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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1899 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Good Export Demand and Decreasing Re ceipts Advances Chicago Wheat. LARD STATIONARY , PORK AND RIBS LOWER September Corn DIMVII llnlf n Cent , Wlillc -coinlier ( inlnn a Krnc- ( Ion UntN Itrllrct ( lie Corn Movement. CHICAGO , Sept , 23. Deferred futures In nil the grain markets were strong today nnd closed nt advances. A good export da- mand for wheat and constantly decreasing receipts formed the foundation of the wheat strength. Trade was broad and general In most markets. September wheat advanced J/ic , December ' , ic and May e. September corn declined ! 4o on heavy selling by longs , but December advanced He. September oats declined Vic and December advanced a ehade. Provisions were steady , but closed unchanged to a shade lower. Liverpool played a prominent part In In fluencing the early tone of wheat trading. That market opened lower , but quickly re covered and at the opening here showed good advances. This was regarded us indi cating the seriousness of the Transvaal sit uation. Early Indications also pointed to largo clearances for the day. Outside buyIng - Ing was quite heavy at the opening. Now York houses being especially prominent. The opening In December was at (3 * } i3)ic ) , un advance of V < 3c over yesterday 8 cloae. This was at call price and for a time ihe market met heavy selling against those jirlvllegeft. A good deal of general prollt- tnklng wa also done nnd a decline In De cember to 73c took place , but before U o'clock the market had again become strong , with heavy and general buying. 'Ihe con tinual falling off In receipts at prominent receiving points attracted more attention , nnd the belief was more general that the winter wheat supplies from now on would bo much lighter. New York nnd St. Louis at the same time reported numerous acceptances ' offers. ceptances of yesterday's cabled JJcst prices wore obtained In the last hour of trading. The market during that time exhibited a good deal of nervousnessi and the price changed r.ipldly , though within a narrow range. Realizing wan heavy , but on all slight breaks the market received substantial support and , though best prices wore not maintained , the close was at a substantial advance. A good Improvement In the demand for Hour was reported and this liad an Inlluence on speculative trad- Ing. The market at the close showed a marked growth of bull sentiment among local traders and trading tnrougout showed the effects of Increased outside Interest. A bull feature was the falling oft of 800.000 bu. In primary receipts In the last four days. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts were 974 cars , against 884 last week and 1,190 a year ogo. Chicago receipts worn 123 cars , two of contract grade. The lightness of local receipts was a factor In the early strength. Total primary receipts were 1,122,000 bu. , ngalnst I.BJC.UOO bu. a year ago. Atlantic jiort clearances of wheat and Hour amounted to 841,000 bu. The seaboard reported twenty- three loads for export. December advanced to 74 c and reacted to 73c. where It closed. Considerable trading was donu In May , and that future developed more strength than nnythlng else on the lloor. It ranged from 7GJ475o to 7Cc nnd closed % c higher at Corn was fairly active and Irregular. There was heavy liquidation of September by the Interests supposed to be most promi nent on the long side , and this Influenced the market all day. Deferred futures , In which trading was mostly of a scalping na ture , were weak for a time In sympathy , but later recovered on covering by Bhorts nnd closed steady. Receipts were 1,139 cars. The seaboard reported eighty loads taken for export. December ranged from 29lc to SO o and closed Uu higher at SO'/fcc. Sep tember ranged from 33c to 32i4o and closed % c lower nt 32'/tc. Oats renected the action of corn , Septem ber being weak on moderate liquidation , in Bplto of small receipts , while deferred fu tures were steady. Trading wns small and mostly of a scalping nature. The cash de mand was rather slow. Receipts were 231 December ranged from 22Jc : } to 22Tx © UUl D. 4/clllll uci if lbl .v. * * /4\ 2.1o and closed a shade higher at , September closed Uc lower at 22V4c. Provisions wore firm and In good demand. The chief Inlluence was the heavy cash de mand and fair advances were scored during the morning on buying by local operators nnd exporters. Later heavy selling by nackera caused a reaction , but the market closed steady at slight changes. At the close January pork was 2'/4o lower at $9.80 , January lard unchanged at J5.62U and Janu ary ribs a shade lower at J5.12V4. Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 1C3 cars ; corn , 790 cars ; oats , 215 cars ; hogs , 21,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows ; Open. Opun. fllirn. Low. Close. Yes'dy Wheat Sopt. . . 4M 74M 74M Dec. . < -4'J 73T , 73 * Mny. . . 76JS -7U 70M Coin Kept. . .13 33 3S " SUM SUM 30H 30 May. . 30M Oats- Sept. . . 22M Deo. . . . May. . . . 24 Fork Oct. . . . Bin 820 Dee. . , . 840 H40 830 Jnu . . . US-'W UtiO OttU Lard Oct. . 64B 045 G421 * Dae . . . 6 S-JVi 6BJ 660 661) ) 6 Ml Inn . . . COB CDS 6U2H Ribs Oct. . . . A IS fil'JX QIC " " Jun. . . . _ _ 010 _ _ _ _ _ 610 _ _ _ _ _ 010 _ _ _ _ _ 61'J _ _ _ _ _ No. 2. Cash quotations wcrp aa follows : FLOUK Firm : winter patents , J3.50S3.CO ; etralghts , J3.10S3.33 ; spring specials , J4.10 < g > 4.20 ; spring patents , J3.4003.70 ; straights. J2.SOS3.20 ; bakers. { 2.2002.00. WHEAT No. 3 spring , 0571&c ; No. 2 red , 73WQ74i/ . CORN-NO. 2 , 32U0a2V4c ; No. 2 yellow , 32U OATS-NO. 2 , 22y1f23Vic ; No. 2 white , 25'i " UYE-No. 2. 5S&C. BARLEY No. 2 , 39I44c. SEEDS-FlaxsCfd , No. 1 , J1.12 : north- iwost , J1.12. 1'rlmo timothy seed , J2.254f2.30. Clover , JG.OOft8.00. I'ROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.C00 ; R.25. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $ D.33i0.50. Short ribs side * ( loose ) , J5.njjT5.40 , Dry salted nhouldera ( boxed ) . JG.OOQti.12',4 , Short clear eldea ( boxed ) . SS.BOOC.GO. AViriSICY Distillers' finished goods , per Bal. . J1.22. SUGARS Cut loaf , J3.83 ; granulated. J5.31. Following urq the receipts and ship- rtiontH for today : Articles. Receipts , Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls 25,000 12,000 "Wheat , bu 2.14,000 18,000 Corn , bu TO.OOO 706,000 Oats , bu 301,000 275,000 Jlye , bu 10,000 1,000 Hurley , bu fcC.OOO 16,000 On the I'roduco exchange today the butter market was , llrm : creameries , ! GfJ224c ! ; dairies , ISfclSc. Cheese , llrm at lliill c. Eggs , llrm : freah , lCl Iil7c. Poultry , weak ; turkeys , 9010c ; chickens , 8'/ift9J c , NEW YOUK OKMCKAI , SIAUKET. Quotiitloiin of tlio ln > - ou VarlouN CoillllllllllllfH , NDW YORK , Sept. 2S.-FLOUR-Recelpts , i ,457 bbls. ; exports , 19,111 tibls. ; moderately notlvo nnd firmer with wheat , closing with an upward tendency ; winter patents , J3.60Q3.80 ; winter straights. J3.35flJ.45 ; extras , $2.4502.90 ; winter low grades , fJ.SOif 2.40 ; Minnesota patents , J3.SO4,10 ; Minnesota seta bakers. J3.OMf3.15 ; Rye. flour , firm ; rood to fair , J3,15j3,30 | ; choice to fancy , I3.23fi3.60. BuckwJieat Hour , steady ; new , | 2.Mi2.7S. | BUCKAVHEAT-Qulet at C76Sc , c. I. f. , New York. CORNMEAL-Sleady ; yellow western. 75 ® 76o ; city , 77c ; Brnndywlne. J2.20Q2.30 ; No. 'i western , 61Vc , nlloat , spot. RYE Firmer ; No , 3 western , 66c , f. o. b. . nlloat , spot ; state rye , 6Cc , c. l , f. , New York , car lots. BARLEY Firm ; feeding. 42J43c. c. i. f. . nuffalo ; maltlnc , 45'uuOc , delivered at New .York. t > l\ic , f. o. 'b. ' , alloat , to arrive ; No , 1 hard , Duluth , 8IV i' , to arrive ; No. 2 red , 76ic , elevator. Options opened linn at un ad vance of lie on better cables than looked for and d'.sappoliitlng northwestern re ceipts and further advanced > AO on coverIng - Ing following renewed and louder war talk. There were numerous partial reactions un- dur realizing vales , but the general tern- par of the market was much bettor with speculation more notlvo than for some lime past. The market finally was firm at a net advance of Wi % points. May. 7916-16 fSOiC. closed at Wic ; September. 76Mf 7 oV4c , closed at 75'/jo : October. 75 3-16ff73c. closed at TSHo ; December. 77U07Sc , closed CORN Receipts. 100,160 bu. ; exports. 45.- 310 bu. Spot markoti steady ; No. S. 4W4c , S o. b. . uiloul. and 40'4c. elevator. Op tions opened steady , with December V o lower , utter wlilc'h the market \\ua narrow nnd but moderately active with n llrm un- rtertone. closing- with prices finally U ° lower to tto Wsner. iMuy , 3CVi03 Jio , closed At Mttc ; May. 3 W03S',4c. closed At December , 36 16-160 , closed at 17c. OATS Receipts , 123,200 bu. ; export * , 86- 927 bu. Spot , steady. Options opened quiet nnd ruled firm with other grains , closing quiet. HOPS Quiet ! state , common to choice , . < KH ! crop , 6c ; 1897 crop , nominal ; 1S93 crop , xXgrnc : Pacific coast , H96 crop , 4 { 6cj 1S97 .rop , nominal ; 1&93 crop , ll(314c. ( PROVISIONS-Beef , firm ; family , J10.60 011.60 ; mesa J9.EO ; beef hams , 120.601 ? 26.60 ; packet J10.0W10.BO ; city , extra India mess , JII.60JJ16.00. Cut meats , llrm ; pick led bellies , J6.oOiiS.00 ; pickled shoulders , J5.50 ; pickled hams , JS.O > Mj8.75. Lard , firrnj west ern Btenmed , JS.'S'fJo.SO ! city , J5.30 ; Septem ber , J3.67J4. nominal ; continent , J6.15 ; South America , J6.60 ; compound , JS.K'iJfG.SJ ; re fined , firm. Pork , firm ; mess. JS.75TI 9.60 ; short clear , JlO.25gil.75 ; family , J11.50 i/12.00. HAY Firm ; shipping , new , COB Oc : good to choice , new. 65&SOc. HIDES-Steady : Gnlvcston , 20 to 23 Ibs. , lie : Texas dry , 24 to 30 lh . , 12HQ13c ; Cali fornia , 21 to 25 Ibs. . 1SHQ19C. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock soles , Buenos Ayres , light to heavyweights , 229 t EGGS-Stendy ; United States nnd Canada , lsjI2 [ > c , loss off ; western , ungraded at mark , i'OTATOES Stcndy ; New York , $1.23fi > 1.40 ; southern. J100O1.25. TALLO\V-Klrm ; city. 6Uo ; country , 4 % @oVJc. ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to good , J1.235T1.2714. RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4'WiWc : .Inpnn , 4'74ff5-Hc. CHEESE - Steady : largo w. lOttcj small white. llffll [ ( ic : large colored , 11 ® lltfe ; small colored. ll'4SniV4c. MOLASSES Firm ; Now Orleans open ItPttlf. peed to choice. 3203CC. METALS Interest In metals -was not broad nor were thcro variations of Im portance In the local market today. Aa news from European and primary points In the west portrayed no significant new chases In the situation at those centers buyers and sellers were Inclined to pro- crnstlnnto until after the holidays. At the close the Metnl exchange called pig Iron warrants very dull and nominal nt JI8.00 ; cotiper. dull nt $18.60 ; tin , quiet with J.12.S5 bid and J33.1214 asked : lead , tiulet with JI.60 bid and J4.63 asked ; spelter , quiet with J3.30 bid nnd J5.40 nsked. The brokers' prlro for lead Is JI.40 and for cop per _ OMAHA UK.M2KAI. MAHKET. rniiilltlnn of Trnrtc anil UnntntlntiH on " n > l > nml Kiitu-y Proilncc. EGGS Receipts , light ; market firm at BUTTER Common to fair , 14c ; choice , 16@17c ; separator , 22ff23c ( ; gathered cream- cry , 19ft20c. POULTRY Hsns. live , 7l4c ; spring chickens , So ; old and stnggy roosters , live , 3V4@4c : ducks and geese , live , 67c ; tur- kevs. live. 8c. PIOEONS-L'vc. per doz. . 75c. VEALS-Cholce. 9c OYSTERS Medium , per can. 23c ; stand ards , per can , 26c ; bulk standard , per gal. , J1.30 ; extra selects , per can , 35c ; extra se lects , per gal. , J1.75 ; New York counts , per can , 40c ; New York counts , per 100 , J1.25. HAY Upland , choice. J7.00 ; midland , choice , J6.SO ; lowland , choice. , J5.EO ; rye straw , choice , J5.50 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; now oats , lCiT20c ; cracked corn , per ton , J12.00 ; corn and oats , chopped , per Ion , J12.50 ; bran , per ton , J13.00 ; shorts , per ton , J14.00. VEGETABLES. WATERMELONS-Good stock , crated for shipments. 12J15c. . .1ciA'f.oVLOUPE per crate , Rocky Ford , TOMATOES-Per crate , &OJT60c. KVk'BOT POTATOES-Per bbl. . J2.00. POTATOES-New. 2325c. CRANBERRIES-Cape Cod. $5.76. ONIONS-Rctall way , GOiiWc. CELERY-Per doz. . 25030c. FRUITS. PLUMS-Oregon. per crate , Jl.2501.40. .r-ALIFORNIA PEACHES - Freestones , $ LOO < I/11.10 / : clings , 90C0J1.00. APPLES-Per bbl. , J2.2502.50 ; crnbapples , per bbl. , :2.2 S2.CO. GRAPES New York , 1920o ; California. . > > PEARS Bartlett , J2.60@2.60 ; other va rieties. J2.00 { 2.25. QUINCES-Californla- box , $1.50. TROPICAL FRUITS LEMONS-Callfornla fancy , $5.25@5.60 ; choice California , $4.75@6.00 ; Messina , fancy , J5.HISG.00. BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , Der bunch. J2.00@2.50 ; medium-sized bunches. $1.7502.00. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides. T c ; No. 2 erecn hides. 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No. 2 salted hides. Sc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. . lOc : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 16 Ibs. , Be. TALLOW. GREASE. ETS. Tallow. No. 1. 3c : tallow. No. 2. 2V c ; rougn tallow , lc ; whlto grease. 2&3c ; yellow and brown grease , St. I/oti In C nil u nnd I'rovlnloiiH. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 2S. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 72'/.c ; track , 72 % @ 73c ; September , 72c ; DeccmDcr , 74tfc ; May. 78c ; No. 2 hard , 71c ; receipts , 28,703 bu. CORN Firm ; No. 2 , cash , 30',4c ; track S2Jf3214e ( ; September , 30c ; December , 28c ; May. 29c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 , cash nnd track , 24fcc ; September , 23Uc ; December , 23W.c ; May 24H6 : No. 2 white. 26' c. IlYE Firm at 69c. FLOUR Unchanged. SEEDS Timothy seed , firm at J2.1002.40 ; prime worth more. Flaxseed , firm at $1.10. CORNMEAL Steady at $1.751.80. BRAN Easy ; sacked lot ? , east track , C2 QG3c. HAY Firm nnd higher ; timothy , J8.BO ® 11.00 : prnlrle , J7.007.50. WHISKY-Stcndy at J1.22. IRON COTTON TIES J1.1G. HEMP TWINE-9C. BAGGING-eJUtfic. PROVISIONS-Dry salt meats , steady ; boxed shoulders and extra shorts , $5.50 ; 000 bu. ; corn. 77,000 bu. ; oats , 26,000. SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. ; wheat. 15,000 bu. ; corn , 64.000 bu. ; oats , 36,000 bu. Mvrrnool < iriilii mid 1'rovlNlnnH. LIVERPOOL , Sopt. 28. WHEAT-Spot , No. 2 rod western , winter , firm at 5s llUd No. 1 northern , spring , firm at Cs 3d. Fu tures. steady : September , Csll d ; Decem ber. 6slUd ; March , 6s 3d. CORN Futures. quiet ; September , 3s7"4d " : October. 3s7'/dd ; November , 3s 7d. PROVISIONS Lard , American refined , In palls , firm at 30 3d ; prime western , in tierces , firm tit 28s 6d. Bacon and short rlbrt , firm at 34s 6d ; long clear middles. light , strong at 31s 6d ; long clear middles heavy , 33s d ; short clear backs , strong nt 32s Cd ; clear bellies , 3Ss. Shoulders , square. llrm at 23s 6d. KHIIMIIN Clly fir a li ami 1'rovlNlnnn. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 2S.-WHEAT- peoember. 67c : May , 70c ; cash , No 2 hard , 67067' c ; No , 3 , G4V4ffi ( 7c ; No. 2 red 691 ? 70c ; No. 3. 6lZ-6Sc ; receipts. 112 cars. CORN December , 25o ; May , 26c ; cash. No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white 2 o ; No. 3 . OATS No. 2 white. 25c. RYE No. 2 , 55 < g 5Uc. ' ' i' c'lolce ' timothy. $8.00 ; choice prairie , f G. itVjrv Ov , EGGS Liberal receipts quickly absorbed : fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts' 15V4o doz. , cases returned , Under Mnrlcrt. CHICAGO , Sept. 23. BUTTER Firm- creameries , 16 < ffi2Jic ; dairies , mnSc. NEW YORK. Sept , 2S.-BUTTER-Ro- f J'i1 ' " ' 6jfi43 lkcs. ; llrm ; western creamery. " J23e ; June creamery , 19Q22c ; factory , 13 u loV Ct ST. LOUIS , Sept. 2S.-BUTTER-Steady ; creamery. 19 < fi24c : dairy. 15 < ff20e. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 28. BUTTER Creamery , 19j21c ; dairy , 16c. Toledo Markrt. TOLRDO. O. . Sept. 23.-WHEAT-HIgher nnd firm ; No. 2 cash and September , 72'ic : " ' December. "tiUc. ORN-DuU and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS-Dull nnd steady ; No , 3 mixed , RYE Dull and higher ; No , 2. 60c. SEBDS-Clover. active nnd higher ; prlmn cash and Oclober , J5.97 bid ; December and March , $5.05 bid. MlMiicapollH Wheat mill Klour. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 2S.-WHEAT In store : No. 1 northern. September. 68Tio- * December , C9T4o ; May , 72VSff72Hc. On track No. 1 hard , 71c ; No. 1 northern , COXc ; No. 2 northern , 66c. .FLOUR First patents , $3.60 3.90 : second patents. $3.COJJ3.70 ; first clears , $2.60fi2,70 BRAN Unchanged. Dulntli tSrnln .Market. DULUTH , Minn. , Sept. 28. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , 70Uo ; No. 1 northern , cash , 73Ho ; September , 73c ; October. 70c ; De cember. 701ic ; May , 74o ; No , 2 northern , C5io ; No. a spring , CITic. ' 1'eorla MarUct. PEORIA , Sept. 27-CORN-Lower , active ; No , 2 , 3Uic. OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 white. 23V4tf23 c. WHISKY Steady on the batls of $1.23 for finished 'goods. Wuulily lliiulf Statement , NEW YORK. Sept. 28. The weekly bank statement yhows the following changes ; Surplus reserve , decrease , $1,239,200 ; loans , decrease , $7,752,700 ; peclc , decrease. $1,017- bOO ; legal tenders , decrease. $528,000 ; deposits , e , $13,2 ? ,200 ; circulation , Increase. $300,200. The bfthka now hold $1,724.450 In excess of the legal requirements. TJili statement shows the results of four days' changes. SIOVKMUJVTS 0V STOCKS AMI IIOM1S , Unfnvornlilo llatik Statement Offnet 1 HllKHKCtllClltft Of ( illlll. NEW YORK , Sept. 28.-Tho market for securities for today was n small nnd tame alfiilr by contrast with the violent fluctuations ot the earlier period of tno money stringency. 'iho ruto for call linV-5 Y'bl'ulcd ' between 12 and 14 per f ? , " d"rln ! > ' l o Period of active demand , but after that was satisfied fell by quick stages to 3 per cent. The needs of bor- rinu'crs , ? v > 'r.tno . u'reo ensuing holidays JHMnu if"fcd . ' " IlirEo Iart ) yesterday In anticipation of pressure for nccommoda- ? , liyinml consequently today's rnUV" ' ! ' ! ot mic" w'thln ' 6 per fyVlcrilllly " ' Thu bank "tatement , , , iVnHnvornV ° , beond nil expressed itrlnnVoni Altllou8h the outgo to the nvl ftrsuuy ns reduced to $ ll ! i,000. four rhysiMf , bu ? iess , the losses of cash to Ihn ln tc , or brou t the total reduction In the rcservo up to $4,5l500 , In spllo of n net reduction In loans of $7.752,700 , the meager surplus reserve wns still further m , .Vn ° ? | 1t\ZJaT' ° - u ls odious that loans JJlni " ° Inst few tlays ° " the stock Bholl ° tloi'19t "euro largely In this " ° n fl" , wlnp an the accommodations were ) ly , secured by dealers In money 'Yid ' sul'Pllct > themselves tlmo loans tllne "K ° . nnd wll ° I'l't their sun- ? ut ngnln ut the nroninljlo rul ing rates in place of the loans called by the banks to meet the demand for the October settlement. The showing of the bank statement nnd the continued tight ness of money were offset by the addi tional engagements of gold for Import and the drop In the rates for sterling exchange - change to very near the regular Import I'olnt. ' The settlement sentiment on the Stock exchange was that further relief to the money market from this source Is now available and that n largo movement of gold Is now fairly Inaugurated. No pressure of liquidation was manifest nnd present holders of stock evidently feel themselves strong enough to awnlt a more favorable turn ot affairs. The con fidence in further gold Imports was em phasized by the failure of the Bank of England to Increase Us ofTlclal discount rate , notwithstanding the fact that the principal demand for money In London is now thrown upon the central Institution by reason of the higher prevailing pri vate rnto of discount. A fall In sterling exchange nt Berlin In response to the former discounts there suggested addi tional pressure on London for gold from that source nlone. With gold moving to Now York some measure of protection bv the bank at nn early day may be accepted us a rortalnty. The Interior money markets In this coun try gave no evidence of a relaxation of the prcssuro upon New York for funds , Now York exchange at interior polnti tending rather downwards. Some relief Is anticipated next week from dividend nnd Interest disbursements nnd from the money to bo left In this city by visitors to the Dewey celebration. Except for a recovery of 3V4 In Ten nessee Coal gains of 1 nnd 2 and In the St. Louis Southwestern stocks nnd wide movements In a few usually Inactive stocks , today's market was without notn- blo incident. The total dealings fell to the level of the midsummer period of dullness. Dealings In bonds wore on 'a small scale and price changes were mixed. Total sales , par value , $1,325,000. United States new 4s declined % In the bid price. The elimination of two days from the business week nnd the prospect of dullness next week consequent upon the yacht races accentuated the specula tive stagnation which always follows a period of unusual activity In the stock market and limited the transactions of the last four days. The hope Is expressed that the dividend and Interest disbursements next week may servo to relieve somewhat the local presure upon the money market. Many widely varying estimates are heard also of the effect of expenditures by Dewey day visitors on the local money supply. But as to the main causes of the deple tion of banking reserves. It is manifest that the needs of the Interior for money to move the crops nro not yet appeased. Neither Is any cessation of the absorption of money by the treasury In sight as the government's expenditures are now run ning well under receipts. The August surplus will apparently bo doubled In September and the July deficit Is more than wiped out , leaving a growing sur plus as the fiscal year progresses. There has been constant demand for all the gold certificates which have been available nt the New York subtreasury. But as these simply served to convert the gold of New York banks into a form more desired by the depositors , their dis tribution has augmented rather than re lieved the drain on New York banks. Many of the clearing house Institutions started the week with their cash reserves under the legal limit and with additional has been demands upon them there further calling of loans. The stook market has been unprepared to move upwards ket wards under the circumstances. But It signs of resistance to a decide hag shown cide also which made the bears wary of nc stocks. It Is evident that stocks much less vulnerable to attack and are weak speculative holdings on margin that have been borrowed money nndwith me call , * .n , . - 00 % : Tlntos. 454 : An rl c of ! " fiBOcrSu ecMjy aPUff in'Mr. Laboucbpre's "Va M A.lama Ex H4 Amer. Uxpross . . . .147 United States Hx. . . ISO Wells KBI-RO Ex..130 A. Oot. Oil 43U do pfd 94VJ Anvr , Mulling1 . .i. . is % do pM * S Araer. S. & II 37 . do pfd. . . & ( H& W PW ! do , . ' * s" ' . Hudson . 1- .M.i Kl'liMi Del & SOXt do vfd - ver'-1 Amer. BtPH H } i do pM t ( Rfl * * lv ! Ifi ) ( ! Eri ? "V 't"nVd" ! . " ! MV4 lo 'p'fil. . . ! . ' ) ! . " 95'/l Ot NorthVr PM. . . > W Amer. Tin IMate . . . 39 , . ,31 JAiiHT. Tobacco . . . .HU'/i ' , . . .112Vi do jifd . . . . , . . . . . .115 B Cen.rnl uennui I3V4 Anaconda Mln. Co , 61 % - - ! nrooklni H. T m . . . . . . . CTV4 Q. . . . . . SVi Colo. Fuel & Iron. . IX1T4 . . ? M Bt ny . > MV4 Qluooee Suuar COV4 i ex Central . . . 14'i do pfd 10S Mm- & Bu t. . . .71 .Inter. Paper 27H do pfd. . . . M I do pfil 73 * MlMourl Paclne . . . 44 4 Uiclede aaa , KV , Mobile & Ohio 44Vi National Blecult . . 45U M K &T V4 do pfd , , . . . 9CM do Pfd.- S ) % National L na S V4 N J. Central U&H do pfd 110U N Y. Central . . . . W4H Nallonal Bte l MV NorfolK & Weatcrn J4V4 do pfd Mt do pfd < N. Y. Air nr ko..165 No Pacltlo . . . . . .i 62V4 North American , , . 12W do pfd. . . 74 % Paclno Const 4f.H Ontario & W . do 1st pfa 83 Ore. lly. & Nav. . . 43 I do 2d rfil. . . . . . . ca do pfil 76V1 Pacino Mall 40 PrnniylvanU ljl i T'cople's Oa . . . .110 { loading 21H Pressed Steel Car , , , do 1st ipfd. . . . . . t.S' ' do pfil do 3d pfd S2W Pullman Pal. Oar.172 nio a.v st 371 ? Rtnnilard n. &T. . 6 > J do pfd 80 % , .14314 Bt. U & S. K Uli do pfd 117 do 1st pfd. , . . . , 70 Tonn , Coal & Iron.115V4 do M JiM SIM U. S. 1/sither Wide St. Ixmls , Bouthw. , 15 do pfd , 79 % do ptd. . . , 35Vi U. B. Rubber 4714 Bt. Paul 12 ° % do pfd , . . .114 Ma pfd J78 Western Union . , , . E8 6t. P & O , lit Uepubllc I. & H. , . . I7T4 Bo. Pnclfla , 37 % da pM 72Vi Southern Hy IHi P. , C. , C. & St. X > . . 73 Boulhern Uy. pfd. . . 01 % I ISx-dlv , Offered. Conilltliiii of tliu Trrnmirr. WA'SHINQTON ' , Sent 2S. Today's state , ment of < he condition of the tre-asury shown ; Available cash balance , $289,216,230 ; gold reserve , ( 4,336,614. II H ilk rirnrlimi. CHICAQO. Bept. 28.-Clearins , 3CI7J13 ; balancea , ) lr > tt27. ! Now York exchange , 60c discount. Sterling oxohango , J.sm4,87 ( , NK\V YOUK. sept. 2S.-Clcarlngs , 12- 671.C35 ; bitlancea , | 9,4,9,6S1. I10STON. Seiit. 28.-Clearlngs , 22,5HK1 ; bn1anocv . J1.M4.699. IIAI.TIMOllK. Sept. 28. Clearings. $3,037- 167 ; balnncrs. JSfll.iw. ST. IOUI9 , Sept 2S.-Clearlngs , JO.687,161 ; balances , ISOI.uftt. Money , 43M per cent. New York exchange , OOc discount bid , 75c discount asked. New York .llo no ) ' Mnrltrt , NKW YORK , Sept. 2S.-MONKY-On call , easier at 3Q14 per cent ; last loan , at 3 per cent. 1'UIMH MERCANTILE I'AI'EU-C'406 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANGE-IIcavy. with actual business In bankers' bills nt 4.S5U for demand and nt $ I.S1JJ04.81 % for Rlxty days ; posted rates , Sl.SZiiifil.SS nnd J4.SCff-l.SCVi ; commiTclal bill * . Jl.bO . SILVER Certlllcates , 6'jiriwc ; bar , G MEXICAN UONDS Qovernment bonds , weak ; state bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , Irregular. lliiHtoii .SIorU ntiil lloiids. BOSTON , Sept. 28-Call loans. { Wi6 per cent ; time loans , ofjfi per cent. Closing price : ) for stocks , bonds and mining shales ; I.nmloit Stnul ; ( liiotiitlniin. LONDON , Sept. 2S. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money. , 1M B-10 N" . T. Central ISS'J Consols , aect 1WH Pennsylvania 67'4 Canadian Pocino . . S314 . . . iw , ; 12rlo l , Nor. Pacino pfd. . . . 77 do iHt ptd 37U Atchlson 21 li Illinois Central . . ' ' * ? l outbMiio S0fc Union Pae. pfd 79 Grand Trunk 7rA St. Paul common. . . 13014 Anaconda 10H BAR SILVER Steady at 27d per ounce. MONEY y& per cent. The rate of dis count In .the . open market for short bills Is 3fi34 per cent and for three-months' bills , 3 % per cent. New York Mining ( Itintntlonn. NEW YORK. Sept. 23. The following are odldal closing quotations' ' for mining chares : Oliollar K Ontario 675 Crown Point IB Ophlr M Con. Cal. & Va..l . 3 Plymouth 6S DoaihvoD.l . id Quicksilver 100 Gould * Pur-lc . . . ? ' do ptiL 7oO Halo & Xorcross. . . . ID Slerm Ne\-ada 68 IIomosuiKe < ; . , ' Standard 330 Iron Silver r-i 1'nlon Con : ti Mexican 33 Yellow Jacket 23 TorelKii Financial. LONDON , Sopt. 2S. American securities opened better , but later cased off and re mained quiet durlnff the balance of the ses sion , closing dull. Business was very re stricted. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 8,000. Spanish 49. 60 % ; , gold at Buenos Ayres , 135.60. ; The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes : Total reserve , decrease , 1,442,000 ; circula tion. Increase , 321,000 ; bullion , decrease , 1,211,616 ; other securities , Increase , 1,51S- 000 ; other deposits , Increase , 63,000 ; public deposits , decrees e , 38,000 ; notes reserve , de crease , 1,455,000. Government securities unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability IB 48.68 per cent ; last week It was 51.69 per cent. Rate of discount unchanged at 2Y- per cent. BERLIN , Sept. 2S. On the bourse today the pl-lvato rate of discount on money wanted for the settlement was one-eighth harder. Prices were fairly firm at the openIng - Ing , but later on advices from western bourses they weakened. Argentines were dull. Transvaal railroads sharply relapsed. Exchange on London , 20m 43pfg for chocks. PARIS , Sept. 28 Business opened dull on the bourse today , being Influenced by the lower prices of mining stocks on the Lon don exchange. Later prices Improved , but afterward they receded and business was slack. Kafllrs were offered early , but slightly recovered at the close , owing to purchases on English account. Three per cent rentes. lOOf 57 Jc for the account. Ex change on London , 25f 27c for checks. Span ish 4s closed at 61.93. The weekly bunk statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes : Notes In circulation , Increase , 33,775,000 francs : treasury accounts current. Increase. 33,350.000 francs ; gold In hand , Increase , 100,000 francs ; bills dis counted , increase , 96,330,000 francs ; silver In hand , decrease , 3,100,000 francs. VIENNA , Sept. 28. On the bourse today buslncitt was dull and prices reacted , operators - orators being discouraged by the critical condition of the Transvaal difficulty. FRANKFORT. Sept. 2S. Prlcog were quiet and easier on the bourse today , especially In the latter part of the session. Local se curities were chiefly noticeable In this re aped. ImiiurtM of Sncclc. NEW YORK , Sept. 2S.-Tho Imports of specie this week -wero J15.5GI gold and $46- 269 silver. AVuol Market. LONDON. Sept. 23. WOOL-Tho offer ings at the wool auction sale today amount to 16,060 bales. Queensland new clip , greasy , was well represented and competi tion for this grade was very keen , Eng land and the continent securing the bulk of It. Scoured merinos formed' a large portion of the catalogue , most of It bring ing fancy prices. The lower qualities were Irregular. Crossibreds were lower and sold briskly to the local Irado. Germany and America paid Jilgh figures for their spe cialties. .Medium . nnd line scoured showed a. hardening tendency. Lower coarse clips were Irregular. A fair eelectlon of Falk land Inland stock was offered and It sold well at an advance of 10 per cent. The sales to date number 114,000 bales. Fol lowing are the sales In detail : New South \Vnles , ,500 bales ; scoured , Is2'/4d2s. Queensland , 3,000 bales ; scoured , IB % d © 2s Id. Victoria , 2.900 baleaj scoured , 8'Adfi ) 25i 3d ; greasy , Did@ls 2H < 1 , Tasmania. 100 * * > / ' * t n * * " * * * / uy4\tyio * Vi1 * " uu i vjuuu Hope and Natal , 00 bales ; scoured , laGd ® IB lid. Falkland Islands , 1,00 bales ; greasy , . NEW YORK , Sept. 2S. WOOL-Strong ; domestic lleece. 0i25cj pulled Texas , 164 ? ISc. ISc.ST. . LOUIS , Sept. 28. WOOI/-Unchanged. Ull MnrUct. TOLEDO. Sept. 23.-OILS-Unchanged. LONDON , Sept. 2S. OILS-Calcutta lln- sf-ed spot , 42s 3d ; linseed oil , 22s ; turpen- tlno splrlla. 3Ss. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 28. OILS Turpen tine splrltu. llrm , 3Sa Cd. NEW YORK. Sept. 28.-OILS-Petro- leuni , strong ; turpentine , llrm. Cotton seed oil. unsettled and held higher on con tinued light supplies. Prlmo crude f. o. b. mills , 1257210 ; prime summer yellow , 28HQ30c ; off prlmo summer yellow , 2So ; off butter grades , 30o nominal ; prlmo white , 30032c. _ Coffee .Murltct. NEW YORK. Sept. 28. COFFEE-Optlonn opened steady , with prices unchanged to 6 points lower , and ruled quiet and active , with evening up trades in anticipation of the protracted holiday oe a. feature. Short selling was checked by larger warehouse recelpls nnd rtrmer cables from foreign mar kets. Closed steady , net unchanged to 5 points lower ; sales. 23.05 bale ? . Including October nt $1.25 ; November , J4.30 ; Decem ber , J4.EW4.GO : January , J4.CO ; March , 14.75 fil.SO ; May , J1.S504.W ; June , J4.90 ; July , M.75. Mild , steady. nf M NKW YORK. Sent. SS.-Imports of dry poods and merchandise ut the port of New York for the -week were % 'alucd at J11.53S- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts Liberal , but a Good Many Traini Bo Not Arriro Until Lato. ALL KINDS OF CATTLE ARE RATHER SLOW llonn Actlvp nml I-'lvc to Ten Crnfg lIlKlirr Sheep Mnrkrt SI KIT nnd Dull 1'Wilcr Cnttlc ShcMV n. CoiiNldcrnlilc Decline. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 2S. Receipts were : Cattle. HOBS. Sheen. OlllclalMonday C.CS3 2,933 12603 Omclal Tuesday G.S14 12,169 11,027 Olltclal Wednesday S.SH 9,176 6.4S9 Olllclal Thursday C.S41 8.S11 2.593 Four days this week..29,184 33,214 31.713 Same days last week..28,7&i3 28,013 24,990 Same days week before. .2G.OQI 20.4&G 27,338 bamo three weeks ago. .18,312 13,239 22,518 Average prlu aid for Hugs tor the lust several dayt , vtith comparisons ! Indicates Sunday. , , ? ? " ! . nun > bT of cars of stocl : brought in today by each road was : Cattlc.iroB8.Bli-p.Ilrs. rTVT . , . & at . P. Ry a" O. & SI. L. Ry. . . . l Mo. Pac. Iy 40 ( j Union Pac. System. . . . 33 21 F. , 13. & M. V. It. U. . . 90 32 S. C. & P. Ry i G. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. U 14 B. A : M. R. U. R 61 37 ' ? . , B. & Q Ry e K. C. & St. J 3 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east. 2 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west. 25 1 Cripples and driven In 14 W Total receipts 261 124 33 12 The disposition of the day's receipts was as folows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicate : . , Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 40 1,803 G. H. Hammond Co. . . . SSI 1.6S3 14 Swift and Company 561 1,614 " Cudahy Packing Co 941 1,767 "so Armour & Company. . . . 2.S9 1,021 765 Om. P. Co. , Kan. City. . 126 C. Pack. Co. , Kan. City. 75 . . . . Swift and Co. , country 1462 Armour & Co. , K. City. 103 . . . . R. Becker & Dcgan 14 ! ) . . . . . . . J. L. Carey 274 . . . . Lobman & Co 336 . . . . . . . McCrcary & Clark 29 AV. I. Stephen 46 IIII1 & Huntzlnger 313 Benton & Underwood. . . 329 . . . . Huston & Co 110 N. Morris 215 Hamilton & Rothschild. 319 L. F. Husz 21 Other buyers 1.19G . . . . 045 Held over 1,600 300 6,500 Totals 8,336 9,120 9,725 CATTLE There were enough cattle hero when the trains were all In , but the trouble was that some of them were late in getting to the yards. The market as a whole was very alow and backward and It was late before very much business was transacted and later than usual before anything like a clearance was effected. Only ten or a dozen loads of cornfed cat tle were In the yards this morning , nnd while buyers were not particularly anxious for them and the trade was slow and dull , values did not appear to txj yery much changed. In fact , cornfed cattle have shown very little change during the last week or two. Some choice cornfed heifers sold at t5. The market on grass beef was Blow and about like the weak close of yesterday. It is safe 'to say that grass beef steers ore now 25c lower than last week. The market on cows and heifers was also Blow and late In opening. The state of the market may bo Imagined from the remark of a buyer that ho had orders to buy them lower or lot them alone. "With the buyers feeling that way It le hardly neceesary to add that the market was lower , unless It might be on something very desirable. Holders of feeders found It very difficult to Interest buyers unless they had some thing very desirable. Even when the cattle were good , which was not often , as the most of the offerings consisted of trashy stuff , buyers were bidding lower and were constantly bringing It to the attention of sellers that It was a Thursday nnd that the week was drawing to a close. The re sult was a weak and dull market , with values anywhere from 15c to S6c lower than on Monday. Repreaentatlvo sales : BEEF STEEnS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 25..1130 M 60 33. . 9074 75 E4..1106 $5 40 19..1273 4 50 19. . 913 4 SO 23.1223 540 1..15GO 4 GO 1. . 970 4 90 16..1518 6 30 31. . 906 475 5. . 540 4 70 COWS. 1. . 890 2..1075 2 90 4..1037 3 25 3. . 813 2 35 1..1000 3 00 5..1016 3 25 1..1000 2 60 1. . 910 3 00 8. . 845 3 2.r 2..1000 250 1. . SOO 3 00 1..1020 3 25 1..1060 2 50 2. . 885 315 1. . 850 3 25 1. . 830 275 1. . 870 3 23 15..1122 330 2. . 940 2 75 1..1001 3 40 1. . 700 333 4..1373 3 75 HEIFERS. 1. . 770 4 00 33. . 804 5 00 BULLS. 1..1300 315 1..1S30 3 73 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 9. . 714 3 35 -v vCALVES. . 3. . 186 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 64. . 809 3 CO 7. . 734 4 40 39. . 70S 4 70 21. . 943 403 17. . 720 440 1..1210 500 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 bull..1540 $2 75 1 cow 1030 } 2 75 1 cow 1010 3 25 11 COWS 1003 2 75 1 COW 1140 3 35 15 cows 1018 3 35 1 COW 1250 3 00 1 bull 1210 3 20 21 steers..1315 4 35 30 feeder ! * . . 881 4 40 1 bull 1320 3 20 30 feeders. . 973 4 35 2 feeders..1310 4 00 39 feeders..1188 4 55 23 feeders. . 947 4 30 5 COWS 1042 3 33 1 feeder. . . S60 2 50 14 cows 880 2 50 1 feeder. . . 00 2 25 20 cows 882 3 10 29 COWS 966 2 05 3 cows 910 3 10 1 cow 910 3 00 1 steer 920 3 25 7 heifers. . 897 3 40 3 feeders. . SJO 4 00 NEBRASKA. 1.heifer. . . . 840 3 60 12 feeders. 788 4 CO 31 feeders. . 763 3 80 7 calves. . 2GS 6 60 13 feeders. . 639 4 00 6 cows. . . , i > SO 3 15 14 feeders. . C72 3 70 1 cow SOO 2 SO 25 feeders. . OM 4 25 2 cows 9DO 2 80 C feeders. . 804 3 40 1 feeder. . . 720 4 65 25 feeders. . 573 4 C6 9 cows..1004 4 25 Ibull 1230 315 4 feeders , . S05 3 00 1 cow 780 3 35 1 bull 790 3 00 9 cows 481 3 35 Ibull 830 2 90 1 feoder..10CO 4 35 Iccw 1020 3 00 1 steer 9CO 3 40 4 steers.1140 4 25 15 steers..1201 4 30 1 steer 1000 3 25 74 Bteers. . . . 762 3 30 1 steer 9SO 3 25 15 steers. . . . 733 3 30 2 steers. . , . 833 2 75 2 steers. . . . 935 3 SS 1 cow 1140 3 10 1 cow 1120 2 60 6 heifers. . 930 3 75 3 feeders. . 616 3 75 2S feeders. . 639 4 20 4 feeders , . 6fiO 3 75 44 feeders. . 875 3 90 G cows i > SO 3 15 11 c. and h , . 834 3 35 8 cows 970 3 05 47 steers..1016 4 30 11 feeders. . 745 4 10 13 feeders , . 803 4 00 15 cows 960 2 95 1 cow 1140 3 25 10 cows 803 290 6 cows.,1171 3 25 8 cows 1067 335 3 cows 890 275 1 bull 1410 3 05 63 feeders , , 803 3 So 33 feeders. . 023 425 4 feeders , . 702 3 50 3 Bteers , . . . 6S3 4 25 65 feeders. . 781 4 00 3 steers..10GO 3 50 1 cow 760 3 25 2 steers..1110 3f,0 10 feeders , . 7CO 4 03 1 uteer 930 3 50 2 foederu , . 720 3 75 31 steers , . . .1115 3 35 32 feeders. . 707 4 70 15 fowlers..1115 4 25 1 heifer. . . CIO 2 CO 3 feeders , . BS3 330 13 cows 813 3 10 5 feeders , . 912 3 30 11 heifers , . 789 330 D feeders..1090 3,00 COLORADO , 62 feeders..1180 415 61 feeders..1079 430 7 bulls 1035 410 45 feeders..1097 430 38 feeders..1010 4 10 45 feeders.,109S 4 30 2 bulls 1355 300 6 feeders. , 1028 430 4S feeders..1068 4 25 1 feeder..1020 4 10 Ibull 1250 4 2C 1 bull..1500 300 SOUTH DAKOTA. Ibull 1680 310 10eteers..11C5 420 Ibull 1400 3 00 1 feeder. . . 960 4 20 2 stags 1435 3 50 1 cow. . . , , ,1200 275 27 ulcers..1277 4 45 20 COWS..1033 4 00 43 steers..12il 4 45 1 cow 'M 3 00 1 oow 900 400 1 Bteer 13 0 360 1 cow , . , . . . & 90 360 1 feeder. . . 970 4 15 1 cow 950 360 11 cows SSJ 310 IDAHO. 10 feeders. . 678 3 25 77 feeders. . 678 4 20 73 feeders. . 634 4 20WYOMING. WYOMING. Ibull 1570 2 S3 Icow. . , . , . 740 3 25 Icow 900 265 S3 feeders. . 1158 170 Istfiff MO 378 7 steers..107S 4 SO 6COWB F > 4 2 to W. II. Carter Neb. Icow 1030 S 10 Seal von. . . 357 4 CO B feeders. . 823 400 z cuiviw. . . Jw 4 i4 Scows 1046 310 Icalf 200 f. CO S heifers. . . B51 3 65 1 heifer. . . . 830 3 00 Icnlf WO 460 Scows 1010 310 7 cows 961 373 1 OOTV..1..1000 276 I hclfcr. . . . COO 3 ir. D. R. Tlsdalc Wyo. 13 str. Tex.1208 4 33 233 str. rrex.1202 4 35 George A. Kctllne Wyo. 16 cows 033 3 10 60 steers..1172 00 15 cows 962 3 40 6 ! > tecrs..l07fi 00 13 cows..lor.O 350 11 steers..1307 00 23 cows 1063 360 K steers..1213 40 37 cows . 1030 365 12 steers. 1..12SO 60 7 steers. . . .1261 3 S3 42 steers. . . .1282 63 James Connolly Neb. 4 cows . 1090 2 CO 16 feeders. . 806 4 15 1 cow . 1PIO 3 10 1 feeder. . . 760 3 00 1 steer . 1230 315 Ibull . 13SO 315 2 bulls . 910 - 1 hclfor. . . 410 4 60 R. A. irammlsch Neb. B steers. . . .1114 4 0 Swenson Bros. Tox. 18 feeders. . S92 350 7 feeders. . 1065 4 CO 3M feeders. 892 4 00 H. Nebakcr AVyo. ZScows . 1033 330 Joe Scott. S. D. 78 8tcors..l2l7 440 43 steers" . . . .1251 440 D. 11. Tlsdale W-o. 6 cows . IMS 3 65 33 fceders.,1090 4 60 Lake Tomb Co. S. D. 6 steers. . . . 963 3 C5 37 steers. . . .1186 430 Northwestern Cattle Co. Wyo. 20 steers. . . .1191 430 J. C. Mlnlor Wyo. 6 steers. . . .1140 4 10 "Western Ranches S. D. 22 steer.- ) . . . .1247 3 85 John Wlntcrllng Wyo. C cows . 1160 360 16 Ptcers..l362 445 Superior Cattle Co. Neb. 6 sir. Tex.1141 4 10 6 cows ? . 741 2 00 C Btr. Tex. 8SS ? CO 1 cow . 630 1 72H 22 COWS . 959 285 6 cows . SSS 225 George Hltchew Wyo. Icow . 1000 333 61 cows . 1047 333 67 feeders. . 1250 4 65 H. O. Hasklll Neb. 2 hfs. Tox. 833 2 60 48 cs. Tox. . . SSI 3 IS 1 cow Tex 660 2 00 1 calf. Tex. 300 4 00 J. A. Hale S. D. 29 fltecrs.,1267 450 14 steers..1271 460 1 steer . 1440 450 Icow . 1210 360 1 cow . 9SO 3 2o 3 COWS . 916 2 75 222 feeders. 1101 433 15 feeders. . 1102 375 91 feeders. . 10S3 433 Ibull . 1250 275 2 bulls . 1230 215 23 steers. . . .1224 385 A. J. Dryden Neb. 24 steers. . . . 1131 420 24 steers. . . . 970 435 Ed Burnett-Wyo. 19 steers. . . .1216 433 M. T. Redman Wyo. lofecdcra. . 700 500 19 feeders. . 1015 4 CO Wyoming Cattle Co. Wyo. 24 steers , . . .1301 433 James MlcJiaclicon Colo. 24 cows . 926 300 31 heifers. . . 683 3 Co R. T. Allen Wyo. 23 cows . 1000 3 45 AV. C. Cox Wyo. 44 feeders. . 1161 4 GO O B. Clark Wyo. 18 feeders. . 717 480 7 feeders. . 1014 440 HOQS It was another day of large receipt ! of hogs , but the market , nevertheless , wnt active at an advance of 6JJ10c. Packers oil seemed to want hogs and a good many ol them , even nt higher prices and Uicy got right down to buslnces early In the mornIng - Ing , so that the most of the early arrivals changed hands in a very short time. There were a few late trains which delayed mat ters somewhat , so that a complete clear ance was trot effected as early as might otherwise have been the case. The close wns a little easier. The advance was the- most marked on the heavy and mixed loads. Heavy hogs sold very largely at Jl.40 .42',4. as against J4.305J 4.33 yesterday. Good mixed loads sold rlghl around $4.45 , while yesterday a good many of that kind went at $4,3534.3714. On. light hogs the advance was not so marked , Lightweights went largely at $4.45 ( 1.60 , and yesterday the same kind brought $1.40 4.45. There were , however , more sales at the top price , today than yesterday. Representative sales : were only nine fresh lends In night , with twenty-six reported tack to arrive some tlmo near midday. Under such circum stances buyers all seemed Inclined to hold off until the late trains arrived , which made the market very clew and dull. Not enough business was done In the morning to estab lish quotations or make a market. The gen eral feeling appeared to be rather weak. Feeder ancep and lambs appear to be In good demand and the market was without much change on that kind. Quotations : Prime native wethers , J4.20W 4.30 ; good to choice grass wethers , $ ? .90fl ) 4.00 ; fair to good grass wethers , $3.7S < S'3.90 : good to choice yearlings. $4.10iS4.15 : good to choice grass ewes , $3.40 3.03 ; fair to coed crass ewafl.S3.Cpff3.3Gi good to choice spring lambs. M.85 < j0.00 ; fair to good spring lambs. S1.70Jf4.85 ; common spring lambs , $ TOOiM.50 feeder wethers , $3.CMf3.75 ; feeder yearlings , $38033.90 ; feeder lambs , $4.25:34.40. : Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. C native ewes . , . 130 $326 9 native owes . 164 4 00 127 Idaho lambs . 59 4 35 411 Idaho lambs . 69 4 35 96 Idaho lambs . 61 4 35 80 cull lambs . 3 3 63 2G7 Utah wethers . . . . . . . 109 4 00 60 feeder owes . 70 2 60 460 breeding ewes . 76 350 303 feeder wethers . 101 3 6214 14 buck lambs . 61 4 2fi 43 feeder lambs . cs 4 45 99. feeder lambs . 57 445 7 lambs . , 61 4 60 147 western lambs . . . . 69 3 60 CHICAGO 1,1 VI5 STOCK MAHICICT. Active Drin u ml for Irni ruble Cattle nt nil Advance of Ten CcntH. CHICAGO. III. , Sept. 28. CATTLE Trade was lively In cattle today , desirable being In active demand at an average ad vance of about lOc. Good to choice cat tle sold at $5,7586.90 , commoner lots at $1.40(85,70. ( Stockers and feeders brought JS.OCQM.SS ; bulls , cows and heifers , $1.60 ® 525. Texas steers , SS.lOfHIO ; ranger * , $3.3505.10 , and calves , $ .0087.40. HOGS Active buying by Chicago pack ers and eastern shippers made a strong hog market nnd prices averaged 6c high er. Heavy hogs sold nt $1.204.77W : mlxsd lots at $ l.45 4.S2'/4. ' and light nt $4.50r4.90 ; pigs brought $ UO@I.SO , and culls $1.50fr > 4,15.SHI3EP SHI3EP AND LAMRS-Trade In elirop and lambs wan rather slow at the recant decline In prices. Sheep sold at S2.25nj.20 , mostly western rangers. Yearlings brought $4.1034,40 , and feeders $3.2Sfl3.75. Lambs sold at $3.2503,75 for culls up to $5.2530,60 for choice native flocks. West ern range Iambs brought $4.60@ < C.15. RECEIPTS-Cattle , 7,000 head ; hogs , 22,000 head ; sheep , 14,000 head. City l.lvu Stock. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Sept. 28.-CATTLR Receipts , 7,300 head natives , 1,700 head Texans , Desirable beeves strong to lOc higher ; common nnd inferior , etondy ; good southern cattle , higher ; others steady. Heavy native steers , $5.60fi6.75 ; lightweights , $5.0035.65 ; Btockers and feed ers , $3.30i(6.00 ( ; butchers' cowa and heif ers , J3.00ffl.00 ; canners , J2.30fi3.00 : western steers. $3.05jr4.0 ; Texans , $3.25f4.39. HOGS-Recelpts. 0.230 head. Market opened strong ; closed weak to 5o lower , Heavy , S4.40&4.55 : mixed. Jl.35fjl.67tf ; light $4.65U70 ; pigs , $4.15 4.60. SHEEP Receipts , 6,630 head. Market fairly activo. steady. Lambs , $1.70 5.10 ; muttons , J3.DOf24.25 ; Miockers and feeders , $3.003.5 ; pigs , $2.6503.00. St. luiiU ST. LOUIS. Sept , 28. CATTLE Receipts. 4,10) head , Including 2.500 head Texuns ; market steady to eaay for natives ; Texana wfftk And 10o lower ; native shipping luul export steer * , J5.0 < > R < ! 60 ; dres ! > M bfrf stcern , J4.6o5l6.ffi ! steers under 1X ( Ibs , J3.WKftG.SO ; mockers and feeders , J2.26H4 , > 0 ; conn nnd heifers , J2.00fi6.00 , with fnnry heifers senrcc > and worth up to W.OO : tun- no M , Jl.XXjje.7S ( : bulls , J2.2MT3.CO ; ToxM nd Indian , steers , J3.00if4.00j COWB and heifers , iz.35C3.fiO. HOOS-Recrlpts , 6fOOhcad ; mnrkot about etmdy ; pljpi and lights. J4.f g4.70j packers , J .50H .r 5 ; butchers , J4.GGO-4.75. BIIEEP-ReceJpts , 2,000heml ; market dull ami How ; native muttons , J3.76U4.lO : Ifunhfl , JI.OOHJJ.60i stackers , J2.60U0.50 ; culls and bucks , J2.OOij4.PO. SI. JoNrjili \\\r \ Slock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Sept. 2S.-SpecloI. ( ) The Journal quotes : CATLE-Recclpt * . 2,100 head , Including iW head nuarantlncs ; iiuallty common to fair ; steady ; natives , $ I.B5Sfr..i ; Texas nnd westerns , J3.2504.CO ; cows and heifers. JJ.OO yi.60 ! bulls nnd stags , JJ.25U4.60 ; yeiilllliRrt and cnlvps , J3.75ifi . ( K ; slockcrs nnd feed > ers , J3.2Gfi'4.riO : veols , J4,5H ( ( .75. HOGS nccelpts , 6,300 head , market 2'4ff' ' ( lOc higher than ycsletxiay's avcrace ; lirnvj end me < llum. J4.4Mf4.fi2i.4 ; light. 44.60ft4 TO , pigs. J4.35JT4.60 ; bulk of sales , J1.45 4.52U. SHEEP - Receipts , 1,200 head ; market steady. Stuck In SlKlit. The following nro the receipts at prin cipal western markets September ss : Cnttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha B.841 S.Ull 2,6y'l St. Louis 4.100 f.,590 2.0.TO Kansas City 9,000 0,230 6.630 Chicago 7,000 22,000 14,0 < iO Total 26,011 46,041 ZfCibl Stiirnr Alnrl < pt > LONDON , Sept. 2S.-SUOAR-Scptember. 9s 4Hd , NEW YORK , Sept. 23. SUGAR Rnw. steady : fair refining , 33-lCc ; centrifugal , 53 test , 4 6-Mic ; molasses sugar , 39-16c ; rcfltiPd , foctloners' A , 415-lGc : cut loaf , 6 n-IGr ; crushed , fill-lGc ; powdered , 6iJc ; granulated , B3-lGc ; cubes , GC-lCc. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 2S.-SUGAR- Stcady ; centrifugal yellow , 4UW411-lGc ; seconds ends , 2V4ffl ( c. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , GQ'14c. Dry Gooiln .llnrkot. NEW YORK , Sept. 28. DRY GOODS I-tirthor advances In blenched cottons. Haricot very strong on nil grades. Drown sheetings and drills advancing. No four- yard of any good make , under 4Jic nor yard. Coarse colored cottons also tending upward. Print clotha unchanged and quiet. Llncng strong and advancing. Hurlaps quiet nnd barely llrm. Market closed lo- morow and Saturday. California llrlnl Krtiitn. NEW YORK Sept. IS CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Qulct and steady ; evapo rated apples , common. 7Hc ; prime wlro tray , 7V45iSV4c ; choice. S i@9c ; fancy. 9ff9Hc. Prunes , SVJSSc. Apricots , Royal , 12fl3Vi. ; Moor Park , 14@lGc. Poaches , unpceled , 7-U NOTICE : . ( Should bfc read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for th week ending Sep tember 30 , 1899 , will clone ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general postolllce as fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than cloving time * hewn be low. TrnnN-Atlnntla MnlU. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for PRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , PORT UGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH' INDIA , per s. s. La Touralno * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. La Touralno" ) ; at S a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. B. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed per B. s. Rotterdam" ) at U n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for EU ROPE , per s. s. Etrurla * , via Queens- town ; at 9 a. m. for ITALY , per s. a Kaiser Wm. II. , via Naples ( letters must bo dlreoted "per s. s. Kaiser Wm ' II.- at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per H ! s. Ethiopia ( letters must be directed "per fl. s. Ethiopia" ) ; at 11 a , m. for NOR WAY direct , per B. s. Norgo ( letters must bo directed "per a. B. Norgo" ) . Printed Matter , etc. German steamers Balling on Tuesdays takb printed matter , etc. . for Germany and specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. . for other parts of Europe. American and White Star ntcamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Satur days take printed matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mnii. After the closing of the supplementary trans-Atlantic malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , English , French and German steamers , and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamers. Mnlla for South anil Central America , Wont Inrtlp * . 151 c. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per H. steamer from Boston. FRIDAY At 1 n. m. for JAMAICA , per s , s. Jason ( letters must bo directed "per s. s. Jason" ) . SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary iO:30 : a. m. ) Tor FORTUNE ISLANDS , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA. CARTHA- GENA nnd GREYTOWN , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per B. a. Altai" ) ; at 11 n. m. for CUBA , via Havana , per s. s. Havana ( Icttors must bo directed "per s. B. Havana" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for NUEVITAS. GIBARA. V TA BARACOA and PUERTO PADRE , per s. s. Ella. SUNDAY At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close at this offlco dally at 8:30 : p. m. , connecting close hero every Monday , Wednesday nnd Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this onice dally at 8:30p. : m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fin. , and thence by steamer , close at thla of fice dally ( except Monday ) at * 7 a. m. ( the connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednes day nnd Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this ofnoe every Monday , Tues day and Saturday nt * 2:30 : a. m. , ( the connecting closes ire on Turadny and Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , over land unless specially addressed for dis patch by steamer , cioso at this olllce dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , and thence by Hteamcr , close at this olllco dally at * 3:00 : p m. , connecting closes hero Sundays and Tuesdays for Costa Rica nnd Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala. 'Registered mall clones at 6 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. second day before. TrnnI > nulll Mnlln. Mnlls for China , Japan and Hawaii , via Bnn FrancUoo , close here dally a-t 6:30 : p , m , up to September * 24 Inclusive for despatch per a. B. Coptic and up to October 9th Inclusive for dispatch per s. a. City of Pekln. Mnlls for Society Islands , via San Francisco , close here dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to September * 25th Inclusive for despatch by whip Tropic Bird , Malls foi Australia ( oxcont West Australia ) , Now /.calami , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Inl ands , via San Francisco , close hero dally at 6:30 : p. m. after September * 16tli and up to September * 29tli Inclusive , or on day of arrival of B. a. Campania , duo at New York September 29th , for despatch per H. u. Marlposa. Mulls for China and Japan , via Vancouver , close hero dally at 6:80 : p , m , up to October * 3d Incluulvo for despatch per s. s. Empress of India. Malls for Hawaii , via Ban Pranclsro , close hero dally at 0:30 : p. m. up to Oc tober 13th Inclusive for despatch per H. s. Australia. Mails for Austrnhistaii Colonies ( except West Australia , which goes via Europe , and New Zealand , which goes via San Francisco ) , Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , close here dally at 6:30 : n , m. after September 23th anil up to October 13th Inclusive ) for despatch per s , s , Aorangl. Trans-Pnclfln malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and tno schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p , m. previous day , CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Poitniautcr. Postofflco , Now York , N , Y , , September 22 , 1899. JAMES . BOYD & CO , , Telephone 10 , ' } . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCFCS UOARO 01' TltAUU. Ulrft wlre to Cblcayo an. ' New Tore. Corrupondiotii John A. WUTIB * Ci. HRPEHNEYftCO. Sfl KS ( oW GOOM4HrtlFEBUC. ) OMAHA IttOv