows : "The first thing was to effect an organiza tion. It Is culled the Mlsanirl Hlver Ship pers' association. It was decided to elect . one vice president from each city and Mr. ' Smith was delected from Omaha. The excctt- ' tlvo committee comprises three from each ] t city ami upon the recommendation ofMr. . 1 ] Smith Messrs. Kuclld Martin , C. H. Plckcns 1 and F. P. Klrkendall were choeen from Omaha. The meeting sent a telegram to Attorney I ) torney General Orlggs asking him to take j I I steps to restrain the railways from putting 1 i Into effect January 1 , as they Intend to do , j the ofllclal classification , which affects all freight shipments cast of the Mississippi river. It passed a strong resolution asking the western railways not to change the ! present clusslflc.Ulon affecting the relative position between carload and lews than car- loud lots. A resolution was adopted calling upon congressmen to oppose the measure which proposes to eliminate from the Inter state commerce net the clause prohibiting pooling among railways. Another resolution requested the railways not to advance the rates on cotton goods from 35 cents to45 centH per hundred pounds from the Missis sippi river to Missouri river jobbing points. "All that the meotlnK did , of course , waste to outline Its wishes. H remains to be seen i just what the clfect will be. If the railways pay no attention to its requests something 'urthor ' may como from this meeting. Any- : hing further that may be done will be done > y the executive committee. " CO.NKHHKXCK AIIOl'T li.MO.V IIHPOT. UllcInlN of UiiiiroiiilN t'stimr New Depot Hold n 31 II ii K. A conference ot the executive officials of the railroads using the new union depot was held in this city nt the olllco of Presl- lent Hurt of the Union Pacific yesterday. Routine matters relative to the running of trains in and out of the depot and the gcn- ral service afforded the several roads by the depot were discussed. Ono of the offi cials who attended the meeting stated that no business of especial significance nor of interest to the general public was taken up ind that no changes from existing condi tions tvere contemplated. Among the railroad men who attended were President Burt of the Union Paclflr ; II. A. Parker , vice president and general manager ; A. J. Hltt , general supcrintend- nt ; S. C. Mnthcws , auditor of the Ilozk Island ; H. II. Aishton , general superin tendent ; W. A. Gardener , general manager ; S. Sanborn , assistant general manager ; II. J. Sllfer , superintendent of the Iowa di vision of the Xorthwestern ; C. A. Good- now , assistant general superintendent of the Milwaukee ; U. S. Harahan , secoml vice president ; A. H. Hanson , general passenger agent nnd C. K. Dlxon , division superin tendent of the Illinois Central. \ < > I 'N mill IN-rsoiinlH. J. II. Fruwley , Kcnfrxl agent of the Union Pacitlc at Kansas City , is an Omaha visi tor. tor.AV AV L. Lnrkln , connected with the 'adver tising department of the Hock Island , is in the city from Chicago. O. W. Rhodes , n.ssiatant general superin tendent of the Burlington , lias boon up from Uncoln on business. II. F. HiiRer. traveling passenger agent of the Burlington , stationed at Helena. Jlont. , Is a visitor at headquarters. Q. F. Campbell , rate clerk in the general passenger department of the Union Pacitlc , Is entertaining Mr. O. L. Wilson of Chi cago. U. W. Johnston , general agent of flip Union Pacilic at Cleveland , has returned to the oust after a visit at general head quarters. James Preston , general agent of the Mil waukee In Denver , Is In the cJty visiting many friends and Incidentally looklnx .ifter business mnttem. ( Sir. Prectmi wan formerly traveling freight agent of the Mil waukee , with headquarters In this city. The freight departments of the. Omaha- hleaBo lines have been the recipients of what they consider a highly acceptable Christinas present. Oltleial notice Is given that thu project to cancel the proportional rates on business originating in the east unit destined to traii8ml. slssippl points has been abandoned , and that the existing rates will continue In effect. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles the fa mous little pills kuown as DoWltt's Little Early HIsera. liiive of .Viilni'f. The untutored savage traveled many moons through the tangled forests to gnzo upon the wonders of Niagara. Shall civilized man show less appreciation of the Creator's handiwork when the Michigan Central , "Tho Niagara Falls Houte , " passes In full view of the great cataract and enables ono to enjoy all the comforts of travel ? City ticket olllce , 110 Adams street , Chicago. The ClilpiiK" SI PiiliiB Cnr For Omaha patrona EXCLUSIVELY , leares on the "NOUTHWRSTEIIN LINK" limited train at ! : ! > : > p. in. dally , nrlrvlng Chicago 7:45 : next morning. There MAY be finer sleepers than these In Europe , Other LIMITED FLYING THAWS Icare dally at 0.40 a. ni. end 7:30 : p. m. City offices , 1401 and 1403 Farnum street. CHEAP HAILIIOAD FARES FOH THE HOLIDAYS VIA "THE NOHTH-WESTEllN LINE" EAST WEST NORTH New City Offices , 1401 & 1403 Farnam St , Depots lOtb and Marcy SI * . , Via The Overland UniKed , fnlon I'nrlllf , You can leave Omaha for the Pacific coast after breakfast and mien your destination as soon as ttioso who leave VIA OTHER LINES THE DAY BEFORE Only Two Mulilx on tin ; lloiul. City Ticket Office 13u2 Famam Street. Telephone 316. I''onr Vlnlur To u I'M , On January 10 , February 11 and March 7 the Wabash will run excur&lons via New York and the Bteamer Ponce to Porto Rlcj. . Also on February 13 a thirty-day tour of Old Mexico. For rates , which Include all cx- peuses , and further information call on or write 0. N. CLAYTON. Room 506 Karbach block. Omaha , Neb. I'lirer .Miuiiillecul Trnliix Leave Chicago dally for the east , earning I through sleeping cars to New York , Boston ' and the east via the Michigan Central , "The Niagara Falla Route. ' ' Dining-car service uuburpassed. Chicago city ticket olllce , 11'J Adams street. ( i $10 $ MEN'S ' WOOL SOIFS $3,99 $ [ $15.00 Silk and Satin Lined Men's ' Worsted Suits S590 OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS SAME PRICES Moil It.'innrluil.lcSnlo of Illuli rmlc Uvrr Know r At- ' niitril In ( dunlin Sittiiriliiy MnrnliiK DOSTOX STORE. OMAHA. I Strange nnd sensational ns thcso prices jI j may sittn , all yon have to do Is to look In I our show window to see samples of thcso j wonderful bargains. Hut as there Is H reason for all things we do , there Is n rcnson for this. Wo nindo two rcmnrknblo purchases. One was the entire stock of L. D. LOEVY , 2521 X STREET , SOUTH OMAHA , Dealer In clothing , furnlfhlng goods , hats , car * ) nnd nhoes. Who retired from business nnd sold us his stock for spot cash nt n price which enables us to offer these remarkable bargains AT HOSTOX STORE , OMAHA. The ether was a Xew York manufacturer's EXT1RE STOCK OX HAND MEN'S AXD HOYS' SUITS , OVERCOATS AXD PAXTB , Which ho did not want to carry over On account of the season being so late. Ho sold it to us at LESS THAN OXE-HALF Manufacturer's cost. The following prices seem almost beyond belief , but convince youifielf by calling Sat urday , when they go on sale. This is how they will be sold AT HOSTOX STORE , OMAHA. All the men's suits nnd overcoats from three two purchases that sold up to $10.00 , go at $3.9S. Very highest priced men's suits and over- contw that sold up to $15.00 and $18.00 , go at All the men's pants that sold up to $1.50 go nt 75c. All the men's pants that sold up to $1.00 go at 51.10. All the boys' and young men's long pants suits , sizes 12 to 19 years , that sold up to $5.00 , go at $2.50. All the boys' knee pants suits that sold up to $1.25 go at 5flc. All the boys' knee pants suits that sold up to $3.00 go at $1.2. . All the men's underwear from the South Omaha purchase that sold up to 75c go at All the 30c men's shirts go at 23c. All the $1.23 white and colored laundered shirts go at HOc. All the Ccon's IDo and 25o linen collars go at Cc each. All the gloves nnd mitts , hats and caps , sutpenders and neckwear from the South .Omaha stock go In the same proportion. ALL THE MEX'S $1.50 WORKING SHOES GO AT 75C. All the men's shoes that were marked up to $3.00 go at $1.30. Remember , Saturday the sale begins nnd Is at BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. If You Are Ciolnir to ( ! lf 1'm-IIIi ! COILS * Don't complete arrangements until you have secured Information regarding the personally conducted IJiiMirsloiiN via tin : I iiloii 1'nellle. These excursions leave Omaha every Friday in elegantly upholstered ordinary sleeping cars. Illuminated by Pintsch light , heated by steam. Baggage checked through to destination. Prompt nnd satisfactory service. Many hours quicker time than any other line. City Ticket onico 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Via the Burlington li e. : ! < ) , : tl and Jan. 1 VICKY LOW Botwcn stations not more than 200 miles apart. Good to return until Innuury . TICKET BURLINGTON OFFICE STATION IBO2 Farnam lOth and Mao on Street. Stroote. 'Phone 2BO- 'Phono 3IO. Fort Dodge Local Loaves Councl Bluffs dnily except Sunday [ beginning Monday , Duo. 18th ] for Logan , Woodbine - bine , .Uuulnp , Jew Clly , Dunison , Dowlt , Wall Laki , Uodi- well C'lt.v. Fort Dotlgo ami Intermofliato stations , CUIIIUH-DIIR nt F"rt Dodge with loi-nl thruiisli tniln for Diil > uiiii > , Chica go and Inteniu'illato points. City Ticket Office , Grand Hotel , Council Bluffs. V. K. Luhhc C. r. t\T. : A. Dr. Jno , Roy , Chiropodist. OI'.NS IinMoVr.I ) Jic anil up. N eloo- tr cal method ; no Unifi' , piuluss operation. WartM , mules , Ulrtli iiinrki , m-ani unit huiit-r- Uuoui hulrrimiuvud with oloctrlcity. Hlack- cued eyes { minted nutur- cotor. Export cupp r uml 1tenor , S3 years experii'iiru , twulvo years in Pmulia. \ Itooiu 12. 1'ren- icr Uluclt , 1IAYDKV MHOS , In All Di'iiiirliticntN Itcfnrc liiMilrliiK * 1110 S1MC CMCAKINO SALKS , FRIDAY AXI ) SATUIUUY. Cut M-ICCS nn black silks ; $1.50 nml $2.00 blnck pcau ilo sole , sntln do l. > nn , Bros Kraln , tnffctn nnd satin , nil RO at S5c , Heavy bcngnllnes nml corded novclllcc , bcntitlful brocndo Kn Brains nnd satins , worth up to $2.00 , nil go on sale nt only Sou. ? 1.00 quality 27-Inch wide blnck taftcin , only Cflc ; tbo $1.25 quality , only 7f o ; the $ l.f,0 , quality , 3D Inch , wide black taffeta , only OS. Thcso prices good for Friday nnd Saturday only ; $1.23 and $1.50 fancy silks , all go ntWe ; fancy silks worth up to $2.00 , all go nt 75c. DKHSS OOODS RALK PT1U , CONTINUKS. Kvcry day until Block Is taken , all uIn ter dress goods will go nl exactly halt price. OhevlotH wore $ ! will go nt flSc ; millings will go nt half price. Cropons will go at hnlf price. All onr noTcltlcs at r.ilc , Cac nnd 75c will RO nt 23c. Uomcinbcr , that Innsdowno la the brst goods for aconllon pleating , nnd only fouirl nt Haydrn'a. French Flannelettes , the l5o ! grade , will go on this sale nt lOc per yard. MADE UP PILLOW COVI3US. Closing out Fiilo on mado-up pillow cov ers. Thcso goods nra mailo front the best cretonne , with 4-Inch , rnllle , nil ready for UUP ; regular price , 23c ; closing out price , lOc. TtAYDKN 11HOS. THIS ILLINOIS CI3NTUAL UA1LUOAD COMPAXY Is now open and ready to ro- celvo all classes of freight anil forward with despatch , to all points In the XOllTll , EAST nnd SOUTH. Freight depot located at Eleventh and Chicago streets. Omaha , and on Xlnth otrect , between Ilroadway and First avenue. Council lllulfs. The Clilviiuii Slecpliin' Cnr For Omnlm patrons EXCLUSIVELY , Icnvca on the "XOIITIUVESTKHX L1XE" limited train at 4:55 : p. m. dally , arriving Chicago 7:45 : next morning. There MAY bo finer sleepers than these lit Europe. Other LIMITED FLYINO TRAINS Icavo dally nt 6:40 : n. in. nml 7:30 : p. m. City o.Ticee , 1101 and 1403 Farnam street. Tilt * Kiivtiritc Itoulo to ( lie lOnsI. There Is only ono line from Chicago to the cast that runs directly by and In full view of the great Fulls of Xiagara. The Michi gan Central has long been distinctively "The Xlagarn Falls Houte , " as Its through fast trains to Xow York and Boston , passing the falls by daylight , stop five minutes at Falls View station , directly overlooking the won drous cataract. Chicago city ticket ofllce , a Adams street. fas Just Lovely Last night we held our meeting nnd it was "just lovely. " Why , we were the "whole cheese" and if we only had some of Charley's "Monkey Candy" wo would have thought It wns u strawberry festival. Now while wo are writing1 this some pre- serintions have come In which we must give our personal attention and we will tell you Inter on what conclusion we have come to whether wt > will run our store or the Trust Gang's Jlot Air association during 1000. Moore's Dlgestor " 9o Ilrorno Quinine l. > c Carter's Liver Pills Kc 1'alne's Celery Compound 75C Don't Forget Moore's Dlgestor Ifflc Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c Pond's Extract 40c I'lenty of Moore's Digester : ! 0e Pinkham's Compound 75c How do you like It at 3flc I'lnutul's Kau do Quinine 3Sc and 73c Tickled to quote It nt . .Oc Can you see tlie point at 39c PRICE RCUT DRUGGIST Cor. IC.Hi iiuil Clilciico Sin. Wo still have an elegant line of Silver Novelties , SterlliiB Silver Hack Urushes and CombB , Set nines , Diamond Rings , Hrooches and Pendants , Watrbes , Chains and Charms. Serllnir Silver Match Safe for. . 11.0(1 ( .Icwelcil Hut t'lnn .St.(1(1 ( ( &CO. 109 South 16th St. Til 13 KIMJ.ST TUM.V IV TIIH "Tin- Overland l.lnilteil" tin tlio I tiliin I'aetllc. Equipped with double drawing room palace sleepers , broad vestibules , buffet smoking and library cars. with barber shop and reading room. Dining cars , meals a la carte. Pintsch light , slcntn heat , etc. etc. , Clly Ticket Oillco 1S02 Farnam Street. Telephone ! 11G. LOW It.\TI4S For flit * l The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets nt one fare within n distance of ZOO miles , on Dpcembrr 83 , 21 , 2H , , " , o nnd Jan- j unrj 1 , inno. Limit for return January . j This Includes AUhlson , Leavcnworth and I . Kansas Clly. For rates , Information , etc. , i I call nt rompnny'H offices , southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas , or depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster. , Another Shipment of Velvet Candy. We rooi-lvod this morning another ship ment of tinrolobntod "HOSTOX MOLAH- KIOS CANDY"-tin. kind Mint's uindi > by II. L. lllidri'th and known as "Volvot Molnssos Candy" and "Monkey Candy" because there are pictures of monkeys- ( monkeys , mind you-not "trust druggists"- ) the box. Wi > sell "Monkey Candy" itlu < ranily , remember. ) at 1 o per quarter , 1Sc PIT half ) and L'otPIT pound. wi : AUK crTTicns. l.'Kl ' l.actopcptlno tl-oz. liotllo ) , wo sell Sir li > ( . Ur.ivos' Toolh I'owdi-r , wo sell 2ili' ROi1 ( ! em Catarrh I'owdi-r , wo soil 40c 2r r Pasti'urlin' Tooth Paste , wo sell. . . . "Of $ l.m Malted Milk , we sell 7rc Jl.on Yalo'.s Hair Tonic , wo'cell 75e nilc ! Yale's Powder , wo soil -He ndc Scott's llmiilslnnvo sell I'lc ' $1.00 Mexican Hair nniwer. wo sell 7"e lllK bottle Wltcii llnzpl , wo sell " $ l.i l HonjITs llyomol. wo soil Hie , Wio boltlo Vt'ili'l Wntcr , wo ell 23o C'ltambrrlnln's Coutrh euro , wo poll fjiio Stu.irl's Dyspepsia Tablets , wo sell -Iflo $1HI ( nufty's M.ilt Willskoy , wo voll. . . . S3e Write for Catalogue of Anti-Trust " Prlros. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO , [ Dodge St.ftrr Jan. Bill on corner. SPECIAL NOTICE. and Wo have had a larger sale than ever on Cameras this Christmas , ami will now close out those left at prices in some cases under cost before taking inventory of stock cu the 1st of Jan uary. This Is a rare opportunity of getting first-class Cameras at bottom prices. AI.ntJMS mid other RoodH nt cuiiul reiluudoiiN. The Robert Dempster Go , , 1215 Farnam St. CHICAGO and EAST. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS , HOTSPftlNGS & DEADWOOD. Now Gitu Offices , 1401-03 Farnam , [ Closing Out I Slippers Shoes and' Leggings. LEGGINGS ON SALE. Misses' fine $1 Jersey Leggings , on sale at 69c Boys' fine $1. r > 0 Leather Leggings , on sale at . . Q6c j Boys' $1 Canvas Leggings , on sale at 49c j Ladies' U5c Overgaiters , on sale at I8c 35cWool Soles at 15C The Famous "Ultra" Shoes For Women. We have them in all styles , in vici kid , i fine calf and patent leather , with turn ' and welted soles and cushion cork inner , , j -i M soles. The "Ultra" is the latest up-to- date Shoo for women The "I I.THA" Shop for wnmrn. LADIES'SHOES ON SALE. Ladies' fine § 2.50 Vici Kid Shoes , with silk vesting tops , on sale at . , $1.90 Ladies' fine § 8,00 Chrome Kid Lace Shoes , with dou ble fair stitched eoles , on Halo at $2.25 SLIPPERS ON SALE. Mou's 81 imitation Alligator SHppers , only , f)3c Men's § 1.25 velvet embroidered Slippers , at 89c j Ladies' 81.25 beaver cloth house Slippery at 75c Ladies' 75c fell house Slipperson , sale at 08c BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO o O O O O t-furs ? O O O O O There are very few people who know anything about furs , o Thou , the next best thing to do g is , buy your furs from a home o lint you know. If ( ho house id all right you can rest assured o o they do not misrepresent their o furWo * are showing this sea o o son the largosl stock of o Men's Fur Overcoats o o o Ever shown in the west by any o retail house , and we're selling Ole nioro than any throe. Oo Men's Gray Goat Overcoats g selected stock , well made for o $6.75 g Men's Norway Wolf Overcoats o nicely made , good values , at o $9.00 and $11 o o J//r.s' JttaciJhf / Overcoats o o 1 oavily furred , quilted lining , $9.00 and $11.50 o Alaska Huff ah Overo ° coats good , durable and extra warm $13.50 go 's 7iWrw ] lnifalo Overcoats made from im- o 0's $15.00 o lo 0 Men's Wombat Overcoats light weight and durable o 0o $17.50 o o o Men's Native JOH Overcoats all black , stayed o seams , reinforced $1875 Q Every coat guaranteed to be just as represented. o MEN'S PLUSH G5c , 75e , § 1.00 , SI.25 , § 1.50 , § 2.00 and CAPS § 2.23. You already know about our glove department. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Closing Out Clothin Friday and Saturday we will close out several large lines of men's , boys' and children's clothing , at great reduc tions , before invoice. Genuine , bona fide reductions , on the very best makes of clothing. Lot No. 1 We place on sale 800 strictly all wool blue and black kersey overcoats , also a lot of all wool brown over coats ; in all sizes , 34 to 44 , and well worth $10 in Invoice Sale at only $5.00 Lot No. 2 We place on sale abon < Kr o strictly Jill wool cassimere and cheviot suits , in desirable new patterns , handsomely i u.utud , worth and sold elsewhere at § 9.00 and § 11.50 , our price during this invoice sale only $5.00 Lot No. 3 Men's elegant covert , kersey and beaver overcoats , beautifully tailored , made up by the leading manufacturers of New York City , also about 450 very fine worsted and cassimero suits in the new stripes and checks , round corner sack coats , others call them bargains at § 13.50 and § 15 , our invoicing sale price only. . . . $7.50 Lot No. 4 Here is where we shine. We have in stock over 2,200 suits and overcoats , made up in the very latest style , perfect fitting satin yoke , satin sleeve linings , fancy back , also the new rough Irish frieze , finest kersey and bea ver overcoats , in all sizes , stouts and slims , from 34 to 40. The suits are in the popular and now very scarce stripes and checks , beautiful patterns , single or double breasted coats , singleor double breasted vests , over 75 different styles to se lect from. These suits and overcoats are positively worth § 18. our invoice sale price only $10.00 The 3,200 pairs Max B. Brunnner's pants , bought for spot cash , at GOc on the dollar , and worth from § 5 to § 12.50 , will be on sale Friday and Saturday at $2.50 , $3.75 and $4.50. Merit is Like the SMIL" Clouds may obscure it but it will burst through. 'TiK the same with It's enemies cannot down it. VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam. Tel , 127 is over would it not bet good limo to have your watch put in order. Wo employ the boat workmen anduro well known in Omaha for good work. Whem down town leave your watch with us for repaii'H. S. W. LINDSAY , THE JEWELER , 1516 Douglas St , Packing Up Ami will Ki-ll nil my Finn Mexican and German LKSrt UP t'OHT. Nitmrs or liilMulMM ! un Ircc 'if Thn-e ti-tmri rlnnv , UM ,1'id ' iuunter fur GEO. M. BEARCE , 1511 DiiUKlas. S.t l' ' riinii > 'Jiui'-iui I IPI" KxMOMltloii and J'uMull iiulCl.