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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1899)
10 THE GRATIA DAILY 33EJ2 : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1809. 10,000 , YARDS H'CRERY ' SILKS QrandettLotofHIgh Grade Silk Ever Im ported on Sale At Boston Store Tomorrow 32,00 IMPORTED SILK 69C AND 75C We Hnvc rnrnlmncil 1OOOO YnrilH Silk ItcnincuilN from ( lie Well Known Imiiorlltiic Firm of InnioxMc - C'rcar > - , Aciv V rk Cltr. ON SALE AT BOSTON STORE TODAY. All blgh-claBs ellks running In prlco from $2.00 to $5.00 yard , goads principally In lengths from G to 8 yards In waist patterns , skirt patterns , on ealo today. J5.00 SILKS , 9SC. 2,000 yards McCrocry & Co.'s silk rem nants , consisting of the most fashionable novelties , In black nnd colored satin duch- cfisc , brocaded armuro , gros grain , exclusive- designs. Only Imported by James McCroery & Co. for Xo\v * York City trade. In plaids , ( tripes , talTt as and failles , In all now col ors , beautiful combinations , actually worth $5.00 , on sale at 880 yd. 13.00 SILKS , C9C and 75C. Two full bargain tables of McCrcery & Co.'a silk remnants , In Imported extra qual ity taffeta , plaids , stripes and cords , black nnd colors. Satin Khadatno , satin duchesse , in fact , every well known high-class silk that la manufactured , In all the now colors , sold In Now York City up to $3.00 yd. , on ealo at C9o and 75c yd , 11.60 DRESS GOODS , 2uC , AT BOSTON STORE. Thousands of yards of Imported dress goods , from 3 to 10 yards In length , In all the now fall goods , from 3C Inches to 54 Inches wide , goods that would bo cheap at $1.50 , go on bargain square at 25c. NEW LOT DRESS GOODS REMNANTS , IOC. 3,000 Importer's sample ends of high-class dress goods , two and three to match , In plain goods and figured goods , go on ono bargain square at lOo each. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY AT BOSTON STORE. 10,000 yards English flannelette , worth IBo , go In remnants at G > , c yard. One big counter best grade outing flannel , Cc yard ; worth 16o. Cotton covert cloth , all the balance of the stock , go at Be yard. Drapery cretonne remnants , 6V4c yard ; worth IGc. 30-Inch wide full standard percale , EC yard ; worth 20c. Calico remnants , 2' c yard ; worth TAc. Swansdown remnants , 8&o yard ; -worth 15c. Indigo > blue and whlto sateen rcinnanto , 3 o yard. Ono big table cotton flannel and Shaker flannel , extra heavy weight , Gc yard ; worth 12V4o yard. Remnants of table damask In bleached , unbleached and turkey red , remnants rang ing from ZYt to 4 yards , go at Vt. their regu lar price. Rerannnts of nil kinds of crash , huck tow eling and Barnsley toweling , also all kinds of roller toweling , In long remnants , go at * A regular prlco. And hundreds of other bargains In the foasomont. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. OPEN SATUUDA.Y EVENING. Bcnnctt'B Store AV1I1 He Open Satur day Evciilnir Till 1O O'clock. Nottco to our patrons : This etoro will bo open Saturday evening , September 30 , and every Saturday evening thereafter , till 10 o'clock. There will bo ample faculties lor waiting on a big crowd , nig bargains In every department. New fall goods arriving dally. Dollars will go farther ithwn over before W. R. BENNETT CO. Fifteenth and Capitol avenue. DELUSION DUE TO DRINK Farmer \Vlio ThouRht lie Had Been Robbed Rcmenibcrn Sober He llnd No Money. C. W. Ogden , owner of n. farm flfteen mllea south of Council Bluffs , wns brought Into police count to answer to the charge of drunk and disorderly. Ho had the appearance of a prosperous man and waa In doubt whether or not he ought to plead guilty , so the judge devoted a few minutes to an Investigation of the cause which led to his arrest. Ogden eald Iho wont to Council Bluffs on business and came across the river to have a good thno. The police supplemented the Btatemont with a description of his actions after ho got hero. They said ho entered the pollco station Wednesday afternoon and told the captain ho had been robbed of $40 whllo drinking with some women In Pat Moran's wlno room. Twelfth and Douglas streets. He thought ho would bo able to Identify the woman who took the money , eo the police raided the drinking resort , Arresting all the Inmates. After questioning several of the parsons with whom Ogden had been asocial- ing , Captain Donahue learned ho came to Omaha without money and borrowed various Bunm from tbo saloonkeeper , who knew him. Ogden was put In a cell to sober up. Yes- torOay ha admitted ho was without money and eald the belief that ho had been robbed was n delusion. The judge thought such a dohislan should be off net by a ten days' sen- tonoo , and ho accordingly taxed that penalty agalnut him. Flurlit on the Frank Arthur , on employe of the Moorish cafe , appeared In police court yesterday with his 'head swathed In bandages. Above hta left optlowas a welt caused by the blow of a cane. The other eye was swollen and 'brulstxli from being struck by a rock. Arthur Intorf erred In a fight be tween two brothers , named Dean , not knowing they wore related , and both left tokoas of the encounter on his countenance. The quarrel took place on the Midway. Ar thur and ono of the Dean brothers wore arrested - rested and will bo given a ( hearing next Saturday. LOW HATII.S HAST Via the Chicago , Mllvrunkee & St. Paul Kullwuy , Omaha to Now York and return , Sept 25 , 26 and 27 , W.OO. Omaha to Washington and return , Sept 29 and 30 , $10.35. Omaha to Chicago and return , Oct. 2-9 , ? 12.76. Omaha to Chicago , Oct. 2-9 , $7.76. City office , 1601 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , General Western Agent NEW YOIIK DKWEY THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. Round $41,00 Trip , Sept. 25-2C-27 , Call at tbo Company's New Offices. HOI and 1403 Farnam St. * 7.75 To Chicago , $12.75 To Chicago and Return October 2 to 9. Tlieso reduced rate ticket * are good on limited trains ' via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE , 6:40 : am , 8:15 : pm. Lv. Omaha 4:66 : pm , arrlv. Chicago 7:45 : am. 7:05 : pm , 0SO : am. City Offices 1401 and 1403 Fnrnain St Benuctt'a etoro open Saturday evenings. x nno < i. Frlrinr'n Ilnt-Knltm nt thr Home of IlnrRnln * . THE nUSIEST CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Ladles' dressing sncques In pink , blue , gray and red , finished edges , trimmed with silk ribbon , regular made scama , worth $1.00 , for 6&o ; fifty dozen ladles' under skirts , two rows of rufllcfl , In all colors , regu lar $1.76 values , nt C9c ; < blg values In golf nklrts at $5.00 , $6.00 , $7.00 , $9.00 nnd $10.00 ; ladles' suits worth $17.60 , on sale Friday at $10.00 ; ladles' $15.00 jackets on sale at $10.00. See our new millinery. SPECIAL DRESS GOODS SALE , A large line of astrakhans nnd cloaklngs , Jiwt received ; bouclc , 75c , 9Sc , $1.25 , $1.30 up ; Astrakhans , $1.60 , $1,75 up to $7.60 yard ; tailor's millings , extra heavy weight , 69c , 98c , $1.60 , $2.60 up to $6.00 per yard ; Priest ley's < black goods , the world's standard , In all the newest designs , Priestley's crepon's , $1.26 , $1.50 , up to $4.00 per yard. French flannels , 200 designs , at 49c and 59e ; French flannelettes , extra weight , 19c ; good dress goods , cheap , half wool , 5c , 7V4c , lOc , 12l4c , 16c , 26c , 39c. 49c ; all wool , 19c , 26c , 39c , 49c up. BIQ SILK REMNANT SALE. Roracantu of fancy silk in lengths from 1 to 4 yards , for trimmings on waists , all to go at % prlco ; thousands of remnants of taffetas , for linings , in black nnd all colors , all go at 'big reduction ; remnants of fancy silks for waists , all kinds , all colors , worth $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.60 , at 49c. FRIDAY SPECIAL. All colors In flno liberty satins , worth 75c , at 39c. HAYDBN BROS. _ Unable to Conic. The Peoplo's Store , with tlielr usual enter prise , sent the following telegram to Admiral Dewcy : OMAHA , Sept 25 , 1S99. ADMIRAL GEORGE DEWEY , U. S. N. , Now York City. Tlao Peoplo's Store , In behalf of the people of Omaha , Invites you to visit Uio Greater America Exposition. Flvo thousand dollars lars has 'been set asldo to defray the ex- ponseo of your trip here.Vlro answer at our expense. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Per B. Rosenthal , President. TJ o Admiral' * Huply. TOMPKINSVILLE , L. I. N. Y. , Sept. 28 , 199. B. ROSENTHAL , Omaha , Neb. Regret uuablo to visit Omaha. GEORGE DEWEY. _ Bonnett'o store open Saturday evenings. AtlllOtlltOCMlUMltN. The attendance at the Orphcum this week has been the largest of tbo season and It now looks as though thlo society vaudeville tLoater had struck Its regular gait and Is repeating its great success of last season. Patrons have found much enjoyment In the entertainment offered this week. Minnie Palmer , the famous comedienne. Is ap pearing nightly In a brilliant ono-aot play entitled "Roso Pom-Pom. " Among the other atltractlvo features are the Cardownle troupe of International dancers ; tac now American Blograph , showing now war pictures which create Iho greatest enthusiasm ; Powers , and Pearl , refined travesty comedians ; Chov- rlal , French comlquo and violinist ; Hall and Stanley , eccentric comedians , and Irene Franklin , singing comedian. Matinee Sat urday. Tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 there will bo a speclo-l ladles' and children's maitlneo at the Trocadoro theater. This week's offering , "Girofle-GIrofla , " si ithreo-act comic opera , la ono that cannot fall to please the children as well as "grown people. " It Is full of good , bright comedy and free from anything that might offend the most fastidious. The music Is catclhy and the costumes and scenery new , bright and prdtty. liOW HATES. Via Hoclc Inland Rontc. September 30 , Lincoln and return , $1.10. October 1 to 7 , DCS Molnes and return $4.50. October 2 to 9 , Chicago , $7.75. Ootober 2 to 9 , Chicago and return , ' $12.75. Call at 1323 Farnam street. TO KANSAS CITY AND ST. LOUIS. Extremely Low Itaten Sonth by the Ilurllngton Ilonte. $5.80 , Omaha to Kansas City and return ; September 27 , October 7. Good to return till October 9. $11.50 , Omaha to St. Louis nnd return ; October 1-G. Good to return till October 9. Tickets nt Burlington city office. 1502 Far- nam street , or at Burlington station , Tenth and Mason streets. CHEAP HATES Via MUmonrl I'nolfla Railway. Kansas City. Sept. 27th to Oct. 7th. Now York , Sept. 26th , 26th. 27th. Washington , Sept. 29th , 30th. St. Louis , Oct. 1st to 6th. For further Information call at Missouri Paclflo offices , S. E. Corner 14th and Douglas sta. , or depot , 16th and Webster sts. THOS. F. GODFREY , P. & T. A. J. O. PHILLIPPI , A. G. F. & P. A. Boo C. F. Harrison's now ad today. HALF RATES. Via Omahn & St. Loula and AVnliaiib Railroad. St. Louis and return on sale Oct. 1st to 6tb. Special one way and round-trip rates to the east out sale Oct. 2nd to 9th. Homeseckers * half rates ( plus $2.00) ) south on Oct. 3d and 17th. For rates and all information call nt Qulncy Route office , 1415 Farnam et , Paxton Hotel block , or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Nob. Dr. Shepard Hey Fever. 812 N. Y. Llfo. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farni\m , Is closing out Jewott'o Refrigerators at $4.60 and $5.00. TRAVELING MEN'S EXCURSION TO LINCOLN. Sntnrdny , September SO , $1.10 for tSo round trip. Special train leaves Burlington station 8 a. m. Get ticket from members of committee or at station morning of excursion , or at 1502 Farnam St. City ticket office. Bennott'e store open Saturday evenings , DIED. DEGEN Mrs. Annie-Marie , aged M years. Funeral Friday morning , September 29th , from Heafey & Heafey's rooms , 218 So. 14th St. , to St. Joseph's church. 17th and Center , nt 6 a. m. sharp. Interment German Catholic cemetery , South Omaha. Friends invited , Da toh Includes rye bread , welnerwurat , eweitzer cbocso , pretzels , potato salad and Krug Cabinet - Bier * X/ag-er The bier may toe served In etelns or or dinary glasset ) and wooden shoes may be worn by the guests. The Linden plant may be used for decorative purposes. Krug Cab inet Heer goes good tastes good with all luncheons. It has the natural flavor an unknown quality In most beers. Want a caaoT Wo'd like to have you try It. PIU3D KIIUQ imiawiiva co. , Tel , 420. 1007 Jackson St. DEATH OF CHRIS IIARTMAN Pioneer Resident of Omaha Passoa to Ills Final Rest , DIES SUDDENLY AFTER A BRIEF ILLNESS Served In the Original Flrnt CVclirnnkn nuil lletnrnrd < o Hold Mnny Prom inent 1'onltloiiN lit Public and Munition * Ilfe. Christian Hartman , for forty-five years an honored citizen of Omaha , and who has held a number of Important positions of public trust , died at his residence , 3111 Farnam street , at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Al though ho bad been eorlously 111 for several days , his death was not expected , and the news was received with surprise and sincere regret by thousands of friends and acquaint ances tKat ho had made during his long residence In Omaha. No arrangements have jet been made for the funeral , but It Is expected that Itftlll bo held Sunday , and 1 that the Masons , of which Mr. Hartman was n prominent member , will have charge of the services. Mr. Hartman was a native of Now York City , where ho was born May 7 , 1844. Ho came to Omaha with his parents when ho was 12 years old , nnd since then ho has re- Bided uninterruptedly In this city. When the civil war broke out ho was one of the first to enlist in the famous First Nebraska regiment. Howas a member o > t Company D and served through the war under General John M. Thayer , from whom ho subse quently received his first appointment ns a member of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha. After the war he returned to Omaha , where ho was appointed city wclghmaslor , a position that ho hold for two years * Ho served as ono of the county ooaessora for four years , and in 1875 ho was elected city treasurer. Ho occupied this position for two terms. In 1SS7 Mr. Hartman was ap pointed a member of the Board of Flro and Police Commissioner by Governor Thayer , and ho was reappolnted in 1891 for another four-year term. His sorvlco In that capacity ended ofllclally August 2 , 1805 , when Gov ernor Holcomb appointed a now commis sion. Slnco then he has acted as the head of the Nebraska Flro Insurance Inspection bureau. Aside from Ihle public services Mr. Hartman - man hn been prominently Identified with the business and social interests of the city. Ho was treasurer of the State Board of Agri culture for six years and also for the State Board of Horticulture. He also opened the first beef pocking plant In Omaha and was also ono of the original stockholders In the Cantor whlto lead works. Aa an influential member of the Board of Trade and other dis tinctively Omaha organizations he has had much to do with enterprises ( that sought to promote the dnterests of the city. Ho was ono of the oldest Miioons In the state and was treasurer of the grand ledge of Nebraska for three years. During his life Mr. Hartman - man accumulated considerable property and his Farnam rtrcot residence Is ono of Uio handsomest houses In the city. Ho was at hln office until the ln t two weeks , when ho was nelied with an acute kidney trouble that brought him to his bed ft week ago. Ho wns married in 1865 to Miss Sarah E. Arnold of Newcastle , O. , who survives lilm. Ho also leaves three children , Fred and Ar thur Hartman , nnd Mrs. W. It. Clark. JIATU13.V 1IHOS. Very Iow Price * on CJroccrlrn. 7 bars best laundry soap frco with ono pound of J. A M. coffee for 25cj 1 barrel of fine ginger snaps , 17c ; Grape Nuts ( the Brain food ) , pkg. , So ; new crop evaporated red raspberries , 12c , they are really worth 25c ; now evaporated large , yellow peaches , 64c ! ; fancy raisin cured prunes , lb. , 5c , modlum size California prunes , 3e ; new Muscatel raisins , EC ; good Valencia raisin grapes , 3 o ; now Moor Park apricots , only 10V4cj now Grecian currants ( cleaned ) , 8 0 ; 2-lb. pkg. Wheat Manna , only 8c ; 2-lb. pkg. Cream of Wheat , only 10 > ,4c ; 2-lb. pkg. Now Self Raising Pancake flour , 8 l-3c , makes Uio finest pancakes you ever tasted ; 10-lb. sack pure graham flour , 15c ; 10-lb. sack whlto or yellow cornmcal , 6c ; fancy Golden Rio or Santos coffee , 12c ; 5-lb. palls pure fruit jelly , lOcj lOo bottle French mus tard , only 3c ; 3-lb. cans solid packed toma toes , G'Jicj ' 3-lb. cans- table pears , peaches or plums , * orth 20o per can , on sale for 12c ; 2-lb. cans fancy string beans , 6c ; 2-lb. cans fancy sugar corn , Cc. MKAT SALE. XXX cured bncon , 7cj fancy boneless corned beef , 6 c ; bologna sausage , 3icj 10-lb. palls best lard , 69c ; choice skimmed No. 1 hams , 12c j chipped beef , per can , lOc ; spring chickens Saturday. HAYDBN BROS. Hlrt Wanted. Seven thousand yards dirt wanted at cor ner Thirty-second avenue nnd Davenport streets. Apply to G. A. Joslyn , 610 South Fifteenth street. Bennett's store open Saturday evenings. ABE NEW This Is a department to which we give special attention , and only handle such goods as wo can &el ! with an absolute guarantee as to quality. It is of the utmost import ance that Ilubbor Goods' bo now , and of this we are always sure as wo never buy except direct from the factory. Rubber Goods which are old are practically worthless. We sell a first class .bulb family syrlngo for BOc , and a good 2-quart fountain syringe for 65c. A very good atomizer for EOc. WRITE FOR RUBBER GOODS CATALOGUE. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , , 1G13 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. mmm. \ ti i. + * > > : ' " ' e M TO 0 CHICAGO every day from October 2 to 9 account Chicago's Fall Festival and laying of cornerstone of the new postoffice. postoffice.President President McICinley w.ill be there. Eound trip rate is $12.75. Flying trains for Chicago leave Burlington Station at 6:40 : a. m. and 5:05 : p. m. Ticket Onice Bnrllnston Station 1BO2 Farnam St. , 10th and 9Innon St. . , Telephone 250. Telephone . ' ! 1O. ts > l0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0n0 5Bflv Hours made Is the via time the UNION PACIFIC Compare- with ether lines and sea how much qulokor tlmo la marlo via this routo. Through Double Drawing Room Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars , Buffet Smoking-and Library Cars , Dining Car Service. Gify Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. Telephone 316 , "MANY WORDS WE therefore spare the words and try to con WON'T FILL vey straight to your A BUSHEL" minds that this is the place you ought to buy your Books , Bibles , Prayer Books , Office Sup plies , Blank Books ; Artistic Engraving , fine Stationery. Just received , the only complete Kipling on the market ; flno green cloth , library binding , nicely boxed , $15.00 set , The newest fiction can always be found on our counters. Megeath Stationery Co. T&eARNAM ST. RUBBERS ON TIME We Bell the famous CANDEE SU PERIOR RUBBER BOOTS , SAN DALS and perfect-fitting specialties on credit. Aak for Cande e. We also recommend Meyer Company , Jersey Company , etc. Write for new cata logue of Rubber Goods , Mackin toshes , Leggings , etc. O O O o ZACHARY T. LINDSEY % C icufw C ; Our overcoat and suit trade is just as dear to us as any could be , We are just as large hearted doing1 it. We have today the most fashionable gathering of overcoats and suits , that any gentleman would wish for , Distinc tive fashidnableness. Imported materials , the merchant tailor sort. Fashions the same. Men's Suits Men's Overcoats Fine quality Cassimoro triple Men's line all wool , Oxford grey warp Italian lining , sewed with Men's reinforced properly lined , Men's pine silk , satin piped , lapel pockets no old style garment but per ets every garment correct in con Over fectly tailored same coat will Fall struction ; reinforced ; correct in Goats , bring in most stores no leea Suits style worth § 8.00 of any man's than § 7.50 our $ C.50 money our price for $ Ct09 price < - ' suit only * - Men's black clay worsted , fine ' Fine all wool Cheviot , double Men's ' quality lining and correctly styled , Men's breasted and properly tailored : made to sell and does in most all Fall extra quality serge lining , satin Over clothing stores for $10 but our piped ; wide facing. Same suit Goats price on this special fall $ ,50 Suits sells elsewhere for § 10.00 ; top coat , only - * \ our price only Men's Herringbone Top Coats , Fine quality blue serge , double Men's ' lined with fine quality satin. In I Men's or single breasted , guaranteed not grey double stitched horn but to fade ; wide wail ; reinforced , Over tons all sizes. The merchant Fall satin piped ; perfectly tailored ; Goats tailor couldn't sell you as good Suits regular stout and slim sizes ; sells for double the money , $ Q.50 the world over for § 10 ; our price O our price for this suit. . . Men's full box Covert cloth , Top Brown and Gray Cassimere , fine Men's ' Coat unlined wide satin seams , ' and checks , extra reinforced. Nothing Men's line stripes qual pocket stays ity serge lining ; nothing like them Over ing better on the market for the Fall for the money , except at The Nebraska Goats money. Other chargers get al Suits braska real value 813.50 ; $ QOO most double for no better $ O 00 our price - coats ; our price only. . . . HI < Men's Superior Clothing at a Big Saving in Price The suits and overcoats we sell have the same finish that will be found in custom tailor's work. They appear not like the ordinary ready-made clothing. The cut is different. The general style will appeal to the most particular dresser. The honesty of the fabrics used tells in the increased service they , give Alterations made free of charge. A perfect fit or no sale. Some Special Values Friday & Saturday Sixty of the newest and most exclusive patterns in men's line striped and checked worsted g * ( Ok suitings at $15.00 , 812.50 , $10.00 J mJ\J 1 * * An'especially good value is the worsted suit wo have put on sale at $10.00. Made from highest grodo wor sted fabrics , most stylish patterns In stripes and chocks , handsomely trimmed , perfect fitting , shape hold- Ins garments a suit that you cannut buy elsewhere - where for less than $16 , on sale for only 800 men's ' suits in new patterns , the popular checks and stripes , in fine all wool casalmores and ohoviot , ; the now 4-button sack styles ; the equal of any $9 GI IS suit you ever saw ; on sale Friday and jjp _ / Saturday at In Overcoats we still have about 275 of the overcoats we put on special sale this week at $5.00. They're made from abso lutely pure wool kersey , fine velvety finish , color guaranteed , genuine Italian cloth lining , satin sleeve linings , extra wide facings , velvet collar , the insldo and outside tailor- " tailor$5 Ing"equal to any $10 overcoat olforod elsewhere , on ea'o ' while they last at Men's very stylish fall and winter overcoats in melton , kersey and frieze , new medium lengths , the best makes , reprular $12.50 garments - monts , we can sell tliom for See our overcoat and ulster stock. We've got what you want. A grand assortment of boys' vestee sailor Norfolk double-breasted 2 and 3-piece knee pants suits on special sale Friday and Saturday at 81.25 to $5.00. AEH'L MTZHUQH LCK Radian tHeme Home Stoves Have No Equal. They will heat more space with less coal than any other stove made thousands of users in Oma- lia and vicinity will tell you that this is so ask them. Many styles and sizes in price from $29 up. We are exclusive' Omaha agents. MILTON ROGERS 14TH AND FAN NAM STKEKTS. P rices and Circulars by Mall on Application. We Throw Down the Glove and challenge any gallant knight of Ak-Sar-Ben to match the line of Kodaks . . . .a Cameras we hare now on hand. Being exclusive dealers in photo material TV are thoroughly up-to-date on everything. See our new Autotone printing paper. TPlie Robert A Dempster Co. 1215 Famam St. WHOLESALE AND HETAIL. Watches and Watches and Watches Wo have all grades in gold , gold Oiled and silver. Wo have a alco line of Chatelaln Watches and boys' Watches. Wo are showing a good watch for boys for $3.00. Let us show you our line. S. W. . . Lindsay , The Jeweler. 151G Douglas Official Spoons There is only ono official epoon thnt'n the one made by u you'll llnd it on nala at our booth in the Manu- facturcr'B building at the Exposition. Sterling silver Five O'clock Tens , Jl. FUvo O'clock Teaa , engraved bowl , * 1.GO. Tea slzo , Jl.DO. Tea blzc , engraved bowl , KM. We have a full line of Ex position Souvenirs. In our down town store you'll llnd the grandest dlu- play of rings plain and s t watches and diamonds to bo seen in Omaha. Gee , W , Ryan & Co. , Jewoler-Onmlm-lOt ) S. 1 Oth St Z. D. Clark , D. D. S. F. N. Kemp , D. D. S. CLARK & KEMP , . . .DENTISTS FOUHTII KI.OOH IIAMUI3 IILIC. iritli null Ilnrney. Entrance Opp. Creighton Orpheum. Onuil Bft TreUi * . ( )0 Sliver Fill IiiUK f 1,00 llrldice Teeth f-I.OO to $ II.OO j'ortM'liiln CriMvii tfn.OO ttnUI I'lllliiK * J' from fjolrt CriMiim * . - , . < > ( > tn $ H. < > 0 Crown and Drldgo Work a Specialty. Beat or Material Ufred In All Cases.