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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1899)
SPEGIAL NOTICES AilvcrtlNcmcntri for tlictic column * llt Intnken tiiilll 12 tn. for the ctc-nliiK edition nnil niiltl HitIO 11. in. 't tor inornliiK nnil Snnilnr cilltlnn. Itnfcx , 1 I-lie n vtoril first Inncrtloni lu a wntil Ihcrpiiitur. fVntliltiK taken for lei * than a.o for the flrnt Inner * tlon. Thc c nilvcrtUcment * mil at ho run coiiNcotillvclr. Ailvi-rtlm-rx , l > y rcfiiiPfltliiK n iinni- lierpil check , cnn hilvc nm Tvrn nil- / drcHncil Jo n tuiniliercil letter In cure JL"I The lice. A n invem no iiildrrimcil Vtilll ho delivered on prciciitutlou of lliu rhrck only. WAVI-ED-SITUATIONS. MAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. 16. Tel. 1112. Ilolp furnished , position * procured. A i Z A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please call up the nomlnston typewriter onice. IG19 Farnam St. . telephone Iji3. A < 2G WANTED , by man with experience , posi tion nst general manager of stock nnil Krnln farm ; understand breedliiK cattle and hogs ; also grain raisins and the handling of hired help ; correspondence solicited. Address C. T. Shaw , Forgo , N. D. A M1G3 O2 * A FIRST-CLASS music tencher will ex- chnngo lessons for room , board or sewing. Cull at 200G Davenport St. between fi:3D : nnil 9 p. m. A-2I4-2S * FIRST-CLASS tinner , Rood reference * , understands hardware bnslneF also. Ad dress K 61 , Bee. A-M252 Oct. 1 * WA.1311 MALE HEM' . BUSINESS men continue to call on Boyles College , Bee Building , for stenographers. It Is no experiment. Tel. 19SI. B-19l-Oct,2 WANTED. We have steady work 1-or a few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. B 727 GOOD salesmen , inlary or com. HIS N. 16. B-72S WANTED , twenty first-class stone cutters Bt Helena , Mont. : $5 for nine hours. Ap- Ely Montana Building Co. B 101 ( SALESMEN for petit Lodgers. Bill Regls- f ters and other ofllce Hpecialtles ; fine sldo S lines ; quick sellers. Model Mfg. Co. . Box T n. South Bend. Ind. B-M825 Sep3n WANTED , plx brick masons to work In Salem. S. D. Address Thomas McKln- non , Salem. S. D. B-M1S7 01 * WANTED , salesmen for lubricating oils and creases , paints. vnrnlsheH and specialties : complete line , very Hbonil terms. The Detroit Refining Co. . De troit. Mich. B M1(2 ( 30 * , * f'TIVE man. J75 monthly , pxpcnscs anil I shnro of profits : position worth $2 , ! > no yearly : $100 cash required , secured bv merchandise and returnable. Adrtrpa K S3 , this office. B M1G1 23 * WANTED , experienced linen salesman. Apply at Boston Store , Omaha. . B-l 93-23 OFFICE boy wanted. ' 1521 Dodge. . B-M214 KABN big money by making nn effort. See Frank , 1S21 Fnrnnm t.B t. B M211 Oct. 1 WANTED , assistant salesman , one reliable and of ( rood address. Apply at 211 and 221 South 14th st. B-M200 2D EXPERIENCED runner wanted at Lame Hotel , 601 S. 13th Bt. B-M19S 29 BRIGHT men , already employed , lo makeover ever $100 tier month easy on the sMp. Ad dress K 41. Bee. B-M22S 20 * WANTED , five ( rood presi bricklayers at Blair Hleh school : six weeks work. Blair High School. Blair. Neb. B-237-20" SALESMEN and solicitors : n every town In the United Slate ? where we are not rep resented , to take orders for our high clns tallorlnir : lowest prices ever quoted ; all garments fully guaranteed and shlppfd anywhere , without deposit , subject to ap proval ; WQ Uikc all the risk ; pur vnlos- men are making from $75.00 to $250.00 a month ; we equip you fully for business ; handsome sample book , stationery , adver tising matter , fashion plates * : our Instruc tion book teaches everything perfectly ; measuring learned In a few minutes by photographic Illustrations : largo territory to good men ; full particulars on applica tion. Addrps ? American Woolen Mills Co. ( Inc. ) Chicago. B WANTED , oxncrlonccd furniture driver. Apply E. Sondhelmer , The Poonle's Store. B M2G4 29 WA'NTED. ' High school boys as carriers' Omaha Dally News ; cell 2 to 4 n. m. Fri day and Saturday. R. W. Ernnst. Ill South 14th. B-M25S 29 * A GOOD roat maker wanted. Grahnm Bros , & Co. , Auburn , Neb. B-M805 BRICK teams wanted : $3.50 and $1,00 per dny , Withnell Bros. & Smith Co. - _ B M24 ! ) Oct. ! WA'NTED. first-class coat maker : good wages nnd steady work. J. T. Oliver 3 Jj ' = Pearl street , Council Bluffs. B M856 30 WANTED FEBIAL1S HELP. WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge , Tel. 87T ( C 729 WANTED girl for general housework. Ap ply 2201 Spencer St. C M430 GIRL wanted. Hlxenbaugh , 500 Ware block. C M2C6 WANTED , housemaid. Apply to 3C20 Far- nam Bt. C M994 INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for useful , profltabln business ; call between 11 and C. Mrs. E. E. Allen , 723 N. Y. Life. C M621 OctU GOOD gill for general housework. 4318 Farnnm. C M907-29 GOOD girl for general housework. 3 In family , wages J4. Apply at once. 2C02 Pop- ploton Ave. C 191-28 WANTED , competent girl for second work. 124 S. 19th lit. C M190 29 WANTED , girl for general housework. 213 8 , 3Gth St. C M224 Ol WANTED , young girl to assist In house work , small famllv , good home and fair pay. Address 409 N. 25th Bt. C 248-2S WANTED , "experienced coolc nnd laundress In small family , 2037 Dodge St. C-215-30 ANY lady having 2 or 3 hours' spare tlmo u day can make J5 weekly working for us at home ; nothing to sell : send self-ad dressed envelop * for free samnle. Man hattan Co. , 101 Bcekman St. , N. Y. C-233 2S * f COMPETENT girl for general housework ; Bmall family ; references required. The Wlnona , 26tn and Dewey ave. ave.CM201 29 KENT HOUSES. CHOICE housRs , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , Ml N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D 733 ELEGANT brick residence of Mrs. M. Hell. man. 2405 Bt. Mary'a ave. D-M23J COTTAGE , 9th and Pierce ; 14 rooms. Wal nut Hill , $15,00. If you don't rent , buy on Installment plan. B. Hawver , 1612 Daven- port. D M277 1031 S. 30TH AVE. . 10-room. laundry , oak tlnUh and floors , strictly first-class , mod ern In every respect. W. D. Mead , Jr. HOUSES , 8'Diot. . Bemln , Paxton block. HOUSES , Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th8t. _ FOR RENT , 8-room , modern house , 4318 Farnam st. , $25 ; also others. lUngwalt Bros. , Barker block , D 655 MAGGARD van & storage , 1419 Dodge , Tel , 1498. D-735 FINE residence , .choice location. 11 rooms , all modern : excellent ( table , llemli. Paxton - ton block. D-Mtt7 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Furnam street. D-783 FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. llth street. D-M1U I R. CHOICE , near the Merrlarn. 36 U. 3. Bunk bldg. D-MM3 . I'OIl ltn\T-IIOUSKS. HOUSES for rent in all parts ot th city. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South ICth street. D 411 FINH 12-room residence , nil modern con veniences. Finely finished , hot water sytem heating ; on motor line. 413 N. 2Tith , J. T. Clarke , 219 Bd. Trade. D-S2j-Oct.-4 6-UOOM house for rent. 825 So. 23d Street. D 15I-27 * FLAT. G rooms , 417 So. llth St. 314 Flrgt National Bank Bldg. D-162 HOUSES , } 5 up. Chris Boyer , 2123 Cumlng. 6-ROOM house. 1911 So. llth St. D-238-OI * FOR RENT. G-room flat ; choice location. Goo. W. Holbrook. City Hall. D-213 1137 S. 2STH , 8-room , nil modern , new fur nace , newly papered , In tine condition ; rent $35 per month ; really desirable resi dence nnd location. Omaha Loan and Trust Co , , 16th and Douglas. D M199 HENRY B. PAYNE'S SPECIALS. 3-room tlat , close In , J7. NPW B-room cottage , porcelain bath , close to S. O. car , choice , only $1R. C-room modern cottaRO , 4 blocks from N. Y. Life , ? 23. 2 all-modern house. ' , close In , 7 rooms , * 22.DO ; 9-rooms. J25. 9-room , rplemlld nil-modern house , finest repnlr , J30. 'Phono lOlfi , or call for particulars. HENRY B. PAYNE , C01 N. Y. LIFE. . D-M222 iO FOR RENT , 7-room house , modern con veniences , nicely located , one-half block from Park ave. line , $27. 8-room , Colonial style new house , modern conveniences , 428 N. 41st st , $22. S-room house , modern conveniences , 309 N. 23rd st. , $52.50. R. C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Farnam Street , Bee Building. D M223 30 C-ROOM house , 3211 Ohio. $10.00 ; will make repairs. R. C. Peters & Co. Co.DM263 D-M263 Octl ron HUNT KiinxisiiEn noojis. THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best $1.60 house In Neb. ; take Harney Or Farnam car E SB4 ROOMS , with or without board. 3512 Daven port. E-M276 OotS ROOMS , modern , 25SO Homey St. St.E E 570 29 * 21 MEALS for $4.00. Tickets at the new Brunswick Hotel Cafe. 15 MC71 O18 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemenr ref. rcq. 1701 Cap. Ave. C-242-Oct.7 THREE furnlohed rooms for housekeeping man and wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th E 9C1 ROOMS , 1900 Capitol Avenue. E-190-2 * STEAM HEAT , furnished front rooms , all modern conveniences. 317XJ North 15th St. . Flat E. E-M197 OctO SMALL room chcan , private family ; modern conveniences. 203 No. 23rd St.E E 242-M * HOOMS AND IIOAHU. ELEGANT rooms & board. 1903 Capitol ave. F 740 THE Merrlnm family hotel. 25th and Dodce. F-M592 ROOM and bonrd for man and wife or two ladles : first-class accommodations ; refer ences required. 1518 Madison Ave. FM88I- ROOMS and board , steam heat. 1R1S TTar- ney. F-M742 O17 BRUNSWICK Hotel Cafe Is now open. F-MC74 018 609 S. 25TH AVE. , rooms ; private famllv. F M1I3 Oct. 23 NICE room and board , rcasonnhli' . 2 05 Ciss. F-217-Oct.25 KOH III2NT IINFtlHNISHEn ROOMS. FOR RENT , three or four unfurnished rooms for light houspkpoulng : modern house ; good location. Address K < " . Bee Office/- " G-M20S 29 * 2 FRONT rooms , light housRkPpnlnir. 1fiH Leavenworth. G M230 Oct3 FOIl I1I3XT STOUKS AND OFFICES. FIRST-CLASS stores. $10 to $30 , Furnished barber shop. 3 chairs. $10. HENRY B. PAYNE. GO ! N , Y. LIFE. I M192 FOR RENT , sfO'e In first-class location : rent reaficnatle. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground tloor Bee Bldg. 1 265 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R , C. Peters & Co. , ground floor. Bee Bnlldlne. 1 267 AGENTS WANTED. WHY not make $50 per week ? Salesmen are making $ EO to $75 n week with our beautiful new panoramic albums , "Fighting in the Philippines" nnd "Our New Possessions" You can easily do so. Each album contains 160 magnificent large photographic reproductions of stirring , pathetic and humorous scenes of ramp nnd battlefield , portraits of prominent war heroes , native pictures , noted points of Interest , reenery , etc. Thomas M. An derson , brigadier general , U , S. Ai , says : "Tho engravings are both faithful nnd picturesque. " Heavy Ivory-tlniPd pper ; handsome covers : exquisite works of art , One man sold 150 ( Irst day everybody buys If. generous commission. One complete album ( paper cover ) , 12 cents ; both al bums , 20 cents ; cloth binding , 33 cents each ; both , CO cents. Order now : don'l waste time In correspondence : money re funded If not absolutely satisfactory. Cat alogue free. ManuscrlntH promptly exam ined. F. Tpnnyson Neely , publisher. 114 Fifth ave. , New York. J-234 2S * "BEST" gasoline gas lamps ; world'3 larg- pflt factory : agents wanted In every town. The "Best" Light Co. , 318 S. If.tJi. Omaha. J M220 Oct. 27 WANTED TO HENT. WANTED , three or four unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping ; central location. Address K 15 , Bee. K 865 28 GENTLEMAN and wife want room In pri vate family. K 41 , Bee. K MZ01 29 WANTED , board and room by gentleman with permanent position ; must be reasona ble. C. 1C. Schafer , Care of Bee , South Omaha. K 241-29 7 OR 8-ROOM bouse , modern , near cor lln not over $35.00 per month. Retront Shoe Co. , 203 So. 15th. K M260 Octl * 3 OR 4-ROOM cottage or unfurnished rooms ; Christian family : two children ; beat references. Frank Svacha , Presby terian Seminary , K 5I2CO 29 * STOIlAfiI3. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. WANTED TO UUY. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co , , 1411 Dodge. Tel. zjj * . N-7 ALL kinds of household goods hotels , etc. . In large or small quantities. Chicago Furl nlture Cu. UOG-10 Dodge. Tel. 2023.N743 N-743 WANT to buy a choice West Farnum st. home. Address J 37 , Bee. N-M628 WANTED , to buy a houje and lot In south part of city , east of 21th st. Address J 4 ! 13ee. N-M662 1,000 BABE BURNERS and other stoves wanted. Don't sell before seeing- Joe Le- vlne. Drop card and man will call. High- cat market price. 301 N , 16th. cor. Dav. N-M803 O19 BEST Income property ; $1,000 will buy. 1512 Davenport. N-M1I4 30 BARGAINS. C. F. Harrison & Geo. T. Slorton. * N-IS5-O-25 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co. , 219 B. 16th st. N M197 WANTED TO BUY-Soldlera who entered homesteads before June 22 , 1S74. of lees than 160 acres are entitled to additional lund and can assign their right ; I am paying- the very highest price for there rights ; widows also entitled , Address Hiram A. Sturges , Douglas Blark. Omaha , Neb. N-230 Oct2 roit .SA WE CARRY the largest line of secondhand - hand stoves & heaters. You can buy them for little money. J. Lewis , 101 So. 14th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O MS55 Sfcp3J 3TOVES , SOTVF.S ; see us before yoiTdeal. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1496. 0-S11-O1 * FOR SALE. llrst-clnBS roll top desk. Ad- dreSH K 63 , Bee. o-.M2Co Octl * KOll SAI.n HOUSES AMI VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles , Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P 744 FOIl SAM ! M1SCEM.ANKOUS. FLAG poles ; sawdust ; cheapest and best hog fenco. 901 Douglas. Tel. 453. Q-745 SAFES-Buy poll , exchange. 114 S. 13th St , q-749 B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton Bt. Tel. 776. Plants , cut Mowers , bonnets , hall , resi dence , wedding nnd grave decorations. Order * by mall or express promptly filled. Q 751 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. St.Q Q 746 FIND Stelnwny upright piano for Bute chPap ; cash or time payments. Address J 47 , Bee oince. Q-M5S2 Oct. 16 FOR SALE 5 cents at Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for druggists. One gives relief. Q 753 ICE In car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Co. Buffs. Q-M311 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Farnam Q-M9S5 HOG. poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1017 Howard St. St.Q747 2D-HAND safe cheap. Dcrlght , 111C Farnnm. Q-74S REPAIRS , anu parts far every sowing ma chine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. Q-M1SS Oct6 FOR SALE , kltohcn range with water front , ul o hard coal base burner , vury cheap. 1S24 Webster. Q-M251 29 * BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low est prices. Boston Furn'trc Co. . 1114 Dodge R-754 NOTICE Country dcnlers. 2d hand furn'tro & stoves at loweit price" , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 140G-10 Dodse. R-755 CLAIRVOYANTS. DR. L. P. HARRIDEN. CLAIRVOYANT , LIFE READER. OCCULT SCIENTIST. FEATS THAT BAFFLE BELIEF AND STAGGER COMPREHENSION. MANY IMITATE. BUT NONE CAN EQUAL. Gives advice to make you successful In love , business , marriage , divorce , lawsuits , etc. , locates mines , burled treasures , cures drunkenness , bad habits , evil Influences , etc. UNITES THE SEPARATED. Never falls to cause speedy and happv marriages ; guarantees success In all cases. RESTORES SICK TO HEALTH. Dr. Harrlden diagnoses cases by merely touching the pntlcnt , Instantly locating the seat of trouble and by his wonderful power of OCCULT SCIENCE removing the cnuse : a speedy cure is the result In all cases. PERMANENT RESIDENCE. < M2 R. IfiTH ST. . COR. JACKSON. ALL WHO CAN NOT CALL UPON THIS GIFTED MAN WRITE , INCLOSING STAMP FOR PAR TICULARS. Hours. 9 n. m. to 8 p. m. ; lady attendant. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL READINGS OR POSITIVELY NO FEE ACCEPTED. REFBRENPES , be t banks , merchants and business men in the city. S M2GS 20 * VIENNA tortuno teller. 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S-809 OJ MME. GYLMER , genuine palmtet , 1C05 Dodge S 756 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. 16th. S-M710 MRS. DR. HART , palmist and clairvoy ant. 213 N. ISth street. Hours n to 9. S-M143 30 * MASSAGE AND I1ATIIS. MRS BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE , Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N , 16th , opp. P , O. , 2nd floor. T M212 Oct. 26 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 607 S. 13 ; massage Uaths. T-M747 017 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist-class patronage solicited , 1615 Howard. 3d floor. T M754 O1S MME. Lee , baths , massage , parlor. 302 N. 16 , T-M198 Oct6 * MISS JUNE , massage ; baths ; Arabian treatment ; attendant. 313& N. 15th : flat J. T M903 O2 * ELITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnam , upstairs , flrst-clasa baths , massage , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T M195 OctlO * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S& North loth. T 219 Oct S J'EIISONAI , . PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U-769 M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of feet , botn ladles & gentlemen. Ladles' hulrdresslng , hair good * & toilet preparations. Treatments of scalp , face hands or feet ; 20 years experience 10 years In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In city. 1616 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor ' U-757 VIAVI Is voman'B way to health. 3(6 ( Bee Bldg. U-7U1 MISS MAYER.SURGEON-CHIROPODISTT manicure , halrdresslng ; Instruction In above professions reasonable. 400 Paxton blk U-247-Oct. 7 DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns and superfluous hair removed by electilclty. Room 12 Frenzer block. U 76S FINE hardwood floors , parquetry work euaranteed , best reference n town-rleht pS" Frank Bevlck. 193S B ISth"cimhaa U-504 Oct. 13 UUPTURE CURED , Wo cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. Emnlre It apt lire Cur * . ft New York Life Build ! ing , Omaha. Neb. U-M852 BepSO BATHS , masnage. Mrae. Post , 319& S ISth ' U-M173 RELIABLE homo for ladies before and during confinement , and treatment of all troubles peculiar to women , Address P O. Box 757 , Omaha. U-1I53S Octl6 * ' JOHN , If you will buy mo a doz. banltters (25c ) I will meet you at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe and all will be forgiven. Mary. U M073 O16 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken * babies adopted. 2211 Seward. Tel. 2233. ' U-M716 Sep29 FOR money see Pleasants , 64 Barker blk. , U MSS8 O22 * WE WANT you to see our stock of Pianos and Organs , Get our prices and terms. Collins Piano Company , 205 So. 14th st. U M103 30 TALKING machines at 205 South 14th st. U-M110 30 FACIAL massage , 60o ; halrdresulng , 35o ; Hhampoolng , 35o and 60c. Miss Hubbard. 415 McCaguo building. U M141 OS FOR PARTIES , etc. , engage Edison's Grand Concert Phonograph , with 50 selec tions and operator. $6 per evening , Leave ordero 3 days In advance with the Omaha Phonograph Co. , 319 N. 16th , dealers In phonograph jecords nrd supplies. Write for catalogue , U M175 Oct , 23 SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently removed by electricity ; con sultation free and con'ldentlal ; all work guaranteed. Miss Alieuder , 1613 Douglas , U-M213 Oct. 1 * AVANTI3D , to exchange. Instruction In Ger man , French or tnuslo for room and board , Address K 45 , Bej. U M2Jf 23 * WILL exchange sewing machine for bicy cle. Nebraska Bicycle Co. , 15th and Har ney. U-M225 O4 WANTED , addreis of widow under SO with small girl , who likes to cook , for widower with two girls ; can give good references , B. T. , 310 , Ravenna , Neb. U M257 Octl * ; UPRIGHT Krabo piano , first-clans condl- J tlon , for rent. K 62 , Beo. U-M256 Ol * I'EHSO.VAI . , . WANTED , If you wish to kno > v how to make money trading on the Chicago Board of Trad * , address K 43. BPP. U-MK9 29 * MO.MiV TO M > A > HIJAI. 11VI'ATE MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Pnjnc- 'larder Co. . N. Y Life. W-J62 MORTGAGES , Wallace. 311 Brown Block , W 773 BROKERS , promoters , mortgaco dealers , wanting cnnlctn money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , New York. W-167 6 PER CENT : also private funds. Cha * . E. Wll'lnmson. ' \V-776 MONEY to loan on Nebraska r.nd Iowa farms : loweit rates. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 763 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In lot > a , easltrn Neb. or Mo. ; It will nay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , S N.y.L \ " 7 I 4 MONEY to loan on Improved Oninha real astate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 319 So. ICtt FIVR PER CENT money on or before five year * on Nebraska lands and Om.iha real estate. W. B , Mclklc , 401 3. 15th St. St.W773 B , 514. 6 per ct. loans In Omaha. So. Omahn. W. H. Thomas , 603 1st Nilt. Bk. Tel. 1GIS. W-774 r , PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. W 763 6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1C13 Farnnm W 770 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnani Smltr & Co. . 1320 Fatnam. W 7bG CHEAP MONEY. HARRISON MORTON. W-750-0-17 * $100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead , 16th & Douglas. W-7G3 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Furnjm St. , Bee Bldg. W-771 LOANS. Potter-Sholcs Co. . 310 N. Y. Life. W-7C9 910M3V TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without endorsement or secur ity : strictly confidential , utid at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES. Before borrowing see us , as you will find j It greatly to your advantage ; wo are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Msr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 16th and Far- nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X 7S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , cows. etc. J.V. . Taylor. 463 Karbach block , 12 to 6:30 : p. m. X-M705 Sep. 29 * MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. DufC Green , R. 8 , Barker blk T TR2 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1418 Farnam. upstairs. X 781 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without Beciirlty ; easy payments. Tolman , 700 N. Y. L. Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent positions , on their own name without endorser , mortgage or security of any kind. Cn re pay < n easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. .Trnnlngs. MRT- . suite 625-526 N. Y. Life Bldg. X iBO TO SALARIED PEOPLE- MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATESTTT _ _ TTT > T . WITHOUT SECURITY. PRIVATELY. QUICKLY- TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly payments to suit convenience of borrower. No Inquiries of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . ROOM 601. BEE BUILDING. X 781 MONEY loaned on pianos , , furniture , lew- elry , horses.cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319S. 13 , MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITITRE. PIANOS , TIORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE T'.OAN CO. . 30G SOUTH' 16TH STREET.Jt Jt * MO LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLi , on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. .1 W Tavlor 403 Kar bach black. 12 lo 6:30 : p. m. X-M704 529 * BUSINESS CHANCES. MERCHANDISE STOCK A clean stock of dry goods , furnishing goods and clothing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawef. 1201. FOR SALE , a gilt-edge first mortgage for $4 000.00. on Inside Improved property , bearIng - Ing 5 per cent. Interest payable seml- nr.nually. H 03 , Bee. Y-184 FOR SALE or irade. cigar , tobacco , fruit and candy store. Call 320 Ba lOth. 25C BUYS n doe. banltters , u doz. oysters or any meal at the Brunswick Hotel Cafe. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH COMPANY Is the only company that collects all kinds of debts and has a correspondent In every town in United States. Send your ac counts to 5th floor , Karbach Blk" . . W. H. Green , President. Y M118 HAVE cash and Eastern Nebraska Im proved farm to exchange for county banking business. FOR SALE , at a bargain , a small , now , fine llverv stock. Inquire 12 Bcntt St. , Council Bluffs. Y-M21G Octl FOR SALE , $4,000 stock of drugs and fix tures : good business and good location ; business not overdone In town , -which Is ono of the best In eastern Nebraska , Ad dress Box 611. Blair. NebVM _ ! 1 Oct ; a REGULAR traders In grain or fitoclc-j should trade with a regular house ; wo arc regu lar : send for free book. Howard , Crosby & Co. , C2 Wall St. , N. Y. Y 232 28 * ON the hog ; some people are because they don't know how < o trade In grain or stocks on a margin : our free book explains. Howard , Crosby & Co , , C2 WnlUSt N. Y. FOR SALE , stork of hardware , good rtown , good business , for cnijh. Address K 49 , care Bee. Y Mft > 4 Dot , B * FOH EXCHANGE. PINE 12-room residence , beautiful grounds , near Hanscom Pork , to exchange or lands or city lots. Address II 23 , Bee. Z M853 FOR BALE or trade , complete nickel- plating plant. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 16th , * rMlC5 AHSTUACTS OK TITLI3. HARRIS Abstract Co , , 423 Bee Building. POll SALE-REAL ESTATE. IF IT IS South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Neil'a Real Estate Agency. RE-78T HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG , Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE 791 BARGAINS , real estate. Chris Boyer , 2123 Cumin * . RE-MSS3 022' FOR BALE 40 acres of land , worth $35 per aero ; will sell for $ M per acre. The Byron Reed Po. , 212 S. 14th St. IIF 785 FOR SALE or excnange , choice , rich pro- ductlve farms. Jorge and email ; also ten fine stock ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms , where crops have never failed. Crops average ; Corn 45 , wheat 18 and oats 50 bushels per acre ; some of these lands can be traded for merchandise , dry goods , hardware or furniture. For par ticulars address Geo. W. Hutton. Cole- ridge , Cedar county , Neb. RK--912 02 LIST your property with me. I have t buyers. H. H. Ohrlstle , South Omaha. RE-M623 Oct. 1 HOUSES , lot * , farms , lands , loans ; also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 7tK > SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co..3H S. 15th street. RE-7SJ l-'Oll S.\tK IIHAIj USTAT1J. SELECT BARGAINS ( Sept. 2S , 1S33) ) . \Vnnt offer on 100 feet east front on 3Sth , N. of Dodge St. 103 feet oil the high ridge on Cnl. , Jionr JSth St. , $ ! , . $1.CCO. cottage In Walnut Hill. $1.200 , elegant lot on Kivrnam. $700 , full lot on street car line and paved st. , close to the park. $900 for 2 lots , S. Mnrt Ave. High and sightly ; hnndy to either ( tty. $1,200 , large 7-room house 2 lots , near West Center St. $ JOO , fine lot , Leavenworth car line. 10 acres , Improved , near llunseom park , mi West Center , $2,500. 40 acres lu Sarpy Co. , small house , barn , orchard , etc. ( bargain ) , $1 , W. 10 acres fruit land , Glenwood , $1,000. 10 acres ttult land near Florence , $1OW. ii2 acres clew to Omahn , well set to fruit , finely Improved , $4,000. 20 acres near South Omaha , $ i,100. C0.x212 fronting past on Hanscom park , $4ECU. 6-room cottage. fl-room house fronting cast on Hanscom park , corner lot , 50x 242 , house built right , $11,000. Want offer on 100x212 cor , Woohvorth and 32nd Ave.j nothing better. $1,300 , nice cottage and full cast fiont lot near Hanscom park , $2,400 , 6-room cottage , nothing omitted , mantle , furnace , gas , especially desirable. $15,000 , business block on Farnam. $20,000 business block on Farnam. C. F. HARRISON AND GEO. T. MORTON , 912 & 913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 314. Special : $1,300 , cottage near Hanscom park. RE 230 2S * $300 FOR 97x351 feet , fronting east on 30th street and Miller park. $500 for Farnum street lot near 42nd street , 4SX12S feet. $950 for live-rot m house and 101x128 feet , southwest of Hnnscom park. J3.HOO for two houses and 51x81 feet , north east corner 2Cth and Cumlng streets ; ren tal $350 per year. Submit offer. $3,500 for nine-room modern house , barn , on West Farnam street. Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from $20 to $50 per acre. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE-M173 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND They Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. UE-789 COTTAGE and lot C0x60 , $530. 10-r. house , modern , barn , full lot , Hans com Place , $3,000. F , D , Wend , 1524 Douglas. RE 151 > -ROOM house , Lindsay ave. , $400. 5-room nouse , Slst aim Kmmett. $750. i-room house , 32d and Fowler nvo. , $1,100. i-room house , 15th and Martha , $1,250. 8-room brick. 29th and Oak , $ ICOO. 1 houses , full lot. 19th and Dorcas , $1,500 Sold the house and lot advertised for $200. Who wants the one at $3307 Sold the Manderson st. house for $1.250. Another bargain on Mnndcrson , $1,000 J. H. PARROTTE , 1CTH AND DODGE. RE-235-23 FOR SALE , my elegant home. 2020 Webstei St. . small amount down , balance same as rent. If desired. Address C. D. Blbblns , Hotel Spokane , Spoicane , Wash. RE M715 Sep29 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now is the tlmo to dlspoae of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE 569 DELIGHTFUL modern Home , fronting park , Hanscom Place : 9 rooms ; must bo sold , owner leaving city. M. J. Kennard Si Son , ( suite 310 , Brown block. RE 532 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY Good residence lots near the packing houses from $136 to $200 on monthly payments. GEORGE & COMPANY , City Hall Bldg. , South Omaha or 1601 Far nam St. . Omaha. RE M9D1 30 SPECIAL BARGAIN : WE offer block 26 , West Omaha 3rd block south of Leavenworth on 40th street at $2500. Fair house of 7 rooms. Take Leav enworth street car and examine It and sec us ? . McCague Investment Company 150S Dodge. N. B. Third block north sold last month cheap at $3,000.00. RE 247-Oct.l HAMILTON SQUARE , on Locust & Maple Sts , , between 18th and 19lh SIB. , $350 for south fronts , $450 for north fronts : satis factory terms ; will divide to suit pur chaser. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE-239 SHOHTIIANU AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sant'a School. 717 N. Y. Life. 799 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas , see BOYLES' school ; court reporter principal , Bee Bldg. 01 TYPEWIIITEHS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month. Thfl Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C25 Farnam St. Telephone 1284. 792 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made : largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nani. 793 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Furnam. 794 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent , 318 % S. Fif teenth street. Omaha. 795 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. M-798 BIEniGAIj. DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a tingle failure ; longest casns relieved In two to five days without fall : no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work : by ma'l ' or onice , $2 ; all letters truthfuly answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. . 167 Dearborn St. , room 014 , Chicago , 111. M104 30 LADIES Free , harmless monthly regula tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwau kee , Wle. C52 O-16 I'AWMmniCERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Offloe , 418 N. 16 , 05 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , uccommodat- Ing ; all business confidential , 1301 Douglas. 06 ACETYLENE GENEUATORS. MONARCH generators have no equal In construction , operation or price ; hustling salesmen wanted , Addrcai Monarch Acetylene Gas Co. , 1022 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb , MSfiO SepSO TAILOHINU. LADIES JACKETS , men's clothing , altered In latest styles and cleaned. Max Fogel , 307 S. 171 n. M-719 Sepia OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON , Oatoopathlc Institute , 815 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson. D. O. , ladles' dept , ; Gld E , Johnson , oateopathut , mgr. li-79 ? M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. . of Still school , KlrkBvllle. Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 1387 798 HOUSE MOVER , W. COY , located at 171C Bt. Mary's Ave. TICKET nilOKEUS , CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excurmon tickets bought and Bold. P. H. Phllbln. rew locations , 1309 and 1605 Far nam. Ent. 18S9 Member Q , T. B. Assn. . S03 SIIIUTMAKEIIN. SHIRTS to order from $1.W to $3. Kclley & Heyden , men's furnishers , 16th and Chi cago. M 2C2 LARGE cell of ttcuffold rope. Suitable rev - v " i-ttuined 13 Oottan' * Ft ' 1i'h nrrd Cass. Lost-M253 23 LOST. I PARTIES who picked up baby go-cart re turn to 2207 Dounlas anil receive reward. Iofl-2IO-2S | TAN Jacket near 20th & LoavPiiworlh ! re turn to S So. 20th , ronnrd. l o. t-2lfi-23' t Accounio > MRS. A. C. MARK , 17th and Karnnni st. 120 O2T ' 1M.ATIM5. BASEBURNKRS replate.l : all klmls of Ing. Omaha Plating Co. . Bee Bide. S0 IN families. Miss Sturdy. 2216 Davenport. M-700 Sep. 29 SCHOOL OF FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month. Prof , Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater , 1(7 lin.U.I.M ) . MR. AND MRS. A. G1LLKT. Weltmer cys- tern , 24th and Cumlng ; entrance on 24th. -S79 Octl2 HOTlll.S. TRY thp Henderson Hoi el ; board and room $1.00 per week ; gas. Bioam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Hts. 09 COAL , BEST cooking. $4 ton ; hard coal , $ S.EO. Har mon & Wccth Co. . 16th and Charles. 2Sl-Oct-3 TUIJMC KACTOHV. SEE OUR trunk traveling bngs , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Farnam. 602-O16 COMMERCIAL COIMiC.i:3. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. , 16&D'clas. -MUO hAUMHlY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , Fc ; collars. 2c : cuffs , 4c : underwear , 6c. 17CO Leavenworth. Tel , 5IB7. M-519 DecU STAMMKHINO AMJ STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Voughan. 430 Ramge Bldg. S07 MATTRESS HKitUVATINQ. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. SOS lUCYCLKS. ANDRAE bicycles. $20. 1116 Farnam. S02 1I.IIMVAY TIM12 GARU. jUHlCAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The Northwestern - western Line" General Oillcea , Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Oltlce , HOI Farnum St. Telephone , 661. Depot , loth and Webster Sta. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapolis ) . . , a SOC : am Omaha Pacnengur a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca. Hartlng- ton and 13Ioonilolci..b ! 1:00 : om b2:10 ! : era No. 2 Twin City L''d..a 5:55 pm No. 1 Omuhu Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket onice , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Tenth _ and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am aii:55 : pm Carroll Local b 5:20 : pm blO:10 am Eastern Express , Dea Molnei , Marshalltown , Cedur Rapids and Chicago cage all:03 am a 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:06 : pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 1:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mall 8:30 : am a Dally b Daily except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line" General Ofllcps , United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Far nam Streets. Ticket office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1453. leaves. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 6:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pro Hnmlngs. York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sewurd..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:2S : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local . . , . . . . . . . . c 7:30 : am a Daily b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only. d Dally except Saturday. BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The Northwestern - western Line" General Ofllcos , United States National Bank Building , S. W , , Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Icket 1401 Farnam Street , Tele- Ehone , 561. Depot , Tenth anil Mason treats. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis.a fi:50 : am a 8:40 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Ploux City.a 6:25 : pm all:00 : pm Sioux City Local . . . . . .a 7:45 : am a 4:30 : pm a Daily. CHICACiO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The liurltngton Route" Ticket onice. 1502 Farnum at. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth Se Mason Strcota. Telephone - phone , 310. . , Leave , Arrive , Daylight Chicago Spec- clal a 0:40 : am Chicago Vcstlbulgd Ex.a 6,05 pm n 8:05 : am Chicago Express a D:30 : am a 4:00 : pm Chicago & Bt. L. Ex.a 7:45 : pm u & :05 : am Puclflc Junction Local.alO:45 : am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dally. HUHLINGTON & MIS- sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Oillcea , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Offlcw. 1602 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone 310. Leave. Arrlva. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook . , .a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Colorado - rado , Ulan , Callforma.a 4:25 : pm a 3M : pm Lincoln , Black HIIJi. Montana & Puget Bound , a 4)26 ) pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : urn Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:35 : am Denver. Colorado , Utah & California . . . . . . . . . . . a 6.30 am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , St Jo- fPh & .Council Bluff * Railroad " "The Burlington - ton Route" Ticket Ollice. J503 Fanam Hlreet , Tele phone. 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Tele phone , 310.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a S:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : rm a , 6:30 : urn Bt. Loul Flyer for St. Joseph und St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all15 am a Dally , . . ROCK I8L. and & Pacific Hallrnad "The Great Rock Js | . and Route. " City Ticket - et Ofllce , 1323 Farnani " Btreet. Telephone , f ! Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets Telephone. U9 - * Leave. Arrive Des Molnea Local..a 7C6 ; am bll:35 : am Chicago Express Ml ! 16 am a 8lu : am Chicago Fast Express.a 5:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm Bt. Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll:33 : am Lincoln , Colorado Bpgs. , Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . . . . . . . .a 1:10 : pro a 4:28 : pm Des Molnes. Rock bl and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:35 : pm Colorado Sc Texas Flyer.a 6:4U : pin u JW ; am a Dally b D lly xceut Sunday. IlltliWAt Tl.MM TAItliR.1. "UNION PAIMFK' "THKOVBIl- land Rotite" Offices , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Purnnm fltrects. City Ticket OITlce , 1301 Farnam Street. Telephone , 316. Depot , Tenth and Mason Street * . Telephone. G2S. Leave. Arrive. "The Overlnnd Limited' for Utah , Itl.ilio , Men- tnna , California Oregon - gen and Washington points i JIO : am a 4ES : pm The Colorado Sn ) Ul for Denver and all Colorado points nil 5 pm ( :30 : arc Pacific Express for Denver. Salt Lake. Pacific Const and all western point * . b 4:23 : pm A 6:30 : are Lincoln , Ueatrlcn and Stromsburc Uxitrejs . .b 4:23 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , CoTuiubiii , Nor folk , Cliaiul Island and North Platlc a 4:23 : ) > m b 4:35 : Pro Columbus Local b 7:30 : pin b 9:30 : am North Pintle Local. . . . . . n 1:10 : pin South Onmba Local Pass. Leaves , 6:20 : a , in. ; 7:00 : a in. , 10.10 a. m. : 3:03 : p. m. Arrive * . 10:43 : n m : 3:30 : p. m. ; 6:25 : p. w. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local-Lea" . & : ! a. m.j .40 a m. ; C.M n. m. ; 7:33 i. . in. ; 9:30 : a. m. ; b 10:45 : a. m , : 1.23 p , m. : S:16 : p , m.4:53 ; : p. m. ; 6:23 : p. m. ; 6.53 p. m. : 8:63 : p. in , ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , C0 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. in. : 8:15 : a. m. ; S:43 : a. in. ; 11:30 : a m , : 3.03 p. m. ; 4:03 : p.m. ; 6i5 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p , m , 7:30 : p. m. ; 9:33 : p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m ; 11:65 : p. m , a Dally , b Dilly except Sunday. llOMAHA ft KT , LOUIS RAIL- roau Omaha. Kanwi * city & Eastern Rallroj-l 1 "Thi ( julncy ute"-Tcl ! : t of- nee. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. S2J. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 029.Leave. Leave. Arrlva. Bt. Louis Cannon Ball Express .a 4oO : pm a 8:35 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Local u 7:15 : am n 8:50 : pm a Daily. " CHICAUO. .MILWAUKEE , fc St. Paul Railway City Ticket Ollice. 1504 Fnrnani Sited. Telephone 184. De- pH , Tenth and Mn on Bti. Tplatilione , C29 , _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 6:45 : pm * 8:20 : am Cnlcnro & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm Sloui- City fr Dca Molncs Express . . bll:00 : am b 3:65 : pu a Dally exccut Sunday. W A B A S H HAILROAD- Tlcket Ollice , 1415 Farnam Street , Telephone. S92. De. pot. Tenth and Mason Htreets. Tolpclione. 8. Leave. Arrive , St. I/ouls "Canon Ball" Exnrpsa a 4:60 : pm a 8JS am a Dally MIHSOUHI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General onices and Ticket Olflcc Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas St * . Telephone , 104. Depot , 16th and wobuter Beta. Telephone 1453. Leave. Arrive. St . i uuiB-nKsai & Neb. Limited u 3:00 : pm nl2Sj : pm 1C. C.-St. L. Express , . .a 9:60 : pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b B : & > pm a 9:45 : am a Dally t Dally except Sunday. UOVEUXMEVr MITIC13. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK WAREHOUSE. Laundry Mac-hlnory and Building Ma terials Department of the Interior , Ofllce of Indian Affalrn Washington , D. C. , Sept. 12 , 1S'J9. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Pro posal for Warehouse , Genoa , " and ad dressed to the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs , will be received at the Indian Office until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday , Octo ber 12 , 1899 , for furnishing and dellverlns the necessury materials and labor required to erect nnd complete one brick warenousi at the Genoa. Indian School , Nob. , In strict accordance with plans and specifications and Instructions to bidders , which may ba examined at this otllce , the ofllces of tha "Nebraska State Journal" of Lincoln , Neb. , "The BPB" of Omaha , Neb. , the Builders' & Traders' Exchange , Omaha , r oi > . . the Northwestern Manufacturers' association , St. Paul , Minn. , and at the school. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Build ing Material , " and addressed to the Super intendent of the Indian School , Genoa , Nob. will be received by him at said school until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday. October 13 , 1S99 , for furnishing nnd delivering as may be required n quantity of brick , lumber , lath , shingles , doors , windows , etc , , a full list and specifications of which cnn bo ob tained frnm the superintendent. For fur ther Information apply to J. E. Ross , Super intendent India" School , Genoa , Neb. W. A. JONE < 3 , Commissioner. S-14-d-18-t-m CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE , Omaha , Neb. , September 23. 1899. Sealed proposals , in triplicate , subject to the usual conditions , will be received here until 3 o'clock p. m. , October 23 , 1S99 , nnd then opened , in the presence of attending bid ders , for delivery to the Quartermaster's Department at Fort Leavonworth , Kansas , or at such places as may be designated , of seventy-six (76) ( ) cavalry horces. U. 6. re serves right to reject or accept any or all proposals , or any part thereof. Blank forma for bidding and circular giving full Information mation and requirements will be furnished on application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proix > sal3 for Cavalry Horses , " nnd ad dressed to F. H. HATHAWAY , Major nnd Q. Al. , Chief Q. M. 826 d 4t O20-21 M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha , Neb. , September 20 , 1S99. Sealed proposals , In triplicate , will be reculved her * and at olllces of Quartermasters at thr several posts until 2 o'clock p. m. , central time , October 25 , 1839 , for furnishing shelled corn during the fiscal year ending Junw 30 , 1800 , ut posts In Department of the Mis souri. Proposals for delivery at other points will bo entertained. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all pro posals , or any part thereof. Information furnished on application liorcs or lo Post Quartermasters. Envelopes containing pro- posalfl to be marked "Proposals for corn- nnd addressed to the undersigned or to Post Quartermasters. F. H. HATHAWAY , Major and Q. M. , Chief Q. M. 625 d4t 023-Z4 NOTICE TO GRADERS. 16,000 to 25,000 cubic yards of bridge filling to let near Creston , Iowa. Good grader or wheeler work. Free transportation for men and teams , II , HALL , Brldgewatcr , Iowa. 620d3tm KILLS HER TWO CHILDREN AUciuvt < o Kill (111- Third mill Take HLT Otvii Life IN FriiH- tr.itfil. DETHOIT , Sept. 28. Mrs. Clara Rhelnor. ogcd 34 , of 109 Catherine street , last night attempted to murder her three children and commit suicide. She gave tbo children morphine , cut her own wrlota and then turned on the gas In the room they were la. When discovered two of the children , Har old , aged 3 , and the baby , aged 11 months , were dead. By hard work the oldest child , Eller , who was 7 years of se , and MM. Rhelner were resuscitated , Mrs , Rholner failed to cut the arteries In her wrists and the phyilclans at St. Mary'u hospital gay she will recover. The family wag discovered by Mrs. nbelner'u two brothori , who had met her husband on the street , and from bis peculiar actions Imagined the couple bad had some trouble. They went up to tha house to Investigate and found them all In one room , which was full of ga , Mrs. Ithelner made a statement to the oincera admitting killing the children and eald she wUbed she was with them , Sb confesflod to having had domestic troubles , but stated that they were not entirely re- sponalblo for her deed. U Is believed that Mrs. Rbclner Is Ineane , Her husband has not bceu found elnco the crime wan dis covered and she says that ho has not been at home for three days , Ai-inoiir'M llenllli Imurovcil. NEW YOIIIC , Sept. 28. P. D. Armour of Chicago arrived here today on the Teutonic. Ho was accompanied by Dr. Victor Lecson. Mr. Armour left some months ago ( or Eu rope in search of health. It was reported that bo had been ( icrloutly 111 on the trip over to Hamburg. Blnco then his health haa Improved , ClMnliiiiiiU C'tir Jlfii ) luy Hlrlke. CINCINNATI , Sopt. 28 , The entire list of renuents made to ilio street railway com pany by jta onploy having been refused , mooting of tbo uuiploycu was coiled today ( o consider the situation. It waa held be hind closed doors and nothing h& yU. been made public. I