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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Market it Heavy and Listless Under Bnrden of Large Receipts. WHEAT CLOSES AT THE BOTTOM W AK Corn TnnicljKollnwn I.cml of Wheat Market Little IluxliiCHN In OnlH nud 1'rovlMoiiN ( So Down Several \otcho . CHICAGO. Aug. 31. Listless nnd heavy xjndcr a burden of largo and Increasing re ceipts the wheat market moved sluggishly within Ho range today and closed at the bottom , * ic under yesterday's last price. Corn , oats and provisions followed the greater market , corn losing Uc , oats tic and provisions 2),4fi'il,4c. December wheat Btarted Uc below yester day's prlctat 72'ic. The predicted freer movement of wheat toward primary western markets , more especially in the notrhwest , vas being rc.ull7.od to gome extent. While today's receipts were still much smaller than those of last year they showed u steady Increase. Chicago got 157 cars , com pared with 193 the year before , and Minne apolis and Dtiluth reported 650 cars. A bear ish telegram came from Winnipeg , declar ing that Manitoba and other British north western provinces would show a crop or KI.OuO.OOO hit. of line wheat. There was no export business hero and longs showed a tendency to let go of their holdings In the obsencn of encouraging news. The specu lative business wet small and traders gen erally Inclined to await the result of to- ir.orrow's deliveries on September contracts. December sold from 7614o down to 71'Mc ' with Infrequent rallies and closed at the. bottom. Corn tamely followed the lead of the wheat market , despite encouraging news regarding the shipping demands , I < ocal re ceipts were G21 cars and the aggregatfe of primary western market receipts wan 626.000 ( MI. December opened unchanged at 2c , nold down to the half and finished nt 2Sc. Beptcmhpr opened \'tc lower nt SO-'Jic and Closed at 30c. There was little business in the. oats mar- Icet exclusive of exchanging. Trade was light In volume and although September at times showed some strength It was largely Ibccauso of the nearness of that month. 1 ho December option was easy In sympathy -with Its Bister market. December opened unchanged at Wic , sold between 19c and 39c and closed at the opening llgure. September finished with HO loss. The provision market followed In ten dency the market for live iiogs. Hog prices at the yards were lOc to 20c lower and hog receipts for the day were 23,000. This , With the weakness in grain , put provisions down coveral notches. Pork-closed 2Vffoc lower tar October and 7&o for January. Lard lost 2Hc for October and January and ribs , though more steady than the other , lost IVJc per 100 poundn. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wh at. 360 cars ; corn , 610 cars ; oats , 4oO cars ; hogs , 16,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows ; Articles upon. High. Low. Oionc Yes'd'y Wheat. Sept. . . j 1)00. . . . 71 < M 7 May . . 76M0H 74 741i Corn. Sept. . . SOU 31 Deo. . . . M8M 2SKCW May . . 29k Oats. Kept. . . 10M-20 20KJ 19K-20 Dec. . . . 19M 19XUH May. . . 21H Port. Sept . . R16 8174 810 812K 820 Oat. . . . 8 US 822K 8 US 830 Jan. . . . B07M OB7J4 9 BO OGO tnrd. Sept. . . 617H 620 SIB I ! 20 620 Oat. . . 62G 627W 025 625 B27K Jan. . . . 60 04'JI-s 640 64'JH B46 Blbn. Sopt. . . 615 nil 617 Oct . . . 62l ! D25 OL'O 6 22W 62S Jan. . . . 4U7K /SOO 407M 4U7W BOO Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Firm ; winter patentsJ3.50K3.60 ; . spring specials , J4.20 ; BtraJcht , J3.20S3.30 ; "prlng patents" J3.403.70 ; stralghU , J2.80 ® 8.20 ; bakers , J1.90Q2.60. , . , T WHEAT No. 3 spring , 67@70'ic ; No. 2 rexl 72c. CORN-No. 2. 81c ; No. 2 yellow. 81OAT&No. . 2 , 21Vic ; No. 2 white , 23Vtc ; No. B white , 2223c. IlYE-No. 2 , 55UQCCC. SEEDS Flax , No. 1 , JUS ; northwest , Sl.13iftl.UO : prime timothy , J2.ltXff2.35. PROVISIONS Mess , pork , per bbl. , J7.40 tf820 : lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.07H05.22H ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , J4.90@5.25 ; dry salted rhouldors ( boxed ) , J5.C036.62V4 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) . J5.605.60. TVHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , per sal. . J1.22. Following are th receipts and shipments : Recolpts.Shlpments. Flour , fibls 19.000 12,000 Wheat , bu 99,000 11.000 Corn , bu 373,000 179.000 Oats , bu 486,000 297,000 rnye , bu 11.000 3,000 Uarley , bu 24,000 182.000 On the Produce Exchange today , the butter market , steady. Creameries. 1620c ; dairies , 12Vi17c. Cheese , firm , 9 ® 10Uc. 33ggH , nnn ; fresh , 13Vi13c. Dressed poultry , steady ; turkeys , 9c ; chickens , 9 ® aO',4u ; ducks , 7V4@Sc. NEW GKXKHAI , MA11KET. ( InotiitloiiN of the Inx oil ViirloiiH Comminution. NEW YORK , Aug. 31. FLOUR Re ceipts , 19,534 bbls. ; exports , 21,603 bbls. ( Weaker on spring brands and barely steady on the winter grades , Minnesota patents , 13.8004.00 : Minnesota bakers' , $2.9303.10 ; Winter straights. J3.35ff3.45. RYE FLOUR-QuIet. RYE Firmer ; No. 2 western , 61062c jf. o. b. afloat spot. CORNMEAL-Dull. , , BARLEY Quiet ; feeding , 39'ff41c c. i. If. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts , 223,160 bu. ; exports , 02,425 bu. Spot weak ; No. 2 , red , 74ic f. o. ti. allont spot ; No. 1 northern Duluth , SOc f o. b. afloat to arrive : No. 1 hard Du luth. 82c , to arrive ; No. 2 red , 73c , elevator. Options opened weak nt ? jc decline , under heavy northwest receipts nnd disappointing cables. Furtlur decline * during the clay wore Influenced by liquidation , favorable eprlng wheat news , light clearances , south western selling nnd moro favorable Russian crop reports. Closed weak at © jo net decline. May , S&S&OMc ; closed , KOc ; Septem ber. 73H73 15-16c : closed , 73Hc ; December , 76 11-16077 3-lCc ; closed , 76Jc. CORN Receipts , 234,976 bu. ; export ? , 181,114 bu. Spot weak ; No. 2 , SSftc f. o. b. nfloat ; 73jQ elevator. OptlonB opened Htuady on frost new . but Inter followed the decline 4n wheat and disappointing ex port trade. Closed easy at unchanged prices. May closed. 35Uc ; September closed , 37c ; December , 35035 c ; closed , 35 c. OATS Receipts , 277,600 bu. ; exports , 207,257 bu. Spot quiet and steady ; track whits , 26HQ33c. Options quirt. HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice , 189i ( crop , 67c ; 1897 crop , nominal ; 1R9S crop , lOOlfic ; 1'nclllo coast , 1896 crop. 4SCc ; 1893 crop , 16iT16 > Jc. HAY Firm ; shipping , 60065o ; good to choice , 7508T/4C. HIDES-Steady ; Galveston , 20 to K Ibs. , 3S c. LEATHER Quiet nnd steady ; hemlock pole , Buenos Ayres , light to heavyweights , 2HMT23Hc : arid. 22023Hc. PROVIBIONB-Ueef , quiet ; family. M.GOi ? 91.00 ; mess. J9.00 : beef hams. $27.00028.50 ; packet. $9.25 10.00 ; city , extra India mess , J14.001tl5.60. Cut meats , quiet ; pickled bel lies. $6.0007.25 ; pickled shoulders , 6.000d.l21i ; plokled Imtns , $10.00010,50 , Lard , nominal ; western steamed closed nt 15.65 ; city , steady nt W.16 ; reilned , steady ; continent , $5.80 ; South American , $6.55 : compound , $5,00. 1'ork , dull ; mess , $8.7509.50 : short clear , J10.2-W11.75 : family. $10.00011 , < X ) , BUTTEU-Recelpts , 6,029 pkcs. : quiet nud steady ; western creamery , 17ij21o ; fac- 'tor.v. 12Ufil5c. CHEKPR-Reoelpts , 6,410 pkgs. : firmer ; large , white. ] ? ; @ ! ; small , white , lie ; Jarse. colored , lie ; small , colored. IHlo , EGGS-Uecelpts. 7,190 pkgs , : llrm ; west ern. ungraded , at mark. 12WW4C , CHKKSE-Reoelpts , 7.814 pkgs. ; strong ; largo , white , lOWTlOw ; small , white. 10 ic ; large , colored , 104c : nmnll. colored , lie. UGOS-Hecelpts , 7.316 pkgs. ; llrm ; west ern , ungraded , nt 12ifl5V4c. POTATOES Quiet ; fair to prime , $1.00f ? 1.23 ; fancy white , J1.6001.C5 ; southern BWOMB. $1.0001.25. TALLOW-Steady ; city. 4g4 c ; spot , 4JJo.RICE RICE Dull : domestic , fair to extra , 4 jf ? 7V o ; Japanese , 494ft5Kc. MOLASSES Dull : New Orleans open Ice I lie. good to choice , 3203CC. FREIGHTS-Dull ; cotton , by steam , SOc ; grain , by steam , 203d. IMitliiilflphlii I'rodncM' Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. . HUTTBR- r > ull anil weak ; fancy western creamery , 20Ho ; fancy western nrlnts. 2lc , EQQ8 Firm ; fresh" nearby nnd west ern , ISVic ; fresh nearby and southwestern , 15o : fresh 'near by and southern , 12jl3e , CHEESB Firm ; Now York full cream , fancy small , llo ; New York fair to choice , 0.11 AHA ( ! i\illAI , M-UUCKT. Co ml I Him of Trnilc ntul a otn < lon on Sttile ( | mill Knncj- Produce , EGGS Good stock nt 13c. BUTTEU--Common to fair , 3Jt4c ; choice , 14015c ; separator , 200 ! gathered creamery , . POULTRY-Hens , live. 7flSc : spring chickens , lOo ; old and stggy roosters , live , 3H94c ; ducks nnd geese , live. 506c ; turkeys , live. Sc. PIOEOXS-Llve , per tloz. , 75c. VEALS-Choice. 9c. VEGETABLES. WATERMELONS-Good stock , crated for shipments. I5fn7c. CANTAIXDtTpE-Per doz. , crated , 35060c. TOMATOES-1'er bnsktt crate , 2o@30c. POTATOES New , 25030C ncr bu. CUOUMBERS-Per doz. , 10015C. CELEHY Per dnz , . 30035C. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. . J2.0002.25. FRUITS. HLUEBERRIES-1'er 16-qt. case , $ l.60gi 1.75. PLUMS-Cnlforna ! , per crate , ! 1.351.GO. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Freestone , $1.00. APPLES-Pcr bbl. , J2.00. GRAPES Natives , 250300 per basket ; California , $1.4001.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California fancy , $4.2304.60 ; choice California , J3.7504.UO ; Messina , fancy , fn.OOi/6.25. BANANAS Choice , crated , largo stock , per bunch , $2.6002,75 : medium-sized bunches , J2.C002.23. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7Hc ; No. 3 green hides , 6',4c ; No. 1 salted hides. 9c ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOu ; No. 2 veal call , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. Sc.TALLOW. . GREASE. ETC. Tallow. No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Vic ; rough tallow , lV4c ; white grease , 2403c ! ; yellow and brown grease , 1140 2i. ! HI. l.oiilN C nil ii mill 1'rovUlonn. ST. LOUIS , Aug. Sl.-WHEAT-No. 2 red cnsh , elevator , 69Uc ; track. 70071c ; No. 3. 6S0CS'4c ; December , 71 i0 > 71c ; May , 75V4c ; No. 2 hard , 67HBC9c ; receipts , 81,073. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , SOc ; track , 31'ic ; September , 2)ic ; December , 27Ho ; May , 2ic. OATP Lower ; No. 2 cnsh. 21c ; track , 21iO22c ; September , 2H&CJ May , 22c ; No. 2 white , 26027c. RYE Lower nt 63c. FLOUR Unchanged ; patents , $3.4003.65 ; straights. $3.1003.20 ; clear. $2.75fr3.00. SEEDS Timothy , steady , $2.43 for prime , $2.33 for ordinary. Flaxseed , nominal. CORNMEAL-Steady. BRAN Higher and strong ; sacked lots , east track , 60c. 11 AGG1 No-Steady , 606ic. . HAY Steady ; timothy , $7.0009.00 ; prairie , $5.0007.00. WHISKY-Lowor , $1.22. IRON COTTONTIES Steady , $1.16. TWINE Hemp , steady. 9c. BAGGlNG-Steady , 60ti-ic. PROVlSlONS-I'ork : Firm at $9. Lard : Lower ; prime steam , Jo.07',4 ; choice , $3.12Vi. Dry salt meats , steady ; boxed shoulders , $5.23 ; extra shorts , $3.37& ; clear ribs. $5.60 ; clear sides , J3.C2V4. Bacon , steady ; boxed shoulders , $3.60 : extra short clear , J5.S7V4 ; clear ribs , $6 ; clear sides , $6.25. METALS Lead : Stronger at $1.5214. Spel ter : Steady at $3.4005.50. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , old , 7c ; young. 80SHc ; turkeys , 9010c ; ducks , GV406c. BUTTER-Steady ; creamery , 17&21c ; dairy , 130 > 17c. KG OS- Weak nt 12c. RECBIPTS-Flour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 81- 000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 37,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. 16,000 bu. ; corn , 113,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. iNnn City Grain unit 1'rovlnloiin. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 31. WHEAT Sep tember. 63c ; December , 63sic ; cnsh No. 2 hard , 64&Coc ; No. 3 , 62064c ; No. 2 red , 69V4c ; No. 3 , 64068o ; receipts , 163 cars. CORN September , 2 % c : December , 24 ic ; cash No. 2 mixed , 29V4c ; No. 2 white , 29&c ; Iv o. 3 , 29Ho. OATS No. 2 white , 21023c. RYE No. 2. 63054C. Y-0110106 "mothy , $7.25@7.60 ; prairie , Ot lu > . 1719c ; dairy. 15c. 1 fresh Missouri and Kansas dozcnses returned. bucorn ; - Liverpool Grain nnil ProrUlonii. LIVERPOOL , Aug. 31. PROVISIONS HMmiSl sihon cut- 47sBacon. . long clear middles , light , steady at 32s ; long clear mld- Ie5xhe .vy' s'cidy at 31s ; clear backs , firm r.wSTw ! ? UIers'sfluare' , s'eady at 28s. CHEESE American finest white , strong at 52s ; American finest colored , strong at ° 53s. 74BUTTER-Unlted States finest. 96s ; good , WHEAT Spot , No. 2 red western , winter , steady at 6s 10d ; No. 1 northern , spring , steady at 6s Id. Futures , quiet ; September. 6s 9Jd ; December , 5s lld. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , steady at 3s4 d ; American mixed , old , steady at 3s 4&1. Futures , steady ; Sep tember. 3s 4id. MlnncMipolln Wheat mul Plonr. - , , ? , > JAPOLIS' Wlnn- Aus31.Close : ) iIIbAT In store , No. 1 northern , August , 6Sc ; September , 66&c ! ; December , 68c ; May , il'ic ; new August , 67c. On track , No. n.rd > old ? % new > CSyfl0 : Noold' 68gc ; now , 67jc ; No. 2 northern , old , 67-ic ! : new , Gjiic. FLOUR First patents , J3.6503.75 : sec- OIidiAaxn $ ? ' W453first ; clear , $2.5002.00. BRAN Unchanged. Toledo 3Inrkct. TOLEDO. O. . Aug. 31.-WHEAT-Lower 2 Cash' " n.VA1 and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33c. a" Bteady : Xo2 mixed. - ' No2 cnshB6Wc bid. Milwaukee Grain .Market. MILWAUKEE , Aug. 31.-WHEAT-Low- h0rni 7 ® 72 ° : N ° ' 2 n0rth' . RYE Steady ; No. 1. 56 c BY-Hrni No- "ninth AVheat Market. ' . 31.-WHEAT-NO. 1 hard , MOVISMI3XT OF STOCKS A > D IIO.VDS. .Many Item * I , , tlit ; llny NCWH Which Favored Advance In Price * . NEW YORK , Aug. 31.-There were many Items in the day's news which favored an advance In the prices of securities. They were effective early In the. day , but proved powerless to sustain prices , The higher level nnd gains , except In a few cases , were pretty generally wiped out before the close. 1 he Improvement In the tone of speculative markets abroad gave an upward Impulse to prices nt the opening. London bought qulto freely of favorites among the Internationals. rile buying from this source Is attributed to the operations of a prominent New York operator making a holiday sojourn In New xork. After the orders for London account had been executed In this market the rail road stocks fell BOmowJiat Into the back ground and the Industrials were brought The leaders of the group , especially the Tobaccos , were under rather severe pres sure and showed ch.irp declines. Later 'there was some Improvement on the strength of the strong showing made by several railroads in July earnings. Hurling. ton WIIB the leader , with an Increase In sur plus after charges of over $50,000. The Cen tral of Georgia railway formed a marked exception , with a decline In net earnings of nearly J2o,000 compared with July of last year. I nckawanna was marked up on the settlement of the dispute with the engi neers and there was some sympathetic strength In the other coalem Meantime the ehort intercut In Consolidated Gas showed Blgns of distress nnd marked up the stock 8V4 ex-dlvldond , The bears were Inclined to cover sympathetically inthe other Indus trials. but realizing In Continental Tobacco preferred on the declaration of the llrat dividend canted them to decline again , There WUH continued strength in the Re- publlo Steel stocks , but the promising movement In Federal Steel late yesterday was promptly met by realizing today , and the stocks of that company were heavy all day. Steel & W-Ire failed to show an re sponse to the admission of the Blocks to the listed department of the exchange. The Chicago & Eastern Illinois stocks showed Individual strength and the common gained 6Vs and the preferred 4Vi. Colorado Midland preferred and Rio Grande AVeatern common and preferred were strong. The persistent heaviness of the market and the marking up of call loans prompted a general calling movement in < the last hour which carried off prices to the low point. There was a slight hardening In railroads. but the Industrials were attacked again In the tlnnl dealings. There wan no apparent resumption of operations by the organized pools recently active. The scarcity of money was attributed to preparations for the regular monthly settlements. Hut the New York banks continue to lose cash to the BUbtrcasury on account of customs and liiternul revenue payments , and there la a balance of shipments to the Interior over receipt * . New York exchange at the prin cipal Interior points continues at a dis count. Exchange both on London and Paris re ceded a fraction. The bond market was rather quiet nnd changes were small nnd Irregular , Total Bales , par value , $3,305,000. United States government bonds were un changed on bid quotations. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram ; The markets here were better In tone today on Mr. Chamberlain's Transvaal proposals. Business , however , was slack , Americans were' good all day. There was considerable German and pro vincial demand for Erie Issues , but Now York was Inclined to supply some , causing a. final slight casing. Southern preferred was alfo 'wanted , See shares were Intro duced to the market today at 2SU for the common and 71 for the preferred. Paris hoisted Spanish 4s to GO. Tlntos were 45H. Anacondas 11 % . The bank bought 39CwO gold In bars. There was continental In quiry for gold , but no purchases. Money was strong on settlement demand. India bought silver nnd > the market followed suit , the closing being 273-16. It looks us If It were going higher. The following nro the closing quotations for the leading stocks on tliu Now York exchange today : York Money MnrUct. NEW YORK. Aug. 31. MONEY On call , steady at 30314 per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER l Qo per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy , with ac tual business In 'bankers' ' bills at $4.86(54.86' ( , ! for demand and at Jl.SS .SSU for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.S44.S7i ; commercial bills. $4.82. SILVER Certificates , 6Sig ( Oc ; bar , GS ll-16c. MEXICAN r > OLLARS-471/4c. BONDS Government bonds , steady : state bonds , strong ; railroad bonds. Irregular. The following nro the closing quotations on bonds : London Stock Qnotatlonn. LONDON , Aug. 31. i p. m. Closing : BAR SILVER-S d per ounce. MONEY 2 A@2i per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short blla ! , 3H per cent ; for three months' bills , 3Vs per cent. Xew York Mlnliip : ( Inotntlonn. NEW YORK , AUK. 31. The following are the closing- quotations for mining shares : Chollur 34 Ontario 760 Crown Point M Ophlr 110 Con. Ci-.l. & Va.,150 Plymouth 8 Deadwooil ' 65 Quicksilver SCO Oould & Currle . . . . 35 do pfd 750 Hale & Xorcroas. . . 28 Sierra Nevada 71 JIomoMalte . . . . . . . .CMX ) Standard , . . . .270 Iron Sliver 50 Union Con 20 Mexican EO Yellow Jacket 27 Flnancliil. FRANKFORT. Aug. 31.-The general political situation being more satisfactory there was an all-round recovery on the bourse today. Spanish were the feature of the transactions. American securities were In good demand. PARIS. Aug. 31.-Prlces on the bourse today were llrm and animated on encourag ing London advices. Bpanlsh 4s were strong on rumors that future gold coupons would pay 3H per cent. Rio tlntos ad vanced on bear covering. Kafllrs were harder. Tihrce per cent rentes , lOOf 75e for the account. Spanish closed at GO.OO , DERLIN. Aug. 31. Private discount on the bourse was Ifc easier and firm. In consequence quence of the ca.mer tone of western bourses and especially owing to the bet ter aspect of the Transvaal situation. Span ish 4s were animated on the rumor that It has been decided to reduce the Interest on the external debt only a half per cent , which would bo applied to a sinking fund. American securities and Canadian Pacific were strong. HUEN'OS AYRES. Aug. 31. The. gold quo- tatlon ioday was 135. llaiilc , ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31. Clearings , J4.2fiO,5T7 ; balances , JJ22.610. .Money , quiet at 41(7 ( per cent , mostly at 5fJ . New York exchange , 7c discount bid , 60c discount asked. N13\V YORK. Aug. 31 , Clearings , J1C9.0C5- 070 ; balances , $9,323,571. I1OSTON. Aug. 31-Clearlnss. J34,053,832j balances. Jl , 636,073. HAI/n.MORE. Aug. 31.-Clearings , $2,697- .53 ; balances , J377.0J2. PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 31-Clcarlngs , J15.370.C5S ; balances , J2.461.670. CHICAGO. Aug. 31. Clearings. J17.5C2.49C : balances , J2.218.CS3 , Sterling exchange , { I. SI < § 4. 7i. New York exchange , 65c discount , Statement of llanlc of Km lire. PARIS. Aug. 31. The weekly statement of the Hank of Franco shows the following changes : Notes In circulation. Increased 163,075.000 francs ; treasury accounts current Increased 7.725.000 francs ; cold In hand , de creased 3.SOO.OOD francs ; hills discounted , In creased 2,615.000 francs : silver In hand , de creased 3,175,000 francs. Aiiierleuii .SeeurltleN In London. LONDON , Aug. 31. The market for American securities opened llrm nnd moved stendly upward unt'-l the close , which was steady. The demand was fair. Spanish 4s closed nt fOli , Amount of bullion taken Into the 13ank of England on balance today , 39,000. Hunk of ISiiKlniid .Statement. LONDON. Aug. 31.-The weekly state ment of the Hank of England shows the following chaneeu : Total reserve. Increased , CM2.000. circulation. Increased 15 ? 00i bul lion. In. reased 691,142 ; other securities , de- rrpnsofl jC'So.OOO ; other deposit" . Inrrcawl JCIM.OOO ; public deposits , decreased 321,000 ; notes , reserve Increased 596.000 ; government - ment securities unchanged. Proportion of thp Bank of England's reserve to liability Is f > 0.2S per cent ; last week It xvns 45.M per cent. The mte of discount xinchangcd at 3V4 per cent , Dividend on Tobacco. NBW YORIC , Aug. 81. The directors of the Continental Tobacco company have de clared a quarterly dividend of l i per cent on the preferred Block. Condition of the Trrnnnry. WASHINGTON , Aug. 31. Today's state ment of the condition of the. treasury shows ! Available cash balance , $281,924,500 ; gold reserve , J247.S0,601. Cotton Market. NEAV ORLEANS , Aug. 31.-COTTON-Fti- May , J5.84IJG.SG. Qulot ; sales , WO bales ; or dinary , 4o ; good ordinary , 4'io ; low mid dling , fi3-lfic ; middling , 616-16r ; good mid dling , 0,1-lGc : middling fair , 6c ; receipts , 3,497 bales : stock , 131,591 bales. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31.-COTTON-One.slx- toenth cent lower ; middling , 5 16-lSo ; sales , none : receipts , 11,523 bales ; shipments , i- 444 'bates ; stock , 64,808 bales. LIVERPOOL , Aug. 31.-COTTON-Spot , fair demand and prices 1-lGd lower ; Ameri can middling fair. 413-32d ; good middling , 423-32 < l : low middling , 49-32d ; good ordi nary , 33-32d ; ordinary , 2 29-32d. Sales of the. day were 8,000 bales , of which COO bales were for speculation nnd export and In cluded 6.GOO bales American. Receipts , 1.000 bales , all American. Futures opened easy nnd closed barely steady at the decline. American middling. 1. m. c. , September , 324-G4d. buyers ; September nnd October , 3 22-64d , sellers ; October and November , 3 20-G4JT3 21-G4d. sellers ; November nnd Dc- ccmb * . 319-G4J3 20-64d. sellers ; December and January. 3 19-G4d , buyers ; January and February , 3 19-64 3 20Hd < , sellers : February and March , 3 20-64d , sellers ; March and April , 3 20-G4R3 21-G4d. sellers ; April nnd May. 321-fi4d , sellers ; May and June , 3 21-i4R ( ( > 322-fild. buyers ; Juno and July , 322-6-1 ® 323-frld , sellers. NEW YORK. Aug. St. COTTON Specu lative movement In cotton futures was , tak ing the day ns a whole , less active and the falling off of public Interest was very marked. Liquidation of outside long ac counts was the feature of today's market and the general tenor of prices reflected the general feeling. The rally In prices today brought an avalanche of selling. The mar ket opened nt the lowest point of the day ; steady nt a decline of Gi12 points. This break In prices was ascribed to a break In the Texas drouth , although this was subse quently regarded ns a doubtful factor , nlno places reporting a rainfall of only a trace to 1.44 Inches. As nn actual benefit to the grow ing cotton this could not be said to amount to much , but ns n forecast of possible copious rnlnh It received marked attention and caused a good deal of selling apart from the question of the receipts , which were heavy , forecasts for the week pointing 'to ' a total movement of 75.000 to SO.OOO bales , against 32,000 for the corresponding week last year , while , the movement for today reached the heavy total of 13,302 bales , against 4.738 bales for the corresponding date a year ngo. Oil Marltct. LIVERPOOL , Aug. 31. OIL Cottonseed , Hull refined , September and October , steady , 15s Od. LONDON , Aug. 31. OILS-Calcutta lin seed , spot , 39s7'/id : linseed , 21s 6d ; turpen tine spirits. 33s 10W. NEW YORK. Aug. 31. OILS Cottonseed , steady. Petroleum , strong ; refined New York , JS.10. Rosin , steady. Turpentine , steady. BREMEN , Aug. 31. OILS Petroleum , 7 marks 15 pfgs. TOLEDO. Aug. 31. OILS North Lima , OSc : South Lima and Indiana. 93c. OIL CITY , Aug. 31. OILS-Credlt Ixil- nncea. $1.35 ; certificates closed $1.35 % for cash ; no Bales ; shipments , 74,387 bbls. ; aver age. 83.371 bbls. ; runs , 108,455 bblv ; ; average , 87,393 bbls. Mctnl Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 31.-METALS-Busl- ness In metals was generally rather quiet. The exception wns In tin , which ruled active nnd higher , chiefly on cables and small shipments for the latter half of August ; the market closed firm on the basis of $31.GOi31.T5. Pig Iron warrants ruled quiet , but steady , closilng on the basis of $16.00 for No. 2. There was a moderate market for Lake copper , closing quiet on the basis of $18.50 ; lead was quiet wlih the oillclal quotations $4.57V45f4.62',4 ; spelter also quiet , closing at J5.8W5.40 , as otTUjially'quoted. . Brokers' llgures for lead , Jl.fi5.-and for copper , $18.50. ? i * Coffee Market. NEW YORK , Aug. 31. COFFEE Op tions opened steady at unchanged prices to 5 points lower and ruled quiet and featureless with a. weak undertone , owing to unsatisfactory 'cable advices- , largo re ceipts and consumption small In contrast with the Increasing visible supply. Closed steady , unchanged , to 10 points lower. Sales , 15,000 bags , Including September. $4.40 ; November , $4.45 ; December. $ { .75 ; January , $1.75 : February , $4.90'March. ; $4.50 < ff4.95 ; April , J3.00 ; May , $5.10. Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; mild , quiet. Irr Goodn Market. NEW YORK , Aug. 31.-DRY GOODS Good demand In the market for brown bleached and coarse colored cottons but business still restricted by short supplies. Tone very strong throughout. Print cloths Inactive but firm at 2c for regulars. Wide cloths cleaned up for this year. Sales for next January and February at 3 i for 3SH-lnch G4 square. Prints In Improving do- mand. without change in prices. GInghnms scarce and firm. Men's wear worsteds strong. ' Sncar Market. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 31.-SUC3AR Steady : centrifugal , yellow. 4U@li : sec- otids. 2J44'&c. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal , * NEW YORK , Aug. 31.-SUGAR-Raw , Bt'idy ' ! molasses sugar , 3ic ; refined steady. LONDON , Aug. 31. SUGAR Beet sugar ! ' August , 10s. California Dried KriiltH. DRIED .iivv.v NEW T YORK. OTTlmc. r..l- Aug. 31. T--- CALIFORNIA _ . FRUlTS-Steady. Evaporated ap ples , common. 7' c ; prime wire trav. SU ® : o0hole' P * 90 : fancy. 9U@9Hc. Prunes , | 3VWSc. Apricots , Royal , 14c ; Moor Park 14Q > 16c. Peaches , unpeeled , " " * " ' - Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31. WOOL Firm , with a good demand for fine grades ; others quiet ; prices unchanged. KniiNttH City Mvo Stock. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 31.-CATTLE-Re- celpts , 5,860 head natives and 2,450 head Toxans. The moderate supply met with good general demand at unchanged prices. Heavy native cattle brought $5.7006.25 ; lightweights $5.25 5.80 ; Btockers and feed ers. $3.5005.25 ; butcher cows and heifers , J3.09flS.fX ) ; canners , $2.00f3.00 ; western steers , $3.b'Si.75 ( ' ; Texas , $3.2503.80. HOGS Receipts , 5,480 head ; trade very Ir regular nnd prices averaged 1057'15c ' lower ; heavy. $4.30ff-1.42 > 4 ; mixed , J4.30tf4.DO ; light , Jl.4oiH.C5. SHEEP Receipts , 3,680 head ; good de mand ; the moderate supply was quickly ab- Borbed at steady prices ; lambs , J4.75fi5.00 ; muttons , J3.65Q > 4.10 : stockers and feeders , J3.00OJ.OO ; culls. $2.2503.00. \fvt- York Live Stork. NEW YORK , Aug. 31. BEEVES-Re- celpta , none ; no trade ; felling steady ; cables quote American cattle steady at llti@)2c ) ; refrigerator lieof at 8ic. CALVES-Rtcelpts. 49 heatl ; steady ; veals , J5.OOfiS.00 ; culls , $3.50 ; grassers and butter milks , nominal. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts , 4.3CO head ; very little demand ; prime stock steady ; medium grades lower to sell ; 19 earn unsold ; sheep , $2.500-1,00 ; few export , J1.750C.OO ; lambs , J5.OOOfi.00. HOGS Receipts , 1,620 head ; steady at Jl. (004.80. .Stock In Slub < . Following are the receipts nt the four principal western markets for August 31 : _ , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 3,433 5,015 4 , 55 Chicago 6.500 21009 10,000 Kaunas City S.310 6,450 3,680 St. Louts 3,400 6,300 1,300 Totals 20,615 Fe/TW / 19,933 A Victim KfMciitM It , Chicago Tribune : "Yah ! Ynh ! " yelled the hoys m the gallery.Vot ye dofn' on de stone ? Go back to do lunch counter ! " "Canaille ! Rabble ! Scum of the earth ! Offscourings of the slums ! " hissed the tragedian , facing them with folded arms , "tho hoodlums of the gallery hoot at me. and the crime of a venal press roast mt ! I defy yo bathj I care neither for the higher criticism nor the hired criticism ! " And hs went on with his lines. A lleiiiurUublt ; Performance. A man from Pine Knob , Ark. , stood watching a performance on a slide trom bone. Suddenly seizing a companion's arm , the Pine Knob man excitedly exclaimed : "Jxiok thar. Llge. " " \Vhufs the matter ? " "Look thar. ho done It again , " "Done " what ? "W'y , crowded mo'n half that blamed ho'u Inter his mouth. Did you tea that ? " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oornfeds Bell in About the Same Notches AS on Wednesday , NEARLY AIL THE OFFERINGS TAKEN EARLY Seller * of HORO Arc Hit llnril Market OJICIIH Ten Ccntu Lower Heavy I'nokerii Clone Fifteen Cent * Lower with Slow Sale. SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 31. Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Olllclal Montlny 4,001 2.4C9 3,5M Olllclnl Tuesday 6.110 6.4JU 5,1)30 ) OHlclal Wednesday 4,271 6.C13 8,429 Olllclal Thursday 3,433 6,015 4,9oa Thus far this week .16.S20 19.633 21,943 Same days last week..20,241 21,737 17,631 Same days week before. . 16,000 22,945 9,137 Same three weeks ago..13,707 31,243 23,722 Total August , 1S99 66,442 153,639 S9.949 Total August , 1S9S 77,723 181,242 67,331 Total August , 1S97 72,013 143,859 33,723 Total August. lS9j 50,911 SO.C63 2S.SOS Total August , 1893 7S.3SO 45S2i 12,008 Total August , 1894 50,152 228,000 10,3 Total August , 1893 49,923 138,760 23,660 Total August , 1892 49,291 111,339 14,201 Total AugU&t. 1891 45.320 71,329 21,9bO Total August , 1SW 46,474 250,322 3,322 , Average price pMil for hogs tof ihc lust several days with comparisons : | | | | | > il5.lW4.lSW. | | Aug. 1. . . , . 4 llti 3 79 4 40 4 6V n 01 Aug. 2 4 26 3 74 345 < 4 45 4 I 6 10 Aug. 3 4 33 3 17 3 41. 2 4 bl 4 i b 21 Aug. 4 4 43 3 64 3 671 2 85 4(1 Aug. 6 4 4t > 371 3 53 2 4 ( u ( Aug. 6 3J7 3 43 3 U2 457 474 Aug. 7 4 33 3 45 2 92 4 55 4 77 4 63 Aug. S 4 37 3 81 2 76 4 60 4 83SO 4 61 Aug. 9 4 32 3 67 3 49 SO 4 92 Aug. 10. . . . 4 2S 3 67 3 63 6 M Aug. 11. . . . 4 26 3 7' 3 61 475 Aug. 12. . . . 4 35 3 5 3 66 Aug. 13. . . . * 374 3 64 Aug. 14. . . . 4 43 V 3 63 4 77 Aug. IS 4 44 3 16 4 VO Aug. 16 4 32 a s ? 370 511 Aug. 17 4 Sti 3 74 S 71 6 01 Aug. IS 4 47 ? 66 S CS 477 " Aug. 19 4 60 3 67 3 73 4 6 Aug. 20 * 3 75 S 70 Aug. 21 4 42 * 376 5 01 Aug. 22 4 42 3 69 5 VI Aug. 23 4 41 3 74 3 S3 4 64 Aug. 24 4 42 3 SI 3 79 4 94 Aug. 23 4 40 3 73 3 81 , 5 19 Aug. 26 3 72 391 G lit Aug. 27 3 70 4 02 * Aug. 28 4 40 3 97 6 02 Aug. 29 4 42 3 70 * 6 IS Aug. 30 4 40 3 72 3 91 6 11 Aug. 31 4 27 3 63 3 99 6 U IndlcateH Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. . ai. & St. P. Ry. . . . 3 O. & St. 1) . Uy 1 1 Missouri Pacific Uy. . 14 1 2 Union Paddc System. 19 10 10 2 C. & N. W. Ry 2 F. , E. & M. V. R. R. . 22 23 S. C. & P. Ry 13 6 B. & M. R. R. R 51 J3 8 2 C. , B. & Q. Ry 4 1 C. . R. I & P. Ry. , E. . . 3 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. . W. . . 1 Total receipts 124 74 20 4 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co ISO 546 G. H. Hammond Co 95 76S Z Swift and Company 171 1,033 Cudahy Packing Co 345 775 SOI Armour & Co 210 198 821 Omaha P. C. , from K. C 103 Cudahy , from K. C 274 R. Becker & Degon OS Vansant & GO 142 Lobnmn & Co 4S9 Hill & Huntzlnger 171 Benton & Underwood 267 Huston & Co 6 Hamilton & Rothschild. . 613 L , . F. HUBZ 126 Other buyers 412 3,524 Held over 450 227 Total 3,704 4,490 4875 CATTLE Jfarket as a whole was In good shape this morning and most everything In the yards sold In good season and at prices that were not much changed from yester day. Packers all wanted beef cattle and the cornfeds sold In about the same notches as yesterday , but there were some better cattle here , there being a few good enough to bring J6.00. The most of the offerings were taken early. Holders who had cattle late thought the mnrkot did not close quite so brisk as It opened. There were no grass beef steers to amount to anything on the market , but the few here brought un changed prices. Cow nnd heifers were In fair demand and the market was without material change as compared with yestrday. but prices at the present rime are 15@20c lower than lant wck. Buyers complain that the quality haa been unusually poor this week and that that accounts for the most of the apparent decline. Bulls and stags sold about the same as yesterday. Buyers were Just as crazy after the good feeders this morning aa they were yester day , and the market was strong and active. It seems to make very little difference whether the cattle are yearlings , twos or threes , If they are good they are In demand and sell quickly. It would be safe to say that the market Is 10 15c higher than last week on the good kinds. On the other hand the common kinds are meaner than any thing and there only seems to be one or two buyers In the yards for that kind. The first question with almost all the buyers Is , "Are they good ? " and If the sellers say "no" they will not go with him even to look at them. They all want the good ones and the spread between the common nnd the best Is getting wider all the tlmo. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 6SO $4 00 1..1150 Jo 00 16..1159 J5 40 1. . 850 4 00 1..1100 6 25 49..10S9 o f,0 16..1159 4 60 22..1075 5 25 23..1183 6 70 1. . 930 4 60 44..1045 6 25 46..1211 C 85 3. . 973 4 55 22..1169 G 30 35..1353 6 90 2. . 830 4 75 39..1160 6 30 14..1332 G 95 6. . 931 4 75 15..1295 C 40 40..1343 COO 40..1204 4 85 40..1239 545 COWS. 1. . 9SO 2 25 2. . 970 2 S5 2..1160 3 15 2. . 793 2 25 1..1100 3 00 1..1470 3 15 3. . 946 2 60 4..1432 00 L. 910 3 00 6..110U 2 60 2. . WO 3 10 7..1140 3G5 1. . 920 275 HEIFERS. 1. . 630 3 00 1. . 770 3 60 4. . 687 3 C5 40. . 804 3 40 BULLS. 1..1340 325 2..13W 330 1. . 770 340 1..1400 325 6..1246 330 2..1170 345 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1. . 910 300 1. . 625 320 1..10W 335 STAGS. 4..1665 GOO 8TOCKERS AND FEEDEItS. A. II. McGangley Neb , 9 cows..1046 8 M 19 feeders. . 967 465 Ibull 1240 305 W. L. Owln-Idaho , 1 bull 1430 3 20 9 feeders..1022 4 45 Ibull 13CO 340 6 feeders,1100 4 45 1 stag . . . .1200 3 60 16 feeders..10S7 4 45 1 nicer , . . , WO 3 W 6 feeders , . 8C3 4 ii 1 fitrer DM 4 45 3 tttAcra. , 420 4 45 Wm. King Neb. 2S feeders..1090 4 60 8. C. Cattle Co.-Nob. 3rows 930 3d ) 24 cows 1012 3 JO 2Scows r > S 3 20 T. n. Snyder-Nob. 4bulln 13 5 278 S cowa K 340 1 cow SSO 300 1 steer..1000 3 SO 3 cows 1000 300 tlstecrn. . . . 760 470 1 cow SSO 3 40 MONTANA. K ) feeders..1071 415 3 bulls 12S6 315 35 feeders. . SIO 440 Ibull 1430 300 41 feeders. . 633 460 1 steer 9SO 300 1 feeder. . . 870 325 121 steers.1070 470 Istag isso 300 1 steer 1070 350 Ibull S60 SCO 74 steers. . . . 761 475 3 bulls 12J6 315 Ibull 1430 300 E. J. Brltol-Neb. 3 cows 973 SOC Ibull 1670 300 1 COW 1000 320 29 cows 955 330 24 cows MS 3 20 31 heifers. . SCO 3 B5 1 cow SSO SSO 1 heifer. . . 470 400 Frank Mason Neb. 1 cow ; 70 300 7 feeders. . Sft ? 460 21 cows 1015 340 116 feeders. . S5G 460 6 feeders. . S5S 400 1 calf ISO 560 W. E. King-Neb. 28 feeders .1090 4 50 Goodwin & 11. Neb. B cows 1020 3 60 23 feeders. . 940 4 65 W. II. Watklns-Nob. 25 feeders. . 924 4 0 1 feeder. . . 6SO 3 60 1 feeder. . . SSO 8 60 West & Forbe * Neb. James A. Clark 3. D. 1 bull 1300 315 2 heifers. . 910 360 6 cows 066 325 8 steers. . . . S40 360 19 cows 1012 340 1 bull SSO 375 1 steer 1250 360 32 feeders..1092 440 8 feeders. . S43 4 40 P. E. outhrle Wyo. 1 COW 950 2 S3 9 feeders. . 9.13 460 14 cows 105S 3 60 C6 feeders. . 709 4 75 2 feeders. . 633 4 00 IIOQS This was the day when the sellers got hit hard. Chicago came way lower , ad vices from the provision market were very unfavorable and everything was ngalnst them. The market at this point opened lOc lower , but the early demand was for the good loads only , that Is , good light and mixed nnd choice heavy , while the general run of packers were. slow. The light mixed loads sold very largely at J4.2o < & 4.35. with a few good light at JMO. Heavy packers were slow sale from the start , nnd they did not get any better , but closed 15c lower nnd very slow nt the de cline. Some coarse and rough heavy sold at 14.05 , with the better loads of heavy packers at ti.lO'QiM. On the close , J4.10 was the price. Some Interesting facts may bo gained from the table of average prices nt the head of the column. It will be noted that the hog market during the month of August has averaged very even from day to day , the fluctuations generally being small. The market has simply see-sawed back and forth within very narrow limits and the break on the very last day of the month leaves the market very nearly where It was nt the beginning. Representative sales : fresh receipts numbered some twenty cars , and In addition there were a number of holdovers , so that al though four cars were consigned direct tea a packer , there wore plenty on sale. The demand appeared to be good for anything desirable , nnd the buyers were all appar ently wanting supplies. The market wns just about steady all around , some of the * nmo lambs that were here yesterday bring ing the same price today. The trade , how ever , wns rather slow , an sellers were holdIng - Ing their stuff very hlgli and buyers were baqkward about mooting tholr views. Quotations : Prime native wethers. $4.005i > 4.25 ; good to choice grass wethers. $3.SfWi 3.DO ; fair to good grass wethers. J3.Cv33.75 ; ? oed to choice grass ewes. $3.40f3.50 : fnlr to good grass ewes , $3.0003.35 ; good to cholc-e spring lambs. $5.005.20 ; fnlr to good spring lambs. J4.POSC.OO ; common spring lambs , ? l.00i > i.50 ; feeder wethers , $3.75JT3.85. Repre sentative sales : No. Av. Pr. 2 old owes . S5 $300 15 Idaho wethers , culls . 84 3 25 23 culls . 5 3 25 32 culls . 84 325 540 western yearlings , feeders. . . . S5 3 85 22 Idaho wethers . 76 3 90 7S9 Idaho wethers . 83 3 90 823 Idaho wethers . SO 300 239 Oregon yearlings . 89 3 90 800 lambs . 81 3 ! PO 3 Utah yearlings culls . 73 4 00 32S western lambs , feeders . 58 4 50 210 wesiern lambs , feeders . C9 4 60 679 Utah lambs . 03 4 75 I.lviStock. . CHICAGO. Aug. 31. CATTLE Prices for cattle again advanced today on decrease In receipts. Fancy rattle brought J5.65fT6.C5 ; medium steers , $4.20f 5.60 ; feeders , $3.255.00 ; bulls , cows and heifers , J2.75igc.25 : calves , Jl. SO'fjtf.lS ' ; grass range cows nnd steers , J3.20 05.15 ; Texas grass steers , J3.2504.25. HOGS Sold 20c lower than yesterday's high mark , despite diminishing receipts. Fair to choice heavy 'ots ' were salable nt 13.80 4.40 ; mixed lots $1.2504.65 ; light hogs , J4.3504.70 : plus , J3.4004.50 ; culls and rougn lots. J2.0003.85. SHEEP Traffe In sheep nnd lanrbs wns animated at advancing prices. Sheep sold at $2.0003.00 for Inferior up to $4.250-1.50 for best native wethers ; western sheep. J3.50IP 4.25 ; natives , $3,500-3.75 ; lambs , J3.2506.75 for Inferior to choice ; choice western lambs , J5.1005.20. RECEIPTS-Cattle- head ; hogs , 21,000 head ; sheep , 10,000 head , .St. 1,0 ii IB Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 31.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 2,400 head , Including 1,000 Texans ; market steady to stronger : native shipping and export steers. J4.760i6.20 ; dresped beef steers. J4.2505.75 ; steers , under 1,000 Ibs. , J3.5006.25 ; stockers and feeders , J2.7oSC.00 ; cows nnd hctfers , J2.4005.10 ; cannnrs , Jl.BO 0-2.75 ; bulls. $2.5004.00 ; Texas and fndlnn steers , $3.0004.60 ; cows and heifers , I2.300 > 3.70.HOGS HOGS Receipts. 5.300 head ; market 100I5c lower : pigs and lights. $4.450-1.60 ; packers , JI.50f74.CO : butchers , $ f.6004.CS , SHEEP Receipts , 1,300 head : marluo } steady : native muttons. $2.750-1.20 ; Jambs. $4.0005.75 ; stockers , $3.000'3.60 ; culls and bucks. $1.6502.75. St , JiiHcpli Live Stock , SOUTH ST , JOSEPH , Aug. 31.-SpPlaI. ( ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts. 1,200 head ; market ac tive and steady to lOc higher : natives , $ t.7o 06.00 ; Texas and westerns , $3.6506.85 ; cows and heifers. $2.00 0.00 ; bulls and stags , $225 0-4,75 ; yearlings and o.ilvrx , $4.0005.10 ; stock- era nnd feeders , $3.5004.75 ; venls , $1.5007.00. HOflS Receipts. 4,200 head ; market 100) ) 15o lower on light , others 16o lower ; heavy and medium. $4.3004.45 ; light , $4.400-4.65 ; pigs. $4.400'4.DO ; hulk of vales , $4.3034.37 % . SHEEP Receipts , 2,400 head ; market strong and active. JAMES & BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Oinnlia , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD OP THADU. Direct wire * to Chicago and New York. CormiDonrtrntit JubD X. Warrn A Cc- lima. ' H. R. PENNEY & CO. IlooiuI , N' , Y. I.lfo 111 UK. , Oinulia , Veb , Grain , Provisions , Stocks "iTiien Traveling Read The Bet Hero Is Where ! You Will Find it in the Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jnme * 91. Goilnril , / ft ATLANTA. OA. ICItubnll lloiino .VuMB Slnnd. BOSTON. Public I.lbrarr , Ve-ndoine Hotel Doitoti 1'ru * * Club , 14 Dotrrortk fit , BUFFALO. Gcnevoe Hotel NCTVH Stnnd. BUTTE. TVm. Shield * . CAMBRIDGE , MASS. Hnrraril UiL'.vemlty I.lbrarr. . CHEYEISNE. E. A. I.ojriui , 212Ve.t lUth W. Cheyenne Club , CHICAGO. Auditorium Annex Ncrr * Stand. Aiulltorltiia Hotel Now * Hiitnl. Grand Pacific Hotel Xa-tr * ntttnd. reat rVorlbitrii Hotel Ttcrr * SUujd. Palmer Houe Nc-ivn Stand. PoMnllleecrv * Staitil , No. SIT De JN barn Street. Auioclated AdvcrtUor' * Clwb , Palme * llouee. CLEVELAND. ( Vcdilell lloiinc. Th Hollcmlen. Commercial Tra-TcIcrB * Slanonlo Triaplc. COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer1 Home. DENVER. Hrovrtx Hotel Kcwn Stan.l. Hamilton & Komlrlck , 1MU-O13 ) ITth t. Uelaiu , iMtt * Co. , H35 Sixteenth St. Pratt Mercantile Co. . 1317 Uttrlmtr St. The Stationer Co. , 16th and Ln.Trrena Street * . Wlndaor Hotel Xerr Stnud. DES MOINES. Moe * Jacob * , ItocU I Iaud Depot. Y. 1L C. A. Hcailliiir llooni. DULUTH , MINN. W1U A Bennett , 21-1 W. Superior St. FORT SMITH , ARIL U. O. A. Ileailliiir Itoom HAVANA , CUBA. Iittclaterru Hotel Heading llooxn. HONOLULU , H. I. Uonolalu Hotel Ilcuillus Uooin. HELENA. W. A , Moore. UtU uvuuu * mnd M ln Bl ( Helena Public Lldrnry. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. Oeorce GlbHon. HOT SPRINGS , A.RII. C. -\Veitver A Co. F. C. Ilovlnu. l D. Cooper & Co. , O2O Central ATO. KANSAS CITY. Ilobcrt Held. 1(1 2 VcGec St. Coatc * uouneCMTB Hlnntl. AII ourl Itepiibllcuu Club , OOr > itultl * more Are. Public Library. RIcUHcckcr Citfnr Co. , Otu nndVnluul onpolte P. O. AnllTray Y. M. C. A. , room 37 Onion Depot , IClinnn * City , Bio. Public Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. C. A. lloadlnsIloolu. . LINCOLN. W. S. Edmlnton , imu O Street , Dclly- cry Agent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Hnliie * , 1UU S. Sprln * St. F. U. Ilanacom , 422 S. Main St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Oharle * A. Gllllit'i American Uxonancfl y CocUapur Si. , Trnfalear 8 . , 8. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrew V. Schon * , Cor. Facnte do Eapuua and IInooKa Ktreetn. MINNEAPOLIS. Public Library. \Vcat Hotel JVetv * Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper CnJou l.lbrnrx. Fifth Avenue Hotel Xe-iv * Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel Utradlnw Ho Kmplrc Hotel. Ilroome Street Uhrnrr. Holland Hoime Ileadlnar Hoona. flofrniau llouflc. Imperial Hotel NeTra Stnnd. Mechanic * ' and TriiUm' Preo \o. 18 Kant Sixteenth Street. lTe Club , lin ! * au St. \VeKtiuluntcr Hotel Iteadin AVIlidHor Hotel Hfnrlliii Y. M. O. A. , 2 : > d Streci ad 4tb OGDEN. TV. IVelib , 24O5 AVaahlmartoa Avo. W. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. Nevr York Herald lleadluir IVoM Av . d 1'Operu. The * . Cook < fe Son * , 1 AT * , da PONCE , PORTO RICO. Zovre & Gestroni. PORTLAND , ORB. ( V. E. Joiie , 201 Alder St Portlnud Hotel Neiv * Stamd. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Public Library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. BAU JUAN , PORTO RIC0. Hotel Faulnterra Heading SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ana Free Public Library * SALT LAKE CITY. L. F. Hnuimel. Lyoeuna ThaatM1. Salt Lake NCTT * C * . Pabllo Library. SEATTLE Eamtern IVerr * Co. , II1O 1-fl Kto * M. A. T. Luudbertr. Gearee F. Ward. SIOUX CITY. OnrrotlHou Hotel New * Htna l. Mondninlii Hotel NCTT * StaiiiL Hotel Vendoiue Nriv * Stanrf. Oonivuy A Knickerbocker , Publlu Library. GC-ruld KltzKlbbon , 7OO V ivth Si , Hey Allen , i21 Center St. Y. 31. C. A. Ileudliitf Itooai. SPOKANE. John W. Grahum 72U-72S MlTerclA. Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. llranilovr' * New * Stand , Tit Kdmeni otrcet. Junction Nevr * Stand , BOt B * a Md M Y. BI. C. A. ItpnilliiK HOO B. ST PAUL , MIBM. l're * Club. Wlnd or Hotel. ST. I 01113 El. J. Jett , HOO Ollt ' i'luntrr * ' Hotel Ntrr * 1'ulillo Library. WASHINGTON , D , p. Wlllard' * Hotel New * Stand. Arllnutuii HotDl. lonal l.lbr ry. Airrlculturul DepartiuwJt UewublloBU Tfutluunl Cuuitulttva ,