Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1899, Part II, Page 28, Image 28

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DS3S33e < S2 < © i ®
irlrft SrTjamsSf I ® ?
by Harriet Prwcott Spoftord. )
"Ydu'll not bo Roln' a grcnt ways , this
thronlonln' wrnthor , nn' the dark BO early ? "
i.ild his wife , anxiously , looking out on the
Brtiy river , whore the whltocaps wore run
ning ngalnst the tide.
"Not too fnr , " said the fisherman.
"Tomorrer bcln' Chrls'mus , " added the
wife. " 'Twould bo a sorry Chrls'mus , an
you not coMln' In Bate. "
"I nllug hov come In. " said Joe. " 1 ain't
much four but what I allus shell : I wouldn't
miss my Chris'mus , " getting Into his long
boots , "for the best fish nwlmmln' . Got the
turkey ? "
"Do n BUllar , on the swinging1 shelf. A
big gobbler. You want pcrtater stuflln1 ? "
" \Vnll. 1 do' tin * . Which. you want ?
rhrxtnuts nn' thln's Is tasty Mth summer
invory. Hero , you fix this string. Sis can
got the chestnuts to the corner. "
"Oh , the boys went nuttln' along the fall ,
an' i got fUltc | n few net by. I'll put .BOIUC
raisins In. Therc'a some left over from
the riles. "
"Thctnplcs'll , go right to the spat. Lots
o' elder In 'cm ? Hot sonio turnovers for
the slocMn'f.7"
"An * a bunch V w'lte grapes apiece , "
threading her nccdlo to sew on a loose but
ton for him. "They'll huvr thln's to the
Sunday school tree. Hut I'd llko 'cm ler
have good times tcr hum tor remember
blmrby. "
' 'An' so , " looking up with a gleam of
ler behave reel pretty , " with n fond look at
the flower-sweet little girl.
, "And the jmxon's nst Jimmy "
| "Sexon , " said the mother Instructively ,
I "Sexon , thcn's nst Jimmy tcr ring the
I bell for him tonight. Wish 'Iwaa me. "
j "I wlsht he'd nst me , " said Dave , tugging
I nt his boots ,
"There's more bells than ono In town , "
said Jimmy.
"By gum , that's sol"
"Wall , they ain't your bells , " said their
mother. "An * you'd better keep away from
'cm. Come , hero's the beans all baked tea
a crisp. Myl don't they smell good ? Come ,
1 want tcr clt the rest back ter keep heifer
for your father. "
"I wonder what they ring the bells for
Chrk'-mus eve , anyway , " said Dave , with
his mouth full.
i "Ter scare off the bad spirits , to be sure , "
answered Jimmy.
"There ain't any I'ad ' spirits1 sail Sis.
" 'Ucss'n ourselves , " paid the mother. "I
guess they ring the bells because they're
glad Christ was born. I'm sure I be. Au'
so's your father. " .
"Sayma , Is pn a good mnn ? "
"John Markham ! If you're oVcr half as
Bood as "
"He don't go to church. "
"Ho done his < hurch-golng cirly. Ho
loves God an' ho loves his neighbor. There
ain't a better man walks this footstool "
"Say , I'm clad he's pa , " said Johnny.
jlscblef In the blue oycs , "you'vo ben a-
vastln' money on Sis "
"I.'clld Jes' git her a llttlo fur collar , " said
the wife , hesitatingly.
"Sho1 , novv ! You don't suppose I be-
Brutch anythln' to Sis ? Didn't you git noth-
ln' fer the boys ? "
"Yes , " she said again , doubtfully. "I
know wo hadn't orter. But Chrls'mus on'y
comes oncu't a year an' they did so want
'Uoblnson Cruaoo' nn' 'Pilgrim's Progress. '
An' It k'eeps 'em to hum nights. An' I'll
make my ole bunnlt an' shawl du "
"You'ro a good mother , ' Mary. "
"You can't bo children but onco't , you
know. " biting her thread on . "There ! "
"I know. An' I don't want ter bo. W'en
I remember the Ilckln's I had all over the
place I don't want ter bo a child agin. My
minings dry ? I'd rather bo n grown man
'Itlj you , for my wlfo than all the children
In Christendom. You're a good wife , Mary.
Kf over I have Peter's luck an' ketch a
fish Mth a piece of money In his mouth , I'll
dress you like a queen , now * you bet ! "
Miiry stood on tiptoe to kiss him. She
would have liked to say that she would
rather'havo him for a husband than all the
'kings ' going. Hut she was a woman of Tew j
words , Only the color springing to her
cheek as she twisted up her dark hair , only
the sudden flame In the dark of her wistful
eyes , epoko for her. And as her husband
went out with his basket and lines , striding
down''tho lano' llko a young giant going to
fight the fee , ho was saying to himself : "I
never BCD anythln' lko ) Mary's cyca. Some
how they nllus do make mo think o' stars
on a summor'H night pitiful sort o' stars.
George ! This ain't goln' tor bo any sum
mer's night , though. Hes'lar squall. "
And Mary , looking after him , was saying
to horwelfi "I never do watch him'out o'
eight In that bout 'thout fuclln' 's if I'd
never lay eyes on him agin ! "
But there was too much to do before
dark to waste time at the window. The
4 children would bo swarming In directly , and
' there were the doughnuts yet to fry. "Jhomy
likes hands , an" so does Dave ; an' Johnny
llkoa rings , " said the mother to hoiself.
" 'An SlBsy likes the hole. So I'll cut out
'all'Bo'rta" And she had Just set them asldu
and brushed up the steve , and laid the table , ,
when the young persons stamped In covered
with light snow , "Land ! You don't mean
tcrisayjlt's 8iiownJ [ ! " 'exclalmed _ the mother.
"Just a spit , " suld Jimmy.
" 1 hope that's nil , " said she , going to
the door' and looking up the Inuo and down
the harbor ,
"Say , ma , " said Johnny , aa she came
Jiack , "did you know Sis was goln' up tcr
St. Paul's . 'ter help ter put up the green
tonight ? "
"W'y , of > course I knowcd. All her Sun-
iay ] school class Is goln' , An' I cxpoc' Sis
( M All I AM
( liven to t/tc It fit hi ,
and ulusttvity tn f/nt
nntl flv/int-HH to the.
Itlootl. It tit n i 'ontotci' oj'f/notl
Imalt/i unit lont/vvifi/ ,
wi fit able for itvcrtvorltetl men ,
women ttntl / < / . / } /
ft HOOf/tt'H , Mtl-t'llf/f/l-
CHH nut ! nnnt < tlnH tint Hi/ntvnt ,
gold bv ull drueslsta. Hefuae uubstltuteg
Marlnnl & i' < > . W W15th 8t. . Now York.
iiubllali a hnndhoniu book of endorsements
uf limperors. KiupresK. Prlnron , Cardinals ,
Archulfcliopa and other UlstlnKUlnhed per-
KuiiuRi.- It la rent trails and poatpula to
all whurlu 101 it '
"Sd'm I , " said his mother. "And I wlsht
he was to hum this minute ! It's gittln' real
thick outside , an' he'd ortere his trawls
sot long ago. I didn't f l to let him go
anyhow wo'u I see It sed fnll'.n' weather an'
the wind rlsln' . Wai , he knows all the * Is
about a boat. And , as ho says , lie allus has
come in , "
"I guess pa's all right , ma , " eil-l Jimmy ,
pushing back his chair and coming and
putting .his arms around hf > r neck. "Tbo
sea ain't run yet that's goln' ter swamp
him. "
"You're ma's great boy , ain't you , Jlmm/ ? " .
sold tbo llttlo woman , leaning her cheek
down on the rough band , "Sho do' no *
where sho'd bo 'thout you , "
"An1 'thout mo ! " said Davy , his rosy face
peering over the other shoulder.
"An" me , ma ? " cried Johnny , springing
Into her lap , while Sis ran to get there
"Without any ono o' ye ! " she said , half
laughing and half crying.
"You'ro the best mother I got ! " cried
"I declare ! " she sold then. "You ain't
half et your suppers. An' It's time the
lamp was lighted. Tbo dark shuts down
llko a dish-cover these dnya. If you're goln'
tor sec Sis up tor St. Paul's you'd better
bo off , though. An' you wait an' como home
with her , Jimmy. You put on your com
forter , now. You got your nr'tlcs , Sis ? Yes ,
I do wish your father was In. There's the
light to the point blazln' up. My land ! bow
its como on ter blow ! You all bo homo
early , now , or I'll bo real worried. "
"Don't you fret , mo , " eald Jimmy. "We'll
take cnro of Sis. "
"Bring her "back for n Chrls'mus present , "
echoed Johnny ,
"We'll bo homo In time for the stockin's , "
called Davo. But their gay voices came back
to her on the eddy of the wind that puffed
out her light ns she held tbo door open.
"You go right In , ma. You'll ketch cold , "
Jimmy shouted back.
"And I guess that's all pa'll ketch , "
Johnny added , walking backward ,
She watched them a moment In the twi
light , trudging on with the wind behind
them , ectilflng the snow , pushing ono an
other , tumbling down and rolling over nnd
up again nnd filling the air with tholr happy
outcry. And sha shut the door and relit
her lamp and wont about her tasks.
But the polllty presently grew faint. "He
certainly 'd orter bo in now , " she said ,
going ngaln and again to the window , where
under her ebadlng hand the flakes whirled
and soared and fell and slanted by llko
spnrka of flre. "I ' ' '
do' no' . I declare I'm
main frightened. I never fejt Jes' so shaky
an' limp In my life , " she said. "Oh , Joe ,
Joe , If you don't como back "
She went into the bedroom presently to
flnd the stockings and as she darnnd a small
hole Hho thought of Sis up at St. Paul's ,
caiong the green boughs , and felt a llrtle
nwe as she saw her helping at llo ) larfl
wreaths about the chancel , with the old
aisles llko the aisles of some dim , sweet
wood , all green and dark and sploy. "I
guess I know how mothers feel wjien their
I sons are priests , " eho said.- And then sud
denly the bell rang out , the old crocked
bull , giving a glad , rolling peal on the lull
of the gale. "That's my Jimmy ! " she
thought. "He's Jes' makln' that bell praise
God ! My ! It Jes' takes mo right Inter church ,
' 1th the hemlock boughs and all the woody ,
cool green thln's there ! "
And then another bell , ono much morn
close at hand , rang out llko a roaring echo ,
"It'e the Old South ! " she exclaimed. "I
vuin , I believe them boys have dim' the Old
South belfry In spite o' io ! .My1 My !
That's the North churh no. It's Hie Old-
town my soul to gracious , it's both of them !
That's my Johnny then. A d that's Dave.
1 buppoao ( ho suxun'u let 'urn. an' they've
got some of the other boys along. "
I Precisely that had happened. For when
the sexton of St. Paul's began to tell Jimmy
1 what to do the
other boys crowded around ,
Jostling und pushing , and Jlmmy\ \ gave
Johnny a kick , and Johnny transferred It to
Dave , and Dave hit out all around , and a
I scutrln nnd Noramble followed that would
have ended In open disgrace If the sexton
The 99 Cent Store
Stupendous Holiday Selling
of the finest Christmas stock ever opened in
Omaha , Thousands who have visited out-
store , inspected the stock and compared prices
testify to the great advantage of buying here.
latest and all If strolllnp tlirouuli tin * nlore .von sco tiling you wlsli. wo will , / }
is of the design
Everything new , for n reasonable amount. lny It aside and illlvoi later as you nmy direct. / /
Wo atlvlM' all who can possibly do so to shop In the morning the ?
at our low and popular prices. Open EYeiliflQS. earlier the butter. The crowds arc less thick tlien than during the uf-
Sale China t iV'i
and Cut
display Slinvlncr SC < M til
Cliliin , ticiv ilo-
is varied and
-lid' , IS ( < ; "H.
It speaks in
* vJzt/-
no uncertftin way.
kinds of dolls at nil kinds of prices
Largest in bulk , eyes of blue , of brown or black hair
lowest in price , noil's TrtinUn , well Mint curls or ripples , or crinkles , the
highest qualities TOOl CIlCHtX , IOC , All UliHln of ( in in on inn doIDc mill up. color of Jef , chestnut , or brown , creamy Iron Men in niiKliicn , 25c , 4So
, Uc ( , - . " > c mill till. Rn , ] Oo , Ific mill lip. complexions Ic to $14.85. mill up to If 1,1)5.
richest styles.
Could more be
d esired ?
Dc U
\Vrltlnir '
with mill Doll'ii ornnim mill
' lilncU SItoofly
Sc for riillil'N mill
Iron WtinroiiK , Ci r ( , Klioiiy Toilet SPN lilncUlionril OSc mid upward. nltlioiit cniioplcN , lionriln , 7. > c plmioH IMcISe mi. SoMIrr Satin nt Ilockcm for
rnrrliiKi'N , . r > ir , In Krrnt vnrlely , ilcnk. In linwl IOcMe , -ISc up. mill up to 9-I.OB. -Tic , 'llo mill up. Children , 4D < w
IOc , Ulc mill m > . - > lc ) 10 9.I.O.-I. ITOOll.
IOc for thin Child's Rocklnir Ilorncn of nil mill cliony
t'nrnot Swpcner l'"or < N with nolilicm mill klii < In , Inrec mill ninnll , Manicure I'leccn ,
north il.Ti- . camioiiNtc , -I8c mill up. The 99c Store. 1519-1521 Douglas St. ISe , DSc mul up to $ l4.S. cnclioe. IICMV .
had not ordered them nil out and away
without benefit of clergy.
And nt this Jimmy , remembering 'that
there were other bells In town , had hi-
stantly organized several rival boll-ringing
parties , and they started nt full run , to get
into the meeting houses the best way they
could , and moke the belfries rock and drown
out St. Paul's by all the superior metal of
the bigger bells ; and when cue of the lads
heard the peal of the other eound out like
the boom of flro bells and answered It
with the peal from his own steeple tossing
out upon the dark , their hearts were al
most bursting with' the delight In the clash
and clang and roar beating out the air
.about them.
"I wlsht their father was hearln * of
'em , " the mother said again , .pressing her
face against the cold glass , while the snow
drove by something less furiously.
" 'Twould reely tickle him. It'ra. mighty
pretty music. Jcs' hear the echoes ! Oh ,
Joe , where bo ye ! " And as the bolls pealed
on she was walking up and down the llttlo
hoiiEC , stopping at every turn to peer
through the pane , to open the door and feel
the blast , moro than once to cry out with
a voice that the wind pressed back soundless -
loss , making her feel her helplessness be
fore the great forces of nature which he-
numb and destroy , abutting the door and
walking up and down again OR ulio wrung
her hands , and pausing at every shudder
of , aash and door tb listen. "Oh , what sort
of a Chris'mus eve is this ? " she cried ! "Oh ,
Joe , Joe , JOB ! "
But oven while tho' bells were ringing It
seemed as If the wind were falling. "Jimmy
said It was Jest n spit , " she murmured.
'T'raps he's right. Ono o' them quick
squalls o' snow. Hut ono o' them can
founder a ship taken unawares. And , oh.
It must have took htm unexpected or he'd
bo homo ! "
What a long , interminable hour it was
before the great , glad uproar of the bells
WBH over ! And then presently she was
sure It was time the boys and Sis were
at homo , and without staying to imagine
they were plunging and slipping and snow
balling together on tbo way , the wind hav
ing , nbotcd us suddenly as it had arisen ,
she felt that everything had conio to nn
end , and husband and children nllko were
lost to her , and full of a wild , unreasoning
panic who was crying llko one possessed ,
when the door burnt open and u chorus
of glad voices smote her sweet , oh ,
sweeter , clearer than the peal of nil thu
bolls. Meanwhile , out In the bay , Joe had
found his trawls much richer than ho had
expected , and as ho was so busy in stripping
them and In baiting and setting them again
that ho gave little heed to the rising of
the storm till Its fury was nil about him.
" 'Twon't last long llko this. Them fiud-
dent ones go ne they come. Jes' keep her
head to the wind , " ho eald to himself ,
"Shb'll rldo it out. " And then the snow
was wrapping him , blind nnd thick , and all
nt once the dark had fallen.Vnl , " ho
muttered , "If one o' them concerned big
coal .steamers don't come rlppln * along I'll '
weather It , It's a tueslo , lint wo'ro good
fop it ef the stick holds 'I'lcaoant' and
mo. "
It was a tussle. It took all his will nnd
all his strength to keep the boat trimmed
to meet the squall and riding on the top
of the great seas that came roaring and
blueing on and only just foil short of washIng -
Ing over and tilling the llttlo Pleasant.
And when the furious hour was past hu
would have given al | his share of flsb to
lie down in the bottom of the boat nnd get
his nrcitth.
The aeu was atlll rolling , In long swell
succeeding swell , nnd the enow was falling
In a thick sheet , through which not a glim
mer of light penetrated only a wide , faint
dimness seemed to swim up grayly from the
great tops nnd hollows about him. Ho felt
that the boat was drifting , but ho could not
tell In what direction ; ho thought perhapn ,
the tide was running In , but us bo looked ]
about him there was nothing by which ho i
could make euro. The Ipswich light , ho' ' |
fcald , ought to be just oiit here ; the revolv
ing ruby and gold of the light at tbo shoals
ought to be on the other band. I'lttm Island
light ought to bu over his uhoulder. If ho
could but ee n spark of ono of them he
would know bow to shape bis course. Out
j there was not a ray over all the wldo welter
j of the water , through all the dim veil of
the snow. Ho felt as If be had gene blind.
Ho listened for the dull blare of the whist
ling buoy , but the snow muffled every sound
and ono wave toreed him still to another.
It had grown cold. The snow stung now
llko sleet. Hope nnd sail wore stiff with ico.
"By George ! It'll be my winding-sheet ! "
he exclaimed. And ha fell back in the boat
nnd the thought of his wife's terror and
grief struck him to the heart like n knife.
It was Christmas eve ; nnd the children
would be capering and carrying on , opening
oysters on top of the stove , roasting chest
nuts rind apples and looking over their
shoulders for him to be coming In the door.
And ho would never be coming In the door
again. What would become of them ! O
God ! what would become of them ! He
gave a great web , a sob of pity for them and
for hjmself and In the next moment ho
caught his breath In an Irrepressible alarm.
For here was music. Certainly , then , ho
would soon bo dying , dying of the cold and
etorm. They heard music when theV died.
Hero It came again bells ! Ah , what a great
wldo surge of sound , one moment resonant
on the black air , then repeating Itself In n
whisper , a sign. Again It came , a shower of
tones , sklmmerlng ever the water llko a
flight of gray and silver gulls ; nnd now ono
strong clash and ring and roll roeo above
them all the Old South bell. And with
that came the steely flash of the North
church bell , the hum of the old town hell ,
the quaver of St. Paul's ! And then the wind
sung In , blowing the sweet alarm all back
to shore and closing the lanes of the mist
and snow through which they had sifted.
And only a faint exquisite echo sighed and
died away.
But what matter ? Now ho knew where
ho was Salisbury Sands to the left of him ,
old Nowbury to the right. About ship , and
up sail , up sail for the channel across UK ;
bar ! Slowly he brought the boat round ;
here was old Nowbury now on the left ; hero
was tbo North Breaker singing llko a nest
of eagles , off Plum island ; yonder , on the
right , roeo the screams of the great South
Breaker , sucking down the Salisbury shore ;
here was the. roar of the waves tumbling
on the bar. A spark gleams with a wide ,
hazy halo through the snow. Plum Island
light ! Another the Bug light , the harbor
lights ! Ho knows every Inch of the way
now. The channel grows clearer the Pleas
ant IB good for It. He steers through foam
nnd fury , ho sweeps by the Humpsands and
Black rocks into stiller water , be rushes
straight to tbo mooring.
The children were Just knocking the snow
off their feet nt the door , as he ran up from
the wharf. Good was the touch of solid
earth , and sweeter than any strain of music
In his ears was his wife's shriek of joy ,
"Didn't I nay I allus come homo ? " he cried
Joyously , catching her in his arms.
"O , Joe ! " she sobbed. "If wo live a hun
dred years , wo shan't over have such a
Chrla'mus eve as this agin ! Come children ,
como right In out of the tmow. I guess you'va
had frolic enough tonight , I S'POBC It was
you rung the bells , "
"You bet It was ! " sold Jimmy , unwind
ing his comforter.
"Wai , " said Joe , slamming the door be
hind them , " 'taint often work an' piny
docs the same thing , But your frolic did n
lot of work tonight. Kcr ef I hadn't heard
them bells , thcre'd a ben no father an' no
Chris'nius In this bouse , ! Got n bow ] of
coffee , wife ? George ! I could eat the hull
ican-pot ) , "
Spoola of thread arc held In n convenient
noultlon for use by a now bracelet , which
has two Hnrlncr dins to grip the wrlct , with
two HplndlcH Huppnrted end to end , to bo inI I
sertwl In the holes of the spool , j
Telegraph poles cun bo easily erected with |
n new machine , which has a crank shaft set
on the top of a long tulic , to rotate n' '
Hcrew-thriMdtyl sleeve , which projects a
rod out of I be Hleeve to ralne the polo Into I
u vertical jiomtloii. |
To bo secured to thecelling U a handy
mercantile broom-bolder with a bracket ,
from which depends a rod , having a neilcs
of horizontal arm * radiating from the
lower end , the-urnm being slotted to reccJve
thu head cmUi uf the broom bundles.
Fru.t Jars can be quickly and tailU- sealed ,
or opened by a new machine , which has
two Independent levers , provided with nd-
justabla collars , to engage the cover and
Jar respectively , a pull on 'the levers tight
ening1 the collars and turning the cover.
A Chicago man has patented n musical bi
cycle , which has a number of vibratory
strings secured to a detachable frame , with
a toothed roller revolved by the propulsion
of 'the bicycle , to operate , a series of spring
hammers and play tunes on the strings.
A Now York woman has designed a
fastener for veils , comprising n double-
ended wire loop , with prongs at the center
to attach It to the hut or hnlr , safety pins
being provided with hooks to engage the
loop nfter the pins are Inserted In thu veil.
To harden the- plaster rapidly after an Im
pression la taken for a set of teeth nn Im
proved dental Impression tray Is provided
with a hollow under portion , with pipes at
tached for connection with the water fau
cet , to circulate cold water around the
Two -Minnesota men have patented an In-
I datable tube for Insertion In a chair rocker ,
tbo underside of the latter belnpr hollowed
out for the Insertion of the empty tube ,
which Is then Inllate/d / and bulges out be
neath the rocker to form a cushion for the
In 11 new street-sweeping machine , to bo
operated by one man , there Is a shaft sup
ported on two small Wheels to carry a
brush frame , with a receptacle balancing
the brush and the two- handles at the rear
by which the brush Is pushed along- the
A detachable tie retainer has been de
signed for use with plain collar buttons , a
Hat piece of metal being slotted through
the center , with an enlargement nt ono
end for the Insertion of the head , the ends
of the device being bent over to form an
open loop.
Gas burners can be lltted with eleotrlc Ig
niters without the necessity of wiring the
whole house by using nn Illinois man's at
tachment , comprising a metallic casing
adapted to encircle the chandelier and con
tain the battery and Induction cell , which
are connected to the Igniter for use.
A combined lightIncreasingdevice and
smoke bell for Incandescent gaslights Is
formed of two conical sections of mica
Joined together by braces , the under ono
being open at the center nnd resting on
the top of the chimney to obstruct the
passage of the heat and Increase the com
Have you tried Old Quaker Rye ?
Till : OM-n.MI2HS.
Adolph von Plchlor , the Tyrolese poet ,
has Just celebrated his eightieth birthday.
He Is hard nt work upon a complete edition
of his wrltlnsp.
Isaac \Vardwcll and his twin sls'er , .Mrs.
W. U. Hoyt , of Stamford , Conn. , celebrated
the eighty-fourth anniversary of their birth
at .Mre. Hoyt's rcrtclcnco Ueceinber 10 ,
They urn uf the sixth Konciullon of the
family who luivo lived In Stamford , Jlr.
Wnrilwell has lived practically ull the time
in Stamford.
In the matter of continuous service as an
editor , perhaps A , 1-3. Uurr of the Hartford
( Conn. ) TlnuH \ the oldest In the country.
.Mr. Burr purclmstd an Interest In the
Weekly Times Hxty-one years ago January
1 next and turned It Into n dally two yiars
later. Since his lirut connection with the
paper ho has had editorial control and Is
Htlll In nctlvo service , bearing well his SI
13r. Charles F. H. AVIIIoghs of Doyles-
town , O , , who in the oldest practicing phy
sician In the Buckeye state , celebrated bis
ninety-sixth birthday recently nnd Is Htlll
so well preserved that he has good reason
to hope for the completion of H century.
Very lew of the mule members of his fam
ily nave died before attaining the age of
Wj and his grandfather lived until be wuu
to- ' .
Ambrose Ilanchett of Mayvllle , N. Y ,
celebrated the 100th anniversary of bin
lilrth November 23. Mr. Hunchntt wan born
In Worthlnjfton , Sluts. , on November 2o ,
17M , romlng to the then thinly settled
L'huutauqua county early In this century ,
lie bus lived for nearly ninety years within
: wo mlleH of Mayvllle. He has always been
uilo and hearty , sleeps we'll and eats
heartily of anything for which he cares.
Caleb Baldwin of Newark took nn active
part In the celebration uf his 100th blrthdav
it the homo of bis daughter , Mre , c'aleb
, at 13 Orchard street , November
1. A number of the visitor * were sur
prised by him opening- the front door to
udmlt them when they rang , When one
visitor Hfcked how ho felt hu nald , with a
Htnlle : "Oh , pretty well for a young fel
low , " A largo proportion of hlt vUltjrs
were aged men , many being over M und
two or three over W , It wug feared that
the excitement and exertion might have a
bud effect upon him , but he was appar
ently as chlpjier at night-full an ho was In
the mornlni , ' , and this In spite of the fact
that he did not have his cuntoinary punch
at noon. Ho mid he hud been too busy to
think of It
Absolutely pure and delightful to the taste
in Cook's Imperial Champagne Extra Pry.
This Offer Almost Surpasses Belief.
An External Tonic Applied to the Skin
Beautifies it as by Magic.
A "Woman Was the-Inventor.
Thousands have tried from tlm Imme
morial to discover some efficacious remedy
for wrinkles and other Imperfections of the
complexion , but none had yet succeeded un
til the Misses Belf , tbo now famous Com
plexion Specialists , of 78 Fifth avenue , New
York City , offered the public their wonder-
Tul Complexion Tonic. The reason so many
[ ailed to make this discovery before Is plain ,
because they have not followed the right
principle. Halms , Creams , Lotions , etc. ,
I never have a tonic effect upon the skin ,
bonce the failure.
TONIC has a most cxhlllaratlng effect upon
the cuticle , absorbing and carrying off all
Impurities which the blood by Its natural
i kctlon is constantly forcing to the surface of
Iho skin. It Is to the skin what a vltnllz-
j Ing tonic Is to the blood and nerves , n kind
I fcf new life that Immediately exhilarates and
itrengthens wherever applied. Its tonic ef
fect is felt almost Immediately and it speed
ily banishes forever from the skin freckles ,
pimples , blackheads , moth patches , wrinkles ,
liver spots , roughness , olllnesa , eruptions and
dlscoloratlons of any kind.
In order that all may bo benefited by their
Oreat Discovery tbo Mlnse Dell * will , dur
ing the present month , give to all callers nt
their parlors one trial bottle of tholr COON
plexlon Tonic absolutely free , and in ordoU
that these who cannot call or lire awar
from New York may bo benefited they will
send one bottle to any address , all charged
prepaid , on receipt of 25 cents ( stamps or
silver ) to cover coat of packing and deHyar-
Ing. The price of this wonderful tonlo U
11.00 per bottle and this liberal offer ehouia
be embraced by all.
The Mlesrs Hell have Just published their
This valuable work Is frco to all destrlne It.
Tbo book treats exhaustively of the Import-
aiico of a good complexion ; tolls how ij
woman may acquire beauty and ke p It.
Special chapters on tbo care of the hair ;
how to have ruxurlant growth ; nannies *
methods of making tbo hair preserve it *
natural beauty and color , even to advanced
age. Also Instructions how to banish
superfluous hair from the face , neck and
arms without Injury to the skin. This book
will be mailed to any address on request.
rilEB Trial Bottles of Wonderful Com-
plexlon Tonic free at parlors or 2C cento
( cost of packing and mailing ) to those at
Correspondence cordially solicited ,
dress ,
THE M-ISSES BELL , 78 Fifth Av. . , New Yoru Cltyi
The Misses Dell's Toilet Preparations are for sale In this city bf *
The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists ,
Pole Agents. 15th and Douglas Streets.
Every Parrot
Guaranteed to Talk.
Mexican Redhead Parrots ,
lie' nnlng to talk , ? C ; la'klng ,
$7 CO. Double Yellowhcads ,
talking , JlT.r.O , Genuine Tex-
at ) Mocking Birds , full In
Hong , | 4 Imported German
Hartz Mountain Canaries ,
warblers , | 3 , Andrfasberg
Hollers , H to | 6 , German
GoldfiflHh , Iog ) . Birdseed ,
Cages a specialty. Aijuatlo
jilunte , IOc and 20c bunch.
Stock's Bird Store ,
2HKI Leurenvrortb S ( .
Trtiti all Formic. !
22 Vein Fxpirltnci.
KDICAl , Trcitmeu ;
mnicunililiH'd.Varlcoccla. .
Stricture , HyphllU , I < o 8ot VicoraoUVltalltr.
nriinSflDAlUMEED. Ch We Jow. HOJJII
THEATJIBXT. IlooU. Conciliation aud Exam.
Inatlnu f ree , XJcuri.S a , m. tot ; TioUp. m ,
SundaT,9i , 12. 1' o. Iol6. Omcc.N. K.
tor. liibauj J'aruioi BtrcUOMAUAj .MM . ,