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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTJ3MH13H 7 , 1SO& . 11 SPECIAL NOTICES A U ertlnviueiilN for tliunc rtdiiiuui vrlll lie liiUcn until 11 ! in. fur the evcnluu eilltlnii aiiU nutll 8iill > p. in. ( or iiiiirnliiK nmi siiuilii } iMlltlonn. i Hnlrn , 1 l-Lo ! a uortl II rut limvrtlunt lo n or l tluTi.afii-r. Mitliliitt tnkcn for IONN limn li.-.o for the lint Inser tion. 'lIu-NC udt crtlnciuunlN mint lie mil ciii liy i C < | IICMIHU | n iinni- liervil ulirck , can liaxe nimw < * rN U < 1- UreNnvil lo u niiialifrcil letter In enre of ' 1'lic Hi e. AiiNMvm o uilitrenieil wnll be ildlvcrcil mi iireHcntutluit < > f tini < licet < ) . WA.N'l UU b IT LA I 1OI\S. OMAHA. Employment Bureau , 119 X. 16 Tel. U12. iteip rurnlahed , positions procured. A-401 A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please can up tlic Kemtngiuii tpewiller ofllcc , 1619 Farnam St. , telephone 1573. ARTIST , llrst-class crayon and color , wants position or piecework. Portraits for the trade , photographers , agents , Addrcw II 19. Bee. A-157 6 WA.vrin MAI.K HELP. THU fall term of that Justly popular school IB now open. Students enter at any lime. 100 students- enrolled Day and evening. BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. i. it .BEE BUILDING. H Special : This Is a school of Individual in- tructlon and should not be classed with schools whose object Is to secure the at tendance of large numbers and bunch them In classes without regard to their individuality. Tonchcrs are Instructed to treat their student * with fairness , con sideration and courtesy. Thla Is the institution that business men are Interested In. Every graduate la now holding a good paying situation. None have failed. Get a catalogue. B-M139 7 WANTED , VVo hnvo steady work for ft few peed hustlers of * oed habits and appear ance C. F. Adams Co. . 1619 Howard St. GOOD salesmen , salary or com. : MAN wanted. Hlxenbaugh. COO Wnre \VAXTI5D Twenty flrst-dnss stone cutters nt Helena , Mont : $5 for nine hours Ap ply Montnnn Building Co. B 4 < n SALESMEN for Petit Ledgers. Bill ter nnd other office specialties ; flno lines ; quick sPllers. Model Mf * Co Box B. South Bend , Ind. B M825 Scp30 MEX. our Illustrated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade In two months , mailed fieo. Moler Barber College Chi cago. Ill B-MS77 7" $7500 PER MOXTII for rustlers Ask Frank. 1821 Fnrnam. B M171 12 * WAXTED. n coed doctor for one of the host towns In northwest Iowa Address Lock Box 183. WuBhta , la. B M1TO 7 * WANTED , bright , smart office boy for large general office , about 17 years State ace and experience. II 62 , Beo. B 181 6 YOU can make $500 to $4000 per day Mv "Iroular explains how Biggest thing out Xo capital Send Be In slnmns An hon orable builnebs Addreps Prof. E. F Har rington. Sheldon , In . U. S. WANTED , young men nnd young ladles for bundle wrappers. Boston Store , Omaha. B-M103 7 WANTED , good rulor. who can alsodo blank-book forwarding. Steady Job Ad dress , wllh references. The Kenyon Print ing nnd Mfg. Co , Des Molnes la. * * * j-- * WANTED , a Chinaman to do laundry work at the W. C. A. hospital , Council BlufTH. WANTED , experienced salespeople In cloak and suit department. NPbras > ka Clothing Co. B-M206 7 WANTHD HELP. IXTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for useful , profitable business. Call between 11 and B. M.S. E. E. Allen , 723 X. Y. Life. C M137 Sept. 14 * WAXTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 405 GIRL ; general housework. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. C-527 GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami. C-C95 WAXTKD , housekeeper , middle aged lady preferred ; no small children Jas. Peter son , Marquett , Xeb. C M540-8-9 * WANTED , girl for general Housework. 2215 Blnney St. C 669 IV WANTED , at once , n good cook and 1 laundress ; small fnmlly ; snlnry $4 n week ; miiot ha\e good references. Apply nt 2oOl Davenport St. C 590 WAXTED , n cook , also a housemaid. Apply to 3020 Farnum st. C M994 WAXTED , gill for general housework , $1 per week. Call between S & 9 a. m. and B & 6 p. m 2618 St , Mary's Ave C llli SECOXD girl wanted , Mrs , M. A. Hall , 118 X. 39th St. C-14S-6 WANTED , a good girl for Keiiuiul house work ; small nunlly. 210 S. 32d Ave. J C-160 6' WAXTED , ladjllke nppearlnK woman for position ot triiHt ; advancement nssurct : rthcn competent. Address H 60 , Bee C M172 S GIRL wanted to do Home housework am ! ofllce work the rcs > t of the tlmo ; experi ence In office work not necessary ; KOOC : home for good girl ; must like children H 61 , Bee. C 183 6' SKIRT nnd waist hands , ronmstresses am apprentices by. Low-doll & Arrlnednlc Park Avo. n'ld Lt'avenworth. C 178 6 * WAXTED. Klrf "C2"i > ' 20th SI C 179 0 * WANTED , girl for general houscnork It small famllv ; wages $1 per week. Apply 1218 So. 7th St C-M201 S FOH HUNT HOUSns. HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 106 N , 15th St. D-40-3 HOUSES , stores , Bemls. Paxlon block D-403 FOR RENT , houses In nil parts of city The O , F. Davis Co. , IBOu Farnam street D 409 CHOICE houses cottager , stores Henry B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. lOitf D-417 MODERN 7-rov > m house , 1009 N. 29th st $ ZO. 605 Pen. D M90J J737 PARK AVE , S-room. detached , tine condition and modern , $30.00. 1031 8 > 0th nve .0-room , laundry , oak finish nnd floorw , strictly first-class , modern li every respect. W D * Mead , Jr. D-.M712 FOR RENT. 10-room house at SIS Worth" Inifton Place. All modern conveniences , Including alectrlc light , etc ; ne'ghborhood unexcelled : one block from Farnum cat Apply H. J. Windsor , 1124 Capitol .ivc D-S72 WHY. certainly , ? a\o coal gnu water and servant worries by having a home In the Brunswick hotel , heart of thr cliv D-M420 Scp21 FOR REN1 , large twelve-room house , N , W. corner 19th and I.eavenworth In strlmly llrat-claj 8 modern condition Steam heat Apply to U. M. Rogers. SJ-1 N. Y. Life BIdg. D-691 I FINE residence , choice location 11 rooms , 1 all modern , excellent stable. BemU Paxton - f ton block , D-MZ.'I FOR RENT , five-room cottage. 42J South 26th nt. ; modern except furnace ; newly papered : outside now being painted ; large yard , with shade trues ; rent $ 1 & 0. After Sept. ti , 81'vc-ii-rooin hoim > . m : X. 26th Bt. , will be put In good condition ; all mod ern except furnace ; rent $2000. Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , 161)1 ) and Douglas. D-867 HOUSES for rent In all parts ot the city. j3renudn-lA e Co. , : i South ICth street. D ill i. FOR RE.Vl' HOUSES. MAGGARD'S van & storage. 1419 Dodge. Tel H9 D-412 FOR RENT , 6C8 South 28th St. , 10 rooms , modern , good repair. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 So Hth St. D-M719 FLAT , 6 rooms modern. 1112 S. llth street. D-M153 B-HOO.M house. 701 So. 17th ave. D-M167 Oct6 HENRY H PAYNE'S Bargain Mst : 3-room flat , rlly nter. onlv $700 0-room modern cottage , furnished , $2J. 7-room. modern house , walnut Hill , J2250 S-rootn modern house. Walnut I till , $21 BO 7 and 9-room , nil modern houses , close In , Rood repair. $25 and $27 BO 131 ! So. 27th st , 8-room , nil modern house , llnp condition , only t- > HENRY H. I'AYNK. 601 X Y LIFE D-M191 rou KIT Kim.Msnnn HOOMS. THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; bent 11.60 a day house In the state ; take Harnc-y nnd Farnam st. cars E 861 CLEAN beds. 60" week and up. 710 S. 14th. E-2S3-S-19' E09 S. 25th ave ; board It desired. TUn BRUNSWICK , with new furniture and new management. Is the most de- airablo place In this rlty. E-M419 Sep21 X1CK rooms for rent. 314 South Mth st. 324 * E-M4S9 FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 1623 St. Marv's. 13-902 11' FIRST floor of brick tint , range , yard , com' ' pleto. housekeeping. B14 X. 19th E-M170 8 FURNISHED room , sullnblo for Indy ; use ot bath and pluno. 1915 Chicago. E-M199 10' "OU RENT , cool , furnished front room0. nil modern conveniences. 317H North 15th M . Flat 13. E M197 Oct6 IIOO.MS AND HO UtU. LEOANT rooms & board. 1903 Capitol av F-4V HE Merrtam family hotel , 2fith and rmdae. F-M592 URNISHED rooms , with or without board 1518 Madison ave. F M884 1C ELY furnished front room , 'private family. 702 S. 29th St. F 176 11 * roii un.vr i KuiiNisunn HOOMS. UITF3 of room i , modem. 016 Georgia Ave. G 143-6 * lEVKN elegant unfurnished rooms , .cen- trallv located , modern References. G2I X. 20th Ht. 0-M202 8 * VAXTED , teams and men for Ice business. Applv South Omaha Ice & Coal Co . 12th and Nicholas. G-M187 7 'IVE ' unfurnished chambers for house keeping to man end wife. 319 X. 17th G B2G 1--OII III2NT STORES AM > OFKICKS. 'OR RENT , store In flrsi-class location ; rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee BIdg. 1 266 'OR RUNT , a ground floor office , specially suitable fet real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R C. Peters & Co. . ground floor. Bee Building. 1-237 AT SOUTH OMAHA , several new stores Just bdng completed ; excellent openings for drv goods , clothing , boots , shoes and other lints. Inquire C. A. Van Wasmer. 24th and M. South Omaha. I 2SS 276 i-'IRST-CLASS ' stores. $10 to $10. Furnished barber shop. 3 chairs. $10. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 X. Y. LIFE. AGU > TS WANTED. ACTIVE agents make large profits selling our new gasoline lamps. Perfectly safe ; superior to gns or electricity ; cheaper than kerosene : write quick. Omaha Gas Lamp Co , Omaha , Xeb. J ISO G WANTED TO KENT. WANTED , by young lady , board and room , not to exceed $4 ; private famllv preferred , Address H 65 , Bee. K M201 7 * STORAGE. PACIFIC ! Storage and Warehouse Co. , 908- 810 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 423 AVANTED TO HOY. 2XD-IIAXD furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co. , 1114 Dodge. Tel. 2233. X I2r ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chlcaeo Fur niture Co. . 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2120.N N 426 1000 BASE BURNERS ana other stoves wanted. Don1' ' sell before seeing Joe Le- vine. Drop n. ca.d and a man will call. Highest market price guaranteed. S04 X. 10th. cor. Davenport. X M2C3 Sep. 18 WANT to lease lots , all parts city. II 43 , Bee. N M580 7 HOUSE and lot. Small house and small lot within a few blocks or walking dls- tanco of High school. H 63 , Bee. X-121 HOUSE to move on vacant lot. Address H 50. Bee. X-142 10 * WANTED , ti buy Soldiers who entered homCvSti'iul before Junn 22 , 1874 , of lens than ICO acres are entitled to additional land and can assign their light. I nm paying the very highest price for these rfchts. Widows also entitled. Address Hiram A. Sturges , Douglas block Omaha , Xeb X M200 10 * KOII s VLE K STOVES , HTOVES and furniture bought and sold ; best prices made ; see us before jou deal. Xt > L . Furniture Co. . 1419 Dodge . . , O o-n / * in S79 Oct-10 WE CARRY the largest line of becond- Itnnd stoves You can buy them for little money. J. Lewis , 104 So. Hth st. 0-M&55 SepSO FOR SALE at private sale , the household goods nt 514 So. . ! 9th nve. This furniture consists of everything necessary to fur nish u hoitae tompletf. Will b Hold ull together or Hopnratel > . Also ladles side- Middle , new , and two-seated , open rar- rlace. O-M1S9 13 FOH SAM ; HOUSES AMI OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport , I t S FOR SALE , horse , phaeton nnd harness ; horse S years old , good driver ; phaeton Druminond make , ball bearings and rubber tlrt-s , harness new , hand-made , nice. com. Dlotu Hlngle outfit Price reasonable. K , I ; , Sanborii. 15U3 Howard P-1S9 7 * rou FLAG poles ; ruwdust cneapcat and beat hog ftiice Ml DotlKlag tel. y > . n us CUTTERS of drug jirkej. Sherman McConnull Drug Co. , 161.1 Dodge St. W-430 HOG , poultiy , lawn and field fencing ; alt wife. \Mre Woiki , 1U17 HuHurd St. St.Q433 THREE good flrst mortgage farm loans I for * ! 09- * > w' " OW"OUI ) ' . Con- I tlnentol block. Q-M899 & 4 i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZD-HAND safe cheap. Delight , llio l-uri IJ-I.I3 SAFES , buy. it'll , exchuiitn , m ; , . latn St. Q 437 CASH register , nutrly new , cheap , uti , Farnam. Q MS63 FOR SALE , ten R-1-P-A-N-S for B ccnu ut drueglatt. One gives relief , Q 434 ICE lor sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros , Council Bluff * . Q-MJ11 INDIAN relics , mounted gameheadi. me Furnan. Q-M98S FOR SALE , cheap , heavy xviaptiinj paper , good for batten or laying under carpets. Omuha Bee pnsa room , Q 271 B. HAAS , Florist. 1513 Vlnton St. Tol. ni ; plants , cut flowers , boquets , ball , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by intdl or xprek promptly lined. Q-4JJ POH .MALH MUST sell Hnrdman piano ; make offer ; time or cash. I1 20 , Bee. Q 214 NEW wheels. J15.BO up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $3 up ; repairing & supplies , Omaha Blcvcle Co. Q-M465 _ FOR SALE. 100,000 red cedar posts. J. P. Brewer , Texurkana , Ark. Q MS16 1S FOR SALE , good fresh Jersey cow nt Laundry stable , 13th nnd Howard streets Q-M&So S REPAIRS nnd parts for every sewing ma- rhlne manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Hurney. Q-M1SS Oct6 SECOND HAND. Singer , High Am'n , $900. White. perfi.rt condition , $12 SO. New Home. High Am'n , $7.00. Domestic , $900. White , $5uO. American , $1 00. Singer. * i M. Wilson. $3 W. Home. $400 NEB. CYCLE CO. , Cor. loth nnd Hnrney M 185 0 BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low est prices Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge R 427 NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhand furnHuts end ntov s sold at low-rat prices , carload lotR or leas. Chicago Furniture Co. . HOb-10 Dodge. R-4S3 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER , genuine palmlst.lOOG Dodt-e 8 M477 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 18th , S-M710 VIENNA lortunn teller. 18 years here. 1411 Howard. 8-909 O3 TRANCE medium arrived ; Dr. Hull , known from ocean to ocean. So sure am I of my powers of telling every event of past and future , of all , will give your full name In free tetts. and the one you marry ; send stamps for test nnd answer , 1615 Chicago. 8-161 Oct 4 MRS. DR. MOSS , celebrated spiritual me dium and prognostlcator , can be. consulted on all affairs of life ; readings conllden- tlal ; prices reduced for this week. 1704 Capitol avenue. S M191 7 * iIFE readings this week only We , by the wonderful palmist and clairvoyant , Mrs. H. Hart , 1707 Cass S M196 'J MAbSACI2 AND 1IATII9. MRS. BERRY , BATHS , MASSAGE. Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 X. 16th , opp. P. O. . 2nd floor. T-M64S S2ii * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants , Ist-class patronage solicited. 1615 Howard , 3rd floor. T M2JO Sep 17 MME , AMES. R. 2. f07 8.13 ; massage balhs. T-239-Sep. 17 MM 13. Lee , baths , massage parlor , 302 N. 16. T-779 36 * ELITE PARLORS. 2025 Farnam. upstairs , Ist-class baths , massage , magnetic treat ment. Lady attendants. T M702 8 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SVS North 15th. T-177 12 * MME. Lee , baths , massage , parlor , 302 N. 16. T M19S Oct6' PKHSO.VAli. M. MONHE1T. leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of feet , both ladles & gentlemen. Ladles' halrdresslng , hair goods & toilet preparations. Treatments on scalp , face , hands or toet ; 20 years experience , 10 years In Omaha ; beat equipped establishment In city. 1B16 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor. U-666 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Boom 12. Frenzer block. U 441 PRIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur ing coi.finenient ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U 140 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no electricity : no Instrument used. Room 4. Wltbncll block. U 345 VIAVI Is woman's way to Jiea'.th. 316 Bee BIdg. U-442 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward. Tel. 2JJ3. U Mi'16 RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from buslncbs. Send tor circulars. Emmie Itupture Curt , 932 Xew York Life Build ing. Omaha , Xeb. U Mb52 SepSO CARPET and paper cleaning. 140. ! Douglas 'Phono 319. u b9i7 ' INFORMATION wanted of Mary Ann Pedilck. native of Croton Jjaiit , Jvew York , her marriage lume is 'JLowiney , ' her father's name AJoygo Ptarlck , name ol Croton Falls , New Xork ; her mouier s name Is Margaret CoaKloy , native , ot County LorK , Ireland. liuorniatluii wanted by hei aunt , L'llun Dalen > , inaiucn nainu Ellen Coukiuy , her mother a hwi i. Direct lo Mis. Daleny , No , last ) jsth s > i. , ban Francisco. U iiSSJ 6 * BATHS , mnsbage. Mmc , Post , Jill'h. . lath , G AtliJ 2D-HAND sewing machine for $5 up. Neb. Cycle c.o , corner Join and ilainey. U-1S2 8 PRACTICAL Instructions how to success fully replate old knives , lorKs , spoons to wear lor joars. Ju\wtlfaie. Adaress H 04 , Bee. U JUJ01 7 MU.Mul ' 10 1.UAA 1 ty juan un mtii.-Cia.iii unploved utv pioutrty or lor uuilaing jiurpoaea. fuyiiH. i/uidsr / Co. , X. Y. Lite. W-411 , B 1'EU CLNT money. Ucmis , 1'uxton Blk \V-14 ? MONEY 10 loan on ImptovuU uuiiUia real edlutf. Bii.iiiiuii-i.ovii c.u. , 21'J bo. iGth. W-4H $10J TO . ' , UUO. i-1. D. Weud , abtn Ai Douglas. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city piopcrty und farms. U' . i'amain Snut/i , v Lo , UDU i ai num. W 16u 13HOKLUS , jiioinoter ? , mortgage dealers wanting eu&tLin inune ) nouia wTlte for circular. Investors' DlikUury. New York. W-451 MONEY to loan on Nebraska und Iowa farms , lowest ruled. Brtiuian-Love Co. . 219 S. 16th , Onmlm , W 452 LOAXB , Potter-Sliples Co. , J10 X. Y , Life. W 454 WHITE us if you want u Joi n on jour farm in Iowa , oabturn Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan Ac Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. W-45U 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W-456 | I WAN'lED , city and farm loans , also bonds and warrants R. C. Pctois u Co. , Huj Farnam St. Bee BIdg. W 457 B PER CENT money on or before B years on Nebraska lands nnd Omaha real es tate. W. B. Mtlkle , 401 8. IBth st. W M774 B S'4 , 6 per ct loans In Omaha , So. Omaha , W. IT. Thomas. 6CW 1st Nat. Bk. Tel. 16IJ. MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Brown Block W 453 " " 5 "p"ER CENT : also private funds Chas E. Williamson. W MOT I MO.MY TO MIAN UIIA MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSKJ.ULD FUHNI'IURE. PIANOS HOUSES. WAGONS. ETC. I.O\VL RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SW SOUTH IBTH STREET X-C55 MONEY loa.ied salaried people holding per. munent position ivlth responsible con cerns upon their own names , w'thout H . curlty ; easy payments. 'Jolman , R. 700. N. Y ; Life BIdg. X-M6JI MONEY IX3ANED SALARIED PEOPLE conlldentlHlly , holding permanent posi tions , on tneli own name villhout en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind Cun repay 111 easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co , C K Jtfii. nlngs , Mgr. . suite 62i-5 N. V. Life , Bids XitiV MONEY loaned an furniture , rigs , bicycles diamonds , watclips , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Omaha. Loan Bank , lilt 1 aruttm , upatAir * , X-4H MOMV TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions fin their per sonal note without Indorsement or secur ity , strictly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; before borrowing * ee us. n you will find It greatly to your advantage , wo are the oldest , largest and only Incoiporated loan company In Omaha. K U. Truax. Mgr. , 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , 16th nnd Fnr- nam Sts. Telephone 2295. X 4G1 TO SALARIED PEOPLE- MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES WITHOUT SECURITY , PRIVATELY. QUICKLY. TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy weekly or payments ti suit convenience of borrower. No Inquiries of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , ROOM C01 BEE BUILDIXO. X-M177 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker blk X-461 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security. Rates reasonable. J W. Taylor , 403 Kar- bach block , 2 to b p. m X M704 Sep. 29 * MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , cowd , etc J. W. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 2 to 6 p m. X-M703 Sep. 29 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horsis. cows , etc. C. F Reed , 319 B 13. X 465 IIIJHIXESS IF YOU nre a caterer nnd want to make money you loose the chance of n life time If you miss the Brunswick Cafe. Y M41S Sop21 FOR SALE or trade. City Hotel , Onnwa , Iowa. Y M728 FOR SALE , paid-up concession for soft dilnke , lunch. Ice cream , in four buildings. Address John McClosky. International hall , Expo , grounds , Omalm. Y M4SS ST MERCHANDISE stock'a clean Mock of dry goods , furnishing goods and cloth ing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1201 TAG. You're It because > ou don't trade In praln jr stocks through n regular house. Try us or send for our free book How ard. C.osby & Co. , 62 Wall St , N. Y. " \ M168 C FOR SALE n gilt-edge first mortgage for $4,000 00 , on Insldo Improved property , bear ing 5 per cent , Interest payable seml- at.nually. H 63 , Bee. Y-1S1 THIRTY DOLLARS Is 3 points margin on 10 shares of stock ; this Is the leant m.u- gln on smallest quantity. Sep our free book Howard , Crosby Ac Co , 62 Wall St , X. Y. Y-M205 7 * KOII U. FINE 12-room residence , beautiful grounds , near Ilanscom Park , to exchange for lands or clt > lots. Address H 23 , Bee. Z-M853 FOR bALU UUAL KbTATE. VACANT PROPERTY BARGAINS : $250 , several lots , Mommouth Park. $350. Meredith , bet. 27th and 2Sth , sewer. $4UO , line lot , Ames , near 27th. $600 , 33x140 , Chicago , near 27th. $750 , 27th near Woolwortli $1,000 , California , near . 'Sth. fine lot. $1,500 , new boulevard , nw. 33d & Woolwortli. $1.500 , line e. front. 28th nr. Woolworth.XW $5,500 , elegant residence sue , 125 tt. , e. front on 3Sth , head of Davenport , 250 ft. deep ( $4 acre ) , magnlllcent view , very cholco and cheap. George G. Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown Blk. RE-163-7 FOR SALE , 640 acres of land , worth $35 per acre ; will sell for $24 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 3. 14th st. RE-M997 IF South Omaha real estate jou want to buy or tell communicate with O'NelPs Real Estate Agency. RE M628 FOR BALE , beet residence site In Omaha , 160x127 feet , southwest cornel 26th st. and Poppleton nv. ; both streets paved ; all regular and special tastes paid to date ; make offer Address'F 6G , The Bee. RE MS43 Sept 9 6-ROOM house , Spauldlns St. , $1,10000. G. E. Turklngton , 60G Bee. RE 671 29 * SXAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. , 3H 8. IBth street. RE M658 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Xow Is the timeto dispose of them ; let the people know that ycu want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who Inve the money. RE SC6 CHEAP HOMES : $760 , 6-r. house , full lot , 3316 Larlmore. $1,000 , S-r. house , 2120 Patrick ; rents , $10. $1.200 , B-r house , full lot , trees , Burt. $1,400 , cozy B-r. cottage , Poppleton Park. $1BOO , 4-r. horse , barn , lot 60x127. $1,750 , 7-r. house , barn , line place , n. 28th. $ JBOO , 6-r. house , conveniences , barn , paved St. . all paid , near High school cheap. $2,500. 7-r. house , Orchard Hill , all con veniences , barn , paved street , nice home $3,500 , 8-r. house , full lot , Hnrney , nr. 26th $5,000 , modern 9-r. house , 31st , nr. Poppleton $5,000 , modern 10-r. house , Kountze Place. George O , Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown Blk. RE 164-7 CASH CUSTOMERS TOR FARM LAND , The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th St.RE979 RE-979 HOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans ; also fije Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 472 HENRY B. PAfNE. bOl N. Y LIFE BLDO Real Estats , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-JiOl JIST your property with me , I have U buyers. II. M. Christie , South Omaha , RE-MG23 Oct 1 PAYIXG INVESTMENTS : $2,000. 2 large lots , close In , rental , $25 per month ; with small expense would bring much more. $2.600 , large lot. 6 blkB. from High school , 2 houses , rent $26 ; room for 2 more. A snap $3BOO , well improved , good condition special all paid , rents steadily $50 per mo $5,000 , 3 lots , 11 cottages , 1 store , all good condition , alwa > s rented , bring1 $ SW ) per year , nets 10 pur crnt ; 30th & Plnkney. George G. Wallace. 313 J. J. Brown Blk. RE-1G5-7 9-HOO&I modern house. Inquire 624 S 26th uvo. RE-904 Sep. 11 FOR BALE or cxcnange , choice , rich pro ductlve farms , large and small ; also ten flno stock ranches , all In northeaster ! Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms , where crops have never failed Crops overage : Corn 45 , wheat IS nm oats 50 bushels per acre ; some of these lands can l > c traded for merchandise , do goods , hardware or furniture. For par ticulars address Geo. W. Hutton , Cole ridge. Cedar county , Xeb. RE 912 O3 3109 SEWARD ST. , B-room house and ful lot , $30000 , eaiy payments ; adjoining lots Bold for $500 00 last week , Byron R. Hast Ings , 212 H. 14th. RE 613 FOR SALE My elegant home , 2020 Webster st. , small amount down , balance same as rent If desired. Address C. D. Blbblns , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash RE-M715 Sep29 WOODMAX & BAY , mot ( gages , loans , 21 Barker block , HE M188 7 hllOHTIIA.MI AMI TVl'inVIUTINO. READ LAST WEEK'S RECORD of the XEB. BUS nnd SHORTIfAXD COLLEGE BOYD THEATER BLDO , Eight calls In two days last week for our graduates We filled only thiee for the want of operators Stenoginnhcrs nnd bookkeepers who have no positions nnd those partially unqualllled would do well to call on us One experienced stenographer we necured a position for after being in our school less than a week. It pays to take UP shorthand or bookkeeping where > a tradition awaltn you. Olllclal Court Reporter A. L. Warrlck , principal shorthand department. Prof. J , . the "Master Penman " Dalley , , prlnofpui business department. A. C. Ong , A. II. , A. C. Van Banl'B School. 717 N , Y. Life. 483 AT OMAHA Bus College. 16th & Douglas. 489 BOYLES1 school , court reporter principal ; Bee BIdg 4&0 T.MI.UHI.NG. WHO'S your tailor ? Sue the Twin City Tailoring Co , fall line now ready for In spection ; prices right. lOC'J Farnam at , -313 819 LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing , altered in Uteit Btylts and cleunrd. Max Fogel , ; o ? a. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 125 Farnam SI , Telephone 12S4. 473 WE RENT wi.d sell the best typewriters made , lixr e t stock of supplies In Omaha United T > p wrltcr & Supply Co. , 1612 Far. 47 * { KM'NOTON ' Standard typewriter and MI p. piles 1619 F rnani. 476 THE Oliver Typewriter , vIMble writing , heavlMtnan nnd cuts the finest stencil ; &ce exhibit Liberal Arts bliltr Greater Amcrlci Exposition Tel. 2279 J S Sic watt. Special Agent , SIS'4 3. Fif teenth sLeet. Omaha , < 76 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111C l rrmm. M-991 \ " , MKDICU , . UR MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has I brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women : lm\c never had a single failure , lonse-H cases relieved In two to five dayj without fall ; to pain , no danger , no Inter- ' fcrenco with work ; b > mail or ofllce , $2 ; nil letters truthfully answered The Mansfield Remedy Co , 167 Dearborn 81 , room 614 Chicago. 111. M-sso 8 * i lADIES , Chlohester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best ; nafe , reliable , tnko no other ; fiend 4c , stamps , for particular , i "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mal ! At druggists Chlchcster Chemical Co , Philadelphia , Pn. ANDRAE bicycles. $ . 1116 Farnnm.M990 -M990 CLOSING out " 99 Tribune bicycles le s than cost , $20 cash LouU Flcscher , 1622 Cap. Ave DOS ttn.MSHATOHS. MONARCH generators have no equal In construction , operation or price ; hustling ! cnlcsmen wanted Address Monarch Acetylene Gas Co. , 1022 Douglas Pt. , Omaha. Neb. MSC.O 8ep30 HTAMMHIlI. sr. ASD ! STUTTKlllIVa. ; URED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramce BIdg , 4S5 OSTKOl'ATHY. M. E. DONOHUE. D O. , of Still school , Kirksvlllo. Mo. , 601 Paxton blk. Tel , 1367. JOHNSON Osteopathtt- Institute , BIS N Y. Life BIdg. , Alice Johnson , D O , ladles' dept. ; Old E. Johnson , ostcopathlst. mgr. M-BSO MATTUEbS IIUNOVATI.VC. M. S. AVALKLIX. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 4S6 Ticicirr CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought nnd sold. P II. Phllbln , new locations 1309 and 1C05 Far nam. Est. 18S9. Member G. T , B. Assn. AI-100 PAWXIIItOKEIIh. JEFFERSOX Square Loan Ofllce , 418 X. 16. 481 EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confldentlal. 1301 Douglas. 482 FOH SAI.K I-AIiaiS. FARMS near So. Omaha and Lincoln for sale. J. T. Clarke , Board of Trade , Omaha. 870 Sejl-10 MVCMVI'IC MR. AXD MRS. A. GILLET , Weltmer sys tem , 24th and Cumlng ; entrance on 21th. M4EG Sept 12 * MCIvii , PhATING. BASEBURNERS replated ; all kinds of plat ing Omaha Plating Co. , Bee BIdg. 215 iiousn .IIOVKH. W. COY. located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave.4SO 4SO WATCH FII.TIiHS. "STANDARD" In Machinery Hall , expo , grounds , or room 0. Board of Trade bldg. M793 Sep-7 THU.MC F1CTOKY. SEE OUR tiunk travelln ! ; bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Farnam. G62 O16 COJSTIIACTOUS AXU IIUII.IJ ZHS. IIEALY & SOXS. 1S22 Clark street. M3S5 Sept 20 * HOTELS. TRY the Hendotson Hotel , board and room $400 per week ; gas , tttam heat and baths. Xlnth and Farnam Sts. 437 AIIST11ACTS OF TITLK. HARRIS Abstract Cu. , 123 Bee Building. 483 IX families Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M-70(5Sep ( 29 IAU.MHY. OMAHA STEAM LAUXDRY. city towel supply ; shirts , 8c , collars , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , Co. 1765 Leavcnworth. Tel. B17. M4u5 SepM RANCHES. FOR SALE , cheapest and best cattle ranch , 300,000 acres. For description address Eu gene Williams , Waco , Texas.M203 M203 Sep. 1C * OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. , IG&D'glas. M140 SCHOOL OF FREXCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 147 HAII/VVAV T15IIS CAHD. UNIO X PACIFIC "THEOVEhvi la.nd , Itoute" Qereral Ofllces , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Tarnan Btreots. City Ticket Olllce , 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone. 316. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone. 623 , "The Overland Limited for Utah , Idaho , Mcn- lana , California Ore- eon and Washington points . . . . . . . . . . . ag40am ; a 4:35 : pm Tim Colorado Spoilal for Denver ana all Colorado points . atl65 ; pm a 6:30 : am Pacific Express for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific Coast and all TV estern points . b < :25 : pin a 6:31) : ) flra Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Exoreas , .b 4S5 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk - folk , Grand Island and North Platte . a 4:25 : pm b 4:3. : . pm Columbus Local . . . b 7.30 pm b 9:30 : am North Platte Local . tt jy ; ) , , m South Omaha Local Pass Leaven ti.JO i a , , ; 7:00 : a. m. , 10:10 : a. m.3:05 : _ : p m. Arrives , u. * H. * * * * . " * * i' < ui. , oio * > p. jn. ; iv.3 < / p m .Arrives , 6:20 : a m. . 7.20 a , m ; 3:16 a m. : 1845 ! a. m ; 11.30 a in. ; 3.03 p. m. ; 4.03 p. m. BSS : p. m.j (1:30 ( : i ) m , 7:30 : p. m. ; S.Sj p. ni.j 11.00 p , m ; 11.Do p. m. ' a Dally b Dslly except Sunday. C ICA < } ° . MILWAUKEE Street. Telephone ! ? 84. ue- ' l l , Tenth and Mason Sts .telephone , 629 , ' Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a -4SVpm " "am Cnlcaro & Omaha Ex . .bll.OO am b 3:5B : am pm Elouic City & Des Molnes Express bll.OO am b 3E5 : om a Dally U Dally except Sunday. W A BASH RAILROAD- Tlcket Olllce , His Farnam Street. Telephone , 192. De pot , Tenth and Maw > n directs. Telpchone , C29. Leave. Arrive. St. "j ouin "Canon Ball" Exnreeti . . . . . , a 4.50 pm a S.35 am 1 Dally. RAILWAY TlltK C\HU. FREMONT. KLKHORN A Mls jurl Valley Rail , rend "The Norths totem I > lne" General Oinoo * , United States NAllonai Bank BIdg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and FarP | nian Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1101 Farnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , I45S. L eiive. Arrive , Black Hllla , Dcadwood , Hot Spring ) , . . .a 3.00 pm a CiOO pm Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglas .d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm Hustings York , Da\ld City , Superior , Geneva. Exeter and Se\\nrd b 3 00 pm b S.CO pm Xorfolk , Verdlgro nnd Fremont b 7:20 am b0:2G ! : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont . b 7:30 : am tilO:25 : am Fremont Local . . . . . . . . . . o 7:30 : nm n Dally b Dally except Sunday , o Sun day only. d Dally except Saturday. CHICAGO At J ORTH- western Rallwiy "Tho Xorthw estern Line" City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone - phone , Ml. Depot , Tenth _ and Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , ws. Leave. Arrive. Dnvllght Chicago Spe cial aCMOnm Rjl56 ; pm " ' ' ' ' Carroll Local . 'i.'I.'iiiiib B.20 pm blO:10 : am Eastern Express , Dea Molncs , Marnhalltown , Cednr Rapids and Chicago cage n 11:03 : am n 4.03 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East a 4:85 : pm n 4CC : pro Fast Mall , Chicago to Omahii a 2C : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:05 : pm u S:1S : nm Fast Mall 8:30 : an a Dally b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha " Northwestern Rnllway-"The western Line" General Offices , Nebraska Divi sion , 15th nnd Webster Sts , City Ticket Office. . 11401 J Farnnm St. TeU-phone , 661. Depot , IBth and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Onmlm Passenger a i:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlng- lon nud Bloomlluld . . .b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin City L't'd..a B5 : pm No. 1 Omaha Llhilted. . . a 9:00 : am a Dully , b Dally ixcepl Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The Xorth- wrelorn Line" General Otllcc\s , United States National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnnm Streets. Ticket Othce , ivtl Farnam Stieet , Tele phone , obi. Depot , Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnkato & St. Paul , Minneapolis a C.50 am a S:40 : tm St. Paul Minneapolis , Manknto & Sioux Cltj.a E.25 pm all:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7.45 am a 4iO : pm a Daily CHICAGO , ROCK 1SL. and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " Cltv Tick et Ottlce , 1323 I&rnam Street. Telephone. 4J Dejot , Tenth & Masun Streets Telephone. u29 * * * Leave. Arrive Des Molnea Local a 7:05 : am bll:35 : n'm Chicago Express bll.15 am a S:10 : am Chicago Fast Express. . . ! B:00 : pin a 1-25 nm Ht. Paul Fast Exptess . .a 6:00 : pm bll:3j : a " Lincoln. Colorado Spgs , Denver , Pueblo and I West a 1:30 : ' pm a 4:25 nm Des Molnes , Rock IH- | and nnd Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:35 : nm Colorado < & Tixas Flyer.a 6:40 : pm a 9uo : am a Dally b Dully except Sunday. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Rnllroad- "Tho Burlington Route" General Ofllces , N. W. Coiner Tenth and Far- nam Streets. Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Tele phone 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook . , . . . . . .a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Colorado rado , U'an Callfornm.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : ptn Lincoln , Black Hills. Montana & Puget Sound a 4:2u : pm a 3.00 pm Lincoln Local a 7.00 pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO.83 am Denver. Colorado , Utah & California a 6.30 am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , St Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam Street , Tele phone , 250. Deirot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310.Leave. Leave. Arrive , Kansas City Diy Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a 5:45 pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : j-m a 6.30 am St Louln Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Ac Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce , 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets , Tele- phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- clal a 0:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 6 05 pm a 8:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am Pacific Junction Local..alO:45 : am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dully , JlOMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- road Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Quinfcy Houlfi Qulncy Route" Ticket of- flce , 1415 Farnam Ptreet. Telephone , 322 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Tele phone , 623.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm a M:35 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Local . . . .a 6:50 : am a 9.33 pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket Offices Southeast Cor ner Hth and Doug-las Sts , Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th and Webster Seta. Telephone 1458 , Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-anKsas & Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2B5 ! : prn K. C.-St. L. Express. . a 8:50 : pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Wcoplngv Water . . . . . .b 6:00 : pm a 6:00 : am a Dally b Dally except Sunday , LEGAL RAILTIOAD WORK. The Dakota Pndfic Railway company will receive bids at once for the grading and bridging for thirty miles of main line and spurs between Scotts Mills and Mystic. South Dakota , In whole or part , according- to the ability of the contractor. The material to be handled conslsta of about equal nuantltlcn of earth and solid rock nnd fairly hftavy. The work must com mence Immediately. Profiles and specifica tions can be seen at Rapid City or at chief engineers' camp on the Una 83d 7tM fiOVIJHNMlJNT JVOT-ICR. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE , Omaha , Nt-b , Sent 6 , 18W. Sealed nro- posan ! , tn triplicate , will be received here and at offices of quartermasters at stations named until 1 o'clock p in , central tlmo , September 15. 1SS9 , for furnishing wood at Fort Crook. Xeb , Jefferson Barracks Mo , and Forts Leavenworth and Rlley , Kansas Proposals for delivery at other points will bo entertained. U S. reserves right to if- Ject or accept any or all proposals or any pait thereof Information furnished on ap plication here , or to quartermaster at Bta- tloni rinrned Envelopes containing- pro posals to be marked ' 'Proposals ' for wood , " and addressed to the undersigned or Quar termasters nt stations above named. F , II. HATHAWAY. Chief MCHTM.'Sr AMI A JOKE. A Htnrx Spoiled liy nil The signalman sat at the window of bis observatory , his feet on the ledge , relates the Now York Commercial. While smoking contentedly he looked out over the dark ening sea. There v > a not a VCEUC ! In eight bound either In or out U had been a busy day for him , as a score of vessels had re ceived special orders from owners through him and several of these uero still an chored inside the Sandy Hook horxruhoe , further Instructions , A storm was brewing In the west . \ bank of henry clouds was creeping rapldlv toward the rculth , blotting out the stars Zlgzng ( lathes ot lightning tore through the tlRcX- ucfK. Long rolls of thunder echoed nnJ r * echoed over the waters. Still the miokcr pit ( Toil ftway In silence. The telegraph In strumcnts began to click. The ultnnlman listened I without moving , Then ho wbnlpd hu chair about nnd , reaching out to Uu < Morse key , he ticked back a reply with n muttpred "Wh&t the deuce li up uowT" The telegraph sounder ticked to the lr nalnian , the slgunttuan ticked back , HP emllcj , then chuckled , then laughed The storm was fairly ou lu. One hundred and fifty feet in the air , in a wooden toner hrlil to earth by steel cable * made fast to the four corners of the roof , during a thunder storm , Is uot the pleaeAntest place In ttio world. The wind tore around the building , causing it to sway n It It were afloat , Thn rain dashed against the westerly aide with the Bound ot hall. The lightning nns In tense In Its brilliancy , while the criuh ot thuudcr souuded like the discharge of a park of artillery. Still the telegraph sounder ticket ) , and thn signalman ticked back. Suddenly ther * W.IH a sharp flash of lightning. lilua sparks danced around the Xlorno key. The Ul > t smoked a little. The slgnulmau Jumped to his feet , upsuttlng hlo chair , "D.irn the luck , " he grumbled , "the wire' * been struck by lightning. He wax junt getting to the point of his Joke , too. " Scabrlght nnd Sandy Hook , both on the same loop , finished their Joke by mail. A > 1.MIIU1T1O. > OK MJIM 1C. V Miuililr of the UhlonKU IJrnml ivtth the Diirk OCT. "Tho most overwhelming display of norvp that I over met up with , fnco to face , " eald n coneus oOlclal to a Washington Star man , "was furulDlied by n Chicago jouugoiuuu a \ory pretty , clever nnd gouorally pre- posseaaltig girl who walked lute the orlu- Itiul olllce , early in 1SS9 , when census m- plojeB wpro Juat begluulng to be selected , and addressed mo thus ; " 'It Is uecrs&ary to take nn examination to get a position on the census force , Isn't It ? ' " 'It Is , ' said I. "Well , ' she said , 'while I don't feel any doubt about my ability to pass the exam ination , I wish jou would Just let 1110 have an exact list of the questions that are put to applicants by the examiners. 1 want to run over them and get the answers down pat.1 "I wiped my glasses and looked the joung woman over carefully , " 'Er isn't that rather an unusual sort of a request ? ' I asked her. " 'Yes,1 she replied , 'I thlnU It la. But when I go up for the examination I want to pass with a lush. I dare say that I could get through It without any trouble even If I had no prev iou.s opportunity to study up the answers to the questions , but I want to walk through with positively electrifying speed. For Instance , I under stand the cxamiuere nsk applicants how far the moon is from the Capo of Good Hope. Wull , I'd like to have thu list of questions , I' so that I could gut somebody to calculate the distance for mo nud enablu me to Just Jot it down without a particle of trouble. I wouldn't care to be embairassed by hav ing them ask tnu how far the moon wiu fiom Cape Horn , instead. That's why I want the exact questions , Again , supposing they were to give mo a problem something llku this In fractious : "A polu stands llftocn feet above thu water , twelve feet In the water , and the remaining portion of the polu , which Is one-third of thu whole length , Is in the mud beneath the water. What IB the total length ot the polo ? " Well , I'd Hko to have that nil worked out , BO that I wouldn't be subjected to the bother of hav ing the examiners change thu figures on me. ' " 'You are a trlllo Inclined to treat jour- self kindly , are jou not ? ' J asked her , trying as hard as I could not to be sarcastic. ' 'Well , les , rather , ' she replied. 'I nm going to got Into the census bureau , some how or another , but I really prefer the simplest route. I'd like to bo prepared In advance. It's all very well to go up before the examlncis and bother and fatigue OIIQ'H self with problems that ono hasn't got all pat in advance , but I'd really prefer not to do that unless I have to. Ot course , if I have to , I'll do It. But can't you let me have the questions in advance typewritten , preferably so I could Just go ahead and spend a qulot morning digging out the answers ? ' "That was Chicagocsque , wasn't It ? I felt llko asking the young woman how things were out in Chicago , but I dlitn't. I said : " 'Do you think H would bo fair to the other applicants for positions If oven sup posing I had the questions I were to fur nish them In advance to you and not to them ? Why , If I may Inquire , do you prefer btich an extraordinary , such an unheard-of icqiiest/ / ' " 'Well , ' elie replied , looking me square In the eye , 'I need the money the salary and I want to moke dead sure ot getting it. ' "There waa something captivating about her nerve , and , although she didn't , of course , get any list of examiners' questions In advance , she passed the examination hands down , worked her way up to ono of the good billets In the office and Is going to bo back with us again when the new force Is organized , " it smiMi HU iim.r. "I laUe great plcasuri In recommending Chainborlaln'H Colic. Cholera nnd Diarrhoea remedy to the people of this vicinity , " says Mr. J. II. Donk , Williams , Oregon. "When my baby was terribly sick with the diar rhoea wo were unnblo to cure him with the doctor's assistance. Aa a last resort wa tried Chamberlain's C'ollc. Cholera nnd Diarrhoea remedy , nnd I am happy to nay received immediate relief and a complete cure. " _ TIU : IMOXCM , . llrlpf Init Arm - KxiMTleiii'c of You ii ir T.nwyt-r In JoiirnnllHin , "That's right , " eald a local lawyer of prominence In response lo a remark from a Detroit Frco Pre i reporter who had called on him , "I was a newspaper mnn once , It was a great experience and the knowledge of the world gained then hnn been of great value elnce , " ' 'How did you happen to got out of ? ' "It took mo about three seconds , Through friendly Influence I secured the city editor- bblp of a Cincinnati paper , I was now to the town and the boys on the staff didn't accord mo the awceomo respect that I thought was duo me. One day I decided to give them a Hbaklng up and let them know who woo who , I ridiculed the work of onr , hauled another over the coals tor not doing better In finding people lie was sent to BCP , roasted a third for carelesa and sloppy writing , told a fourth that his grammar wan vllo , and to on right through the lint "But tlio big , dignified and sarcasticpo lit leal interviewer waa my pet nverelon. Ho throw Ills copy on the desk without a word and I went through the stuff , U was type written and I worked rapidly. At lost I came to an Interview with Cbauncoy Dopen I saw nn opening to score my man nnd on the back of the pages I wrote oucla com ments OH 'twaddle , ' 'Idlotlo drivel , ' 'ditch water , ' 'lot , ' and 'you eliould keep In mind that you are not ( bo editor. If your opin ions were wanted you would bo paid for writing them , Tula Is trasb. Rewrite It at once. ' "I was etUl chuckling when In rublied the clilef political editor und part owner. Be fore I could think lie bad kicked me down one flight of stairs and wo bad both fallen down another. I kept on going and later learned that ho , an old poruonal friend of Depew , bad written the article and handed It to the political Interviewer I've never been In it newspaper ofllco ulnco Order a cato ot Cook'a Imperial C'hitn- pagne Extra Dry. T.-ll jour frlondi It li the beet. Then suy"I ' told you eul"